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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 18-01 Letter of Refinement 10/2001 - 4617A,
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Coastal Management
Michael F. Easley,Governor Donna D.Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr.,Secretary
1 October 2001
Ms. Kristen Shacochis, Division Environmental Officer RECE VFD
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Planning and Environmental Branch-Division 1 OCT 0 3 2001 •
Post Office Box 850
Edenton, North Carolina 27932 COASTAL MANA3EMENT
Dear Ms. Shacochis:
This letter of refinement is in reference to your 1 October 2001 correspondence requesting a
modification of Major CAMA Permit Number 18-01 issued to the North Carolina Department of
Transportation(NCDOT),Ferry Division on 22 February 2001. CAMA Major Permit No. 18-01 authorized
NCDOT to construct a new ferry loading ramp, replace and enlarge the existing ferry loading ramp, install new
mooring dolphins, replace existing mooring dolphins, and construct pedestrian boardwalks onsite the Swan
Quarter Ferry Basin in Hyde County,North Carolina.
Your request to modify the aforementioned permit to allow the installation of four temporary bents on
the proposed and existing ferry loading ramps for the purpose of supporting heavy equipment during the
construction phase is hereby authorized. These temporary bents are not to become permanent and are be
removed upon installation of the cored slab units.
All previous permit conditions including the 31 December 2004 expiration date, still apply and remain
unchanged. Your modified plat illustrating the authorized changes will become a part of the permit file and
construction should be accomplished accordingly.
Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. If you have questions or I can be of further
assistance please do not hesitate to contact me in the Washington Regional Office at 252-946-6481,ext. 275.
Steve Trowell
Coastal Management Representative
Division of Coastal Management
Washington Regional Office
CC: Terry Moore -District Manager,WaRO, DCM
Charles Jones - Assistant Director, DCM
.Cathy Brittingham-Assistant Major Permit Coordinator, DCM
Raleigh Bland - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,Washington Office
943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, North Carolina 27889
Phone: 252-946-6481 1 FAX: 252-975-37161 Internet:
An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer-50%Recycled 110%Post Consumer Paper
29/28/2001 07:54 DIVISION 1 EDENTON -> 17007331495 NO. 109 D01
' FAX Date 09/28/01
Number of pages including cover sheet 2
TO: Terry Moore, District Mgr FROM: Kristen Shacochis
N.C. Dept. of
Phone 252 946-6481
Fax Phone 252 948-0478 Phone 252/482-7977
CC: Cathy Brittingham
Fax Phone 252/482-8722
REMARKS: ❑ Urgent ® For your review J Reply ASAP Z) Please Comment
Project: F-3305 (Swan Quarter Ferry, Hyde County)
This will be a new permit modification:
Wilson Twilford of T.A. Loving requested two install two temporary bents per span for the
proposed ramps. After consideration of the work involved and the handling of concrete pipes,
Mr. Wilson Twiford feels it necessary to have two additional bents per span. These additional
temporary bents are necessary to support the crane, as the production bents are not sufficient.
The revised drawing attached indicated the desired bent locations This revision supercedes the
previous request for one temporary bent per span. These 14" steel H-piles will be installed with
a vibratory hammer and then bearing obtained with a conventional diesel hammer. Once T.A.
Loving is ready to set the cored slab units, these temporary bents will be removed.
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