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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 18-01 Letter of Refinement 2002 Av7A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary November 20, 2002 Mr. Clay Willis, Division Environmental Officer RECEIVED N.C. Department of Transportation Division 1 Office NOV 2 5 Z00Z 113 Airport Drive Edenton,NC 27932 �,OF COASTALMANAGEMENj RAlE1GH Re: Swan Quarter Ferry Terminal Improvements, Major CAMA Permit No. 18-01,Hyde County,N.C. Dear Mr.Willis, This Atter of Refinement is in response to your request to modify Major CAMA permit Number 18-01, issued to the N.C. Department of Transportation(DOT)4/18/01, at your • meeting with Bill Arrington at the Swan Quarter Ferry Terminal in Hyde County Thursday, October 17, 2002. CAMA Major Permit 18-01 authorized NCDOT to replace the existing ferry terminal and install a new ferry terminal south of the existing terminal. Your request to refine the aforementioned permit to install rip rap in an area 12 feet by 30 feet(360 square feet) immediately adjacent to and water ward of the end bent for the bridge replacing the existing ferry terminal in order to protect the end bent during storm events, is hereby authorized. NCDOT is required to submit a request and drawings for any modifications other than those listed above.No work, development or ground disturbance outside of the work area approved in Major CAMA permit 18-01 is authorized. Please contact me at (252) 808-2808 if you have any questions or concerns. (Siic rely, Charles Jones Assistant Direct r Cc: Doug Huggett Bill Arrington Terry Moore 151-B Hwy. 24, Hestron Plaza II, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-28081 FAX: 252-247-33301 Internet: An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled 110%Post Consumer Paper ., 2002 per•',+ • , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY October 18, 2002 Division of Coastal Management ���'� 151-B Hwy. 24 RECEIVED Hestron Plaza II O Morehead City,NC 28557 NOV 0 4 200i !OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT RALEIGH Dear Mr. Bill Arrington, The NC Department of Transportation is proposing to place rip-rap in front of a end bent on the Swan Quarter ferry terminal project. This rip-rap placement was not in the original design and permitted project. The contractor building the ferry terminal has become aware of earthen material loss under the end bent in periods of extreme high tide. The loss of material under the end bent, over a prolonged period of time could jeopardize the structural integrity of the end bent and result in high maintenance repair cost in the future. In order to prevent this NCDOT is asking for a letter of refinement from DCM to allow the placement of rip-rap in front of the end bent to insure soil stabilization. The placement of the rip-rap will extend 12 feet from the end bent towards the waterline and be 30 feet wide. This is within the disturbed area and directly under the existing ferry terminal. There will be no new impact to the fringe marsh.The placement of the rip-rap is approximately 60 feet from the mean high water mark. This rip-rap will be placed on cloth in order to prevent it from sinking in the ground. Included with this request are two work plats detailing the work area and proposed rip-rap placement, if any additional information is needed please call Clay Willis at 252-482-7977. Sincerely, Don Conner,P.E. Division Engineer, Division One Clay Willis Environmental Officer, Division One 113 Airport Dr.,Suite 100,Edenton,NC 27932—Phone: (252)482-7977 Fax: (252)482-8722 C • •I01 Nb5 i::, l// `\� N ``� ti P ney Gro r 5P. 4 —N35 Z5 .... ,. r/�: —• .7 ,,.: ♦ :.,,,, �` H + • it rk"/ ' rr 3//\ ‘,,, --, / / ` s • J X •' �1129 /./ r I. . 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Thanks for your patience, Bill Subject: RE: [Fwd: [Fwd: Swan Quarter Ferry Terminal]] Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:09:54 -0600 From: To: Bill: Based on the information in our file and the modification drawings and pictures you sent describing the placement of rip rap(12' x 30',360 square feet)adjacent to the new bent/headwall,the Corp Permit will not have to be modified and you can proceed with your permit modification/refinement. If you have anymore questions or concerns,please feel free to contact me. Thanks! Bill Biddlecome Original Message From:Bill Arrington[] Sent:Wednesday,November 20,2002 8:44 AM To: Biddlecome,William. Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Swan Quarter Ferry Terminal]] Good morning Bill, I am sending the correspondence I had with John as information.My first message describes the site.Let me know if you need more information. Bill 1 of 1 11/25/02 12:30 PM