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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 101-82 Hwy 132 Smith Creek w.ww�.wlR.*v+v+�4+v�vwwvKv�w wvRwwwwwwwwwww I %. - - ' Permit Class Permit Number ' New STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 101-82 Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Pa:e .£ 2 and Coastal Resources Commission REcEIC TED jtrmtt for AUG 30 198a ' X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 g nExcavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to NC Department of Transportation, Div. of Highways, P.O. Box 25201, Raleigh, NC New Hanover Smith Creek (at Highway 132 27611 ' • authorizing development in County at g Y ' crossing) as requested in the permittee's application dated 3/25/81 including • attached plats, sheets 1-12 of 12 dated rev. 10/27/81 / This permit,issued on August 23, 1982 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions _r t ',ores set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine,imprisonment or civil action;or may cause tic permit to be null and void. ' (1) 'Overburden material from road right—of—way and borrow area must be placed and retained on highground. (2) The side slopes of all fill in the wetland areas must be maintained at 2:1 in order to minimize encroachment. ' (3) All new water courses must be completed and stabilized prior to diverting the ' ' flow from the natural stream. ' (4) All culverts must be designed to accommodate at least the 100 year storm ' ' with whatever excess capacity is required to prevent upstream flooding in ' ' excess of one (1) foot. ' (5) The median width must not exceed 48 feet between lanes in wetland crossing in ' ' order to reduce habitat loss. (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) ' This permit action may be appealed by the permittee Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DNRCD and ' ' or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. / / -issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work ' • initiation or continuance,as the case may be. ' This permit must be accessible on-site to Department 4 - , personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Kenneth D. Stewart, Director Any maintenance work or project modification Office of Coastal Management ' ,• not covered hereunder requires further Departmental , approval. ' All work must cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. ' December 31, 1985 in issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina • agrees that your project is consistent with the North , Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permittee , NC Dept. of Transjortation Permit No. 101-82 Div. of Highways Page 2 of 2 Additional Conditions (6) Wetlands within the interchange loop will remain in a natural state and be connected to surface drainage of Smith Creek. NOTE: The Office of Coastal Management supports the present mitigation plan which involves purchase of the borrow area tract with subsequent transfer of title to said land to a public institution for management and study. NOTE: A Section 401 Water Quality Certification has been issued for this project. OFFICE OF ,, North Carolina Department of Natural COASTAL MANAGEMENT Kenneth D. Stewart (Tr Resources &Community Development Director Box 27687, Raleigh,N.C. 27611 James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary Telephone 919/733-2293 March 31, 1981 1REC1VED Mr. Kenneth D. Stewart, Director MAr 4 Office of Coastal Management Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 !LI..). ----------\ Dear Mr. Stewart: The attached copy of an application submitted by: DOT—Division of Highways Applicant's Name Smith Creek New Hanover Location of Project County X for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit. . . for a CAMA major development permit (only). . . . . . is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than April 14, 1981 . Awl, w Sincerely, C�3 o R. Parker, Jr. Per it Coordinator JRP:ap:812 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer kJ (A) This agency interposes no objection to the proposed work. (B) Dredge and/or Fill. This agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that there will be one or more adverse effects as covered in G. S. 113-229 (e) 1-5. (e) (1) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect of the proposed dredging and filling on the use of the water by the public; (e) (2) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect on the value and enjoyment of the property of any riparian owners; (e) (3) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect on public health, safety, and welfare; (e) (4) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect on the conservation of public and private water supplies; (e) (5) that there will be significant adverse effect on wildlife or fresh water, estuarine or marine fisheries; (C) CAMA Major Development. This agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that a violation would occur as covered in G.S. 113A-120 and/or 15 NCAC 7I. The following reference indicates the specific citation by which objections have been made. (D) Agency findings relating to item(s) A and/or B and/or C are hereby detailed. ci-A:c c cQ (E) Comments are submitted that do not directly relate to item B and/or C but are relevant to the public interest. (These comments will be forwarded by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development to appropriate State or Federal agencies) . ).Sk signed LI -3d-bI date i 11 l'I cl: uh' coA!i'I AI. HANAI;I:rI1.N I I•'ll•'.I.l) 1NVI:S'I'lt%Al' IuN ItF1'ultl I Al 1, l i.:out ' nawc _North Carolina DOT-Division_ of Highways_-__ ________ 11 . l.ocatiou of litHccI site Smith Creek _at_NC132 11 L. lnvestibat ton type: Uredbe b Ft l 1N° __-- CANA (Only) IV. Investigative procedure: A. Date(s ) tit site visit 1/20/81 4/14/81 U. Way applicant: prccut yes -- no V. Processing procedure: NOTE: outside photographic coverage Application recelved_April 1 , 1981 Office Raleigh • VI . Site description: A. Local ,Land Use Plan Wilmington-New Hanover 1. Laud classification from LUP Transitional-Conservation 2. Development constraints identified in LUP TranGirinD ideatiff.4 lane-G where a rhan level density growth is to be enro uraged and where such yrnwtb will he prni_ided with the necessary public_seryices, cQ1se vation identifies enviLnumentally .pnitiV3 or hazardous land which should be mai.stained in its natural state an&where very limited or no public services will be provided, B. AEC(s) involved: Ocean hazard _ Estuarine shoreline Coastland wetlands Public trust waters x Estuarine waters Other C. Water dependent: Yes NO x Other - D. intended use: Public x Private Commercial E. Type of waste treatment: Existing ' n/a . Planned n[a F. Type of structures: Existing n/a Planned n/a G. Estimated annual erosion rate n/a Source nla VII. Habitat description (Dimensions) Area A. Vegetated wetlands:* Dredged Filled Other B . Axes Qf wetlao.11 imparted appx. 2"1 .l acrec Total fill in wetlands Yde. 4 total fill below ordinary high water ap.,gx. 180 rn yds. C. Other: unclassified excavation in wet- appx. 20,500 cu. yds, lands D. Total area disturbed appx. 24,1 acres Vill . Project description -__ Applicant proposes to construct exit/access facilities to serve southern sterminus of US I-40 highway_ • FTE formation from DOT-DOH L d, L 11'11,211 - The project will be located within the vicinity of the Smith Creek crossing of NC 132 and the intersections of SR 2048 and SR 1327 with NC 132. Smith Creek has been channelized on both the upstream and downstream portions (of NC 132) . The wetlands associated with the donwstream segment have been cut over to the point that only a limited amount of original vegetation is defineable. How- ever, the wetland associated with the upstream portion is fairly typical of overflow situations (maple , gum, scattered cypress, etc) . It also appears that the impacts of the channelization on this wetland have thus far been minimal. The applicant proposes to place fill in these wetland areas, to fill the existing Smith Creek stream bed and to re-channelize Smith Creek to the east of its present course by the excavation of a new stream bed. The approximate dimensions of the entire wetland fill will be approximately 3000' x 400' x 8' depth. The applicant estimates that this activity will impact approximately 24.1 acres of wetland. The dimensions of the Smith Creek portion of the fill are approximately 2300' x 30' x 8' depth. The re-channelized portion excavated will be approximately 2700' x 50' to approximately Elv. 5.5' MSL. Four sets of 3 10 x 11' RC box culverts will be used to pass under the road system. Again Section VII gives applicants figures for fill and excavation anticipated for project. X. Anticipated impacts, - This portion of 'Smith Creek is above that area of marine resources use as' determined by sampling activity. The wetland downstream of NC 132 has been so drastically altered that no significant impacts are anticipated from any filling activity. The wetland habitat upstream is much less disturbed and functions more nearly as a typical overflow forest wetland. The absence of marsh vegetation and the inland waters classification of Smith Creek nega.clies the requirement for a dredge and fill permit, The conservation classification of Smith Creek refers to the 100 year flood level as well as any wetland vegetation existing on the property. Due to the distance inland of the action in our opinion the loss of wetland is not inconsistent with the land use plan provided that provisions are made to ensure the passage of a 100 year sotrm and also maximum slope construction techniques are utilized. Suhi t tcd by C , Robert Stroud, Jr. - _ Or t ire Wilmington_ w DIAtu 4/29/81 • Re: Application for State Permit - DOT-DOH 1 . That all culverts be designed in order to accommodate at least the 100 year storm with whatever excess capacity is required to prevent upstream flood in excess of 1 foot. 2. That all median width not exceed 48 feet between lanes in order to reduce the amount of wetlands disturbance the amount of wildlife habitat lost to right- of-way, and in order to reduce the initial construction cost and subsequent maintenance costs. 3. That all new water courses be completed and stabilized prior to diverting the flow from the natural stream. 4. That the slopes of all fill in the wetland be maintained at 2: 1 in order to minimize encroachment. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (GS 146-12) Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Corps of Engineers,Wilmington District (GS 113-229,143.215.3(a)(1), 143-215.3(c),113A-118 (33 CFR 209.320-329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable,so indicate by placing N/A in blank. I. Applicant Information Attention: Mr. C. R. Edgerton, PE, Manager of Technical Services A. NameN. C. Department of Transportation-Division of Highways Last First Middle B. Address P. 0. Box 25201 Street, P.O. Box or Route Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 ()19) 733-3524 City or Town State Zip Code Phone II. Location of Proposed Project: A. County New Hanover B. 1. City, town,community or landmark Wilmington 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes—No No x C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Smith Creek III. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. fill area X length 3000' ,width 400' depth 8' 4. Other length width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length NA Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 2. Type of material _ E. 1-ill material to be placed below MHW(see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards 20,500 2. '1 ype of material Earth IV. Land Type,Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does :he area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes x No B. Doec the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location On highway right—of—way 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? Yes D. I ill material source if fill is to be trucked in Borrow pits and excavation quantities from highway cut sections E. How will excavated material he entrapped and erosion controlled? Silt fences, silt ditches, silt basins, and establishing vegetation on fill slopes F. Type of equipment to he used Highway construction equipment G. Will marshland he crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes,explain No, access to sties will be from present highways NC 132, SR 2048, and SR 1327 • Da I-•81 Rev. 10/78 • V. Intended Use of Project Area(Describe) A. 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Public Highway s B. 1. Lot size(s) 2. Elevation of lots) above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Planned B. Describe 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes x No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Highway runoff 3. Location of discharge Surface runoff from highway and discharge from roadway ditches VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion(if known):to Smith Creek NA VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: SAWC080-N-071-000185 IX. Length of time required to complete project: 2 years X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only)or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property.OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8Y2 X 11"white paper(see instruction booklet for I i details). Note: Original drawings preferred•only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication(G.S. 113-229 (d))Enter date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. See sheet 12 of 12 of permit drawings XI. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolinats approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. E� XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this appli. cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction,excavation,filling,and land clearing. DATE 3-25-81 _ • Applicant's Signature Mina- of Technical Services Dui F-82 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rev. 10/78 1 __ . I.It, ii* .5,,,, . . 1,1 ...." 'N.„,,..,A ,. is-4 ' , • i ari i • AI - WV, r""Par" . w ' - i ,�, P i 1• s 1'N ` `v' 1 • PERMIT LOCATION , WA "'t 1175 iniiiesi9CA�E IN MILES "'l 1 1 0 1 2 VICINITY MAP FROM N.C. DEPT OF TRAMS. OOl1NTY MAP PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. I32 AT SMITH CREEK NEAR WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY APPLICATION BY: NORTH CAROLINA DERARTMENY OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED 21.21 ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED PURPOSE. PUBLIC HIGHWAY 463,600 CY. TOTAL FILL IN WETLANDS DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL 13,000 C.Y. TOTAL FILL BELOW `:• ORDINARY HIGH WATER DATE 2-11-81 REVISION NO. 1 3- 7-81 REVISION NO. -27-81 12,900 C.Y UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION PROJECT NO. •.1223327 —' IN WETLAND 1 RI TAL SCA E _H42, 200' 100' 01 100' 200' p C—.....mme----- f' i FILL IN WETLANDS c 145 - ?:*%:::40: FILL SELOW ORDINARY HIGH EDGE OF WETLANDS WATER \-,' -,` CONST LIMIT cy I j3 UNCLASSIFIED EXC*/AT10N Cj IN WETLANDS c 22 I•- PROPERTY OWNER �� / C- WY cn i,t•: a RAMP B—R -� p MIME MIE REAVES TODD �\ ; ` !- DATUM k,����, :......_..:H . .. �_. U MEAN SEA LEVEL ,___�\ 2,000 1 F; 0 PURPOSE D \_--$�-� i! i; MKT I OF a., 1 - . .1 \ \ --�-- MVO* SMITH CHEEK MT -----‘"142.11°° CD ,.' // /pd re ./gyp .�..e... r CONNT. LIMITS �i'' ,ig) , , ,-----,- , 'Ilr ii • 4/�4 % /,�/ z al .) I > 11 . , / P La lei iiil. z 24 -- 3 U - �� -f 1,11) //.© ___.- r///// COlAST.. UMITS 1 `)�I143 i /' 1 / 0.- O \ EXISTING 7......._ �j� // ,/, e/ •••-•"'. i 1 :-.--- .."------------1-''. .. ".---------"---------- 1.--11---;CC) li CONST. LIMiT3 EXISTING ROW PROPERTY OWNERS D145 MITTIE REAVES TODD D 14T T.C. MUNN HIM PROPOSED X-30 AND NC 132 DI4S HOMER CHESTNUT AT SMITH CREEK 0I411 A WALTER T. I4OLLIGAY NEAR WILMINGTON,N.C. NEW HANOVER Co. DATUM APPLICATION BY, N.C. DEPARTIAFAAT OF MEAN SEA LEVEL TRANSPORTATION PURPOSE FEDERAL FUNDS TO RE USED p PUBLIC HIGHWAYGATE,t-I I-SI SHEET 2 OF M. MaFECT NO. 11.1tt3>!MT E=IFILL MI WETLANDS HON ONTA DRAINAGE AREA 8.98 S.M. 3- II,a1dRC SOX CULVERT OONKT. UNIT • EDGE OF WETLANDS / � OF WERMMI• .. -(4\%'%''' . . e . i . „ : .. ,,, , . .. o s . ", • / . Its.11,44p,.... e 0 . • 2 , t \TJN.� HiCI1tFLYOVER �\\ CONST. LIMIT 0 'E .......:*1.11!, ,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -- '- - ": iiimmie `CO' RELOC CHANNEL `_ " , WET . EXISTING CHANNEL CONST. LIMIT '• -' -- am . ii . ......... . { : . � .` . fi Cr%' '• :::a : 43— c — -- — -----\ • MCP _ — PR(blR1v EX w �t '4774_ G i I- -- M' . I e N13�7- �` . �ED� OF WETLANDS I i t O _ -101 -- _- ---- . - 1=t t-_ 1- --------- E LOTTED DRAM i ��- --- o ---PIPE, It T 1 1 J FILL IN WETLANDS ' -� [K U•x•I FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH z= I 1 o WATER 0 42u RCP I 1 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION V E 2,341,5O0 _ ,� IN WETLANDS R-' I \1 t 1 DATUM °` R --\ 1 MEAN SEA LEVEL. --11: A�K --��F PURPOSE Ci _ _ e - PUSLHC HIGHWAYL �� �-�—' PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C.132 PROPERTY OWNERS AT SMITH CREEK D146 DANIEL W TRASK NEAR WILMINGTON, N.C. NEW H ANOVER COI D147 T C. MUNN HEIRS HORIZONTALAPPLJCATION BY' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF SCALE DI0O EMMA GORE CHHISOLM TRANSPORTATION DISI ROGARD DEVELOPMENT CORK Iiiiirl_!!itiiiirle540, FEDERAL FUNDS TO SE USED DIN ETHYL S YVONHE CLEMMONS DATE t-II-GI SHEET 3 OF 1„, DIM D.E. BROWNING ET. UX. - PROJECT NO. S.I3333tY PROPERTY OWNERS ' 0163 ETHYL• YVONNE CL LMMOIS -. . ...(1 ; I ,o ' D154 8 GRAHAM WLMJIN ET AL . • ti 0 I DI66 0.E. r1OWWING ET. UX. � CONST. LIMIT 1 ' DI64 CH LES 14. CLAY ET.U �l �_�• _ _ i i DIS7 A. H. HARRELL ET. UX. I —_... DOS N.C.DIST. COUNCIL OF THE •;�� o i I i i , AWI IMILES OF A00, INC. ' I ; DATUM RAMP . ... _�_ J it.� i ' PUFtPOSE ;;©® MEAN SEA LEVEL !C (HIGHWAY , EDGE or M'ETL.A/�pg p 'r \��- ` l' CONST.LIMIT 0 -' ---t----_,_ ''''... e- 11 /A:- -- -------.---=- - .._.,.. 3-II'x1S . . SOX CULV. Lei --(�, gar, ....___ :� I I EXISTING R/W\ - ----C T+P M�`'� ''.. cU. . , � p o-. ,. ... CM . , 1 RELOC. SMITH •' \ "\. /!. _i � EDaE_OFWETLANDS `0 3—II'x10'R.C.BOXp �1 - •cA I ° EMIT WI N.0 ISE \ -- __----- --------- f. ttir- • • eJa �+ :,a elf•, ,Y i— i / ,,' ,, iiir . I k • • ''''• may` .. , `�0.4 0/ i 7 1.. • AM/ -r" DOE-O WETL_AND1 •SMiTIy • p . s... \\ S\ . r k DONST. UMIT� � o9 I CONST. UMIT I \\ t` •'0 i iD , i * ,. • r :Pt• 42'RCP • .•Yikk / ‘.1'•:, • .. f..,-,: p0.- si Amy ' ' ww ... 11111 IF . . I ; ; coma LMMT r 1 FILL IN WETLANDS • PROPOSED X-30 AND N.C. 132 rox to FILL BELOW ORDINARW c [OK OF WETLANDS . WATER ' . AT SMITH CRE E K r 7-7-71 UNCLASSIFIED EIOCJWAT10N NEAR WILMIII010N, N.C. NEW H NOVER CO. IN WETLANDS APPLICATION SY. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF MIMI DRAINAGE DITCH HORIZONTAL i TRANSPORTATION EXCAVATION IN FEDERAL FUNDS 10 BE USED WETLANDS 2 . OMTE 2-11-E SHEET 4 OF I . PROJEC T NO. tenser • I• PROPERTY OWNERS -.,.un CNN RiIAIILA R.}fX.AY ET UK. OW A.N. NAA!!.L ET UX. • OM C NNE LI Ma! R. WC • • LATIN ql, aim OiA LEVEL e PURPOSE PUOLIC HIGHWAY ., Sri FILL IN WETLANDS Mrrk�RIRAMIARY WAN ® i+r " 'LANIED DS EXCAVATION A- yt -�=-=�_ RIOT. LAST 2 A,y--, - —EX- IIST. R/W - -— _ p mot_ � _Sr_---- -- n fir► = EXIST RAY •------------ .� --011rf_k:C. ----- ° = -.,'.e to - ___________-- a.. ; 1- . O _. 0 �. am C0111T. � 5 Or ' *'" .�! CONdT. LIMIT_____/ § z E 2,341,500 r AC CD �� EDGE OF WETLANDS - '-?��Z a-11't10'ILGSOX ax.H '1'. .. .‘" 44444 NORKINVOIN. SCALE o' 1 ' Of ► ;. u W Soo ® \ s. .. PROp0SED X—3D AND N.C. 132 • AT SMITH CREEK NEAR WN_MINS 0M, N.C. NEW IMNO>r'ER 00. APPUCAT ION SY' M.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRA ISPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO SE USED QATE 2-I I-A I SKEET S OF a PROJECT NO. S 12t332T PM.1292+00 PROFILE PROPOSED MAINLINE E. 1 FILL IN WETLANDS EL 3698 VC.■ 00't3 O0-- --60 ?•::•:•:•: FLL BELOW DIARY HIGH WATER PURPOSE, PUBLIC HIGHWAY DATUM, MEAN SEA LEVEL ® UNDERCUT 50— —30 40_ Illr PROFILE GRADE —4 . P10.13014'00 EL20.90 SO VC■500' —30 DO— ''.� /- -1 —M �- i0— -� .ti� .-J' t�f-1\ —__` - may , _ ./so \� / , ON.W. 5.3 f o BED ILLY 2. N •J� 1 1 1' 1,,L__ . L L L L 1 1 L -' 0 � 280la 54 v w tsi J ii p O c.i& 10 0 5 10 100 0 110 NO PELEV. ■ { S PERT. !CALF IN FEET iiiiiiiTiln NOSE. FE Z.SCALE ET 30— ti we PROFILE ADE to wo M {"NN H H 1= ODr 22E.... �� _4_'/ PROPOSED X-30 AMO"KC.t —.�� AT SMITH CREEK oct— SPECIAL OfTCN RIGKT-/ NEAR WILIAINST001,MC.NEW HANOVER CO. o* APPLICATION MC.DEPARTMENT Of EPL 0-i 1: 1 .�. i 1 FEDERAL FUNDS TO OE i10E& 56 83 DATE 2-11-III Dir@'T i Of Ilk PROJECT NO. D.1111111121 .1 .I a x [:( anCWi PV 1130 4r+ � 40-+0ELEY a.,6 a 2%�C.•ZOO PROFILE GRADE ! _ . ,•.. -Lti x '`- P Q -0.501E _-- .20- pp�yy�� , 11 ELE1L�0 __ ------ .10216 I. OHMf 11.4 •MP IPA .:.., BED ELEV We d ( gb 8a pi _ ti J tol _ .1 1 J. 1 1 1 -L a 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 .1 le I5 • -x 26 • M PROFILE RELOCATED SR 2048 NORIZIORIAL 20a 100' 100' 200' PROPOSED X-3D AND N:C. 13t MID FILL IN WETLANDS VERTICAL S AT SMITH CREEK ..x.mee FILL SEWN O.H.W. NEAR WI LMI NGTON,N.0 NEW HANOIIER CO. 20' la Os 10' 0' APPLICATION SY' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. FEDERAL FUNDS TO SE 1MIS. PURPOSE t P J L)C' HISHWAY DATE 2.41411 SNORT T Ir * DATUM. MAN SEA LEV . PROJECT NI fa:I_SS__T I PROFILE RAMP B P L I EL 4.a 30— GRADE —30 FIR°11911-E Q N 2 �� \'\.\'C'c''"I‘'`' i --m �U� RVL •• RCUT ����. \ %. � 10-- -" •.' $,� Q UNDERCUT qi L 1 .L 1 L 1 1 ID L 1 1 1 iP GRADE s A UNDE11CUf ■B 1 � ��`Ct• � ♦1.00� —10 i IN UNDERCUT pvt lapag • . BED ELEV-4.TB ,� SPECIAL OfICUH l EfT EL L L L 1 L L 1 L L 1 L 1 y VI.G. 1 �• `• 25 if PROPOSED X-30 AMID NC.SNP AT WITR cNEEX p NEAR W?LMPNTON,NC. NM NA NO PURPOSE PUBLIC HIGHWAY C—] FILL IN WETLANDS APPLICATION BY' N.C.DEP�ARTI OF VERT SCALE IN T TRANSPORTATION ® UNDERCUT •r II s :• FEDERAL FUNDS 10 BE WED .�... Sx: DATUM MEAN SEA LEVEL ® FILL BELOW O.H.W. •-.► .SCALE N -4 DATE= 2-11-III MEET i if r. PROJECT NO. &SOW PROFILE LOOP 'D. -4C • PIA.6+00 -30 30-r Ek; PROFILE MADE N. I3+25 *E. J .. ------ --v \'ERR :t.: \ \\ 0.1014.S UNDERCUT \ pLO 1 1 .l 1 1 1 1 1 .L.. 1 Z 1 -L. . 10 10 ao PROFILE RAMP 'D' d11+00 EL.11.04 4+00 VC'4OOP OINK EL. EL-i•.CM KC.■200. �\ MOM••IP We ‘ / \\ ' o \\ ..�. 10- `� \ II r�"��.✓�f ..�. N��� \\\\\\\\\ \\\ \'l�\\.N\\\\ f UNDERCUT2E OHM-u� \\\\\\ w l t •. UIODtCUT O L J. J.. 4 J. L • 1 t J. J. 1 1 J. 1 1 J� 0 5 10 §i PVLI9•50 CUIC 10 0 f 10 • N 1! PROFILE EL14.28,vC.•■250 -20 `p 20- GRADE 1O x V R M"- on \ -to •IIO1ii FILL IN NETLsoS S PROPOSED X—� AIA ice. ;..xd FILL BELOW/ IMI.11 AT IMAITN CREW UNDERCUT ;.. UN ERCUT NEAR 11111LAMISTOK MC.NEW IMINOMM OIL 0` J. • y 1 -I 0 APPLICATION WE MO.SEPINVTIMNIT Of IT 21 TIMNISPONMENNIL 'IMPOSE: PUSUC NIONSW FEDERAL RONS TO SE M EMI DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL DMI i-O-I SIFT • • IEL PROJECT NO. 11.1111.11111 i r • t i 4 PROFILE N.B.N.C. I32 1 50- _5 .1 PROFILE GRADE * . - .o .A d° R1L s+19 • SO- EL. 16.12 - 30 VC.-SOO' to- �t �\�\\ \\\\�\�� � �\ . ���\���\\\N�. \, -n UNOOICUT L 1 1 1 J. \ J. 1 1 l A. 1 A. 1 1 1 J o PV L I5.p) 5 QQ 10 ISYC. COI Z p FILL N 11t'TL111811 ® UNDERCUT '.M- ^y_ PURPOSE PUIRJC NISN l00 0 10 100 40,,. DATUM MEAN SEA LEVEL 30 \--1:74 140I6117V51181CALE T PROPOSED X- AND N.C.�t Io 0 s i o AT SMITH CREEK INOMMienSIS VERT. SCALE IN FEET DEAR 'NEWIiM10MER CO to.. /� APPLICATION NY:*IC./OMRTINEIR SF / TRANSPORTATIOII. . ' \ - FEDERAL FUNDS 1U III OMB. V UNDERCUT DATE 2-II-IN MIT le IP "IL SPEC/AL DITCH LEF"T 20 PROJECT NO. &s 'r 1233.96 -L- MED.. POS 7422.15 i RAMP'D4. POT RELOC.CHANNEL , POT 14.99.96 c. RELOC-CHANNEL - 30 3D - 1 -, 110 - I ____-- -- --'��' ✓ 0 1 I I ESNGN WE 13lf6 r .\ �� -DESIGN 1= 14.ID 100 YR.ME 13.00 10 - i \\\ �FLOW - 10 . OHW 4 3 \�\\\� \\\- s •�`� \\�\\ ::�;:; : •: ':....:•1:• +O.1311. 0- ::~: 8E� 11EV.l63 :.. ••f• ..: D••ELEV 2.12 MIME MANE - 0 L 1 1 J. 1 1 1 1 1 2 J_ 1 A. 1- J 10 I 50 Is il r • .M F,1� • • • ,-ap '* Iti s -90 I i DESIGN HIE 15.33- 10 i •c-- „ IGI Ni.M \� -10\�\ \ \ � � \ ��` cam\ __----- --- PROFILE 404EIE ED ELEV. llr - 0 • D ELEY 3.09 -O L A. A. 1 1 A. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J. - l JL 1 J ES 30 35 ~ NOTE, THE BED ELEVATIONS OF THE PROFILE RELOCATED SMITH CREEK romPosto sox c1N1 Vlrrs A11E ONE FOOT BE3.0W THE STIMAM BED ELEVATIONS. 100 0 100 PROPOSER x-* MIS 1Lc. lit io FILL IN WETLANDS `oRZ scALE PI FILLSMITH CAM ® FILL. BELOW 0.14.W. NEMA WIIJNIStlrIII, C.NM I A tOV!# CO, MO UNCLASSIFIED EXCA NT10N IN WETLANDS TRAICATIW EC. T!lELIR OF f WM YEPT. SCALE IN FEET F WI IS PURPOSE: PUBLIC HIGHWAY ONITIE 11141 SORT it v I - OKTUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL MST NO. E1.11MIMP TyCA,i fr L SECTIONS I wr EP EP 4 1 t ti• 2 ----.__ 1 0.O2Y1-•- . 7:LL L'3.72TI:33 AAC:30 C77.C3FICATION _FILL:12/ 1(1_,MEET__INTG_ AASHO SPEOFICA _....._a 1=42i— NW. , I EXISTING GROUP1D--/ 1 ENISTI3.33 C730..0) TYTTAL SECTION X-3D TYPICAL SECTION RAMP S i I i 1 i . I 1- id II 1 . E.P IP!. I 1:,^7337.3 1 12' .1 ,- --t-........ VA.7.3ES 1 14' Tit tell Id 4 I L 'MEETING AMMO SPECIPICIII li . FILL V.,...":"ETZ11.3 AASHO SPECIFICATION .,......... ..."VA4 r mtra Imo- 111111111" —my-,'7'0 CD EXISTING GNININD-r- - PFCTION RAMP Di LOOP D' AND NI NC 132 , .... _ CLASS II RIP RAP TO 2 1 i--0,92% -1 0.02V.-s- - i t—* PROPOSED X-30 AND N.C.122 EXISTING MOUND 3.0 ABOVE BED ELEV. I FLL IC.ETING &USD SPECIFICATION • AT Sli.11H elorinc •:::::7:::: ....,.:;-: . - - TION :1: 1LeC. PGINIMIL 01111.1111 IP OE Mb ......... ..... •....,... Mita i 9 RIM.... .1 • .-, ,. 7 • / -1.1. '''\ ---, , / , ),._/ ..\ ki.c; 7):\s/..\, 1-. 'or .. c_ , hi s 441 \4- ,i1 �.. r' ice " l - ' k; // . ----- A.,.' . th \\ 4 1 _ \ \ r . , . . .. RMIT Llx ATIUN- -- _.. I 4. " `-" W 0 1 2 VICINITY MAP n FHOM NC OF I` OF 1 HANS CO INTY MAP 1 PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 AT SMITH CREEK \., NEAR WILb11NSTON, NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY APPLICATION 9Y I NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT Of TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED 24.1 ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED PURPOSE. PUBLIC HIGHWAY 329,500 CY TOTAL FILL IN WETLAN(A DATUM MEAN •SEA LEVEL 1 ,800 C Y TOTAL FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH WATER DATE 2-11-81 REVISED 3-17 81 20,500 CY UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION JI PIIOJF(T NO • 1225327 IN WETLANDS HORIZONTAL SCALE \ j-`}—,/•L .. -— — I' y., �r EXIST SMITH ClR E�__ I r' 1 FILL IN WE TLANDS ri Ir. ti..9 FH1. BELOW ORDINARY HIGH �_1••. -EDGE OF WETLAND waTER E2. yA•_ •- tv C:_'..__J UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION .:. IN W1TLANOS i '.i.;:1 w PROPERTY OWNERS • N. r CONL•T I IMII•- fr• j •�N�� 0147 T C MJNN HEIRS ? c- rF I \.1 - OM5 MITTIE REAvES TODD a ._ c ,kY ' T. DATUM t u MEAN SEA LEVEL ' 's4'HCP \14 .ti,� i I 7J Q �� ,' j • CONST /LIMIT-T PURPOSE PUBLIC HIGHWAY / le.. S►4}T I OF 12 11‘. _.__....»...._...... 3- II' IdR C BOX CULVERT / (roar LIMIT / � l f- /ili )-____,(• L..),/ (-\\, . -41. ® - ; - /f6f,4:6•........1., -+ I •r `ti• it,..• j •• _1!*MP :.e o H I ,\`. • EDGE ar wt TL,M, 00 w ` Y D M• NC Iu FLY(NER �,.1, • t �[ CONST LIM,1 IDj -- `\ `?, 1 �`� p `�� :t . `'EDGE OF WETLANCS 44 IIEI:CT OC CNANNlL ^ Q ` .�I, Etll TINQ C'MANNEL CCwBT LIMIT V .,1,�,�,,;�...+A 1•'"4-• . I , —EWEOFF. Tl -. pp Z 7 E L Mf0 -I1•S —� _ ' I = Ex�TIlIG _�r �S"f, 111��� H „�� ��yr�_ EXISTING A/W cull ,K. 0 .. ..... •_._ _ � � 2�RGP I�I y F "-_'. FILL IN J/E iLANUS r` 1 vS'T:`:•a1 FILL BfLOW ORDINARY HIGH / Q\ 1�i 4,,RCI: WATER . .a UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION f 2,54I, OO � _) r.L«i4lr A 'A IN WETLANDS I N ...1 , I li N I I I ` DATUM y k - I \ , , . . I I ' ASEAN SEA LEVEL I 1 1 1 I .PURPOSE 1 ‘ • N P(Mr.IC NG)IwAY • t PROPOSED X-3f) AN( N C 132 PROPERTY OWNERS L A1• SMITH CREEK 01A• UANIEL W TRASK NEAR WII.MINGTONI, N C NEW HA.NO%tM CIi D1q TC. MUNN HEIRS APPLKATIUN NY N C. E)E PAR TMLNI OF HORIZONTAL. SCA,f TRAN'iPORfAi1gN 0100 EMMA GORE CHISOLM 0151 ROSARO DEVELOPMENT CORP OOr Fft•ERAL FUNDS 10 if. USED 016S ETHYL a YVONNE CLEMMON! DATE. 2 I.-HI SriEET 2 Di I? 0166 0 E BROWNING ET UX PROJEC1 N,I a 122'3327 e • ' dr . • • *MI, l 6 PROPERT OWNERS , DI53 ETHYL & YVONNE CL.I.m1AUNS isi ill: 47 0154 $ GRAHAM NIUIURN '1 0155 0 E ONOWNING ET UX COAST LIMIT•— • --Apt I ii; I ci ;. 0156 CNAPLES R CLAY ET OA ' / I i ... - -:.1 *.-...".,I., 0137 A II HARRELL ET UX DOS NC oisr COUNCIL Oe IKE I k Ali :;" I 'ill/ !I AMUR FES OF GOO, INC • i 1• 1, 0 _- -.. s r."4•••i•k•' -_CT-7P. - i :i'/I I/ i'i DATUM • Ak _ ,.._._•._,.•-r._j-:_ ;' •••:" / 1• i - ,1 f::.:31e- ME AN SEA L EVEL • e _ :: -- ' , ' - ; I ) PURPOSE _ -- --•- • , PUTIL IC 1 . - HIGHWAY ,II --...s.„. I l l': -'. 7 CONST LIMEY - - (A)-1"-.-•...„.......,.......(st-—--(. 1E DC E Of Vd!W ,,,,rej..iY `... ‘1........:---... ,-.,..;....,..z,''... .:. ....... ( ---- .-#\-- x 10 II 7•X CULV '' -- .--- 0 • ._ .- •••., . '-" - - . • •' %N. ' ., •.., _:,:• 'i W 0,1 ...Wwyck . 4 . 11111 Ill-10 a(1', ,/ ,i RP=. IIMITll Milt-- ....=- ._.1.• X CuLV / , , ........ „ .,,,,x ci XI •••' ::1/41004, / ir ' - -- - .. Ss .n. \• 3-1 1'10'111C.BO> \-•,, • . ii -- , la EXIST INS N C 132 - Q v 14 - .41;!) - .lt:-,,.;.. ., _ _ - T :ri—ExiSING R/W -:---- _ _.aa ' •' • --''si• vis ill. ..,. -ma Oa 4II6riiigrmilb"Ner" v.s .... -- '-•• • •' FN.. ........__..—— •6. 1.4. ,i, 41 '4' At;;;2• 74t 1 (i 1 , A , il ' ".'.. . itimi i-L- 11ALCI -- ' 1 1, p f 2." 7.--.4•4 . . — , —7'- - 'MO ; I Ili ----- X rir\e,#: .1 44!, - - 41- : i' 'a,I,. 41.... :I: 0 -•Az ."! °A. '•1,... ,..•. •••-•1 1.-41 ,' ' '' 0 °/.4(/ ‘‘' ' '•••in;'' ' et's. ..04 -IOW Of VIIITUAIOL3611141. II', ....\\1 ' ,.' / NI s c,.s. •c( s, -_ ' \ - / :IN sl, . '• ''\'. s'-‘ CON:T LIMIT. / .,, PPP 4IP \-- COW$T UT ---- ---.....,,...(91137 '•...La .464 ... --......,_,_ .44....r„..... ..--*: 3. . . I, i• ..". . . _ .. ---.. - ----- • _so7ckse__ It „ ..._ . .. ....., --.__.. — . .. . . -- _ .. :11.:7":Zralkt ) ''.*"":•--. -.. ... , „ ...---- 117.--1 ) k-........ • ") ry ____ coNsT L.,, 1 FILL IN-WEIL MOS / PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 'Z'Z'S Fl L L NCLOW ORLI NARY NI 14E kc--. E OW Or WTI_ANDO WATUI it.\ AT SMITH CREEK --.7 uNct.31..ssistio ExcA/Anom NC HORiZOP•ria. SCALE . NEAR 441 R._M .-;TON, NC NVI E NAHOVE R C IN WETLANDS O APPL ICAT A Av BY N C DEP ME ARTNT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL I UN OS TO NE USED 201111119r111111/11111" . DAM 2-II-111 SKEET 5 Of 12 PROJECT NO 8 1223321 .1.;•.t.i.Alit., .. --------.--- <y-r/ I PR<�1'tHT OWNERS 99ti R / _��� i 0156 C►tANLE L II CLAY ET UX fff� I\'‘ f D;E7 C M HARRELL ET UX. \ /' DM EDDIE' LEANS ET UX. k. 3 E y-tf c� DATUM '�`•�.•i.,/, MEAN SEA LEVEL ( p PIJRPOSE 11q r'uLt.:' HP•MYMY • C • Ios L ._ I FILL IN WETLANDS I CEML'ERY! C.!;!":1 FILL REIOW ORDINARY HIGH WATER r �lti_-.t.►L-L.,i truer t. .-1 LOCI-AS.IFIF.G € CA TWN IN WETLANDS _ C(\ ODN'1 LIMIT Fr) ��- -•-� - . _ / AA Z ♦- ti EXIST R/W / _ — 4. _ /EXIST. R/W-� -.._..... - . . -1 EXIST !NC IS2 i .... LIMIT-1 , w ..� > • / UAL Of WETLANDS 1° �/� 4 -•�, / \.hL\ F --OONST LIMIT- •• / / ,179 i.ea C BOX CUI.V i E / 1``AL..% .` \ / �Y M 'N UH11� 14L `iC-ALE • }/ 200' I0.0' 0' iOd ?W cr""1-......1,,,q1 ,;:x., , \ PROPOSED X-3U AND N.C. 132 AT SMITH -CREEK \ NEAR WILMINI:TON. N C NEW HANOvE:R C I APPLICATION SY N C DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO SE USED DATE 2-11-RI SHEET 4 OF 12 PRDJECT NO •1223327 1.1i1/ENIiUr nelz92•-oo PROFILE PrcGPOSED MAINLINE _= FILL IN WETLANDS c=a4o911o' —so GO— PuRFOSE PU IC Nu•DicA1 iALL. 61ElDM Ofi0f1.AA7 /MGi/ tMATEII DATUM - MEAN SEA LE L____3 UNCLASSWILD E7GVATWN SO— MI WETLANDS . ' -----' l PROF IL[ 6RARE _aO 30 , r. P Vr• C3•SOO —x DESIGN r w 144 0$w 53 INVERT2`• 1� �4y - iN y _1 J O t2 1 1. y y 1230 Jan Ill. O li- • J t"� h xZi 30- N 10 0 D 10 i 0 o _ D. w OD `PROFILE GRADE j - �� / y�Q VENT SCALE 1N FEET HOFZ SU_E M FEET ao:--- - / -0 20% PROPOSED X-30 AND N.C. 132 AT SMITH CREEK o— ,$ WEAR MIri.MtNGTON,NC.NEW NA WW1 R CO. A?Pt.!CATION E". KC DEPAo'MEKT Of 7S IRANSPC•tTAT KA 1 - 1 - - 1 _a_ CEDER AL FUNDSTO SE USED 1 .A. 1 1 LDS WO DATE 2-11-•1 SiEET 5 OF 12 PROJECT NO • 1223327 t —_ r - F`QT 12•Q00,.1 RE:IN C(m5 T Trt TO !XIS'' GGnGE A•11` , P.1 IGNMENT ' V I'' ^TF i r.i. E LJ-.'! r = 4 Crto t m 2 A 1. m 1 t7 G••1 -.1 ), . u° O r r m ' I _ tV fj1 r�I ' m nI I t a C m I, 1 I; Ir oN _ ` F'o' 17.90,59 FBIQC 5Nct- H d POT16.4L52 il AMP n• ' ,/ PIT .52.65 77 IiirrAF H _ �r< Q 8 �Z U o' F Q .65 _ w p0(: 19.65.QQt_nl)�c • R • rq„ 3-Il'a 10rRC '1....-...�..41 POT 16.29 01 f RELOC SMITH C r iv, 60X CULVERT 1P,t h w s o' f"" $, 1 A NV z .. < r^ y .4 N ; L_ 0_ F. ri li1 KT 22•11.QI C. Sfl2P#9• A k POT 12.)1.57.5:' 'L -1 ME() 11 o L_r, ,, 0 ,1 -1 p Z y n a IP6 3 uF <m� X. jj ! .40 1 r = -1 '�� �01• 1 01 8 it _ R x F . 00• �� �11 PO$ 26•3727 i R 40C_5R 2046 a x C) POfi 14.67 b6 LOOP 0 r A Z-4 F •20 01: • _ .o Ffi� 0 42'RCP 2 D a A g ro 2 ' „a .rrOT400,50?ENO CON 'T n -TIE TO EXIST GRACE '3N AKALIONIENT o 1 1 I r � — ------- — -- --- - ------- - -- PROFILE RANT 'D' PV I 15•J(.. EL 26 '0 V C •400' -30 30- .-►ROFILE GRADE •0.40% 6 -0.1sx --.20 1 20— DEMON MN•16.21 PE CIAL DI TGN LEFTyC 'AVERT S t :� SPECIAL,DITCti LEFT- 4i f I 1 y y ' J. 1 1 1 1 y 1 1 r -L y J Q 2s JIU S a u 1 ` Q • 7 i 1 i i 1 I i 313- -30 1 PVI.26*25 EL15.51 -"- ~FTIE GRADE--,, VC-•600' __ ---- - �! 20 -0� le% ----- -20 lc — 0 S 10 .t. I --� nen ��cRT SCALE !M FEET -- ' _�� N LET -�� �- -10 00 0 30 101.. I �ia!Z t I G`L 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 JO i I 24 211 33 IORZ sc. i Al FEET . I f (-'-; nu NI WETLANCe POCPOREC X-ID MD PLC.132 FILL GELD*pO.N M AT SMITH CREEK �7 PI M IlMUS E�(irMT70M NEAR VALAMN6TON. N C.NEW 1 ANOVE R CO APPLICATION IfT AZ DEPARTMENT OF i T R ITSPOP TATION I PURPG.aE PJ8LJC PIG **Y FEDERAL FUNC. TO OE Lt2:1 t °Arm MEAN ► LEVEL DATE 2-6-• SHEET 7 Of 12 i PRO„ECT NO 61223327 II -`.' ' T: ► r -- - -- -- I P_ + Q P 'D' -40 Pkl e�oe f ao- VAC:40.: PROFILE GRADE EL •14 2T -2J ki •250 I �- ----e-�L 6 -O.56% • I -10 j - 10 - -- III 1 HIw 4F_ _ y — I J;C. i L Al 1 , 1 oL 1 _ , — — �Z 10 I PROFILE RAMP ekl n+oC I EL 21.0e �� \C •40^ APR^FILE GRADE I 1 PV_ t EL !b�? -20 VC=200' =43,y i -0 ♦4� - 1 20 t P s - -- y DESIGN C1•15 27 I o `CKw 4e ...� =- -PECIAL DITCH LEFT INVER' 10 _i_ 1 1 1 1 J i 1 y 1 1 1 1 IS I 1 _i_ 1O 0 I- 1 y 0 Y' a V J ,c 0 S In IDC D 50 100 t • EL IS-SO n PROFILE VC 04 26 2S0 20 "o w_,RZ SCALE w Fttl 2O— GRADE N_ vERE w- I e ' ^ �**--� FILL 3% wETL PROPOSED X-30 AND N.C.f32 'a :".Ofl�— n :...7 FlLL sEtow arm AT SUM CREEK ( —_� I J UMCLAS99ED E%G"TL7N NEAR wi*U/Ig6TON, hC.NEW HANOVER CO IN wETLAM06 A ,�,A7iON BY. 1lC.p[PARTldcMT OF 1 -L. -I- 0 T RAMS PORTAT CM 0 L 21 PURPOSE E max M FEDERAL Fu%05 TO SE USED IT DATu� MI. SEA LEVEL OM 2.-N-el SHEET e OF 12 PROJECT NO a 1223327 i i 1 I . PROFILE N.B.N.C.I32 j SO- - Sc •PROFILE GRADE .// 40 .J PA8-I9 EL. '6 12 /" 30 - �� � '"' % • x 1 �� I 20- I - - 1 Io- • I _ 1 y J L 1 1 1 1 1 -I. -1- 1 1 — 1 i IO s 0 1 it I I I too 0 x+ too II iiiiiiieVii SuAZ SCALE Ns FEET 1 ( 1 FILL IN WETLANDS PROPOSED X-30 AI40 N-C. I32 to o 5 .0 AT SMiTM CREEK i I L?CCLASSIF 1EC EACART.CN IMM S �.E *I FEE ►SLR WlLiitiN6T?ii,k MEW MAMOVER CO I �' A+'PLKATION 87 N.C. DEPARTIIENT Of t TRANSPORTATION I PURPOSE: P'..&JC NIGFORAY FEDERAL FUNDS TO DE USED. DATUM ME AM SEA LEVEL DATE 20-YI SHEET T 9 OF 12 I fl40-ikCT MO, 8 :22 r.27 1 L e gig- 1z l..98 86 • -L 142• i -.;EL is :,i Nr • 30 1 4 1 -20 20 - j? \-d = DESIGN �+M 14 61 i '1 J£ rGN HW 13 76 i - - 10 YR 1n► 13.00 r- Flow i:, - - T• - -I .p 13's< ONW 41. INVERT Z 5 -PW0fl F GRADE -0 I -- v _ _ tN'JERT 9 1 y y y i 25 �7(z Q D.-....1 • .5.'� I _,3,Sici. KR IE 3! 1-20 6 \ F ,.:I DESIGN MW 15 52 �\ j ` ONW'9 0 j IC r �_FL(x "�-WIVE RT 5.1 PROFILE GRADE _0 Imo { INVERT 34 y J 1 • 1 1 - 0 1 1 y 1 y- y l n 1 1 •4C y30 2S NOTE- THE INVERT ELEVATIONS OF T1+E PROFIL E oi M c AT�TI SMITH CREEK_ PROPOSED S0X CULVERTS Aft ONE MOo So ioo FOOT 8f1Dw THE STMEAM �0 ELEYAT1OM5. PROPOSED X-3D AND N-C. 132 • KIR/ 5G4E INFEET AT SNIITIi CREEK = FwL IN *ET LARDS NC PER MAkOVER Cu C:3 nt_L BELOW 0 ma NEAR 1IRL MS::TON, APPLICATION ST. KC DEPARTMENT OF UN TED E7f(,rrlTroN 5 p TRANSPORTATION FN WETLallos 1O 0 Ii FEDERAL FUNOS TO SE iS:D. vERT SCALE M FEET SI{EET IO Of 11 DATE 2-1 FeI PURPO DATUM. MEAN S M tL E V PROJECT MO. 4.4223327 --i pA7JY SEA LEVEL _r L ON :3 (of 1336 13S) 173(OMd M► LM1964 *U. LUX 3 OW 2f � 111331H6 Iti-1 I-Z ,31Vv0 �1'9 ow t3r013 y3.1b13 /41196 3if31411 1,2 341Pr S;ars Tv A 3611 1.Dr 03Sn 3F 01 SON(U 'WAX 33 I:011,12lOdsM♦kil X332:10 Hi1WS .30138 NOIi33S 1V3Idk1 !O LM3r11.1M130 3 M Aa mour.miaav ZAi, n Z v' tirti3AOM .1 A3N JM'NOIONw�Il:M avoi — J, —-------1— >i332l0 FLOWS 1V 03s 3r:JgV os �CNnc sNu.s'X3 31V0S 1dJil!!3A ON 310h of d♦a ala II s61IlJ— Z£i O N �JNd a6 X 43SCd4dd 0S SZ 0 OS s o_t ,s a 1333 NI 31VOS 1diNOZ18Of4 3 I } ti0Z !!S N011?3S `1/Oid�ll Zit ON 8N ONV 3 8001 `0 cfMIVH N^1103 8 S 7VO4dAl QNtIONe ^08LLS+x3--, —— —— ---- -- T V NOILVOUIDUS 071 S'IV 9N1133N 11'i I110I4I33d5 Oe15W fi►N133M► l�/ - ' ice_ %20O i.Z 3 1w . ? ' -., ' 71 1 - S3k17A .0' Slitd♦' j ZI 1 d3 Id3 d3 d3 • 0c-X NOI1. 3S 112.1ci 1 8 dlNttd N011J3S �V7�d.�1 -"lrc1 c 9NI_S (3 N011{r1:0:^` "w,S♦♦ 9wi33r1 "i.+„--- II 4011'104i1J3d5 OFISV♦ 90411330. 1113 -- --1I } 1 zt I LI I -,Z1+-S31!!vA-}--.Zt*:1�l l#Zs� 531evf; ,z$4 �3 c� 3 d3 I SN:G4 !03S 1d3idhl 1