HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix C - Frac-out Contingency PlanFRAC-OUT CONTINGENCY PLAN • DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Introduction1-0 p 2.0 Description of 3.0 Site Supervisor/Foremen Responsibilities 4 5.0 Training 6.0 Drilling Procedures 6.2 Field Response Occurrence 6 6.3 Response Close-out Procedures 6.4 Construction Re-6.5 start •Abandonment 7 7.0 Notification 4 f �" «#. ♦. 1. f - • - ,�.. 7-2 Documentation Introduction# Purpose Directions[bore operations have a potential to release driffing fluids into the surface environment through Y is released throughi • rock and send and travels toward ft #largelyof are not classified as toxic or 3# However,# into water associatedbodies, bentonite has the potential to adversely impact fish and Invertebrates, Mite drilfing fluid seepage most bore entry and exit points where the drill head is shallow, frac-outs can occur in any location along # establishes #• + # McCoy, Inc. All personnel and Sub -Contractors r to this plan duringdrilling • M The specific objectives of potentialMinimize the 3 Providedetection # 3. Protect t # riparian vegetation; organized,40, Ensure an timely, andresponse frac-out and release of drilling # and 5. Ensure that all appropriate notificationste knoriediatelyK the customer, management •safety personnel. 2.0 Descriptionof U The proposed projed consistsof: work Drilling operations will be hailed by the drift rig operators immediately upon detection of .. drop Y in drillingor other #' offrac-out. The clean-up of all spills shall begin karnediately. Management & safety deparbrient shall be notified immediately of any spills and shall be consulted regarding f procedures. Y site and 3 occurs. A vacuum truck and containment materials, such as straw balas, shall also prior to and during all operafiorls�Supervisor will be immediately notified. In the event of ! conductwig # 6 direct recommendedactions, based on the following guidelines a. It the firac-out is minor, easily contained, has not reached the surface andL drilling not threatening sensitive resources, # 3 # , # # # # 3 k Ya # disposalfnnel experienced in the removal, transport and disposal drilling Bill # # Y. # • # # m #- VIN ool 3 #. ..#. W. _ # implementto #- # of this ® is available (ornifte-) and accessible to all construction # a# 4.0 Equipment The Site Supervisor shall ensure that: # All equipment and vehicles are be chocked and nmintair ed daily to prevent leaks of hazardous materials. = Spill kits and spill containment materials are available on -site at all times and that the equipment is in good working order. Equipment required to contain and clean up a frao-out release will either be available at the work site or readily available at an offsite location within 15- minutes of the bore site, If equipment is required to be operated near a riverbed, absorbent pads and plastic sheeting for placement beneath motorized equipment shall be used to protect the riverbed from engine fluids. 5.0 Training membersPrior to the start of construction, the Site SupervisridForernen, shall ensure that the crew t in the following* • ' provisions i equipment monitoringsite specific permit and evidence• Inspection procedures for release prevention and containment equipment and • Coritracloricrew obligation to immediately slop the drilling operation upon first of - 4ccurrence of a frac-out and to immediatelyafrac-out • Contradoricrew member responsibilitiesof • Operation of t. s equipment controleappropriate; and • Protocols for a Y agency_ _might effort.during the clean-up 6.0DrillingProcedures The fogowmilt proceduresbe followedday, prior to the start of work. availableiat construction. ♦^ f i 4 Y a _Y. which the drilling crew or other project staff has concerns, Dri" pressures shall t t w p a, - Y a - a a• a be closely monitoreds they do not exceed those needed to formation,penetrate the be monitored randomly Pressure levels shall be set at a minimum level to irevent hoc -outs, During the pilot bore, maintain the drilled annulus, Cutters and reamers will be pulled back into previous"rilled sections after each new joint>- enclosed is added. Exit and entry pits shall be by shall be areadily a prior a and during all drifting operations. Containment stagedsniff kits. etcj shall be on -site are readily availableand easily mobilized"t of accidentalof i(strawbales or sedimentation lances) between the bore site » the edge of the water source, shall be constructed, prior to dniting, to prevent released 4 operatorreaching the water, Once the drill rig is in piece, and drilling begins, the drill whenever the pressure in the drill • drops, stagedGA Vac -Truck A vacuum truck shall be at a locationfrom 6.2 Field #. # Frac-Out Occurrence responseThe of # accordance with procedures appropriate emergency that > ♦- t• - ♦ #- f #� Directional boring will stop notifiedb, The bore stem will be pulled back to relieve pressure on frac-aut; C. The Site SupervisodForemenwill be # safety department is notified, adequate responseactions notifications made; dThe Site #ervisor/Forerriien shall evaluate the situation and recommend the type and level of response warranted, includ ing the level of notification required; e. If the frac-out is minor,contained, and is not threateningsensitive resources,stoppingcompoundsWJ be used toblock the frac-out. If the use of leak stopping compoundis not bore stem shall be kto a newlocationR desired a frac-out has not occurred; If the frac-out has reachedthe surface, any material contaminatedwith Bentonite shall be removed by hand, to a depth of 2-feet, contained and properly disposed of, as required dike or berm may be constructed# the frac-out to releasedentrap drilling Nid, if necessary, Clean sand shall be placed becomesarea returned to pre -project contours- s # bulldozerSupervisortForemen shall authorize a readily accessible vacuunk truck and to be mobilized, The vacuum truck may be either positioned at either end of the# by crews on or 63 Response Ctose-out Procedures be conducted at the directionin a. The recovered drilling fluid will either be recycled or hauled to an approved facility for disposal, No recovered drilling fluids will be discharged into streams, storm drains ol ro tr am or other3 (fiberb, All frac-out excavation and clean-up sites will be returned to pre -project contou p: using clean fill, as necessary; t All Containment measures bate,removed, otherwise specified by the Site Supervisor/Forernen. 6.4 Construction For small releases not requiring drilling may continue, containmentpercent of a leak stopping # ound or wig not prior approval 6.6 Bore Abandonment Abandonment# Control the frac-out existingwithin the directional bore have failed, 7.0 s # m—jut th2t leaches a water stgr♦ _ nofify safety department • they can notify the appropriate accomplishedagency notifications will occur within 24 hours and proper documentation will be # complete manner, The following# be provided- 1, numberof # reporting, 2, Location of the release, 3, Date and time of release; #' and quantity,# size of 5- How the release occurred; 6, The type of activity that was occurring around the area of the frac-out 7. Description of any sensitive areas, and their location in relation to the frae-W: 8. Description of I the methods # to and 7.1 Communlicatingwith RegulatoryAgency } coordinateRegulatory Agency Personnel arrive on site. Regulatory Agency Personnel Vill be the safety departrnent are to # Personnel. 7.2 Documentation amountThe Site Suoervisor/Fortmen shall record th; fraj dy be, The jut event Jig his & her gi bentonitee of impacted, and the success of the clea"p action. The ss report shall also include ill type of of Description AIT =i 0.0 Project Completion and Ctean4jp a, All materials and any rubbishconstruction debris shall be removed frorn the construction t 3of each workday., bSump pits at bore entry and exits will be filled and returned to natural grade; and C. All protective measures (fter rolls, straw bate, sift fence, at.) will be specifiedunless otherwise by Supervisor/Foremen.