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89249A - Williams, Scott & Diana
a "`o �ICAMA IXl DREDGE & FILL N9 89249 ® B C D € > GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued ❑Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the SUM of North Carolina. Department of Emirwvnemesnrtil al Quality and the Coastal Resources Corssbur n an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC 714. _i I 0 o ❑ Rules attached. ® General Permit Rules avaeable at the following bnk taywer-te Applkant Name _ _. 3cgff d'��/t �-' 1 liwh Address13y� tl(/Q-. city._Rgr-& <' state ZIP Phone # (r a r) S'T ' S0S _ Email Authorized Agars X JR4/n1�(Qn✓s l)Cfkt titicd0 `m. Project Location (Co++My):(�y�.1C��n6 stree' t �Address(StaM RoadAot #((s) jL J—gin—L3 4_Sil —L_,] �`tS1i0Yl +� riP ra.�tJ1 K!� a I/S IYiX n+t a+{I Subdivision city ZIP z7�, sz Affected ❑M ®EW QPTA ©B ®PTs Ad). Wtr. Body {hLtt-ip ,�tiw.� ___ (¢tvmaryunk) AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑IRA ❑UW SPIMA ❑PM Closest Mal. Wtr. Body j �js . Jo c)(st_,,,d ORW: yes/& PNA: Syes/let (� _. Type of Project/ Activity J t cij I Q 34' o-F n n .. , ", I LI L .,, A I Shoreline Length ACYeS, Length _ Total Platform area , (,_ Groinlength/e Bulkhea /Ripraplength 2'%$.1 Avg distance offshore Breakwater/SILL - May distance/ length .Z r -- Basin, channel Cubic yams Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boadfft Beach Bulldozing Other i SAV observed: /'�� yes ® Meek Moratorium: �AlA' yes no I Site Photos: no --Q Riparian Waiver Attached: yes �J r _— A building pernia/zonine Permit may be required by: Permit CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO .II1'rah Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name ,J <, Signature " se read compliance statement on back of permit'* 9(fr66r `-° 1302-9 Application Feels) Check P/Money 0rder :`ij ) i i ❑ TARJP "EUSMUFFER (,II. one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditlons on back (Please Inmal) Permit Signature Colz112q 3/1/zs Issuing Date Expiration Date Nerve of Property Owner Requesting Permit 5at 4 wawa, t uj;4ryVr_ MG&tg Address: 1341 pry,(61 Am, A,ie VA o235O$ Phone Number: I certify that I have authorized '-'\.� . ( '. --,rain %0c2wn4tGI V Agent (Contraetor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development too I..F q TV4m4 J.-kv, . .A A 30LF 4S' at my property located at 11-3 in SA OWOYti County, i ftwthemtore certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to "r on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this Permit application. Prop" Owner Inforrndon: Z], ��' 1� �-� I Signature Print or type Nome Title This curt'fiicaWn is valid through _ 4 / RECEIVED OCT 16 2924 ®CIVI--EC N.C. OMSION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONMMAIVER FORM - • Ie� r • I' /Jlllr 341 • r ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION (EoVnrn ooNen to M Comb • M• •.- • __ - '4Mby oe" that I own Property adjacem to the above referenced property. The IndWusI applyYtp 6xtttl �Pye�mt yhas� d�"Wbed to me, as shown on the attaohad drawlrp, me development trey are proposap. a a086■Gaal_41 drrwind. Whh Am•n•Inn• m,w w .,....r.-....,,. ..._ ..... I DO NOT have objectlons to this prop i-7 V"rj 1.1 1 A a^I. __ I DO have objections to thte u...-.gym.. ,.n ... _ mW+Rpemam (DCI1iJ in wrMlnD within 10 dMY$ of rew/pt or this notice, Conupand ncy Awe id be availed to 401 9, OrMn St, Ste. JOb, Ednbem City, NC, 270M DCAe rspMenbedvee can a■o be oa■1ecud At (762) 2EW90L No roloponaa Is COneklamd the same n no cocoon /you haw bwn ■ sMdby CWVAed ANtt 1 understand that any WAMBR SECTION Y Propoud plor, dock, mooring pl0nge, boat rvnp, breakwrtar, boothowf, In, or groin muA be eel back a minimum dHtance of 16' from my frog of Apadan scoffs unless waked by me the appropriatedhis do" not blank below.) bulkheads or Apnp nvMmenb). (If you wish to waWe me eemaoa, you m� yg I DO wish to waive oomaiall of the 15, sffbeck -OR. St"ah ed1Ar eoenfRQIrJ■+ G Onsir ?4-11 do rot wish to wake the I& gotbeok mqulrsmerd Q111141 the bl•np.dl,U9 ,ANIFINKurs of Adjacent Ripener; Property � TYP"Printed norm of AM.�l.t tJ U MWIngAddMao/ARPo: 513'� L ARPO's email: & 16t`t� ARPo's PhonsC. now —�•wdtvwIs valid for op to one year Rom AI1p0's floeatuW RfNaMJuy2ov RECEl V El"D CCT 1 6 2024 DCM_EC, N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTiFICATIONMAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Noses of Property Owner Address of Property: Mailing Address of owner. VA a3508 Owners email: Al nj 11 '@ CCVV- oW v Owners Phonsft: �i•�' it ..l � �141 1rl! Idl � hl� �•�u e�. �::..__` ___ , Apenfs Email: f= •��:.0 . , i•n� a •.,u. . I hereby certifY that I own property adjacaMto the above referenced property. The Individual applying forthis pemd has described to me, as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A �i I DO NOT have oblactions to this proposal. I DO have obJer�tona to this proposal —914o k�7'yrruQ btLiklvad 1,'Q .i}z} 0i) onllcp l4'xan PQ m l�3LF VaLri4dva'libxtQ Wk � fl you have /ecHarrs� wh ls bel p pried, you ust n the . C. OlMlon of Coastal A�rrayemerrt (DCM} !n wrlttng within 10 days of reoelpt o/ th(s notice. Corrsapondencs should be araYed to 401 S. OrtiAn SL, Ste. 300, E/lubsth Chy, NC, 27908. DCM reprssartaUves can also be o sd of (2Q2) 264-380L No rdsponss /s considered the Sams as rw obJscdon N you haw boar noted by CerBfisd Matt WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin rust be set back a min(mum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless watered by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or rlprep revetments). (if you wish to waive the setback, you D3ugftQp the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive somelali of the 15' setback t� Slpnettse OfAr� 090 Rtparlan Avpa* OtMJar C E 1 V E D -OR- I do not wish to waive the I5'setback requirement (Initial the blank) 0 C T 16 2924 SWWureofAd)acentRiparlanProperty Owner. DCM-EC TypsdlPrintsd narn ofARPO: Mira, h41 tYl O/l Mailing Address of ARPO: II I I�NIr, aC k b4ch( { ARPO's smell: m COm ARPO's Phone#: c)5a- 49d - &397 Dols+ 'waiver Is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signsture• 1*'d ja0i;"j jr.rx; co,/} Revised July2021 N. maim" L F# �i i'g.rc y5 A �u rtow yp�d lY A �o 78, IN