HomeMy WebLinkAbout76284D - Cohan!XCAMA / C, DREDGE & FILL No. 76284 A B C GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# X�ew ❑Modification LlComplete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality / , and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC 0-17 . 1 G-CJ(D ❑ Rules attached. Applicant Name e- �� �// Project Location: County /„.n S llw , C. Address % /V1G1 �., ST. Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) P7 (P City Iv6 State kk- ZIP 2 n Phone # (� �/ 3 U 2 el -Mail Authorized Agent ❑ CW E)MW [JPTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Affected ElOEA ElHHF ❑ IH [IUBA El N/A AEC(s): r PWS: ORW: yes / � PNA yes /, n2), Type of Project/ Activity La �A, i Pier Fixes Float Fingi Groi Bulk Basir Boat Boat Beac Oth< Shor SAV Mor Phot WaiN Subdivision city E �� e, c 1^ zip 2 hta— Phone # ( ) River Basin L , bL,/ Adj. Wtr. Body Cd-n«. / (na unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Ai W f w S (Scale: J�j 7 S ) "I OMEN MEN MMMEMME ■■li■■■■=■■■■■t/11.■■��n■�1■■■■■�■■■■N■■ i length ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■IRl�■7IiH■■■■■■■■■■■ number avg distance offshore ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■n: �i■i■■■■■■■■■■■■ NOMINEE ■■■■■■■■■■ MM1E1MMIEI1MM O■■ 1A l�:�■ ■ max distance offshore— ■■■■■■■■■■ wr.�■■■�.:�����■■�■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■n 1 ■■■►: (:�■■■■■■■■ cubic yards ■■■■■■■■�N«1■L'��EM 9, 9,52-41 l;ramp �7��i�N AMNON wwwwwww■■■ �■ 1�1■i'■■■ ■ On ■■V//■1.�'r,160;�%l n tia �■■N■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ a ■ i `� � ME■■MNNI■�iw i:�i� . dine LengthNuffirATIOWUNIM11 not sure yes 0�0) O■■■■�_■1�1 ■Wt�►tl■�■ �i ■ • [Axw�r_. mmizurgi mamIMI■■�■■ ■ ■o■■�■■ AoIM-w"4FM11IMMM1M1es _ i,cpsamn ■ ■r��m�lr�a■�■■.a A building permit may be required by: 0 6 Y'Ac �t 4 �r ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions oc `c , ��, c ��� %\ � ^ 6} -QY( u Z _ S�� �A Agent or Apt Printed Name r-MW Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit( G rJ '�61/'` 1 zoo Application Fe(s) Check # ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Permit Officer's EcLawd Name Signature 2 Z GZU Z zoo Issuing Datt Expiry on Oate CAAMA/ El DREDGE & FELL No. 76284 I A B Co GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # New ❑Modification Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality ^ r L and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC 0 7 `_ /' j [] Rules attached. j Applicant Name _ gp Ids^-� L,QJ1�% Project Location: County �f�� S wrt,_,yLz_.__ Address 2• M�.1�T- _- Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) IS 1Y City Nb/wo•d State ke— ZIP 21k08 i r Phone # �5�E-Mail — Subdivision ! Authorized Agent '�' City_ �-�,0 1 vN _ ZIP--2,kff (P2 Affected CW [�EW PTA CES OPTS Phone # ( ) __ River Basin ,bc,% AEC(s): O OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH C7 USA O WA Adj. Wtr. Body -, C,4-� l (na unkn O PWS W' • w/ ORW: yes / � PNA yes /Lr�, Closest Maj. Wtr. Body Type of Project/ Activity ( a.&U Pier (dock) length __ Fixed Platform(s) -1 D 1 X 121 Floating Platform(s) p I U" Finger pier(s) Groin length number I Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore max distance offshore Basin, channel; entps"a bt� cubic yards_ Boat ramp.,__ tj "•" � OF r, W, —i Boathouse/ at i t tZ� X 1V Beach Bulldozing L _ ivJ -- r �- - --�— Other Shoreline Length 1- �O (......_ . `!..1 �Ai`t r SAV: not sure yes ® I I �-kiCi Jtvv� ci Na yes ® h 0( Moratorium: Q Photos: yes ® �V� f j�j Towho Ne✓� Qt'w� LG (6I' Waiver Attached: yes 6 AAAA -- rA t %,� VVV A building permit may be required by'!;. ,t 6� Rp (tit.. SL&C ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) ` y Notes/ Special Conditions o �u..t.�11c w�lttr weT �ttS L✓-�` �� 3 t Agent or Applican rint d Name — Signature "Please ad compliance statement on back ofpermit**� 0 0 Application le(s) Check # t wtkk L Crki�� Permit Officerd Name 1 / Signati 212,GZC) z v Issuing Da Expira ion FA 6' 05.34"E N81'2 LOT 191 99.16' ROBERT A. COHEN AMY W. COHEN P.O. BOX 545 w L NORWOOD, NC 28128 _ 246AC001 cv M O �L z N TOp OF cn rsre 02,19 NK 02 9 MpT10N N87'16'51.98"E EXEC , EF _�—_��FER m —'100.00' LOT 1190 COHEN REAIrTY, INC. 121 N M IN ST :�, y;•;_:< I :.. NORWOOD, NC 28128 246AC002 _ p M O P-• - -� Tr.� _ N NLr) r,U). 77= �N87'12'03.21"E _ L clwvo A' 92.24' 1 1 ap 5 1 4' WIDE RAMP I I I 16' x 8' ALUMINUM LINE BEARING DISTANCE FLOATING DOCK L1 I N 01'34'22" W 15.22' 1 L2 N 87-12'03" E 7.76' LOT 189 I MICHAEL S. BRYANT JENNIFER A. BRYANT I 4772 ASHLEY LN DENVER, NC 28037 246AC003 I w rn N �-1 a0 U) 0 (n I - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1" = 20' s" 1/17/2019 f_ chambers engineering, pa Drawn By: DRB Checked By: 129 North First Street I 704.984.6427 ph SJS Albemarle, NC 28001 www.ce-pa.com SEAL 403661 o2a ///►►1111111\\`\ 120 SF DOCK ±10' x 12' 12' X 12' BOAT LIFT W/ 8" PILES W ki PROPOSED DOCK LAYOUT SHEET LOT 190 156 Marlin Drive Holden Beach, NC 1 PROJECT NO: 2/27/2020 Mail - Brock, Brendan 0 - Outlook Y r t M yt y� cxe i 1 ! piSION OF y�A�,y`yP,'��Ay p€.��k6s4Td�J4GE?# NT W p, ;. S4G+ FF'lwS , i'W 'P/9f' VAN PROP&r f V�iMI`.'GR �9oT1r-tU`k..F9Rtc wwAivP-R FoRmt Name 0� "'h^'Tt/ +a0 of %� Gs► /� :.s .. -L i..ai4tC.�s+t«[C'4- ' t`i.L't or Street . Street or Ro", t;,tty a Gmnty} r Agents Name #: �ail3m� Addtesss:. ' Ar��+ftt 9 iat►Dn6 �" Agenrs "WI: s`. i here.^by oettiify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property, The irdivtduai apptyrng for this permit has described to me as shown on the atta&,ed drawing_1" deveb ment r they are proposing 8demowr or dra'mnrt with ditrrensiormbu=. 1 have rots objections to this proposal. _._,__I have objections to" proposal. tf you haw objections to what is bakigprapoxed, you must nfs:ffy the Dtwsion of Coastal Managm-%(DOWY iff WrNIW wfthin TO days 91 receipt of M nofYce..C'orrospwndenco 4hot,d Do rraitad to 127 Card±mnl Drivt Ext., VAhw) fgtgn, W, 244054W. UCV reprgSwitaeveS can shsa Ge contacted at f%tdj 19f•7211 Na m sponse is cmakkeed the gate as no oiOction if you have been notihod by Cartillad Wirt VMWE;.R SECTION I understand that a Pier, d0tX, mooring pifings, bfeakwater, bc+athOLM. IR, Of groin rrus1 ba Set back a rminitnurn dista"Ce of 15 from", a;rim of riparian 2c:-e.se; um.ess vex ved by Me > 5"a to i i the se bad,, you fnu5t 1�i� tht' amropn2ta Na re tteiorf i Cs. Pa to A'Ylve the 15 S2jbat;k r4n'cnt. 6 e y_ i do riot wish to Wa,"v In', IS! e1i e r �otra ner� . {S roi ++tY Gan raa�r P afcrraatianj (Adjacent Pcoporty ovrnar tuft s rraiSv�! 'oehr i Coe' g - Bat.-,0-4 NSd.--..- ' 98 https://outlook.office365.com/mail/search/id/AAQkADVjMzg3NTMyLTIIMTMtNGM5Yyl hNzQ4LThi0WM2NWZhNjc5YwAQAOwXc4c%2Bml ZJmYIWJ... 1/2 . � • � tr1 �f�R� t'� '� nmWv8WW 04, L i mem sow OWW Oft AID M W mW Oft 0 Wd 7 ;" A ft "Ma► of "spool VAUWW" Nmn $t ft &Vaal "Oe01 (wWq WW aPI*+d& a p POW1M fret VWM 04 w4m q VP to eq pm WA w %I W=pmq Imimpem W40 DMOM' aR PamPO I N U M VN Mt �Ilt/tlr�Cl+�l/��w+tT�nsitl war�w►�M#��w�*.i�r man A rpA v sqw ww t ,1madcad mW m = um4 I u food few Imp Wm*Wwp 9014pap Pwpow aM fw a fto fw m 4 PepMR m FMd *a ici 064ft i mmm du Maw we" &4 at M=in Arvid fro t PH Ate +pI W67;/ o+r�« NIMD�t J�l�f� 41i li�OAM� �d����-���4 �i�_ I �6 Date Received Data lted CMck F— Name o1 PVnd1 Nakfar Vendor Check Number Check ount P~ NumberJC—ft Receipt or Refund/Raanocafed Columnl Cokann2 c kmm.1 cakNmg Cdumnb 7 Co/umnb C01umn9 3/52020 3/6/2020 Lighthouse Marine Constnrction Inc. Keith Moffat Coastal Bank and Trust 3089 s 200.00 GP #74861 D _ JD rcL 10379 3152020 3/5/2020 H5 Constuction, LLC 16 Laurinburg LLC BB&T 2480 $ 200.00 GP 076272D BB rcL 10901 3/52020 3/5/2020 William Mark Stanaland William Stanaland First Citizens Bank 2735 $ 200.00 GP 976285D _ _ BB rcL 10905 3152020 3152020 F and S Marine Contractors, Inc. John Murphy III PNC Bank 8453 S 400.00 GP #76250D _ TMc rcL 9769 3/52020 3/52020 F and S Marine Contractors, Inc. HenryParsley PNC Bank 00 GP #76249D TMc rcL 9770 3/52020 3152020 F and S Marine Contractors, Inc. PBW Development LLC PNC Bank $00 GP #76248D TMc ret. 9768 3/5/2020 3WO20 Cohen Reality, Inc. Robert Cohan Uwhanie Bank $00 GP #76284D BB mL 11474 3/5/2020 31SQ020 Robert A and Am Cohen Robert Cohen Uwharrie Bank =5309$ .00 GP #76283D BB rcL 11475 3152020 3/52020 H5 Construction LLC Mike Lopez BB&T $.00 GP #76273D BB rct. 10902 3/52020 3/52020 Overbeck Marine ConstJDaniel ShirleyRobert Lon Jr. SunTrust .00 GP #76247D TMc rct. 9766