HomeMy WebLinkAboutBluewater Banks Owners Association�. CAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL
. 78467 A B C D
Previous permit#
JdW L�New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue
❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued
j ` ,a+
As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Qualii'j%
and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC
l 1u'�11 i
❑Rules attached.
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Applicant Name t 1� ", /i
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Agent o�Applicant Printed Name
Signature ** Please read compliance statement onback ofpermit
Application Feels) Check #
Permit Officer's Printed Name, j
Signat re
13/i 5f3/hm o
Issuing Date Expiration Date
Name of Property Owner: Bluewator Banks owners Association (BBOA)
Address of Property: 371 Bay Run, Newport, NC 28570
(Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City 8 County)
Agent's Name #: Garrett Mickle, Secretarytrreasurer Mailing Address: 319 Bay Run, Newport. NC 28570
Agent's phone #: 252-648.8000
i hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual
applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development
they are proposing. A dascriofon or drawing with dimensions inert 6g provided with his letter.
(' I� -r I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal.
If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management
(DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices is
available athtto:t/www.ncco sa talmananement.ne (?blrrnNstafiflstinrtorbycallingl-888-4RCOA57.
No response is considered the some as no ob/ection ifyou have been notified by Certified Mail.
I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, o�l�itigt��y�-W��
be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waiv e. (
you wish to waive the setback, you must Initial the appropriate blank below.) 0202 S Z Vr
I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement.
(-tir I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement.
(Property Owner Information)
t ,
Garrett Mickle (BBOA Secretary and Treasurer)
Print or Type Name
319 Bay Run
Mailing Address
Newport, NC 28570
Citylstatelzip _.... _..
252-64640001 treasurerGbiuewaterbanks.org
Telephone Number -IL -mad Address
�.�)J i r
(Riparian Property�Owner,Inform�ti n)
�,�1, /I r, f . f
Sir>>mture // 1—
Print or Type Name — —
200 Williams RidgeRoad
hlailing Addr'ass
Newport, NC 28570
4 '
relephone Number t L7nail Address
t Z /7 ("/x �-,, �
(Revised Aug. 2014)
Project Summary for Bluewater Banks HOA at 371 Bay Run
Bluewater Banks is planning to replace their old community pier which was damaged in hurricane
Florence with a new hog slat style (concrete) pier and to extend it back out to its original length prior to
damage which shortened it in hurricanes Bonnie and Floyd in the late 90s,
Key project details from the sketch above:
• The remains of the damaged 250ft pier from location A to B will be removed including all piles,
sand anchors, and cables.
• A new pier will be built starting at the same point A and extending out 400ft to point E.
• The trajectory from A towards E is selected to achieve an approximately parallel path to the
neighboring pier F and to be perpendicular to the ICW navigation channel.
• The distance from A to C to reach the platform at D is 360ft and is a 5ft wide walkway
• Platform D is 16ft by 16ft
• The short section after platform D to point E is Aft and 5ft wide. it is slightly lower than
platform 0 to facilitate day use by 110A members for up to 2 boats at a time.
Name of Property Owner: Sluewater Banks Owners Association (BBOA)
Address of Property: 371 Bay Run, Newport, NC 28570
(Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County)
Agent's Name #: Garrett Mickle, SecretarytTreasurer Mailing Address: 310 Bay Run, Newport, NC 28570
Agent's phone #: 252-646-8000
I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual
applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development
they are proposing. A description ae drawmct with dimenaians muatbm ptavded with this letter.
'I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal.
If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastal Management
(DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Contact information for DCM offices Is
available at httnllwww.nccoastatmar�,aaement.neftweb/env/slat(-Ir"sting or by calling 1-888.4RCOAST.
No rosponso is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail.
I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lift must
be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If
you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) FtECE►�EC%
I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. �02Q
I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. wu CIT,
(Property Owner Information)
Garrett Mickle (BBOA Secretary and Treasurer)
Print or Type Name
319 Bay Run
Mailinq Address
Newport, NC 28570
city/SmrfP Irp....
felophone Number/ Emad Address
{-.1.1`� [�o l.1... .......... w.... -
I ate
(Riparian, Property Owner Information)
4r- .
_ r
Pnnt or Type Nanae
383 Bay Run
Mading Address
Newport, NC 28570
Jitylstatellip --
Telephone Number / Email Address
(Revised Aug. 2014)
Project Summary for Bluewater Banks HOA at 371 Bay Run
Bluewater Banks is planning to replace their old community pier which was damaged in hurricane
Florence with a new hog slat style (concrete) pier and to extend it back out to its original length prior to
damage which shortened it in hurricanes Bonnie and Floyd in the late 90s.
Key project details from the sketch above:
• the remains of the damaged 250ft pier from location A to B will be removed including all piles,
sand anchors, and cables.
• A new pier will be built starting at the same point A and extending out 400ft to point E.
The trajectory from A towards E is selected to achieve an approximately parallel path to the
neighboring pier F and to be perpendicular to the ICW navigation channel.
The distance from A to C to reach the platform at D is 360ft and is a 5ft wide walkway
• Platform D is 16ft by 16ft
• The short section after platform D to point E is 24ft and 511 wide. It is slightly lower than
platform D to facilitate day use by HOA members for up to 2 boats at a time.
Project Depth Study for Bluewater Banks HOA at 371 Bay Run
This page summarizes the depth study conducted for the project proposal at the 371 Bay Run to rebuild and extend the
damaged community pier at Bluewater Banks back to its original length from the 1990s. The primary purpose of this
extension is to allow our residents to once again reach water depths beyond the immediate shoaling area that better
support access by a wider range of small watercraft and for all normal tide conditions.
ON"V (
The trajectory of the new pier will be parallel to pier E as described on the project summary sheet. This means a
distance of approximately 86ft will be maintained between the walkways of the structures (which is the distance
between them at the land side). The proposed extension represents 150 additional feet from the pre Florence length.
To measure the depth changes achieved by the extension, a line that was pre -measured and marked at 50ft intervals
was pulled from location A to D (the green line represents that in the picture above). A long stick was used to measure
the relative water depth at those 50ft intervals. Water was fairly calm so accuracies are estimated to be within about an
inch. The depth was marked on the stick at locations A, B, C, D as follows: tv
• Location A: Existing depth: Was at 17-18" depth at time of measurement.
• Location B: Was 21-22" depth (gain of about 4" depth from A)
• Location C: Was 26-27" depth (gain of about 9" depth from A) �}
• Location D: Was 37-38" depth (gain of about 20" depth from A) p(�j�Vl•�V1i9i� .0k 4 ,4
Observations: Most of the depth gain comes in the last 50ft because of the natural shoaling in the area. This was already
hinted at by the color changes observable in the satellite/aerial photography and now confirmed by the measurements.
Getting to that increased depth will significantly increase the utility of this pier which is a shared resource for all of our
residents. It puts us on par with the reach of the adjacent private pier.
Bluewater Banks Owners Association
Project Document Revision F2: 01/21/2020
Request for Dock Project Quote
1.0 Overview: ................................................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 Project Elements (to be completed by BBOA)........................................................................................3
3.0 Primary Project Elements (to be completed by contractor)...................................................................3
3.1 Construction Details............................................................................................................................4
4.0 Secondary Project Elements...................................................................................................................6
5.0Information to Include in Quote.............................................................................................................6
6.0 Contacting Us..........................................................................................................................................7
7.0 Appendix.................................................................................................................................................8
7.1 Project Summary As Sent to Adjacent Property Owners (approvals received)..................................8
7.2 Project Depth Study Included For CAMA Permit Application.............................................................9
1.0 Overview:
This revision is specific to the quote from Saw Bucket Dredging and Marine Construction. The only changes here are
to remove the items that were considered optional and quoted separately to make them included items in section 3.
This is to help make clear exactly what the statement of work for the quoted work shall include and to eliminate any
other work items referenced in the prior version of this document that are not part of the agreed quote prior to final
sign off by both parties.
Bluewater Banks Owners Association (BBOA) is seeking a contractor to help us rebuild our community pier which was
destroyed by Hurricane Florence. Our intent is to finish removing what's left of our old wood dock and replace it with a
more storm resistant hog slat construction style of dock while at the same time extending it out to its original length of
400' back in the mid to late 1990s.
The following sections describe the division of work that will be completed by BBOA and by the selected contractor as
well as optional project elements that need to be separately priced and negotiated for completion by the contractor or
which may be postponed and handled later by BBOA.
Please review the statements of work in sections 2, 3, and 4 to understand the scope of our project and then section S
which includes questions we have for you that we would like to get answered either as responses in your formal quote
or during an in person phone interview or site visit with you.
Page 1
Bluewater Banks Owners Association
ocument Revision F2: O1/21/2020
Figure 1-1: Project Location at 371 Bay Run, Newport, NC 28570
Figure 1-2: Project footprint and riparian trajectory
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Bluewater Banks Owners Association
Document Revision F2: 01/21/2020
Figure 1-3: Perpendicular Projection to Navigation Channel
2.0 Project Elements (to be completed by BBOA)
BBOA will handle the following aspects of the project:
• RESOLVED: Locate marina lot boundaries at south edge for the purpose of sighting riparian rights lines. The
current BBOA officers have some concern that either the footprint of our existing community dock or that of the
neighboring dock at 363 Bay Run may be at risk of conflict. It is not clear at this time which dock's trajectory is
off, but it is pretty clear that if we build on the existing trajectory extended out to 400' that the ends of both
structures will be undesirably close (and/or may violate riparian right setbacks).
• Secure CAMA permit to rebuild PAST pre -storm length and/or to extend ORIGINAL length.
• Secure county permit as a complement to the above permit.
• Finishing touches / outfitting details such as seating, ladder installations for water access, etc.
3.0 Primary Project Elements (to be completed by contractor)
Please quote all of the elements of this section. This is the minimum deliverable for our project which is to re -build the
dock we just lost back to its pre -hurricane Florence distance as a hog slat pier. We will refer to this as the Primary
Project Quote (PPQ). Although we wish to build even further, we will ask you to separately quote the cost for further
increasing the length in section 4 below.
1. COMPLETED (1/18/2020) Produce a statement of work and quote for rebuilding out to 400' (the pre -storm
length) which includes ALL expense items including, but not necessarily limited to everything needed to
complete a "turn -key' and delivered project as further described in this section:
• COMPLETED ON PRIOR PROJECT (1/10/2020) removal/disposal of remaining old pier structure
• securing materials and equipment including any rental gear needed and delivery of all materials to
project site
• providing all labor required for the project
• proof of liability and workers comp insurances in the form of copies of current certificates, and a
statement as to licensing and bonding status
2. Sight a new and proper footprint for the community dock rebuild that avoids conflict with the neighboring dock
at 363 Bay Run while staying within the required offsets of our riparian rights for the marina lot at 371 Bay Run.
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Bluewater Banks Owners Association
Project Document Revision F2: O1/21/2020
New pier will run parallel to neighboring pier to the East such that walkways maintain approximately 86ft of
separation at start and end of new dock.
3. COMPLETED (1/10/2020) Tear out and dispose of existing dock. Partial removal has been completed by
significant storm damage and BBOA has already paid to haul away all of the decking and partial stringer sections
that washed ashore. Remaining framing and pilings still need to be removed and hauled away.
4. Construct a hog slat concrete dock comprised of 3 sections (see figure 3-1 later):
• Section 1: 360' long by 4'11" wide (one slat width plus 4x6 framing adding 5.5"at each side) running
from shore line out to section 2. Section 1 to include railings on both east and west edges.
• Section 2: platform section approx. 16' 11" long by approx. 16' 11" wide (2 slats long and 4 slats wide
plus framing at outside edges) starting at the end of section 1. This area is offset (rather than centered)
such that section 1 connects to its second slat from the East (see Figure 2-1). Section 2 to continue the
railing from section 1 on the east side, but not on the west side which will be open.
Section 3: 24' long (3 slats) by approx. 4.11' wide (one slat plus framing) which continues from the South
edge of section 2 but is LOWER than section 2 by approximately 30 inches. The exact difference in
height should be determined by contractor, but the intent is to pick a level for this last section which is
closer to the water level but still above all but the highest high tides. Steps are to be constructed for the
transition from section 2 down to section 1. Section 3 will not have any railings except for on the east
side of the steps themselves as a continuation of the railings on the east side of section 2..
5. Two tie off pilings to be set on both sides of section 3 for boat slip usage.
3.1 construction Details
Following are some of the considerations that will be important for determining required materials and costs. If these
minimum standards will not be met then the project quote must clearly call out deviations from the proposed
deliverable. Additionally, we are depending on professional contractors to identify any area where our minimum
proposed details may be either insufficient to meet code or considered overly built and incurring unnecessary
• The slats used will be approved for marine use, which generally means that the embedded rebar has been
sufficiently treated/coated to prevent corrosion or that a corrosion inhibiter is added to the concrete mix. This
type of protection is needed to prevent possible early failure of the slats due to expansion and cracking that can
be caused by internally rusting rebar. Although this type of construction is commonly referred to as hog -slat
construction, generally slats used in the hog industry do not have adequate rebar treatment to make them
suitable for use in a pier project (and manufacturers often will not warrant untreated rebar slats for such use).
This project will use a handicap friendly 3/8" slot version of the slats. We understand there is a trade-off of
reduced flow -through (thus increased uplift) for the narrow slots in exchange for being more friendly for
wheelchair access and safer for small pets but as a community feature we believe that is the correct trade-off in
this case. The 4ft wide slat option is acceptable such that when combined with the lumber framing we end up
with a deck width of just under 5ft (4' 11"). By our count of slats in figure 3-1 the project should require 56 slats.
• All pilings are driven to refusal and depth required to meet code (which we understand to be at least 8ft) and
sized properly for expected static and live loads as well as consideration of lateral loads and surge/uplift
resistance in order to ensure the safety of the project and to provide it with resilience to most storm conditions.
• Pilings are set at 8' centers between slat sections to accommodate the 8ft length of the slats and to meet the
building code spec for spans not to exceed 8'.Pilings will be set such that the inside distance between pilings will
accommodate the slat width plus the 46 framing (laid on wide edge so 5.5" per side).
• 4x6 framing lumber should be purchased in 16' lengths such that each spans two dock sections where the seam
between boards will be alternately on the east and west sides from one piling pair to the next in section 1 and
will run the full length of section 2 (for increased resistance to piling shifting and twist).
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Bluewater Banks Owners Association
Project Document Revision F2: 01/21/2020
• For sections 1 and 2, piles will be cut above the level of the deck at a height suitable for installing wooden
handrails as follows:
• Rails on both the east and west sides of section 1
• Rails continue from section one on the east side ONLY of section2 (no rails on west side of section 2)
• Rail on east side of section 3 only for the stair step down from section 2 to 3.
• Section 1 should start at ground level on the marina lot side and then angle up gradually over 2 or 3 spans until it
reaches the design height for the rest of the section. This is to accommodate wheel chair access and other
rolling gear.
• Even though section 3 is lower than sections 1 & 2, the piles will be allowed to extend above the deck to a height
above water equal to those in sections 1 & 2. This is to allow for tie offs to the pilings as well as if it turns out
that we have trouble with the lower section in the future that we may be able to have that section re -set up to
the same heights as sections 1 and 2 without necessarily needing to drive new pilings.
• Pairs of girders supporting the slat ends of each section will be of 4"x10" lumber treated with 2.5 pcf Chromated
Copper Arsenate (CCA) or suitable approved alternative for salt water projects.
• Appropriately sized hardware will be selected to through bolt the 4x10 girder pairs supporting the slat ends to
each other through the piling pairs. This design assumes notching of pilings to create a bearing surface of
sufficient area to carry the load, but any design in which girder pairs merely sandwich the piling must pay
particular attention to the shear strengths of the selected hardware and must use at least 2 bolts through each
piling to hold each side of the girder pair.
• There shall be a minimum of four galvanized bolts (with washers) securing the slat ends to the 4"x10" girders
below them.
• CAREFUL! Contractor must pay close attention to the slat design and in particular, the distances of the particular
slots from the edge of the slat as well as the girder to girder width (including factoring in whether pilings are
notched or not). BE SURE that when slats are butted end to end at each piling pair that bolts through the slots
near the end will fasten to the girders without having to "scab on" additional lumber on the girders. We've
observed some local builds that failed to account for this and when the bolts through the slats couldn't attach to
the girders directly resulted in somewhat of a hack job to try to secure the slats!
In the following conceptual sketch, each rectangle represents a 4'x8' hog slat. The last 3 slats in darker gray are the
ones in "section 3" that we would like to be set lower and nearer to the water than the rest of the decking surfaces in
sections 1 and 2. The red border along the edges of section 1 and top edges of section 2 and stairs of section 3
represent where the wooden hand rails should be installed.
Figure 3-1: Conceptual Sketch
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Bluewater Banks Owners Association
Project Document Revision F2: 01/21/2020
Figure 3-2: Girder Detail
Figure 3-3:
Framing and Slat Sections Detail
4.0 Secondary Project Elements
All secondary project elements that are being accepted as part of the Saw Bucket quote have been moved from this
section to section 3 to prevent any confusion over the statement of work.
5.0 Information to Include in Quote
If our project sounds like it is within your capabilities and you intend to bid for it, we have the following additional
questions for you. Please include your answers along with your quote.
• Is your quote a firm quote or a budgetary estimate only? If an estimate, please quote it as a high and low range
number to give us an idea of best and worst case costs.
• If your quote is a firm quote, how long is the quote good?
• Please make sure that your bid amounts for the PPQ and optional elements of section 4 are separate so we can
determine if we want to proceed with just the PPQ or also with one or more of the options.
• If we enter into a contract with you based on your quote, what is the approximate timeframe in which you
estimate you can begin and then complete our project?
• Does your marine construction business...
o have a currently active license to do business in North Carolina?
o carry liability insurance?
o have current workman's comp insurance?
o carry a surety bond?
• Are you able to provide us with references to other hog slat dock projects that you have completed who we may
call to ask about their experience with your company or possibly to visit to see an example of your finished
• Unless otherwise stated in a quote, we will expect to be billed at the completion of the project via "Net-16"
terms. So if you require partial payment up front (provided you are licensed and bonded) or after completing
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Bluewater Banks Owners Association
Project Document Revision F2: 01/21/2020
specific milestones of construction please be clear about those expectations in your quote as this must be part
of the negotiation.
6.0 Contacting Us
For further questions about this request for quote, you can contact:
Mark Melin
BBOA President
300 Bay Run
Newport, NC 28570
Garrett Mickle
BBOA Secretary/Treasurer
319 Bay Run
Newport, NC 28570
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Bluewater Banks Owners Association
Project Document Revision F2: 01/21/2020
7.0 Appendix
7.1 Project Summary As Sent to Adjacent Property Owners (approvals received)
Project Summary for Bluewater Banks HOA at 371 Bay Run
Bluewater Banks is planning to replace their old community pier which was damaged in hurricane Florence with a new
hog slat style (concrete) pier and to extend it back out to its original length prior to damage which shortened it in
hurricanes Bonnie and Floyd in the late 90s.
Key project details from the sketch above:
• The remains of the damaged 250ft pier from location A to B will be removed including all piles, sand anchors,
and cables.
• A new pier will be built starting at the same point A and extending out 400ft to point E.
• The trajectory from A towards E is selected to achieve an approximately parallel path to the neighboring pier F
and to be perpendicular to the ICW navigation channel.
• The distance from A to C to reach the platform at D is 360ft and is a 5ft wide walkway
• Platform D is 16ft by 16ft
• The short section after platform D to point E is 24ft and 5ft wide. It is slightly lower than platform D to facilitate
day use by HOA members for up to 2 boats at a time.
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Bluewater Banks Owners Association
Project Document Revision F2: 01/21/2020
T2 Project Depth Stud/ Included For CAMA Permit Application
Project Depth Study for Bluewater Banks HOA at 371 Bay Run
This page summarizes the depth study conducted for the project proposal at the 371 Bay Run to rebuild and extend the damaged
community pier at Bluewater Banks back to its original length from the 1990s. The primary purpose of this extension is to allow our
residents to once again reach water depths beyond the immediate shoaling area that better support access by a wider range of small
watercraft and for all normal tide conditions.
The trajectory of the new pier will be parallel to pier E as described on the project summary sheet. This means a distance of
approximately 86ft will be maintained between the walkways of the structures (which is the distance between them at the land
side). The proposed extension represents 150 additional feet from the pre Florence length. To measure the depth changes achieved
by the extension, a line that was pre -measured and marked at 50ft intervals was pulled from location A to D (the green line
represents that in the picture above). A long stick was used to measure the relative water depth at those 50ft intervals. Water was
fairly calm so accuracies are estimated to be within about an inch. The depth was marked on the stick at locations A, B, C, D as
• Location A: Existing depth: Was at 17-18" depth at time of measurement.
• Location 8: Was 21-22" depth (gain of about 4" depth from A)
• Location C: Was 26-27" depth (gain of about 9" depth from A)
• Location D: Was 37-38" depth (gain of about 20" depth from A)
Observations: Most of the depth gain comes in the last 50ft because of the natural shoaling in the area. This was already hinted at
by the color changes observable in the satellite/aerial photography and now confirmed by the measurements. Getting to that
increased depth will significantly increase the utility of this pier which is a shared resource for all of our residents. It puts us on par
with the reach of the adjacent private pier.
Page 9
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hsrelneha Not forth.
Drumm iskamh uApM to Lehr free. kmwn .18"Osly to In, dead of Tone 19 of sranloil N AN, idea, W Idrdat b ud to all ii
And Musa bass! of IN, RopenY AM AI Reno from dim, II.WW, in edition, ONanfw Winn LAMA, A UNlwm Commrdai Code elcaay
Nu,est h the Rants and the PNIOMI hopwty dNwd baiow,
tit p,,noNS. TM IOWVNq wu16A AM, Nvo IM loiowap meAninpt w n uaad In INr Died of TmAl. Ted. rot OlhrwlrA dafned N Uv,
Dud of TrUO shah lave WA M.MNI aNibUt" 10 loch term- In line Uniform CommAir <Ia Cod., Ah nh..no, to dolat lmOvnn INWI m..n
.mean. In IawM nwrV of time UNiwY Stara. of Aimee-.
erNAdry TM wwd'Senlf cla y' mean- FMn CItWna Bank A Trust CompANY, he luouuor- AM 0110M. ikrt Vivian, Bank k P.M
Company Imo 4 shoed to u'LeMei in We Dead of Timer.
Dead At TrvaL TM wwd!'Drd of Timor' mean We Geed or Trust denary atadP, L,roki ant TNualld, AM Im;kdes wllhoul EnInAlmn all
aAegnmM AM lean" inle art pONtbM lntflrq to 1M prAanN huowty, AM RaNA.
0ooder. TM wv,d'OtrdP' mA ,A any AIM a Mew And *,"We elaallkq one Dead Of T1ue1, knodna wilNut bNtatbn SkAi
Same. 0., Aurhlbn, Inc..
DYNYn a. The wwd'auNlMw' "elan ant in Aide- MngVt vMtaDM AN, eMl A6 we"olNa, "doll W NwmTAdubn pNhN In
ramlctbn Mtn IM IMebiMMlA,
Lgavrnrda. TN wild'Improw.n. mew 1M bGUMI wldwN WnluUwl P ld-ens AM tilde en"Po"Amanb, atoned"
1Vu<Inu, mpbO, tors..! Afllud on ,m Ratl hoprty. luililbt, NdWM, noro MM0"oll,r cweumiron on the Reel hapalne,
bdebbdMal. TM wwd'kdA01AdMP' maw aY pboiPal And "Veit Ply" undea t. Nog AM Any Indiana .."holed w adwncad
be Lathe, no daIN E. oblgnbM of Dram. w updre, locwlad by Troum er taMr to tNotr obuarbna of stinker under W- Died
el Tlwb loutlhN w,W'marut on .,h amount!.. prov(dad in tld- Dent of TNAt.
LeRdr. TIM wptl'LaMu' mlw fkltCh4N. Beth A liver CompNfy, he "04fl as and allci
Nave. TM word'Nota' 1nArr 6. biota hra Ape 3. 1911, in the Printdpd a1101mt of 026,000,00 hom 0nNcr to LANdN.
lo,su r with 111 feMwNl, e-tanllPM, modllicNbM, lernarmhp, And luGUMbM Ida fM Note. TM mllnity date of dvA 0aad of Tim.,
le APB 3. 2027.
Parlavl Pr jonr. The .M!'Pat,." hoprty- m1M NI AOukvem, Mina, AM -,elan r11Nal of Peraonel POprly row W With"
OwnM by d.xNP, ant raw w twA-hN -nNMd w Ah11W to dM MN hdpNLY•'OWINA v Ih all NralbM, prls, W MdlbM to, All
npa..Nanna of, and 10 IvblMubON to, Any of loch pOPNty: 1M NOV.e with -0 poeuOA IV-6 na WMpn "'Don a IMwan"
poomr, W 1efuNl of oinnWnal from any Aides Or otMt dlapo4tlon of fM Role".
haprtY TM .6'hoprly' m-w corcdyety the "dal NopNty Ind that Fraaral Property.
R!d hapwT. TM.&'ReM hoorry'mean a. populy, kltNrn W,ghte thanked glove N" lCwweYaNKa Ard Ount'laPldn.
Mbtad DoaaMn a. The word! 'Related DocYnlPn' meth, Ntl kKfatla wllMut 1mNtbn 0 Paarylapy MUe. nail aPamenp, bin
assamann. uMramAntil Agra ioneri P,r1nMA, N."Y aar"Nant" .NPltaepal, deadl of MAIL And ee onse k.VnMnl-, pnlMtnU
and deaNMnu, mha1M, row a f.,uhr a-YVnS, ekecvtad An corr.cllarl wM as b6waii
leaned. TV. werd'RAnu' n.w M P..1rd W futal ..AMA, 11Yraarl, meat+. burl. 1-yeloal, lanio 1, Amer Ad.r Wrtes dam d hom
IM Rope,r,
I.— Tna rend-T,NIr' 1Nw J bur CNdwYI 1 n A w AKWtpr k W W!.
[A NINE 14 1
04,o3.1997 (ContlOUWI
Low No 290891654
PAYMENT AND PpuOXYANCE. E.NPt a athaww pOWed In tali Daad of Taut, Orar .hail PoY to Undtf AN Hnp.N Naiad ihlf
,tad of Trull AS MY N<onM dr. "shag SVkGI and In a tbMN MutualWain, au ofl QWntor'I obigepwM under tat NOES. In, Dead of
Trull, and me Xaitlad Douunemt.
POSSESSION AND MANTEMANCE OF THE MOPEMY. OWnta mail out Ofenta'e paNabn and at of Mr RepNty gMA be gowned by
ma folbwap padebM: ,CwW in SM UN. Ump oM Cocut ancs of an Ewen M of DII& , OnIll nta mN femab In 94104"lon End wnvH of uN Rapity. lb'
me eanM ar minor, the RoUMY. Hid (if eonact env Ranta ham tat RoPVW-
Duty W MaMaM, Orwo, Shag maintain IM RopnY In I-Aa GhN cHdltbn aid panplN palorm MI r.p.a., replaaanu, and
maimeMmf MANtaY to paHW it. wen.
HIS, SOEWWrMAW.. TM lama'Nawdaw wotal'Auadaa cu0eancet'dispostV'1WNe.' and'tivutafwd rebus,' a"Nad In
.. muNMS N ell forth In Vr. ComPeIMMIw Emhormemel Meponae, CampMSoon. IM liability
without 11,61,110n Mat I.w'. WpWatoM,
now, to mike each eupvair, and if,
my aim tale ea.u.n of fat Dead Of Tfuet.
Iff"d to alai. any relponalMYty at law
cenitned Main die hued on Glmla'a
Wma Maley Ill ANSI,,. Ind walae I
I fa d,,M1 or Sand Wlte and" My Sul
a MWnvNY, MM .Ydw Ind wrmenl of tat ItW bIWiMN HM tat sawMNan .m r.aennr.^c•'+• ,,,• "•,, "• "•• �•._ _.
tNu grid"me N aifWa by L.Ma'i up.Nitbn Of any vHHNt M the RapeM, ydMlMr by f.I.CNIWI, or olMrwiee.
EAdIaM., WNM. Orernar"hot CWN, coMIA a WMK my m LWAO, Me commit, pNm14 or WIf , any .11IM 'q of H wall. on m to
tat Flow" of any paoa of SN Robvil. Without km" Do twalty of UM faepkg, Orinlur wN .1 remov., a giant to any omw
pally UM eight W cleaner", arcy, tarot, maNWW Iyale dig of W but, roll, grant Or rock podunS a Shout IM pbl vnuteft Meant of
tNMM. OwnHnW hem Ind Real fea"M, WMMN IN plan mitten
bnian f I+alro••mna• 01NA Sato not Wit SA a snow in, Imp
aMeM of Under. M A afdXbn u oat Wmoval of SAY Imaownrw, leMe may Wall. Cranial to mockt annp.mH,ta ndilrolarY to
tHMa m rtMgw aucn:WmMrMMM with (mpoveMmS of at IdaSt Obuai wan.
leda'e fSifl IF[nW, trde ad M Igi lam r uaa oenitOaWet'a Y PwmHM� with tat Nndit
WM cebnuioaf W. Geed of Trw2.
oc to
iMnda'a YXHaab adto Yrpa She Rope" pRp
Clnpene eHN Gawlwwlal ft NWMRN. aWM, end prenMDy cornpN won eE to", adlww, IM repiai10M, now a MraRe
b aMocL W i Senrrae.real HnleaXMe Sppioebb to 1M uN a KODHny of ON Rdpery, ankleaq wltlwut imitation, the AM ICIM
Wait DNaof so
Aet. eenbldOWSAWmay con 11n good 160 NN Sundt bw, adlnanb a'"Wetbn and wfMM cQM4SMA dump any
ppprppag, alNrdag pparf W appal", ro gab N QWM, MI MOW tAMN M w hint pia to dohg So W N bnp a, N LonEH's
.OM CNA,, L.M S'S MaaMta In HAS PIOWY a. not NopadUW. Sandi mSY Ilwae Grants to poet."Rute aawNY of weal band,
r.Nanrif/ ..tislaetaY to L.Ma. to VOW LHde'O NIHNt.
Duty M Rallol. Ormta Wee" Monte to ehV,dan era M.y. uMMmNd tat ROOMY. 01enla Shag do ti otM Wt, h aagni" to MAea
" San ISM aMw In INS Seaton. wNOh I' m the OttoNtH and all01 iM RapN1Y HA aNOMD Y MCeNHY M Plead fundpaeHN iM
Rweny. Via Ow of Tml
wWal OM ages IS C�� gwitlnut Via Mnda•a M YwMm0 ill om wM. of Na as try" on -1 th "bit Property, a Y Inlrlst In tlM Deal PhHe rty.
A'eS10 a V"tw* rtkeeM the mnatYmN of Real FloWtV a SAY 14 M, MN a illegal tMraM: whaihar NSM, NMR4et a eyufte"; wh111Mr
tv w IS, baoWn ; wMVMr by amghf all, dead, NI -I Mnf gad wOb.OA land wmfaa, conbat la dead, NNalWd aMeea wain I
I pour {nin ika lbl oral. Mtu OpVon co11V W, a by .and, MWq N. a t'IMIH Of any Nnefkl l bte l" In p W My land" of
Mlda,p WN 1. tlM Rfal RaartY. a by mY oow m.tltad min owarhlp a'
mna. Fvri l AIM YwantyM. peacmtInfiniti, 0 any At � 6Mi of tr vogng�lOckpapmHHt Mp
IYNtb YIUSM wmOenY, YHMIa YN aMtrdge illy Ou"N"
SaaaYa N paypllq jyadirY 4 Ya pry Sigler C dDn haw, aY N, 00
f Ocama. llowew, Her aptien iMA na1 N uacMad by kmdH II ouOn
TAXES AMD LBM. TM IeMwaq poWiOa faltW u 1M ttae end Mrr en VM Roany ea a pan of o,M DSad of Trull.
hpnHIN• Gruga anti aY wMn dw tend b a -at.
pbr 10 bbnlwMyfall
a taN, gpGei Uui, aeagmanl. chap. Ilnchxdiw
wtN and uwal, air. end ynw.lUOM IS d Spai-I a on ecaan! e11M hopatY. ed aMq phi ail ell Mll alma I w aw a - "I
foe aad.:o ra,0aad a mate'I MNOYMd IS
UM Rapa1Y. Grm1H IhM malntab Ind hoprry vaq p RY A
to VM huller el tandem odor dug DNd of Trot, Hacept for oat Nn el wa Htil Nasumina ant due and uapt a afMMdu padded
b one Deed Of Tait.
Nod 1, CaMNU OIlNor mN "Ahold aymMal 01 MY W., aaWmaim. a claim in camel, bn wltA a gold flight dgpne am oat
, ip,an to aY• N"a LaMa'O barat'n fat ProyetY N not 1"'Padaad. II Agin akn e'le fNd a a naWt of aapeYm.m.
Glaflay Shut;W Wham fiat as" aha"Sea aaN a, N a Van H mod, Whom fift, 1161 dap aHH OramIX Ito mike a Or laag,
AS". oat HWwp of 1M Wn, a N rtpuatad by LHda, "pag Vann Linda Sella AS a whkNnl capaatO wall bond Of Ott tawhY
aNlWav to tondo In en Myumt SufinMm to di.cives oat San pat" WSW and few." aaaNya' HIS a CUM, chap" that
now apir at I rawer a a W WCbaye a SIN order IN an. in try Comin, QWAw.MA dffard ktaN and lHder and alNE NWtif my
aw " p+dpnHn Nbr, inlOearMnt leg"ari gat Ropeny. GW Mar " ham" finger a an adIUDMI obeg.o under my sully bond
MNthad N fat canta't proceeding".
EtMana a paymaN. OWma"upon "mad MN.UM n to LS, IeMlaelea' OMdenct of pYmem a W lax"" a uMAmnnta end "a
eWMrUI VM apOpleW pwr M WI Otbaal to dayle to Leads, at may bma a merman Statement 01 tM uaa find NNSSmtna afenut
the RwetY.
Nola N C*M WW H OWw, UW, MCAV LHMa t lout IIMAen 11 AI data feature dry walk b wImMMW, SAY wvku ee hAN'Md. H
mY Of all
m.tadW we auppSa le Ind RaperlY. 11 aw a LaMa AlMhails W. mNeh 101eNaa .Maw "wenca. wollacC Y to Lafda outhe 4-141in" On I-ClutGan a
.W and Map" Ste call a oral anpotwnne N.
PROPERTY DAMAGE N914fAMM TM Mawlaq ponaidt, f4UU D u YMua4 Vr h*WW die. pW of HAS, Odd of Trust.
afagM.rMlte. of lnpMam". Jana shag wan, C and"Ne aakN" of fag INamu whin y in a, minded wwit andaamanta on
e r.pNcenrnt Oe.le fa oat Ito Wa.bN v Wa OawrkM ag 4npaventaml m tat Ratl Ro1MnY In m amount tuXkNnt to evaM aDplaton
04-03-1997 DEED OF TRUST Pogo 3
Loan No 290691654 (Cat ionwdl
of anyp, w" g.a Awx, end wIM , "xh rnnpAM. cause h favorNWW of Naova Dome Ihel Mw VOCodia b and anted a-
"mwofenNf ouwN IIIbo bl WUnancl N a01 "Wi6ni uly, Oe o Lades mnY 1awXof whir Loth W La k, n ^a^Nd Io
fave. h.uM IIabnd .Wevopoop,+. AOdvbary, OrornMyto1*-. Paouchotltw WwnG•"Carding bw "t um:ledto
Nord, 61rWex htwnpibn, and boob Wand f a, al by A met' "a Onto Worn 11 RNMs. atoll N I L tt lam, Imdw1N, "Wipol
atd bode "awrYwY , U, ,And e, Um a , W1.ad by I a Militia
a ree"Cllaa of IaN"P/ .ccnpabm o oardor. o [Moot,
W �q
of Under, wN cirov la IWO Net
hem Ome w Okf Ito patio. of iwf4Goa of WvancL h lam Mallaalary
,am, lob IMt"vMo0 w11rotNfancAdda that"WowMww It Iol in Immot, of Lxe1101 days' anvlowOot 1rONG to by Any. a.Ot 110 Ot
Idr Mato OtWaWMM,aUwt A,McfcofAding S�MaWaN ROpui Mu,
earo,Wool notgaiawn aGAdaA4iNq b/C000 Munai Nat
Y.OrN FmwanY AlMupxrunl of Nat N a IV to flood IllNd raa. Ofavoi apxa ot MNh AM mahloo fgwN flood hMAMG Ito
N.I ha aflDNd RhNW tlWnaa W All ban, o to Ito mA I- peony XrMI xt uadw Ito fiononM sNOd WWMx Repr"n, w a.
• omwwW taalYq by L.qr. rYrd o mNMMn .uwf tearlMa Iw Nla Arm x NN bon.
Ap4ation at pie, A . OtMtor IoO pimptN m0ty LAndx at MY all w da neta N OM NOPKIII Lahr may moo Oroel of boa II
OrMta INN to do so wfONn fiflxn tit) ylye of Ow cxw tY. I41w11.4ar a nit Unx1•a A.V.R, N boom", 1."Yot may, at IN olocnan.
recall "td Noon Or procoods al My hNtnG "d appy Oo paxada N Ito rquclbn o11M 1mobtodnaN W Yntlm of afry oM ahactbp
five AOpMry, w OA rxtwatlon W fpat of f" ROpary. H LafrdM IIIao to appy Ito pwxd. W rxlallon Md Nam' Drnfw atoll
realt a +pine No dMNWd a alVoyad trproYenranN h .111/yetr oalNfaW y le lxdlt. LMMr Mall, Won oaNIM1aY peal of'UN
xplMhoo, WY a tatoW✓x Orudw hom Ito pe"odI la tlo IAIIG11Ma pal al rlpet a rxtwatlM N oomm N ro1 On dNw11 Under
nx Gxd of Twat, AnY pWxa wNch Nw "1 bxn Maboaad wMn 1E0 aye of W tMY raeaW W "flair Lwd1a Ma not a°mmlt4d
to Uw top& at txlM&Mn of Ma Pop" IMI M Load Wat o W MN amMnt awing N Loval, Md.r MI Dood of Trot. O,.n 10 Pay
wpuq WMxU Mo IN "metdM, N MY, of W be Appal to Ow pr olead bit. of NN hdoMedrox. 0 Larde, hello Any pocoodo sh"
Gyrrent In hd of tlM adobtadnal, loch praoaad. Shad be Pad o GIMI IN Dfamw'A hlwolo may Ipan
UMMMad NM+ann at /Ns. MY unxpYq tNUMCa IN" We la the IetMEt of, Md Woe 10, IN,pWch"w 01 ON Ropw, "Will by
IRA Dead of Twit a1 My Lwf xN a OOer Ill NOW u1dw the PIOyNbna of ON, Dead of Tw.n w M any IMatbaal xN of each
GMAN'o PAW M otnaereca. UPon ("Wit of tartar, ho"m not mars Nen Me, I "V. Orantar 004 Noah Io UNM a few on
.arJr.u.tirq "Ilcv al WUnMco ahowM+p: (o NN furo m Iha ina"; 101 ton fNha Wwad; ci Ito rfMA110l lM poyry: Id) NI. paprty
In,tod, Ito Than Wlmm t Apllc.ant YAko of Iuch WaoIdY, had tho mwvw of xtMRAINrX1 On' Yxe: W N1 IN, xfan"an al. of nM
paliay. G,AIW a1W, upon fa usat of Lonou, MY. an fb.prdaM oaf aNM Ild-NalaY to L.MM Mannino One "M v141 op 000"At
we, of tM Roarrty.
EXPONIXM1E4 aY L/NDM, 11 Grant. fail 10 campy with any p•,IAW of Me Dood of Trull. at If My MTlen M Meo "Nam N "mmMa"I
that "old NXy allow Urdw'. Lyman, On ON fooder M pory, LanDfMfw'a bMq mgy, EN NNX Net M flOUYad to, lake My action thatmNM
L.Mw dasms Approphao, Any rro.nt IMt UndM sepsnda In 0chap wN bon, hlrxa of th ato "mod to h the Nofa hom UN data
Incvnad w PNO by LAMor %a Ito data at to"~ by Goof AN wear Ieplrox, N LaMM'I WOO. will III M O"Wo M dM..M, of be
added to ON, baNrtao of Ito WOO wd M ppornotW among Mot M "Vital wWt my Wuammt plymMo la ba"ma "O' o be dwf to
harm of ony pplcabls Wvuw policy be (d) One, famanng tvm of ma NON, IX 1.) be Vaow M • boloon portiere WNah
pay.o, at Ito Nale'a mall IN, Dxd of TIUa.No wN Nava pAYnom of ft- JOYOUT a. The Ilt O VQIWW Iw NMI g Wph dull
m1 CIddition to o aaN se I,,""Note wr.0 Ic NM rural, ft. MY oomaNy Got It On oOYAwW waH MI. II , Any such Action tlY UrdM atoll
WAXIIAJITT; DLFDW OP TITLE. TM II,M-609 pbo IOM oLION to O'nif of O.. ft*WW Ma a five N Ma OW of Two.
T)1M. Ormlat ww" LMI; IN Donor MWa a,W W onvotabis tlU4 Of raewd to thPOO M, feeN` few, o & W h' IN on"
.M..Iosml. onwr than Nbx get foM In fro 9oN Ropply axM alpdwry the
,wood in lava of, had gc,apq by LsN , In Iwwctbn YnOn too Good of Trust, had RI Drmtw No, ft too 'lot, Pow", Mai su n"IIN
to Aown. it, aoaWt live DW of Treat to lades.
DafMNo 01 roe. 1ab)aat N fe.eapbn In f.. PO W"h `bow, OfM wnno Md we f..wr 60" the title to hate Onowty atowl
Vo IswiW afahe of aY pawn. In IM $VON my Aown a pocsedeap fI COrnnrlfwAd it, "' )ero DIMXM'a O11e a 1M hA"It of
Twat" w LWM un" N N Oaq of Twit, OrOMw INAI dofind Ow M OIN't It Onnta's o4p0411. DlMtir my be Ito MnvM "MR In
anIcIf poc. du p. Out L.Mat MIX to Matled to Wkip.ls h Ow Plonadttp and to a wpa.eMq On UM V ocxdaq by "Leal at
LMdM'. own Gwkl, had Gontw w;X dal;wr. a cox to M daavered, le LaMM waft W wo ono N Lsror o"Y "'loot hom on to
Uml to prM each pnilipadow
Ca"Eanoa aY10 Uwe. OomM "Tanis mat that Ropof" and O"nlor'I ux of Live ROPMN aampMa whit IX I.Nfno opal<oON laws.
O diwXas, Md rapllnon of powrnm.M.l "WhIN,
CONDEVOLAT1p41. TM fabrNq pod.bn r.I.Wy w cadarnlfbn prongoq. ". • WOO W Dxd of Trot.
A,0,om of Ito Rocxb. II .II or any pn of the foolery Is <ard.nvNd by amttiol domain pocaadlr al a by "N o""o"'No On",wee h INv of '.memnnMg , Usr may et M .Nc"n rogue. tMl M a MY pMUait of ton Mt pOcalAa .f 1M .w"d Oa aWtad to
five dn Ind.boaa w 1no raNt at roatalnan of One Pfap1Y. TM net poG.da Of OM 1w"d INIX meM Nto Iwoo -Mr Wymool of NI
IxwneOla cxN...Wnx., W .nwrow• 1... hang by Two. at Landon h connoutbn w;th haw CwdMMNUen.
pWA~. If area pf""OMp'n <oM.mAetbn N Ned, Oramor Ih.a pan" MON Under NI wMtp, .1d Great" "pOmPM take
L.w" Mpa u m.Mae to Ima1. W nxx a1n n OIL �1M *.dk had to ONa f,noonoa In Nro ayrrd. ft Vocomeding may M Tby nanthal f ON h .uM pc<.adbp, but
MB MIMr«wxU WMI�q le UrWwcunenN �m.y bat rApN.l.d bYXrfi.o V�ml to pamY.ualr xnklPNbnmof
Ao0a1T10M Of TAX", MS AND CNAAOEE aT DOVILWIN AI AU7NOMM, TN faaowYtp poYulaN "N tia to po me—o i taoa.
' fax to, ",a Me. page of 1Na Dag al Treat;
L1rroo, TMH. 4" and Ct. . Upon 1.4wit by L.rd", OIMw a1W axana .ocb dawnmo to W&jm 0 Ma Dead of Tw.l Mo
hake vdwlo. aLarval,Ofr action N "'Mooted by Lam4at Md cMnMUe LIn is". all M ton 1411 Roolew, Nonfat Neal "ItIbV a.
LoMM to x we", of d..0" ed beeow, toogr" with M sap.nx hang In r.*V wotNne at Mnop Mrp this Dood al Tfwt,
knot d*g wanan I1NYdon a oex, III$, Rowel lw O CI M W. Ito offer fAwp.. la 100MOol w fpatwha it" Load of Twat'
T.. TM faaowhrp .hoe deMnMl 1...0 la woih 1N. "Com apo": IN I eP Cft w aW f" to, of Dead of Trust at upon IN a1
My pan of One habtodnaaa esatad by 1Ns Dood of Treat; Ibf a oPK& W an Want" WNch Giant,, N 1aiE.MUM1 nr feeuYad 10 0.4u0
Iran payments M O" IMoblgn.. owad by Me Nol of OW of Trot: of a Me on ton NW al Mad Of duet Wrp.YW `ai ftlard" a Ito ,far at Ito o No e; saw (of I .Mvfk tM W m MY Porticy of ON Irdadl"N es a M PIVYI of phOlp" Md "'o"'t
j nuG by OrMhor.
a�wlr..d Taxes, If My to to ~ D4 .loth- applx N MIMad aubapNnt to Mdo% of eve Dog of Toot, ON, "Yon' 'W
ton ..ifeat x M EvMA of [of" (a. Mlhad blNwl, had LMWr 1,, avMdx MY w a of N aY U* ton vadN. Iw n EWY, at
Oalsult le povbod bNcw Unix DrMta ahnel NO Ww Nat to ba1M. h Oepedlla xMAom, a Ito conwN haw to. o pwidad lbow an
haw TIW WIIMY NCnM had dlDakha Wlllrlxdlt GehIX IaYNWnl dppwAN 1A1N PM1MaUW aIaIN1'xdalAClo('/NIArdN.
EECUMY AOnEBOW: oTNAMCMO aTAT2xENTE. TM fW" poWbn rN OM to aN Da.d of Treat al . +lolly W aITMt No s pn
of tfis Deed of Treat.
p,r.1l aoWW, " Linda, .hat My Mat not WMa of a III prey muot ft Uy/f oo C rmNrNN as al Cod-'Wdq h ' "bto
Sam" baersel Upon Nowail by LMdM, OIMna MAX a ""a, pnoorooy IOLMrw+o Md Nka "Mow ell a ecnen N flatfooted by
UMw to pMNa W oar,Ml L.,it, I f�y hf.ra.l h ton 9Ma all prWW ROpw y h Id&WA o ,,,o , WM Dead of Twit h
Ow feet popery oco,a, LMd , may. Of MY WIM Ind W~ tutu" MNrw4alNn hom stow, me xwwq wamwp apN. a
,Wooln,M Of ft Vaal of Trot x . Ihamof MaomMt. O1Maa "rMMwx UrdM fw'al oWMwA `MI In WNaoq a
cw4k M, ON. asoohY Wwx1. Upon off", Ornla line" sawylla ft RoMed RONITy h . m"e" MA at a pIw ta"M'Ny
Con,MIM, to O,ont, all LMrdM W moot h aysX.Na o LMCIH whin M" 411 dew ell 1-41NO at'afte 4"N"' hint L'"I
AddrxxA. TM -UNN olonfoe Of O,Mdw IdaMwl AM LIM" IxaXq Wry" hom wNm "n"N" n "now" ton xaAhy btMAM
pinto by Ole DW of Two may M obufaed I"th a fog atq by the undoo, Cp ow COM, we x .latad an afro Nat pap. of Ode
Dxd of Twit.
pr>!vc s PAGE
04-094991 DEED OF TRUST Page
Lon No 290691964 (Con6Npd(
NNTHO ASILMAIIIII ATT~W 4114ACT. TM MOWN a0Y44,N ,vAMby to SUMN' sAuwanaA hid n,amya.l'n No A Dan of Ma
DNd of Trot.
he" Ararmeu. At a , mil, wd atom Mlm a tow- upon A Mn ei Wdn, Orwla Sea mA4, xAa4a And dAM+a, a we "A io �
m nuO', autnad a dbvwb, a IMAN N to IAAo,s deelpw, hat rate A Ajoaad by llrtlal, uw Io M rated, loyal ,INW. IX i
rw'mrdb, aA tlm c'u may M, n ouch way Ned h Seat oMCAA aM ohms a LK4M may Nam'Patla ea" any Md 40 "'Alt mats ae,
Moat of Must, savMY d , m.NY wa ms, Mp im, one . conaaNUpt nNwnalda, aNtmmM' el AIrMIAI uivwa,,
mmiN atnt, and O , Nevn'rm he may, In t e IO4 oaYOn of WOW, by n'muW tl dNa,b4 h ail a shachuu, Oanp11U,'dw,
contlrarA, a PsawvM a) #0 Obaaticn of DNA+ UMN MA Ilea, We Dab of Timt and If* Rsl'tb Dam ms, tat a) IN 14n AM i
.1f, Mont, a IN, by Mae Dod Of Trust A, No' aSA.Mnd PAN Y m MN yon"I' ry, yMNMNr now owned y hMA,AM MOJ,b Oy
soma. TM Yrr of Machad a AM paof l and n MN aowann efMN hoary, a MAY pen tMrpf�VNuh two by 4w epN" N
1Na omen,b LA`AJW
fat conUwy by Ialdw n nhYy, Or'nly oils IAMnbAa'tAMer la M m'4 eat AepW'A hcvtb in Oalwnbn with fat maMwA ulwrb �
fe h MA W'aM'u
AMwwnalhea f N Orwna ,M, to N any' M MA MNy' monad a An tlN aamdYy Wtlms y10 mu No Set IN, ,rd h ni nma M
peathe 01 n Wwda'e nano. Py ,fo peach o , ow, *4MalA a" Amy .panto IAS m N O'SAAany. do Iola, In intil la IN
p,eram of mmW. snsMYq, McYvwky, lYa¢ raadkq, eat doay m oMr f4yt x may M nl'ualV y N'YAb4, n UMo'A iaN
opadyy a ammaA, MN mAOa, n1'rtad la h fA Ma d A W AN,ph.
Ntl MWOI LOM N Orally, aw M tat hNbadmu often dal, wd OOW W40 Wimm, sit IM oOYphibn eaDaud Upar GIMia UMer
Mat Deb of Ttut, INdN AN, note, tat Noon to TMIm a tat t 1p M A,fenwyerCs AM ANN necuts AM doevw a DIMIa IWleble
nnwnMge M NA MAN, at aw Ihenahp At,MMll m at NdMrdYy l'Mal'a N kY hWeet In IN 84MA IM IN AnAaW Prettify. Any
,,M, nI fo rAp,ab by 4w M.AI be cod by On Vat, M WMttb by MPIWASA 4w.
DUAULT, f'M M tat fmOMry, n MN oabn Of "Al Md camMMe aA swn of "'I"" t'fwnt of Ddoit•1 Uwo Ma Dab d Tmn:
DMM the ammo . PAI4r, of Olmla At mAM Any P'ymant w du' An MN IMebtednn.
Onbt N a" IS feYva of GnMV Attila tat Mala r'A14b by b%A DAAd of Tmlt,a MN, env avAwM la lean a bovine,
A, on, oMM paymnd nNeAAAry ro PrewM WAS 010 tO iMat MNMNa M Amy, mn,
Cp14AAAAA DONI yoYve of Ouma to WI win Am mfM, tam, obit M. mw eAt or Nnddlon Conj" In No atd of Truit,
tlm We IS An aw .1111 FA W Waurmnu.
half of
Trot fs jht� p fw YR,Ybd Dotwnnu N fA1N a i4m'sAeaWep n irry wtional, MM to ed toLower
FNMA now a Ato1M films msNpp M M tMew INS Dad of
OMUMw CaOMo6Nm, TW Mad a11rm1 a any of fA AAMW Docvmrds mws to M In lull lac' AM Affect iACAdlrq,Nb' OI
wvl Oaselval doadnanta AS Gana A vNd.4 peffatb xevhy MNNI AS Yerd at MY tan am for any,.".
b1'4kewx, TM a "*o a wmk wn of Drama's ,Wane AS A Idly wdnu, Ma "Oh,oncy of Cliental, MN Oppolntmn, al A
nahM fee erM art M Drama's (Voany, Arey ma niwm IN W b"f t of aemor" Arty tyro of atmp w W 1,W' a tat mmmanumAnl
M wm aamA6Y fNAer my baA,Wtry a aAOIweY It" by a'Pdm, OIWV'
peAedeNte, hlelsn, W. DarpdmnerYMe of fmb . a fa,4rro aW"", vvMMN, by Ada41 aomsAr9. nff NIP.
repasWAM tl Yyy OMal rtwtlAod, by MY aaafa M Nwda a by ny povermMMM +pan�y'ptWl eroY of tat PIOWry. Howou, Mo
Mpadho sME all WOV n PN onnt of A pod III feebly, by &,,, AS10lM vadhy by nnonblemn of IN claim oWh 4 IN bail,
M MN f,no M A. p ImWma pe,ne y, aoM Ad that Gintal Sam leadN mMn notice of ,uah clsM hat IUrn4MA rentvs, Or A
evory bend IV the d'M $MfW-V to Lwvler.
Y'uh m OUw " Wm Any Slone W ,yeA, uMa IN them fthoot e�sit glnnmfuloorient t cnywel cooUrW nmy Indeabtbmis final
a Of"?
atted40 0 (R Arty L 4 w. W hyA6Slowed merlin, IMkdid tq
oOpw4AAM Olenmr a LarA1w, wfAMur aWyl mw a tiler.
It ARm,y OM "W- AM Of IN aam9'y awMA ere"' ""a "We" to Say OaweMa of ny of IN
w""wAnA IX My
(SUN Ap tllm al baoams YACompnnt w raven a atPdm tlrA vsYAry of a YAdYry,vrd•r, MY Dvalnry 01 tat xWOUANat. I
AMvmx CMMa. A m,ur1A a01MN CIAYOA ADM, n 01-to" AnarAaW oanAte"" AS to "A"A" ON he"N't OI oayM'm a
porfamwrca M the W4$0 n,h IS hpdrn.
a.&.", lMrda hOM III dew. foulI eave.
,OMp A,, IYIrMD[A M 06AVLT. Van HN OaaAAnA of say Evwd of Dol" AM N MY Ina IMrxho", Tlmix a under, at file
option, MAY, nwt4' trrA' MAN a ma, of Me Idawhp IV" aM r'm,Ao,, Inbdddlon to An'y fa u,teh4 a'emlate, aoydod by law:
Ar. N alI'IooAras,. LISI MAN flow MN Mad AS M aabn w19aN matte u OIUAa to d'dw' MN "In
admu lmn InvmAAuty
al, wd ayace, A,,way My aApAym M psmlry, which Gimp WOW b 11Mb to ay
tw w �Aby, Ww4At ga, M A, amawNu P �u to no V, Upon IN ppacenow Or meant Of � tlN ha ol,, AS pAk ou IaAw IN aMal cenOf t �MIm„re 14M
mMpW wiM a sPOYCMb4 r'ad,"M, of 4oM Cma4N few VMf, rNpW to UN o also of twee, M nee MIaW n dmds Of Uutl a
AUM aMM e W e W W W, lira, Mi CYcvntaraeA; AM upon arty Seal' tW, byte TrmiN MAY aanyW tee to IN pvthexA in lee la"
h MN own, al M y ne wear At, Dead Of lint M veal of the AYwdn of UN awao a'ntb n the Deb of T,wt a puAu'M to 'A'
ado and ern' Pdicltl A polo,Mp a otfalwlN," f4a MY be hall AS m"tow a W' an WOW andm nAad, ham
S.UrvW w M NM d,v.wA nay sea. TA Sol" p by'Udylltb to hod A not pd'Uhn' Ia MGM Coo" O'mrd Sta"" Chaff- 46.
N T'mlm N tlaa, TrintN may cep f A Hry oaNwad by MA pod of Ttmt n am a Mora noMAta A W, n MY Mont WmYtad by
"Veal, ,VA Ceram I., AM MY ,eer,Na at tlN away hoed A, MN Dead el Tm t IW Act sMopuuh V Watat Seat away',
owe law Mae HeWry ee Add a IM IMAb,e,mu a la y in hN. N "M hNya/rNM 4 now a hwnher fWNr Ncab by Any cMlal
MallapAa, polo,, ammo DI pvuM, umj "At. of Nud a MMA nattily Mm VuantA, Luck, MAY I he opKK, t Nall'in ix
V. 'Mwo, aemn YMn AM a, IN N<atfy Wee aa,,N Gmn1r1111fYtl YdepNANmfj IM vl,Ym."t o, aM'r me, NIArmMN.
V FNadNvn. WIM Ivan to M N any Part at IN Net p,oWW, lM Truttm INe MVA tat do light to la,s by mill' IM nW, eat
4. tadx MM Mw IM ,ph, to la,,an by 000 lcrette" , n ,Nw can n hoteadme, wllh AM Ia fN lull aAWM aOYINd by
y WPMa'AIt 4w.
UCC AalYNdAA. WIM ropM to M a Am art of MN PwAaNI hapwty', UMer oWA Mw all tat 1yM"M cemb4o ef' Aecvb DatV
Ur,dw MN uMaM f .clhAf Cade•
Coati t Seattle, LWAEw Ahm Seattle, tie rlat, wMOut match to Clierda, to Ih, aluubn of and eava" the Platelet, eat mlhtt the RMa
kaaday Moen, Poll aw'A" Ur", M, Poppy MN net Vacant, awe hid above IsndN't Cale. n'W, Me hdnWmes. In
arMMNu oI Ma NpM, _AAA, May In.'s' anyunm a oIMA, user Ot tat NO"M l0 make aym'nts of mat w ux fit. drolly to
undo, 11 tat Rem. lea tenth by lour. fun Gxma alaouaY bWnua finally It Omnfor9 moMAYPhlen to'rdn'e
Imum A"Nwd In pnTNM MNrN, In MN Nma of GINAIX W a do u two AN "Nun "Poe"". Penta 'ylnby loom'
N O, V Une a lVef, n,Naw to un hWA dlMI d'hm "Why tat ObealblN fp whim fN Phwo"Ah we MAN. Y"AMM a nl any
toper apAdA to fat NmNts OWIb. undo may car tin M'W" v Ms tWperaNaa soil, In Won, by tint a INayh A
Am" A.t , LaWA, a hew lM IWA to N. a ruelrw appoh,d ,e tau pouoAAMn of Of a MY Derl 01 M e HOpxty, with fw
SAYAN to Social,WA W.MM Hay", a a,s, fat P,apaty weary IpaenAA. a Poi, My tO cotht the Rou Ian IN
ROWry led ADpry M+ aawN, ovN W ,Nan MN heel al tat'AONvalANp,'pwnl tat bdApadmas. TM Ia "A" may save W""Ut
m Cord N Wm'msd by 4w. that,,', IIPM 10 fit AppoMmem M a "Colt'. "AWl wlnMor Or mt MN Iawnt vale M tat howl,
oLMdt tat adabtbnu by a aaNlwNel amavd. fmWTdMM by lder AhaE nn 4ItIu'WY s Whin hen wvYy m' IemW.
TereNmT ■ MRMalms. N bray ramAYN In POw of by" haaAly fur fat Rep" 4 Na N Po sbow Pt "A'S" of "'Ah
Mcarnet 4wa m pm'ANM of dN ROWry lean mleah of D,Mta. DIe11Ia am ba " a t t at nunuNMu N al uMor UN
SAIof" , NNMwA el NI "",V,phi a AV (At A n"Orow, rWA IN tat Un of tat Plapaa fat ty. fib) nWo
H ��w i
DIM, Amd'A. T'WIm a IMds, "Ma Mw AMy OMAN lyM a lari'Ady, aoNMb an My DOOCI of Tan a two Not, err by 4w. i
Mbee M 11116, Little, " dyA DAntcr „1orAl mats of fN LL and Wm of A1ry pubYa oW of fat PeAAa W Hepwry a of VA IM i
+her whim any, wino Who, a oil htwdb do"~ M phi PW" Rawly 4 to be mail, Ram>na4 Mike AMY ,mat nUm
pV,n al MW In Ilq dsw MIaA IM aM of MN u4 a d4alMal. Am AW of PwaaW HOWry mW M MAN M corjvNtan woe soy i 'sN oi,M PAM Regally.
04-021997 DEED Of TRUST Popp
Low No 290491664 Icae9AGwll
,.WIVY"It Rot OW C.UCIY Ark Bit., wily tht
_ itflM >OnR BGCKQR.. lowrY mm. WWo Ym No dry Vk "c Amapa th.t
h a Nw N 9mnry of MwwMw {Wc. OYmr. M.eN.Een, Fle., . cwpawkn .M tM W wUariry aUIY qvn .nV .. U,.
ut141 tlw cwpwNbru SWCWY.
MAIrWmM wu.Nntl u R. mm. br p�/C71wii� Y COrpar.I. wN, .M'a, AY IYImNI or hr.sll
MVlr "h,,Blw Net sbd BM a.. �MrN JONVr'•� .ta �f�. •: :lr••••�•�ld�••:
MR CwwNIN E b":
`//.mac I`I—b ---
I Alfa WRRN Bid Hw.I
J 1 Q/IGf
y1. V _•
H^�b1Q �1
1.VMA NO.M1.VlM..tY.M.V�.. i1W11{1 CI�IIMwMw. le. MiyV,Mwl pC-0pl C1l.CV4
Lio av,AS PAGE
Project Depth Study for Bluewater Banks HOA at 371 Bay Run
This page summarizes the depth study conducted for the project proposal at the 371 Bay Run to rebuild and extend the
damaged community pier at Bluewater Banks back to its origin2l length from the 1990s. The primary purpose of this
extension is to allow our residents to once again reach water depths beyond the immediate shoaling area that better
support access by a wider range of small watercraft and for all normal tide conditions.
The trajectory of the new pier will be parallel to pier E as described on the project summary sheet. This means a
distance of approximately 86ft will be maintained between the walkways of the structures (which is the distance
between them at the land side). The proposed extension represents 150 additional feet from the pre Florence length.
To measure the depth changes achieved by the extension, a line that was pre -measured and marked at 50ft intervals
was pulled from location A to D (the green line represents that in the picture above). A long stick was used to measure
the relative water depth at those 50ft intervals. Water was fairly calm so accuracies are estimated to be within about an
inch. The depth was marked on the stick at locations A, B, C, D as follows:
• Location A: Existing depth: Was at 17-18" depth at time of measurement.
• Location B: Was 21-22" depth (gain of about 4" depth from A)
• Location C: Was 26-27" depth (gain of about 9" depth from A)
• Location D: Was 37-38" depth (gain of about 20" depth from A)
Observations: Most of the depth gain comes in the last 50ft because of the natural shoaling in the area. This was already
hinted at by the color changes observable in the satellite/aerial photography and now confirmed by the measurements.
Getting to that increased depth will significantly increase the utility of this pier which is a shared resource for all of our
residents. It puts us on par with the reach of the adjacent private pier.