HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail Correspondence - Agency NoticeFlowers, Katherine From: Coats, Heather Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2021 10:21 AM To: Harrison, James A; Dunn, Maria T. Cc: Howell, Jonathan; Spivey, Kelly; Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (USA); Pullinger, Robert C Subject: FW: [External] South Ferry Channel Attachments: April 27 to May 17 2021 SFC Surveys.pdf; INTERNAL - South Ferry Channel Profile Comparison 2021-05-20.pdf; South -Ferry -Mark up.pdf Hi Jimmy and Maria, Please see Ken Willson's request below on behalf of Dare County for relief from the dredge moratorium to conduct a sidecast dredge event in S Ferry Channel/Hatteras Inlet in early to mid -June due to ongoing shoaling. They are also requesting that the sidecast dredge be allowed to deposit material in shoaled areas above mean low water, with the commitment that they will still avoid any dry sand shoals. If approved, work would be conducted for 2-5 days within the window of June 1 to June 15. The third attachment shows the general area to be dredged. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Thanks, Heather From: Ken Willson <kwillson@coastalprotectioneng.com> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 2:21 PM To: Coats, Heather <heather.coats@ncdenr.gov>; Pelletier, Josh R CIV CESAW CESAD (US) <Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil>; Pullinger, Robert C<chris.pullinger@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Adam Priest <apriest@coastalprotectioneng.com>; Dustin Peele <dustin.peele@darenc.com>; Brad Rosov <brosov@coasta I protectioneng.com> Subject: [External] South Ferry Channel CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good Afternoon, As you are all aware, maintenance dredging of the South Ferry Channel was completed on April 24 for the latest maintenance event. We are putting our finishing touches on the project completion report and should be sending that along shortly. A post -construction survey of the channel was conducted on April 27 following completion of dredging. A check survey was conducted approximately 3 weeks later on May 17 to evaluate conditions in the channel. Attached are charts showing both surveys. Also attached is an internal document we developed to evaluate the changes that have occurred over the past 3 weeks since completion of dredging. On profiles 3 through 6, the cross sections indicate that the channel narrowed over the past 3 weeks. While the depth appears to be holding to some extent, the relatively narrow width of the channel has presented safety concerns for mariners trying to navigate the relatively narrow cut. Residents and business ownersof Dare County are concerned that the current conditions of the channel, much less any deterioration of the channel, could have severe sea no mlo Imps as onthe Iocol sea no my, which depends heavily on the summertime fishing and boating season. WE,Dare County, and the uSACE have discussed posslbllltlesfor maintaining the channel to a safe navigation width over the next couple of months given environmental concerns, funding limitations, and dredge availability. In terms of environmental concerns, weare welI aware of prohibition on conducting dredge operations between April land September 30 in the absence of emporary relief being issued by the regulatory agencies. Furthermore, the permits disallow placement of material above the mean low water(MLW) contour. This condition Is intended to avoid Imps as to federally Heed Seabeach Amaranth, Piping Plover, Red Knot, Green sea turtle, Hawksbill sea turtle, Kemp's htlles sea turtle Leatherback sea turtle Loggerhead sea turtle, and their habitat. During the waning days of the last dredge event, the Sdeaa dredge noted that the dredge spoils as along portions of the north side of the channel were exposed at low title, suggesting they were near the MLW elevation. After observing this, the uSACE operated dredges refrained from placement of additional volume along those portions of the channel to remain In compliance with letter of permit conditions. The uSACE, the County, and CPEare In agreement that the beat way to proceed with attempting to maintain this vital navigation corridor, while balancing environmental concerns, is to condua 2to 5 days of dredging within the channel and evaluate whether these efforts are effective The uSACE has indicated that the dredge could be available for a short period of dredging between June land June 15. Dare County Is formally requesting relief to conduct 2 to 5 days of dredging using the uSACE sldeas Dredge Merritt starting between June land June 15. Furthermore, the County Is requesting relief from the condition that pro Mb its placement of material above the MLW. The County commits to voiding any placement of material on dry sand shoals but asks for relief fort particular event, from the condition reshaing placement of material above the MLW. DareCounty is working diligently with the uSACE and WEto adhereto all permit conditions and minimize the need for dredging between April land September30. The April 27, 2021 survey shown In the first attachment, Indlatesthata shallow channel maybe opening up south of current South Ferry Channel Route We continue to monttorthis closely as this channel Iswhere the channel was maintained In previous years when the County was able to maintain dependable navigation without the need for dredging outside the allowed dredge window. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Sincere Regards, Ken Willson Senior Project/Program Manager Main:910 399-1905 Mobile: 910 443 4471 kwlllson ccoasalorotealonersacom ■ Coastal Protection Engineering 0038 Masmnboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC28009