HomeMy WebLinkAbout21530_GLASGOW, DAN_19990408RF CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL fie` 02-1530 -C. C} %v .� �. cod' PERMIT+, as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Applicant Name Phone Number Address City State Pal _ zip 2' -sc_ Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) CoQPui-,74 Ncr\,Z NFL, C,:,,�+Ur-n Type of Project Activity r-4a­ f 7- - ; (F: I �L, A_ - 'IA E PROJECT DESCRIPTION I SKETCH (SCALE: Pier (dock) length Groin length number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other A-' -. 10; ::- Ib, This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Q N l � 1 t" '�')orA. EX I�,T1hGo i Il/ / applicant's permit officer's signature issuing date expiration date attachmentsN. 7000� application fee ��• MEDFORD CONSTRUCTION 802-B NEUSE DRIVE 919-635-5242 NEW BERN, NC 28560 66-1185/531 1 1 n C 09310/t00022`10 Q 1 1 9 v DA"fE IB -Q l 1 1 � PAY TO THE 1 E ORDER OF I $ C�n00 ,ATRIANGLE MM BANK NVlem, NC 28560 MEMO�18 i✓✓ cs 1:053 521:093 000 OLLARS B E-- Ar 21011, l L 9 6 MEDFORD MARINE CCNST. Fax : 252 035-4970 Apr 05 '99 08:34 F,01 MWFORD MARINE PHONE: (52 ) FAX: (252) CONSTRUCTION 3556 28 a64-3556 635-5242 635-4970 FAX COVER LETTER TO. Sc . !ta .,T e," Company fi4� Al FAX Phone 9 Y,7 f 3�,..5....�, oat* 5F- S �71 _ MESSAGE. 1 5CN Tr'. ,4_'f"4. fLS *_,,'t /'!,(gf#'At+r.1i�r�ywMrw�nl,� }OtJ✓ J)►!J e,I cep, 04 w+. C'/4,c 4,ft3 �j +"ingrr0%t! /!� VP�r jeo 'n to. J. V. tsr e-.)I ^e rr»»►f• c�rJ J,..e 100-R/*l ,')A �f4•4000ri dr»yr^Ole 6'1911.. are a sr,� .� •ti �.rj,r �d`J".rsd .—,6' 1F y,}„ r a J- Ar ,orbr.Je TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS OVER SHEET:10 If you do not wive all pagew t wismiited, ptaew oontgo us Immediately. MEDFORD MARINE CONST• Fax : 252-635-4970 Apr 05 '99 08:34 P.02 Ali tL 1p1 ' r`wpR LI u y Lb• Ore i R 1 1 �'PC4T�3��1Cftis�.! {..tR.P L1g a � V 1is,.ve'v (J •C.<40 AJ - 12 AC. r. - - -3 uro•r4;41 t a f anti A�S� �•• � 'ti -yam �•}� .. • r f�j�c•�:o5rp Ffr•-��Gfz• - � ! A.. axj-'J C1 34 ooP�T vG GAtj"), \'� f so 7,cra -+vc� MA vFZ gVPIFtCATtC)ill 70 r-AIAA �a7-P'T#1F FLOYD L. SU ! TT. JR. , c nd pSSOC ] ATI (919) 633-2999 NEW 6ERN, N.a e; s--1 r . 1 t�;'r ' MEDFORD MARINE CONS-T. Fax : 252-635-4970 v.) c'"A Apr 05 '99 08:34 P.03 ¢7U r l[-"EA �•� 6 [1t'G'J.1 }.1L`1 _�•_. 2Xta'-11'LDW61 .yam• . I �'1ilj�� 111 �y It' j fr.�LIT.r-Y �NO�CeN P�sr'FL 2 K[e GEtK »1 6 GakjAl,- f5rrrTov-4 r TIC pYa - AWP FLAB 2O ' r Ft 1 v erK'� C1 p.T 12 ' A p,a ¢ T. e—E5 H (2 °✓ �' E Q,Se9. � T ` ,n 1 . , _r ? f1C t: _ ; ; 1=="_• F!_{aYD L. SUII�s JR OfIC� ASSOC I I _ � lr,�l. Fr•'wt.1�i -r�' �,.�_:-•.�,�r•'i►'r1r_'� 633-2999 E2t�, N.0 RN, �dEW BE h9EDFORD MARINE CONST Fax : 25 635-4970 Apr 05 '99 08:34 F.04 y r a MF.pF O MARINE CONST. P. 0. box 3w mm WC Mn amm -fc om to ;;t - OL V -%I ir�4sr�M. 31.�► H MWORD MARME MM. P. CL Box 3996 NE N BERN, MC M 4 0 ;p- rflil ,t air MEDFORD MARINE CONST. Fax : 252-635-4970 Apr 05 '99 08:34 P.06 _. . . -* TOWNOF,IVERBEND FILL UUPY 0 45 Shoreline Drive, River Bend, NC 28562-8970 RECEIVED Phone (252)b38-3870 Fax (252)d38-2S80 Office Hours: 8 a.m to 4 p.rn 1fvn.-Fri. MAR 1 8 1999 •+f E Maril. river bend nc(&connecl.net — — TOWN Of RW BEND ViITIAL ZONING PERMIT No. 1,Fl ff I Required for proposed building, construction, alterations, etc., located within the jurisdictional area of the Town of River Bend to assure conformity with the requirements of the Town's Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance and all other town ordinances are available for inspection or purchase at the River Bend Town Office. Issuance of Building Permits and required inspections are handled by the Craven County Inspection Department for the Town of River Bend. 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: u 4. w 0A apt t itt I r phone: d,3' 2 - fa 3 3 - "t N ko Address: 3kv 9i t-r te_ tV i:_� Fi e-r ya _ ►J C Q ! ;t42. - B?'T -t 2. PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: _Seta*) J%Arl'.el. Cot"w,.4 Phone: <3 Address: 3 j, P t Q f eo ► u jr MgA-,." JL a X a'r. t -Ae !r —r 3. SITE LOCATION: Street, Road, etc.: T'; er # 'j Z 1 r 5 0; 0 f t Subdivision: p, e r p a; w At Lot No.: 'P; e r# 5 -1 4. PLOT PLAN; Each application for an Initial Zoning Permit shall be accompanied by a plat by a licensed surveyor drawn to scale showing accurate dimension ofthe lot, applicable easements, elevations of site including driveways and drainage ditches, relationship to adjoining lots and accurate dimensions of the building to be erected including its location on the lot. Plat attached hereto: 'YFS NO -)� 5. INTENDED USE OF FROPOSED STRUCTURE: Residential: Non -Residential: Other: Please Specify: Te. ?.i.A 'ok"l �f i'SU1 t+jg. 4nix3 V". E'+ U 3-1 ( Spy_ �ll��xilnei '9; kT i 6. ZONING DISTRICT OF SITE: Page 1 of 2 Apr ADJACENT JUFART.AN PROPERTY MIS= STATEMENT (FOR A PIERIM00MG PIUNGSIBOATUFTIEOATHOME) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 0Jk K1 b 4 --' i CL Q oa &o ' $ Name of Property Owner) property located at -F� F ^ 3 7 V: , f Po ; Nf �- C,,a a , (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on �Lar�Trlii .l+ n+�� i . is Bt-4 C. %ut&. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pier/mooring pilings/boatlift/boathouse must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet (15') from my area of riparian access unless waived by me_ i da not wish to waive the setback requirement. _ I & wish to waive that setback requirement. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be , Ued in by individual pmposing deve opment) Ott A -1rz4—k1 � Print or Type Name Tom e-r (L•�� f z.,�r.�a •etio� -- <3Y- -3 a Telephone Number Date: - PIEDFORD P,1RRIVIE C-1-11"-J. Fax : 252- 635-4970 Ar-r J5 '99 08:34 P.08 ADJACENT WrARUN PROPERTY OWNM STATE EMT (FOR A PIEWMOORtNG PJ NGSIBOA7UFTIBOATHOUSE) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to -TO R i3 -J)A O LCl - Sat R5 G ou) 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at ; e -3-1 + T ; e L 'Pc t O'% Cep aAt, Block, Road, etc.) on _VLAQJ'AT16y CLOIAL in A--JtA ' N'O'A Couw , N.C. (Waterbody) (Towne and/or County) He has desm-bed to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a piertmooring pilingslboatiiftlboathouse must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet (15') from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. I do not wish to waive the setback requirement_ dQ wish to waive that setback requirement_ DESC1ZWnON AND/OR DRAWING OF ]PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be filled in by individdduai proposing development) r 1 4- 3 e --101 13u'-Y'WtA V signauffe JAME3 catkg Print or Type Name Telephone Number Date: 3-A- a4 R ft Q MEDFORD MARINE CONST Fax : 252-635-4970 Apr 05 '99 08:34 P.09 '.Y FIN ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPMT'Y OWNED STATEMENT (FOR A PI RIMOONNG PILMOxSrBOWUMBOATHOUSB) I hereby certify that I am the President of- . th'e Pier Pointe -_ Homeowners', Association which owns the property adjacent to Pier `•.*37; "which. is located -'.an Plantation banal in the Town of River Bend, Craven County,, :N.iC. ,-aind which is proposed for modification by John Daniel Glasgow, 36 Pier Pointe, New ;fern, N_C• 28682 e has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, aad, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand thm a pier/mooning pWm1,s1boadift/baathouse must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet (15') from my area of riparian access . unlm waived by me. I mot wish to waive the setback requirement. ✓r I tk wish to waive that setback requirement. DESCRIKION ANOlOR DRA,WING,OF PROPOSEDDEVEI;OPMENT: (To be f ged in by i"vi!udipmposinol lop unt) y1 i�r� Pa Dr.+� •� >I y. I, 1y` ill lkL't, W G-A V y1gr� C! (Zu µ' Lo a Gta Print or Type Name 2 - 0 (7 -10o Telephm Number 411n `]j; iqq q MEDFORD MARINE Apr . ADJACENT RIPARIAN PRDPMTY OWNER STAT04ENT (FOR A PIERIVOORING PHJNGS1B0ATUP77B0A7H0VSE) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to SO �t O 1b R-ML Q, G 1PzF a0 U 's (Nmae of Property Owner) property lopped at �i erg i P ; "r Fa 10 to C0140 5 (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on N^V , in i+1aVA 6&04 , C1-V1V4'0 C,ow��.1 , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me, as shown below, the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pier/mooring pilingsfboatliftfboathouse must be set back a minimum distance of fifbmn feet (15) from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. I do not wish to waive the setback requirement. >_, I ft wish to waive that setback requirement. DESCR PTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (To be f "ailed in by hi&Yi&d proposing develop xent) -3tt R k{-"ke� Print or Type Name U. a- 5-01-7 Telephone Number Date: 3- 1°C ~cvx