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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 101-82 Modification Hwy 132 Smith Creek • ,-51 c* o o, ,.o deb: , Per.nit Class Permit Number ' / Mndif-irat-i on STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 101-82 / Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Page 1 of 2 , and Coastal Resources Commission / trinit ' for x Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 x Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 / . • Issued to NC Department of Transportation. Div. of Highways, P. O. Rox 252fl1 > Rai pi ' • authorizing development in New Hanover County at Smith Creek (at Highway 1 12 rrnssi ng) ' as requested in the permittee's application dated 3/25/81 including , attached plats, sheets 1-12 of 12 dated rec. 10/27/81 and haul road plats, sheets 1-3 , of 3 dated 9/82 , This permit,issued on November 5., 1982 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special condir, > an l ,rotes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine,imprisonment or civil action;or may cause the 1;.-rmit to be null and void. / (1) .a. Overburden mateiral from road right-of-way and borrow area must be placed / and retained on highground. / b. The temporary fill for the borrow area haul road must be placed on filter / / cloth or similar material to facilitate removal of the fill. / / / / (2) The side slopes of all fill in the wetland areas must be maintained at 2:1 , / in order to minimize encroachment. / / (3) All new water courses must be completed and stabilized prior to diverting the , / flow from the natural stream. / / / / (4) All permanent culverts must be designed to accommodate at least the 100 year / storm with whatever excess capacity is required to prevent upstream flooding / in excess of one (1) foot. / / , (5) The median width must not exceed 48 feet between lanes in wetland crossing in / (See attached sheet for additional conditions) / / / This permit action may be appealed by the permittee Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DNRCD and ' ' or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. / • issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work / • initiation or continuance,as the case may be. sic _ . :„./.._c_A....yrA.Al-_ / , This permit must be accessible on-site to Department , personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Kenneth D.Stewart,Director ' Any maintenance work or project modification Office of Coastal Management ' not covered hereunder requires further Departmental , approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. • December 19, 1985 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina / agrees that your project is consistent with the North , Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permit tee , 1VC Department of Transportation p P Permit No. 101-82 r Modification Page 2 of 2 4 O 1 1 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 9 , order to reduce habitat loss. ✓ (6) Wetlands within the interchange loop will remain in a natural state and be connected to surface drainage of Smith Creek. i NOTE: The Office of Coastal Management supports the present mitigation plan which involves pruchase of the borrow area tract with subsequent transfer ✓ of title to said land to a public institution for management and study. 9 • NOTE: A Section 401 Water Qualtiy Certification ahs been issued for this project. 1 1 1 1 , r � r S . S. S. . . . . • - • APPLICATION • FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT • Department of Administration State of North Carolina Department of the Army (GS 14612) Department of Natural Rasources and Community Development Corps of Engineers,Wilmington District (GS 113.229,143-215.3(a)(1), 143.215.3(c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 209.320-329) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable,so indicate by placing NJA in blank. I. Applicant Information Attention: Mr. C. R. Edgerton, PE, Manager of Technical Seririces A. hid,,,r N. C. Dtpa.r'trr-nt of Transportation-Division of Highways Last First Middle B. Address_ P. O. Box 25201 Street, P.O. Box or Route Raleigh, North Carolina 2 611 ;)19) 733-3524+ City or Town State lip Code Phone II. Location of Proposed Project: A. County New Hanover • B. 1. City, town,community or landmark Wilmington 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No x C. Creek, river,sound or bay upon which project is i.;k.ateu or nearest named body of water to project Smith Creek III. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project ?. New work B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length width__depth 3. Fill area X length 3000 ,width 41)0' depth 8' 4. Other length width depth C. 1. Bulkhead length NA Average distance waterward of MI IW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction(material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 2. Type of material E. Dill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards 20.500 2. I ype of material Earth IV. Land Type, Disposal Area,and Construction Equipment: A. Does :he are a to be excavated include any marshland, swamp;or other wetland? Yes x_No B. Doe the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal Area 1. Location On highway right—of—wry 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? Yes D. I ill material source if till is to be trucked in Borrow pits and excavation quantities from highwv cut l I low wd! excavated material he entrapped and sections controlled' Silt fences. silt . silt basins. a sins, ,� and establishing vegetation on fill slopes I . .1 ype of equipment to he used Highway construction equipment G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? I1 yes,explain No, access to sties will be from present highways NC 132, SR 2048, and SR 1327 t)61-Ill Rev. 10/78 V. Intended Use of Project Area(Describe) ' A.' 1. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Public 1 i_i_f sway B. 1. Lot size(s) 2. Elevation of lot(s)above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Planned B. Describe 6. Land Classification (circle one) DEVELOPED TRANSITIONAL COMMUNITY RURAL CONSERVATION OTHER (See CAMA Local Land Use Plan Synopsis) VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes X No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes X No 2. Type of discharge Highway runoff 3. Location of discharge Surface runoff from highway and discharge from roadway ditches VI I. Present rate of,,horelinc erosion (if known):10 SITU i,1 Creek k NA VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: .5AWO'O8Q—N 071-000185 IX. Length of time required to complete project: 2 years X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attach a copy of the deed (with State application only)or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property.OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8V2 X 11"white paper(see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred-only high quality copies accepted. C. A,:opy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication(G.S. 113-229 (d))Lntcr date served D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below See sheet 12 of 12 of permit drawings X.I. Certification requirement: I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolinat5 approved coastal management program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. XII. Any permit issued pursuant to this application will allow only the development described in this anon cation and plat. Applicants should therefore describe in the application and plat all anticipated devel- opment activities, including construction,excavation,filling,and land clearing. • [A1 E 3-25-81 • Applicant's Signature Plana .r of Technical Services D&F•62 SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR MAILING INSTRUCTIONS Rev. 10/78 I .,„ • e 414011111 ilih tr :11',4.-till 114614.1 4 .t linemi _ _ MC Mt ilfalh- la ,,,4.). 4* S 41:14.1,: A 4 416111116 •id. mos ik ,sc ot .,-„ ,,,, .., ,, \ P 4 \ PERM IT LOCATION 374 ii_ SCALE IN MILES 1,,.., 7.3 __ 0 I 2 VICINITY MAP FROM N.C. DEPT. OF TRANS. COUNT( MAP PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. I32 AT SMITH CREEK NEAR WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY APPLICATION BY: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED 21.21 ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED I i PURPOSE: PUBLIC HIGHWAY 463,600 CY TOTAL FILL IN WETLANDS DATUM. MEAN SEA LEVEL 13,000 C Y TOTAL FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH WATER DATE 2-11-81 REVISION NO. 1 3-17-81 REVISION NO2 10-27-81 12,900 C.Y. UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION PROJECT NO 6 1223327 IN WETLANDS HORIZONTAL SCALE -rF72:147.,s7500- 200 1067 0' 100 ..00 WETLANDS , (D---) ,, .. 011-..5 . --, -. --....• BELOW OPDINART HIGH -.:---EDG:-F OF WETLANDS WATER CON.9 I LIMIT-7 • r_:.----.7_..)UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVAI f)N :,--_ : PO i1!DIATUE'AI F:V ' r_1 ' / _....-.3., Cr?WErANDS - - -- ---S HOPERTY UWNER . _: cIi.x!1n7.,- if -__ - -:„ .L , B 14 kTTIE REAVES IC0 _ ".? . __ - . . -„_ _ i ia AN SA LiI , I1 :----_-_--- Pi.ORPOI..E CI) --- _ 81. ,- •--.,i----... .--.z 4.., -.47.__ - PUBLIf: t-4;006TY i ..;.: ---..L.:-.:...,-__.-.7.2.7._.-.....--.1 SHEET I OF M. i I ....„ EXISTING SMITH CREEK O E aim/ .. Z z 4. r r �/ i/ /., 400°66#1° zy ___________Ar "- ��� +A -- ( CONST. LIMITS /�' v -- ' • r. i i -- - �'� ' '' 04 - i EDGE OF WETLAND • - � . - �' Z A// / ' ,0)." i 14,1 p I�C' __ !/` LIfA11 _ O 2 c; /� �- w= 13"460 _____— 6._I: �_IB'RCP„'t _ o A�' —� t _ ..i .L- ;�•' = a-14st. LIMITS -- . `�' , �,/ i , . r' COl )t L1f+tl'i'S I T r RO ERTY OWNERS EXISTING R'4+r DI4t min'IE REAVE3 TODD _)i47 T C. MUNN HEIRS PROPOSED ii-3I? AND NC 132 0148 HOMER CHEST MIT AT SMITH CREEK 7:iS A WALTER T t•1Oi.L.IDA'e NEAR IAiLMlNGTUN,N.C.. NEW HANOVER Cu. LATUM UM AP PI..ICATION BY N.C. I?EPAR T hs AT OF TRANSPOJFFTATION M"C.AN SEA LEVEL FEDERAL FUNDS TO SE USED PLItPOSE TE,2--1 -al SHOT 2 OF \'� HURL IC HIGHWAY PROJEIC'f NO. 6.12233327 - _7-1'+.L IN "WETLANDS ttORiWrNTxL SCALE aXi KY/ a 100 2000 a ,.< ...,�..,1.6.,,.«.....�..,001..,.......� .fir �.. 'DRAINAGE AREA 8.98 S.M. 3- II'xI0'R.C.SOX CULVERT- 7 ccwir LIMIT- , . EDGE OF WETLANDS--N EDGE OF WETLANDS \Vs- I08 / V . 0 • : N w ,, L- --- ---- 100 2 t-- � �fI►_ i_w ..............----;____ H. ‘N,, t 4.1"1"8"1.11""."'. "P. • ' .- . .. N.•. KC. In FLYOVER 'v:; -1 , 'Nt4:` CONS T. LI MIT--N 0 W ���� RELOC. CHANNEL-- �`�"~ mmm Q w�T<4 �`' EXISTING CHANNEL— CONST. LIMIT - Nps �^•�. O '.�,• ,• .r•. .O,.'..s•�`aa• . • _.+_.. —" .r+•a;Hasa., • >; O`•w� �dJ •L--M ED. ' - ,•s-'- a- i ' , I W I =''.�fX_ - I eta-tr_ ___. ' I = -._.. ,. - �pG I32r- � ) „__: ._____,` I,'t1, -_OA--N� --EDGE OF WETLANDS t _ EX R'W _,.,..r-- - . ---- -=- - _: DRAIN ' 14I - - -PIPE -----------�-_ -RR_� ..--.------- . _ _a; --d �. $ Q E.ic.:,......-____-___.----- --7..--_.!.L. I 7------....__ I L..=_'A FILL IN WETLANDS F _ 1 y I I [¢•- FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH O�I � WATER JJ 42"RCP �_` __ 1 -:T 1 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION -- E 2,341,500 � � � • - si\i 1N 'WETLANDS ,': " ,'; 11 + l 1 AN SEA LEVEL I -"A ; l 1 1 - k.1 - \-- \ _L- PLIRPOSE � - 1 1 R,_ _ { eUEII IC HFG IWAY ! 1 -- _ _ PROPOSED X-30 AND NIC. I'1.2 PROPERTY OWNERS 1_. AT SMITH CREEK 0146 DANIEL W. TRASK NEAR WILMINGTON, N.C. NEW HANOVER CO. 0147 T C. MUNN HEIRS APPLICATION BY' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF MORO'DR TAL FC,�.`.: MOO EMMA riORE CHISOLM -- - -- . z j TRANSPORTATION D151 RODARD DEVELOPMENT CORP '..,1 FEDERAL FUNDS TO 8E USED 2 0153 ETHYL 8 YVJNNE C'.iMMONS DATE 2-11-8I SHEET 3 OF klt- D155 C E. BROWNING ET. UX. PROJECT NO 81223327 I PROPERTY OWNERS D153 ETHYL IICLE YVONNE MMONS --�1 / I i , f 1 ► DI54 B. GRAHAM HILBL ET A- '2 iI ► / I ; to !I D166 D.E. OROWNING ET UX. CONST. LIMIT , I _ J DHSS CHARLES R. CLAY ET.UX. •••• ' `,I - __1 i 0I57 A. H. HARRELL ET UX. '� r i ; '' 1 ,+ D168 N.C.DIST. COUNCIL OF THE �� // i Q ASSEMBLES OF GOO, INC. .'------ -s ' i i I+;o DATUM -.. ', + p MEAN SEA LEVEL MM► B �f I 1 1 ISS PURPOSE � . - �...,. I ', PUBLIC HIGHWAY ED .OF wry. Npg�� -a } I \ c `` ,' CONST.LIMIT V -i ` �3-11'xId . . BOX CUI i / ' I --( —,,.,- - : � �\ ` �� ` ! I EXISTING R/W \ -,�c r j 41/p \_,, _ l-- "'^'^�'rT XIST. 3-10'xX>' / I rt) ``''''-` ';' � • , C.BOX CULV. M / \ RELOC. SMITH a 0 9�_ `� i g`�/ ` LV • _EDGE OF WETLANDS ------ - 0 3-11'x1011.C.BOX © - -_ _ 1'ati / --_ / EXISTING N.C. 132 \ -- - -_ � �_-- -- --- 't.# '/ --- --- EX19fitNfi R/1N - - - -- --- -- 1 i�, 0/4•- D(tlil`�lYETI..ANDI ' SAWN ..-� -- .+ .• f .� t \C�iJ i^./ / /f/ � '• —CONST LiM1T1 ' - CON37. LIMIT -„._ i�T y ► •• f7-: k- :----Zt77277::::,. :•••77.--:Z. --.,"44..... ..., s'- i / • ,r ,,,,, _.__._____:________ ____,,__::.:_t.„..„;„...._,,......_____ ,._...„........ ..,„... .. _. ..., , -,... ..,:..... --;;;;;-- . '. A - - :, -(..i- -- -:--,---,,,,,,,-: .. ---ZI;;;;;;;-. i . .• •.. .: , .- . . ' �_ • f _ j�. _ I' i -- G'O ST. LIMIT--- '_-Ili -L---- 1-- ,-------•-- - ii-_ _3 FILL IN '+1 T?.ANDS i PROPOSED X-30 AND N.G. 132 I nu_. :..0% ORVINARY H1f: EDGE OF WETLANDS WATER AT SMITH CREEK jC --_:3 r.t3IFI EXCAMA.TION3 f'I NEAR WILMING'tON, N.C. NEW HANOVER CO. IN 5Vf'TLnNDS 4 ( APPLICATION BY= N.C. DEPARTMENT OF HORIZONTAL SCALE DRAINAGE111TCN ---- - TRANSPORTATION 1EYMI EXCLVPTION IN F'C+E1t�,_ FUNDS TO BE USED WETi ANDS 2IN •• __, . O, DATE 2-1 1-81 SHEE.T 4 ('V 1 . PROJECT NO. 8.122332T 1 • • ,. .. \ . • - .. • PROPERTY OWNERS • • _.-...___ DI5s WARM R.CLAY ET UX. • O87 A.N. NARRELL ET UX. DIN C ONE LEWIS ET. UX • DATUM MEAN SEA LEVEL P e PURPOSE PUBLIC HIGHWAY f ---1 I f 1 FILL IN WETLANDS •' RY 1 F11L1,L SELOW ORDINARY NIGH I WATER •� tc% UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION N WETLANDS tit_�II; r • -- - _ ---- - -----�- • O"i•i -- j LtJ Z --_--EXIST. R/W ��- --- ` - _N.4�_13 __'_' -°-,-_ _ IL 13 i _�__ -• ItSl=iii' +r+ -- , -- __ EXIST. Rvw _ __I -r'---- ---r-------- .,?) ' VI. -. --1 ---- --- ---7-- 2 ; . uurr f,' ° • , '. \\_ , '. i ---------- -1,-----;--_ i! t ,r — i / ./,/ \ ` ,' "-•OONST. LIMIT--" it `1 • +S , % j\1 / ^1 E 2,341,500 -7 EDGE OF 'NET'L.ANDS-' 0 /` -�\` 3-II'►i0'R.C.BOX 0J1_V. ', ''•.\.<1.‘ / . � • HOf21n7MTAL iaCALi: r\ r 200' 100' 0' 100r 2O0 --.1 •.,. - • / fiv1 �°Z.N. - ..'Ilk,..\ ,,. / \\)c. • • - PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 ''►,!'•�' AT SMITH CREEK l '� NEAF: WILMINGTON, N C NEW HANOVER CO r.+ � 1 APPLICATION BY' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF "` \� TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED DATE 2-11-81 SHEET b OF L'IZ, PROJECT NO. 8I223327. ,.r.,1000.0.1.1.-.-».,.a P'' `' .9`*`x: PROFILE PROPOSED MAINLINE C_J FILL ;N 41F..T1\pDS V_ =13v0 13&0 •� � ` 60-- • -e f».? nri FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH 4f:,.TER PURPOSE. PUBLIC HIGHWAY ��\ DATUM, MEAN SEA LEVEL t 1 UN)FRCUT —`- ��... _ �A --- � ,a X` '{ PROFILE iRAOE40— PVI.13014-00 EL.20.9i t .----' / , ` 8/ -1 J`' 1(Ca S00' _3 f \ / 20-- \- ' �r —2 + ' DESIGN HIV -'' kI ` _ /.'� 2 / 1C t ..; -1 }w O ..W. 5.3 ��� :,., t It Q. BED ELEV 2.It .. G- _lc _ —C 1265 1290 7 165 1 0 4 J r _. S_B.N.C.t32 "' a- ,ro "N 10 0 5 io 100 0 ea 100 LLEV.VC 1 ,,'�' YERT. SCALE fN FEET HORZ SCALE IN FEET 30-- a^i ici°t i#If PRGF LE GF SWE (4�O (;u,YN - PROPOSED X-3D AND KC 132 �a ` �0� ��I AT SMITH CREEK 3PEC!AL DITCH FIGHT--/ a NEAR WILMINGTON,NC.NEW HANOVER CO. n1u rg APPLICATION BY'.PLC.DEPARTMENT OF *era TRAIISPORTATION. C11 i J. J- .i FEDERAL FUNDS TO SS WED. 'SIt 63 DATE t-II-•1 MET • OF '{b. PROJECT NO. O.MONT . 1 g! +'. r� 4. ?I''-) XIM kX 'i sS alt„ N e�ey�'�1 J �" t�nl� J ! dk C WY I PV'i !6.00 0p1e/ t N ELEV. 40Rv * a ,- . 40 Y.^.•ZOO. C-;i' I!F OR/WE— '`I±M 01 �1 N a6: �vo 6e638533' ;,3 .N.C, SSRA RZ -....-7-. .....„441866 , , -0.50% 24 il Pvl 19.00 . . • V.C.•20O ` / ' I 1- C)J ! _-_� PV.I 27400 O It 4 H� : , ;1. ELEV. IS. c2- trlr • k OHW 6.4 C. 2O� I- ,.,•.: �~ � , BED ELEV. 3.09 a � Ib:l k.44 i ! .L 1 y __ 1 1 K tJ ! 1.• -L .1_ 1 11 L -I- - 0 I- t� m!_x 25 •1,42 ?0FI L._RE G T.El�.$Ii 2048 HORIZONTAL. SCALE 200' !Cif- 0' 100' 200 PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 rr--i F'LL IN WETLA4DS VERTICAL SCALE AT SMITH CREEK s nu_ SELow O.N.W. i -- - _ . NEAR WILMIINGTON.KC NEW HANOVER a0. 20' 10' 0' 10' 0' APPLICATION SY= N.C. DEPARTMENT OP TRANSPORTATION. FEDERAL FUNDS TO SE USED. PURPOSE: P:;euc ofetteti.Y DATE 2-041 $?I T 7 OF GILD. r4= WAN SEA LEVEL PROJECT ND S Iil33t7 IlL PROFILE RAMP B . eIcLoo VC.•408 30— i--PROFILE GRADE —� `�� ` t{?.40`It. o ' ss 2 ‘\ ....� Y t ,.-.. \\ --20 SPECIAL .... �`yyF,, D(7 H P1f 4 j +e —E.iNCERCUT ` '<• '"tr7-Trk4.,,,�.,.,.,�,...,, ��'' �� EL 22_90 10— VC._300' a 4. UNDERCUT77, R? W s QQ $IR O Y 5 30! —30 f---PROFILE GRADE • 20-* -20 DESIGN NW*Illkle .--- ammiik rif iC-- UNF2ERCtJi , OH w=g! `1 —,-t R-„t.,,�-_ ,77.�. �" ♦113". —10 to a/ _, - I ---UNDERCUT �0.50'x� : `s BI ELEy=�T8 SPECIAL DITCH LEFT PV I.28425 a EL 15.51 Clii — _._ i 1_ L c� i a_ .L 25 y 1 V �00� L ti1- onl;z? PROPOSED X-3D AND NC.132 AT SMITH CREEK q G 5 G NEAR WILMINGTON,N.C. NEW HANOVER i "" '. `•.F ' PURPOSE PUSLI:. HIGHWAY +••. - � FILL IN WETLANDS APPLICATION BY' KC.DEPARTMENT OF [... VEFlt SCALE IN FEET100 TRANSPORTATION I UNDERCUT 0 FEDERAL FUNDS 10 BE USED ii'llligiliMDATIJ MEAN SEA LEVEL FILL BELOW O.H.W. ��, 2-II-SI *err t fN: EL.H0RLZ.3C�F IN FEET PROJECT NO. t12tt33'ZT 1 i *.0.. E ..1�.3 V w.4'Y PIt01^d.E GRADE P . 13+25 EL 2 _� 2� VC.•!'SO -O.56% 4.21 ,. rJ -10 o.ts:rr.46 = 1wUNDERCUT \ G L -- -j . _ .i 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 -L I S 0 S t k PROFILE_ RAMP 'D' PV1. 11+00 EL.21.08 FL ? LE .l®0 4+c VG■4001 OFl BADE El. W VC..ZOG' -'k.•7.19G +0.439E • 20e_,_-_-___r �'-s--7-_--� i_ .,,...�....-. ;____-.--- tESIGN UV/.13.85 - ;; ► g a UND PGUT-- --1,^ ,a UNDERCUT . •-41- ELEV I. 0 � y �: -i.. 1 •1 I Q i 1 .1. J. -L S 1 0 5 10 xit 8 iU= -Y.i.13*60 L.f LS 10 0 5 10 100 0 00 IA PROFILE LL 14 2.8 2.i:- GRAr••E---\ (° S 3 VERT. SCALE I FEET N SCALE IN T NF \ N _..- ", \ ,.. *04.4— iph !�-" _I 10- [" ALL IN WETLANDS PROPOSED X-30 AND M.C.i* __ __, .. - -t o —'j,.;A.n„ FILL BELOW QH.1E AT ITH CREEK ,�_�.....y [.__UNDERCUT S UNDERCUT NEAR WILM NGTON.KC.NEW HANOVlR CO. 0` 1 .J.-.- -L -I 0 APPLICATION sr. NC.NEPMTIENT OF 1 7 21 TIONSfORTATION. Pt F`OSE: PUBLIC HIGHWAY FEDERAL FUNDS TO NE UNEN DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL WE t-D-w INERT 1 OF Ili. PROJECT NO. N. T PROFILE N.B.K.C. I32 -50 so- PROFILE GRADE .� - 40 40 - y �,� Pd6;i9 EL. - 30 30 - VC..901 -- -20 20- 1 �\ \\\\ UNDERCUT— L 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 — .L l 1 1 1 �- J 0 � �I�9o0 5 ,a 15 V.C..100C/ i C.= p-1.i !N WETLANDS L.L�23 UNOrROUT -....--- ---.<551---- 0, ---------.."'"---.....--"--- 1\ PURPOSE PUBLIC t�iliNYdCiY 100 0 90 100 DA1 UM MEAN SEA LEVEL 40•- NORZ. SCALE IN FEET PROPOSt.D X-3 AI'UD N.C. I32 to 0 5 to\--1 /;"( qT S!e3T H CREEK 1 VE T. SCALE IN FEET NEAR WILM1NGi0N,N.C.NEW NAt4 V R CC APPLICATION VW: !CC DEPARTMENT OF 20- /� T F AINSr OR''",&T`0N. -c"' ----� FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE. USED. ... \\\\\ UNDERCUT DATE 2-it-Si SHEET 10 OF 13, 1 J. i FROj;CT ;40. 8.1223327 • lECIAL DITCH LEFT 20 I POT 1233+98.85 q, -L MED.. s ;'.RS 7.2.2.i5 f. TRAMP'D'$ JPO 3'T 18+76. 7 . RELOC.CHANNEL .. PfT 14+9S.96( E"1AC.CHANNEL J - 30 / ' ..--\ I / • 2 _ / \21i ___ ?s. I _ ; 20 1, / it �fn • DESIGN H.W.13.55 DESIGN KW. 14.50 !C=)YR.HW 13.00 I I \� tc� - I .\` �: ` iI _ N • ;� ---FLOIM s. 0!iM+ 4.3 i r `, �•\ {ti N " '• '• N 0.1-3 W 5.3 j._._ ` ` ti.. v; �2Y;.. y +O.13 . aN>: 0 - s-BED FJEV.163 BED ELEV 2.12 PROFILE GRADE - 0 L_ 1 1 1 .L 1 J. J_ .L 1 .1_ J_ _L 1 1. J °U 15 20 25 gibig./64 tV tli....o.t;, dkw • 2 2 -20 .---2 / -----. 2 Ir -20 II ,. ''� ` !1 DESIGN kW 15.318 IGN 101 16.18 ' .1\--- i i . N _oHw 8_I PROFILE GRADE--' lED ELEV. 478 - 0 DFD ELEV.3.09 -0 L _L .1.. .L. ..L .... -L -L -L L. L. -L 1. 1 -L J 25 30 35 40 !NOTE, THE BED 'ELEVATIONS OF THE PROFILE RELOCATED SMITH CREEK PIV OSED PDX CJLVEFS RPE ORE FOOT 6ELOW T1'€_ 7TRE M BED ELEVATIONS. !0•. 0 50 .0c PROPOSED X-38 AND W.C. 152 r_-1 Fr1_ 1N WETLANDS F�Ck SCALE ,� FF�T AT SMITH CREEK kX. . r-L1_ BELOW O.H.W. NEAR WILMIIN ON,ItC.NEW HANOVER CO. L. ...., UNCLASSIFIED EXCA'AATION IN WETI.ANDS °p —_-q 5 ro TRANSPORTATION. INC. DEPARTMENT OF ,- ,. : FEDERAL FUNDS TO la USED. v7v F SCALE IN T [..._ PURPOSE: P'JRUC HIGHstib'° DATE 2•IFeI !MEET II OF aL DATUM: MEAN SEA !_EVEL PROJECT NO. S.f><ll &7 i TYPICAL SECTIONS 14' ry VARIG= i2.' j I?' i i 12' E'' VARIES k i i 1 '( , � l 1 �F' Ef? EP c. 2' ft- 0.0 Vis I O.92'l,_... ."\-12 le- ill i� FILL MEETING AASFIC SPEC:1FICATION 7 '---------__. _-------._-__.__ - ..._. fail kEETNG AASHO ElCFNG SP EXISTING GROUND- ERi`: GiNV 414.0UNu- TYPICAL SECTION X-3D TYPICAL SECTION RAMP B i II. € E.P I 1 EP I. 1121 - VAft1E �4� VARIES i 12 148 I't to 1 g 4 I 0.02'1, U- 2'A-- �f i, =I�.L' Iv1EEI U, AAS1-10 SPECIFICATION %\c5,11 - ILL MEETING AASHO SPECEICA i �__ _ L--EXIST'NG GROUND EXISTING G 0IAD—' TYPIC Ai. SECTION SR 2048 TYPICAL SECTION RAMP D, LOOP D'AND NB NC 132 iniiiiiii. SC E IN 1 € 50 0 25 30 :a ' I I73 s I NOTE: NO VERTICAL SCALE 1..- I ..-__.- 2 VARIES s VARIES i le , 10' EXISTING t GUr i7 �_ -C IL RIP RAP TO 2 ; o¢v, '��y PROPOSED X-30 AND N.C.132 3.0 ABOVE BED ELEV. —La FETING AASNI SPECIFICATION •• •• P 'Pic:!gg- I— �_—N�.—T ---------- ` AT SMITH CREEK 'i\ O LEYE� 11 -W E-EXISTING GROUND % NEAR WILMNG1ON N.C. NEW 2 G2 TYPICAL SECTION RELOC. SMITH CREEK TYPICAL SECTION SB NC 132 APPLICATION BY'N.C.GEPINRIIENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO OE MID D11TiW t-11-01 !MEET It IF IAA NINON III. R LIMPINIII91/ , "1ME.D. !bs i2y„tI2.5.7 4 17'4 W. 4204D ioT ?.i4 4.1 MIT TIE REAVES TODD ci �oA• MF4 JOE REAVES .itto. (PR0a a HARBOUR REALTY CO. . ��+ 1223 2� 2502 SOUTH l7mST. 0;4 WILM/ TON , N.C. 28401 '446)6r OF LyF> 41 z A. tr 0 s\ v 1--. O I. O WET LANDS vbir iL1/7 \ ,;O!,' �� C, < . A lif 2L96 C.S.P. �F4 .� ti e ..7./e' / STATE OF N.C. ::t a `, F��' . N.C. DEPT. OF TRANS. .% O 8 ,.i o ( 041/�`1' INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO. EDP 0F L .10, ' ,,,) /6 JACK VAN SURDAM 4. ' F 5041 NEW CENTRE DR S� •' SUITE 200 B9RRCW WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 • PIT �� :::striaFILL IN WET LANDS J'T e AREA =O.9 AC =-E S STATE PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 SCALE I n 200' NEW HANOVER COUNTY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROPOSED HAUL ROAD ACROSS SMITH CREEK Q� 0 100 200 400 ADDENDUM - SEPT 1982 SHEET ___ OF 3 LIMITS F W EL.30 EL. 30 ��� APPROXIMATE G ADE LINE EL. 20 .` EL. 20 —. •` :` , mot!'- A. 1.1 2@ 96'�C.SP. EL. /0 EL.l0 tv ;, 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 10 11 12 13 14 /5 /6 / 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 F i a APPROXIMATE PROFILE THROUGH WET LANDS pkiA 0, : FOR HAUL ROAD o y ,�i!1�iN FILL MAT'L BELOW 0Mitt. SCALE . I t • HORIZONTAL : I INCH=200 F T 0 6100' 400' y a VEPT/CAL . I INCH = 10 FT �"m a `1.1' mimmumme c-) 0' 5' 10' 20' i EL 20 C 8Q' RAUL MEROAt ) ±30' I 5' MIN. , I i1 5' MIN, )EL IO ) � { /I I// T1r777: 7T/9777'7l7� Tw. -,,,- :40 ` Tt i Ri i// SECTION B-B NOTE : FILL MATERIAL FOR HAUL ROAD TO BE REMOVED TO THE NATURAL GROUND ELEVATION UPON. COMPLETION - OF WORK IN BORROW PIT SCALE HORIZONTAL VERTICAL u v y Run L 1 0 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 0 5' l 0 23' 25' I INCH = 20 FEET I INCH = 10 FEET + 3 ' EL2Q II II 2 2 24 96 CS PIPES EL /Q OH w-` OR EQUIVALENT OPE G _ _ \\-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \1,STREAM BED SECTION A-A +I' \\\\\\\\\\ FILL MAT'L BELOW OHW - ± C.Y. STATE PROTECT NO. 8.1223327 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROPOSED HAUL ROAD ACROSS SMITH CREEK ADDENDUM - ;:r;YT 1982 SHEET OF ,,, . 4,t1 •Op• • i4"r"'^'\\ 1 %y .n\ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY R Vc -i.z,. .VI 3 ,tom .1 x WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS �,iii' `�jjhf P. O. BOX 1890 `i1�� k a.r �r`` WILMINGTON. NORTH C• :• W8532 V `.\off�7 :1-`P. Oa IN REPLY REFER TO SAWC081-N-065-0056 - 15 1 :1" 10 November 1982 NOV Mr. C. R. Edgerton '-.. Manager, Technical Services B N.C. Department of Transportation ;dAill A PO Box 25201 .,li0.� Raleigh, NC 27611 -in'• Dear Mr. Edgerton: Please reference the Department of the Army permit issued on 1 September 1982 and your written request of 27 September 1982 for permit modification to construct a temporary haul road across Smith Creek and adjacent wetlands to facilitate construction of an interchange that is part of the Benson to Wilmington Freeway project north of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. The permit is hereby modifie to include the work as shown on the inclosed plan. It is unde tood that all conditions of the original permit remain ap and that the expiration date is unchanged. The following additional conditions apply to this modification: a. In addition to culverting the road at Smith Creek, culverts will be placed in existing high water channels within the flood plain. b. The fill road will be constructed atop engineering fabric to eliminate any need for mucking out the construction corridor. c. Clearing within the Smith Creek flood plain will be limited to the approximate 40-foot-wide corridor to be occupied by the haul road. d. Upon completion of the work, the authorized haul road will be removed in its entirety from the wetlands of Smith Creek. e. Silt screens will be installed and maintained along the toe of the road fill to prevent the movement of materials into surrounding waters and wetlands. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: 1 Incl ROBERT K. HUGHES Plan Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer • SAWCO81-N-065-0056 10 November 1982 Mr. C. R. Edgerton Copy furnished w/Incl: Director, Atlantic Marine Center Office of Coastal Management National Ocean Survey, NOAA N.C. Department of Natural Resources ATTN: CAM04, 439 W. York Street and Community Development Norfolk, VA 23510 PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 Mr. Robert Stroud Office of Coastal Management N.C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 2 -IMfp. i 2S /2di„1/.?.52= h'A9t Kv4O 'oT ?ri /642 MIT TIE REAVES TODD �6 � M 70 JO E R EAVES ( Eq iPpo HARBOUR REALTY CO. a8�22,�3 2502 SOUTH /7niST. ►;., 2,e WILM! G TON , N.C. 2840/ <�r of .2> 1...\ 6), s -� O 1 O WET LANDS �v o 4w �' �, �i�y ,4te a g6' C.SR. 1,18,� STATE OF N.C. .'i•' c�<-\ . N.C. DEPT. OF TRANS. ,* O :4,,/�iv INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO. E D O T C , /, 96 JACK VAN SURDAM •- 5041 NEW CENTRE DR -� SUITE 200 BORROW WILMINGTON� N.C. 28403 PIT \ iv ----_____- _ .:wo �� FILL IN WET LANDS IYY O hR AREA =O.B ACRES ti STATE PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 SCALE 1200' NEW HANOVER COUNTY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ■ PRO POSED HAUL ROAD ACROSS SMITH CREB2C w i' '■ 400 ADDENDUM — SEPT 1982 SHEET J,._ OF 3 0 100 200 LIMITS OF W EL. 30 EL. 30 - 1�\. APPROXIMATE G ADE LINE EL. 20 • •\ _ EL. 20 EL.10 2@ 96h1C.SP. EL. /0 1 11 III I I I 1 1 1 1 II I 10 II 12 13 14 15 /6 17 /8 / 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 ° A APPROXIMATE PROFILE THROUGH WET LANDS 53 dog FOR HAUL ROAD 0 . c82 ;e!iR FILL MAT'L BELOW CHIP. SCALE HORIZONTAL l INCH= 200 FT ,c,%> E 1 0 56100' 200f 400 y cn VEPTICAL = / INCH = 10 FT y 0 0' 51 10' 20' EL 20 HAUL AD 1 { +30 5' 12 I7 L E10 1r �li RA ROUN _i// SECTION B B NOTE : F/L L MATERIAL FOR HAUL ROAD TO BE REMOVED TO THE NATURAL GROUND ELEVATION UPON. COMPLETION OF WORK IN BORROW PIT SCALE HORIZONTAL VERTICAL kimmai 0 /0' 20' 30' 40' 50' 0 5' 10 20' 25' I INCH = 20 FEET I INCH = IOFEET ± 3 EL20 I1- 12 - — — — r -- 7 I-_ 4--NAT AL. .622,111D 2e 96 CS PIPES EL /Q OH W- OREQUIVALENT OPE \G \%"\\\.\\\\\\\ \\\\\\Ol\\ 1-STREAM BED SECTION A-A \\\\\\\\\\ FILL MAT IL BELOW OHW- CY STATE PROTECT NO. 8.1223327 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROPOSED HAUL ROAD ACROSS SMITH CREEK ADDENDUM - S6FT 1982 SHEET OF 3 "") -") ....0 R 3 cr — 0 lai \ o 4 „..4l ��pp �I s‘togirN d -1, y, . x Nc�3: 1� c, „,..„„: 4,.. ,„ 3 * i•�`' r Z T * 137 slJr' ®'� Icy •��4 = 'ill ry6 :-, . t4c, '" <N'''''' y .F_,.. - di lg. 4,4, --J ` 1372 PI = 77Ntt11 PERMIT LOCATION , c4!-C ` a °+ KERR PIE. U7. 1175 SCALE IN MILES 073 1 o I 2 VICINITY MAP I FROM N.C. DEPT. OF TRANS. COUNTY MAP ! PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 AT SMITH CREEK ' • 1�1CQ+.F,••�' , d�,, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OitA �t 1 WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS ICIi d�i�h71 P. O. SOX 1B90 t ti;�r.; •�i J� WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402 4!r4r[$0°' IN REPL.I REFER TO SAWCO81-N-065-0056 em er 1982 • Vje Y1 8 19gL Mr. C. R. Edgerton SEA' • Division of Highways N.C. Department of Transportation . PO Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 ,► IA101 �;$ 0 Dear Mr. Edgerton: • In accordance with the'en reque t of 25 March 1981 and the ensuing administrative record ' closed is a ermit to place fill materials associated with the nstruction o a section of the Benson to Wilmington Freeway (Project X-3D) aters and wetlands of Smith Creek between Burgaw and Wilmington, Pender and New Hanover Counties, North Carolina. If any change in the authorized work is required because of unforeseen or altered conditions or for any other reason, the plans revised to show the change must be sent promptly to this office. Such action is necessary as revised plans must be reviewed and the permit modified. Please carefully read your permit. The general and special conditions are important . Your failure to comply with these conditions could result in a violation of Federal law. Certain significant general conditions require that: a. You must complete construction before 31 December 1982. • • b. You must notify this office in advance as to when you intend to commence and complete work. c . You must allow representatives from this office to make periodic visits to your worksite as" deemed necessary to assure compliance with permit plans and conditions. SAWC081-N-065-0056 1 September 1982 Mr. C. R. Edgerton The inclosed Notice of Authorization, ENG Form 4336, must be conspic- uously displayed at your worksite. Sincerely, • 2 Incl ROBERT K. HUGHES ' 1. Permit Colonel, Corps of Engineers 2. ENG Form 4336 District Engineer Copy furnished w/cy Incl 1: Copy Furnished w/cy Spec Cond & Plans: Director, Atlantic Marine Center Of ce of Coastal Management National Ocean Survey, NOAA V Department of Natural Resources ATTN: CAM04, 439 W: York Street VVVV and Community Development Norfolk, VA 23510 PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 • • • R _ • p. That if the activit. authorized herein is not started on or.before • _day of 19 31 s9 • (on/year frorn the date of issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) and is not completed on or before day of December ,19 85 , (three years from the date of issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) this permit,if not previously revoked or specifically extended,shall automatically expire p. That this permit does not authorize or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorization or approval of which may require authorization by the Congress or other agencies of the Federal Government. q. That if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized herein, unless such abandonment is part of a transfer • procedure by which the permittee is transferring his interests herein to a third party pursuant to General Condition t hereof, he must restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the District Engineer. ✓ " r. That if the recording of this permit is possible under applicable State or local law,the permittee shall take such action as may be necessary to record this permit with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official charged with the responsibility for maintaining records of title to and interests in real property. s. That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use of the activity authorized herein. t. That this permit may not be transferred to a third party without prior written notice to the District Engineer, either by the transferee's written agreement to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit or by the transferee subscribing to this permit in the space provided below and thereby agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit. In addition, if the perrittee transfers' the interests authorized herein by conveyance of realty, the deed shall reference this permit and the terms and conditions specified herein and this permit shall be recorded along with the deed with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official. r �X II. Special Conditions: (Here list conditions relating specifically to the proposed structure or work authorized by this permit): SEE THE ATTACHED SHEET. • • • • • • 1 POIMIMW SPECIAL CONDITIONS (cont'd).. 1 . Where Smith Creek is to be diverted, the new water course will be completed and stabilized prior to diverting flow from the natural stream. 2. All unsuitable materials removed from the highway alignment and the borrow pit site will be placed and retained on high ground. . 3. Side slopes of roadway fills through wetlands will be at a 2: 1 grade to minimize the amount of wetlands eliminated. 4. Wetland areas within the interchange loops will not be cleared and grubbed, but will instead be maintained in their natural state. Addition- ally, these areas will be connected to the surface drainage system of Smith Creek via culverts. _ 5. The borrow area providing fill for interchange construction will be purchased by the N.C. Department of Transportation and conveyed to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW) , for fisheries management and other studies, following completion of the construction as partial mitigation for wetlands lost. 6. The borrow pit will be located and designed according to plans entitled "Property of International Paper Company to be Purchased by the State of North Carolina, Department of Transportation, Harnett Township, New Hanover County" dated 4/21/82, and on file with the Regulatory Functions Branch, Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers. 7 . Riparian wetlands at the borrow pit site will not be cleared and grubbed, but will be maintained in their natural skate. Other aspects of the borrow pit design will be closely coordinated with officials of UNCW. \,oi. 9;00, .',Jo 0, , .. I4 � ,pgo " EVill - ; IJt Mt�S ' 71'i+*]71�' )r ` ly PERMIT LOCATION �� " C. 1771 1 KE PP A.A. ' SCALE IN MILES "7.9 "' ` 0 I 2 • VICINITY MAP FROM N.C. DEPT. OF TRANS. COUNTY MAP . PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. I32 AT SMITH CREEK NEAR WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY APPLICATION BY: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED 21.21 ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED PURPOSE' PUBLIC HIGHWAY 463,600 C.Y. TOTAL FILL IN WETLANDS DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL 13,000 C Y. TOTAL FILL BELOW M DATE 2-11-81 REVISION NO. I 3-17-81 ORDINARY HIGH WATER REVISION NO.2 10-27-81 12,900 C.Y. UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 IN WETLANDS HORIZONTAL SCALE E 2.342,500 200' 100' 0' 100' 200 D m A I . .:I FILL IN WETLANDS \t 145 = *%::+.%'•'�.li FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH WATER ��� EDGE OF WETLANDS �,c CONST LIMIT N I . !UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION , 1N WETLANDS ���, O Z� PROPERTY OWNER �'" '�—_.e. W / cn 0145 MITTIE REAVES TODD � �� V, �l �'CP 0��„�i Rye _R•;w;� DATUM \� • R'�'��--_� z MEAN SEA LEVEL -1\\\\\.,' g Q M PURPOSE D $ PUBUC HIGHWAY 145 _ ' SHEET I OF 13 • • ') N - EXISTING SMITH CREEK § 0 g E 2,342 500 Z z E 2 342,500 e �S�'- , ___ . ...__ ..._ • ,...,- . • EDGE OF 0/I1 CONST. LIMITS -��. P ref? WE r ��� ro 7•000'Aik ikr,-'' 4 z. - EDGE OF WETLAND �' �i �,� Z0 W F ,,..)...... rt — •,.ese,e! ...000000000111111111111111.111111111"- T� CONST,�/� �-- F Z I4' . fr LIMITS- 115RCP_--_. I/ Y.-_ Lo_ d-1A.i —15 RCP..; 1•_1� o4if 3 .- —► .:-J _75 124'RCP ,____ i<.: ' i11 1 = J/ 0._,......._____________ . tit------ E__, _ ..„.__., ...___, .........- ,1 / , 1\,,....„_.•_-_.,i - CON9T. LIMITS ~� + // // - — e , f11 1l / a, /i \1 EXISTING R/W /// � - /� AI. it`�\` //` \�Z o /ice— '/', c/// / ------ .% ...---"" ____,... _____.....--- —,.,p...;,--___,,,,g\-14 A _.7/ 1 CONST• LIMITSEXISTING R/W PROPERTY OWNERS D 145 MITTIE REAVES TODD DI47 T.C. MUNN HEIRS PROPOSED X-3D AND NC 132 D148 HOMER CHESTNUT AT SMITH CREEK D148 A WALTER T. HOLLIDAY • NEAR WILMINGTON,N.C. NEW HAl10VER CO. • DATUM APPLICATION BY, N.C. DEPARTMENT OF MEAN SEA LEVEL TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED PURPOSE DATE'2-I I-8I SHEET 2 OF 13 PUBLIC HIGHWAY PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 I 1.FILL 'IN WETLANDS HORIZONTAL SCALE ;and K)d d 100' 20d DRAINAGE AREA 8:98 S.M." 3_ Ill xIOR.C.BOX C/ 'Y ' ' ' CONST. LIMIT EDGE OF WETLANDS EDOE OF WETLANDS • � le / pp • © 4 147 \ . � ._ _ Q • 5 -- ,,Ni h RC 100 c /.. -f - -- .•- W N.B. NC. 152 FLYOVER \ -- '� -~. --- 1���, • CONST. LIMIT .._ R I-- ----- i •' 0 .,: - ,:...• -,dO'-. - C -- F- 4-)s.. '- RELOC. CHANNEL-- a wFr4q �"-It'�, EXISTING CHANNEL— . \.-- CONST. LIMIT -- HOS -, ' ' u - '11T,,t'+we . xy me �►'CI�.,,.•'; we.° ,.•+4S 'lam .. �.� iiii • I� c` N F Z•-� VAG ;— VW —� EXg , N 13Z r _ �_f (n -- Ey�lST1WG — 1 ,"+ EDGE OF WETLANDS . i i �~i ` '---___________1- _ �_ EXISTING R/W Fib - SLOTTED DRAIN h I cp -'� Uzi PIPES F; 1 s —�• i h l= I FILL IN WETLANDS ��,� -� 1 C' '':=d FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH 't' `\Z�- I • WA I I 42n RCP--� �� I 1 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION iE 2,341,500 � ��� IN WETLANDS �.. = , i - It --\ � 1 h DATUM ' °' R 1 � ' I ! MEAN SEA LEVEL c_l_e— F PURPOSE 1 �_ — — PUBLIC HIGHWAY 1 - - t-=-` PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 • PROPERTY OWNERS --��l AT SMITH CREEK DI4G DANIEL W. TRASK NEAR WILMINGTON, N.C. NEW HANOVER CO D147 T.C. MUNN HEIRS . APPLICATION BY. N.C. DEPARTMENT OF DI00 EMMA GORE CHISOLM HORIZONTAL SCALE r;} ,,�L.r TRANSPORTATION D151 ROBARD DEVELOPMENT CORP fv " t °'r { .-0 FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED 1` 2.0 I,• I Co i DI53 ETHYL A YVONNE CLEMMONS DATE 2-1 1-81 SHEET 3 OF 13 DI55 D.E. BROWNING ET. UX. PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 • PROPERTY OWNERS • , i/ 10�� • 0153 ETHYL 8 YVONNE CLEMMONS I 1 , I I D154 B. GRAHAM HILBURN ET AL c, 'Ii 1 I DI55 D.E. BROWNING ET UX. —CONST. LIMIT- -•---- I r I - f c1 11 Di58 CHARLES R. CLAY ET. UX _i DI57 A. H HARRELL ET. UX. • / 1 _ ,. • r ' r DI58 N C. DIET. COUNCIL OF THE - . '.---77:777-77.-----4----:4413 '` 1 'i `%', ASSEMBLIES OF G00, INC• p1 1 , J 4 'c - __0 r 1 I DATUM Rd1MP gi'tea I 'I l i 136 MEAN SEA LEVEL • r I PURPOSE eEDG Imo, A \ PUBLIC HIGHWAY E OF WETLA►IDS1 --o'O `� `.�• -r-- coNST.LIMIT ----1 ep-c-----------( -- --_______ 3-11'xId . . BOX CULV y ' k1 rinalter..w. ...Z.''" " �►.�� - j� I Nralittl*weary i EXISTING R/W RAAfp - j ,c " T,-^.: XIST. 3-10x�O' / I ---_- �-� \\ r) ...,• • J`. V:,: . •C.BOX CULV I/�i 1` RELOC. SMITH CR-IE'R to O ___,__'''' _� 7-EDGE_O_F_W_E_TLANDS0 3-II'x10'R.C.BOXC;Z e; lir 5 - EXISTING N.0 132 ---------- _ C-V-LV. Z I-- . _- :.;. ... - ....`i. - - ------- _ F- w r--- _ - -_ii.r•3,ft,. EXISTING B/W '+r {�r; . LLl W O' -Nay,,,, . ,.,,� •. .. , ---...-.7.. .. 'idyl }+i.. W , (/? o- ,iw..�. ' t1.44Si1 fly I Cr __•.. .per .M ,I��.,-L- MED 4 A,,:..' .. t Ps,. } 6 1 VFri �, • �"h, }e r� 4s Z a ti . .. •►,�. ttt C) < — EDGE-O WETLAND' SMITH c - .• .. y�4>,. �/ `\,�` Q ft ll // c .,.:' • ', . �-----CONST. LIMIT-' t •\‘; \ CONST. LIMIT 0 I e i \\\ • ck`• If 156 -If \ y RCP ` ` _``= Fib /= i7 /QQ. Y -z_` • p . ***WI ''' 1g,.• ,'�„�f�r.M••0 ,fi L ri Ili 1--- n ' __ -,_ . ,,...........„... ___, ; , e , illik .--- : , h I i CONST. LIMIT „: — 1 1 FILL IN WETLANDS • PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. Is2 MONO FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIG • EDGE OF WETLANDS WATER AT SMITH CREEK UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION NEAR WILMINGTON, N.C. NEW HANOVER CO. IN WETLANDS HORIZONTAL SCALE APPLICATION BY' N.C. DEPARTMENT OF ORM DRAINAGE DITCH _� TRANSPORTATION EXCAVATION IN w �t`• "4"ME ��; "� . - � '' FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED WETLANDS 20 fie' • 100 200' DATE 2-11-81 SHEET 4 OF 13 PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 . . . • PROPERTY OWNERS cN DI58 CHARLES R. CLAY ET. UX. 0187 A. H. HARRELL ET. UX. 0159 C EDDIE LEWIS ET. UX. • DATUM MEAN SEA LEVEL e PURPOSE PUBLIC HIGHWAY D • • «� , I L J FILL IN WETLANDS I �_ FILL BELOW ORDINARY NIGH - , •I• \ WATER t4 :• J UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION IN WETLANDS ``�==�-_� _���---.__' CONST. LIMIT J 2 it RgMP A _ EXIST. R/W - 0 -`... _ o N �~ EXIST. R/W •- ------------ 1,_EXIST_N_C. l' --------0--_ w�,.� F- ... v ��. ' �.aw jail: EXIST -lsl-- — 4 • 6 yi--- ---, , r a NI 1 p /�'' -CONST. LIMIT t.e\v z}E 2,341,500 I k EDGE OF WETLAN09 �� 3-II'x10'R.C.BOX CULV. s ti, z.� __� :>!�, HORIZONTAL SCALE ------.--...---....1111,ikt. .. \\\ 200' 100' 0' IOd 200 0 \ ...N.,' cf.,,n,.t., • PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 AT SMITH CREEK kci NEAR WILMINGTON, N.C. NEW HANOVER CO. APPLICATION 8Y, N.C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED DATE 2-II-81 SHEET 5 OF 13 PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 s t292 0O PROFILE PROPOSED MAINLINE I I FILL IN WETLANDS V .3308 C.=1.�00' 60— —60 MON FILL BELOW ORDINARY HIGH WATER PURPOSE= PUBLIC HIGHWAY DATUM. MEAN SEA LEVEL L " I UNDERCUT 50— —50 40— 1 PROFILE GRADE —40 PK1.13014-00 EL 2098 30— '�;�500' —30 20— .�\ • ! —� i DESIGN NW II i '‘`:.,,,..,,,,_,..,,,, —i 0 ON.W. 5.3 \,< .._; co — O BED ELEV. 2.12 r.;... . N 285 .L -L .L• 1 12� i 1.1 coCC L i i 125 _L L 1. i I_i _ ...L d v 300 VO tyol (45 a 'n a� x S.®.RJ.G{ zE � N 10 0 5 10 100 O Aso 00 PV.I.60*00 c11 d® - A ELEV.V1 r P VERT. SCALE IN FEET NOPZ SCALE IN FEET 30— in PROFILE GRADE 1)eOo tp NN ►--a~ 207- 222 o _,_.- .....--_ �• ...y - PROPOSED X-3D AND '&C. 132 x AT SMITH CREEK to-7 . SPECIAL DITCH RIGHT a NEAR WILMINGTON,NC•NEW HANOVER CO. to Ol¢ APPLICATION BY:N.C.DEPARTMENT OF •0 i 1 1 1 TRANSPORTATION. FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED 58 63 DATE 2-II-SI SHEET 6 OF 13 PROJECT NO. 8.12233ZT caY .I , :41 a U i El cn�� as gN cow c "' cz< ecl Jt. (it n t 4iort.. f..+0341,1 ! LI J3I0 40- PV 1 13+00 aD m 1 _ Nam+ J E LEV 28.15 a. a • 8i o q� cap V.C.=200 PROFILE GRADE 7 m M to N O -0.70� CJ ►- • ti POC 2S+ES53 Ri10Ci 4*a.:. - _-- -- - '_ as g a `0 al t ►; lPOT 62f75.8388 N.0 l32 -- - * POT 20+94.78 RAMP D -"_-_ - ila- - -0.50 X I ------- __ .20- iIw PVi I9+00 r a3 k ELEV 20.89.E r 402% bjiLI V.C.■200' ! ig 4, -/ - PVL 2-7-s-00 - `°- ulg X v ELEV. g9 ILI ,�y. ,j OHW 6.4 �- VC.. 200 5 0 Z `.army BED ELEV 3.09 a ►= J WJ U V 8� Q!� W UW 4A LV CVmpC J :�� I n'�a 1 -L 1 l 1 1 xV • 1 11 1_ 1 I J- ! 414 11, 15 'mr=x 0p 25 PROFILE RELOCATED SR 2048 HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 20 ' 100' 0' 100' 200' PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 FILL IN WETLANDS vERTICAL SCALE AT SMITH CREEK P.= FILL BELOW O.N.W. _• I !f!t NEAR WILMINGTON, N.C. NEW HANOVER CO. 1 20 10 0' 10' 20' APPLICATION BY, N.C. DEPARTMENT OF i TRANSPORTATION. 1 FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED. 41 • PURPOSE' PUBLIC HIGHWAY DATE 2-11-81 SHEET 7 OF 3 i • DATUM. MEAN SEA •LEVEL PROJECT NO. 8.12211327 ' PROFILE RAMP B . P LI5a00 EL 28.10 . V.C.=400' 30— PROFILE GRADE —30 N\ 20—�.50% \ 4 r TY, � / \\� —20 SPACIAL DITCH PV.1. ;,80 I UNDERCUT LEFT EL. 'N ' 10— V.C.■300' UNDERCUT 10 O U re ac CI in t §N �L 1 1 g 1 L L ` 10 L L L 150 30— —30 PROFILE GRADE -O. X 20--. _ --=20 EIES3Gii H W'A 16_18 �_'�� Tom^ „ � n 1 '642P / a138'M. UNDERCUT 10— 1 0_H.::J3 . " .,ERCUT����wvr .,,. +0.50`36� ;, rB ' EL 1551 QL 1 i i � i i .L �_ V.C. ' _L �i N 25 f. E i°? tinec PROPOSED X-3D AND NC.132 AT SMITH CREEK 10 0 5 A NEAR WILMINGTON,N.C. NEW HANOVER CO. •••••=••••••. • • . . m�r■,.- PURPOSE PUBLIC HIGHWAY C-7 FILL IN WETLANDS APPLICATION BY: N C.DEPARTMENT OF VERT. SCALE IN FEET TRANSPORTATION E'` 1 UNDERCUT 100 0 SO !CO FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED NNEWITSZES DATUM, MEAN SEA LEVEL E=E3 FILL BELOW O.H.W. HORIZ.SCALE IN FEET DATE: 2-1 I-81 SHEET 8 OF 13 a PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 aso PROFILE LOOP 'D` -40 I e Pkt 6+00 -30 30-_ EL.•10.'3 V.C..400• PROFILE GRADE PIA. 13+25 20- G i 24800 -20 -0.56 / t21 . v ----*--------------'.."------- /.. \ f \...(•••"'Ilk•-•-"-" ...\-\-7.77\--\\...-' --L' ''\-"'--'-'\‘‘`''7` \‘''' ‘..*\''',7.'`:\.N, N, ''''<'N\s \';''..:''N'`,N:\‘,\I'V lir iviO.H.W.4.8 UNDERCUT � ���: ',1 O L J- 1 J- 1 1 L. 1 1 1. 1 -L 1 • J- 1 J 0 0 5 10 15 'TZ PROFILE RAMP 'e PVL 11+00 PVtL 4+00 EL.21.08 E L.18.07 V C.`4 00' PROFILE GRADE VC.°200' 1 20 = -O.44% +0.43% -20 \e--- \ 't �---��� -10 lb �y��,��'N \� O.H.W.48 • 7 � .:. A . � � v, UNDERCUT S' ;. :N.:•� -3' k '-- tIAL DITCH LE t ELEV i.Fai L UNDERCUT Q L L 1 +1 1 • 1 l i L 1 1 1 -L 1 J- J O 0 5 10 15 Q. o�m PV.I.19*50 I a 10 0 5 10 100 0 50 roo PROFILE EL 14.2 250' ,� �� �.s, - - .,A A_ 20- GRADE -20 _r., AMIE,.1 II _ 1�. (.1_ VERT SCALE IN FEET HORZ SCALE W FEET N-- M 1t Cr •.t J -10 FILL IN WETLANDS PROPOSED X-3D AND FI.C.t3a �,�i\t`� � ti ! FILL BELOW QH.W AT SMITH CREEK . UNDERCUT 1 . , .J UNDERCUT NEAR WILMINGTON, NC. NEW HANOVER CO. • 0 L -L • -L 1 J.0 APPLICATION BY. M.C. DEPARTMENT OF • 17 21 TRANSPORTATION. . - PURPOSE: PUBLIC HIGHWAY FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USEQ DATUSI MEAN SEA LEVEL DATE 2-11-81 SHEET 9 OF 13 . • PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 PROFILE N.S.N.C. I32 50- -50 S-PROFILE GRADE 40 - ,,,,..1„ - 40 ; q. P11L8+19 30 - EL. 16.12 - 30 V.C.=900' 20- ---- \ - 20 . i 0 , ,-----7 \ ''.\‘‘ '‘, 4\at\ \ s ‘ ,,,.:„sz , , ...,_, „,„.,..„,,,,,, ,-.7,,,,,,..--:,,,,,m\-\=:). ...,,,, „..„...,. . mstot4,„‘, , , , , • ‘ , • -10 uNootcuT I • L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ` 1 1 1 1 0 P V.I.19400 5 10 15 EL 59.36 0 I - VC.=10001 V. aD I" 1 FILL IN .WETLANDS • I' UNDERCUT 50- PURPOSE PUBLIC HIGHWAY 100 O 30 100 miwilimilm"< a•a,a 40� Fl• EET DATUM MEAN SEA LEVEL ' NORZ. SCALE IN FEET ' 30 PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. I32 to 0 6 10 AT SMITH CREEK II _ If 11 NEAR WILMINGTON, N.C.NEW HAMMER CQ . VERT. SCALE IN FEET 20- // APPLICATION BY: N.C. DEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION. i\�� A,NwA FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED. ;» UNDERCUT t DATE 2-11-81 SHEET 10 OF 13 _L '1 1' PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 lolls �ECIAL DITCH LEFT I POT 1299+98.86 q_ -L- MED.• POS 7+22.15 E. RAMP"D"" I POT 18476.37 14. RELOC.CHANNEL POT 14+99.96 .RELOC.CHANNEL 30 - I - 30 i 2 2 11 -,, z I I DESIGN H�L 13.55 ! ?,zz-\%�. DESIGN HYY 14.50100 YR. HW. 13.00 — r '� '.+z ' - `� t 7 --'< �` ‘ FLOW O BED ELEV.163 BED ELEV 2.12 PROFILE GRADE - 0 L J- . . 1 1 -L -L .L. -L l l J. J_ 1 l J 10 I5 20 I 25 "I J cal144 F.. • z • 0 lam°` 2 ,2 20 2 All -20 i I 11 �� DESIGN HIV 15.36 Z,SIGN H1Af 16.18 J/�1- 10 1 �— \ �\\ .�;.- + r'^r, . ��.t!Tt cc-�.�� [.r T\.---� ...R--._.� 7�`c rc- -••1 '.10 ro� �`, \_... .7ca .. - \;, .� `. `,A�; ` - .- t ,�A� . e.4 A. .Mid►:! - PROFILE GRADE �r�• •r BED ELEV. 4.78 - 0 BED ELEV.3.09 - -0 L -L -L J- J- L l l J_ J- J_ L l l l t 1 J 23 30 35 40 NOTE' THE BED ELEVATIONS OF THE PROFILE RELOCATED SMITH CREEK PROPOSED BOX CULVERTS AID ONE FOOT BELOW THE STREAM BED ELEVATIONS. 100 0 50 100 INMEMMIMI -=. •4-.II -1 1- PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C. 132 f FILL IN WETLANDS HORZ. SCALE IN FEET MIMI FILL BELOW AT SMITH CREEK • �; c;�:� UNCLASSIFIED EXC TCOH NEAR WILMINGTON,NC. NEW HANOVER CO. . IN WETLANDS to 0 5 10 APPLICATION BY: N.C. DEPARTMENT OF • {,., TRANSPORTATION VERT.� SCALE IN FEET FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED. PURPOSE: PUBLIC HIGHWAY DATE 2-11-81 SHEET II OF 13 DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL PROJECT NO. 8.1223327 r . . _ TYPICAL SECTIONS IONS II Id Eir VARIES II II' 12 E�P �� E�P VARIES E 1 14 y EP EP I I ¶ ' 1, id L L 12' (T, 14 1, c_ 2-:1'2-:1' 0.02'/, I 0.027,E 2 Z 2 IF -11 Ir FILL MEETING AASHO SPECIFICATION -1I Ft MEETING AASHO SPECIFICA 7 r t — ------ -.,,,,,,,, ---- EXISTING GFiOl�ID� ------ ----- EXISTING GROUND TYPICAL SECTION X-3D TYPICAL SECTION RAMP B I 4. EP 1 E.P 1 EP I EP 1 If VARIES 144 VARIES I 12' 1 1, 14' j41,, t2' 4, 14' 2 2 �- . '/, 0. 2'/.--- 2 IF I i(- FILL MEETING AASHO SPECIFICATION �i FILL MEETING AASHO SPECIFICA rem- -_Z_ --- xcii- I inor\,( EXISTING GROUND AweEXISTING GROUND—if TYPICAL SECTION SR 2048 TYPICAL SECTION RAMP D, LOOP D' AND NB NC 132 • HORIZ. SCALE IN FEET c. 50 0 25 NOTE= NO VERTICAL SCALE 18.5' 1 18.5' 1 I2' t I VARIES VARIES i 12' , Id • , CLASS II RIP RAP TO 2 1-.-0.02'/� -�/'-- PROPOSED X-3D AND N.C.I32 EXISTING GROUND 3.0 ABOVE BED ELEV. I FILL MEETING AASHO SPECIFICATION • P AT SMITH CREEK _ Mq1-- i HED LbVELti 11 �� �EXISTINIG GROUND ---� _NEAR WILMINGTON,N.C. NEW HANOVER 2 G" 2 APPLICATION BY,N.C.DEPARTMENT OF TYPICAL SECTION RELOC. SMITH CREEK TYPICAL SECTION SB NC 132 TRANSPORTATION _ FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED DATE' 2-11-81 SHEET 12 OF 13 PROJECT NO. 8.122332T c • • PROPERTY OWNERS State Project 6.251004 (X-3DG) Smith Creek - NC 132 Parcel No. Name & Address Parcel No. Name & Address D100 Emma Gore Chisolm D154 B. Graham Hilburn, Et. Al . 4609 Gordon Road 1605 Robert E. Lee Dr. Wilmington, NC Wilmington, NC D145 Mittie Reaves Todd D155 D. E. Browning, et ux • 2124 Oleander Drive Route 3, Box 316 Wilmington, NC . Leland, NC 28451 D146 Daniel W. Trask D156 Charles R. Clay, et ux P. 0. Box 732 5211 Market Street Wilmington , NC 28402 Wilmington, NC D147 T. C . Munn Heirs D157 A. H. Harrell , et ux Mrs. Garland Currin 215 North Brook Drive 309 N. 15th Street • Wilmington, NC Wilmington, NC 28402 D151 Robard Development Corp. D158 NC Dist. Council of the P. O. Box 4877 Assemblies of God , Inc. Memphis , Tenn. 38101 2114 Brandon Road Wilmington, NC D153 Ethyl & Yvonne Clemmons D159 C. Eddie Lewis , et ux 620 8th Street Eddie Lewis Construction Co. Wilmington , NC • 273 Shannon Drive Wilmington, NC • (Sheet 13 of 13) 04T op • C\ \' ''' -�, �' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY T� ` ��///di'_Ig 4 T WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS i�"-k ' P. O. BOX 11390 '� , {;e.:'v iJ-� WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402 vi IN REPLY REFER TO , SAWC081-N-065-0056 23 December 1982 Mr. C. R. Edgerton DEG 30 1982 N.C. Department of Transportation Division of Highways PO Box 25201 Ilb1�I Raleigh, NC 27611 _� 11 - !, _ Dear Mr. Edgerton: Reference our letter of 10 November 1982 modifying your Department of the Army permit SAWC081-N-065-0056 to allow construction of a temporary haul road across Smith Creek and adjacent wetlands as part of the I-40, Benson to Wilmington Freeway, north of Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. In accordance with the written request of 29 November 1982 from Mr. B. W. Boylston, Resident Engineer four\ the project, condition c. of this permit modification --hereby modified to read as follows: c. Clearing wireek flood plain will be limited to the approximate 60-foot-wide corridor to be occupied by the haul road. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: ROBERT K. HUGHES Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer Copy Furnished: Director, Atlantic Marine Center Office of Coastal Management National Ocean Survey, NOAA PO Box 769 ATTN: CAM04, 439 W. York Street Morehead City, NC 28557 Norfolk, VA 23510