HomeMy WebLinkAbout74894D - MorganCAMA / '-1 DREDGE & FILL NO. 74894 A B c (2D ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# ew ❑Modification El Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As auth rized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC [-]Rules attached. Applicant Name OV IN Project Location: County 1 UAS -- - UL Addr s I )1 t r (� 01, Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) City, "(110 State ZIP Phone # ( ) E-Mail Subdivision Agent city c�C.ec \ S (c Qc A(h ZIP Authorized ent MM (/ / Ci � Affected ❑ CW V PT ❑ ES El Phone # ( ) River Basin AEC(s): ElHHF OEA IH ElUBA El N/A ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / 610)", PNA yes /(9 Type of Project/ Activity k,n',�f-A At w �hoc,A Adj. Mr. Body /, -1 (nat unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body A ` w w - ■■■�■■■■■■■■Sall■■■■� M. ■■■■■■■■■ii■■■■■■ ■■ 1 M. MINIM ■■■■■■:■■:■1 I■■■■■■■I ■■U:L'MUTURWAII ■■■■■RIN �1�1�1tEi'l�71i711■■ ■■■■/ Notes/ Special onditionsONEMENINIMENEMIN '--1aAA1 V valllwnl Agent r Appllcant Pri t Name S nature ** Jffease read compliance statement on back of permit ** °° Appl tion Fee(s) Check # Issuing n (Scale: -T , ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. /•t -%.� C.�— �YuC�L rZPrint� Nam -qIz0zv 2 vZ tioA Date DMSION OF COAsTAL MANAGENEW ADJACr:XT F!PARIAN PROPERTY OVWER t4OTIRCATKUWAIVER FORM Name of Property Omer i o Address of Pmperty- (Lot Or S . Wet 9, Street or Road, City & COWM Agents Name * MA MailingAdd em- 6 Agent's phone # lhereby ca* that I own property adjacent to the above refemmed Prop". The indMdual appWV for this permit has described fie me as shown on the attached dmmlg_#m dove 4"ent they are proposihg.rtra 1 have no objectiow to this propoW. I bave objectiom to afis proposal. lf YOU g wWn 10h2" 04ecHOM to Whatisbaingproposed, you nWStn0WU*DhqSjW of CGOSW wftNo 796-CanOW D to 12 *ft MUM Mmm9eamn (DC* COMWOndonm should be maw to ,*v Et, Wft9n9f=, NC, in =031=0"' zG&ntRVi0w m Ww be canbwwd at (910) M15. response i, Sansmiemd Ma some as an nhkr@Pra w WAIM SECTX)N I understand that a pier, dock mOwng pilings, bmkwater, boathouse, K or groin.m'ust be set back a Minimum distance of 15#0M MY area of riparian access unl'ess waived by me. Of you wish to waive the setback, you mustInitialthe appropriate blank below-) -42-L- 1 do wish to waive the 15'setba& requirement, I do not Wish to miw. the 15 setback requirement (Propw ► 1 Dwn""n Pffnt or Type Alan* Lj Ma0V Address 63 9`7 Telephone Number, Date (Adjaceift Prq)!,#,V owner Information} Signaftre Print or type AWnj' j t s /L-W C-, -, ') - IWkwng AOCWDSS I-P C- A4 TWWWne Number Daft Revised &%&2bI2 _ . DMSION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT -ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER-NOTIFICATICAMANER FORM Name of Property Own Address of Property; (r_oi or S;rreet , Sfivet or Road, City & Q>twtY) Agent's Name#: �m m IyarI 4mn Mailing Address: ls7q &�k_r_ Agent's phone # i hereby. certify that l own property adjacent to the above refere6ro . iying for this p INKY• The individualapp permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawinow development they are proposing. A descrintison or drawingwith dimensions must be provided with this setter. S� �^ I have no objections to this proposal, f have objections to this sal. l? If You have objections to whatis befnq pmposs4 you mustnodfY the Division of Coastal Manag n ont (DCJI/j in writing wfihin 10 days of ntc*W of this nakice. Convapondence should be malted to t 2T Cardinal Dfi+e Ext, fflhWngton, .NC, 2840&U45. DCU npe3santstfves can also be cawnccted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same its no object W ff you have beat' nodlled by Crrif'8ed Hdt WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, ift, orgroin_must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish to "Ive the setback, you must Inftfaf the appropriate blank below.) i.do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement _ I do not wish to- waive the 16 setback requirement (Property Owner fa n) rLS �.- Print or Type Name } Marling Address Telephone Number Date (Adjacent Pro rty Information) Signature s ,�/X"-.2 Pdnt or Type Name Telephone Number t Date Revised 6rfl3rM2 1-as=aoao f / ! A t3 X t3 �Ccxz4-ice �3 CaCIAO(o s+ oT6 ARA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Authorized Agent Consent Agreement IrJ? l'h Va rng Yn is hereby authorized to act on my behalf (Printed Name of Agent) in order to obtain any CAMA permit(s) required for the property listed below. The authorization is limited to the specific activities described in the attached sketch. LOCATION OF PROJECT: �3 C-wUsborp _�+ Q-T-P PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: C hr:s (Yloraan (0 1 Kcirlo nc f Ashe-boro : NC a-P06 PHONE NO. AUTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: _fajmime Varna+f ts-74 ( ors ,4toc- Cock E S { 0fP Nu' �j c Q S9 4, PHONE NO. AI Q 4 9.3 — 49 qs Signature of Property Owner: Signature of Authorized Agen Dal ? 27 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: nm.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal opportunity 1 AilirrnaM Action Employer - 50% Recycled 410% Post Consumer Paper DaM R—h d Dm Dapodbd Chock From (Name) Name orPermft Holder Vendor Chea Number cunt P—if Number/Comments R ar ReMn&RaNfoeeted Cof—f Col-- ColumM Col~~ CbkNwg Column7 columns Column9 2/17/2020 CLTMC, Inc. Zach Fischer First Citizens Bank 1032 $ 600.00 GP #71856D GP 971857D _ _ Tmac rct. 10978 2/17/2020 CLTMC, Inc. Tommy Williamson _ First Citizens Bank _ 1031 $ 600.00 Tmac rcL 10977 2/172020 H5 Construction LLC Edward Miller BB&T 2475 $ 200.00 GP #74895D _ BB rcL 11457 2/17/2020 Vamams Dodos & Bulkheads Inc. Chris Morgan BB&T 7664 S 200.00 GP #74894D _ _ _ BB rcL 11456 2/17/2020 Holden Dodos & Bulkheads/GregHoden Lockwood Fol POA Inc. CresCom Bank 3791 $ 200.00 GP #76227D BB rcL 11454 2/172020 iJerry Ennett lJohn Schroeder lCoastal Bank and Trust 1 2738 S 600.00 GP #74877D JD rcL 10968