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87190A - Reynolds, George and Frances
DREDGE & FILL NQ 87190 08 C D PreviouGENERAL_ PERMIT Date previous a Date previous permit Issued ]New ❑Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue As wthoriaed by the State of North Carolina. Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of enrAmrimenW concern pursuant m: SA NCAL 1 CU .-.. ❑ Rules attached. ® Lateral Permit Rules avabble at the folbwkag link: Yrmvdeq.nc rov/CN1Aruks APpI'Kant Nam¢—VeC_C_L:(L 6 E-rYe�ka�anClg :.e�nOIOS Authorized Agee Address ��"" 11 Q-Aver f'1nnei Dr. q _ Pro)ect Location city_Fp•e� D State NC 7JP�� Street Addreu(S Phone s"�'1=loj 951 /ZOSY ni 11 Q Email! nre.a@bP.11g,>.,..1'4a.net _ SubdHlsion—C?Z)..ser3e-s city_�� ^ nn j' zip 2,7934 Affected ❑ ew ❑ EW ® PTA ❑ ES ®RCS Ad).. W V. Body e m//��b rL` F'�_ reek . („ ranfunk) �t1 AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑IHA W ❑sPIMA ❑Pws Closest Mai. Wtr, Body ry�b6m le SoA e2td_ ORW: Yell o PNA yes/ CCi .. Type of Project/ Activity LA14 IW�t C7r Shoreline Length 41- 1 ✓a G r Access Length Pier (dock)length '--.--ram-s Fixed Platforms) -• •- � -,- i I $cs.�r-#� Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length ll ulkhea RIpreP length E�Da i Z Avg distance offshore�--j-- " aZ r I " Max distance/ lengthBasin, thermal1— Cubic yards Boat ram ' Boathouse/Boatllh Beach Buildcrting " Other _ ,/ " I I " " a r-� SAV observed: yes Moratorium: Q Site Photos: yes no no Riparian Waiver Attached: nor//1�, A building permit/mning permit maybe required by: aot.rd G4nn1 lCL464 (Scale: ) " I ' " ❑ TARMAMINEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See addidonal notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or t PRINTED Nam&- v Signature' ease red compliance ent on back of permit" 1'100, t� 111yi Application Fee(s) Check a/Money Order Permil Of fit4ry PRINTED 2yo1`1,? /2q �1 /a 9 Issuing Date Expiration Date (j1 "AMA ®DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT �J New ❑Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue N9 87190 GB C D Previous permit Date previous permit issued As authorized by the Stat/eo( North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC rl + (�U ❑ Rules attached. X General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deQ.nc.eoy/CAMArules Applicant Name G eac,Ga it rrc\nCe-s eq 1AA4S /� Authorized Agent S2 lkilti((aiN GA 6CP Qn5tdQ U Address _ �(( QHelA A �F ngn_rtt li f, Project Location (County): Lk OWCA.Y� tt--�� �� City Fdef 'OA SStater' NC �t 2 ZIP Al132 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) lot fa Phone # "I A) gs r7-� k5q Ill 0,1eeA Anne �' r.. Email rcv %feu �be.l� Srlr� , r16- Subdivision Queen Y nyxess Rclre City r ZIP 9,193)- Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW © PTA ❑ ES ® PTS Adj. Wtr. Body M oa- ct"t ek-< (aQnan/unk) AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body IIre A l C�t�ii'%1Q_r I e Jot, m (.d ORW: yes/ w PNA: yes/r® Type of Project/ Activity Y\ %kck lk I oO' 01- V e-w 6,46f" a + oo-+ �y;r� P—)Ci,., 44 (Scale: I":'��� ) Shoreline Length +/ f (q a' Access Length ^' Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) f f S r j '/LJ, (1A beuye Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) �T _ I � Total Platform area � X' Groin length/q .[�,Y ulkhea /Riprap length ED/ Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/length Basin, channel`1VC.v a�Y Cubic yards 0`,jl Boat ramp -� Boathouse/ Boatlift Nw1 - Beach Bulldozing Other of SAV observed: yes D ��„O.�f ONQ ¢� e II ` e ,tom Moratorium: yes no Y `� '�e- ygu`(G`S(�p •ry• Site Photos: no Riparian Waiver Attached: no /� tJ,, A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: Ck0-,,cw `(t a,,64=4 Permit Conditions ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) LAA Ct Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit O/lfffggi¢,r(rr'J PRINTED` a Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signature' U 'F'400, I I I b! 2y,119 /2 q 6/g /z H Application Feels) Check N/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date IICAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL No 87190 A B C D Previous permit t Date previous permit issued GENERAL PERMIT []New [:]Modification []Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC ❑ Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.dea.nc gov(CAMArules Applicant Name City Phone # Email Authorized Agent Project Location (County): State ZIP Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Subdivision City — Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body (nat/man/unk) AEC(s): ❑OEA ❑IHA ❑UW ❑SPIMA ❑PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ORW: yes/po PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity (Scale: Access Length-_ Pier (dock) length Fixed Platforms) NINE 11 Floating Platform(s) M MEL IN SEEN Total Platform area Groin length/# ME �0 Avg distance offshor Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length ME M on 0 1 Basin, channel Other MEN SAV observed: yes no INN yes 11111111100M Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no Man— nom, A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: Permit Conditions ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Signature *'Please read compliance statement on back of permit" 1 .. Application Feels) Check q/Money Order Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature Issuing Date Expiration Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: ' a 4 Gma. Mailing Address fdM f NC a-M361 Phone Number: M-10)95-1-a054- 06J 48.)-3. Email Address: Fro nrftobe II /. h� I certify that 1 have authorized � Q ir(. 9l& [ (kOJVwi& t to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: ((0 LF c% �o� (uah, at my property located at oZ I I Quvfn&na. dot — in l.+'1t1 arl County. l furthermore certify that 1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Owner • �sZ7 rature Print or .: Title —t 0 Date This certification is valid through / t RECEIVED FEB 0 B 2024 DCM-EC y C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJ�ACtEMTRIP�•�AO��Y� .EiiRSlli.�TiF4��ONiWArVER " t{� �'�ECEIVED FEB 0 8 2024 (Top OfOn to bo c'>rP'0:04 by ovyter or their ager't) Xt 14"0fp t:*f1yOwner ar,A- rI DCM-EC "re" 0 Pmpedy: 11 1 ra i a SY"L � m0mv Awr"s dta rea:owweSir s rarria3 -#es pitc n00 ��d� �£ ri • �C 'f? Apent"sNama AptMPrfi (._'� ji'irf13 t4aBM'S Ertt3 { �afr l�+:_i.Sill iw !' t y �r�E , (rrt i hweW ceeify thx I o"r prcpt'ty ad;4�w4 to "�e troperly. Tb a 04tvsduas oppty" for this P"Tw has 64ttswted to sue. as stv*n on tlxe a a e+1 d'awksathe dovokrPnVM they are prO"Ing. A ' 100 NOT New etme tlxxls to this MG'. A.V i DO have Mectlons to this Pit at. M you havt otijecA to - you rnrrst notify the N.C.-d"-, ion or Cosstaf AMrwamr*ni (DC" in wrWng within 10 cMys of rmcs4pt or this mike. Correspondmnce should be mai0ed to 401 S. Gfiffin St, Stm. 300. Edrat+eth Crfy, NC. 27909. DCM represanfafrves can also be contecis+U st (252) 264-3401. No respomo A cooUkliewed the acme am no ob/ecdan f you hem a bom notlfteW by CwW10d AMit. I uruerrstard thm; any p c.KW pier, dxA. ,Y%-xe ; p. ro hest n 0hp, bmakwuter, boalhouso, oft, or gar waist be srrt taa a mn,rrum distance Of t 5' fm r my area of ripariA't mess uniwcy watmd by me tAs does not apply to bu&ttieads or npmp rWwiKm4+--%) (if you wbtr to warm Me sotDack, yw Must i,lgo the SWOpnatn Wark Wow) 100 wish to wal a sOnielall of the i 6' SMOMI: j t ,p. t do rKA wish to y4NV the I5 setback MQuirtrne,-t (v*AI the bank) Signat,;re of Adiatertl R�artgc Proptsrq' U+^rror. "✓.-,,,,.,,_:_s,.,'2•_- ft�1� TYpedPnnWd nww� of ARPO; _I Yla&U,Li�_ cl .� nrtt t Q,�j MatlindAddreasatARPO:dimj Wtn *. � �r r�tL a"F�j� ARPO'a ttnail. z.f , yi .c_uF+ ARPO's Phono : i t .`'s A i.3.A Oats; valid for up to one year from ARPO's Siytsatura• Revised ,14 2021 DECEIVE® FEB 0 8 2024 H c. DM10,1044 Uw C^WSTAIMAN r frvrtrNTf)CM-EC obW ACCHT nIPAN l u N P ROMRTY V Yv i%p m N O n nrA t i' .NMAiYEit t-tJR N =njuf CDN+41 Y�*IRr 30f[OofM_ahiLaEL-Nrju (Top p ien m rwa c4wmW0" by mvnol L" lhsr *00m) too 1* of he wty c wtw .Lari +� ' i •.7?r 11 ' 4 ,AIO,wtelf prinfoamw L;,Jll QAJA3a 14rr..•r �t�L+'�rir� r %.1(,.. .•�... Wwa"r^vvfsuritwtNr wLt iu� aft**t ZIt._.' W npiwrttlNMtrt A ' � r/�tMe+s.s ip�h+Jw� ANrts+ moo,j!p: 3402!2 ApJACLNT PlP4KIr6N h•Ki "CArV OWNCR'l C4rrlL"`aAT10r1 tn w.. nei•rlrw Pnwwwlt Owr*6 tt•n•KiYvartti•1haR 10+.�,prop+Ry►r, o�w-.e:, ur•tnrrtr•taro eeJOrt*►^Y rrrwaamho4voaWitYwOforf111 rrwtti lug. JvwR+ad to rtw.+a 11+r'+ nn ry,. •rar..taaJ Jtitirl�p. the 4*Y* OMr+'t tiraf dia pt•t +^i t *� Slti n, . 4j, t vl tJit�*el�tz. rrt}� �_ ^ ^"•F�.:A v vl" t 1 00 NO T Ravo oto*d4 W 1* in" ( *VVrVLM i DO iwMD M nta F*lrtwrart Ii r ruvw rtrJa�►thwN W evtMt b a�TirO, rprc�+CN an, yrvt that ,ariJl� to �• N.�.��iiiyr 4 Aomwto*~. t ripi" to set Will MdRk� 10 ai+YM ceewdlow ev Mh rxrLl.v, OW *jwvapandvncs sAh.an n r►+rwr! to 14t 9 4844- Gt ta, 100, Lwart.rcw d►d-J90t • N • ifww~ tlrw aamrw so w palottlo+r Y°iJ have aW r•arssa.tara! •rd !id J 1 I �i"0'•'w r•rrww•t- tW GawtitlW hft& w�vu s it 1 Kw w. Q4ck. mvam) (��• nrsw riwrtr tavokwat•a. boat'•orso, bk or 1 uat•t1 DtM ai U,tt tMY P d/3a go 6r 1 6' v%I" my of" ry trarurn m aN%%tit dw3.3 wtv*W try M* ire, �t•ru liw swt W.A � rnr 1 wYh � wYrM tN► ww+wy, yr•t y�ttai,air R"'"� rvvw rra rt>1 tY t� t•alt�oai! Pr rtptNp tf+r'OOrtMrrwi � Y� wffrr{yvvww r*wilk IwtUw i r t7u W gm „wmowww WAWM trrW ut No 1 r *4 t � try •*t- I t1 0 not w► h So MY 9 4to IV wlbr+k �.w• ^ t 1M o V ,y,pnasw tM 0410 o" 6,04'" r,*� t ypo&wftr"c fYHM or AKF# C tltalttno A40tN� o! ARM. ARPo's .trAd: us": its vrN hr w Ie ott� »+t fmm ARPO'• 019owurr �iYlyiawlJ ,i y H ltllj� �Wil �Wjl I I � IT SIP, 41 r a S t r( v 1� t a a 9 #' _ � t CJ�w o Pemb'ake Creek N O O