HomeMy WebLinkAbout89065A - Donlan, Kevin and Teresale°"°""'&❑CAMA ❑DREDGE &FILL N9'89065 ca; B C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC ❑ Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.naQov/CAMArules Applicant Name _ Address City Phone # (_ ) Email Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ uW ORW: yes/no PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline Length _ Access Length Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s). Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length - - - - Avg distance offshore ------=----- Breakwater/Sill---'- Max distance/ lengtha.--`" Basin, channel ,I .....,.- Cubicyards I ' Boat ramp. Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing Other L I— SAV observed: yes no � Moratorium: n/a yes no }' ' Site Photos: yes no Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: Permit Conditions - ZIP Authorized Agent Project Location (County): Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Subdivision City ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body (Scale: ) ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature **Please read compliance statement on permit** Signature Check ft/Money Order Issuing Date Application Feels 10 '/ Expiration Date NX—OlViSIGN OF CoAsTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN, PROPERTY OWNER #0TfFfCATtAFtPWAIVk, R FORM G ? . `t TVu r vk p k Ry' {'FOP PWtri;,tn Rai 1?Q a mg(tl t)y. o1+ ner f tboif agent) tvctmrotlYLl Kgtj Krn1t: E' fS1 t 5srtFm t'1:- Pain: r A*Mfosxtott7.rn : C>wr5rir' $rn�"Ct�.F`r ''g r ADJACENT RRPA RIAN PROPERTY NER'8 CEFRTINC,ATION t�attum rtr+ t� �om� t as�t��i®c tt P o � . l h"t+y t"V Mal t Owl Or0T■3ity JA rf to tho f6c;'00 rn'a�n: rtd pfCtF #rrty, rho IrxisvitCu k R# ttxr this POPMRt hm dosetbad to omit, toe& .5htw n on tJw atlOdl * a -a• , tho dMir..-pmont Mey are pr irk A t� 1D5)NOT tti1v ++kt ns+xttfsfsrr"t t•® I-X) Navk 01; jedws C3tli-.proposal. ff V Afty* _ at octlorta to xrh r is Rani+ 3ed, you numf ii tho Rl.C. ntvrx)on pf c tastal U&n Dvynvot (DC 4) Or W6eprg WSrvo 10 day$ air r0cwpe ad MIN tray%. Ccn-aaipprtdirncm should toe nkAll to ttRt S. aF r1Y n St, Sf tlx'sbath City, JVC. 27, DCM rpprosmiathw Cart also ,hip cor,¢rerndat {2 2) 284-3901. 00 tusponaa is coollde fho soarru as no objection rt noV60dbyC#afTlwMillf. 10 ytuhacbA 9rc WArVER SECT" I uatdvr tRrxt'thnt srrl J �a i ;@ [t, r *a trttorng Ptt,* , tao� jj fAmrt Lt tkwttE�r. lana3t tit4o, 8itt, rN groin (nam be SO hac3 anus ram, )Lm disrAlr4! ,art iS"trpM rrrt a-ekkin bt r+t nri,�n a±cns� a e�s� tv:uc��j � mix . rtfo# P�?htrfw.c� ads Gir r Far,7p re+'ttlin+ [+C 9 M h tC� Ve avtt tiYi*,Kr.R flek, yrii� ml�:� rho SrFarta bt�ink L+rrk:wr.1 ,� E�.A. V lJ kk mac. d�ratttt�kEVJ�i,et,t�it7thr ntiarsfiRsirank) JUN 1 0 2024 �CM-EC t1R92ir# 9t At�#;5fft F�t3!i»1'! Pa'tpt?3ty Wit, D t lslyst 1'# wattld for tart to a +* YP3t Wtrl ARPWs Signature' 44 R00364,Uy2fV1 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL -MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RLPARIANI PROPERTY OWNER t�OTTFtCA ONMA1 4'a FO�tA ��� � � V rrrtx�FtT=ii ,ttr`,.u. TxT±va�F2N €tC�;IJ�� 1�•.�.��.;�S..t,�r°'.i'�i� G?-kl,.t�ti',�Jt.'k±; (Top portion to bi) by orvnor o= 0wif tYr- 0,A) JUN 1 0 2024 t4lifflrori a. _. font# T1t�s ._ i . ACM- e'j t`.f �.............n .. , _.� Mdrt&s 4t r m"�ny, rear`6Omit: .A4 T) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNEfB' �y ��r;,t#i�E�wa . �nw�t+�sAt�Caac#;�rsyP�atty.ii,�iSiviw�a�Tift�71�U't'» Ilievew panty %w I um-1 pn4 _ _ i [dt Its oi:. rttxr'€ evill4mepA thWy turf i *rat tt dutW wad w nw, as t�}!•ZiY �L+�T."rft'iJ�21' Mk!#i�1 flti3 c#".dY�; S$L? R'.`S!,{'��""r"' 3s— I Do NOT hava c!_# la'3 to th#s IXO — . --# tr nt :�tlia r i to Utic pttiYl�� �t !`ri yxrar tJultiD mh �'t%'sm 1 roxtt.�t Ss 6� g propo 'd, YOU wvA, 0TV11ra ,,,,...,. __ - s1EG# d✓ f+a rrattD aterrt (Gcm) wat#PnR wfWn 10 fit# :y? aaceTTSG����#s rtts09- �C4t r prc� t�tir+�� �n 40w ' nIaNa t to 40t S, rt"In St. star. 3t#ti, @lTxa 0 GttY, tt `a coB tea! at (232j . ¢f- No * is t onsA eta t itt a =mtt nu r+hjjactfcft €a~ YOU how timer no,v d by cortttmd matt WAIVER 5i C1IL'N or, w v P44, . bs tr la k 1 + iu*, d y I e %or5trafad thank an9of t e 95� mry � a r�k riprir4�rt uT lrf saw }gToln mint hn Got bac* it rra h in It", rink pklr #rr �i � rx aipr t �+ � k t #hu M ktt tik ,) I Do wistl to 4 ui vd u0frt t' of iYN3 'r� 2�ilu Y,��,y „t} rEf :1.'3.F*irt�r kit —r I do not Y it h to watvv dI* 15 $tack nark ' merit{ia'�;tilrl�axpl�nBj ®v-, �Igkmnat;Tr� rTk AdJttre,?a f 03-WOG_ tiao� r ► Nnr �_.e.._ COA1303�J __. m �. 4-. T' �p -ch e