HomeMy WebLinkAbout89-23 Greet, Michael • • • North Topsail Beach 89-23 Local Government Permit Number • CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT • as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes,"Coastal Area Management" Issued to Michael Greet cio Weston Lya . PE PLS, PLLC., authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - C-)RV,i (AEC) at 701 New River Inlet Road. in North Topsail Beach, Ons!ow County as requested in the permittee's applicatior. dated 7/12123 and received as complete by DCM on 9120/2023. This permit, issued on 912512023, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action. or may cause the permit to be null and void This permit authorizes construction of retaining wall with backfili and a 12' x 24' pool, pool deck. All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat • drawingsts) dated received on 9/2012023 via email (Weston Lyali. PE PLS, PLLC revised date of 5/1112023). Ali construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local. State and Federai regulations. applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit • t4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 252-515-5400 for a final insoecti,,;1n completion of work • (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This perrnil action may be appealed by the permitter or caner qualilled persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date From The date ol a appeal any woik c;onducted under this be:Tilt must .•.ease until zhe appeal ,'esolve6 This fTC • nermit rtl,, t he o he prOleCi site arid acoessibie to ine permit officer when the Droject is inspected tar cornplianc,e: Any maintenance wad; or project Heather Styron -Tyx-,!ficatfon not czovered under this perinit. require luftner written permq :r)provai Ail work must r.eiase vvnen trey pErni!exp!res on District Manager 400 Commerce Ave DECEMBER"3-li 2026 %tor head City NC 28557/ issuing this permit it ayeed tnat this project is consistent witn the loca Land • Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may it be transferred to another party without the written approval of the DvIston of Coaszai PERMITTEE f;ilanagement (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit: • . . . • , Name: Michael Greet Minor Permit#89-23 Date: 912512023. Page 2 . . . . . ' . .. ° (5) The proposed retaining wall(with fill)and pool with decking shall he constructed landward of any wetland areas . (coastal and 404 jurisdictional). .. (6) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land-disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas: until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover (7) Al'other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. . (8) No disturbance of any wetlands(coastal and 404) is authorized (9) All work shall follow what was authorized by the USACOE letter dated 919/2023 no OSACCE permit required) (9)The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 25%of the lot area within 575 feet of normal high water (Estuarine Shoreline-ORW Area of Environmental 'Concern) 0) The Permittee and/or the Permittee's Agent shall be responsible for obtaining any and all necessary authorizations, approvals or zoning and building permits from the local government having jurisdiction (Town of North Topsail Beach and for Onslow County)prior to commencing work, 4 ' , . SIGNATURE: ,:)A-T:F. cr.ir Z S' Z0,23 FERMITTEE • i N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION (MINOR PERMIT) CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN.RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVRED ,1 T. Date OV.Y.lift`171g/Via_ ki4Sifintl — Naire of Adjacent Riparian Pro .rt)r owner . .12J11 czation- , ;. Address PNaLtiOi G, 2-14 a_. city-.State Zip To Whom It May Concern: This correspondence is 14111;eift734.' .Y1(11)titylcas rizariatitt proi peaow:r that(iil I calmorarlonyingtfootr_a Cc;Ato". MA 4:44.11°r Pect°61.41:1'1_,.' it 7 t iv on my property arit I 4•1b5 tALQ f1 kitte intik- E.A._:_mytyL-Rici f5e0YJJ, Oc, 2.t4,4so 0 r, in_ DASLOW County, which is ad iacent to your property, A copy of the application and project drawing is attached/enclosed for your reviesv. . If you have no objections to the proposed activity,please mark the appropriate statement below and return tot me as soon as possible. If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice,it will be considered that yortu have no comments or objections regarding this project. If you have objections or comments,please mark the appropriate statement below and send your e4 , -- ,4, 4,`, e to: (LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER.NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT,MAILING ADDRESS CIT -,STA 3- ZIP CODE) . , ,t If you have any questions about the project,please do not hesitate to contact me at my addressintaraer liste4elow,or contact(LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER)at(PHONE NUMBER), or by email at(LPO EMAIL), Sincetely, i Ma1440,1/4 el"Slk CI n lq -7332 Property Owner's Name Telephone Number Mt : ' 1 r I I Address City State 1 Zi , • I have no objection to the project described in this correspondence. I have objection(s)to the project described in this correspondence. - , ...,... . , - Adjacent Riparian Signature Date Print or Type Name Telephone Number , • Arearmemaren Address Cit\ State Zik Revisgd July 202.1 i tk NC. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION (MINOR PERM( ) CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELiveREq . .0 Dart!r kNielt -Throcon Name of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner 9.0S ttiMaitilit CI \ddress , • Apexi. .g.Ce. nr2-1 . .., .11 City,State Zip : , 0! : to W.hom It May Concern: ,! 't ! .) This correspondence is to notify you as,a riparian property owner that I am applying for a CA MA Minor permit to ..._ , ' ! . It( a vval_ 1A/4- 4(.....E1140- 0(1 101-4- PY0Pwer pool . . on ny property411101416 k .*PQ/4 , 114 YI .4 0 1 AL„'r E • Noyiii -rec5.1.41 &oda, i 27P:4 ik, 40 ..., u ._ in • tO)/ki County which is adjacent to your property. A copy of the application aitili project dii wing is attached/enclosed for your review. : t it u have no objections to the proposed activity,please mark the appropriate statement below and return lc: e as soon as sibie. If no comments are received within 10 days of receipt of this notice, it will be considerld that , have no co merits or objections regarding this proiect. If y u have objections or comments,please mark the appropriate statement below and send your corresponile ce to: il,(• ,AL PERMIT OFFICER. NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT, MAILING ADDRESS CITY.STAi ZIP CODE) nt If y lu have any questions about the project.,please do not hesitate to contact me at my addressinumbpr HMto I low, or con act(LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER)at(PHONE NUMBER),or by email at:(LPO EMAIL). ! ' ! • 1 i :: Sin! ly. : l i 1 1 Oalk C-IrtiA-- q ii (0.-7S32 Property Owner's Name Telephone Number I'I ii r HO: Address City State Ziti I have no objection to the project described in this correspondence. I ' i: . N _ I have objection(s)to the project described in this correspondence. 1; , I 4 - , [Adjacent Riparian Signature Date • , 1 Print or 1 ype Name Telephone Number !! • i : • Address City State Zip, ' ! i 6e VIS11 July 2021 • ! i AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: ttIrCalt Erb • Mailing Address: 3001W IS Phone Number: qrL.i .P .1332 Email Address: N t o W Y (Y i t too n rr�� I certify that I have authorized We$\ N �� r F-Ls) P� NSF-IF-Ls) Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: Pft4knell Kau tc ') b J- R t! lb be Ppted oil• at my property located a701 J7f1 O( VW-- , lAtAl t ' a% 1254446 in CXY-460 County, i furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in tact grant permissiOnto Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents tter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related tad this permit application. Property Owner Information: 90/ree"-: Signature PAIL t A &Q1, Print or Type Name O' JY J V Title t2- i 2023 Date This certification is valid through II i f 12.02 • . • • . • 2..1.241:".. . • •si OTHER PFRAt I I'S M tiii itt:it frOUIREO I'..;.k 2-i'its,..:sou ar 2; .ii.:is'.00s....rt.t.:. . -,..:. .ss: tr',;eta.;' . ; •,:t:s k: . f mizio...k.syt-Asstpliksr.Kiltii tkiii::,iitig pions, - zi.k tzt Otirikrzi,"-t.4,,1 A:1', '.,,,,P,V, ,!,', ,,,,,:,::,,,1: :, ......i.... Ossnotatine..in . ........t'i,t...,,"'.Shi,,I,.,--„.---ORW Mat.n.1:1„; ____„.„Padtdre TniSt St), . s .., _ Osbi. ,„„......_ treauste.e.s-s.its,int,i/nitsitile.1 titt,:imia..1 ttliz•ts,riv.,I litiiiiniss arkt ,..Isssiimis., -.. si Ckilifizitiivii,Sark:Mir ,Si.titainitni( t. titskisszsi st,pit:sss.st,Niiiksly iLtnk... r's..sz Appitsis.,0,I ligi...' 's s OriissitO,hat nse anOss...2. 0.theri chi;a:1.dblV1.11 t 0,31 Pt'Mit I II,-: , ' scijO .*A1,1401:04141,4111" N 1 A itMINt 1St OMNI:AAUP; I AND tAls i ER 'MAI!IN4 ADDRISS '. t;..k.,010.,......tiQ:1,1 ak,..pc,i,Ari;L....,(Aisi4A,,,,,ir,.;j-,..,...sisiplildilt 9,,,,,OPi '`,.',1.., ..'t1i,:f ii',4;.......`•:... •':,',./Y.:U/..,..,:' N.141:. ffiftleaki ("reft-f' ,,Nistm attati.! s....1 s'i.i....-ti,sss s....itt 1-.4 pwr, .....,ss,Isplying Int rs,C''',''st' ss'ss's,ss'stiksiv+Nr,l'rs's: Oc'''',.•!...s's7,,I'L:i • -'' z..,;Lc.,i a-,?!,,,,,,.!. ,,,, v,,,,.,,r,p;.,1{,..,Li,,,,#,.,,....eitiiisessi ilsits.u4-44,,li",ss',s-'ir,,pert7sis‘1,-;:;sh,ra-:,.;...in s ri;-: ;:• -,sstsr.', N'ddre‘ 56440 14Slian4 1441 e... 1s.rssstirsil as !so.I is. :;in,: _. L'I.' 2}Abe P '- I//•19 49 "13.31 4„.,„.::,ii-kk-ii.sii;ids: i Mis.:i:•Z,,,,,.:0,:Vi 43.71.0 O.'. no icirg I Clrui I,.k '951_ . F..,,,.. ,ffiapftrY 6 girkii_.amyl , .•an st.tz try iiikkL,:t s.st iroliiikik.iiste. 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U . 6 pei:i mc. z,71.5-2 5 _Ptt3 *.4-2:2)-1Pioi ,4 t .• ,*,-.. ...,.......- .,. ..,. , . . . ..-. .. . ,,...-..............—-....-.....-,.. ----........ -. -..... , ...... , ,„ 1W5CRIP TION(SF PROJECYP;I',sr all 7.i:inf.'s:O.,ortstniestiiip ark':4iynd iiItTuti.unix.) Pietosto go Lf- kukNowLE0GENIENTs, irti(Ain ,Vtgl. tb.PQ.boWA.A2 FiN1 citri- tuJo t ptauttt (5iN i oi- .the rantizysiF.,-.r,1 ir,i,iscss.'1,srige tit.n die land rap.+1;=;•tt,:s'I•sarie that OW p';Ts ss sisis rkschipoistrii,s,i'O;i4soicic tor di,,o s_4.1.,1,,,,t, way be,iFs.'s.4;trtdr.t..,orrs,i,ori ziflaiiill&mkt*" I asiSatoods.ige that l'Irir L.r.:ili Pq,01111 rsti,,-;t.,c.10,411hoj ro ssas:Its;ixtillisi., it f'0 ‘ 04•Cki t-C-15(1 Iiir fiittazi Diotikerisiktisaisitiat..s.14sitiri this kii ntri iAriiiinaliitn was-',...:vowpiklili"ti by rt.::iiiiiiCiki:iiiittii COW:2r i,,,i Ltibiliza SIZS:OF I.OTTARCEL:41,44'6 slush Cul 0.11e .in; titan and dossadproohng.titiztink.iiikt. 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'''Vrt`rrg'TOISIPNXIT'KNPVCKOtqrifftfaiTT71rgrpr%Tt:Jifaaitdrn-St't'-atsa-S-UTiSeei is...i. t'aie-' incorporated•iMtlat reitiVtg r lit 4Iffr pEritle,Witt4 It Mat'be t$S)erti DerlilfloTh 9,,f.t these rkrs.rrts nit.,ontsr Roo o rir4tOrro -Si StorViiViikI4st Monagetnent Patmus iouat..1 isy the N1C:ryi.ili..,ct 1....ntfio.,Mineral and Lena Rennueess(DEMI-Re any row:.,,Iii i i.sis mar aatisetaptng at an Af'C'witfnanps.Nrrit is ettbfe I I. ,..i.41,..,tonna!20,71 ad-TiOttvins??...,a.i.....,T YES Fit,•) ?.... If yes,list this 1014I built upon stn./impervious 6titis....-sslik,Asi.i'd tilt 4IsW 11,4 01 Iiiiikii. squat.'red. • . . • . • . .. . . • ( 1Fit pFitAli INMAN'to 12F91•1): •, : .: ,:,, S. ,.., ,,,pi.... ,' .- :.. ..'. I , ,. Iltiian ii,,,/.;1'.1P11.1011 VI;$311i. ,..3.1,'..,Eliog, ,, - :1:1,.+ .1 i.,,.iv:111,,ify 11,,,,., ', ,' • ,,: .,,.: , ,,,, , '.,,,...31 FiaZAT4___,*t4tiaitiptAittt&:,,ot ORA);ihorviri.tc,.;......„..,.torbh,rtn,-,,-),,,Ife;,...__,.__oiher.::L...„.. 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II`..., ?I.! Is. rol-Al hmil 1,11,.5,,;,/,,,i,imp,:I s 1,,,,,.-A.,;::”..,- 610..!.ti ti)t::!WS bit 111!Mit t .._,.,. !! .5k4si:!1,"r-:,.I I ' • • • • • m WETON LYALLc:13r,. tjj 440 -, Structural&Civil Engineering Land Surveying Serving Fastern North Carolina I' ' I' STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING 214 Highway 17 N. Suite I Holly Ridge,NC 28445 910-329-9961 Office Firm License#P-0937 www.WestonLyall.net July 12, 2023 To: North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. • Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject: 701 & 705 New River Inlet Rd, North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 The purpose of this letter is to notify the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management of _ the proposed 4'0" fill dirt to be placed, pool&retaining wall to be built at 701 & 705 New River Inlet Rd., North Topsail Beach, Onslow County. The property owner is Michael Greet who can be contacted at 917-796-7332. Please see the enclosed CAMA Minor Permit Application as well as the preliminary plot plan for the proposed dimensions and location of the project. Thank you, ti Weston Lyall, PE, PLS, PLLC Pile Plans,Foundation Designs,Structural Designs,Structural Analysis, Stormwater Designs,Commercial and Residential Properties Subdivision Designs,Land Surveys,Plot Plans,Elevation Certificates All Your Engineering and Surveying Needs Licensed Engineer in NC,SC,VA,AL,MS Licensed Land Surveyor in NC >y .•' `� - L3 N53°48'14'E 9.9T __ ( ] PROPERTY LINES NOT I� �.•'� I U5 L4 N40°08'44 E 13.8T SURVEYED V- •,, ------—_-� V V- (e L5 N43°24'14'E 21.13' L8 N74°15'50'W 39.44' V- DECK ABOVE TO BE CANTILEVERED 0.96 AC DEEDED L7 N41°35'24'W 28.66' (NO WETLAND ENCROACHME 0.43 AC TO MEAN HIGH WATER w �_ - L8 N2T'S3'02'E 18.60' , L L9 N82°34'1T'E 19.32' FILL NOTE: v 1L PROPOSED BUILDING SITE SHALL REQUIRE zz,4‘4/1- IL RETAINING TO BE CANTILEVERED - v. (NO WETLAND ENCROACHMENT) APPROXIMATELY 137 CUBIC >L WALL- YARDS OF FILL TO RETAINING Se � V��:y.�,.r': �j � WALL w ti • -10 LOT 17 IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: `t. �� �r+ �1 WYNDY DUNES • DEED LOT AREA-41,648 SF(0.96 AC) UNCOVERED DECK ;; :: :`:PROPOSED .<v:I4I , LOT AREA WITHIN MEAN HIGH WATER—• 18.682 SF ENCROACHING FRONT •..:•: PROPOSED BUILDING-1.368 SF SETBACK2.0' I RESIDENCE :gyp' 4 RAl E , a3s ' I i POOL DECK 70 SF 6 O PROPOSED DRIVEWAY 0 SF .` •.:r1 .0- EXISTING LOT 33 0 i:911.;ii: DECK .. I 10'NCDOT TOTAL PROP.IMPERVIOUS COVE SF(7.7? ) SEA DUNES -11.e--.. .. --- GG MBL ...PE CKt EASEMENT • VILLAGE } GRAVEL DRIVES . .. ' I PER MB 30, ovERHEAD PROPOSED (SPACES) . P PG 127 ELECTRIC4 LIMITS OF • °D OVERHEAD DI3TUR13AN '------ ----- ` Ft/W MON ELECTRIC _ 10.4'FROM CORNER PROPERTY INFORMATION: _ _ EIR CONTROL CORNER OWNER:SHOALS BUILDING, LLC SIR S58'14'1TW 79.80' EIR S52,3.34'1JV 75.3144' �N=276979..434 MICHAEL GREET E=24808204340 ADDRESS: 3546 ISLAND DR CONTROL CORNER �V E R INLET�ET RD N TOPSAIL BEACH,NC 28460 N=276891.2800 A'EW R DB 5800.PG 412 A. E=2480692•7610 (V Y r 80,RNV MB 30.PG 127 TOTAL AREA:0.43 AC. PIN#428709077055 NORTH CAROUNA 30 15 0 30 80 ONSLOW COUNTY _ I,WESTON LYALL, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NUMBER L-4438, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLOT PLAN WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET FROM AN ACTUAL GPS SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM (MAP BOOK 30 PAGE 127) AND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS USED TO PERFORM THE SURVEY: CLASS OF SURVEY: B; PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN FOR POSITIONAL ACCURACY: 500 RMS; TYPE OF GPS FIELD PROCEDURE: MICHAEL GREET VRSRTKGPS; DATUM: NAD83 "2007", NAVD88;GEIOD MODEL: GEOID 03;COMBINED GRID FACTOR:0.99996390; UNITS: US SURVEY FEET. 705 NEW RIVER INLET ROAD .....1I111111,..' LOT 34 SEA DUNES VILLAGE ���.(N CAR() ... STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP, ONSLOW COUNTY, NC �.�,0 0Q•,J ESS/Oi %/,',•: =.Q Y�,„ L R6 JUNE 8,Au3 SEAL = SCALE: 1" = 30" OCTOBER 28,2021 L-4438 s s I. ti9ti .,o42- WESTON LYALL, PE, PLS, PLLC . '•�SUFIN;v.' �/e 214 HIGHWAY 17N SUITE 1 NC 21,445 morn=LYui ,',�''STON V'��P`,, HOLLY PHONE'�1a�Y-!>Y6�ARM LICENSE alP-0o.17 IMIONITMATION MAW L-M78 r r r H r e r I STRUCTURAL&CIVIL ENGINEERING&LAND SURVEYING It rT 9 v. (9 A) " r ���� SITE SPo _ ` v 'N I 0 \a\E es o k NT4• RK'Av Jti'r <, V V. V V V. 11 B2 Li L0T I 38. Q O ATLANTIC OCEAN V V- A V- V- C' cc- V. V. v. V. V- I V. V V- i V. NOTES VICINITY MAP: NTS V. V cy, V. w 14 0 V. V. 1. THIS PLOT PLAN IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OF LAND. 2. SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,EASEMENTS OF 0 RECORD.ZONING ORDINANCE.&UNDERGROUND v- — -" 1'.7 W UTILITIES,IF ANY. V. 1L V? 4+ 3. NO TITLE SEARCH BY SURVEYOR. V 4. REFERENCES:MB 30 PG 127: DB 5366,PG 533 5. THIS V. V. V. �1� ^ V" N PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ni V >L N1i•�p,,, V ZONE-AE 12(EFFECTIVE).COMMUNITY PANEL V. rs 64: #3720-427700-K, EFFECTIVE DATE 6/19/2020 V. v. V" •4r' �8, 6. ZONE-R-20 NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH: V CP•. \__' APPROX MEAN ;�CP FRONT-30'SIDE-10'REAR- 15' +t V V. '- HIGH WATER LINE 7.WETLANDS LOCATED AS FLAGGED BY GENE YOUNG /�c V- WITH APPLIED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MAY 2021. V" /V`- V. V. AND CONFIRMED VIA JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION BY V. USACE, PERMIT#SAW-2022-0386. 8 THIS ENTIRE LOT IS LOCATED IN THE OUTSTANDING >L V. V. V V V v!3"- gPG \1E RESOURCE WATERS AEC(ORW} V. V. V" /-4' V. V `\ 14 9. THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN COASTAL BARRIER /V iEP P V. `�\ RESOURCE SYSTEM EFFECTIVE 10-01-1983 V- / -'30 V. .\ 10.A PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN AN ,' v- I. ESTUARIAN SHORELINE 75'AEC. �� V / V `� 11 AREA BY COORDINATE METHOD. ' 12.PROPOSED DWELLING HEIGHT SHALL BE .-47'-10"PER V V V V. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS PER THIS OFFICE.FINAL /� 1L {G 404 WETI�NOS V- v. HEIGHT SHALL BE CONFIRMED AT FINISHED CONSTRUCTION. V V. V. V- 13.FILL DIRT SHALL NOT BE BROUGHT IN UNLESS i� PROPER AUTHORIZATION WITH TOWN. EG - V. V c V / V \ LEGEND L V. V v. i - /' >L EIR EXISTING IRON ROD V. V ECM•EXISTING CONCRETE V. MONUMENT V � ; Cl) CP COMPUTED POINT V. V. UPLAND AREA SIR SET IRON ROD EPK EXISTING PK NAIL V / V- ri N MBL-MINIMUM BUILDING LINE V �' V. m WETLAND UNE TABLE PP EXISTING POWERPOLE V �'"�� /�`�� S� LI N79'32'26'E 24.33' a �E�1.P`��• / ...'.......; 1,198 SF WETLAND V v... 4O /'••.: "••PROPOSED - (OWNER IS APPLYING FOR v..°l Vr •••• RETAINING ' WETLAND IMPACT WETLAND LINE TABLE ' �G •••• WALL • PERMIT THROUGH U.S.A.C.O.E) L1 N22'19'1TE 24.28' p �Fj `•�`I L u L2 N20.36'09'E 34.33' / w L3 N4772'25'E 38.53' • >G {L L4 S18.44'10'E 18.04' /' ••� '• V- V L5 S50'54'18"W 25.23' ,% . " •••/� ::PROPOSED 1i.` L6 SO4'18'11'W 25.54' 9.. O,/ e DECK LT S82'25'1 TE 27.50' ►•• 20 6 O 224 SF 16 l8 N52'20'24'E 16.85' I OPEN o WETLAND` ti L9 N43'24'14'E 2 76' I DECK '{/I IMPACT 1t EIR 10.i •f f�+ 412T 14 '•poo...o••• J � C. p PROPOSED `' C} LB �9_ °••••. LOT 32 C ••'' SEA DUNES °r° '' RESIDENGE to"' SIR LOT 34 •"'••• ... • SEA DUNES •"'•• VILLAGE t0.i 3, 4.3'�0.1' 2 PARKING SPACES VILLAGE UNDER °' 1 `? '�° � I / 1? BUILDING V , I 8 ,, 6'�. :15.8'• 13.7::. I 'C - I -< O PROPOSED EXISTING LIMITS OF can 30 MBL; m �GRAVEL 10'NCDOT DISTURBANCE SEp �,i DRIVE PROPERTY INFORMATION: 1. pROPO it �j OVERHEAD ELECTRIC EASEMENT GAVEL 1. .� .. N 1 - _ ___ ----- PER _ --------j MB 30, pR1VEWAY 1 �, 1 OWNER:SHOALS BUILDING,LLC PG 127 _ (2 pARION 4-- EtR,it _ MICHAEL GREET _--- pp,CES) � - — 79.80' ADDRESS:3546 ISLAND DR s i IR 58"14'17 E _IR •W 75.31' N TOPSAIL BEACH,NC 28460 __ E S52"35 3'� CONTROL CORNER MB 30,PG 127 _ N=276979.0370 DB 5800 PG 391 E R S52"11'26'W E=2480820.4340 29.74. CONTROL CORNER NEW RIV R i N L ' T RD TOTAL AREA:0.36 AC. PIN#428709076086 N=276891.2800 6Q' R/W E=2480692.7610 30 15 0 30 60 NORTH CAROLINA ONSLOW COUNTY .......... ...............1 .m..... I,WESTON LYALL,PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NUMBER L-443S, (iRAPUI(' S('ALF IN FF?FT CERTIFY THAT THIS PLOT PLAN WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL OPS SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM (MAP BOOK 30 PAGE 127) AND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS USED TO PERFORM THE SURVEY: CLASS OF SURVEY:B; PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN FOR POSITIONAL ACCURACY:SOO 2007 TYPE S ;0E FIELD PROCEDURE: M I C H A E L GREET VRSRTKOPS;DATUM:NADS3•2007',NAVDBS;GEOOD MODEL:GEOID 03;COMBINED GRID FACTOR:0.999015390;UNITS:US SURVEY FEET. 001/11114/4 701 NEW RIVER INLET ROAD NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH, NC ,..`•L N•C%•FRO/�i LOT 33 SEA DUNES VILLAGE :• 0,0•16ESS45 t`/tiA.� STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP, ONSLOW COUNTY �,�' I.aP SEAL�<i7 . SCALE: 1• = 30• NOVEMSER 8,2023 20 ' l t1G' L-4438 i 22 / / = ti•9 �Q WESTON LYALL, PE, PLS, PLLC i ... ST......SURv•�P�;�. 214 HIGHWAY 17N SUITE 1 0 ,�� ON t- �� HOLLY RIDGE,NC 28445 WESTON LYALL fot'I/1s1i/�` PHONE:910.329.9961 FIRM LICENSE#P•0937 REGISTRATION NUMBER L-4438 STRUCTURAL&CIVIL ENGINEERING&LAND SURVEYING NOTES 1. THIS PLOT PLAN IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OF LAND. k 2. SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS,EASEMENTS OF RECORD,ZONING ORDINANCE, s� 8 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES,IF ANY. va Gy 3. NO TITLE SEARCH BY SURVEYOR. Fs 4. REFERENCES:MB 30 PG 127:DB 5366,PG 533 n� 5. THE ENTIRE PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA-ZONE-AE 12 (EFFECTIVE)COMMUNITY PANEL#3720-427700-K EFFECTIVE DATE 6/19/2020 6. ZONE-R-20 NORTH TOPSAIL BEACH: SITE FRONT-30'SIDE- 10'REAR-15' 0 P� 7.WETLANDS SHOWN AS FLAGGED BY GENE YOUNG OF APPUED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT,MAY 2021 � �P��� AND CONFIRMED VIA JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION BY USAGE, PERMIT#SAW-2022-0385. �. t' P\ 8.AREA BY COORDINATE METHOD. �G 9.THIS ENTIRE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN AN OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATER ZONE(ORW) m 10.THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCE SYSTEM UNIT EFFECTIVE 10-01-1983. 11.A PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN A 75'ESTUARIAN SHORELINE AEC. ATLANTIC OCEAN 12.THE PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT WILL BE 47.9'. 13.FILL DIRT SHALL NOT BE BROUGHT IN UNLESS PROPER AUTHORIZATION WITH TOWN. CP V. N l NT RACrIA qL VICINITY MAP: NTS 'p 3 8 v. E 77 ' wATERK'AV IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: v 10 V fSp -pLOT V_ -,� ti CP DEED LOT AREA-40,917 SF(0.94 AC) 14 LOT AREA WITHIN MEAN HIGH WATER- 15.585 SF(0.36 AC) C'' °. V. V.. V- V COI") _ V" PROPOSED BUILDING-2,188 SF * V- V, oV #. V V PROPOSED POOL DECK-288 SF V N V lc V. PROPOSED DRIVEWAY-0 SF V. w - c v_ `TOTAL PROP.IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE:2,476 SF(15.9%) m IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE WITHIN AEC-0 SF CO V. v. V. v V. v. '� EPNy " V- 1 (II A, O .<<G V. V. V �` r<Cr P w V. POD �°���O+\��� v. V. v �e CPf e4- V V. V. O� V. V. V V- V. V. V. /• G4- u LEGEND: ��� /';��Pw N v EIR-EXISTING IRON ROD O 5 " � V. ECM-EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT 1a • p. V V CP-COMPUTED POINT i /Q� V. V. / SIR = SET IRON ROD / .�! Ic '• 1c. 1EPK-EXISTING PK NAIL njc MBL-MINIMUM BUILDING LINE FILL NOTE: V- V. 0.94 AC V,, cn RNV-RIGHT OF WAY BUILDING SITE SHALL REQUIRE 1c. 0.36 AC. TO MEAN HIGH/ ,o V. V PP-EXISTING POWERPOLE APPROXIMATELY 493 CUBIC WATER V. ��� PROPERTY LINES SURVEYED YARDS OF FILL TO RETAINING „.� —II--—— — PROPFRTv I IMFC Mnr of folic-yen