HomeMy WebLinkAboutHatteras Inlet Project Report 1/29/2019APTIM January 29, 2019 David Bemhart NMFS—Protected Resources Division 26313th Avenue South St Petersburg, FL 33701 Subject Hatteras Inlet Project Report (USACE Action ID. SAW-2016-02140) Dear Mr. Bemhart Kenneth Willson Progrmn M�mager Apflm Coastal Pimamng & Engineering of North Carolinq Inc. 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, North Carolina Tel:+1 910-791-9494 Keme0r.Willson@aptim corn This letter serves as the project report required by special condition #24 of the above referenced permit, which allowed Dare County to conduct maintenance dredging within the Connector Channel Corridor located between Ocracoke Island and Hatteras Island, North Carolina. Special condition#24 requires that a project report summarizing the result: of the dredging and the sea turtle take (if any) be submitted to NMFS within 30 working days of completion and that the reports shall contain information on projectlocatioq start up and completion dates, cubic yards of material dredged, incidental takings (include photographs, if available) and sightings of protected species, mitigating actions taken, screening type (inflow, overflow) utilized, daily water temperatures, name of dredge, names of endangered species observers, percent observer coverage, and any other information the contractor deems relevant Project Description: On December 16, 2018, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) operated Special Purpose Dredge Caocturk began dredging in the Connector Channel/South Ferry Channel in the vicinity of Hatteras Inlet The Dredge Cumteak conducted maintenance dredging in the channel for four (4) days through December 19. Following a short break for the Christmas holiday, the Dredge Cunctwk resumed operations on December 29 and conducted maintenance dredging of the channel through]anuary 2, 2019. Due to scheduled maintenance requirement: and other scheduling factors, the USACE pulled the Dredge Caocturk from the project and replaced it with the Special Purpose Dredge Marden. TheDredge Marden arrived on site January 4 and completed dredge operations on]anuary 14. During the first 4 days of dredge operations, the Dredge Cumteak utilized the temporary disposal site approved by state and federal agencies. Material placed in the temporary disposal site was later removed and disposed of in the offshored disposal area. The Wilmington District USACE provided hydrographic survey charts showing the pre -construction (December 12, 2018) and post -construction January 15, 2019) depths in the channel. These maps are included as an attachment to this letter (Attachment 1 — Connector Channel Maps). A comparison of the pre -construction survey conducted on December 12, 2018 and post -construction surveys conducted on]anuary 15, 2019, indicated that approximately 20,000 cubic yards of material was removed from the channel and associated side slopes. The removal of the material resulted in controlling depths of approximately -8 ft mean lower low water (MLLW) through the South Ferry Channel. The resulting channel is approximately 150 feet wide. Mitigation Actions and Observations: No dredge operations associated with this event occurred between April 1 and September 30. The goal of the December 2018/Jmuary 2019 maintenance event was to establish amore direct channel orientation to the inlet gorge cuttingacross a linear shoal and establishing an approximately 8 ft. deep channel with bottom width of approximately 150 ft. APTIM staff coordinated closely with both NC DCM and USACE regulatory staff on the progress of the project. In accordance with the permit construction activities complied with the "Guidelines for Avoiding Impacts to the West Indian Manatee". Furthermore, the project did not place any material above the MLW to avoid impacts to federally listed Seabeach Amaranth, Piping Plover, Red Knot Green sea turtle, Hawksbill sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle, Leatherback sea turtle, Loggerhead sea turtle, and their habitat. To the knowledge of the contractor, no protected federally listed species was killed, injured, captured, harassed, or otherwise harmed by the conduct of the maintenance activities (i.e. no incidental takings(. No protected species were observed during the conduct of the work; however, protected species observers were not required as a condition of the permit During the initial three (3) days of dredge operations, the USACE utilizized the permitted Temporary Disposal Area located on the south west side of the proposed channel to allow for more efficient dredge operations. Once sufficient channel depths had been achieved to efficiently load the dredge and travel to the offshore disposal site, the material dredged from the channel and the material dumped in the temporary disposal site was transported and disposed of in the designated nearshored disposal site as shown on the attached drawings. Please feel free to contact me should you have any additional questions regarding this project. Very truly yours, APTIM COAS AL PLANNING &ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Ken Willson Project Manager CC: Josh Pelletier —USAGE Fritz Rhode —NMFS-HCD Heather Coats — NC DCM Gregg Bodnar — NC DCM Bobby Outten — Dare County Attachments: Attachment 1 — Pre -Construction and Post -Construction Survey Charts Attachment 2 — Construction Drawings 75°46'45"W 15"W �i i 0 N M 15 in M ® 1:3,000 0 100 200 400 600 800 Feet I� + ESTIMATED MATERIAL IN DREDGE BOX AS OF DECEMBER 12, 2018 16,026 CY @ -81FT 47,984 CY @ -1 OFT 88,237 CY @ -12FT BOX CUT X 2964077 Y 540079 Let 35° 11' 27.254" N + Long 75° 46' 21.246" W 6 7 8 9 ] 8 7 6 7 6 6 i •, b ] �. 6 6 6 9 88 8 9 9 8 8 9 10 87 8 7 7 67 6 7 6 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 11 6 9 8 6 6 8 6 6 9 8 7 7 7 6 11 9 6 10 9 10 0 0 0 9 9 ] 6 7 ] 6 ] 6 X 2964097 Y 539880 Let 35° 11' 25.280" N Lonq 75° 46' 21.088" W APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEMPORARYUSACE DISPOSAL SITE Ocracoke Island + 9 10 1 g 910 1 110111 10 10 11 11 10 9 1 1 0 11 7 9 B 6 9 7 11 10 9 8 8 6 6 10 10 10 11 13 11 f0 f0 10 10 6 11 10 f0 9 9 8 6 11 11 10 11 7 11 11 0 10 10 70 f0 13 10 10 11 9 10 9 6 1 11 11 12 10 8 7 12 11 10 11 11 70 0 10 0 9 9 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 9 6 7 9 9 g 9 9 8 9 ID 8 g 7 9 9 9 11 9 10 6] ] 7 9 6 7 6 6 5 S 6 6 6 5 g REFERENCE SURFACE TINS USED FOR ESTIMATED QUANTITY CALCULATIONS INCLUDE: OSC8FT_TEMP TIN_20181212 OSC_1OFT_TEMP TIN_20181212 OSC_12FT_TE M P_TI N_20181212 \\SAW-NETAPP2\SHARED\NAV\SURVEYS\HATTERAS\OCRACOKE STATE CHANNEL\2018\12 12 BD\QTY X 2966588 Y 540335 Lat 35° 11' 28.974" N onq 75° 45' 50.905" % It6 6 6 6 6 1 6 6 7 6 6 0. 61 IL 6I67d E 1SF ! X 2967384 Y 540313 Let 35' 11' 28.497" N ona 75° 45' 41.332" � 6 6 5 7 12 61,1 6 6 7 9 7 7 6 10 6 6 6 6 fi 7 1 7 1 6 1 6 6 7 AN 7 8A1 c 7 8 X 2966608 Y 540135 Lat 350 11' 26.985" N Long 75° 45' 50.748" � LEGEND Aids to Navigation 1 Green Light Depth In Feet = 4 and Shallower Can ! Red Light _ 6-4 Nun Green Daybeacon 7-6 8 7 Red Daybeacon 10-8 Green Lighted Buoy O Danger Sign 12-10 0 Mileboard 14 12 Red Lighted Buoy - 15 - 14 Marker Tide Gage - 15 and Deeper Junction Matchlines X 2967378 Y 540113 Let 350 11' 26.522" N ono 75' 45' 41.478" � + Matchline Hatteras Inlet NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS ARE IN FEETAND REFER TO NOAA'S REPORTED MEAN LOWER LOW WATER (Ml RELATIVE TO THE 1983-2001 TIDAL EPOCH. 2. PROJECT SURVEYED WITH DISTRICT SURVEY VESSEL "POTTER ", USING RTK GPS HORIZONTAL POSITIONING EQUIPMENTAND 200 KHZ SOUNDING EQUIPMENT. 3. HORIZONTAL DATUM NAD 1983. VERTICAL DATUM M.L.L.W.. 4. TIDE GAGE LOCATED AT VILLAGE MARINA USE OF TIDE VALUES FOR THIS GAGE ARE RESTRICTED TO QUALITY ASSURANCE PURPOSES FOR VERIFICATION OF RTK TIDES. THE WILMINGTON DISTRICT WILL ONLY USE STAFF GAGE TIDAL VALUES FOR FINAL MAPPING AND QUANTITY CALCULATIONS IF RTK GPS IS UN- AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF SURVEY. 5. THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS SURVEY MAP REPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF SURVEYS MADE ON THE DATES INDICATED AND CAN ONLY BE CONSIDERED AS INDICATING THE GENERAL CONDITIONS EXISTING AT THAT TIME. THESE CONDITIONS ARE SUBJECT TO RAPID CHANGE DUE TO SHOALING EVENTS. A PRUDENT MARINER SHOULD NOT RELY EXCLUSIVELY ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HERE. REQUIRED BY 33 CFR 209.325 7. NAVIGATION AIDS LOCATED WITH DISTRICT SURVEY VESSEL, ACCURACY +/- 3 METERS. S. SURVEY CONDUCTED BY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, WILMINGTON DISTRICT. TYPICAL SECTION Y MLL..EOW. l -10, 1� VROI EGi X 3 too- 'I NOT1� TO SCALE Z rn NORTH CAROLINA Morehead ATLANTIC OCEAN X 2 M �I �I m NI N (� co O U ❑ Z o N jl = of m co co0 Z m ❑ Y W 2 w � o 0- to W 0 z w LL ¢ 00 0 N UJ W m g p N U Of UJ < o N Q O O c') W � Q O LLI ❑ L� LU Q 0 W z a Y O 0 (Q z O.DDQJJJ � s o i V O 5"W 75046'45"W i O m 9 M O Ocracoke Island e 1:3,000 0 200 400 600 800 Feet 7 8 8 8 6 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 7 9 7 8 7 6 7 67 6 6 68 66, 9 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 8 9 8 9 109 9 9 9 8 B 9 g 10 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 9 10 9 9 9 8 1 9 11 it 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 70 10 0 1 10 f0 0 9 11 10 10 70 9 9 9 8 p 1 1 70 9 13 11 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 0 12 0 0 10 0 11 12 1 1 10 10 i0 9 10 12 13 12 12 11 1 9 12 10 10 12 14 13 11 11 11 10 11 10 12 14 18 11 11 11 11 10 17 11 10 71 10 11 10 it 11 11 11 10 1 10 10 11 10 12 12 11 72 11 11 11 11 H 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 9 g 8 9 10 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 10 10 10 6 11 10 11 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 B 7 ] 11 10 9 8 8 8 8 ]]y6� 2 0 8 11 ip 9 10 9 8 7 6 5 g 9 9 g 8 7 7 g 9 8 8 7 6 7 8 8 9 8 8 7 6 REFERENCE SURFACE TINS USED FOR ESTIMATED QUANTITY CALCULATIONS INCLUDE: OSC_8FT_TEMP _TIN_20181212 OSC_10FTTEMP _TIN _20181212 OSC_12FT__TEMP_TIN_20181212 \\SAW-NETAPP2\SHARED\NAV\SURVEYS\HATTERAS\OCRACOKE_STATE_CHANNEL\2018\12_12_BD\QTY k Matchline Hatteras Inlet 1 LEGEND Aids to Navigation 1 Green Light Depth In Feet = 4 and Shallower • b Can Red Light = 8 -4 Green Daybeacon = 7-8 Nun 8 7 Red Daybeacon - 10-8 Green Lighted Buoy Q Danger Sign 12-10 0 Mileboard - 14 12 Red Lighted Buoy - 15 - 14 Tide Gage - 15 and Deeper Junction Marker Matchlines 30 32 32 30 29 28 26 2C L3123027 26 24 20 26 23 20 9 29 26 22 30 29 27 30 8 27 28 29 30 + NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS ARE IN FEETAND REFER TO NOAA'S REPORTED MEAN LOWER LOW WATER (MLLW) RELATIVE TO THE 1983-2001 TIDAL EPOCH. 2. PROJECT SURVEYED WITH DISTRICT SURVEY VESSEL "POTTER ", USING RTK GPS HORIZONTAL POSITIONING EQUIPMENTAND 200 KHZ SOUNDING EQUIPMENT. 3. HORIZONTAL DATUM NAD 1983. VERTICAL DATUM M.L.L.W.. 4. TIDE GAGE LOCATED AT: BOARD @ HATTERAS VILLAGE MARINAI NOAA GUAGE STATION HATTERA USE OF TIDE VALUES FOR THIS GAGE ARE RESTRICTED TO QUALITY ASSURANCE PURPOSES FOR VERIFICATION OF RTK TIDES. THE WILMINGTON DISTRICT WILL ONLY USE STAFF GAGE TIDAL VALUES FOR FINAL MAPPING AND QUANTITY CALCULATIONS IF RTK GPS IS UN- AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF SURVEY. 5. THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS SURVEY MAP REPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF SURVEYS MADE ON THE DATES INDICATEDAND CAN ONLY BE CONSIDEREDAS INDICATING THE GENERAL CONDITIONS EXISTING AT THAT TIME. THESE CONDITIONS ARE SUBJECT TO RAPID CHANGE DUE TO SHOALING EVENTS. A PRUDENT MARINER SHOULD NOT RELY EXCLUSIVELY ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HERE. REQUIRED BY 33 CFR 209.325 7. NAVIGATION AIDS LOCATED WITH DISTRICT SURVEY VESSEL, ACCURACY +1-3 METERS. 8. SURVEY CONDUCTED BY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, WILMINGTON DISTRICT. :. ii TYPICAL SECTION M.1L..L.W. MCI am 1001 'I NOT TO SCALE TH CAROLINA I Manteo r Morehead L / ATLANTICOCEAN el Cl x dl 0 ¢I 0 � o N � Z �l o m x 0_ m ca m 0 Y W 2 LU LU UJ LU n LL Q 0) O N � } O N Q z Of D O LO QO 0 1l� LLI O W Q 0 LU a LU w o U) W z VI }r � U L) x r z 0 cc U W a x 0 0 75046'45"W 75046'15"W HATTERAS INLET MAINTENANCE PROJECT PROJECT AREA HATTERAS HATTERAS OCRACOKE INLET ISLAND ATLANTIC OCEAN 0 7500��ls GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT RALEIGH O�NP CHARLOTTE N.T.S. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR REGULATORY REVIEW ONLY CAPE FEAR DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CAPE HATTERAS PROJECT LOCATION REHEAD CRY LOOKOUT ATLANTIC OCEAN SHEETINDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 PRO]ECT OVERVIEW 3 CONNECTOR CHANNEL PLAN VIEW 4 CONNECTOR CHANNEL CROSS SECTIONS GENERAL NOTES: 1. COORDINATES ARE IN FEET BASED ON NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983, (NAD83). 2. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO MLW. 3. DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: CS-1 AND PV-1 ESRI ]ANUARY 2016, PV-2 NCDOT HATTERAS IMAGE MARCH 2O16. 4. SURVEY DATA COLLECTED BY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. DECEMBER 12, 2018. 5. BATHYMETRIC CONTOURS REPRESENT THE CONDITIONS OF THE CHANNEL ON DECEMBER 12, 2018 AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED ON FOR NAVIGATION PURPOSES. LEGEND —••—••— MEAN LOW WATER LINE ®EE' s MEAN HIGH WATER LINE — — — — CROSS SECTION LINE Q HAT-03-V-18 HATTERAS INLET BORINGS 2003 AND ID j NEARSHORE DISPOSAL AREA 4 SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION AND 100 FT. BUFFER i ASBUILT EXISTING CABLE ROUTE (CALDWELL CABLE VENTURES) EXISTING CABLE ROUTE(UTLTTY ELECTRICAL CONSULTANTS, PC) ASBUILT NEW CABLE ROUTE CS-1 9 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR REGULATORY REVIEW ONLY CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY AREA \, 1 \l,N PAMLICO SOUND L \ l CONNECTOR CHANNEL CORRIDOR / \ HAT-03-V-17 0 0 HAT-03-V-15 AT-03-V-18 HAT-03 V-19 OCRACOKE ISLAND LIFE SAVING STATION AVOIDANCE AREA 0 HAT-03-V-14 CHARTED WRECK AVOIDANCE AREA 0 HAT-03-V-11 0 OHAT-03-V-12 HAT-03-V-13 / HATTERAS / \ \ INLET HAT-03-V-6 0 HAT-03-V-7 0 -03-V-9 0 0 HAT-03-V-8 V-10 HATTE RAS 1<10 ee z d� W LL W z a z W z z e g a gs� o v "0� °=o tE -to� a+ 3 U. �I JJ BREAKING SHOAL J L PROPOSED CONNECTOR o9 lE 0 AVOIDANCE AREA CHANNEL �� U - ozo > erg: o NEARSHORE DISPOSAL woo 2 LOCATION Z U. I Qo 0 1�0`2000 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT PV-1 SHEE 2 OF 4 BOTTOM OF CUT/ CHANNEL COORDINATE TABLE POINT ID NORTHING EASTING ELEVATION A 540079.0 2964077.0 -12.0 B 540335.0 2966588.0 -12.0 C 540313.0 2967384.0 -12.0 D 540113.0 2967378.0 -12.0 E 540135.0 2966608.0 -12.0 F 539880.0 2964097.0 -12.0 LIFE SAVING STATION \ AVOIDANCE AREA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR REGULATORY REVIEW ONLY CHARTED WRECK AVOIDANCE AREA APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEMPORARY DISPOSAL SITE. USACE IS PROPOSING TO TEMPORARILY PLACE APPROXIMATELY 500 C.Y. IN THIS AREA. THE AREA WILL ONLY BE USED UNTIL THE DREDGE HAS ENOUGH DEPTH TO GET ACROSS THE SHOAL. THE DREDGE WILL THEN RETURN AND PICK UP THE MATERIAL AND TAKE IT TO THE NEAR SHORE DISPOSAL SITE. C HATTERAS INLET BREAKING SHOAL AVOIDANCEAREA 'z \ W z z � W 0 \ 200400 �11004 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT _ L t1�m E o= CULTURAL RESOURCE ASURVEY AREA i I 9 `�QQ D sill i J # R8 PROPOSED CONNECTOR CHANNEL \♦ jg; Of s� O £CGS Z V PV-2 SHED 3 OF ] CROSS SECTION A -A' B-IJ' C-C' 5 1 1 1 5 MHW EL. +0.42' p — —. ---.MLW p EL. +0.00' W DECEMBER 12, 2018 EXISTING GRADE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -5 90 z EL. -12.0' . . . r MLW -10 H ( 15 11 15 w MAXIMUM AD EL. CONNECTOR CHANNEL EXTENDS W -12TO EQUAL DEPTH AT = .0' MLW -20 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION -20 -25 -25 DISTANCE ALONG SECTION (FEET) CROSS SECTION B-B' 5 CROSS SECTION C-C' A -A' DECEMBER 12, 5 2018 A -A' MHW EL. +0.42' EXISTING GRADE MLW EL. +0.00' DECEMBER 12, 2018 MHW EL. +0_42' EXISTING GRADE W w p MLW EL. +0.00' 0 5 1 L J 1 g 5 5 0 10 3' 3 EL. -12.0' MLW -10 Z I CHANNEL WIDTH 200' �. 10 1 L . .�. 10 J 15 .� 15 EjL. -12.0' MLW w W CHANNEL 3 WIDTH 200' W _ w 15 . .. . _ 15 20 . . . . . . . . 20 MAXIMUM AD EL. MAXIMUM AD EL. _ -12.0' MLW = -12.0' MLW -20_ _ _ _ -20 -25_ _ _ -25 DISTANCE ALONG SECTION (FEET) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR REGULATORY REVIEW ONLY DISTANCE ALONG SECTION (FEET) 0 5 10 VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT 0` 250 500 HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT � sA ee z d� LL W W z 3 z W z z 5 IL � gs� V a o= u m_ 0 Erg ++ LL �3 X SXEEi 4 O�F4