HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix B - Letter that No Archaeological Survey is RequiredL;) U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Dr. Kevin Cherry State Historic Preservation Officer North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office 109 E. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Attn: Ms. Renee Gledhill -Earley, Environmental Review Coordinator 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 RE: Proposed Improvements to the CSX Railroad SE Line (the "Beltline") Railroad and Crossings — STIP P-5740 (Part of the Piedmont -Atlantic Intermodal Rail System Project) From east of the CSX Davis Yard in Navassa, Brunswick County to S. 2nd Street in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina Initiation of Section 106 Consultation and Finding of No Adverse Effect Dear Dr. Cherry: The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is providing financial assistance, through the Fiscal Year 2018 Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program, for a Project to be undertaken by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Rail Division. The proposed improvements to the CSX Railroad SE Line (the `Beltline") Railroad and Crossings (Project) is located from east of the CSX Davis Yard in Navassa, Brunswick County to S. 2nd Street in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina (see Attachment 1). The Project is part of the larger Piedmont -Atlantic Intermodal Rail System Project. FRA is the lead federal agency for this federally -funded undertaking, pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and its implementing regulations (36 CFR Part 800) (Section 106). All Section 106 work was undertaken by individuals who meet or exceed the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for Architectural History or Archeology (36 CFR Part 61). FRA is initiating the Section 106 consultation process for the undertaking and seeks your concurrence with our findings. Project Description For this Project, which is the undertaking for the purposes of Section 106, the NCDOT Rail Division proposes improvements to approximately 13 miles of the CSX Railroad SE Line, which will include rehabilitating ties and rails; adding a minimal super -elevation on the existing alignment at "Fernside Junction", a wye in northeastern Wilmington; upgrading switch operations and train signaling; closing and improving several existing at -grade crossings, to Proposed Improvements to the CSX Railroad SE Line (the `Beltline") Railroad and Crossings Page 2 include surface and signal improvements; installing necessary signage prior to altering any traffic patterns; realigning a railroad alignment curve; constructing two new street segments; installing or improving signal access maintenance roads; and rehabilitating the superstructures at two steel truss bridges (each with a moveable bascule span) to involve cleaning, repainting, welding and/or patching deteriorated members, and replacing mechanical gearing. In addition, there will be electrical work, including a new supplemental signals interface cabinet inside the operator's house at the CSX Hilton Bridge over the Northeast Cape Fear River. At the CSX Navassa Bridge over the Cape Fear River, the signal control house may be replaced at a new location on the shoreline. Also at the Navassa Bridge, existing conduits housing cables under the main river channel, along with their cabinets on either side of the channel, will be removed and replaced. A number of historic architectural activities are exempted for their effect on railroad rights -of - way resources by applying the activities -based approach of the Program Comment to Exempt Consideration of Effects to Rail Properties Within Rail Rights -of -Way issued by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation on August 17, 2018 (83 FR 42920, August 24, 2018, and amended 84 FR 31075, June 28, 2019) (Program Comment). Under the Program Comment, federal agencies do not need to assess effects on rail -related historic properties within existing railroad right-of-way if the project activities are covered by one or more exempted activities in Appendix A: Exempted Activities List. To consider potential effects on historic architectural railroad and non -railroad historic properties, Section 106 consultation is required on the following activities taking place at 11 project locations in the table below (also see Attachments 2 and 3): Attachment 3 Activity for Historic Architectural Section 106 Location # (Map Page # Consultation B (p. 17) Close at -grade crossing as well as close a portion of Martin Street from S. 4th Street to S. 5th Street. Install end of road markers, guardrail and landscaping. Define the edge of pavement to minimize parking within railroad limits on the southwest corner property of S. 5th Street and Martin Street. G (p. 16) Close at -grade crossing at S. 9th Street near Martin Street, and install end of road markers, guardrail and landscaping. V (p. 10) Close at -grade crossing at Clay Street near Princess Place Drive, and install end of road markers and guardrail, and landscaping, work extending outside the railroad right-of-way. Z (pp. 7, 8) Slightly re -align King Street at a railroad crossing that includes relocating a utility pole and install sidewalks, work extending outside the railroad right-of-way. B-B (pp. 7, 8) Realign a 2,500-feet-long railroad curve, located west of King Street and near the Love Grove community, to create a new straight railroad alignment. D-D (pp. 1, 2) Possibly replace the signal control house at the CSX Navassa Bridge with a new control house at a new location to the Proposed Improvements to the CSX Railroad SE Line (the "Beltline") Railroad and Crossings Page 3 Attachment 3 Activity for Historic Architectural Section 106 Location # (Map Page # Consultation southwest shoreline, likely a CSX standard 8' x 12' aluminum bungalow. The former location of the signal control house, as well as the adjacent small, modern materials storage shed, would be replaced with an electrical bungalow and signal bungalow, both proposed to be CSX standard 8' x 12' aluminum bungalows. D-D (pp. 5, 6) Install a standard signal interface cabinet in the operator's room upstairs; associated wires will be pulled and terminated. G-G (pp. 16, 17) Construct a new road to connect Kidder Street between S. 8th and S. 9th Streets, on dedicated public right-of-way, to provide access to compensate for closures. I -I (pp. 4, 5) Construct new signal access maintenance road within CSX right-of-way, west of Hilton Rail Bridge I -I (p. 7) Construct new signal access maintenance road within CSX right- f-wa, at Bess and McRae Streets V-V (p. 10) Construct new street connection between Henry and Clay Streets on the south side of the CSX right-of-way The Project will involve ground disturbance, both within and outside the CSX railroad right-of- way. These include 21 existing at -grade crossings where, depending on the crossing location, the Project improvements could include potential ground disturbing activities such as crossing surface improvements, sidewalk upgrades, signal system upgrades, and crossing gate installations (locations A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, N, O, P, Q, R, S, U, W, X, Y, Z, and A -A). The precise location of ground disturbance within these areas is currently unknown. The areas where there may be new signs within public right-of-way areas, installed to account for altered traffic patterns, are also currently unknown. Activities at location B-B involve constructing new track work, G-G and V-V involve vehicular road connections, and I -I (both locations) would build new signal access maintenance roads. Also, existing conduits housing cables under the main channel will be removed, to be replaced by new high -density polyethylene conduits that will be directional bored under the channel, at an estimated depth of 20 feet. Areas of Potential Effects As defined in 36 CFR Part 800.16(d), the Area of Potential Effects (APE) means "the geographic area or areas within which an undertaking may directly or indirectly cause alteration in the character of use of historic properties, if such properties exist. The area of potential effects is influenced by the scale and nature of the undertaking and may be different for different kinds of effects caused by the undertaking." In addition to areas with potential physical effects, the APE also accounts for potential visual, noise and atmospheric effects on the built environment. The archaeological APE is limited to discontiguous areas with potential ground disturbance, which are described in the last paragraph of the Project Description (see Attachment 4). The Proposed Improvements to the CSX Railroad SE Line (the `Beltline") Railroad and Crossings Page 4 historic architectural APE was delineated around the entire approximately 13-mile corridor, generally following the project area boundaries along the CSX Railroad SE Line (see Attachment 3). At the crossing improvement areas, the historic architectural APE follows the areas of potential ground disturbance outlined by the archaeological APE. The APE was not expanded beyond the potential project areas because the Project will not visually, audibly, or atmospherically change the character of the areas which are already located within or adjacent to a railroad and will continue to be after the Project is completed. Identification of Historic Properties Archaeology NCDOT's Archaeology Group reviewed the Office of State Archaeology's repository that includes GIS databases, USGS topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and aerial photographs, with information compiled in a No Archaeological Survey Required Form completed on December 3, 2019 for this Project (see Attachment 5, No Archaeological Survey Required Form). A study area was used that generally overlaps with the historic architectural APE. The study focused on areas along the corridor where effects may occur outside the railroad existing right-of-way, which was generally treated as being heavily disturbed and therefore not reviewed unless previously recorded archaeological sites were noted within the existing right-of-way. No such archaeological sites were identified within the study area, leading to the creation of two discontiguous archaeological APEs within the study area focusing on the project's potential footprint beyond the railroad's existing right-of-way. These included Location B-B and a second location which no longer involves ground disturbance as part of the Project. There were also no known sites recorded at or in the vicinity of the Navassa Bridge, and previous nearby Projects, involving underwater archaeology in the bridge's vicinity, found there to be low probability of submerged sites or involved an archaeological survey that found no sites in the immediate area (see Attachment 5, November 13, 2020 email). In addition, the estimated depth of the under -channel conduits is well below the estimated one foot or so depth where underwater archaeological resources are anticipated at this river channel. The archaeological study found that, based primarily on the nature of the proposed Project, historical land use, and the results of previously reviewed/surveyed projects in the area, the archaeological APE is unlikely to contain intact and significant archaeological resources. In addition, the project will be located in railroad and public right-of-way areas that are likely previously disturbed. Therefore, no further archaeological investigation (terrestrial or underwater) is recommended for this Project. NCDOT's Archaeology Group followed up on October 26, 2020 to indicate these findings remain the same, even with recent project changes (see Attachment 5, October 26, 2020 email). Historic Architecture NCDOT consultant, Moffatt & Nichol reviewed North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office's (SHPO's) HPOWeb to identify previously surveyed historic resources within the APE. The Wilmington Historic District is located within the APE (see Attachment 3, Map pp. 16 and 17). The historic district was listed on the NRHP in 1974 with a boundary expansion and Proposed Improvements to the CSX Railroad SE Line (the `Beltline") Railroad and Crossings Page 5 additional information provided in 2003. It is listed under Criteria A and C with a period of significance from 1900 to 1945. Two resources, the Delgado -Spofford Mill Village Historic District (NH2344) and Oakdale Cemetery (NH0160) are on the SHPO Study List and are located just outside the APE. The Navassa and Hilton Bridges are part of the CSX Railroad SE Line, formerly the Seaboard Air Line Railway/Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. The Navassa Bridge was originally constructed in circa 1911, with alterations made in the mid- 1960s to the north approach span and late 1990s to the south approach span. The bascule truss portals and sway frames were modified in the late 2000s. The signal control house, possibly original from the 1911 bridge construction, has been modified and the adjacent small materials storage shed was likely constructed sometime after 2002. The platform on which they stand has been extended. The Hilton Bridge was constructed in 1971. Neither the railroad alignment nor the bridges have been previously evaluated for the NRHP. For the purposes of this Project, FRA is considering the Seaboard Air Line Railway/Atlantic Coast Line Railroad to be eligible for the NRHP (36 CFR Part 800.4(b)(1), with both bridges as contributing elements to the railroad alignment. Therefore, there are two historic properties within the historic architectural APE: Wilmington Historic District and the Seaboard Air Line Railway/Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Assessment of Effects FRA has determined the Project has the potential to affect historic properties. However, after applying the criteria for adverse effect (36 CFR Part 800.5(a)(1) and (2)), FRA found the Project will have No Adverse Effect on historic properties. Archaeology There are no NRHP-listed or eligible archaeological historic properties located within the APE. In addition, it is unlikely that there are any intact archaeological resources within the APE. Therefore, the proposed improvements are not anticipated to affect significant archaeological Historic Architecture Wilmington Historic District: The at -grade crossing at Hooper and Martin Streets will be closed, and end of road markers, guardrail and landscaping will be installed, in a part of the district located within the railroad right-of-way (Location B) (see Attachment 6, Figure 1). The new Kidder Street alignment (Location G-G) is located within the edge of the Wilmington Historic District in a public right-of-way that is currently wooded and appears to have originally been intended as the continuation of Kidder Street, which was never constructed (see Attachment 6, Figures 2 and 3). Curb turnouts already exist to the east and west to accommodate this roadway. No above -ground resources associated with the district exist within these two areas. Therefore, the project would not directly affect any of the historic district's contributing elements, and would not alter the historic property's integrity of location, design, materials, and workmanship. Proposed Improvements to the CSX Railroad SE Line (the `Beltline") Railroad and Crossings Page 6 The resulting Project would not add any new visual, atmospheric, or audible elements that are significantly different from those that already exist in this developed, urban environment. The historic property's setting, feeling, and association would remain the same. The Project would not alter any of the characteristics of the Wilmington Historic District that would diminish its integrity. Therefore, the Project will have no adverse effect on the Wilmington Historic District. Seaboard Air Line Railway/Atlantic Coast Line Railroad: The Project may replace the signal control house of the railroad's Navassa Bridge with a new control house at a new location on the southwest shoreline (first Location D-D) (see Attachment 6, Figure 4). The current location of the signal control house, as well as the adjacent small materials storage shed, would be replaced with an electrical bungalow and signal bungalow. However, this work would not change the overall appearance and character of the bridge or the significantly larger railroad historic district. The same is true of the bridge's new conduit cabinets, as well as the Hilton Bridge's new supplemental signal control cabinet, which would be installed within the operator's room (second Location D-D). The railroad's overall appearance and character would not change with the work proposed at the closed crossings, the slight realignment of King Street at a railroad crossing (Location Z), the realignment of a current railroad curve (Location B-B), and the addition of new roads within the railroad right-of-way (both Locations I -I) (see Attachment 6, Figure 5). Therefore, the Project would not diminish the design, material, and workmanship of the historic property. While the realigned railroad curve (Location B-B) changes the location of the railroad in this area, the railroad would otherwise retain its historic alignment. The Project would not change the historic property's setting, including Wilmington's historically urban setting. This project activity would not change the historic property's feeling and association as a railroad alignment. Rather, the Project would help maintain the use of the right-of-way as an active railroad transportation corridor. The Project would not alter any of the characteristics of the Seaboard Air Line Railway/Atlantic Coast Line Railroad that would diminish its integrity. Therefore, the Project would have no adverse effect on the Seaboard Air Line Railway/Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Consulting Party Outreach In accordance with 36 CFR Part 800.2(c), FRA identified parties that may be interested in reviewing and commenting on the proposed Project and FRA's determination of effect. The City of Wilmington, Historic Wilmington Foundation, and Town of Navassa are copied on this letter to serve as their invitation to participate as Section 106 consulting parties. FRA is also inviting the Catawba Indian Nation, a federally recognized Indian tribe. Should any of the parties express concerns about the Project's potential effects to historic properties, FRA will continue to consult with the parties and the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer to resolve those issues prior to project implementation. Proposed Improvements to the CSX Railroad SE Line (the `Beltline") Railroad and Crossings Page 7 Request for Section 106 Concurrence FRA seeks your concurrence with this finding of No Adverse Effect pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800.5(b) and (c)(1). FRA is providing documentation of this finding, as set forth in 36 CFR Part 800.11(e). Should you disagree, please notify us within 30 days via e-mail to ensure timely receipt of your communications. FRA staff are currently working remotely and are not able to access mailed correspondence. Please respond to Michael Johnsen, Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist, (202) 493-1310 or Michael.Johnsen@dot.gov and contact him if you have questions or wish to discuss this Project. Sincerely, 19W ""' � Katherine Zeringue Federal Preservation Officer Environmental and Project Engineering Division Office of Railroad Policy and Development Enclosures: cc: Attachment 1 — Vicinity Map Attachment 2 — NCDOT Project Plans Attachment 3 — Historic Architectural Area of Potential Effects Map Attachment 4 — Archaeological Area of Potential Effects Map Attachment 5 — NCDOT No Archaeological Survey Required Form and emails Attachment 6 — Photographs of Historic Properties within Project Areas Randall Brown, FRA Project Manager Michael Johnsen, FRA Supervisory Environmental Specialist Christeen Taniguchi, FRA Environmental Protection Specialist Ron Lucas, NCDOT Rail Project Development Manager Undrea Major, NCDOT Senior Rail Project Development Engineer Consultant Marc Hamel, Moffatt & Nichol Project Manager Jeff Walton, City of Wilmington Associate Planner (staff liaison for the Historic Preservation Commission) Beth Rutledge, Historic Wilmington Foundation Executive Director Barnes Sutton, Town of Navassa Planning and Development Director