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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 18-01 Minor Mod 2003 Swan Quarter Bay Ferry Terminal Permit Class Permit Number MODIFICATION/MINOR 18-01 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Oand Department of Environment and Natural Resources SSG �NI S Coastal Resources Commission ermttr\ for �� � X Major Development in an Area of En\kiriurinr ental-Cotfcern ti' pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to N.C. Department of Transportation, 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Authorizing development in Hyde County at Adjacent to Swan Quarter Bay, off NC 45 on a manmade canal. Swan Quarter, as requested in the permittee's application letters dated 7/14/03 and 10/21/03, including the attached workplan drawings (6): 5 dated 2/03; and 1 dated 5/12/03. This permit, issued on 10/29/03 _, is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. Jetting Research Project 1) This minor modification authorizes the jetting research project as described in the NCDOT letters dated 7/14/03 and 10/21/03, and as depicted on the attached workplan drawings. NOTE: The research team will install and remove a total of 10 piles at the Swan Quarter Ferry Basin. Six of these locations will be underwater in the ferry basin and four of these locations will be in the marsh adjacent to the ferry basin. A 40' x 40' working platform will be installed at each pile location that is installed in standing water to monitor and collect data generated from the jetted pile installation. Each working platform will require the installation of four spud piles around the jetted pile installation site. (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DENR and the other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work initiation or continuance as the case may be. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Don � . Moffitt, Director Any maintenance work or project modification not covered �=� Division of Coastal Management hereunder requires further Division approval. g All work must cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. December 31, 2004 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees I that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal l Management Program. Signature of Permittee N.C. Department of Transportation Permit#18-01 Page 2 of 2 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 2) The permittee shall clean the test locations located in the marsh adjacent to the ferry basin of displaced soils and other materials after testing. The permittee shall not attempt to clean the underwater test locations of displaced soils and other materials after testing because of the potential negative environmental impacts that could result from such activities. 3) At the test locations located in the marsh adjacent to the ferry basin,the displaced soil generated by installing the piles will be used to backfill the holes left after extraction. In no way will the intact root mat • • be excavated or disturbed in the wetland areas except for the actual insertion point of the pile. 4) The working platforms and the test piles shall be removed in their entirety immediately upon completion of the research project. 5) All jetting tests will be conducted on an incoming tide. 6) Turbidity curtains will be installed outside of the 200-foot monitoring zone between the research piles and the opening of the basin to Pamlico Sound. The turbidity curtains shall be removed when turbidity within the curtains reaches ambient levels. 7) Turbidity will be monitored at the Ferry Basin inlet to Pamlico Sound by taking samples at the inlet immediately following cessation of the pile installation and then on 30-minute intervals for 1 hour. This will result in 3 samples taken at 0 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes. 8) This minor modification does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. 9) This minor modification must be attached to the original of permit No. 18-01,which was issued on 2/22/01, as well as the amendment issued on 4/18/01, and the Letters of Refinement issued on 8/17/01, 10/1/01 and 11/20/02, and all documents must be readily available on site when a Division representative inspects the project for compliance. 10)All conditions and stipulations of the active permit remain in force under this minor modification unless altered herein. eoaoeoao-aoasosa:casaac:aaaasasasasesasa:a:a:caaasacaaoao-aaoaaa-0aaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaoasoaeeeooaeeee0000eaaaao-oo-aaoeeeeaaaaeoeoosaaasosoasa:aaacaaaaacao-at:as:asa::ca:oaoa:aaaca;ao:a:aa dN STATE 0, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F.EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY October 21, 2003 Mr. John Hennessy,NCDOT Project Manager North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality OC 1650 Mail Service Center C�� ,1 � I iMEN Raleigh,NC 27699-1650 a1V� 7• Dear Mr. Hennessy: SUBJECT: Jetting Research Project, Swan Quarter Ferry Facility, Hyde County. NCDOT Research Project 2003-15. As you are aware, the NCDOT is sponsoring a research project to evaluate techniques to use jetting for pile installation. Consequently, NCDOT has contracted with a research team from N.C. State University to investigate the effects of jetting techniques in the aquatic environment. The following is submitted as supplemental information per your request. There are three items of interest. Item 1: Can the jetting be done exclusively on an incoming tide? Yes, all jetting tests can and will be conducted on an incoming tide. Item 2: Can turbidity curtains be used? As part of the research, turbidity tests are conducted at various stations out to 200 feet from the pile installation. Turbidity curtains will be installed outside of the 200-foot monitoring zone between the research piles and the opening of the basin to Pamlico Sound. Item 3: Can turbidity be monitored at the Ferry Basin inlet to Pamlico Sound? Samples will be taken at the inlet immediately following the cessation of the pile installation and then on 30 minute intervals for 1 hour. This will result in 3 samples taken at 0 min., 30 min., and 60 min. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 t +- , As stated in the original permit application, the research results will be presented to the regulatory agencies for their review and approval. Once approved, the jetting design guidelines and procedures will be used in projects where jetting is proposed. The results of this research are expected to have positive impact on operational efficiency, and facilitate conformance to environmental regulations. The NCDOT has received authorization from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers under Nationwide Permit 06. The NCDOT requests that the North Carolina Division of Water Quality authorize this activity by providing the corresponding NCDWQ §401 Water Quality Certification. If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to call Mr. Lindsey Riddick of my staff at(919) 715- 1459. Sincerely, 6 , „___:___..—r---...±_. 2. Grego J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Environmental Management Director, PDEA CC: Ms. Cathy Brittingham,NCDCM Mr. Bill Arrington,NCDCM Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACE ` e..aSUTgy p STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F. EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY July 14, 2003 Mr. Bill Arrington,NCDOT Project Manager WOW° North Carolina Department of Environment 2003 and Natural Resources ,JUL 3 0 Division of Coastal Management ���� Morehead City District Office O� Hestron Plaza II • 151-B Highway 24 Morehead City,NC 28557 Dear Mr. Arrington: SUBJECT: Jetting Research Project, Swan Quarter Ferry Facility, Hyde County. NCDOT Research Project 2003-15. As you are aware, the NCDOT is sponsoring a research project to evaluate techniques to use jetting for pile installation. Jetting is an effective means of pile installation in many bridge construction projects and can have minimum environmental impact, if used properly. However, limited data are available on potential environmental impacts and no guidelines exist to minimize adverse effects on environmentally sensitive areas. It is urgent and important to develop jetting design guidelines and procedures acceptable to the regulatory agencies, while allowing the contractors to perform the required pile installations. Consequently, NCDOT has contracted with a research team from N.C. State University to investigate the effects of jetting techniques in the aquatic environment. The objective of this research project is to characterize and define disturbance due to jetting installation method as manifested by zone of influence and volume of debris area. This disturbance will be defined as a function of jetting pressure, flow rate, and site conditions including soil types. Second, specifications will be developed with recommendations regarding jetting parameters and possible modifications of the jetting procedure to minimize disturbance. The ecological impacts of jetting will be presented in terms of the jetting disturbance effect on hydric soils. This effort will require work at four sites, including in Areas of Environmental Concern as defined by the N.C. Coastal Area Management Act. This request pertains specifically to the Swan Quarter Ferry facility in Hyde County. MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-733-3141 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-733-9794 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1 SOUTH WILMINGTON STREET 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 . - , Swan Quarter Ferry Facility The Swan Quarter Ferry site presents several positive,attributes that will be beneficial to the pile jetting research project. The site is relatively large and has potential sites for jetting under open water that would simulate a large bridge construction project. A great advantage of this site is that the substrate in the basin is regularly disturbed by dredging and ferry traffic. Consequently, experimental jetting in the basin will not disturb natural substrate. In addition,the contained nature of the ferry basin will offer protection to the test setup and disturbed zone so data collection will be easier and more accurate,and help minimize adverse impacts to the Pamlico Sound estuary. The research team is proposing to install and remove a total of 10 piles at this site. Six of these locations will be underwater in the ferry basin. Four of the proposed locations will be on low lying banks adjacent to the ferry basin. Since a major component of the research is to measure the disturbance zone caused by jetted pile installation, a method of containment would be detrimental to the research. The disturbance zone must be allowed to fully develop so that accurate measurements can be obtained for the research. However, it is the intent of the researchers to cause minimal impact on the surrounding environment at the test locations by using innovative jetting techniques. Also, each test location will be thoroughly cleaned of any deleterious materials after testing. The displaced soil generated by installing the piles will be used to backfill the holes left after extraction. In no way will the intact root mat be excavated or disturbed in the wetland areas except for the actual insertion point of the pile. Description for working platforms Working platforms will be needed for those piles that are installed in standing water. The platforms will require the installation of four spud piles around the jetted pile installation site. The working platform will be supported by the spud pile members. The spud installations will be vertical, and hammer driven, thereby causing minimal impact on the surrounding environment. The platforms will be used for monitoring and collecting data generated from the jetted pile installation. The platforms will be critical for delineating the disturbance zone, monitoring turbidity, and evaluating the impacts caused by the jetting installation. The field-testing phase of this research project will aim at collecting data on the zone of debris as a function of jetting parameters and soil conditions. The purpose of this research is to quantify the zone of disturbance occurring from the jetting process and to monitor the hydrographic variables such as temperature, salinity, conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen. During this phase, an expert on wetlands will be consulted regarding the effect of debris zone on the surrounding ecological habitats. Information gathered from field research will be incorporated into an empirical model developed in the laboratory phase of the research project. This model will be available for the NCDOT to use in assessing future projects where pile jetting is an option. The model will supply predictions of the zone of disturbance from input variables such as grain size distribution, soil composition,jetting pressures, jetting flow rates, and pile diameter. With this model, the most effective means of pile installation can be determined while minimizing the impacts to the surrounding environment. The research results will be presented to the regulatory agencies for their review and approval. Once approved, the jetting design guidelines and procedures will be used in projects where jetting is proposed. The results of this research are expected to have positive impact on operational efficiency, and facilitate conformance to environmental regulations. The NCDOT hereby requests that this experimental jetting be authorized by the issuance of a Coastal Area Management Act General Permit for temporary structures, as authorized by 15A NCAC .07H.1900. Please find enclosed the appropriate permit drawings. This work is taking place entirely within a ferry basin owned and operated by NCDOT, consequently,we are the only affected riparian landowner. The NCDOT is also requesting authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality under Nationwide Permit No. 25 for structural discharges. If you have any questions,please don't hesitate to call Mr. Lindsey Riddick of my staff at (919) 715-1459. Sincerely, i ,�,,.. Grego , J. Thorpe, PhD } Environmental Management Director,PDEA CC: w/attachment Mr. David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington Mr. Mike Bell,USACE, Washington Mr. Doug Huggett,NCDCM, Raleigh Mr. John Dorney, Division of Water Quality Ms. Sara Winslow,Division of Marine Fisheries Mr. Jerry Gaskill, Ferry Division Mr. Mohammed Mulla, P.E.,NCDOT Soils and Foundations Mr. Roger Rochelle, P.E.NCDOT Research and Development Mr. Travis Wilson,NCWRC w/o attachment Mr. D. R. Conner, P. E.,Division 1 Engineer • i /AMIN WGTON ( Mai • '�� _ -eW/Wi _ DARE )1 is OL 1 BENIFORr \ _1 "�' HYDE \ PfTT y r \ ,___. `71,9 . - . 1 \ '\ - 'N 1 1. / CRAVEN - I- - - /N LENOIR IlA km \ \� ,/ i - , �. PAMUCO / / - JONES i \ - ter - � I - 1 DUPUN ' ,5 — - — - / l CNNSLOW CARTERET 0 PROD.#6.081008 F3305 ./ ,..„... ..,,`�• 1) MENDER \ r. C will* V NEW FW1OVER BRUNSIMIX r \ Swindell Fri. as 26 Jc HYDE COUNTY 4 >>2a • ,\ 1 \ , iv WAN QUATER tt2 1 I. 'Swi deli 24 lk 1 �s BELL ��, 1� A ISLAND 2-5 , " )0r )1159 i ) ►i ID► • } BIRD \ j / 1/ I REFUGE N.C.D.O.T. \----___ \ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS _ `\� _ -r HYDE COUNTY ,uoml ( ���U x\\ JETTING RESEARCH PROJECT AT i �-� ISLAND - 1 SWAN QUARTER FERRY FACILITY f��- \I \ ‘ PROJ.#6.081008 F3305 PROJ.#6.081008 F3305 SHEET OF FEBUARY,2003 * MARSH MARSH ?'Qp Z rS 0 - - - - - - - - -� - - - - - - - m -1-IC) -«r *0 D EXISTING .. pi O --I m 6` DOLPHINS TIZ> pm ZX TO 44' itit' i,'i E E T .§1, f�Tl Q m '�— PAMLICO SOUND EXISTING LOADING RAMPS- .. PROPOSED BOARDWALK n C -sr- C nv) SITE 5 1 p o z O m o -I m . fit, iiii, ' i' 'Flit' \I I rm ZD , m TURNING BASIN /1l1 �m� r,T �K EXISTING Z' ' Tl MOORING PILINGS II OHO x) m m� r; z X< - — - SHEET 5 SHEET 4 i\ vz I �m \ " o K t I--I Tl 7lmO--I 71 >Z = PROPOSED EXISTING BRIDGE MAINTENANCE O (�-{ 2'DOLPHIRAMP TO BE REMOVED co r-� I 6' DOLPHINS40 Pooh � ,F 0 DOI, ;�� 0 •• , m J' OF IT DOIP S INSIDE OF 10' DOLPNMS m _/ 10 DPROPOSEDP I '°°LPy SITE 1 ) PROPOSED HURRICAN . �, 4' / \ , `' `� SHE-T 8 EXISTING D OURING PROPOSED ➢ MOORING PILINGS 1c> Z D 1 e s e'DOLPWNS 6' OIPHINS �g( �j tic. ��� D p PROPOSED BRDGE Sf! `j �'� mO t I co, AND Ry¢ $$, „{ •i{[I ��; SITE 37 �rn� `$$' 1(ISTmc8K ,11124k3�ikffSllkSss66, p z ? 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E N i Y m R d\l ac,..� CIS' '� g w .� CAJ w p '� nit_ 3 0 2003 i \ d,+�� GRASS+ n n ,._kc ..„,„ co comawmeNENT i i ' N t t ~' SHEET 9 T — .. _ ,.7w - rE 4 t GRASS • 20.00' �t EXISTING PROPOSED I ��_87.0' %' "------87.0' `" INSIDE OF 10' DOLPHINS INSIDE OF 10' DOLPHINS EXISTING PROPOSED 10' DOLPHIN 10' DOLPHIN ;;:- / * \ \ EXISTING 6' DOLPHINS TO BE PROPOSED EXISTING REMOVED AND REPLACED 8' DOLPHINS 8' DOLPHINS 7 -\-* „ 7 -,,.As, * * TT -sr . \ ik f5 < F 7 D I I I \ 41 ,,_ _I , EXISTING BRIDGE I. & RAMP \ • -� PROPOSED BRIDGE 1 SITE & RAMP V MARSH B B o, MARSH o,v /, . ,, I ..., cc (' IHI W Z " WOOD I a SEDIMENT FENCE HEAD L X X \_ —X DENSE BRUSH "7- 0 Q . ilia I10'1'�ifi�ili ,/, +OOy A/G c, c3 P FILTER U/G O��S �_ /C30 PUMP \ F1 ED OIL 16.6' U/Gi,0,1,o , ,1, . ,o,1 I �.Ii01I10, �, I \ STORAGE • PUMP\ \ Fi `�, 10�\`� LOADING MON.O b n DOCK �� \ .WELL ZI t, i I N, SHED I 14064 F \______ I,o; o ORMON. PROP \ GRAVEL DRIVE I WELL 3UL p 2° 3 GRAVEL\ N C.D.O.T. �pQp►c� ► R, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS OW F�►�'i3'"` I ( \ HYDE COUNTY II h.. JETTING RESEARCH PROJECT AT I I, WAN QUARTER FERRY FACILITY 50 0 ..iP ,, PROJ.#6.08I008 F3305 moommoi 4L SHEET OF 25 50 PROPOSED RAMP SCALE: I"= 50' HORIZ. LOCATION FEBUARY,2003 . \ _ _ 1_ 1 . SITE 5 — --, , r1 ...,.,, ...;.,_:,..,_, . , , ,..., ,..., / 1 p. 1 lr) I � 1 ,..J: 1 r I EXISTING �1rn . I I M001 \ G PILINGS ;:l ! 1 II 1 � R� � ; 1 iiii 0Z003 i ; \ 1.0 . /... ti \ / _ J H 2 ' DOLP - 1 \ S \ , ; \ J 1 I , 1 1 S IF / '_i \ - __,.. ,• s, --57- \ ,• FXIS I IN J-� Z VOORI \ S P L NGS : z 1 , N.C.D.O.T. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS SIP � HYDE COUNTY JETTING RESEARCH PROJECT AT SWAN QUARTER FERRY FACILITY PROJ.#6.081008 F3305 SHEET OF FEBUARY,2003 h- ED sb 0'1' Ug h • , \,011,01I,O,\� 1 ,\, ,\'Q•n0,►,0, \` POWER DISCONNECT }'►' P ON POLE GASS /CONC. SLAB W/ CANOPY tr I A D PICNIC TABLE O -no o 0 F r rn F N OZ O � � ` - - - C7N �O N -� CONC. SLAB W/ �_�- --- m M om o CONC. SLAB W/ CANOPY TRASH CAN C� _�_ .. :m > cn AND PICNIC TABLE O N ;D , / CONC. SLAB C DZ ��� zD Og ] _ — 5-1—�� F N C Z ZCTI O " // • l..� CONC. SLAB W/ CANOPY O o AND PICNIC TABLE D m / � _- CONC. S B W/ -71 o D F TRASH CAN ~ W �� -- 4 t- — �C rr.2 CD, RE BVE b — :a 1 . SLAB W `ti-' TRASH CAN 0 CO ANDS PICNIC LAB /TAB CANOPY Nu to 0 F TABLE JUL 3 0 2003 4 0 c g, ? G R A S S avoFcoAa. rr : o, n RAI. H Myd ,vino ° b //11�\ `1 Q � tv O °p 4 y tRPl- - � C. ''C m 15.5'BST o — — F N 42° 13' 02.7" E Io ASS 4 TYPICAL JETTED PILE INSTALLATION LL ON SITE — < 2' DIA. TYPICAL A. .V GILT n A 0-10' TYPICAL \i/ /M X•0917 mzIc GROUND SURFACE I7K DUAL JET PROBE --.\....... .......ah J Q U d REMIND 2' DIAMETER STEEL PIPE PILE --N JUL 3 0 2003 sM VV^ STALMANAGEMENT RALOSH N.C.D.O.T. V V V DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS HYDE COUNTY JETTING RESEARCH PROJECT AT SWAN QUARTER FERRY FACILITY SECTION VIEW PROJ.#6.081008 F3305 SHEET OF FEBUARY, 2003 Sheet 3 of 3 TYPICAL SPUD PILE INSTALLATION AND LAYOUT I' - DIA. SPUD PILE 0 SPUD PILE I' - DIA. ,a., 2' - DIA. PIPE PILE 4 0-I0'TYPICAL 0 a i • MOM SMILE r 4 r U o DRIVEN SPUD PILE >- r I' - DIA. SPUD PILE I' -DIA. SPUD PILE o N A 0 40' TYPICAL PLAN VIEW SECTION VIEW NCDOT itark opao•�Q DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Icw'1�1 ONSLOW COUNTY £ooZ 0 C lnr PROJECTs1.216010101-29110 Q3A3 JETTED PILE INSTALLATION DETAIL SHEET OF 6-12.o ...White oak permit.dgn May.12,2003 10:11:40 AA AUG 1 8 2003 _._.AritinvED l_ � wet NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr.,Secretary MEMORANDUM RECti V tU TO: John Hennessy, DWQ -, Bill Biddlecome, USACE A�!'S `"` CC: Bill Arrington, DCM REGULATORY BRANCH FROM: Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator DATE: July 30, 2003 SUBJECT: Request to modify CAMA Major Development Permit No. 18-01 for a Jetting Research Project, Swan Quarter Ferry Facility, Hyde County. NCDOT Research Project 2003-15. APPLICANT: N.C. Department of Transportation Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the requested Permit Modification and return this form to the N.C.Division of Coastal Management,Raleigh Office at your earliest convenience. Please note that the researchers conducting this project are under a time restriction, and would like to begin work as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project,please contact Cathy Brittingham at(919)733-2293 x238 or Bill Arrington at(252) 808-2808. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY X This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. _This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached memo. Signed ficileaceAl Date '&I i T( ° 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293\FAX: 919-733-1495\Internet: An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled\10%Post Consumer Paper DYED AUG 152003 CESAW-RG-W DATE 8/14/03 DA/°FCOASTAUNMeafair MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Consideration of Compensatory Mitigation and Potential Impacts to Endangered Species,Cultural Resources and Essential Fish Habitat. 1. Action ID: 200310854 2. Project Name and Location: Swan Quarter Ferry Facility, Swan Quarter,Hyde County, N.C. 3.Mitigation[Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines]. a. Has applicant avoided and minimized impacts to the maximum practicable extent? YES If NO,Explain: b. Is compensatory mitigation necessary? No Explain: 4. Endangered Species(Section 7 of the ESA). a. Will any threatened or endangered species or their critical habitats be affected by this project? No If YES,describe steps taken to address concerns: 5. Cultural Resources(Section 106 of the NHPA). a. Will any Cultural Resources be impacted by this project? No b. If YES,describe steps taken to address concerns: 6. Essential Fish Habitat(50 CFR Part 600,Magnuson-Stevens Act). a. Is this a project that"may adversely affect essential fish habitat"? No b. If YES,describe steps taken to address concerns: Corps Regulatory Official: " W 6<j4/fe Re:Please help me Subject: Re: Please help me Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 17:07:52 -0400 From: "T. Lindsey Riddick" <> Organization: North Carolina Department of Transportation To: John Hennessy <> CC: Cathy Brittingham <>, Bill Biddlecome <> Thanks a bunch. Once we get the approval from DCM, we will attach the NW 06 from the USACE and the General Conditions for WQC 3376 and send it out. The research should take place mid-late next week. If you are interested in going out there to see it, just let me know. Thanks again. LR John Hennessy wrote: > I apologize for the delay. Totally my bad. If you have to resort to > begging, I messed up. Cathy, I have reviewed their proposal. We are > cool with it. Can you you dog it man. Get it? Dig it. Oh, never > mind. I think we are fine with their proposal. > Thanks, �} > John H. > T. Lindsey Riddick wrote: > >John, > > > >I know Knightdale is taking up most of your time. But I have a > >huge favor to ask. Could you please please please send Cathy > >Brittingham an email to let her know that you are ok with the > >Swan Quarter Jetting project. We have the turbidity curtain > >ready and will, do the monitoring at the oopening to pamlico > >Sound. We will do the jetting on an incoming tide. THANKS FOR > >ALL OF YOUR HELP. Cathy has promised me she will have the CAMA > >permit ready for -Doug's signature on Monday, provided she hears > >from you. Thanks again. > > > >LR > > 1 of 1 10/23/03 5:42 PM Swan Quarter Jetting Subject: Swan Quarter Jetting Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 10:35:49 -0400 From: "T. Lindsey Riddick" <> Organization: North Carolina Department of Transportation To: "Bill.arrington" <Bill.arrington>, Bill Biddlecome <>, Cathy Brittingham <>, John Hennessy <>, Levi Denton <> Folks, Attached is the additional information/committments requested by DWQ. Please let me know when you think we might be able to get the necessary aurthorizations. We would like to get this wrapped up as soon as possible. Ideally, we would like to do teh work next week to avoid additional mobilization charges for the rental equipment and most importantly so that the Graduate Students can get the field work out of the way and focus on graduating. Signed hard copy to be delivered later today for those in Raleigh, faxed to Bill A. and Bill B. Thanks for all of your help. Please call me with questions at 919-715-1459. Thanks. LR Name: SwanQuarterDWQadditional info..doc SwanQuarterDWQadditional info..doc Type: WINWORD File (application/msword) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message 1 of 1 10/21/03 4:27 PM Re: [Fwd:Swan Quarter Jetting] Subject: Re: [Fwd: Swan Quarter Jetting] Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 16:21:38 -0400 From: "T. Lindsey Riddick" <> Organization: North Carolina Department of Transportation To: John Hennessy <>, Alex Smith <>, Levi Denton <>, Cathy Brittingham <> Okay. I'll send you one tomorrow. Thanks. John Hennessy wrote: My voice mail indicated that we would need a modified application that addressed our issues. I have seen one, yet. Do you know where we are on this? T. Lindsey Riddick wrote: John, I think you left me a voice mail telling me that we were good to go on this. Have you sent your comments to DCM or issued a WQC? Thanks for your help. LR John, I spoke with Levi and Alex from NCSU. We discussed the three items you requested I check into. Item 1: Can the jetting be done exclusively on an incoming tide? Yes, all jetting tests can and will be conducted on an incoming tide. j Item 2 : Can turbidity curtains be used? Turbidity curtains are problematic because they will interfere with turbidity tests being conducted within the basin. As part of the research, turbidty tests are conducted at various stations out to 200 feet from the pile installation. If turbidity curtains are installed 1 of 2 10/23/03 5:40 PM Re: [Fwd:Swan Quarter Jetting] within the 200 feet, it will skew the turbidty readings and void the samples. If they are installed outside of the 200 feet, they could interfere with Ferry operations. Item 3 : Can turbiduity be monitored at the Ferry Basin inlet to Pamlico Sound? Yes, turbidity samples can be taken at the inlet to Pamlico Sound. However, samples taken at the 200 foot station on presious research sites have shown no change from pre-jetting conditions. If necessary, we propose that samples be taken at the inlet immediately following the ceasation of the pile installation and then on 30 minute intervals for 1 hour. This will result in 3 samples taken at 0 min. , 30 min. , and 60 min. Please let me know if this is acceptable and if you need this information transmitted in a formal letter. Thanks for all of your help. LR 2 of 2 10/23/03 5:40 PM Re:Swan Quarter Jetting Subject: Re: Swan Quarter Jetting Date: Sat, 06 Sep 2003 11:59:14 -0400 From: John Hennessy <> To: "T. Lindsey Riddick" <> CC: Alex Smith <>, Cathy Brittingham<>, "" <>, Bill Biddlecome <>, Levi Denton <> What specifically from a data collection stand point would be diminished by placement of the turbidity curtains. At this time, DWQ is pretty strong in our desire to see turbidity curtains used at this location. We feel that they represent a compromise already on our part. We may just need to recognize that some of the data points to be collected at this site will not be collected. Having said that, we are willing to continue discussing the issue. However, I would like to know specifically what information would be lost be their placement. As a polite reminder, this is a SA ORW PNA waters. We realize that we are being very conservative on this project. But, given the sensitivity of the waters, we believe that it is necessary. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thanks, John H. "T. Lindsey Riddick" wrote: > John, > I spoke with Levi and Alex from NCSU. We discussed the three > items you requested I check into. > Item 1: Can the jetting be done exclusively on an incoming > tide? Yes, all jetting tests can and will be conducted on an > incoming tide. > Item 2: Can turbidity curtains be used? Turbidity curtains are > problematic because they will interfere with turbidity tests > being conducted within the basin. As part of the research, > turbidty tests are conducted at various stations out to 200 feet > from the pile installation. If turbidity curtains are installed > within the 200 feet, it will skew the turbidty readings and void > the samples. If they are installed outside of the 200 feet, they > could interfere with Ferry operations. > Item 3: Can turbiduity be monitored at the Ferry Basin inlet to > Pamlico Sound? Yes, turbidity samples can be taken at the inlet > to Pamlico Sound. However, samples taken at the 200 foot station > on presious research sites have shown no change from pre-jetting > conditions. If necessary, we propose that samples be taken at > the inlet immediately following the ceasation of the pile > installation and then on 30 minute intervals for 1 hour. This > will result in 3 samples taken at 0 min. , 30 min. , and 60 min. > Please let me know if this is acceptable and if you need this > information transmitted in a formal letter. Thanks for all of > your help. > LR 1 of 2 10/23/03 5:40 PM Jetting Research project at Swan Quarter Ferry Facility,Hyde County Subject: Jetting Research project at Swan Quarter Ferry Facility, Hyde County Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 11:32:40 -0400 From: Cathy Brittingham <> Organization: NC DENR DCM To: John Hennessy <>, Bill Biddlecome <> CC: bill arrington <> SUBJECT: Request to modify CAMA Major Development Permit No. 18-01 for a Jetting Research Project, Swan Quarter Ferry Facility, Hyde County. NCDOT Research Project 2003-15. Hello, This e-mail is a "heads-up" to let you know that there is a request for comments on its way to you in the regular mail for the above referenced project. FYI, the corresponding USACE Action ID No. for CAMA Major Permit No. 18-01 is Action ID No. 200110188. The corresponding DWQ Project No. is 00-1161. Please note that the researchers conducting this project are under a time restriction, and would like to begin work as soon as possible, therefore please return your comments at your earliest convenience. According to the CAMA permit file for this project, the Swan Quarter Ferry Facility is classified as SA Outstanding Resource Waters, Essential Fish Habitat and Primary Nursery Area. In addition, it is subject to the Tar/Pamlico River buffer rules. While some of the agency representatives (DMF, NMFS, WRC, DWQ, DCM and DOT) were in Raleigh for concurrence meetings on July 23rd, the acceptability of the jetting research at the Cherry Branch Ferry Facility in Craven County and the Swan Quarter Ferry Facility was discussed. Everyone present agreed that the jetting research at the Cherry Branch Ferry Facility could proceed, and a CAMA minor modification was issued on 7/25/03. (The CAMA authorization for the Cherry Branch Ferry Facility included a condition that the minor modification does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required because the USACE had not yet approved of the activity.) However,DWQ did not agree to the jetting research at the Swan Quarter Ferry Facility due to the sensitivity of the waters. DMF and NMFS stated that they do not object to the jetting research at the Swan Quarter Ferry Facility. According to a conversation that I had with Lindsey Riddick this morning,DOT is still pursuing the request for jetting research at the Swan Quarter Ferry facility. It is my understanding that DOT hopes that the NCSU researchers will be able to provide DWQ with enough information so that the DWQ concerns will be addressed,and the jetting research at the Swan Quarter Ferry facility can be authorized. According to Lindsey, DOT does not have an alternative site if the research at the Swan Quarter Ferry facility is not approved. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks. Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator NC Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center 1 of 2 7/30/03 11:32 AM Jetting Research project at Swan Quarter Ferry Facility,Hyde County Raleigh,NC 27699-1638 (919)733-2293 X238 phone (919)733-1495 FAX 2 of 2 7/30/03 11:32 AM CAMA minor modification request from NCDOT Subject: CAMA minor modification request from NCDOT Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 11:42:17 -0400 From: Cathy Brittingham <> Organization: NC DENR DCM To: Jaye Poole <> CC: Doug Huggett<>, bill arrington <>, Lindsey Riddick<> Jaye, Please debit DOT's account in the amount of $100.00 for the following CAMA permit minor modification request: NCDOT Research Project 2003-15, Swan Quarter Ferry Facility Jetting Research Project, Hyde County. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator NC Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 (919) 733-2293 X238 phone (919) 733-1495 FAX 1 of 1 7/30/03 11:42 AM