HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail Correspondence - DCM ACE Concurrence, lane dredging, South Ferry ChannelFlowers, Katherine From: Coats, Heather Sent: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 11:30 AM To: 'Ken Willson';'Pelletier,Josh RCIV USARMYCESAW (USA)' Cc: Pullinger, Robert C; Howell, Jonathan Subject: RE: [External] RE: South Ferry Channel - REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE Hi Ken, After coordinating with DMF and WRC, DCM has also determined the proposal to dredge an optional "lane", as described in your request and information provided in subsequent emails, is still in keeping with the permit authorization, provided the work continues to remain entirely within the permitted corridor and adheres to the authorized channel dimensions (i.e. channel width and depth) as well as all other permit conditions. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there are any changes. Best regards, Heather Heather Coats Beach & Inlet Management Project Coordinator Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7302 office heather. coats(cD ncdenr. gov 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Ken Willson <kwillson@coastalprotectioneng.com> Sent: Monday, November 8, 2021 3:19 PM To: Pelletier, Josh R CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Josh.R.PeIletier@usace.army.mil> Cc: Coats, Heather <heather.coats@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: South Ferry Channel - REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thanks Josh. Heather, hoping for something similar from the State if everyone is agreeable. Kura Regards, Ken Willson Senior Project/Program Manager Main 910 399-1905 Mobile: 910 443 4471 WellsonPmastaloa1ectionene.mm ■ Coastal Protection Engineering 0038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC28009 From: Pelletier, Josh R a V USARMY CFSA W (USA) aomR.PellHier( usace.army.mio Sent Monday, November 8, 20213: 13 PM To: Ken Willson <kwlllsonPmaAaloroteaionene.com> Cc Coats, Heather <beatber.coats(ancdenc¢oy> Subject: RE: [External RE: South Ferry Channel —REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE Ken, USACE has no oblectlonsto your proposal gamed that the new tlretlgetl areas are within the permitted dredge mrhdorandtheappliant androids all the other permit conditions. Keep inmind, newly tlretlgetl areasare subject to surveysfor cultural resourcesand SAVs perthe original permit. Please let me know if you have any questions' From: Ken Willson <kwlllson0coastalpmteaionen¢.mm> Sent Monday, November 8, 20219: 09AM To: PeuHiegJosh R CIV USARMY CFSA W (USA) upsh.R.PHletlerOusacearmv.miI CC Coats, Heather <heamer.coatsci ncdenr.epy> Subject: jNon-0p0 Source] Re [External] RE: South Ferry Channel —REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE The lanesare both wKFing the permitted dredge corridor, and yes, you are correct In assuming the proposed action would mean all otherterms and condition within the permit Including 5/N avoidance, approved disposal, and the like. Regards Ken Willson Senior Project/Program Manager Main 910 399-1905 Mobile: 910 443 4471 ■ Coastal Protection Engineering 0038 Mamnbpm Loop Road Wilmington, NC28009 From: Pelletier, Josh R a V USARMY CFSA W (USA) aomR.PellHlerPusace.armv.mlo Sent Monday, November 8, 20218:27 AM To: Ken Willson <kwlllsonPm a A alomtectlonene.com> Cc Coats, Heather <beatber.coatsPnctlenceoy> Subject: RE: [External] RE: South Ferry Channel —REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE Hey Ken, I apologize for playing catchup but I was out last week. Are the two areas In que4lonsto be potentially dredged within the permitted dredge mrindofl Am I correct In assuming this proposed action would mean all other terms and conditionswllMn the original permit including SA V avoidance, approved tllgmsal5 DO From: Ken Willson <kwlllsonPcoastalomteaionene.com> Sent Friday, October29, 20215:16 PM To: Coats, Heather <heather.matsPnmenr.eov>; Pelletier, Josh R a V CESAW CFSAO (USA) <Josh.R.PelletierOusace.armv.mll>, Pullinger, Robert C<cbrls.oulllneerPnctlenceov> Cc Dooley, Brennan I O V USARMY CESA W (USA) <BrennanJJJoo ley[ usaceanny.mll>; Grover, Barton 8 <barton.emverPtlarenc.com>, Sad Rosov <bmsovPmastalomteactlonene.com> Subject: [Non-0oD Source] RE: [External] RE: South Ferry Channel —REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE Heather, We do understand that It was a big ask. That said, as of today the Merritt was still up In Oregon Inlet, so we may be able to continue this Monday but we probably don't have ton of time let them know. The Merritt is coming down to do some dredging inthe "Anticipated Maintenance Channel". Our hope was that while n site, they could also perform some dredging In one of the two lane options. No dredging is planned to occur In the Potential Alignment Boxes' otherthan what may be included In the lane The most recent (Oct 20) survey only covers what is shown In that figure. Attached is recent drone Image that shows the two areas In question as it relatesto the lanes. Pretty clear that the bathy is contlguousthmugh those sections. Were you looking to confirm something In particular In terms of bathy baton Thanks again Poryour consideration. Ken Willson Senior Project/Program Manager Main:910 399-1905 Mobile: 910 443 4471 ■ Coastal Protection Engineering 0038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC28009 From: Coats, Heather <beatheccoats( radenc¢ov> Sent Friday, October29, 20215:02 PM To: Ken Willson <kwlllmnPm a s ammlectonene.com>;Pell HleNlosh R C V CFSA W CESAID (US) Uosh.R.PeII conduct Loved. army. nuI>; Pullingear, Robert C<Chrls.anI I naerstradenc¢ov> Cc Dooley, Brennan I CI V USARMY CESA W (US) <brennan.I.doolevPusace.annv.m nor Grover, Barton 8 <barton.emverPtlarenccom>; Sad Rosov <bmsovPmastalomleillonene.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: South Ferry Channel -REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE HI Ken, sorry, as much as I want to help here, I don't think I'm able to give "blessing' to this new proposal with such short notice. Also, I would like to clarify the dredging done would be confined to the "anticipated maintenance channel' andVorf I e of the "Lane options' Indicated? And would excavation also occur within the corresponding box labeled "potential alignment" or not Do you not have survey data for the areasw thin the lanes and "potential alignment 2'P Thanks In advance for helping clarify Heather From: Ken Willson <kwlllmn0coa4alpmleaionen¢.mm> Sent Friday, October29, 202110:41 AM To: Coats, Heather <heamer.matsPnmenr.eov>; Pelletier, Josh R a V CESAW CFSAO (US) Uosh.R.PeII conduct Loved. army. nuI>; Pullingear, Robert C<Chrls.anI I n¢erctncdenc¢ov> Cc Dooley, Brennan O V USARMY CESA W (US) <brennan.I.doolevPusace.annv.m nor Grover, Barton 8 <barton.emverstdarenccom>; Satl Romv <bmmvPmastalt rotei11onene.com> Subject: [Extend I] RE: South Ferry Channel -REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Heat heioan, I know you all have IUsan your plates, but wanted to check to see if you were ahis to wrap your betel are unit the request and see if it I a as lnno cuo us aswe a He lM Long. Any ream n to think agenci as have co Terms with the pa posed actions] I n a beer a to ke a shot a1 K wbll e the dredge I a I n the vl d HIS, we pro bably need yo ur blessing by COB t a day. Kind Regards, Ken Willson Senior Project/Program Manager Main:910 399-1905 Mobile: 910 443 4471 kwlllmnctmastalpalectonena.mm ■ Coastal Protection Engineering O038 Mamnboa Loop Road Wilmington, NO 28009 From: Ken Willson Sent Wednesday, October 9, 20213: 07 PM To: Heather Coats <Heather.coatsPncdenr.epv>; Peueneglpfi R a V CFSA W CESAO (US) Upfi.R.PelletierPusace.armv.mll>; Cringer, Robert C<Mrls.pullln¢erPncdenrdov> Cc Dooley, Frei CI V OSARMY CESA W (OS) <brennan.I.doolevPus ce.annv.mll>; Barton Grover <bartpndroverPtlarenccom>; bmsnvPmastalpmtectlonene.com Subject: South Ferry Channel -REQUEST FOR CONCURRENCE Importance: High Heather/Josh/Chris, ASI mentioned In my email on October 12 the proposed South Ferry Channel malntenancewe discussed In late Septemberwas completed on October or. The event ended up being sho rterthan we had hoped with the atlece4 dredge limited by the depth of water on either side of the cut. The USACEwas keeping the sltlece4 dredge In Dare County to work on Oregon Inlet and mentioned that they could bring the Dredge Merritt back to South Ferry Channel if needed over the next 30 days. With she all ng continuing In South Ferry Channel and tltlesbeing have ahis, the uFACE InPorrned Dare County at the end of last week that they wanted to bring the Dredge Merdttto South Ferry Channel this week to coLerch several days of alntenance work. A meeting to discus alternative dredge optlo nswas held between Dare County, uFACE Navigation staff, and CPE yesterday affemo o n. WFllethe uFACE is o n scene with the Dredge Merritt we we ul it l Ike to request that they beallowed m try a different approach, which Is explamed in the attached lart cars (O me addressed to DCM and one addressed to uFACE). We bell are mat me method fans witMn the exist ng permits Issued by me uFACE and DCM, but are requests ng con urrence from yo u a llthat the a Rl o n I a co restart with the permits. Please reA ew the attached letter and let me know If you have a my quest) o no. Time Is of the essence as the Dredge Mi Is scheduled to travel to Hatters s to me rmw. If you are In agreement that the acpan Is covered by the existl ng permit, weweuld Ilketo have concurrence bark He the weekend so that we an direct the uFACE dredge crew accordingly. Tha nos l n adva had fa r yk ur co Lacerate n. Ken Willson Senior Project/Program Manager Main:910 399-1905 Mobile: 910 443 4471 kwlllsonPcoastalpatectlknene.com ■ Coastal Protection Engineering 0038 Masonbkm Loop Road Wilmington, NC28009