PERMIT- N- 10958
as authorized by the State of North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources aped tY Coastal esources Commission
in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC d��(
Applicant N e LA�8ekJ CK`'E-0 �-� 4� ie' umber •- -)
City. Q E- C_IT State Zip 2-is S!J
Project Location (County, State `Road, Water Body, etc.) � n / � -
Type of Project Activity
Pier (dock) length
Groin length
Bulkhead length
max. distance offshore
Basin, channel dimensions
cubic yards
Boat ramp dimensions
Other 5
X 7
11?4t"_ P c�
This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site
drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any
violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine,
imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be-
come null and void.
This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the
permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance.
The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro-
ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local
ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from
adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no
objections to the proposed work.
1) -n-99,
issuing date
applicant's signature
permitt oottticer's signature
expiration date
attachments Is { w '`q C � 14 • f 6 _ )
In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that
this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fe
Management Program.
Carteret -Craven Electric Membership Corporation
HWY. 24 WEST • P.O. BOX 1499 • MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 • (919) 247-3107 • 1-800-682-2217 • FAX (919) 247-0235
November 17, 1992
Mr. Charles Jones
P.O. Box 769
Morehead City, NC 28557
RE: Thoroughfare Bay Bridge
Cedar Island
NC DOT 8.1161601 (B-1098)
Dear Charles:
Carteret -Craven Electric Membership Corporation is requesting a CAMA permit for the
relocation of power lines as requested by the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
This project involves the replacement of approximately one mile of overhead distribution
facilities near the above -referenced bridge. The new facilities will be placed underground
approximately 150 feet from the new bridge.
Attached for your records are the following items:
1. Executed easement (copy) from adjacent riparian property owner
Lloyd Mason.
2. Executed utility relocation agreement from NC DOT, adjacent
riparian property owner.
3. Permit from United States Fish and Wildlife Service, adjacent
riparian property owner (separately submitted).
4. Check for $50.00 to DEHNR.
5. Installation Specifications for project including plans, profiles,
specifications, and copies of correspondence with all affected
Thank you for your assistance.
Crai Conrad,
Man Engineering & Operations
"Serving with Pride and Excellence "
This agreement made this day of
, 19 , by and between the
Department of Transportation, an agency of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter
referred to as the DEPARTMENT, and the
Carteret -Craven Electric Membership Corporation
, hereinafter referred to as the COMPANY:
THAT WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT will submit a protect for construction as follows:
Bridge Replacement (Bridge No. 12) on N.C. 12 Over Thorofare Bay Channel
at Cedar Island
known as route N.C. 12 in Carteret County,
North Carolina to be desianated as N. C. State Highway Project 8.1161601 and,
WHEREAS, the construction of said project will require certain adjustments to
be made to the existing facilities of the COMPANY;
NOW, THEREFORE, in order to facilitate the orderly and expeditious relocation,
of the said facilities of COMPANY, the DEPARTMENT and the COMPANY have agreed as
1. That -the scope, description, and location of work to be undertaken by the
COMPANY is as follows: See attached document entitled: Carteret -Craven Electric
Membership Corporation, Morehead City, North Carolina, REA Designation N.C. 55 _
Craven, -,Electric Distribution Line Relocation, Cedar Island Bridge on N.C. Highway 12,
N.C.D.O.T. Project No. B-1098, "Design Summary", dated May 24, 1991 & prepared by
Booth & Associates, Inc.
2. That any work performed under this agreement shall comply with DEPARTMENT
dated January 1, 1975, and such amendments thereto as may be in effect at the date
of this agreement. The work to be performed by the COMPANY shall conform with
Federal Highway Administration's Federal -aid Highway -Program Manual 6-6-3-1,
hereinafter referred to as FHFM 6-6-3-1, Jated September-6, 1985, and such amend -
FORM R/W 16.8
Rev_ 10-8-85-
ments thereto as may be in effect at the date of this agreement. The provisions
of said FHPM 6-6-3-1 and'ainendments thereto are incorporated in this agreement by
reference as fully as if herein set out. Any work performed under this agreement
not in compliance with FHPM 6-6-3-1 shall constitute unauthorized work and the
DEPARTMENT shall be relieved of participating in the costs of such unauthorized
work unless such work is done pursuant to a supplemental agreement attached to and
made a part hereof.
3. That the COMPANY will prepare an estimate in accordance with FHPM 6-6-3-1,
Paragraph 8c, broken down as to estimated cost of labor, construction overhead,
materials and supplies, handling charges, transportation and equipment, rights of
way, preliminary engineering and construction engineering, including an itemization
of appropriate credits for salvage, betterments and expired service life, as
required in Paragraph 10h, all in sufficient detail to provide the DEPARTMENT a
reasonable basis for analysis. Unit costs, such as broad gauge units of property,
may be used for estimating purposes where the COMPANY uses such units in its own
operations. The COMPANY will also prepare plans, sketches or drawings in accord -
dance with FHPM 6-6-3-1, Paragraph 8c, showing their existing facilities, temporary
and permanent changes to be made with reference to the DEPARTMENT's new right of
way using appropriate nomenclature, symbols, legend, notes, color coding or the
like. The before mentioned estimate and plans are attached hereto and made a part
hereof. The DEPARTMENT will not reimburse the COMPANY for any utility relocations
or changes not necessitated by the construction of the highway project, nor for
changes made solely for the benefit or convenience of the COMPANY, its contractor,
or a highway contractor.
4. That the DEPARTMENT'S authority, obligation, or liability to pay for
relocations as set r1"orth in this agreement is based on the COMPANY having a right
of occupancy in its existing location by reason of holding the fee, an easement or
other real property interest, the damaging or taking of which is compensable in
eminent domain.
5. That payment for all work done hereunder shall be made in accordance with
the requirements of FHPM 6-6-3-1, unless payment is being made pursuant to a supple-
mental agreement attached to and made a part of this agreement.
6. That the construction work provided for in this agreement will be performed
by the method or methods as specified below:
❑ BY COMPANY'S REGULAR, FORCE: The COMPANY proposes to use its regular
construction or maintenance crews and personnel at its standard
schedule of wages and working hours in accordance with the terms of
its agreement with such employees.
❑ use an existing written continuing contract under which certain
work as shown by the COMPANY'S estimate is regularly performed for
the COMPANY and under which the lowest available costs are developed.
BY CONTRACT: The COMPANY does not have adequate staff or equipment
IXI to perform the necessary work with its own forces. Therefore, the
COMPANY proposes to award a contract to the lowest qualified bidder
who submits proposal in conformity with the requirements and specifi-
cations for the work to be performed, as set forth in an appropriate
solicitation for bids.
FORT P,1W 16.8
7. a. It is contemplated by the parties hereto that the construction of
tNis State'Highway Project will begirt on or about the 15 day of February
_Y� 92
Y b. Based on the best information available at the present time to the
COMPANY, indicate applicable paragraph below:
Materials are available and it is expected that work will be complete
prior to highway construction.
DAll work will take place during highway construction and arrangements
for said work will be coordinated with highway const-ruction operations
at preconstruction conference.
Work will begin promptly upon notification by DEPARTMENT: however,
it is not expected to be complete prior to highway construction;
any remaining work will be coordinated with highway construction
operations at preconstruction conference.
a Other (Specify) Design work is complete; Purchase of materials is
complete; Initiation of construction project is being withheld until
the following permits are obtained: Fish & Wildlife, CAMA & Department
of Administration
8. That the method used by the COMPANY in developing the relocation costs
shall be as indicated below:
a. ❑Actual direct and related indirect costs accumulated in accord-
ance with a work order accounting procedure prescribed by the
applicable Federal or State regulatory body.
b. Actual direct and related indirect costs accumulated in accord-
7 ante with an established accounting procedure developed by the
COMPANY and approved by the DEPARTMENT.
C. On a lump -sum basis where the estimated cost to the DEPARTMENT
does not exceed $25,000.00. Except where unit costs are used
and approved, the estimate shall show such details as man-hours
by class and rate; equipment charges by type, size, and rate;
materials and supplies by items and price; and payroll additives
and other overhead factors.
9. Indicate if applicable:
a. ❑That the replacement facility is not of greater functional
x capacity or capability than the one it replaces, and includes
no COMPANY betterments.
b. (J- That the replacement facility involves COMPANY betterments, or
is of qreater functional capacity or capability than the one
it replaces.
FORM P,/W 16.8
Rev. 10-8-85 -3-
-- c' That
COMPANY e replacement facility is o M
S service, distribution the, than a se
as a building, Pumping, °r transmission segment or the
or substation, 9,station, filtration plant lines, such
and other Production or transfer , power
Plant or S7miTar operatingof storage faci7itpesnt
Operating facilities. of the COMPANY'S If (c) is applicable, set f Physical
expired service lifeforth
in the credit to the
supporting estimate Project for the value
10. That the total , as described in of the
including all cost estimated Paragraph 10_h
salvage, to the DEPARTIyENToandOf the work (2)
is estimated to be COMPANY less
any credit for
i The estimated non -betterment- - � - _
less any credits for cost to the DEPARTMENT 1 $ 558754
addless any
or salvage, betterments mice li
work done by the expired service life aandcost
COMPANY will be _ _ The estimated cost - - - _
service life and any the COMPANY including$ 558,754
ny additional work bettermentsexpired
(The above done by the COMPA.��y, i
costs shall be supported b e -
y attached -�-
I1. That in estimate and plans)
extra work the event it is
or major chap determined there are
reimbursement changes from the statement of work changes
agreement therefor shall be limited k covered7b the scope of work,
°r a or
change or extra t0 costs covered b y this agreement,
12 work order y a notification Periodic approved by the DEPARTMENTf this
the DEPARTMENT. progress billings Of incurred costs may
the State non -betterment progress bi 1 ] i n y be made b
estimate. 9 Payments shall x COMPANY to
shall b Utility Agent. One final Progress billing not exceed 90% of
e made by COMPANY and detailed 9 forms may be obtained from
completion of work. The to the DEPARTMENT at theCar Complete billing be all
Possible the order statement of final billinearliest costs
Of the items in the estimate 9 shall f
ollow as closely as
13- That the DEPARTMIENT Portion of this agreement.
Of the COMPANY.recover shall
COMPANY will on this r have the right to ins
C the give written notice P oject prior to d' l by non-reuseable materials
DEPARTMENT of the time and °r oral 1 Posa 1 by sale or scrap.
to t This notice with later written The
Carolina notice shall be directedace the materials will confirmation,
Department of Transportation,
the DEPARTMENT' be available for ins
portation, Raleigh S State 7611.Agent,Pec-
14. That t g , North Carolina 276I I y North
accounts and hP DEPARTMENT shall
under other documents of have the right to inspect
this agreement at an the COMPANY p.ct all bing t000ks, records,
the date final y time after work begins nand for work
Payment has been received b periodOfrmed by i t
15. That y the COMPANY, years from
facilities the COMPANY obligates i
to be retained and insta]ledself to erect
DEPARTMENT right of service and maintain the
such other laws, rulesy limits in over and along the hi
p now or gulationosdasce syith the mandategf t hway within the
adopted, and re of the Statute and
hereafter, have been
or may be validly enacted or
Rev. i0_8-85
16. That if, in the future, it becomes necessary due to highway construction
or improvement to adjust gr relocate utilities covered in this agreement being
':Zz" at DEPARTMENT. expense that are crossing or otherwise occupying highway
right of way, the ron-betterment cost of same will be that of the DEPARTMENT.
17. That if, at any time, the DEPARTMENT shall require the relocation of or
chancres in the location of the encroaching facilities covered in this agreement
being relocated at COMPANY expense, the COMPANY binds itself, its successors and
assigns, to promptly relocate or alter the facilities, in order to conform to the
said requirements, without any cost to the DEPARTMENT.
18. That the COMPANY agrees to relinquish their rights in that portion of
right of way vacated by their existing facilities now absorbed within DEPARTMENT
right of way.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby have affixed their names by their duly
authorized officers the day and year first above written.
B �-
Administrative Assistant Carteret -Craven Electric
B Y : L�(�L
ugene Cl yborne
TITLE: Mana�.er
FORM R/W 16.8
Rev. 10-8-85 �-
COUNTY OF Car eret
The undersigned, Lloyd Hayes Mason _
for good and valuable considerations in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do
hereby give and grant to Carteret -Craven Electric Membership Corporation, a North Carolina corpor-
ation with its principal place of business at Morehead City, Carteret County, North Carolina (hereinafter
called Grantee), its successors and assigns, a permanent right of way and easement over the property
hereinafter described to excavate for, install, replace, maintain, remove and use such underground lines,
wires, and conduits (together with all necessary and proper fixtures, appliances and appurtenances,
whether located above or below ground) for the transmission and distribution of electric energy or for
communication purposes over the following land situate inTownship,
Carteret_ — County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as:
containing nineteen (19) acres more or less, and being the land described —
in Deed Book 455, Page 441, in_the office of the Register of Deeds. for__
Carteret County,an easement as shown on the certified plan, entitled
"Electric Distribution Line Relocation, Cedar Island Bridge on NC 12,
NC OT_Prolect No. 1098" sheet 1 of_4, dated May 24, 1991.
Special conditions:
Undersigned further grants to Grantee the right of ingress to and egress from said right of way
and easement over and across the other lands of the undersigned by any roads now existing or which may
exist in the future, or by any other route or routes as shall occasion the least practicable damage and
the right to re -excavate along said right of way and easement for all purposes and rights herein granted.
Grantee shall also have the right from time to time to trim, cut down, remove and clear away any and all
trees and brush or any other natural or man-mado plants or structures on said right of way and ease-
ment which may interfere with the rights of Grantee herein granted Undersigned shall not erect or
construct any structure or building or drill or operate any well within said easement.
Undersigned covenants that they are owners of said premises in fee and that the same are free
and clear of all encumbrances except:
In witness whereof, undersigned has executed these presents this�� _day of 19 ga:
WITNESS: r1,L��e`�� __ (SEAL)
-- --- — - -- -- ---- -- -- ----- ---- — --- (SEAL)
a Notary Public of the state and county aforesaid,
do hereby certify that ---------- _.-_-- ----_-----�.-_-------------- _—_.-_
personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument
WITNESS my nand and official seal, this day of —_ , 19
My Commission expires: Notary Public
1, ADC)nu lA _M , , a Notary Public of the state and county aforesaid,
do hereby certify that C , t nn( [)(j —
pesonally \appeared before me thisdAy, and being duly sworn, stated that in his presence
--iC N` 3 signed the foregoing instrument.
WITNESS m hand and notarial seal, this the - ,
y �_ day of J , 19 l �,
Aly Commission expires:
Notary Public )0,_
The foregoing instrument was filed for registration at M. the _ day of �
19__, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of County, North Carolina; and recorded
in Book __ , page
This the day of 19 _
Register of Deeds