HomeMy WebLinkAbout76248D - PBWYCAMA / DREDGE & FILL No. 76248 A B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit # 5779g8 - D Xi lew Modification El Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued 10 /_J44 /2-0 i As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC n 12 0 c� ❑ Rules attached. Applicant Name P6W Dr_yF_ ,.aPt,AF .-iT—,.L L C Project Location: County W kAAtoV r-7- Address Pn 13cA 2 4 7 3 Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) 2- ty City W 1L M I A14GTSZA/ y State / LC ZIP 2840 CAkXSV_\oJA\J i V=N Phone #(-qja)243-0746 E-Mail ^//A Subdivision Authorized Agent E p F -y lyN C _ _ Affected ❑ cw XEw XPTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS AC.,r AIT Phone # 30" River Basin W A 1-rc- ()A k ❑ OEA ❑ HHF ElIH ElUBA ❑ N/A AEC(s): Adj. Wtr. Body Mo-trS CtUa/aCLL CA4At.. at /m /unkn) 1-1 PWS: ORW: yes / PNA yes /(_ n Closest Maj. Wtr. Body f W w Type of Project/ Activity _ ^/'5TA {,10- go Al:L_ i F-T tN rx i c Z iAffi 1?oA-rSL_% D 10 2 — SLAP 110F_AI-rJA1. PcuN f Drxrc.ia&, FigctLrr)(Scale: A/"rS ) ►jer(dock)length Fix Platforms) Float. Platform(s) Finger\11en ) Groin Bulkhead/ R.praN avg distance, max distance Basin, channel cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse oatli ± Beach Bull zing Other Shoreline Length 50 . .. R - ■ !r r--ltM Age plicani Printed Name Signature 4 PI a read compliance statement on back of permit S ;Z0 # $4SI# gA51 Application Fee(s) Check # tyI. R. AG tt1A� Permit Officer's Printed Name Signature ��•C 3/3/2,0,2�� Issu ni g Date Expiration Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: L' /L ,� �✓ eons Mailing Address: .1 �d s 6V Is /Alet" 4 1; Phone Number: I Email Address: I certify that I have authorized ')h ks ? g R V'41o� < <o,K- Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: -riot I r9Cc.'{ li' f t at my property located at 'yob 6 1 furthermore certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: ZZ'44/.i- Svg'�,r Signature Print or Type Name - O - Q 4VA.*e--,-- Title l 029 l a Date This certification is valid through �/ 6 () Ir2 Do - fl CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTiFICATIONIWAIVER FORM lame of Property Owner: -eA ant ,n/ f f l Address of Property: '1262 C& SE W /f4 ,6,4 (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & Count yny) D Agent's Name #: _mod 61-i Yt1 Mailing Address: Y. >36�! V6 Agent's phone #: c;5'i0 .3 ®t;zd ;�� 9L I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing_the development they are oposing. A description or drawing with dimensions must be provided with this letter. �I h ve no ob'ections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. s-xu ����llv e)�/�u_qsU If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC, 28405-3845. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (910) 796-7215. Alo response is considered the same as no objection if vou have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION l p I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) /Zda Pro w nfo ation) )/ IL I", N Signature `! Signature Print or Type Name Print or type Name s oy AVew lew-A -4 -4 1qrfi1)v*1g ,�4v Mailing Address Mailing Address Cily/State2ip CityCty/StatelZip �(9 - ,� �� -�' � q1v -6v Haag Telephone Number Telephone Number �2/I rya Date Date Revised 611812012 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT Q-Vr,&?LO DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RtPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONAVJUVER FORM Nam. K �rc;.r',r Dwn�•. �ti. : S Bogs Address of Proo" Ylp(D ,M&eto,44 do W-4:• fM4s#-Y(e 4 �! I t nt or strew C Samar or fi014 Cay i CouHyl AgW%rs Nan t d l t�✓ Ma" Addm a: A B �OV _ I hereby eeAty that I own property adfacent ;o the above rMw+oW preo•rty. The MdMd" appWq hor the pant hq desasbed to me as shown on ow a0 - P *w4np r» Ara•IOphrheM they we propo". A ctesatOtiart or drarrha rre1+ dset mot b• arvnid•dtaisrfh tersr. 4- ,. I her ro cacuarns to this propel. I have objections 10 the proposal. n,wrtw=M �frl ~ &Xh& a 1 aesgprepaaagtow■OWRWpMaONAIceaess"rsampaw DCsQti .rwit�arratsdq af.-foawraaer. urr.M«�we.+.wra.�wrrarw�a�ewa,..e e. t�R NCi atasa.ssss. Olaf sera aM w essascls/at AM 1a1►72fd. Ib rwpensa n esii/Alfw/M aw ss eo oaASNaw o r w saw ew M~4w t7w~mbt WAiYER SECTION i urxkwstartd VW a pW. c : • 'noon% p6np txsdas•1• . bcWwwms rR a Worth at%w b• alert b•ek • mWrfwan dratx� � � ' � feptn e1r area d rflwWt aco••s ta1l•ertrnluad by mt•. A17a+ � � tratr► T* atlbrck, you frAwt t* s1010topis1 bran bd m.I I do vfth to wafer the lS se%@* a*kwn" i do not wleh b woke t w 1 S' ttlelbtak r•qufr•nt•rtt (Property Owner Informabun) Signs i.,e ArrrJf w ir, _ 11a.'fa �s Amw lzo o 0.- 1-0 �qt, fby NG o?.WY& GtyfSlrthwc^.p �r. (A�•eah-ye—y Okmer Intorrnation) � l Srgrrat Phut or r" NNa/.+�+ah}t� W �1D_538- Y� T•Nphorw NJmter RO IINW17 %4""' Book 6235 Page 1461 A� B TV NS: 1.OTE1TO5 TRACT IS LOCATED N ZONE 'AE' (EL 13') ACCORDING TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY JAMAGDAE14T AGENCYS FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP CDMMUNITY-PANEL 4 NUMBER 3720316700K, DATED 8/28/ZO1& 2. TOTAL SITE AREA- 0.23 AQ.* O LEc'G E::: O E)OSTWG WON I ® SET MAG NAIL / SANITARY SEWER FIRE EANOUT �t, vJ pe/e9 1;F9tE HtYDRANt 1 Y 0 WATER METER n0 J Ca WATER VALVE ew F ON! R POLE --*---CENTER LINE • ----R/W LINE ——AD.MCENT PROPERTY LINE —SUBJECT TRACT - BOUNDARY LINE - I P11' -VI9-0"7-GOO Mt7NFI S PALE R a64 LM C PAGE S( 56/q PC 2760 TS PORCH EXISTING DWWJN6 Na 1. (art YAP e00K ] PAGE 65) FIR RO 779-OW-DTI-M Si;APARI YAOr! R619 NC M INU OW#7OIMNW V SFAPA7M YAOYT ais NC BIT = PC 7W9 p 1 TOM OF ARQfTSVI1F BEACH PER HEAD LIM (LOCATION MOIRI D BY 1D0 O}H eW it r ki VE6ET•A - �� \ I 110719-D0.Fp6-Q r•,...-•, - -�:••--�;, R�ItlR41DPSm MEAN HIGH EATER W I.AYA LOE S - - UK 507, PC Wn I ALONG FACE IF 1K H1EV. 1.4' .. � x INi • coNc: C �-4 11 #426 VACANT i LOT . 30'CAMA S *.k. Line r • PMC CI f 1B ! 9 I..9 g0.12 n . 4 i g g"I \A. I o w i -G 0.72 A. ' f� o N - ~I �I O 0 '�o p V1I N O p C "'I I N O• - �: O O o + IN [PORCH _ n�I G /�j(fj✓ In s — 4� I- 1 .10 15' Front S.tbeek Lin. IW Front. Setback Lino - o. P Jam; - j50♦QO' 50.00' — va cDl _.P TELEPHONE_ I CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION (D® DESCR"ON RECORDED N BOOK (5510, PACE 2760), THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION SHOYN HEREON.- THAT 1HE RATIO OF PRECISION IS 1:10.00D+: AND THAT THIS MAP MEETS THE RE011WQAENTS OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND OF MARK I cAu5CWA) DRMf HYOI A T (145' PUBLIC RM j SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLNA(21 NCAC 56.1604 THIS 4th TOPOGRAP"IC SL/RVL•V- DAY OF September, 201& FXtzO57i4rlYif71P,• — — — g�O1f.4 �. L-3267 ASPHALT PAVEMENT CENTER OF �Yt: 4y p1d0 LOTS 76 etc .17, d ��� SHORE ACRES DEVELOPMEN T #3 O i Q - (MAP NDT RECORpEA6) o lJ� AS fOF ONEWHAAOVER�COUNTTY iy ! 5J� THE REGGISSTTR � • AND �.•.` TOWN OF tNWHISVElE NET/ • '•.qR V • SCALE: 1' - 20' HANOVER CdAV)Y FA7RMTCARDLMA . NOL •.' anaD6r o1HOERr `• ' BMW= CM SunmV Comp" PD•. R05719--003-017-000'' �. S •surveym• PhtNIBR PACE, WCFIAEL S. & LNDA C. A• :•� �r.eaw.raw.+.nleawraw.w.wars.am•o cc/sad BK •Ml0. PG 2760 ��•� �� fl „�� — IOM33 - 426 CAIISEWAY.OR_WB-Lt 16-17.dwg _ ---- - �•�� I g Book 6235 Page 1455 BK: RB 6235 �III���S��rII�III�nI PG: 1455-1462 RECORDED: 2019024208 NC FEE Ms 00 08-02-2019 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC 09:56:54 AM TAMMY THEUSCH BEASLEY BY. ANDREA CRESWELL REGISTER OF DEEDS ASSISTANT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER WAIVER OF SETBACK REQUIREMENTS AGREEMENT THIS WAIVER OF SETBACK REQUIREMENTS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made effective as of August 1, 2019, by and between 428 Causeway Condominiums Unit Owners Association, Inc. a North Carolina nonprofit corporation ("Association"), and PBW Development, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company ("PBW"). WHEREAS, a pier, dock, floating dock, and boat lift on East side of the floating dock are located on the Common Area of the Association located at 428 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 and as shown on that plat recorded in Condominium Plat Book 16, Pages 48 through 52 ("Association Property"); and WHEREAS, the Association desires to build an additional boat lift on the West side of its floating dock ("Boat Lift"); and WHEREAS, PBW owns the property located at 426 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 which property is adjacent to the Association Property on the West and is commonly known as Lot Number 16 of Shore Acres Development Number 3 and is more particularly described in that deed recorded in Book 6189, Page 348, of the New Hanover County Registry ("PBW Property"); and WHEREAS, PBW or its successors and assigns desire to build a pier, dock, floating dock and boat lift on the PBW Property ("Pier Facilities"); and Return to: Kinfa'd � 4mc Book 6235 Page 1456 WHEREAS, both parties have requested that the other party waive any objection that each may have for the construction by the other party of the Boat Lift and Pier Facilities or the location of the Boat Lift and Pier Facilities within the setback as established by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management; and WHEREAS, both parties have consented to each other's request. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, agree as follows: PBW hereby consents to the construction of the Boat lift by the Association on the Association Property in the general area shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and so long as it does not cross the riparian access line and encroach into the riparian easement on the PBW Property. PBW agrees to sign any and all documents that may be required to be signed by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management indicating its consent to the construction of the Boat Lift in accordance with'the terms of this Agreement. 2. PBW hereby waives any all rights it has to object to the Boat Lift being located within the setback of its area of riparian access, which setback is currently fifteen (15) feet, so long as the Boat Lift is constructed in the general area shown on Exhibit A and so long as the Boat Lift does not cross the riparian access line and encroach into the riparian easement of the PBW Property. This waiver is intended to be effective for the setback area as determined by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management from -time to time, regardless of whether it is equal to, less than, or greater than fifteen (15) feet. PBW hereby agrees to sign any and all documents that may be required to be signed by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management indicating its consent to waive the setback requirement for the Boat Lift in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 3. The Association hereby consents to the construction of the Pier Facilities by PBW on the PBW Property in the general area shown on Exhibit B attached hereto and so long as it does not cross the riparian access line and encroach into the riparian easement of the Association Property. The Association agrees to sign any and all documents that may be required to be signed by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management indicating its consent to the construction of the Pier Facilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. V, Book 6235 Page 1457 4. The Association hereby waives any all rights it has to object to the Pier Facilities. being located within the setback of its area of riparian access, which setback is currently fifteen (15) feet, so long as the Pier Facilities are constructed in the general area shown on Exhibit B and so long as the Pier Facilities do not cross the riparian access line and encroach into the riparian easement of the Association Property. This waiver is intended to be effective for the setback area as determined by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management from time to time, regardless of whether it is equal to, less than, or greater than fifteen (15) feet. The Association hereby agrees to sign any and all documents that may be required to be signed by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management indicating its consent to waive the setback requirement for the Pier Facilities in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The parties hereto publish and declare that the Association Property and the PBW Property are held and shall be held, conveyed, hypothecated, encumbered, leased, rented, used, occupied, and improved, subject to the terms of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be deemed to run with the land and shall be a burden and a benefit to the Association and PBW, their successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property and improvements, their grantees, successors, heirs, executors, administrators, devisees and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed, effective as of August 1, 2019. SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES 3 Book 6235 Page 1458 28 CAUSEWAY CONDOMINIUMS UNIT OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. �, v By: (sue) Hemantkumar M. Patel, President NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Hemantkumar M. Patel. Date: August 1, 2019 "Nanc (OFFICIAL SEAL) t Guyton Mycommission expires: February 22, 2020 �? RY ; =Z G ZZ P k) V 4 Book 6235 Page 1459 PBW DEVELOPMENT, LLC By: • 1. SEAL) David A. Spetrino, r., Manager NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: David A. Spetrino, Jr.. Date: i - 31- Iq i2js e'.o,- _j z4v,d Notary Public (OFFICIAL SEAL) Print Name: 12&12c cc. E • ,Q4i4a, My commission expires: 10 • !` '3 I 49 _m tt0rA,pr z =y p�QLIC C.); o`FR C0 5 T: IIS AAAP MAY NOT BE A CERTIFIED SURVEY AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY FOR COMPLIANCE INITH ANY APPLICABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH RECORDING 428- CAUSEWAY CONDOMINIUMS IVINS POPKIN 428 CAUSEWAY DRIVE WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA Obi[ ow or rEEol or almvx K9" p� DQUc or J TM ow I•w d Tr•tl rtl, fF+• L lwi Md11 sill, 1»I I w (w vQ W wiwl.) d W NYMAd a 1M »r 1»1 r M �Yn Itl a 171 Cwrw, »/v DPda•lw �rl, /rw Yd Owvy luw. wo IMl l (.� 1...1r •Ivl Mh I»1 a M.dl,ra NM v, lN.) ww Ai. •wn1 Ow 4i ON1w ,•J1 M ri.,, M• w 11rNM r pne aw RCY[lY oiTQJt.CER181CAR I CAI ON !�j2t Owrr, MK tM1OM 0", 0. ft -0 . A. itR—off_ - . COtmICAt[ tX loos AtNM BY 1XE RL061ER a 9Ahf.WR O[EIVIC1TM S cmnnCATE Or ACOEIACT A/q YAPPEII• WAV cr lam 1'A.Lra1A 1q AANm own `�. Mee_ F tjr,.Ati»1 s1P, or vi da nnl r..Ardr w M —SLMtl ... wr •Y lrtl r N.•.+. T1.r»�l.tltfnt. rw..v.rd. ac.t rd r rr... s..... 101{ tl Y:riOr,d y. .tl PPw1tl .. r.w w A1r.• .r r•r, »Anus » A.w M •P...a11w lsrr » N,P E,tl �_ 1•,,,�- r NIr a Mwr.1 » ervrld Y I: Wl Na .r Atl, .w.r» [Yn11 w 11� tl P1W MA_a1 ne Pa s P1PN•A r wlrcr.o .» 4.1 •7-10 .A t►aaouoal.�oo rN. r rin.r 51daw w w..Itl ~ >nM01�N R �r Ne•- Mj.W �i lA{ wbir i.N e* w ~rqh. •w,Mw � wAE f. r,N1 Nslacaw Irr rnrla ` pq P1MM) PIMJ1 �,�I , r � MUTTS CI-IANNEL � I � r..tAIxlncAD ncnACFot 12 U N6.M EETBAOf CSTAIAISJD "" 010 WNPNCAO, NIM MR �— 5.10E jy a ALDM.1 ACC or l101o1CAD • /r Iglplr,01. A L 1l/r 1 aNtOA PAQ PACE T) -WAR SETBACP BASED ON OLD BUUWAD MUM RrKACCO 41r IIIM F1 LEtil'N0: 1-Ca �rwcq .wa * 1s• FCTOAG:. : Aft —w.w Ci f �1p 1 tN)T L L.LP. IYC IoDR = c w fl.Yl. \ R/N U.P. 51" 'DD' C• I.R.S. R/w 700' TO YCSI l'/1D BLDOI 'B' OF YW>Qll fhY wwyy l5 0l Oan MSY.� q•d or pscm el Iona mtl tAv PAM Of does nW tlAr1A dMy oV �vqc s o. •lint .1(p1 i— N TS CAPE FEAR SURVEYING SERVICES ONE NORIM OM WT., IFUMINOTON. INC US 74/76 CAUSEWAY DRIVE LOCATION MAP PHONE (910)762-6496 VAX (BLO)TBB-BMGAR- B H/W VARIFS I' ON .•-10• 11 I ILS. N 51TT9MY1� Y 0, 1 l:AU1LWA\ CO`C.A. UN5 um so, 1219 PACL 1334 Jj .•:m"� FINAL SURVEY FOR 428 CAUSEWAY DRIVE ToTTN or w mrsw.ir UEALN NCw IIANOYM COUNTY. NCRTI/ CAMLINA dlllf. 1 Nt06 DCCD so 1;4 PKC IW4 �1 �m W a <Z d •q (I Wine U 010=� 0 no > a o O mu Z N Q L] Book 6235 Page 1461 EXHIBIT B w.rwZ �pzl-W p LLJm Lu t•=WMJ VO w30 <u GO -i if zwms; D z Ja �z�4,2I d0Z}Pi aaaZE-: �0 > `4oGfz- 1 Z C7 y I- Q it NOTES: 1. THIS TRACT IS LOCATED IN ZONE "AE- (EL IN) ACCORDING TO THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY'S FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP COMMUNITY -PANEL 4 NUME•IER 3720316700K DATED 8/28/201& 2. TOTAL 97E AREA- 0.23 AC..* Q* flR R05719-00.3-021-W s APARH YADYT ate WC 'v MAWA CLY6X,MIKW SFAPARI YACNT allD WC w Izz PC 1109 TDYAL OF MQWflS% f BEACH PER WM LINE LOCATION M fIRMED BY TOWN OHHOAL ` ION MAP NVI TO SCALE LEGE=1V t� 1 BK `t• •` PG�6 s 0 DOSTNG IRON b SET MAG NAIL w • SANITARY SEWER ." CLEANOUT • �y Tx FIRE KfDRANT �/ W Y 146 SO o a _ >j tTl►7 4 ® WATER METER n �// >E i'o WATER VALVE D F m COS POWER POLE •-iE---CENTER LINE, yELETA - \ —R/W LINE �. —ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE I ♦p,.� 6y}. R06T R AM iM It �SL"CT TRACT rw. - 't...;:..:: Rk% SK AIR BOUNDARY LINE MEIN HIGH WATER CAM LIE IS - BIf 54D7, PC M22 ALONG FACE OF THE GIA OW MY. 1.4' "... / $ o1Ao lJ51100-00'W 1 OD" (DEED ,O'C ADComm PONT 50.1 C� m Z A& ARS7I9-OW-017-009 �t VH�T o wTe UMM C PIS lATGO O fire SBIQ PC 2m �p1 }� yg• ��as4' t8 W a 30'CAMA I�NiilII —_—.✓�—' -II n %a"c�n•NLkw. it -•• ORCif 'ORC PORCH 16 Ac 8 I I N 1yo EXISTING p DWELLING nN DWELLING L 6 CT1dY. mPORCH ins 15- Front S�tb.& Line IV Front. S•tborlc Line in —y II®a 1q�75600' F�1pr A �pl , - D®r_- ---1- Cp100LK IIO/teEllT III 1HK COV11k1e1 LWE Lim _ O a e 2s� ar MTT WMT ELEPH Tm6LN NE� Na 1. cm Ww sm ] PAGE Esi Y 1 1/' 1 1•� M - 1A 1 .30 EDGE OF PAVEMENT SMAC I CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION P Gv*J5CWAY ORNC FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION HYDRANT (145- PUBLIC R/W) (DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED N BOOK (561D. PACE 2760}THAT THE 80UNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE INDICATED AS DRAWN FROM INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON; THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION IS 1:10,000+: AND THAT THIS MAP MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND TCx-c>r ✓l lc sURVrY SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLNA(21 NCAC 56.16001� THIS 4tb DAY OF September, 201& - FXCYU.AH'l��Y��%CI�P.. ••4•'OL.114' o ••• v Od 0A. 1. ,... ASPHALTPAVEMENT "� 4 I I: • : 4o ASCENTER or Z T A� d yp • L O TS 16 Bc 17, D SHORE ACRES DEVELOPMENT #3 AS RECORDJMN DEED BOOK �a PAGE 2780 :� • ! CA i OF THE NEYNIAOVER COUNTY REGISTRY ND SJ �• •�- TORN OF WRICHTSNLUE NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORM CWMKA SCALE: 1' - 2(Y SEPT 4, 2019 0 aAtar7Hr owNtRr Beftmen CM Survey Company •' PO.Ro571v-oa3-o17-000 ; '• ��- -4 EE16kHaefs • 51+waYors • Phnnars PAGE, MICHAEL S. a LNDA C. PAe,.�� ;it4? �rrarrawr�..saouewvawsrsevana x/sae fiK 5610, PC 2700 p,--•f 1• wrrsnarrw.as +rye aaera.�oe•e 1INT133 - 426 CAUSEWAY. OR-WB-Lt 16-17.dwg _-'¢ 0 Book 6235 Page 1462 s'� G T�� S YS New Hanover Count o� r Y � Register of Deeds Register of Deeds i 320 CHESTNUT ST SUITE 102 • WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 Telephone 910-798-4530 • Fax 910-798-7716 State of North -Carolina, County of NEW HANOVER Filed For Registration: 08/02/2019 09:56:54 AM Book: RB 6235 Page: 1455-1462 8 PGS $26.00 Real Property $26.00 Recorder: ANDREA CRESWELL Document No: 2019024208 DO NOT REMOVE! This certification sheet is a vital part of your recorded document. Please retain with original document and submit when re-recording. Data R-1—d Data Dpoftd CMck Piwn arm Nama orPermh Iblder V-do, CJraok khmrkar Cheat anraunt Pb it Numher/Commanta Retei t or R.F—&R-11—ted co1omn1 Cokmz CoNmn3 CobmM Coka1,06 COMM* Ookam7 Cobmna CMI-9 3/5/2020 3/5/2020 Lighthouse Marine Construction Inc. Keith Moffat Coastal Bank and Trust 3089 $ 200.00 GP #74861D JD rct. 10379 3/5/2020 3/5/2020 H5 Construction, LLC _ 16 Laurinburg LLC BUT 2480 $ 200.00 GP #76272D BB rct. 10901 3/5/2020 3/5/2020 William Mark Stanatand William Stanaland First Citizens Bank 2735 $ 200.00 GP #76285D BB rct. 10905 3152020 3/52020 F and S Marine Contractors, Inc. John Murphy III PNC Bank 8453 $ 400.00 GP #76250D TMc rct. 9769 _ 3/5/2020 3/5/2020 F and S Marine Contractors, Inc. HenryParsley PNC Bank 8452 $ 400.00 GP #76249D ITMc rct. 9770 3/5/2020 3/52020 F and S Marine Contractors, Inc. PBW Development LLC PNC Bank 8451 $ 200.00 GP #76248D TMc rct. 9768 3/52020 3/52020 Cohen Realty, Inc. Robert Cohan Uwharrie Bank 2054 $ 200.00 GP #76284D BB rct. 11474 3152020 3/52020 Robert A and Amy Cohen Robert Cohen Uwharrie Bank 10277 $ 200.00 GP #76283D BB rct. 11475 3/52020 3152020 H5 Construction LLC Mike Lopez BUT 2479 $ 200.00 GP #76273D BB rcL 10902 3152020 3152020 Overbeck Marine ConstJDaniel ShirleyRobert Lona Jr. SunTrust 5309 200.00 GP #76247D TMc rct. 9766