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5724_MILLER, JEAN_19920421
CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL -t--{ f 7 M,y ip GENERAL ' MAY 0 7 1992 i PERMIT , _�U L p as authorized by the State of North Carolina, -------"-------- Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and the Costal esources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC U 1 1-1. 1y Applicant Name J `v " �' 1A, Phone Number [ 1q — J 7q Address � 6 3 City.& �7 i� iiL,L 0 -I T �' State C- zip L l� Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) �{ 5 w is j'1 ( L= y • • 0 �115F �AA10lti� titofl+Q, oaA�t�� r i ��w Type of Project Activity PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pier ' - Z` ©r:1iI r� ■ r�r■■ter■r■ ■ii r ._ Groin length— hS=EN011 i' ► number Bulkhead length AUNN■OM■■ NNEENNOMENOMON distance offshoreAr ■■■■■■■■■■■■N Basin channel dimensions �aL�©�r�rc��rr�► ��i�t3 . r■r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ n■rNNEMONNEONN �l�tli����i■W�Z�u■G��fii■��C�(���ta'C�11■� � :..... 0 MEN MMMMONO r � to . ■ONE �2lmI�t�■UKE r■■■■NN■■■■m0 IM►�■1'i� r■O■■■r■■■■■■■N■■■■■■■ MENHOOMEREMEM This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. attachments applicant's signature permit officer's signature issuing date expiration date In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fee Management Program. a a .-P+- ti 2 G aYG "%Yla H 4y _ any Am, -.,�.- NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary October 17, 2006 Mr. Chauncey Cooke 623 Upper Sondley Drive Asheville, NC 28805 Dear Mr. Cooke: This letter is in response to the correspondence from your agent, Ms. Elizabeth Nelson with East Coast Engineering Company, whereby she requested a riparian line determination of your property at 1 Causeway Drive in Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina. In addition, she requested a written statement that references the plat showing the riparian lines and an attached statement documenting that the Division of Coastal Management established the lines shown on the map. Ms. Nelson also questioned whether the Division would pursue any enforcement action on the location of your neighbor, Ms. Jean Miller's pier. The attached riparian line map is intended to be an approximation of the riparian lines as best determined from aerial photographs. It establishes a riparian corridors plat that proportions the riparian areas as equitably as possible. A more accurate riparian line can only be done with a surveyor on the ground using this map as a guide. At the time of issuance of Ms. Miller's permit, April 21, 1992, the Division received a signed statement from you stating that you had no objection to the pier as proposed and you waived the right of objection as provided in General Statute 113-229. Back in 1992, the Division determined that the permit was consistent with the rules of the Coastal Resources Commission and does not plan on taking any enforcement action at the site some 14.5 years later. Depending on your proposal, staff will process your pier proposal accordingly. Once you decide, please contact our Wilmington office at 910-796-7215 for guidance. Thank you for your patience and I hope you and your neighbor can agree on a mutually beneficial proposal. Sincerely, M. Ted Tyndall Assistant Director Attachment cc: Jim Gregson, District Manager Debbie Wilson, Field Representative Elizabeth Nelson, East Coast Engineering Company 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252 808-2808 \ FAX: 252-247-3330 \ Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity \Affirmative Action Employer —50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper Cooke Riparian Line letter Subject: Cooke Riparian Line letter From: "Ted.Tyndall" <Ted.Tyndall@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:08:15 -0400 To: Chauncey Cooke <crcoib@hotmail.com> CC: Elizabeth Nelson <enelson@ececpa.com>, Jim Gregson <Jim.Gregson@ncmail.net>, Debbie Wilson <Debbie.Wilson@ncmail.net> Mr. Cooke - Please see the attached letter and photo. The letter responds to Ms. Nelson's requests and the photo shows the approximate riparian lines along your shoreline. The Division of Coastal Management has drawn these lines as shown on the attached photo the best that can be done - given the shoreline configuration - and given the request and tools provided. I hope you and your neighbor can amicably work the situation out. The Division will try to work with both parties as much as possible. Thank you agian for your patience. M. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director C Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City, NC 28557 (252) 808-2808 FAX (252) 247-3330 Cookeriparianarea.jpg Content -Type: image/jpeg Content -Encoding: base64 Cooke.ltr.doc Content -Type: application/msword Content -Encoding: base64 1 of 1 10/17/2006 4:14 PM qy�,�,ems ,e � '� •-" ,� 71 NL ' r r��:. � r. f �� �� •r a ,�-�ti'; y •M � .�,.,•`. �� , ;�, ill I � s > 4 ��P-.y- � � � ���,. I ,/yy Chaunc�-fCooke Property Subject: Chauncey Cooke Property From: "Elizabeth Nelson" <enelson@ececpa.com> Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:27:50 -0400 To: "Jim Gregson" <Jim.Gregson@ncmail.net> Jim: I couldn't get the aerial overlaid on the tax map - but here is the tax map. Sorry for the delay. The Chauncey Cooke property is labeled as parcel 243LA00203. The Parker's Pointe Common area is labeled as parcel 2431-100301. From what I count - I see 14 properties that would need riparian cooridors established - including the Cooke Property, between the dock system and Parker's Pointe. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Elizabeth Nelson Brunswick ARC-IMS-SERVER298830761042.jpg 1 of 1 10/4/2006 11:08 AM ZAK.- A L f 24XCI)l t_ SR 2 MW 4 .4W. �.a IL Ao" w 641 4 xoo I.- 4y a 2-16 "41 . 1—. It �.11 I TP-k� 14 se- '� e/ 1 '���. 3a� \.+ •+L e}' '� ,� .} F.i.� '� � •� - .'"�~� :'•..� �� Via. �� �^� �. i '� r�1 't`�J,.' SUN IL Ae 571, iOAR 90 isa" `ti�itlif _ � V1. 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R � t 1 C � N , k'f�i,1 t £ �"�'+ f�4' •'� S M11 - b Ag,�{,{v'< ..Ht 516�� •Y �Z 4 eN Fed. - s i. • b e yp 1 f WWI WE SVM •° __ ` . -ilk �� r► _'�, r"i •A .,}� �'` • �y � _ • �,� sue' � � +�;,,� �� �,• � � l,, � ��,..,p It tit, 1 {• .L,� -ciff� -� IX it � .. v 4,+r 1 sa4-,-� -10 about:blank -------- Original Message-------- Subjeet:RE: Riparian Corridor Date:Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:58:59 -0400 From:Elizabeth Nelson <enelson@ececpa.com> To:'Roy Brownlow' <Roy.Brownlow@ncmail.net> CC:Ted Tyndall <ted.tyndall@ncmail.net>, Charles Jones <jones. s.jones@ncmail.net>, Jim Gregson <Jim.Gregson@ncmail.net>, Chauncey Cooke <crcoib@hotmail.com> Roy: I received the enclosed map of the adjusted riparian corridors in the vicinity of the Chauncey Cooke Property on Rabbit Trail. I appreciate you forwarding me this information. It appears that the dock system for Jean Miller is encroaching into the entire riparian corridor for Chauncey Cooke. It also appears that this encroachment would prevent Mr. Cooke from obtaining a permit from the DCM to construct a dock system within his riparian corridor. In order for my client to move forward, we are requesting a written position from the NCDENR — DCM. We are requesting that this document reference the enclosed map, stating that the riparian corridors were established by DCM staff. We also would like the letter to notify Mr. Cooke whether or not the DCM will be pursuing enforcement action to require Jean Miller to remove the dock system from Mr. Cooke's riparian corridor. If the DCM is unable to proceed with enforcement action, my client would like to know what his options are to proceed with his CAMA application. As you are aware, Mr. Cooke is anxious to finalize this matter. His mailing information is: Chauncey Cooke, 623 Upper Sondley Drive, Asheville, NC 28805. I would appreciate being copied on any correspondence. Thank -you for your time. From: Roy Brownlow [mailto:Roy.Brownlow@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:24 AM To: Elizabeth Nelson Cc: Ted Tyndall Subject: Riparian Corridor Elizabeth: Hope this finds you doing well. As per Ted Tyndall and pursuant to our phone conversation this morning, please find attached to this message the image with the riparian corridors sketched in. The aerial overlay image is from the Brunswick County online GIS. 1 of 2 10/17/2006 1:55 PM about:blank Best regards, Roy Roy Brownlow, Compliance Coordinator NC Division of Coastal Management NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 Phone: 252.808.2808 FAX 252.247.3330 Toll Free: 888.912.CAMA M. Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director C Division of Coastal Management 00 Commerce Ave. Morehead City, NC 28557 (252) 808-2808 FAX (252) 247-3330 2 of 2 10/17/2006 1:55 PM 4 Cooke Property, 1683 his map is prepared for the inventory of real property found within this jurisdiction, and is ompiled from recorded deeds, plats and other public records and data. Users of this map re hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. The current date is: 10/4/2006 The data effective date is: October 2, 2006 Parcel Information Find Adjoining Parcels Find parcels that are within 1 FEET of this parcel. Find Parcels (A value of 1 finds adjoining parcels.) This data was last updated on October 2, 2006. Click -here to create print page with map and tax information. Parcel Information Parcel 243LA00203 Sale Puce $0.00 Plat Book & Page B:0026 P:0056 Number Account Number 61653115 Legal Owner Name COOKE LAURIN H Description Owner Acreage Mailing Deed Address Recorded M:3/28/2002 Owner Date Mailing 1 CAUSEWAY DR Parcel Address 2 Address 1683 RABBIT TRL City OCEAN ISLE BEACH State NC Zip Code 28469 Deed Book & Page B:1569 P:0390 Top of Page Close Parcel Information Window Property Record Card Land Value $222,200.00 Deferred Value $0.00 Building Value Total 'Total Taxable Value $581,670.00 Other Value $11,460.00 Top of Page Close Parcel Information Window Building Information Heated 2,344 Exterior Wall Square Feet Type Year Built 2002 Neighborhood Number 607A Number of Bedrooms 0 BEDROOMS Municipalit3 Number of Fire Tax OCEAN ISLE Full Baths District Story Height 2.5 STORIES OR MOR Township SHALLOTTE Exterior Wall Type HARDY PLANK T_oof Pale Close Parcel Infomiation Window Date/Time The data This map is prepared for the inventory of real property found Stamp effective date is: within this jurisdiction, and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats and other public records and data. Users of this map are October 4, 2006 October 2, 2006 hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification of the 1:22:29 prn information contained on this map. The County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. Parcel Print Display I Parcel Information I Parcel N umber 243LA00203 Owner Mailing Address City OCEAN ISLE BEACH State NC Zip Code 28469 Parcel Address 1683 RABBIT TRL Total Taxable Value $581,670.00 Municipality Township TSHALLOTTE 59.7 t7, ti 1 r_J. t r� r l 'S• 1A) lCY6,516&N%-Q . k 5 1 1 Visible Layers: Acreage Text, Dimensions, Road Text, Highways, Main Roads, Streets, Parcel Lines, Parcel Boundarv, Water Text, Water, Buildings Date/Tyne The data This map is prepared for the inventory of real property found Stamp effective date Within this jurisdiction, and is compiled from recorded deeds, is: plats and other public records and data. Users of this map are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary iT-T-1 qF- f7- TFTY`lr� FUNCTION=> C NEXT PERMIT=> GENERAL PERMIT ENTRY/UPDATE RRD160 PERMIT NO: GP-D5724 DISTRICT: I COUNTY: BRUNSWICK AEC DESIG: EW ES CW APP FEE: 50.00 REGIONAL REP: HERSTINE APPLICANT NAME: MILLER, JEAN P. MAILING ADDRESS: 4008 VESTA DRIVE CITY: RALEIGH STATE: NC ZIP: 27603 LOCATION: END OF SR 1159 WATER BODY: AIWW LOCATION ADDRESS: (WHEN DIFFERENT FROM MAILING) CITY: OCEAN ISLE STATE: ZIP: DEV AREA: 0.01 PROJECT DESC: P-12 STATE PLANE COORD X: Y: WORK: PR 300 4 00 0 MNT: IMP: ACTION EXPIRATION DREDGE AND FILL: 04 21 92 07 21 92 CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: 04 21 92 07 21 92 MESSAGE: ENTER DATA YOU WISH TO CHANGE PFI=HELP PF2=MAIN MENU PF3=PERMIT MENU PF4= PREVIOUS SCREEN PF5=ADD NAMES