HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 92-92 Bridge #26 Hwy 53 Cypress Creek •. , Permit Clacs Permit Number ' NEW 92-92 ' STATE OFIORTl3`CAROLINA q. ' Department of Ez791 men .1 &Natural Resources �. _.., .--- - ti-_ M,,''and% �7J\ : . Coastal Resources ommi Sion r / V -x F� SEP 1 7 1992 ; r.wt . } , r { f] . - - 'j!fl1EEt- Z 1 . J / ft� :4 ' forte it-. ,,..,,..�.__ ,. X .Major Develo •ronmental Concern pursuant to NCGS IA, A `l$_�`?'=>r s �, Excavation and/or fillin_-- a to NCGS 113-229-i Issued to NC Dept. of Transportation, Div. of Highways, P. 0. Box 25201 , Raleigh, NC 27611 ' authorizing development in Pender County at Cypress Creek, Hwy. 53.at Bridge #26, east of ' Ward' s Corner ="as requested in the Permittee's application dated 6/16/92 and ' 1 attached work plan drwings, 2, dated revised 6/11/92. ' • This permit,issued on SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 , is subject to compliance with the application(where consistent with the permit),all applicable regulations,special conditions and notes set forth below_Any violation of these terms may be subject to a fine,imprisonment or civil action-, or may cause the permit to be null and void. • I ' 1 ) The riprap material must be free from loose dirt or any other pollutants, except in trace quantities. It must be of size sufficient to prevent Q ' its movement from site by wave or current action. . . ' 2) No excavated or fill material will be placed at any time, in any marsh . ' or surrounding waters, outside of the alignment of the fill area indicated . on the workplan. ' . 3) Vertical and horizontal navigational clearance with the new structure . . must be at least that of the existing structure. , . / • This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEHNR and the ' other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. . ' issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work . ' initiation or continuance, as the case may be. . • This permit must be accessible on-site to Department ' personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. �, , Ro er I� c Any maintenance work or project modification not g . S hecter,Director covered hereunder requires further Departmental approval. Division of Coastal Management / All work must cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. December 31 , 1995 In issuing this permit,the State of North Carolina agrees , that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permittee fT Nn relic\VT rCi,d•, APPLICATION IIRANsteaTrATIPmaMSING RECORD 737 JUL 1 0 1992 • A) Applicant: N.C. Dot ` County +_ er.County Location of Project: Highway 53 just east of Wards Corner aver Cypress Creek, Bridge #26 Date Application Received Complete by Field: July 2, 1992 Field Recommendation: Attached X To be Forwarded Field Representative: Tere Barrett District Office: Wilmington District Manager Approval: 2 B) Date Application Received in Raleigh: Fee Rec'd: $ Public Notice Rec'd: End of Notice Date: Adj. Rip. Prop Notices Rec'd: Deed Rec'd: Application Assigned to: on C) 75 Day Deadline: 150 Day Deadline: Mail Out Date: State Due Date: Federal Due Date: Fed. Comments Rec'd on Permit Final Action: Issue Deny Draft on D) AGENCY DATE COMMENTS OBJECTIONS NOTES REIUFD YES NO Coastal Management District Office Division of Cum. Assistance Land Quality Section Div. of Env. Management State Property Office Div. of Archives & History Div. of Env. Health Div. of Highways Wildlife Resources Commission Div. of Water Resources Div. of Marine Fisheries ElPf717 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT JUL 3 0 1992 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 6.9 (919) 395-3900 �"�C-U � MEMORANDUM TO: John R. Parker, Jr./Preston . Pate, Jr. / FROM: Haskell S. Rhett L/ L� SUBJECT: Opinion on Consistency/CAMA Dredge & Fill Application/ NC Department of Transportation/Highway 53 just east of Ward's Corner over Cypress Creek at Bridge #26/Pender County DATE: July 27 , 1992 Thank you for the opportunity to review this application. My opinion is based on my review of the permit application, the field investigation report, and my understanding and interpretation of the policies presented in the Pender County Land Use Plan Update (1986) . The land classification category for Cypress Creek is Conservation. For those areas surrounding the bridge which are within the 100- year floodplain, the classification category is also Conservation. Any areas of high ground which may be involved in this project and which are located outside of the floodplain are classified Rural. The Conservation and Rural class descriptions would include roadways as a permissible use. It is my interpretation that bridges (as a type of roadway) are as consistent with these class descriptions as road. Plan policy promotes highway improvements. The NC Transportation Improvement Plan lists bridge work throughout the County as a goal. The Land Use Plan confirms this work is important to the County. Improvements to NC HWY 53 are specifically mentioned. Hazard mitigation policy statements seem to indicate bridge replacement would be best if the possible danger of flood were avoided. Plan policy promotes mitigation of any adverse effects to the natural resources/ecological systems as a result of projects of this type. The proposed activity seems consistent with the policies of the Pender County Land Use Plan (1986) . cc: Tere Barrett Jim Herstine DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. Applicant's name N.C. DOT 2. Location of project site Highway 53 lust east of Wards Corner over Cypress Creek at Bridge #26. PHOTO INDX: 1989: No Photo 1984: No Photo STATE PLANE COORDINATES: X: 2253150 Y: 333350 3. Investigation type: Dredge & Fill CAMA X 4. Investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 04/16/92 05/14/92 (B) Was applicant present No No 5. Processing procedure: Application received 07/02/92 Office WiRO 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan Pender County Land Classification from LUP Rural (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard_ Estuarine Shoreline Coastal Wetlands Public Trust Waters X Estuarine Waters Other (C) Water dependent: Yes X No Other (D) Intended use: Public X Private Commercial (E) Type of waste water treatment: Existing N/A Planned (F) Type of structures: Existing Bridge Planned Replacement Bridge (G) Estimated annual rate of erosion N/A Source 7. Habitat description: AREA Dredged Filled Shaded (A) Vegetated wetlands: Freshwater Species 1,200 sq. ft._ (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: Open Water 1,350 sq. ft. (C) Other: High Ground 8,250 sq. ft. (D) Total Area Disturbed: 8,250 sq. ft. 2550 sq. ft. (E) PRIMARY NURSERY AREA: YES NO X (F) WATER CLASSIFICATION: C-SW OPEN: YES NO 8. Project Summary N.C. DOT plans replacement of bridge #26 on Highway 53 in Pender County. 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project site is bridge #26 crossing Cypress Creek on Highway 53 in Pender County. This bridge is just east of Ward's Corner. Cypress Creek, classified as Inland waters, is a tributary to the Northeast Cape Fear River. At the bridge site, the creek is an open water system, approximately 45' in width. On the upstream side, this branches and shallows slightly. Along the sides and in the shallower areas there are herbaceous emergent species such as sedges, ferns, and lizard's tail. The average daily flow of this creek is 29 cubic feet per second. The existing bridge is 85' between abutments, and 24' in width. The travelway approaching the bridge is 21' in width without shoulders. The bridge is currently elevated slightly more than 5' above ordinary high water. At its deepest point the channel is approximately 9' deep at ordinary high water. The current structure is supported by 4 support piers within the water, averaging 17' apart. The State Department of Transportation is proposing to replace this structure because of its deteriorated condition. The bridge will be replaced in its existing location. During construction, traffic will be detoured to other roads. As stated above, the bridge span is currently 85' . This dimension will increase to 115' with the replacement. In order to increase the span, approximately 300 cubic yards of high ground will be excavated from either side of the current span. This newly created slope will be stabilized with class II rip rap rather than an abutment wall as exists currently. The rip rap will be approximately 10' in width and 80' in length at either side of the bridge. The rip rap material will be placed above ordinary high water, and landward of all wetlands. The 24' existing width will be increased to 30' with the new structure. The new structure will consist of 3 sections, with 45' between the two support piers in the middle of the structure. The other two supports will be in highground. This should benefit navigation under the structure. The bottom of the new bridge decking will approximate 5' above ordinary high water. An area of approximately 150'x 55' will be disturbed or graded at the approaches for this bridge replacement. The applicant plans to employ standard DOT erosion control methods which have received prior approval through the Land Quality Division of the Department. All work is taking place within the existing DOT right-of-way. 10. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS An area of approximately 150'x 55' , or 8250 square feet will be disturbed during construction of the new bridge. This area is all high ground. The existing abutments along with approximately 300 cubic yards of material will be removed to accommodate the 30' increase in bridge span. This area will be lain with rip rap to stabilize the newly unconsolidated slope. Temporary erosion control measures will be in place in the interim. The rip rap structure will incorporate approximately 1600 square feet of what is currently high ground. I . The structure currently incorporates approximately 1080 square feet of Public Trust Area and 960 square feet of the above mentioned wetland species. The additional length of the span will not change this because the new area is high ground. A slight increase in impacts will result from the additional 6' bridge width. Approximately 1350 square feet of Public Trust Area and 1200 square feet of freshwater wetlands now be within the bridge shadow. This represents a 270 square foot change over the Public Trust Area and a 240 square foot change over the wetlands. Submitted by: Tere Barrett Date: July 2, 1992 Office: Wilmington Re: Recommendation of State Permit - No objections to the project as proposed to include the following conditions: The riprap material must be free from loose dirt or any other pollutant. It must be of size sufficient to prevent its movement from site by wave or current action. No excavated or fill material will be placed at any time, in any marsh or surround waters, outside of the alignment of the fill area indicated on the workplat(s) . All other regulations in T:15A 07H .0208 apply. Please type,or print. Carefully describe all anticipated development activities,including construction,excava- tion, filling,paving,land clearing, and stormwater con If you plan to build a marina, also complete and trol. If the requested information is not relevant to your attach Form DCM MP 2. project, write N/A (not applicable). Items 1-4 and 8-9 must be completed for all projects. b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project,new work, or both? Both 1 APPLICANT c. Will the project be for community,private, or N . C . Department of Transportation commercialuse? a. Name Public Transportation Attention : B . J . O ' Quinn • Address P 0 Box 25201 City Raleigh State NC d. Describe the planned use of the project. Public Transportation Zip 27611 Dayphone ( 919 ) 733-9770 Landowner or Authorized agent b. Project name(if any) 4 LAND AND WATER c. If the applicant is not the landowner, also give the CHARACTERISTICS owner's name and address. a. Size of entire tract N/A b. Size of individual lot(s) N/ A c. Elevation of tract above mean sea level or National Geodetic Vertical Datum 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED Assumed datum PROJECT d. Soil type(s)a ndAtexture(s) of tract a. Street address or secondary road number N C 53 e. Vegetation on tract N/A b. City,town,community, or landmark Wards C o r me r f. Man-made features now on tract Brrid g e c. County P e n d e r g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan Classification of • the site? (Consult the local land use plan.) d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Conservation Transitional e. Name of body of water nearest project Developed Community Cypress Creek Rural Other h. How is the tract zoned by local government? 3 DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT i. How are adjacent waters classified? a. Describe all development activities you propose(for j. Has a professional archaeological survey been example,building a home,motel,marina,bulkhead, carried e4 r' MOC J:t o,by whom? or pier). Replace existing bridge nn .i ?S `' r-4 present location . Traffic wi11 he detoured onto other roads during construction . RCN 3/91 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 5 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT Complete this section if the project includes any land jtnqs 1-57G development. DIVISION OF a. Type and number of buildings, facilities,or m. Water supply source N/ A COASTAL MANAG EM FNT structures proposed Bridge n. If the project is oceanfront development,describe the steps that will be taken to maintain established b. Number of lots or parcels N/ A public beach accessways or provide new access. • c. Density(Give the number of residential units and the N/A units per acre.) N/A d. Size of area to be graded or disturbed o. If the project is on the oceanfront,what will be the Construction area a p a r o x . 15 0 ' x 5 5 ' elevation above mean sea 1 evel of the first habitable e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one floor'? N/A acre of land,the Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. • If applicable,has a sedimentation and erosion 6 EXCAVATION AND FILL control plan been submitted to the Division of Land INFORMATION Resources? N/ A f. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of a Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation mean high water to be covered by impermeable or fill activities(excluding bulkheads,which are surfaces,such as pavement,buildings,rooftops. covered in Section 7). N/A Length Width Depth g. List the materials, such as marl,paver stone, asphalt, Access channel or concrete,to be used for paved surfaces. (MLW) or(NWL) N/A Boat basin h. If applicable,has a stormwater management plan Other(break- Upland been submitted to the Division of Environmental water,pier, Management? N/ A boatgyp, Excavati7n ' i. Describe proposed sewage disposal and/or waste rock jetty) 3 0 4 5 6 water treatment facilities. Fill placed in N/ A wetland or below NONE MHW j. Have these facilities received state or local approval? Upland fill N/ A areas - • b. Amount of material to be excavated from below k. Describe existing treatment facilities. water level in cubic yards None N/ A c. Type of material None d. Does the area to be excavated include marshland, 1. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of swamps,or other wetlands? the state(for example, surface runoff,sanitary N o wastewater,industrial/commercial effluent,"wash down"). Surface runoff along e. High ground excavation,in cubic yards roadway 300 c . y . 2 4/89 ( Dimensions of spoil disposal arta c. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months, in N/A - _ feet Nam. --, g. Location of spoil disposal area Above wetlands d. Type of bulkhead material RiP Rap c. -Amount of fill, in cubic yards,to be placed below h. Do you claim title to the disposal area? NI A mean high water None If not, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. f. Type of fill material • N/A i. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? N/A If so,where? 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION j. Does the disposal area include any marshland. In addition to the completed application form,the follow- swamps,or water areas? ing items must be submitted_ Nn k. Will the fill material be placed below mean high A copy of the deed(with state application only)or other water? No instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected property. If the applicant is not claiming to be 1. Amount of fill in cubic yards - 1J 1 A the owner of said property,then forward a copy of the m. Type of fill material N J A deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title,plus written permission from the owner to carry out n. Source of fill material. N/ A the project. o. Will fill material be placed on mnh or other An accurate work plat(including plan view and cross wetlands? sectional drawings)drawn to scale in black ink on an$ p. Dimensions of the wetland to be f ll.eAd 1/2 x 11 white paper.(Refer to Coastal Resources Commission Rule 71.0203 for a detailed description.) q. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site please note that original drawings are preferred and and erosion controlled?By stendord NCDOT erosion control only high quali quality copies will be accepted.Blue-line s p e c i f i c a t i o n a.- aani oh have hallo prints or other larger plats arc acceptable only if 1$high a p D r ia y e d hy D E -1 N R _ quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers regarding that agency's r, What type of construction equipment will be used use of larger drawings.) A site or location map is a part (for example,dragline,backhoe,or hydraulic of plat irquirements and it must be-Sufficiently detailed dredge)? B r i d o e c o n S.t> .0 r.tat o n to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the i n t site. Include county road(SR)numbers,landmarks,and s. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment the like. to project site? No if yes,explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. A stormwater management plan,if applicable,that may have been developed in consultation with the . Division of Environmental Management. A list of the names and complete addresses of the - - adjacent waterfront(riparian)landowners. individuals have 30 days in which , ,, � , 7 SHORELINE STABILIZATION on the proposed project to theiaiv hi!) isig4 :,\ 0 Management and should be advise a applicant of that opportunity 30‘- � iy9Z a. Length of bulklxad or riprap Posaibly 80 ft at each end of the bridge b. Average distance waterw 0 feet�high water or D1Visi ANAGE�ENj • normal water level COp TAL - a, -/=/+z , ,G ,,con Name Joe F . Johnston ' Address RT 2 , Box 2353 9 CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION Burgaw , NC 28425 TO ENTER ON LAND Name J o a b F . Johnston _ Any permit issued in response to this application will Address RT 2 , Box 2352 allow only the development described in the application. B u r g a w , NC 28425 The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. Name M . J . Humphrey Address RT 2 , Box 2,35U I certify that to the best of my knowledge,the proposed • Burgaw , NC 28425 activity complies with the State of North Carolina's ap- proved Coastal Management Program and will be con- A list of previous state or federal permits issued for ducted in a manner consistent with such program. work on the project tract Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. I further certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned • lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of A check for$100 made payable to the Department of project. Natural Resources and Community Development to / jl;a '� cover the costs of processing the application. This is the 1 tP day ofv `- , 197_ A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. Landowr}er or Authori d agent A statement on the use of public funds. If the project �� involves the expenditure of public funds, attach a state- ment documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act(N.C.G.S. 113A-1 to 10). P T. T2-17\zq 1-) sI liNI 1992 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 4 4/89 — r fW'�Ountaln••�CC , • 1\ ' �.-.E • 4 3 Kellum -\\ ' ' _ j'i -� �•I ChmQuaDm CatlnennOe Lake4.N• � • Sltut 4—\^ °.I Rose Hill 1 1, E,t� SJrardalt 1 1 r•enever ! 1 +Jackson ill'_a 7 Par Isbur�• /, ' ,(', I 10 I tl DelwaY ' [ �,5' Mldwa Park�er, G Ammon I, Gallen ®� Teache 1 t I �Yetk • 1 16 © t teen Swan".•o ]' �� 3 y i It d� r— — Haws 1/ � O' — I/ Q � RU • 1 yr. CAMP IE,EUNE { ) l Hanells- Verona• `Comm• BLADED > 1 Wlll and�� . \ / . MARINE NSE O `► \ 3 •Tomaliiwk I Mapl 1 V' .L..... aLdAKES 1 , a Penderlea• If..!, Eo,.,l 6 •cb ly aplH11 3\ t Hrnun'x Ink White `� Watha \ 16 F 6aK • " Q�1 1] ® \ Dixon 4 I,E 1i `,'\1-" r Y t I I , • l LnAre AA�r\\IS I'anlwe 1 P'rm \ Q 1 Snt,t s� N�IFOREST \ all Bur[aw J F� RI,/l Wet• , ea D ,l�� I / Q [ E \ olKs ion ,� New Mock A< u • - \� "�M r. , p or� �,'Corner .p Ea�rS Ho11Y Rid[; ��vf�9E I et eachP I t \il I wesE onslow eLisbon RoR® 1 6 .I •\ al - TO/SAII ISLAND m I = Ke11Y 1 RocAY Point I1 - a/Su City Y • .]/\ CWIle :), . 1Q •e a.•ch Mc.n Carters • \I ampstea, QIl ' 0 t«, Af E®YM / x , �1 of loI G..k /� 5 • opsail Beach `�• Ountil j�s- % Nor.aor11.1 Nd 421 H\`—• • n V= East Arced. , EQUALS APPROX l3 MILES \ �T, rr c0 20 SCALE OF MILES ONE INCH EW INCH EW ALS AP 13 MI ES KILOMETERS 0 S 10 SCALE OF KKOMETEI S OHE KILOMETERS - 10 16 1 MILE IS CQUAL TO l.fA9 - _-._ .. -_ a A_. •— _ r 30 O 10 20 _ ._ • - - \1 - 1i9a. ,C.n.M^ I.. liy. b 111110‘110IEI♦ I]�Ili Py,,,Y Wood 1.1 1W+, - , - 41..!..svr4filiti• 1 , • iia • P sit . 111-:' c..“--4.2" Alp .. .... OA i 1 I..e..‘vg... ,,, , v c ••. t,A f .a ti.�i I.. Ss Ar. - i.* fty 11r 1► 1 BURGAW ;1:�^ VI � ^ , POe.1J]a fly • I1]G � .',• M .6 � 7.0 �•t ,- 11fl� IIT. U. • r \. L� V. _�♦ �t •tax' ti. 3u- (i: it; ;.••••CF r.•.err ; 1 �; ,1a ] ! LOU ---- .,`, �i 5T-HELENA !'�y;� ' Rooks ` ., IIP s� 7 , 1 11.1.1 ;. l o , i l� �'�' ills llJ-L 102 • L!� ? jill �1 4 iii iii, \ is M 1141. ,._..._ 9 — ri:;:amMilli �� 11raglifr \, REVISED 6-1 1-'9: 4401 ti w :• l a`�'; OF TI ff. �::,.. o c� ..:: . �M...P• N . C. DEPT . ,, d m �r•' DIVISION OF H T G I C`t., }• 7 j , it LM [•tad' ':� " r OVER CYPRESS CR G-----,ort I SC.AEE SCALE AS SHOWN �" .," 3 .Man :rLL :, O 1 01 SHEET 1 O r 3 J I AVl! a �t — r— r r� SCALE FOR ENLARGEMENTS ,I G fir•.., .z -P ' le JUN 26 L199 DIVISION OF QOASTAL MANAGEMENT �;-vo �„ Q 3 COPY - HCDOi - - )O•t-00 w i I �,1 q;oo A M. J. HUMPHREY r, IX F- 1 In :I z " U U Z s. W Z '� • Z JOE F. JOHNS• TON `w .,, A ' 0 CO ,h J r-JJJ r ,' W ...•, 2 CUTOVER/WOODS N • Z (=!I U- • RT. BOX Q U 1� H BURGAW, N. C. 3 U U p rr O N 1 a- ZU ,.0 } < "6 - :� , W CL I I RIP RAP p ,-; = ��^d U W � WOODS 1 U) „ V) I U , U '>-` W � OCUl� = l C� �l � . . ' UGC GG - �' L ~ c� f... a� -- / EX.TOE OF FI no /� .)/ ((I. - - - _ - - - - -- -- - TO S _-1 ':' iit . TOE FILL oQ0 R/W �_ _ — — — gib E N. C. JJ El 4 { { - _ - - - - _ - - - - - �;W — — N __ TO N. C. it - --- � . _ 1_ _ - L —{ —b- U—s—_ EX.TOE OF FILL -_ i o G _ __ _ _ — - - EX. TOE OF FILL �°°C �\ A___, O `-iaC'C� r' l.• `) �.3C,:3 1 L `-• `V 1 l' ) M J. HUMPHREY �� ;:J I BOX <GSi� ! :, RT. ' 1 WOODS I .Y / BURGAW, N. C. z w a mDENOTE: SESO HIGHROUND EXCAVATION m ' W ----- E RUCTURE JOHNSTON ~ -- GROUND STRUCTURE JOAB F. Q RT.2 BOX ���t:. BURGAW, N. C. e i� • (!7 N CO NcooT STA. 10 47 • COPY - 1435 1C45, 1@G5 CORED SLAB ;� I S = U —. CR. EL. 501, :131 E— LD � . CR. GR. } •—+ J J Z SKEW 90 __ — --_____Z_ p' W = GR. 0. 0% — DESIGN CIO Z CO O --� �` �' SOYR. 1-4 W CO I Cr, jW t- U n CP O soo NG• RT• as Q J - - - - _ _ _ - ' a- Z U I� R? o I' \ � �o.s�_ W D _� l I \ 'r W \ \ \ , / II CL II RIP RAP • ?—I CD JW RIP RAP UHW � ] UZ CL II PROPOSED PIERS z IZ . .i HIGH GROUND EXCAVATION- I DENOTE: EXIT. STRUCTURE EXIST. PIERS 1 I PROP. STRUCTURE SCALE: g}00 0 - in1" =10 VERT. 1 1 �00 >- - Li• EXISTING ROADWAY SECTION o 0 cn PROPOSED BRIDGE DECK ,i U W Z O EMBANKMENT Q Z O Z EXIST. r _ �G'0 O ? U Q _ � Z3tT > 00 / Z = • 3 x .c o• 0 O 1-1-1W.S EL• 494.2 �J ' - f.- 3 U- a �� � / �O 3 0 � } O -- �' JWJO Z W tm `-. cc y90 _ > Q � __I ¢ • _ L.L. W W Q = goo �� Rr