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Earth to Remain Excavation Area a N 1 Concrete Ramp-&, Aggregate Base Earth to Remain �- Access Paving & Aggregate Base 2 0 C c� U a� 3 U U' o c a�i '> I 10 8 6 4 RampAccess A s 2 Drive Profile from 0 (NLW) Intersection with I w -2 Jasmine Lane -4 , Scale 1 = 1 c 0 -6 _ -8 D ATU f7V EL _ pp Fill Area • V c7 10 Fill Section ( 1 ) Ramp Access Drive Station 0+25 (From Intersection With Jasmine Lane) Scale 1 " - 5' Proposed boat launch turn -around & Maneuver Area Finished Grade Dt/1 P L \ !.� ` Edge of Creek , and Normal High •O Water Line ' o •� •� • 30ft Coastal 1 • 1 ; Shoreline Buffer Normal Low Water Depths (Typ) Normal Low Water Line ♦ 14.4 Zero Line , ♦ k ♦ N --Distance along ` ♦ + Creek to Property ♦ `sg.3 68A Limits and Riparian Corridor from Proposed Ramp: 1,460ft R3 (' ,/� ��, pat & O b r °'0 '"oo ,�'l� o Paved a tj\jet \6� Ac�� �',�� ♦ /� vehicle rid area I t�I,�.af•CU R10•.0 Amenity 0 •� - r Site .0 1+25 773 7,0 2.6 �,y 0 1 12.5(� cNn ��1 Proposed 5 x12.5 floating 1 +40.71 N © 39.2 0 g ' ___-- kayak / canoe Launch ("EZ—" Dock - EZ Port"or--1.2 cs 1.0 comparable per Owner & "-- Elevations with square manufacturer) 59 6 1.4 o symbol (Upland) Relative to o �.5 NLW = 0 Per Surveyor (Typ) Proposed 4' Wide Wood Dock ` (All elevations within Creek 1 / relative to NLW = 0) Edge of Creek / plotted from Onslow County Aerial GIS and Field Location —Distance along Creek to Property — Limits and Riparian Corridor from Proposed Ramp: 1,000ft f 11.0 ( +1.0 Ar 0.7 Proposed Concrete Boat Ramp 32ft Long x 14ft Wide In accord with elevation data AL / provided to accommodate ramp toe depth = 3ft at NLW and to of ram > 1ft ab ----- --- - - ,-_ : _ - --- -- -- ----------------------- -- --- --- - - ----- ------------------------------------------ -- --- -- --- ---------------------------- - - -� --—•—_�-- ------ --- - ---- --- ----- ---- ---------------- ---------- - - _1)- 9----------------------------------- -- ------------------------------- ----------------------- --- Existin --- --- - -- --- -------- ------ -- ------------ ---- ------------------------- --------------- 0+00 0+50 1+00 1 +40.71 p p ova NHW 0 �s , L SCALE: 1" = 20' tsa 40 4 Wetlands, Line (TYP•) AL v �U U U }`c Proposed Dock ° Finished Deck Elevation & 0. Guardrails Per Appropriate E � 0 E Building Codes & Owner Proposed 5'x12.5' � 2!o° o c °� °' 'Q_� floating kayak / canoe v Proposed boat `" m 2 E ° c .-, Launch ("EZ Dock - EZ launch ° U ° U o Port" or comparable U turn -around & M + z z per Owner & 71 Maneuver Area PVI U �? w w LU manufacturer) Finished Grade w o 0� CO c0v 32�`� w 1+03.71 U U 10 8 - -- - -- - -- - -- ----- ------ ------------------- --------- - -- - -- -- - --- -- --- - --- --- --- --- ------ - ----- - 6 ------- ----- - ---- - -- - - --- ---- ----- ------ - -- - - - -------- _ ---- --- ______ ______ ______ ------ -- - --- ---- -- - --- -- - - ----------- ----- - - -- -- -------------------------------------- - ----- -- - --- - - --- - -- -- - 4 - - -- - - ---- - - - -- -- --- -- ---- --- - - - - - ------ - - -- -- ------------ Proposed Dock Piling (Typ) --- --- - -- 2 o - - - -- - ------------------------ ------------------------ -- - -------------------------- - ------- pacing &Embedment Ram & 0 NL p ( W) - -- - ----- ---- - - - - ----- -- --- --- - - - --- ---- ---- -.- -- - - -- -- - - - - Per Building Codes and --- --- _ round _2 Turn -Around ------------------------- Access Drive -- --- -- --- --- ---- - ---- - -- - ---- -- ---- - ----- --- --- - -- - ---- - ---------- ---- -- - --- --- ------------ - ---- --------------------- ---—Appropriate - ---- --------------- --- - Top of Concrete Existing.---------- �---------- ----------- ----- -- - ----- ---- ----------------- 180 / --- Max. ---------------------- - ----------- ---- - - _ -- f r _o Loading . . - --- & Bearing Conditions --------------- - - - -------------------------------- -4(Remaining P-ofile ------------------------------------ -- - - - ------ Grade Ramp Min. - -- -- ------------------------ --- - --- ------------ (12% Slope �-- �.�_ o Mrn,) - - --- - -- - - - ----- -- - - ------------- - ---- ------------ 9 Dock Piles not -6 ----------------------------- --- - --- ---- --- ---- - ----- ---- - - �1ft Ab ova NHW -- -- ----- ---------1ft --ova - - ---------------- --------------------- ---------------- ---- Toe of Ram - - - Shown for overall Clan -Y) - --- -- ----- -- - Scale- 1 = 10-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- - ---- ---- ------ ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- --- --- -- - -- ------- -- - - -- --- ---------------------------------------------- ------------,-------------------------------- - - -- --- - ---- - -- - -- - --- aft Below NLW ------ - -------- --- -- - - - --- --- - - E4- � --- ---- --- -- -10 'VATUAi ELEV ------ ---------------- - ------ - ----- ---- -- ---- --- --- ----- - --- ---------- - -------- ---- ---- - -- --- - ---- ----- ----- - - ---- -eon 08 --------_ - 0+00 0+25 0+50 0+75 1+nn --- - - ----- ---- -- Upland Elevations Adjusted Per Surveyor to correlate with Normal Low Water Depths: Field Verify all Elevation Data & Proposed Grading Prior to Construction. 1+25 Note: Steel Reinforced Concrete Ramp (over compacted aggregate base) sections to be prefabricated (formed, poured and cured) on high ground prior to final placement below NHW _ LP 3 Its'} I'i +ate Z 008 Ef` REVISIONS 7/5/08 Per DCM 7/14/08 Per DCM 7/24108 Additional Water Depths Per DCM 8/12/08 Upland Profile Per DCM & Access BUA- Per Stormwater Permitting UJ a C ra LLJ C M 0 o (� 0) LL N N Z �j cn C � zo �0)oo Ln Wv U m� UJ F0 D� = �{.) N LU t o r Q. cl N V O C o E C7 oa ( 1 0 W O ro 'a au � z o 4 U U > Q 4.0 0 Q1 i Cn .Q $rn %PERMITTING VOT FOR CONSTRUCTIOI` UNTIL ALL APPROPRIATE HERMITS RECEIVED/ DATE: 5/12/08 PROJECT: 07-062 DRAWN BY: JF SHEET: 2 of 3 Proposed Dock Piling (TYp) Spacing & Embedment Per Building Codes and Proposed Dock Appropriate for Loading Bottom of Decking Minimum aft Above Wetland Substrate v & Bearing Conditions Finished Deck Elevation & Guardrails Per Appropriate Building Codes & Owner 15 ---- ----------------- 10 - - - - - -- ------ - -- -------- ----- - ---- ------------ _ -_-. _ --� --- - _- - - - -- -- __ _ --- - - -- ----------------- _ _____ __ -- ------ ------------__-------------------------- --.------ :— —______ Grade — -- __ __Existing . - _-=-____=-- _ 5_____-------_---- ----=—______—___________ ---------------------- ---- ---- -- --- --- - ---- -- —-- -- - -- --- -10 ---__-__-_�__ _-_---__--____-_--_--______-_____-___-___-___________ ---------------------------- ----- -- - - - - -- ___________ -__- - -- _--_______--___-______ ---- --- - - -- ___�-.--__ -- ^-- __ --_- ------------------__----------------------------- - -15 ---- -- - - - -- --------- ------------------- - - - - -- ---- ---- -- - - - - -- -- ______ -------- -- -- -- _ __ -- - - - - -- --------------- _____-- - - - - ----------- --------------------- - - - - -- -- _ - - -- - Longitudinal Dock Section 2-2 - - - - - - - - - --------- Scale 1" = 10' 50 100 0 0 U y y � Mooring Pile U y z Z (Behind Section) o U — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — 7- ::� — ::: ::� - _- — ::: ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: _- ::� _-: ::: ::: ::: �7 — - \�: �-- ::: — — — — — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — - - - -- - ------ ----- - ---- - -- - ------------------ ------------------- ----- -1 ---------------------- --------------- - --_ --- ---- --- -- - -_ --- ------ ----------------------------- ------------ ----- - _— — __--=-_- ------------------ -exist._ -- -=--------- --- _---- -----no----- — — — — — — — — — — — — — ——--------- -—-gB --------- _ — -------- • 300 350 400 200 250 r U co AUG3 2 5 2008 [)jvjS10N OF \„9 REVISIONS 7/5108 €per OCM 7/14/08 Per DCM LUJ Q °- a cu 0) `L�T.. LU o coo,M W Z o t= C F o� C U rn m U.) is4-1 D� _ + C W �o � o o c.170 C Q 0 O E c� U ° qo 0 C� U- -- W CU z M w "o .� C m A L� � � p zi PERMITTING SET\ OT FOR CONSTRUCTION UNTIL ALL APPROPRIATE \ ERMITS RECEIVED---*, DATE: 5/12/08 PROJECT: 07-062 DRAWN BY: JF SHEET: 3 Of 3 �1_