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92-02 EA Oversized Plans
1, Kcmovc dctcrlonatccl wooden eroimo(2)amd clrcdoc new ba o I m (54.5 K of area, 10 K cy d rc6i e r,d) 2. Gonotruct concrete bulkhead (123 If) 5. Kiprap 70 If of ohorclime 4. Comotruct concrete breakwater (64b if total) 5. Comotruct concrete acocoo pier (241 If total, 8'wUc 6. Con trust .0.2 boatolipo (30 20'mldc, 60 15'wide, 5 finger pier) 7. Construct concrete travel lift pla-Itformo (3b' lone' 8. Comotruct boat ramp (18'wide, 5/1 olopc) 9. Construct concrete boardwalk (130', 12'6" wide) 10. Comotruct- wooden pier (75' long, '5' wide) ExIotima, olmorclime (NWL) SCAT V=50' 05N BY FEW I WAFF GONTKAkG-FING., INC. DKW 5y DHEDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA 5 CG5 INVE5TVIEN75 5A51N FROJECT OVEKVIEW N-o 1 rN-6 140 1 Of'/ N.C.5.R.1129 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE (3') (3') (5) M (3') (3') (3') (31 (37 (3') (3') (3') (3''r (3� (3� (117 (9') (6' (4') (3.6) (35) (3.57 (3.5') Dolphin (13 pile) (45) (41 M M (5.5'1 (5' (6) (t1� (110 (9.5� (81 (80 (7) (67 (57 5OUND Now or formerly PETER G. COUGHTREE and KAREN L. DAVENPORT Lot #51 Ex(stina shoreline (NWQ Wooden bulkhead 5CALi_ V=100' DATE 09/07/01 FEW WAFF CONTRACTING INC. DN5 EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA FILE NO 2 of 7 _ 5+25 _ 5+0 i 4+75 CCB iNVESTMENT5, LLC — 4 + 50 1.153 ACRE5 — 4+25 — Iimft of AEC (75' - — 3+75 flmtt of coa5tai buffer (3p } _...— .._..._ .. — -- — 3 + 50 — 3+25 26'L- — 3+0 _ 2+75 — 2+50 — 2+25 54,500 5f _ 2 + 0 _ 1 + 75 _ 1 + 50 _ 1 + 25 _ 1+0 _ 0+75 _ 0+50 _ 0+25 _ 5TN0+0 Pr�\L5EMAKLE SOUND ELEV = 0_ (-) 2' — �-) 4' - -) 6' — APPROX 10,000 CY DREDGED NWL PROPOSED BA51N DEPTH Z + +O 01 + O + } O + O + + O + N + O N + + O + O Dredge 5poil5 to be transported off -site to an approved di5po5al area. SCALE v=100' DATE 09/07/01 CHK BY D5N 6Y PEW DPW 6Y DHS 4NAFF CONTRACTING, M. EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA CCB INVE5TMENT�5 5ASIN DREDGE BASIN & SPOIL D15FOSITION GWG NO 5 cf 7 "Waiver Boat ramp a' required 18' 70'----.— 114' .1 • •�l•.' • t 38' Wooden pier 5' 12' O I-- 21' o 0 ' O 15' Open o—}- 8' Brea water O 15' Travel lift panel ® 15' platforms 152' —4 Concrete bulkhead 15 & boardwalk o o� © 75 Concrete breakwater 70 20' & acccoo pier -� Wooden finger ®Q Za pier ( 2' wide, 12' long) 20' i Boat olipo 68' 40' m Property line 26' Open breakwat,er panel (1 .5 If 246' SCALE 1ij=40' Open breakwater DA 09/07/01 CHI, I3Y Panel (1 .5 If) 05N BY FEW / DRW BY DH5 Existing Shoreline (NWL) z00z 151 N DATE WAFF CONTRACTING, INC. EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA CCP INVE5TMENT5 PA51N NEW 13A51N LAYOUT & DIMEN51ON5 FILE NO DWG NO 4of7 handrail - —� ^-' 7' concret, irnber pile )ncrete bra �nel clip`\ nud line e -IF 12X53 HF12X. 12'-6" I 12._61 I SCALE NT5 DATE 13KEAKWATEK AND ACCE55 FIEK 09/07/01 CHK BY D5N BY TYFICAL ELEVATION DPWSY FEW WAFF CONTRACTING, INC. EDENTON, NORTH CAKOLINA CC5 INVE5TMENT,5 BASIN f3reakwater and Aoce55 pier Detai[5 NO DWG NO PAGE 5 of 7 — j1 j BOAT BASIN T! concrete boardwalk /-(12'(o-" X 130') - Gomcr fipanel mangle clip --- rn ud ganef toe HP 14' 12 X 53 Steel pile ;oncrete bulkhead pane[ 5CALE NT5 DAit 09/07/0'. CHK 13Y D5N BY PEW DRW 8Y DH5 WAFF CONTRACTING, INC. EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA CC5 INVESTMENTS 5AS[N Bulkhead and 5oardwal k Detaiio FILE NO DWG NO PAGE ----- 6 Of i