HomeMy WebLinkAbout89242A - Molton, Amber0(ourk +,-CAMA DREDGE & FILL N9 89242 A B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued a-ZNew ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC ' ) !1 I 10 u ❑ Rules attached. 9 General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.d .nc. v CAMAruI es Applicant Names b N r- /'l Authorized Agent Address i l 3 Ig r O o� r L .. v4 Project Location (County): City 11, 1 i S State ZIP L )! 61, Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Phone#(=L) 3 ry 5_ OG 6 7 N -] Email [I `I % u (rJ 9 F • C u Subdivision ^ ') City ZIP Affected ❑ CW DEW ❑✓ PTA ❑✓ ES OPTS Adj. Wtr. Body (nat/mar unk) AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑IHA ❑UW ❑SPIMA ❑PWS nn Closest Mal. Wtr. Body ORW: yes/no PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline Length (Scale: �,V 'I S ) 1:1 �11.1.11■■.1■ Floating Platform(s) •• • 1� �Iln�lll 1 ■ 111 . ..1I�C.1.111� Finger pler(s) �1 1 1 C'�1■'ll .1'■•• Total Platform area ■■■L�....■5�.�.■..■Inl.■1:1 1 Groin length/# ..� T ■ .■■ ..■ . _®..... Bulkhead) Riprap length Avg distance offshore L 1 , ..� .............■■�� Max distance/ length inn■■■■■■■ lasin, channel �~� ■ n � Cubic yards 'oat ramp■ oil� :....:.. a 1■nii■■W■■■ n ■■.■■■■ niinil :ii NMIRR iiiii ��■■ n■�■N ■�W■■■IY■1 �0 A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: j.) rt ( i Permit Conditions ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Signature "'Please read compliance statement on back Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature Application Feels) Check q/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date Do &v gn Em bp* ID: A7D13503.78CB4D13-9DA340183A3ESF95 Mil 8t mr PMP" bled at i hry . ✓ c'n i,�k in QOX !,—COU*. I /urOmmara cpfW Bier I am ftWW&ed b Wa% and do bt Aw pram pem ftsiwn ro P0'7'rk �Dp9CaG Dn ft A!< *M 011loe tM8M wd li Mkt d to SD d r wmocft lnlarrrrsflon rotbled b tlds Plop" Oww k*Mwdw: SJPINhAiP Amber Molton Aft or i}Q! Abw 770b 8/ 26/2024 / DeM This certlBcatlon Is VaNd through _,_/--_ J 00 IT 0) ti +r N O Z 0 0 � C o � Co �= c Q�U jo inogaeH 5 JOIIIW Ln 0 O 0 CD C N 'x W v m in 'x N.ti a) + "— 0 -0 c co a) O c 5 •- 3 Z Ync Gq,Xry } A � 1 1 ula t V09 eye„ Eftv&M a 10: 145W"'AM7r" 40FB-9938A`+4Wl ECI (Tap paw to be owpMW by Owmr Or thek ql") Nemebrpow"Im Ada ofeopM - PMRR hdd dMiMbdd bl e11R M fd10Nr1 on dlb edlMtedd deMwYq, tlib ddnlePe� �/ 1v%i%Amk 'hOO'NMMNli o" t% tipropoodL_.._.IDOhMObflW=*tlddpeopc - I uideededkereuar pmPerre OW' dock P`kMM ooW MqL p++a�+e. bodhalm "k or d al W*emotba«eewWo mawro.atelftmavr..aAp.rmm�ur.wwrwa by fm •(K Yak MIMh 10whdbtd ddeld YMMOLM dlemXMWfMW&*bdbw.) 100wMhbw nmom"bflhd1IVsebak 9pnMuedWAe#IOMK Owtbr 1OONOTiiddlbelk* OwiRoft* 0**W MtWNtMhlora0� Q awre.oaAOJNWMN-1 I Po"Od a 7ypsdVdm dmmwdrAMM c> ,ewdd e AmWAIWW. 115 Harbour clurt yfa, Alt/Oy— millerdb1160pmail.com 2676269647 `' 1 OU3e AIVOY PbmUo �0 8/28/2024 ,rw.►r wa tM• bP r 41ddYwrl'ddeAPdeO'Id whw»• N atel.:�� I►nr: u�7 a O ,,tAP � i ton,, t3 Certified Mail Fee 4 . u5 r14 48 rl $ I i O Extra Servloes8 ees (ahecl oox, edd/eea6�pte) O ❑Return Rece pt OKCWPY) $ ❑Ream Receipt(00ob nlc) $ • •I Posbmrk O ❑CeM1MiedManRestdetedDellmy $ tfY.fJd Here ❑Adult Signature RequkW $ to Adult S7gnahn Rmt MW Delivery $ Postage 0.717 O 1)$: 28!Oi l24 NT" reGstage and Fees O $Ir Sent To .... CC Street LAM or x o. Ln �'p��`''��(}�'��t j�a(� �I v . Er bffy,t9; �fFib --..... - �•]I�ilfl3�1•.. JrVY•Il•�' • , 1'1VCtb]'pII7d•19•ALFL' :Y`dvl:La'[�llK�li4il R Name or Propery a N.C• OIYISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATU)NOWANER FORM (TOP PortlOn to be o0nVhited by owner or their agent) w►S. � l t4r*k39 0er%810 t Mn Property 41000Mto the above termenCetl pmpmty. The In "hAl applying for this W" has desamed t0 fK as shown an the amdww &%wNp, the eerroprw ft they aft propogrp. 8 ordrawate wah dwne�n. n.w ��Ar: m ft falter. 1 hon0.1I DO Nor trove otyeetlorts to t>tw proposal. t DO have obJeatfala fa thk proposal. �o mw wrav aatldn t0 dq nomw 40 $4 $aa. Jim E16ob V MM U&SM. Nb reyfinesa Al nm mu npnar�ean arao be Its aasla as no Obfaelron Ryou !Nw bean wAW1R wi noN ) t undets row start wry proppssd Peer, dodo. mmv Pam, boat ramp. ftwm w, boast k ae, Ilk or SVb nest be let bade a MM*Mm dte wm or If 4om nV area of rfp im amm uNasa waWW by roe ldNs does not aaoW to auad+a.aa rloras rebg„as. (tF you wm to wahra the enmaok you mm lean the approprfsta bwnlc below.) 100 VIM tc sratva somarall or the 16' sadm* -m gOnatvrs WAtMeoerkRparfen ftp" Owtw 1 DO NOTwfah to waWe dla 16' aaetaok TW,/f `' rsquasnark (YtNW the blank) t �i-t�t (4-1 *%Ptdum of Admit ropaAsn Pmprty OWW 11-af ° �J'i OX) TYPOW""M MWWofARPO: Roy A. Hayes WliftAd*r o/ARPO: 118 Mallard Lane, Grandy, NC 2 014'AS- Anpqy tt: rahayesconstruction@gmail.com g04-892-2908 I 1 ARPO's Ph~ Ddw. 1W for uP b WO yea►rrom ARPO's eignm W ■ Comploto items 1, 2, and 3, ■ Print your oeme and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailploce, or on the front If soaco darmlln "E►ev) Hill fill lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil 9590 9402 8645 3244 4411 73 0 9589 0710 5070 0017 4058 71 Is delivery address dYforent from hem 17—CI Yes It YES, enter dNrvery address below: ❑ No Fr:pnalure Reatrctw o0wery ed MaUm ed Mel Restrktee eotyely A on eoliv"y on eoRway Rcomled eelivby 0MM a Met Roatrlclad WN" 0 Primly hlal bp,Zy k9slaco'Jlml'- 4 Po9starod Mae Res V�tod O Si9rawreC� ron' Ll Slgralurc Cor-,,roL a ReaVCIN Dofvery 1 PS Form 3811, July 2020 PSN 7530.02-000.9053 _, _......�..__..........., .., .. Pome" PA(W F C (5 https://Maps.dare ountync,gov/+ 1 � 4 Fr7, Mo