HomeMy WebLinkAboutPinnacle East Condos, LLCEl / ❑ DREDGE & FILL O �. N. 78913 A B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# ❑New- ❑Modification []Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date prev' us ermit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental�yi�nlity++* j, and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental con ern pursuan to 15A NCAC \ i t Rules attached. Applicant Narne� t I - ' / i - -/ ���� �f ��J�)� Troject Location: County Phone # --IECM it Authorized Agent Tpf ru a Affected ElCW EW PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ HHF O IH ❑ UBA ❑ WA ❑ PWS: ORW: yes / n.o PNA yes / t L. Type of Project/ Activity Pier Fix: Float Fing Groff Bulk Basin Boat Boat Beat Oth She SAV: Men Phot W3 A bu Street Address/ S ate Roafi/JLot #(s) / `J r�l/�-'l Subdivision ' 6ity zip J Phone # O River asl Adj. Wtr. Body r ` -L^'Y _�fl 46t /nian /unkn) Closest Mal. Wtr. BodyI (Scale: �� = :,-j ) r rr► �MINI jjYiiii■■■■ E ■■■■■ ■■■■ llw 1 MEN lily■■L■ ERlInL1■!■ HME■EIV1111 01 ■■■■� ■Mq vI®1■.I■■ OEM JOE length ice�i -- a�amma r�aaeax SEEM ■■■!, ■■■■■■ ■ H■■ MEMO ®MiIMMilmomM■■■EMi��■MhMEEOi ■■■ OEM ■E■E■!. ■■BME■O� C.. ■■ avg distance offshore dYIN EEO■■' ME■■E■I■M■■■M■■■■ �W,gin■■■EMiiMM■MMi�■ MEN ■u■■■E■M■ �50 NEW MINE ME It I EME■■EEE■■■ &I■■.��■■. uy■M�I■■■■■!■M■■ONSOON ■■■ ■■■M.��l iieNOO■M■■!■■ii ME , ®■MOM N�OM■M■■I■■ ■■■M■OE M■■u■■■ i■ MEMOM■E■I■■ ■■m M■OEME m_M M ■ MEIMI M■IM■ ■MMEM■M1■MEM EMITS ME E �nME M mEM■■■Id_ MEM■M■!■■■EMEMIN I.M■■ q■E■E MM■!n■.I�.!�OEM■w■EM EI III M■■M■ ■■r= � 4 U V�MMEii1IMM■M■■■■E ■ ■ line Length M IrUmil", sure yes no yes s: no Attached: ■MMM�� �wwimmorLiawIr Mnot ■r�r�l�a■■.EMIR■ rrrn�aE►s���u�■■M Ink ®ri■■■E r yes no 'Iding permit may be re quired by: ■ ( Note Local Planning jurisdiction) Notes/,Special Conditions _ Agent or Applicant Print6d Name Signature **Pleasgres Application Fee(s) permit** Signature �^ 1220 Check # Issuii� Expi t oiarxpi n Date Heather Styron 2/13/2020 Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City, NC. 28557 Dear Heather; Attached are executed LAMA documents from the following parties for modifications to slip 12 of original permit documents at Pinnacle East Condominiums. 1) Adjacent property owner to the West -Fort Macon Marine by Jerry Macon with MCBBJJ LLC the owner (pages 2-4) 2) Adjacent property owner to the East -Becky House (pages 5-7) 3) HOA at Pinnacle East Condominiums (pages 8-11) This was approved by Max Barbour 1&B properties who was 1) property owner at time I bought my condominium, 2) is a current unit owner, and 3) the developer who controlled the HOA board of Pinnacle East Condominiums LLC at the time of my purchase. I have attached the addendum page (page 9) from my sales agreement executed 5/28/2019 as you and I have previously discussed. Please advise if there is any further documentation necessary. If not I look forward to an email or call regarding approval and issuance of the permit. Thank you for your assistance during this process. Terry Early and_ ron Early Owners of unit one Pinnacle East Condominiums LLC. RFCENED FR 1 4 2020 DCM-MHD CITY F ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to property located at W I h- &Q,&i /NRGAI t K U /acfJ . /{r"l L A NT t C j>K4 (Address, Lot, lock, Road, etc. onWmey st„xwo �L044 in LACRT'& N.C. (Waterbody) E;b As !® p (City/Town and/ .ounty The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locatign. _IXI have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill In description below or attach a site drawing) Arptage® 2) FA-4 1AJ 6094zR .K 4, C. I:txid VIA FEB 14 !' 21 DCM-MHD CITY WAIVER SECTION � Pr.Ccp.at.BF I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boa ouse, Ift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) � ��� ,SLIP is )MuR7�7z 74&14 t5 Al AD I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. PROPE-pt" I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Owner Information) (Adjacent R;operty Owner Information) P�r�int o,rTpe N e Print or Type Name M 7fng A ess ®��� ��r Mailing Address �!!1 e�AJ r•`• 22S6Z a s ip<fGl1 vi: c1 5� - Cffy/St9 1p City/State2ip Telephone Nu er Telephone Number Date— Dale"? �— (Revised 611812012) . • .. na ur. r .«rwr n^ n .. LllilV 11 `Y +�.lAl. JY 1`.l➢.. O{. �', ... �. a ny.w se•• r. ,o u .. F"4 go y VT' Ida s a - � .- _ *191 & aF orw . O� i1 t• n : I t ♦ j I.—,_ A « tast a n ins a i ' ♦ Ahw .(.ice: a �._.. �� �• 4q � RECEIVED FEB 14 2020 DCM—MHD CITY N 0 N m w u J CERTIFIED MAIL � RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT - ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY,�OWNERR-NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM - Name of Property Owner: L (,d,V/{'�CCE G!� 5r Q.. A,612MC,t/CC�I�ZI�SGj• Address of Property: jt% (r l�(�Rt ���GOlti% RP •r /tl/ AA%%Zf—©EAa V•C` (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name# LS/ MailingAddres�js:Jrt/�D C�gFZBG3Q GSGAAtp E�4 Agent's phone #: %/3' — �3« I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawn the development { 'kS �. 'A ?ra 97n". vl%'L.Ra�7 ,h-'3zr1 ZI.S°I' t2 �r 1':Y �. .aiT" i they are proposing. A dL99ty, rill ha witita�rrtei sign mulsf bb pr :.:e A111?rt'" er. I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notifythe Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC, 28557. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 808- 2808. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION ,,v07-,*Pt`r-ILABCF I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) /f(DOIFICA-"Af A-a"07-lf1?%qN w 1 do wish to waive the 15' setback, requirement. W . I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. /U �v Signature Print /o�r�T"ype NamtA7��j' I e�_�L��Y3 U1G IJC.iW iJ G �Y ' Mailing Address tv "&TpT VIC. Cityistatellip (Adjacent Property Owner Information) ���C1D/JSE02 _Lr�aB€T�ffUAJ1" S, Ltur4 e 1 FP Print or lWe Name PvA56- 3 1?/5' p L AI716DE '�� Mailing Address City/statelzip Ply k5� Telephone Number � 1(6/&0 2-D Date Revised 6/18/2012 • ... av nnr s.w , • , r.(R i • p R. � t • i • j � R * I 1j! t -C< r. 'n .. �. L="M,�•— �.. w gip, •n. n iF=�'+`�e•---� 9VU s •' SEA" if �ia•�ttl � � � ! 1{} l r _,�Z�..*;:11 ti�q Ada, -- -WrA ------------ .... i�. CY. s._LLPLLJ "p.. inj R# W cr ++++ 1 6 Q W N N , U w Or r, I IM l ;, /-�. 0. . 4r90 V,44- ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to'Naptat.0 ER•5T Z 95,PMEAI property located at 'U I C. f'ORi MAGdll KaAL (Address, Lot, lock, Road, e, on DA1eY f ��x� i� 0 .� in L�ZT-e0Z ' (Waterbody) ®61� 590"Q (City/Town N.C. The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) gEE �iCPcG�IED ���G��S 2> Ft4G 1A1 Gb1��1�R rRfRh1�GE f"OR 17t'J $�X L L-C rY. C. RECEIVED FEB 14 2020 ®CM-MHD CITY WAIVER SECTION pQG,$at,e I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boa ouse, ift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) ZW LEWr SLIP tg fiu l$ 7����N 15` Xi AD I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. P121101>6-ptT i I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. rop y Owner Infor on) (Adjacent Property Owner Information) _VACS o SA-(-FJ AkOF6MC' Si ure �fgnnr"re ApPvoU&&e t _may r A&" ZAS/Zot1DOAtW1 i&- �. t;• C . Print or T pe N a N' r Ax8mg73 q i M 'ling A ess Mailing Address City/state2ip Cit t te2i •3- 98z.- V12- - NA,69za Telephone Nu Nuer Telephon ber Z®s/ Za2o t2+ Za7- {�C�J�CUlir-p 51z. C4 Date ��� Rtt (Revised 6/1 KO12) Review and sign document(s) I DocuSign j � �; ,4 TW- 6� stype)� Page 1 of 1 This document is now complete. CLOSE 9,D.Pr..# 4e-,Lt-6-A DocuSign Envelope ID: OF347C42-47C7-4A80-HEBD-UO74875987C1 DowSign Envelope'10� 07CTOA20m737F-4094=BB26-DBAIEDC48088 DocuSl�n Eaverb ID: 68tB9CF7-85OA 4CBE.96F7.63E8F97F7OC6 U�1 1W9r IrY,RVj,tlrv.nL•CLisltYl--:ur6.WP}.tl1KE-IOI�Ittrt.44i1r6 5/28/2019 09 ADDENDUMA TO OFFER TO PURCHASE & CONTRACT 431TE FORT MACON RD, UNIT 1, ATLANTIC E EFFECTIVE DATE: THE DATE THAT THE SELLER AND BUYER HAS SIGNED OR INITIALED THIS 05 TYPO OF "UNIT 12" TO "UNIT V. & SUCH SIGNING OR INITIALING IS COMMUNICATED TO 6 S 6f Sedly dDecfaranfMA harebv aoa"ovas the fvllovAng alterations to slip one at buyers expo 5 19 oo— nTracerrtras smith with th Roguanila DAsrna Const cftan Ila6 atat p#i proposed a ntarte easGy and do not requite additional permits. �- q � �'/!� 9) - E:(fnd finger pier 4' and secure with ons tRidttlonal Ire 6roop a�`'�l awd 2) Add 30 amp marine power box stria mou_nte_ d on pi jnCpW rh a &awe l to d e- I*-ffe W-+ce. `3) Remove PVC quids posts and add rubber on Inside of pips rk} Add corner dcx* box on port side at bow allmAng existing walkways to remain open 6) If necesssrl tncrawe Nvire size to pcArmt c ontroNerimotors to deliver adequate voltage rating (this should not be necessary W sized property nov . L--Qom,6:gncdbn a flow, 5/2312.019 .-A6bYM01teaNCO... BUYER: TERRY D EARLY DATE �...,.Y168oG5.lAi:i6u�Y.. Y"la'! BUYER: SHARON K EARLY DATE 11 i `Iklsr ER:3RrI-'e115"f P 0 f��� Gf�ktRMk�l � P,�s tDE�r" 'RECEIVED FEB 14 2020 V DCM-MHD CITY https:Hna2. docusign.net/Signing/?ti=2438f789264044d2be6e5f56859bc86f 5/28/2019 .. .. K+}r"•M—�x we �ira�.'.,.. .y a"•+y-��j,�.� .. r^� .... .y y ... ... �... fk t i*:�',. •5 Cam• 1 iz•: . (_ea s ;� kid81 lxwr= i q r5 '��i �� .� ..�. s, .�. sSA' .`�"tii w sy..:. •ks, ... 3�- i f � rrr rm� n ' W11t1ui 11, 1.279 ACRES falpA.^' l�fa kial� 4 •'�( �Ll ..7.r .�`•} / L_ �,•; "�', � � Ste♦ �a. . N ,,,'.-_...�. -- -------------------- •s. .., �i � wry, s' s• n' .._ RECEIVED FEB 14 2020 DCM-MHD CITY �J N, ' 1. bT RECCIVED FEB 14 2020 DCM-MHD CITY