HomeMy WebLinkAbout21423_POWERS, STEVE_19990621CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL PERMIT CAI O 021423 C as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC -% -1 Applicant Name , � `^ 4'� ` ""' Phone Number 2 C .)- 72 V - d d ef .� Address City j r Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc ype of Project Activity 1 .YN leg C f � Ci PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pier (dock) length Groin length number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other ll / k fi >r SKETCH i r.: This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. State <°- P Zip T 3 I 7i. s f R i Y• f r ' (SCALE: /f ) f f J applicant's signature permit officer's signature a1- �� 9 d i-� issuing date expiration date attachments If, " (A // C " 4 / d e7 G/ In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that t C, this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application f , 70,rl Management Program. 2878 ATLANTIC COAST PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING, P.A. rl NCDL 2392951 �i P.O. BOX 261 PH. 919-728-2202 129 HONEYSUCKLE LANE HARKERS ISLAND, NC 28531 1pq DATE 66-85/531 ,h�ZO/ ( I PAY. TO THE iORDER OF II DOLLARS G h Centura Bank.. Tarboro. NC 27886 -- --- FOR�_QoP1Q 3 � ACO-0 VOLA3 -- "r 11'0000 2a 7ail' 1:0 5 3 L00a 5011:0a 6 L 7 5a 5 501i L� ,.ii........, .— ..ion•,,,.., � n„. ...,,., �_. .a�saomn•, .�—_ .,,,,�vnni.. ��:•.nc.Auaai,., .�ias?..+xni:�—:-. a.. ,..x:,,n., ...��_ oe*...•,•,,.. c em+::.a!,n., r�_�.aee•:.»,nr,: .��: �m..nv.?.mi.. ;��, ��„xanv,•,n .._�_ _.as!-.;. nu :—. Atlantic Coast Professional Suryeying. P.A. : Steven D Powers, PLS L-2994 Bus: (252) 728-2202 Fax: (252) 728-5140 Pager (252) 240-7216 PO Box 261 129 Honeysuckle Lane Suite IA, Harkers Island, NC 28531-0261 January 25, 1999 R&K Real Estate Group 3344 Rose of Sharon Road Durham, NC 27712 Re: Attached NC Div. Of Coastal Management form Dear Property Owner, Please find enclosed form and sketch regarding a request of approval to install a boat lift east of our existing pier. I would appreciate your earliest response, to allow us to obtain the necessary permits. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Steven D. Powers, PLS cc: NC Div. Coastal Management Land Surveyinp, Land Planning & Subdivision DesippPermit Aw ications Commercial & Residential Construdion Stakeout r 11( ll! 7n - I �Tlf . n,1: I =' I r?l 11.1 I?i a1 1,11 il?r l IF- 11) 91 q 7?_ F3> 1 4G) 1 '. 0:1. (VIMV1VI l hltA 11 �Z���JI_V>Tc1r �(.C,l.xilt 1 ttf��,LUt'�71_�L1J Dear R&k REAL ES'I'A`PE GROUP INC. 'l:h:s letter is to notify you as an adjacent riparian landowner of M/Mrs PQWERS plans to Construct A _.BQp,T_LIFT EAST OF EXISTING PIER i Oil d161' prol.lerly ltx tcd at _129 HONEYSUCKLE LANE Jul—FIARRE NC� NC;_ The sketch on the reverse side accurately depicts the I)Tuposed constnic.tion. Should you )lave; no ohjecli()rts to this proposal, please check thr, statememt below, sigil and date the blanks below the staterrlerlt, mid return this lettr±r to: `PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING,_ PA, PO BOX 261, HARKERS ISLAND NC 28531 as sodli �s possible_ - Shf ild .you have objections to this proposal, please send your written coinuicnts to the N.C. fi Nivision of Coastal Martxgenjell r., 1'. 0. Box 769, Morehead City, NC;, 28557. Written conlnlczlts raust be received sv� 1 inten Q). days of r(�ceipt. of this notice_ T'Aurr_ to respond in cither method witrftitt_tea IQ)_days w.'tit be i>lte;preted. as no objection. iuccrCly, _ T have no obju-.6on to the project 7s presently 1)(01K)seel ;end hereby waive that fi£111. bf objedio n as J)"Wided in Gerrezal Statute 11:3-229. I ll,,ve objectioils to the project as presently pi. )o ci mid have enclosed colntncnfs. Signature DATE: R & K REAL ESTATE GROUP INC. DB 764 PG 256 POWERS DB 602 PG 171 r , , 7 e2 , * DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1) INSTALL BOAT LIFT ON EAST SIDE OF EXISTING PIER 2) ADD 125 SQ FT OF PLATFORM[ IN FRONT OF NEW LIFT G UTHRIE JORDAN L,H(uarkers- _Island,_ North Carolina! P 845 918 018 Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided POS aL�SER �E Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) S et and Nq. `1\/-Y P.O St e and ZIP ode :?/ ostage Certified Fee 12 Special Delivery Fee C V Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing 1 O) to Whom & Date Delivered / � S LU Return Receipt Showing to Whom, c Z Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage C &Fees $ C Postmark or E a ja LE U1 25 CL �� SENDER: ■ Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. ■ Complete items 3, 4a, and 4b. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. ■ Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. ■ Write "Return Receipt Requested"on the mailpiece below the article number. ■ The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered. I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. ❑ Addressee's Address ai •2 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. c } 3. Article Addressed to: 14a. Article Number 5. 6..Sl9,f \ X PS Form S 1zVC I or Agent) c 4b. Service Type ❑ Registered Certified ❑ Express Mail ❑ Insured f ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD 7. Date of Delivery -)— /3 --,j B. Addressee's Address and fee is paid) y if requested c� L f 1, December 1994 102595-98-a-0229 Domestic Return Receipt UNITED STX,;tS POSIHL SERVICE First -Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS L7 Permit No. G-10 • Print your name, address, and ZIP Code in this box • j P 845 918 018 Receipt for Certified Mail M No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail POSTAL SE R"CE (See Reverse) Sent l acp CY.-/; (�A& S et P.O St e and ZIP de /_ p� 7,91 �( !/ Postage $ r3 c./S Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered l S Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees Postmark or n�,�'1u M V) r1•1 1'1' II . 11' 1= 1 1 19 "'1 IX.11 U11 d?I I IMI) 919 -4 .i..*.i 1 I1 ltrICY.• T 1. ♦^rti Y`.Y...1 1• �-..r� � �w .+-r�•+�v xU* Ur ampul cusp .z .... _ ..._._ 1)c;Ir Irvin and Bertha Guthrie Heirs 7A.151 ,In t-.01. TIt'Is letter is to nutiry you as an tl.djttc:cttt riparbit latdownca` of Mr/Mrs �QWrRS _ plans (o co nstClld A BO.AT__LIFT EAST OF EXISTING PIER tin "leir properly lcx;:t(ed -at _ 129 IIONEYSUCKL LANE in ttnRaEtzs--rsL-mvtTrre , NC:_ 'llie sketch on (lie 1revetsr, side accutaiely dgpiets the timpused c.ortstntctic n. ry Should you hmver Ito objec:lions to E1tiS pt-oposal, please cheek the statetttettt below, sign altrl dtile the blaltks below the statclttenl, turd tetum Ihis lett,rr (o: PROFESSIONAL SURVEYING, PA, PO BOX 261, HARKERSJISLAND NC 28531 :Is 1061 •us possihlc. _ _ Shmlld .you have obje.c(iuns to this ptuposal, plca-se send your wtiltcrl coulnICI&S U) the N.(;. �_)IVIC1Ur1 oC Coasht Ms tI1, gcmcw., 11. 0. Utix 769, Motchead Ci(y, NC:, 28557. Written comments must be teceived iptthiu en Q). days of mreipt of this notice. 1'culurc to ivvond in either tndhod mft ij leu IU)_..4.ay$ will be ilttetpteted. t1s no oijhc;liun. Sin�ctt;ly, 1 letve no objvc:QuIl to the project ni plrsclltly prolro.ard and ltetd)y wive that t i�111• (1f ohjecaiun x., plvvide(l in Clener;ti Sumute 113-7.79. 1 have c)11jectlorts to llle ptt�jet:t tts plcscrttly prolx�sal And have enclosed . connncttts. Hark e rs / / / / / , / R & K REAL ESTATE CROUP INC. DB 764 PG 256 PO WERS DB 602 PG 171 * DESCRIPTION OF WORK / G UTHRIE JORDAN I j 1) INSTALL BOAT LIFT ON EAST SIDE OF EXISTING PIER 2) ADD 125 SQ FT OF PLATFORM IN FRONT OF NEW LIFT Island, North Carol* n a