HomeMy WebLinkAbout89352A - Karver, Rodney'�atos"r ❑CAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 89352 (JA': e C D I GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit � Date previous permit issued D New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC / - j JO ❑ Rules attached. General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.den.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name `i. O;.i P y ti G r v C r Address t%t' v r City �, n-.. I.. l i State ZIP 7 Phone#(����I) Authorized Agent I Project Location (County): ice, Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) -- - - Email i S'� - (' U' -. 1 Subdivision City zip Affected ❑ CW ] EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body �� I i' " i '�! _(naOrparVunk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body 4 i �" `� /'� '� • c!. ORW: yes/no PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline Length Access Length Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groinlength/# /`BulkheadRiprap length Avg distance offshore - Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length 2 Basin, channel Cubic yards _ Boat ramp - Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing Other - SAV observed: yes no Moratorium: . n/a ,,' yes no I Site Photos: yes no Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no b.. A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: Permit Conditions 1.�, ,. .. (Scale: /r 7) ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's PRINTED Name i (Please Initial) '.. 'i. Signature *'Please read compliance statement on back of permit" i Application Feels) Check #/Money Order Signature r Issuing Date Expiration Date Do sign En k" 10: OSWACA9 I)D'4C'84 BCC-5DCIAO42A71F Named Property Owner Repues" permit: Mailing Address: k'�l-NC ^�►g�1f3 Phone Number: ^ �Q duo EmuA Address: Y'SKat re v- 1. cow I oarwy that l have autrorized '�)kt:� k�Lx IK S to as an my behalf, for the purpose of appying for and obtaining 0 CAMA/pemdts merry for are proposed devebprnerr: TJul it n+r property located a< 1 O jLk* .Pe-4- In 'DO-.'< Cuj�. .:. ,'iX OF pmpatyoww kftM8dM o� [_ Rodney Korver PiW or Type AWne Tft 10/24/,2024 J Der! This OMti IMW is vaUd through •=.;�1 7.���, :_3t.:+� « , : -t�l Cyr .:.. � � L_i (Top poift to be completed by owner or their agent) Nxr4 or Prop" owner: Re �V C)"A:r ne&Mo1r4apefty: 101 �� vet der C e,�,rk VAE%AftV%orawns: o :«rna`CS1C.t�Vt�(�Qrv�c�t Co esm w . Sr LQ S CI • aqO 5LI5? A9ettcpttortak'r 3 14 a 1- cs�tcY � ctd 3aa � qxv CL; I- Can hw"B osr* DWI own properq, a*8=ntm the above raftafoea prop". the lr6v"] applying faril+ic Pwrd has dumftd m me, as shoot on the attaalted WMA%p the dwGWprttwu toy are Pi OPOW, ¢ 00 Wr have abiecilons to tt" prapasat _ 100 have objeatlotts to this ampo". If 3"°e hm big PAPS Y*U I*= tmd& on Z-C s— (� �1 ldb Wds" iw lefts draoeea 1 , of do dlea Cnmaponeeooa s mm be GAM St, %a 3W, fdfraI I OV, NC� 27M DW mpr yss can also W O°�g tOwdffed�.Nonspmsatoaws%rae adassonsanoa%vcdmMyouhemas WAIVER aEarAN fahaass only Deal { t t¢alearotd drat arty PraPoseo piw. dock, ffMVV ptNnp& boat ramp. btsa)cyater. aoaht ttw stk or WOkt neat be setback a m &mwn dV wm of IT from my arm of rouim aooeas unlaas waked by me .r (@ga does tat aedy m Eu wyws eu noon rwv"B tet . . MYou wkh to ta)ve the setbadS you ff"ast sign Btn apPlarxtate blatdk belay.) �: Do ateh m vratys aareNalt of the t s' aauaotk ftashm&A4acoMRlpahanproperty9�ow S [ 00 N6TaMfl m irafvs ate 1S setback repuleaerrr (trW W to hhnk) _,�� SWMkw*QFA4MGMMpsdm Meparty TYPOUPrhlaaa Rasta of AMC; OF Addfun of ARFO 1 I PE2 CT K �i N e 2 7 f'p TR�'�• ARPMe sme ARPQ'a Phon4S:252 _5,6 t(• to 7 2 0 1iraWq' bt vAw tdr uP to aaa Year fmm ARPO'a ftmataw e I Ln 0 0 0 ni so (Top P� to be completed by owner or their agent) -)�yu�o ry e Y Nwne of PraPWV ref\!l �Wyw'QeKC't1L...Ya- Addnta or Piapetty: Nafiro Addmm of owner. �iC,H.K,r�r. _D�bwnet'. Phonet � to + G d� � • 5�57 gwier'a emmcts Il_, Agents Nrre�`•• ••,1,•n `Mc�'CiY�► Agent Phone 'Y� �aa5� „g,,,reEMwe:Lwcsie�ld3a�t�c A�a;1 corm 1 hereby cm* aw I awn pop" atpamntto theabOm roferer*W properly. The indtv)dual opptying for Nis pon* tee desvaea to me, ss shown m the atmened drvwkp, the deuaopmeM they aye proposing. A de strobon ordwNft w th QknerokN. must W orovlded wIN Nis latter. 1 DO NOT hm o4eMms to Nis proposal. _ I DO have oNectlanc to this proposal. or ehb natyoa Oomgporgartp mmw be ,9ta same� 7tPNWvgs can abo be objeeean H YOU have bean WAPM SECTION LRbqgftonN etrl I u Wargaw trot any Proposed pbr, dook nroorYW plunge, host ramp, bmakvAIW, 01* mutt be set back a ndnknum dfehrree of IS from b0m aftWatw, d y (�Li does net aodv !c b�."^--•- --'- mY anea oT nparlan access unbb waivetl dre apisoprrofe brook ltdow.) �--� —b` , or Of you Wish to Walve the Sather* you MUgt Sign I DO whh to walre sanysu of the Is' setback OR- Spnaturo alAgreoeru tgwm Pmp" Otwler 100 NOT WN to walve Du IS ef** requltmnetlt (In"W the Wank) l) I aloro4tra °f�laoant Ieparpn Prouty � ��MAIVO;_RAIP 'awW/orup'mpreYMtt elARPO%aignmW L F7 r Roberts 103 Juniper Court Z -' Jp MOIA mogjeH 9L9 spiennp3 V uosdwogl �Jf �e 1 J SN \ r. ;- 1 ;;�i