HomeMy WebLinkAbout74867D - Patel"' CAMA / � DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT Flew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue No. 74867 Previous permit # Date previous permit issued A B C Q) As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality //ll and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC O r7H O ,,� // ❑ Rules attached. Applicant Name REMAA1TK"tAAI- PATEL Project Location: County AlLwyV EiZ Address 2 31 4 R -C i L r-S D•g Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) 4 City f J I M IA16 T o w State IP Z yr— Phone # c 0 -5 —'47 l — oM Subdivision d1A (�) � G �-Mail / � Authorized Agent ^/" City W�1Ci)rFWlLt,c 13F"wc.A ZIP �4, Affected ❑ � �El �P7A ES ❑ PTS Phone # (`I ESL- -70GZ River Basin 10 ) OEA ❑ HHF ❑ IH ❑ UBA ❑ N/A AEC(s): Adj. Wtr. Body M U i , SC NAn1 N� �'man /unkn ) PW5: CNAAt1V*, V/WK(-S I /A I W W C'IncPct Mai Wtr Rnrly I y ■■■NN■NN■■■N■■■N■■�■N■■��■■■N■ �■■■■ ■■■■■nJ!�!•w■■■■■■ ■■YYr�I/ililiWl�ii111■ • ■■�I�■■■■� II■�J�:a[�l�i��■�ci■. ■■ts:L■fi�J■■N■ LL�rl yd Age lica Printed Name Signature ** ease read compliance statement on back f permit ** S2 60 Tr F3 5 3 Application Fee(s) Check # LFTZ M C Cl w I F PermitOfficer� Name c' Signature 1 0 7 12-0 Issui g Dat Exp ratio Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: i Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email Address: i,� t �,.� i ti • : � � � Zed �c33 gil n- 0 I certify that I have authorized '! /,--d NIL Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAM/A permits necessary for the following proposed development:Uy1�L11Fv I )U L�si,�4 sub at my property located at oL�L,%INfY G✓1'ZG66t�`il�� in VL,/ /V rm " County. l furthermore certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this tile` permit application. Property Owner Information: Signature Print or Type Name DWY, •W Title Date This certification is valid through Mr. Henry Patel, 428 Causeway Dr., Wrightsvi C. instal boulfilt in existing slip F&S Marine Contractors, Inc. Complete Marine Construction Services For Over 40 years! CAPT ED FLYNN DURWOOD SYKES Piers, Floating Docks, Pilings, Bulkheads, Boat Lifts, House Filings, Repairs P.O. Box 868 Phone/Fax: (910) 256-3062 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 email: efly@?msn.conn Q CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: Address of Property: V t (Lot or Street i, Streel or Road, City & Co Agent's Name #: L d 1 7 Agent's phone #: Mailing Address: OYh,�#0046 �tm,4, �46- 12,90y I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are taroposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. GiJ I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management(DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC, 28405-3845. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objection ifyou have been notirted by Certifed Mail. WAIVER SECTION � i understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to wq?ve the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Pro ner Information) Signature /Y444M PA -re ;Print or ype Name 23t4 Mailing Address W t lJ�� , >vr✓'Z `��3 City/State/Zip S3Iyl `AJ Telephone Number �v Date (Adjacent Property Owner Information V Signature v Print or Ty Name �Ja nths4 Mailing Address Aig54 City/State/Zip �J b •01-.10 Wv Telephone Number /v /M 2VA Date Revised 611812012 CERTIFIED MAIL -RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONMAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner: _� ! �i"J /f �U ��"ANO -, (C-0 t" A2,1 i Address of Property: (Lot or Street 4, Str Agent's Name #: L 0y ,Agent's phone #: W or Road, City & Count Mailing Address: ' e %k/ �KR oyh,� "Pik 19-t0q, ),6. 20; %Vp I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they osing. A description or drawing, with dimensions must be provided with this letter. ave no objecdort�s to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. OVi51PIl &h11;rTJtySCUP !f you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Mana_gement(DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.. Wilmington, NC, 28405-3845. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a mum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wis w the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Prop p owner Information) (Adjacent Pro _p .2rty_.Q&ner Inform tion) AA Si ature � ienature A - T Z- b� _Print or type Name Print or Type Name 2314 �Di3�a Mailing Address Mailing Address W l l,M I \0 a --TV 2'� `� �3 �i✓1,1 >�I w�1`�� r! • VIA; City/Stale/Zip City/State!-'i Telephone Number Date t10. /V,-07�� l�l s�1)11rjdov Telephone Number gpfS /krk4* • Date �j Book 6235 Page 1455 BK: RB 6235 �IIIN��Iu�ll�lll�� PG: 1465-1462 RECORDED: 2019024208 NC FEE $26.00 08-02-2019 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC 09:56:54 AM TAIh61111Y THEUSCH BEASLEY BY: ANDREA CRESWELL REGSTER OF DEEDS ASSISTANT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WAIVER OF SETBACK REQUIREMENTS AGREEMENT THIS WAIVER OF SETBACK REQUIREMENTS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made effective as of August 1, 2019, by and between 428 Causeway Condominiums Unit Owners Association, Inc. a North Carolina nonprofit corporation ("Association"), and PBW Development, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company ("PBW"). WHEREAS, a pier, dock, floating dock, and boat lift on East side of the floating dock are located on the Common Area of the Association located at 428 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 and as shown on that plat recorded in Condominium Plat Book 16, Pages 48 through 52 ("Association Property"); and WHEREAS, the Association desires to build an additional boat lift on the West side of its floating dock ("Boat Lift"); and . WHEREAS, PBW owns the property located at 426 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 which property is adjacent to the Association Property on the West and is commonly known as Lot Number 16 of Shore Acres Development Number 3 and is more particularly described in that deed recorded in Book 6189, Page 348, of the New Hanover County Registry ("PBW Property"); and WHEREAS, PBW or its successors and assigns desire to build a pier, dock, floating dock and boat lift on the PBW Property ("Pier Facilities"); and Return to: Kinea;d i 4mc - Book 6235 Page 1456 WHEREAS, both parties have requested that the other party waive any objection that each may have for the construction by the other party of the Boat Lift and Pier Facilities or the location of the Boat Lift and Pier Facilities within the setback as established by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management; and WHEREAS, both parties have consented to each other's request. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, agree as follows: 1. PBW hereby consents to the construction of the Boat Lift by the Association on the Association Property in the general area shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and so long as it does not cross the riparian access line and encroach into the riparian easement on the PBW Property. PBW agrees to sign any and all documents that may be required to be signed by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management indicating its consent to the construction of the Boat Lift in accordance with' the terms of this Agreement. 2. PBW hereby waives any all rights it has to object to the Boat Lift being located within the setback of its area of riparian access, which setback is currently fifteen (15) feet, so long as the Boat Lift is constructed in the general area shown on Exhibit A and so long as the Boat Lift does not cross the riparian access line and encroach into the riparian easement of the PBW Property. This waiver is intended to be effective for'the setback area as determined by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management from -time to time, regardless of whether it is equal to, less than, or greater than fifteen (15) feet. PBW hereby agrees to sign any and all documents that may be required to be signed by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management indicating its consent to waive the setback requirement for the Boat Lift in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3. The Association hereby consents to the construction of the Pier Facilities by PBW on the PBW Property in the general area shown on Exhibit B attached hereto and so long as it does not cross the riparian access line and encroach into the riparian easement of the Association Property. The Association agrees to sign any and all documents that may be required to be signed by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management indicating its consent to the construction of the Pier Facilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 2 Book 6235 Page 1457 4. The Association hereby waives any all rights it has to object to the Pier Facilities being located within the setback of its area of riparian access, which setback is currently fifteen (15) feet, so long as the Pier Facilities are constructed in the general area shown on Exhibit B and so long as the Pier Facilities do not cross the riparian access line and encroach into the riparian easement of the Association Property. This waiver is intended to be effective for the setback area as determined by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management from time to time, regardless of whether it is equal to, less than, or greater than fifteen (15) feet. The Association hereby agrees to sign any and all documents that may be required to be signed by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management indicating its consent to waive the setback requirement for the Pier Facilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The parties hereto publish and declare that the Association Property and the PBW Property are held and shall be held, conveyed, hypothecated, encumbered, leased, rented, used, occupied, and improved, subject to the terms of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be deemed to run with the land and shall be a burden and a benefit to the Association and PBW, their successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property and improvements, their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, administrators, devisees and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed, effective as of August 1, 2019. SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES 3 Book 6235 Page 1458 28 CAUSEWAY CONDOMINIUMS UNIT OWNERS A$WCIATIQN, INC. By: (SF) Hemantkumar M. Patel, President NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Hemantkumar M. Patel. Date: August 1.2019 Pub (OFFICIAL SEAL) P t Name: Nancv M. Gunton My commission expires: February 22, 2020 ?4 O�pRY c�= ��'��,NSWlCK G�J��• 4 Book 6235 Page 1459 PBW DEVELOPMENT, LLC By:7- , •� (SEAL) David A. Spetrino, r., Manager NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: David A. Spetrino, Jr.. Date: Notary Public (OFFICIAL SEAL) Print Name: R-&j2=c, E • 84"Xo►, 0 %111 .",/ My commission expires: l o • �� '31 C 1111 _m NOTARY i= ti p4LIC C.)� COUNT 1111111\\ 5 T: HS AAAP MAY NOT BE A CERTIFIED SURVEY AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY FOR COMPLIANCE +AIITH ANY APPLICABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH RECORDING 428 CAUSEWAY CONDOMINIUMS IVINS POPKIN 428 CAUSEWAY DRIVE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA CCRWICAIE Or APPRDYIE BY C01MICAN Or OTAIIRSISP, THE 101N Cr INOITJMIE BEAOI DEO�GODN a JJRISbICINRI t>r 1— r Ylroa.■• ■.rr I.+� � t l-1 ..mr �.Ir ra 1 w, tw ..) w •.Wa a w t —A" •1 w I.■ WI 1■ M w M a qe C�r.w ■Ir trd.�w..+ .'�rlr rrw ■M w..sw t wY w111.a no 4 M. Mw a .■ra.In .r. wI G..) ww Ai• n,�,i LI n w .ems � +•„� ■Nw sN •tY. ■,•• M nAM1 �I,YM wr � Mtl. N 4 Pr• i OMr wh M 11f�gr wrw1Y w Y•■■W M I•r. Wllr RCYa;Rr QIAIR:CERMKAA r eM' I.Afi�4 MiLrH Na 11ni1we..�tuwy t ..� sa••••, Ira.. orY.r... tr.■: AMS POgI : C 1: ery w r wt r +m p n —f — p"" �� rrrwrlawl■ww.ni7it ._ wrwrs.aas.o CERRNCAIE OF PrOSIRAMJI BY THE REOSIM Or DEEDS SIAKYOR CERROCATIONS CT/rM1CARi Cr ACCURACY AM NAPPM FAR Q r}RR rrI1g1Y1A WV .AWr 0 COAM rw is rrYbYAr a M �' i_N a AI IrRRM11C1.. NM 1Ir41 • W 1 uR.l o. A..w.. _ --- . RBI a Y'u 0a•r -0A w1 ...rr1Y .. 1•.. w p+.Y ■M Yrsrr Y,Ar•M w r .�i .wY►°�r w�ww w�wlaYrw �.aon w—. .r wr wmY•r r o.r err JL a r•w'J4.iL .YY Ra .rr •Yr■M r wA■/wr .o a S Yr-Ys ..+ riaool•o'A.�oo ■�■ w ar.� aaaw w ...J,A �r Brow rs,w ..AYr ■r w m 9a+.--- 0.':.—. hVa• a a... Br. pi�Cy�r?�rrrasyor�.y w• 1. wwAwrrM aP4 I AYMY — � w r, aAw wslsnw IAA .wry � 6��P (ft\r�� MOTS L LOCATION MAP %,—%L I Ir Ptwa Y I - o ";a • 42.14AOINtrA MOTTS CHANNEL FINAL SURVEY FOR 428 CAUSEWAY D Tom or mi"TSW.IP NEAT NE■ IIANOYCR COUNTY, NORIII Q Nw, I4m DEED BOON Ip2 PAM IW 7 r ► MIIJAwICM (REPLACED) 1.LP. R/N u.P.DA Qli � • ' �� ��• S RYs rI.R.S. — rIs. ore_. / b_ '.1aP—_ 4, of bna -_d 700TO ,JI DD RO'B' Or YA► ND__ PW G. nlo-q. - w$t,nq Nrwt J PACE CAPE FEAR SURVEYING SERVICES ONE NORTH OM ST., WILMINGTON. NC US 74/75 CAUSEWAY DRIVE PHONE (0I0)7e2-9496 VAX (910)762-5919 I?/W VARIFS A P AN .■AAL, -1 - n(.•-o,) Book 6235 Page 1461 EXHIBIT B 1V NOTES: - 1- THIS TRACT IS LOCATED IN ZONE 'AE' (EL 13') \ ACCORDING TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCYS FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP CDMMUNITY-PANEL NUMBER 3720316700K, DATED 6/28/2018, q 3 2. TOTAL SITE AREA- 0.23 AC.i: �Q � FKL• R05719-00-O2I-OD7`!4' S£APAR, YAD/T am AC 9 $� MARM CIAIFX M RCN SEAPAIN YAOHT aw IVC w ,352 PC 1109 TOWN OF MM5YW BEACH PER HEAD UNE (LOCATION C01fft0 BY TOWN O1tb7AL . 1. LOCATION MAP �� \ NOT TO SCALE L SAp�1.I J 1 BK�ftOA; 1 PG�O UI! OF CLUB O E)OSTING IRON _ • SET MAG NAIL �n e SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT0 JK FIRE HYDRANT z 0 WATER METER re A WATER VALVE eQ> POWER POLE a -- -4E---CENTER LINE 4 yEOEIA " \ — - - —R/W LINE b' — —ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE c •p,.7 g. ,*1:� : PP- M1779-003-01" SUB•ECT TRACT I - r...... ; .: . RWAT R AIETfST N t BOUNDARY LINE I "' ` •' - SK 507 MEAN MGM 1NATER CANA LINE IS ALONG FACE OF THE EPA WA ELEV. 1.4' 0 y� .k51i00'OO-W 1 " (DEED .JS C LKHEAO auE rm°0i1 x I C CONC; z Pla a05n9.Oa>•-a7-Oro '3 VACANT ' o I MYe UQ4MIDVAEL S C PA6LPACE t LOT O Vw SMQ PC 2780 } ,�prP �yI4 - *tr•� W d 30'CAMA S, th..k. Ur. =11 15 PORCYI \ — — — % -_ PORGY 16 iggl i },b I. d ' 0.12 c' 0.12 • g- Z c g' i �\ A"" i m >E 2 t s o J E705TINC o hi .y" �•i.- oDWELLING - ;m. • ! q § o L ' \ _ PORCH 15' Front Setback Una 15' Front. Setback Line �' fir., �0�• 50-000' oLEoR Ns1�9 T w INE SO I�C+1 A t 1)P•- D®} -- -�- --7 IIOre0E11r M'eE EOUAE7H DNC � b OF CMIS Mu�Y OIe1E AND 1NE NORDAM DIE 0p1jpOL �' TEUEPHONF_ ¢ A�(e OF 9101E AOE9 OIMELOPI!!IL /pNT 1� M �,ri f)S �') EDGE OF PAVEMENT �- SMAC I CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION oP of CAL&7flfff OFIVC FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION E HYDRANT (145' PUBLIC R/W) (D® DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK (5510. PAGE 2780k THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATE) AS DRAWTIO N FROM WFCRMAN SHONN HEREON; THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION NS 1:1D,000+; AND THAT THIS MAP MEETS THE g EOUIREt1— OF THE STANDARDS OF —Cr FOR. AND R SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLNA(21 NCAC 56.1600). THIS 4tn TCWX1 I rRAPHTC SURVPY DAY OF Septem�rb�er, 2018. - EXCYU9Pay PUP.• ww j , .. • ,' • . ° � 7 0M ypA ASPHALT PAVEMENT CENTER pF o .;.N. r �yS LOTS 16 & .17, CF Pryr�� .tY p ati SHORE ACRESNDD�EV DEVELOPMENT #3 IMAP AS RECORDED IN DEED BOOR 561d PA278E wiw <� A1p 5J . •�• OF THE NEWHAOVER COUNTY REGISTRY TOM OF WRIGH SW[1E NEN NANO1fR COUNTY NORTH CAROGNA • • `� • SCALE: 1' - 20' SEPT 4, 2076 CK Survey Company CURENT OWIM, PIT. R05710-003-017-0DO rr ;; :.Batornan I4 %.: awwom 0Stilf11eymapkrAP! PAGE, MICHAEL S. & LINDA 6K 3610, PG 2700 C. e�i Sti ap• _�:f, • �wrvrerawar0msswwrwuswslswmeo• ...rir.erw.w.A re�....Ar+e 1BM33 - 426 CAUSEWAY, DR_WBJ-t 16-17.dwg 8 Book 6235 Page 1462 TAMMY THEUSCH New Hanover County �� y BEASLEY ty 0 Register of Deeds Register of Deeds � 320 CHESTNUT ST SUITE 102 • WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 ? Telephone 910-798-4530 • Fax 910-798-7716 'f�„i,s�,co .a State of North -Carolina, County of NEW HANOVER Filed For Registration: 08/02/2019 09:56:54 AM Book: RB 6235 Page: 1455-1462 8 PGS $26.00 Real Property $26.00 Recorder: ANDREA CRESWELL Document No: 2019024208 DO NOT REMOVE! This certification sheet is a vital part of your recorded document. Please retain With original document and submit when re-recording. 1 Date Recetved Date Deposited Check From Name) Name of P—if Helder Vend- Cheek Number Check punt Permit Numbe/Commentr Receipt-Relund?tedlooatad Columnr Columns Cawrnnl ColumM Column# Loft-nS Caharat7 ColumnE Columns 1/21/2020 Kevin Pfirrnan Architect. PLLC Marc & Rene Waslo Wells Fargo 3029 $ 200.00 GP #74554D Tmc rat. 9525 1/21/2020 Coastal Marine Piers Bulkheads LLC Cynthia & Gerald Merrell Wells Fargo 23173 $ 200.00 GP #74770D TMc rct. 9522 121/2020 F and S Marine Contractors Inc. Hemantkunar Patel PNC Bank 8353 $ 200.00 GP #74867D TMc rct. 9524 1212020 F and S Marine Contractors Inc. Paul Mills I PNC Bank 1 8352 S 200.00 IGP#74771D ITMc rct. 9523