HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT Pamlico Wavebreak P1 Mitigation SAV RK ( MEMORANDUM 8601 Six Forks Road Forum 1 Suite 700 Raleigh,NC 27615 Phone 919.878.9560 Fax 919.790.8382 www.rkk.com Date: 11/15/22 From: Kathy Herring CC: Pete Stafford Re: B-2500 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Mitigation Project—5 Year Post Construction Project Summary Attendees: Mike Sanderson—NCDOT Environmental Policy Unit Cathy Brittingham- NCDCM Tyler Stanton—NCDOT EAU BAU Jonathan Howell—NC DCM Jamie Lancaster—NCDOT EAU Travis Wilson—NC WRC John Conforti—NCDOT PMU Garcy Ward—NC DWR Claudia Lee—NCDOT PMU James Harrison—NC DMF Leilani Paugh—NCDOT EAU Mitigation and Modelling Kyle Barnes- USACE Paul Williams—NCDOT Division 1 Environmental Officer Twyla Cheatwood—NOAA Fisheries Mark Fonseca—CSA Ocean Sciences Kathy Herring—RK&K Pete Stafford—RK&K A meeting was held on 10/28/22 for NCDOT to present the end of project summary for the B-2500 Phase I, Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation. After introductions, Mark Fonseca of CSA Ocean Sciences started the presentation with a brief history of the project followed by the general theory and application of the wavebreak. He then presented results and conclusions and opened the meeting to discussion. Project purpose • Replacement of the Bonner Bridge would have 2.66 ac of SAV Impact, 1.38 ac of suitable habitat was returned, or unshaded, by the removal of the old bridge resulting in 1.28 ac of SAV requiring mitigation Project Concept • Reduce the wave energy on patchy seagrass beds to allow them to expand and coalesce by constructing a wavebreak History and Timeline • 2015 CSA teamed with SEPI Engineering for design • 2015-2016 applied for and received permits for the wavebreak structure, • May 2016—seagrass was relocated from the construction site • Casting of wavebreak units began October 2016 • Construction occurred from November 2016 to January 2017 Theory application Reduce wave energy on open water, patchy SAV beds to facilitate bed coalescence and increase SAV cover per unit area seafloor • The theory was based on work published in 1998 that developed a model relating seagrass landscape patterns to wave energy and currents o Fonseca, M.S. and S.S. Bell. 1998.The influence of physical setting on seagrass landscapes near Beaufort, NC, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 171:109-121. ■ https://www.int-res.com/articles/meps/171/m171p109.pdf o Uhrin and Turner 2018. Physical drivers of seagrass spatial configuration:the role of thresholds o Based on a NOAA wave exposure model (WEMo) • Revised WEMo to provide quantitative estimates of wave energy • Wavebreak location was determined by collecting extensive bathymetry data to inform the wave exposure model to forecast change in SAV cover. • The East/west orientation model run produced the greatest change in SAV acreage Site Preparation • Examined existing SAV distribution from available imagery and ground inspection • Relocated SAV out of structure footprint and construction corridor • Collected baseline data for Sediment Digital Elevation Model (DEM)with a USV Monitoring—conducted 2x/year for 1st two years then annual for next two years • Sediment Elevation-measured monthly for 1st year,then reduced • Wave Energy • SAV change in cover over time from aerial surveys • Essential Fish Habitat—colonization by sessile fauna o Photos of fixed points compared over time Results • Sediment Elevation—Near field • A scour pit developed underneath wall • A sand apron formed limiting seagrass growth in that area temporarily • After a year the sand pit stabilized at 2-3 feet deep along the wall • The shoal remained stable • Sediment Elevation—Far field • Both shoaling and erosion occurred between 2016 and 2021 • No visually apparent spatial pattern of shoal-wide loss/gain was attributable to wavebreak • Waves • Top 5%of wave events drive seagrass landscape response • Seasonal differences • North had 5 times more larger waves than the South side • Average, minimum,and maximum wave heights were slightly larger from the south • East-west orientation gave wave protection to SAV on both north and south sides • SAV • Area separated into Zones based on % reduction in wave energy • No response to hurricanes during study • Starting in 2021 growth in all zones increased including some of reference areas, however, the gains did not occur as much in the reference areas. • August 2020 to August 2021—substantial gain in high reduction zones just south of wall • Looking at 2018 versus 2021,we see a general increase in grass up and down the length of the shoal • Patch migration occurred, but there was a general seagrass gain in coverage • After a long pause, presumably due to the sediment apron,SAV coalescence initiated in the predicted location ■ Possibility of a shoal-wide cascade effect • Increase in Ruppia indicates a more quiescent environment • Essential Fish Habitat • In the lower zones of the structure that were always inundated,we see nearly 100% colonization by barnacles and oysters • Higher zones are a barnacle algae mix • Steady colonization since construction • Many fish under and around the wall 1 Conclusions i()e(e-�SC- and olk c S'� • SAV coverag changes cross disturbance gradients • Manipulation of gradient changes'n SAV coverage • Reefmaker method with suspended wavebreak structure: o Supported new, persistent seagrass cover as per past studies—Ruppia indicator o Provided substantial additional EFH service 7) • SAV acreage gained > mitigation requirements of 1.28 acres b 0-1— of- (lI1-�3, 0 • Potential landscape-scale cascade of SAV cover • Forecast response consistent with model Discussion Jimmie Harrison asked if SAV coverage increases were based on the SAV species recorded. • Response—no,the only area in which we really monitored changes in SAV was in the relocated areas just south of the wall. Otherwise,we just focused on cover. Cathy Brittingham asked if there was still any intent to try and fill the scour pit with non-erodible material. • Response—no, not now that the scour pit is stable,and the grass has established itself onto the "sand apron" area. Cathy also asked if it is NCDOT's intent to close out the monitoring requirements under the CAMA permit for the SAV mitigation and then transitioning to long term maintenance of the wave break structure or continuing the monitoring? • Response—Kathy Herring stated that it is the intent of the NCDOT to close out the monitoring requirements for the CAMA permit for B-2500 Phase I, Bonner Bridge Replacement, but to continue monitoring the wavebreak structure at least during the growing season through the Rodanthe Bridge monitoring period. Garcy Ward asked if the wall would require maintenance and what is the expected lifespan of the wall? • Response—Maintenance of the wall will be conducted as needed by the NCDOT.The BAU is currently conducting periodic checks to make sure the safety lights are working. The project was designed and built to FHWA standards including the materials used. So, it would be expected to have a lifespan of decades. Kathy also responded that as long as the NCDOT owns the structure they would be responsible for any maintenance it requires. After the presentation Kathy Herring explained that the additional reports distributed to the group were the results of the monitoring that was conducted under and around the new Basnight Bridge and the old Bonner Bridge. These reports indicate that the seagrass and marsh where the bridge was removed is recovering. ` �— 7,eok Meeting was adjourned. Brittingham, Cathy Subject: B-2500 SAV Mitigation Project— 5 Year Post Construction Project Summary Location: DOT CCA Technical Services Conf. Room Col. C11 (Cap 30) Start: Fri 10/28/2022 9:00 AM i End: Fri 10/28/2022 12:00 PM 1 A /C.O rn� Vie AS ow Recurrence: (none) ---\'\ \QN Meeting Status: Accepted dr _a 5r0 S7v 5)rn rna ' ►i y Organizer: DOT INTERAGENCY MEETING CALENDAR �P a Required Attendees: Sanderson, Mike;Wilson, Travis W.; Cox, Marissa R; Matthews, Monte K CIV USARMY CESAW (US <Monte.K.Matthews@usace.army.mil>; Lancaster,Jamie J; Conforti, John G; Harrison, James A;Ward, Garcy; Kathy Herring; Pete Stafford; Fonseca, Mark <MFonseca@conshelf.com>; Lee, Claudia W; Brittingham, Cathy; Chapman, Amy; Daisey, Greg; Deaton, Anne; Paugh, Leilani Y; Rivenbark, Chris; Williams, Paul C; Stanton, Tyler P;Twyla.Cheatwood@noaa.gov; Bar Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> (`d J kk �an�Pr e�; acre_ SAV Optional Attendees: Howell,Jonathan R—e ��--_ ad a _ Resources: DOT CCA Technical Services Conf. Room Col. C11 (Cap 30) E'S 5 V3- �'d F' cc a� ,kVa PC1\�� All, Summer 2021 marked the end of the B-2500 Bonner Bridge Replacement Project SAV Mitigation monitoring period. As per the CAMA Permit Major Modification, issued on 12/15/15, permit condition No. 21 that : "The permittee shall conduct an annual meeting with DCM and other appropriate resource agencies to discuss and review the annual monitoring reports and monitoring methodology for a minimum of five years after mitigation site construction." I have attached the B-2500 SAV Year 5 Annual Report for your re \3— v ew. �'Y l/fAO C , �Q tl All 5 annual reports and the UAV monitoring reports can be downloaded from here: -' 5e-Q— https://xfer.services.ncdot.gov/pdea/B2500/UAV%20Reports/ and here: A\‘-e_aSt \' e S https://xferservices.ncdot.gov/odea/B2500/Wavebreak%20Reports/ Please call Kathy Herring at(919) 971-4367 if you have any questions. 7 jtc,,),e,-1-13- Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 213 028 840 039 Passcode: p8Vbzg Download Teams I Join on the web 1 xfer.services.ncdot.gov - /pdea/B2500/UAV Reports/ [To Parent Directory] 9/14/2022 10:03 AM (---8364805 2019 Wavebreak CSA DRAFT lApri12020rfs.pdf r-9/14/2022 10:04 AM 6806145 RKK FL 19 3324 NCDOT _ d TT UAV YearlyMonitoringReport2018 18Apr2019.pdf �S Paffef 7�( ril �4/2022 10: 04 AM 1241225 RKK NCDOT Wavebreak 2020 Finalv2 Juy021.pdf 9r4/2022 10: 04 AM 7314255 RKK NCDOT Wavebreak 2021 Finalv2 March2022.pdf NZ\ Pis -- no xfer.services.ncdot.gov - /pdea/B2500/Wavebreak Reports/ [To Parent Directory] 9/14/2022 9:58 AM 13556167 B2500 SAV Year3 AnnualReport FIN 17Dec2019.pdfL 9/14/2022 10:06 AM 4939357 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-F N-REV01.pdfL---- 9/14/2022 10:06 AM 189709 t/ a� NCDOT FL 17 1830 2845 BiannualSurveyOct2017Summary FIN REVO1.pdf` 0 ) \ `- c. ,(\ 9/14/2022 10:06 AM 10750345 K 9a�__ MS n> Svt,ve NCDOT FL 18 1830 2845 BonnerBridge Year2 AnnualReport Final pdf G 7eaP 9/14/2022 10:07 AM 1205128 NCDOT FL 18 2845 Biannual Survey Oct 2018 Summary.pdf 9/14/2022 10:07 AM 16108352 49 Paje S NCDOT FL 21 1830 2845 BonnerBridge Year4 FIN 12March2021.pdf g") Q�s� 9/14/2022 10:07 AM 8423649 rr NCDOT FL 22 1830 2845 BonnerBridge Year5 FIN 22March2022.pdf 7o a S1 (d 4 no}- ����- ( F � \e ren ce 5 an4 GI 4d\`fie S NoT� - \\ -OCvYI t�/1 I is a3-2 -Pc-\4-e_A /1 ( vays- B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Year 5 (2021) Annual Survey and / ;,),\ n-0-\-- c.1i\'‘1 , Project Final Report R-ef-e a (3 ee'- S) March 2022 A- r nc ce.s- • -•.;,,.....-7r..r .r. ..1-44. 4:.%-• ..f. ..-1 ." . • • ~�• r.,r A •J• - i ,t •-• � ,'.1 3. • • tip. ' ,, S. ,,,1.,- .! :,t tv. ` • . •� !LAZ ..... •• ink* _ +`• `t Jls:� • ♦ .• ' It, '�11; 1.`V`,;.``/ .r.4Z-( 0•7 tiZ 1".1l 'rya arm' 'i • r ` •.1� VP, AP ••case 41, --:., . ri4i. CSA Prepared for: Prepared by: Environmental Analysis Unit CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. North Carolina Department of Transportation 8502 SW Kansas Avenue 1598 Mail Service Center Stuart, Florida 34997 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 /'....' L7-1 • TRACE 1/PEC 5., %....... ERTIFIED ak..r.Ior.izEo PR Inv!0r . r `* CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Year 5 Annual Survey and Project Final Report - 2021 DOCUMENT NO. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN Internal review process Version Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: INT-01 01/10/2022 Initial draft for M.Fonseca E. Hodel M. Fonseca science review INT-02 01/18/2022 TE review M. Fonseca K. Metzger M. Fonseca Client deliverable Version Date Description Project Manager Approval 01 01/21/2022 Client deliverable E. Hodel 02 03/22/2022 Final client E. Hodel deliverable The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current version.Controlled copies are available upon request from the Document Production Department. Table of Contents Page List of Tables v List of Figures vi List of Photos vii 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 3 2.1 Project Concept:Goals and Drivers of SAV Pattern (Waves,Currents, Bioturbation) 3 2.2 Project History 5 2.3 Site Selection and Preliminary Wave Energy and SAV Response Modeling 5 3 Monitoring Metrics 9 3.1 Bioturbation Study 9 3.2 Wavebreak Structural Assessment 10 3.3 Wave Energy Monitoring 10 3.4 Sediment Elevation 10 3.5 Success of Relocated SAV 12 3.6 Wavebreak Epibiota—Essential Fish Habitat 13 3.7 SAV Response 13 4 Results and Discussion 14 4.1 Bioturbation Study 14 4.2 Wavebreak Structural Assessment 15 4.3 Wave Energy Monitoring 15 4.4 Sediment Elevation 17 4.5 Success of Relocated SAV 22 4.6 Wavebreak Epibiota EFH assessment 23 �\n 4.7 SAV Response 26 4.7.1 Monthly Aerial Surveys 26 4.7.2 Change Analysis from Aerial Surveys 28 5 Conclusions and Next Steps 32 5.1 Did it Work? 32 5.2 Lessons Learned 36 5.3 Future STEPS and Applications 36 6 References 38 Appendices 41 Appendix 1 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Project(State Project 32635.1.3;TIP B-2500) Task B(Site Verification) 1-1 Appendix 2 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Project(State Project 32635.1.3;TIP B-2500) 2-1 Appendix 3 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Project(State Project 32635.1.3;TIP B-2500) 3-1 Appendix 4 SEPI Engineering and Construction Inc., Wavebreak Site Layout and Wavebreak Structure Schematics 4-1 NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN iii Table of Contents (Continued) Page Appendix 5 Bonner Bridge Mitigation Structure Annual Inspection 2020 Pamlico Sound, Oregon Inlet (B-2500) Bridge Replacement Project Dare County, NC. September- October 2020 5-1 Appendix 6 Change in sediment elevation among the replicate rods in each of the wave energy reduction strata among for all comparisons of Survey 1 with subsequent Surveys 6-1 Appendix 7 Representative Photos of Seagrasses within the Planting and Reference areas throughout the Monitoring Program 7-1 Appendix 8 Results of Relocated SAV versus Reference Areas 8-1 Appendix 9 Results of Water Level Observations and Epibiota Surveys, 2017-2021 9-1 Appendix 10 Representative Photographs of Colonized Substrate and Sessile and Motile Fauna from the July 2021 Survey 10-1 Cover Photo Credits:Left-hand, aerial image of wavebreak:Pete Stafford, RK&K Engineering(July 2021); right-hand image by Erin Hodel CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (July 2021). NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN iv 1 List of Tables Table Page 1 Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 2 2 Years and months during which aerial overflights were performed for SAV mapping around the wavebreak 13 3 Summary statistics of the top 5%of wave heights measured at the two sensor stations on the north and south sides of the wavebreak excluding 2020 to 2021 data 16 4 Summary of SAV acreage change analysis within the model forecast high wave energy reduction zone (>66% reduction) and the medium wave energy reduction zone (33 to 66%reduction) among the peak growing season (August), by year 31 NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN v List of Figures Figure Page 1 Collage of two aerial images from coastal North Carolina showing development of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the lee of dredge material islands 4 2 Relationship of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) percent cover of the seafloor to representative wave energy(Joules m-1 wave crest) 5 3 Schematic of individual Atlantic Reefmaker wave attenuation unit; 101 of these units installed conterminously compose the wavebreak structure 7 4 Sand apron south of the wavebreak visually outlined from aerial imagery collected on 18 April 2018 12 5 Difference in hourly significant wave heights(m) between the north and south side of the wavebreak for January 2017 through July 2021 16 6 Digital elevation model constructed from a survey in 2016 by an Autonomous Surface Vehicle at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site prior to construction of the wavebreak(ultimate location of wavebreak shown) 18 7 Digital elevation model constructed in 2021 from a survey by an Autonomous Surface Vehicle at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site five years post-construction of the wavebreak 19 8 Differences in elevation among the two digital elevation models from 2016 and 2021 20 9 a) Percent cover of total epibiota for concrete portions of the wavebreak disks as of July 2021 25 10 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by aerial survey month in August 2018 through December 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 27 11 Change in percent cover of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)surrounding the wavebreak for the months of August 2018 vs.August 2021 29 12 Change in percent cover of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)surrounding the wavebreak for the months of August 2020 vs.August 2021 30 13 2015 image of wavebreak location showing patchy submerged aquatic vegetation in the area surrounding the wavebreak 33 14 August 2021 image of wavebreak survey area showing submerged aquatic vegetation in the area surrounding the wavebreak 34 NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN vi J List of Photos Photo Page 1 The Marc Basnight Bridge (foreground) and previous, Bonner Bridge (just above the Basnight Bridge),spanning over Oregon Inlet in the Outer Banks, North Carolina 1 2 a) Installation of the wavebreak structure in January 2017 showing a crane lifting a partial stack of concrete disks for placement over a piling 8 3 Oyster colonization on rocks in a middle disk elevation (July 2021) 24 4 Aerial image showing fish aggregation surrounding the eastern half of the wavebreak(250 feet length)on 02 October 2021 24 NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN vii 1 Introduction The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)contracted CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) in 2012 (Contract No. 6300032017)to conduct in-kind experimental submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) (here mixed Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima,Zostera marina) mitigation of 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares) to compensate for SAV losses anticipated to occur during construction of the Marc Basnight Bridge, which replaced the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, North Carolina (Photo 1).The Bridge provides the only road connection for Hatteras Island to the mainland in Dare County, North Carolina. Construction was completed and opened to traffic in February 20191. Based on previous published research in North Carolina (Fonseca et al., 1998, Fonseca et al., 2000, Kelly et al., 2001, Fonseca et al.,2002) CSA conceptualized creating a wavebreak structure to generate new SAV cover by attenuating wave energy in patchy SAV habitat thereby creating additional, persistent SAV acreage through patch expansion and recruitment.This subsequent increase in SAV acreage was expected to meet NCDOT's SAV mitigation requirements while enhancing ecosystem services including Essential Fish Habitat (EFH)for the surrounding area. • Photo 1. The Marc Basnight Bridge (foreground)and previous, Bonner Bridge(just above the Basnight Bridge),spanning over Oregon Inlet in the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Image with permission from Carolina Designs, https://www.carolinadesigns.com/. In 2012, NCDOT contracted CSA to lead the Bonner Bridge Seagrass2 Mitigation Site Project associated with Project B-2500, replacement of the Bonner Bridge. Following a pause in activities due to project litigation, pre-construction surveys were performed from April 2015 to June 2016. Construction of the 1 https://www.ncdot.gov/news/press-releases/Pages/2019/2019-04-02-marc-basnight-bridge-ribbon-cutting.aspx. Last accessed 18 March 2022. 2 Early project documents typically refer to"seagrass"instead of"submerged aquatic vegetation"or SAV. Later in the project the more general term SAV was adopted to reflect the broad utility of the project basis. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 1 c-5-Aar i °1\01aVy wavebreak was completed in January 2017 and entailed installation of 101 conterminous Atlantic bo‘)1\ Reefmaker(AR) units in a chevron pattern oriented due north.A baseline monitoring survey(CSA, 2017) occurred immediately after construction,followed by five years of post-construction monitoring:three years of bi-annual surveys followed by two years of annual surveys, concluding in 2021. Biannual and annual monitoring included wave energy monitoring,sediment elevation surveys,success of relocated SAV, and wavebreak epibiota assessments.Table 1 summarizes the project's milestone activities and monitoring events. In 2021,the Year 5 Annual Survey was conducted from 19 to 22 July,followed by a bathymetric survey from 24 to 27 August. Table 1. Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Construction refers to the installation of the wavebreak. Task Date Survey Status Number Pre-construction Site Selection Survey April 2015 n/a Complete Seagrass Transplantation and Bioturbation Experiment May 2016 1 Complete Initiation Sediment Digital Elevation Survey(ASV) June 2016 n/a Complete Construction 18 Nov.2016 to 18 Jan. Wavebreak Installation 2017 n/a Complete Post-construction Baseline Monitoring Survey 14 to 18 Jan.2017 2 Complete Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey October 2017 3 Complete Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey May 2018 4 _ Complete Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Survey October 2018 5 Complete Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey May 2019 6 Complete Year 3 Biannual Monitoring Survey October 2019 7 Complete Year 4 Annual Monitoring Survey July-August 2020 8 Complete Year 5 Annual Monitoring Survey+Sediment Digital July August 2021 9 Complete Elevation Survey(ASV)(Final Project Report) ASV=autonomous surface vehicle.n/a=not applicable. This report serves as the Year 5 Annual Report and the Project Final Report for the project. Per communication with NCDOT staff and RK&K Engineering (RK&K), it takes a different form than previous reports. Here,the report is structured to provide the reader with a succinct and more holistic view of the project which was initiated in 2012. Details of methods and discrete findings are left to Appendices or by reference to numerous previous reports (e.g., CSA, 2017, 2018a,b,2019, 2020). New findings that have not shown meaningful change since earlier data reports are relegated primarily to Appendices.The emphasis here was to elucidate trends and guide the reader to conclusions regarding this near decade-long experimental effort and on to considerations of future applications. To provide a more complete picture of changes in SAV and sediment dynamics associated with the wavebreak,some findings from other associated studies conducted by CSA under contract to RK&K and studies conducted by subcontractors to CSA are integrated in this report. Specifically,these studies provided data on SAV abundance from aerial reconnaissance,sediment elevation surveys, and wavebreak structural assessments. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-0I-FIN 2 2 Background 2.1 PROJECT CONCEPT:GOALS AND DRIVERS OF SAV PATTERN (WAVES, CURRENTS, BIOTURBATION) As early as 2010, discussions between science staff(then at NOAA and later at CSA) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)were had regarding options for promoting SAV coverage as mitigation arising from anticipated impacts to SAV during the upcoming replacement of the Bonner Bridge at Oregon Inlet, North Carolina. Historically, SAV mitigation has occurred at sites where human impacts reduced or eliminated SAV and those impacts ceased, creating an opportunity for restoration of the impacted site (Fonseca et al., 1998). However, early field visits by both science and regulatory staff found little anthropogenically impacted SAV habitat in the vicinity of the Bonner Bridge that could serve as a mitigative alternative. Rather than consider out-of-kind mitigation, an alternative, experimental approach for creating new, sustainable SAV acreage was considered to generate the mitigation acreage needed for the Bonner Bridge replacement project. Many examples exist of SAV increasing in abundance in the lee of structures that reduce wind waves. Over recent decades, creation of dredged material disposal islands along the NC coast has provided examples of discontinuous or patchy SAV landscapes shifting to more continuous cover of the seafloor in the lee of those islands (Fonseca et al., 2002, Figure 13). Similar instances in the southeast and Gulf Coast can also be found of SAV beds developing in the lee of wave-reducing structures. The commonality of this phenomenon prompted the Tampa Bay Estuary Program (Cross, 2013)to construct several, 200 ft-long shore-parallel structures to replace the effect of eroded longshore sand bars and promote SAV expansion in their lee. The widespread observation of SAV response to wave energy was sufficiently compelling to propose the creation of a wave attenuation structure (wavebreak) in patchy SAV beds on shoals near the Bonner Bridge to promote SAV patch coalescence, propagule recruitment, and new, permanent SAV acreage on the seafloor. 3 In the electronic version of this report,the reader is encouraged to zoom into figures and photos to observe more clearly some of the various finer-scale features. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-0I-FIN 3 Dredge Material Islands inside Oregon Inlet r,rya w ,wir 1 , _ / ke 7„,,,y �34t.** � Approximate Location of Wavebreak • Dredge Material Island at Garden's Inlet ;`'¢ Figure 1. Collage of two aerial images from coastal North Carolina showing development of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in the lee of dredge material islands.The black and white image in the lower left is from 2012 and shows the island at the end of Barden's Inlet. Increased density of SAV is seen on the southwest side and in the lee of a long northeast fetch. In the larger color image mosaic(circa 2012)of the waters west of Oregon Inlet, several dredge material islands with SAV concentrations in their lee from dominant northeast winds and tidal currents from the inlet are evident.The approximate location of the wavebreak is also shown (not to scale).Approximate image width of inset is 0.6 mile and of color mosaic is 5 miles. Observations of SAV coalescence in response to wave energy reduction led to research on the relationship of wind waves and tidal currents to SAV landscapes (Fonseca and Bell, 1998, Uhrin and Turner, 2018)and a generalized model of SAV percent cover of the seafloor in relation to wind wave energy(Figure 2; Fonseca and Bell, 1998). In those studies, increased wind wave exposure at a site was associated with a pattern of smaller and fewer SAV patches than at sites with less wave energy.Very low wave energy sites were typically composed of extensive SAV beds with unbroken cover.Thus,the concept of wave energy reduction through creation of a wavebreak in persistently patchy SAV habitat (where that patchiness was likely due to chronic wave exposure)to promote new SAV acreage was harnessed as a mitigation strategy. Reduction in wave energy on patchy SAV in the lee of the wavebreak would then promote new, persistent SAV acreage through patch coalescence and propagule recruitment, moving the wave environment of those patchy SAV beds upslope on the regression line in Figure 2 to a new state of landscape cover.The expectation was that promotion of SAV coalescence would begin to occur immediately after construction of the wavebreak, primarily by rhizome extension from existing SAV. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 4 ------�_ 0.9 '= _w"' y=(-0.136[In(x)])+1.2929 3 0.8 �-- R2=0.7496 MM tu0.7 —"— 'In MI MN VMS WM= — p 0.6 --� j 0.5 ___: , • xpctcov > 0.4 = -Log.(xpctcov) ,_ f. 0.3 a 0.2 o. 0.1 wal en BEEEMBEE2--z==.13—MEEEMILUzzzell 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 REPRESENTATIVE WAVE ENERGY(Joules m l wave creast) Figure 2. Relationship of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) percent cover of the seafloor to representative wave energy(Joules m-1 wave crest). Recomputed from Fonseca and Bell (1998). 2.2 PROJECT HISTORY From 2012 to 2017,the project was in a planning phase,with a suspension of activities during a lawsuit against the project between June 2013 and March 2015(a history of the entire Bonner Bridge project can be found here4). Starting again in March 2015,the project was revised from use of an engineered but temporary wooden wavebreak structure modeled after Broome et al. (1992)to an experimental wavebreak utilizing AR units that among other attributes,created a quasi-permanent structure to ensure a long-lasting increase in SAV acreage.This shift in regulatory perspective from that of a temporary structure to consideration of a permanent structure reflected a desire on the part of NCDOT to explore experimental alternatives to SAV mitigation in anticipation of upcoming coastal construction needs.An internal review of alternative structures was performed (Appendix 1) and the functionality of the proposed wavebreak(permanence, minimum physical footprint, met federal highway standards of construction, and the design being signed and professionally sealed)was seen as superior to other configu rations. 2.3 SITE SELECTION AND PRELIMINARY WAVE ENERGY AND SAV RESPONSE MODELING Selection of the location for the wavebreak was informed first by viewing historical aerial imagery of shoals with patchy SAV within the vicinity of Bonner Bridge (approximately 8-16-km [5-10-mile] radius of Oregon Inlet). Shallow shoals with persistently (over at least a decade) patchy SAV cover were identified from the imagery. Site visits to these shoals to verify water depth and SAV status occurred at various times from 2013 to 2016 and four sites were initially considered (Appendix 2).Two sites were given higher priority based on the patchiness of SAV and low overall percent cover, meaning there was substantial seafloor available for SAV expansion.A detailed bathymetric survey was conducted in 2012 which covered 80 km2 with approximately 3 0 km of survey lines,with a focus on site#2 and other sites with higher SA\ cover(Appendix 2).The thymetry survey confirmed that 30--% 5c ; m\ . 1Z vh\\eS https://www.ncdot.gov[projects/bonner-bridge/Pages/project-historv.aspx Last accessed 18 March 2022. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 5 (1 had shallower and more consistent bathymetry as compared to other sites.The low SAV cover 1%cupported by an on-site survey using Braun-Blanquet [1972] quadrats and line intercept surements of SAV cover along transects;Appendix 2),the visually apparent consistency of that cover from historical aerial imagery,and wave energy modeling(below),was the basis for selection of site#2 as the experimental site. Wave modeling was then undertaken using WEMo(Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007)to quantify the degree of wave attenuation expected for various orientations of various length wavebreak5 structures on site#2 (Appendix 3).Tide-corrected bathymetry data from the 2012 survey were embedded in the larger extent (NOAA Coastal Relief Model') bathymetric data used for the modeling to provide improved, near-field (near to the wavebreak site)wave energy forecasts.The relationship of wave energy(J m-1 wave crest)derived from WEMo(versus an index previously used in Fonseca and Bell 1998')and SAV percent cover was recalculated (Figure 2) producing a stronger regression model (r2 of original =0.45;the recomputed model r2=0.75 [Figure 2]). WEMo results from simulated configurations of the wavebreak orientation (Appendix 3)confirmed for the regional wind field covering this area,an east-west orientation of the wavebreak could produce the greatest change in SAV cover as this orientation produced the largest wave energy reduction shadow.The difference in SAV cover arising from the forecast reduction in wave energy was derived by comparing regression-forecast SAV abundance(Figure 2) per unit area of seafloor both before and after simulation of the wavebreak.The forecast difference (gain) in SAV per unit area as the result of the wave energy reduction was summed across the wave shadow area to yield a forecast change in SAV acreage. Thus,the configuration and location of the structure was based on a combination of considerations including review of aerial imagery over time,site visits, and wave modeling of wavebreak configuration and orientation. Based on a regulatory position of not granting mitigation credit for any new SAV beyond the 1.28-acre target,the length of the simulated wavebreak was varied and the resultant new SAV acreage computed. From the relationship of simulated wavebreak length in the east-west orientation to forecast, new SAV acreage, a wavebreak length of 500 linear feet was selected to create the target level of 1.28 acres of new SAV seafloor coverage(CSA, 2018a,Appendix 3).A chevron shape of the wavebreak was selected to provide additional deflection of waves from the north which was seen in the WEMo modeling to be the direction of extreme wind wave events,while still reducing wave energy for SAV on the north side of the wavebreak from persistent southerly winds. A description of the final wavebreak design can be found in Appendix 4.The wavebreak is composed of 101 pilings with four, 1.2 x 1.2 m (4 x 4 ft)concrete disks per piling(Figure 3 and Appendix 4). In January 2017 the construction of the wavebreak(Photo 2a,b)was completed. Following construction,five years of monitoring followed, described in this final,Year 5 Annual Report. 'This length was that which was forecast as necessary to generate the target SAV acreage.Additional SAV acreage beyond that of the target acreage was at the time not viewed by regulatory agencies as available for credit to future projects so a larger wavebreak was not justified. 6 https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coastal/crm.html Last accessed 18 March 2022. 'As of 1998 the WEMo model only utilized a relative exposure index and had not yet incorporated a quantitative measurement of wave energy as used in this study. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 6 • V Water surface /�►.L.OWL-../ Disk(high strata) /,i..— /' ' IVI am. 11/ r Disk(middle strata) L /,�---�`'r'I!i Disk(low strata)r 4in 8 in 1_._1 12,In Base Disk \\ / Miry j / /\ \ / / / /\// ` / /A A %/. /\ // // //AA • WAVE ATTENUATOR EASE BLOCK II Figure 3. Schematic of individual Atlantic Reefmaker wave attenuation unit; 101 of these units installed conterminously compose the wavebreak structure. Reproduced from SEPI Engineering Inc. drawing. The water surface is shown at a typical high tide. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 7 a) -- '! V rya b) .5> 11:1 ttIVVV : - I Photo 2. a) Installation of the wavebreak structure in January 2017 showing a crane lifting a partial stack of concrete disks for placement over a piling. Note the shallow water depth with workers standing nearby. b) Completed wavebreak structure in January 2017 looking to the west at high tide from approximately AR unit 40. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 8 3 Monitoring Metrics Seven types of monitoring were undertaken to understand the effect of the wavebreak: 1. Bioturbation study(potential role in preventing SAV coalescence); 2. Wavebreak structural assessment (physical integrity and prognosis for long term); 3. Near-continuous wave energy monitoring; 4. Sediment elevation (what was the effect of the structure on the surrounding shoal environment); o Far-field (199.3 ac [80.6 ha] acres of the shoal surrounding the wavebreak); • Digital Elevation Model (DEM);and • Rods o Near-field (150-ft [45.7-m]transects originating at the wavebreak) 5. Success of relocated SAV; 6. Wavebreak epibiota EFH assessment; and 7. SAV long term response (focusing on generation of new, persistent SAV acreage); o Aerial imaging summary(monthly); o Change analysis 3.1 BIOTURBATION STUDY A bioturbation study was undertaken to understand the relative influence of biological disturbance versus wind wave energy on SAV bed patchiness.To evaluate the influence of biological disturbance on SAV patches at the site(sensu Townsend and Fonseca, 1998), CSA installed a bioturbation exclusion experiment in May 2016. Forty locations were randomly selected from within four wave energy reduction strata (10 locations per strata)as defined by the forecast wave reduction pattern following wavebreak placement(high wave energy reduction=>66%; moderate reduction=33 to 66%, low reduction=5 to 33%, and ambient or reference=<5% reduction) (CSA, 2017, 2018a).The nearest isolated SAV patch to that random location was then selected for application of the experimental treatment.At the center of all 40 patches, a 2.4-meter(8-foot) long stainless-steel rod was driven into the sediment until only 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 in) remained above the sediment and the elevation of the rod above the sediment was recorded. For each stratum,five randomly selected patches were assigned two wire remesh panels (wire remesh8 panels 1.07 m x 2.13 m [42 in x 84 in],with 0.106 m x 0.1.06 m [4 in x 4 in] mesh size)to exclude bioturbating sting rays and five were left un-protected.At each of two randomly selected cardinal directions per patch,the distance from the center rod to the edge of the SAV patch was measured. For patches receiving mesh,each of the two cardinal directions received a wire mesh.The longest length of the mesh was positioned parallel to the patch edge approximately 1/3 on SAV and 2/3 on sand to allow room for SAV expansion into the remesh. Change in the distance from the center rod to the patch margin was to be recorded over time.The statistical approach for this experiment was to be a repeated measures two-way analysis of variance with wave energy and patch protection as main effects. 8 Wire reinforcing mesh used to strengthen concrete slabs. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 9 3.2 WAVEBREAK STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT Wavebreak structural assessments were made visually during site visits by both CSA staff and other contractors working for NCDOT.Annual inspection surveys were conducted from 2018 to 2020 regarding the physical integrity of the AR structure and their maintenance of the vertical position of concrete disks on the pilings (subsidence) (SEPI,2019, 2020, 2021). 3.3 WAVE ENERGY MONITORING Long Term Wave Regime: Long-term, nearly continuous wave energy regime monitoring stations were installed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site to record wave characteristics. In January 2017, two pressure sensors (RBRvirtuoso models)were each deployed at stationary locations 25 m (82 ft) north and south of the wavebreak structure(CSA, 2017, 2018a, 2019, 2020). Pressure sensors were mounted in a locked casing approximately 15 cm (6 in) above the substrate on a solid base, concrete-filled pillar set 0.91 m (3 ft)into the seafloor. Pressure sensors were set to record bursts of pressure data every 30 minutes at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds. WEMo model validation: Model validation was repeatedly attempted through opportunistic sampling around the wavebreak structure. During times of onsite monitoring surveys, an RBR sensor was systematically but temporarily relocated across the site in a grid pattern (CSA, 2020)to obtain a spatial assessment of predicted (WEMo computation to follow based on water depth and wind conditi ns of the survey date)versus observed wave heights from the mobile sensor. oo� • \ 3.4 SEDIMENT ELEVATION The influence of the wavebreak on the surrounding seafloor sediment elevation was of particular interest as any shoaling or erosion could influence SAV abundance and distribution.Shoaling could raise the seafloor above the limits of SAV exposure at low tide and conversely,erosion could result in wholesale removal of established SAV and prevent subsequent recolonization. Both far-field (beyond 150 ft [45.7-m]from the wavebreak)and near-field (within 150 ft [45.7-m] of the wavebreak)surveys were performed at various times to detect any baseline shifts in the flood tide delta shoal formation itself(far-field)and those in close proximity to the wavebreak and more likely responding to the presence of the structure itself(near-field). Far field—Digital Elevation Model: In June 2016,CSA used a 5m Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV)to develop a sediment DEM to document changes in shoal elevation associated with the wavebreak installation (CSA, 2017).The ASV was pre-programmed to run a pre-selected geographic grid at 50-m (164-ft) line spacing which encompassed the entire site. Bathymetry data was collected using dual frequency,single beam sonar at a rate of 220 to 224 kHz. A Trimble Real Time Kinematic system (RTK) was mounted on the ASV to integrate real time navigation while the ASV ran the pre-programmed grid lines(speed of approximately 9 kph [5.7 mph]).The RTK had a horizontal and vertical accuracy of 2 cm (±0.787 in)and real-time tidal corrections were applied to accurately determine water levels across the site.This survey was repeated in July 2021 using a Sea Robotics (SR) M1.8 Surveyor ASV, following the same grid lines as in 2016. Here the ASV collected bathymetry with an EchoLogger EU D032 dual-frequency(30/200 kHz) single beam echosounder, again normalized with real-time tidal corrections.This survey provided the most spatially comprehensive assessment of bathymetric change in the larger shoal structure on which the wavebreak is located.A before (pre-wavebreak construction) and after comparison (June 2016 vs.August 2021)was performed to quantify any spatial changes in bathymetry over this time. 1 aufion o rn Ov S Sv t`�GNC� ve \'\ tb\b4C c Ve\c`Cc k) NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN oC\-0\ cc cb 5 f n �� � 6 o\-\ ck\\.C510 Far field—Elevation Rods:This method was utilized during all monitoring surveys and included direct measurement of the height of the center rod above the seafloor/substrate at each of the 40 stations originally established for the bioturbation experiment(CSA, 2017,2018a, 2019, 2020).At each station, the rod height above the seafloor/substrate was measured using a meter stick fastened to a piece of wood (24 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm [18 in x 2 in x 2 in]).The 0-mark on the meter stick was attached to the center of the wood piece creating an inverted "T" shape.The wood was laid flush against the seafloor to provide more surface area to avoid the ruler sinking into the substrate.The meter stick was placed next to the rod to obtain the measurement of the rod height above the substrate. In addition to the 40 center rods,four additional sediment rods (one per wave energy regime)were installed in sandy substrate and rod height above the substrate was measured for each. Change in sediment elevation among surveys and across the wave energy strata was computed for each combination of survey times. The differences in change in sediment elevation among strata for each comparison of survey times were compared in a 1-way ANOVA using PROC GLM in SAS 9.4 after In+10 transformation (to avoid negative numbers and address any non-normality of the data). This survey did not have the spatial resolution of the ASV-based survey but was performed with greater frequency. Near field—Sediment Elevation Transects: In June 2017,a near-field method of sediment elevation assessment was initiated by NCDOT. SEPI Engineering Inc. (SEPI)was contracted by NCDOT to conduct high density, near-field sediment elevation measures in the vicinity of the wavebreak. North-south oriented transects were established at five equally spaced locations centered on the wavebreak (CSA, 2018a, 2019, 2020) and sediment elevations corrected to mean lower low water(MLLW)surveyed in June 2017,September 2017,and then monthly starting January 2018;reported here through June of 2018).Transects were placed on both the north and south side of the wavebreak. In 2017,elevations at distances of 0(at the edge of the wavebreak),5, 10,20, 50, 75, and 100 ft(1.5, 3.0, 6.1, 15.2, 22.9, 30.5 m)were recorded. In January 2018 that changed to increments of 5 feet out to 50 ft and then at 75 and 100 ft to improve sensitivity of detecting any systematic change in sediment elevation. Starting in June 2018,distances of 125 and 150 ft(38.1 and 45.7 m,respectively)were added to ensure elevation samples were taken beyond the apparent apron of recently moved sand seen in aerial images (Figure 4). These data have been provided to CSA and were analyzed for this report. Elevations were compared in a 2-way ANOVA using PROC GLM in SAS 9.2 after In+10 transformation (to avoid negative numbers and address any non-normality of the data). Main effects were distance from the wavebreak and side of the wavebreak,tested at individual dates along with assessment for interaction of main effects. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 11 Cis Figure 4. Sand apron south of the wavebreak visually outlined from aerial imagery collected on 18 April 2018. 3.5 SUCCESS OF RELOCATED SAV In 2016, prior to installation of the wavebreak,the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission permit (Permit Modification No. 106-12) required any SAV within the wavebreak structure footprint and the construction corridor north of the structure footprint to be moved to the lee side of the structure onsite (CSA, 2017, 2018a, 2019, 2020). In May 2016,SAV patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the south side of the construction footprint situated in sand gaps among existing SAV. Percent cover of SAV within planting areas was evaluated immediately after transplanting. Scientists navigated to 10 randomly-selected sampling stations (proportionally assigned to seven locations in the larger eastern area and three in the smaller western area)within the planting areas using DGPS.To compare the colonization of the planted areas to the surrounding natural reference area,five additional station locations were randomly selected in the surrounding natural SAV area (reference area)within a 50-meter(164-foot) distance of the planting areas,for a total of 15 sampling stations.At each location, a 1-m2 (11-ft2) quadrat made of PVC was centered over each point and percent cover of SAV was assessed using a modified Braun-Blanquet (BB) cover and abundance technique (Braun-Blanquet et al., 1972; Kenworthy and Schwarzchild, 1997;Fourqurean et al.,2001). Within the quadrat, a BB scale value was independently evaluated for percent cover of each SAV species as well as total SAV.Average BB scores were then converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values (conversion is conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value, on the associated BB scale value: Percent Cover= 2.8108*[BB]2.2325) NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 12 3.6 WAVEBREAK EPIBIOTA—ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT Epibiota monitoring on the wavebreak was initiated in January 2017 through the establishment of permanent monitoring stations,originally randomly-placed on the wavebreak, (CSA, 2017, 2018a, 2019, 2020). Besides its function of wave energy reduction,the wavebreak was anticipated to attract both sessile and motile fauna and serve as EFH. Emphasis was placed on quantification of sessile fauna colonization although anecdotal observations of motile faunal utilization were made during site visits. Abundance as percent cover and composition of the epibiota were calculated for the following categories: algae, barnacle, hydroid,oyster,cyanobacteria and total biota. Digital photographs were recorded at each station as a time-zero (uncolonized) baseline against which subsequent epibiota colonization (on both rock and concrete surfaces)was compared against subsequent surveys.Stations were stratified by the sides of the wavebreak, 30 on the north side(predicted to be exposed) and 30 on the south side, at relative tidal (vertical)elevations related to the individual wave attenuator tier placement (high [top tier], middle [2"dlowest tier], and low [3rd lowest tier]) (Figure 3).Ten replicate stations were randomly assigned per elevation strata on each side of the wavebreak for a total of 60 monitoring stations. Random locations were selected along the wavebreak,and a vertical elevation was randomly assigned to each location (CSA, 2017). Digital images were processed and analyzed using Coral Point Count with Microsoft Excel extensions (CPCe)V4.1 software analysis program (Kohler and Gill, 2006). CPCe utilizes the random point count method described by Bohnsack(1979)to accurately estimate percent cover of benthic organisms and substrate from digital images. Rocks embedded in the disks had an average size of 112.4 cm2 and were assigned 10 random points.The number of random points assigned to each image was then increased or decreased proportionally to the size of the rock(s);the number of random points for rock images ranged from four to 22. Because the area of concrete assessed was the same in each photo, all concrete images were assigned the same number of random points (41), and points were restricted to the area of the photograph containing only concrete. Random points were projected on each image, and the biota or substrate located beneath each point was identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level (for the time-zero images, no biota was detected). Data from each image were assembled in a spreadsheet for percent cover calculations and subsequent comparative analysis. 3.7 SAV RESPONSE Monthly surveys:The response of SAV to the wavebreak was first assessed using aerial imagery provided by NCDOT in 2017 and 2018 (CSA, 2018a)to delineate and map SAV abundance. Utilization of this imagery posed significant challenges in SAV interpretation and beginning in 2018, RK&K began monthly aerial surveys of SAV(CSA, 2021a)with higher spatial resolution which promoted SAV mapping, acreage estimation and, change (in SAV) analysis.Aerial surveys were conducted from 2018 to the present time of this report(Table 2) by classifying areas of SAV occurring within the study area from georeferenced, high-resolution, mosaicked data sets(CSA, 2021a).A process of unsupervised following by supervised classification was followed using tools in Esri ArcGIS 10.6.1. software to perform the SAV delineation (CSA, 2021a). Table 2. Years and months during which aerial overflights were performed for SAV mapping around the wavebreak. 2018 June,August,September,October 2019 March—December 2020 April—December 2021 April—December NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 13 The SAV delineation included segregation of the SAV cover data into forecast zones of influence(where wave energy attenuation by the wavebreak was hypothesized to elicit a change in SAV cover organized into the same strata described in the Bioturbation Study, Section 3.1 above)adjacent to the wavebreak and in four surrounding, haphazardly-selected 2.5-acre reference areas outside of, but immediately adjacent to,the forecast zone of influence of the wavebreak(CSA, 2021a).The reference areas were situated to spatially bracket the forecast area of wave energy effects and were placed without examination of their prior SAV coverage.SAV acreage were compared between forecast wave energy reduction zones and the reference areas(CSA, 2021a)as well as among times of peak growing seasons among years. Change analysis:Anecdotal observations of imagery taken during the month of August 2021 suggested that SAV may have substantially increased its cover across a broader extent of the shoals surrounding the wavebreak than encompassed by the forecast wave energy reduction zones. Substantial colonization of SAV appeared to have occurred especially between 2020 and 2021. Consequently,focus on just the forecast wave energy reduction zones may not have detected important changes in SAV response to the wavebreak and an effort was undertaken to produce a full landscape-scale assessment of changes in SAV percent cover over time for the larger, 199.3 ac(80.6 ha)area captured in the monthly imagery assessments. Using the already-collected imagery, change in SAV percent cover between the annual periods of peak percent cover(August)from 2018 to the present and among months during the most recent year of imagery(2020 to 2021)was undertaken using a different technique to identify any trends and/or thresholds in the SAV percent coverage surrounding the wavebreak(CSA, 2021b). A 5 m x 5 m grid cell mesh was constructed over the entire SAV survey area (approximately 32,000 grid cells)and SAV percent cover computed per grid cell.The SAV percent cover of the most recent survey was compared to that of the survey previous by grid cell for change(delta) in percent cover. Delta was computed by subtracting the percent cover in a grid cell for a previous survey from the same grid cell in the more recent survey [delta =more recent—previous])showing the progression of SAV change from the previous survey to the more recent survey.This subtraction created a change in percent SAV percent cover spatial matrix per pairwise date comparison which was then plotted to depict and visually assess any apparent geographic pattern in SAV percent cover especially with respect to the wavebreak (CSA, 2021b). 4 Results and Discussion 4.1 BIOTURBATION STUDY The bioturbation study did not return definitive results. Only 20%of the mesh (8 out of 40 remesh sheets)were relocated during the first post-installation survey in January 2017, approximately eight months after initiation of the experiment in May 2016.The wavebreak was not yet constructed during this time so comparisons could not be tested among wave energy reduction strata and low number of remaining remesh (8)would preclude a statistically valid assessment even if the wall had been present. Using the 8 remaining remesh to test against the 20 patch diameters with no remesh,there was no significant difference (df=1,f=0.14,p=0.7071)among the change in SAV patch diameter between the remesh and no remesh treatments,preliminarily indicating that bioturbation was not strongly influencing the expansion of patch margins at that time. However,the passage of Hurricane Matthew in October 2016 may have obscured effects (disturbance effects like Hurricane Matthew erode SAV patches from their edge, much like sting ray bioturbation [Fonseca et al., 2000]). In October 2017,the experiment was terminated and only the distance to patch edges were measured. That average distance Waste ce mq6(Ns vie S� 'm002-4 7 ✓NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-0I-FIN 14 had reduced from 3.5 to 1.48 m suggesting the dynamic nature of SAV patch margins in this area (CSA, 2017). The role of bioturbation in SAV patch maintenance and the degree to which it may limit SAV patch coalescence in beds experiencing a reduction in wind wave energy remains unknown. In North Carolina, Townsend and Fonseca (1998)found that sting ray disturbance at SAV patch bed margins was substantial and that in some of their sites,the entire unvegetated seafloor among SAV patches was excavated by sting rays at least once a year. Other studies (Suchanek, 1983, Fonseca et al., 1994, Valentine et al., 1994) also have revealed the role of bioturbation in the inhibition of SAV bed expansion. Consequently,further study on the role of bioturbation as it may influence the strategy of using wind wave energy reduction to promote SAV patch bed coalescence is warranted as high levels of bioturbation have the potential to strongly affect the influence of wave energy reduction and either slow or prevent SAV coalescence. 4.2 WAVEBREAK STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT In the 2019 structural assessment of the wavebreak(Appendix 5) it was reported that out of 101 pilings, 24(23.8%)exhibited some swaying movement and contact among the adjoining disks in the presence of wind waves. However,this movement was not unanticipated (AR representatives, pers. corn.) and may not represent a structural concern.As of 2019, 11 units had subsided, of these,five units (the stack of 4 concrete disks on a piling)were experiencing periodic flow over the top disk(depending on degree of subsidence and tide stage).As of August 2021, during up-close inspection of the wavebreak, nine units had subsided to the point where water would regularly inundate them at high tide. Onsite inspection of the individual units and the surrounding seafloor at that time indicated that these few subsided disks do not appear to have resulted in any observable loss of wave attenuation functionality overall.As of the 2019 report(Appendix 5)all the navigational warning lights on the structure are intact and functioning correctly.The structure warning signs are in good condition.The stationary benchmark survey datum on the structure was within +/-0.1-ft (0.0305-m)tolerance when compared to the as-built drawings (Appendix 4).The navigational warning lights are still being checked at periodic intervals by NCDOT. 4.3 WAVE ENERGY MONITORING Long Term Wave Regime: Figure 5 shows the difference in the average daily significant wave heights over time.Through visual examination of the data, there appears to be periods of time of where wave heights trend to be higher or lower on one side of the wavebreak or the other. However, starting in approximately September 2020,the previous periodicity of north versus south differences in significant wave height changed and during the winter of 2020 and the spring of 2021 there was substantially,and consistently higher wave energy measured on the north side of the wall than the south (Figure 5).As a quality control measure the RBR sensors were removed during the final,July 2021 monitoring survey and sent to the manufacturer for calibration. Examination of sensor calibration data provided by RBR in the fall of 2021 indicated that this difference between the north and south sensors could have arisen from sensor drift (a systematic difference was detected between the two sensors with the north sensor reading up to 10 cm greater values)and consequently this difference is not interpreted as a systematic shift in relative wave energy among the two sides of the wavebreak. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 15 , DIFF IN WAVE HTS(M):POS VALUE=NORTH HIGHER while NEG VALUE=SOUTH HIGHER sig_ecceed 015 0.10 _ • • 11 l ( I • • `Ik I! L 1 • 0.05 iI • Ij • II I• • u• • • I • I r•p r • r 11NiI '! I 1 , I, ii ci I i 0.00 it 1 I I1ill I• I I I �Ir•' I' r �I ��l'�I 1914 a k II I�I d/' .Iq1 lid,, �I.�I��l• ul I, it e I I '. i•1. .I!'' IIH `r) I • 0 05 11" ..hl'1 i' i 1• ' 'I.' • I • y I t !' I s . • -010 • •015 • 12/12/2016 06/3012017 01/16/2018 08/04/2018 02/20/2019 09/08/2019 03/26/2020 10/12/2020 04/30/2021 11116/2021 sasdate Figure 5. Difference in hourly significant wave heights (m) between the north and south side of the wavebreak for January 2017 through July 2021. A data gap (area of straight line)arose from need to reposition and recalibrate sensors. Positive values=wave heights higher on north side; Negative values=wave heights higher on south side. As seen previously(CSA, 2020), a different picture emerges when only the top 5%of wave heights (considered to be a threshold of defining extreme events) are evaluated. Statistically,the average wave height of the top 5%of waves detected by the south-exposed sensor(Table 3)was significantly higher (mean of 0.20 m on the south versus 0.13 m on the north:one-way ANOVA, df 1,f 1976.1, p<0.0001 [excluding the 2020-2021 data]). However,again excluding the 2020-2021 data,there were 4,074 events where these waves were detected at the north-exposed sensor versus 814 at the south-exposed sensor or five times as many events with waves of those composing the top 5%of all the wave heights detected on the north side of the wavebreak(Table 3).Therefore, although average, minimum, and maximum wave heights were slightly larger from the south,the number of the largest waves was far greater from the north (and the maximum wave height of 0.44 m was still substantive), corroborating the original expectations of what the wind field on the coas of North Carolina might produce, which is why the forecast zone of reduction for the top 5%of win waves was larger on the south side of the wavebreak (CSA, 2017). _. 1 "I k Table 3. Summary statistics of the top 5%of wave heights measured at the two sensor stations on the north and south sides of the wavebreak excluding 2020 to 2021 data. Wavebreak Side Number of Mean Wave Minimum Wave Maximum Wave ` Range Wave Observations Height(m) Height(m) Height(m) Height(m) North 4074 0.13 0.07 0.44 0.37 South 814 0.20 0.14 0.51 0.37 NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 16 Interruption by the wavebreak of the more frequent larger waves from the north and increased SAV abundance south of and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak(see Section 4.7.2 SAV Response— Change Analysis from Aerial Surveys, below)was consistent with the forecast of wind wave energy interruption needed for SAV promotion. WEMo model validation: Fine-scale model validation was attempted through opportunistic sampling around the wavebreak but despite repeated attempts during visits when there were wind-generated waves present, no valid regression could be established between the predicted (by WEMo) and observed (from the RBR pressure sensor relocated to various positions around the wavebreak)wave height values.Although WEMo has been shown to have robust prediction capabilities (Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007)the attempt to down-scale the model results to the 50 m grid resolution was not successful.This means that WEMo assessments should likely be applied to areas of lower spatial resolution, potentially several times larger than the minimum spacing of the bathymetry data used in the forecast (freely available bathymetric data are often at a resolution of approximately 80 m). 4.4 SEDIMENT ELEVATION Far field—Digital Elevation Model (DEM):An ASV collected bathymetry data across the entire project area in June 2016(Figure 6) and July 2021 (Figure 7).The surveys were conducted during both flood and ebb tides and real-time tidal corrections were made to data collected. In 2016, MLLW depths ranged from-0.5 to-2.0 m (-1.6 to-6.6 ft) across the site. MLLW depths in 2021 were similar to those observed in 2016.The north and western portion of the site was notably shallower than the southeastern portion. The DEM depicts the northeast-southwest tending shoal ridge of the larger shoal on which the wavebreak is situated.The north and western portion of the site continued to be notably shallower than the eastern portion.The change in sediment elevation from 2016 to 2021 is shown in Figure 8.Sediment accumulation occurred south of and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak and somewhat to the north and western side of the structure.These gains corroborate the near-field sediment elevation increase on the south side of the wavebreak(see section Near field—Sediment Elevation Transects, below).The shoals extending from the northeast to southwest across the project area showed some positive gains in elevation, occasionally reaching slightly more than 0.3 m. However,there was some similar deepening particularly in what appeared to be a slight trough ru ing northwest to southeast across a portion of the shoal ridge. Some deepening was also evident to t a north and west of the wavebreak. The accumulation of sediment along the northeast to southwest shoal ridge as well as the deeper trough seen in the DEM corresponds to areas of increased SAV during these same times. It cannot be determined with certainty whether the wavebreak contributed to this general far-field sediment accretion, but the pattern of accretion is congruent with the effect of the wavebreak in reducing exceedance winds(top 5%)from the northeast as well as persistent wave energy from the south (i.e.,shoaling just north of the wavebreak). Moreover,this change did not occur until the wavebreak was installed,so the timing of the shoaling is also consistent with an effect from the wavebreak. Some spatially fine-scale increases and decreases in elevation embedded in the larger shoal mosaic are likely the result of the survey line intersecting with SAV patch tops and adjacent troughs that have migrated to different locations from 2016 to 2021. Deep troughs exist adjacent to SAV patches and like the patch, position changes over time. Differences in elevation between an SAV patch top and adjacent unvegetated seafloor sometimes reached 0.3 to 0.4 m (personal observation). NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 17 IS 35'3t W /S 3574•W /7 35'12 V1/ /5`35'0'W Nags Head Manteo• • Wanchese NC Area SS o.,5 n n. • 2t • s i Z i o S Legend 50011 Wavebreak •° Structure 2016 Depth(m) —J 0.5 1-0.65 1-0.8 1-0.95 1-11 I-125 -1.4 v _ 1.55 F._`_J-1.7 ®•1.85 MI-2.0 r /5 3536"N />:i57»'�1' /S3Sr'17-NJ /S 350-'h' /S'34'48'W 0 50 100 200 Meters i+ilk I I I I f I I I I C!�+ /� CoorCmatc System HAD 1983 SlatePWne 0 200 400 800 Feet �7/'"'� Noah Carotioa TIPS 3200 Feel 0 t 1 1 I f 1 1 1 I Figure 6. Digital elevation model constructed from a survey in 2016 by an Autonomous Surface Vehicle at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site prior to construction of the wavebreak (ultimate location of wavebreak shown). Soundings are in mean lower low water(MLLW). Red dashed line shows the location and orientation of the shoal ridge referenced in text. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 18 /535'24"W 75'35'12W 15'35'0W 75`34'48W Nags Head Manteo• • Wanchese. NC Z Z Area Shown m❑r� z ; Z a • ' . 4, 4 eeee o • Legend z 500ft o -Wavebreak .. Structure 2021 Depth(m) 1---1-0.5 1-065 I 1-0.8 I 1-0.95 I-1-1.1 l 1-125 Z I 1-1.4 z I j-1.55 - J-1.7 M t : -1.85 ®-2.0 T 75'35'24"W /S35'17W /S 3S'0'W 75"34'48'W 0 50 100 200 Meters "1111* 11 1 t I 1 t t I C S A Coon:Mate System NAD 1983 StateRane 0 200 400 800 Feet North Carolina FIPS 32C0 Feet 1 { t 1 I t t 1 I 0 Figure 7. Digital elevation model constructed in 2021 from a survey by an Autonomous Surface Vehicle at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site five years post-construction of the wavebreak. Soundings are in mean lower low water(MLLW). Red dashed line shows the location and orientation of the shoal ridge referenced in text. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 19 t 75 352. .. 75 35" -r, 75-35 .. ,. Nags Head Manteo i Wanchese•. NC L Area Shown:n .. e i ee Z �� 4, 4, 4, u2 4, 4, Z Legend 500 ft -Wavebreak Structure Depth Change(m) 8/2016-8/2021 I 00.17-0.26 4 (�0.09-0.17 �`�C/ \(\� , n 0.0.09 Z J c\S--� 56 n-o -_033 ��� --0.22--0.33 MI-0.33--0.44 75'3574 W 75'35'12 W 75'350"W 75'34'48-W 0 50 100 200 Meters /0*11* 111141111 C SA Coord:nare System NAD 1983 StatePlane 200 400 800 Feet North Carorma F1PS 3200 Feet 01 I I t I I I I 0 Figure 8. Differences in elevation among the two digital elevation models from 2016 and 2021. Red dashed line shows the location and orientation of the shoal ridge referenced in text. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 20 Far field—Elevation Rods: Change in sediment elevation was computed among the replicate rods in each of the wave energy reduction strata for the initial survey compared with all subsequent survey dates (Appendix 6). In lieu of survey to survey changes which revealed no clear pattern of change over time, comparisons with the first survey time were performed. A one-way ANOVA comparing changes in sediment elevations at each survey versus that of the initial survey, by wave energy reduction strata revealed that only comparisons among Survey 1 and Surveys 4 and 6 had differences in sediment elevation among Reference and the High wave reduction zone and among the Reference and Low and High wave reduction zones (Appendix 6). There has been no temporal sequence to these differences as they have occurred in comparisons with both spring and fall surveys. However, differences were driven by the sediment accumulation in the High wave reduction zone, closest to the wavebreak which is consistent with the near-field transect surveys (below). A clear pattern of sediment accumulation across wave energy strata emerged from this analysis. Sediment accumulated most in the High wave energy reduction zone closest to the wavebreak with decreasing sediment accumulation with decreasing wave energy reduction and distance from the wavebreak (Appendix 6). This pattern has remained consistent among surveys, again corroborating the near-field transect surveys (below). Near field—Sediment Elevation Transects:The surveys conducted by the subcontractor(SEPI Engineering& Construction) revealed a significant scour pit formed under the wavebreak AR units themselves. This sediment is suspected to be the source of a persistent light-colored band visible south of the wall in aerial images (CSA, 2020). A comparison of sediment elevations by distance and side of wall (north vs. south) showed a consistent pattern of erosion in the immediate proximity of the wall (scour pit) but with little change in sediment elevation with distance on either side of the wavebreak (CSA, 2020). In all cases where there was a significant difference in the sediment elevation between the north and south sides of the wavebreak,the south side was shallower; this statistical difference has been detected in 46%of the surveys (CSA, 2020).There has been no obvious temporal pattern of when the south side was statistically different (shallower)than the north side of the wavebreak in this near-field assessment. Importantly, while statistically different,the elevation differential between the north and south side was in the range of about 0.15 m (6 inches). Despite being shallower,the south side was still within the range of SAV growth as evidenced by the presence of numerous SAV patches within this near-field survey and substantially increased SAV cover in this sand apron zone from 2020 to 2021 (see Section 4.7.2 SAV Response—Change Analysis from Aerial Surveys, below). The ongoing(since surveys commenced in 2017) presence of an—3-ft (0.91-m) deep erosion pit under the structure indicates that the experimental wavebreak is continually re-directing wave energy downward to the seafloor, otherwise this pit would have filled in long ago. Future utilization of this wavebreak design should consider this effect. Here,this ongoing redirection of wave energy may have negatively affected the larger project plan by adding a mobile sand source to the location where the highest SAV response (infilling of gaps among SAV patches) was forecast, and that area only experienced substantial SAV colonization from 2020 to 2021 (see Section 4.7.2 SAV Response—Change Analysis from Aerial Surveys, below). This apparent sand movement may have also negatively impacted the relocated (from the wavebreak footprint prior to construction)SAV that was placed in the area where the sand apron subsequently developed. 1 (\ > The presence of the scour pit under the wavebreak has resulted in the full suspension of the four/ \ �' concrete tiles composing the individual wavebreak AR units, above the sediment surface m (a configuration for which the AR units are designed). While the structure was designed to support the C- Jl disk stack and to accommodate movement, it has been noted that the units sway(<1 inch) and bump together in even mild (e.g., less than 10 to 20 cm) wave heights, a behavior that might be reduced or NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-0I-FIN 21 eliminated if the units were in contact with the sediment surface. However,this movement has not resulted in any visually apparent structural issues. Continued, periodic inspections of the structure over time may be warranted to ascertain its resiliency in its state of disk stack suspension above the scour pit. Filling of the scour pit with non-erodible material(e.g., carbonate rock, concrete A-jacks9, etc.) may also be necessary to mitigate against future sand movement and storm-related impacts to the SAV now colonizing to the south of and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak. 4.5 SUCCESS OF RELOCATED SAV Prior to construction, SAV patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the lee side of the wavebreak structure (CSA, 2020). SAV in the planted area zones were monitored during all surveys. Representative photos of SAV within the planting and reference areas throughout the monitoring program are in Appendix 7.Average percent cover of SAV for the combined planting areas(eastern and western)versus the reference area throughout the monitoring program are displayed in Appendix 8, Figure 1. There was initial high cover(32.7%) in the planted areas as of May 2016 as measured immediately after relocation, reflecting the high density of SAV installation, compressing all the SAV from the relocation zone north of the wall into much smaller areas.This was intentional and was an attempt to quickly create new, persistent SAV acreage. However as seen in Appendix 8, Figure 1,the planted areas had very low survival.SAV subsequently began to colonize these areas and that may have been promoted by persistence of small, relic portions of the relocated SAV(the randomly located quadrats did not encounter SAV in the early surveys of the planted area but some SAV was observed). Later surveys (7,8 and particularly survey 9 [July 2021]) showed increase in SAV coverage in the planted areas but this was occurring at the same time broader colonization of the area was occurring south of and immediately adjacent to the wall(see Section 4.7 SAV Response, below). With this final survey,SAV monitoring has been performed for five years post-relocation. Percent cover for the monitoring program to date, based on average BB scores, increased from the previous survey (CSA, 2020)to 14.2%in the planting areas and 57.1% in the reference area. Fluctuation of cover among surveys in both the planting and reference areas is likely the result of storm impacts (Hurricane Matthew passed through the Pamlico Sound and surrounding areas on 8 and 9 October 2016,five months after SAV relocation, prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure which may have had significant impact on the newly relocated SAV), bioturbation, sand movement in this area (see Section 4.4 Sediment Elevation,above) and an intrinsically patchy and shifting SAV distribution. Mortality of SAV due to the relocation effort is not considered to be a significant factor based on personal experience and these other sources of disturbance are typically the cause of SAV relocation failures. In general,the SAV relocation was not highly successful but relocation to around the wavebreak may now be more successful,given the natural recolonization that is now occurring in this area indicating that natural SAV may have been able to overcome initial limitations to colonization in these areas. 9 Hard Armor Erosion Control(conteches.com) Last accessed 18 March 2022. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 22 r 4.6 WAVEBREAK EPIBIOTA EFH ASSESSMENT As in previous annual surveys (CSA, 2018a,2019, 2020),the percent cover of biota colonizing the wavebreak substrate was assessed from photographs of each of the 60 fixed monitoring stations on the wavebreak. Data were grouped first by substrate type (concrete or rock),then by vertical strata (elevations related to the individual wave attenuator disk placement; high [top disk], middle [2nd lowest disk],and low [3rd lowest disk]),and by orientation (north or south side of the wavebreak). Percent cover results for concrete and rock monitoring stations along with a more detailed description of the individual faunal category(algae, barnacle, hydroid, oyster,cyanobacteria and total biota) changes are contained in Appendix 9,Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Representative photographs of colonized substrate and sessile and motile fauna from the July 2021 survey are also displayed in Appendix 10. On concrete portions of the wavebreak,colonizing biota included algae (primarily unidentified turf algae), barnacles, hydroids, and oysters (Appendix 9,Table 1).To date,oysters have had no appreciable cover on the high strata, and middle and low strata showed no appreciable cover until 2019.The highest oyster cover(8.8%)thus far on concrete was found in 2019 on low strata on the south side. In the final survey (July 2021)there were fewer live oysters found on any strata (average cover=1.3%). On the embedded rock portions of the wavebreak disks,colonizing biota included algae, barnacles, hydroids, oysters, and cyanobacteria (Appendix 9,Table 2).Oysters on rock substrate were first recorded during the 2019 survey on middle and low strata and cover has generally increased within these strata from 2019 to 2021 (Photo 3). However,oysters have not been observed on high rock strata throughout the monitoring program. In the final survey (July 2021)there were substantially more oysters found on rock than on concrete (average cover=10.6%and excluding the highest disks=15.9%). This 8 to 12-fold higher abundance of oysters on rock versus concreate indicates the importance of including suitable substrate, here in the form of granite rock, in construction of the AR disks to promote oyster colonization. In 2021,total epibiotic cover on the low elevation strata was nearly 100%for both rock and concrete surfaces, irrespective of side of the structure (Figure 9a,b). Middle elevation strata, both rock and concrete,and the high elevation strata for concrete also showed high cover, lagging slightly behind the low strata. High elevation strata for rock continued to show the least cover. For all elevation strata, concrete exhibited greater total colonization by biota versus rock on both north and south sides of the wavebreak. Concrete typically exhibited greater colonization by algae and fauna (other than oysters) versus rock substrate,while oysters have shown greater affinity for rock substrate.While a clear trend of increased colonization has occurred,there were non-systematic fluctuations in cover among year, side, and elevation strata,which is not uncommon for sessile intertidal communities. Overall, it appears that the wavebreak has successfully created a persistent and extensive epibiotic community as a form of essential fish habitat.Anecdotal observations also show utilization of the high strata by shorebirds including ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres) (Appendix 10; Photo 10-8)during all surveys and fish aggregation (Photo 4;02 October 2021) around the wavebreak,although the ecological significance of such aggregations is unknown. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 23 j R + o .. a +� 1 4 - i4.• 4' r..- .,•:.•,....-- t ,,... ,lit-,,,ft-gr .-- , 2...ii.. •, 4..4,3_ illt- -t• .•', si• (A.- ", '1 Cs ofTAtt*,r v.4/1„,:,.. , llt. MAIMINIA---- 114.6 Photo 3. Oyster colonization on rocks in a middle disk elevation (July 2021).Scale of photo is approximately 30 cm wide. II. 41144:4444444ttizzzlr' 4,.t_ t • Photo 4. Aerial image showing fish aggregation surrounding the eastern half of the wavebreak (250 feet length)on 02 October 2021. Fish are likely mullet, Mugil cephalus(Image courtesy of RK&K). NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 24 a) 100' a —� substrate=concrete -1410 90' 80' 70- 8 60- B 50' 0 i0 -Al Mr ° 40 30' 20 10 1111 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 Lowy Med High Disk Strata b) 100 substrate=rock 90' 80 70' u 60 3 50' 32 m ° 40 30 20' 10 11111 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 2018 2019 2020 2021 Low Med—� High—I Disk Strata Figure 9. a) Percent cover of total epibiota for concrete portions of the wavebreak disks as of July 2021. b) Percent cover of total epibiota for rock portions of the wavebreak disks as of July 2021. NCDOT—FL-22-1830-2845-21—REP-01—FIN 25 4.7 SAV RESPONSE 4.7.1 Monthly Aerial Surveys Results of the month-to-month aerial surveys through 2020 conducted in a parallel effort (CSA, 2021a) indicated the wavebreak was functioning as intended,and from this assessment appears to be promoting a seasonally-variable, but positive, increase in SAV cover within all three wave energy reduction strata, particularly the>66%and the 33 to 66% reduction strata closest to the wavebreak. Overall, however,summing the reference-adjusted monthly gains and losses overtime starting in August 2018, (n=22) resulted in a provision of 3.75 cumulative acres of added SAV services and an average monthly standing gain of 0.19 acres. However, overall,these gains were offset by losses in other months and using the reference areas as a basis for comparison, resulted in the average monthly standing gain of 0.19 acres as of December 2020. In Figure 10,the acreage of SAV in each of the wave energy reduction strata and reference areas is plotted over time and in reference to tropical storms and hurricanes occurring in North Carolina during the project period (CSA,2021a). Both the>66%and 33 to 66% RWE reduction strata, which are located closest to the wavebreak structure and forecast to produce the greatest unit area effect on SAV coalescence, appear to have experienced some adverse effects from proximity to the wavebreak in 2018 and 2019 due to sediment deposition adjacent to the structure from wavebreak-related scouring (CSA, 2018b). All zones, including the reference areas,showed a downturn in acreage in spring of 2021, but all zones showed a steady increase in SAV acreage through August 2021. However,the rate of increase appears to have been slightly faster in the>66% and 33 to 66% reduction zones (steeper slopes since April of 2021)than in either the 5 to 33%zone or the reference areas. Some seasonal components to changes in SAV coverage was sometimes apparent in all three RWE reduction strata. Most showed consistent decreases in SAV coverage between the fall and spring, followed by increased SAV coverage between spring and summer. The red and green zones showed net positive changes in SAV acreage in November or December,which may correspond to contributions from increased biomass forZ. marina.These changes in cover represent the seasonally detectable abundance of SAV in imagery.This fluctuation is normal for this area given the mix of Z. marina and H. wrightii, both of which are at the edge of their respective geographic distributions. Storm eventsi0 did not appear to have any visually discernible effect on SAV cover and total acreage for the aerial assessment time period (CSA, 2021a).This is likely due to either storms not being in sufficient proximity to generate damaging waves or when they were,there was often not enough water depth on the shoal area during storm events to allow local wave propagation onto the shoal where the site is located. whttps://products.climate.ncsu.edu/weather/hurricanes/database/?search=location&loc=north%20carolina&Irad =250&crit=gets&sort=year asc.(Reviewing the storm tracks and dates available in this interactive query tool allowed us to pick the storms that influenced the NC coast). Last accessed 18 March 2022. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 26 80.00 (<-1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 70.00 a 60.00 Q CI- 3 p 50.00 n. 2 Q k C 40.00 d Ir ii 30.00 a �. L 20.00 . — 7.;•• •e n C�- a ~ ``, I u. ...../\/ 7- o�O l�°� 19 10.00 �• J pJaC"�'1 6 nq� 1 1 1 r9\ 0.00 . , Aug Sep Oct Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Apr May Jun Jul Aug '18 '18 '18 '19 '19 '19 '19 '19 '19 '19 '19 '19 '19 '20 '20 '20 '20 '20 '20 '20 '20 '20 '21 '21 '21 '21 '21 ,Reference —+- >66%(red zone) 33-66%(orange zone) t 5-33%(green zone) / Figure 10. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by aerial survey month in August 2018 through December 2020 for each /- / S of the wave energy reduction zones. Dates are organized by survey; note blue bars indicating a change in the date sequence. Red vvvuuu(," o(1Iy zone is the area near the wavebreak forecast to experience a>66%reduction in wave energy; orange zone,33 to 66% reductions / green zone 5 to 33%reduction; reference area is from four adjacent reference areas outside the forecast wave energy reduction b zones.All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 were not available for the green zone or the reference area. 7-0 v Black vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes: (1) =Tropical Storm (TS)Chris on 7/10/2018 D e GQrn [note<-indicating occurrence outside of the X-axis scale]; (2)= Hurricane (H) Florence on 9/13/2018; (3) =TS Michael on7 10/11/2018; (4) = H Dorian on 09/05/2019; (5) = H Humberto on 09/19/2019; (6) =TS Arthur on 05/18/2020; (7)=TS Fay on 07/09/2020; (8)= H Isaias on 08/03/2020; (9)=TS Claudette on 6/21/21. • NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 27 75°35'24"W 75°35'12"W 75°35'0"W 75°34'48"W r r r Nags Head Manteo Wanchese • i 'a _ - NC • -a ' • Arca Shown in=ec 7 � . z • �._ re 1 — m 1• ° 0 ' • . ••a a » � r 1 r r 1' J _ • -t•I .. % - Legend .*i • • 1 • - • 500 ft Wavebreak •- r Structure Z z • • • 1 .. J s ` •r s �'• SAV Change(%) _ o 1 i 8/2018-8/2021 v - i :L s • 0 1 r ■ _80-100 Ell 60-80 _., . J. • I n40-60 'A.e; •• , . . 1 1 20--40 e• �i 1 a ' • • , • I0-20 - ya •7 a .. •i r+ - • • •..• 1 1 0--20 ' •' tee • r o. ell1-20--40 1-40--60 ®-60--80 --80-100 r r r 75°35'24'Wr 75°3512"W 75°35'0"W 75°34'48'W 0 200 Feet 0 C S A Coordinate System'NAD 1983 StatePlane 0 50 100 200 Meters North Cardina PIPS 3200 Feet { I 1 1 { I 1 $ Figure 11. Change in percent cover of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) surrounding the wavebreak for the months of August 2018 vs. August 2021. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 29 4.7.2 Change Analysis from Aerial Surveys Monthly aerial surveys have provided more spatially complete and sequential comparisons of change in SAV percent cover from year to year and month to month.These comparisons have been useful in identifying the spatial and temporal trends of SAV on the shoal surrounding the wavebreak that were not discernible in the previous approach where comparisons were made to arbitrarily selected reference sites. Seasonal fluctuations are strongly associated with the spatial organization of a northeast to southwest trending shoal ridge that passes across the site(Figure 11),with gains and losses in SAV percent cover occurring often conversely east and west of that shoal.The shoal ridge crest emerged as an area of comparatively low percent change in SAV percent cover over time. It should be noted that prior to placement of the wavebreak, inspection of historical aerial imagery, including that from 2012 to 2015,just prior to construction,showed no indication of an SAV response to the ridge. SAV percent cover across the shoal was visually uniform in a patchy distribution.We hypothesize that the placement of the wavebreak may have stimulated an increase in the broader SAV percent cover on the shoal, especially to the southwest of the structure along the shoal ridge.This larger landscape-scale shift in increased SAV cover along the spine of the shoal ridge is visually apparent (Figure 12) and could have influenced some of the reference areas selected for monthly survey comparisons of SAV change. If so, any changes in reference area acreage in the month-to-month approach (CSA, 2O21a)that fell within any landscape-scale shift arising from an effect of the wavebreak,would lead to an underestimation of the promotion effect of SAV cover because reference area SAV cover would rise along with SAV in the comparatively limited forecast area (i.e.,some reference areas were not independent estimates) as was seen in Figure 10.As noted in Section 4.4, it is possible that this SAV promotion along the shoal ridge was facilitated by the 0.3 to 0.5 m increase in shoal height from 2016 to 2021,which could in turn potentially be an effect of the wavebreak structure. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 28 '5'35'24"'✓V '5`35"2'W 75'34'48 Nags Head Manteo•• • Wanchese • NC Area Shown m Red Z Z ern a • z Legend 500 ft Wravebreak Structure z SAV Change(°/) z 8/2020-8/2021 �80-100 —160-80 140-60 I20-40 I0-20 • • (�0--20 • I-20--40 (�-40--60 --60--80 --80--100 r r r 75°35'24"W 75°3512-W 75°35'0'W 75°34'r 48"W 0 200 Feet 1+H+MH 0 C S A Coordinate System:NAD 1983 StatePlane 0 1 50 l 100 l l '200 Meters North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Figure 12. Change in percent cover of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) surrounding the wavebreak for the months of August 2020 vs.August 2021. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 30 The recent (2020 to 2021) area of increased SAV cover south of and adjacent to the wavebreak (Figure 11) corresponded quite closely to the forecast area of highest wave energy reduction (CSA, 2021a), suggesting the predicted effect of increased SAV seafloor colonization and SAV patch coalescence had begun to manifest itself. This persistent colonization south of and adjacent to the wavebreak also indicates that the shoaling and sand dynamics observed in this ar a was apparently only a temporary, albeit 4-year deterrent to SAV colonization. 1r aSSG Comparisons of SAV acreage by peak growing season (A st) in the forecast medium (wave energy reduction; 33 to 66%) and high (wave energy reduct. ;>66%) wave energy reduction zones are shown in Table 4.The low wave energy zone (5 to 33% ve energy reduction)was not considered in the SAV change analysis because of its low proxi the wavebreak, making estimates of SAV response conservative.This analysis shows th�utative ffect of the sand apron formation to the south of the wavebreak on SAV acreage (these wave energy reduction zones are located south of and begin immediately adjacent to the wavebreak; CSA, 2018a, 2019, 2020). Table 4. Summary of SAV acreage change analysis within the model forecast high wave energy reduction zone (>66% reduction) and the medium wave energy reduction zone (33 to 66% reduction) among the peak growing season (August), by year. Area of Change Wave Energy Number of Wave Average% Total Area (m2)vs. Change Change(%) Change(%) Reduction Year 5 x 5 m EnergyCover of of SAV in vs. Previous (m2)vs. vs.2018 % SAV in Grid Grid Cells Previous Zone(%) Grid Cells Reduction 2 Year 20180n1y Only Cells Zone(m2) (m) Survey Survey 33_66 2018 960 24000 36.2 8677 n/a n/a 33_66 2019 960 24000 27.7 L 6654 -2024 77% 33_66 2020 960 24000 28.0 6728 75 101% 33_66 2021 960 24000 53.9 i 12931 6203 4254 192% 149% >66 2018 171 4275 35.34 Lf 1511 n/a n/a >66 2019 171 4275 16.38 D 700 -811 El 46% >66 2020 171 4275 22.34 J 955 255 1$6% >66 2021 171 4275 44.61 fl 1907 952 396 r 200% 126% SAV acreage in the medium zone in 2019 declined to 77%of the 2018 cover(1 to 2 years after wavebreak construction) but then began to recover exponentially. By August 2021 it had recovered to 149%of the 2018 value SAV acreage in the high zone in 2019 declined to 46% of the 2018 cover(1 to 2 years after wavebreak construction) but then also began a more linear recovery to 126%of the 2018 cover by 2021. With this rate of recolonization in the medium and high wave energy reduction zones, 1.77 acres were gained in the last year. With the initial post-construction decline in acreage, there has been a 1.15-acre net addition of SAV overall. If the rate of expansion continues then the target of 1.28 ac would be reached in 2022. From this pattern of SAV promotion it appears the sand apron and associated sand deposition and movement that developed shortly after the wavebreak was installed had substantial, negative impacts on adjacent SAV. It has taken over 4 years for SAV recovery to occur and will likely take another several months to a year for SAV to recover from this impact and achieve the forecast SAV acreage promotion. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 31 The slow pace of SAV colonization into the removal area north of and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak suggests that this may be a zone of ongoing disruption of SAV colonization especially with the higher and more frequent wave energy measured on this side of the wavebreak. However, experimental relocation of SAV into this area from regional construction projects, if installed as large, conterminous patches (e.g., Paulo et al, 2019) may be adequate to overcome any disruption of colonization and establish persistent SAV coverage. Relocation of SAV to sand gaps south of the wavebreak to around the wavebreak may now be more successful given the natural recolonization that is now occurring in this area indicating that natural SAV may have been able to overcome initial limitations to colonization in these areas. 5 Conclusions and Next Steps 5.1 DID IT WORK? Because there is only one wavebreak structure,there is no replication and so utilization of traditional statistical approaches to test for SAV promotion is challenging.Additionally, utilization of alternative approaches such as BACI (e.g., Conner et al., 2016),which does not require replication of the treatment (wavebreak)was complicated as the wavebreak may have had a larger, landscape effect that calls into question utilization of some of the reference sites within the approximately 200-acre survey area. Utilization of reference areas in the month-to-month aerial survey approach (CSA,2021a)that fell within the potential effect of the wavebreak, may have underestimated the SAV promotion effect because SAV cover within some reference areas may have also been influenced by the wavebreak and risen along with SAV in the comparatively spatially limited forecast area (i.e., some reference areas were not independent estimates).Therefore,in the absence of independent references sites,only a semi-quantitative narrative is available to consider he various indicators of SAV promotion by th wavebreak. ghal _s- S pJ� To answer the question "did it work?",the answer appears to be yes.The development of highly (�2 -p' `c " coalesced SAV coverage in the forecast location immediately south of and adjacent to the wavebreak S� -S • (Figures 11 and 12) indicates that SAV finally underwent a shift to a new state of more continuous cover. SAV patches north of and not in proximity to the structure did not undergo this coalescence. Additionally,this increase in SAV may have promoted a cascade of increased SAV cover to the southwest along the shoal, likely the result of increased shoaling that began concomitant with the installation of the wavebreak(Figure 8). Figure 13 shows an aerial image of the shoal area from 2015 along with the future wavebreak location.That image shows a concentration of continuous SAV to the southwest with a gradient of decreasing cover to the northeast,through and beyond the wavebreak location. Based on examination of freely available imagery,this was the status of the shoal for approximately a decade prior to wavebreak installation and is markedly different from the current status,where SAV cover has coalesced from the historical area to the southwest all the way northeast to the wavebreak(Figure 14). Although there is no quantitative means to definitively link the cause and effect of this shoaling and SAV promotion to the southwest of the wavebreak, it is highly coincident with the installation of the wavebreak,and the strong possibility exists that the wavebreak contributed to a cascade of downstream effects that has substantially increased SAV across the shoal.The duration of this apparent increase will need to be examined over time to determine its persistence. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 32 Figure 13. 2015 image of wavebreak location showing patchy submerged aquatic vegetation in the area surrounding the wavebreak. Image width is approximately 1.2 miles. Source:Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Research Program. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 33 75`3%24 A' 75.35'12'W 75°35'0'W 1 Nags Head .. • • ti ` Wanchese ■ .,. • f • ' N C • t.• , ►:'D , 1 `4 S.Area Shown in Re,: •• • p 1 i • •` * �# • Y, !♦ �' eti P. j. ••.N y • ! � 'Y ts. v � ',... 11.**:'11...t : ""A• ' 145,0*.. , • � � •' V4:4. .0'4 rah C ,,* ,c.• .^ • elbstli fie•- . .- - , .ai ^.f.t�dr3 .''f- ? •,� r t.•.1 N5 i r i . ,.n ,, '3.yL -'�•�•►4 .tS r'ty- ., ,E i; ? �} r - ,,- t�4... + '. l^6,� , kfie 4'7.' s r7p * • +i < r F^+ •.*, . ,..... . ( rt ,r • ±. . ; 7 -.. i.`‘ '''' ''. '''' s l ` •1. j P. ., , .' e _ '1 e ; !• . y41A iir ... ,k....,1:4W •... '‘,.. I(, 4 ..F7.a;. ': at..,•• ."2.-«..Ai . ""s4..,... 4 rt —'",; '3St4 1 er4 :it" f 4 .. • ;, H i •.•c ,fir 1 I' c 1. ` Legendl Ar '5• f- .4 1.. 500 ft Wavebreak Structure z i't 75°35'24'W 75°35'12"W 75°35'0'W 2 0 200 Feet /� 0 Coordinate System:NAD 1583 StatePlane 0 50 100 200 Meters C S/� North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet I ! 1 I I t I e Figure 14. August 2021 image of wavebreak survey area showing submerged aquatic vegetation in the area surrounding the wavebreak. Each arm of the wavebreak is 250 ft for a total length of 500 ft. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 34 Starting in April 2021,there was a widespread increase in SAV both near the wavebreak but also along the entire shoal ridge area. However, as seen in Figure 10 and in the Change Analysis (Section 4.7.2),the increase was disproportionately greater in the>66(high)and 33 to 66%(medium) RWE reduction zones.The increased SAV cover in the (forecast) high and medium wave energy reduction zones has now begun a substantial promotion of SAV acreage and have reached 90%of the initially forecast acreage. From this pattern of SAV promotion it appears that the sand apron and associated sand deposition and movement that developed shortly after the wavebreak was installed had substantial, with negative impacts on adjacent SAV. It has taken over four years for SAV recovery to occur and if this recent promotion persists,will likely take another several months to a year for SAV to fully recover from this impact and achieve the forecast SAV acreage promotion of 1.28 acres. Nonetheless,given all the ecological factors at play and the various steps taken to develop an SAV promotion response forecast (application of a wave energy/SAV response model with an r2 of 0.75 [Figure 2]),only a 10%deviation from that forecast acreage may be considered a very robust outcome. The role of bioturbation in maintaining SAV bed patchiness in this area remains unknown. For example, a localized reduction in bioturbation could explain at least in part the increase in SAV abundance south of and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak, but this remains unknown. Additional experimental work is needed to separate the role of wave energy from bioturbation in maintaining SAV bed patchiness to formulate effective SAV restoration plans.Also from an experimental perspective, relocation of SAV from regional construction projects into the area north of and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak, if installed as large, conterminous patches (e.g., Paulo et al., 2019) may be adequate to overcome any disruption of colonization and establish persistent SAV patch beds. Shoaling occurred to the south side of the wavebreak but not to an extent that prevented SAV colonization up to the margins of the structure's underlying scour pit.This shoaling was not just localized to the wavebreak but may have been part of the larger, landscape-scale shift in shoal water depth, as was evidenced by the before and after DEM analysis. Filling of the scour pit underneath the wavebreak should be considered as a follow-on mitigation action to eliminate the potential for future sediment movement and impact to the SAV on the south side and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak. Because this fill would occur primarily under the wavebreak for which mitigation was already performed (relocation of adjacent SAV)for at least the north side of the structure,further need for compensatory mitigation for the fill itself may be minor. The north side of the wall experienced almost five times the frequency of the top 5%of wave heights than the south side. Diminution of these more frequent, larger wave events likely provided the necessary reduction in disturbance south of and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak to trigger an increase in SAV coverage.The intervening time appears to have been needed for SAV to overcome the disturbance of ongoing sand movement,explaining at least in part the delay in SAV response to colonization on the south side of the wavebreak(the expectation was that promotion of SAV coalescence would have begun to occur immediately after construction of the wavebreak). Based on visual inspection of the aerial imagery it appears that SAV recruitment and existing patch expansion and coalescence were the basis of the SAV increase. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 35 Finally,the wavebreak structure has and continues to provide substantial essential fish habitat services. Seabirds have been consistently observed on the wavebreak(e.g., brown pelican [Pelecanus occidentalis], herring gulls [Laurus canus], ruddy turnstone [Arenaria interpres],various unidentified terns). Epibiotic cover(algae, barnacle, hydroid, oyster, cyanobacteria) of the structure has steadily increased to nearly 100%of the regularly submersed portions of the wavebreak. Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) colonization has also increased, particularly on the granite rock portions to the structure to an average of 10.6%cover.Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) have been observed under and around the structure and other species including oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau),feather blenny(Hypsoblennius hentz),and juvenile Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber) have been observed in association with the structure (CSA, 2020).Anecdotal information from local contractors utilized for survey support suggested that the structure also provides some attraction for recreational anglers, although none have been observed during site surveys(Photo 4). 5.2 LESSONS LEARNED Perhaps the most important lesson learned was that the wavebreak strongly influenced sand transport and shoaling. The unanticipated formation of the scour pit under the structure and the formation of a persistent, dynamic sand shoal to the south of and immediately adjacent to the wavebreak likely impeded SAV colonization. Planning for this erosion with a contingency for addition of non-moveable material into a scour pit,should it begin to form, may be needed in future applications. The unanticipated, potential influence of the wavebreak on a larger extent of the shoal and selection of references sites also needs future planning. Initial selection and monitoring of reference areas from a diversity of nearby shoals with patchy SAV beds at similar water depths would have provided an improved comparative analysis of the wavebreak SAV promotion effect and allowed utilization of a BACI analysis. 5.3 FUTURE STEPS AND APPLICATIONS Continued aerial mapping of SAV and interpretation of SAV cover around the wavebreak should occur at least seasonally for the next 3 to 5 years. Given the late start of the SAV promotion process,this mapping is needed to quantify the persistence of SAV cover around the wavebreak and ensure documentation of"more continuous, persistent SAV acreage"which was the goal of this experimental mitigation. Although additional time was needed for the SAV promotion to overcome the apparent disturbance of the sand apron,the promotion eventually took hold,validating this approach as appropriate for use in mitigation of other bridge impacts.Any SAV increase in acreage above that provided for the original Bonner Bridge impacts may be considered as a dividend for application against impacts from other NCDOT projects. Additional manipulation at the current wavebreak location has the potential to further promote SAV coalescence. Addition of a wavebreak to the south of the existing one, using an alternative wavebreak design that does not create a similar sand apron, would eliminate the wave disturbance from the south and make for an even more quiescent wave energy zone between the two structures.Th&extent (length) and location (distance from the existing wavebreak)to create this adde quiescence ould require further examination. Jv\� (1)2-SS I —SS NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-0I-FIN 36 The north side of the wavebreak from which SAV was relocated has shown signs of recovery.This area meets the requirements of a mitigation site as it was anthropogenically disturbed and that disturbance ceased.This area could therefore serve as a relocation zone for SAV from other NCDOT projects in the Pamlico Sound area. Relocation of SAV to this location should focus on creating patches of the same or greater size than the existing,smallest persistent patches near the wavebreak. Measurements of sediment elevation response need not be conducted monthly as was done here for much of the project timeline.The monthly surveys were useful because they allowed documentation of not only the stability of the near-field sediment elevation change but also how quickly that occurred. With the benefit of the three sediment elevation approaches employed in this monitoring program, it can now be recommended that a combination of quarterly near-field and biannual (every 2 years) far-field sediment elevation surveys in the form of a DEM would have best captured the sediment elevation dynamics. Perhaps the most significant unknown that can influence the efficacy of the SAV promotion process through wave energy reduction is the role of bioturbation.A study to assess the role of bioturbation impacts can be performed at any time. However,this should be undertaken by an organization with frequent access to the study site to provide maintenance of any experimental manipulations (e.g., ensuring exclusion devices are present and functioning). Such a task could be done efficiently in concert with other planned activities on the site and at a minimal cost.The value of such a study would be to calibrate expectations of SAV promotion from wave energy reduction alone and determine whether bioturbation mitigation was needed to optimize SAV promotion. NCDOT-FL-22-1830-2845-21-REP-01-FIN 37 UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site — 2021 Summary Report March 2022 — , . • ii -. It t yet ,*. _ • . q r :r� '. . • t . ` ►.' ^. � �.y 'V njill.' b - , 0 0, w. w.fin tj Prepared for: Prepared by: RICk ' � Rummel Klepper & Kahl CSA 8601 Six Forks Road CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Forum 1, Suite 700 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Stuart, Florida 34997 .:.- T� [J]PFC , CERTIFIED AUTHORIZED PROVIDER Plettkik C SA CSA Ocean Sciences Ina. UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site — 2021 Summary Report DOCUMENT NO. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN Internal review process Version Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: INT-01 02/15/2022 Initial draft for J. Pennell Mark Fonseca J. Pennell science review INT-02 02/17/2022 Technical review J. Pennell K. Metzger J. Pennell Client deliverable Version Date Description Project Manager Approval 01 02/21/2022 Client deliverable J. Pennell FIN 03/04/2022 Client deliverable J. Pennell The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current version.Controlled copies are available upon request from the CSA Document Production Department. Table of Contents Page List of Tables iii List of Figures iv 1.0 Background 1 2.0 Methods 1 3.0 Results and Discussion 4 3.1 ACREAGE SUMMARY 4 3.2 AUGUST 2018 (BASELINE) VERSUS 2021 SURVEYS 4 4.0 Conclusions 16 5.0 Literature Cited 17 List of Tables Table Page 1 Acreage of each of the three Representative Wave Energy(RWE) strata and reference areas assessed from wave energy reduction modeling 3 2 Significant storm events either Tropical Storm (TS) or named Hurricanes (no designation) for North Carolina and the dates of the first imagery obtained for this project following the storm event 4 3 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2018 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 6 4 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2019 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 7 5 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 7 6 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2021 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 8 7 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2018 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 8 8 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2019 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 9 9 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 9 10 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2021 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 10 11 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month and summed for all reference areas and all wave energy reduction zones, respectively 10 CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN iii List of Figures Figure Page 1 Overview of the Bonner Bridge wave-break submerged aquatic vegetation monitoring program study area showing the wave-break structure, Representative Wave Energy (RWE) reduction strata, and reference areas overlain on baseline imagery from August 2018 2 2 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2021 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 11 3 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2021 for all of the three wave energy reduction zones combined 12 4 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2021 for the red wave energy reduction zone 13 5 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2021 for the orange wave energy reduction zone 14 6 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through December 2021 for the green wave energy reduction zone 15 CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-0I-FIN iv 1.0 Background In response to the anticipated loss of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitat caused by the replacement of the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, North Carolina, a wave-break structure was constructed with the purpose of experimentally modifying existing, patchy SAV habitat by attenuating wave activity to test the ability of wave reduction to promote more continuous, persistent SAV coverage. After field surveys and wind wave modeling to guide wave-break size and placement,the wave-break structure was constructed and installed between November 2016 and January 2017. In order to evaluate effects of the wave-break structure on the potential enhancement of SAV cover, a long-term, SAV monitoring program was established, with Time Zero data collection in January 2017 immediately following wave-break construction.The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) contracted Rummel Klepper and Kahl (RK&K)to lead this monitoring program. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) was subcontracted by RK&K to support the monitoring survey design and perform delineation of SAV cover. Data interpretations were performed from datasets collected in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, and were reported in annual summary reports (CSA, 2019; CSA, 2021a; CSA, 2021b). This report presents the results of the data interpretations performed from data collected in 2021 and compares them to August 2018 baseline data. 2.0 Methods The long-term SAV monitoring program for the wave-break structure includes delineation of SAV cover from data collected multiple times per year. In 2021, it was determined that because the August 2018 data set was the first data set recorded during the seagrass growing season, it should provide a more suitable baseline data set than the Time Zero January 2017 data. Moreover, August 2018 represents the peak of the growing season for the visibly dominant, sub-tropical SAV, Halodule wrightii. Subsequent data were collected in September and October of 2018, in March through December of 2019, in April through December of 2020, and in April through November of 2021.This data series has allowed change analyses of SAV cover following wave-break structure construction (CSA, 2021c),which based on life history of the primary SAV species on the site (H. wrightii, Ruppia maritima,Zostera marina) should encompass a time frame when responses by SAV cover could occur(Kenworthy et al., 1982; Thayer et al., 1984; Fonseca and Bell, 1998). The SAV delineation includes a forecast zone of influence (study area; where wave energy attenuation by the wave-break is hypothesized to elicit a change in seagrass cover) adjacent to the wave-break structure and four surrounding, haphazardly-selected 2.5-acre reference areas (Figure 1) outside of, but immediately adjacent to,the forecast zone of influence of the wave-break structure.The reference areas were situated to spatially bracket the forecast area of wave energy effects and were placed arbitrarily without examination of their initial SAV coverage. Specifically,the study area has been organized into the following strata based on an estimate of the potential reduction in Representative Wave Energy (RWE; Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007) caused by the wave-break structure (Figure 1; See Table 1 for strata acreages): 1. >66% reduction in RWE (red zone); 2. 33 to 66% reduction in RWE (orange zone); 3. 5 to 33% reduction in RWE (green zone); and 4. Reference area (forecast as having less than a 5% reduction in RWE as the result of the position of the wave-break structure). CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 1 75°35'24 75°35'12"Vt 75°35'0"W 75334'48"W Nags Head h • :r•, �, Manteo • Z .. !. . . - •• N Z ,x , Wanchese _0 71. .r N C I M Area . t Shown(111 a "'' r ♦sue .* /Y .11P I a.e • t. +e r, `• ••. ^.}� ' ..7 i 'r', Dom'. � a9 .14 -i< ''" . Y 7' �.• 1"i.4-;} ' 4- i'. • '' '4 -. 9 000..Mc t -rr� I ! z > Z •Yy Y n '4 air' .r.;; v v- ...,A- ..;'n ' + Y+'kt 5; - F ', .- ' n •i .Y 4.• ps, ,e` J t�,f )„, --ter e Awl"a ,i i.. ., ei • f 4 � }.. T . r ,..,, ;:r.,-;:: y-,.•-;t 4 r f E. k f s l�'1 i .C�,Ir � J k, 0 ./ . -:gib t Pr-4. s` sad °, I ` . a - j Legend z 500ft Wavebreak Structure Reference Area Percent RWE Reduction _>66% 33%-66% 5%-33% 75035'24"W I 2 75°35'0'W *5'34'48"V'i 0 200 Feet ••°. *11* kMHwl 0 C S A North CoordinateCarolina SystemFIPS.NAD3200 1983Feet StatePlane 0 I 50 11001 1 1200 Meters Figure 1. Overview of the Bonner Bridge wave-break submerged aquatic vegetation monitoring program study area showing the wave-break structure, Representative Wave Energy(RWE) reduction strata, and reference areas overlain on baseline imagery from August 2018.The wave-break structure is the black, chevron-shaped line just north of the red zone. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-0I-FIN 2 Table 1. Acreage of each of the three Representative Wave Energy (RWE) strata and reference areas assessed from wave energy reduction modeling. Area of SAV Assessment Acres Reference 9.88 >66%(red zone) polygon 0.87 33-66%(orange zone) polygon 5.16 5-33%(green zone) polygon 50.44 SAV=submerged aquatic vegetation. Datasets were collected in January 2017 (Time Zero) by CSA, in August(baseline) through October 2018, in March through December 2019, in April through December 2020, and in April through November 2021 by RK&K. CSA performed interpretation of datasets for the wave-break site using GIS. SAV cover was determined by classifying areas of SAV occurring within the study area from georeferenced, high-resolution mosaicked data sets. Each data set had a resolution of 4 cm (1.57 in).The data was sometimes subdivided into separate classification areas of interest(AOI) based on similar pixel spectral signature ranges, often at the scale of individual image tiles(e.g., approximately 35 acres). Where image quality permitted, separate classification of each AOI helped to eliminate variations in reflectance and environmental conditions across the entire study area in order to reduce classification confusion. An unsupervised classification was then performed on each classification AOI using a combination of iso cluster and maximum likelihood techniques using Esri ArcGIS 10.6.1. software. After running the unsupervised classifications, the resulting SAV delineations in each AOI were refined by manually denoting visually apparent classes of SAV and classes of non-SAV(primarily seafloor substrate). Spectral noise and holes within the classification results were removed and corrected using a combination of Esri ArcMap (10.8.0.)tools including Majority Filter, Region Group, Set Null (enhanced boundary edges and removed groups of small non-contiguous pixels that were smaller than 6 pixels), and Eliminate Polygon Part(eliminated areas that were less than 8 square feet). Lastly, a manual classification technique was then applied to the classification with guidance from a GIS analyst experienced in SAV delineation and a SAV biologist with extensive experience in North Carolina SAV systems.This consisted of removing areas of over-classification (classifying non-seagrass areas as seagrass) and adding-in (digitizing) areas where under-classification (classifying seagrass as non-seagrass) occurred, again based on visually apparent SAV cover in the data. Comparisons of cover over time could be made against the August 2018 baseline. SAV cover in August (mid-summer) allows comparisons for changes in marine SAV cover measured during the growing season, which generally ranges from March through September in North Carolina (Kenworthy et al., 1982; Thayer et al., 1984; Fonseca and Bell, 1998).Therefore, each monthly survey could be compared to August 2018, which provided the greatest possible temporal distance among peak growing season conditions for assessment of change in SAV cover.These comparisons captured the seasonal dynamics of the SAV habitat. Comparisons of monthly survey data revealed general seasonal trends of cover increase and decrease. Additional calculations were made to determine reference-adjusted gains and losses in acreage and percent cover per month by energy zone. At the request of NCDOT, storm events were added to figures showing change in SAV abundance over time. Table 2 shows significant storm events (Tropical Storms and Hurricanes)that have occurred during the time of imagery acquisition for this project and the dates of the first imagery obtained for this project following the storm event. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 3 Table 2. Significant storm events either Tropical Storms (TS) or named Hurricanes (no designation)for North Carolina and the dates of the first imagery obtained for this project following the storm event. Numbers correspond to storm events shown in figures. Dates of first imagery Storm Number Storm Name Year Storm Date following storm event 1 TS Chris 2018 7/10/2018 8/26/2018 2 Florence 2018 9/13/2018 10/2/2018 3 TS Michael 2018 10/11/2018 2/26/2019 4 Dorian 2019 9/5/2019 9/20/2019 5 Humberto 2019 9/19/2019 9/20/2019 6 TS Arthur 2020 5/18/2020 5/26/2020 7 TS Fay 2020 7/9/2020 7/26/2020 8 Isaias 2020 8/3/2020 8/10/2020 9 TS Claudette 2021 6/21/2021 7/23/2021 10 Elsa 2021 7/8/2021 7/23/2021 3.0 Results and Discussion 3.1 ACREAGE SUMMARY Total acreage in each zone by month is given in Tables 3,4, 5, and 6. In 2018, the red zone (area of highest forecast wave energy reduction) ranged from 0.31 to 0.37 acres of SAV, the orange zone (moderate wave energy reduction) ranged from 1.90 to 2.36 acres, the green zone (lowest wave energy reduction) ranged from 14.87 to 15.24 acres, and the reference areas ranged from 1.88 to 1.97 acres (Table 3). In 2019,the red zone ranged from 0.11 to 0.37 acres of SAV, the orange zone ranged from 1.15 to 2.14 acres, the green zone ranged from 8.82 to 16.31 acres, and the reference areas ranged from 0.31 to 2.00 acres (Table 4). In 2020,the red zone ranged from 0.13 to 0.41 acres of SAV,the orange zone ranged from 1.07 to 2.14 acres,the green zone ranged from 10.91 to 15.62 acres, and the reference areas ranged from 1.32 to 2.07 acres (Table 5). In December 2020, data from the reference area and the 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum were incomplete due to poor conditions and resultant low image quality. Therefore, the acreage and percent cover of SAV for these two areas in December 2020 were not calculated. In 2021, the red zone ranged from 0.31 to 0.71 acres of SAV,the orange zone ranged from 1.41 to 3.22 acres, the green zone ranged from 12.27 to 21.00 acres, and the reference areas ranged from 0.81 to 3.23 acres (Table 6). 3.2 AUGUST 2018 (BASELINE)VERSUS 2021 SURVEYS Percent cover of SAV for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area, based on the GIS classification of prior datasets from between August 2018 (Baseline) and December 2020, can be found in Tables 7, 8, and 9. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 4 Percent cover of SAV for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study reference area, based on the GIS classification of datasets from August 2018 (Baseline) was 19.1%cover. Percent cover of SAV for the reference area between April 2021 and November 2021 ranged from 8.2%to 32.7%cover (Table 10) with a mean of 24.1%.The highest reference area cover among all surveys in 2021 was observed in September 2021 and the lowest in April 2021. This was not unexpected based on the timing of the surveys at the end of growing season for Halodule wrightii in late summer and the start of the growing season in early summer, respectively. Percent cover of SAV in August 2018 for the >66%, 33 to 66%, and 5 to 33% RWE reduction strata were 42.9%,41.6%, and 30.1%, respectively (Table 10). In 2021, percent cover of SAV for the >66% RWE reduction stratum ranged from 35.6%to 81.1%cover with a mean of 65.9%. Percent cover of SAV for the 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum ranged from 27.3%to 62.5%cover with a mean of 50.5%. Percent cover of SAV for the 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum ranged from 24.3%to 41.6%cover with a mean of 35.5%. The changes in percent cover of SAV from August 2018 to November 2021 are plotted in Figures 2 through 6. Figure 2 shows the individual RWE reduction strata plotted against the reference areas. Figure 3 combines the three separate RWE reduction strata into a single percent cover value for each survey and plots these values against the reference areas. Figures 4, 5, and 6 plot the change in percent cover of SAV for each of the three RWE reduction strata (>66%, 33 to 66%, and 5 to 33% RWE, respectively) against the reference strata. In April 2021,the reference and 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum showed slightly lower percent cover values than the>66% or 5 to 33% RWE reduction strata when compared to their respective baseline values in August 2018. From April to August 2021, percent cover of SAV within all three RWE reduction strata and the reference area increased, as would be expected over the SAV growing season. All three RWE reduction strata and the reference area showed consistent increases in SAV cover during this time, with increases observed every month. From August to November 2021, percent cover of SAV showed a general leveling off within the reference and all three RWE reduction strata, also in line with what would be expected at the end of the SAV growing season. A summarization of the total SAV acreage by month for the reference areas and all RWE reduction strata combined is shown in Table 11. The total SAV acreage in the reference zones ranged from 0.31 to 3.23 acres with a mean of 1.82 acres(standard deviation 0.68) while the total SAV in all RWE reduction strata ranged from 10.82 to 24.93 with a mean of 17.44 acres (standard deviation 3.58). Whether or not storm events appeared to affect SAV abundance depended upon when in the growing season the storm event occurred. If the storm occurred late in the growing season (August to September) or in the fall,then a decrease in SAV following the storm event was observed (concurrent with the natural seasonal decrease in SAV). If the storm event happened earlier in the growing season (May to July)then a continued increase in SAV cover after the storm event was observed (concurrent with the natural increase in SAV during the growing season). Following Hurricane Florence in September 2018, a sharp decrease in SAV cover in the >66%and 33-66% RWE reduction strata was observed (Figure 2).This decrease was greater than the decrease observed in the reference or 5-33% RWE reduction stratum, indicating that, during this storm event, proximity to the wave-break accelerated SAV loss. Monitoring of the sediment in the vicinity of the wave-break has observed the formation of an apron of sand on the south side of the wave-break, possibly the result of scouring of sediment from underneath the wave-break(CSA 2022, in review). CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-0I-FIN 5 This scouring was observed as early as April 2018, prior to the first storm event in July 2018, so the scouring cannot be attributed to only storms but also to regular tidal currents over time. However, scouring could increase during storm events, leading to increased loss of SAV through burial by sediment. Note in Table 2, that when storms occurred surveys were conducted within 1 month following the event (with the exception of Tropical Storm Michael where an assessment followed the event by four months), which is not enough time for SAV seafloor to recover had there been any substantial, storm-induced reductions in seafloor SAV coverage (with the exception of Hurricane Florence, as noted above).Visual assessment of SAV response to storm events (Figures 2 to 6) saw general decrease in SAV across zones in Spring of 2019 following storms in the fall of 2018 but that is also a period of natural SAV seasonal decline.The two storms in 2019 did not appear to be related to a drop in SAV cover and in 2020 and 2021 SAV coverage actually increased following storm events.The lack of any apparent correlation of most storm events with observable changes in SAV cover is likely the result of two factors. One factor is the proximity of the storm to the site (the storms listed are for the entirety of North Carolina). But perhaps more important is the second factor, and that is whether there was enough water on the site to allow damaging (to SAV) wave energy on the site.The project team observed that for many storm events the wind drove water levels down which prevents the introduction of wave energy onto the site. A more detailed study of wave energy and water level from the on-site wave sensors during storm events would be needed to ascertain whether the existence of any particular storm event had the potential to influence SAV cover as has been seen for previous storm events in North Carolina (Fonseca et al. 2000). There was also a drop in SAV cover between December 2020 and April 2021 not unlike that seen in the fall of 2018. After review of meteorological data during this time period', in this case there were no obvious storm events that could have led to this decline. Rather, it is hypothesized that seasonal variation (i.e., winter decline of H. wrightii) may have produced this pattern of SAV abundance. Table 3. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2018 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy;orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. Cells with blue shading are scaled proportionally. For readability, cells with green shading (green zone) are scaled proportionally but only for the green zone due to their larger value range. All values are in acres. Area of SAV Assessment Baseline Sep'18 Oct'18 Aug'18 Reference 11111 .1• >66%(red zone) I 0.37 I 0.37 0.31 33-66%(orange zone) 11 1 5-33%(green zone) algal 4 14.87 ' North Carolina State Climate Office—http://climate.ncsu.edu. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 6 Table 4. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2019 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33-66% reduction; green zone 5-33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. Cells with blue shading are scaled proportionally. For readability, cells with green shading (green zone) are scaled proportionally but only for the green zone due to their larger value range.All values are in acres. Area of SAV Assessment Baseline Aug Mar'19 Apr'19 May'19 Jun'19 Jul'19 Aug'19 Sep'19 Oct'19 Nov'19 Dec'19 Reference ' CI 91 tl 0.31 IMBIII 1511 >66%(red zone) © 0.37 tj 0.20 Q 0.19 I 0.21 I 0.21 I 0.24 I 0.17 I 0.12 0.11 11 0.15 0 0.12 33-66%(orange zone) in W35 i 1 ' -T1 41F. 5-33%(green zone) r17 t11.82 t 8,82 Mill,331 .33 ) M6 31 C 4.90 t 15.59 x 13.13 Table 5. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33-66% reduction; green zone 5-33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. Cells with blue shading are scaled proportionally. For readability, cells with green shading (green zone) are scaled proportionally but only for the green zone due to their larger value range. All values are in acres. Area of SAV Assessment Baseline Apr'20 May'20 Jun'20 Jul '20 Aug'20 Sep'20 Oct'20 Nov'20 Dec'20 Aug'18 Reference : _ MI All * >66%(red zone) II 0.37 0.13 0.13 II 0.19 11 0.23 F 0.24 E 0.27 I] 0.28 F 0.36 II 0.41 33-66%(orange zone) ATI .. ti1 1111 N`i 5-33%(green zone) Et5,17 ki 10.91 II 14.26 V 13.72 t 15.62 ) ':_15.4614.84 =15.5315.40_ *=No calculation due to coverage constraints. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-0I-FIN 7 Table 6. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2021 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33-66% reduction; green zone 5-33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. Cells with blue shading are scaled proportionally. For readability, cells with green shading (green zone) are scaled proportionally but only for the green zone due to their larger value range. All values are in acres. Baseline Aug Area of SAV Assessment ,18 Apr'21 May'21 Jun'21 Jul'21 Aug'21 Sep'21 Oct'21 Nov'21 Reference I0.81 _ 5j 50 1E1.87 Ilifss MEL INID4 >66%(red zone) 0.37 [ 0.31 0.41 [, 0.47 L 0.65 L, 0.69 0.67 L 0.69 0.71 33-66%(orange zone) .14 ig 1.41 latl.913 08 —8 1 �7_11.106 111=2 5-33%(green zone) 5.17 12.27 - 14.61 P 14.96 .` 18.68 1120.34 it 20.77 a 20.74 r 21.00 All values are in acres. Table 7. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2018 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Area of SAV Assessment Baseline Sep'18 Oct'18 Aug'18 Reference Kiln IOU0 Jig >66%(red zone) -� 33-66%(orange zone) _ -111 5-33%(green zone) ;w7 ] CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 8 Table 8. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2019 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Baseline Area of SAV Assessment Mar'19 Apr '19 May '19 Jun '19 Jul '19 Aug '19 Sep '19 Oct '19 Nov '19 Dec '19 Aug '18 Reference Eli9 ® 9 I3 L, 12 ]12 LL6 W0 118 I]16 I]17 11016 >66% (red zone) 1E2 L14 IL 13 1117 1114 33-66% (orange zone) ;4 1 5-33% (green zone) 117 Table 9. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Baseline Area of SAV Assessment Apr '20 May '20 Jun '20 Jul '20 Aug '20 Sep '20 Oct '20 Nov '20 Dec '20 Aug '18 Reference ]19 _I 13 14 El 13 Mo W18 I _21 0 I 20 >66% (red zone) ; 15 _ 15 2 Nh j 321 t42_] 47 j 33-66% (orange zone) 1 m_24IU ► 336_ 41 5-33% (green zone) 5 ID2 L 28 N 11113 r 31 ! 31 *=No calculation due to coverage constraints. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-0I-FIN 9 Table 10. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2021 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Area of SAV Assessment Baseline Apr '21 May '21 Jun '21 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Oct '21 Nov '21 Aug '18 Reference I] 19.1 1 8.2 I. 15.2 U18.9 lig5.8 IL30.3 32.7 1_31.3 t30.8 > 66% (red zone) E.9 5.6 7.1 .b 7 3 6 9 'M.1 33-66% (orange zone) 1.6 127.3 1137.4 Ihp.3 11114 MU 11110_,_5 MIV. EA_ _, 5-33% (green zone) 0.1 r4.3 C.. 9.0 U9.7 117.0 IP.3 DJ.2 W1.1 IK1.6 All values are in%of assessment area occupied by SAV. Table 11. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month and summed for all reference areas and all wave energy reduction zones, respectively. All values are in acres. 2018 2019 2020 2021 Referervik Total All Zones Reference Total All Zones Reference Total All Zones Reference Total All Zones March L 0.91 13.37 April t 0.31 10.82 It 1.33 Ng 12.11 L. 0.81 .99 May 1.21 1.1113.93 g 1.36 mr .5.63 `' 1,50 .95 June � .. .. , -- -- 1.63 �t6.18 1.32 W.5.27 87 51July 1 1.63 7.01 1.967.49 21 August 2.0018.06 ,. 1.7417.36 '3 September �� October 1.73 7.14 , ' 1.99 7.39 n 1 55 6.36 18 1.94 7.59 3 November li 1.67 .1 December 1.54 Er 14.51 CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-0I-FIN 10 (1) (2) (3) (4)(5) (6) (7) (8) (9)(10) 80 70 60 OA 50 p�r �. 8 40 ` 20 6I 30 11111111111 / to 0 <.> y� •Ntb 4 -N9 yoi ,y, ti' e*" ti tip' ya ,yam! ,,y° n9 19 n9 ,0 n9 n9 n9 n° ,Lti nN• ,titi titi •-t> n> N' > �e4 cP eras � eras Ns 44 4)4 cfr ?R 4,ai lS � VO 4g 041/4' 4)4 cfrQ� 4•4k Nos Qua' 44 04'. 4)4 —v.—Reference — ,..>66%(red zone) —.-33-66%(orange zone) —_ 5-33%(green zone) Figure 2. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2021 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction;green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available for the green zone or the reference area. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 11 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)(10) 80 70 60 a 50 30 d '0 20 • \\sre000eo0•d•%..e......ip_ **ft...as • r""."11'......'."...1114 \ 10 O > ti� ti, -1i ^,� ti ti� y' ti tia --6) ) .? 4) .yo do 4° -y° -19 .yti .yti yti ,yti .yti -yti ,yti ,Lti Via ` po 4,ac pRc �a� # 1`' vz§b c�Q OL` ', ce' Qzc jai 1 >3 ,elb S6Q pZ` 454 Off' visa tea`\ Os s,‘ v,% cpR 00" 434 si*# Reference — Combined(red+orange+green) Figure 3. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2021 for all of the three wave energy reduction zones combined. Combined refers to red, orange, and green which are as follows: red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction;green zone 5 to 33%; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure.All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-0I-FIN 12 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 80 70 N > 60 a 50 7 r0 40 4°'''."\\ a) 30 ny N N T a 20 10 0 (se\ ti� ,tiO ,ti) ,.y0 ,,tics ,ti)) ti� ,tip ,tip s'iz) tioi ,.1oi 19 19 19 9 1.9 19 ti0 19 19 1%\' 1> 1> .tit 1> •'1> 1> 1> ye" �eQ O`` �a` PQ �a� lJc ,J\ PJ� �eQ O�ti �o, Oe� PQc jai lJc ,J\ PJ� cleQ O`` �o, Oe� P. 4` ,J� ' PJ� `0 o& No, PAP, tReference f>66%(red zone) Figure 4. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2021 for the red wave energy reduction zone.The red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available for the reference area. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 13 (1) (2) (3) (4)(5) (6) (7) (8) (9)(10) 80 70 › 60 v o. 5 o. 0 v 40 v 20 • 10 0 oc� 4,a§ QQ` a� No° >J� Q JQ' ye9 p 'c` ao4 Oec Q� �av v§` �J� JQ' ', o& .00 Oec PQt 4<aJ l�o NJ� N fr c, oc> N.,o4 Reference —0— 33-66%(orange zone) Figure 5. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2021 for the orange wave energy reduction zone. The orange zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a 33 to 66% reduction in wave energy; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure.All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available for the reference area. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-0I-FIN 14 (1) (2) (3) (41(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 80 70 - a > 60 • v 0. a 50 u a'°, 40 • 30 • 20 • 10 0 , •4, '�i tio ,ti5 ~i 'N, tiO tiO tiO tiO ti O tiO LO tiO i� > �1 L>. L1 L1 � a; � c. J 4e` 4a� vc ,JPJb o`� c¢ PQt �0 J'1/4 ', 0� 0J G O �` 4V) > N.° ', + 0 PJQ> -0-Reference -• 5-33%(green zone) Figure 6. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through December 2021 for the green wave energy reduction zone.The green zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a 5 to 33% reduction in wave energy; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available for the green zone or the reference area. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 15 4.0 Conclusions The results indicate that the wave-break structure is generally functioning as intended and as of 2021 is facilitating a positive increase in SAV cover at a faster rate than reference areas, particularly within the >66%and the 33 to 66% RWE reduction strata (red and orange zones) closest the wave-break structure. This indicates that, because of the wave-break, over time 1.15 acres of seagrass were added or preserved to contribute to ecological functions (CSA 2022, in review). The >66% RWE reduction stratum (red zone), which is located closest to the wave-break structure and was forecast to produce the greatest unit area effect on seagrass coalescence, showed an increase of SAV cover every month between May and November 2021, with the exception of September, and showed a net gain since May 2021 when compared with the baseline survey. This zone appears to have experienced some adverse effects from proximity to the wave-break structure in 2018 due to deposition of sediment adjacent to the structure arising from wave-break-related scouring2. These effects were perhaps exacerbated by increased scouring during storms in the fall of 2018. Hindcasting of wave conditions from the continually recording wave sensors placed north and south of the wave-break(CSA 2022, in review) showed a greater number of large waves on the north side of the wave-break, which could have driven scoured sediment to the south side of the wave-break, affecting SAV abundance during some fall storm events. Starting in about May 2020 these adverse effects appeared to have equilibrated or lessened as SAV cover increased in most months afterwards through November 2021 (see also CSA 2022, in review). The 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum (orange zone) also showed an increase in SAV throughout most of 2021, although to a slightly lesser extent than the >66% RWE reduction stratum. The 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum showed a net gain since July 2021 when compared with the baseline (August 2018) survey. Similar to the >66% RWE reduction stratum, the 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum appears to have experienced some adverse effects from proximity to the wave-break structure in 2018 and 2019. As with the >66% RWE reduction stratum, these effects were not observed in 2020 and 2021 and resulted in a substantial increase in SAV cover from prior years. The 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum (green zone), located farthest from the wave-break structure, showed some increases in SAV cover in 2021, but less than observed in the other two RWE reduction strata.The 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum also did not show a substantial net gain until July 2021 when compared with the baseline survey. Unlike the other two RWE reduction strata, the 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum did not appear to have experienced adverse effects from proximity to the wave-break structure, exhibiting only seasonal variation of SAV cover and returning to baseline levels in the summer of 2019 and 2020. The seasonal component to changes in SAV coverage was apparent in all three RWE reduction strata. Most showed increased SAV coverage between spring and summer, followed by decreases in SAV coverage in the fall. All three RWE reduction strata showed net positive changes in SAV acreage in spring or summer.These changes in cover represent the seasonally detectable abundance of seagrass in imagery.This fluctuation is normal for this area given the mix of Z. marina and H. wrightii, both of which are at the edge of their respective geographic distributions (southernmost and northernmost, respectively). 2 Scouring under the wave-break structure was first reported in the 19 November 2018"Summary of Year 2 Biannual Survey —October 2018—LETTER REPORT"to NCDOT,noting that it may be impacting seagrass beds.The scouring has been a persistent feature since 2018. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 16 With the exception of Hurricane Florence in September 2018 that likely increased scour and sediment deposition just south of the wave-break, leading to decreased SAV cover, storm events did not appear to have any visually discernible effect on SAV cover and total acreage.This is likely due to either storms not being in sufficient proximity to generate damaging waves or when they were, there was often not enough water depth to allow local wave propagation onto the shoal where the site is located. 5.0 Literature Cited CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2019. UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site—2018 Summary Report. 16 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2021a. UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site—2019 Summary Report. 70 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2021b. UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site—2020 Summary Report. 16 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2021c. Bonner Bridge Wavebreak Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Change Analysis: 2018-2021. 21 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2022 (in review). B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Year 5 (2021) Annual Survey and Project Final Report. 78 pp. Fonseca MS, Bell SS. 1998.The influence of physical setting on seagrass landscapes near Beaufort, NC, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 171:109-121. Fonseca, MS, Kenworthy WJ, and Whitfield PE. 2000. Temporal dynamics of seagrass landscapes: a preliminary comparison of chronic and extreme disturbance events. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7:373-376. Kenworthy WJ,Zieman JC,Thayer GW. 1982. Evidence for the influence of seagrass on the benthic nitrogen cycle in a coastal plain estuary near Beaufort, North Carolina (USA). Oecologia 54:152-158. Malhotra A Fonseca MS. 2007. WEMo (Wave Exposure Model): Formulation, Procedures and Validation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS#65. 28 pp. Thayer GW, Kenworthy WJ, Fonseca MS. 1984.The Ecology of Eelgrass Meadows of the Atlantic Coast: a Community Profile. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Biological Services, Research and Development, National Coastal Ecosystems Team. FWS/OBS-84/02. 147 pp. CSA-RKK-FL-22-81656-3676-02-REP-01-FIN 17 UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site — 2020 Summary Report July 2021 L. 4' .. ;t d '„i; )-� loi A, _ ,, , r'l-- r4 J,.. I 4 444 ": 0 1 "OM `St i . 1 17 s(v ..tb. . ...*:,,5„.. ,,-..., t„.., . ... .„,! )1.1 . ,. , Isf,;sii.4.1.,IV .4.-tA v, ,I, t 141 ,,k ' ' ' ' .$ fit , !+ P i `, el, Prepared for: Prepared by: RKf( ...Illik Rummel Klepper & Kahl CSA 8601 Six Forks Road CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Forum 1, Suite 700 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Stuart, Florida 34997 s o TRACE /;PE C ,,, CERTIFIED AOV..OR„ D PROVIDE. -411kk* CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site — 2020 Summary Report DOCUMENT NO. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN Internal review process Version Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Initial draft for INT-01 05/21/2021 J. Pennell M. Fonseca J. Pennell science review INT-02 05/26/2021 TE review J. Pennell G. Dodillet J. Pennell Client deliverable Version Date Description Project Manager Approval 01 05/28/2021 Client deliverable J. Pennell FIN 06/30/2021 Final deliverable M. Fonseca FIN2 7/2021 Revised Final Pete Stafford (RKK) The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current version.Controlled copies are available upon request from the CSA Document Production Department. Table of Contents Page List of Tables iii List of Figures iv 1.0 Background 1 2.0 Methods 1 3.0 Results and Discussion 4 3.1 ACREAGE SUMMARY 4 3.2 AUGUST 2018 (BASELINE)VERSUS 2020 SURVEYS 4 4.0 Interim Conclusions 15 5.0 Literature Cited 16 List of Tables Table Page 1 Acreage of each of the three Representative Wave Energy(RWE) strata and reference areas assessed from wave energy reduction modeling 3 2 Significant storm events either Tropical Storm (TS) or named Hurricanes (no designation) for North Carolina and the dates of the first imagery obtained for this project following the storm event 4 3 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2018 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 6 4 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2019 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 7 5 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV)acreage by survey month in 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 7 6 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2018 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 8 7 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2019 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 8 8 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 9 9 Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month and summed for all reference area and all wave energy reduction zones, respectively 9 CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN iii List of Figures Figure Page 1 Overview of the Bonner Bridge wave-break submerged aquatic vegetation monitoring program study area showing the wave-break structure, Representative Wave Energy (RWE) reduction strata, and reference areas overlain on baseline imagery from August 2018 2 2 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through December 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones 10 3 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2020 for all of the three wave energy reduction zones combined 11 4 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through December 2020 for the red wave energy reduction zone 12 5 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through December 2020 for the orange wave energy reduction zone 13 6 Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2020 for the green wave energy reduction zone 14 CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN iv 1.0 Background In response to the loss of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitat caused by the replacement of the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, North Carolina, a wave-break structure was constructed with the purpose of experimentally modifying existing, patchy SAV habitat by attenuating wave activity to test the ability of wave reduction to promote more continuous, persistent SAV coverage. After field surveys and wind wave modeling to guide wave-break placement,the wave-break structure was constructed and installed between November 2016 and January 2017. In order to evaluate effects of the wave-break structure on the potential enhancement of SAV cover, a long-term, SAV monitoring program was established. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) contracted Rummel Klepper and Kahl (RK&K) to lead this monitoring program. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) was subcontracted by RK&K to support the monitoring survey design and perform delineation of SAV cover. Data interpretations were performed from datasets collected in 2017, 2018, and 2019, and were reported in annual summary reports (CSA, 2019; CSA, 2021).This report presents the results of the data interpretations performed from data collected in 2020 and compares them to the August 2018 baseline data. 2.0 Methods The long-term SAV monitoring program for the wave-break structure includes delineation of SAV cover from data collected multiple times per year. In 2021, it was determined that because the August 2018 data set was the first data set recorded during the seagrass growing season, it could provide a more suitable baseline data set than the Time Zero January 2017 data set as August 2018 represents the peak of the growing season for the visibly dominant, sub-tropical SAV, Halodule wrightii. Subsequent data were collected in September and October of 2018, in March through December of 2019, and in April through December of 2020.This data series will allow change analyses of SAV cover following wave-break structure construction,which based on life history of the primary SAV species on the site (H. wrightii, Ruppia maritima,Zostera marina) should encompass a time frame when responses by SAV cover could occur (Kenworthy et al., 1982;Thayer et al., 1984; Fonseca and Bell, 1998). The SAV delineation includes a forecast zone of influence (study area; where wave energy attenuation by the wave-break is hypothesized to elicit a change in seagrass cover) adjacent to the wave-break structure and four surrounding, haphazardly-selected 2.5-acre reference areas (Figure 1) outside of, but immediately adjacent to,the forecast zone of influence of the wave-break structure.The reference areas were situated to spatially bracket the forecast area of wave energy effects and were placed without examination of their initial SAV coverage. Specifically,the study area has been organized into the following strata based on an estimate of the potential reduction in Representative Wave Energy (RWE; Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007)caused by the wave-break structure (Figure 1; See Table 1 for strata acreages): 1. >66% reduction in RWE (red zone); 2. 33 to 66% reduction in RWE (orange zone); 3. 5 to 33% reduction in RWE (green zone); and 4. Reference area (forecast as having less than a 5% reduction in RWE as the result of the position of the wave-break structure). CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 1 75°35'24"W 75°35'12"V, 75°350'W 75°34'48-W - "IT �, Nags Head• . • ,y _ • Manteo • z er .: Wanchese• lv ; y�•.'� •4, • • ` if . N C Area <., • ,•gip. #• * * Shown lit, .av lam. • 3.• J^ , h ♦ wN: t 4 Z 4. 'Alt'. **` � • , 4 •/6 ,yam _+ +may 'k. s. VV > e� Y . f3 -4",". Z • PO S- dokr' Ti.,,- rr • a 4.°'` • '�1 4.-'tom - ' ' s j lt-4. a d -. � z Legend z - 500ft Wavebreak Structure _r 4 r Reference Area Percent RWE Reduction ->66% 33%-66% I5°%b-33% r 75`3524"W 75°35'12'W 75°35'0": 75`34'48-W 0 200 Feet rIP* +"" 0 C SA Coordinate System NAD 1983 StatePlane 0 50 100 200 Meters North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet 1 I t 110101 I t I I Figure 1. Overview of the Bonner Bridge wave-break submerged aquatic vegetation monitoring program study area showing the wave-break structure, Representative Wave Energy (RWE) reduction strata, and reference areas overlain on baseline imagery from August 2018.The wave-break structure is the black line just north of the red zone. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 2 Table 1. Acreage of each of the three Representative Wave Energy (RWE) strata and reference areas assessed from wave energy reduction modeling. Area of SAV Assessment Acres Reference 9.88 >66% (red zone) polygon 0.87 33-66% (orange zone) polygon 5.16 5-33%(green zone) polygon 50.44 SAV=submerged aquatic vegetation. Datasets were collected in January 2017 (Time Zero) by CSA, in August(baseline)through October 2018, in March through December 2019, and in April through December 2020 by RK&K. CSA performed interpretation of datasets for the wave-break site using GIS. SAV cover was determined by classifying areas of SAV occurring within the study area from georeferenced, high-resolution mosaicked data sets. Each data set had a resolution of 4 cm (1.57 in).The data was sometimes subdivided into separate classification areas of interest (A01) based on similar pixel spectral signature ranges, often at the scale of individual image tiles (e.g.,approximately 35 acres). Where image quality permitted, separate classification of each AOI helped to eliminate variations in reflectance and environmental conditions across the entire study area in order to reduce classification confusion. An unsupervised classification was then performed on each classification A01 using a combination of iso cluster and maximum likelihood techniques using Esri ArcGIS 10.6.1. software. After running the unsupervised classifications, each AOI was manually interpreted by denoting visually apparent classes of SAV and classes of non-SAV(primarily seafloor substrate). Spectral noise and holes within the classification results were removed and corrected using a combination of Esri ArcMap (10.8.0.)tools including Majority Filter, Region Group, Set Null (enhanced boundary edges and removed groups of small non-contiguous pixels that were smaller than 6 pixels), and Eliminate Polygon Part (eliminated areas that were less than 8 square feet). Lastly, a manual classification technique was then applied to the classification with guidance from a GIS analyst experienced in SAV delineation and a SAV biologist with extensive experience in North Carolina SAV systems.This consisted of removing areas of over-classification (classifying non-seagrass areas as seagrass) and adding-in (digitizing) areas where under-classification (classifying seagrass as non-seagrass) occurred, again based on visually apparent SAV cover in the data. Comparisons of cover over time could be made against the August 2018 baseline. SAV cover in August (mid-summer) allows comparisons for changes in marine SAV cover measured during the growing season,which generally ranges from March through September in North Carolina (Kenworthy et al., 1982;Thayer et al., 1984; Fonseca and Bell, 1998).Therefore, each monthly survey could be compared to August 2018,which provided the greatest possible temporal distance among peak growing season conditions for assessment of change in SAV cover.These comparisons captured the seasonal dynamics of the SAV habitat. Comparisons of monthly survey data revealed general seasonal trends of cover increase and decrease. Additional calculations were made to determine reference-adjusted gains and losses in acreage and percent cover per month by energy zone. At the request of NCDOT, storm events were added to figures showing change in SAV abundance over time.Table 2 shows significant storm events (Tropical Storm and Hurricane)that have occurred during the time of imagery acquisition for this project and the dates of the first imagery obtained for this project following the storm event. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 3 • Table 2. Significant storm events either Tropical Storm (TS) or named Hurricanes (no designation)for North Carolina and the dates of the first imagery obtained for this project following the storm event. Numbers correspond to storm events shown in figures. Values are comparatively scaled by color palette. Dates of first imagery Storm Number Storm Name Year Storm Date following storm event 1 TS Chris 2018 07/10/18 08/26/18 2 Florence 2018 09/13/18 10/02/18 3 TS Michael 2018 10/11/18 02/26/19 4 Dorian 2019 09/05/19 09/20/19 5 Humberto 2019 09/19/19 09/20/19 6 TS Arthur 2020 05/18/20 05/26/20 7 TS Fay 2020 07/09/20 07/26/20 8 Isaias 2020 08/03/20 08/10/20 3.0 Results and Discussion 3.1 ACREAGE SUMMARY Total acreage in each zone by month is given in Tables 3,4, and 5. In 2018,the red zone (area of highest forecast wave energy reduction) ranged from 0.31 to 0.37 acres of SAV, the orange zone (moderate wave energy reduction) ranged from 1.90 to 2.36 acres,the green zone (lowest wave energy reduction) ranged from 14.87 to 15.24 acres, and the reference areas ranged from 1.88 to 1.97 acres (Table 3). In 2019,the red zone ranged from 0.11 to 0.37 acres of SAV,the orange zone ranged from 1.15 to 2.14 acres,the green zone ranged from 8.82 to 16.31 acres, and the reference areas ranged from 0.31 to 2.00 acres (Table 4). In 2020,the red zone ranged from 0.13 to 0.41 acres of SAV,the orange zone ranged from 1.07 to 2.14 acres,the green zone ranged from 10.91 to 15.62 acres, and the reference areas ranged from 1.32 to 2.07 acres (Table 5). In December 2020,data from the reference area and the 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum were incomplete due to poor conditions and resultant low image quality.Therefore, the acreage and percent cover of SAV for these two areas in December 2020 were not calculated. 3.2 AUGUST 2018 (BASELINE)VERSUS 2020 SURVEYS Percent cover of SAV for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area, based on the GIS classification of prior datasets from between August 2018 (Baseline) and December 2019, can be found in Tables 6 and 7. Percent cover of SAV for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study reference area, based on the GIS classification of datasets from August 2018 (Baseline) was 19.1%cover. Percent cover of SAV for the reference area between April 2020 and December 2020 ranged from 13.4%to 20.9%cover with a mean of 17.3% (Table 8).The highest reference area cover among all surveys in 2020 was observed in September 2020 and the lowest in June 2020.This was not unexpected based on the timing of the CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 4 surveys at the end of growing season for Halodule wrightii in late summer and the start of the growing season in early summer, respectively. Percent cover of SAV in August 2018 for the>66%, 33 to 66%, and 5 to 33% RWE reduction strata were 42.9%, 41.6%, and 30.1%, respectively. In 2020, percent cover of SAV for the >66% RWE reduction stratum ranged from 14.6%to 47.4%cover with a mean of 28.6%. Percent cover of SAV for the 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum ranged from 20.7%to 40.6%cover with a mean of 30.4%. Percent cover of SAV for the 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum ranged from 21.6%to 31.0%cover with a mean of 28.7%. The changes in percent cover of SAV from August 2018 to December 2020 are plotted in Figures 2 through 6. Figure 2 shows the individual RWE reduction strata plotted against the reference areas. Figure 3 combines the three separate RWE reduction strata into one percent cover value for each survey and plots these values against the reference areas. Figures 4, 5, and 6 plot the change in percent cover of SAV for each of the three RWE reduction strata (>66%, 33 to 66%, and 5 to 33% RWE, respectively). In April 2020,the>66%and 33 to 66% RWE reduction strata showed substantially lower percent cover values than the reference or 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum when compared to their respective baseline values in August 2018. From May to September 2020, percent cover of SAV within all three RWE reduction strata and the reference area increased, as would be expected over the SAV growing season.The >66% RWE reduction stratum showed the most consistent increase in SAV cover during this time, with increases observed every month. From September to November 2020, percent cover of SAV showed a general leveling off within the reference and 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum, also in line with what would be expected at the end of the SAV growing season. However, from June to December 2020, percent cover of SAV within the >66%and 33 to 66% RWE reduction strata continued to increase at a substantial rate. Unfortunately, because the December SAV cover data for the reference area and the 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum were incomplete and not able to be utilized, it is not possible to say if this dramatic increase in percent cover of SAV within the two RWE reduction strata closest to the wave-break at the end of 2020 was a localized occurrence or if this increase was seen throughout the survey area. Comparisons of reference-adjusted gains and losses in acreage and percent cover by energy zone showed an average monthly increase of 0.19 acres between August 2018 and November 2020. Additionally, starting after September 2020 the percent cover of SAV within the >66%and 33 to 66% RWE reduction strata continued to increase at a substantially faster rate. Summing the reference-adjusted monthly gains and losses over this time resulted in a net addition of 3.75 acres of seagrass services.This indicates that over this time 3.75 acres of seagrass were added or preserved to contribute to ecological functions. For the final report in 2021, both reference adjusted and raw non- reference adjusted data will be utilized for comparison. A summarization of the total SAV acreage by month for the reference areas and all RWE reduction strata combined is shown in Table 9.The total SAV acreage in the reference zones ranged from 0.31 to 2.07 acres with a mean of 1.6 acres (standard deviation 0.43) while the total SAV in all RWE reduction strata ranged from 10.82 to 18.06 with a mean of 16.04 acres (standard deviation 2.01). The influence of storm event affect on SAV abundance has not been determined. Note in Table 2, that when storms occurred surveys were conducted within 1 month following the event, which is not enough time for SAV seafloor to recover had there been any substantial, storm-induced reductions(except for Tropical Storm Michael where an assessment followed the event by four months). Visual assessment of SAV response to storm events (Figures 2 to 6) saw general decrease in SAV across zones in Spring of 2019 following storms in the fall of 2018 but that is also a period of natural SAV seasonal decline.The CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 5 project team observed that for many storm events wind drove water levels down which prevents the introduction of wave energy onto the site.A more detailed study of wave energy and water level from the on-site wave sensors during storm events would be needed to ascertain whether the existence of any particular storm event had the potential to influence SAV cover as has been seen for previous storm events in North Carolina (Fonseca et al. 2000). Table 3. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2018 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. Cells with blue shading are scaled proportionally. For readability, cells with green shading (green zone) are scaled proportionally but only for the green zone due to their larger value range. All values are in acres. Baseline Area of SAV Assessment Sep'18 Oct'18 Aug'18 Reference U;M :� >66% (red zone) El 0.37 El 0.37 © 0.31 33-66% (orange zone) 11111 _1 • 5-33% (green zone) .5.17 1&15.24 4.87 CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 6 Table 4. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2019 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33-66% reduction; green zone 5-33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. Cells with blue shading are scaled proportionally. For readability, cells with green shading(green zone) are scaled proportionally but only for the green zone due to their larger value range.All values are in acres. Baseline Area of SAV Assessment Mar'19 Apr'19 May'19 Jun'19 Jul '19 Aug'19 Sep'19 Oct'19 Nov'19 Dec'19 Aug'18 Reference MIL89 I j91 ® 0.31 It3211. - 73 1.55 . >66%(red zone) I 0.37 I 0.20 I 0.19 I 0.21 II 0.21 I 0.24 I 0.17 I 0.12 I 0.11 ;. 0.15 I 0.12 33-66%(orange zone) -1111 W1,5 I 58 M_ 1135 r_. 1111,2 5-33%(green zone) 111..17 11,11.821 t 8. 2lita.331 33] 21 p 16.31 15.63 14.90 15.59 13.13 Table 5. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage by survey month in 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33-66% reduction; green zone 5-33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. Cells with blue shading are scaled proportionally. For readability, cells with green shading (green zone) are scaled proportionally but only for the green zone due to their larger value range. All values are in acres. Baseline Area of SAV Assessment Apr'20 May'20 Jun '20 Jul '20 Aug'20 Sep'20 Oct'20 Nov'20 Dec'20 Aug'18 Reference S9 __1111116 IOLA3 >66%(red zone) II 0.37 I 0.13 I 0.13 ' 0.19 I 0.23 I 0.24 I 0.27 ® 0.28 ® 0.36 Li 0.41 33-66%(orange zone) i4-17 11104 MIK4 3r1 ' JI �2.09 _ 5-33%(green zone) 15.17 � 10.91 6_ 1.83 I -2 1 _n-, 3111 84 t53 11 15.40 *=No calculation due to coverage constraints CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 7 Table 6. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2018 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Baseline Area of SAV Assessment Sep '18 Oct'18 Aug'18 Reference 1111119 W119 >66% (red zone) 33-66%(orange zone) 411 A MIL37 5-33%(green zone) 11A I29] Table 7. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2019 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Baseline Area of SAV Assessment Mar'19 Apr'19 May'19 Jun '19 Jul '19 Aug'19 Sep '19 Oct'19 Nov '19 Dec'19 Aug'18 Reference 1_19 11 9 I 3 © 12 1112 116 aj0 118 11116 L17 1316 >66% (red zone) 3�L132 Nj2 Iffal 1E0 ©14 •7 1114 33-66% (orange zone) ®2 ME11 1 1 O • WI 5-33% (green zone) 7 OE ® ;'I ME 126 CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-0I-FIN 8 Table 8. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Baseline Area of SAV Assessment Apr'20 May '20 Jun '20 Jul '20 Aug'20 Sep '20 Oct'20 Nov '20 Dec'20 Aug'18 Reference ].9 Li 13 L 14 .13 0 11118 t1 Co 1320 * >66% (red zone) 11 Ij15 IP 15 M2 W7 11E7 NO �42j __ 33-66% (orange zone) 11 t1 M4 M 1 E WI 5-33% (green zone) I I2 M ii37 MI NE W4 l *=No calculation due to coverage constraints Table 9. Total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month and summed for all reference area and all wave energy reduction zones, respectively. 2018 2019 2020 Total All Total All Total All Reference Reference Reference Zones Zones Zones March 0.91 13.3j April 0.31 10.82 1.33 12.11 May 1.21 13.93 i 1.36 15.63 _j June 1.63 16.18 j 1.32 15.27 ] July 1.63 17.01 _I 1.96 17.49 August 1.89 17.68 2 18.06 1.74 17.36 September 1.97 17.97 1.73 17.14 2.07 16.77 J October 1.88 17.08 1.55 16.36 1.99 J I 17.39 November 1.67 17.18 1.94 ! I 17.59 December 1.54 14.51 CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 9 (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) 50.00 as.00 :: -41111\ • 35.00 Jti 30.00 25.00 p 20.00 15.00 t 10.00 5.00 0• 0.00 �' ti4 ti0 do tio/ °' ti� tioi poi ,,c) �i yoi do tip .19 ,tip ,tip ,tip ,tip 0 ,tip �c tip �oa";2' c,eQ CP. `3a` Qp� `Sad 1� �3 Pia' cP 0 �o° 06' 49 `Aar 1S �4 P�4' c�eQ o& � O" —r•Reference ->66%(red zone) —.-33-66%(orange zone) —.IP-5-33%(green zone) Figure 2. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through December 2020 for each of the wave energy reduction zones. Red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction;green zone 5 to 33% reduction; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available for the green zone or the reference area. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 10 (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) 50.00 45.00 40.00 > 35.00 30.00 a 25.00 V g 20.00 a y l0 15.00 E 10.00 N 5.00 a 0.00 �\ ••% ti0 ,ti0 ti .tip ti� .tioi ti� ti� 1 yoi •.ti°f ° `O 40 ° ° ° ° ,LO 2, O& �a� vo efa� ,� 3 P'>% yyQ O� 4, �� as �� l4 vscl, Q O& J42 --.-Reference —e—Combined(red+orange+green) Figure 3. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2020 for all of the three wave energy reduction zones combined. Combined refers to red, orange, and green which are as follows: red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66% reduction in wave energy; orange zone, 33 to 66% reduction; green zone 5 to 33%; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 11 (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) 50.00 45.00 40.00 41".".."\\ 35.00 1 :: 8 20.00 15.00 '4114111111111 \� E 10.00 N N N 5.00 QN 0 0.00 —. ,>0 •y0 poi •N9 1� yai tioi .yal 4.5 ti°5 y°i ,tio 4o 4° •ii) ° 4° 4° ,,yo \ayes` ys4 4,0 pd' tisas‘ S >� IA' od' #54 pfr pit ta >S >' Pad 06' 454 pfr —,—Reference .>66%(red zone) Figure 4. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through December 2020 for the red wave energy reduction zone. The red zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a >66%reduction in wave energy; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available for the reference area. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 12 (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) 50.00 45.00 40.00 • 35.00 a ::: v 8• 20.00 • 15.00 10.00 • 5.00 0• 0.00 <> .tip tict' ti ,tia ti') ,tip 'i) ti5 ti) ti°) .tip •ti) .,yo do ,tio eo do •19 ti ,tio do \oa4z. „pQ (p <S PQt. 404, s� �3 ' ' o& 44 ©ec PQi `Sad `�C ,3 Pa).4,a c eQ OLD , orb .ti'b PJ' Reference -.r,-33-66%(orange zone) Figure 5. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through December 2020 for the orange wave energy reduction zone.The orange zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a 33 to 66% reduction in wave energy; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available for the reference area. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 13 (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7) (8) 50.00 45.00 40.00 > 35.00 1 ::: 20.00 15.00 • 6/°.***ft..........°."' "". 10.00 N Fi 5.00 N 0 0.00 `a 49 06" era` �` jai lS 0 1.0% 04` 44 ofr vQ `raa lS 0 v10 oP` 434 . Reference -5-33%(green zone) Figure 6. Percent cover of total submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) by survey month in August 2018 through November 2020 for the green wave energy reduction zone.The green zone is the area near the wave-break structure forecast to experience a 5 to 33% reduction in wave energy; reference area is the surrounding area forecast to be uninfluenced by the wave-break structure. All values are in percent cover. Data from December 2020 are not available for the green zone or the reference area. Vertical lines and numbers correspond to Tropical Storms and Hurricanes shown in Table 2 occurring during the SAV delineation time frame for this project. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 14 4.0 Interim Conclusions The results indicate that the wave-break structure is generally functioning as intended and is facilitating a seasonally-variable, but positive, increase in SAV cover within all three RWE reduction strata, particularly the >66% and the 33 to 66% RWE reduction strata (red and orange zones) closest the wave-break structure. The >66% RWE reduction stratum (red zone), which is located closest to the wave-break structure and was forecast to produce the greatest unit area effect on seagrass coalescence, showed an increase of SAV cover every month between May and December 2020 but only a net gain in December 2020 when compared with the baseline survey.This zone appears to have experienced some adverse effects from proximity to the wave-break structure in 2018 and 2019 due to deposition of sediment adjacent to the structure arising from wave-break-related scouring'.These effects were perhaps due to increased scouring during storms in the fall of each year. Hindcasting of wave conditions from the continually recording wave sensors placed north and south of the wave-break will be needed to determine any differences in wave activity over time that may be associated with SAV abundance fluctuation. The 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum (orange zone) also showed an increase in SAV throughout most of 2020, although to a slightly lesser extent than the >66% RWE reduction stratum.The 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum did not show a substantial net gain or loss when compared with the baseline survey. Similar to the >66% RWE reduction stratum,the 33 to 66% RWE reduction stratum appears to have experienced some adverse effects from proximity to the wave-break structure in 2018 and 2019.As with the>66% RWE reduction stratum,these effects were not observed in 2020 and resulted in a substantial increase in SAV cover from prior years. • The 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum (green zone), located farthest from the wave-break structure, showed some increases in SAV cover in 2020, but less than observed in the other two RWE reduction strata.The 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum also did not show a substantial net gain or loss when compared with the baseline survey. Unlike the other two RWE reduction strata,the 5 to 33% RWE reduction stratum did not appear to have experienced adverse effects from proximity to the wave-break structure, exhibiting only seasonal variation of SAV cover and returning to baseline levels in the summer of 2019 and 2020. The seasonal component to changes in SAV coverage was apparent in all three RWE reduction strata. Most showed consistent decreases in SAV coverage between the fall and spring,followed by increased SAV coverage between spring and summer.The red and green zones showed net positive changes in SAV acreage in November or December, which may correspond to contributions from increased biomass for Z. marina.These changes in cover represent the seasonally detectable abundance of seagrass in imagery. This fluctuation is normal for this area given the mix of Z. marina and H. wrightii, both of which are at the edge of their respective geographic distributions. 1 Scouring under the wave-break structure was first reported in the 19 November 2018"Summary of Year 2 Biannual Survey— October 2018—LETTER REPORT"to NCDOT,noting that it may be impacting seagrass beds.No clear association of the scouring with any storm event has been observed(some storms drove water off the site resulting in little wave energy during the event). However,the scouring has been a persistent feature since 2018. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 15 5.0 Literature Cited CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2019. UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site—2018 Summary Report. 19 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2021. UAS Survey of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site—2019 Summary Report. 76 pp. Fonseca MS, Bell SS. 1998.The influence of physical setting on seagrass landscapes near Beaufort, NC, USA. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 171:109-121. Fonseca, M.S., W.J. Kenworthy, and P.E. Whitfield. 2000.Temporal dynamics of seagrass landscapes: a preliminary comparison of chronic and extreme disturbance events. Biol. Mar. Medit. 7:373-376. Kenworthy WJ, Zieman JC,Thayer GW. 1982. Evidence for the influence of seagrass on the benthic nitrogen cycle in a coastal plain estuary near Beaufort, North Carolina (USA). Oecologia 54:152-158. Malhotra, A, and Fonseca, MS. 2007. WEMo (Wave Exposure Model): Formulation, Procedures and Validation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS#65. 28 pp. Thayer GW, Kenworthy WJ, Fonseca MS. 1984.The ecology of eelgrass meadows of the Atlantic coast: a community profile. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Biological Services, Research and Development, National Coastal Ecosystems Team. FWS/OBS-84/02. 147 pp. CSA-RK&K-FL-21-81656-3676-01-REP-01-FIN 16 Brittingham, Cathy From: Kathy Herring <kherring@rkk.com> Sent: Wednesday,June 16, 2021 2:23 PM To: Sanderson, Mike; Brittingham, Cathy; Chapman, Amy; Daisey, Greg; Deaton, Anne; Lane, Stephen; Paugh, Leilani Y; Rivenbark, Chris;Weaver, Derrick G;Williams, Paul C; Evans, Jennifer A; Harris III, Philip S; Stanton, Tyler P; Twyla.Cheatwood@noaa.gov; Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil;Wilson, Travis W.; Cox, Marissa R; 'Matthews, Monte K CIV USARMY CESAW (US)' Cc: Pete Stafford; Kathy Herring Subject: [External] Brief summary and slides Attachments: 2020 Summary of Bonner SAV Mitigation.pdf; SAV_Hurricanes_Biohabitat.pptx CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Attached is a brief summary of the 2020 Bonner SAV Mitigation project report and a few pictures. "See"you tomorrow, Kathy Kathy Herring Senior Project Scientist RI( f[ 8601 Six Forks Road Forum 1, Suite 700 Raleigh, NC 27615 919.971.4367 C kherring@rkk.com www.rkk.com Responsive People I Creative Solutions "RK&K"and"RK&K Engineers"are registered trade names of Rummel,Klepper&Kahl,LLP,a Maryland limited liability partnership.This message contains confidential information intended only for the person or persons named above.If you have received this message in error,please immediately notify the sender by return email and delete the message.Thank you. RK&K is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity at all levels.RK&K does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race,color,religion,sex (including pregnancy),national origin,political affiliation,sexual orientation,marital status,disability,genetic information,age,parental status,military and veteran status,and any other characteristic protected by applicable law.Consistent with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,as amended and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities,we also note that RK&K does not discriminate in its selection or retention of subcontractors on the grounds of race,color,or national origin.We also note that RK&K will ensure that Minorities will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals and not be discriminated against on the grounds of race,color,or national origin in consideration for an award. 1 2/14/2022 Before and After Hurricane Dorian September 2019 ft), • �- a yyt�� * tom' \� •4 ihs • r �r • • 4 frty., •! •l�sr t' 5. q •c at =Q,i. ,1`, " ! •",_ - . - r ,- + ., ►�_ -....L• I. • , . 114:4tx eittie 4,1411 116., ,. - ..e.,aill.711141,A14 . . - ' ,, . A- 4k 'AV i 4 -- Before and After Isaias August 2020 DULY 2020 A ,4 AUGUST " 1 I 2 1 2/14/2022 Bio-Habitat Embedded rock 1Aio x 444 Concrete base ihr Bio-Habitat 3 ..tip 2 • 2020 Summary of Bonner SAV Mitigation The concept of the Bonner SAV Mitigation Plan was to build a wavebreak to attenuate wave energy to provide seagrass growing in the reduced wave energy area a better habitat in which to coalesce. Construction of the wavebreak structure was competed in January 2017. This summer(June 2021)will be the 5th and final year of the post construction monitoring period. A final report for the 5 year study will be prepared and a meeting held to discuss the project in early 2022. Surveys were conducted in August 2020(just prior to Hurricane Isaias)that included: • Qualitative observation of conditions; • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Collection of sediment elevation data: o At seagrass patch elevation rods; o Through SEPI near-field surveys. • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for WEMo validation; • Reporting of wave sensor data throughout the site over these and the past surveys for WEMo validation; and • Monitoring of epibiota sampling stations on the wavebreak structure. Details and the results of the above can be found in the 2020 report. In general,the structure remains stable with no further slipping of Reefmaker units. The scour pit that formed directly under the structure remains unchanged. Sediment elevation levels within 150ft of the south side of the structure have also remained stable since 2017. Seagrass acreage varies seasonally as expected and also seems to be influenced by hurricanes and other major storm events. g .„9 �, 5-AV A1► Brittingham, Cathy From: Kathy Herring <kherring@rkk.com> Sent: Monday,June 7, 2021 10:11 AM To: Sanderson, Mike; Brittingham, Cathy;Chapman,Amy; Daisey,Greg; Deaton, Anne; Lane, Stephen; Paugh, Leilani Y; Rivenbark, Chris;Weaver, Derrick G;Williams, Paul C; Evans, Jennifer A;Harris III, Philip S; Stanton,Tyler P;Twyla.Cheatwood@noaa.gov; Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil;Wilson,Travis W.; Cox, Marissa R; Matthews, Monte K CIV USARMY CESAW(US) Cc: Pete Stafford; Kathy Herring Subject [Exter B-2500 Phase 1 SAV Mitigation-Update— Attachments: CDOT FL 21 1830 2845_BonnerBridge_Year4_FIN_12March2021.pdf 8) paE'S• 91 pc�irl . CAUTION: External email.Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. All, As per the CAMA Permit Major Modification,issued on 12/15/15, permit condition No.21 that:"The permittee shall conduct an annual meeting with DCM and other appropriate resource agencies to discuss and review the annual monitoring reports and monitoring methodology for a minimum of five years after mitigation site construction." I have attached the latest report after the summer 2020 survey for your review. Since the BSG was not assigned a spot on the upcoming interagency agenda,and since there have been no major issues with the structure or the Bonner Bridge SAV mitigation project,we would like to give a brief update,allowing time for any questions,during the"Other Business" portion on the agenda for the June 17, 2021 interagency meeting. If this is not agreeable,then we can discuss a time to schedule another meeting. Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks! Kathy Kathy Herring Senior Project Scientist R (,f( 8601 Six Forks Road Forum 1, Suite 700 Raleigh, NC 27615 919.971.4367 C kherring@rkk.com www.rkk.com Responsive People I Creative Solutions "RK&K"and"RK&K Engineers"are registered trade names of Rummel,Klepper&Kahl,LLP,a Maryland limited liability partnership.This message contains confidential information intended only for the person or persons named above.If you have received this message in error,please immediately notify the sender by return email and delete the message.Thank you. RK&K is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity at all levels.RK&K does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race,color,religion,sex (including pregnancy),national origin,political affiliation,sexual orientation,marital status,disability,genetic information,age,parental status,military and veteran status,and any other characteristic protected by applicable law.Consistent with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,as 1 t,:Fa;,g+2z,+-+.ayr::,atY+ZxYmr�Ci?M!WGYx...�C•:v.i"a:..:-*:Yti.+n rrJ+Mt>.ti.waa!r'�s ay.�.•.,;,rVf.,..r;.+*mw .,lirt.,...<6fl WS�t*$'&,*i.s r,:•1..1....,rfl flsCt'Vu"Y":r4IR.VM!rre•,..MNi.*$)-.w;f4O*."...h•v IV`r.'r,C i-,%ti�+4MN.97N` r• i t. • ? . tr: • .. 't; r .' . • tO :i: f... "; 6.. ! ?, ;i ., .;;`�?a.xlt • )i',ii:5. ('•'i:'r ,, -'a•. !, :J '� .. .{.i i�j t .. . fi :�s +t teii., .r ,a - ���<� - t:•. . ( t.'-�ii. '1 ., :(I ' ,. �t . , B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Year 4 Annual Survey Report - 2020 March 2021 eta «, .34') a. N-1.:. ' - • 44001011010166:4"' Jy Y e *kg >6\Tf v .f .- .4=_ CSA Prepared for: Prepared by: Environmental Analysis Unit CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. North Carolina Department of Transportation 8502 SW Kansas Avenue 1598 Mail Service Center Stuart, Florida 34997 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 . `t �1 so TRACE jPEC s�L, CERTIFIED,,,,T.+oRizED PROVIDER CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Year 4 Annual Survey Report - 2020 DOCUMENT NO. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN Internal review process Version Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: INT-01 02/16/2021 Initial draft for E.Hodel M. Fonseca E. Hodel science review INT-02 02/18/2021 TE review E.Hodel K. Metzger E. Hodel Client deliverable Version Date Description Project Manager Approval 01 02/19/2021 Client deliverable E. Hodel FIN 03/12/2021 Final E. Hodel The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current version.Controlled copies are available upon request from the Document Production Department. I i Table of Contents Page List of Tables iv List of Figures v List of Photos vi 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Methods 2 2.1 Monitoring of Relocated Seagrass 3 2.2 Areal Seagrass Cover 5 2.3 Sediment Elevation 6 2.4 Wave Regime and Model Validation 8 2.5 Epibiota Monitoring 14 3.0 Results 19 3.1 Monitoring of Relocated Seagrass 21 3.2 Areal Seagrass Cover 23 3.3 Sediment Elevation 26 3.4 Wave Regime and Model Validation 32 3.5 Epibiota Monitoring 35 4.0 Conclusions 39 5.0 References 41 Appendices 43 Appendix I Project Site Selection A-1 Appendix II Bioturbation Experiment B-1 Appendix Ill Representative Photos of Seagrasses in Planting and Reference Areas: 2016 to 2020 C-1 Appendix IV Near-Field Sediment Elevation Results: 2017 to 2020 D-1 Appendix V Representative Photos of Biota—July-August 2020 E-1 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN II/ List of Tables Table Page 1 Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 2 2 Braun-Blanquet scale (score) and percent cover scale values (Braun-Blanquet et al., 1972) 5 3 Total area of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) per wave energy reduction zone based on GIS interpretation of monthly aerial imagery data sets of the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 26 4 One-way ANOVA testing differences in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW)from rods installed at previous bioturbation patches between Survey 1 and subsequent surveys 29 5 Results of 2-way ANOVA for the near-field sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by survey 30 6 Summary statistics of the top 5%of wave heights measured at the two sensor stations on the north and south sides of the wavebreak 32 7 Areas for the wave energy reduction zones depicted in Appendix I in both acres and square meters 33 8 Observed wave heights in field using a wave sensor versus those predicted by WEMo at the same station 33 9 Percent cover of biota from concrete epibiota monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017 and annual monitoring surveys in May 2018, May 2019, and July-August 2020 36 10 Percent cover of biota from rock epibiota monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017 and annual monitoring surveys in May 2018, • May 2019, and July-August 2020 37 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN iv I List of Figures Figure Page 1 Aerial image of the wavebreak area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site, showing the position of the seagrass relocation planting areas,the construction corridor, and the structure itself 4 2 Schematic (not to scale) layout of the near-field (to wavebreak) sediment elevation transects 9 3 Area of dynamic sediment movement immediately south of the wavebreak visually outlined in yellow 10 4 Stationary and temporary locations of the pressure sensors at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 11 5 Epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 16 6 Average percent cover of total seagrass based on Braun-Blanquet scores within the planting and reference areas for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 22 7 Baseline classification results identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the 24 March 2017 overflight 24 8 Enlarged view of baseline aerial imagery (left) and classification results (right) identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the 18 April 2018 overflight 25 9 Change in sediment elevation (del_ht in ft, MLLW) over time monitored at rods installed in previous bioturbation study 27 10 Change in sediment elevation (del_ht in ft, MLLW) over time monitored at rods installed in previous bioturbation study 28 11 Track lines traveled by the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (black lines) and digital elevation model at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site prior to construction of the wavebreak(ultimate location of wavebreak shown) 31 12 Difference in hourly significant wave heights (m) between and north and south side of the wavebreak structure for January 2017 through July 2020 34 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN v List of Photos Photo Page 1 The Marc Basnight Bridge, spanning over Oregon Inlet in the Outer Banks, North Carolina 1 2 Inverted "T" shape ruler used to measure rod height above or below the substrate at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 7 3 Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) collecting bathymetry data across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site in June 2016 7 4 Photograph of one of the two wave sensor brackets cemented into its base, prior to installation at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 12 5 Remodeled wave sensor bracket installed in January 2018 to hold the sensor vertical and farther away from the seabed surface 13 6 Example of numbered tag installed at every epibiota monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 17 7 PVC camera mount framer used to photograph epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 17 8 Example photo of the concrete portion of an epibiota monitoring station, for quantitative image analysis 18 9 Example photo of the rocks portion of an epibiota monitoring station,for quantitative image analysis 18 10 Example of a stitched image of a concrete epibiota monitoring station resulting from the modified photography method employed during the 2018 and 2020 annual monitoring surveys due to poor underwater visibility 19 11 North-oriented view of the wavebreak installed in January 2017 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 39 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN vi 1.0 Introduction The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) contracted CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) in 2012 (Contract No. 6300032017)to conduct in-kind seagrass (mixed Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Zostera marina) mitigation of 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares)to compensate for losses anticipated to occur during construction of the Marc Basnight Bridge, to replace the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, North Carolina (Photo 1).The Marc Basnight Bridge provides the only highway connection for Hatteras Island to the mainland in Dare County, North Carolina. Construction was completed and opened to traffic in February 20191. Based on previous published research in North Carolina (Fonseca et al., 1998, Fonseca et al., 2000, Kelly et al., 2001, Fonseca et al., 2002) CSA conceptualized creating a wavebreak structure to modify existing, patchy seagrass habitat by attenuating wave energy to promote more continuous, persistent seagrass coverage. This subsequent increase in seagrass acreage was expected to meet NCDOT's seagrass mitigation requirements while enhancing ecosystem services for the surrounding area. .v t 1�- Photo 1. The Marc Basnight Bridge, spanning over Oregon Inlet in the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Image with permission from Carolina Designs, https://www.carolinadesigns.com/. In 2012, NCDOT contracted CSA to lead the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Project associated with Project B-2500, replacement of the Bonner Bridge. From April 2015 to June 2016, pre-construction surveys were performed. Construction of the wavebreak structure was completed in January 2017 and entailed installation of 101 continuous Atlantic Reefmaker units in a chevron pattern oriented due north. The Baseline Monitoring Survey (CSA, 2017) occurred immediately after construction, followed by a series of bi-annual and annual post-construction monitoring surveys, scheduled through 2021.Table 1 summarizes the project's milestone activities and past and future monitoring events. In 2020,the Year 4 Annual Survey was conducted from 30 July to 2 August and provides the most recent data included in this Year 4 Annual Survey Report. 1 https://www.ncdot.gov/news/press-releases/Pages/2019/2019-04-02-marc-basnight-bridge-ribbon-cutting.aspx. Last accessed 2/1/21. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 1 Table 1. Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Construction refers to the installation of the wavebreak. Task Date Status Pre-construction Site Selection Survey April 2015 Complete Seagrass Transplantation and Bioturbation Experiment Initiation May 2016 Complete Sediment Digital Elevation Survey(USV) June 2016 Complete Construction Wavebreak Structure Installation 18 Nov. 2016 to 18 Jan. 2017 Complete Post-construction Baseline Monitoring Survey 14 to 18 Jan. 2017 Complete Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey October 2017 Complete Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey May 2018 Complete Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Survey October 2018 Complete Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey May 2019 Complete Year 3 Biannual Monitoring Survey October 2019 Complete Year 4 Annual Monitoring Survey July-August 2020 Complete Year 5 Annual Monitoring Survey August 2021 Scheduled USV=unmanned surface vehicle. 2.0 Methods The Year 1 Baseline Survey included: • Qualitative observation of conditions; • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Monitoring of selected bioturbation experiment stations (and removal of experimental mesh when found); • Collection of sediment elevation data at seagrass patch elevation rods; • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for future WEMo validation; and • Maintenance of epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure. The Year 2 and 3 Annual Surveys each included: • Qualitative observation of conditions; • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Collection of sediment elevation data: o At seagrass patch elevation rods; o Through SEPI near-field surveys. • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for WEMo validation; • Reporting of wave sensor data throughout the site over these and the past surveys for WEMo validation; and • Monitoring of epibiota sampling stations on the wavebreak structure. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 2 The Year 2 and 3 Biannual Surveys included the same data as collected during annual surveys apart from epibiota monitoring on the wavebreak structure. Biannual surveys occurred in fall of Years 1, 2, and 3 in the monitoring program. No additional biannual surveys will be conducted. This Year 4 Annual Survey Report includes the same data as collected during the Year 2 and 3 Annual Surveys, apart from collection of wave sensor data throughout the site, as enough data has been collected from previous surveys for WEMo model validation. CSA's methods followed the accepted monitoring plan (NCDOT, 2015) referenced in the permit (Permit Modification No. 106-12)to ensure all monitoring requirements were met. Sections of this report that refer to construction and engineering activities or permits originally developed using English units, will follow the convention of reporting first in English units and then parenthetically in metric units. For the sections of the report not directly associated with structural engineering, the convention of reporting will be metric units followed by English units parenthetically. Sections of the previous reports describing initial project activities, engineering, and construction have been moved to Appendix I to focus this report on long-term post-construction monitoring. Additionally, the description of an attempted experiment to assess the relative contribution of bioturbation (versus wave energy)to seagrass patch maintenance has been moved to Appendix II. 2.1 MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS In 2016, prior to installation of the wavebreak,the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission permit(Permit Modification No. 106-12) required any seagrass within the wavebreak structure footprint and the construction corridor to be moved to the lee side of the structure onsite. In May 2016, seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the south side of the construction footprint (Figure 1). CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 3 75°35'9'W 75'35'8"W 75°35'7'W Arse " ktsa ' -4 ' to,fte - ' 4 ult ki#0,:. ,. ..,* . . .... ,.. . ,.,, • ..-...,.. - . . :. ._ ... •••- _•_• •••. . . „• mitt,-0- -' ._ tot 4:4'444400....t. - .—.- .• - ,/!!,4,-. 4,, , e• 46:--• . iti;: •♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦,;♦4► • fl Adte♦♦♦♦ ii z . 9;l 90 c ' 2 Legend - .. 1110 BB Quadrat Location ,r • m Planting Area 4 3 /%t iii 0— Reference Area i 500ft Wavebreak Structure .ala ♦ '1 ,Y;4 z 1; Y ° + *q, _ 10 ., - „ _ Construction Corridor r 1 v t '� Seagrass Planting Area f 4' _ , .. ,., r.rt,,�,,� /5'35'14'W 75.3513'W 75'35.12"W 75'35'11"W 75°35'10'W ',35'9'W 75'35'8'W 75.35'7'W akik 0 25 50 100 Meters f, •► I I I I I I 4 1 I0 CB A Coordinate System:WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 1. Aerial image of the wavebreak area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site, showing the position of the seagrass relocation planting areas, the construction corridor, and the structure itself. Examples of randomly-selected sampling stations to assess seagrass cover are shown for the 2020 survey within the planted areas and reference area. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 4 Percent cover of seagrass within planting areas was evaluated immediately after transplanting. Scientists navigated to 10 pre-selected sampling stations (proportionally assigned to seven locations in the larger eastern area and three in the smaller western area) within the planting areas using the Trimble Geo XH GeoExplorer 2008 Series GPS.To compare the colonization of the planted areas to the surrounding natural reference area,five additional station locations were randomly selected in the surrounding natural area (reference area) within a 50-meter (164-foot) distance of the planting areas, for a total of 15 sampling stations (Figure 1). At each location, a 1-m2 (11-ft2) quadrat made of PVC was centered over each point and percent cover of seagrass was assessed using a modified Braun-Blanquet (BB) cover and abundance technique (Braun-Blanquet et al., 1972; Kenworthy and Schwarzchild, 1997; Fourqurean et al., 2001). Within the quadrat, a BB scale value (Table 2) was independently evaluated for percent cover of each seagrass species as well as total seagrass. Average BB scores were then converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values (conversion is conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value, on the associated BB scale value: Percent Cover=2.8108*[BB]2.2325) Table 2. Braun-Blanquet scale (score) and percent cover scale values(Braun-Blanquet et al., 1972). Braun-Blanquet Scale(Score) Percent Cover(%) 0.0 Not present 0.1 Solitary specimen 0.5 Few with small cover 1 Numerous, but<5 2 5 to 25 3 25 to 50 4 50 to 75 5 75to100 2.2 AREAL SEAGRASS COVER Seagrass cover was determined by classifying areas of seagrass occurring within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site based on aerial imagery. A georeferenced, high-resolution, mosaicked aerial image (collected by NCDOT on 18 April 2018) was used for the first classification of seagrass areas.The aerial image was color-infrared (CIR)with a resolution of 0.08 m (0.25 ft).The image was subdivided into separate classification areas of interest(AOI) based on similar pixel spectral signature ranges. Separate classification of each AOI helped to eliminate variations in reflectance and environmental conditions across the entire project area to reduce classification confusion. An unsupervised classification was then performed on each classification AOI using a combination of iso cluster and maximum likelihood techniques using ESRI ArcGIS 10.4 software. After running the unsupervised classifications, each AOI was manually interpreted by denoting visually apparent classes of seagrass and classes of non-seagrass. Spectral noise and holes within the classification results were removed and corrected using a combination of majority filter, region group, set null (enhanced boundary edges and removed groups of small non-contiguous pixels that were smaller than a specified value), and eliminate polygon part (eliminated areas that were less than a specified value)tools in ArcGIS. Lastly, a manual classification technique was then applied to the classification with guidance from a GIS analyst.This consisted of removing areas of over-classification and adding-in (digitizing) areas where under-classification CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 5 occurred, again based on visually apparent seagrass cover. Following the 18 April 2018 overflight, no further overflight data are being processed under this award. 2.3 SEDIMENT ELEVATION Sediment elevation is being documented with three methods: 1. Rod Heights- measurements of sediment height relative to 2 m long rods installed during the baseline survey to near the sediment surface in seagrass patches used for the previous, discontinued bioturbation study; 2. USV Digital Elevation Model -a broad-scale digital elevation model created using an RTK (real-time kinematic)-equipped unmanned surface vehicle (USV), with data collection during the baseline and Year 5 surveys; and 3. Near-field Sediment Elevation Survey- Near-field sediment elevation measurements along transects north and south of the wavebreak. Rod Heights:This method (performed during all monitoring surveys)was by direct measurement of the height of the center rod above the sediment at each of the 40 stations originally established within seagrass patches for the bioturbation experiment (see Appendix II). At each station,the rod height above the sediment was measured using a meter stick fastened to a piece of wood (24 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm [18 in x 2 in x 2 in]). The 0-mark on the meter stick was attached to the center of the wood piece creating an inverted "T" shape (Photo 2).The wood was laid flush against the seafloor to provide more surface area to avoid the ruler sinking into the substrate.The meter stick was placed next to the rod to obtain the measurement of the rod height above the substrate. If rods were not found, field scientists re-navigated to the site. If rods were still not found, they were assumed buried and a small shovel was used to dig in the immediate vicinity in attempts of finding the rod. If the rod was found,the distance below the substrate was to be measured. If the rod was not found, it was assumed buried and no measurement was included in the overall dataset. In addition to the 40 center rods, four additional sediment rods (one per wave energy strata) were installed in sandy substrate and rod height above the substrate was measured for each. This monitoring is continuing, and updated results are provided in this report. Change in sediment elevation among surveys and across the wave energy strata was computed for each combination of survey times (survey 1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, 1 vs 4, 2 vs 3, 2 vs 4, etc.).The differences in change in sediment elevation among strata for each comparison of survey times were compared in a 1-way ANOVA using PROC GLM in SAS 9.2 after In + 10 transformation (to avoid negative numbers and address any non-normality of the data). USV Digital Elevation Model: A second method was employed to evaluate the entire area forecast to be affected by the wavebreak structure. In June 2016, prior to wavebreak construction, CSA used a USV to develop a sediment digital elevation model to collect baseline data and document future changes in shoal elevation associated with the wavebreak installation.The USV(Photo 3) was programmed to run a pre-selected geographic grid at 50-m (164-ft) line spacing which encompassed the entire site. Bathymetry data was collected using dual frequency, single beam sonar at a rate of 220 to 224 kHz. A Trimble RTK system was mounted on the USV to integrate real time navigation while the USV ran pre-programmed grid lines (speed of approximately 9 kph [5.7 mph]).The RTK had a horizontal and vertical accuracy of± 2 cm (±0.79 in) and real-time tidal corrections were applied to accurately determine water levels across the site. This survey will be repeated at the end of the five-year monitoring period in summer 2021. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 6 t 7 - -... - ,.l.'i•s .J.- 'W.� a 1 IF`-. •r �,y.-�'�''"a' _ / `14i .1! Air • - . l•.• Photo 2. Inverted "T" shape ruler used to measure rod height above or below the substrate at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. !iiiiirllIll . .. . . . , . _ ,.... _ _ . ... . i,...„. _____, _ ___ ._ Ir . _ - :. Photo 3. Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) collecting bathymetry data across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site in June 2016. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 7 Near-field Sediment Elevation Survey: In June 2017, a third method of sediment elevation assessment was initiated. SEPI Engineering Inc. (SEPI) was contracted by NCDOT to conduct high density, near-field sediment elevation measurements in the vicinity of the wavebreak structure. North-south oriented transects were established at five equally spaced locations, centered on, and extending north and south of the wavebreak (Figure 2). Sediment elevations corrected to mean low low water(MLLW) were surveyed along each transect in June 2017, September 2017, monthly from January 2018 through December 2019,June 2020, and December 2020). In 2017, elevations at distances of 0 (at the edge of the wavebreak structure), 5, 10, 20, 50, 75, and 100 ft were recorded. In January 2018 that changed to increments of 5 feet out to 50 ft and then at 75 and 100 ft to improve sensitivity of detecting any systematic change in sediment elevation near the wavebreak. Starting in June of 2018, distances of 125 and 150 ft were added to ensure elevation samples were taken beyond an apparent, newly observed area of dynamic sediment movement immediately south of the wavebreak seen in aerial images in spring of 2018 (Figure 3).These sediment elevation data were provided to CSA and analyzed. Elevations were compared in a 2-way ANOVA using PROC GLM in SAS 9.2 after In + 10 transformation (to avoid negative numbers and address any non-normality of the data). Main effects were distance from the wavebreak and side of the wavebreak, tested at individual dates along with assessment for interaction of main effects. 2.4 WAVE REGIME AND MODEL VALIDATION Long Term Wave Regime: Long-term wave energy regime monitoring stations were placed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site in "Month Year" using pressure sensor loggers to record wave characteristics. Starting in January 2017 two pressure sensors (RBRvirtuoso models)were deployed at stationary locations 25 m (82 ft) north and south of the wavebreak structure (Figure 4). Pressure sensors were cylindrical and approximately 5 cm (2 in) in diameter by 25 cm (10 in) long and were mounted in a locked casing oriented horizontally on the seafloor, approximately 15 cm (6 in) above the substrate on a solid base, concrete-filled pillar set 0.91 m (3 ft) into the seafloor(Photo 4). Pressure sensors were set to record bursts of pressure data every 30 minutes at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds.These data also provided water level and tide documentation specifically for the site, to evaluate the wave energy regime impinging on the north and south faces of the wavebreak structure. In November 2017,the sensors were removed and sent back to the manufacturer (RBR)for calibration and assessment of impacts from sand impaction and biofouling that had occurred around the wave sensor port.This servicing caused the sensors to be out of service for approximately 2 months until their re-deployment on 16 January 2018. Communication with RBR technical representatives indicated the sediment impaction and biofouling had not affected the detection of wave characteristics. Nonetheless, upon redeployment,the sensor brackets were remodeled to hold the sensors vertically with the wave sensor port facing down (Photo 5)to minimize sand collection in the sensor port through gravity.The sensors were re-deployed in January 2018 and have been recording continuously since that time. The entire January 2017—July 2020 dataset has been analyzed for this report. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 8 Bonner wavebreak sediment elevation transect layout 15 sediment elevations pertransectat0,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 feet 15 sediment elevation locations per transect Not to scale Wavebreak Pile 51 Pile 76 Pile 25 Pile 101 Pile 1 All transectsata rightangletothis red dashed baseline Figure 2. Schematic (not to scale) layout of the near-field (to wavebreak) sediment elevation transects. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 9 0000 1.44.0 Figure 3. Area of dynamic sediment movement immediately south of the wavebreak visually outlined in yellow. Aerial image collected 18 April 2018. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 10 r✓ 75'35'18"W 75'35'12'W 75'35'81N 75"354"W 75'35'0'W 1.11111111111601115211111 ' .. A : . RMIIMIIIIIIBZIIIIIA 4 • 4 : A .. ri in ,a, .y. i r _ ... r i • ii. ,..,,: . ,, . , , .4 ., , . . _ fts,.. 'N 4;'' ; . ;' ' ' .4. 4 0, a' *111. *41r•- + •,, .- II CIL ,,, t ...:?. ''s .....4k . . - iiii, ' * ii,.., a:',‘ . fi r ft.gel h I ,� _ , N .f ✓40, .. . , 1 "i • $.1 .1 _____,_,___ . Legend Pressr ,4.., ure Sensor Location Stationary X J Temporary z N fn 5001t Wavebreah Structure —Survend(50m) ,r (5'35161N 75'351YW 75'35'8"W +S'0'W 0 50 100 200 Meters t`likilk I 1 ► 1 I t t ► I0 CS A Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 4. Stationary and temporary locations of the pressure sensors at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. C5A-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 11 OWING i • / j ii. ) _ i I , I I Photo 4. Photograph of one of the two wave sensor brackets cemented into its base, prior to installation at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.The hinged bracket is shown being lifted; a disposable padlock is installed through the hinged piece to keep the sensor secure. • CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 12 1 4 1 M - ANL - I uti 0 N. , Photo 5. Remodeled wave sensor bracket installed in January 2018 to hold the sensor vertical and farther away from the seabed surface. The yellow arrow is pointing to the location of the wave sensor port. WEMo model validation: Model validation was developed through opportunistic sampling. During times of onsite monitoring surveys, an RBR sensor was systematically but temporarily relocated across the site in a grid pattern (Figure 4)to obtain a spatial assessment of predicted (WEMo computation to follow based on water depth and wind conditions of the survey date) versus observed wave heights from the mobile sensor. This spatial assessment was performed on 18 May 2016; 15 January 2017; 4 October 2017; 15 May 2018; 7 October 2018; 16 May 2019, and 14 October 2019 to provide a geographically articulated assessment of wave energy distribution regarding prevailing conditions.The relocated pressure sensor was set to record bursts of pressure data at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds during this sampling. During these validation data collection surveys one of the long-term RBR sensors was used. During each survey, a scientist recorded the wind speed using a hand-held anemometer as well as wind direction prior to sampling and again after sampling was complete. Wave data from pressure sensors were downloaded into Ruskin software (V2.9.1) and exported to Microsoft Excel for analysis. Analysis comprised simple univariate statistics of wind speed and predicted versus observed regression to determine the ability of the WEMo-derived forecast to downscale to the 50 m (164 ft) scale. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 13 2.5 EPIBIOTA MONITORING Epibiota monitoring on the wavebreak was initiated in January 2017 through the establishment of randomly placed, permanent monitoring stations (Figure 5). Digital photographs were recorded at each station as a time-zero (uncolonized) baseline against which subsequent epibiota colonization (on both rock and concrete surfaces) was compared against subsequent surveys. Stations were stratified by the sides of the wavebreak, 30 on the north side (predicted to be exposed) and 30 on the south side, at relative tidal (vertical) elevations related to the individual wave attenuator tier placement (high [top tier], middle [2nd lowest tier], and low [3rd lowest tier]).Ten replicate stations were randomly assigned per elevation strata on each side of the wavebreak for a total of 60 monitoring stations. Random locations were selected along the wavebreak and a vertical elevation was randomly assigned to each location. Upon establishment of the monitoring stations,scientists used the Trimble GPS to navigate to the pre-selected random monitoring station along the wavebreak. Monitoring stations were separated by a minimum of one Atlantic Reefmaker unit.The exact horizontal location of the monitoring station on a wave attenuator tier was visually determined where rock placement was closest to the edge of the concrete, making them easier to photograph. Wave attenuator tiers had a variety of rock size and shapes embedded in the concrete, so often two adjacent, smaller rocks were selected for monitoring. To identify the precise monitoring location and allow precise alignment for subsequent photographs, a numbered tag was installed on the rock immediately to the right of the selected rock(s)to be monitored (Photo 6) and alignment points for the camera framer were etched into the concrete surface. A Sony A5000 digital camera in an underwater housing was installed on a PVC camera mount framer to photograph the concrete and rock(s) at each monitoring station (Photo 7). The PVC frame was included in every photo to ensure standardization of photo size (dimension of the frame was 20.3 cm x 30.5 cm [8 in x 12 in]) (Photos 8 and 9).The standardized distance from the camera housing lens to the outer edge of the frame was 25.7 cm (10 in). To photograph the concrete portion of the wave attenuator tiers,the entire framer was placed flush with the side of the concrete, so the bottom edge of the concrete was included within the frame (Photo 8).To photograph the rock(s), the bottom of the framer was placed flush with the concrete layer (where the selected rock was embedded) and the top of the framer rested on the concrete layer located above the selected rock(s), which caused the framer to be tilted slightly backward (approximately 15° angle) (Photo 9). During two of the annual surveys(2018 and 2020), all low elevation strata and some medium elevation strata monitoring stations were entirely submerged (as opposed to being exposed) at low tide.This coupled with sometimes high turbidity levels or wave action reduced underwater visibility to less than one foot.As a result,the method used to photograph these stations was modified. The camera was removed from the framer to allow capture of close-up photos within visibility limits.The framer was still held against the concrete as described previously,yet due to the decreased distance between the camera and the rock or concrete, multiple photographs were collected to capture the entire area within the framer(typically four photos).The multiple photographs were then stitched together using Adobe° Photoshop°to create a single photograph of each rock or concrete portion of the monitoring station (Photo 10). CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 14 One image of the concrete and one image of the rock(s) from each of the 60 epibiota monitoring stations were utilized for quantitative image analysis, for a total of 120 digital images. Digital images were processed and analyzed using Coral Point Count with Microsoft Excel extensions (CPCe)V4.1 software analysis program (Kohler and Gill, 2006). CPCe utilizes the random point count method described by Bohnsack (1979)to accurately estimate percent cover of benthic organisms and substrate from digital images. Because the rocks were different sizes, it was necessary to assign different numbers of random points per image, that were proportional to the size of the rock (i.e., a larger rock would have a greater number of random points assigned). The total area of evaluated rock was calculated for each image using the measurement tool in CPCe. For purposes of this assessment, we assumed that all rocks were equidistant from the camera lens. From these calculations, average rock size was determined to be 112.4 cm2 and was assigned 10 random points.The number of random points assigned to each image was then increased or decreased proportionally to the size of the rock(s);the number of random points for rock images ranged from four to 22. Because the area of concrete assessed was the same in each photo, all concrete images were assigned the same number of random points (41), and points were restricted to the area of the photograph containing only concrete. Random points were projected on each image, and the biota or substrate located beneath each point was identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level (for the time-zero images, no biota was detected). Data from each image were assembled in a spreadsheet for percent cover calculations and subsequent comparative analysis. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 15 75935'14"W 75 I;,;., 75°35'8"NJ Z Ipript. _ .. dl, ' :W-: 1 jili Mr IP III t, > .. i' i -Aii° 111110 7 to UM 7111!lf t:LS 'MN) � CS El Y 48L 4 1 MO rn y Y Y <12a8/Ah1 IRS 0 /�LIA &IS sw ,&M R.L`1l'U au <MCI KO WL. CUIS CJ.'J!U 111 @fib gal gm F GM al alINaia IA Legend Elevation I • High Middle • Low 500ft Wavebreak Structure z io N R 75°3514"W 75'35'13"W 75°35'12"W 75°35'11"W 75°35'10"W 75°35'9"W 75'35'8"W 0 11111114111111 0 25 50 100 Meters I t t t I I t I I C9A Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 5. Epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 16 • i r i • Photo 6. Example of numbered tag installed at every epibiota monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Photo taken during the January 2017 baseline survey. aihk > al-A" ._` Photo 7. PVC camera mount framer used to photograph epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Photo taken during the May 2018 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 17 ri----- i X `F-s� sit. �->• • ":_4 -e ,w BSc . . E6- Y f, -� s: '>4�J-p • •Ar ;-:- ....ii.e - '+ram .:Ram $ - `. • V _- Photo 8. Example photo of the concrete portion of an epibiota monitoring station,for quantitative image analysis. Photo taken during the May 2018 survey. !' n Photo 9. Example photo of the rocks portion of an epibiota monitoring station,for quantitative image analysis. Photo taken during the May 2019 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 18 • l Photo 10. Example of a stitched image of a concrete epibiota monitoring station resulting from the modified photography method employed during the 2018 and 2020 annual monitoring surveys due to poor underwater visibility. Example photos taken during the May 2018 survey. 3.0 Results During visits to the site, scientists have consistently observed that the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site is composed of patchy seagrass habitat consisting of multiple species including Z. marina, H. wrightii, and R. maritima.Very fine silicious sand (visual observation) has consistently been the dominant substrate type observed. Limited vessel traffic has been observed during onsite surveys within the immediate vicinity of the wavebreak although small commercial crabbing vessels have been observed crossing the general shoal area. Site conditions varied during each survey and were largely driven by direction and strength of wind. Strong northeasterly winds resulted in lowered water levels at the site and strong southwesterly winds resulted in higher water levels. Average wind speeds during surveys have ranged from approximately 4.3 to 37.4 kph (2.6 to 21.1 mph)with maximum wind speeds ranging from 6.8 to 34 kph (4.2 to 23.6 mph)from either northeast or west and south-southwest directions. Current speeds have ranged between 9.8 and 19.2 cm s 1,with a mean of 12.7 cm s 1. Average daily water temperatures during monitoring surveys have ranged from 17°C(62.6°F) in springtime to 29.7°C (85.5°F) in summer. During the October 2017 survey, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (Z. marina, H. wrightii, and R. maritima). H. wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina and then R. maritima. The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed during on-site surveys within the immediate vicinity. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Water temperatures during the survey ranged from 22 to 23°C (72 to 73°F), with wind speeds ranging from 26.5 to 31.3 kph (16.4 to 19.5 mph), primarily out of the north. In May 2018, scientists again observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of the same three species of seagrass (Z. marina, H. wrightii, R. maritima). H. wrightii and Z. marina were both commonly observed while R. maritima was rarely observed. The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed during on-site surveys within the immediate vicinity. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 19 • Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Water temperatures during the survey ranged from 23.4 to 24.8°C (74.2 to 76.7°F), with wind speeds ranging from 7.6 to 41.1 kph (4.7 to 25.5 mph), predominantly out of the south-southwest. During the October 2018 survey, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of two species of seagrass (H. wrightii,Z. marina). H. wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina. Ruppia maritima, as distinguished by presence of flowering shoots, was not observed during this survey. The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed within the immediate vicinity of the wavebreak. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Water temperatures during the survey ranged from 25.7 to 27.4°C (78.3 to 81.3°F), with wind speeds ranging from 7.6 to 27.7 kph (4.7 to 17.2 mph), predominantly out of the east-northeast. During the May 2019 survey, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (H. wrightii, R. maritima,Z. marina). H. wrightii was the most prevalent species, closely followed by Z. marina. R. maritima was rarely observed but present.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed within the immediate vicinity of the wavebreak. Site conditions were variable during the survey, depending on the direction and strength of the wind. Water temperatures during the survey ranged from 17.0 to 19.6°C(62.6 to 67.3°F), with wind speeds ranging from 1.6 to 45.1 kph (1 to 28 mph), primarily out of the west. During the October 2019 survey, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of two species of seagrass (H. wrightii, Z. marina). H. wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina. R. maritima, as distinguished by presence of flowering shoots,was not observed during this survey.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Water levels were high during the survey, partially attributable to a full moon on 13 October 2019. King tides also flanked the survey window and occurred in late September and late October in coastal areas of North Carolina due to perigean spring tides (North Carolina King Tides Project, 20192). Site conditions varied during the survey due to direction and strength of the wind. Water temperatures during the survey ranged from 20.2 to 22.8°C (68.4 to 73.0°F), with wind speeds ranging from 4.3 to 34.4 kph (2.6 to 21.4 mph). Wind direction varied from southwest to south to northeast. During the August 2020 survey, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (H. wrightii, R. maritima, Z. marina). H. wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina. R. maritima was occasionally observed during this survey.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Windy conditions several days ahead of Hurricane Isaias3 increased water levels on the final day of the survey(2 August 2020). Site conditions varied widely during the survey from exceptionally calm to windy and rough due to direction and strength of the wind. Water temperatures during the survey ranged from 27.5 to 29.7°C (81.5 to 85.5°F), with wind speeds ranging from 3.9 to 42.5 kph (2.4 to 26.4 mph), primarily out of the southwest. 2 http://nckingtides.web.unc.edu/; Last accessed 5 February 2021. 3 Hurricane Isaias made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane on Ocean Isle Beach, NC on 3 August 2020. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 20 • 3.1 MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS Prior to construction, seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the lee side of the wavebreak structure(Figure 1). Representative photos of seagrasses within the planting and reference areas throughout the monitoring program are in Appendix III. Average percent cover of seagrasses for the combined planting areas (eastern and western)versus the reference area throughout the monitoring program are displayed in Figure 6. In May 2016, immediately after relocation,the percent cover'of seagrass was evaluated within the planting areas and within the surrounding reference area. Upon completion of relocation, percent cover of seagrass was 32.7%for the relocation areas and 49.1%for the reference area (BB scores of 3.0 and 3.6, respectivelys).Transplanted seagrass within the relocation areas appeared similar to the surrounding natural seagrass and the borders of the planting areas were visibly indistinguishable.All seagrass blades were bright green and visibly clear of epiphytic growth. In January 2017, immediately following construction of the wavebreak structure,the percent cover of seagrass within the planting areas was evaluated again.The planting areas had a percent cover of 0.2%and the natural reference area had a percent cover of 7%.Therefore, seagrass cover declined by 32.5% in the planting areas and 42.1% in the reference area, indicating a substantial overall drop in coverage. In January 2017, a brown epiphytic layer covered the majority of the visible seagrass blades and small tufts of brown macroalgae were observed colonizing the substrate often mixed in with seagrass. Passage of Hurricane Matthew along the North Carolina coast in October 2016 may have contributed to the sharp decline in seagrass cover observed. Approximately 9 months later in October 2017, no seagrass was observed in the planted areas and cover in the reference area was approximately 62%, well above the baseline cover of 49%observed in May 2016. Seasonality in seagrass growth may be responsible for the higher cover observed in October, with higher cover expected at the end of growing season in October versus the beginning of growing season in May. In May 2018, sparse seagrass was observed in the planted areas, but cover was still <1%, marking a decrease of approximately 32%since the initial survey in May 2016. Cover in the reference area was approximately 40%, similar to the cover observed in May 2016. In October 2018, during the biannual monitoring survey, seagrass cover had expanded in both planted areas, with an average cover of 14.9%, dominated by H. wrightii. Average percent cover of total seagrass in the reference area was high during this survey at 100%,where H. wrightii was also dominant. In May 2019, seagrasses were again present within both planting areas, but extremely sparse cover was found in the western planting block.Average cover was only 1.7%for both planting areas and cover in the reference area was down to 23.7% (from 100% in the previous survey). In October 2019, seagrasses were present in both planting areas,with similar levels of cover at approximately 14%. Average cover in in the reference area was approximately 33%. Cover is'specific cover'as quadrats are placed only within areas colonized by seagrass(as opposed to'areal cover'which would include any unvegetated seafloor arising from random placement of quadrats) 5 The average BB scores were converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values(conversion was conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value,on the associated BB scale value: Percent Cover=2.8108*[BB]z.2325) CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 21 At the time of the Year 4 Annual Monitoring Survey in July-August 2020, seagrasses were present in both planting areas; however, cover was extremely low in the eastern area which brought down the average cover for both planting areas to 11.8%. Percent cover of total seagrass in the reference area was high at 100%. Average Percent Cover of Total Seagrass 100.0 100.0 100 80 62.1 60 49.1 46.1 40.4 40 32.7 32.7 23.7 20 14.0 11.81119 1 1 6.0 11 o1� a oy1 0,�1 ao� `�oti� a��o� `�O.O Jy�O,tiO ,`age \A,JP ■ Planted ■Reference Figure 6. Average percent cover of total seagrass based on Braun-Blanquet scores within the planting and reference areas for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Several factors may have contributed to the loss of seagrass within the planted areas that was initially observed in January 2017. Seagrass was relocated to gaps within natural seagrass patches in May 2016 prior to installation of the wavebreak structure. Construction was originally scheduled for June 2016 but delayed until November 2016 and completed in January 2017. Previous studies have shown if seagrass is relocated to areas naturally devoid of seagrass without modifying the existing environment, natural processes will continue to preside and the relocated seagrass should not necessarily persist (Fonseca et al., 1998). Additionally, Hurricane Matthew passed through the Pamlico Sound and surrounding areas on 8 and 9 October 2016, five months after seagrass relocation, prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure. The hurricane had average wind speeds ranging from 32 to 64 kph (20 to 40 mph) with maximum wind speeds of 129 kph (80 mph) initially from the north, and then switching direction out of the southeast as the storm passed. Severe flooding occurred along the coast with an average rainfall of 22.1 cm (8.7 in) (http://www.weather.gov/mhx/MatthewSummary). It is possible that the relocated seagrass had not fully established a sufficiently robust root and rhizome system during the five months from relocation to the storm event, leaving them susceptible to erosion. Additionally, sand accumulation on the south side of the structure due to scouring has been observed in physical monitoring surveys and may be inhibiting seagrass survival in the immediately adjacent planted areas. Seagrass cover in coastal North Carolina naturally declines in winter months (Thayer et al., 1984) and therefore lower cover was expected during the January 2017 survey. Cover in the reference area was CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 22 also very low at this time (7%), which also may have been attributable to Hurricane Matthew and/or the sampling event occurring in winter. Since the January 2017 survey, seagrass in the planted areas has fluctuated, and cover was <12%during the last monitoring event in July-August 2020. Seagrass cover in the reference area has also fluctuated throughout the monitoring program (not including seasonal fluctuations with higher cover in summer and fall surveys) but recovered since the very low cover observed during the January 2017 survey. With this survey, seagrass monitoring has been performed for four years post-relocation. At this point, the dramatic fluctuation of cover among surveys in both the planting and reference areas is likely the result of storm impacts and a highly patchy and shifting seagrass distribution. Percent cover for the monitoring program to date, based on average BB scores, is 6.0% in the planting areas and 46.1% in the reference area (Figure 6). 3.2 AREAL SEAGRASS COVER The Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was forecast to include a total area of 301.6 acres (122.1 hectares), and boundaries were determined by using the wave forecast model prediction. Seagrass cover within these boundaries was determined by classifying areas of seagrass based on aerial imagery provided by NCDOT in March 2017 (Figure 7) and April 2018 (Figure 8). Classification resulted in 33.4 acres (13.5 hectares) in March 2017 and 24.9 (10.1 hectares) in April 2018 of total seagrass cover over the 301.6-acre (122.1-hectare)site. By visual estimation of these figures, it appears that seagrass cover was lost in the patchy areas north and east of the wavebreak from 2017 to 2018. In aquatic systems, classification methods for aerial imagery rarely achieve 100%accuracy.This is because, unlike terrestrial systems, whose classification is limited primarily by atmospheric conditions, classification of aquatic systems, especially benthic components, is limited by both atmospheric and water conditions. Thus, accuracy of seagrass classification largely depends on water clarity and sea surface condition at the time of imagery acquisition. Weather events affect waves on the water surface which actively degrade visualization of the seafloor, as well as water clarity. In addition, wind events occurring immediately prior to imagery collection may cause latent sediment suspension that negatively impact results. Finally, many seagrass patches were interdigitated with sand and often non-contiguous, which complicates precise delineation. In addition to atmospheric and water column effects, mosaicking of the image produced shading gradients which interfered with seagrass classification accuracy of the seagrass areas and appeared to be the source of most inaccuracy. An absence of ground control points taken in association with the imagery impeded further accuracy assessment. In both 2017 and 2018, interpretation of seagrass cover was compromised by the generally poor quality of the imagery. Large areas of high surface reflectance and presence of white `flecks' in the imagery over much of the AOI impaired or completely prevented interpretation of seagrass cover. Discrimination of seagrass cover apart from sand was also difficult because of low contrast among the two habitat types. This may have resulted from high water levels, low visibility, low sun intensity, or some combination thereof. Upcoming utilization of low-altitude, high resolution imagery should improve seagrass cover delineation. Following the April 2018 overflight, no further overflight data were processed under this award. However, aerial data sets were collected monthly beginning in August 2018 under a separate NCDOT contract. GIS-based SAV interpretation was performed on monthly aerial imagery datasets in 2018, 2019, in addition to a previous dataset from January 2017 which was collected immediately following construction of the wavebreak. SAV acreage per wind reduction zone and a reference zone were tabulated for each of these monthly assessments (CSA 2018, 2019) (Table 3). CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 23 • 75°35'40"W 75°35'30'1N 75°35'20"W 75`3510W 75°350'W b m z v VA - � a Area i Shown - ► ° NC •s AL„l, i! , ,,t: r f A z . : - �" b En `A -. T�!..8 A 4. -4," -4 tt 4 1� 41 K • } � � N� y a, 7e ' w n+r 'at" r a 1 'a �. L tt 'r �.fylr •y ..y 0ryc 2 1. o t f jlir i c tt G rG,f5. AAc i'r '`1 • • '• „ae ` +� t• 4. 4, '11. t �A 4+ifc.. l;; '�G. ..t. ai- �Qii � F dy t,. .1 r', 1� ,"'' � .0, * in `',�,t • ' 4 4 z b cc) 2 .. • v N L« } Y e , i +[i Legenda. LSeagrass Area 75°3540'W 75°3530"W 75'3520'W 75°35'10'W 75°35'0'W 0 50 100 200 Meters /*II* Iiiililil0 CB A Coordinate System NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolna FIPS 3200 Feet Figure 7. Baseline classification results identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the 24 March 2017 overflight. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 24 75'35'4(7w 75.3530'W 75'3520' 75.3510W 75.35aw co 2Area Shown y Ns' a .. z 1 A. _` %40 , a+•..- •�" .. •i \ •.' N • •co . • '_I,' • .S. ♦r e• •.• b to • Ak„ ' ...•: -'1 : I 4 4 .. I` �/ i / r b ' /i ay111 . vor'...>*. i ilk-,,.... ,.. •,-,7 - .1.11, it ,../.44.2. ...,,,--.• .. 4}i. K 41 7"► � s fir ; * .. 1,. le z b z ..1 n . ., 4 . 1 a • e .: a' s a Legend Li. .. . . . Seagrass Area 75°35'40'W 75'35'30W 75.3520"W 75'35101W 75'35'0'W 0 100 200 400 Meters i, r t I I I I r I • 10 rC BA Coordinate System.NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Figure 8. Enlarged view of baseline aerial imagery(left) and classification results (right) identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the 18 April 2018 overflight. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 25 Table 3. Total area of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) per wave energy reduction zone based on GIS interpretation of monthly aerial imagery data sets of the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Area of SAV Jan Aug Sep Oct March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (Acres) 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Reference 1.61 1.07 1.97 1.88 0.91 0.31 1.21 1.21 1.63 2.00 1.73 1.55 1.67 1.54 Zone Wavebreak: 0.17 0.33 0.37 0.31 0.20 0.19 0.21 0.21 0.24 0.17 0.12 0.11 0.15 0.12 >66% Wavebreak: 1.17 2.06 2.36 1.90 1.35 1.15 1.39 1.64 1.75 1.58 1.39 1.35 1.44 1.26 34-66% Wavebreak: 11.63 6.41 15.24 14.87 11.82 8.82 12.33 14.33 15.02 16.31 15.63 14.90 15.59 13.13 5-33% 3.3 SEDIMENT ELEVATION Rod Heights: Sediment elevation was monitored across the entire site by measuring the center rods at 40 seagrass patches selected for a bioturbation study(see Appendix II for description of this since-terminated experiment) and four additional sediment rods placed in sandy substrate. These 44 rods were installed in May 2016 at locations randomly selected from within the four strata (11 per strata) defined by the forecasted wave reduction pattern following wavebreak placement (high wave energy reduction =>66%; moderate reduction = 34 to 66%, low reduction = 5 to 33%, and ambient or reference =<5% reduction (Appendix Figure II-1).Across all surveys, no rods were located that were below the sediment surface despite extensive searching and probing. If buried rods were not located, this suggests surveys were potentially biased towards measurements indicating a lower elevation of the sediment surface. Change in sediment elevation was computed among the replicate rods in each of the wave energy reduction strata among all combinations of survey dates. In lieu of survey to survey changes which revealed no clear pattern of change over time, comparisons with the first survey time were performed (Figures 9 and 10). A one-way ANOVA comparing changes in sediment elevations at each survey versus that of the initial survey(Survey 1 = May 2016), by wave energy reduction strata revealed that only comparisons among Survey 1 and Surveys 4, 6, and 7 had differences in sediment elevation among Reference and High wave reduction zone; only Surveys 4 and 6 also had differences among the Reference and Low and High wave reduction zones (Table 4). There has been no temporal sequence to these differences as they have occurred in comparisons with both spring and fall surveys. However, differences were driven by the sediment accumulation in the High wave reduction zone, closest to the wavebreak which shows some consistency with the near-field sediment elevation surveys.A clear pattern of sediment accumulation across wave energy strata emerged from this analysis. Sediment accumulated most in the High wave energy reduction zone closest to the wavebreak with decreasing sediment accumulation with decreasing wave energy reduction and distance from the wavebreak (Figures 9 and 10).This pattern has remained consistent among the surveys, again corroborating the near-field survey work(below). CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 26 Survey 1 vs Survey 2 Survey 1 vs Survey 3 Survey 1 vs Survey 4 Survey 1 vs Survey 5 0.5• -- - 0.5, 0.5 0.5 0.4- 0.4- 0.4= ! 0.4 0.3- 0.3. 0.3- 0.3 0.2• 0.2• 0.2- 0.2 0.1. T T T 0.1. 0.1. 01 . T 00 ou ao o.o, -01 O, •0.1- .0.1 02 0211! 0 a2• 1 -0.2 c i. 03 03• 0.3• 0.3� to -0.4- -04• -0.4- _ -0.4 1 LTA -0.6- -0.5- -0.5- -0.5,. -0.6- 46- -0.6- I -0.6- I •0.7- •0.7- •0.7- •0.7- -0.e. •0.8- -o.e• j -08- -0.0- -0.0- •0.e- i •0A- -1.0- •1.0• •1.0- •1.0- -1.1- -1.1- -1.1- -1.1- -1.2- •1.2• •1.2- -1.2- I -1.3- -1.3- •1.3- •1.3- -1.4- -1.4- -1.4- -1.4- •1.5 -1.5 1 -1.5- -- .._ -1.5• 1 1o_red mdjed ni'_md rd l0 red md_red mK red ref to red md_red mind ref to red md_red md_red ref zone Zone Zone zone Figure 9. Change in sediment elevation (del_ht in ft, MLLW)over time monitored at rods installed in previous bioturbation study. H= area of high wave energy reduction by the wavebreak; M = medium; L= low; R= reference (no wave energy reduction). Error bars represent±one standard deviation.The comparisons (e.g., 1_2, 1_3, etc. refer to comparisons among the first survey(May 2016) and subsequent surveys. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 27 Survey 1 vs Survey 6 Survey 1 vs Survey 7 Survey 1 vs Survey 8 0.5 I 0.5- • _. _ 0.5 0.4i ! 0.4- 0.4 0.3., 0.3- 0.3 0.2± 0.2- 0.2 0.1 - 0.1• - 0.1 0.0- 0.0 - 0.0 -0.1 - 11! -0.1 1 -0.1 -0.2 4 I -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 1 ____ - -0.3 -0.4 -0.4- -0.4 _,-1__ -0.5 -0.5- -0.5 - -0.6 I -0.6- ------ -0.6 -0.7 -0.7- -0.7 -01 -0.0- -0.0 -0.9 -0.9- -0.9 -1.0 1.0. -1.0 -1.1 -1.1• -1.1 -1.2 -1.2- -1.2 -1.3 -1.3- -1.3 -1.4 I -1.4. -1.4 -1.5 - I -1.5 -1.5 i lo_red md_red mx_red ref to red md_red mx_red ref 1o_red md_red mz red ref zone zone zone Figure 10. Change in sediment elevation (del_ht in ft, MLLW) over time monitored at rods installed in previous bioturbation study. H= area of high wave energy reduction by the wavebreak; M = medium; L= low; R = reference (no wave energy reduction). Error bars represent±one standard deviation.The comparisons (e.g., 1_6, 1_7, etc. refer to comparisons among the first survey(May 2016) and subsequent surveys. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 28 Table 4. One-way ANOVA testing differences in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) from rods installed at previous bioturbation patches between Survey 1 and subsequent surveys. Survey 1 = May 2016,Survey 2 =January 2017, Survey 3 = October 2017, Survey 4 = May 2018, Survey 5 = October 2018, Survey 6= May 2019, Survey 7 = October 2019, Survey 8=July 2020. Wave energy reduction Survey 1 Survey 1 Survey 1 Survey 1 Survey 1 Survey 1 Survey 1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Reference(none) ND ND H+ ND H+ H+ ND Low ND ND H+ ND H+ ND ND Medium ND ND ND ND ND ND ND High ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Shaded bars=significant effect at p<_0.05;comparisons with the same letters are not significantly different.ND=no significant difference.Cells with no information represent strata where rods could not be located,presumably due to excessive sediment deposition.R=reference, H=high wave energy reduction zone,M=medium wave energy reduction zone,L=low energy wave reduction zone. Near-field Sediment Elevation Survey: The surveys conducted by SEPI revealed significant scour pits have formed under the wavebreak units themselves.This sediment is suspected to be the source of the persistent light-colored band visible to the south of the wavebreak in aerial images (Figure 3).The 5 transects surveyed were treated as replicates for evaluating sediment elevation on both the north and south sides of the wavebreak, by distance. A comparison of sediment elevations by distance and side of wavebreak (north vs south) showed a generally consistent pattern of erosion in the immediate proximity of the structure, but little change in sediment elevation with distance on either side of the wavebreak (Appendix IV). In all cases where there was a significant difference in the sediment elevation between the north and south sides of the wavebreak,the south side was shallower. Upon examination under 2-way ANOVA(Table 5)there was no significant interaction of the main effects (distance, side), allowing each main effect to be re-tested independently. This statistical difference between the north and south side of the wavebreak has been detected in 46% of the surveys.There has been no obvious temporal pattern of when the south side was statistically different(shallower) than the north side of the wavebreak.Therefore, while some evidence of shoaling on the south side of the wavebreak has been detected, it is not a persistent or predictable difference which leads to the speculation that this periodic difference may also be influenced by sand accumulation patterns operating at a larger spatial scale than that influenced by the wavebreak. Importantly, while statistically different,the elevation differential among the north and south side was in the range of about 6 inches. Despite being shallower,the south side was still within the range of seagrass growth as attested by the presence of numerous seagrass patches within this near-field survey area. During the final survey for this project in summer of 2021, a new digital elevation model will be developed for the larger shoal environment (Figure 11). A comparison will be made between the summer 2021 and the June 2016 survey which may shed light on any larger scale trends in shoal elevation. But at this time the wavebreak cannot be said to have caused a persistent, significant shallowing of the nearby shoal. The effect of distance irrespective of side was significant (p<0.05) at every survey time. Again, irrespective of side, significant differences were driven by the 0 distance (immediately abutting the wavebreak) and 5-foot distances from the wavebreak which were always the deepest for every survey (Appendix IV), reflecting the presence of the ongoing erosion pit under the structure.The ongoing(since surveys commenced in 2017) presence of this pit indicates that the experimental wavebreak is continually re-directing wave energy downward to the seafloor, otherwise these pits would have filled in long ago. Future utilization of this wavebreak design should consider this effect. In this case, this CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 29 ongoing redirection of wave energy has likely negatively affected the larger project plan by adding a mobile sand source to the location where the highest seagrass response (infilling of gaps among seagrass patches) was forecast and may have also negatively impacted the relocated seagrass(from the wavebreak footprint prior to construction) that was placed in the area where the sand apron subsequently developed. Moreover,the presence of the pit under the structure has resulted in the full suspension of the four concrete tiers composing the individual wavebreak units, above the sediment surface; however,the structure was designed for this. While the support ring has slipped on a handful of the units, resulting in individual wavebreak units sliding down the supporting piling,this has not obviously influenced the wavebreak capacity of the structure nor has it resulted in any obvious structural damage thus far. Continued, periodic inspections of the structure over time may be warranted to ascertain its resiliency in the face of the unpredicted formation of the persistent scour pit. Table 5. Results of 2-way ANOVA for the near-field sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by survey. Blue shading indicates a statistically significant(p<0.05) difference. Year 2017 2018 Month Jun Sep Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Distance <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0006 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0005 Side 0.7046 0.6983 1 0.0494 0.0011 0.0372 0.0608 0.0002 0.0002 Interaction 0.8913 0.9754 0.3347 0.777 0.118 0.0744 0.4098 0.8185 Year 2018 2019 Month Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Distance 0.0025 0.0022 <00006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0002 0.0022 0.0086 Side 0.0029 0.0036 0.0042 0.5273 0.1684 0.0825 0.2117 0.1080 Interaction 0.9695 0.6937 0.9016 0.8492 0.9147 0.6512 0.4738 0.9404 Year 2019 Month Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Distance 0.0024 0.0018 0.0010 0.0059 0.0046 0.0054 0.009 0.0007 Side 0.2650 0.0151 0.0170 0.0371 0.0349 0.0154 0.2313 0.1951 Interaction 0.8691 0.8486 0.7329 0.3447 0.9921 0.6555 0.6443 0.8709 Year 2019 2020 Month Nov Dec Jun Dec Distance 0.0005 0.005 0.0037 0.0052 Side 0.2641 0.0583 0.2639 1 0.7412 Interaction 0.7507 0.9423 0.4612 0.9923 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 30 USV Digital Elevation Model:The USV collected bathymetry data across the entire site in June 2016 (Figure 11). The survey was conducted during both flood and ebb tides and real-time tidal corrections were made to data collected. Water depths ranged from 0.7 to 1.6 m (2.3 to 5.2 ft) across the site. The western portion of the site was notably shallower than the eastern portion. The USV will collect bathymetry data during the final monitoring survey in summer 2021 and data will be compared to this baseline bathymetry. I wavebreak Q ,. 1Z.:1 - 3957000- r c -- I 3956800- /1„: _ - ,.3 0.6 b '�-J ,2 ,., 3956600- , ,. y ,J 0.8 (51 ` ro o 0.7 .•�'3956400- a� e_ r o , - 0.5 .„,^.-126 --.- a 0.4 t - , - - 0.3 3956200 `-' ` :-- 9 - A w • (..,.. • ( 1 !"-.1 -� ,-- t L C. 446600 446800 447000 447200 Figure 11. Track lines traveled by the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (black lines) and digital elevation model at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site prior to construction of the wavebreak (ultimate location of wavebreak shown). Soundings are in MLLW. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 31 3.4 WAVE REGIME AND MODEL VALIDATION Long Term Wave Regime: After the wavebreak was installed, pressure sensors were installed at specified stationary locations on both the north and south sides of the wavebreak to assess significant wave height(highest 1/3 of waves) distribution between the two sides of the wavebreak. Figure 12 shows the difference in the average daily significant wave heights over elapsed time.Through visual examination of the data, while there appears to be periods of time of where wave heights trend to be higher or lower on one side or the other,the periodicity does not form any apparent seasonal consistency. Overall,the average wave height detected on the south side of the wall was about 15% higher than that detected on the north side and these differences are statistically significant(one-way ANOVA, df 1, f 39.24, p<0.0001). However, a different picture emerges when only the top 5%of wave heights (considered to be a threshold of defining extreme events) are evaluated. Statistically,the average wave height of the top 5%of waves detected by the south-exposed sensor was significantly higher(mean of 0.20 m on the south versus 0.13 m on the north: one-way ANOVA, df 1,f 1976.1, p< 0.0001) (Table 6). However,there were 4,074 events where these waves were detected at the north-exposed sensor versus 814 at the south-exposed sensor or approximately five times as many events with waves of those composing the top 5%of all the wave heights detected on the north side of the wavebreak. Therefore, although average, minimum, and maximum wave heights were slightly larger from the south,the number of the largest waves was much greater from the north (and the maximum wave height of 0.44 m was still substantive), corroborating the original expectations of what the wind field on the coast of North Carolina might produce, which is why the forecast zone of reduction for the top 5%of wind waves was larger on the south side of the wavebreak. Table 6. Summary statistics of the top 5%of wave heights measured at the two sensor stations on the north and south sides of the wavebreak. Wavebreak Side Number of Mean Wave Minimum Wave Maximum Wave Range Wave Observations Height(m) Height(m) Height(m) Height(m) North 4074 0.13 0.07 0.44 0.37 South 814 0.20 0.14 0.51 0.37 WEMo model validation: Wave forecast modeling using WEMo was initially conducted in January 2016 for different lengths of the wavebreak structure. Modeling was re-analyzed in January 2017 after installation of the 500 ft(152 m) wavebreak (Appendix I).As done previously,the model was run on 65-foot(20-meter) grid cells, as the bathymetric data which are an important driver of the calculations was not more resolved than that distance. Forecast acreage of seagrass was computed by regression from the relationship of wave energy to seagrass cover(Fonseca and Bell 1998).The area of the seafloor experiencing at least a 5% reduction in wave energy was computed.The total acreage associated with the zones of wave reduction beyond the 5%threshold is given in Table 7.Theoretically, this could result in an overall total of 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares) of new seagrass. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 32 , Table 7. Areas for the wave energy reduction zones depicted in Appendix I in both acres and square meters. Percent Representative Wave Energy Reduction Square Meters Acres >66% 3,184 0.8 33%to 66% 21,153 5.2 5%to 33% 200,889 49.6 <5% 1,095,260 270.6 Opportunistic attempts (windy days during schedule site surveys) were also made to validate the site-specific WEMo model forecasts at very fine spatial resolution on the shoal. One wave sensor was unmoored from its permanent station and was utilized for WEMo model validation via systematic relocation across the site to collect data from 24 stations both north and south of the structure (Figure 4). WEMo computation for wave heights were made at these 24 stations and compared with waves measured at each station.An example from one survey is shown in Table 8. In all instances, the differences among the observed stations were very small which prevented computation of a meaningful relationship among the predicted and observed data. Moreover, because these sampling events were conducted within weather windows suitable for the overall survey,they occurred during relatively mild wind events. Besides the narrow range of wind events during which surveys could be performed, the lack of substantive changes in water depth across the site also resulted in a low variability in predicted values. Consequently, the combination of low variability in both predicted and observed data meant the attempt to perform a validation of the WEMo model at these times and over this small spatial extent did not yield sufficiently diagnostic data. Previous study(Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007) demonstrated a strong coefficient of determination (r2 ranging from 0.61 to 0.69) between predicted (by WEMo) and observed wave heights (using continuously recording [hourly burst measurements] wave sensors) in a study conducted over a wider range of conditions. Table 8. Observed wave heights in field using a wave sensor versus those predicted by WEMo at the same station. Variable Mean Wave Height Minimum Wave Maximum Wave Range Wave Height (m) Height(m) Height(m) (m) Observed 0.10 0.02 0.13 0.11 Predicted 0.05 0.001 0.16 0.16 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-0I-FIN 33 POS VALUE= NORTH HIGHER NEG VALUE= SOUTH HIGHER 0.15 - E e a) CO 0.10 - • o fa • ; • I • m • • ►` l�1 • 1 g 005 • YIP • . t • I • 11 I, 1 I • + . I I .111 m 0 I 1 1 , • I ' II kill,, �I ' 1 II i co II t t. !I I ' , I1 ' Ii ,, Ill ,�Iii II! ,) 1I I l .40 �; F 1,1- 1 I' I, Ill , I . i! ' �: .i 11 iiI, I I I I, ; i� -0.05 - '' , I r� f i . 1 • 1 r I • II • • • -0.10 • ._ n •• A • • S . -015 12/2016 03/2017 06/2017 10/2017 01/2018 04r2018 08/2018 11/2018 02/2019 05/2019 09/2019 12/2019 032020 07/2020 10/2020 Date Figure 12. Difference in hourly significant wave heights (m) between and north and south side of the wavebreak structure for January 2017 through July 2020. A data gap (area of straight line in 2017) arose from need to reposition and recalibrate sensors. Positive values =wave heights higher on north side; Negative values=wave heights higher on south side. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 34 After the model was run and a smoothing technique (kriging) applied (Appendix I), a disruption appeared in the wave reduction just south of the wavebreak. However, this was a product of the kriging and a small zone of 33 to 66%wave reduction just south of the wavebreak was a display artifact and was not part of the acreage calculations. 3.5 EPIBIOTA MONITORING Water Level Observations During the January 2017 baseline survey, ebb tides were extremely low and monitoring stations at all three elevation strata (high, middle,and low) were exposed above water. No visibly discernible biota had colonized the wavebreak and the percent cover of all biota was 0%. During the next annual monitoring survey in May 2018, consistent south/southwest winds resulted in high water levels at the wavebreak, even at ebb tide. Monitoring stations at the high elevation were exposed above water but primarily wet and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure during all tidal stages observed. The middle elevation monitoring stations were exposed above water during all tidal stages observed, also primarily wet, and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure.The low elevation monitoring stations were completely submerged at all tidal stages observed, even ebb tide. If turbidity levels were high, the middle and low strata monitoring stations were photographed at a closer distance than the high strata stations, requiring four close-up photographs per station which were later mosaicked together.This was also required during the July-August 2020 survey. During the May 2019 survey, ebb tides were relatively high. Monitoring stations at the high elevation were exposed above water during all tidal stages observed but primarily wet and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure.The middle elevation monitoring stations were exposed above water during ebb tides, and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure.The low elevation monitoring stations were completely submerged at all tidal stages observed, even ebb tide. During the July-August 2020 survey,ebb tides were also relatively high. Monitoring stations at the high elevation were exposed above water during all tidal stages observed but primarily wet and splashed by waves hitting the structure during windy periods. The middle elevation monitoring stations were partially exposed above water during ebb tides. The low elevation monitoring stations were completely submerged at all tidal stages observed. Epibiota Colonization As in previous annual surveys,the percent cover of colonizing biota was assessed from photographs of each of the 60 fixed monitoring stations along the wavebreak. Data was grouped first by substrate type (concrete or rock),then by strata (elevations related to the individual wave attenuator tier placement; high [top tier], middle [2"d lowest tier], and low [3rd lowest tier]), and by orientation (north or south side of the wavebreak). Percent cover results for concrete and rock monitoring stations are displayed in Tables 9 and 10, respectively. Representative photographs of colonized substrate and sessile and motile fauna from the July-August 2020 survey are displayed in Appendix V. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 35 Table 9. Percent cover of biota from concrete epibiota monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017 and annual monitoring surveys in May 2018, May 2019, and July-August 2020. Scaled color bars added for emphasis. Concrete-North Biota or Non-Living Substrate 2017 2018 2019 2020 High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low Biota Macroalgae 0 0 0 34.12 41.11 20.14 78.04 64.27 81.75 40.73 51.92 85.23 Barnacle 0 0 0 5.51 37.61 64.03 2.84 30.26 15.00 2.53 32.97 10.80 Hydroid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.87 0 Oyster 0 0 0 0 0.58 0 0.26 1.44 2.75 0 7.69 3.69 Cyanobacteria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-living substrate Concrete 100 100 100 60.37 20.7 15.83 18.86 4.03 0.50 56.74 0.55 0.28 Rock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Major categories TOTAL BIOTA 0 0 0 39.63 79.3 84.17 81.14 95.97 99.50 43.26 99.45 99.72 TOTAL NON-LIVING SUBSTRATE 100 100 100 60.37 20.7 15.83 18.86 4.03 0.50 56.74 0.55 0.28 Concrete-South Biota or Non-Living Substrate 2017 2018 2019 2020 High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low Biota Macroalgae 0 0 0 14.51 14.49 16.81 75.57 38.71 66.26 43.57 53.83 93.66 Barnacle 0 0 0 0 46.67 73.01 0 34.14 24.94 0 14.29 2.02 Hydroid 0 0 0 0 0 ! 6.64 0 0 0 0 4.08 0 Oyster 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.61 8.80 0 1.28 4.32 Cyanobacteria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-living substrate Concrete 100 100 100 85.49 38.84 3.54 24.43 25.54 0 56.43 26.53 0 Rock 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Major categories TOTAL BIOTA 0 0 0 14.51 61.16 96.46 75.57 74.46 100 43.57 73.47 100 TOTAL NON-LIVING SUBSTRATE 100 100 100 85.49 38.84 3.54 24.43 25.54 0 56.43 26.53 0.00 High,Middle and Low refer to elevations related to the individual wave attenuator tier placement(high [top tier],middle[2nd lowest tier],and low[3rd lowest tier]). CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 36 Table 10. Percent cover of biota from rock epibiota monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017 and annual monitoring surveys in May 2018, May 2019, and July-August 2020. Scaled color bars added for emphasis. Rock-North Biota or Non-Living Substrate 2017 2018 2019 2020 High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low Biota Macroalgae 0 0 0 0 h 5.06 1.35 0 0 12.94 2.41 31.40 I82.09 Barnacle 0 0 0 0 ___29.11 [J 14.86 1 7 _;23.53 11.76 0 24.42 0 Hydroid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oyster 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 7.84 III 18.82 0 11.63 L 16.42 Cyanobacteria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 4.9 Li4.13 0 0 0 Non-living substrate Concrete 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 I 3.93 0 20.48 0 1 1.49 Rock 100 100 100 100 65.82 83.78 93 a. 59.8 22.35 77.11 32.56 0 Major categories TOTAL BIOTA 0 0 0 0 34.17 16.21 7 36.2/ 77.65 I 2.41 67_44 98.51 TOTAL NON-LIVING SUBSTRATE 100 100 100 100 65.82 83.78 100 63.73 22.35 .97.59 32.56 ! 1.49 Rock-South Biota or Non-Living Substrate 2017 2018 2019 2020 High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low Biota Macroalgae 0 0 0 0 0 1.41 0 16.09 53.66 0 84.72 75.68 Barnacle 0 0 0 0 I 3.51 16.9 0 4.6 24.39 0 9.72 0 Hydroid 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oyster 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.3 ® 13.41 0 0 21.62 Cyanobacteria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-living substrate Concrete 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 3.06 lj 6.9 0 IL 18.29 1.39 I 2.70 Rock 100 100 100 100 ;,_96.49 81.169] 1.194 I W70.1 j [j 8.54 11.1tni. I 4.17 0 Major categories TOTAL BIOTA 0 0 0 0 I 3.51 18.31 0 122.99 Ink.46 I 0 4.44 j ..30 I TOTAL NON-LIVING SUBSTRATE 100 gum 100 _J I 100 96.49 81.69 i Mik-IIIIP;:.01.1 U 8.54 l 0 5.56 .I 2.70 High,Middle and Low refer to elevations related to the individual wave attenuator tier placement(high[top tier],middle[2nd lowest tier],and low[3rd lowest tier]). CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 37 Colonizing biota observed on concrete substrate included barnacles, macroalgae (primarily unidentified green hair algae), hydroids, and oysters (Table 9). For concrete stations, biotic colonization was dominated by barnacles in 2018 followed by macroalgae in 2019 and 2020 for most strata. Percent cover of barnacles declined from 2018 to 2020, particularly in the low strata. Percent cover of macroalgae increased for all strata in 2019, then became more variable in cover, showing some decreases and increases depending on strata in 2020. In 2018, hydroids were only present on south side low strata (6.6%cover), not observed in 2019, and observed in low cover(<_6.9%) on middle strata only (both north and south sides) in 2020.To date, oysters have had no appreciable cover on the high strata, and middle and low strata showed no appreciable cover until 2019. In 2019 and 2020, oyster cover gradually increased on middle and low strata on the north side yet decreased for these strata on the south side. The highest oyster cover(8.8%) thus far on concrete was found in 2019 on low strata on the south side. Colonizing biota on rock substrate to date includes macroalgae, barnacles, oysters, and cyanobacteria; no hydroids have been observed (Table 10). For rock stations, biotic colonization was dominated by barnacles on both sides of the structure in 2018. However, in 2019 macroalgae or oysters were dominant depending on strata. In 2020, macroalgae was the dominant biota among all strata and sides of the structure. Oysters on rock substrate were first recorded during the 2019 survey on middle and low strata and cover has generally increased within these strata from 2019 to 2020. However, oysters have not been observed on high strata throughout the monitoring program. A pulse of cyanobacteria was present on the north side middle and low elevation strata in 2019. In 2020,the veined rapa whelk (rapana venosa) along with egg masses (Appendix V, Photo V-2) were observed on one portion of the wavebreak. Upon further investigation, it was learned that this species is considered invasive in the Chesapeake Bay(Mann et al., 2006). Further observations will be made during the next survey to gather more quantitative data relative to its distribution and abundance on the structure. In 2020, epibiotic cover on the low elevation strata was nearly 100%for both rock and concrete surfaces, irrespective of side of the structure. Middle elevation strata also showed high cover, lagging slightly behind the low strata. High elevation strata continued to show the least cover. For all elevation strata, concrete exhibited greater total colonization by biota versus rock on both north and south sides of the structure. Concrete typically exhibited greater colonization by macroalgae and fauna than the rock substrate, while oysters have shown greater affinity for the rock substrate. While a clear trend of increased colonization has occurred, there were non-systematic fluctuations in cover among year, side, and elevation strata,which is not uncommon for sessile intertidal communities. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 38 4.0 Conclusions The wavebreak was successfully installed in January 2017 (Photo 11) and passed its post-construction engineering inspection. Monitoring will continue for an additional year, through 2021 (Table 1) which will build from this report. Photo 11. North-oriented view of the wavebreak installed in January 2017 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.The total structure length is 500 ft (152 m). Seagrasses were successfully relocated from the construction corridor to two planting zones south of the wavebreak footprint in May 2016. Seagrasses in the area are composed of all three of the marine species found in North Carolina (mixed H. wrightii, R. maritima,Z. marina). Seagrass cover measured within the confines of natural, colonized seagrass displayed a large increase from May 2016 to July-August 2020 (+51%).The planted seagrass area showed a decrease of-21%during this same timeframe. The increased cover observed in the natural area may partially be the result of sampling early(May)versus late (August) in the growing season. As for the planting areas, Hurricane Matthew in October 2016 likely impacted newly relocated seagrasses. The hurricane passed over the mitigation site prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure; thus,the relocated area was highly exposed to an extreme wave event only 5 months after planting which could have led to disruption of the relocated material. In October of 2017, no seagrass was found in the randomly selected sampling stations from both planting areas. Subsequent surveys found cover ranging from 0.7 to 14.9% in the planted areas while during the same time, cover in the reference area ranged from 23.7 to 100%cover. At this point, the low cover among surveys in the planted areas is likely the result of sand deposition on the immediate south side of the wavebreak arising from sand being mobilized from under the structure, which could be impeding seagrass colonization.The variable cover observed in the reference area is likely the result of storm impacts and a highly patchy and shifting seagrass distribution. Percent cover has thus far averaged 6.0% in the planted areas and 46.1% in the reference area. A bioturbation experiment to help determine the relative role of bioturbation versus wave energy reduction in seagrass space occupation was significantly disrupted by unknown sources. Only 20% of the mesh (8 out of 40 remesh sheets) was relocated during the January 2017 survey.The wavebreak was not present during this time so comparisons could only be tested among the remaining 8 remesh sheets and CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 39 those edges that did not receive remesh.There was no significant difference (p<0.05) among the change in seagrass patch diameter between the remesh and no remesh treatments, preliminarily indicating that bioturbation was not strongly influencing the expansion of patch margins at that time. However, the passage of Hurricane Matthew may have obscured effects (disturbance effects like Hurricane Matthew erode seagrass patches from their edge, much like sting ray bioturbation [Fonseca et al., 2000]). Physical data collection of sediment elevation and wave energy has been completed from 2016 through 2020.A digital elevation model (DEM) of the site was collected using the USV in June 2016 and these data will be compared with a final DEM survey in summer 2021 to determine net sediment accumulation or loss in the project area. Sediment elevation rods will also continue to be monitored to gain an understanding of short-term fluctuations in sediment elevation.A clear pattern of sediment accumulation across wave energy strata emerged from this analysis. Sediment accumulated most in the High wave energy reduction zone closest to the wavebreak with decreasing sediment accumulation with decreasing wave energy reduction and distance from the wavebreak. More detailed monitoring of the near-field sediment elevation (within 150 feet) and the far-field (spread over the entire wave energy forecast area) has shown a stable profile over time. With the near-field monitoring,the south side has consistently been approximately 0.5 ft shallower than the north but still within the range of colonization by seagrass, as is evidenced by the continued presence of seagrass in this area, including the planting and reference areas. The final wave modeling effort indicated that theoretically,the wavebreak influence on seagrass cover could result in a total of 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares) of new seagrass overall.Aerial imagery was collected by NCDOT in March 2017 and April 2018.That collection was terminated in April 2018 and replaced by monthly surveys under another contract. GIS-based SAV interpretation was performed on the monthly aerial imagery datasets in 2018, 2019, in addition to a previous dataset from January 2017 which was collected immediately following construction of the wavebreak. SAV acreage per wind reduction zone and a reference zone were tabulated for each of these monthly assessments to capture changes in seagrass cover at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site (CSA 2018, 2019). Assessment of epibiotic colonization has occurred annually using a stratified random, repeated measures design. Photographs of the exact locations on the structures, stratified by relative tidal elevation and north and south sides of the wall have been repeated over time to quantify epibiotic colonization trajectory, abundance, and composition. As expected, there was no discernible epibiotic colonization during the Baseline Survey in January 2017.At the time of the May 2018 survey, colonization of the structure was apparent, primarily by macroalgae and barnacles.To date, a clear trend of increasing colonization continues with high levels of colonization among all elevations of the wavebreak structure, irrespective of side (north or south facing). In 2020,the most frequently observed biotic cover on concrete and rock substrates was macroalgae. Concrete typically exhibited greater colonization by macroalgae and fauna than the rock substrate,while oysters have shown greater affinity for the rock substrate. In 2020, epibiotic cover on the low elevation strata was nearly 100%for both rock and concrete surfaces, irrespective of side of the structure. Middle elevation strata also showed high coverage, lagging slightly behind the low strata. High elevation strata continued to show the least cover. Non-systematic fluctuations in cover among year, side, and elevation strata have been observed, which is not uncommon for sessile intertidal communities. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 40 5.0 References Bohnsack,J.A. 1979. Photographic quantitative sampling of hard-bottom benthic communities. Bulletin of Marine Science 29:242-252. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233545259 Photographic Quantitative Sampling o f Hard-Bottom Benthic Communities Braun-Blanquet,J., G.D. Fuller and H.S. Conrad. 1972. Plant Sociology:the Study of Plant Communities. Hafner. New York, NY. https://archive.org/details/plantsociologyst00brau CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA). 2017. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site: Baseline Monitoring Survey Report. Prepared for North Carolina Department of Transportation, Natural Environment Section. 38 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA). 2018. UAS Photogrammetry of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site— 2018 Summary Report. Prepared for Rummel Klepper& Kahl, 16 pp. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA). 2019. UAS Photogrammetry of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site— 2019 Summary Report. Prepared for Rummel Klepper& Kahl, 70 pp. Fonseca, M.S. and S.S. Bell. 1998.The influence of physical setting on seagrass landscapes near Beaufort, NC, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 171:109-121. https://www.int- res.com/articles/meps/171/m171p109.pdf Fonseca, M.S.,W.J. Kenworthy, and G.W.Thayer. 1998. Guidelines for the Conservation and Restoration of Seagrass in the United States and Adjacent Waters. NOAA COP/Decision Analysis Series. 222 pp. http://aquaticcommons.org/14649/1/das12.pdf Fonseca, M.S., W.J. Kenworthy, and P.E. Whitfield. 2000. Temporal dynamics of seagrass landscapes: a preliminary comparison of chronic and extreme disturbance events. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7:373-376. Fonseca, M.S., P.E. Whitfield, N.M. Kelly, and S.S. Bell. 2002. Modeling seagrass landscape pattern and associated ecological attributes. Ecological Applications 12:218-237. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228827676_Modeling_Seagrass_Landscape_Pattern _and_Associated_Ecological_Attributes Fourqurean,J.W., A. Willsie, and C.D. Rose. 2001. Spatial and temporal pattern in seagrass community composition and productivity in south Florida. Marine Biology 138:341-354. http://seagrass.fiu.edu/resources/publications/Reprints/Fourqurean%20et%20a1%202001%20M arine%20Biology.PDF Kelly, N.M., M.S. Fonseca, and P.E. Whitfield. 2001. Predictive mapping for management of seagrass beds.Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 11:437-451. Kenworthy, W.J. and A. Schwarzchild. 1997.Vertical growth and short shoot demography in Syringodium filiforme in outer Florida Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 173:25-37. https://www.int- res.com/articles/meps/173/m173p025.pdf CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 41 Kohler, K.E. and S.M. Gill. 2006. Coral Point Count with Excel extensions(CPCe): A Visual Basic program for the determination of coral and substrate coverage using random point count methodology. Computers and Geosciences 32(9):1,259-1,269. Malhotra, A. and M.S. Fonseca. 2007. WEMo (Wave Exposure Model): Formulation, Procedures and Validation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS#65. 28 pp. https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/9331 Mann, R., J.M. Harding, and E. Westcott. 2006. Occurrence of imposex and seasonal patterns of gametogenesis in the invading veined rapa whelk Rapana venosa from Chesapeake Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 310: 129-138. North Carolina Department of Transportation. 2015. STIP B-2500 Bonner Bridge Phase I SAV Mitigation Plan, Pamlico Sound, Oregon Inlet Dare County, North Carolina. 9 pp. +apps. Thayer, G.W., W.J. Kenworthy and M.S. Fonseca 1984. The Ecology of Eelgrass Meadows of the Atlantic Coast: A CommunityProfile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-84/02. https://digitalmedia.fws.gov/digital/collection/document/id/1732/ Townsend, E. and M.S. Fonseca. 1998.The influence of bioturbation on seagrass landscape patterns. Marine Ecology Progress Series 169:123-132. https://www.int- res.com/articles/meps/169/m169p123.pdf CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 42 Appendix I Project Site Selection CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 1-1 In 2015, CSA completed the process of site selection ([Report] Table 1). Existing seagrass cover and site conditions were compared between potential mitigation sites within the Pamlico Sound in the vicinity (".8 km [^'5 mi]) of the Oregon Inlet.The Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was identified on a historically stable shoal, where seagrass growth was evident, and had the most potential for increased seagrass cover with gap closure among existing patches of the sites examined.The site was located near dredge spoil islands approximately 4.8 km (3 mi) southwest of the existing Bonner Bridge at Oregon Inlet. Wave and seagrass response models were utilized to determine the length of the wavebreak forecast to achieve the 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares) of seagrass mitigation. Also, in 2015, CSA completed development of the wavebreak design and placement, a task which required both wave forecasting,seagrass recovery forecasting and engineering sub consultation for placement of the structure design. Wave forecast modeling (Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007) was utilized to estimate the wave reduction effects of the wavebreak structure. Percent wave reduction was computed from comparisons of no-wavebreak and wavebreak modeling scenarios for various length wavebreak structures. The percent wave energy reduction for a given length wavebreak was converted to percent seagrass cover(recomputed from Fonseca and Bell, 1998) to predict the overall increase in seagrass acreage across the site as the result of wave reduction.The 500-foot (152-meter) long wall was designed with an inverted "V-shape"consisting of two 250-foot (76.2-meter) sections. The V-shape was a professional judgement on the part of the design team to mitigate wave impacts on the wall from the forecast direction of maximum wave height development (northerly).Thus,the wavebreak was oriented on the site to attenuate the dominant north and northeasterly exceedance event (wind events composing the local top 5%of all hourly wind speeds, along with their direction, over the preceding three years period) winds and create a calmer environment on the lee side (south facing side) of the structure to promote seagrass patch coalescence and new, permanent seagrass acreage. Once the 500-foot (152-meter) wall length was selected by NCDOT (the wall length that most closely approximated the forecast 1.28 acres [0.52 hectares] of new seagrass cover), four wave energy regimes (treatments)were defined from a cumulative frequency analysis of the area covered by the modeling effort where greater than 5%energy reduction was forecast to occur as the result of the wavebreak (Figure I-1). The wave energy regimes represent high wave energy reduction (>66%forecast reduction), moderate reduction (34 to 66%), low reduction (5 to 33%), and ambient or reference (<5% reduction). These wave energy reduction regimes became strata for random selection of various sampling described below. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN I-1 • 75°35'317W 75°3520"W 75°35'10'W 75°35'0"W aNags Hd, • `MC aneo• o 1 \ • rr Wanchese '1 N C Area Shown • j_ o ~ ( b f • m _ i to Z to p Q O A y� Legend 500ft Wavebreak Structure Percent RWE Reduction >66% • 33%-66% 5%-33% -<5% 75'35'30"W 75'35'20'W 75°35'17W 75°35'0'W 75'34'50 W 0 100 200 400 Meters -.. .4** I 1 $ I I I I I0 CS A Coordinate System:WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure I-1. Post-construction forecast of wave energy(RWE; representative wave energy [J m-1 wave crest]) based on 500-foot (152-meter) wavebreak structure, superimposed on image of seagrass cover. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 1-2 Project Engineering and Design CSA subcontracted SEPI Engineering to design the wavebreak and provide the engineering Signed and Sealed Design Plans. The wavebreak was designed based on wave height forecasts provided by CSA using the WEMo model (Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007) and the aforementioned exceedance event winds. To meet the 500-foot (152-meter) design length,the structure was composed of 101 individual "Atlantic Reefmaker" units each containing a central piling, one concrete base unit, and three concrete wave attenuator units stacked on the base unit and each embedded with natural granite rock to increase surface area for epibiota colonization (each unit was 4.8 ft x 4.8 ft x 4 ft [1.46 m x 1.46 m x 1.22 m]) (Photos I-1 and 1-2). Granite rock was chosen to prevent bioerosion of the enhanced surface area. Each unit had a bottom clamp and a top collar installed to secure the concrete layers to the central piling to hold the base and wave attenuator tiers in a fixed vertical position on the piling, preventing settling into the sand substrate over time. 6 , �,. I ti.\ s \-- ...... r . r K r.` rt r cam _ t.. ' K -.a � . ^IjR 4 Photo I-1. East-facing view of installation of the central pilings with piling clamps at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Yellow arrow points to an installed clamp. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 1-3 • y'. 1' .. r�� 'r►li.,. ',`rnz. �^-..ter. - 31 ... i ' • Int A p - 91 1. rt Photo 1-2. One Atlantic Reefmaker unit consisting of one base unit on the bottom and three wave attenuator tiers containing granite rock. One hundred and one of these units were installed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. For scale, the width of the units is 4.8 ft (1.46 m). CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 1-4 To evaluate the influence of biological disturbance on seagrass patches at the site (sensu Townsend and Fonseca, 1998), CSA installed a bioturbation exclusion experiment in May 2016. There, 40 locations were randomly selected from within strata (10 per strata) defined by the forecasted wave reduction pattern following wavebreak placement (high wave energy reduction =>66%; moderate reduction = 34 to 66%, low reduction = 5 to 33%, and ambient or reference=<5% reduction) (Figure II-1). The nearest isolated seagrass patch to that location was then selected for application of the experimental treatment.At the center of all 40 patches, a 2.4-meter(8-foot) long stainless-steel rod (Photo II-1) was driven into the sediment until only 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 in) remained above the sediment. Five randomly selected patches were assigned wire mesh (wire remesh panels 1.07 m x 2.13 m [42 in x 84 in]) welded steel wire remesh sheet (with 0.106 m x 0.1.06 m [4 in x 4 in] mesh size)to exclude bioturbating sting rays and five were un-protected within each of the four wave energy regimes (total of 40 patches). At each of two randomly selected cardinal directions per patch,the distance from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass was measured in centimeters using a metric tape (Photo 11-2). For patches receiving mesh, each of the cardinal directions received a wire mesh.The longest length of the mesh was positioned parallel to the patch edge approximately 1/3 on seagrass and 2/3 on sand to allow room for seagrass growth (Photo II-3).Two 1-shaped rebar stakes 0.3 m (1 ft) long anchored the mesh, so it was flush on the seafloor. Flush deployment on the seafloor and anchoring were performed to prevent entanglement by sea life, such as diving birds. Other information recorded for each patch included the treatment received (mesh or no mesh), elevation of the rod above the sediment, and seagrass species observed at each edge. Change in the distance from the center rod to the patch margin will be recorded over time.The statistical approach for this experiment is a repeated measures two-way analysis of variance with wave energy and patch protection as main effects.The mesh and stakes will be removed and disposed of appropriately when patch coalescence begins, at which time monitoring of these patches will cease. During the May 2018 survey, scientists revisited each patch to collect data. Scientists navigated to the location of the center rod using the Trimble GPS. Once on location,they searched for the center rod using a glass bottom bucket and grazing a rake (tines up)on the seafloor.The distance from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass patch was re-measured along the same cardinal directions established during installation.The presence or absence of mesh, elevation of the rod above the sediment, and seagrass species observed at each edge was also noted for each patch. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 11-1 \\T„scriampfiA I \\. 40, ‘\ ‘‘, ,,,„\ Photo II-1. Center rods (2.4 m [8 ft]) installed in May 2016 at each bioturbation experiment seagrass patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 11-2 _T DQ n O 35"44'56"N 35"45'4"N 35"45'12"N 35"45'20'N w n (D y n 0, 0, N ~ to IL. (p Co al >I lo 0 (1 Ll N m O CO Q- + N 14 O (D W -' Q N C fD Q �. p N • • o _ -' • 0 H cr T S C 2 rD 'Y - O . 7 O C O� §) -DJ (D m • • in - • • • ri 3 N • J U 0- IA ig isibj • a) N 1n 1 C. Z • i- • rr 7- co - WA rDD A co ' r , 3 r • -.I7 2 _p N CDA • u 0 0 o rn M x a 1n .-r co °1 ° m w °n v° y DJ N o o S ': rr a v m 5 c3 • • CD n w w 0 z 1 rr 7 4 C ° m a A 2 Ci p C , (D• O In 3s'.1I55N 35°45'4"N 35°45.12"N 35°45'20"N W l `T „`i. a x -rT h�sY}3^"' 3 a i ♦ "� 5i f -+4 d _gad.-7. j it / (:,, r x f . 1 -ate-r : Photo 11-2. S measuring from to theagrass randomly cientists selected directionthe at the center Bonnerrod Bridgee edge Seagrassofthe Mitigations patch Site. on the I ' 8 t 'k iy ' Photo 11-3. Exclusion mesh installed flush on the seafloor on the edge of the seagrass patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Mesh size is 0.106 m •x 0.1.06 m (4 in x 4 in). CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN II-4 Bioturbation Experiment At the time of setting out the experiment in May 2016, the average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 40 patches was 3.8 m (12.5 ft) (Table II-1). At the onset of the experiment patches with exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.9 m (12.8 ft) and patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.7 m (12.1 ft). Table II-1. Average distances in meters from the center rod to the edge of the patch for the bioturbation experiment. Updated July 2018; n/a = not applicable; meshes had been removed. ND = no data; distances not measured as experiment had ended. Patches with Patches without Survey All 40 patches(m) exclusion mesh(m) exclusion mesh (m) May 2016 3.8 3.9 3.7 January 2017 3.5 3.7 3.3 October 2017 1.48 n/a n/a May 2018 ND ND ND In January 2017, all 40 bioturbation patches were revisited and monitored. For all 40 patches,the average distance from the center rod to the edge of the patch was 3.5 m (11.5 ft). For all mesh treatment patches,the average distance to the edge of the patch was 3.7 m (12.1 ft) (however, mesh was only located at 8 locations within 7 patches at the time of the survey). Patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.3 m (10.8 ft). In October 2017,the number of monitored patches was reduced to 14 to revisit only those 7 patches that still contained mesh at the time of the January survey in addition to an equal number of non-mesh patches (n=7). Average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 14 monitored seagrass patches was 1.5 m (4.9 ft). For the 7 patches that contained mesh at the time of the January survey,the average distance to the edge of the patch was 0.5 m (1.6 ft).The 7 patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 1.9 m (6.2 ft). In October 2017,the experiment had been terminated and only the distance to patch edges were measured.That distance had reduced from 3.5 to 1.48 m suggesting the dynamic nature of seagrass patch margins in this area. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 11-5 Appendix Ill Representative Photos of Seagrasses in Planting and Reference Areas: 2016 to 2020 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 111-1 aa.. Ib. ,�• - ..� . ,*'-i:.` ,..4 ...IL.... • I .._ r 1i 411, a Nei *1-414 Photo III-1. Transplanted seagrass with clean blades appearing similar to surrounding natural seagrass during the May 2016 survey. 31. Photo III-2. Natural seagrass in the reference area showing blades covered with a layer of epiphytes during the January 2017 baseline survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 111-2 144 Q q 1 �. 14, ILj »_ )5F., . _ • - r . Photo III-3. Natural seagrass in the reference area during the May 2018 survey. -- \ . 1 ,_\<\\\ \ -NItr.-.!.,- \ Photo III-4. Seagrass in the eastern planted area during the October 2018 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 111-3 Photo III-5. Natural seagrass in the reference area during the October 2018 survey. ,' ' 'II I(i 7" .;I' 1► "` f iir ' / i 11 ,I y , ,i ' - r 5 / � • .... ,„ I 41,, r ..„ 0...,„.. S ,.,.. . .$1,, 4' b : ,, > .,mot}� .,,,, :. 4 4, 0. , .. . . .., . ,......„... .,. t _,. :-.0_ Al.A,. ' !',,,,.._ , Photo III-6. Seagrass in the western planted area during the May 2019 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 111-4 Photo III-7. Natural seagrass in the reference area during the May 2019 survey. iter Photo III-8. Seagrass in the eastern planted area during the October 2019 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN Ill-5 . iftilllivvw -7 Photo III-9. Natural seagrass in the reference area during the October 2019 survey. 4 • Z,` • N\ y ,� 41 ‘41,,Vb 991111 3 , ,, a s, 11 c .�` � - '' rf - LL lif,, .. „ ,......,,,,,-, ,,,........... .:-: ..,... ,, , _,.., 0 " i I . s Photo III-10. Seagrass in the eastern planted area during the July-August 2020 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN III-6 ., y. ,I-- :„,...-..,:_i. . - . r/-- ./ ^ / .. i : . ‘ ' • r i /ioi 1� a'� r+ , ' /1 . , - i / Photo III-11. Natural seagrass in the reference area during the July-August 2020 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN 111-7 • n Mean Elevation(ft) Mean Elevation(ft) Mean Elevation(ft) O � �D W V a, N b. W I:, H O .+ N w P 4n C � pp V y N A W N M O .+ N w P a, � N 00 V 4. 4, 44, N a .+ N W P a' -1 zIEEE z I z r 0 y O y 0 y Iv MEM ti+ CO~' z I z AM z 111111 LO VI y VI0 y A_ Ill AIM y y CO H z I..AM z F., 2 HM W 0 0 0 7 y A y M y r- m v a z MI z z H G G G 0 0 0 Z N 2 I NN NN z O O O y IN y FM y all 2 I 2 z 0 1-111 y 0 2 I 2 z y MI 0 0 z F_ 2 z 0 0 N y IM y 0 z F- z z S S y MI f y m y z 1.11 > z -° 2 N z N m y y y o 7v O 0 Mil y • '- W 6y 111. Z m ►� h� PO 2 IIII M y MI O y N.) y 80 z M z HM 0 M y z y Vv y MI ` ' 8 v N 1. n Mean Elevation(ft) Mean Elevation(ft) Mean Elevation(ft) n 0 i= OD Y s, VI 6 W M M 0 4 N W A V! * 42 oo 4 bl 6 6 W N M O r I. W P ,A '' va OG -:! Ob 6 h W N 4 o r W >. N . -1 z 2 2 T o c o r I N N � � v. MN . MN N = W W O N N (--� . 11111 co l! 2 2 2 11111 41111 Do o I I - N I� N N O N 1111 N 1111 G N Z 2 11111 2 11111 2 MI8y I - N V. 2 11111 z III. 2 11111 !n N G N I •■ 0 1-1111 2 11111 2 2 klill: N �4111 N 8N I - 2 I� z F_ z I-- W 1111 u ::: vvi N I . � 2 F- zIII 2 H1111 g � g $ ) ■ -n N W N � 2 W 2 I N2 F-� co rn v. � (A N I ■ 70 N 1111 0 1111 \ / W I I . 7J r = -< � N = N � N 1-1111 N.) ^ 0 I in N O 2 I� I 00-AHMI N z � M 2 /� 8 W 1111 8 AIM W 8 N IEll W w a t ul n Mean Elevation(ft) Mean El ovation(ft) Mean El ovation(ft) 0 o 4. 4. 4, d d J. 4, 4.? — o N w N c^ 44 4 4 4 A 4 N 40 ' w w N i= `p a ti in 1n 4 w N A C. F! ti 'of ,► v^ IIIIMII ti z o u2+ o = I r o " t N AM co zIMO z z `� " N r:JN N Q I co Z z 1— n 8 0 II-_ F,, z -- N I O FIN m z r_ 0 o 0 II. 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L, — o - _ IlM11AM I r u o N o N N tv HFL _ Z N I—M OJ u Mill 1—MM N U o H_ a CO Z NJ 2 11) m " H u N 11111. 41 2kt N V z F ti 1 = Z = � " d " illall � " Z 1.2 toa' >� w >s Ili z MN A MI HMI a " MI >� N III a a = INa MI N HM b ai N MI a ii. a = l-� a ME 7 0 10 III . v D $ N m 8 � CO � " i--. HIE O rN = 0 ay ON ap l-� lO ay M� N 00 w 01 Ln n Z Mean El evedon(ft) Mean Elevation(ft) Mean Elevation(ft) E is i 4 a is i G RI 1. o N W u o u d+ &/ 6 u 1 L, K. 1 o - Q w . u de a, ., 6 6 1 b it, o - w . O -1 I= z o 0 M 0 o . hi= NI-=1-,+ _ I = it _ Co uN u " " LQ Ni_m 0 N = z z o o ll't N aI= = LQ an " -P z _ z 12 2 m v 5 " o _ Z T = II _ 2 W a, g N IZ 8 " a . l aN I " 2. I. . z F= °18 8 8 8t,.� " I ■ I 8 ,. �— Zil. . . 1_. s a = " s " " t. 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Q 2 _ I a r o N l"'— c N N N N _ N 1-a = I-- ION0 COMEI O N N N CZ) I—MOM 1—.1111 AEI tJl N N I C N F-e W = _ UM o W N Y N HIMS N I"- Q 1-a Ny Z u N O N u N I-MI HIM Ix • N N NIIN 2 I-- _ M z i-® • N N— MIN N a % a N.11 M a L. —HIIIII- N _ �- • a N111 (w N 1-111 III i-MI n C miimi• N F- p N I--- g a'.N HMI G.)/1 N m 8N m 8N L) IN HMIMI 70 73 --I d N � 0 N 0 N N IIMI0 V./ W AM W to e S 3- NOVEMBER 2019 2' 0 - !Ill popp- pppippli III II u -3 u 5 f 4 -7 ' 4 - 4 - -NI N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S 0 5 10 20 25 30 35 0 45 50 75 100 125 150 5' 4' DECEMBER 2019 3. 2 1 II :, _. • f 5 . 4 • 4 ' 4 • 40 N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N 5 N S N S N S N S 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 150 5 4 4 ' JUNE2020 3 2 i RJui1111uu1' 1' 1' 1' 1' 11H1I !i !I-4 5 . 4 4 4 -10 N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 10 5 3 • DECEMBER 2020 2 1 IIla II II II II I! III! !II 1111 II II 11 f 4 : 5 4 1 4 4 .10 N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S 0 5 '0 15 A 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 150 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN IV-10 Appendix V Representative Photos of Biota —July-August 2020 CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN V-1 , . 3 r .V ' ♦ ' !^!.. Fri•t ; .i? 4i . a, i l i a ra t•`f . , 1 ,� is vr'• d _#J « 1 , • • 1 4 or f -, s x_ i Photo V-1. Close-up photo of barnacles and turf algae within the high elevation strata on the wavebreak in July-August 2020. i• t '.4.,r' • e d 'ems , s II i ��• -c* � Ash ` ` , � if4 Alin ` ; P .I *II .Ai/ ' ,.. ,. • Photo V-2. Whelks and egg masses (most likely invasive Veined Rapa Whelk [Rapana venosa]) and barnacles colonizing concrete within the medium elevation strata on a submerged portion of the wavebreak in July-August 2020. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN V-2 Ito .., o 1 a it r �I .t,v , a �s c:aJb` } -Jo. � `� 't n strief u Photo V-3. Hermit crab within the medium elevation strata on an exposed portion of the wavebreak in July-August 2020. Note barnacles, oysters, and turf algae also in photo. 50A- v 1 7. 7114 M. .ew+.. , . iit ,, . .. . ... , , .. ., v aA . Photo V-4. A feather blenny (Hypsoblennius hentz) (circled red) within the medium elevation strata on a submerged portion of the wavebreak in July-August 2020. Note barnacles and oysters also in photo. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN V-3 - k'eL,':-.t N. ' At.s — ' t 4 AO ,. A. u I T Photo V-5. Oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau) (circled red)within the medium elevation strata on a submerged portion of the wavebreak in July-August 2020. • • •, • . a'µ" may:: .,' Photo V-6. A newly settled,juvenile Atlantic spadefish (Chaetodipterus faber) (circled red)just below the water surface within the medium elevation strata on a submerged portion of the wavebreak in July-August 2020. CSA-NCDOT-FL-21-1830-2845-13-REP-01-FIN V-4 Brittingham, Cathy From: Kathy Herring <kherring@rkk.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 7:56 AM To: Brittingham, Cathy; Wilson, Travis W.;Ward, Garcy; monte.k.matthews@usace.army.mil; 'Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US)'; Rivenbark, Chris; Daisey, Greg; fritz.rohde;Williams, Paul C; Turchy, Michael A; Cox, Marissa R; Conforti, John G; McCann, Nora A;Weychert, Curtis R; Deaton, Anne; Paugh, Leilani Y Cc: Pete Stafford; Stanton, Tyler P; Fonseca, Mark (MFonseca@conshelf.com); Hodel, Erin Subject: [External] FW: Bonner reports Attachments: B2500_SAV_Year3_AnnualReport_FIN_17Dec2019.pdf; NCDOT_FL_19_1830_2845 BonnerBridge_Yr3_Biannual_Survey_Oct2019_2Dec_2019.pdf CAUTION External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to All, We will present the annual Bonner SAV Mitigation update at the February 13th Interagency meeting. Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks, Kathy Note Our New Address! From: Kathy Herring Sent: Monday, December 30, 2019 9:42 AM To: Brittingham, Cathy<cathy.brittingham@ncdenr.gov>; Wilson,Travis W.<travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Ward, Garcy <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov>; Staples,Shane<shane.staples@ncdenr.gov>; monte.k.matthews@usace.army.mil; 'Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW (US)'<Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil>; Rivenbark, Chris<crivenbark@ncdot.gov>; Daisey, Greg <Greg.Daisey@ncdenr.gov>; Fritz.rohde@noaa.gov; Williams, Paul C<pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov>;Turchy, Michael A <maturchy@ncdot.gov>; Cox, Marissa R<mrcox@ncdot.gov>; Conforti,John G <jgconforti@ncdot.gov>; McCann, Nora A <n a m cca n n@ n c d ot.gov> Cc: Pete Stafford (pstafford@rkk.com)<pstafford@rkk.com>;Stanton,Tyler P<tstanton@ncdot.gov>; Paugh, Leilani Y <Ipaugh@ncdot.gov>; Fonseca, Mark(MFonseca@conshelf.com)<MFonseca@conshelf.com>; Hodel, Erin <ehodel@conshelf.com> Subject: Bonner reports All, As per the CAMA Permit Major Modification, issued on 12/15/15, permit condition No. 21 that : "The permittee shall conduct an annual meeting with DCM and other appropriate resource agencies to discuss and review the annual monitoring reports and monitoring methodology for a minimum of five years after mitigation site construction." Attached are the reports from 2019 to accompany the previous reports distributed to the group on 8/22/18. NCDOT will present an update and status report on the B- 2500 SAV mitigation at a time and place TBD in the upcoming months. Please call me if you have any questions and please forward to anyone I may have missed. Thank you and Happy New Year! Kathy KATHY HERRING 1 CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. www.csaocean.com 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Phone: 772-219-3000 Stuart, Florida 34997 Fax: 772-219-3010 02 December 2019 Mr.Tyler Stanton North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Subject: Summary of Year 3 Biannual Survey—October 2019—LETTER REPORT Dear Mr. Stanton: CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA)conducted the third and final Biannual Monitoring Survey(Year 3)for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site from 13 to 15 October 2019.Above-normal water levels at the Site were recorded during the survey which prevented maintenance of the epibiota monitoring stations on the middle and lower strata of the wavebreak structure (66%of the stations).Table 1 lists CSA's previous activities and future scheduled surveys that encompass the long-term seagrass monitoring program for this project. Beginning in Year 4(2020), only annual surveys will be conducted through 2021 to complete the program. Table 1. Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Construction refers to the installation of the wavebreak structure. Task Date Status Pre-construction Site Selection Survey April 2015 Complete Seagrass Transplantation and Bioturbation Experiment Initiation _ May 2016 Complete Sediment Digital Elevation Survey(USV) June 2016 Complete Construction Wavebreak Structure Installation 18 Nov.2016 to 18 Jan.2017 Complete Post-construction Baseline Monitoring Survey 14 to 18 Jan.2017 Complete Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey 2 to 4 Oct.2017 Complete Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey 13 to 17 May 2018 Complete Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Survey 6 to 8 October 2018 Complete Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey 14 to 17 May 2019 Complete Year 3 Biannual Monitoring Survey(this report) 13 to 15 October 2019 Complete Year 4 Annual Monitoring Survey July 2020 Scheduled Year 5 Annual Monitoring Survey July 2021 Scheduled USV=unmanned surface vehicle. The Year 3 Biannual Monitoring Survey included: • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Collection of sediment elevation data; • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for future WEMo validation;and • Survey of epibiota on the wavebreak structure(high water levels during the October 2019 survey prevented inventory and maintenance of all monitoring stations). CSA's methods followed the accepted monitoring plan (STIP B-2500 Bonner Bridge Phase I Seagrass Mitigation Plan, Pamlico Sound, Dare, County, North Carolina;September 2015) referenced in the permit(Permit Modification No. 106-12)to ensure all monitoring requirements were met. During the October 2019 survey,scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of two species of seagrass (Halodule wrightii and Zostera marina). Halodule wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina. Ruppia maritima, as distinguished by presence of flowering shoots, was not observed during this survey.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine, siliceous sand.Water levels were high during the survey, partially attributable to a full moon on 13 October 2019. King tides also flanked the survey window and occurred in late September and late October in coastal areas of North Carolina due to perigean spring tides (North Carolina King Tides Project, 20191). Site conditions varied during the survey due to direction and strength of the wind.Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 20.2°C(68.4°F)to 22.68.4°C(73.0°F),with wind speeds ranging from 4.3 to 34.4 kph (2.6 to 21.4 mph). Wind direction varied from southwest to south to northeast. MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS In May 2016, prior to construction of the wavebreak structure,seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the south side of the construction footprint.The percent cover of seagrass within each planting area and within the surrounding reference area was evaluated immediately following relocation and during each monitoring survey. In October 2019,during the Year 3 Biannual Monitoring Survey,seagrasses were present within both planted areas, but covert was relatively low at 14.0%and visibly dominated by H. wrightii(Table 23; Photo 1).Average percent cover of total seagrass in reference areas was higher, at approximately 32.7% (Table 2; Photo 2),where H. wrightii was also visibly dominant.A veneer of fine sediment and apparent organic matter was present in varying thicknesses on all seagrass blades observed during the survey; likely an aftereffect of Hurricane Dorian from suspension and subsequent settlement of these materials. From the initial survey in May 2016(immediately following relocation)to the most recent survey in October 2019,seagrass cover decreased by approximately 18.7% in the planted areas and decreased in the reference area by approximately 16.4% (Table 2).The observed cover in the planted and reference areas was lower than expected,given the survey occurred just after the end of seagrass growing season 1 http://nckingtides.web.unc.edu/; Last accessed 25 November 2019. 2 Cover is'specific cover'as quadrats are placed only within areas colonized by seagrass(as opposed to'areal cover'which would include any unvegetated seafloor arising from random placement of quadrats). 3 The average BB scores were converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values(conversion was conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value,on the associated BB scale value:Percent Cover=2.8108*[BB]2 232s) CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2 December 2019 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 (early fall), and may reflect impacts to seagrasses as a result of Hurricane Dorian which passed directly over the Outer Banks as a Category 1 hurricane on 6 September 2019. Photo 1. Representative image of a quadrat surveyed for percent cover of seagrass in the planted areas. Photo taken in the eastern planted area on 15 October 2019. ,414, 4 d a yp• iv Photo 2. Representative image of a quadrat surveyed for percent cover of seagrass in the reference area. Photo taken in the reference area on 15 October 2019. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 3 December 2019 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 Table 2. BB scores and associated percent cover*for seagrass within the planting and reference areas for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Planting Area Reference Area Survey Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover May 2016 3.0 32.70 3.60 49.10 January 2017 0.30 0.20 1.50 7.00 October 2017 0.00 0.00 4.00 62.10 May 2018 0.55 0.70 3.30 40.40 October 2018 2.11 14.90 5.00 100.00 May 2019 0.65 1.10 2.60 23.70 October 2019 2.05 14.00 3.00 32.70 Change from May 2016 to October 2019 -0.95 -18.7 -0.60 -16.4 (*)specific cover. SEDIMENT ELEVATION In May 2016, an approximately 3 to 4 m long(9.8 to 13.1 ft)stainless steel center rod was installed in the middle of each of 40 randomly selected seagrass patches across the study area in addition to four rods installed in sandy substrate,for a total of 44 sediment elevation monitoring stations. During the initial survey in May 2016,the average rod height within patches was 6.85 cm (2.70 in.) above the sediment and 6.88 cm (2.71 in.) above the sediment within sandy substrate (Table 3). In October 2019, a total of 31 of the original 40 center rods in seagrass patches were located, with an average rod height of 14.50 cm (5.71 in.).Two of the four rods in sandy substrate were located with an average rod height of 12.50 cm (4.92 in.). Missing rods were likely buried at the time of the survey and were not located despite attempts to uncover them. Sediment measurements for the buried rods were therefore unable to be included, but their burial indicates increased sediment elevation at these locations. Since the Post-Construction Baseline Survey in January 2017,sediment depth within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation study area has decreased (increased exposed rod height)within both the seagrass patches and sandy substrate locations by 7.65 cm (3.01 in) and 5.62 cm (2.21 in), respectively(Table 4). Table 3. Average rod height in centimeters above the seafloor for the sediment elevation monitoring for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Survey Rods in Center of Seagrass Patches(cm) Rods in Sandy Substrate(cm) May 2016 6.85 6.88 January 2017 11.03 12.40 October 2017 16.55 12.00 May 2018 14.73 14.00 October 2018 16.27 14.00 May 2019 15.81 10.50 October 2019 14.50 12.50 Change from May 2016 to October 2019 7.65 5.62 CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 4 December 2019 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 WAVE SENSORS Wave sensors (RBRvirtuoso models)at the two long-term wave energy regime monitoring stations (one each 25 m north and south of the structure)were retrieved, and data since the last monitoring event(May 2019)were downloaded;all data were present. Basic univariate statistics on the waves are given in Table 4. Note that the mean values for waves at these sites are small, because the majority of waves occur during low wind conditions. In contrast, maximum values reveal the more episodic but much larger wind wave heights. Ninety-nine percent of the wave heights observed on either side(north or south of the structure)are less than approximately 0.25 m. Table 4. Average, significant and maximum wave heights (m)for the north and south side permanent wave sensors. N = number of 30 second burst measurements. Side N Variable(m) Mean Maximum Average wave height 0.04 0.44 North 67597 Significant' wave height 0.06 0.66 Maximum wave height 0.09 1.17 Average wave height 0.04 0.51 South 67417 Significant wave height 0.07 0.73 Maximum wave height 0.11 1.18 1 Significant wave height is the average height of the highest one-third of all waves measured. Wave heights(mean maximum wave height, mean significant wave height and mean wave height) associated with two recent major hurricanes, Florence(September 2018) and Dorian (September 2019) were recorded by the wave sensors(Figures 1 and 2). For both storms,there were only moderate wave heights, due primarily to a lack of water depth at the site,the result of storm-induced water level effects.These storms have likely had an unknown but typically negative influence on seagrass cover at the Site (sensu Fonseca et al. 20004). Fonseca, M.S.,W.J. Kenworthy,and P.E.Whitfield.2000.Temporal dynamics of seagrass landscapes:a preliminary comparison of chronic and extreme disturbance events. Biol. Mar. Medit.7:373-376. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 5 December 2019 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 HURRICANE FLORENCE-North Side I Triangles=Mean max wave ht(m)I Squares=Mean sig ware ht I Circles=Mean avg wave ht xavghtm 0._40 i --- a) 0.35- 0.30- 0.25 0.20 0.15- r , II A 0.05- S 0.00- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I 1 I I 1 1 I r 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 sasdate HURRICANE FLORBKE-SwgIi Side(Triangles=Mean max wave ht(m)I Squares=Mean sip wave M I Circles=Mean arg wave ld xavghtm 0._40- b) 0.35- 0.30- 0.25 0.20 0.15- 0.10- 0.05- I 0.00- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I I 1 1 r r I 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 / 1 I I 1 I I I 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 sasdate Figure 1. Wave heights recorded by wave sensors on the a) north and b)south sides of the wavebreak from 01 to 26 September 2018,showing passage of Hurricane Florence in September 2018 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 6 December 2019 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 HURRICANE DORIAN-North Side/Triangles=Mean max wave IA(m)I Squares=Mean sig ware M I Crcles=Mean arg ware II xavghtm 0._40- a) 0.35- 0.30 0.25- 0.20 0.15 0.10- 0.05- 0.00- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iiI1IFI11f1iit1 ' ' ' 0 0 00 00 0 0 8 8 8 8 88 8 9 9 99 99 9 9! ! ! ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 ! 1 1 2 2 2 2 23 3 0 0 11 11 1 1 15 6 7 8 9 0 1 7 8 9 01 23 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 sasdate HURRICANE DORIAN-South Side/Triangles-Mean max wave MOO I Squares-Mean sig save IA I arches Mean imp wave ht xavght m 0.40- b) 0.35- 0.30 0.25- 0.20- 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 / I 1 ! 1 / / f ! I I ! ! 1 ! f ! 1 ! ! I l l l l l ! ! 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 I I I I I I 1 I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ! 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 sasdate Figure 2. Wave heights recorded by wave sensors on the a) north and b)south sides of the wavebreak from 24 August to 20 September 2019 showing passage of Hurricane Dorian in September 2019 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 7 December 2019 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 One wave sensor was also utilized for WEMo model validation via systematic relocation across the Site during the survey to collect data from 24 stations in total north and south of the structure. Preliminary comparison of WEMo computations (predicted wave height)for these stations versus observed wave heights and wind speeds collected in the field indicate a weak relationship between WEMo-predicted values. This weak relationship is likely due to the inability to down-scale WEMo to observations at spatial extents smaller than the resolution of the bathymetric data available to use in the WEMo calculations. EPIBIOTIC MONITORING STATIONS Maintenance of the epibiotic monitoring stations (60 stations total) on the structure was not completed fully during the Year 3 Biannual Survey due to above-average water levels which occurred during the survey.The higher water levels prevented finding and cleaning of station identification tags and re-etching of camera framer indentations on concrete for the middle and lower strata (66%of stations) which were completely submerged throughout the 3-day survey. Since October 2018, barnacle and oyster growth on the structure has prevented re-etching of the concrete on many stations in the middle and lower strata. Photographs of each epibiotic monitoring station and subsequent quantitative percent cover analyses are performed during all annual surveys and will be performed again during the next survey in July 2020. In general, less epibiotic cover was observed on the structure during the October 2019 survey and a veneer of fine sediment and apparent organic matter was observed on all epibiota and the structure itself(Photo 3). Cover of turf algae and barnacles appeared to have declined since the May 2019 survey. The reduction in epibiota may have resulted from adverse effects of Hurricane Dorian (increased wave energy and extremely low water levels following passage of the storm). or4t ".yam ,«. , k we „ W R Photo 3. Close-up photograph of oyster growth on middle strata of the wavebreak structure showing a light coating of fine material on oysters, barnacles, and turf algae. Photo taken 15 October 2019. Image is approximately 0.25 m wide and 0.5 m high. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 8 December 2019 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me at(772) 219-3060 or ehodel@conshelf.com. Sincerely, e7147.4..._4) Erin Hodel Senior Program Manager—Ports, Harbors, & Beaches CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 9 December 2019 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 -41•41A* CSA CSA Ooeen Sciences Incl. SUMMARY OF YEAR 3 BIANNUAL SURVEY—OCTOBER 2019— LETTER REPORT DOCUMENT NO. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-19-MEM-01-VER02 VERSION DATE DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: 01 11/26/19 Initial draft for E. Hodel M. Fonseca E. Hodel review 02 12/06/19 Revised draft E.Hodel C.Baumberger E.Hodel The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current revision.Controlled copies are available on the Management System network site or on request from the Document Production team. t oq Qaa ,, B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Year 3 Annual Survey Report December 2019 i Z - i t - "` � -....--i T 04 +r.i '—*unr -may :i -' - •Iiitt 44 - iy - r r ik is CSA Prepared for: Prepared by: Environmental Analysis Unit CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. North Carolina Department of Transportation 8502 SW Kansas Avenue 1598 Mail Service Center Stuart, Florida 34997 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 P‘b** CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Imo. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Survey DOCUMENT NO.CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN Version Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: 01 07/20/19 Initial draft for M.Fonseca E. Hodel E. Hodel review 02 08/07/19 Revised draft M.Fonseca K. Metzger E. Hodel FIN 12/17/19 Final M.Fonseca E. Hodel E. Hodel The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current version.Controlled copies are available upon request from the Document Production Department. Table of Contents Page List of Tables iv List of Figures v List of Photos vi 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Methods 2 Monitoring of Relocated Seagrass 4 Seagrass Cover 6 Sediment Elevation 7 Wave Regime and Model Validation 9 Epibiota Monitoring 15 3.0 Results 19 Monitoring of Relocated Seagrass 19 Seagrass Cover 25 Sediment Elevation 28 Wave Regime and Model Validation 37 Epibiota Monitoring 39 4.0 Conclusions 42 5.0 References 45 Appendices 47 Appendix I: Project Site Selection I-1 Appendix II: Bioturbation Experiment II-1 Appendix III: Representative Images of Biota—May 2019 III-1 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN iii List of Tables Table Page 1 Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 2 2 Braun-Blanquet scale(score) and percent cover scale values 6 3 Braun-Blanquet (BB)scores and associated percent cover for seagrass within the planting and reference areas for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site by survey 20 4 One-way ANOVA testing differences in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW)from rods installed at previous bioturbation patches between Survey 1 and subsequent surveys 30 5 Results of 2-way ANOVA for the near-field sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by survey. Blue shading indicates a statistically significant (p<0.05)difference 31 6 Areas for the wave energy reduction zones depicted in Appendix I in both acres and square meters 37 7 Percent cover of biota from concrete monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017,the Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2018 and the Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2019 41 8 Percent cover of biota from rock monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017,the Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2018 and the Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2019 41 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN iv t , List of Figures Figure Page 1 Aerial image of the wavebreak area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site, showing the position of the seagrass planting areas,the construction corridor, and the structure itself 5 2 Schematic(not to scale) layout of the near-field (to wavebreak) sediment elevation transects 10 3 Sand apron south of wall visually outlined 11 4 Stationary and temporary locations of the pressure sensors at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 12 5 Epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 17 6 Baseline classification results identifying areas of seagrass (yellow)within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the 24 March 2017 overflight 26 7 Enlarged view of baseline aerial imagery(left)and classification results(right) identifying areas of seagrass (yellow)within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the 18 April 2018 overflight 27 8 Change in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW)over time monitored at rods installed in previous bioturbation study 29 9 Track lines traveled by the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (black lines) and digital elevation model at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site prior to construction of the wavebreak(ultimate location of wavebreak shown) 30 10 Panels 1-5; average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 32 11 Difference in hourly significant wave heights (m) between and north and south side of the wavebreak structure for January 2017 through May 2019 38 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN v List of Photos Photo Page 1 Aerial image of Bonner Bridge. Source: http://www.kdhnc.com/667/Herbert-C- Bonner-Bridge-Replacement-Project 1 2 Inverted "T"shape ruler used to measure rod height above or below the substrate at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 8' 3 Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) collecting bathymetry data across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 8 4 Photograph of one of the two wave sensor brackets cemented into its base, prior to installation at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 13 5 Re-engineered wave sensor bracket installed in January 2018 to hold the sensor vertical and further away from the sand surface 14 6 Example of numbered tag installed at every monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 18 7 PVC camera mount framer used to photograph every monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 18 8 Transplanted seagrass with clean blades appearing similar to surrounding natural seagrass at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2016 survey 21 9 Natural seagrass in the reference area showing blades covered with a layer of epiphytes at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 21 10 Natural seagrass in the reference area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey 22 11 Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the planted areas 22 12 Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the reference area 23 13 Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the planted areas 23 14 Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the reference area 24 15 Representative photo of rock substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Station 27) showing wet rock on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the 2019 survey 39 16 Representative photo of concrete substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Station 7) showing wet concrete, algae, and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2019 survey 40 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN vi List of Photos (Continued) Photo Page 17 Representative photo of concrete substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Station 8)showing submerged concrete and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2019 survey 40 18 North-oriented view of the wavebreak installed in January 2017 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 43 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN vii 1.0 Introduction The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)contracted CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) in 2012 (Contract No. 6300032017)to conduct in-kind seagrass (mixed Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Zostera marina) mitigation of 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares)to compensate for losses anticipated to occur during the replacement of the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, North Carolina (Photo 1).The Bonner Bridge provides the only highway connection for Hatteras Island to the mainland in Dare County, North Carolina and its replacement is currently under construction. Based on previous published research in North Carolina (Fonseca et al., 1998, Fonseca et al., 2000, Kelly et al., 2001, Fonseca et al., 2002) CSA conceptualized creating a wavebreak structure to modify existing, patchy seagrass habitat by attenuating wave activity to promote more continuous, persistent seagrass coverage.This subsequent increase in seagrass acreage was expected to meet NCDOT's seagrass mitigation requirements while enhancing ecosystem services for the surrounding area. r ti r Photo 1. Aerial image of Bonner Bridge. Source: http://www.kdhnc.com/667/Herbert-C-Bonner-Bridge-Replacement-Project. CSA conducted the first Biannual Monitoring Survey(Year 1)for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site from 2 to 4 October 2017.The Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey was initially scheduled for August 2017; however, due to tropical storm and hurricane activity and subsequent above-average water depths in Pamlico Sound at the site,the survey was not conducted until early October 2017. In 2018,the spring survey(May—June)was conducted from 13 to 17 May. In 2019 the survey was CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 1 conducted from 14 to 17 May and provides the most recent data included in this Year 3 Annual Survey Report.Table 1 has been updated and describes CSA's previous activities and future scheduled surveys. Table 1. Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Construction refers to the installation of the wavebreak structure. Task Date Status Pre-construction Site Selection Survey April 2015 Complete Seagrass Transplantation and Bioturbation Experiment Initiation May 2016 Complete Sediment Digital Elevation Survey(USV) June 2016 Complete Construction Wavebreak Structure Installation 18 Nov.2016 to 18 Jan.2017 Complete Post-construction Baseline Monitoring Survey 14 to 18 Jan.2017 Complete Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey 2 to 4 Oct.2017 Complete Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey 13 to 17 May 2018 Complete Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Survey 6 to 8 October 2018 Complete Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey May 2019 Complete Year 3 Biannual Monitoring Survey October 2019 Scheduled Year 4 Annual Monitoring Survey July 2020 Scheduled Year 5 Annual Monitoring Survey July 2021 Scheduled USV=unmanned surface vehicle. 2.0 Methods The Year 1 Baseline and Biannual Survey Reports included: • Observations of conditions • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Monitoring of selected bioturbation experiment stations and removal of mesh when found; • Collection of sediment elevation data; • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for future WEMo validation; and f Qv� • Maintenance of epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure." Q The Year 2 Baseline and Biannual Survey Reports included: S1/4.121 C • Observations of conditions • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Collection of sediment elevation data o Seagrass patch elevation rods o SEPI near-field wavebreak surveys • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for future WEMo validation • Reporting of wave sensor data throughout the site over this and the past surveys for WEMo validation; and • Monitoring of epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 2 This Year 3 Annual Survey Report includes: • Observations of conditions • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Collection of sediment elevation data o Seagrass patch elevation rods o SEPI near-field wavebreak surveys • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for future WEMo validation • Reporting of wave sensor data throughout the site over this and the past surveys for WEMo validation; and • Monitoring of epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure CSA's methods followed the accepted monitoring plan (STIP B-2500 Bonner Bridge Phase I seagrass Mitigation Plan, Pamlico Sound, Dare, County, North Carolina; September 2015) referenced in the permit (Permit Modification No. 106-12)to ensure all monitoring requirements were met. During the October 2017 survey,scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (Z. marina, H. wrightii, and R. maritima). Halodule wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina and then R. maritima.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed during on-site surveys within the immediate vicinity. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind.Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 22°C(72°F)to 23°C(73°F),with wind speeds ranging from 26.5 to 31.3 kph (16.4 to 19.5 mph).Wind direction was predominately out of the north. In May 2018,scientists again observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (Z. marina, H. wrightii, and R. maritima). Halodule wrightii and Z. marina were both commonly observed 0�0 while R. maritima was rarely observed.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed during on-site surveys within the immediate vicinity. \ Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey,with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 23.4°C(74.2°F) (rA to 24.8°C(76.7°F),with wind speeds ranging from 7.6 to 41.1 kph (4.7 to 25.5 mph). Wind direction was 1mar\ \ predominately south-southwest. 1 ` During the October 2018 survey,scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of two species of seagrass (H. wrightii and Z. marina). Halodule wrightii was the most prevalent species,followed by Z. marina. Ruppia maritima, as distinguished by presence of flowering shoots,was not observed during this survey. The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed within the immediate vicinity of the wavebreak structure. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind.Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 25.7°C(78.3°F)to 27.4°C(81.3°F),with wind speeds ranging from 7.6 to 27.7 kph (4.7 to 17.2 mph). Wind direction was predominately out of the east-northeast. During the May 2019 survey,scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (H. wrightii, R. maritima,and Z. marina). Halodule wrightii was the most prevalent species, closely followed by Z. marina. Ruppia maritima was rarely observed but present.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed within the CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-0I-FIN 3 immediate vicinity of the wavebreak structure. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 17.0°C(62.6°F)to 19.6°C(67.3°F),with wind speeds ranging from 1.6 to 45.1 kph (1 to 28 mph). Wind direction was predominantly out of the west. Sections of this report that refer to construction and engineering activities or permits where originally developed using English units,will follow the convention of reporting first in English units and then parenthetically in metric units. For the sections of the report not directly associated with structural engineering,the convention of reporting will be metric units followed by English units parenthetically. Sections of the early reports describing initial project activities have now been moved to Appendices in order to focus on long-term post-construction monitoring. Project Site Selection and Project Engineering and Design sections were initially described here in previous reports.This historical material has now been moved to Appendix I. Additionally,the description of an attempted experiment to assess the relative contribution of bioturbation to patch maintenance (versus wave energy) has been moved to Appendix II. MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS In 2016, prior to installation of the wavebreak structure,the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission permit(Permit Modification No. 106-12) required any seagrass within the structure footprint and the construction corridor to be moved to the lee side of the structure onsite. In May 2016, seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the south side of the construction footprint (Figure 1). CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 4 75'35'9'N! 75'35'8"W 75°357"W il ' '. 41.* . 11. i • .., f„ It's, s i y4a, �# w t « A. moo? r � IA 7 I ../ft. z • ♦�. -♦S,•. ♦♦♦♦♦orob ♦♦♦••_ t • t .O♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ �A� ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • y. 0♦O♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'♦•. ,its-' •40, 9 8 9 ►aa« • r.' .'>♦• h 10 X Q e N C o in Y Legend mBB Quadrat Location z 0 '. u Planting Area o Reference Area 4, A 5009 Wavebreak Structure Construction Corridor -i Seagrass Planting Area ' i 75°35'15"W 75°35'14"W 75°35'13'W 75°3512"W 75°3511"W 75°3510'W 75°35'9"W 75°359'W 75'35'7'W 0 25 50 100 Meters Plillik I t 1 1 I • 1 t I0 CB A Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 1. Aerial image of the wavebreak area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site,showing the position of the seagrass planting areas,the construction corridor, and the structure itself. Examples of randomly selected seagrass survey points are shown for surveys within the planted areas and nearby reference locations. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 5 Percent cover of seagrass within relocation areas was evaluated immediately after transplanting. Each time, scientists navigated to 10 pre-selected locations (proportionally assigned to seven locations in the larger eastern relocation area and three in the smaller western relocation area)within the planting areas using the Trimble Geo XH GeoExplorer 2008 Series GPS. To compare the colonization of the planted areas to the surrounding natural areas,five additional random locations were selected in the surrounding natural areas (reference area)within a 50-meter (164-foot) distance of the planting areas (Figure 1). At each location, a 1-m2 (11-ft2) quadrat was centered over each point and percent cover of seagrass was assessed using a modified Braun-Blanquet (BB) cover and abundance technique (Braun-Blanquet, 1972; Kenworthy and Schwarzchild, 1997; Fourqurean et al., 2001).Within the quadrat a BB scale value (Table 2)was independently evaluated for percent cover of each seagrass species as well as total seagrass. Average BB scores were then converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values (conversion is conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value, on the associated BB scale value: Percent Cover= 2.8108*[BB]2.2325) Table 2. Braun-Blanquet scale(score) and percent cover scale values (Braun-Blanquet, 1972). Braun-Blanquet Scale(Score) Percent Cover(%) 0.0 Not present 0.1 Solitary specimen 0.5 Few with small cover 1 Numerous, but<5 2 5 to 25 3 25 to 50 4 50 to 75 5 75 to 100 SEAGRASS COVER Seagrass cover was determined by classifying areas of seagrass occurring within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site based on aerial imagery. A georeferenced, high-resolution mosaicked aerial image(collected by NCDOT on 18 April 2018)was used for the first classification of seagrass areas.The aerial image was color-infrared (CIR)with a resolution of 0.08 m (0.25 ft).The image was subdivided into separate classification areas of interest (AOI) based on similar pixel spectral signature ranges. Separate classification of each AOI helped to eliminate variations in reflectance and environmental conditions across the entire project area in order to reduce classification confusion. An unsupervised classification was then performed on each classification AOI using a combination of iso cluster and maximum likelihood techniques using ESRI ArcGIS 10.4 software.After running the unsupervised classifications, each AOI was manually interpreted by denoting visually apparent classes of seagrass and classes of non-seagrass. Spectral noise and holes within the classification results were removed and corrected using a combination of majority filter, region group, set null (enhanced boundary edges and removed groups of small non-contiguous pixels that were smaller than a specified value), and eliminate polygon part (eliminated areas that were less than a specified value)tools in ArcGIS. Lastly, a manual classification technique was then applied to the classification with guidance from a GIS analyst. This consisted of removing areas of over-classification and adding-in (digitizing) areas where CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 6 under-classification occurred, again based on visually apparent seagrass cover. Following the 18 April 2018 overflight, no further overflight data are being processed under this award. SEDIMENT ELEVATION Sediment elevation is being documented with three methods: 1. Rod Heights- measurements of sediment height relative to 2 m long rods installed to near the sediment surface in seagrass patches used for the previous bioturbation studies, 2. USV Digital Elevation Model-a broad-scale digital elevation model created using an RTK-equipped (real-time kinematic) unmanned surface vehicle (USV), and 3. Near-field Transect Sediment Elevation Survey- Near-field sediment elevation measurements along transects north and south of the wavebreak. Rod Heights:This method utilized during all monitoring surveys was by direct measurement of the height of the center rod above the sediment at each of the 40 stations originally established for the bioturbation experiment (see Appendix II). At each station,the rod height above the sediment was measured using a meter stick fastened to a piece of wood (24 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm [18 in x 2 in x 2 in]).The 0-mark on the meter stick was attached to the center of the wood piece creating an inverted "T" shape (Photo 2).The wood was laid flush against the seafloor to provide more surface area to avoid the ruler sinking into the substrate.The meter stick was placed next to the rod to obtain the measurement of the rod height above the substrate. In addition to the 40 center rods,four additional sediment rods(one per wave energy regime)were installed in sandy substrate and rod height above the substrate was measured for each. This monitoring is continuing, and updated results are provided in this report. Change in sediment elevation among surveys and across the wave energy strata was computed for each combination of survey times(survey 1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, 1 vs 4, 2 vs 3, 2 vs 4 and 3 vs 4).The differences in change in sediment elevation among strata for each comparison of survey times were compared in a 1-way ANOVA using PROC GLM in SAS 9.2 after In+ 10 transformation (to avoid negative numbers and address any non-normality of the data). USV Digital Elevation Model:A second method was employed to evaluate the entire area forecast to be affected by the wavebreak. In June 2016, CSA used a USV to develop a sediment digital elevation model to document changes in shoal elevation associated with the wavebreak installation.The USV(Photo 3) was pre-programmed to run a pre-selected geographic grid at 50-m (164-ft)spacing which encompassed the entire site. Bathymetry data was collected using duel frequency, single beam sonar at a rate of 220 to 224 kHz. A Trimble RTK system (RTK)was mounted on the USV to integrate real time navigation while the USV ran the pre-programmed grid lines (speed of approximately 9 kph [5.7 mph]).The RTK had a horizontal and vertical accuracy of 2 cm (±0.787 in)and real-time tidal corrections were applied to accurately determine water levels across the site.This survey will be repeated at the end of the five-year monitoring period in 2021. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 7 41110.411 44,4 •.1 ' 1 4400004 • • s _ Photo 2. Inverted "T" shape ruler used to measure rod height above or below the substrate at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. • Photo 3. Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) collecting bathymetry data across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 8 Near-field Transect Sediment Elevation Survey: In June 2017, a third method of sediment elevation assessment was initiated. SEPI Engineering Inc. (SEPI)was contracted by NCDOT to conduct high density, near-field sediment elevation measures in the vicinity of the wavebreak structure. North-south oriented transects were established at five equally spaced locations centered on the wavebreak(Figure 2)and sediment elevations corrected to MLLW surveyed (June 2017,September 2017 and then monthly starting January 2018; reported here through June of 2018).Transects were placed on both the north and south side of the wavebreak. In 2017,elevations at distances of 0(at the edge of the wavebreak structure),5, 10,20, 50,75, and 100 ft were recorded. In January of 2018 that changed to increments of 5 feet out to 50 ft and then at 75 and 100 ft to improve sensitivity of detecting any systematic change in sediment elevation. Starting in June of 2018, distances of 125 and 150 ft were added to ensure elevation samples were taken beyond the apparent apron of recently moved sand seen in aerial images (Figure 3). These data have been provided to CSA and were analyzed for this report. Elevations were compared in a 2-way ANOVA using PROC GLM in SAS 9.2 after In + 10 transformation (to avoid negative numbers and address any non-normality of the data). Main effects were distance from the wall and side of the wall, tested at individual dates along with assessment for interaction of main effects. WAVE REGIME AND MODEL VALIDATION Long Term Wave Regime: Long-term wave energy regime monitoring stations were placed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site in "Month Year" using pressure sensor loggers to record wave characteristics. Starting in January 2017 two pressure sensors (RBRvirtuoso models)were deployed at stationary locations 25 m (82 ft) in front (north) of and behind (south)the wavebreak structure (Figure 4). Pressure sensors were cylindrical and approximately 5 cm (2 in) in diameter by 25 cm (10 in) long and were mounted in a locked casing horizontally on the seafloor approximately 15 cm (6 in) above the substrate on a solid base, concrete-filled pillar set 0.91 m (3 ft) into the seafloor(Photo 4). Pressure sensors were set to record bursts of pressure data every 30 minutes at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds.These data also provide water level and tide documentation specifically for the site in order to evaluate the wave energy regime impinging on the north and south faces of the wavebreak structure. In November 2017,the sensors were removed and sent back to the manufacturer(RBR)for calibration and assessment of impacts from sand impaction and biofouling that had occurred around the wave sensor port.This servicing caused the sensors to be out of service until their re-deployment on 16 January 2018. Communication with the RBR technical representatives indicated that the sediment impaction and biofouling did not affect the detection of wave characteristics. Nonetheless, upon redeployment,the sensor brackets were revised to hold the sensors in a vertical posture and with the wave sensor window down-facing(Photo 5) in order to minimize sand collection in the sensor port through gravity.The sensors were re-deployed in January 2018 and have been recording continuously since that time.The entire January 2017—May 2019 data are reported here. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 9 Bonner wavebreak sediment elevation transect layout 15 sediment elevations per tra n sect at 0,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 feet 15 sediment elevation locations pertransect Notto scale Wavebreak Pile `— __ Pile 76 Pile 25 Pile 101 44 Pile 1 All transects at a right angle to this red dashed baseline Figure 2. Schematic (not to scale) layout of the near-field (to wavebreak) sediment elevation transects. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-0I-FIN 10 R 114.14.4 44146. t e cov �La• .ur•'fr'r• u.y r.. •... • Figure 3. Sand apron south of wall visually outlined. 18 April 2018. CSA-NCDO T-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 11 - .. 75°35'16W 75'35'12'W 75°3518W 75°35'4"W 75'35'0'W ,. 41 .. ,, ilitii;i --lib ; ' 44i% - 4: . „ u V ' i' , m Legend . Pressure Sensor I.ocatioir Stationary Z • Temporary lV v 500ft Wavebreak Structure -Survey Grid(50m) 75°3820W 75°35'16"W 75°35'12°W 75°35'8W 75°35'4W 75°35'OW 0 50 100 200 Meters 0' A:(4 I I I 1 I I 1 I I 0 CBA Coordinate System:WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 4. Stationary and temporary locations of the pressure sensors at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 12 OKING r _ Photo 4. Photograph of one of the two wave sensor brackets cemented into its base, prior to installation at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.The hinged bracket is shown being lifted; a disposable padlock is installed through the hinged piece to keep the sensor secure. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 13 le it...._i 111 I 444 f 10 . 14 . • psi' Photo 5. Re-engineered wave sensor bracket installed in January 2018 to hold the sensor vertical and further away from the sand surface. WEMo model validation:This is being developed through opportunistic sampling. During times of onsite monitoring surveys, an RBR sensor was systematically but temporarily relocated across the site in a grid pattern (Figure 4)to obtain a spatial assessment of predicted (WEMo computation to follow based on water depth and wind conditions of the survey date)versus observed wave heights from the mobile sensor.This spatial assessment was performed on 18 May 2016; 15 January 2017;4 October 2017; 15 May 2018; 7 October 2018; and 16 May 2019 to provide a geographically articulated assessment of wave energy distribution with regard to prevailing conditions.The relocated pressure sensor was set to record bursts of pressure data at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds during this sampling. During these surveys one of the long-term RBR sensors was used. During each survey, a scientist recorded the wind speed using hand-held anemometers as well as wind direction prior to sampling and again after sampling was complete.Wave data from pressure sensors were downloaded into Ruskin software (V1.13.7) and exported to Microsoft Excel for analysis.Analysis will be comprised of simple univariate statistics of wind speed and predicted versus observed regression to determine the ability of the WEMo-derived forecast to downscale to the 50 m scale. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 14 EPIBIOTA MONITORING Epibiota monitoring on the wavebreak was initiated in January 2017 through the establishment of randomly-placed, permanent monitoring stations (Figure 5). Digital photographs were recorded at each station as a time-zero (uncolonized) baseline against which subsequent epibiota colonization will be compared for each survey time. Stations were stratified by the sides of the wavebreak(30 on the exposed side [north] and 30 on the sheltered [south] side) at different vertical elevations related to the individual wave attenuator unit placement (high, middle,and low).Ten replicate stations were randomly assigned per elevation on either side of the wavebreak for a total of 60 monitoring stations. Random locations were selected along the wavebreak and a vertical elevation was randomly assigned to each location. Scientists used the Trimble GPS to navigate to the pre-selected random monitoring station/elevation replicate along the wavebreak. Monitoring stations were separated by a minimum of one Reefmaker unit.The exact horizontal location of the monitoring station on a wave attenuator unit was visually determined where rock placement was closest to the edge of the concrete, making them easier to photograph.Some wave attenuator units had smaller rock embedded in the concrete,so often two small rocks were selected for monitoring.To identify the precise monitoring location and allow precise alignment for subsequent photographs, a numbered tag was installed on the rock immediately to the right of the selected rock(s)to be monitored (Photo 6) and alignment points marked on the concrete surface. A Sony A5000 digital camera in an underwater housing was installed on a PVC camera mount framer to photograph the concrete and rock(s) at each monitoring station.The PVC frame (Photo 7)was included in every photo to ensure standardization of photo size(dimension of the frame was 20.3 cm x 30.5 cm [8 in x 12 in]).The camera housing was fixed to the framer with a distance of 25.7 cm (10 in)from the housing lens to the outer edge of the frame. To photograph the concrete portion of the wave attenuator units,the entire framer was placed flush with the side of the concrete,so the bottom edge of the concrete was included within the frame.To photograph the rock(s),the bottom of the framer was placed flush with the top edge of the concrete layer(where the selected rock was embedded) and the top of the framer rested on the concrete layer located above the selected rock(s) (approximately 152 angle). During the May 2018 survey,the low elevation strata monitoring stations were entirely submerged during all observed tidal stages.This coupled with high turbidity levels, reduced visibility to less than one foot.As a result,the method used to photograph the low elevation stations was slightly modified.The camera was removed from the framer to allow capture of close-up photos within visibility limits.The framer was still held against the concrete as described previously,yet due to the decreased distance between the camera and the rock or concrete, multiple photographs were collected to image the entire area within the framer(typically four photos).The multiple photographs were then stitched together using Adobe® Photoshop®to create a single photograph of each low strata rock or concrete monitoring station.This methodology was not necessary in subsequent surveys (October 2018 and May 2019)as visibility was sufficient for photographing the original area contained within the framer, resulting in one image. One photo of the concrete and one photo of the rock(s)were collected for all 60 monitoring stations, resulting in 120 digital images. Digital images were processed and analyzed using Coral Point Count with Microsoft Excel extensions (CPCe)V4.1 software analysis program (Kohler and Gill, 2006). CPCe utilizes the random point count method described by Bohnsack(1979)to accurately estimate percent cover of CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 15 benthic organisms and substrate from digital images. Because the rocks were all different sizes, it was necessary to assign a number of random points that was proportional to the size of the rock (i.e., a larger rock would have a greater number of random points assigned).The total area of evaluated rock was calculated for each image using the measurement tool in CPCe. For purposes of this assessment,we assumed that all rocks were equidistant from the camera lens. From these calculations, average rock size was determined to be 112.4 cm'and was assigned 10 random points.The number of random points assigned to each image was then increased or decreased proportionally to the size of the rock(s);the number of random points for rock images ranged from four to 22. Because the area of concrete assessed was the same in each photo, all concrete images were assigned the same number of random points (41), and points were restricted to the area of the photograph containing concrete. Random points were projected on each image, and the biota or substrate located beneath each point was identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level (for the time-zero images, no biota were detected). Data from each image were assembled in a spreadsheet for percent cover calculations and subsequent comparative analysis. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 16 75•35'14'W 75'35'13'W 75•3512'W 75'35'11'W 75°35'10'W 75'35'9 W 75°35'8'W Z bit a co mx) ca m � z. 9 go „ 48L 4M) ��y71lI� Y y u /y;nn �[ /�( = Lr4n1 ark Q1, L Ina aEl a , ill all, Fla Fla galmg aggIZI z g gi Legend IElevation High Middle Low 5008 Wavebreak Structure ID rn 75'35'14"W 75°3513"W 75°3912'W 75°35'11 W 75°35'10"W 75'35'9'W 75'3511'W 7 0 25 50 100 Meters /f 1 � I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I0 CSA Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 5. Epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 17 • 4,1 • 'I R .(y f 1• Photo 6. Example of numbered tag installed at every monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. • ♦ 0,4 t r • Photo 7. PVC camera mount framer used to photograph every monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 18 3.0 Results During visits to the site,scientists have consistently observed that the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was composed of patchy seagrass habitat consisting of multiple species including Z. marina, H. wrightii, and R. maritima.Very fine sand (visual observation)sediments has consistently been the dominant substrate type observed. Limited vessel traffic has been observed during onsite surveys within the immediate vicinity although small commercial crabbing vessels have been observed crossing the general shoal area. Site conditions varied during each survey and were largely driven by direction and strength of the wind. Strong northeasterly winds on site resulted in lowered water level at the site and strong southwesterly winds resulted in higher water levels. Current speeds have been consistently low, ranging only between 9.8 and 12.9 cm s-1,with a mean of 11.2 cm s-1. During the May 2019 survey average current speed was 10.3 cm s-1. During the May 2019 survey, scientists again observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting primarily of two species of seagrass(H. wrightii and Z. marina). Halodule wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina. Ruppia maritima, was only rarely during this survey.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed within the immediate vicinity of the wavebreak structure. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey,with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Average daily water temperatures during monitoring surveys (May and October) have ranged from 17°C (62.6°F)to 24.8°C (76.6°F). During the May 2019 survey water temperature ranged from 17.0°C(62.6°F) to 19.6°C(67.3°F). Average wind speeds during surveys have ranged from 12 to 30 kph (7.5 to 18.5 mph) with maximum wind speeds ranging from 15 to 34 kph (8 to 21.3 mph)from either northeast or west and south-southwest directions. During the May 2019 survey wind speeds ranged from 10.3 to 13 kph (6.4 to 8.1 mph) predominantly from the west. MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS Prior to construction, seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the lee side of the wavebreak structure (Figure 1). In May 2016, immediately after relocation,the percent covers of seagrass was evaluated within the relocation areas and within the surrounding reference area. Upon completion of relocation, percent cover of seagrass was 32.7%for the relocation areas and 49.1)for the reference area (BB scores of 3.0 and 3.6, respectively2).Transplanted seagrass within the relocation areas appeared similar to the surrounding natural seagrass and the borders of the planting areas were visibly indistinguishable (Photo 8).All seagrass blades were bright green and visibly clear of epiphytic growth. In January 2017, immediately following construction of the wavebreak structure, the percent cover of seagrass within the planting areas was evaluated again.The planting areas had a percent cover of 0.2%and the natural reference areas had a percent cover of 7%(BB scores of 0.2 and 1.5, respectively) 1 Cover is'specific cover'as quadrats are placed only within areas colonized by seagrass(as opposed to'areal cover'which would include any unvegetated seafloor arising from random placement of quadrats) 2 The average BB scores were converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values(conversion was conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value,on the associated BB scale value:Percent Cover=2.8108*[BB]2.2325) CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 19 (Table 3). In January 2017,a brown epiphytic layer covered the majority of the visible seagrass blades and small tufts of brown macroalgae were observed colonizing the substrate often mixed in with seagrass (Photo 9). Seagrass cover declined by 32.5% in the planting areas and 42.1% in the reference areas, indicating a substantial overall drop in coverage. In October 2017, no seagrass was observed in the planted areas. Cover in the reference areas was approximately 62%(Table 3),well above the baseline cover of 49%observed in May 2016. Seasonality in seagrass growth may be responsible for the higher cover observed in October,with higher cover expected at the end of growing season in October versus the beginning of growing season in May. In May 2018,sparse seagrass was observed in the planted areas, but cover was still<1%, marking a decrease of approximately 32%since the initial survey in May 2016(Table 3). Cover in the reference area was approximately 40%(Photo 10),similar to the cover observed in May 2016. In October 2018,at the time of the Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Survey, seagrasses were present within both planted areas, but cover was relatively low at 14.9%, and dominated by H. wrightii(Table 3; Photo 11).Average percent cover of total seagrass in reference areas was high at approximately 100% (Table 3; Photo 12),where H. wrightii was also dominant. In May 2019 (this report)seagrasses were again present within both planting areas but no discernable cover was found in the easternmost planting block and percent cover in the western block was 15.8% (Table 3, Photo 13).The reference cover was down to 23.7% (from 100% in the previous survey;Table 3, Photo 14). Table 3. Braun-Blanquet (BB)scores and associated percent cover for seagrass within the planting and reference areas for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site by survey. Planting Area Reference Area Survey Average Seagrass Average Percent Average Seagrass Average Percent BB Cover BB Cover May 2016 3.0 32.7 3.6 49.1 January 2017 0.3 0.2 1.5 7.0 October 2017 0.0 0.0 4.0 62.1 May 2018 0.55 0.7 3.3 40.4 October 2018 2.11 14.9 5.0 100 May 2019 0.65 1.1 2.6 23.7 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 20 4 le Y .4"7":11.77/141' 41/ -, 4/141PIPPr. In - * ''''•, / Photo 8. Transplanted seagrass with clean blades appearing similar to surrounding natural seagrass at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2016 survey. - -, , r Vic.- ''''Ji • • ''''N. ijilliAlk.7* N \ N. litikAivii ---; , ,..., ,. *- li 411ir 1 *.›. , .: at r'Pik ely ei'res ° Photo 9. Natural seagrass in the reference area showing blades covered with a layer of epiphytes at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 21 • -. fir 4 • Photo 10. Natural seagrass in the reference area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey. \ _af,n/ ,i‘‘. , \ . -_, \ \ •-••,, Photo 11. Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the planted areas. Photo taken in the eastern planted area on 7 October 2018. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 22 Photo 12. Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the reference area. Photo taken in the reference area on 7 October 2018. r ' �"" 4 y' / '441 1� + • •/ft % - - ' 0.' .t it, . • C %'s r . .#"ri (. , •'s 117 All 01 4 ,,,,, . „ '`A' a le,/ ' '4 ir..41 0 N. ..- 4. Photo 13. Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the planted areas. Photo taken in the western area on 14 May 2019. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 23 x r'� Photo 14. Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the reference area. Photo taken in the reference area on 14 May 2019. Several factors may have contributed to the loss of seagrass within the planted areas that was initially observed in January 2017. Seagrass was relocated to gaps within natural seagrass patches in May 2016 prior to installation of the wavebreak structure. Construction was originally scheduled for June 2016 but delayed until November 2016 and completed in January 2017. Previous studies have shown if seagrass is relocated to areas naturally devoid of seagrass without modifying the existing environment, natural processes will continue to preside and the relocated seagrass should not necessarily persist (Fonseca et al., 1998).Additionally, Hurricane Matthew passed through the Pamlico Sound and surrounding areas on 8 and 9 October 2016,five months after seagrass relocation, prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure. The hurricane had average wind speeds ranging from 32 to 64 kph (20 to 40 mph)with maximum wind speeds of 129 kph (80 mph) initially from the north,and then switching direction out of the southeast as the storm passed. Severe flooding occurred along the coast with an average rainfall of 22.1 cm (8.7 in) (http://www.weather.gov/mhx/MatthewSummary). It is possible that the relocated seagrass had not fully established a sufficiently robust root and rhizome system during the five months from relocation to the storm event, leaving them susceptible to erosion. Additionally,sand accumulation on the south side of the structure due to scouring has been observed in physical monitoring surveys and may be inhibiting seagrass survival in the immediately adjacent planted areas. •j, Seagrass cover in coastal North Carolina naturally declines in winter months (Thayer et al. 1984) and l�`� therefore lower cover was expected during the January 2017 survey. Cover in the reference area was S also very low at this time(7%),which also may have been attributable to Hurricane Matthew and/or the /Cl/TY sampling event occurring in winter.Since the January 2017 survey,seagrass in the planted areas has not J _l,)i recovered and cover remains<1%. However,seagrass in the reference area has recovered and percent � cover is similar to that observed during the initial survey in May 2016.`(� Sam CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 24 With this survey, seagrass monitoring has now been performed for three years post-relocation.At this point,the dramatic fluctuation of cover among surveys in both the planted blocks and reference areas is likely the result of storm impacts and a highly patchy and shifting seagrass distribution. Percent cover has thus far averaged 8.3% in the planted areas andt 46.8% in the reference areas. SEAGRASS COVER 1,�(\C�v Gar\ \n cj1 c \ Igh'J✓1 The Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was forecast to include 301.6 acres (122.1 hectares), and boundaries were determined by using the wave forecast model prediction. Seagrass cover within these boundaries was determined by classifying areas of seagrass based on aerial imagery provided by NCDOT. In 2018, classification resulted in 24.9 acres (10.1 hectares (versus 33.4 acres [13.5 hectares] in 2017)of seagrass cover over the 301.6-acre (122.1-hectare)site(Figures 6 [2017] and 7 [2018]). By visual estimation it appears that seagrass cover was lost in the patchy areas north and east of the wavebreak. In aquatic systems,classification methods rarely achieve 100%accuracy.This is because, unlike terrestrial systems,whose classification is limited primarily by atmospheric conditions, classification of aquatic systems,especially benthic components, is limited by both atmospheric and water conditions. Thus,the accuracy of seagrass classification largely depends on water clarity and sea surface condition at the time of imagery acquisition. Weather events affect waves on the water surface which actively degrade visualization of the seafloor, as well as water clarity. In addition,wind events occurring immediately prior to imagery collection may cause latent sediment suspension that negatively impact results. Finally, many seagrass patches were interdigitated with sand and often non-contiguous,which complicates precise delineation. In addition to atmospheric and water column effects, mosaicking of the image produced shading gradients which interfered with seagrass classification accuracy of the seagrass areas and appeared to be the source of most inaccuracy.An absence of ground control points taken in association with the imagery impeded further accuracy assessment. In both 2017 and 2018, interpretation of seagrass cover was compromised by the generally poor quality of the imagery. Large areas of high surface reflectance and presence of white'flecks' in the imagery over much of the AOI impaired or completely prevented interpretation of seagrass cover. Discrimination of seagrass cover apart from sand was also made difficult because of low contrast among the two habitat types.This may have resulted from high water levels, high visibility, low sun intensity or some combination thereof. Upcoming utilization of low-altitude, high resolution imagery should improve seagrass cover delineation. Following the 18 April 2018 overflight, no further overflight data are being processed under this award. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 25 VA 'E - !.._At-ea ..._. Shown t ."•i"'" °'0 NC : d ` x pi_ a 'L Z o t'.• _4 4 ' y d `. �l1 4 4 -a y�s �frf• • '; r ' t • t Z - _- ,44 S . .._ n. t r s ,s f rJ r j+ 'i Legend L Seagrass Area y 75"35'40"W 75'35'30W 75'35'20"W 75.35'10"W 75°35'0'W 0 50 100 200 Meters �� III + I + + II0 CSA Coordinate System NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Figure 6. Baseline classification results identifying areas of seagrass (yellow)within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the 24 March 2017 overflight. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 26 75°35'40"W 75.3530W 75'35'20W 75°3510W 75'350'1A/ X b 1 f Area .. ' Shown t , • 4.r .{ .r 4' w ��. 4 M 't 1 .1•ar ..y.. 4 ` XG .-, •.- --— .-. ;,,g,-0,1"s'41 ittle;r4•so'r• - J , J 4s i Y4 pw i .R4 + i e,-1 2: 1+ , -I 1 t •� f4 ••A 1' ? i A • A 4 X •� , a z 41 , .y - C S. z 4 } ii v Legend Seagrass Area 75°35'40W 75.35'30'W 75'35'21 W 75.3510W 75'35'0'W 0 100 200 400 Meters 0-11** I t ► I I i 4 i I0 CBA Coordinate System NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Figure 7. Enlarged view of baseline aerial imagery(left) and classification results (right) identifying areas of seagrass (yellow)within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the 18 April 2018 overflight. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 27 SEDIMENT ELEVATION Rod Heights: Sediment elevation was monitored across the entire site by measuring the center rods at 40 seagrass patches selected for a bioturbation study(see Appendix II for description of this since-terminated experiment) and four additional sediment rods placed in sandy substrate.These 40 rods were installed in May 2016 at locations randomly selected from within strata (10 per strata) defined by the forecasted wave reduction pattern following wavebreak placement (high wave energy reduction =>66%; moderate reduction =34 to 66%, low reduction =5 to 33%,and ambient or reference =<5% reduction (Appendix Figure II-1). Across all surveys, no rods were located that were below the sediment surface despite extensive searching and probing. If buried rods were not located,this would suggest that the surveys were potentially biased towards measurements indicating a lower elevation of the sediment surface. The average rod height above the sediment in May 2016 was 6.8 cm (2.7 in).The average height of the four sediment rods above the sediment was 6.9 cm (2.7 in). In January 2017, a total of 32 center rods were relocated and the average rod height was 11.0 cm (4.3 in).Two of the four sediment rods were relocated, and the average rod height was 12.4 cm (4.9 in).The eight center rods not located may be deeply buried and future attempts will be made to locate them. If they were deeply buried,then the average rod height would decrease. In October 2017,sediment elevation was monitored at the center rod of the 14 patches monitored for bioturbation in addition to the original 4 rods in sandy substrate.The center rod was not located (likely due to burial) at 3 of the 14 seagrass patch locations and 1 sandy substrate location.The average height of center rods in seagrass patches was 16.5 cm (6.5 in.) and 12.0 cm (4.7 in.) at sandy substrate stations. Sediment depth had decreased (increased rod height)within seagrass patches and remained similar at the sandy substrate locations since the Baseline Survey in January 2017. In May 2018,sediment elevation was again monitored at the center rod of the 14 patches monitored for bioturbation, in addition to the original 4 rods in sandy substrate.The center rod was not located (likely due to burial) at 3 of the 14 seagrass patch locations and 1 sandy substrate location.The average height of center rods in seagrass patches was 14.7 cm (5.8 in.) and 14.0 cm (5.5 in.) at sandy substrate stations. Sediment depth has decreased (increased rod height)within seagrass patches and remained similar at the sandy substrate locations since the Baseline Survey in January 2017. Change in sediment elevation was computed among the replicate rods in each of the wave energy reduction strata among all combinations of survey dates (Figure 8). In lieu of survey to survey changes which revealed no clear pattern of change over time, comparisons with the first survey time were performed. A one-way ANOVA revealed that only comparisons among Survey 1 and Surveys 5 and 6 had differences in sediment elevation among Reference and the High wave reduction zone and Reference and Low and High wave reduction zones (Table 4). Differences were driven by the sediment accumulation in the High wave reduction zone,closest to the wavebreak. With the elimination of the survey to survey comparisons a clear pattern of sediment accumulation across wave energy strata emerged from this analysis. Sediment accumulated most in the High wave energy reduction zone closest to the wavebreak with decreasing sediment accumulation with decreasing wave energy reduction and distance from the wavebreak(Figure 8).This pattern has remained consistent among the surveys, corroborating the near-field survey work(below). CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 28 Change in Elevation (ft) by zone del ht 12 del ht 13 del ht 14 del ht 15 del ht 16 0.5 - - - 05 - - - 05 - - - 0.5 - -- 0.5 - - - 0.4 0.4 0.4 0,4 0.4 0.3 0.3 03 0.3 0.3 0.2 - 0.2. - _ - 0/ _ 0.2 0.2 0.1 - - 0.1 0.1 0.1 - 0.1 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 1 -0.1 _ -0.1 --0. -0.2 -0.2 _- -0. 3-gPT' -0. 4rcs - -0.5 -05 -0.5 -05 W .0.6 -0.6. _ -0.6- _ _ -0.6 - _ -0,6 -0,1 -0.7 - -0.1 -0.7 -0.1 - -0.8 - -0.8 -0.8. -0.8 -0.8• _ -0.9. -0,9 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.2 -1.2. _ -1.2 -1.2 -1.2 -1.3 -1.3. -1.3 -1.3 -1.3 4.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 14 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 -1.5 •1.5 1 M H 8 I. M H 8 1 N H 8 1 M H 8 1 M H R Zone Figure 8. Change in sediment elevation (del_ht in ft, MLLW) over time monitored at rods installed in previous bioturbation study. H=area of high wave energy reduction by the wavebreak; M = medium; L= low; R= reference(no wave energy reduction). Error bars represent±one standard deviation.The comparisons(e.g., 1_2, 1_3, etc. refer to comparisons among the first survey and subsequent surveys. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 29 Table 4. One-way ANOVA testing differences in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW)from rods installed at previous bioturbation patches between Survey 1 and subsequent surveys. Survey 1= May 2016,Survey 2=January 2017,Survey 3 =October 2017, Survey 4= May 2018,Survey 5=October 2018, Survey 6= May 2019. Wave energy reduction Survey 1 4 2 Survey 1 4 3 Survey 1 4 4 Survey 14 5 Survey 1 4 6 Reference(none) ND ND R,H ND R,H Low ND ND L,H ND L,H Medium ND ND ND ND ND High ND ND ND ND ND Shaded bars=significant effect at P<0.05;comparisons with the same letters are not significantly different.ND=no significant difference.Cells with no information represent strata where rods could not be located,presumably due to excessive sediment deposition.R=reference,H=high wave energy reduction zone,M=medium wave energy reduction zone,L=low energy wave reduction zone. USV Digital Elevation Model:The USV collected bathymetry data across the entire site in June 2016 (Figure 9).The survey was conducted during both flood and ebb tides and real-time tidal corrections were made to data collected.Water depths ranged from 0.7 to 1.6 m (2.3 to 5.2 ft) across the site. The western portion of the site was notably shallower than the eastern portion. The USV will collect bathymetry data during the final monitoring survey and data will be compared to this baseline bathymetry. wavebreak c08 r C .0_ \ ss 3957000 O 14 Q) 395680G — 1.3 '06' 1.2 1.1 _.1 3956600 - O • - o ' —09 E 0 6 -s J 6, oa 3956400 ° a. o.s I � 96. f 0a 0.3 3956200 t 91. o co 46,09 3956000 446600 446800 447000 447200 Figure 9. Track lines traveled by the Unmanned Surface Vehicle(black lines) and digital elevation model at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site prior to construction of the wavebreak (ultimate location of wavebreak shown). Soundings are in MLLW. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 30 Near-field Wall Sediment Elevation Survey:The surveys conducted by SEPI revealed significant scour pits having formed under the wavebreak units themselves.This sediment is suspected to be the source of the light-colored band visible to the south of the wall in aerial images(Figure 3).The 5 transects were treated as replicates for evaluating sediment elevation on both the north and south sides of the wavebreak, by distance.A comparison of sediment elevations by distance and side of wall (north vs south)shows a generally consistent pattern of erosion in the immediate proximity of the wall but with little change in sediment elevation with distance on either side of the wavebreak(Figure 10).There, transects on the south side of the wall however,generally appeared to be shallower. Upon examination under 2-way ANOVA(Table 5)there was no significant interaction of the main effects(distance,side), allowing each main effect to be re-tested independently.The effect of distance irrespective of side was significant(p<0.05) at every survey time. However,the visually apparent difference in elevation among the north and south sides of the wall was statistically significant beginning in January of 2018 and remained different (but for April of 2018)through September of 2018,with the southern side being consistently shallower. From October 2018 through March 2019 there was no significant difference in sediment elevation among sides of the wall. Only in April 2019 (and May) did a significant difference re-emerge with the south side being significantly shallower. In general, it was noted that the 0 distance (immediately abutting the wall structure)was always the deepest,followed closely by the 5-foot distance being the next deepest among all surveys (Figure 10).While statistically different,the elevation differential among the north and south side was in the range of about 6 inches. Despite being shallower, the south side was still within the range of seagrass growth as attested by the presence of numerous seagrass patches within this near-field survey. Table 5. Results of 2-way ANOVA for the near-field sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by survey. Blue shading indicates a statistically significant (p<0.05) difference. Blank cells have not yet been surveyed. Year 2017 2018 Month Jun Sep Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Distance <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0006 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0005 Side 0.7046 0.6983 0.0494 0.0011 0.0372 0.0608 0.0002 0.0002 Interaction 0.8913 0.9754 0.3347 0.777 0.118 0.0744 0.4098 0.8185 Year 2018 2019 Month Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Distance 0.0025 0.0022 <00006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0002 0.0022 0.0086 Side 0.0029 0.0036 0.0042 0.5273 0.1684 0.0825 0.2117 0.1080 Interaction 0.9695 0.6937 0.9016 0.8492 0.9147 0.6512 0.4738 0.9404 Year 2019 Month Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Distance 0.0024 0.0018 0.0010 - -- -- -- -- Side 0.2650 0.0151 0.0170 -- -- -- -- -- Interaction 0.8691 0.8486 0.7329 -- -- -- -- -- CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 31 Panel 1 elevation_ft MEAN year-2017 nui h 2=6 elevation_it MEAN year2018 month 2-1 5 5 4 4 3 3 , 2 2 1 1 -2 III Ill III 'III 1IuJJ1I1u!!!JJIII11 -5 -5 -6 6 -7 -1 -8 -8 -9 -9 10 1D N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S side N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S side 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 dat t 0 5 IO 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 dkt t elevation_lt MEAN year-2017 month_2 9 elevation_ft MEAN year-2018 mot_2=2 5 5 4 4 3 3 11 2 2 1111199""FF9911 1 1 O 1 liii ii P11110 -I -5 b 3 -4 -5 -7 6 -4 -7 -8 -9 -1 .9 N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S side -10 N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S side 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 dist II 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 did t Figure 10. Panels 1-5; average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are± 1 standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 32 Figure 10. (Continued). Panel 2 elevation_ft MEAN year=2018 month 2=3 elevation_ft MEAN year=2O18 mor1th r5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 ill 01!I Pll liji IP!'"! !pp ,---1 II Iij iiii mu 1 pi ip 1.1 I 3 I .3 -5 -5 6 -6 7 -7 A -3 A -9 10 10 N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S side N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S N S side 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 dirt ft 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 did I eieva!1o.i_4 MEAN yeaf 2018 rn3rlttl_2=4 elevation_ft MEAN year=2018 month 2=6 5 4 4 3 1 1 ':,1. 41.11 Al hili ill 0 if Fp ill 10 -2 -3 If -S ii ' -6 N S NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NSside 10 N S NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS N 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1$ 100 distil 0 5 10 15 20 2, 30 35 40 45 63 15 100 dill 1 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 33 Figure 10. (Continued). Panel 3 year=2019 month_2=7 year=2019 month_2=9 roNron R5EN1 4.0r01310 N'-' i ,.r I, O11, '. -1 S 09'f 1I 11 II I .1 51 lit -2 0 'I I 11 11 11 -35 1. : N. A 0 .y 15 NS IS NS . IS N: I5 NS IS N5 NS NS 5: N5 Oki IS IS IS IS IS 15 NS NS IS I NS Ns IS NS SS did 0 5 i0 15 20 25 30 35 40 15 60 75 100 125 I9)da( o s 10 15 31 25 31 35 10 45 50 75 1m 1E 192 did 1 year=2019 month_2=8 year=2019 month_2=10 06011100 I3EN1 roam_rtMAN 1D 10 OS Os OD —— 00 .0S -06 -I C' -IO -15 •16 25 s5 -30 30 i i 1114011M -35 36 40 AO A5 A5 -50 .50 -55 -5s DO do IS IS 15 15 IS IS IS IS SS IS IS IS IS NS NS side IS 13 IS IS IS 15 IS IS IS IS 13 IS IS IS 15 side 0 5 10 1s 20 25 30 35 40 45 5D '5 100 125 150 dig d o s 10 so 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 150 did II CSA-N CDO T-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 34 Figure 10. (Continued). Panel 4 year=2018 month 2=11 year=2019 moo h_2=1 anti.13MEAN N011Nb1 13N£AN 10 10 DS 0 5 OD 00 D6 -05 10 15 -IS 70 2.0 25 -26 II a ao a5 -3.6 40 -40 45 -46 50 50 65 -D6 E0 l0 AS NS IS NS is is is IS NS NS IS IS NS 15 ti Slk is NS IS IS is is IS is IS A'S 15 IS N5 NS �SI�D.E 0 6 10 16 20 26 30 35 10 45 60 75 100 125 150 I 0 5 10 15 20 25 3 3550 45 50 15 100 125 1550 1N1, • year=2018 month_2=12 year=2019 month_2=2 NNYOon ft MEAN 414.41107J7 NEF': ID 0.5 0` Iii N! lit► 1II ! 11135404550-56 10 IS I A NS YS NS Y5 NS NS us MS IS us 115 1. side is as is is A: 1'. IS 15 MS AS 15 is Y> NS IS E* 0 5 10 IS 20 25 9D D5 a0 <5 50 75 100 125 15. dOl l L 0 5 t0 15 70 25 9D 35 40 55 50 75 100 125 150 M II CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 35 10 Figure 10. (Continued). Panel 5 year=2019 month_2=3 year=2019 month_ (: Nwiron f11E44 I4CYlbr 014E41 -__.-- 1p 10 05 05 1)0D as as 11I J1 1 ItiJ iii il!I 10 s .15 ID .72 IS .25 a0 J0 -5 -35 ao -4o ♦s ♦5 6.0 50 .55 5.5 a0 60 IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS is IS is Isak NS 11 18 11 IS 1f 14 IS IS If 11 18 t5 IS YS Yd! 0 5 is 15 A 75 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 in1so id1 0 5 10 15 A 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 193 id 1 year=2019 month_2=4 Ibn00D RAEIN to 00 .o s L0 -15 -30 luJIp 35 -9.0 36 4.0 4.5 -5 0 -55 YD 15 1S 18 IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS I5 iYf 0 5 10 15 A 25 90 35 40 45 50 >5 100 135 I50 all 1 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 36 WAVE REGIME AND MODEL VALIDATION Long Term Wave Regime:After the wavebreak was installed, pressure sensors were installed at specified stationary locations on both the north and south sides of the wavebreak to spatially assess significant wave height(highest 1/3 of waves) distribution arising from the top 5% of wind events between the two sides of the wavebreak. Figure 11 shows the difference in the significant wave heights over elapsed time. During 2017,there did not appear to be a substantial difference in the significant wave heights among the two sides,whereas in 2018,events where the significant wave height was higher on the south side of the wall were more numerous and of greater difference over time.This indicates that wave events were often higher on the south side than the north,suggesting that the north side of the wall could also be receiving substantial sheltering from waves. WEMo model validation:Wave forecast modeling using WEMo was initially conducted in January 2016 for different lengths of the wavebreak structure. Modeling was re-analyzed in January 2017 after installation of the 500 ft (152 m)wavebreak (Appendix I).As done previously,the model was run on 65-foot (20-meter)grid cells, as the bathymetric data which are an important driver of the calculations is not more resolved than that distance. Forecast acreage of seagrass was computed by regression from the relationship of wave energy to seagrass cover(Fonseca and Bell 1998).The area of the seafloor experiencing at least a 5% reduction in wave energy was computed.The total acreage associated with the zones of wave reduction beyond the 5%threshold is given in Table 6.Theoretically,this could result in an overall total of 1.78 acres (0.72 hectares)of new seagrass with the 10% reduction zone producing 1.13 acres (0.46 hectares)and the 5% reduction zone producing 1.50 acres (0.61 hectares). Table 6. Areas for the wave energy reduction zones depicted in Appendix I in both acres and square meters. Percent Representative Wave Energy Reduction Square Meters Acres >66% 3,184 0.8 33%to 66% 21,153 5.2 5%to 33% 200,889 49.6 <5% 1,095,260 270.6 CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 37 DIFF IN WAVE HTS(M): POS VALUE = NORTH HIGHER while NEG VALUE = SOUTH HIGHER 0.15- 0.10- • E I • II ii• 1 0.05- 1 i x • CI) 1 • t t i 9 > il i. 1 g • . �1 ` • •' = 0.00 11 • o/.. co �-I•fa I ,,1 I . i I rii, ' i • a !4A I I I i t t ' ICI 1 c -0.05- i i r ..Cl) % • I • ;' • • . I W -0.10- • 1 • • . o • • -0.15- • 12/12/2016 03/22/2017 06/30/2017 10/08/2017 01/16/2018 04/26/2018 08/04/2018 11/12/2018 02/20/2019 05/31/2019 Date Figure 11. Difference in hourly significant wave heights (m) between and north and south side of the wavebreak structure for January 2017 through May 2019.A data gap(area of straight line)arose from need to reposition and recalibrate sensors. Positive values=wave heights higher on north side; Negative values=wave heights higher on south side. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 38 f After the model was run and a smoothing technique(krigging)applied (Appendix I), a disruption appeared in the wave reduction just south of the wall. However, this is a product of the krigging and a small zone of 33-66%wave reduction just south of the wall is a display artifact and was not part of the acreage calculations. EPIBIOTA MONITORING During the January 2017 baseline survey, ebb tides were extremely low and monitoring stations at all three elevation strata (high, middle,and low)were exposed above water. No biota had colonized the substrate and the percent cover of concrete and rock were both 100% during this survey. During the May 2018 survey,there was a consistent south/southwest wind that resulted in high water levels at the structure,even at ebb tide. Monitoring stations at the high elevation were exposed above water but were primarily wet and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure during all tidal stages observed.The middle elevation monitoring stations were exposed above water during all tidal stages observed, also primarily wet, and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure.The low elevation monitoring stations were completely submerged at all tidal stages observed, even ebb tide. Due to high levels of turbidity in the water column during the survey,the low strata monitoring stations were photographed at a closer distance than the high and middle strata, requiring four close-up photographs per station which were later mosaicked together. During the May 2019 survey, ebb tides were relatively high. Monitoring stations at the high elevation were exposed above water during all tidal stages observed but were primarily wet and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure (Photo 15).The middle elevation monitoring stations were exposed above water during ebb tides, and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure (Photo 16). The low elevation monitoring stations were completely submerged at all tidal stages observed, even ebb tide (Photo 17). $Hdlpii-s 't ►,s&r . • • 4.* • • Photo 15. Representative photo of rock substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Station 27) showing wet rock on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the 2019 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 39 • Photo 16. Representative photo of concrete substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Station 7)showing wet concrete, algae, and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2019 survey. uA 9r i • Photo 17. Representative photo of concrete substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Station 8) showing submerged concrete and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2019 survey. As in previous surveys,the percent cover of colonizing biota were assessed at the 60 fixed monitoring stations along the wavebreak structure. Data was grouped first by substrate type (concrete or rock), then by strata (high, middle, or low),and also by orientation (north or south side of the structure). Data collected for concrete and rock monitoring stations are displayed in Tables 7 and 8, respectively. Representative photographs of colonized substrate and motile fauna from the May 2019 survey can be found in Appendix Ill. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 40 Table 7. Percent cover of biota from concrete monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017,the Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2018 and the Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2019.Scaled color bars added for emphasis. Concrete-North Concrete-South Biota or Non- Living Substrate 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 High IMiddlel Low High IMiddlel Low High 'Middle' Low High IMiddlel Low High IMiddlel Low High IMiddlel Low Biota Macroalgae 0 0 0 v.12 1111 U0.14 al bL 75 0 0 0 U14.51 U14.49 1116.81 RI ®.71 Ea Barnacle 0 0 0 15.51 11161 13 I 2.84 f.26 E 15 0 0 0 0 6 7 in 0 F1.14 134.94 Hydroid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16.64 0 0 0 Oyster 0 0 0 0 0.58 0 0.26 I 1.44 I 2.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1.61 [ 8.8 Cyanobacteria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BIOTA 0 0 0 13.63 9.3 3.6 az 33 W-- 0 0 0 [14.51 1E16 ME1 E�•�r ID r Table 8. Percent cover of biota from rock monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017,the Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2018 and the Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2019.Scaled color bars added for emphasis. Rock-North Rock-South Biota or Non- 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 I 2019 Living Substrate 'Middle' 'Middle' l l l 'Middle' 'Middle'High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low Biota Macroalgae 0 0 0 0 15.06 I 1.35 0 0 1112.94 0 0 0 0 0 I 1.41 0 Ei6.09 •.66 Barnacle 0 0 0 0 n11 134.86 [ 7 ®.53 1111.76 0 0 0 0 13.51 U6.9 0 [ 4.6 la.39 Hydroid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oyster 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 7.84 IE.B.82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 2.3 U-3.41 Cyanobacteria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 4.9 V3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BIOTA 0 0 0 0 F4.17 016.21 0 7 11.27 65 0 0 0 0 I 3.51 [18.31 0 [22.99 .46 I CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-0I-FIN 41 Colonizing biota observed on concrete substrate continued to include barnacles, macroalgae(primarily unidentified green hair algae), hydroids, and oysters. For concrete stations, biotic colonization was now dominated by macroalgae(versus barnacles in 2018)for the majority of strata. Percent cover of barnacles declined as compared to the 2018 particularly in the low strata with maximum percent cover down to 30.26% and 34.14%for the north and south sides, respectively(down from 64.03%and 73.0% in 2018;Table 7). Percent cover of macroalgae increased since 2018, doubling or tripling its percent cover in some cases. Macroalgae percent cover was greater than barnacles in all strata on both the north and south sides, with a maximum percent cover of 78%for high strata on the north side and 75.57 on the south side.The small numbers of hydroids observed in 2018 were not found in 2019 while oysters were now present in low cover in all strata on the north side and in the middle and low strata on the south side with a high (south side, low strata) of 8.8%, a clear increase overall since 2018. Colonizing biota on rock substrate included barnacles and macroalgae and new since 2018, oysters; no hydroids were observed on either side of the structure. For rock stations, biotic colonization continued dominated by barnacles for the majority of strata,with maximum cover of 24.39%on low strata on the south side(Table 8). Unlike concrete, percent cover of macroalgae was generally low except for the low south strata which had the highest percent cover(53.66%)of any biota across strata and side thus far. For all elevation strata, concrete exhibited greater total colonization by biota versus rock on both north and south sides of the structure, although the rock low strata on both the north and south sides were becoming more equivalent to concrete. Unlike 2018 where both concrete and rock,the middle and low strata generally showed greater colonization by biota than high strata, in terms of total biota all concrete substrate strata on both sides were now becoming much more equivalent, however,with the lowest strata still showing the highest percent cover of colonization. Rock colonization lagged behind concrete percent cover of colonization especially for the high and middle strata, irrespective of side. Only the rock substrate low strata, and particularly on the south side had become nearly equal to that of concrete. While there a clear trend of increasing colonization is occurring,there is non-systematic fluctuations in cover among year, side and elevation strata,which is not uncommon for sessile intertidal communities. Concrete is supporting more macroalgae and barnacles while rock is supporting more oyster colonization. Hydroids and cyanobacteria continue to be rare, despite a pulse of cyanobacteria presence in the rock low north strata this survey. 4.0 Conclusions The wavebreak was successfully installed in January 2017 (Photo 18) and passed its post construction engineering inspection. Monitoring will continue for an additional two years,through 2020(Table 1) which will build off of this report. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 42 • Pik n - ? ° t t Apr .....wry -"- w� rvMyti. y. Photo 18. North-oriented view of the wavebreak installed in January 2017 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.The total structure length is 500 ft (152 m). Seagrasses were successfully relocated from the construction corridor to two planting zones south of the wall footprint in May 2016. Seagrasses in the area are composed of all three of the marine species found in North Carolina (mixed H. wrightii, R. maritima,Z. marina). Seagrass cover measured within the confines of natural, colonized seagrass displayed dramatic change from May 2016 to January 2017 (-42%).The relocated seagrass area showed a similar decline of-35.0%. It cannot yet be determined if this change is a typical seasonal change in cover(spring versus winter) or if there was a contribution from Hurricane Matthew.The hurricane passed over this area on 9 October 2016, prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure;thus,the relocated area was highly exposed to an extreme wave event only 5 months after planting which could have led to disruption of the relocated material. In October of 2017 no seagrass was found in the randomly selected samples from both planting areas. Subsequent surveys found cover ranging from 0.7 to 14.9%in the planted areas while during the same time, cover in the reference areas ranged from 23.7 to 100%cover. At this point,the dramatic fluctuation of cover among surveys in both the planted blocks and reference areas is likely the result of storm impacts and a highly patchy and shifting seagrass distribution. Percent cover has thus far averaged 8.3% in the planted areas and 47.1% in the reference areas. A bioturbation experiment to help determine the relative role of bioturbation versus wave energy reduction in seagrass space occupation was significantly disrupted by unknown sources. Only 20%of the mesh (8 out of 40 remesh sheets)was relocated during the January 2017 survey.The wavebreak was not present during this time so comparisons could only be tested among the remaining 8 remesh sheets and those edges that did not receive remesh. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) among the change in distance between the remesh and no remesh treatments, preliminarily indicating that bioturbation was not strongly influencing the expansion of patch margins at that time. However,the passage of Hurricane Matthew may have obscured effects (disturbance effects like Hurricane Matthew erode seagrass patches from their edge, much like sting ray bioturbation; Fonseca et al., 2000). Physical data collection of sediment elevation and wave energy has been completed.A digital elevation model of the site was collected using the USV and these data will be compared with an end-of-project survey conducted in the same manner to determine net sediment accumulation or loss in the project CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-0I-FIN 43 area. Sediment elevation stakes will also continue be monitored to gain an understanding of short-term fluctuations in sediment elevation. An overall change in sediment elevation (-4.1 cm)was detected in that survey which cannot be attributed to the wavebreak, as similar differences occurred across the entire shoal. More detailed monitoring of the near-field sediment elevation (within 150 feet)and the far-field (spread over the entire wave energy forecast area) has shown a stable profile over time. With the near-field monitoring,the south side has consistently been approximately Y2 foot shallower than the north but still within the range of colonization by seagrass as is evidenced by the continued presence of seagrass in this area, including the planting and reference sites. The final wave modeling effort indicated that theoretically,the wavebreak influence on seagrass cover could result in a total of 1.78 acres (0.72 hectares) of new seagrass overall,with the 10% reduction zone producing 1.13 acres (0.46 hectares)and the 5% percent reduction zone producing 1.50 acres (0.61 hectares).The classification resulted in 33.4 acres(13.5 hectares)seagrass cover across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Aerial imagery was collected and analyzed annually to capture changes in seagrass cover associated with the addition of the wavebreak structure. That collection has been , y . terminated as of April 2018 and has been replaced by monthly surveys under another contract. W ` Finally,time-zero data collection for epibiotic colonization was completed using a stratified random, repeated measures design.As expected,there was no discernible epibiotic colonization in any of the 120 digital images recorded. Photographs of the exact locations on the structures,stratified by tidal elevation and north and south sides of the wall will be repeated over time to quantify epibiotic colonization trajectory, abundance and composition.The May 2018 data collection for epibiotic colonization was completed using a stratified random, repeated measures design. During the May 2018 survey,the percent cover of concrete and rock decreased from levels observed in January 2017 as epibiota colonized the structure. Concrete typically exhibited greater colonization by macroalgae and fauna than the rock substrate.The middle and low strata of both concrete and rock showed greater colonization than the high strata. As of May 2019, a clear trend of increasing colonization continues with high levels of colonization among all elevations of the wavebreak structure, irrespective of side (north or south facing). The most frequently observed biotic cover on concrete portions has been macroalgae and to a lesser degree, barnacles and oysters. Oyster colonization has only occurred on the lowest elevation strata of the wavebreak structure.There are non-systematic fluctuations in cover among year, side and elevation strata,which is not uncommon for sessile intertidal communities. Concrete is supporting more macroalgae and barnacles while rock is supporting slightly more oyster colonization. Hydroids and cyanobacteria continue to be rare, despite a pulse of cyanobacteria presence in the rock low north strata this survey This report occurs prior to the last survey(October 2019)of the twice-annual monitoring period of performance. Beginning in May 2020, annual surveys and reports will only occur in the May—July timeframe for the next two years to the end of the contract period. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 44 5.0 References Bohnsack,J.A. 1979. Photographic quantitative sampling of hard-bottom benthic communities. Bulletin of Marine Science 29:242-252. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233545259 Photographic Quantitative Sampling o f Hard-Bottom Benthic Communities Braun-Blanquet,J. 1972. Plant sociology:the study of plant communities. Hafner. New York, NY. https://archive.org/details/plantsociologyst00brau CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2017. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site As-Built Report. CSA-NCDOT-FL-17-1830-2845-07-REP-01-FIN. Fonseca, M.S. and S.S. Bell. 1998.The influence of physical setting on seagrass landscapes near Beaufort, NC, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 171:109-121. Fonseca, M.S.,W.J. Kenworthy, and G.W.Thayer. 1998. Guidelines for the conservation and restoration of seagrass in the United States and adjacent waters. NOAA COP/Decision Analysis Series. 222 pp. http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/noaa documents/NOS/NCCOS/COP/DAS/DAS 12.pdf Fonseca, M.S.,W.J. Kenworthy, and P.E. Whitfield. 2000.Temporal dynamics of seagrass landscapes: a preliminary comparison of chronic and extreme disturbance events. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7:373-376. Fonseca, M.S., P.E. Whitfield, N.M. Kelly, and S.S. Bell. 2002. Modeling seagrass landscape pattern and associated ecological attributes. Ecological Applications. 12:218-237. Fourqurean,J.W.,A. Willsie, and C.D. Rose. 2001. Spatial and temporal pattern in seagrass community composition and productivity in south Florida. Marine Biology 138:341-354. http://seagrass.fiu.edu/resources/publications/Reprints/Fourqurean%20et%20a1%202001%20M arine%20Biology.PDF Kelly, N.M., M.S. Fonseca, and P.E. Whitfield. 2001. Predictive mapping for management of seagrass beds. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 11:437-451. Kenworthy, W.J. and A. Schwarzchild. 1997.Vertical growth and short shoot demography in Syringodium filiforme in outer Florida Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 173:25-37. https://www.int- res.com/articles/meps/173/m173p025.pdf Kohler, K.E. and S.M. Gill. 2006. Coral Point Count with Excel extensions (CPCe):A Visual Basic program for the determination of coral and substrate coverage using random point count methodology. Computers and Geosciences 32(9):1,259-1,269. Malhotra,A. and M.S. Fonseca. 2007. WEMo (Wave Exposure Model): Formulation, Procedures and Validation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS#65. 28 pp. https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/9331 SEPI Engineering&Construction. 2016. Complete Construction Plans. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 45 Thayer, G.W.,W.J. Kenworthy and M.S. Fonseca 1984. The ecology of eelgrass meadows of the Atlantic coast:A community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-84/02. https://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/techrpt/84-02.pdf Townsend, E. and M.S. Fonseca. 1998.The influence of bioturbation on seagrass landscape patterns. Marine Ecology Progress Series 169:123-132. https://www.int- res.com/articles/meps/169/m169p123.pdf CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 46 Appendices CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 47 Appendix I Project Site Selection In 2015, CSA completed the process of site selection ([Report]Table 1). Existing seagrass cover and site conditions were compared between potential mitigation sites within the Pamlico Sound in the vicinity (^'8 km [^'5 mi]) of the Oregon Inlet.The Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was identified on a historically stable shoal, where seagrass growth was evident,and had the most potential for increased seagrass cover with gap closure among existing patches of the sites examined.The site was located near dredge spoil islands approximately 4.8 km (3 mi) southwest of the existing Bonner Bridge at Oregon Inlet. Wave and seagrass response models were utilized to determine the length of the wavebreak forecast to achieve the 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares) of seagrass mitigation. Also in 2015, CSA completed development of the wavebreak design and placement, a task which required both wave forecasting, seagrass recovery forecasting and engineering sub consultation for placement of the structure design. Wave forecast modeling(Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007)was utilized to estimate the wave reduction effects of the wavebreak structure. Percent wave reduction was computed from comparisons of no-wavebreak and wavebreak modeling scenarios for various length wavebreak structures.The percent wave energy reduction for a given length wavebreak was converted to percent seagrass cover(recomputed from Fonseca and Bell, 1998)to predict the overall increase in seagrass acreage across the site as the result of wave reduction.The 500-foot (152-meter) long wall was designed with an inverted "V-shape"consisting of two 250-foot(76.2-meter)sections. The V-shape was a professional judgement on the part of the design team to mitigate wave impacts on the wall from the forecast direction of maximum wave height development (northerly).Thus,the wavebreak was oriented on the site to attenuate the dominant north and northeasterly exceedance event(wind events composing the local top 5%of all hourly wind speeds, along with their direction, over the preceding three years period)winds and create a calmer environment on the lee side (south facing side)of the structure to promote seagrass patch coalescence and new, permanent seagrass acreage. Once the 500-foot(152-meter)wall length was selected by NCDOT(the wall length that most closely approximated the forecast 1.28 acres [0.52 hectares] of new seagrass cover),four wave energy regimes (treatments) were defined from a cumulative frequency analysis of the area covered by the modeling effort where greater than 5% energy reduction was forecast to occur as the result of the wavebreak (Figure I-1).The wave energy regimes represent high wave energy reduction (>66%forecast reduction), moderate reduction (34 to 66%), low reduction (5 to 33%), and ambient or reference (<5% reduction). These wave energy reduction regimes became strata for random selection of various sampling described below. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN I-1 75°35'30"W 75°35'20"W 75°35'10"W 75°35'0"W z Nags Head b • rManteoci v ,VYanchese''2- N C Area Shown • 114 b = Q 0 0 R N M r'I 2 z 8 Legend 500ft VVavebreak Structure Percent RWE Reduction ▪>66% 33%-66% 5%-33% ▪<5% 75°35'30'W 75°35'20"W 75'35'10-W 75°35'01W 75°34'50"W 0 100 200 400 Meters /1•4111114•11* I t + i I i i 110 CB A Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure I-1. Post-construction forecast of wave energy(RWE; representative wave energy[J m-1 wave crest]) based on 500-foot(152-meter)wavebreak structure, superimposed on image of seagrass cover. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 1-2 Project Engineering and Design CSA subcontracted SEPI Engineering to design the wavebreak and provide the engineering Signed and Sealed Design Plans.The wavebreak was designed based on wave height forecasts provided by CSA using the WEMo model (Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007)and the aforementioned exceedance event winds. To meet the 500-foot (152-meter)design length,the structure was composed of 101 individual "Reefmaker" units each containing a central piling, one concrete base unit, and three concrete wave attenuator units stacked on the base unit and each embedded with natural granite rock to increase surface area for epibiota colonization(each unit was 4.8 ft x 4.8 ft x 4 ft [1.46 m x 1.46 m x 1.22 m]) (Photos I-1 and 1-2). Granite rock was chosen to prevent bioerosion of the enhanced surface area. Each Reefmaker unit had a bottom clamp and a top collar installed to secure the concrete layers to the central piling to hold the base and wave attenuator units in a fixed vertical position on the piling, preventing settling into the sand substrate over time. 1e r, �, _ '�- .a^: �_- =fir._ -_ ^+•_ �.�"`-�� r� Photo I-1. East-facing view of installation of the central pilings with piling clamps at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.Yellow arrow points to an installed clamp. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 1-3 . 1 , ' i fls I,iii 1 , , ''I ` - ./ • . }� **/ o fit• . J1 111111r * rill11111 _.........„,t= a Photo 1-2. One Reefmaker unit consisting of one base unit on the bottom and three wave attenuator units containing granite rock. One hundred and one of these units were installed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. For scale,the width of the units is 4.8 ft (1.46 m). CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 1-4 Appendix II Bioturbation Experiment To evaluate the influence of biological disturbance on seagrass patches at the site (sensu Townsend and Fonseca, 1998), CSA installed a bioturbation exclusion experiment in May 2016.There,40 locations were randomly selected from within strata(10 per strata) defined by the forecasted wave reduction pattern following wavebreak placement(high wave energy reduction =>66%; moderate reduction=34 to 66%, low reduction =5 to 33%, and ambient or reference=<5% reduction) (Figure II-1).The nearest isolated seagrass patch to that location was then selected for application of the experimental treatment.At the center of all 40 patches, a 2.4-meter(8-foot) long stainless steel rod (Photo II-1)was driven into the sediment until only 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 in) remained above the sediment. Five randomly selected patches were assigned wire mesh (wire remesh panels 1.07 m x 2.13 m [42 in x 84 in])welded steel wire remesh sheet(with 0.106 m x 0.1.06 m [4 in x 4 in] mesh size)to exclude bioturbating sting rays and five were un-protected within each of the four wave energy regimes (total of 40 patches).At each of two randomly selected cardinal directions per patch,the distance from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass was measured in centimeters using a metric tape (Photo 11-2). For patches receiving mesh, each of the cardinal directions received a wire mesh.The longest length of the mesh was positioned parallel to the patch edge approximately 1/3 on seagrass and 2/3 on sand to allow room for seagrass growth (Photo II-3).Two J-shaped rebar stakes 0.3 m (1 ft) long anchored the mesh so it was flush on the seafloor. Flush deployment on the seafloor and anchoring were performed to prevent entanglement by sea life,such as diving birds. Other information recorded for each patch included the treatment received (mesh or no mesh), elevation of the rod above the sediment, and seagrass species observed at each edge. Change in the distance from the center rod to the patch margin will be recorded over time.The statistical approach for this experiment is a repeated measures two-way analysis of variance with wave energy and patch protection as main effects.The mesh and stakes will be removed and disposed of appropriately when patch coalescence begins, at which time monitoring of these patches will cease. During the May 2018 survey, scientists revisited each patch to collect data. Scientists navigated to the location of the center rod using the Trimble GPS. Once on location,they searched for the center rod using a glass bottom bucket and grazing a rake(tines up) on the seafloor.The distance from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass patch was re-measured along the same cardinal directions established during installation.The presence or absence of mesh,elevation of the rod above the sediment, and seagrass species observed at each edge was also noted for each patch. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN Il-1 i 0 _ F i _ V 1\\\ A --go r , \ Illi \\ \\\\ \ Photo II-1. Center rods (2.4 m [8 ft]) installed at each bioturbation experiment patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 11-2 • 75°35.28"W 75'35'20"W 75°35.12"W 75°35'4'W b Z 4n oQ • • • • • • • • • • „A • a • • • r3 • N Q Q N N Q • •td • • r '; r Legend Q t Monitoring Station Type �a ▪ Patches With Mesh '51F- ' • Patches Without Mesh • Sediment Elevation Control "A;•- -500ft Wavebreak Structure Percent RWE Reduction "4 7 33%-68% 10%-33% -<10% 75°35.20"W 75°3512"W 75°35.41W 0 100 200 400 Meters 0 CB A Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure II-1. Randomized distribution of the seagrass patches and the experimental treatments selected for use in the bioturbation study. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 11-3 � y 1111.1111411141111111116. Photo 11-2. Scientists measuring from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass patch on the randomly selected direction at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. A +M A � ry hb- Photo 11-3. Exclusion mesh installed flush on the seafloor on the edge of the seagrass patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Mesh size is 0.106 m x 0.1.06 m (4 in x 4 in). CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 11-4 v .. Bioturbation Experiment At the time of setting out the experiment in May 2016,the average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 40 patches was 3.8 m (12.5 ft) (Table II-1).At the onset of the experiment patches with exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.9 m (12.8 ft) and patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.7 m (12.1 ft). Table II-1. Average distances in meters from the center rod to the edge of the patch for the bioturbation experiment. Updated July 2018; n/a = not applicable; meshes had been removed. ND= no data;distances not measured as experiment had ended. Survey All 40 patches(m) Patches with Patches without exclusion mesh(m) exclusion mesh (m) May 2016 3.8 3.9 3.7 January 2017 3.5 3.7 3.3 October 2017 1.48 n/a n/a May 2018 ND ND ND In January 2017, all 40 bioturbation patches were revisited and monitored. For all 40 patches,the average distance from the center rod to the edge of the patch was 3.5 m (11.5 ft). For all mesh treatment patches,the average distance to the edge of the patch was 3.7 m (12.1 ft) (however, mesh was only located at 8 locations within 7 patches at the time of the survey). Patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.3 m (10.8 ft). In October 2017,the number of monitored patches was reduced to 14 to revisit only those 7 patches that still contained mesh at the time of the January survey in addition to an equal number of non-mesh patches (n=7).Average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 14 monitored seagrass patches was 1.5 m (4.9 ft). For the 7 patches that contained mesh at the time of the January survey,the average distance to the edge of the patch was 0.5 m (1.6 ft).The 7 patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 1.9 m (6.2 ft). In October of 2017 the experiment had been terminated and only the distance to patch edges were measured.That distance had reduced from 3.5 to 1.48 m suggesting the dynamic nature of seagrass patch margins in this area. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 11-5 Appendix III Representative Images of Biota — May 2019 • I i 4, !I;` y aP • itc• • • • ♦� Image III-1. Blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) on wavebreak structure in the medium elevation strata. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN Ill-1 � J f's Image III-2. Hydroids colonizing the lower edge of the wavebreak structure. Note support piling in background. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-0I-FIN III-2 ., I. • ' ' - -_ `N. , , ^' r ! .Ai Image III-3. School of juvenile fish utilizing the shallow water column over a dropped wavebreak unit. Note the oyster colonization on the unit surface and discarded Neverita shell. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN 111-3 • 4 v - --- - I .. Y. -- Image III-4. Ruddy Turnstones roosting on top of the wavebreak structure. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN III-4 l t rft � e T 40 f a...a, ' +.•, • .. • .ram ~ lib,.ill„i: m ..cam• ` �•wj•« i .r •.a ip. .3 1G. Y i 7bi F • r. Image III-5. Turf algae colonizing the concrete surface among embedded rocks on a medium elevation portion of the wavebreak structure. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-01-FIN Ill-S - iitof 4 1,4 • { M• 41 Image III-6. Oysters colonizing a rock on a medium elevation portion of the wavebreak structure. CSA-NCDOT-FL-19-1830-2845-11-REP-0I-FIN 111-6 UAS Photogrammetry of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site — 2018 Summary Report April 2019 .::AP.�yG„rM -'--•ter.,.,.......... • ..,•a- R• i' '� 4 N ,r Yr • i t , R •R."��a�de�J $�• ?ice?'+ ' tt �jf; ;ate x , �.' �i+ y ~;.1" Ap Prepared for: Prepared by: RKsK r .. Rummel Klepper & Kahl CSA 900 Ridgefield Drive CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Suite 350 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Stuart, Florida 34997 • r ‘okiSk CSA GSA Ocean Sciences Inc. UAS Photogrammetry of the Bonner Bridge SAV Mitigation Site - 2018 Summary Report DOCUMENT NO. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN Version Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: 01 03/01/19 Initial draft for review J. Pennell E. Hodel M. Fonseca 02 03/06/19 Revised draft J. Pennell M. Fonseca M. Fonseca FIN 04/18/19 Final J. Pennell M. Fonseca M. Fonseca The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current version.Controlled copies are available upon request from the Document Production Department. Table of Contents Page 1.0 Background 1 2.0 Methods 1 3.0 Results 4 3.1 TIME ZERO VERSUS 2018 SURVEYS 4 3.2 COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2018 MONTHLY SURVEYS 9 4.0 Interim Conclusions 9 5.0 Literature Cited 10 List of Tables Table Page 1 Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage results from GIS-based interpretation of aerial imagery collected at Time Zero (January 2017) and August, September, and October 2018 6 List of Figures Figure Page 1 Overview of the Bonner Bridge wave-break submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) monitoring program study area showing the wave-break, representative wave energy(RWE) reduction strata, and reference areas overlain on Time Zero imagery from 1/17/2017 3 2 GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from January 2017 (Time Zero)versus August 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area 11 3 GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from January 2017 (Time Zero)versus September 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area. 12 4 GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from January 2017 (Time Zero)versus October 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area 13 5 GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from August versus October 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area 14 6 GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from August versus September 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area 15 7 GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from September versus October 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area 16 CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 1.0 Background In response to the loss of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitat caused by the replacement of the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, North Carolina, a wave-break structure was constructed with the purpose of experimentally modifying existing, patchy SAV habitat by attenuating wave activity to test the ability of wave reduction to promote more continuous, persistent SAV coverage.The Bonner Bridge wave-break structure was constructed and installed between November 2016 and January 2017. In order to evaluate effects of the wave-break structure on the potential enhancement of SAV cover, a long-term, aerial imagery-based SAV monitoring program was established,with baseline data collection in January 2017 immediately following wave-break construction.The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) contracted Rummel Klepper and Kahl (RK&K) to lead this monitoring program. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) was subcontracted by RK&K to support the monitoring survey design and perform delineation of SAV cover from aerial imagery. This report presents the results of the aerial photo interpretations performed thus far in the monitoring program,from datasets collected in 2017 and 2018.The aerial imagery-based SAV monitoring program is scheduled to continue through December 2019. 2.0 Methods The long-term SAV monitoring program for the Bonner Bridge wave-break structure includes delineation of SAV cover from aerial imagery collected multiple times per year.The baseline aerial photos (Time Zero)were collected in January 2017. Subsequent aerial photos were collected in August, September, and October of 2018.This monitoring is continuing,with monthly aerial imagery collections scheduled through 2019 with timing dependent on water clarity and other environmental conditions.This imagery series will allow change analyses of SAV cover within a two-year period following wave-break construction, which based on life history of the primary SAV species on the site (Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima,Zostera marina) should encompass a time frame when responses by SAV cover could occur(Kenworthy et al., 1982;Thayer et al., 1984; Fonseca and Bell, 1998). The SAV delineation area includes the study area surrounding the wave-break and four haphazardly-selected 2.5-acre reference areas (Figure 1)outside of but immediately adjacent to the forecast zone of influence of the wave-break structure. The reference areas were situated to spatially bracket the forecast area of wave energy effects and were placed without examination of their initial SAV coverage. Specifically,the study area has been organized into the following strata based on an estimate of the potential reduction in representative wave energy(RWE) caused by the wave-break structure (Figure 1; See Table 1 for strata acreages): 1. >66% reduction in RWE (red zone); 2. 33-66% reduction in RWE (orange zone); 3. 5-33% reduction in RWE (green zone); and 4. Reference area (forecast as having less than a 5% reduction in RWE as the result of the position of the wave-break structure). Aerial imagery datasets of the study area were collected in January 2017 by CSA, and in August, September, and October 2018 by RK&K, using Unmanned Aircraft Systems(UAS).The January 2017 imagery was collected using a Quadcopter DGI Inspire 1 UAS and mosaicked using a cloud-based software.The 2018 imagery was collected using a DJI Phantom 4 Pro v2.0 UAS and also mosaicked using a GIS-based software. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 1 CSA performed interpretation of aerial imagery datasets for the Bonner Bridge wave-break site using geographic information systems (GIS). SAV cover was determined by classifying areas of SAV occurring within the study area from georeferenced, high-resolution mosaicked aerial images. Each aerial image had a resolution of 0.04 meters (m) (0.13 feet [ft]).The imagery was sometimes subdivided into separate classification areas of interest (AOI) based on similar pixel spectral signature ranges, often at the scale of individual image tiles(e.g., approximately 35 acres). Separate classification of each AOI helped to eliminate variations in reflectance and environmental conditions across the entire study area in order to reduce classification confusion.An unsupervised classification was then performed on each classification AOI using a combination of iso cluster and maximum likelihood techniques using ESRI ArcGIS 10.4 software. After running the unsupervised classifications, each AOI was manually interpreted by denoting visually apparent classes of SAV and classes of non-SAV (primarily seafloor substrate). Spectral noise and holes within the classification results were removed and corrected using a combination of Esri® ArcMap (10.6.1)tools including Majority Filter, Region Group, Set Null (enhanced boundary edges and removed groups of small non-contiguous pixels that were smaller than a specified value), and Eliminate Polygon Part(eliminated areas that were less than a specified value)tools in ArcGIS. Lastly, a manual classification technique was then applied to the classification with guidance from a GIS analyst experienced in SAV delineation and a SAV biologist with extensive experience in North Carolina SAV systems.This consisted of removing areas of over-classification (classifying non-seagrass areas as seagrass) and adding-in (digitizing) areas where under-classification (classifying seagrass as non-seagrass) occurred, again based on visually apparent SAV cover in the imagery. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 2 75°35'24'W 75°35'121W 75°35'0'W 75°34'48'W r r r Nags Head • Manteo • • 7. Wanchese N C Area Shown /p • • 40: 0,4-11 j + o z � -e z Legend z v MI 500ft Wavebreak Structure n Reference Area • Percent RWE Reduction . >66°/ 33%-66% 5%-33% r r 1 r 75°35'24'W 75'35'12-W 75°353:1 W 75'34'48 W 0 200 Feet es** C SA Coordinate System NAD 1983 StatePlane o 0 100 200 Meters 0 North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet 1 t t 110101 I 1 t t I Figure 1. Overview of the Bonner Bridge wave-break submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) monitoring program study area showing the wave-break, representative wave energy (RWE) reduction strata, and reference areas overlain on Time Zero imagery from 1/17/2017. The wave-break structure is the light yellow line just north of the red zone. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 3 3.0 Results 3.1 TIME ZERO VERSUS 2018 SURVEYS Percent cover of SAV for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study reference area, based on the GIS classification of aerial imagery datasets yielded percent cover of 16.3%for January 2017, 10.8%for August 2018, 19.9%for September 2018, and 19.0%for October 2018 (Table 1). The highest reference area cover among all surveys was observed in September 2018.This was not unexpected based on the timing of the survey at the end of growing season for Halodule wrightii in late summer. In addition to percent cover of SAV at the time of each survey,Table 1 presents change analyses (gains or losses of SAV in acres) performed between pairs of imagery datasets, along with a seasonal correction for reference cover. Change in cover in the reference areas can be attributed to season alone, and therefore the average absolute change per base acre of seagrass cover in the reference areas was subtracted off the change per base acre of seagrass within each of the three RWE reduction strata.The seagrass area per wave energy strata(>66%and 33-66%only), corrected for changes in reference area, was then totaled. For example, a comparison of the Time Zero (January 2017) survey to the August 2018 survey showed a cover increase of 18.39%within the >66% RWE reduction strata. Adjusting for the-5.47% loss of cover observed in the Reference areas (0.1839 x (1— [-0.0547]), resulted in a reference-adjusted value of 19.40%. Likewise, to determine the reference-adjusted total gain or loss of area within the>66% RWE reduction strata, the absolute change of acres per base acre within the reference area was subtracted from the change in area within that strata (0.16—[-0.05]) and resulted in 0.21 acre of gain. Change analyses were performed for the following aerial imagery dataset comparisons:Time Zero (January 2017) vs. August, September and October 2018. Disproportionately large increases in percent cover were observed especially in the>66%and 33-66% RWE reduction strata (red and orange colored strata, respectively; Figure 1) when compared to changes in the reference areas. When comparing Time Zero with SAV cover in the>66%and 33-66% RWE reduction strata for the months of August, September and October 2018 (19, 20 and 21 months following wave-break installation) a range of 13.8 to 22.2% increase in SAV was observed or about 5 times more seagrass gained per unit seafloor in these two strata as compared to reference areas (Table 1).The highest ratios of gain were seen when comparing Time Zero with the September 2018 survey which is reasonable given that September is the time of year likely to have the highest percent of SAV, meaning that any effect of the wave-break may be amplified in that month. Results of GIS-based interpretation of SAV cover for the Time Zero and August 2018 surveys are displayed in Figure 2. When compared with the Time Zero survey (January 2017), the August 2018 survey showed an 18.2 to 19.4%increase in SAV cover(Reference-adjusted) in the>66%and 33-66% RWE reduction strata, respectively(Table 1). From January 2017 to August 2018, SAV cover per base acre in the >66% and 33-66% RWE reduction strata increased respectively 3.2 to 3.4 times more than the reference areas. During the August 2018 survey, only 12.74 acres of the total 50.44 acres comprising the 5-33% RWE reduction stratum was delineated due to the quality of some of the aerial images.This resulted in the reduced acreage of seagrass observed in August (6.41 ac).Therefore, the data for the 5-33% RWE reduction stratum for August 2018 in Table 1 are a substantial underestimate. For this reason, any comparisons discussed in this report that include the August 2018 data should exclude the 5-33% RWE reduction stratum data. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 4 Results of GIS-based interpretation of SAV cover for the Time Zero and September 2018 surveys are displayed in Figure 3. When compared with the Time Zero survey(January 2017), the September (2018) survey showed a 6.9%to 22.2% increase in SAV cover (Reference-adjusted), depending on the RWE reduction strata (Table 1). The increase in SAV cover was greatest within the >66% and 33-66% RWE reduction strata, located closest to the wave-break structure.The smallest increase in SAV cover was observed within the 5-33% RWE reduction stratum, located farthest from the wave-break structure. From January 2017 to October 2018, SAV cover per base acre in the various RWE reduction strata increased 2.0 to 6.3 times more than the reference areas. Results of GIS-based interpretation of SAV cover for the Time Zero and most recent (October 2018) surveys are displayed in Figure 4. When compared with the Time Zero survey (January 2017),the October 2018 survey showed a 6.2%to 15.7% increase in SAV cover(Reference-adjusted), depending on the RWE reduction strata (Table 1). The increase in SAV cover was greatest within the >66% reduction in RWE reduction stratum, located closest to the wave-break structure.The smallest increase in SAV cover was observed within the 5-33% reduction in RWE reduction stratum, located farthest from the wave-break structure. From January 2017 to October 2018, SAV cover per base acre in the RWE reduction strata increased 2.4 to 5.9 times more than the reference areas. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 5 Table 1. Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) acreage results from GIS-based interpretation of aerial imagery collected at Time Zero (January 2017) and August, September, and October 2018. Areas of SAV Assessment Acres Reference 9.88 >66%(red zone)polygon 0.87 33-66%(orange zone)polygon 5.16 5-33%(green zone)polygon 50.44 TIME ZERO VS.2018 SURVEYS Time Zero(January 2017)vs.August 2018 (19 MONTHS) Reference- Compared to Acres gained reference,X Percent Percent Delta%Cover Reference- adjusted total Areas of SAV Assessment; Time Zero change or lost per times gain or Aug'18 Cover Cover Jan'17 vs. adjusted Delta gain or loss of area units are acres -Jan'17 (+=gain) Jan'17 Aug'18 Aug'18 %Cover base acre in acres in that loss per base that zone acre in that zone zone Reference 1.61 1.07 -0.54 16.30% 10.83% -5.47% n/a -0.05 n/a n/a >66%(red zone) 0.17 0.33 0.16 19.54% 37.93% 18.39% 19.40% 0.18 0.21 3.36 33-66%(orange zone) 1.17 2.06 0.89 22.67% 39.92% 17.25% 18.19% 0.17 0.94 3.16 5-33%(green zone)* 11.63 6.41 -5.22 23.06% 12.71% -10.35% -10.91% -0.10 -5.17 -1.89 Total area change(red+ 1.16 orange) Time Zero(January 2017)vs.September 2018 (20 MONTHS) Reference- Compared to Acres gained reference,X Percent Percent Delta%Cover Reference- adjusted total Areas of SAV Assessment; Time Zero change or lost per times gain or Sept'18 Cover Cover Jan'17 vs. adjusted Delta gain or loss of area units are acres -Jan'17 (+=gain) Jan'17 Sep'18 Sep'18 %Cover base acre in acres in that loss per base that zone acre in that zone zone Reference 1.61 1.97 0.36 16.30% 19.94% 3.64% n/a 0.04 n/a n/a >66%(red zone) 0.17 0.37 0.20 19.54% 42.53% 22.99% 22.15% 0.23 0.16 6.31 33-66%(orange zone) 1.17 2.36 1.19 22.67% 45.74% 23.06% 22.22% 0.23 1.15 6.33 5-33%(green zone) 11.63 15.24 3.61 23.06% 30.21% 7.16% 6.90% 0.07 3.57 1.96 Total area change(red+ 1.32 orange) CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 6 Table 1 (Continued). Time Zero(January 2017)vs.October 2018 (21 MONTHS) Reference- Compared to Acres gained reference,X Percent Percent Delta%Cover Reference- adjusted total Areas of SAV Assessment; Time Zero change or lost per times gain or Oct'18 Cover Cover Jan'17 vs. adjusted Delta gain or loss of area units are acres -Jan'17 (+=gain) Jan'17 Oct'18 Oct'18 %Cover base acre in acres in that loss per base that zone acre in that zone zone Reference 1.61 1.88 0.27 16.30% 19.03% 2.73% n/a 0.03 n/a n/a >66%(red zone) 0.17 0.31 0.14 19.54% 35.63% 16.09% 15.65% 0.16 0.11 5.89 33-66%(orange zone) 1.17 1.90 0.73 22.67% 36.82% 14.15% 13.76% 0.14 0.70 5.18 5-33%(green zone) 11.63 14.87 3.24 23.06% 29.48% 6.42% 6.25% 0.06 3.21 2.35 Total area change(red+ orange) 0.82 COMPARISONS OF SEQUENTIAL SURVEYS IN 2018 August 2018 vs.October 2018 Reference- Compared to Acres gained reference,X Percent Percent Delta%Cover Reference- adjusted total Areas of SAV Assessment; change or lost per times gain or Aug'18 Oct'18 Cover Cover Aug'18 vs. adjusted Delta gain or loss of area units are acres (+=gain) Aug'18 Oct'18 Oct'18 %Cover base acre in acres in that loss per base that zone acre in that zone zone Reference 1.07 1.88 0.81 10.83% 19.03% 8.20% n/a 0.08 n/a n/a >66%(red zone) 0.33 0.31 -0.02 37.93% 35.63% -2.30% -2.11% -0.02 -0.10 -0.28 33-66%(orange zone) 2.06 1.90 -0.16 39.92% 36.82% -3.10% -2.85% -0.03 -0.24 -0.38 5-33%(green zone)* 6.41 14.87 8.46 12.71% 29.48% 16.77% 15.40% 0.17 8.38 2.05 Total area change(red+ orange) -0.34 CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 7 Table 1 (Continued). August 2018 vs.September 2018 Reference- Compared to Acres gained reference,X Percent Percent Delta%Cover Reference- adjusted total Areas of SAV Assessment; change or lost per times gain or Aug'18 Sep'18 Cover Cover Aug'18 vs. adjusted Delta gain or loss of area units are acres (+=gain) Aug'18 Sep'18 Sep'18 %Cover base acre in acres in that loss per base that zone acre in that zone zone Reference 1.07 1.97 0.90 10.83% 19.94% 9.11% n/a 0.09 n/a n/a >66%(red zone) 0.33 0.37 0.04 37.93% 42.53% 4.60% 4.18% 0.05 -0.05 -0.50 33-66%(orange zone) 2.06 2.36 0.30 ( 39.92% 45.74% 5.81% 5.28% 0.06 0.21 -0.64 5-33%(green zone)* 6.41 15.24 8.83 1 12.71% 30.21% I 17.51% 15.91% 0.18 8.74 1.92 Total area change(red+ orange) 0.16 September 2018 vs.October 2018 Reference- Compared to Acres gained reference,X Percent Percent Delta%Cover Reference- adjusted total Areas of SAV Assessment; change or lost per times gain or Sep 18 Oct'18 Cover Cover Sep 18 vs. adjusted Delta gain or loss of area units are acres (+=gain) Sep'18 Oct'18 Oct'18 %Cover base acre in acres in that loss per base that zone acre in that zone zone Reference 1.97 1.88 -0.09 19.94% 19.03% -0.91% n/a -0.01 n/a n/a >66%(red zone) 0.37 0.31 -0.06 42.53% 35.63% -6.90% -6.96% -0.07 -0.05 -7.57 33-66%(orange zone) 2.36 1.90 -0.46 45.74% 36.82% -8.91% -9.00% -0.09 -0.45 -9.79 5-33%(green zone) 15.24 14.87 -0.37 30.21% 29.48% -0.73% -0.74% -0.01 -0.36 -0.81 Total area change(red+ -0.50 orange) SAV=submerged aquatic vegetation *The August 2018 delineation of the 5-33%RWE reduction stratum included only 12.74 acres of the entire 50.44 acres.This resulted in a reduced acreage of seagrass observed. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 8 3.2 COMPARISONS BETWEEN 2018 MONTHLY SURVEYS Change analysis in SAV cover was performed between each survey in 2018 to measure short-term changes in that cover: • August 2018 vs. September and October 2018; and • September 2018 vs. October 2018 These comparisons captured the seasonal dynamics of the SAV habitat. Comparisons of August and October to September(the seasonal peak of reference bed cover) revealed general trends of cover increase and decrease, respectively. Due to the incomplete delineation of the 5-33 % reduction in RWE reduction stratum for the August 2018 survey,those results were not compared. Results of GIS-based interpretation of SAV cover for the August and October 2018 surveys are displayed in Figure 5. Between August and October 2018, SAV cover showed a 2.8 to 2.1% decrease (Reference-adjusted), depending on the RWE reduction strata (Table 1). Both >66% and 33-66% RWE reduction strata showed slight decreases in SAV cover. From August to October 2018, SAV cover per base acre declined 0.3 times in the>66% RWE reduction stratum and declined 0.4 times in the 33-66% RWE reduction stratum compared to the reference areas. Based on SAV growing season, SAV cover was expected to start declining by October, as was observed in the>66%and 33-66% RWE reduction strata. Results of GIS-based interpretation of SAV cover for the August and September 2018 surveys are displayed in Figure 6. SAV cover in September was the highest observed among all surveys, across all three RWE reduction strata.These high percent covers were expected as September was at the end of the summer growing season. Between August and September 2018, SAV cover showed a 4.2%to 5.3% increase (Reference-adjusted), depending on the RWE reduction strata (Table 1). Both the>66%and 33-66% RWE reduction strata showed slight increases in SAV cover. From August to September 2018, SAV cover per base acre increased 0.5 to 0.6 times in the>66%and 33-66% RWE reduction strata closest to the wave-break compared to the reference areas. Results of GIS-based interpretation of SAV cover for the September and October 2018 surveys are displayed in Figure 7. Between September and October 2018, SAV cover decreased in all three RWE reduction strata, between 0.7%and 9.0% (Reference-adjusted) (Table 1). This decrease was expected due to the declining growth of SAV following the end of the summer growing season. SAV cover per base acre in the RWE reduction strata decreased from 0.8 to 9.8 times when compared to the reference areas.The decrease was more drastic for the >66%and 33-66% RWE reduction strata. 4.0 Interim Conclusions The preliminary change analysis results comparing the Time Zero survey in January 2017 and the most recent survey in October 2018 indicate that the wave-break structure is functioning as intended and is facilitating a seasonally variable increase in SAV cover within all three RWE reduction strata, particularly those two strata closest to the wave-break (>66%and 33-66%). Aerial imagery collections and interpretations are scheduled to continue monthly through 2019 and will be assessed in conjunction with the 2017 and 2018 surveys, which will provide a robust dataset for evaluating the effect of the wave-break structure on the surrounding SAV landscape as part of the long-term Bonner Bridge SAV mitigation site monitoring program. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 9 5.0 Literature Cited Fonseca, M.S. and S.S. Bell. 1998.The influence of physical setting on seagrass landscapes near Beaufort, NC, USA. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 171:109-121. Kenworthy, W.J.,J.C. Zieman, and G.W. Thayer. 1982. Evidence for the influence of seagrass on the benthic nitrogen cycle in a coastal plain estuary near Beaufort, North Carolina (USA). Oecologia 54:152-158. Thayer, G.W.,W.J. Kenworthy, and M.S. Fonseca. 1984. The ecology of eelgrass meadows of the Atlantic coast: a community profile. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Biological Services, Research and Development, National Coastal Ecosystems Team. FWS/OBS-84/02. 147 pp. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 10 55,a„ - -L _ .. 75 15"�'N / I . L - <, v• y .': r -,(•. '.-.+:. ' d 4 7e • ''A Q F , F •• 'AV •. . '. 4.4;.,,t.c p , ..._ ... ,1 . . . . .,,,..ti..t54,..1,,..., ,. : ... ,.. . ..,...,,,:.,,s,....... .,..,...,„..1 . .„,,...s i.or.p,„„i 41,of • •:, -- -...• ..... , • )rii , 9'1 y i o w6. IV li!A •I t 4 y*R ' ` t t'iq., J .. - i • • ` Legend 1 MN 500ft Wavebreak Structure V/I August 12018 January 12017 75'3574-W 75'3512'W 75'35O v' 0 200 Feet C r 1111* F+++14+H SA Coortnate System NAO 1983 SatePtane 0 50 100 200 Meters North Carolina FIPS 3200 Fees 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Figure 2. GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation(SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from January 2017 (Time Zero) versus August 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 11 75°35.24"W 75'3512-W 75°35'0'1/V / ,. s • •Y� - , t r • • at. :. in A • . 1r ari 4. %��9 • ,iI;. r .0 I r z4 A` _ • is r �� % ;. F �.• j4.t Jlk ..,. • .r'�f /t. `' •zv j. - mil•' I ��s -' • i,ip • '� 't Y by• '° t%~1•,. ..t: � < q , / t. yt • t ' t a,..L� 1�• - s -.-1,. •• .- , - z t tt ter-,. y „si✓ - x - �f, 1" t t r r • u Legend 1 MI 500ft Wavebreak Structure V/I September 2018 75°35'245W 75°35'12-W 75.35'0"W January 1 2017 _` ',Ilk* C SA200 F0+ Feet r Coordinate System NAD 1 StatePlane 0 50 100 200 Meters North Carotins FIPS 3200 Feet F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 3. GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from January 2017 (Time Zero)versus September 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 12 75.3524•W 75.3612 W 75.35ro•W ► • y �;•t•5 Z . % . ..�i:,. • . . - Z = - • Z ; • _.. - -, . .IR • -kt` - r e.' ..D .4 ,.p S. K° ♦i ,r ,,• ,r.i . • • t � f4 it T. r•$i,.ii v, 1 �.a J .. fi 1. ..,� °t - 1 .' ` J 2 co �'' - 4."1♦r •. ws4 .. • p' A.. ',.0' 4 �w,1. ' ..'r' t te; i '�i' f 4 47, or .air 'i• i. . 1 h -•r � y .A '•.1,. •'JY t,-`,% S. 1 s.',.j• ,4F`rt i$.i6 iti j! t t 5-s 1 `•:. t A �4q•'. S,c1' ::.`4,�;'•E +';' -v� .tt 4,''' ''. - r , V... Y �, ` Iris '^:.• . 4(+ 'r f 1 o rn ' ., i • 4., r h4 1 p .?f'. ` <4%yi' '"" 'e-• a: i Legend IIII 500ft Wavebreak Structure 1771 October 12018 EMI January 12017 75.3524'W 75'3512'W 75°3' ,v 0 200 Feet r t+HHH PC SA Coordinate system:NAD 1983 StatePtane 0 50 100 200 Meters North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet 11 e i I i 1 i Figure 4. GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from January 2017 (Time Zero)versus October 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 13 75°35'0W 4 111 • • 14 a • • • " • • • • .7# :s* • • . • - - ••• ' e••••74,. • '.)-•• • • - ' • • • •• ,r(,, . Ote . *IP!.. ' ••• • • ;. Al . „,„ • 1;•fr•' , 40 0. , . • -•.: ;;•., • a-4• kk • 4 40. , - 40:. , , " • 9 ••t•vitise ' - .• " • '-41;" ..446, . , 4 ie.., • - d -.1' 1,-'4• '4...;,114' 111•:4. „*",1,1 ,,e,•••• • • - "•••,.rt •-•;,,,r-:•".• • -.4.•As • A--• • • . "4. *4?111,;:by • • • s It • ' • Legend IMil 500ft Wavebreak Structure 1///f October I 2018 August I 2018 75°35'24W 75•3612W 75 350W til"14* 0 200 Feet li+H•f+H 50 CBA Coordinate System.WAD 1983 StatePlane 0 100 200 Meters North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet II II fI I Figure 5. GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from August versus October 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 14 75°35'24"W 75.3512'W 75.35'0'W '7 II • rI in • • � % O • 1'', •i ,• r •j•S, • it ,r r• .. • s 7+:, .c•'. r .; :v x y r , r `:'e" q - .. } {' t r t`4.: • , ;14 3,. as r° ' 4 ;y.► � 1 .,-, T % ` '. - r, ".. H. .fir• . . Z Legend 500ft Wavebreak Structure VASeptember 12018 August 12018 75.3524'W 75.3517W 75'35'0"W 0 200 Feet . Ill'illik* �� Coordinate System NAD 1983 StatePlane 050H 100 200 Meters North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet I I I I I I I II Figure 6. GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation(SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from August versus September 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 15 75°35'24'W / I • • k •• 1 . , v te' ,•` L ; •-v- w e '-'- >• '�• ;•fi t• • •-1. c •..-- • ',.rl •' .•• ITT.•••-- + � 40 ,tY / • • • - •1 I+-- )geec • I • V. a • - 1 -'• • ; ► i ems._• li y..Y j.,a ..-/4 •• ^ .. •k 4 Z 41^`.£' '''4 ' 1• •• VI 4. 7. • .y' / t. r'� �r' /( .• ?t •• `. 7,''". r a. '••' f g 1,, •4•1. ,•`••,,t� ',4/ah7, l y"N • ./,•1-*•t'•,1,• .x :*..' '�••R • .„'!•.".„..;',. •;•••• ,.,"%...4.,,.,../.,toil: a t Ay 4.... 4.4 „.. 4.-J*.. ,:. . it, .a eA0'. ; .1e.- i ' '•:,F.!.-. to '` ` ' • �r�. .) :e 4 _ ' •'„A .n I. •' • :y` 4 . 4 .• r� • ` ( f . •A - .7I• s * t 'I Y•• • • t - «- z'.t•t4Y• ^ •• _t t •- ••� in co a• ' Legend 500ft Wavebreak Structure VA October 12018 MIMI September 12018 75.35'24'W 75'3512'W 75°35'0Ml 0 200 Feet �. "lull C S A Coordinate System:NAD 1983 StatePtene 0 50 100 200 Meters North Caroline FIPS 3200 Feet I I i i I 1 i i Figure 7. GIS-based submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) interpretation from aerial imagery from September versus October 2018 for the Bonner Bridge wave-break study area. CSA-RK&K-FL-19-3324-02-REP-01-FIN 16 Brittingham, Cathy From: Herring, Kathy Sent: Wednesday,January 02, 2019 8:53 AM To: Staples, Shane Cc: Brittingham, Cathy; Huggett, Doug; Stanton, Tyler P; Cox, Marissa R Subject: RE: [External] RE: Bonner Mitigation presentation Yep,that is the plan. We started the drone work this past Spring so going forward we will have month to month comparisons. Thanks! Kathy From:Staples,Shane Sent:Wednesday,January 02, 2019 8:30 AM To: Herring, Kathy<mkherring@ncdot.gov> Cc: Brittingham, Cathy<cathy.brittingham@ncdenr.gov>; Huggett, Doug<doug.huggett@ncdenr.gov>;Stanton,Tyler P <tstanton@ncdot.gov>; Cox, Marissa R<mrcox@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Bonner Mitigation presentation Thanks, in the future with more sampling seasons available I would hope they may start using same season comparisons if for no other reason that ease of data comparison. Shane Shane Staples Fisheries Resource Specialist Division of Marine Fisheries North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality 252-948-3950 office Shane.staples(c@ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27817 From: Herring, Kathy Sent: Monday, December 31, 2018 10:08 AM To:Staples,Shane<shane.staplesCc@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Brittingham, Cathy<cathv.brittingham@ncdenr.gov>; Huggett, Doug<doug.huggett@ncdenr.gov>; Stanton,Tyler P <tstanton@ncdot.gov>; Cox, Marissa R<mrcox@ncdot.gov> Subject: FW: [External] RE: Bonner Mitigation presentation Hi Shane, Hope you had a great Holiday! Yours was the only question that I have received, so here is Mark's answer. Thanks! Kathy From: Fonseca, Mark<MFonseca@conshelf.com> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 3:02 PM To: Herring, Kathy<mkherring@ncdot.gov> Cc: Hodel, Erin<ehodel@conshelf.com> Subject: [External] RE: Bonner Mitigation presentation 1 CAUTION: Report Spam. Erin and I developed this response: Kathy, That is a very good question—and fortunately one that we considered in assembling the data. Recall that I mentioned speaking with my friend Don Field at NOAA about this very problem; comparing cover from January when we know above-ground seagrass biomass is reduced, especially for Halodule,with September imagery when aboveground biomass is probably at a yearly high for that species. Long answer: We considered two options. One was to utilize mid-season imagery to help us manually fill in cover on the large patches which are a substantial source of difference in areal coverage among seasons. In January,those big patches look like halos as only the edges are heavily vegetated, largely with Zostera, which needs that slightly deeper margin of a patch. However, in and around September what appeared to be unvegetated cover in the center of the patches appear heavily vegetated as a consequence of Halodule emergence. Two problems prevented us from taking that approach: 1)small differences in rectification of the images prevented straight pixel to pixel comparisons of cover which would have helped the manually filling process and 2) there were just too many patches! The second option and that which was used in the presentation was to use references sites to control for changes in cover among seasons and years. This much more parsimonious approach circumvents the rectification issue as we are just comparing the amount of cover in large areas: the 4, 2.5 acre reference sites versus the high and moderate wave energy reduction zones, irrespective of exactly where the cove was on the seafloor within those areas. The reference areas (selected to be just outside the forecast wave energy reduction zones,these 4 sites were arbitrarily placed without looking at the seagrass imagery and only the wave forecast zones so that we would not be biased by seagrass abundance in their placement)on average increased their cover—4%when comparing the January 2017 and September 2018 images. Therefore, we reduced the seagrass acreage totals in both of the wave energy reduction zones by 4% before comparing change in cover among the two time periods and before computing percent changes. Thus we used the reference to control for among year and season changes. We will also be comparing cover among all combinations of seasons to see if there is a discernible trajectory in this change. However,even if we do not see a trajectory,we will look for consistency/stability in cover levels. A trajectory may not emerge because of the nature of the threshold response of seagrass cover to a change in wave energy; i.e., once the wave energy at a site crosses the threshold,the response may be rapid and not a nice steady climb over seasons or years. I have personally witnessed large-scale and very rapid shifts in seagrass cover in the NC system (both +and -; for+see Fonseca et al. 1990)therefore my expectation for capturing a nice steady increase in seagrass cover to a new stable state of higher cover is tepid at best. A short answer: Yes, this could happen—so we used change in cover in the reference sites over this same time period to correct the change in seagrass cover. Here,this was a 4% reduction in the wave-affected areas in September of 2018 because the Reference sites increased 4% between Jan 2017 and Sept 2018.This consequently decreased the change in cover and this reference, down-adjusted percent change was what we reported. Please let us know if this suffices and if there are other questions or needs for clarification. Best, Mark Mark S. Fonseca, Ph.D. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Vice President, Science mfonseca@conshelf.com 2 Direct: +1 (772) 219-3065 Cell: +1 (252) 241-1564 From: Herring, Kathy<mkherring@ncdot.gov> Sent:Wednesday, December 19, 2018 9:03 AM To: Fonseca, Mark<MFonseca@conshelf.com> Cc: Hodel, Erin<ehodel@conshelf.com> Subject: FW: Bonner Mitigation presentation This is the only question I have received. From: Staples, Shane Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:10 AM To: Herring, Kathy<mkherring@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: Bonner Mitigation presentation Thanks, one thing I didn't catch yesterday that would be good to clear up on slide 19 in what time of year the SAV increase was based on. In theory you could gain a lot of SAV coverage from January to September just based on growing season. Shane Shane Staples Fisheries Resource Specialist Division of Marine Fisheries North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality 252-948-3950 office Shane.staples@ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27817 From: Herring, Kathy Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 9:49 AM To: Harris, Philip S<pharris@ncdot.gov>; Cox, Marissa R<mrcox@ncdot.gov>; Donna.Dancausse@dot.gov <Donna.Dancausse@dot.gov>; "Lucas, Ron" <ron.lucas@fhwa.dot.gov>; Wilson,Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>; Bryan, Roger D<rdbryan@ncdot.gov>; Brittingham, Cathy<cathy.brittingham@ncdenr.gov>; Clarence.Coleman@dot.gov; Dagnino, Carla S<cdagnino@ncdot.gov>; Donnie Brew<Donnie.Brew@dot.gov>; Huggett, Doug<doug.huggett@ncdenr.gov>; Euliss, Amy<aeuliss@ncdot.gov>; Gary Jordan@fws.gov; Daisey, Greg<Greg.Daisev@ncdenr.gov>; Staples,Shane <shane.staples@ncdenr.gov>; Lane, Stephen<stephen.lane@ncdenr.gov>; Chambers, Marla J <marla.chambers@ncwildlife.org>; McLendon, Scott C SAW<Scott.C.McLendon@saw02.usace.army.mil>; Mellor, Colin <cmellor@ncdot.gov>; Pair, Missy<mpair@ncdot.gov>; Paugh, Leilani Y<Ipaugh@ncdot.gov>; Williams, Paul C <pcwilliams2@ncdot.gov>; Gledhill-earley, Renee<renee.gledhill-earley@ncdcr.gov>; Rivenbark, Chris<crivenbark@ncdot.gov>; Shern,James F<ifshern@ncdot.gov>;Tom Steffens<thomas.a.steffens@usace.army.mil>; Matthews, Monte K SAW <Monte.K.Matthews@usace.army.mil>; Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil; Mason,Suzanne<suzanne.mason@ncdcr.gov>; McHenry, David G <dgmchenry@ncdot.gov>;Werner, Christopher M <cmwerner@ncdot.gov>; Somerville,Amanetta <Somerville.Amanetta@epa.gov>; Morgan,Stephen R<smorgan@ncdot.gov>; Ward, Garcy<garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov>; Smyre, Beth<esmyre@dewberry.com>; Weaver, Derrick G <dweaver@ncdot.gov>; twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov; 'steve_d_thompson@nps.gov' <steve d thompson@nps.gov>; McCann, Nora A<namccann@ncdot.gov> Cc:Tortorella,James<itortorella@ncdot.gov>; Stanton,Tyler P<tstanton@ncdot.gov>; Hodel, Erin <ehodel@conshelf.com>; Fonseca, Mark<MFonseca@conshelf.com>; Hernandez, Pablo A<phernandez@ncdot.gov> Subject: Bonner Mitigation presentation All, 3 Brittingham, Cathy From: Herring, Kathy Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 9:49 AM To: Harris, Philip S;Cox, Marissa R; Donna.Dancausse@dot.gov; "Lucas, Ron"; Wilson, Travis W.; Bryan, Roger D; Brittingham, Cathy; Clarence.Coleman@dot.gov; Dagnino, Carla S; Donnie Brew; Huggett, Doug; Euliss, Amy; Gary_Jordan@fws.gov; Daisey, Greg; Staples, Shane; Lane, Stephen; Chambers, Marla J; McLendon, Scott C SAW; Mellor, Colin; Pair, Missy; Paugh, Leilani Y;Williams, Paul C; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Rivenbark, Chris; Shern, James F;Tom Steffens; Matthews, Monte K SAW; Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil; Mason, Suzanne; McHenry, David G;Werner, Christopher M; Somerville, Amanetta; Morgan, Stephen R;Ward, Garcy; Smyre, Beth; Weaver, Derrick G; twyla.cheatwood@noaa.gov; 'steve_d_thompson@nps.gov'; McCann, Nora A Cc: Tortorella,James; Stanton, Tyler P; Hodel, Erin; Fonseca, Mark; Hernandez, Pablo A Subject: Bonner Mitigation presentation Attachments: 2018Annual_Status_Update_BBMit.pdf All, As requested, attached is a copy of the status update of the Bonner Bridge SAV mitigation project presentation. If you have any comments or questions please send them to me, I will compile, and get answers back to you. Thank you, Kathy Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 * r- . 0* tIO R Th/ c 44) ilk . 04 ilk .,:i' (1, • tro 0 Tip CSA �FNr OF TRj Questions ? CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Oft M Conclusions • Seagrass coverage changes across disturbance gradients • NC seagrass/disturbance well studied and modeled • Manipulation of gradient = changes in seagrass coverage • Reefmaker method with suspended wavebreak structure : — Supported new, persistent seagrass cover — Provided substantial additional Essential Fish Habitat services • Cautiously optimistic - seagrass acreage > mitigation requirements — Needed 1.28 acres — + 1.34 in just the two highest wave reduction areas — + 4.8 acres if the total area of > 5 % forecast wave energy 1, is considered • Continued monitoring to validate and improve forecasting 2k* CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. RESULTS Seagrass Cover — preliminary assessment January 2017 ..w� , �, :. September 2018 Reference i;l * . .. ~ � '� Zones • • t. •%• Y , .A7 of , • $ ,,,r ,,r .,dt 1ta R. --.. . *•• _ '!' .I t, �aa 5o ri.,• .� ri 0 •. .f ;. ;' ; -,r £ �` r �,, °�� ��; >66% energy 1 r s 14 firo 'e% ,ta, i +iis fa �4 i • '1, �' 33 66% ener9Y •yam•. ,,, ` Mr : .��yy • :♦ _•; '• 1 4 • i'i 'it • _ _ ottr tY �i°'.-.1.,.1'ti(� ! r'; * 'r" •s ~ .^ +, r ;�.• firy', ^�•'4 `S A a ` k t�• v'- +�.I •� lep t rat it *, `}� •q\ 72+t tiV a F ,• • . . ol I' [ . + ° ti ' *, ,i -s 1*1. 4,;,, ,.i k!,/k,lc ' ' ' - - 'ial... ,.14' 3 .4 ;* 4,,),r j t ' 1A .,1,, 5-33 /° energy 1 ie, t 1• o r" ' ,4* :** i it ,,44:i 'T'r to A � "'V .*.t .. .aAs ••rt hi r AI' -' - 14. '''' ..'• , ,r, ,,, 4, a?� 7�- a �•i C���F�rylp " + 1 .34 acres in zone >33% energy + 4.82 acres in zones with > 5% energy, Areas of assessment Gain per base acre % cover 2017 % cover 2018 LI % cover Ref. adj. A % cover Reference areas (9.8 ac) 0.22 16% 20% Q 4% Total area of > 66% FP 1.18 L 20% 43% 23% Total area of 33-66% , 1.02 23% 46% 23% 18% Total area of 5-33% 1 0.31 P 21% I 30% Li 7% 1E1 6% CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. CSA RESULTS Epibiont Cover/Relocated Seagrass ., . , ,... , , Substrate % Infrequent Frequent Near- • - _' Cover Inundation Inundation continual Inundation - . yg. Embedded .r 0 19 17 . •' Granite Rock y ., T .� e « . Concrete Base 27 70 90 abhor-' k If.. .**.1.4 ' 40.'''`' Concrete base . 1. �' \ b -�-15% areal cover relocated - ' - y_ sea grass as of October 2018 survey .�' 2 /it* CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. RESULTS Sediment elevation survey 2500 BONNER BRIDGE SAV MITIGATION - PILING 51 NOTE.DATA WAS GATHERED IN THE FIELD WITH LEVEL AND ROD.ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED FROM AS-BUILT BENCH MARK DATA COLLECTED:June 2017 to September 2018 ELEVATIONS. SCALE b I'=2.5'VERTICAL e I'=25'HORIZONTAL 7 ' 6 4 a 3 BOTTOM OF DISK ELEVATION = -2.05 1 I 0 O • -2 A— -- -_ -2 1iIi i -I . g 1 t \ 1 -q i i': ‘/;, -5 $ 51 -5 IIIrz i I I i i I I aW 150 125 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 125 I 0 W =p ' v, us 1 o A u,u F JUNE BASELINE SURVEY 2017 FEBRUARY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2018 MAY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2018 ----AUGUST TOPOGRAPHC SUH'VEY 1OIb SEPTEMBER TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2017 MARCH TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2018 JUNE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2018 - SEPTEMBER TOPOGRAPHC SURVEY 2018 `J/v . 1 JANUARY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2018 APRHL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2018 JULY TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2018 \� dS*At CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. RESULTS Sediment elevation survey • Transect surveys of sed elevation -„,.....�. • Erosion pits under structure ti,4y,, • Shoaling on south (lee) side MO OM IIIIII of �. NM F� 0 UM ISM INN ._. South side (leeward) 2 ,,. IN North side (windward) ..r f, 11: � rr� rr ' north south north south north south north south north south UP" " , " 50 75 1h 125 150 rr row CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Wave brea k status • Some (" 10%) of the collars slipped and now sit on sand A. • This is being carefully monitored -- • Wave attenuation still occurs in - - ". :r �.,: .._ these gaps - iiiiii, I,* . , • ,> J. • No visually apparent response of - — - -.� �. . _ : - ; seagrass cover or sediment ty - `� yr. �' `•. _ elevation in association with the - slipped units • Additional unit layers may be added0014040,,_. - r�� ,��; � - " ,..+� le. 'u ' is e tia o CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. I- RESULTS Full installation and Monitoring itii. ,,„,,,..,„i„,„,„• • A Biological colonization _ . -Z.C..,::-! '- • :i.' - --• - _I u• • A Sediment elevation _ ......, ,.., ., -t,, _ _ .._ _ _ _ , 88 11.„ . 4--- ---- ,;-. "- ----- --'7- - :-"s••:,—.: • A Sea grass coverage ..._-- _ • 891...... --.. -,-.. :-.-.,-.t....,---- ____-- .11010 r•-•" . .4\i ' _ OPTII ''' - 41' -or.'" _-,;11"~-0,,,,•;,,,•_2.,0. ._ 0i* ,..,,,*- ,. ...,.........:,....,.. ., •_, .....„-. _ . . 7 -,.....„..,..... . 911 1 4 , ' .... pi, hIT , , , If, -I 4.,Pl..atemw•ilto,__. - .. , , ar fiel • . . .: Near field . . . _ • •,. . 1 ....- , • , . . . . • 5,Aurn 11111111/4, . _ , • - — ' .7- •• _ .• 'imp .1. . . • - . 4,13, 4- • 4P .. :Ill"-,Y3"-YA.01 I. 111 t / -.---- . - - '''''''.4,:..'. - '--- 4 114411, - , .....• ,., r.t----1- A CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. Installation Dec 2016 Jan 2017 IL. . i ...,.-r *+w` es. r' , elrliSr- , . . ••`1"4p pri. ,, _. • 41.• 4i ...., , ... r ', ' tail t lip .. III 1 , r - � Id _ REEFMAKER ro ram_ L I t^� ) ♦rik .. i . -. 1 e•*11* CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. APPROACH Fabrication — Fed Hwy Standards . • ,......_ , A _ ._ ' c • -ram -""rr_'F . ', r •� ti 't t_ • .. ;•,'.? �� _} Via. . _. t N/: wr � , •fie.. miems. '^' w�• , �. �� ' w.-w-1 •7I'L _Sf� �. • rir--- ....• r t •. .4..1-- ruprool"...11.....- asoloolmil �' ",711' I • V ��� • Ii1I,l (Ili .i R 1 l 11 t . . , .f.',t. •..,i • .,,„i. r-------'---- ,.1 01 . ' 441111CX )1111r3Cjill) 1' : '' s ‘ o. OS. ., % difYiNa . 0 .11. *Os ,.... ... .. -1111k.' Ik' : f6 o 0 M� 9 ,A � ::::777\‘'t"\'', * 11 - d � is YA ' !*'` . 'i f � 1+ce y 1 a} CS ilCSA Ocean Sciences Inc. CSA - - APPROACH Brunswick Town — Ft. Anderson, NC Aplik. sr - - .. )• s,• _ , 411i . , • ..... • r • ..426,..._ .• . ----A- .. ,... %,i, ..- ... ii.--- ‘1 . - I%/..- .... - .. - , ft. Ne i . II . • qb. '.N4"."' i."--,.. • ,.. .,,11.\ re ,, \.. ', - i'-",,,l..•.--1"6;,..t .4 1 11 V llklier i il 1 li 4! . :1 ' .. 1 '' ' 1 ' '1•- 1 •I -- I , 1 .1 t.?,L - . . t 1 ....... I?*•-• - - • ... ,,. ,s, / 1 - , 111,- • - " , , ‘ ......e..111111.111111 / •• ....,. 1111.."/Ilk'''. •- At 111tx..' . - '''. 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Z.C.i£ N.;.1,A , • C N N U C 0 U N Q c O ro 1L 0 3- 0 il 0_ Ell Q U APPROACH Sea grass enhancement location and strategy gv 'Nt Dredge material islands Y i O r6gon In et & Bonner Bridge Gnwgc Car th 1r x R `•,•."".,. ,Y..W.. �, GoogIcEarth 11. CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. BACKGROUND Recent model validation _ . Laningt Moat a tl.ar10.1W74101FW60'n . CronMarl (a) Physical drivers of seagrass spatial configuration: the role of thresholds o r stic Amy V.Uhrlsp•Monies(:.Turner { �_ .., •• ��t II t LEM � "o + R� — 0.66 0 This J4lne Ivern*sagged t worts Jo a.ten 11nN adj — er red v.r U.S. ropyri ht wuA N u*ea r,nu aM1lau I��.,pyngM pruu.mn n dv l,naeJ araa hw,era,u.OSI may R abysm o,heap cp$ngm M.A.201$ Ah!rani rapunee cal thew scones to wave energy,tidal coral 0 •• Craneu Seagram landscape*vary.uabtalndly in need.arid water depth a 62 eyuarule.Ito In North ' ] Q extend and pattern.mauling from depth umarnm and Carols-la,USA Seagram*landwape•were momenta- hydrodynamic �•/ Q alias gradients and nary cahibu observedm live of cover type.observed in the estuary vr�rn y generated / i threshold behavior in response to changes in physical by wave energy. • . dnvas. Seagram ladvcapa pant in a deacate W./0Portent cover,patch eon,and number of • Threshold balance Nance.pnresaca of divurbance and m emo- patches all M n clined with ineaung ware meter. �` • cry and therefore may exhibit behavior typical of le d a havua ia:wrn wave energy change fU■/1 classic critical system*. pants letween 675-774 J m .Seagmas landscape* O 0 f/birclla<.d tldarnue Rwr hydnddynnnic dnvas and dillne d In 4at1al con igwalum and physical*clang, phy.ucal selling mlluende sear..N N du:ape cnrgar. above*nod heklw change points.There ww mratme L 1111. noom and d:unligumadn.Deemum of*eagnw*patch suppat los a power law relationship tot pitch ore • sit h.-Minim.typify paten obhavd fin ennui! demhuuon r nos a wide range cal sedan.*landwape • .yaeno cover and muse energy. • Mrrhak We used llandscapenmean.to 4mntdy tie Crmr lwurnr v With weather attunes on the sae. **glottal configuration of neagrws and then Modeled the much of thu aruatine stags,will b Ae canned to Q ncreu ar ad wave energy.Where teapot eus Jut • parbwneag/�twllny ntMehi The online vealond below the ware energy change you..Immature new Inld Mfr. haMYrs I air oxide rimer ,Jgne.lal ranch f091R1aain, grin ru wave nitic d tin nit a Iaim wyplsaoy�rerol wean is naldR m auRvirM stable sYle of down weer resulting in Ier cover • 410 men uveng in the atuany. ` • A V.the r®a Seagram Spatial cosh * • ! ' Mann Dana Divas..Dpamce or(:a..me heywerconfiguration Nam,Oceanic and Annaplw.Adrmnaam. Hydrodynamic* hcnlognca!thresholds Allenale NaaaW Mew Seaice.Ol(tuc r1 Reapune and tale North(Molina CS R>Iu*0dn,1305 Fiat W.Highs..S0MCa. 1/n�l /�/� ��vs*/v� /� Rana l Ohm Sara aprma.MD.USA V g L! 1 g l ■ 1 a wJ amy.uhavew+µit IV}' 0 Y0 0 0 Dammam Miegrame biology. . ItY Wauseon.sy0aiau Dore.Mahan.W15y71 g USA yubailc'Woe.Id 4menter N IS osr..irRWE (joules/m wave crest) , • Uhrin and Turner 2018 • Survey of 63 NC seagrass beds • Stratified sampling f(wave energy) • Threshold response of seagrass cover to wave energy r** CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inca �" 4.. �« = Tipping points in NC sea grass pp g g s cover , '' Recomputed using RWE (from Fonseca and Bell, 1998). co Q11 • � 09 ;• II O 0.8 : • >- 03 Se U_ • I 1 • ct i 1 r • • • , • 0 0.3 1 • 1 w 0.2 U I w 0.1 I , 1 • 0.0 ' , , ' ' I I I ' 1 I 1 ' I t 1 ' I 1 1 ' I I 1 t) I I I , I . . ' 1 1 1 ' i I 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 I T 1 I 1 1 ' I / I ' l f l I ' I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 190 REPRESENTATIVE WAVE ENERGY (Joules m-1 wave crest) tom* CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. BACKGROUND Examples of seagrass response to E energy: Back Sound, NC , .-, - f'1:v x i .v . -s . . �r-,.{ r _1' '_ i 1 20 r r # tit ililliii. - - ik C SA' CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. BACKGROUND Examples of seagrass response to A energy: Snake Creek, TX 2008 2012 ^r. I Google earth 1951 Imagery Date 11/28/2011 20°09'46 76°N 95°01'59.77"W elev 0 R eye alt 3444 ft 0 CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. BACKGROUND Seagrass landscapes change across disturbance gradients Increasing currents waves bioturbation (disturbance extent, intensity, duration, frequency, sequence) i ) • . t , , „,..... , 41401 . - ek• h-, . •• , , 4 • ' 11. .. 40:4104:41k4 -'.., —de '-,, •:, -, .. .,.- . , Nit . • •Lipik .. idd, • 114. «, 11 .. . cir • 1. • • .4 " 0 0 40 80 Meters A r4 tr, let i ...x 0 40 80 Meters . �"'';, ,Illilki6 ' . , CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. BACKGROUND Bonner Bridge Seagrass Impacts • Bonner Bridge - direct connection of OBX to mainland , in disrepair and being replaced • 1 .28 ac seagrass were forecasted to be impacted by the replacement bridge • No nearby seagrass beds needing mitigation • Existing understanding in NC of wave energy seagrass landscapes • Here: project to produce new, permanent seagrass acreage through wave energy manipulation on existing , patchy seagrass habitat 4,1k CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. C'S OF NORTH e4 9 O m 2 CSA4�4,,OF TRAN�'e0 t - Bonner Bridge - } - .,,.►A.-.,... � � - a � Enhancement Update . . . - "� _ a ' ram `^ : .. 13 December 2018 Dr. Mark Fonseca & Erin Hodel — CSA Ocean Sciences Kathy Herring - NCDOT CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. ei I el. * CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. www.csaocean.corn 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Phone: 772-219-3000 Stuart. Florida 34997 Fax: 772-219-3010 19 November 2018 Kathy Herring North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit Natural Environment Section 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Subject: Summary of Year 2 Biannual Survey—October 2018—LETTER REPORT Dear Kathy: CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) conducted the second Biannual Monitoring Survey (Year 2) for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site from 6 to 8 October 2018.The passing of Hurricane Florence on September 14, 2018 in southern North Carolina appeared to have resulted in both below and above-normal water levels and increased turbidity at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during and for several weeks after the storm (J. Hall and W. Silver, pers comm.; preliminary analysis of water level data from on-site sensors). However, water levels and turbidity appeared normal at the time of the survey.Table 1 lists CSA's previous activities and future scheduled surveys that encompass the long-term seagrass monitoring program for this project. Table 1. Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Construction refers to the installation of the wavebreak structure. Task Date Status Pre-construction Site Selection Survey April 2015 Complete Seagrass Transplantation and Bioturbation Experiment Initiation May 2016 Complete Sediment Digital Elevation Survey(USV) June 2016 Complete Construction Wavebreak Structure Installation 18 Nov. 2016 to 18 Jan. 2017 Complete Post-construction Baseline Monitoring Survey 14 to 18 Jan. 2017 Complete Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey 2 to 4 Oct. 2017 Complete Year 2 Annual Monitoring Survey 13 to 17 May 2018 Complete Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Survey 6 to 8 October 2018 Complete Year 3 Annual Monitoring Survey May 2019 Scheduled Year 3 Biannual Monitoring Survey October 2019 Scheduled Year 4 Annual Monitoring Survey July 2020 Scheduled Year 5 Annual Monitoring Survey July 2021 Scheduled USV=unmanned surface vehicle. The Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Survey included: • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Collection of sediment elevation data; • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for future WEMo validation; and • Inventory and maintenance of epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure. CSA's methods followed the accepted monitoring plan (STIP B-2500 Bonner Bridge Phase I seagrass Mitigation Plan, Pamlico Sound, Dare, County, North Carolina; September 2015) referenced in the permit (Permit Modification No. 106-12)to ensure all monitoring requirements were met. During the October 2018 survey, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of two species of seagrass (Halodule wrightii and Zostera marina). Halodule wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina. Ruppia maritima, as distinguished by presence of flowering shoots, was not observed during this survey. The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed within the immediate vicinity of the wavebreak structure. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey,with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 25.7°C (78.3°F) to 27.4°C(81.3°F), with wind speeds ranging from 7.6 to 27.7 kph (4.7 to 17.2 mph). Wind direction was predominately out of the east-northeast. MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS In May 2016, prior to wavebreak structure construction, seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the south side of the construction footprint.The percent cover of seagrass within each planting area and within the surrounding reference area was evaluated immediately following relocation and during each monitoring survey. In October 2018, at the time of the Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Survey, seagrasses were present within both planted areas, but covers was relatively low at 14.9%, and dominated by H. wrightii(Table 22; Photo 1). Average percent cover of total seagrass in reference areas was high at approximately 100% (Table 2; Photo 2), where H. wrightii was also dominant. From the initial survey in May 2016 (immediately following relocation) to the most recent survey in October 2018, seagrass cover decreased by approximately 17.8%in the planted areas and increased in the reference area by approximately 53.1% (Table 2). Sand scour from the wavebreak structure may be impacting seagrasses in planted areas as sediment elevation was notably higher in the lee of the structure, where planted areas are located, relative to other areas.The observed increase in the reference area may be due to seasonality in seagrass growth, as the October survey occurred at the end of growing season, and thus likely captured the higher cover that developed during summer months. Cover is'specific cover'as quadrats are placed only within areas colonized by seagrass(as opposed to'areal cover'which would include any unvegetated seafloor arising from random placement of quadrats) 2 The average BB scores were converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values(conversion was conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value,on the associated BB scale value: Percent Cover=2.8108*[BB]z.23zs) CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2 19 November 2018 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-MEM-01-VER02 IN \ __ .: - 1 ___.------7v77- -- -A7.1, -- \ > - '. \ \ - ----,.., ---- \ la: -----,,_ \ \ : - -"---- Photo 1. Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the planted areas. Photo taken in the eastern planted area on 7 October 2018. -=r : ___ � _ - \N. NN .4 Milk ..% s.:•' /116.. •._ V•._ Photo 2. Representative image of in situ quadrat surveyed for percent cover in the reference area. Photo taken in the reference area on 7 October 2018. CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 3 19 November 2018 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-MEM-01-VER02 Table 2. BB scores and associated percent cover* for seagrass within the planting and reference areas for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Planting Area Reference Area Survey Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover May 2016 3.0 32.7 3.6 49.1 January 2017 0.3 0.2 1.5 7.0 October 2017 0.0 0.0 4.0 62.1 May 2018 0.55 0.7 3.3 40.4 October 2018 2.11 14.9 5.0 100 Change from May 2016 -0.89 -17.8 +1.4 +53.1 to October 2018 (*)specific cover SEDIMENT ELEVATION In May 2016, a center rod was installed in the middle of each of 40 seagrass patches across the study area in addition to 4 rods installed in sandy substrate, for a total of 44 sediment elevation monitoring stations. During the initial survey in May 2016, the average rod height within patches was 6.85 cm (2.70 in.) above the sediment and 6.88 cm (2.71 in.) above the sediment within sandy substrate (Table 3). In October 2018, a total of 31 of the original 40 center rods in seagrass patches were located, with an average rod height of 16.27 cm (6.41 in.).Two of the four rods in sandy substrate were located with an average rod height of 14.00 cm (5.51 in.). Missing rods were likely buried at the time of the survey and were not located despite attempts to uncover them. Since the Baseline Survey in January 2017, sediment depth across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation study area has decreased (increased rod height) within both the seagrass patches and sandy substrate locations by 9.42 cm (3.71 in) and 7.12 cm (2.80 in), respectively(Table 4). Table 3. Average rod height in centimeters above the sediment for the sediment elevation monitoring. Survey Rods in Center of Seagrass Patches(cm) Rods in Sandy Substrate(cm) May 2016 6.85 6.88 January 2017 11.03 12.40 October 2017 16.55 12.00 May 2018 14.73 14.00 October 2018 16.27 14.00 Change from May 2016 to +9.42 +7.12 October 2018 WAVE SENSORS Wave sensors(RBRvirtuoso models) at the two long-term wave energy regime monitoring stations(one each 25 m north and south of the structure) were retrieved, and data since the last monitoring event (May 2018)were successfully downloaded; all data were present. One wave sensor was also utilized for WEMo model validation via systematic relocation across the site to collect data from 24 stations both north and south of the structure. WEMo computation for these stations and comparison of predicted CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 4 19 November 2018 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-MEM-01-VER02 wave heights versus observed will follow in future reports and will be based on water depth and wind conditions of the survey date versus observed wave heights from the mobile wave sensor. EPIBIOTIC MONITORING STATIONS Maintenance of the epibiotic monitoring stations on the structure was completed during the Year 2 Biannual Survey, which entailed the finding and cleaning of all 60 permanent monitoring tags and re-etching of indentations on the concrete when possible to ensure the exact placement of the camera framer during subsequent surveys. Barnacle and oyster growth prevented re-etching of the concrete on the majority of stations in the middle and lower strata (Photo 3). Photographs of each epibiotic monitoring station and subsequent quantitative percent cover analyses will be performed during all annual surveys. I I lie..' ,i - N --.- ,.4.4.e,-. -, ?!.' -at,, .4 .V r Photo 3. Close-up photograph of barnacle and oyster growth on middle strata of the wavebreak structure. Photo taken 7 October 2018. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me at (772) 219-3060 or ehodel@conshelf.com. Sincerely, e.740.1"......_c Erin Hodel Senior Program Manager—Ports, Harbors, & Beaches CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 5 19 November 2018 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-MEM-01-VER02 " IAA C S A CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. SUMMARY OF YEAR 2 BIANNUAL SURVEY- OCTOBER 2018 - LETTER REPORT DOCUMENT NO. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-MEM-01-VER02 VERSION DATE DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY: REVIEWED BY: APPROVED BY: 01 11/19/2018 Initial draft for E. Hodel M. Fonseca E. Hodel review 02 11/19/2018 Revised draft E. Hodel L.Ka bay E. Hodel The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current revision.Controlled copies are available on the Management System network site or on request from the Document Production team. . 67i a s B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Year 2 Annual Survey Report August 2018 H. d a r ` y tf 3, i 11/01.6'. v% \ i f, T :O..oft,. 'cfr. a ys1�1 t 4 isimW111000 .iiA r ti_ 0,-** CSA r;mill Prepared for: Prepared by: Environmental Analysis Unit CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. North Carolina Department of Transportation 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Stuart, Florida 34997 • $,*-**A CSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Survey DOCUMENT NO.CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN Version Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: 01 07/20/18 Initial draft for M.Fonseca J. Pennell M. Fonseca review E.Hodel M.Fonseca 02 07/31/18 Revised draft E.Hodel K. Metzger M. Fonseca M.Fonseca FIN 08/13/18 Final E.Hodel N/A M. Fonseca The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current version.Controlled copies are available upon request from the Document Production Department. Table of Contents Page List of Tables iv List of Figures v List of Photos vii 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Methods 2 Monitoring of Relocated Seagrass 3 Seagrass Cover 5 Sediment Elevation 6 Wave Regime and Model Validation 8 Epibiota Monitoring 14 3.0 Results 18 Monitoring of Relocated Seagrass 18 Seagrass Cover 22 Sediment Elevation 25 Wave Regime and Model Validation 37 Epibiota Monitoring 41 4.0 Conclusions 46 5.0 References 48 Appendices 50 Appendix I Project Site Selection I-1 Appendix II Bioturbation Experiment II-1 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN iii List of Tables Table Page 1 Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 2 2 Braun-Blanquet scale (score) and percent cover scale values (Braun-Blanquet, 1972) 5 3 BB scores and associated percent cover for seagrass within the planting and reference areas for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site by survey 19 4 One-way ANOVA testing differences in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW)from rods installed at previous bioturbation patches among all combinations of surveys 27 5 Results of 2-way ANOVA for the near-field sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by survey 28 6 Areas for the wave energy reduction zones depicted in Appendix I in both acres and square meters 37 7 Percent cover of biota and concrete from concrete monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017 and the Year 1 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2018 45 8 Percent cover of biota and rock from rock monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017 and the Year 1 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2018 45 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN iv List of Figures Figure Page 1 Aerial image of the wavebreak area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site, showing the position of the seagrass planting areas,the construction corridor and the structure itself 4 2 Schematic (not to scale) layout of the near field (to wavebreak) sediment elevation transects 9 3 Sand apron south of wall visually outlined 10 4 Stationary and temporary locations of the pressure sensors at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 11 5 Epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 16 6 Baseline classification results identifying areas of seagrass (yellow)within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the March 24, 2017 overflight 23 7 Enlarged view of baseline aerial imagery(left) and classification results(right) identifying areas of seagrass (yellow)within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the April 18, 2018 overflight 24 8 Change in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW)over time monitored at rods installed in previous bioturbation study 26 9 Track lines traveled by the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (black lines) and digital elevation model at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site prior to construction of the wavebreak(ultimate location of wavebreak shown) 27 10a Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 29 10b Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 30 10c Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 31 10d Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 32 10e Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 33 10f Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 34 10g Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 35 10h Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time 36 11 Hourly significant wave heights (m) measured at the wavebreak from January through July 2017 for(a)Top- north side of the wavebreak and (b) Bottom -south side of the wavebreak 38 12 Hourly significant wave heights (m) measured at the wavebreak structure from January through May 2018 for(a) Top- north side of the wavebreak and (b) Bottom -south side of the wavebreak 39 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN v , List of Figures (Continued) Figure Page 13 Difference in hourly significant wave heights(m) measured at the wavebreak structure for(a)Top -Jannuary through July 2017 and (b) Bottom -January through May 2018 40 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN vi List of Photos Photo Page 1 Aerial image of Bonner Bridge 1 2 Inverted "T" shape ruler used to measure rod height above or below the substrate at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 7 3 Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) collecting bathymetry data across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 7 4 Photograph of one of the two wave sensor brackets cemented into its base, prior to installation at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 12 5 Re-engineered wave sensor bracket installed in January 2018 to hold the sensor vertical and further away from the sand surface 13 6 Numbered tag installed at every monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 17 7 PVC camera mount framer used to photograph every monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 17 8 Transplanted seagrass with clean blades appearing similar to surrounding natural seagrass at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2016 survey 19 9 Natural seagrass in the reference area showing blades covered with a layer of epiphytes at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 20 10 Natural seagrass in the reference area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the October 2017 survey 20 11 Natural seagrass in the reference area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey 21 12 Representative photo of rock substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Station 35) showing wet rock on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey 42 13 Representative photo of concrete substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Station 35) showing wet concrete on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey 42 14 Representative photo of rock substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Station 28) showing wet rock, algae, and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey 43 15 Representative photo of concrete substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Station 28) showing wet concrete, algae, and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey 43 16 Representative photo mosaic of rock substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Station 1) showing submerged rock and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 44 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN vii List of Photos (Continued) Photo Page 17 Representative photo mosaic of concrete substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Station 1) showing submerged concrete and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 44 18 North-oriented view of the wavebreak installed in January 2017 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 47 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN viii 1.0 Introduction The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) contracted CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) in 2012 (Contract No. 6300032017)to conduct in-kind seagrass (mixed Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Zostera marina) mitigation of 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares)to compensate for losses anticipated to occur during the replacement of the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, North Carolina (Photo 1). The Bonner Bridge provides the only highway connection for Hatteras Island to the mainland in Dare County, North Carolina and its replacement is currently under construction. Based on previous published research in North Carolina (Fonseca et al., 1998, Fonseca et al., 2000, Kelly et al., 2001, Fonseca et al., 2002) CSA conceptualized creating a wavebreak to modify existing, patchy seagrass habitat by attenuating wave activity to promote more continuous, persistent seagrass coverage.This subsequent increase in seagrass acreage was expected to meet NCDOT's seagrass mitigation requirements while enhancing ecosystem services for the area. r. ._.._..�.rr'^"....fir - --ems 01P" .' Photo 1. Aerial image of Bonner Bridge. Source: http://www.kdhnc.com/667/Herbert-C-Bonner-Bridge-Replacement-Project CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) conducted the first Biannual Monitoring Survey (Year 1)for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site from 2 to 4 October 2017.The Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey was initially scheduled for August 2017; however, due to tropical storm and hurricane activity and subsequent above-average water depths in Pamlico Sound at the site, the survey was not conducted until early October 2017. In 2018,the spring survey(May—June) was conducted from 13 to 17 May and CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 1 provides the data needed to submit this Year 2 Annual Survey Report. Table 1 describes CSA's previous activities and future scheduled surveys. Table 1. Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Construction refers to the installation of the wave break structure. Task Date Status Pre-construction Site Selection Survey April 2015 Complete Seagrass Transplantation and May 2016 Complete Bioturbation Experiment Initiation Sediment Digital Elevation Survey(USV) June 2016 Complete Construction Wavebreak Installation 18 November 2016 to Complete 18 January 2017 Post-construction Baseline Monitoring Survey 14 to 18 Jan.2017 Complete Biannual Monitoring Survey 2 to 4 Oct.2017 Complete Biannual Monitoring Surveys May and September 2018 Scheduled Biannual Monitoring Surveys May and September 2019 Scheduled Annual Monitoring Survey July 2020 Scheduled Annual Monitoring Survey July 2021 Scheduled USV=unmanned surface vehicle. 2.0 Methods The Year 1 Baseline and Biannual Survey Reports included: • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Monitoring of selected bioturbation experiment stations and removal of mesh when found; • Collection of sediment elevation data; • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for future WEMo validation; and • Maintenance of epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure. This May 2018 Biannual Monitoring Survey includes: • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Collection of sediment elevation data o Seagrass patch elevation rods o SEPI near-field wavebreak surveys • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Reporting of wave sensor data throughout the site over this and the past three surveys for WEMo validation; and • Monitoring of epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure CSA's methods followed the accepted monitoring plan (STIP B-2500 Bonner Bridge Phase I seagrass Mitigation Plan, Pamlico Sound, Dare, County, North Carolina; September 2015) referenced in the permit (Permit Modification No. 106-12) to ensure all monitoring requirements were met. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 2 During the October 2017 survey,scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (Zostera marina, Halodule wrightii, and Ruppia maritima). Halodule wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina and then R. maritima. The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed during on-site surveys within the immediate vicinity. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 22°C (72°F)to 23°C (73°F), with wind speeds ranging from 26.5 to 31.3 kph (16.4 to 19.5 mph). Wind direction was predominately out of the north. In May 2018, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (Zostera marina, Halodule wrightii, and Ruppia maritima). Halodule wrightii and Z. marina were both commonly observed while R. maritima was rarely observed.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed during on-site surveys within the immediate vicinity. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 23.4°C(74.2°F)to 24.8°C (76.7°F), with wind speeds ranging from 7.6 to 41.1 kph (4.7 to 25.5 mph). Wind direction was predominately south-southwest. Sections of this report that refer to construction and engineering activities or permits where originally developed using English units, will follow the convention of reporting first in English units and then parenthetically in metric units. For the sections of the report not directly associated with structural engineering, the convention of reporting will be metric units followed by English units parenthetically. Sections of the early reports describing initial project activities have now been moved to Appendices in order to focus on long-term post-construction monitoring. Project Site Selection and Project Engineering and Design sections were initially described here in previous reports.This historical material has now been moved to Appendix I.Additionally,the description of an attempted experiment to assess the relative contribution of bioturbation to patch maintenance (versus wave energy) has been moved to Appendix II. MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS In 2016, prior to installation of the wavebreak structure, the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission permit (Permit Modification No. 106-12) required any seagrass within the structure footprint and the construction corridor to be moved to the lee side of the structure onsite. In May 2016, seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the south side of the construction footprint (Figure 1). CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 3 zz75'351 5"W 75'35'14'W 75°35'13'W 75°3517W 75°35'11"W 75'35'10'W 75'35'9"W 75'35'8". 75°35'7'W f,-* .444. 4V. 01 e.: : ari;. -• `f` w , ,, y °• 1 ryas ° .. ft. ,„, 4. of ' 4_ �� • ` ' � t ' ` ''ice'` .. XX, A Ill I' ' �R i ' ' t • j) !r 041t\'1' 9 a " '` 7 p,wo� iN q3 : , 4 Legend mBB Quadrat Location 7 p Planting Area Reference Area o _ . Y _ 500ft Wavebreak Structure w . Construction Corridor 44 * • is FT j Seagrass Planting Area 1.' 4Nigtoom 75'35'15'W 75°35'14"W 75.35'13 W 75'35'17'W 75'35'11"W 75°35'10"W 75°35'9"W 75'35'8 W 75'3!> 0 25 50 100 Meters f I I 1 I I I I I I0 CBA Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 1. Aerial image of the wavebreak area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site, showing the position of the seagrass planting areas, the construction corridor and the structure itself. Examples of randomly selected seagrass survey points are shown for surveys within the planted areas and nearby reference locations. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 4 Percent cover of seagrass within relocation areas was evaluated immediately after transplanting. Each time, scientists navigated to 10 pre-selected locations (proportionally assigned to seven locations in the larger eastern relocation area and three in the smaller western relocation area) within the planting areas using the Trimble Geo XH GeoExplorer 2008 Series GPS. To compare the colonization of the planted areas to the surrounding natural areas,five additional random locations were selected in the surrounding natural areas (reference area) within a 50-meter (164-foot) distance of the planting areas (Figure 1). At each location, a 1-m2 (11-ft2) quadrat was centered over each point and percent cover of seagrass was assessed using a modified Braun-Blanquet (BB) cover and abundance technique (Braun-Blanquet, 1972; Kenworthy and Schwarzchild, 1997; Fourqurean et al., 2001). Within the quadrat a BB scale value (Table 2) was independently evaluated for percent cover of each seagrass species as well as total seagrass.Average BB scores were then converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values (conversion is conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value, on the associated BB scale value: Percent Cover= 2.8108*[BB]2.2325). Table 2. Braun-Blanquet scale (score) and percent cover scale values (Braun-Blanquet, 1972). Braun-Blanquet Scale(Score) Percent Cover(%) 0.0 Not present 0.1 Solitary specimen 0.5 Few with small cover 1 Numerous, but<5 2 5 to 25 3 25 to 50 4 50 to 75 5 75 to 100 Seagrass Cover Seagrass cover was determined by classifying areas of seagrass occurring within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site based on aerial imagery. A georeferenced, high-resolution mosaicked aerial image (collected by NCDOT on 18 April 2018)was used for the first classification of seagrass areas. The aerial image was color-infrared (CIR)with a resolution of 0.08 m (0.25 ft).The image was subdivided into separate classification areas of interest (A01) based on similar pixel spectral signature ranges. Separate classification of each AOI helped to eliminate variations in reflectance and environmental conditions across the entire project area in order to reduce classification confusion. An unsupervised classification was then performed on each classification AOI using a combination of iso cluster and maximum likelihood techniques using ESRI ArcGIS 10.4 software.After running the unsupervised classifications, each A01 was manually interpreted by denoting visually apparent classes of seagrass and classes of non-seagrass. Spectral noise and holes within the classification results were removed and corrected using a combination of majority filter, region group, set null (enhanced boundary edges and removed groups of small non-contiguous pixels that were smaller than a specified value), and eliminate polygon part (eliminated areas that were less than a specified value) tools in ArcGIS. Lastly, a manual classification technique was then applied to the classification with guidance from a GIS analyst.This consisted of removing areas of over-classification and adding-in (digitizing) areas where under-classification occurred, again based on visually apparent seagrass cover. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 5 Sediment Elevation Sediment elevation is being documented with three methods: (1) measurements of sediment height relative to 2 m long rods installed to near the sediment surface in seagrass patches used for the previous bioturbation studies, (2) a broad-scale digital elevation model created using an RTK-equipped (realtime kinematic) unmanned surface vehicle (USV) and (3) near-field transect surveys around the wavebreak. Rod Heights: This method utilized during all monitoring surveys was by direct measurement of the height of the center rod above the sediment at each of the 40 stations originally established for the bioturbation experiment (see Appendix II). At each station,the rod height above the sediment was measured using a meter stick fastened to a piece of wood (24 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm [18 in x 2 in x 2 in]).The 0-mark on the meter stick was attached to the center of the wood piece creating an inverted "T" shape (Photo 2).The wood was laid flush against the seafloor to provide more surface area to avoid the ruler sinking into the substrate.The meter stick was placed next to the rod to obtain the measurement of the rod height above the substrate. In addition to the 40 center rods, four additional sediment rods (one per wave energy regime) were installed in sandy substrate and rod height above the substrate was measured for each. This monitoring is continuing and update results are provided in this report. Change in sediment elevation among surveys and across the wave energy strata was computed for each combination of survey times (survey 1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, 1 vs 4, 2 vs 3, 2 vs 4 and 3 vs 4).The differences in change in sediment elevation among strata for each comparison of survey times were compared in a 1-way ANOVA using PROC GLM in SAS 9.2 after In + 10 transformation (to avoid negative numbers and address any non-normality of the data. USV Digital Elevation Model: A second method was employed to evaluate the entire area forecast to be affected by the wavebreak. In June 2016, CSA used an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) to develop a sediment digital elevation model to document changes in shoal elevation associated with the wavebreak installation.The USV(Photo 3) was pre-programmed to run a pre-selected geographic grid at 50-m (164-ft) spacing which encompassed the entire site. Bathymetry data was collected using duel frequency, single beam sonar at a rate of 220 to 224 kHz.A Trimble RTK system (RTK)was mounted on the USV to integrate real time navigation while the USV ran the pre-programmed grid lines (speed of approximately 9 kph [5.7 mph]).The RTK had a horizontal and vertical accuracy of 2 cm (±0.787 in) and real-time tidal corrections were applied to accurately determine water levels across the site.This survey will be repeated at the end of the five-year monitoring period in 2021. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 6 --.17.'•-'.., .-...r.i. ,....,"••• , ,„,- «, .7 . .- III Aliell'"Ill k.• .- Photo 2. Inverted "T" shape ruler used to measure rod height above or below the substrate at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. ./gaini.i. mit\ • Photo 3. Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) collecting bathymetry data across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 7 Near-field Wall Sediment Elevation Survey: Starting in June 2017 a third method of sediment elevation assessment was initiated. SEPI Engineering Inc. (SEPI)was contracted by NCDOT to conduct high density, near-field sediment elevation measures in the vicinity of the wavebreak structure. North-south oriented transects were established at five equally spaced locations centered on the wavebreak (Figure 2) and sediment elevations corrected to MLLW surveyed (June 2017, September 2017 and then monthly starting January 2018; reported here through June of 2018).Transects were placed on both the north and south side of the wavebreak. In 2017, elevations at distances of 0 (at the edge of the wavebreak structure), 5, 10, 20, 50, 75, and 100 ft were recorded. In January of 2018 that changed to increments of 5 feet out to a distance of 50 ft and then at 75 and 100 ft to improve sensitivity of detecting any systematic change in sediment elevation. Starting in June of 2018, distances of 125 and 150 ft were added to ensure elevation samples were taken beyond the apparent apron of recently moved sand seen in aerial images(Figure 3).These data have been provided to CSA and analyzed in this report. Elevations were compared in a 2-way ANOVA using PROC GLM in SAS 9.2 after In + 10 transformation (to avoid negative numbers and address any non-normality of the data). Main effects were distance from the wall and side of the wall,tested at individual dates along with assessment for interaction of main effects. Wave Regime and Model Validation Long Term Wave Regime: Long-term wave energy regime monitoring stations were placed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site in "Month Year" using pressure sensor loggers to record wave characteristics. Starting in January 2017 two pressure sensors (RBRvirtuoso models) were deployed at stationary locations 25 m (82 ft) in front(north) of and behind (south)the wavebreak (Figure 4). Pressure sensors were cylindrical and approximately 5 cm (2 in) in diameter by 25 cm (10 in) long and were mounted in a locked casing horizontally on the seafloor approximately 15 cm (6 in) above the substrate on a solid base, concrete-filled pillar set 0.91 m (3 ft) into the seafloor(Photo 4). Pressure sensors were set to record bursts of pressure data every 30 minutes at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds.These data also provide water level and tide documentation specifically for the site in order to evaluate the wave energy regime impinging on the north and south faces of the wavebreak structure. In November of 2017 the sensors were removed and sent back to the manufacturer for calibration and assessment of impacts from sand impaction and biofouling that had occurred around the wave sensor port. This servicing caused the sensors to be out of service until their re-deployment on 16 January 2018. Communication with the RBR technical representatives indicated that the sediment impaction and biofouling did not affect the detection of wave characteristics. Nonetheless, upon redeployment,the sensor brackets were revised to hold the sensors in a vertical posture and with the wave sensor window down-facing(Photo 5) in order to minimize sand collection in the sensor port through gravity. The sensors were re-deployed in January 2018 and have been recording continuously since that time. Data were harvested in May 2018 and both the January—July 2017 and the January—May 2018 data are reported here. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 8 Bonner wavebreak sediment elevation transect layout 15 sediment elevations pertransectat0,5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 feet 15 sediment elevation locationspertransect Notto scale Wavebreak Pile 51 Pile 76 Pile 25 ♦ Pile 101 Pile 1 All transects at a right angle to th is red dashed baseline Figure 2. Schematic (not to scale) layout of the near field (to wavebreak) sediment elevation transects. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 9 r t.er .41 �4 4444,,4 • Figure 3. Sand apron south of wall visually outlined. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-1845-09-REP-01-FIN 10 . _ .. 75"35'0'W 4 t L 1 •�tt ++1 .'�.' y ., - 1. -A .4.0 l .' ,� ,' .r„ f • -, t ..,. - /0 Legend "r Pressure Sensor Location r ' Stationary • Temporary - 500ft Wavebreak Structure —Survey Grid(50m) ii 75'35'20 W - 75 5512"W 75'3513"W 75,.' 50 100 200 Meters ,,, litlik , I r I i r r I0 CBA Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone/8N Figure 4. Stationary and temporary locations of the pressure sensors at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 1 NO � MING • . ti • Il Photo 4. Photograph of one of the two wave sensor brackets cemented into its base, prior to installation at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. The hinged bracket is shown being lifted; a disposable padlock is installed through the hinged piece to keep the sensor secure. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 12 qT • ge11111 -(.sue 4- Photo 5. Re-engineered wave sensor bracket installed in January 2018 to hold the sensor vertical and further away from the sand surface. WEMo model validation:This is being developed through opportunistic sampling. During times of onsite monitoring surveys, an RBR sensor was systematically but temporarily relocated across the site (Figure 4)to obtain a spatial assessment of predicted (WEMo computation to follow based on water depth and wind conditions of the survey date)versus observed wave heights from the mobile sensor. This spatial assessment was performed on May 18, 2016,January 15, 2017, October 4, 2017 and May 15, 2018 to provide a geographically articulated assessment of wave energy distribution with regard to prevailing conditions.The relocated pressure sensor was set to record bursts of pressure data at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds during this sampling. During these surveys one of the long-term RBR sensors was used. During each survey, a scientist recorded the wind speed using hand-held anemometers as well as wind direction prior to sampling and again after sampling was complete. Wave data from pressure sensors were downloaded into Ruskin software (V1.13.7) and exported to Microsoft Excel for analysis. Analysis is ongoing and will be comprised of simple univariate statistics of wind speed but also predicted versus observed regression to determine the likely on-site accuracy of the WEMo-derived wave forecasts. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 13 Epibiota Monitoring Epibiota monitoring on the wavebreak was initiated in January 2017 through the establishment of randomly-placed, permanent monitoring stations (Figure 5). Digital photographs were recorded at each station as a time-zero (uncolonized) baseline against which subsequent epibiota colonization will be compared for each survey time. Stations were stratified by the sides of the wavebreak(30 on the exposed side [north] and 30 on the sheltered [south] side) at different vertical elevations related to the individual wave attenuator unit placement (high, middle, and low).Ten replicate stations were randomly assigned per elevation on either side of the wavebreak for a total of 60 monitoring stations. Random locations were selected along the wavebreak and a vertical elevation was randomly assigned to each location. Scientists used the Trimble GPS to navigate to the pre-selected random monitoring station/elevation replicate along the wavebreak. Monitoring stations were separated by a minimum of one Reefmaker unit. The exact horizontal location of the monitoring station on a wave attenuator unit was visually determined where rock placement was closest to the edge of the concrete, making them easier to photograph. Some wave attenuator units had smaller rock embedded in the concrete, so often two small rocks were selected for monitoring.To identify the precise monitoring location and allow precise alignment for subsequent photographs, a numbered tag was installed on the rock immediately to the right of the selected rock(s)to be monitored (Photo 6) and alignment points marked on the concrete surface. A Sony A5000 digital camera in an underwater housing was installed on a PVC camera mount framer to photograph the concrete and rock(s) at each monitoring station.The PVC frame (Photo 7) was included in every photo to ensure standardization of photo size (dimension of the frame was 20.3 cm x 30.5 cm [8 in x 12 in]).The camera housing was fixed to the framer with a distance of 25.7 cm (10 in)from the housing lens to the outer edge of the frame. To photograph the concrete portion of the wave attenuator units, the entire framer was placed flush with the side of the concrete so the bottom edge of the concrete was included within the frame.To photograph the rock(s), the bottom of the framer was placed flush with the top edge of the concrete layer(where the selected rock was embedded) and the top of the framer rested on the concrete layer located above the selected rock(s) (approximately 15° angle). During the May 2018 survey,the low elevation strata monitoring stations were entirely submerged during all observed tidal stages.This, coupled with high turbidity levels, reduced visibility to less than one foot.As a result,the method used to photograph the low elevation stations was slightly modified. The camera was removed from the framer to allow capture of close-up photos within visibility limits. The framer was still held against the concrete as described previously,yet due to the decreased distance between the camera and the rock or concrete, multiple photographs were collected to image the entire area within the framer (typically four photos).The multiple photographs were then stitched together using Adobe® Photoshop®to create a single photograph of each low strata rock or concrete monitoring station. One photo of the concrete and one photo of the rock(s)were collected for all 60 monitoring stations, resulting in 120 digital images. Digital images were processed and analyzed using Coral Point Count with Microsoft Excel extensions(CPCe)V4.1 software analysis program (Kohler and Gill, 2006). CPCe utilizes the random point count method described by Bohnsack(1979)to accurately estimate percent cover of benthic organisms and substrate from digital images. Because the rocks were all different sizes, it was necessary to assign a number of random points that was proportional to the size of the rock (i.e., a larger rock would have a greater number of random points assigned). The total area of evaluated rock CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 14 was calculated for each image using the measurement tool in CPCe. For purposes of this assessment,we assumed that all rocks were equidistant from the camera lens. From these calculations, average rock size was determined to be 112.4 cm'and was assigned 10 random points.The number of random points assigned to each image was then increased or decreased proportionally to the size of the rock(s); the number of random points for rock images ranged from four to 22. Because the area of concrete assessed was the same in each photo, all concrete images were assigned the same number of random points (41), and points were restricted to the area of the photograph containing concrete. Random points were projected on each image, and the biota or substrate located beneath each point was identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level (for the time-zero images, no biota were detected). Data from each image were assembled in a spreadsheet for percent cover calculations and subsequent comparative analysis. C5A-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 15 75°35'14'W 75°35'13"W 75°35'12"W 75°35'11"W 75°3510"W 75'35'9"W 75°35'8"W Z m - h a y _ ..�_. .* r 4: y.r > t t'. ' ' Ilr i to .• i , 9 1 yet . _ _ wr' 91' 0 m 7 Mil V y yy,yy 48Ll . zi::„, ffli, NM na iq Legend Elevation # • High � Middle -xe' # L • Low 500ft Wavebreak Structure - .' - - - - c z to Er) 0 75"35'14"W 75°35'13'W 75°35'12"W 75°35'11"W 75°35'10"W 75"35'9"W 75`35'8"W 7 0 25 50 100 Meters r I 1 I t I I I I I0 CSA Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 5. Epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 16 w. % •WfJm'aullte•4.;e. Photo 6. Numbered tag installed at every monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. • ,,*' ,,, meow ,_:..4.,:i,:r; 1":";4. r a Ilk Photo 7. PVC camera mount framer used to photograph every monitoring station on the wavebreak at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 17 3.0 Results During visits to the site, scientists observed that the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was composed of patchy seagrass habitat consisting of multiple species including Zostera marina, Halodule wrightii, and Ruppia maritima. Very fine sand (visual observation) sediments were the dominant substrate type observed. Limited vessel traffic was observed during onsite surveys within the immediate vicinity although commercial crabbing vessels were observed crossing the general shoal area. Site conditions varied during each survey and were largely driven by direction and strength of the wind. Strong northeasterly winds on site resulted in lowered water level at the site and strong southwesterly winds resulted in higher water levels. Weather conditions during the surveys ranged from a high temperature of 75°F (May 2016)to a low temperature of 39°F (January 2017)with wind speeds ranging from 8 to 48 kph (5-30 mph)from various directions. MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS Prior to construction, seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the lee side of the wavebreak structure (Figure 1). In May 2016, immediately after relocation,the percent cover of seagrass was evaluated within the relocation areas and within the surrounding reference area. Upon completion of relocation, percent cover of seagrass was 32.7%for the relocation areas and 49.1%for the reference area (BB scores of 3.0 and 3.6, respectively).Transplanted seagrass within the relocation areas appeared similar to the surrounding natural seagrass and the borders of the planting areas were visibly indistinguishable (Photo 8). All seagrass blades were bright green and visibly clear of epiphytic growth. In January 2017, immediately following construction of the wavebreak structure, the percent cover of seagrass within the planting areas was evaluated again.The planting areas had a percent cover of 0.2% and the natural reference areas had a percent cover of 7% (BB scores of 0.2 and 1.5, respectively) (Table 3). In January 2017, a brown epiphytic layer covered the majority of the visible seagrass blades and small tufts of brown macroalgae were observed colonizing the substrate often mixed in with seagrass (Photo 9). Seagrass cover declined by 32.5% in the planting areas and 42.1% in the reference areas, indicating a substantial overall drop in coverage. In October 2017, no seagrass was observed in the planted areas. Cover in the reference areas was approximately 62%, well above the baseline cover of 49%observed in May 2016 (Photo 10). Seasonality in seagrass growth may be responsible for the higher cover observed in October, with higher cover expected at the end of growing season in October versus the beginning of growing season in May. During the most recent survey in May 2018, sparse seagrass was observed in the planted areas, but cover was still <1%, marking a decrease of approximately 32%since the initial survey in May 2016. Cover in the reference area was approximately 40%, similar to the cover observed in May 2016 (Photo 11). CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 18 Table 3. BB scores and associated percent cover for seagrass within the planting and reference areas for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site by survey. Planting Area Reference Area Survey Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover May 2016 3.0 32.7 3.6 49.1 January 2017 0.3 0.2 1.5 7.0 October 2017 0.0 0.0 4.0 62.1 May 2018 0.55 0.7 3.3 40.4 Change from May -2.45 -32.0 -0.3 -8.7 2016 1 s. 'i4/5 -*ems x ' 10.,•: .w a I. '*. i- Photo 8. Transplanted seagrass with clean blades appearing similar to surrounding natural seagrass at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2016 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 19 St �vf i tl�• .. .. � k • -0 -41 lisorLir ' 4111 Photo 9. Natural seagrass in the reference area showing blades covered with a layer of epiphytes at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. Photo 10. Natural seagrass in the reference area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the October 2017 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-0I-FIN 20 •N11140, Photo 11. Natural seagrass in the reference area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey. Several factors may have contributed to the loss of seagrass within the planted areas that was initially observed in January 2017. Seagrass was relocated to gaps within natural seagrass patches in May 2016 prior to installation of the wavebreak structure. Construction was originally scheduled for June 2016 but delayed until November 2016 and completed in January 2017. Previous studies have shown if seagrass is relocated to areas naturally devoid of seagrass without modifying the existing environment, natural processes will continue to preside and the relocated seagrass should not necessarily persist (Fonseca et al., 1998). Additionally, Hurricane Matthew passed through the Pamlico Sound and surrounding areas on 8 and 9 October 2016, five months after seagrass relocation, prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure. The hurricane had average wind speeds ranging from 32 to 64 kph (20 to 40 mph) with maximum wind speeds of 129 kph (80 mph) initially from the north, and then switching direction out of the southeast as the storm passed. Severe flooding occurred along the coast with an average rainfall of 22.1 cm (8.7 in) (http://www.weather.gov/mhx/MatthewSummarv). It is possible that the relocated seagrass had not fully established a sufficiently robust root and rhizome system during the five months from relocation to the storm event, leaving them susceptible to erosion. Additionally, sand accumulation on the south side of the structure due to scouring has been observed in physical monitoring surveys and may be inhibiting seagrass survival in the immediately adjacent planted areas. Seagrass cover in coastal North Carolina naturally declines in winter months (Thayer et al. 1984) and therefore lower cover was expected during the January 2017 survey. Cover in the reference area was also very low at this time (7%),which also may have been attributable to Hurricane Matthew and/or the sampling event occurring in winter. Since the January 2017 survey, seagrass in the planted areas has not recovered and cover remains<1%. However, seagrass in the reference area has recovered and percent cover is similar to that observed during the initial survey in May 2016. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 21 Seagrass Cover The Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was forecast to include 301.6 acres (122.1 hectares), and boundaries were determined by using the wave forecast model prediction. Seagrass cover within these boundaries was determined by classifying areas of seagrass based on aerial imagery provided by NCDOT. Classification resulted in 24.9 acres (10.1 hectares (versus 33.4 acres [13.5 hectares] in 2017) of seagrass cover over the 301.6 acre (122.1 hectare) site (Figures 6 [2017] and 7 [2018]). By visual estimation it appears that seagrass cover was lost in the patchy areas north and east of the wavebreak. In aquatic systems, classification methods rarely achieve 100%accuracy.This is because, unlike terrestrial systems,whose classification is limited primarily by atmospheric conditions, classification of aquatic systems, especially benthic components, is limited by both atmospheric and water conditions. Thus, the accuracy of seagrass classification largely depends on water clarity and sea surface condition at the time of imagery acquisition. Weather events have an effect on waves on the water surface which actively degrade visualization of the seafloor, as well as water clarity. In addition, wind events occurring immediately prior to imagery collection may cause latent sediment suspension that negatively impact results. Finally, many seagrass patches were interdigitated with sand and often non-contiguous, which complicates precise delineation. In addition to atmospheric and water column effects, mosaicking of the image produced shading gradients which interfered with seagrass classification accuracy of the seagrass areas and appeared to be the source of most inaccuracy. An absence of ground control points taken in association with the imagery impeded further accuracy assessment. In both 2017 and 2018, interpretation of seagrass cover was compromised by the generally poor quality of the imagery. Large areas of high surface reflectance and presence of white`flecks' in the imagery over much of the AOI impaired or completely prevented interpretation of seagrass cover. Discrimination of seagrass cover apart from sand was also made difficult because of low contrast among the two habitat types.This may have resulted from high water levels, high visibility, low sun intensity or some combination thereof. Upcoming utilization of low-altitude, high resolution imagery should improve seagrass cover delineation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 22 '5°35'40'W 75°35'30W 75°35'20"W 75'3510'W VA -tom Sr,,.. ._ i �. 1 NC L') F i 5r • Y5 y'sr ..-� .t 4 �} 7` t ti 4 0.t4 ,43,, ` . .. 'i ,� t is Jk !U Z 9 /4°•. I . /f 1 EMI .. Z I .. K . i Q 4 t Y �.0 r. • Legend Seagrass Area _was- - 75°35'40'1N 75°35301N 75°35201IV 75°35101/V 75°35'0'W 0 50 100 200 Meters 0 Ituillitl CB A Coordinate System NAD 1983 StatePtane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet Figure 6. Baseline classification results identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the March 24, 2017 overflight. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 23 Z 75-35.40'w 75.3530'w 7535'20"W 753510w 75.350w g Z — A 1,4 /Ea . , '• a - •"` *44 y ' _„ • l . t z in ' .Z.-roar .Irtl,ot yM ' Y •� 1 �. i .4 • 4 4' � .Tl.' '. ` .w' r z Z Jai n e', of 4,7 4-,1, i.Fi y , /♦ , •4 7 ",...,,,: -.-}:st. !.. = .'_:fir_ . 1 J. _ • 1 .., , - i - • ,r rn — r Y;1 •�1 R j `A rn • ',', r 4'4 • !.. •� • , , .r. 8 z 4 a - Legend Ilk. '..., • . Seagrass Area 7535'40'w 753530w 75.35'20W -, 35.101N 753501N 0 100 200 400 Meters 0‘ ..itilik I I 4 I I I I 4 I0 CBA Coordinate System NAO 1983 StateP!ane North Carolina FIPS 3_,n r Figure 7. Enlarged view of baseline aerial imagery (left) and classification results(right) identifying areas of seagrass (yellow)within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site for the April 18, 2018 overflight. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 24 Sediment Elevation Rod Heights: Sediment elevation was monitored across the entire site by measuring the center rods at 40 seagrass patches selected for a bioturbation study(see Appendix II for description of this since-terminated experiment) and four additional sediment rods placed in sandy substrate.These 40 rods were installed in May 2016 at locations randomly selected from within strata (10 per strata) defined by the forecasted wave reduction pattern following wavebreak placement (high wave energy reduction = >66%; moderate reduction = 34 to 66%, low reduction =5 to 33%, and ambient or reference =<5% reduction (Appendix Figure II-1). Across all surveys, no rods were located that were below the sediment surface despite extensive searching and probing. If buried rods were not located, this would suggest that the surveys were potentially biased towards measurements indicating a lower elevation of the sediment surface. The average rod height above the sediment in May 2016 was 6.8 cm (2.7 in).The average height of the four sediment rods above the sediment was 6.9 cm (2.7 in). In January 2017, a total of 32 center rods were relocated and the average rod height was 11.0 cm (4.3 in).Two of the four sediment rods were relocated and the average rod height was 12.4 cm (4.9 in). The eight center rods not located may be deeply buried and future attempts will be made to locate them. If they were deeply buried then the average rod height would decrease. In October 2017, sediment elevation was monitored at the center rod of the 14 patches monitored for bioturbation in addition to the original 4 rods in sandy substrate.The center rod was not located (likely due to burial) at 3 of the 14 seagrass patch locations and 1 sandy substrate location.The average height of center rods in seagrass patches was 16.5 cm (6.5 in.) and 12.0 cm (4.7 in.) at sandy substrate stations. Sediment depth had decreased (increased rod height)within seagrass patches and remained similar at the sandy substrate locations since the Baseline Survey in January 2017. In May 2018, sediment elevation was again monitored at the center rod of the 14 patches monitored for bioturbation, in addition to the original 4 rods in sandy substrate.The center rod was not located (likely due to burial) at 3 of the 14 seagrass patch locations and 1 sandy substrate location.The average height of center rods in seagrass patches was 14.7 cm (5.8 in.) and 14.0 cm (5.5 in.) at sandy substrate stations. Sediment depth has decreased (increased rod height) within seagrass patches and remained similar at the sandy substrate locations since the Baseline Survey in January 2017. Change in sediment elevation was computed among the replicate rods in each of the wave energy reduction strata among all combinations of survey dates (Figure 8).There was considerable variation in the change in sediment elevation among wave energy strata over time. A one-way ANOVA revealed that only comparisons in sediment elevation among surveys 1 and 4 and surveys 2 and 4 showed some significant differences among strata (Table 4). In those two instances the area of low wave energy reduction (furthest from the wall and abutting the reference strata) had the greatest change (loss) in elevation. No clear pattern of sediment accumulation across wave energy strata emerges from this analysis. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 25 Change in sediment elevation (ft MLLW) by wave reduction zone A Survey 1 4 2 A Survey 1-4 3 A Survey 1 4 4 A Survey 2-i 3 A Survey 2 4 4 A Survey 3 4 4 0.5 iti 0.5- 0.5- 0.5- _ 0.5- 0.5- 0.4 0.4- 0.4- 0.4- 0.4- 0.4-0.3 0.3- 0.3- 0.3- - 0.3- 0.3- - 0.2 0.2- - _ _ _ 0.2- 0.2- 0.2- - - 0.2- 0.1 0.1- 0.1- - 0.1- 0.1- 0.1- 0.0 0.0- - - 0.0-- - 0.0- 0.0 0.0-�� -0.1 -0.1- • -0.1- _0, -0.1- _ -0.1- - -0.2 -0.2- -0.2- - -0.2- -0.2 -0.2- -0. -0.3- -0.3- -0.3 -0.3• -0.3- -0. -0.4- -0.4 -0.4- -0.4- -0.4- -0. -0.5- -0.5 -0.5- - -0.5- -0.5- -0.- -0.6- _ -0.6- -0.& -0.6- -0.6- -0.7 -0.7- - -0.7- - - -0.7- .0.7- -0.7- -0.: -0.8- -0.8- -0.8- -0.& -0.8- -0.' -0.9- -0.9- -0.9- -0.9- -0.9- -1.1 -1.0- -1.& -1.0- -1.0- -1.0- -1.1 -1.1- -1.1- -1.1- -1.1' -1.1- -1.2 -1.2- -1.2- -1.2- -1.2- -1.2- - -1. -1.3- -1.3- -1.3- -1.3- -1.3- -1. -1.4- -1.4- -1.4- -1.4- -1.4- -1. - -1.5- -1.5--- -1.5- -1.5- -1.5 L M H R L M R L M H R L M R L M H R L M R zone zone Zone SO TO zone Zone Figure 8. Change in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) over time monitored at rods installed in previous bioturbation study. H. area of high wave energy reduction by the wavebreak; M = medium; L = low; R = reference (no wave energy reduction). Error bars represent± one standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 26 Table 4. One-way ANOVA testing differences in sediment elevation (ft, MLLW)from rods installed at previous bioturbation patches among all combinations of surveys. Survey 1 = May 2016, Survey 2 =January 2017, Survey 3 = October 2017, Survey 4= May 2018. Wave energy Survey 1 4 2 Survey 1->3 Survey 1 4 4 Survey 2->3 Survey 2->4 Survey 3 4 4 reduction Reference(none) ND ND C,B ND A ND Low ND ND C ND B ND Medium ND ND A,B ND A ND High ND A A Shaded bars=significant effect at P<_0.05;comparisons with the same letters are not significantly different. ND=no significant difference.Cells with no information represent strata where rods could not be located,presumably due to excessive sediment deposition. USV Digital Elevation Model: The USV collected bathymetry data across the entire site in June 2016 (Figure 9).The survey was conducted during both flood and ebb tides and real-time tidal corrections were made to data collected. Water depths ranged from 0.7 to 1.6 m (2.3 to 5.2 ft) across the site.The western portion of the site was notably shallower than the eastern portion. The USV will collect bathymetry data during the final monitoring survey and data will be compared to this baseline bathymetry. wavebreak c.:11 C , ,C, _The.- s, .__-____7 -... 3957000 . U o A04 / °� •/ Ills 3956800- 1 i` L0• , z 7 - 3968800 , o �� z ,�� ,, --�0.9 .•s o , • -,06 • . o 1 b v: p o O 'O, v i 0.6 3956400- Ot o 0 :)c'. ® o J 0.4 03 3956200- 2`, o co vo 09 , 1 3956000 446600 446800 447000 447200 Figure 9. Track lines traveled by the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (black lines) and digital elevation model at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site prior to construction of the wavebreak (ultimate location of wavebreak shown). Soundings are in MLLW. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 27 Near-field Wall Sediment Elevation Survey: The surveys conducted by SEPI revealed significant scour pits having formed under the wavebreak units themselves.This sediment is suspected to be the source of the light colored band visible to the south of the wall in aerial images (Figure 3). The 5 transects were treated as replicates for evaluating sediment elevation on both the north and south sides of the wavebreak, by distance. A comparison of sediment elevations by distance and side of wall (north vs south) shows a generally consistent pattern of erosion in the immediate proximity of the wall but with little change in sediment elevation with distance on either side of the wavebreak(Figure 10a through h). There,transects on the south side of the wall however,generally appeared to be shallower. Upon examination under 2-way ANOVA (Table 5)there was no significant interaction of the main effects (distance, side), allowing each main effect to be re-tested independently.The effect of distance irrespective of side was significant (P<0.05) at every survey time. However, the visually apparent difference in elevation among the north and south sides of the wall was statistically significant beginning in January of 2018 and remained different (but for April of 2018) through June of 2018, with the southern side being consistently shallower. To further examine for pattern of differences with distance, it was noted that the 0 distance (immediately abutting the wall structure) was always the deepest, followed closely by the 5 foot distance being the next deepest for the first three surveys. Some spatially inconsistent differences in elevation among distance occurred during other surveys (Table 5) but the 0 and 5 distances always remained the deepest. Table 5. Results of 2-way ANOVA for the near-field sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by survey. Year 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 Month June September Jan Feb March April May June Distance <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0006 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.0005 Side 0.7046 0.6983 0.0494 0.0011 0.0372 0.0608 0.0002 0.0002 Interaction 0.8913 0.9754 0.3347 0.777 0.118 0.0744 0.4098 0.8185 South side significantly shallower? ANOVA Comparison no no no yes yes yes yes yes Distance 75,10 and 100 also Distance 100 was as Distance 0 deepest,deeper than 5 and both significantly shallower than other shallow as S but both significantly deeper than rest? distances but equal to 5 and shallower shallower than 0(which than 0(which was deepest)? was deepest)? ANOVA Comparison yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 28 JUNE 2017 elevation ftMEAN 5' 4' 3' 2' 1 -2 -3 1 II pi PP -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -1C north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 Figure 10a. Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are± 1 standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 29 SEPTEMBER 2017 elevation_ftMEAN 5' 4' 3' 2' 0 I pp op -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -1C north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 Figure 1Ob. Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are ± 1 standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 30 JANUARY 2018 elevation_ft MEAN 5' 4' 3' 2' 1' 7 ,� 1111101-711117-T- _ I _ -5 -G -T -1C north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 Figure 10c. Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are ± 1 standard deviation. C5A-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 31 FEBRUARY 2018 elevation_ft MEAN 5' 4' 3' 2' -3 — -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -4 -SC north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 Figure 10d. Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are± 1 standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 32 MARCH 2018 elevation ftMEAN 5' 4' 3' 2' 1' r. 111;774—op po go 11 II pi pp pi pi -3 -5 -6 -7 -S -4 -1C north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 Figure 10e. Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are± 1 standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 33 APRIL 2018 elevation_h MEAN 5' 4' 3' 2' 1 'pip I pi gm -2 ��,y -3 T -4 -5 -6 -7 -g -9 -1� north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 Figure 10f. Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are ± 1 standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 34 MAY 2018 eIevation_ft MEAN 5' 4' 3' 2' 1' -z0 1 1 L or f -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -9 -10 north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 Figure 10g. Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are± 1 standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 35 JUNE2018 elevation ft MEAN 5' 4' 3' 2' JUIIhIh1hIh1hlJ! 111 !1 4 Ili -5' -7. -g -1t1 north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south north south 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 75 100 125 150 Figure 10h. Average sediment elevation (ft, MLLW) by side of wavebreak and distance over time. Error bars are ± 1 standard deviation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 36 Wave Regime and Model Validation Long Term Wave Regime: After the wavebreak was installed, pressure sensors were installed at specified stationary locations on both the north and south sides of the wavebreak to spatially assess significant wave height (highest 1/3 of waves) distribution arising from the top 5% of wind events between the two sides of the wavebreak. Figure ila shows the significant wave height for the north side during the 2017 deployment and Figure 11b shows the wave height pattern for the south side during that same deployment. Figure 12a shows the wave height for the north side during the 2018 deployment through May and Figure 12b shows the wave height pattern for the south side during that same deployment. Figures 13a and b show the difference in the significant wave heights over elapsed time. During 2017,there did not appear to be a substantial difference in the significant wave heights among the two sides, whereas in 2018, events where the significant wave height was higher on the south side of the wall were more numerous and of greater difference over time.This indicates that wave events were often higher on the south side than the north, suggesting that the north side of the wall could also be receiving substantial sheltering from waves. WEMo model validation: Wave forecast modeling using WEMo was initially conducted in January 2016 for different lengths of the wavebreak structure. Modeling was re-analyzed in January 2017 after installation of the 500 ft(152 m)wavebreak (Appendix I). As done previously,the model was run on 65-foot (20-meter) grid cells, as the bathymetric data which are an important driver of the calculations is not more resolved than that distance. Forecast acreage of seagrass was computed by regression from the relationship of wave energy to seagrass cover(Fonseca and Bell 1998).The area of the seafloor experiencing at least a 5% reduction in wave energy was computed. The total acreage associated with the zones of wave reduction beyond the 5%threshold is given in Table 6.Theoretically, this could result in an overall total of 1.78 acres (0.72 hectares) of new seagrass with the 10% reduction zone producing 1.13 acres (0.46 hectares) and the 5% reduction zone producing 1.50 acres (0.61 hectares). Table 6. Areas for the wave energy reduction zones depicted in Appendix I in both acres and square meters. Percent Representative Wave Energy Reduction Square Meters Acres >66% 3,184 0.8 33%to 66% 21,153 5.2 5%to 33% 200,889 49.6 <5% 1,095,260 270.6 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 37 a North Side January—July 2017 ON ON , O•O • Ob • pb. 1 0264 • : i i . I i T Tt 1 � .iiililf. 11. .1.1. 1 ' .iiiil. 1.. 1 , q. ., ft, . .?. . t ... ikii:It,I .. �' • k T, • I..i,,.; II iiff .L.: . . I • .• . ;' 11 , Z ' J •}• 1 is.14 f • 0 06. iiii ' b South Side January—July 2017 ON OM • Ow 7 1 • . ! ; 1 • 0 at . • .k ' •il . Ob • • • I ii ! , I i i ' ' ' • i'9. 4 i ; i.. 1t • ' 'I , '... • :1 /13/4 , . III • 3 ;r• )1, 4 lil _ • 1 ,� Figure 11. Hourly significant wave heights (m) measured at the wavebreak from January through July 2017 for(a)Top- north side of the wavebreak and (b) Bottom -south side of the wavebreak. Htime =elapased time in hours. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 38 • a North Side January— May 2018 li.W_M oW 0M. 0 40 OM • I • OM 020 • i I I .0 le • ola ' • i • 1 '1 I •1 i I 11t�, '• r I • r O06 rl l �'. •I I'. • ! I. '{� 11.00 AflJ 44 b South Side January— May 2018 OM OM' • OM • • OM OM 1 t Oa , 1 f , 1 , Ou ow 1 • � r I 1 •;1 !I 1 I t • ow' I ,MO lone pO MM. Figure 12. Hourly significant wave heights (m) measured at the wavebreak structure from January through May 2018 for(a)Top- north side of the wavebreak and (b) Bottom-south side of the wavebreak. Htime =elapased time in hours. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 39 DIFF IN SIG WAVE HEIGHTS: POSITIVE VALUE = NORTH HIGHER while NEGATIVE VALUE = SOUTH HIGHER Jan -July 2017 a on o 1e. j # • ` • is .•_i •• •• I:.• i r , 1 •f ;7• t •t i �� •1: •t . 1. ��p.\♦ r t(4'i Y •. .rylvt ? ., ' • • t • . - t om W.; .:.. • lr ••••1 y • . �i.3 } • ' ;• J.,,, ,,. .4 j'I • . ; t3!6,.y' . •, 'ii �4r!!•G. • ! 3 ,.tiask. :,}i � t ..•. iii :i i }. sl.,. :.i � + b S .} i,t�f.�;��'t•�. [owI • I) ')1 !{iiiv.': •• `I,}'.t :4• •A• 4t4.-,i i. rll 1. .;4:• ••••. f-•044. �itj. 1:.4p..: tsis•rzik.4 lc••_ t :t4' } 0 FT •., 1 r • •' •• •:s• 1). .•'i •- Si f • ;•C.i -} ,., , • �f'.• •: .s . • ••i: �'y`' L( 4f +� :�� '. �:t ;fit � �: �i��r. ..' � it �} iN'f ;,iW;�. ,{.r. ri;vt • , : } . 'h y , • ou• •• :1 . 0s o a,r . WOO ION a•• .. tnu DIFF IN SIG WAVE HEIGHTS: POSITIVE VALUE = NORTH HIGHER while NEGATIVE VALUE = SOUTH HIGHER Jan -May 2018 b o» 016• • pj i • o•o. F, t •• • I . . , .j it : • •on �� �' I!• l •• t• YI•1R )Frf' • :; 1.t i': �• ja i • � • 4 .*;:hF i + � '1 `.. -- • • • {l } .• j i . t ! t.. 1irki o•• •t ,, s ? ti. IFS' .y .r .• .ti'• . .S s t , • o.e• os• MO IOW •- Yam Figure 13. Difference in hourly significant wave heights (m) measured at the wavebreak structure for (a)Top -Jannuary through July 2017 and (b) Bottom -January through May 2018. Htime = elapased time in hours. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 40 After the model was run and a smoothing technique (krigging) applied (Appendix I), there is the appearance of a disruption in the wave reduction just south of the wall. However, this is a product of the krigging and that small zone of 33-66%wave reduction just south of the wall is a display artifact and was not part of the acreage calculations. In May 2018, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (Zostera marina, Halodule wrightii, and Ruppia maritima). Halodule wrightii and Z. marina were both commonly observed while R. maritima was rarely observed.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine siliceous sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed during on-site surveys within the immediate vicinity. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey,with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 23.4°C (74.2°F)to 24.8°C (76.7°F),with wind speeds ranging from 7.6 to 41.1 kph (4.7to 25.5 mph). Wind direction was predominately south-southwest. Epibiota Monitoring During the January 2017 baseline survey, ebb tides were extremely low and monitoring stations at all three elevation strata (high, middle,and low) were exposed above water. No biota had colonized the substrate and the percent cover of concrete and rock were both 100% during this survey. During the May 2018 survey,there was a consistent south/southwest wind that resulted in high water levels at the structure, even at ebb tide. Monitoring stations at the high elevation were exposed above water but were primarily wet and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure during all tidal stages observed (Photos 12 and 13).The middle elevation monitoring stations were exposed above water during all tidal stages observed, also primarily wet, and regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure (Photos 14 and 15).The low elevation monitoring stations were completely submerged at all tidal stages observed, even ebb tide. Due to high levels of turbidity in the water column during the survey,the low strata monitoring stations were photographed at a closer distance than the high and middle strata, requiring four close-up photographs per station which were later mosaicked together(Photos 16 and 17). CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 41 400 1�., 91 , th. ,,... . ,, . ....... . ,, ...r... --t-ai• * -'. PI F --I I 111166111111M101011016/A' • Photo 12. Representative photo of rock substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Station 35) showing wet rock on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey. i _j har<N�-u ., c, . , .-.:. ,.. ... . II r [116.-,.' - ' 111 Photo 13. Representative photo of concrete substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Station 35) showing wet concrete on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 42 7 l° LJ` u �. • .Y\ Photo 14. Representative photo of rock substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Station 28) showing wet rock, algae, and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey. log - . . - .-, • Photo 15. Representative photo of concrete substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Station 28) showing wet concrete, algae, and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2018 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-0I-FIN 43 - 1IIIIIIIIIIIII11■ir Photo 16. Representative photo mosaic of rock substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Station 1) showing submerged rock and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. I i 1+xAr I 1 Photo 17. Representative photo mosaic of concrete substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Station 1) showing submerged concrete and barnacle growth on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. Mean percent cover of colonizing biota and non-living substrate (concrete or rock) were assessed at the 60 fixed monitoring stations along the wave break structure. Data was grouped first by substrate type (concrete or rock),then by strata (high, middle, or low),and also by orientation (north or south side of the structure). Data collected for concrete and rock monitoring stations are displayed in Tables 7 and 8, respectively. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 44 Table 7. Percent cover of biota and concrete from concrete monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017 and the Year 1 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2018. Concrete-North Concrete-South Biota or Non-Living Substrate 2017 2018 2017 2018 High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low Biota Macroalgae 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.12 41.11 20.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.51 14.49 16.81 Barnacle 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.51 37.61 64.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.67 73.01 Hydroid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.64 Oyster 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Non-living substrate Concrete 100.00 100.00 100.00 60.37 20.70 15.83 100.00 100.00 100.00 85.49 38.84 3.54 Rock 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Major categories TOTAL BIOTA 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.63 79.30 84.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.51 61.16 96.46 TOTAL NON-LIVING SUBSTRATE 100.00 100.00 100.00 60.37 20.70 15.83 100.00 100.00 100.00 85.49 38.84 3.54 Table 8. Percent cover of biota and rock from rock monitoring stations during the Baseline Monitoring Survey in January 2017 and the Year 1 Annual Monitoring Survey in May 2018. Rock-North Rock-South Biota or Non-Living Substrate 2017 2018 2017 2018 High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low High Middle Low Biota Macroalgae 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.06 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 Barnacle 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.11 14.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.51 16.90 Hydroid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Oyster 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Non-living substrate Concrete 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rock 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 65.82 83.78 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 96.49 81.69 Major categories TOTAL BIOTA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.17 16.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.51 18.31 TOTAL NON-LIVING SUBSTRATE 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 65.82 83.78 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 96.49 81.69 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-0I-FIN 45 Colonizing biota observed on concrete substrate included barnacles, macroalgae (primarily unidentified green hair algae), hydroids, and oysters. For concrete stations, biotic colonization was dominated by barnacles for the majority of strata. Percent cover of barnacles increased the most between the two surveys on the low strata,with maximum percent cover of 64.03% and 73.0%for the north and south sides, respectively(Table 7). Percent cover of macroalgae was greater than barnacles on high and medium strata on the north side and high strata only on the south side,with a maximum percent cover of 34.1%for high strata on the north side. Hydroids were only present on low strata on the south side, with percent cover of 6.6%, while oysters were only present on middle strata on the north side but negligible at<1%cover. Colonizing biota on rock substrate only included barnacles and macroalgae; no hydroids or oysters were observed on either side of the structure. For rock stations, biotic colonization was dominated by barnacles for the majority of strata, with maximum cover of 29.1%on middle strata on the north side (Table 8). Unlike concrete, percent cover of macroalgae was generally low and not greater than barnacles on high and medium strata. Maximum percent cover of macroalgae on rock was 5.1%for middle strata on the north side. For all elevation strata, concrete exhibited greater total colonization by biota versus rock on both north and south sides of the structure. For both concrete and rock,the middle and low strata generally showed greater colonization by biota than high strata, likely due to fact the high strata were never submerged,thus preventing initial colonization or survivorship due to desiccation. Comparison of north versus south sides of the structure revealed that percent cover of total biota was higher on the north side for high and middle strata for both concrete and rock; while it was higher on the south side for low strata for both substrates (Tables 7 and 8). More specifically, macroalgae was higher in cover on the north side among all strata and for both substrates. Barnacles colonizing rocks were also more prevalent on the north side of the structure, while those on concrete did not display any discernable orientation preferences between north and south sides. Hydroids and oysters were not present in numbers high enough to make any determination of orientation preference. 4.0 Conclusions The wavebreak has been successfully installed as of January 2017 (Photo 18) and passed its post-construction engineering inspection. Monitoring will continue for an additional four years(Table 1) which will build off of this post-installation report. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 46 e aE Photo 18. North-oriented view of the wavebreak installed in January 2017 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.The total structure length is 500 ft (152 m). Seagrasses were successfully relocated from the construction corridor to two planting zones south of the wall footprint in May 2016. Seagrasses in the area are composed of all three of the marine species found in North Carolina (mixed Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Zostera marina). Seagrass cover • measured within the confines of natural, colonized seagrass displayed dramatic change from May 2016 to January 2017 (-42%). The relocated seagrass area showed a similar decline of-35.0%. It cannot yet be determined if this change is a typical seasonal change in cover(spring versus winter) or if there was a contribution from Hurricane Matthew. The hurricane passed over this area on October 9, 2016, prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure; thus,the relocated area was highly exposed to an extreme wave event only 5 months after planting which could have led to disruption of the relocated material. A bioturbation experiment to help determine the relative role of bioturbation versus wave energy reduction in seagrass space occupation was significantly disrupted by unknown sources. Only 20%of the mesh (8 out of 40 remesh sheets)was relocated during the January 2017 survey.The wavebreak was not present during this time so comparisons could only be tested among the remaining 8 remesh sheets and those edges that did not receive remesh. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) among the change in distance between the remesh and no remesh treatments, preliminarily indicating that bioturbation was not strongly influencing the expansion of patch margins at that time. However,the passage of Hurricane Matthew may have obscured effects (disturbance effects like Hurricane Matthew erode seagrass patches from their edge, much like sting ray bioturbation; Fonseca et al., 2000). Physical data collection of sediment elevation and wave energy has been completed. A digital elevation model of the site was collected using the USV and these data will be compared with an end-of-project survey conducted in the same manner to determine net sediment accumulation or loss in the project area. Sediment elevation stakes will also continue be monitored to gain an understanding of shorter term fluctuations in sediment elevation. An overall change in sediment elevation (-4.1 cm)was detected which cannot be attributed to the wavebreak, as similar differences occurred across the entire shoal. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 47 The final wave modeling effort indicated that theoretically,the wavebreak influence on seagrass cover could result in a total of 1.78 acres (0.72 hectares) of new seagrass overall, with the 10% reduction zone producing 1.13 acres (0.46 hectares) and the 5% percent reduction zone producing 1.50 acres (0.61 hectares).The classification resulted in 33.4 acres(13.5 hectares) seagrass cover across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Aerial imagery will be collected and analyzed annually to capture changes in seagrass cover associated with the addition of the wavebreak structure. Finally,time-zero data collection for epibiotic colonization was completed using a stratified random, repeated measures design. As expected, there was no discernible epibiotic colonization in any of the 120 digital images recorded. Photographs of the exact locations on the structures, stratified by tidal elevation and north and south sides of the wall will be repeated over time to quantify epibiotic colonization trajectory, abundance and composition.The May 2018 data collection for epibiotic colonization was completed using a stratified random, repeated measures design. During the May 2018 survey,the percent cover of concrete and rock decreased from levels observed in January 2017 as epibiota colonized the structure. Concrete typically exhibited greater colonization by macroalgae and fauna than the rock substrate.The middle and low strata of both concrete and rock showed greater colonization than the high strata. Photographs of the exact locations on the structures, stratified by tidal elevation and north and south sides of the wall will continue to be monitored over time to quantify epibiotic colonization trajectory, abundance and composition. 5.0 References Bohnsack,J.A. 1979. Photographic quantitative sampling of hard-bottom benthic communities. Bulletin of Marine Science 29:242-252. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233545259 Photographic Quantitative Sampling o f Hard-Bottom Benthic Communities Braun-Blanquet,J. 1972. Plant sociology: the study of plant communities. Hafner. New York, NY. https://archive.org/details/plantsociologyst00brau CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2017. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site As-Built Report. CSA-NCDOT-FL-17-1830-2845-07-REP-01-FIN. Fonseca, M.S. and S.S. Bell. 1998.The influence of physical setting on seagrass landscapes near Beaufort, NC, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 171:109-121. Fonseca, M.S., W.J. Kenworthy, and G.W.Thayer. 1998. Guidelines for the conservation and restoration of seagrass in the United States and adjacent waters. NOAA COP/Decision Analysis Series. 222 pp. http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/noaa documents/NOS/NCCOS/COP/DAS/DAS 12.pdf Fonseca, M.S., W.J. Kenworthy, and P.E. Whitfield. 2000.Temporal dynamics of seagrass landscapes: a preliminary comparison of chronic and extreme disturbance events. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 7:373-376. Fonseca, M.S., P.E. Whitfield, N.M. Kelly, and S.S. Bell. 2002. Modeling seagrass landscape pattern and associated ecological attributes. Ecological Applications. 12:218-237. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 48 Fonseca, M.S., M.A.R. Koehl, and B.S. Kopp. 2007. Biomechanical factors contributing to self-organization in seagrass landscapes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 340:227-246. Fourqurean,J.W., A. Willsie, and C.D. Rose. 2001. Spatial and temporal pattern in seagrass community composition and productivity in south Florida. Marine Biology 138:341-354. http://seagrass.fiu.edu/resources/publications/Reprints/Fourqurean%20et%20a1%202001%20M arine%20Biology.PDF Kelly, N.M., M.S. Fonseca, and P.E. Whitfield. 2001. Predictive mapping for management of seagrass beds. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 11:437-451. Kenworthy, W.J. and A. Schwarzchild. 1997. Vertical growth and short shoot demography in Syringodium filiforme in outer Florida Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 173:25-37. https://www.int- res.com/articles/meps/173/m173p025.pdf Kohler, K.E. and S.M. Gill. 2006. Coral Point Count with Excel extensions(CPCe): A Visual Basic program for the determination of coral and substrate coverage using random point count methodology. Computers and Geosciences 32(9):1,259-1,269. Malhotra, A. and M.S. Fonseca. 2007.WEMo (Wave Exposure Model): Formulation, Procedures and Validation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS#65. 28 pp. https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/9331 SEPI Engineering&Construction. 2016. Complete Construction Plans. Thayer,G.W., W.J. Kenworthy and M.S. Fonseca 1984. The ecology of eelgrass meadows of the Atlantic coast: A community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-84/02. https://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/techrpt/84-02.pdf Townsend, E. and M.S. Fonseca. 1998. The influence of bioturbation on seagrass landscape patterns. Marine Ecology Progress Series 169:123-132. https://www.int- res.com/articles/meps/169/m169p123.pdf CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 49 Appendix I Project Site Selection In 2015, CSA completed the process of site selection ([Report] Table 1). Existing seagrass cover and site conditions were compared between potential mitigation sites within the Pamlico Sound in the vicinity (^' 8 km [—5 mi]) of the Oregon Inlet.The Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was identified on a historically stable shoal, where seagrass growth was evident, and had the most potential for increased seagrass cover with gap closure among existing patches of the sites examined.The site was located near dredge spoil islands approximately 4.8 km (3 mi) southwest of the existing Bonner Bridge at Oregon Inlet. Wave and seagrass response models techniques were performed to determine the length of the wavebreak forecast to achieve the 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares) of seagrass mitigation. Also in 2015, CSA completed development of the wavebreak design and placement, a task which required both wave forecasting, seagrass recovery forecasting and engineering sub consultation for placement of the structure design. Wave forecast modeling(Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007) was utilized to estimate the wave reduction effects of the wavebreak structure. Percent wave reduction was computed from comparisons of no-wavebreak and wavebreak modeling scenarios for various length wavebreak structures.The percent wave energy reduction for a given length wavebreak was converted to percent seagrass cover(recomputed from Fonseca and Bell, 1998)to predict the overall increase in seagrass acreage across the site as the result of wave reduction.The 500-foot(152-meter) long wall was designed with an inverted "V-shape"consisting of two 250-foot(76.2-meter) sections. The V-shape was a professional judgement on the part of the design team to mitigate wave impacts on the wall from the forecast direction of maximum wave height development (northerly).Thus,the wavebreak was oriented on the site to attenuate the dominant north and northeasterly exceedance event (wind events composing the local top 5%of all hourly wind speeds, along with their direction, over the preceding three years period) winds and create a calmer environment on the lee side (south facing side) of the structure to promote seagrass patch coalescence and new, permanent seagrass acreage. Once the 500-foot (152-meter)wall length was selected by NCDOT(the wall length that most closely approximated the forecast 1.28 acres [0.52 hectares] of new seagrass cover), four wave energy regimes (treatments)were defined from a cumulative frequency analysis of the area covered by the modeling effort where greater than 5%energy reduction was forecast to occur as the result of the wavebreak (Figure I-1).The wave energy regimes represent high wave energy reduction (>66%forecast reduction), moderate reduction (34 to 66%), low reduction (5 to 33%), and ambient or reference (<5% reduction). These wave energy reduction regimes became strata for random selection of various sampling described below. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-1845-09-REP-01-FIN 1 f 75'35'30"W 75'35'20"W 75-35'10"W 75'35'0"W b r Nags Heads b N 14 ` (� � (y M `M�anntteo`•a o �Wanchese '<_ 1 N C Area Shown A z b b 7 7 M il z b 0 7 z z S Legend -500ft Wavebreak Structure ' Percent RWE Reduction ->66% 33%-66% 5%-33% Mil<5% 75135'30-W 15`35'2C^N 75'35'10'W 75'350'W 75°34'50'W 0 100 200 400 Meters f I t t I I d I I I0 CS A Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure I-1. Post-construction forecast of wave energy(RWE; representative wave energy [J m-1 wave crest]) based on 500-foot (152-meter) wavebreak structure, superimposed on image of seagrass cover. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 1-2 Project Engineering and Design CSA subcontracted SEPI Engineering to design the wavebreak and provide the engineering Signed and Sealed Design Plans.The wavebreak was designed based on wave height forecasts provided by CSA using the WEMo model (Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007) and the aforementioned exceedance event winds. To meet the 500-foot (152-meter) design length,the structure was composed of 101 individual "Reefmaker" units each containing a central piling, one concrete base unit, and three concrete wave attenuator units stacked on the base unit and each embedded with natural granite rock to increase surface area for epibiota colonization (each unit was 4.8 ft x 4.8 ft x 4 ft [1.46 m x 1.46 m x 1.22 m]) (Photos I-1 and 1-2). Granite rock was chosen to prevent bioerosion of the enhanced surface area. Each Reefmaker unit had a bottom clamp and a top collar installed to secure the concrete layers to the central piling to hold the base and wave attenuator units in a fixed vertical position on the piling, preventing settling into the sand substrate over time. 4400, 1 j lir A _ Photo I-1. East-facing view of installation of the central pilings with piling clamps at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.Yellow arrow points to an installed clamp. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 1-3 ' l 1 I , l i r ii • ' , 1 #01160,;ket,ItaCtLI .i�. t it "�� s r .\,..........................mjammushma....wwwwwwwww.. , . Photo 1-2. One Reefmaker unit consisting of one base unit on the bottom and three wave attenuator units containing granite rock. One hundred and one of these units were installed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. For scale,the width of the units is 4.8 ft (1.46 m). CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 1-4 Appendix II Bioturbation Experiment To evaluate the influence of biological disturbance on seagrass patches at the site (sensu Townsend and Fonseca, 1998), CSA installed a bioturbation exclusion experiment in May 2016.There, 40 locations were randomly selected from within strata (10 per strata) defined by the forecasted wave reduction pattern following wavebreak placement (high wave energy reduction =>66%; moderate reduction = 34 to 66%, low reduction = 5 to 33%, and ambient or reference=<5% reduction) (Figure II-1). The nearest isolated seagrass patch to that location was then selected for application of the experimental treatment. At the center of all 40 patches, a 2.4-meter(8-foot) long stainless steel rod (Photo II-1)was driven into the sediment until only 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 in) remained above the sediment. Five randomly selected patches were assigned wire mesh (wire remesh panels 1.07 m x 2.13 m [42 in x 84 in])welded steel wire remesh sheet (with 0.106 m x 0.1.06 m [4 in x 4 in] mesh size)to exclude bioturbating sting rays and five were un-protected within each of the four wave energy regimes (total of 40 patches). At each of two randomly selected cardinal directions per patch, the distance from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass was measured in centimeters using a metric tape (Photo 11-2). For patches receiving mesh, each of the cardinal directions received a wire mesh.The longest length of the mesh was positioned parallel to the patch edge approximately 1/3 on seagrass and 2/3 on sand to allow room for seagrass growth (Photo II-3).Two J-shaped rebar stakes 0.3 m (1 ft) long anchored the mesh so it was flush on the seafloor. Flush deployment on the seafloor and anchoring were performed to prevent entanglement by sea life, such as diving birds. Other information recorded for each patch included the treatment received (mesh or no mesh), elevation of the rod above the sediment, and seagrass species observed at each edge. Change in the distance from the center rod to the patch margin will be recorded over time.The statistical approach for this experiment is a repeated measures two-way analysis of variance with wave energy and patch protection as main effects.The mesh and stakes will be removed and disposed of appropriately when patch coalescence begins, at which time monitoring of these patches will cease. During the May 2018 survey, scientists revisited each patch to collect data. Scientists navigated to the location of the center rod using the Trimble GPS. Once on location, they searched for the center rod using a glass bottom bucket and grazing a rake (tines up) on the seafloor.The distance from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass patch was re-measured along the same cardinal directions established during installation.The presence or absence of mesh, elevation of the rod above the sediment, and seagrass species observed at each edge was also noted for each patch. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN II-1 i Ea - - . - . . _ _ . .. , . . ..7\ \. : \\\\' • ..__ ,. Rip....400L _ .. likir.... it k, '$ Il \\ \ / \k_ \ & ‘ \ \ \\A,\ — Photo II-1. Center rods (2.4 m [8 ft]) installed at each bioturbation experiment patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 11-2 75'35'28 W 75°35'20'W 75°3512 /V 75'35'4W z z N �rn d iN • • • • • • • • • • • it o Fr; • • • • A • z 9 • • • • 4 Legend Monitoring Station Type d v Patches With Mesh Patches Without Mesh ® Sediment Elevation Control -500ft Wavebreak Structure Percent RWE Reduction >66% 33%-66% 10%-33% -< 09'0 1111.11111— 75'3520-W 75°35'12W 75'354W 0 100 200 400 Meters ILI** 0 I 1 ► � I t i ► I CS A Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure II-1. Randomized distribution of the seagrass patches and the experimental treatments selected for use in the bioturbation study. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN II-3 0 I ) , 'sr— --7------ - - ?7''-i.- -' - ,_ :•• .- _,...:___,..,,e4?e, _ . • .,. iik ,....... ____.. yNdr� s' .fit,�. ..........„9,. _. . .. rig ,, . __ ...... . . ..• . _. . _ ,. ,..._:, 4.- . .., . . • ..._ ., .. Photo 11-2. Scientists measuring from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass patch on the randomly selected direction at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. a,R 1 i t. Photo 11-3. Exclusion mesh installed flush on the seafloor on the edge of the seagrass patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Mesh size is 0.106 m x 0.1.06 m (4 in x 4 in). CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 11-4 Bioturbation Experiment At the time of setting out the experiment in May 2016,the average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 40 patches was 3.8 m (12.5 ft) (Table II-1). At the onset of the experiment patches with exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.9 m (12.8 ft) and patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.7 m (12.1 ft). Table II-1. Average distances in meters from the center rod to the edge of the patch for the bioturbation experiment. Updated July 2018; n/a = not applicable; meshes had been removed. ND = no data; distances not measured as experiment had ended. Survey All 40 patches(m) Patches with Patches without exclusion mesh (m) exclusion mesh(m) May 2016 3.8 3.9 3.7 January 2017 3.5 3.7 3.3 October 2017 1.48 n/a n/a May 2018 ND ND ND In January 2017, all 40 bioturbation patches were revisited and monitored. For all 40 patches,the average distance from the center rod to the edge of the patch was 3.5 m (11.5 ft). For all mesh treatment patches,the average distance to the edge of the patch was 3.7 m (12.1 ft) (however, mesh was only located at 8 locations within 7 patches at the time of the survey). Patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.3 m (10.8 ft). In October 2017, the number of monitored patches was reduced to 14 to revisit only those 7 patches that still contained mesh at the time of the January survey in addition to an equal number of non-mesh patches (n=7). Average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 14 monitored seagrass patches was 1.5 m (4.9 ft). For the 7 patches that contained mesh at the time of the January survey, the average distance to the edge of the patch was 0.5 m (1.6 ft). The 7 patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 1.9 m (6.2 ft). In October of 2017 the experiment had been terminated and only the distance to patch edges were measured. That distance had reduced from 3.5 to 1.48 m suggesting the dynamic nature of seagrass patch margins in this area. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-09-REP-01-FIN 11-5 41,1-1* r GSA CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. www.csaocean.corn 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Phone: 772-219-3000 Stuart, Florida 34997 Fax: 772-219-3010 29 November 2017 Kathy Herring North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit Natural Environment Section 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Subject: Summary of Year 1 Biannual Survey—October 2017—LETTER REPORT Dear Kathy: CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) conducted the first Biannual Monitoring Survey(Year 1) for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site from 2 to 4 October 2017. The Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey was initially scheduled for August 2017; however, due to tropical storm and hurricane activity and subsequent above-average water depths in Pamlico Sound at the site, the survey was not conducted until early October 2017. Table 1 describes CSA's previous activities and future scheduled surveys. Table 1. Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Construction refers to the installation of the wavebreak structure. Task Date Status Pre-construction Site Selection Survey April 2015 Complete Seagrass Transplantation and Bioturbation Experiment Initiation May 2016 Complete Sediment Digital Elevation Survey(USV) June 2016 Complete Construction Wavebreak Structure Installation 18 Nov. 2016 to 18 Jan. 2017 Complete Post-construction Baseline Monitoring Survey 14 to 18 Jan. 2017 Complete Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey 2 to 4 Oct. 2017 Complete Year 2 Biannual Monitoring Surveys May and Sept. 2018 Scheduled Year 3 Biannual Monitoring Surveys May and Sept. 2019 Scheduled Year 4 Annual Monitoring Survey July 2020 Scheduled Year 5 Annual Monitoring Survey July 2021 Scheduled USV=unmanned surface vehicle. The Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey included: • Monitoring of relocated seagrass in two planted areas and reference areas; • Monitoring of selected bioturbation experiment stations and removal of mesh when found; • Collection of sediment elevation data; • Download of long-term wave data and maintenance of wave sensors; • Collection of wave sensor data throughout the site for future WEMo validation; and • Maintenance of epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure. CSA's methods followed the accepted monitoring plan (STIP B-2500 Bonner Bridge Phase I seagrass Mitigation Plan, Pamlico Sound, Dare, County, North Carolina; September 2015) referenced in the permit(Permit Modification No. 106-12) to ensure all monitoring requirements were met. During the October 2017 survey, scientists observed patchy seagrass habitat consisting of three species of seagrass (Zostera marina, Halodule wrightii, and Ruppia maritima). Halodule wrightii was the most prevalent species, followed by Z. marina and then R. maritima.The major substrate type observed throughout the site was fine sand. Limited vessel traffic was observed during on-site surveys within the immediate vicinity. Site conditions were relatively consistent during the survey, with slight variations due to direction and strength of the wind. Average daily water temperatures during the survey ranged from 22°C (72°F)to 23°C(73°F), with wind speeds ranging from 26.5 to 31.3 kph (16.4 to 19.5 mph). Wind direction was predominately out of the north. MONITORING OF RELOCATED SEAGRASS In May 2016, prior to wavebreak structure construction,seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the south side of the construction footprint. The percent cover of seagrass within each planting area and within the surrounding reference area was evaluated immediately following relocation and during each monitoring survey. In October 2017, at the time of the Year 1 Biannual Monitoring Survey, no seagrasses were present within either planted area and all relocated seagrasses appear not to have survived. Sand scour from the structure may have impacted the planted areas. Sediment elevation was notably higher in the planted areas in the lee of the structure. Average percent cover of total seagrass in reference areas was approximately 62.1% (Table 21); H. wrightii was approximately seven times more abundant than Z. marina. Ruppia maritima was not observed within the reference stations. From January to October 2017, seagrass cover decreased by approximately 0.2% in the planted areas, and increased in the reference area by approximately 55.1%. This increase in the reference area is likely a result of seasonality in seagrass growth, with higher growth occurring in summer months. 1 The average BB scores were converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values(conversion was conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value,on the associated BB scale value:Percent Cover=2.8108*[BB]2.2321) CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 2 29 November 2017 Table 2. BB scores and associated percent cover for seagrass within the planting and reference areas. Planting Area Reference Area Survey Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover May 2016 3.0 32.7 3.6 49.1 January 2017 0.2 0.2 1.5 7.0 October 2017 0.0 0.0 4.0 62.1 Difference -0.2 -0.2 2.5 55.1 BIOTURBATION EXPERIMENT A bioturbation experiment to help determine the relative role of bioturbation (primarily by stingrays) versus wave energy reduction in seagrass space occupation was significantly disrupted by unknown sources. Only 20%of the mesh (8 out of 40 remesh sheets) was found during the January 2017 survey. The passage of Hurricane Matthew in October 2016 and associated high-energy water movement and sedimentation may have displaced or buried the majority of mesh stations in the experiment. In October 2017, 6 out of the 8 remaining mesh sheets were found and removed following data collection. At the on-set of the experiment in May 2016,the average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 40 monitored seagrass patches was 3.8 m (12.5 ft) (Table 3). In January 2017, all 40 bioturbation patches were revisited and monitored. For all 40 patches,the average distance from the center rod to the edge of the patch was 3.5 m (11.5 ft). For all mesh treatment patches,the average distance to the edge of the patch was 3.7 m (12.1 ft) (however, mesh was only located at 8 locations within 7 patches at the time of the survey). Patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.3 m (10.8 ft). In October 2017,the number of monitored patches was reduced to 14 to revisit only those 7 patches that still contained mesh at the time of the January survey in addition to an equal number of non-mesh patches (n=7). Average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 14 monitored seagrass patches was 1.5 m (4.9 ft). For the 7 patches that contained mesh at the time of the January survey, the average distance to the edge of the patch was 0.5 m (1.6 ft). The 7 patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 1.9 m (6.2 ft). Table 3. Average distances in meters from the center rod to the edge of the patch for the bioturbation experiment. Survey All Patches(m) Patches With Patches Without Exclusion Mesh (m) Exclusion Mesh(m) May 2016 3.8 3.9 3.7 January 2017 3.5 3.7 3.3 October 2017 1.5 0.5 1.9 SEDIMENT ELEVATION In May 2016, a center rod was installed in the middle of each of the 40 seagrass patches in addition to 4 rods installed in sandy substrate for the bioturbation experiment. In May 2016,the average rod height within patches was 6.8 cm (2.7 in.) above the sediment and 6.9 cm (2.7 in.) above the sediment within sandy substrate (Table 4). In January 2017, a total of 32 of the original 40 center rods for seagrass patches were located,with an average rod height of 11 cm (4.3 in.).Two of the four rods in sandy substrate were located with an average rod height of 12.4 cm (4.9 in.). CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 3 29 November 2017 In October 2017, sediment elevation was monitored at the center rod of the 14 patches monitored for bioturbation in addition to the original 4 rods in sandy substrate. The center rod was not located (likely due to burial) at 3 of the 14 seagrass patch locations and 1 sandy substrate location. The average height of center rods in seagrass patches was 16.6 cm (6.5 in.) and 12.0 cm (4.7 in.) at sandy substrate stations. Sediment depth has decreased (increased rod height) within seagrass patches and remained similar at the sandy substrate locations since the Baseline Survey in January 2017. Table 4. Average rod height in centimeters above the sediment for the bioturbation experiment. Survey Rods in Center of seagrass Patches(cm) Rods in Sandy Substrate(cm) May 2016 6.8 6.9 January 2017 11.0 12.4 October 2017 16.6 12.0 WAVE SENSORS Wave sensors (RBRvirtuoso models) at the two long-term wave energy regime monitoring stations (one each 25 m north and south of the structure) were retrieved, and data since the last monitoring event (January 2017) were downloaded. Severe sand impaction in the sensor ports may have influenced (amplified) actual wave energy; data are under review. One wave sensor was also utilized for WEMo model validation via systematic relocation across the site to collect data from 24 stations both north and south of the structure. WEMo computation for these stations and comparison of predicted wave heights versus observed will follow in future reports, based on water depth and wind conditions of the survey date versus observed wave heights from the mobile wave sensor. EPIBIOTIC MONITORING STATIONS Maintenance of the epibiotic monitoring stations on the structure was completed during the Year 1 Biannual Survey, which entailed the finding and cleaning of permanent monitoring tags and re-etching of indentations on the concrete to ensure the exact placement of the camera framer during subsequent surveys. Photographs of each epibiotic monitoring station and subsequent quantitative percent cover analyses will be performed in all annual surveys. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me at (772) 219-3060 or ehodel@conshelf.com. Sincerely, Erin Hodel Senior Program Manager—Ports, Harbors, & Beaches CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. 4 29 November 2017 B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Survey May 2017 . i. Y . .. _ 'fir. ri T . 1 r i. , ' lry.i ...---' , "ilk �r: CSA Prepared for: Prepared by: Natural Environment Section CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. North Carolina Department of Transportation 8502 SW Kansas Avenue Stuart, Florida 34997 , , ik 41111k ii- 014 CSA GSA Ocean Sciences Inc. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site Baseline Monitoring Survey DOCUMENT NO. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 Version Date Description Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: 01 02/24/17 Initial draft for review D. Medellin M. Fonseca D. Medellin M. Fonseca 02 04/6/17 Post draft review D. Medellin A. Pittman D. Medellin M. Fonseca FIN 05/02/17 Final D. Medellin A. Pittman D. Medellin M. Fonseca FIN-REV01 04/06/18 Final revised E.Hodel M. Fonseca M. Fonseca The electronic PDF version of this document is the Controlled Master Copy at all times.A printed copy is considered to be uncontrolled and it is the holder's responsibility to ensure that they have the current version.Controlled copies are available upon request from the Document Production Department. Table of Contents Page List of Tables iv List of Figures iv List of Photos v 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Actions and Methods 2 Project Site Selection 2 Project Engineering and Design 5 Pre-construction Site Preparation 6 Seagrass Relocation 6 Seagrass Cover 10 Bioturbation Experiment 11 Sediment Elevation 15 Wave Regime and Model Validation 16 Wavebreak Structure 19 3.0 Results 23 Seagrass Relocation 23 Seagrass Cover 25 Bioturbation Experiment 28 Sediment Elevation 28 Wave Energy 30 Structure Epibiota 32 4.0 Conclusions 36 5.0 References 37 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-F/N-REV01 iii List of Tables Table Page 1 Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 2 2 Braun-Blanquet scale (score) and percent cover scale values (Braun-Blanquet, 1972) 10 3 BB scores and associating percent cover for seagrass within the planting and reference areas 23 4 Average distances in meters from the center rod to the edge of the patch for the bioturbation experiment 28 5 Wave energy reduction zones depicted in Figure 1 in both acres and square meters 30 List of Figures Figure Page 1 Post-construction forecast of wave energy (RWE; representative wave energy [J m-1 wave crest]) based on 500-foot (152-meter) wavebreak structure, superimposed on image of seagrass cover 4 2 Aerial image of the wavebreak structure area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site, showing the position of the seagrass planting areas, the construction corridor and the structure itself. Randomly selected seagrass survey points are shown for surveys within the planted areas and nearby reference locations. 7 3 Randomized distribution of the seagrass patches and the experimental treatments selected for use in the bioturbation study 13 4 Stationary and temporary locations of the pressure sensors at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 17 5 Epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 21 6 Baseline classification results identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 26 7 Enlarged view of baseline aerial imagery(left) and classification results(right) identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 27 8 Track lines traveled by the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (black lines) and digital model at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Soundings are in MLLW 29 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 iv List of Photos Photo Page 1 Aerial image of Bonner Bridge 1 2 East-facing view of installation of the central pilings with piling clamps at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 5 3 One Reefmaker unit consisting of one base unit on the bottom and three wave attenuator units containing granite rock 6 4 Underwater photograph showing harvesting of a Zostera marina-dominated seagrass sod from within the structure footprint at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 8 5 Image showing placement of a sod in the container for transportation to the adjacent relocation site at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 9 6 Underwater photograph of a planted seagrass sod within the designated relocation site at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site moments after installation 9 7 Center rods (2.4 m [8 ft]) installed at each bioturbation experiment patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 12 8 Scientists measuring from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass patch on the randomly selected direction at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 14 9 Exclusion mesh installed flush on the seafloor on the edge of the seagrass patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 14 10 Inverted "T" shape ruler used to measure rod height above the substrate at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 15 11 Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) collecting bathymetry data across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 16 12 Photograph of one of the two wave senor brackets cemented into its base, prior to installation at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 18 13 Numbered tag installed at every monitoring station on the wavebreak structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 22 14 PVC camera mount framer used to photograph every monitoring station on the wavebreak structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 22 15 Transplanted seagrass with clean blades appearing similar to surrounding natural seagrass at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2016 survey 24 16 Natural seagrass blades covered with a layer of epiphytes at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 24 17 Workers temporarily relocating the pressure sensor at sampling locations within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 31 18 Stationary pressure sensor installed on the seafloor at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 31 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 V List of Photos (Continued) Photo Page 19 Representative of rock substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Tag 35) on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 33 20 Representative photo of concrete substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Tag 35) on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 33 21 Representative photo of rock substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Tag 55) monitoring two smaller rocks on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 34 22 Representative photo of concrete substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Tag 55) showing partially wet concrete on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 34 23 Representative photo of rock substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Tag 20) on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 35 24 Representative photo of concrete substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Tag 20) on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey 35 25 North-oriented view of the wavebreak structure installed in January 2017 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site 36 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 vi 1.0 Introduction The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) contracted CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) in 2012 (Contract No. 6300032017)to conduct in-kind seagrass (mixed Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, Zostera marina) mitigation of 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares) to compensate for losses anticipated to occur during the replacement of the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge over Oregon Inlet, North Carolina (Photo 1). The Bonner Bridge provides the only highway connection for Hatteras Island to the mainland in Dare County, North Carolina and its replacement is currently under construction. Based on previous published research in North Carolina (Fonseca et al., 1998, Fonseca et al., 2000, Kelly et al., 2001, Fonseca et al., 2002) CSA conceptualized creating a wavebreak structure to modify existing, patchy seagrass habitat by attenuating wave activity to promote more continuous, persistent seagrass coverage.This subsequent increase in seagrass acreage was expected to meet NCDOT's seagrass mitigation requirements while enhancing ecosystem services for the area. ;OW- •r r s- Y Photo 1. Aerial image of Bonner Bridge. Source: http://www.kdhnc.com/667/Herbert-C-Bonner- Bridge-Replacement-Project. After installation of the wavebreak structure, CSA conducted the baseline monitoring survey in January 2017. Baseline monitoring tasks included revisiting all bioturbation mesh experiments, installing epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure, installing wave sensors, and collecting baseline seagrass cover data across the entire mitigation site.This report summarizes baseline data from the May and June 2016 and January 2017 activities and surveys.Table 1 describes CSA's previous activities and future scheduled surveys. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 Table 1. Activity and monitoring survey schedule for the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Construction refers to the installation of the wave break structure. Task Date Status Pre-construction Site Selection Survey April 2015 Complete Seagrass Transplantation and Bioturbation May 2016 Complete Experiment Initiation Sediment Digital Elevation Survey(USV) June 2016 Complete Construction Wavebreak Structure Installation 18 November 2016 to 18 Complete January 2017 Post-construction Baseline Monitoring Survey January 2017 Complete Biannual Monitoring Survey August 2017 Scheduled Biannual Monitoring Surveys May and September 2018 Scheduled Biannual Monitoring Surveys May and September 2019 Scheduled Annual Monitoring Survey July 2020 Scheduled Annual Monitoring Survey July 2021 Scheduled USV=unmanned surface vehicle. 2.0 Actions and Methods Sections of this report that refer to construction and engineering activities or permits where originally developed using English units, will follow the convention of reporting first in English units and then parenthetically in metric units. For the sections of the report not directly associated with structural engineering,the convention of reporting will be metric units following by English units parenthetically. CSA's methods followed the accepted monitoring plan (STIP B-2500 Bonner Bridge Phase I seagrass Mitigation Plan, Pamlico Sound, Dare, County, North Carolina; September 2015) referenced in the permit(Permit Modification No. 106-12) to ensure all monitoring requirements were met. Surveys were conducted prior to (in 2016) and immediately following construction of the wavebreak structure (in 2017). PROJECT SITE SELECTION In 2015, CSA completed the process of site selection (Table 1). Existing seagrass cover and site conditions were compared between potential mitigation sites within the Pamlico Sound in the vicinity (—8 km ["j 5 mi]) of the Oregon Inlet.The Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was identified on a historically stable shoal, where seagrass growth was evident, and had the most potential for increased seagrass cover with gap closure among existing patches of the sites examined.The site was located near dredge spoil islands approximately 4.8 km (3 mi) southwest of the existing Bonner Bridge at Oregon Inlet. Wave and seagrass response models techniques were performed to determine the length of the wavebreak structure forecast to achieve the 1.28 acres (0.52 hectares) of seagrass mitigation. Also in 2015, CSA completed development of the wavebreak structure design (Section 3.0) and placement, a task which required both wave forecasting,seagrass recovery forecasting and engineering sub consultation for placement of the structure design.Wave forecast modeling(Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007)was utilized to estimate the wave reduction effects of the wavebreak structure. Percent wave CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 2 reduction was computed from comparisons of no-wavebreak and wavebreak modeling scenarios for various length wavebreak structures.The percent wave energy reduction for a given length wavebreak was converted to percent seagrass cover (recomputed from Fonseca and Bell, 1998)to predict the overall increase in seagrass acreage across the site as the result of wave reduction. The 500-foot (152-meter) long wall was designed with an inverted "V-shape" consisting of two 250-foot (76.2-meter) sections. The V-shape was a professional judgement on the part of the design team to mitigate wave impacts on the wall from the forecast direction of maximum wave height development (northerly).Thus,the wavebreak structure was oriented on the site to attenuate the dominant north and northeasterly exceedance event (wind events composing the local top 5%of all hourly wind speeds, along with their direction, over the preceding three years period) winds and create a calmer environment on the lee side (south facing side) of the structure to promote seagrass patch coalescence and new, permanent seagrass acreage. Once the 500-foot (152-meter)wall length was selected by NCDOT(the wall length that most closely approximated the forecast 1.28 acres [0.52 hectares] of new seagrass cover),four wave energy regimes (treatments)were defined from a cumulative frequency analysis of the area covered by the modeling effort where greater than 5%energy reduction was forecast to occur as the result of the wavebreak structure (Figure 1). The wave energy regimes represent high wave energy reduction (>66%forecast reduction), moderate reduction (34 to 66%), low reduction (5 to 33%), and ambient or reference (<5% reduction).These wave energy reduction regimes became strata for random selection of various sampling described below. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 3 75'35'30'W 75°35'20'W 75°35'10'W 75°35'0'W o Nags Heads � h -10 tan eoci 'wanchese H C Area Shown • z z b o f O z Z 7 Q z z A Legend -500ft Wavebreak Structure Percent RWE Reduction ->66% II 33%-66% 5%-33% -<5% 75°3510"W 75°3570-W 75.35'10'W 75'360'W 75'34501W 0 100 200 400 Meters /` 11114* F t t t 1 1 t t I0 CSA Coord,nate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 1. Post-construction forecast of wave energy (RWE; representative wave energy [J m-1 wave crest]) based on 500-foot (152-meter) wavebreak structure, superimposed on image of seagrass cover.This simulation is for forecast changes of a minimum of 5% in RWE between the two scenarios of with and without the wall present. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 4 PROJECT ENGINEERING AND DESIGN CSA subcontracted SEPI Engineering to design the wavebreak structure and provide the engineering Signed and Sealed Design Plans.The wavebreak structure was designed based on wave height forecasts provided by CSA using the WEMo model (Malhotra and Fonseca, 2007) and the aforementioned exceedance event winds. To meet the 500-foot (152-meter) design length, the structure was composed of 101 individual "Reefmaker" units each containing a central piling, one concrete base unit, and three concrete wave attenuator units stacked on the base unit and each embedded with natural granite rock to increase surface area for epibiota colonization (each unit was 4.8 ft x 4.8 ft x 4 ft [1.46 m x 1.46 m x 1.22 m]) (Photos 2 and 3). Granite rock was chosen to prevent bioerosion of the enhanced surface area. Each Reefmaker unit had a bottom clamp and a top collar installed to secure the concrete layers to the central piling to hold the base and wave attenuator units in a fixed vertical position on the piling, preventing settling into the sand substrate over time. ."- : " V _ .- - - mow::._ "5. Sit; • Photo 2. East-facing view of installation of the central pilings with piling clamps at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Yellow arrow points to an installed clamp. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 5 ., „..N. - ' 3. "ritr• - ' iiitti 31 ' v-.*.. —"".111,111111111,11111 I E I le fg-. ' 31 - • :11 1 • 31 ' Photo 3. One Reefmaker unit consisting of one base unit on the bottom and three wave attenuator units containing granite rock. One hundred and one of these units were installed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. For scale, the width of the units is 4.8 ft (1.46 m). PRE-CONSTRUCTION SITE PREPARATION Seagrass Relocation In 2016, prior to installation of the wavebreak structure,the State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission permit (Permit Modification No. 106-12) required any seagrass within the structure footprint and the construction corridor to be moved to the lee side of the structure onsite. In May 2016, CSA transplanted seagrass from these areas to the lee side of the structure (Table 1). To assess the amount of seagrass for relocation,the structure footprint and adjacent construction corridor was staked out to visually discern boundaries. A point-intercept survey was conducted within the footprint and within the construction corridor(a 25-foot [7.6-meter] wide buffer area located along the northern edge of the structure footprint) (Figure 2).Three parallel lines running the entire length of the structure and corridor were surveyed by this method and the percent cover of seagrass computed to determine the amount of seagrass that was to be relocated. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 6 :, w 75'35'TW - 1tir ,, . , 4 in 4 47 ., ,,. lk elailrir 414 ' : .A • 1 I 4-. .-,Iir Alb 4 .. ?' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦r♦'� �' j • 40„...... .. ro • ♦♦ram♦• ♦♦♦♦ ♦�♦�M♦ ♦A♦♦ •> ' .. * t - ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦S1�► ._ , i 0 O` ♦♦♦f Z q a n n,, _ ! AtiO4*.4"44- Y Legend # '.,r 4101 BB Quadrat Location - zo to Planting Area 15 0 Reference Area - !. a 500ft Wavebreak Structure WI Construction Corridor Seagrass Planting Area 75'35'15-W 75'35'14'W r 3'1./V 75'35.17W 75'3811 75'35'9'W 75'35'8'W 75'35'7'W Alkitk 0 25 50 100 Meters I t I I I ► I ► I0 CBA Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 2. Aerial image of the wavebreak structure area at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site, showing the position of the seagrass planting areas, the construction corridor and the structure itself. Randomly selected seagrass survey points are shown for surveys within the planted areas and nearby reference locations. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 7 Seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the lee side of the wavebreak structure in May 2016 (Figure 2).Two scientists identified seagrass patches to be relocated and via the sod method (seagrass and sediment; Fonseca et al., 1998). One scientist removed sods using a square point shovel (blade dimensions 29 cm x 24 cm [11.5 in x 9.5 in] (Photo 4) and the second scientist carefully removed the sod from the shovel blade and placed the sod in a floating container(large plastic concrete mixing tub with flotation collar) lined with a wet towel.The size of the sod varied (ranging from approximately 13 to 23 cm [5 to 9 in] wide and long) depending on the density of seagrass present.Typically, larger sods were obtainable from patches with a higher seagrass shoot density. Approximately 6 to 10 sods were the maximum limit to keep the container afloat (Photo 5). All sods were covered with a second wet towel to keep the plants shaded and prevent desiccation during their collection and transit to the nearby relocation site. A small number of seagrass patches had shoot densities that were too sparse to allow removal of intact sods.Those seagrass shoots were transplanted using the bare root technique (Fonseca et al., 1998).This technique involved harvesting only the plant without any sediment and placing them within the floating containers with the methods described above.The covered seagrass sods or individual shoots were typically in the container for 15 minutes until they were planted at the relocation site.This was a very short duration for this transplanting method and well within the tolerance limits of these seagrass species during transplantation (pers. obs.). The corners of the relocation areas were marked with PVC pipes and the positions recorded with the sub-meter accuracy Trimble GeoXH handheld global positioning system (Trimble GPS).The containers were floated to the relocation areas where a second pair of scientists planted the seagrass. One scientist dug a sod-sized hole with a small pointed shovel and received a sod from the second scientist from the container.The sod was placed in the hole to the level of the surrounding seafloor as found at the harvesting location (Photo 6). Sods were planted immediately adjacent to one another within the planting areas to form a continuous cover planting area. �S r .M+ Photo 4. Underwater photograph showing harvesting of a Zostera marina-dominated seagrass sod from within the structure footprint at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 8 c =v ' . • a p. .- e: -'s ( , t0 • - , t' Photo 5. Image showing placement of a sod in the container for transportation to the adjacent relocation site at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. 1 , I Photo 6. Underwater photograph of a planted seagrass sod within the designated relocation site at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site moments after installation. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 9 Percent cover of seagrass within planted areas was evaluated immediately after transplanting and again during the baseline survey. Each time, scientists navigated to 10 pre-selected locations (proportionally assigned to seven locations in the larger eastern planting area and three in the smaller western planting area) within the total planting area using the Trimble GPS. Planting area size was the result of proximity to the extant distribution of seagrass to be relocated. To compare the colonization of the planted areas to the surrounding natural areas, five additional random locations were selected in the surrounding natural areas (reference area) within a 50-meter (164-foot) distance of the planting areas (Figure 2). At each location, a 1-m2 (11-ft2) quadrat was centered over each point and percent cover of seagrass was assessed using a modified Braun-Blanquet (BB) cover and abundance technique (Braun-Blanquet, 1972; Kenworthy and Schwarzchild, 1997; Fourqurean et al., 2001). Within the quadrat a BB scale value (Table 2) was independently evaluated for percent cover of each seagrass species as well as total seagrass. Average BB scores were then converted to percent cover for each area to allow interpolation of averaged BB scores that fall between BB scale values (conversion is conducted by regressing the mid-point of percent cover associated within the range covered by each BB scale value, on the associated BB scale value: Percent Cover= 2.8108*[BB]2.2325). Table 2. Braun-Blanquet scale (score) and percent cover scale values (Braun-Blanquet, 1972). Braun-Blanquet Scale(Score) Percent Cover(%) 0.0 Not present 0.1 Solitary specimen 0.5 Few with small cover 1 Numerous, but<5 2 5 to 25 3 25 to 50 4 50 to 75 5 75 to 100 Seagrass Cover Seagrass cover was determined by classifying areas of seagrass occurring within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site based on aerial imagery.A georeferenced, high-resolution mosaicked aerial image (collected by NCDOT on 24 March 2017) was used to classify areas of seagrass.The aerial image was color-infrared (CIR) with a resolution of 0.08 m (0.25 ft). The image was subdivided into separate classification areas of interest (AOI) based on similar pixel spectral signature ranges. Separate classification of each AOI helped to eliminate variations in reflectance and environmental conditions across the entire project area in order to reduce classification confusion. An unsupervised classification was then performed on each classification A01 using a combination of iso cluster and maximum likelihood techniques using ESRI ArcGIS 10.4 software. After running the unsupervised classifications, each AOI was manually interpreted by denoting visually apparent classes of seagrass and classes of non-seagrass. Spectral noise and holes within the classification results were removed and corrected using a combination of majority filter, region group, set null (enhanced boundary edges and removed groups of small non-contiguous pixels that were smaller than a specified value), and eliminate polygon part (eliminated areas that were less than a specified value) tools in ArcGIS. Lastly, a manual classification technique was then applied to the classification with guidance from a GIS analyst.This CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 10 consisted of removing areas of over-classification and adding-in (digitizing) areas where under- classification occurred, again based on visually apparent seagrass cover. Bioturbation Experiment To evaluate the influence of biological disturbance on seagrass patches at the site (sensu Townsend and Fonseca, 1998), CSA installed a bioturbation exclusion experiment in May 2016.There, 40 locations were randomly selected from within strata (10 per strata) defined by the forecasted wave reduction pattern following wavebreak placement(high wave energy reduction =>66%; moderate reduction = 34 to 66%, low reduction =5 to 33%, and ambient or reference =<5% reduction) (Figure 3).The nearest isolated seagrass patch to that location was then selected for application of the experimental treatment. At the center of all 40 patches, a 2.4-meter(8-foot) long stainless steel rod (Photo 7) was driven into the sediment until only 3 to 10 cm (1 to 4 in) remained above the sediment. Five randomly selected patches were assigned wire mesh (wire remesh panels 1.07 m x 2.13 m [42 in x 84 in]) welded steel wire remesh sheet (with 0.106 m x 0.1.06 m [4 in x 4 in] mesh size) to exclude bioturbating sting rays and five were un-protected within each of the four wave energy regimes (total of 40 patches). At each of two randomly selected cardinal directions per patch,the distance from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass was measured in centimeters using a metric tape (Photo 8). For patches receiving mesh, each of the cardinal directions received a wire mesh. The longest length of the mesh was positioned parallel to the patch edge approximately 1/3 on seagrass and 2/3 on sand to allow room for seagrass growth (Photo 9).Two 1-shaped rebar stakes 0.3 m (1 ft) long anchored the mesh so it was flush on the seafloor. Flush deployment on the seafloor and anchoring were performed to prevent entanglement by sea life, such as diving birds. Other information recorded for each patch included the treatment received (mesh or no mesh), elevation of the rod above the sediment, and seagrass species observed at each edge. Change in the distance from the center rod to the patch margin will be recorded over time.The statistical approach for this experiment is a repeated measures two-way analysis of variance with wave energy and patch protection as main effects.The mesh and stakes will be removed and disposed of appropriately when patch coalescence begins, at which time monitoring of these patches will cease. During the January 2017 survey, scientists revisited each patch to collect data. Scientists navigated to the location of the center rod using the Trimble GPS. Once on location, they searched for the center rod using a glass bottom bucket and grazing a rake (tines up) on the seafloor.The distance from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass patch was re-measured along the same cardinal directions established during installation. The presence or absence of mesh, elevation of the rod above the sediment, and seagrass species observed at each edge was also noted for each patch. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 11 ff\ . \_.4.s.......7 . A_ 1r rY �� _._ , i____ -- k____ i„......., \ . 0 st • i ti , ; ,, .... 4' 1 $ i / -- ...4. lit,N, \ ,___. \\::\v\ wil N\ \ _: 111 . \.A'' \ • \ , \ Photo 7. Center rods (2.4 m [8 ft]) installed at each bioturbation experiment patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 12 75°35'28'W 75'3520'W 75°35'17W 75'35'4'W z z • • b N • • • • • • u1 A • • N. Legend - Monitoring Station Type 4 A Patches With Mesh Patches Without Mesh 0 Sediment Elevation Control 500ft Wavebreak Structure Percent RWE Reduction >66% 33%-66% 10%-33% 75'35'20'W ?5'35'17W 35'4-1.N 0 100 200 400 Meters 00‘ I I 1 0 1 I 1 1 1 I CB A Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 3. Randomized distribution of the seagrass patches and the experimental treatments selected for use in the bioturbation study. This simulation is for forecast changes of a minimum of 10% in RWE between the two scenarios of with and without the wall present CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 13 I y �s, Photo 8. Scientists measuring from the center rod to the edge of the seagrass patch on the randomly selected direction at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. W 1 .„ h s tit • � Y Photo 9. Exclusion mesh installed flush on the seafloor on the edge of the seagrass patch within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Mesh size is 0.106 m x 0.1.06 m (4 in x 4 in). CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 14 Sediment Elevation Sediment elevation was documented with two methods. One method was by direct measurement of the height of the center rod above the sediment at each of the 40 bioturbation patches. At the center rod of all 40 seagrass patches, the rod height above the sediment was measured used a meter stick fastened to a piece of wood (24 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm [18 in x 2 in x 2 in]). The 0-mark on the meter stick was attached to the center of the wood piece creating an inverted "T" shape (Photo 10). The wood was laid flush against the seafloor to provide more surface area to avoid the ruler sinking into the substrate.The meter stick was placed next to the rod to obtain the measurement of the rod height above the substrate. In addition to the 40 center rods, four additional sediment rods(one per wave energy regime) were installed in sandy substrate and rod height above the substrate was measured for each. A second method was employed to evaluate the entire area forecast to be affected by the wavebreak. In June 2016, CSA used an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV)to develop a sediment digital elevation model to document changes in shoal elevation associated with the wavebreak structure installation. The USV (Photo 11)was pre-programmed to run a pre-selected geographic grid at 50-m (164-ft) spacing which encompassed the entire site. Bathymetry data was collected using duel frequency, single beam sonar at a rate of 220 to 224 kHz. A Trimble RTK system (RTK)was mounted on the USV to integrate real time navigation while the USV ran the pre-programmed grid lines (speed of approximately 9 kph [5.7 mph]). The RTK had a horizontal and vertical accuracy of 2 cm (±0.787 in) and real-time tidal corrections were applied to accurately determine water levels across the site. '"" 0 • • • t Photo 10. Inverted "T" shape ruler used to measure rod height above the substrate at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 15 4 -i •Y -fir_. � - ,. „ .,.._.syf' -s ...ti.�.- sr• •>s...i�G .•` :dam-- — y srSP aSs-- , 4 F Photo 11. Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) collecting bathymetry data across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Wave Regime and Model Validation Long-term wave energy regime monitoring stations were placed at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site using pressure sensor loggers to record wave characteristics. Two pressure sensors (RBRvirtuoso models) were deployed at stationary locations 25 m (82 ft) in front (north) of and behind (south)the wavebreak structure (Figure 4). Pressure sensors were cylindrical and approximately 5 cm (2 in) in diameter by 25 cm (10 in) long and were mounted in a locked casing horizontally on the seafloor approximately 15 cm (6 in) above the substrate on solid base, concrete-filled pillar set 0.91 m (3 ft) into the seafloor(Photo 12). Pressure sensors were set to record bursts of pressure data every 30 minutes at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds.These data will also provide water level and tide documentation specifically for the site, and will be downloaded twice annually to evaluate the wave energy regime impinging on the north and south faces of the wavebreak structure. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 16 .- 75'35'16"W 75'35'12'W 75°35'8'W 75'35'4'W 75'35'0'W ry r ' w 1 :1 P. s a. .. • 4°A.!• ,, "I". - ali 4# ... . . 40. ,. i,iffrie .,. A iti.4 AP, A 4 .. it itt _ . , i 1 in cr Legend :Y, — Pressure Sensor Location — ' Stationary ® Temporary 500ft Wavebreak Structure —Survey Grid(50m) Ile 401111 I r 1 75'35'20'W 75'35'18"W /5 3512"W /5 358W /5 354 /5'35'0' 0 50 100 200 Meters /`111P4* I- - t- I 4 + I I i0 rc BA „,ate Syttem:WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 4. Stationary and temporary locations of the pressure sensors at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-17-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 17 NO 10KING I . . ftrt ., p " • r ` + a :f I Imo.- t • ` Photo 12. Photograph of one of the two wave senor brackets cemented into its base, prior to installation at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.The hinged bracket is shown being lifted; a disposable padlock is installed through the hinged piece to keep the sensor secure. WEMo model validation is being developed through opportunistic sampling. During times of onsite monitoring surveys, an RBR sensor was systematically but temporarily repositioned across the site (Figure 4)to obtain a spatial assessment of predicted (WEMo computation to follow based on water depth and wind conditions of the survey date)versus observed wave heights from the mobile sensor. This spatial assessment was performed in May 2016 and in January 2017 to provide a geographically articulated assessment of wave energy distribution with regard to prevailing conditions.The pressure sensor was set to record bursts of pressure data at a sampling rate of 4 Hz for 128 seconds during this sampling. In May 2016 no long-term monitoring stations had been installed and an un-tasked RBR sensor was used. During the January 2017 survey,the pressure sensor located in front (north) of the wavebreak structure remained as the stationary control and continued to record while the back(south) sensor was repositionedacross the site. During each survey, scientists recorded the wind speed using hand-held anemometers as well as wind direction prior to sampling and again after sampling was complete. Wave data from pressure sensors were downloaded into Ruskin software (V1.13.7) and exported to Microsoft Excel for analysis. Analysis will be comprised of simple univariate statistics of wind speed but also predicted versus observed regression to determine the likely on-site accuracy of the WEMo-derived wave forecasts. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 18 Wavebreak Structure Installation CSA subcontracted Atlantic Reefmaker to fabricate the individual Reefmaker units for the wavebreak structure and Cape Dredging to install the wavebreak structure onsite. CSA ensured the wavebreak structure was fabricated per the Signed and Sealed Construction Plans (SEPI, 2016; CSA, 2017) and coordinated efforts in obtaining information to meet all NCDOT's Materials and Testing (M&T) requirements. The individual Reefmaker units were cast, embedded with granite, and shipped to Cape Dredging's staging area in Wanchese, NC. Installation of the wavebreak structure began on 18 November 2016 and was completed on 18 January 2017 (CSA, 2017) (Table 1). SEPI Engineering conducted onsite supervision of construction activities throughout installation of the wavebreak structure and provided daily progress reports during days of actual construction. Structure Epibiota Assessment Epibiota monitoring on the wavebreak structure was initiated in January 2017 through the establishment of randomly-placed, permanent monitoring stations (Figure 5). Digital photographs were recorded at each station as a time-zero (uncolonized) baseline against which subsequent epibiota colonization will be compared for each survey time. Stations were stratified by the sides of the wavebreak structure (30 on the exposed side [north] and 30 on the sheltered [south] side) at different vertical elevations related to the individual wave attenuator unit placement(high, middle, and low).Ten replicate stations were randomly assigned per elevation on either side of the wavebreak structure for a total of 60 monitoring stations. Random locations were selected along the wavebreak structure and a vertical elevation was randomly assigned to each location. Scientists used the Trimble GPS to navigate to the pre-selected random monitoring station/elevation replicate along the wavebreak structure. Monitoring stations were separated by a minimum of one Reefmaker unit.The exact horizontal location of the monitoring station on a wave attenuator unit was visually determined where rock placement was closest to the edge of the concrete, making them easier to photograph. Some wave attenuator units had smaller rock embedded in the concrete, so often two small rocks were selected for monitoring. To identify the precise monitoring location and allow precise alignment for subsequent photographs, a numbered tag was installed on the rock immediately to the right of the selected rock(s)to be monitored (Photo 13) and alignment points marked on the concrete surface. A digital Sony A5000 camera in an underwater housing was installed on a PVC camera mount framer to photograph the concrete and rock(s)at each monitoring station.The PVC frame (Photo 14) was included in every photo to ensure standardization of photo size (dimension of the frame was 20.3 cm x 30.5 cm [8 in x 12 in]).The camera housing was fixed to the framer with a distance of 25.7 cm (10 in) from the housing lens to the outer edge of the frame. To photograph the concrete portion of the wave attenuator units,the entire framer was placed flush with the side of the concrete so the bottom edge of the concrete was included within the frame. To photograph the rock(s), the bottom of the framer was placed flush with the top edge of the concrete layer(where the selected rock was embedded) and the top of the framer rested on the concrete layer located above the selected rock(s) (approximately 152 angle). One photo of the concrete and one photo of the rock(s) were collected for all 60 monitoring stations resulting in 120 digital images. Digital images were processed and analyzed using Coral Point Count with Microsoft Excel extensions (CPCe)V4.1 software analysis program (Kohler and Gill, 2006).The total area of evaluated rock and concrete was calculated. CPCe utilizes the random point count method described by Bohnsack(1979) to accurately estimate percent cover of benthic organisms and substrate from digital images.Ten random points were CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 19 projected on each image, and the biota or substrate located beneath each point was identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level (for the time-zero images, no biota were detected). Data from each image were assembled in a spreadsheet for percent cover calculations and subsequent comparative analysis. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 20 z • . i "4:443 • . • . I.:cit.* , lc ,• r zo Qul ��/11ff�� m 48L . F ail, Egli, gEW qgin gm out tr,k) Ln Legend y Elevation 4 • High + ,� Middle fi �� • Low ° iii 500ft Wavebreak Structure + r _: z io 75°35'14°W 75°35'13°W 75°35'12°W 75°35'11"W 75°35'10"W 75°35'9"W 75°35'8"W v P 0 25 50 100 Meters I I I I I 1 I I0 CSA Coordinate System WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N Figure 5. Epibiota monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-17-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 21 A • • T. Y v Photo 13. Numbered tag installed at every monitoring station on the wavebreak structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. + • •fir .5 .qx � von lilt' 411 111.1111010 14\ ti- 1 • A.Lae. Photo 14. PVC camera mount framer used to photograph every monitoring station on the wavebreak structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 22 3.0 Results During visits to the site, scientists observed that the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was composed of patchy seagrass habitat consisting of multiple species including Zostera marina, Halodule wrightii, and Ruppia maritima. Very fine sand (visual observation) sediments were the dominant substrate type observed. Limited vessel traffic was observed during onsite surveys within the immediate vicinity although commercial crabbing vessels were observed crossing the general shoal area. Site conditions varied during each survey and were largely driven by direction and strength of the wind. Strong northeasterly winds on site resulted in lowered water level at the site and strong southwesterly winds resulted in higher water levels. Weather conditions during the surveys ranged from a high temperature of 75°F (May 2016)to a low temperature of 39°F (January 2017) with wind speeds ranging from 8 to 48 kph (5-30 mph)from various directions. SEAGRASS RELOCATION Seagrass patches within the structure footprint and construction corridor were relocated to two planting areas on the lee side of the wavebreak structure (Figure 2). In May 2016, immediately after relocation, the percent cover of seagrass was evaluated within the relocation areas and within the surrounding reference area. Upon completion of relocation, percent cover of seagrass was 32.7%for the relocation areas and 49.1%for the reference area (BB scores of 3.0 and 3.6, respectively) (Table 2). Transplanted seagrass within the relocation areas appeared similar to the surrounding natural seagrass and the borders of the planting areas were visibly indistinguishable (Photo 15). All seagrass blades were bright green and visibly clear of epiphytic growth. In January 2017, immediately post-construction of the wavebreak structure,the percent cover of seagrass within the planting areas were evaluated again.The planting areas had a percent cover of 0.2% and the reference areas had a percent cover of 7% (BB scores of 0.2 and 1.5, respectively) (Table 3). In January 2017, a brown epiphytic layer covered the majority of the visible seagrass blades and small tufts of brown macroalgae were observed colonizing the substrate often mixed in with seagrass (Photo 16). Seagrass cover declined by 32.5%in the planting areas and 42.1% in the reference areas, indicating a substantial overall drop in coverage. Table 3. BB scores and associating percent cover for seagrass within the planting and reference areas. Planting Area Reference Area Survey Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover Total Seagrass BB Percent Cover May 2016 3.0 32.7 3.6 49.1 January 2017 0.2 0.2 1.5 7.0 Difference -2.8 -32.5 -2.1 -42.1 CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 23 �, ..., , , ; -,,,,,. ,...--1, imt, ..4 . . ., ,, , ... t,, ,,,,,,,,-, .. . „..,- , \ ..„ , _, ... . + , . Y�, ''1 r. 1 �h\..' • . ..._, . . At.,, "ate;',, .....4_ , „:„„.. P A .. Photo 15. Transplanted seagrass with clean blades appearing similar to surrounding natural seagrass at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the May 2016 survey. I F tee. 1101.164;% . II\ • Photo 16. Natural seagrass blades covered with a layer of epiphytes at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 24 There may also have been an effect of wave disturbance on the relocated seagrass. Seagrass was relocated to gaps within the natural seagrass patches in May 2016 prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure. Construction was originally scheduled for June 2016 but was delayed. Previous studies have shown if seagrass is relocated to areas naturally devoid of seagrass without modifying the existing environment, natural processes will continue to preside and the relocated seagrass should not necessarily persist (Fonseca et al., 1998). A major storm event, Hurricane Matthew, passed through the Pamlico Sound and surrounding areas on 8 and 9 October 2016, five months after seagrass relocation, prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure construction. The hurricane had average wind speeds ranging from 32 to 64 kph (20 to 40 mph) with maximum wind speeds of 129 kph (80 mph) initially from the north, and then switching direction out of the southeast as the storm passed. Severe flooding occurred along the coast with an average rainfall of 22.1 cm (8.7 in) (http://www.weather.gov/mhx/MatthewSummary). The hurricane occurred at the end of the 2016 seagrass growing season, so effects from the storm on seagrass cover should still have been captured during the January 2017 survey.Therefore in addition to potential seasonal changes, this event may also contribute to the decrease in seagrass percent cover especially in the relocation areas observed during the January 2017 survey. It is possible that the relocated seagrass had not fully established a sufficiently robust root and rhizome system during the five months from relocation to the storm event, leaving them susceptible to erosion. Fonseca et al. (2000) observed that natural patches shrink from erosion at their margins due to extreme storm events in North Carolina, but that would not explain a decrease in cover within the confines of the reference beds. Fonseca et al. (2007) determined that seagrass shoots can be broken by extreme events, but whether that would result in shoot density and coverage changes was not tested. Continued examination of the planted and reference areas during subsequent growing seasons should reveal whether the planted area was differentially affected by this storm event. SEAGRASS COVER The Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site was forecast to include 301.6 acres (122.1 hectares), and boundaries were determined by using the wave forecast model prediction. Seagrass cover within these boundaries was determined by classifying areas of seagrass based on aerial imagery provided by NCDOT. Classification resulted in 33.4 acres (13.5 hectares) of seagrass cover over the 301.6 acre (122.1 hectare) site (Figures 6 and 7). In aquatic systems, classification methods rarely achieve 100%accuracy. This is because unlike terrestrial systems whose classification is limited primarily by atmospheric conditions, classification of aquatic systems, especially benthic components are limited by both atmospheric and water conditions. Thus, the accuracy of seagrass classification largely depends on water clarity and sea surface condition at the time of imagery acquisition. Weather events have an effect on waves on the water surface which actively degrade visualization of the seafloor, as well as water clarity. In addition, wind events occurring immediately prior to imagery collection may cause latent sediment suspension that negatively impact results. Finally, many seagrass patches were interdigitated with sand and often non-contiguous which complicates precise delineation. In addition to atmospheric and water column effects, mosaicking of the image produced shading gradients which interfered with seagrass classification accuracy of the seagrass areas and appeared to be the source of most inaccuracy. An absence of ground control points taken in association with the imagery prevented further accuracy assessment. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 25 75'35'40'W 75°35'30'W 75'35'20'W 75°35'10'W 75°35'0'W Z b n b v n ; Area I ShowIF ", r , , • .. s y " , ... ., , ......_ _ .. ._ . . , ,, ..... . ..,... ...,... „.. . A, b a v '� to Y %• '• �, � .,;;a 0• <it 4yt �.! 0'- , f -' „ ,..1„, ..:„,...,:,..,.,,,..„;4:f:ia....i5;,,,..„i„...),.,. ,, „...,„. 7,' , , ''' 1 j. c. X y,�r,t ir:,,y f t �l .L t 4 k :{.o, �'S'�y ., t r .4 6 V- N 0-94.1 . �,. A R C 4 J,c '• 7 ff T, .le i .•' .�.; '�' i S° �y ..4 C t' ' '' �6.'c. ' . .11iz)y'.fi4C'.}"� �ice: � -A ;t •`' it r i', 1 ':.,. a i/IyL, ,, ,' i ,t• 44, 01., •.6 •s Ott ' 4 vt , .... , , d Ott t r / ' ,. Z 4 • r x 4,'YR:' 1.1,44 C ' � .r . i• ' 4, : a. • ti h. d 4 . �� { t M '- Z i 8 S 4 'r ` it - • Legend iSeagrassArea _ - - . 75°35'40W 75'3630"W 75°3620"W 75'3610"W 75°360'W 0 50 11001 200 Meters � f � I i � 1 i ,I I 'GSACoordinate System:NAD 1983 StatePlane North Carolina FIPS 3200 Feet 0 Figure 6. Baseline classification results identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 26 I•..: • r .. 16. !�� of ,, f ' ,A • t4S , ',, '-'0, S. , 3 • I. . . ' e r 9t - tie V' r... . " s . . " . I I. •r 1 ,-., . ~ i .: ., 2,....,.. OS,b4r.,.. : 441.1 t • • l#s .. i. f -si . . ., sra, ., '''''' ' . ' ':: • • .A * "'" . '3 N... G y • ! • li I, IP, el- • 1 , . , ' ,o• 0" • fere.T, # . g' g .i f r. fqk, 1. 4*;y lk 0 1U 20 444.)Meters Legend ~ r r r Seagrass Area0 CS A Cooranate System NAD 1983 StetePlene North Caroline F IPS 3200 Feel Figure 7. Enlarged view of baseline aerial imagery (left) and classification results (right) identifying areas of seagrass (yellow) within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 27 BIOTURBATION EXPERIMENT At the time of setting out the experiment in May 2016, the average distance from the center rod to the edge of all 40 patches was 3.8 m (12.5 ft) (Table 4). At the onset of the experiment patches with exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.9 m (12.8 ft)and patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.7 m (12.1 ft). Table 4. Average distances in meters from the center rod to the edge of the patch for the bioturbation experiment. Survey All 40 patches(m) Patches with Patches without exclusion mesh(m) exclusion mesh (m) May 2016 3.8 3.9 3.7 January 2017 3.5 3.7 3.3 In January 2017, all 40 bioturbation patches were revisited and monitored. For all 40 patches,the average distance from the center rod to the edge of the patch was 3.5 m (12.5 ft) (Table 4). Only 20%of the mesh (8 out of 40 sheets) was found during this survey. It is likely that sedimentation associated with Hurricane Matthew may have moved or buried these mesh, or other external factors such as vandalism may have occurred. Where exclusion mesh was found,the average distance to the edge of the patch was 3.7 m (12.1 ft). Patches without exclusion mesh had an average distance of 3.3 m (10.8 ft). When examining change in distance from rod to patch edge, by treatment and wave energy strata, no coherent pattern emerged and no statistically significant difference (two-way ANOVA; p <0.05)was detected among treatments (no significant interaction among wave strata and mesh treatment and no significant differences in the distance from the rod to the edge either among wave strata or among treatments (mesh, no mesh). SEDIMENT ELEVATION Sediment elevation was monitored across the entire site by measuring the center rods at all 40 bioturbation patches and four additional sediment rods placed in sandy substrate. A total of 40 center rods were installed in May 2016 and the average rod height above the sediment was 6.8 cm (2.7 in).The average height of the four sediment rods above the sediment was 6.9 cm (2.7 in). In January 2017, a total of 32 center rods were located and the average rod height was 11 cm (4 in).Two of the four sediment rods were located and the average rod height was 12.4 cm (4.9 in).The eight center rods not located may be deeply buried and future attempts will be made to locate them. If they were deeply buried then the average rod height would decrease. The USV collected bathymetry data across the entire site in June 2016 (Figure 8).The survey was conducted during both flood and ebb tides and real-time tidal corrections were made to data collected. Water depths ranged from 0.7 to 1.6 m (2.3 to 5.2 ft) across the site.The western portion of the site was notably shallower than the eastern portion.The USV will collect bathymetry data during the final monitoring survey and data will be compared to this baseline bathymetry. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 28 --) ____ C c.8 F , _, 3957000- o 'aQq, 01 _ i : . 1.3 3956800- 0.6 o _ -_.J 1.2 7 / 1.1 1 3956600- 1 0 h - o I \ - 0.9 0.8 7 0.7 O� O / P O i ' c9 0.8 3956400- �' _ `��� _ . 0.5 f I *) 0.3 1 RRR 3956200- �''" 9 - :ro 09 I; i i----) 3956000 ---t_ CC. L - 1 446600 446800 447000 447200 Figure 8. Track lines traveled by the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (black lines) and digital elevation model at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. Soundings are in MLLW. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 29 WAVE ENERGY Before installation of the wavebreak structure, one pressure sensor was temporarily repositioned to 19 preselected locations around the site on 18 May 2016 to collect WEMo validation data (Photo 17). Weather conditions were rainy, cloudy, and windy with average wind speeds of 29.7 kph (18.5 mph) and maximum gusts up to 39 kph (24 mph)from the northeast. Another opportunity arose to collect a second set of validation data immediately post-construction of the wavebreak structure. Here, one pressure sensor was temporarily repositioned to 24 preselected locations on 15 January 2017. Weather conditions were cloudy and windy with average wind speeds of 13 kph (8 mph) and maximum gusts up to 19 kph (11.8 mph) from the northeast. After the wavebreak structure was installed, pressure sensors were installed at specified stationary locations in front (north) of and behind (south) the wavebreak structure to spatially assess wave energy distribution (Photo 18). Data collected from the pressure sensors and wind measurements will be used to assess the accuracy of the WEMo wave forecasts;these results will appear in a subsequent report. Wave forecast modeling using WEMo was initially conducted in January 2016 for different lengths of the wavebreak structure. Modeling was re-analyzed in January 2017 after installation of the 500 ft (152 m) wavebreak(Figure 1). As done previously,the model was run on 65-foot(20-meter) grid cells, as the bathymetric data which are an important driver of the calculations is not more resolved than that distance.The total acreage of seafloor under influence by the various the four zones of wave reduction is given in Table 5. The potential generation of new seagrass cover was computed under two scenarios. One scenario (mapped in Figure 1) was computed where the area of influence of the wall was based on a minimum of a 5%difference in RWE with and without the wall present.The second scenario, (mapped in Figure 3) was computed where the area of influence of the wall was based on a minimum of a 10%difference in RWE with and without the wall present.The scenario with the 10%threshold results in a smaller area of seafloor being affected than using only the 5%threshold.Theoretically,this could result in a total of 1.78 acres (0.72 hectares) of new seagrass overall, with the 10% reduction zone producing 1.13 acres (0.46 hectares) and the 5% reduction zone producing 1.50 acres (0.61 hectares).The accuracy of these projections will be quantified from NCDOT-supplied aerial imagery over time. Table 5. Representative wave energy (RWE) reduction zones depicted in Figure 1 in both acres and square meters. Percent RWE Reduction Zones Square Meters Acres >66% 3,184 0.8 33%to 66% 21,153 5.2 5%to 33% 200,889 49.6 <5% 1,095,260 270.6 After the model was run and a smoothing technique (krigging) applied (Figure 1),there is the appearance of a disruption in the wave reduction just south of the wall. However,this is a product of the krigging and that small zone of 33-66%wave reduction just south of the wall is a display artifact and was not part of the acreage calculations. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 30 --► .. - - . ' -=_.,r.. --s•".— 'ter .. - -4., ,._ ^An - Fy• L 1r �FT** 1 Photo 17. Workers temporarily relocating the pressure sensor at sampling locations within the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. I � 0 . _ Photo 18. Stationary pressure sensor installed on the seafloor at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 31 STRUCTURE EPIBIOTA Time-zero epibiota growing on the wavebreak structure was evaluated by installing 60, randomly located fixed monitoring stations on the wavebreak structure in January 2017, immediately post- construction. Photographs of the concrete and rock(s) at each monitoring station will be used as the baseline data set. Each consecutive monitoring survey will evaluate the exact same surface area of concrete and rock because the monitoring stations were installed at fixed locations. The percent cover of concrete and rock were both 100%, and is expected to decrease in future monitoring surveys as epibiota colonize the structure. During the January 2017 survey,the ebb tides were very low and monitoring stations at all three elevations (high, middle, and low) were all exposed above the water level. Monitoring stations at the higher elevation were completely dry even at flood tides(Photos 19 and 20).The middle elevation monitoring stations were primarily dry on the rocks but the concrete on the sides were regularly splashed by waves hitting the structure below (Photos 21 and 22).The low elevation was primarily wet and was often submerged at flood tides or when winds increased wave activity around the structure (Photos 23 and 24).The low elevation was often already seen with a thin layer of algae covering the concrete and rock substrates. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 31 dinar e. tJ • n' Photo 19. Representative photo of rock substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Tag 35) on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. { i, } i • Photo 20. Representative photo of concrete substrate for a high elevation monitoring station (Tag 35) on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 33 .tFM +fixc wL 'li S9r• a.9' t •-� C 1 .. .. t •ems: Ys ` r • Till' • f-M Photo 21. Representative photo of rock substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Tag 55) monitoring two smaller rocks on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. ' I, * • ' I Photo 22. Representative photo of concrete substrate for a middle elevation monitoring station (Tag 55) showing partially wet concrete on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 34 • te +-,< - .r 7 .,�1 - ., ,a'. ;i .-`in I:'- -- -% '"'-.? -•-- - - `a.. F i i 1 is ..r -o .f � :T" '.-:,fir 4' " i„ 'es .1, - ,.=;: - _ , __'...* . J. 14,314, .,..... ier- _,- . . Photo 23. Representative photo of rock substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Tag 20)on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. ,., p ,1? '-Jfrialle...0'vo,,,.. , .. .... i. ,:.. . . , ...... ..4:._,.. ,:,z,,,,e ,.,...A ../..;`, • f 1 , ...c CG ,;.'{f' y'.'- T ,,t H. I • fT~.. ';(:'fr^ . } ` ''.' i Photo 24. Representative photo of concrete substrate for a low elevation monitoring station (Tag 20) on the structure at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site during the January 2017 survey. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REV01 35 4.0 Conclusions The wavebreak structure has been successfully installed as of January 2017 (Photo 25) and passed its post-construction engineering inspection. Monitoring will continue for an additional four years (Table 1) which will build off of this post-installation report. Photo 25. North-oriented view of the wavebreak structure installed in January 2017 at the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site. The total structure length is 500 ft (152 m). Seagrasses were successfully relocated from the construction corridor to two planting areas south of the wall footprint in May 2016. Seagrasses in the area are composed of all three of the marine species found in North Carolina (mixed Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima,Zostera marina). Seagrass cover measured within the confines of natural, colonized seagrass displayed dramatic change from May 2016 to January 2017 (-42%).The planted areas showed a similar decline of-35.0%. It cannot yet be determined if this change is a typical seasonal change in cover (spring versus winter) or if there was a contribution from Hurricane Matthew.The hurricane passed over this area on 9 October 2016, prior to the installation of the wavebreak structure; thus,the planted areas were highly exposed to an extreme wave event only 5 months post-relocation which could have led to disruption of the transplanted seagrasses. A bioturbation experiment to help determine the relative role of bioturbation versus wave energy reduction in seagrass space occupation was significantly disrupted by unknown sources. Only 20%of the mesh (8 out of 40 remesh sheets) was found during the January 2017 survey.The wavebreak was not present during this time so comparisons could only be tested among the remaining 8 remesh sheets and those edges that did not receive remesh. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) among the change in distance between the remesh and no remesh treatments, preliminarily indicating that bioturbation was not strongly influencing the expansion of patch margins at that time. However,the passage of Hurricane Matthew may have obscured effects (disturbance effects like Hurricane Matthew erode seagrass patches from their edge, much like sting ray bioturbation; Fonseca et al., 2000). Physical data collection of sediment elevation and wave energy has been completed. A digital elevation model of the site was collected using the USV and these data will be compared with an end-of-project survey conducted in the same manner to determine net sediment accumulation or loss in the project CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 36 area. Sediment elevation stakes will also continue be monitored to gain an understanding of shorter term fluctuations in sediment elevation.An overall change in sediment elevation (-4.1 cm) was detected which cannot be attributed to the wavebreak structure as similar differences occurred across the entire shoal. The final wave modeling effort indicated that theoretically,the wavebreak influence on seagrass cover could result in a total of 1.78 acres (0.72 hectares) of new seagrass overall, with the 10% reduction zone producing 1.13 acres (0.46 hectares) and the 5% percent reduction zone producing 1.50 acres (0.61 hectares).The classification resulted in 33.4 acres (13.5 hectares) seagrass cover across the Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site.Aerial imagery will be collected and analyzed annually to capture changes in seagrass cover associated with the addition of the wavebreak structure. Finally,time-zero data collection for epibiotic colonization was completed using a stratified random, repeated measures design. As expected,there was no discernible epibiotic colonization in any of the 120 digital images recorded. Photographs of the exact locations on the structures, stratified by tidal elevation and north and south sides of the wall will be repeated over time to quantify epibiotic colonization trajectory, abundance and composition. 5.0 References Bohnsack,J.A. 1979. Photographic quantitative sampling of hard-bottom benthic communities. Bulletin of Marine Science 29:242-252. Braun-Blanquet,J. 1972. Plant sociology: the study of plant communities. Hafner. CSA. 2017. B-2500 Bonner Bridge Seagrass Mitigation Site As-Built Report. CSA-NCDOT-FL-17-183O- 2845-07-REP-0I-FIN. Fonseca, M.S. and S.S. Bell. 1998.The influence of physical setting on seagrass landscapes near Beaufort, NC, USA. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 171:109-121. Fonseca, M.S.,W.J. Kenworthy, and G.W. Thayer. 1998. 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Predictive mapping for management of seagrass beds.Aq. Cons. Mar. Fresh. Ecosys. 11:437-451. CSA-NCDOT-FL-18-1830-2845-07-REP-02-FIN-REVO1 37 Kenworthy, W.J. and A. Schwarzchild. 1997.Vertical growth and short shoot demography in Syringodium filiforme in outer Florida Bay, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 173:25-37. Kohler, K.E. and S.M. Gill. 2006. Coral Point Count with Excel extensions(CPCe):A Visual Basic program for the determination of coral and substrate coverage using random point count methodology. Computers and Geosciences 32(9):1,259-1,269. Malhotra, A. and M.S. Fonseca. 2007. WEMo (Wave Exposure Model): Formulation, Procedures and Validation. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS#65. 28 pp. http://www.ccfhr.noaa.gov/docs/NOS_NCCOS_65.pdf. SEPI Engineering& Construction. 2016. Complete Construction Plans. Townsend, E. and M.S. Fonseca. 1998.The influence of bioturbation on seagrass landscape patterns. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 169:123-132. 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