HomeMy WebLinkAboutNot Given_Harrison, Cary & Kate_19941006?4 v Lamy and Kate Harrison 106 Rogue Court ]Emerald Isle, ETC 28594 Voice/]Fax (919) 354_5439 October 6, 1994 To Mr. James Mercer CAMA 3441 Arendell Morehead City, NC 28557-0769 Dear Mr. Mercer, rOCT 6 1994 We are writing to officially voice our opposition to what we believe to be dangerously inappropriate development on the inlet at the south west end of Bogue Island. We refer to lots 10, 11, 12 , and 13 of block 53 at the Point. The Town of Emerald Isle, as an apparently clear objection to this development, has proposed an amendment to its current Inlet Hazard Area Land Use Plan that would prohibit any development on the inlet -side of a dune ridge system which protects the end of the island in an area known as the Point. The residents didn't have to convince the Town of Emerald Isle that this was inappropriate development. The Town Council Members live here. They can clearly see what is going on. Please understand that the residents and the Town are not against development in general at the Point. There are currently two houses being built on Bogue Court at the end of the island. Both these homes are within the dune system which has protected the Point area for over 25 years. The lots we protest developing, 10, 11, 12, and 13, are presently being taxed as unbuildable property and should remain so because they are immediately adjacent to a migrating inlet. Houses have already been removed from the area by choice or by force, and 800 feet of road next to this property was severely damaged by a single storm event. A number of years ago, the owners erected snow fences to improve the elevation of the area. However, the inlet which has been migrating east toward these lots for 10+ years has already eroded a major portion of their artificially -created frontal dune ridge. It is obvious the inlet is now migrating in the direction of these lots. Although the average inlet migration is estimated at 5' per year, there have been recent studies that show migration of 300' in just 6 months. There are other problems to consider when houses are threatened by water. When the ocean threatens these houses, their septic systems will be under water. This puts human effluent into the ocean and an unwarranted burden on the taxpayers for clean up. The result will be disastrous. It will be a repeat of what has happened at Topsail Beach/Surf City. It will likely cause a reduction in tax values, a reduction in tourist revenues, and a reduction of our otherwise favorable flood rating. There will be collateral damage to our property, decreased tax base, and increased cost to taxpayers for government assistance in clean up. Let's just avoid the future expense and endangerment and stop the development now. The Town has stated that they will not provide services that would require breaching the dune or the Hatteras ramp. These people will have to negotiate for these services. They will have to negotiate where to put their trash and recycling for pick up because the trucks cannot cross the protective dune. Our reasons for protesting building on these lots are varied and many. These lots are inlet -side of the protective dune. This inlet is migrating towards these lots. We want to protect the property that is developed behind the protective dune. The town doesn't want these lots developed. With some stretch of the imagination, developing these lots may meet the letter of the CAMA regulations. It is by no means consistent with its theme of appropriate development. Development on these lots will soon become an unreasonable burden on taxpayers, will cause collateral damage to property, and very possibly harm people of the area. Therefore it is inappropriate to develop these lots. Accept this letter as our official protest against development of the lots 10, 11 12, and 13. We feel very strongly about the opinions we have expressed here. I, Cary L. Harrison, have a graduate degree in Marine Science from the University Of North Carolina At Wilmington and have taken many marine geology courses such as Marine Geomorphology from Dr. Orrin Pilky. I continue an open and active dialogue with many of the professors of Marine Science at UNC-W, including Dr. Paul Hosier who co -wrote the study of Bogue Inlet enclosed. This is the "Year Of The Coast." We must unite to make solid decisions and to protect life, property, our ocean, and the original beauty of our island. We must set precedents to prevent at Emerald Isle what has happened at Topsail Beach, Surf City, Wrightsville Beach, Sunset Beach, and Carolina Beach. We hope that you at CAMA feel the same responsibility. Sincerely, Kate G. Harrison WHITE OAK RIVER MANAGEMENT PROJECT FINAL REPORT PREPARED BY: David A. Adams Department of Forestry. North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC Larty--K.-Benninger Department of Geology University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC Paul E. Hosier Department of Biology University of North Carolina at'Wilmington Wilmington, NC Margery F. Overton, Department of Civil Engineering North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC James P. Reed Department of Zoology North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC FOR: Office of Water Resources N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Raleigh, NC December 15, 1982 Post -it" Fax Note 7671 Date # of pages To t C?n% From CoJDept. Co.V t1/ Phone # -b C 2 7 Phone # Fax # Fax # 2 Soo p 6 : 09/121/94 12:36 '&919 3504066 BIO SCIENCE Z002 . WHITE OAK RIVER MANAGEMENT PROJECT FINAL.REPORT SUMMARY From January 1, 1982 to June 1, 1982, hydrodynamic and ecological conditions in the White Oak River Estuary were investigated to 1) evaluate sedimentation rates and sources and the condition of the fishery in the estuary, and 2) analyze the physical and ecological impacts of potential channel modifications defined by the White* Oak River Advisory Council and the Office of Water Resources. Physical and -ecological field data were obtained, historical maps and aerial—photos—studied-,and—a-hydrodynamic—modelof the estuary utilized. CONCLUSIONS 1. Sedimentation is occurring in the estuary above the causeway. Two samples indicated that the sedimentation rate in the upper estuary was in equilibrium with the rate of submergence (about 0.3 em/yr),• the third showed a sedimentation rate of about 5 cm/yr -- more than ten times the rate of submergence (Appendix 1.). 2. Sandy sediments_ being deposited in the lower estuary originate in the.Bogue Inlet environment, and do not come from the White Oak River. Attempts to. improve circulation within the lower area by dredging new channels may extend the deposition zone farther upstream unless steps are taken to eliminate the sediment source.in the Bogue Inlet area (Appendix 2.). 3. The total amount of ocean water entering the lower river during the flood cycle will not be changed by.improvement of existing channels or creation of new ones. Additional channels will reduce the velocities in existing •ones (Appendix 3.) 4. Channels and shoaling patterns south of the causeway have changed considerably over the past 100. years, with Bogue Inlet proper migrating over an area about 1.5 miles wide. This behavior is• expected to continue into the foreseeable future (Appendix 2.). 5. No evidence of a declining fishery was found. The White 09/12/94 12:38 V919 3504066 BIO SCIENCh f 003 Oak River'Estuary supports populations of fish and clams comparable to other North Carolina estuaries; its production of marketable oysters has 'been meager since the late 1800s; and commercial fisheries landings of most species have been highest duringthe past five years. (Appendix. 4.) . 6. None of the. channel modification alternatives considered produced any. measureable change in habitat quality - £or oysters, clams, spot, croaker, or brown shrimp. Baseline croaker habitat quality was about 16, percent poorer and. clam habitat quality was about 67 percent better under ..the higher salinity characteristic of summer conditions than under lower salinity, winter conditions. Oysters, spot, and brown shrimp were insensitive to these salinity diffe_rences�Appendix 5.) . INTRODUCTION Background Concern over the condition of the White Oak River estuary led to creation of a White Oak River Advisory.Council in mid 1980. -In January, 1981, the Office of Coastal Management funded. preparation of a "Plan.of Action for the White Oak River", by the firm of Henry von Oesen and Associates, which recommended a .hydrodynamic model of the White Oak River Estuary and led to this project. The 1981 General Assembly appropriated funds to implement -recommendations of the von Oesen report, making the project possible. During the fall of 1981, the Department of Natural Resources and -Community -Development -requested -that_ the Water Resources Research Institute' of The University of North Carolina assemble a group of scientists to investigate conditions in the estuary in more depth. The team listed above was then constituted and began work in.December, 1981. In conducting the project, they received assistance from numerous persons, among which were graduate students Jeffrey P._Chanton, Dennis L. Stewart, and Jing Song Wei; research assistant Susan Smith; Loie J. Priddy, Richard J. Carraway, and Stephen D. Benton of the Office of Coastal Management; John N. Morris and Bobby L. Pellegrini of the :Office of Water Resources; Larry W. Akers of the. Geodetic Survey Section; David L. Taylor of the Division of Marine Fisheries; James M. Stewart of the Water Resources Research -Institute; B. J. Copeland of the UNC 'Sea Grant Program; and members of the White Oak River Advisory -Council. During the early stages of the project, T. C. Gopalkrishnan.of. the NCSU Department of 'Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences organized the hydrodynamic modelling effort. The work described here represents the best efforts of the research team to address the complex issues facing the White Oak River Advisory Council and the Department of Natural Resources and. Community Development within the constraints of limited time and money. It was not possible to perform the exhaustive field and laboratory work required to address all the concerns which have been -expressed over .,the possible deterioration of the White Oak River estuary. We channeled our resources into work which was necessary and possible, -but we do not claim to have performed an exhaustive study. Where information. was lacking, we substituted our professional judgment. 09/12/94 12:39 $919 3504066 BIO SCIENCE •005 PAGE 2 Description of Project Objectives- of this project were to 1) define water _circulation and sedimentation patterns within the White Oak Estuary, 2) determine their impact upon water quality, navigation, and fisheries, and 3) analyze the effects of proposed estuarine alterations. upon 1) and 2). Specifically, the project was to: 1. Obtain baseline physical., data -- tidal elevations, current velocity, salinity, and oche r data as i nput--to the hyd rodynam i c and ecological models. 2. Obtain baseline ecological data - sediment type/macrobenthos distribution,` other ecological data. 3. Determine the sedimentation rate - obtain cores from three locations in the lower river and determine the rate of sedimentation using techniques based on the rates of decay of radioactive elements. 4. Analyze historic. shoreline changes within the _lower estuary - describe the pattern of erosion and shoaling south of the causeway through a comparative analysis of historic aerial photographs. 5. Develop a physical model. of the White Oak Estuary - based on existing hydrodynamic models and data obtained in 1, above, develop a numerical model relating water *level, current velocity, and salinity, and capable of predicting - changesin these: parameters resulting from potential alterations in basin geometry. 6. Develop, biophysical models describing habitat suitability for selected estuarine species - based on literature and data obtained in 2. above, develop mathematical functions describing habitat suitability for clams, oysters, and other estuarine organisms. T. Predict existing habitat quality distribution for selected estuarine organisms - using the models developed, create a series of maps depicting existing habitat for clams, oysters, and other estuarine organisms. PAGE 3 8. Predict.the physical and ecological impacts of potential channel modifications. - using 'the models developedand descriptions of possible alterations furnished by the Office of Water Resources, predict likely changes' in estuarine circulation, sedimentation patterns, and habitat for estuarine species. The project began on January 1, 1982 and produced a preliminary report for the General Assembly in early June. This paper constitutes the final project.report. PROCEDURES Hydrology and Sedimentation A numerical model based on the Finite Element Method was used to. predict current velocities and directions, water elevations, and salinity patterns throughout the White Oak River Estuary above the Swansboro - Cedar Point causeway. The area was divided into two dimensional triangular elements for which discrete values were ascribed to the parameters at the nodes. Boundary conditions were applied at specific nodes as known values of water velocity or, elevation and salinity concentrations as a function of time. A complete space time history of the nodal parameters was then produced and inferences concerning erosion and shoaling developed. Boundary salinities characteristic of winter - spring (relatively low) and, summer (relatively high) were used to develop two different salinity 'regimes. Resultant salinity distributions provided inputs• to the ecological models by which baseline and postproject conditions were described. Historic maps and photographs were used in determining changes in the Bogue Inlet - Lower White Oak River -Estuary below the Swansboro Cedar Point causeway Three maps (18731' 1910, and 1933) and eight sets of aerial photos (1938,.1949, 1956, 1959, 1964, 1971., 1976, and 1980) were used to reconstruct the shoaling and erosion history of the area. A set of 1976 color aerial photographs was used as the base map, other maps and photographs were compared to the base by projecting their images using a Bausch and Lomb Zoom Transfer Scope,, and overlays of changing conditions drawn. Interpretations of causative factors and implications for future conditions were then developed based on a general knowledge of coastal processes and the geography of the area. 09/12/94 12:41 V919 3504066 BIO SCIENCE .007 PAGE 4 three sediment core samples were obtained from the estuar above the causeway and analyzed for 210Pb and 239,24 pu,.The quantity of 210Pb adsorbed on fine sediments provides an index to the age of the sediments over the past 70-90 years, whereas the presence of 239,240pu indicates that sedimentation has occurredsince the beginning of atmospheric nuclear tests (approximately 30 years). Fisheries Resources Chesapeake —Bay —style —pa tent tongs -were —used -to obtain samples of oysters and clams, using a random sampling system in areas of varying substrate type, depth, and salinity. Each sample represented 0.9 square meters of bottom. All oyster' samples were taken from well defined rocks. Clams were sampled by lowering the tongs to the bottom,,- closing them, and lifting them to the surface -while rinsing most of the mud and sand from the basket. This rinsing action.may have allowed seed clams to fall through the 24 mm openings, thereby causing an underestimate of_' the seed clam population. All oysters and clams were counted and measured. Oysters .were classified as follows: "seed" -- less than 51 -mm long, "precommercial" -- 52-76 mm, "commercial." greater than 76 mm. Clams were classified as: "seed - less than 38 mm thick, "little necks" -- 39-60 mm, "cherrystones" -- 61780 mm, and "chowders" -- greater than 81 mm.' Juvenile fish were.sampled with an 11 foot wide, 1/4.inch bar mesh otter trawl. Duplicate trawl 'samples,were taken at a speed of' approximately 2.5 knots for 1 min at each of five locations between' Hunter's Creek and Pettiford Creek on May - 15, 1982, organisms collected were identified and measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. Historical seafood landings data were obtained from the Division of Marine Fisheries. Impacts of the proposed projects upon clams, oysters,. spot,, croaker,, and brown shrimp were analyzed through habitat models. Habitat requirements' for each species, were obtained from literature or field data and expressed as simple mathematical equations. Data on each environmental factor were mapped, and each species -habitat function solved for.each 200 x 250 ft cell throughout the estuary. Results were.portrayed graphically as,habitat quality maps and as an index of the total habitat quality in the entire estuary (obtained by summing the habitat quality' values over all cells) Comparing baseline (no project)• indices with. those PAGE 5 resulting. from each project or other alteration provided a means of comparing the relative impact of each alternative upon each of the species considered. RESULTS Existing Conditions Hydrology and Sedimentation North of the Swansboro Cedar Point causeway, the White, Oak River Estuary is a mixture 'of riverine and marine influences: -The—r-iver-i-ntroduces--fresh water and fine sediments. The sediments flocculate and deposit in the upper estuary; the fresh water mixes with saline ocean water from Bogue Inlet. In addition to saline water, the tide sweeps sand -sized and finer sediments .through the inlet to deposition sites as far inland as the Eastern Channel north of the causeway. Sedimentation in this area varies from about 0.3 cm/yr (two samples) to about 5 cm/yr (one.sample) The former approximate the annual -rate of submergence along the Atlantic Coast, and indicate that this portion of the estuary is in general equilibrium with submergence., The latter indicates that the area sampled (-about'064 miles north of Jones Island). is • in disequilibrium with submergence,', perhaps resulting from natural estuarine channel meandering,, incomplete restoration since the last major storm., or human activities. South of, the causeway, the estuary is. influenced. primarily by Bogue Inlet. In this .:lood tide dominant system, the most active sediment transport takes ra-Mr through the. inlet throat during strong onshore winds and storms, distributing sand well inside the inlet. Major shoreline changes have also occurred along Bogue Bank and Bear Islandthe shoreli - if both i al ands have reced A more than 30 0 fpcLf-- _ IIn addition, the spits off both. islands have changed configuration as the position of the inlet has changed. __B=ue—Inlet .was at its terly position in 1938, and has migrated over a zone 1.5 mile wide over.t'e past 200 years or so. The main ebb channel has been oriented to the south or south-southeast during most years, resulting in a greater net longshore .drift in the east -to -west direction (toward Bear Island). This channel position is generally Iin line with the Main Channel dredged periodically by the -Corps of Engineers. If the Main Channel continues to be maintained through dredging, the inlet will remain relatively stable, 09/12/94 12:43 V919 3504066 BIO SCIENCE Q 009 PAGE 6 or will move slightly west of its present position; i-- hurricane or other severe storm strikes the area, rapid inlet movement is possible._ The 100 year trend is for the West Channel to become less and` less imo�artanto 1.probably continue to 'n��nr i n thi a c�hannni _ . Dudley's island and the associated marshes surrounding it have developed on sand carried inside the I inlet on flood tide. The island/marsh complex developed on the flood delta and has -been accreting seaward. An equilibrium has now apparently been reached, and both erosion and accretion are occurring. The marsh -filled lagoon east of the inlet (behind Bogue, Bank) also appears to be filling. Recent photography shows more marsh than comparable 1873 and 1910 maps. Tidal marsh along both the West. and Main Channels has underg.one significant erosion. Boat wakes and dredging in the Main Channel are likely responsible for some of the observed changes. Construction of the Intracoastal Waterway in 1930-32 and. the NC Route 24 causeway and bridge in 1933 altered the east -west flow from a channel adjacent to Huggins Inland to one adjacent .to the mainland near NC 24. Spoil deposition in a continuous string directly west of* Huggins Island may also be responsible for decreased tidal flow in the West Channel of the inlet. e major source of sediment ''s o.fshore; only a small 'amount is reworked dredged material -fro m a In acoas a a erway. is material is:continually being swept from the inlet environment into the estuary, and deposited there in a flood tide delta. Channel modifications resulting from highway and Intracoastal Waterway construction have facilitated landward sediment movement, and sand deposition -is now occurring on -shoals north of the causeway. Fisheries Resources Juvenile spot and croaker populationsin low salinity areas within the•White.Oak River Estuary were•comparable to or higher than those in the most productive nursery areas in Western Pamlico Sound and the Cape Fear River. Spot were the most abundant fish, attaining. a density of 1.6 individuals per square meter in waters of 8 ppt•salinity in Hunter's Creek. At all other locations, spot averaged 0.25 individuals per square meter. The modal length for spot was PAGE 7 27'mm. The maximum croaker density was one- individual per square -meter just south of Hunter's Creek; -the lowest density was-0.13 per square meter in 18 ppt salinity west -of Cales Creek., The modal length of `croakers was , 24 mm in the former, and 21 mm in the latter,- location. No croakers*wera found in the 26 ppt salinity of Pettiford Creek. The diversity of fish species was high and did. not- indicate a stressed condition. Clam populations averaged 0.75 individuals per. square meter in muddy sand and 1.9 per square meter in shelly bottom, comparable to or slightly lower than those of other North Carolina estuaries. Th contains between 6 and 18 io re see r ed 31.5 n are ittlenecks 27._2_petcent--are-cherr sto es --an - - 1 percent are chowders. ------------- productivity, on the otherhand,•is-Quite low and has been since at least the late 1880s. Stunted and crowded oysters in the lower estuary serve as a source of seed for transplanting to less saline areas, where they..become marketable. Live oyster reefs contained an average of 156 oysters per square meter. The entire estuary probably contains between 120 and 410. million o s, of which 55.4 percent are seed, cen are precommercial'size, and 6.6 percent are comma . In the vicinity of Jones . ead shells extend up to 24 meters from the live reef, and similar conditions exist along the line of reefs south of Hancock Point. No species for which landings.data are available appears to 'show any long term population decline, although, considerable short term variations are evident. The highest recorded catches of crabs, clams, shrimp,.. and oysters have occurred within the last five years, and blue -crab landings for 1978 were nearly triple those of any: other year. Finfish landings for the period 1978-1981 were an order of magnitude higher than - those of 1966, the only previous year for which data were,available. Impact of the Proposed Projects Project Description The White Oak Advisory Council and .the. office of Water.•. Resources defined two alternative channel modifications for evaluation of their possible effects on circulation, navigation, and sedimentation in the estuary above the causeway (figure 1): • I- a •• by / +• v Island 6W . •T Swansboro !? �. o oUghts d/�ayDeato II 10 i 1.9 s t 0 Is Vre 19 13M :: • � + 6 Atli ns lal 'd (4L tl O :Caple FIGURE 1 Location of Proposed Alteniatives for White Oak River Modifications 09/12/94 12:47 V919 3504066 BIO SCIENCE .012 PAGE 9 w I. Improvements in the Eastern Channel. Maintaining the Eastern Channel through the causeway 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep at MLW and extending the channel 5000-feet upstream of the causeway to.a point west of Jones Island, where it would intersect the existing Western Channel. 2. Creating a New Eastern Channel. Excavating a new channel through the eastern end of the causeway 600 feet wide -and 10 feet deep at MLW and extending and narrowing the new channel 7250 feet upstream of the causeway =to-a—po-int----- west of —Jones Island, where it would intersect the existing Western Channel. Hydrology and Sedimentation The following results are based on input from March 5, 1982 field data: tidal range from. high to low of 1.77 feet in 7.25 hours and low to high of 1.16 feet in 5.25 hours at the causeway. Improvements in the Eastern Channel would decrease tidal velocities in the Western Channel slightly, but not enough to significantly change existing conditions. in the improved Eastern -Channel, tidal velocities within 2000 ft of the causeway during the ebb cycle would be sufficient .to transport medium sand, but would not be sufficient to cause erosion. During- the flood cycle, tidal velocities would remain in the deposition regime up to about 1000 feet north of the causeway. Thus sand.carried inland from the inlet would be deposited in this area during flood tides, ebb tides would not be capable of removing it and carrying it back downstream, and net sedimentation.would occur. Creation of a new Eastern Channel would decrease tidal velocities in the Western Channel 10 to 30 percent and shift the flow direction eastward. Velocities through most of the Western Channel would remain sufficient to prevent deposition. Velocities in the existing Eastern Channel would be' reduced up to 42 percent, sufficient to cause deposition through an area extending from the causeway about 1600 feet upstream (about 400 feet farther than now). Within the New Eastern Channel, tidal velocities would be sufficient to transport sediment throughout the lower .2800 feet; from this point upstream to its junction with the Western Channel, deposition would occur: PAGE ld In no case would salinities within the estuary vary more than a few parts per thousand from those now existing. Fisheries Resources None of the channel modification alternatives evaluated had any measureable impact upon habitat.quality for oysters, clams, spot, croaker, or brown shrimp. Changes in the salinity regime were simply too small to. affect these species. Differences between the high salinity (summer) and low salinity (winter) regimes were more. apparent. Baseline croaker habitat quality was about 16 percent poorer, and clam habitat quality was about 67 percent better, under the higher salinity characteristic of summer conditions than under low salinity, winter, conditions. CONCLUSIONS 1. Sedimentation is occurring in the estuary above the causeway. Two samples indicated that the sedimentation rate in. the upper estuary was in equilibrium with the rate of submergence (about 0.3 cm/yr); the third showed a sedimentation rate of about 5 cm/yr -- more than ten times the rate of submergence (Appendix 1.). 2. Sandy sediments being deposited in the lower .'estuary originate in the Bogue Inlet environment, and do not come. from the White Oak River. Attempts to improve circulation within the lower area by dredging new channels may extend the. deposition zone farther upstream unless steps are taken to eliminate the sediment source in the Bogue Inlet area (Appendix 2.) 3. The total amount of ocean water entering the lower river during the flood cycle wil'1 not. be changed 'by improvement of,existing channels or creation of new ones. Additional channels will reduce the velocities in existing ones (Appendix 3.) . 4. Channels and shoaling patterns south of the causeway have, changed considerably over the past 100 years, with Bogue 09/12/94 12:50 0919 3504066 PAGE 11 [Inlet proper ,nigrating over an area about 1.5 miles wide.his behavior is expected to continue into theoreseeable future (Appendix 2.). 5. No evidence of a declining fishery was found. The White Oak River Estuary supports populations of fish and clams comparable to other North Carolina estuaries; its production of marketable oysters has been meager since the late 1800s; and commercial fisheries landings of most species have been highest during the past five -years, (Appendix 4.) . 6. None of the channel modification alternatives considered produced any measureable change in habitat quality for oysters, clams, spot, croaker, or brown shrimp. Basel.ine__— croake_r_hahitat-quality-was--about—l6--percent poorer and clam habitat quality was about 67 percent better .under the higher salinity characteristic of summer conditions than under lower salinity, winter conditions. Oysters, spot, and brown shrimp were insensitive to these salinity differences (Appendix 5.). APPENDICES 1. Modern Sediment Accumulation in the White Oak River Estuary. 2. Historic Changes in the Bogue Inlet — Lower White Oak .River Estuary (1873-1980). 3. Hydrodynamic Modelling of the White Oak River Estuary. 4. Biota ,of the White Oak River Estuary: An evaluation of biological resources: Clams, oysters, and nursery areas. 5. Biota in the White oak River Estuary: The effects of two channelization scenarios on clams, oysters, shrimp, spot and croaker as evaluated with habitat models. SIX •.:�;;;r;:,�!' .:;... COAST WHITEt AN .,::.. • ��• OAK RIVER a v� a�At�AN�IG • ''j ' • `•.s Y 447 Ohl Lk ATLANTIC OCEAN: :,:«.:• �: • , r...... KM 0 1 .2 1976 EROSION Q ACCRETION ';;i, SAND BODIES Q 1w do . r M � .•., . i :. yr• 873 MAP 1