HomeMy WebLinkAbout87187A - Sabol, Richard and Jean/DREDGEp&LFIiL (A38 C i d' GENERAL PERMIT NOVIOUpernait Q4tc arn,ir isulcd _ Ylrii�"w 1 ;ModtfiCetton _ !Complete Reissue Partial Reissue AS avtTrpins!✓/`.114$ ec/!"Jc*Sh C,ra11:) nupvSwxFA cfEm-re�xrmmJl7u rb[y aws xlM Cw+ctl Resa.,rcgJt cm•nava+m a, area el [+r r , rr3az. 2a'^sv arslrb'3"� 15ANCAC„ 7# L Pohl mta?'hnJ F� H-a-er l"r nrr,R ua"xla^,lr at She lolLn,rf rk vmyvJi'.i r` J;wr, 4`.A^(F,n14, Asq&h am Nu.* __.K 1 L'k 4� 'C"' R O n G. a AR a„� f'�S a {'l t�f✓'".4,r' Address`,��i'2 .,Ss•.n ri J¢.+'tq pr" r/ r,arnli«sr:r�fCr.,lr-.Ir',o-f°". 'ersy — D*VjLNbmc, /J C.._ .._. Zil' 7q{�Ip sut:v AyFtrc4uSu^t'taQaWEn4n L-o ,#•'23 _.. .. ... / t ..-.__ _ ._. -... ptron«r (6111t` 'VAJ72J7,7r (e*lam?%W s�MS' g2__.,7fw�Sf'T,fQ,.1„�,_{'as.S•'SQ S,7t1_ Err,.,d S�1 S'�`+`_a; 4�m� �.� � _ �A�y �t. C_f.^'+.,. ... SuW,r.+r,✓, ,,Su.nt'�.$ "�iD,S•3' _,LJ1 —_ ACIn. (mj i ON -�r•c�r,-- �E5 iPIK AA Wo- erl lS �I� �fi Y AFC{Q I JOEA l li1U _jew USPIMA ( _Irm on ,Mq W, &.1, ONW Wt/mom' PHA yrsjr� Type otProject/ Activity __L+aSL_/Ge K.Ltd+�ewer Atacst ypnUE .. , I�r (di.kSlprgin �)II___y ,. i:rrtd Pl,rdonFltl _ _ Rx IQ , J.0 r k,brry; Pllttcrm;t1 I u gr. paiiH �*�lraP S�� r ra vtaHrrm♦ area �+ A/ .Y Be.kh 1"vilMro *rt _.-_. ✓ A S• f ��( .j I,tf,lby<I! 51rt1'. Rib fC nU Si R Pa,J°.W ay ratluy+wd aiY0 1 r Pn A yu Rl R:pp m•heb,-iT Preml muy En r^p.,lmd:'t —..� (Scale: t. 7 L Lwit IV, / Y ( ✓ V IV 1 A` nTtJ{'PA!^, NEUlGR{J:EER Ici,elr nl.ij Srr II<;r ml t.u.. rr j,.•'� ,.{ WiV•: r f,asn rUle'. 1�fE'a&21h�n? rGy^,fG1CGl@ln. h'r rPC! I A M AVIANC OI SfarUTI3 CNCNWCSMtl MiWT IONS r It AT AMY TO114LS PROIECr isNp I1SYIM a COWL SANC I SIATCASI NT. (71 E0 N bw f w er Shman UAl+'. (I h. r (vat Ftl': ra's •tl ^p91i1 ^l(am %.2 ••I ,r _n �.: 1, 4 a; 1.1,: i dr- 1 t.l v„__— ❑DREDGE & FILL N9 87187 Ae SB C D GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued I�Tvew ❑Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by t�h..er S e of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC I �f 1' 6 ❑ Rules attached. eneral Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deo.nc gov/CAMArule Applicant Name K % C�K card 'f— ) -g ck ^ ,5 e, b m f Address sip Sihn I'I S4 of oSSf 19 Dr - City ki / I oR t/ o tate Al C- ZIP '%% % N 6 Phone # (&Lb) Email rt (.i ;5 4 e I (u ((d 9 M ) 1c,.• Affected ❑CW AEC(s): ❑ OEA ORIN: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity IHA ❑UW PNA: yes/no Shoreline Length T 9 0 Access Length Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) t Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) t 25 (� F Total Platform area Groin length/# _ Bulkhead/ Riprap length ;..f Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill _ --,- --4- Max distance/length i Basin, channel i Cubic yards — I.... �i Boat ramp Boathouse/Boatlift I i Beach Bulldozing Other`( i Div i SAV observed: Moratorium: n/a yes no -- //� ye no _'V- Y Site Photos: Riparian ye no ry ', Waiver Attached: es no •y _. A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: _ Permit Conditions Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name ❑ ES ❑ PTS ❑SPIMA ❑PWS APPLY Sig ture *`Please read compliance statement on back of permit*` `�0V I D I I Application Feels) Check #/Money Order Authorized Agent /n b4" CP Project Location (County): e- Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) _ _,282 -s"WL fYS* C Subdivision L f%rTS City Adj. Wtr. Body h !C Closest Maj. Wtr. Body _�_19 r "t Sk cl -r'b' Lo4—Z3 a 55'i 11L6 �s o L (Scale: AJT ) II d-77T I .. ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER(circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back NU nllt'VI1�t,WGU LUMPLIANNCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) uDrI,. CsJa�—( Permit Officer's PRINTED Name ce—� Sigr64) —^ � lz y /a. z l2 y Issuing Date Expiration Expiration Date AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit, ,t.v 9'I p6 Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email Address: w K �.P-1 S?EK P VC-P 1 -00/ &l;-77- 1 certify that I have authorized 70 CK 2, +-r Agont t Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessaryfor the following proposed development: 16x16 lower landing With stairs at my property located at vs/� u rrtiG in 4P,41 116 County, i furthermore certify that t am authorized to grant, and do in tact grant, permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Ittformation tgnattira Print or Type Name Title Date This certification is valid through / ;� 1 - / 1 7- Revised Mart. 2016 a _ �' UN Y \ (Top portion to be Completed by owner or their agent) Address of Property: Malling Address of a Agents Name.---------m-- AgentPhonetk Agents Email`. APAACENT PAPAWN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICAftON Mg tb ° r'oa 12, be g=b d W lb Adtaceat Property Owner) am A i 00 NOT have objections to this proon al. I DO how objerficnsto this PrpPosaf; ...groin meet be Set DOCK a':MIMMrnn CM513"w 01 ja (this does not apply to bulkheads or'tiPMP revetments). (if you wishto Wswe the Setback, you=gtpst elan; the appropriate blank =b IM) i DO wish to waive sotnelaii of the 15' setback— SignatureofAdfar RiparlanPropertyOwner AR - I do not wish to waive the IV setback requirement (initial the blank} Signature of Adjacent Mparian Propetty fawner TypedIP4ntRd nameofARPO: `7a1anl d�rfi i N1ingAddressofARPO: fStfl1lv'$7 rsa?trd� 77 ARPC'S email. , & ARRO's Phone* Dade: 0 � X:'� Z,,& '� Ner is valid for up to one year fromARPO's SignatuW RevisedJuly2021 1 t t ll jf. p i�r r a r. dk 4 nY I a3 F 1 1� 1 F,: a' 3�� 4