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23155_BRAUN, ED_19990729
CAMA AND DREDGE AND F4LL I GENERAL ? 29f'55 ^ r' t �� PERMITC> as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Applicant Name A JJ..___ Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) Type of Project Activity I Phone Number State Zip PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH (SCALE: Pier (dock) length • � 4 I it �"_"� I Groin length 1 numberco. 1 Bulkhead lengthiM(" max. distance offshore i3r1t — it Basin, channel dimensions- cubic.y + , _✓�'t4:.-D h c�T �� �-� ! �cl ' f!�' y_ yards \ �� Boat ramp dimensions j Other / , r „tz L TY This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. CGL appI Icant's permit officer's signature l issuing date expiration date attachments/ t` 7) application fee Nam' ~ {;3 C', J U L j 9.JLIL 9 P9'� 07: 58R-i SUBURBS REG I Orl ----------------------------------------- F.21, ODJ "011 C$ RARDOUP REALTY TO a0.22e6AUOd F.AL ADrAC.L,riT RZAnIATT PROPrR'T V [fit rp. ,g,.,,,,,, ; ' (POR A PTCRIA'OORING PILINGSIDOATLI171BOATJicVSE) I hereby ccnily that I own Prope,rty adjacent to "U-A/ (Name dr ,property owner) property located at f q . Ock, Road, etc.) an,SI1Z ^GMT _ (Watcrbodr) -. y' �Own CIand/or Count a rt.C. ask* ha. do��::�,� a"w" �cuww, Y loeauan, nr,d, 7 ita�� co nir ro otAO OCvelnj7ml+nt ha Ir prapnsjnF at that Tfl�n�.�/l,nnllir�ll...vtFro..�a n�►,�� Lu wA& p I' 1 UIItlCJ5tdr1� ltla[ d ptey W n nr ]iDWiZA 9r_eeAt 11nlwav ..�v...i NT?�ko rl►1m�11u�r) v14WIL-curnrtun teat 01);1 irafi Tfly, g , VAS wash to waive the setback reQuirempnr ca waive that sclWck requirement. DX.^r�'RT�TTC?�.r r11vT1'It+ V.w ►..`„y Vi t'n0=`O:rr.� , ,..!-.....l�l. (TO be.411ed in by individual proposing d9Ye1pme f) Or�1r�l�i l 4eJr ee•�C ................�rY l� 5xf75 Y �ii�fiaturC lAe 7/�-- Print Of TYPc Name Telephone Number Date: � IPTSI ► as --- - - i 0 g � o� V � l•' my m S s�rir - JJ) ` , • SCALE : I " c 4 MI. D.0.T. - PRIVATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE STREET DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN ON THIS SUBDIVISION PAP HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY HE IN CCNSUL1ATION WITH THE DISTRICT ENGINEER, N.C. DEPARIMI I OF TRANSPORTATION, AND FOUND 10 dE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SECTION (2) (C) OF ARTICLE / LHTIILED � � •, J.5 ,tea ta� \ In .W � �, #,;�!•' i SCAL-E : 1' c 4 M 1.. )� Dvok fill y � v •t \ / IAN N ti. -� ,n D.• iN Z. LU � ' N O ^yk z Srym D.0.T. - PRIVATE . OtK AID P THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE STREET DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS ^ SHOWN ON THIS SUBDIVISION vAP HAVE BEEN EXAMINED BY NE 1N y,G o Q) eO� y CCNSULTATION WITH THE DISTRICT ENGINEER. M.C. DEPAMTME'7T OF DEEDS OF TRANSPORTATION, AND FOUND TO dE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE j MINIIUM REQUIREMENTS SECTION (2) (C) OF ARTICLE 4 ENTITLED ;x L B oink. P I •— Slit rn SCALE . 1 ' c 4 M1. Lp 1 0- ,1 n ^�A� �►, j OQ Y .y i //� - � •1'r V D V W _ I F. 14 On/,,g m �� •6 � rb �t U., @• 8 GJ: ® Z1 13 0) LL 'tea D.Optip � 0 �`'/ "=�• \ �i oa�m D.O.T. - PRIVATE �. �(D P 9S THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE STREET DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN ON THIS SUBDIVISION e%kP TUNE BEEN EXAMINED BY HE IN �j� �y0 CCNSUL1AT10N WITH THE DISTRICT ENGINEER, N.C. DEPAR1ME,I OF DEEDS 01\ OF TRANSPORTATION, AND FOUND TO dE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 9� MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SECTION (2) (C) OF ARTICLE 4 LNTITLED �` Op PWATE STREETS OF THE PAMLICO COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULA- /`L�1L1 N6TARYOY COUNTY. THIS DAY OF _ _ .19 ^q/ IE _2 DAY OF . s .l v �.� 1 ` �ti k^y , � . ID DULY RECORDED 1N THE Zgff,,, Y (\`\�SJJ � JJ Ov Pamlico County Subdivision Offlcar - ���/�/ ss� F,..R� �-r.''=•c'(. u•fHF'd3 yG. RA M�ln G: rVMN D p\C�. f=' Fa t' 'N/' ©ar1�y : 1y �� KfYI AMA 1�1 ti f F'!1 1 Aj.G. ��er,tjf Deeds a� ) C� (, / CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. BY �iISSIONERS THE PLANNING BOARD* - OM.MISSIONERS HEREBY APPROVES. THE PAMLICO COUNTY PLANNING BOARD HEREBY APPROVES TILE' �� FINAL PLAT FOR TILE PLAN OF ' SUBDIVISION. 6�:�m DATE CII14RHAN PLANNING BOARD �amllco County Board of lers a l'IIIJ IIIIIIIIIIII f' I I' 5 6 EASTERN ENC/Nf_, R/Nr ASSOCI-!TES NO 2 TOWNSHIP PAML.ICO COUNTY N.C. O 100 200 — "