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NCDOT 105-02 Mitigation SR 1207 Rocky Hock Creek
DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's "CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition" of these temporarily impacted areas in re-attaining wetland jurisdictional status in accordance with Condition No. 29. The temporary impact monitoring is currently being performed and the first year's monitoring reports will be posted on the web for 2008. 6. B-3435,REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO. 4 ON SR 1207.0VER ROCKY HOCK CREEK, CHOWAN COUNTY, CAMA PERMIT NO. 105-02. DCM received the 2005 annual monitoring report for this project in 2005. DCM agrees with DOT's recommendation to continue vegetation monitoring of the temporarily impacted areas at this site. DCM will provide additional comments on the sections of the 2005 annual monitoring report regarding wetland restoration of causeway fill areas under separate cover. lo [Received closeout 10/26/2007 (attached). �1919 Monitoring complete-restoration signed off by DCM as successful B-3008 140-00 Juniper Swamp Onslow 3/19/2002 3/19/2005 and compliant with permit A=1/22/06 A=1/22/09 B=5/30/04 B=5/30/07 Kendrick Creek, C=5/30/04 C=5/30/07 Scuppernong River D=12/31/04 D=12/31/07 and Tyrrell County E=12/31/05 E=12/31/08 Project still in construction - DCM will Drainage District Tyrrell/ F=12/31/04 F=12/31/07 be notified upon completion of R-2548 166-00 Canal #2 Washington G=9/1/05 G=9/1/08 projects and start of monitoring Project still in construction - DCM will A=8/1/05 A=8/1/08 be notified upon completion of U-92 A/B 178-00 Smith Creek New Hanover B=12/31/05 B=12/31/08 projects and start of monitoring B-2854 13-01 Long Creek Pender 1/17/2002 1/17/2005 Project being monitored Project complete; per Division 2 Env. Officer there were no temporary South Prong of the impacts (no temp. fill and no SR 1343 97-01 Bay River Pamlico 12/7/2001 12/7/2004 mechanized clearing in wetlands) 4.4 1✓30/07(1st -3435 105-02 Rocky Hock Creek Chowan 11/30/2004 Year Monitoring) Project being monitored Upper Broad Project still in construction - DCM will Creek/Goose Craven/ A=12/31/06 A=12/31/09 be notified upon completion of R-2539 55-03 Creek Pamlico B=6/15/07 C=??? B=6/15/10 C=??? projects and start of monitoring Allen (Lilliput) 5/13/07(1st Year B-3116 73-03 Creek Brunswick 5/13/2004 Monitoring) Project being monitored Project still in construction - DCM will 10/30/2008(Proje be notified upon completion of B-3358 80-03 Parrot Swamp Onslow 10/30/2005 ct not complete) projects and start of monitoring Project still in construction - DCM will Pasquotank/P 12/31/08 (Project be notified upon completion of R-3850 82-03 Little River erquimans 12/31/2005 not complete) projects and start of monitoring ATM wilfr NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor James H. Gregson, Director William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary October 26, 2007 r Philip S. Harris, III, P.E. Project Development and Environmental Analysis N.C. Department of Transportation SAP 2 5 2 02 1598 Mail Service Center olv. OF Raleigh, NC 27699 1598 COASTAL MAIVAGEP'TENT g RALEIGH RE: Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site, Chowan County, Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA)Permit No. 105-02, TIP No. B-3435. Dear Mr. Harris: This letter is in response to the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) letter dated 4/26/07 regarding the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site in Chowan County. In the letter, NCDOT requests that the appropriate resource agencies provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. The Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site involved replacing the existing 160-foot long timber bridge over Rocky Hock Creek with an 850-foot long concrete bridge spanning Rocky Hock Creek and the adjacent cypress-gum swamp near its confluence with the Chowan River. Approximately 639 feet of causeway was excavated from the existing roadbed and restored to its previous wetland hydrology. The mitigation site provides 0.6 acres of riverine wetland restoration and 7.36 acres of riverine wetland enhancement. The approved mitigation plan is dated 6/27/02, and is titled: "On-site Mitigation Plan for the Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 04 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek in Chowan County, North Carolina." In addition to the approved mitigation plan for the wetland restoration and enhancement areas, Condition No. 24 of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 requires that NCDOT conduct monitoring to ensure that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project re-attain jurisdictional wetland status. The N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) has reviewed the annual monitoring reports prepared by NCDOT in 2005 and 2006. DCM has also visited the site on 6/14/07, and consulted with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) and the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ). Based upon this review, DCM agrees that no further monitoring is required and that the site may be officially closed. DCM believes that post-construction monitoring demonstrates that success criteria for the mitigation site have been met. DCM also believes that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293\FAX: 919-733-1495 \ Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled\10%Post Consumer Paper DCM has the following comments to add to the documentation upon closing out this mitigation site: • According to the NCDOT letter dated 4/26/07, NCDOT monitored 0.04 acres of temporary impacts due to mechanized clearing. However, this does not include 0.06 acres of non-mechanized clearing that were reported by NCDOT in early 2003 and included within the Minor Modification of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 that was issued on 11/14/03. It also does not include 0.27 acres of non-mechanized clearing within the Right-of-Way on the northern side of the bridge that were authorized in a Letter of Refinement for CAMA Permit No. 105-02 on or about 11/12/02. • The NCDOT letter dated 4/26/07 mistakenly says that hydrologic monitoring was not required for this project. Actually, hydrologic monitoring was required by the approved mitigation plan, and was successfully completed by NCDOT as documented in the 2005 Annual Monitoring Report. Within the 2005 Annual Monitoring Report, NCDOT states that: "Based on the data collected from the on-site surface gauge and rain gauge, the fluctuations in the depth of the surface water is not solely attributed to rainfall events as required by the mitigation plan. The Rocky Hock Mitigation Site has met the success criteria established by the mitigation plan and fulfilled the mitigation monitoring requirements, therefore NCDOT recommends removing the gauges." • Condition No. 4 of the Minor Modification of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 issued on 11/14/03 requires that NCDOT submit a debit ledger to DCM for the mitigation credits generated by TIP No. B-3435. This condition was satisfied by a letter dated 11/6/06 from NCDOT to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The 11/6/06 NCDOT letter documents debits of 0.60 acres from the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site for impacts of 0.411 acres from two projects, TIP No. B-3435 and TIP No. R-3850. DCM is not aware of any additional debits that have been made to this mitigation site. Therefore the mitigation site has a remaining surplus of 7.36 acres of wetland enhancement credits, and no remaining wetland restoration credits. DCM commends NCDOT on a very successful on-site mitigation project. Please contact Cathy Brittingham at (919) 733-2293 x238 or via e-mail at Cathv.BrittinQham@ncmail.net if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, "Ctuveibk gala* Doug Iggett Major Permits and Consistency Coordinator • CC: Bill Biddlecome, USACE David Wainwright, DWQ Garcy Ward, DWQ Randy Griffin, NCDOT Jim Hoadley, DCM Cathy Brittingham, DCM Travis Wilson, WRC Re: Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site,TIP No. B-3435,Chowan County Subject: Re: Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site, TIP No. B-3435, Chowan County From: David Wainwright<David.Wainwright@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:32:49-0400 To: Cathy Brittingham <Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net> CC: Travis Wilson <Travis.Wilson@ncwildlife.org>,Jim Hoadley<Jim.Hoadley@ncmail.net> Cathy, I, like Travis, trust your judgment. Sounds good to me - let 's close it out. David Wainwright NCDENR, Div. of Water Qual. Transportation Permitting Unit David.wainwright@ncmail.net 919-715-3415 Cathy Brittingham wrote: Travis and David, DCM is preparing a letter in response to the NCDOT letter dated 4/26/07 regarding the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site in Chowan County. In the letter, NCDOT requests that the appropriate resource agencies provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. Travis, you were copied on the 4/26/07 letter. David, Brian Wrenn was copied on the 4/26/07 letter. However, please let me know if either one of you needs an additional copy of the letter given the time that has passed. Annual monitoring reports for 2005 and 2006 are on the NCDOT web site. Condition No. 4 of the Minor Modification of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 issued on 11/14/03 requires that NCDOT submit a debit ledger to DCM for the mitigation credits generated by TIP No. B-3435. This condition was satisfied by a letter dated 11/6/06 from NCDOT to the USACE. The 11/6/06 NCDOT letter documents debits of 0.60 acres from the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site for impacts of 0.411 acres from two projects, TIP No. B-3435 and TIP No. R-3850. DCM is not aware of any additional debits that have been made to this mitigation site. Therefore the mitigation site has a remaining surplus of 7.36 acres of wetland enhancement credits, and no remaining wetland restoration credits. In addition to the approved mitigation plan for the wetland restoration and enhancement areas, Condition No. 24 of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 requires that NCDOT conduct monitoring to ensure that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project re-attain jurisdictional wetland status. This condition states that three years after project completion, the permittee shall schedule an agency field meeting with DCM, DWQ and WRC to determine if the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. DCM (me, Jim Hoadley and Stephen Lane) actually conducted a site visit on 6/14/07 on our own. Although the permit condition require a field meeting with NCDOT, DCM, DWQ and WRC, we think that the site looks good, and DCM agrees that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. DCM believes that post-construction monitoring demonstrates that success criteria for the mitigation site have been met. DCM also believes that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. Are you willing to provide your approval that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status without a site visit with DCM and DOT? In my opinion, it would not be worthwhile to try to schedule a multi-agency site visit given the distance and apparent success of the site. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, 1 of 2 10/19/2007 4:03 PM Re: Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site,TIP No. B-3435,Chowan County Cathy Cathy Brittingham Transportation Proj ect Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 (919) 733-2293 x238 telephone (919) 733-1495 FAX 2 of 2 10/19/2007 4:03 PM RE: Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site,TIP No.B-3435,Chowan C... Subject: RE: Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site,TIP No. B-3435, Chowan County From: "Travis Wilson" <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:01:39 -0400 To: "'Cathy Brittingham"' <Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net>, "'David Wainwright"' <David.Wainwright @ncmail.net> CC: "'Jim Hoadley"' <Jim.Hoadley@ncmail.net> I dare not dispute the reputable call made by some of DCM's finest. Close it out. Travis. Original Message From: Cathy Brittingham [mailto:Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 1:34 PM To: Travis Wilson; David Wainwright Cc: Jim Hoadley Subject: Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site, TIP No. B-3435, Chowan County Travis and David, DCM is preparing a letter in response to the NCDOT letter dated 4/26/07 regarding the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site in Chowan County. In the letter,NCDOT requests that the appropriate resource agencies provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. Travis, you were copied on the 4/26/07 letter. David,Brian Wrenn was copied on the 4/26/07 letter. However, please let me know if either one of you needs an additional copy of the letter given the time that has passed. Annual monitoring reports for 2005 and 2006 are on the NCDOT web site. Condition No. 4 of the Minor Modification of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 issued on 11/14/03 requires that NCDOT submit a debit ledger to DCM for the mitigation credits generated by TIP No. B-3435. This condition was satisfied by a letter dated 11/6/06 from NCDOT to the USACE. The 11/6/06 NCDOT letter documents debits of 0.60 acres from the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site for impacts of 0.411 acres from two projects,TIP No.B-3435 and TIP No. R-3850. DCM is not aware of any additional debits that have been made to this mitigation site. Therefore the mitigation site has a remaining surplus of 7.36 acres of wetland enhancement credits, and no remaining wetland restoration credits. In addition to the approved mitigation plan for the wetland restoration and enhancement areas, Condition No. 24 of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 requires that NCDOT conduct monitoring to ensure that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project re-attain jurisdictional wetland status. This condition states that three years after project completion,the permittee shall schedule an agency field meeting with DCM,DWQ and WRC to determine if the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. DCM(me, Jim Hoadley and Stephen Lane) actually conducted a site visit on 6/14/07 on our own. Although the permit condition require a field meeting with NCDOT,DCM,DWQ and WRC, we think that the site looks good, and DCM agrees that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. DCM believes that post-construction monitoring demonstrates that success criteria for 1 of 2 10/19/2007 4:02 PM RE:Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site,TIP No. B-3435,Chowan C... the mitigation site have been met. DCM also believes that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. Are you willing to provide your approval that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status without a site visit with DCM and DOT? In my opinion, it would not be worthwhile to try to schedule a multi-agency site visit given the distance and apparent success of the site. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, Cathy Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 (919) 733-2293 x238 telephone (919) 733-1495 FAX • 2 of 2 10/19/2007 4:02 PM Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site,TIP No. B-3435,Chowan County Subject: Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site,TIP No. B-3435, Chowan County From: Cathy Brittingham <Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 13:34:25 -0400 To: Travis Wilson <Travis.Wilson@ncwildlife.org>,David Wainwright <Davi d.W ai nwri ght @ ncmai l.net> CC: Jim Hoadley<Jim.Hoadley@ncmail.net> Travis and David, DCM is preparing a letter in response to the NCDOT letter dated 4/26/07 regarding the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site in Chowan County. In the letter, NCDOT requests that the appropriate resource agencies provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. Travis, you were copied on the 4/26/07 letter. David,Brian Wrenn was copied on the 4/26/07 letter. However,please let me know if either one of you needs an additional copy of the letter given the time that has passed. Annual monitoring reports for 2005 and 2006 are on the NCDOT web site. Condition No. 4 of the Minor Modification of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 issued on 11/14/03 requires that NCDOT submit a debit ledger to DCM for the mitigation credits generated by TIP No. B-3435. This condition was satisfied by a letter dated 11/6/06 from NCDOT to the USACE. The 11/6/06 NCDOT letter documents debits of 0.60 acres from the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site for impacts of 0.411 acres from two projects,TIP No. B-3435 and TIP No. R-3850. DCM is not aware of any additional debits that have been made to this mitigation site. Therefore the mitigation site has a remaining surplus of 7.36 acres of wetland enhancement credits, and no remaining wetland restoration credits. In addition to the approved mitigation plan for the wetland restoration and enhancement areas, Condition No. 24 of CAMA Permit No. 105-02 requires that NCDOT conduct monitoring to ensure that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project re-attain jurisdictional wetland status. This condition states that three years after project completion, the permittee shall schedule an agency field meeting with DCM,DWQ and WRC to determine if the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. DCM(me, Jim Hoadley and Stephen Lane) actually conducted a site visit on 6/14/07 on our own. Although the permit condition require a field meeting with NCDOT,DCM,DWQ and WRC, we think that the site looks good, and DCM agrees that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. DCM believes that post-construction monitoring demonstrates that success criteria for the mitigation site have been met. DCM also believes that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. Are you willing to provide your approval that the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status without a site visit with DCM and DOT? In my opinion, it would not be worthwhile to try to schedule a multi-agency site visit given the distance and apparent success of the site. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, 1 of 2 10/18/2007 1:34 PM Rocky Hock Bridge Mitigation Site,TIP No.B-3435,Chowan County Cathy Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 (919) 733-2293 x238 telephone (919) 733-1495 FAX 2 of 2 10/18/2007 1:34 PM Re: Mitigation close out letters Subject: Re: Mitigation close out letters From: Jim Hoadley<Jim.Hoadley@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 16:13:40 -0400 To: Cathy Brittingham <Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net> Cathy i beleive these are the only pictures i have I think Stephen lane took the photos of White's Store. Cathy Brittingham wrote: Hi Guys, I am FINALLY getting around to writing close out letters for the mitigation sites that we/you visited in June (Rocky Hock Creek, White's Store and Scranton Creek. ) Do you have any photographs of the sites that you could send me for the permit file, or can you tell me how to find them on a shared drive? Thanks, Jim Hoadley, Transportation Field Representative N.C. Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City District 1367 US 17 South Elizabeth City, NC 27909 (252) 264-3901 phone (252) 264-3723 FAX (252) 337-4402 Cell Jim.Hoadley@ncmail.net • pC. oCk- CAN-e , 6v//r/�7 ,Y Z J'• ice., . . Al :,..0 ,.- 1.;;:. 4 . . . • . . .„,_ .. ...,.. _... 1 ,4.4 .. .. - ..� .,. .. . - 0400 7 i. .f•• Air ,i et I r. _ ..� .4 • �`. -$ •/ri 440 4•3 , ,fir r All e 1 of 9 10/18/2007 1:46 PM Re: Mitigation close out letters Ilk, ROC HO c C , 6/i7 - gr'' �Y 7•._ • -t' • i, ` yy 4 � _ .. is ... , . r,,. t. `L'. ilk ‘, ilit r .: .. . ito,.. _t A'tti 4.51.- it. .• • ...1, . ,s, .... • of 9 10/18/2007 1:46 PM A µ STATE. is /4, 4%r, ;-./:- 9 ..,d ,.. ...,...,....„. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT ENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F.EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY April 26, 2007 RECERs . ECLVLzL) : 1) Mr. Doug Huggett MAY 1 1 2007 NC Division of Coastal Management Parker Lincoln Building DIV. OF COASTAL MANAGEMEM 2728 Capital Boulevard RALEIGH Raleigh,NC 27604 Re: Rocky Hock Creek Mitigation Site, Chowan County, State Project No. 8.2030201,TIP No. B-3435,Action ID No. 2030201, DWQ Proj. #020939,DCM Permit No. 105-02 Mr. Doug Huggett: As you are aware, the Department has monitored the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site since its construction in December of 2004. Located in Chowan County, at Bridge No. 4 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek, this site provides 0.6 acres of riverine wetland restoration, 7.36 acres of river wetland enhancement, and monitoring of 0.04 acres of temporary impacts associated with the B-3435 project. The site was left to naturally re-establish vegetation in 2004; hydrologic monitoring was not required for this project. According to permit conditions, NCDOT was required to monitor the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site for three years or until success criteria were met; with vegetation monitoring conducted each year. After each growing season, annual monitoring reports were submitted to the appropriate regulatory agencies via the Natural Environment Unit's(NEU)website. After two years of vegetation monitoring, the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site shows that natural re-vegetation has occurred and that the impacted area has re-attained jurisdictional status. Individual yearly monitoring data is provided within the annual monitoring reports available on NEU's website between 2005 and 2006. NCDOT requests that the appropriate resource agencies provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. If you have any questions about this project,please contact Mr. Randy Griffin at(919) 715-1425. Sincerely, 16Akil Harris, III, P.E.,Unit Head PDEA-Natural Environment Unit MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-715-1334 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-715-1501 PARKER LINCOLN BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 � • cc: Mr. Bill Biddlecome, USACOE Mr. Brian Wrenn, DWQ Mr. Travis Wilson, WRC Ms. Kathy Matthews, EPA Mr. Gary Jordan,USFWS Mr. David Harris, P.E.,NCDOT-REU Mr. Clay Willis,NCDOT-DEO Mr. Ron Sechler,NOAA S ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2006 ,cr—NT>T1-?-L- iell.4 ., - 1 1 _SI / '7-7-‹ -1' ' , , •y Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Chowan County TIP No. B-3435 CAMA permit No. 105-02 04x s S5 N. 4tis l F j AAS Prepared By: Natural Environment Unit & Roadside Environmental Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation December 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY 1 1.0 Introduction 2 .1 Project Description 2 .2 Purpose 2 .3 Project History 2 2.0 Vegetation: 3 .1 Success Criteria 3 .2 Results of Vegetation Monitoring 3 .3 Conclusions. 3 3.0 Overall Conclusions and Recommendations 3 FIGURES Figure 1 — Site Location Map 4 APPENDICES Appendix A— Site Photos 5 SUMMARY The Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site (B-3435) is located in Chowan County. This is an annual report for temporary impacts associated with bridge replacement of Bridge No. 4 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek. The site was completed in December 2004. The temporary impacts encompass approximately 0.04 acres. The area that was impacted by mechanized clearing is being monitored to ensure that it re-attains wetland jurisdictional status. After the second year of monitoring, the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge site shows by visual observation that the temporarily impacted area is re-attaining wetland jurisdictional status. NCDOT proposes to discontinue vegetation monitoring of this site. 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site (B-3435) is located in Chowan County. This is an annual report for temporary impacts associated with bridge replacement of Bridge No. 4 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek (Figure 1). 1.2 Purpose In order for a temporarily impacted site to be considered successful, the site must re-attain wetland jurisdictional status. This report details the vegetation monitoring in 2006 at the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge site. 1.3 Project History December 2004 Project Completed July 2005 Vegetation Monitoring (1 year) August 2006 Vegetation Monitoring (2 year) 2 2.0 VEGETATION: ROCKY HOCK CREEK BRIDGE SITE (YEAR 2 MONITORING) 2.1 Success Criteria Due to the possibility that compaction, mechanized clearing, and/or other site alterations might prevent the temporary wetland impact area from re-attaining wetland jurisdictional status, the permittee shall provide an annual update on the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project. This annual update will consist of photographs and a brief report on the progress of the temporarily impacted areas. After three years of monitoring, the permittee shall schedule a field meeting with DCM, DWQ, and WRC to determine if the temporarily impacted areas have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. If at the end of three years the area has not re-attained jurisdictional wetland status, NC DCM and the above listed agencies shall determine whether a compensatory wetland mitigation plan will be required. 2.2 Description of Species There were no species planted for the temporary impacts. The temporarily impacted areas were left to revegetate naturally. 2.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring Species noted in temporary impact area are as follows: cattails, Sagittaria sp., black willow, sawgrass, fennel, green ash, Scirpus sp., Juncus sp., fern, sweetgum, mimosa, woolgrass, Pluchea sp., queen ann's lace, baldcypress, and red maple. 2.4 Conclusions There were approximately 0.04 acres of temporary impacts on site. By visual observation Rocky Hock Creek Bridge site shows that natural re-vegetation is occurring and that the impacted areas are re-attaining jurisdictional wetland status. 3.0 Overall Conclusions and Recommendations NCDOT proposes to discontinue vegetation monitoring at the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Site. // _ I ,a rr�' ' ;e::. fir . ,1 • \ 3';•. ` O .1 ' 3 S 121 1 .. 1 u O 1 amen -:„ 3 ., .6 1. POWO ' w .S 1210 - I210 1 ,� s. •s .\ Hawk 131 lading ..a ^. • 1• a^w 1131b \'PROSE w p��* .. .', / '\ l C 127{ • .� �- .4. I 1 is , X \ 191 ". 1317 •\ 12� 00 1319 9 Cy '� / 131a i. -- -411AW b Mocedon4a 44.149:(-4.. .\ OV V : '''' . P 6 _: , Al:-.; . ,l O I 11209 ) I 2�0' is t: 1308 /.3 / '..1 �` EDENTON ' 12CN • 1200 5 t-• '':,',�,r 1 \ ;1203 1 / �0, ...... t. __12ceabooppoio' ., APR292002 N.C.DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION ' DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS VICINITY CHOWAN COUNTY APS PROJECT:8.2030201 (B-313S) REPLACE BRIDGE 13 4 ON SR 1207 OVER ROCKYHOCK CREEK SHEET J OF /Z 10/23/01 4 APPENDIX A SITE PHOTOS RockyHock Creek Bridge ,,,,,,..„...„..,. „-....„.•..,..,...... ,, :. , , • :. ,._. . ,• ,• 4'.. j o . , , , , „... „,, ,. ,,,, . .., ... ,„ . „ .. ..„. ,,.. ...., , . , ., :,. .. . ..., ,;•: :., ,......„ .. .. ...„. . :., 9 ' use. f ..< 4 4 r • 6x. 9^ zw F'�. R Photo 1 Photo 2 r. .,,.. Photo 3 Photo 4 e y r s x ' s , . • ds� Yy . °:i.:.:4-*Note: �*-�,a' 4.*w' .#�' {try ",'�? r a tit. e , a .. .ems a"�"" , -ru L et. Photo 5 Photo 6 August 2006 a , • RockyHock Creek Bridge • ,..„7„). , _,, ,,„ „.7.7,,,,,,,,,, , ..,.. ,, , 04.{ i r < .: - ;`,- • drilTfi''''''' ,fix sy !�► Key-4- '#\° '1''' `:!i• iV �y j` a. ..� ! Y rs ' 4,ft a a ?+�' Vj de � .' te , x M y xo- y_ , i ` ."' • 4.1c.4g a f � „ ,, %a 4 ./.A.'.. + ' gaYJyBf S - .ti aiM 3Y.v"k m.H. . a fri I�1Q � ~ M�-�� Photo 7 Photo 8 e (0 O N in 3 a) 7 Q ,- D. d..STA>Fa. Io5-O2 4r o0j STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MICHAEL F.EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY November 6, 2006 Mr. Bill Biddlecome USACE Washington Regulatory Field Office P.O. Box 1000 Washington,NC 27889-1000 Dear Mr. Biddlecome: This letter is in response to your request to document the debits from available wetland mitigation at the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge site in Chowan County. The wetland mitigation was performed in conjunction with the TIP No. B-3435. The Rocky Hock Creek site initially provided 0.60 acres of riverine wetland restoration and 7.36 acres of enhancement. The attached map depicts a total of 0.23 acres debited for B-3435, Bridge No. 4 over Rocky Hock Creek, and a total of 0.37 acres debited for R-3850, Highway 17 at Okisko Road. The following table summarizes the roadway riverine impacts for both projects and subsequent debits from the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge mitigation site. TIP Permit Date Impacts (acres) Mitigation Debits (acres) B-3435 2002 0.17 (USACE) 0.21 Original 0.04 (CAMA) Permit Permit Mod 2003 0.016 0.02 (reported as 0.015 In CAMA permit mod) B-3435 Total 0.226 0.23 R-3850 2003 0.185 (2:1 ratio) 0.37 (Additionally, 3.44 acres of emergent wetlands impacts along the roadside ditches were offset onsite for R-3850.) MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-715-1334 or LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 919-715-1335 PARKER LINCOLN BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 2728 CAPITAL BLVD.SUITE 240 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT UNIT FAX: 919-715-5501 RALEIGH NC 27604 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 WEBSITE:WWW.NCDOT.ORG If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at (919) 715-1457. Sinc ly, 19(2.4 LeiLani Paugh Natural Environment Unit PDEA CC: Cathy Brittingham, NCDCM John Hennessy, NCDWQ Travis Wilson, NCWRC Byron Moore, PE,NEU Clay Willis, Division 1 DEO P I PROJECT RRPERtlNCE NO. SHEET NO. • co ROADWAY LA ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER • DICTUM DESCI 4 ` THE LOCALIZED COCROINATE SYSTEM 0 IS BASED ON THE ANTE PLANE COO 1COCT FOR L NAENT i1TH 5510 1983/95 ANTE PLATE R RrtermG ETS?13.14_WD EAA THE.'ERNE CDNSINED GRID FACTI (CApAO TO GRID!IF THE NGIAYBERT GRID LOCALIZED HORIZDNIAL GRLN 8363&P2-TO-L-ANTI :LAMBS1f.S 28'3 oARL�GE. NDERS 927 ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE 1LCA.12 PLAT CAS(SLOE 79-0 VERTICAL DOOM/USED ri _ oEs PCStL 10.(712 PATS L.D6NPA 22 Sta.24.7371 CPS g3a35-I POT S•00.00 "-ura 7De Pc isr u. CPS 03135-2 O POT 24•45.57 SlaY F wo31P —'a awLM-.�_ -.. A/iRAIMINIMMEr— - IMImN[ F .i EP '3Gv°`iay. -N7N'�:T-bN � •r. a�5 3r Olt SOOE .gL_ 10017 WA"' ' * * O a.T>•,• Tr j1. 5b3 .cd-r Rn EIECW PROJECT K-q0. x CYPRESS LANDING DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ENO PROJECT O J._ OS NON PG NA n 9'ap P6 M PG Sa -L-STA 26+IX1.00 0 3 uEi m r0 r1 e PJ SHa 25+49.93 p•r 46 M to') m P1 Sky 22O8�50 Ll-f SO MD a A-504 543(RTI L 0-J'42000 R -31HL)8 L-8329' m T -4466 R -1.548.53' D L O 0.23 ACR FOR 8-34 0 100 200 }a i:i�i�i:i�i 0.37 ACRE -� ;.:4.;.••.;.; FOR R-38° FEET o m� 'o ma m- o:i mc 4trPrA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley,Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary October 25, 2006 Philip S. Harris, III, PE, Manager N.C. Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Harris: Enclosed please find comments from the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) on the following two documents submitted to DCM by the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) on April 20, 2005 and August 15, 2005, respectively: "CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition"; and"CAMA Permit Commitment Review." As you know, in April 2002 DCM and NCDOT began a comprehensive effort to ensure that the mitigation and monitoring conditions of the CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents are satisfied. DCM regrets that it took over a year to provide the attached comments. However, substantial progress has been made during this period to achieve resolution on many of the projects discussed in these documents. There are a total of 43 projects with CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents: 20 projects have mitigation conditions only; 10 projects have temporary impact monitoring conditions only; and 13 projects have both mitigation conditions and temporary impact monitoring conditions. Based upon the attached analysis, DCM has determined that the mitigation and/or temporary impact monitoring conditions of 17 projects have been completely satisfied. There are 23 CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents with mitigation and/or monitoring conditions that remain unsatisfied. Compliance with some of these projects is imminent or well underway. However, many of these projects have significant outstanding unresolved issues, and are of particular concern to DCM. I do not believe that a general meeting is necessary to discuss these projects. Instead, I hope that our staffs can put an emphasis on working together to resolve the outstanding issues as detailed in the attached documents. 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293\ FAX: 919-733-1495\Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled 110%Post Consumer Paper • Please ask your appropriate staff to contact Cathy Brittingham at(919) 733-2293 x238 or via e- mail at( athy.Brittingham@ncrnail.net to discuss next steps for projects within Division One. To discuss next steps for projects within Divisions Two and Three contact Steve Sollod at(919) 733-2293 x230 or via e-mail at Steve.Sollodfa ncmail.net. Please also feel free to contact me at (252) 808-2808 or via e-mail at Doug_Huggettra>ncmail.net if you have any general questions or concerns. Sincerely, Doug Huggett Major Permits and Consistency Coordinator CC: Deborah Anderson Cathy Brittingham Linda Fitzpatrick Randy Griffin Charles Jones (w/o attachments) Steve Sollod Ted Tyndall (w/o attachments) ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2005 j. y r + 4 Ly 1 •y Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Chowan County TIP No. B-3435 CAMA permit No. 105-02 OF tiU8TN C 4 h F Prepared By: Natural Environment Unit & Roadside Environmental Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation December 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY 1 1.0 Introduction 2 1.1.Project Description 2 1.2.Purpose 2 1.3.Project History 2 2.0 Hydrology 2 2.1 Success Criteria 2 2.2 Hydrologic Description 2 2.3 Results of Hydrologic Monitoring 4 2.3.1 Site Data 4 2.3.2 Climate Data 4 2.4 Conclusions 4 3.0 Vegetation 6 3.1 Success Criteria 6 3.2 Results of Vegetation Monitoring 6 3.3 Conclusions. 6 4.0 Overall Conclusions and Recommendations 6 FIGURES Figure 1 — Site Location Map 3 Figure 2 — 30-70 Percentile Graph 5 APPENDICES Appendix A— Surface Gauge Graph 8 Appendix B — Site Photos 9 SUMMARY The Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site (B-3435) is located in Chowan County. This is an annual report documenting compensatory mitigation for temporary impacts associated with the replacement of Bridge No. 4 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek. The mitigation site was completed in December 2004. The temporary impacts encompassed approximately 0.04 acres. The area that was impacted by mechanized clearing is being monitored to ensure that it returns to wetland jurisdictional status. According to the On-site Mitigation Plan for the Proposed replacement of Bridge No. 04 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek in Chowan County, North Carolina (27 June 2002), NCDOT is required to maintain and monitor gauges for one year. Based on the data collected from the on-site surface gauge and rain gauge, the fluctuations in the depth of the surface water is not solely attributed to rainfall events as required by the mitigation plan. The Rocky Hock Mitigation site has met the success criteria established by the mitigation plan and fulfilled the mitigation monitoring requirements, therefore NCDOT recommends removing the gauges. After the first year of monitoring, the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge site shows by visual observation that the temporarily impacted area is returning to wetland jurisdictional status. NCDOT recommends continuing vegetation monitoring of this site. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Mitigation Site (B-3435) is located in Chowan County. This is an annual mitigation report for temporary impacts associated with the replacement of Bridge No. 4 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek (Figure 1). 1.2 Purpose In order for a temporarily impacted site to be considered successful, the site must return to wetland jurisdictional status. This report details the hydrologic and vegetative monitoring in 2005 at the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge site. 1.3 Project History December 2004 Project Completed July 2005 Vegetation Monitoring (1 year) March — December 2005 Hydrologic Monitoring (1 year) 2.0 HYDROLOGY: (YEAR 1 MONITORING) 2.1 Success Criteria According to the On-site Mitigation Plan for the Proposed replacement of Bridge No. 04 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek in Chowan County, North Carolina (27 June 2002), both restoration and enhancement areas will be considered "a success if the areas exhibit periodic fluctuations of the water level that do not correspond to local rainfall events or that correspond disproportionately to local rainfall events. The intent here is to be able to identify fluctuations that can be attributed to wind tides versus those that may be due to precipitation." The NCDOT is required to maintain and monitor the gauges for one year. 2.2 Hydrologic Description The site was constructed by removing the existing causeway and returning the elevation to that of the adjacent wetlands. One surface water gauge and one rain gauge were installed to record fluctuation in surface water depths compared to rainfall events. 2 --— csAW 1'--,.' 'ir, 4"5 il-i'm-4.t'''''t S ! illti-il '-''' \ S w po _ _ _ -.. _ - 1,, ,,,:."-,,-... ' 4- - 4.,5.5-,:;.5,-;:::.,,'--7. --5-,-- r' ' t 7.::5177 1 IF 1 1 i { c me.µ I -a. �, r fl 1 _ a: £ 1 -.4 • /-)) w'w f' - f , f r. A l fl- w —" Co t , � l Muoedonia'.: `1 .Ta-,j {ray. `* ac 4 l;_^«M �, N. " r... _ '1.4,0 e cl.%‘-‘:- ." .1., ''',',, '' ''' ' , , ,..„,, .... ,,, ,,„ �, ff ,,, , ,, .._,,,, I yroRlN �o Figure I. Rocky Hack Creek Bridge Site Location Map ' N * * 0 1.000 2.000 ©Approximate Project Location Q.P Feet �, try o #u 3 2.3 Results of Hydrologic Monitoring 2.3.1 Site Data The resource agencies in conjunction with NCDOT decided that since Rocky Hock is part of a wind driven tidal system, it must exhibit occasional surface flooding that is attributed to wind tides and not associated with precipitation. The data collected from the on-site surface and rain gauge show fluctuations in the depth of the surface water that is not solely attributed to rainfall events. 2.3.2 Climate Data Figure 2 represents an examination of the local climate in comparison with historical data in order to determine whether 2005 was "normal" in terms of climate conditions. The two lines represent the 30th and 70th percentiles of monthly precipitation for Edenton, NC. The bars are monthly rainfall totals for 2005. The historical data was collected from the State Climate Office of North Carolina. The rainfall data from the Edenton Station is incomplete for September and October. On-site rainfall was collected from the middle of January through December. Overall, the on-site rainfall for 2005 was normal. The rainfall for January, February, April and September was below normal. The rainfall for March, May, June, July, August, and November was normal and October was above normal. 2.4 Conclusions As required by the mitigation plan, the data collected from the on-site surface and rain gauge show that the fluctuations in the depth of the surface water is not solely attributed to rainfall events. 4 Figure 2. 30-70 Percentile Graph. Rocky Hock 30-70 Percentile Graph Edenton, NC Monthly Rainfall 8 a _ - m _. . ... . Incomplete Climate Climate Data for 7 .n September and October 70th Percentile ' - .0 4r • . 4 ♦ + .�O 30th Percentile + ♦ 0 0 1 ♦ ♦• • , • * *4 ♦ ♦ ♦ •4 0 ♦ 4 t is i +1 Nov 04' Dec 04' Jan 05 Feb 05' Mar 05' Apr 05' May 05' Jun 05' Jul 05' Aug 05' Sep 05' Oct 05' Nov 05' Dec 05' M2005 Rainfall CO3 Edenton Airport Rainfall-30th Percentile 70th Percentile 5 3.0 VEGETATION: (YEAR 1 MONITORING) 3.1 Success Criteria Due to the possibility that previous compaction, mechanized clearing, and/or other site alterations might prevent the temporary wetland impact area from returning to wetland jurisdictional status, the permittee shall provide an annual update on the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project. This annual update will consist of photographs and a brief report on the progress of the temporarily impacted areas. After three years of monitoring, the permittee shall schedule a field meeting with Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Department of Water Quality (DWQ), and Wildlife Resource Commission (WRC) to determine if the temporarily impacted areas have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. If at the end of three years the area has not re-attained jurisdictional wetland status, DCM and the above listed agencies shall determine whether a compensatory wetland mitigation plan will be required. 3.2 Description of Species There were no species planted to compensate for the temporary impacts. The temporarily impacted areas were left to revegetate naturally. 3.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring Species noted in the temporary impact area are as follows: cattails, arrowhead, black willow, sawgrass, fennel, green ash, wool-grass, rush, fern, and sweetgum. 3.4 Conclusions There were approximately 0.04 acres of temporary impacts on site. Rocky Hock Creek Bridge site shows signs that natural re-vegetation is occurring and that the impacted areas are re-attaining jurisdictional wetland status. 4.0 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS According to the On-site Mitigation Plan for the Proposed replacement of Bridge No. 04 on SR 1207 over Rocky Hock Creek in Chowan County, North Carolina (27 June 2002), NCDOT is required to maintain and monitor gauges for one year. Based on the data collected from the on-site surface gauge and rain gauge, the fluctuations in the depth of the surface water is not solely attributed to rainfall events as required by the mitigation plan. The Rocky Hock Mitigation site has met the hydrology success criteria established by the mitigation plan and fulfilled the mitigation monitoring requirements, therefore NCDOT recommends removing the gauges. NCDOT will continue vegetation monitoring at the Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Site. APPENDIX A SURFACE GAUGE GRAPH 8 APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOS 9 . . RockyHock Creek Bridge . , , ., ,, .cr...,.... . ._ , ‘'4(..., Y'• .� ,� w 17- n` �'�! e Y u r w: 5 x' i 1..1 • 'ktut - ako fta «4 . a Photo 1 Photo 2 EK, M It =l fi I iK ``r `4 it -:. X , i4 71:11,, 101,Vid -' . 4 .. e J Photo 3 Photo 4 ,x .: " ` -, . "?`" 4 ,A 41— ,.. . ,� 4A.. . , . • s . ic„ ,. 4i., 1 .:... -' i'...7'' . ...., r .. s ter, lit :mow , ,,�4 3 i' . i•' 0- 9 A'� 1 , 4 _ , —la Photo 5 Photo 6 August 2005 . , RockyHock Creek Brid e g . .. . i . ,. , 4„„ii.,..4. , . ,..,.. r . ..tt, a . ' A E ' Photo 7 Photo 8 August 2005 Rocky Hock Creek Bridge Surface Gauge I 30 t ,- 5 25 c o c C o 0 15 ' 3 v 1 ill 1 lii U ti m 10 ill1116, + . iiiiii i .1) 1 dtAll: 01 2 5 4.,ijkALAilitAlo, ilt idiu 1 0 1 ' I ' 5 I I .. I . . ,.L I,,. , iI I II1 , III I I. II I AIL 1 . ... 1 . 1 I,, , 1 i G 0 Mn In Mn MC) Mn In ID IL) Mn Mn LO LO LO LO LO MC) LO Mn LO LO LO Mn Mn In LO LO Mn LO LO LO Mn LO LO LO U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 0 0 0 0 CO .n MO M. M. 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Upon completion of the monitoring,jurisdictional compliance will be determined. -Fme Cc c c-AMA •c:Yec-v-,r)\-Vs. .4.(vy\poyeA7 c A C`\\ t r • 1 a r i 6bV ,° " I ' ,� tip 'i.. , t � , /. 1 �° 4 I r I/ I B 3435 ` ■ ;~ '' A + CAMAlOS 02 {', s. t r. +'' Rocky Hock Creek , Chowan Co. *`pe • :. "yt`• ,4.•,,At: ",... •!,Y, - J. " _ I _ -• y. ei- _. ..., . ,,, ..,.$ . , ri• .., �.7 ), Mom° , rja`"Vie..✓�.' ham+ ' —TT t ." -.• f `�. ., 036' 6'0o0"N 3 °0 '2 . 0" °0 ' 0" J 6° 1T00 "N 3 2 . 0" �0v � 9 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIQ � I 491'� I ( I111II I �� 1 in 1 � 1I � 1I � �I Q � I �I � iiII 1 � . 4 1 ,.,1 1 i t 4. 1 ji #1c i i -....r n. — \ 4 t 1 istil lilt it. .):,.........., 01s , \.„ _ ) 5.6:.;0 _ ., 1 _,....."-?,)11- ii ‘% _.../-,-- rr 0 ,,, 1 f • ...•-•/- r'. ••1 ( er•...:77.• ''‘‘, i t I if „„ , . \ ., t. • e4 8 — , ‘ i if 1 i i i: 1...,.......Jr. -7. _._i J c) , i f\:::-:-.. i i c . 0 .,--. i 1 4,i 4.(.......yr ,j.I , . w w . h� ` , .{ '' loci # i I t1 t I it f 11 . 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SCHEDULE STR FRM: R/W: R/W : 12 21 01 C RDY FRM: LET: LET : 09 17 02 C RES E: S L EMORY COMP: 11 30 04 C RIVER BASIN: UTL IMPACT: L MPO: MITIGATION SITE: DESCRIPTION: BRIDGE 4 ON SR 1207 OVER ROCKYHOCK CREEK ENTER-DDS2 PF1-PREV SCR PF2-UPDATE PF3-PRINT PF4-PLAN PF5-PMMI PF7-BKWD PF8-F Date: 2/25/2005 Time: 08 : 39 : 38 AM Page: 1 Document Name: untitled DDS1 PROJ MASTER SCHEDULE-GEN/ENG ASSIGNMENTS OFFICIAL TIP: B-3435 UPDATED: 09/24/03 OFY CFY PFY AUTH RPE: WALLS WBS : 33057 . 1 . 3 PLAN 99 RPDE: BOAYUE PROJ: DSG SPE: FOFARIA FA PROJ: R/W 01 01 SPDE: DAVIS COUNTY: CHOWAN DIV: 01 CON 02 02 DSPEE: JONES CITY: %COMP DATE COMP P&E UNIT: 7 MCINNIS ROUTE: SR1207 R/W PLAN: 070 12 21 01 E P&E ENG: MCINNIS LENGTH/MI : 000 . 303 FINAL PLAN: 000 06 11 02 C LOCATION: LENGTH/KM: 000 .488 STR PLAN: 100 03 20 02 C PHOTO: #STR/TYPE: 1SX HYDRO: NOTTINGHAM TYPE PROJ: # PARCELS: 003 TRFE: GILSTRAP TYPE: 060 # RELOCATEES : 000 PERMIT NS UNIT: RIDDICK STATUS : ACQ TIME: 012 PERMIT NS SPEC: MANLEY BORROW: BEG MILEPOST: STR COOR: PRODUCTION SCHEDULE T. I . P. SCHEDULE STR FRM: R/W: R/W : 12 21 01 C RDY FRM: LET: LET : 09 17 02 C RES E: S L EMORY COMP: 11 30 04 C RIVER BASIN: UTL IMPACT: L MPO: MITIGATION SITE: DESCRIPTION: BRIDGE 4 ON SR 1207 OVER ROCKYHOCK CREEK ENTER-DDS2 PF1-PREV SCR PF2-UPDATE PF3-PRINT PF4-PLAN PF5-PMMI PF7-BKWD PF8-F Date : 2/25/2005 Time : 08 : 39 : 38 AM • Page: 1 Document Name: untitled DDS7 PERMITS AND AGREEMENTS INFORMATION OFFICIAL PAGE IP NUM: B-3435 PROD LET: PERMIT SP: RIDDICK ROJ NUM: 82030203 TIP LET: 09-17-02 P & E ENG: MCINNIS WBS NO: 33057 . 1 . 3 DIVISION: 01 HYDRO: NOTTINGHAM COUNTY: CHOWAN MIT SITE: RIV BASIN: DESCRIPT: BRIDGE 4 ON SR 1207 OVER ROCKYHOCK CREEK STATUS: ACTIVITY OUT IN 330 PERMIT DRAWINGS TO P&E 12-05-01 C X ENTER-DATES (DDS8) PF1-PREVIOUS SCREEN PF3-PRINT Date: 2/25/2005 Time : 08 : 43 : 33 AM