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89085A - Benson, Adam and Donna
El DREDGE & FILL N9 89085 'A-' B C D �X%Ic=1° EICAMA a 1 GENERAL PERMIT F71 New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue Previous permit Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.dea.nc goy/CAMArules Applicant Name : ; ,., ri 7 , s, a cx k'/> r w:., t. Authorized Agent Pl `•'l Address ) 6' ?; 't) r Project Location (County): r u. I' r c'i', r r. .l City Nl -L State tJ f.. ZIP '.Z _/':/ 5 S Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) I o s4 T)i 41 Phone # ( ) Email A- i, C I,-, c, ( i, , o 2 L; -4,e a_.1 V ;;_ i F r n vi, Subdivision ".1 City Affected ❑cW ❑2EW HPTA F,1ES ©PTS Adj.Wtr.Body O.u,.( +r) At r, t-F ),v.J ,=S'i 'F' (nat(man/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body MacO, C.C.+. A , • n V'- , NJ &'c ORW: yes rto_ i - PNA: ye rid'" Type of Project/ Activity S. „ -:, ,:,_ 1 I L c (Scale:, ) Shoreline Length II n - - -- —7- — Access Length i - — - - Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) i Floating Platform(s) L 1 Finger pier(s) , j Y 1 _ L -_ —J-- I__ _ ',. _1 .. Total Platform area i ..adRipGroin P P length Bulkhera len h 1 1 fl L -1A 0 Avg distance offshore .-- Breakwater/Sill Max distanceblength 1.. "- - } %Y - Basin, channel Cubicyards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach BulldozingOther v R-r e"{.J r.. E71 no) SAV observed: yes ( Moratorium: d L t n/a yes no Site Photos: yes-J no '�'L"- 'y-1'�. - -- — I Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no - A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: 11 c r 1 t"c) f Y. r^r r rlt4l ----/r__— ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back r I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) ' ! Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Application Feels) Check Signature Issuing Date Expiration Date N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOT'F€CATIONIINAIVER FORM CERTIF'ED `IA',L RE`URN RECE,rT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY "Toe portion to be completed by owner or their agent) Name of Prxa,^',y Ow'le-. Address of Prove-v Via; l^g Address of Owner i {3 4 Q C V -,,N Yp 5S Owners erna�.i -rk P AcJ±T`p Z5-7— Cw-er's Phone#: _ Agent's Name Acent Agents Emai;. -.------- -- ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION ;So•`om, portion to be competed by'heAd€acent Property Owner` hereby ce-1ry:-.a-.: cw'-. rooerty adjacent to tre above referenced orooerty The individual applying for this cer.^ t '.-:as des :bee "c m.e as srow'n on the attached drawincthe development they are oroposing A // 17 ' DC NC` rave objections'-- t^:s propose, j DO have objections to this proposal. if you have oAiactions to what is being proposed, you rust notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Managamer?t r writing within i0 days of receipt of, his notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 401 S. 3r'irin St, Ste. 300, Elizabeth City, NC, 27809, DCM representatives can also be contacted at {2 2; 2S4.3SC`. No response is cc as vexed the same as no objectior if you have been notified by Certified. WAIVER SEC70N . pnderstand G":ai a-:y proposed pie:- dock mooring-s. beat ramp, breakwater, boathouse. lift. or gro - , '-,st . back .n:muT --v -ea e` riparian access unless waived by m:e erap�evyou wish to waive the setback. you must sign the arPreprsafe c.2r.k ce'ovv j i 110 wlsh :C 'vave soi 'eta!! o? the 15 setbac<.U" ^y - Adacer. •R'oaren Property Owner -OR- do not w!sr ie wa..ve ere ,5' setbaci<:egvrem a-` - ihs biankj S 6 Slgn:a u-e cf Ad,acen- Rioarian Propery Owner Typed/Prated name of ARPO: (tGY.G w. 3 V_ ., r\ 5' tl s Mailing Address ofARPO: L IO DCu'r^-�:�:j mU' ti ac \c ARPO's emai : & 41 )(3jr (9 Wyo .:.RPO's Phone: (25i) I3 5 - 1171 Date; 6 ' G L( �j_°waiver is va:id :'c: up to one year from ARPO's Signature' Revised }Veay 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF CGAStAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY 01AINER N0T!FICATI0NIWAIVER FORM C-RT!F'ED fA!L RETJRN REC;E.yT REQUESTED or HAND DELUERY ;Toe portnion to be con �eted �Jy OWnei 0 their agent) None of Drapery Owner. Address of Prose; ly. a:iing Address of Owner Owne.'a em>>. Agers Name' -- .Agent:=^cne#: AO„ACENI RIPARMAN PROPERTY GVVNFR'S CERTIFICATiCN ;Sottam portionto be aompieted by the Adiacent Property Owner', L hereby cer fiV f;.a : ovr--rccerty adiaceni to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this C8C^'! :^.aS daSC(IbeC 'c.. as ^. on the attached drawing m:e development they are proposing. A DC NO- -ave objections is this proposa;. OO have objections to finis proposal, if you have objections to what is ;being proposed, you must noury the ni.c:. Division or ioasza+ Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be 3.ailed to 40`1 S. Gr ffin St.; Ste. 300, 5fizabeth City, idC, 27909. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 264.3901. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified id(aif. WAidER SECTION . J.^:CcrStaP.0 l'.a. cCV proposeQ Pier. doCR m0cr'ng Cilings. boa: ramp. breakwater, boathouse. lift. or m!'- —*a! : ;Mu. 5:a,^Cc' ..° my area pf nparian access unless waived by me %finis does -ct ac. v :c tj'k .earls or rprap never. +.enis you vv^sh to waive the setback, you must sign .he amoroY +ate Ze.cvv Jwish _v lTa�}J�. 57.'M: a/G:-. l'lf .,e 'g -setp DO - t � k�� -1 c`Ad;zcer; R.baran ?rocety Owner -vtC- I do not wish to waive' . d' setback requ:re.mz r" ;;,i :ai the b.a-k Slgraiure o- Adiace Ripa-iar Property Own r � TvpedlPrl ;tad tame of ARPO nc� iM �5 Mailing Address of ARPO: !�A 1—1 (V J 1 ��tO� r V=g a tY2M' VJ7 c�v ARPO's emal;: �'�.'d� [ ��T f2S�n / 9 RP0`s Phone#: 7.5 ) ` B39 " 120 - Date:'f4*1 '.waiver is va'Id fcr up to one year from ARPO's Signature' Revised ,May 2021 3viriL N > n Cc 7Pz�cT1t�n� b9TA1L %-D2 1�8 Q2UUYIiM �i" ��ao�►z �1c z�9sF' �1 LE SAACilli/, 7 1L O /c. aK Ron i2 � i L� l�lill'1{fll�S� P.O. BOX 4GG KITTY HAWK, II.C. 27949 OFFICE: 252-2G I -5253 VAE12 iL 8,k ik" j�aU PILE 2..a' Wit T7 v P.,C.V EAL 4740 ENGINEER'5 5EAL APPLIES OIILY TO 5TRUCTURAL COMPONENT5. DEVIATION5 AHD/OR D15CREPANCIE5 ON PIAN5 NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO THE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF HOU5E EIJGINEERING, P.C. FAILURE TO DO 50 WILL VOID HOU5E ENGINEERING, P.C.'s LIABILITY. VrA,f'! A(a- CAP ZxQ" CM> "GOflP-t) — k;y, Ti +IALEJ2S 2,$ (2 Rmu)S ) 5104, T 09 ITS AJAVP LFIl�L ADAM lag D Ri9 rn m S+. [ urri �i1c K NC. 2-7,iS� , lT"uillg��1 COLQn/Y� I E x N m O O � Q N O N N Z M O 0 f0 o 11 a o 0 o 0 0 0 0 F _T 7 L A 00 N G N N Q _CT 7 O U x U C U aTi 7 O � N � yN O � /y a O v O N Q w F o w 0. N O O N �n W O 'd 3 �o v ti y P Cip. W 4 r� {,`' ' '.rt,4t" S � ��F� 2+..,ir�.fp_' � n z ..,,._'1 �• r �Vr __ Ij 14 w + F S �`?`r '�,'•� <f fir: ilrt '�"•p ��r'�rEz s�"�rx;gy�� A ..,' r�F„ _'.Ov ``R �ri � .. ���tfi` ! � l z�,>" x i �A � s' kky '�,�+ ie *x F`�'3'a `G k` �' �Tr� � }Y•'�� �y� �..� ' S � + t4 • R k .Y �� � 3 � y.. �x� f rw x of } 1¢�, r pyyy A ,�fg i 7 rr, ter. Yk ��5.' � d��7J<' � o.� rzT � �� A� � 'q' � i LSG r,. � � z z� - � �' T��•, s