HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 43-79 SR 1005 Smith Creek & Kershaw Creek r ! QA-4-0- State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development A FEDERAL PERMIT IS REQUIR A PERMIT CONTACT U. S. ARMY CORPS OF 43-79 ENGINEERS,P. 0. BOX 1890 TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL Permit No. WILMINGTON. N. C. 28401 (Re: N.C. G.S. 113-229) Permit Class Issued to: N. C. Department of Transportation, Div. of Highways New P. O. Box 25201, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 This permit authorizes excavation and/or filling in -- Pamlico County, N.C. at Smith Creek - Kershaw Creek (SR 1005 crossing) _ as requested in the permittee's application dated 6/1/78; incl. attached plats, sheets 1&2 of 2 dated 4/78 subject to the conditions set forth below. A (1) That the proposed fill areas must be surrounded by silt screens adequa•- �! to contain all fill material and prevent sedimentation from reaching .e r.. Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek. That silt screens be maintained until • the banks and slopes have been stabilized. I (2) That all fill material be obtained from an upland source and confined by silt screens. R '' (3) That the old causeway at both the Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek sites a be removed and the grade restored to that of the surrounding marshland • elevation. (4) That the activity be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increases in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction- related discharge (increases of 25 JTU's or less are not considered signifi- cant) . NOTE: The permittee is cautioned that both Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek serve as important nursery areas and provide habitats for adult marine species. That all activity at the Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek location should be conducted in a manner so as to control sedimentation at all times. IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS AND THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION (WHERE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE CONDITIONS) ARE NOT FOLLOWED PRE- CISELY, THE PERMITTEE IS SUBJECT TO A FINE, IMPRISONMENT,OR CIVIL ACTION AS PROVID- ED IN G.S. 113-229 (K) AND IL►. This permit may be objected to by the permittee within twenty (20) days of the date of issuance. Failure to gibmit such objection shall be interpreted as an agreement of compliance with all permit conditions. This permit must be displayed along with a copy of the application and the project plat in the cab(or pilot- house) of the equipment working on the project, or be easily accessible, on site, to Department personnel when the project is inspected. Any maintenance work or project modification requires further Departmental approval. Subject to permit renewal, all work must ease when the permit terminates. This permit terminates on--December 31, 1981 Signed by the authority of the Secretary March 22, 1979 E. Walton Jones, Deputy Secretary Issuing Date: --- — — Departmen of Natural Resources Community Development Form D&F-g Revised 7/77 • s• Permit Number �°�jlV BD Permit Class 43-79 New MAR 2g ��(�� State of North Carolina M�� f�SH. t / Coastal Resources Commissionl Dp.t & F\L1 �F,G // irmit FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT IN AN AREA OF ENVIRONME T-i e • 'N / (Re: N.C.G.S. 113A-118) / Issued to NC Department of Transportation, Div. of. Highways, P. 0. Box 25201, Raleigh, NC Pamlico Count N. This permit authorizes development in YI C•I at Smith Creek - Kershaw Creek (SR 1005 Crossing) . •,' , as requested in the permittee's / application dated 6/1/78 - - / subject to the conditions set forth below. , • , / (1) That the ` roposed fill areas must be surrounded by silt acraens adequate / . to con§in all," fill material and prevent sedimentation, from reaching / Smith;'Creek,and Kershaw Creek. That silt screens be maintained until / / the banks 'aru ' slopes have been stabilized. ,. ... / (2) That.E'all fill ;material be obtained from an upland source and confined by silt; screens'. '. , / (3) That' the old causeway at both the Smith Creek and KetehaW Creek sites / be removed and the grade restored to that of the s trbutn4ing marshland / elevation. fk' 7. (4) That in order to protect Water Quality, runoff from the Spoil 'area must not significantly increase the turbidity or suspended sediments;in the adjacent/waters. NOTE: Enforcement personnel will detarrnine an increase as significant if the turbidity level exceeds 25 Jacks?n Turbidity Units (which is a Measure of suspended sediments . / / / // NOTE: The permitte is cautioned 'that both kntith Creek andl, ershaw Creek serve / as important nursery areas and provide habitats Ifor`;a8tilt marine species. / That''all' activity at the Smith Creek and Kershaw Creak location`should be / conducted in a manner so as to control sedimentation at' all times. / , , IF THE ABOVE CONDITIONS AND THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE APPLICATION , , (WHERE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THE CONDITIONS) ARE NOT FOLLOWED PRECISELY,THE PERMITTEE IS SUBJECT , , TO A FINE,IMPRISONMENT,OR CIVIL ACTION AS PROVIDED IN G.S. 113-126. / / , This permit must be displayed along with a copy of the project / plat in the cab (or pilothouse) of the equipment working on '-,..- / / the project, or be eayly accessible, on site, to Department . Signed by the authority of the Chairman of the Coastal , , personnel when the project is inspected. .. Resources Commission. / / / Any maintenance work or project modification requires / / further Departmental approval. All work must cease when the , `_ / .d1 Join , permit expires, unless the permit is renewed. / Kenneth D. Stewart,Director / Office of Coastal Management / /December 31, 1982 Permit expires on / Issuing date March 22, 1979 Signature of Applicant / / / / / 1,4 :. . . • . .. , • .. _ ._._._ North Carolina Department of Natural /'� Resources &Community Development - James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary June 6, 1978 74,,4 .Aj- SEC_ ; i 1 Mr. Doug Nelson I Estuarine Management Section .W N 8 197$ J+ Division of Marine Fisheries Box 769 Div. MAR. FISH. Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 DREDGE & FILL MGT. Dear Mr. Nelson: ----- R__ The attached copy of an application submitted by: N. C. Dept. of Transp.-Div. of Highways Applicant's Name Replace Hwy. bridges over Smith Creel & Kershaw Creek Pamlico . Loc ation of Project County for a State permit to perform excavation and/or fill work in coastal North Carolina and for a CAMA major development permit. . . rifor a CAMA major development permit (only) . . . . . .is being circulated to State and Federal agencies having jurisdic- tion over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. Please indicate on the reverse side of this form your viewpoint on the proposed work and return it to me not later than June 2 , 1978 Parker, you apparently rec'd copies of "add. info." Sincerely, with Edgerton' s letter of 2-6-79. BT David A. Adams Assistant Secretary for Natural Resources DAA/lt (Please use reverse side for comments and signature) . P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer -2- L (A) This agency interposes no objection to the proposed work. (B) Dredge and/or Fill. This agency objects to the project as pro- posed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that there will be one or more adverse effects as covered in G.S. 113-229 (e) 1-5. (e) (1) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect of the proposed dredging and filling on the use of the water by the public; (e) (2) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect on the value and enjoyment of the property of any riparian owners; (e) (3) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect on public health, safety, and welfare; (e) (4) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect on the conservation of public and private water supplies; (e) (5) . . .that there will be significant adverse effect on wildlife or fresh water, estuarine or marine fisheries; l l (C) CAMA Major Development. This agency objects to the project as proposed. The objection is based upon findings which lead to the conclusion that a violation would occur as covered in G.S. 113A-120 and/or 15 NCAC 71. The following reference indicates the specific citation by which objections have been made. I (D) Agency findings relating to item(s) A and/or B and/or C are here- by detailed. l J (E) Comments are submitted that do not directly relate to item B t J and/or C but are relevant to the public interest. (These comments will be forwarded by the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development to appropriate State or Federal agencies) . signed date • • • Div. Marine Fisheries PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 February 7, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO - John Parker From Bob Pittman Subject App. for State permit - DOT 6-178 Location - Pamlico County - near Oriental Investigative process - App. rec. Raleigh 6-5-78; Morehead 6-8-78. Inspected pro- ject site 6-21-78 and req. onsite meeting 7-6-78. Had on-site meeting 7-18-78 and req. add. info. 7-19 - rec. 2-7-79. Environmental setting - DOT proposes to replace two bridges in Pamlico County at Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek. Smith Creek - The present bridge structure at this location is located about 1/4 mile from the headwaters of the Smith Creek. At this particular point, the creek measures some (open waters) 30' wide, with approximately 100' wide borders of marsh grass separating the open waters of the creek from the high ground on either side of the creek. The west side marshland consists of a mixture of Distichlis and Juncus, with the east side composed of a mixture of cattails and Distichlis. For the most part, the salinities of the creek at this particular point approach 0 and provide habitat for "inland" gamefish species, primarily consisting of large mouth bass and pumpkinseed. Project Description (Smith Creek) - DOT proposes to replace the existing wooden structure with a new bridge to be located just north, and adjacent to, the old structure. The proposal will require the filling of some 3600 sq.ft. of marshland on the west bridge approach, and some 5400 sq.ft. of marshland on the east bridge approach. Rock rip-rap will be placed at the toe of the approaches in order to control sedimentation. Environmental impact (Smith Creek)- As proposed, roughly two acres of marshland will be consumed as a result of the intended action. In order to mitigate the marshland destruction, DOT has agreed to remove the old bridge approaches and re- store the grade to the surrounding elevation. Marsh grass will be sprigged in the newly restored area in order to lessen the environmental damage created by the new approaches. Environmental setting -(Kershaw Creek) - The existing bridge at Kershaw Creek is located about 1/2 mile down stream from the headwaters. The open waters of the creek are roughly 25' wide at this particular location. The creek is bordered on either side by bands of giant cordgrass (Spartina cynosuroides) which mea- sure roughly 130' wide on the east side of the creek, and approximately 60' wide on the west side of the creek. Salinities at this particular location of the creek approximate 0 and provide habitat for "inland" species such as large mouth bass and pumpkinseed. Project Description (Kershaw Creek) - DOT proposes to replace the old existing bridge with a new structure to be located some 50' downstream from the present crossing. Some 2000 sq.ft. of giant cordgrass will be consumed by the construc- tion of a new approach on the west side of the project, with roughly 4800 sq.ft. of giant cordgrass to be consumed by the east side approach. In order to miti- gate the destruction of this marshland, DOT will remove the old bridge approaches -l- and restore the approach way to the existing marshland elevation. The area restored will be sprigged with marshgrass in order to revegetate these areas. Environmental impact - Kershaw Creek) - The Kershaw Creek project will consume about two acres of wetlands - however, the destruction will be mitigated duethe grade restoration of the old approaches. The intended work will create some turbidity due to upland run-off. This problem can be lessened and largely eliminated by the use of siltscreens and other sedi- ment control measures. CAMA REVIEW - The review for the dredge and fill permit is considered to be sufficient for purposes of evaluating permit under CAMA Guidelines. Conditions are applicable to both permits. Bob Pittman ` Div. Marine Fisheries PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 February 7, 1979 Re: App. for State permit - DOT No objection with the following conditions: 1. That the proposed fill areas must be surrounded by silt screens adequate to contain all fill material and sedimentation from reaching Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek. 2. That all fill material be obtained from an upland source and confined by silt screens. 3. That the old causeway at both the Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek sites must be removed and the grade restored to that of the surrounding marshland elevation. 4. DOT is cautioned that both Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek serve as impor- tant nursery areas and provide habitats for adult marine species. All activity at the Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek locations should be con- ducted in such a manner that sedimentation is controlled at all times. CAMA Permit - Same as above. Bob Pittman • RECEIVED -� ;_:k��/�, FrPt 7 1979 �i' FPS:-{! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION t- RALEIGH 27611 f� February 6 , 1979 JAMES B. HUNT,J R. GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS W. BRADSHAW,JR. SECRETARY Mr. Robert B. Pittman Environmental Consultant Division of Marine Fisheries Box 769 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 Subject : Proposed Replacement of Highway Bridges over Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek near Oriental Project 8. 2250501 - Pamlico County (0-37) Dear Mr. Pittman : Attached is correspondence relating to our resolution with the Federal agencies the replacement of sub.iect two bridges by removing the old causeways at both sites as mitigating actions . Please process our application as expeditiously as possible as this matter had escaped our attention since receiving the Federal approvals . Your expeditious handling will be appreciated. Yours very truly, C. R. Edgert , PE Manager of Technical Services CRE :t att . cc : Mr. John Parker, with copies of the correspondence • i I ' - / l I . -6P Division of Ecological Services 310 New Bern Ave. Room 468 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 September 9, 1978 District Engineer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 189fl Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Dear Sir: As stated in my July 24, 1978 letter to you, the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service has reviewed public notice SAWCO 78— N—000342 dated June 15, 1978, and objects to issuance of the permit requested by the Division of Highways, N.C . Depart— ment of Transportation unless the bridging will extend over - - both sides and no marsh is excavated or filled at either crossing. Subsequently, an onsite meeting was held between a National Marine Fisheries Service Environmental Consultant and the Division of Highways at which time a mitigation proposal was set forth by the Division of Highways. This proposal called for removal of the old causeways associated with the projects in such a manner as to permit restoration of marshland. The National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wil li`e Servioe were requested to re—evaluate the proposal in a letter from Mr. C .E. Edgerton of the Division of High— ways on July 25, 1978, a copy of which was sent to you. As so indicated in Mr. Edgerton's letter Mr. Robert B. Pittman, Environmental Consultant, accuratedly represented our concern over a similar proposal being circumvented in the construc— tion of a bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway in Brunswick County. Whereas we agree that the Division of Highways acted in good faith on that project, the. County of Brunswick negated the permit condition requiring removal of the old causeway and restoring the marsh. Thus, the Fish and Wildlife Service was reluctant to accept the present mitigation proposal in view of potential circumstances beyond the control of the Division of Highways . i♦ However, we were assured by a letter dated August.'_11, 1978 from Mr. Edgerton, to Mr. Bob Robinson, USFWS, that the mitigation plans will be included in the plans and specifica— tions for letting the project. Thus, the conditions set forth in my July 24., 1978 letter are hereby recinded. The Fish and Wildlife Service would have no objection to the project provided the following condtions become a part of the issued permit: 1. Grade of the old causeways at both sited will be restored to the elevation of the adjacent marshland. 2. The material removed from the old causeways will be dispensed of in an upland disposal site. 3 . The areas restored to marsh elevation will be sprigged with black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus) ,spike grass (Scirpus robustus) and big cordgrass (Spartina cynosuroides) As appropriate to maintain vegetation zonation in the marsh. This is the report of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of the Interior and is submitted in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat . 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq. ) Sincerely yours, Bob A. Robinson Field Supervisor �r 1i 3*1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RALEIGH 27611 JAMES B. HUNT,JR. August 25, 1978 GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS W. BRADSHAW,JR. SECRETARY Mr. William H. Stevenson Regional Director National Marine Fisheries Service Duval Building 9450 Koger Boulevard St . Petersburg, Fla. 33702 Dear Mr . Stevenson: Reference is made to your letter of August 18, 1978, in regard to the proposed construction covered by Public Notice SAWCO78-N-069-000-342 . We also regret you were unable to attend the meeting with Mr. Pittman; however, this meeting was not arranged by this office and I thought at the time that proper arrangements had been made for all interested parties to be present . More de- tailed advanced arrangements will be made for such meetings in the future . I am enclosing a letter to Mr. Bob A. Robinson, of the U. S . Fish and Wildlife Service , containing a commitment from the Department of Transportation to include in the Plans and Specifications for these two bridge replacements the mitigating items requested by the Fish and Wildlife Service , as well as National Marine Fisheries . The only thing not covered in the letter to Mr. Robinson is item 4 in your letter outlining the proposed construction techniques to accomplish the mitigation. It is planned that normal construction techniques will be used for the removal of the old causeways and bridges and our Land- scape Department will be responsible for the reestablishment of the vegetation. If you desire more complete details as far as construction techniques and procedures , or if you have any suggestions for techniques to . be utilized, if you would advise , we will be most Mr. Stevenson -2- 8-25-78 happy to consider them. Thank you for your consideration in this matter and if anytime you have suggestions concerning your areas of interest in regard to Department of Transportation activities , we will be most receptive to them. Yours very truly, C. R. Edgerton, PE Manager of Technical Services CRE :t att . cc : Mr. D. W. Patrick Mr. L. H. Berrier, Jr. Mr. W. M. Ingram Mr . G. E . Wells Mr. A. L. Hankins , Jr. U ., S . Corps of Engineers (Wilmington Office , Attn : Mr. Hollis ) (with copy of letter to Mr. Robinson) i . ' • - • r " x3 G .: • • . -- s . - • • sl y ;• • - i .. 4. • • '+t•IT Of�Oti • R UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to r` NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE INT.co Duval Building 9450 Koger Boulevard St. Petersburg, FL 33702 August 18, 1978 \'r` 24 ) Mr. C. R. Edgerton, PE '�,�� Qua Manager Technical Services N.C. Department of Transportation GIiIS.� � Ur "''' ""S j Raleigh, NC 27611 '�, TECNNi _ ;,I��/S"/;' \. may Dear Mr. Edgerton: This responds to your July 25, 1978, letter to Mr. Randy Cheek on the proposed replacement bridges over Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek near Oriental , North Carolina (Public Notice SAWCO 78-N- 069-000-342) . We were requested to reconsider our position that the bridges be lengthened to span wetlands in lieu of a proposal to mitigate wetland losses by removing the old bridge causeways. We regret that we were unable to attend your meeting with Mr . Pittman. Unfortunately, we were given inadequate advance notice and the proposed meeting was not coordinated with other federal agencies objecting to the project. We suggest that sufficient lead time be provided for future meetings of this nature and all objecting agencies as well as a representative of the Corps be included. Regarding your proposed mitigation, we would be pleased to con- sider such a proposal . We suggest that a mitigation plan incor- porating the following features be drafted and submitted to us for review. 1. Removal of the old causeway fill to an upland site ; 2 . Removal of the fills to the elevation and configuration of the wetlands adjacent to the mitigation areas ; 3. Reestablish the same plant zonations that occur in adjacent areas. This should be accomplished by sprigging during spring when the plants have the greatest chance for sur- vival; and 4 . Outline of proposed construction techniques to accom- plish the mitigation. ,oturnoti NOM ';_ V m = •,4"2 '''>6 191C' o.Y. • •4 Once the mitigation plan is drafted and agreed upon by all concerned agencies, we would be amenable to withdrawing or r recommendation for bridge lengthening in favor of incorporating the mitigation plan. If we can be of further assistance, please advise. SincerOly, % � 2 // fiS /(h ( 'I William 11. Stevenson Regional Director arS1A • 1. r, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RALEIGH 27611 JAMES B. HUNT,JR August 11, 1978 GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS W. BRADSHAW,JR. SECRETARY Mr. Bob A. Robinson Field Supervisor U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Ecological Services 310 New Bern Avenue , Room 468 Raleigh, N . C . 27601 Subject : Project 8 . 2250501 - Pamlico County (0-37) Proposed Replacement of Highway Bridges over Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek between Arapahoe and Oriental Dear Mr. Robinson: Thank you for your letter of August 10, 1978 concerning the response of U. S. Fish and Wildlife to the Public Notice SAWCO78-N-069-000342 • We are in agreement with your analysis of the situation and it is regretted that the mitigation plans were not properly presented in our application for your review. As recommended in your letter, the Division of Highways will include in the plans and specifications for the letting of the project the following provisions : 1. Grade of the old causeway at both sites will be restored to the elevation of adjacent marshland. 2 . The material removed from the old causeways and structures will be disposed of in an upland disposal site . 3. The areas restored to marsh elevation will be sprigged with black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus ) spike grass (Scirpus robustus ) and big cordgrass (Spartina cynosur- oides ) as appropriate to maintain vegetative zonation in the marsh . . rr j. Mr. Robinson -2- 8-11-78 If you require additional information in this matter in order to withdraw your objections from the issuing of the 404 Permit, please contact this office . Yours very truly , e.,e C . R. Edger n, PE Manager of Technical Services CRE:t cc : Mr . D. W. Patrick Mr. L. H. Berrier, Jr. Mr. W. M. Ingram Mr. G. E. Wells Mr. A. L. Hankins, Jr. Op t'y United States _Department of the Interior - • % ' FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Division of Ecological Services n►g 310 New Bern Ave. Room 468 ; '; lI Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 • {� August 10,1978. (MANN Mr. C. R. Edgerton, PE Manager of Technical Services Division of Highways N.C. Department of Transportation Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Subject: Proposed Replacement of Highway Bridges over Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek near Oriental - Project 8.2250501- Pamlico County (0-37) Dear Mr. Edgerton: This responds to your letter to me dated July 25, 1978 regarding the subject project. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reviewed Public Notice SAWCO 78-N-069-000342, conducted a site visit on July 13, 1978 and provided a letter to the District Engineer on July 24, 1978. In that letter, the Service recommended denial of the permit unless 1 . The bridging will extend over any marsh present at both sites and 2. No marsh is to be excavated or filled at either crossing. These recommendations were based soley upon the project plans accompanying the public notice and the onsite inspection of the marsh resources that would be impacted. In view of this , I feel obliged to address several issues raised in your July 25, 1978 letter. First, we too regret that a representative from this office could not be present for the onsite field review held on July 18, 1978. However, this office was not informed of the meeting until July 17, 1978 which did not permit a realistic time frame for us to schedule a biologist to attend. Second, we do not question whether the Division of Highways acted in good faith with regard to the proposal to remove the old causeway associated with the Intracoastal Waterway • • bridge in Brunswick County. The fact remains that this mitigating measure was never implemented and the marshland was not restored to productivity. This concerns us greatly. Third, the mitigation plans presently proposed for removing the old ' bridge approaches at Kershaw and Smith Creek were not contained in the public notice and had not been brought to our attention prior to receipt of your letter. As you are aware, we have generally regarded offsetting of losses through marsh restoration favorably when you have requested our technical assistance in project planning. Thus , as you requested, we have reviewed this project in light of the old bridge approaches being removed as a partially mitigating effect. We find this proposal acceptable under �••� the conditions which follow: 1 . Grade of the old causeways at both sites will be restored to the elevation of adjacent marshland. 2. The material removed from the old causeways will be disposed of in an upland disposal site. loot 3. The areas restored to marsh elevation will be sprigged with black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus ) spike crass (Scirpus robustus) and big cordgrass (Spartina cynosuroides) as appropriate to maintain vegetative zonation in the marsh. Upon receipt of a firm committment in writing from the Division of Highways to implement the mitigation proposal , the conditions set forth in our July 24, 1978 letter to the District Engineer, Wilmington District Corps of Engineers, will be withdrawn. Sincerely yours , k Bob A. Robinson A Field Supervisor '•^DLL. v ` 1r��. , �m 1r _ w '' 1.. _ .^� .ti _'p� „�y.�:y'ye Vow •.n« -` . • .. n •h „+f`�1w3�"w �t.'.Q1!x*�,rrAt2"'�"f '�• • DIVISION OF 1216ss MARINE FISHERIES , North Carolina Department of Natural Edward G. McCoy NIT Resources &Community Development Director Box 769,Morehead City 28557 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary Telephone 919 726.7021 E. Lee Barham, Jr. Deputy Director July 19, 1978 Box phon Raleigh27611 Telephone 919 733-3767 Mr. C. R. Edgerton N. C. Dept. of Transportatf`ttr, P. �. Box 25201 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Dear Charlie: I am writing to confirm our meeting on July 18, 1978, in Pamlico County at the Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek bridge projects. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss possible alternatives to the present proposals which will result in the destruction of marshland at both locations. I understand from our meeting that the old bridge approaches will be removed to the existing marsh elevation in order to mitigate marshland destruction as a result of the new bridge approaches. Be- ' fore finalizing plans on the projects, however, I understand you wish to discuss this mitigation proposal with the US F&WL Service and the NMFS. We will continue to hold your present application in our pending file in accordance with Subchapter 3D.0106 of Marine Fisheries Regulations until we hear from you concerning your meeting with federal agencies. If you have additional questions, or I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at any time. Cordially yours, Qj *— � fe -r‘J,t 41 RBP/rt Robert B. Pittman, Jr. li CC: J.Parker, Ral. Environmental Consultant G.Willett, CRC S.Critcher, WLRC K.Jolly, F&WL R.Cheek, NMFS S.Thomas, F&WL C.Hollis Corps An Lquul Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DIVISION OF `aARINE FISHERIES North Carolina Department of Natural Edward G. McCoy ger Resources &Community Development Director Box 769, Morehead City 28557 James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secret ,.,, Telephone 919 726-7021 E. Lee Barham,Jr. Deputy Director July 6, 1978 Box 27687, Raleigh 27611 Telephone 919 733-3767 u E Mr. C. R. Edgerton N. C. Dept. of Transportation - PO Box 25201 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Dear Charlie: We have received from our Raleigh office DOT' s application for a State dredge and fill permit involving the replacement of the Smith Creek bridge and Kershaw Creek bridge in Pamlico County. I made a routine investigation of the project site on June 21, 1978. Due to the proposed marsh destruction involved in both projects, I anticipate objections from both State and federal review agencies as the project is presently proposed. I suggest that you contact me at your earliest convenience so an on-site meeting can be held with you or your representatives to discuss possible alternatives to the present proposal. We are placing the application in our pending file in accordance to Subchapter 3D.0106 of Marine Fisheries Regulations until we hear from you on this matter. I look forward to your early re- sponse. Cordially yours,�-�.. (4C-R.j. • �1 rs'utit v.„..- CC: J.Parker, Ral. Robert B. Pittman, Jr. G.Willett, CRC Environmental Consultant S.Critcher, WLRC C.Hollis, Corps R.Cheek, NMFS An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer APPLICATION • FOR 342 w • PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATE WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION .tJl'� �j 1978 CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT State of North Carolina Department of the Army Department of Natural Resources& Community Development DIVE OfolikiiitkfifOiginmington District (GS 113-229, 143-215.3 (a) (1), 143-215.3 (c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 209. 320-329) Department of Administration (GS 146-12) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable,so indicate by placing N/A in blank. I. Applicant Information A. Name N. C . Department of Transportation—Division of Highways Last First Middle B. Address P. 0. Box 25201 Street, P.O. Box or Route Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 (919)733-3524 City or Town State Zip Code Phone II. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Pamlico B. 1. City, town,community or landmark Near Oriental 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No X C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Replace Highway bridges over Smith Creek (Site 1) and Kershaw Creek (Site 2) III. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work x (improvement) B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill area length width depth 4. Other Highway length 285' width +50' depth 6 r (max.) C. 1. Bulkhead length N/A . Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 5300 2. Type of material Muck E. Fill material to be placed below MHW(see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards 5300 2. Type of material Sand IV. Land Type,Disposal Area,and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes X No B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal area 1. Location Upland site 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? R/W Dept. to negotiate easement D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in BOiivw Pit E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? By approved earth dike F. Type of equipment to be used Dump truck, dozer, grader, dragline G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes,explain No D&F-B1 Rev. 3/78 • V. Intended Use of Project Area(Describe) , A. 1'. Private 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Public Highway B. 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Planned B. Describe VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes, X No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes_No X 2. Type of discharge 3. Location of discharge VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion(if known): Unknown VII I. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area,if applicable: None required previously IX. Length of time required to complete project: 12 months X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attached a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property.OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 8Y2 X 11" white paper(see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred-only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229(d) Enter date served See nDn D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. A Public Meeting and a Public Hearing have been held. Transcripts are available. Landowners have been or will be contacted individually by Right of Way Branch. DATE 6-1-78 ' Appli r s Signature Manager of Technical Services Send one completed copy each to: Assistant Secretary for Natural Resources District Engineer Department of Natural Resources& Community Development Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 27687 P.O. Box 1890 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Ph. 919-733-4006 (Note: attach Corps transmittal letter) Ph. 919-763-9971 Ext. 565 D&F-B2 Rev. 3/78 /F 0 /050522.6' .r,Id 7 91/S _ i d 0,to/ ,'»ys !_. I .c4 4-..Hanvo9'j-r0 / J' 916/ 7/Ydd I i i,,,,t SAb�MH9/H _10 NO1O'0 '0W .f9 - j , iV ill N/7OJ OJ/711'Vol NI ,,, . )19��J N1/lff b/9i10 99O/�B .1b'MH9/H 0_7SOdOdd Vs,00/=*/ a/a2S` •,1 Illi r:,. ,i' i , S '1. kr 4 : ' ar �� 1. y, /1 I Q ,1 i 41 � ~ 'I, , 11, o kk. s000M 1 N 7:, 77VwS VNIIA�VNr'1 p r� 3NJ1 �1 171NVLS 4` ��� ',� 1 { - - 0 ..„.0,(3 -'-''' --___._...____._._.1 /b 4 ,, - . .._ -.;. Eli ,,,,,\7411, , i k- -'-= -- - Heel OW ?13n0 6,•i1, 1, —.� Y ,bs '1► 77/! -0-910N3Q 1• — y\ : . 'Nalkoli *,I1' Ay 4.e 1, k it ,i• li 1< ©, 11 - 1 . : .:-:. N0.1H`'/702/9 !`0 NOSNI/ NOS N/PO'J S' 73/NYC fti •S 4et711M faf/1J7v.P : 7d7`�—. /=r, •iH‘,h • • 97f�.2S� ••• *lit• •/ qua 3. 1 ^ * '----,,,/----,5v.?4 - ',t1k.‘ .44(64641,P4V:',.._...-: —1 t.:.:te.!:14!".141'...406 ...?;il .-i._.. .,, 0 — 1 '>4°1:4"$ ,,.___T-----c'7;--7 -L11111;111111 .. .11kw- ' ----- '.;,' - -- '!.; -- .14, •• . _-_:- - 47_- !;711a71,t4' tfOlik . ' ar llip. , .......... , - -- :-- ids .oc or- __>: 4 �J�I ~i•• •/Jo9 4"AY a46/410;9 3,CodObd - ' © r / csd/ 4.,5 " 1,'1 3N/.7/ae40/,r 'xae'4v—� _ a ` T 31fs• 2 31/S ) _ _. C / •-r- 1 N / t 0 J 0 / l j.- , • e� `ii ddi'Y i(1/N/.2//1 i IS. `.N N , ' , 0 P y 1 S37/W Ni�y.97b'J.f' I 1 r •�.•�f. I ��1�■y -' - • /". 1 1-1, �. „4M —.01 '\ _ r•.I.[.. • C' ,. '. ---.-ai:...• -- j' ' ' .' . . '. -._'; Id I . - ""tkr-•'---1-'-(' ) kr-1.. -7rki‘:-.4- li 4,1 • iiiir'- ... : . Tom'..� 1 . , 1 �••• n...• 7 \ . .,,.i�'- �NI, •, - • II iTWT -.al l . 1 1 J A Y t `l7 1 ., '1.'.t I • V \ M 1 I I ,, PLAN V/EW Seale: /"=/00' 5EN✓AM/N WARREN ,Deno,4es Edyt Of Is7, ,.M. WOODS LPL �`000 •S*3 1r©�, R1EI� Jr ,I, `� �` 'I, J, J,\© 0 O t • 4r J, J. Jr Ili J, ,l, © ,/ ANN/E /1 PNEL PS �N� © �0 ✓, Jr d, 4, J, J, '��Qus Jr 4, Si J, `t'1 / /+©4%©�, • J, 4, J, J. may_ J Ir - ' j /'of ROBERT R. RATCLIFFE C , 4, Jr Jr Jr Ji ,b .L J, J, J, , j / -,c ©� WOODS r'/ - 4, b 64, Jr .b J J, �.i � ©4,d'I�©�©44�©t" 0te ////////i i .2) e 1',' ,i 'I' P"p Rg4R./ DENOTES F/LL _ _ _ _ — �T „�. I // ����,� ACROSS MARSH SR 1005 W' 8ST -ft i3 c4 PANak��;����/11 ~ +-+ 'o J, J, d, J, , d, '\ 1' d. J, LOCKWOOD WILLIS \ �d -D J. 1 K C►y, Noje F e ol• I>oinL WILL/AM C. JONN,STON -' d d, J, 4, J, J, d ��"� J 1, I�y Q K©� CC J//�C INOODS \ y Y J• J, Jr 64 J, 4, J, !\ J,. .I, J, C9 0 } 9 ©y . fG I 1' 19 zo L1 g I/O J__ M.4 . NJ t' 9,oy Pre // 7.O i? --�� -t sio /9i 6 0, ` � - (fXO V 1t•5 ,�4.,rR.aontt iii 5 $1.- � r, ,* moo;✓ , o !t � t � �.`�rif V , �+ _ _ , D . -.. IøL ♦ �ar i/c6�• 411111111111111111 °C,V. II ‘ .10 ill jp 1! 01 `Q .,GALE,- I1r. /; 1. '=✓O! 1 �' ����h $ Deno/des 9rea 4 be MeicAdwe L,.' I1 +� ''� b. .' >t: „ k ichq' .t9aeh7�'i//eel c�174ls 1_Se�nq! 1 [ ' ' 1 tO . ‘ ,, Cr 1,, .4.::ir 11 ; ' 1.��• r �`"% i,oft 11 ,: it,,t 4 '' .1kL'N• 0 /i,1 . .1 •i ,, plt i S\;, , tkj ' i.•'I. :•1.1. 1,11.' PEIRITSMILLIP, ill - HUH i .- . . NI I 1 , .,,,,, . .,, \ , ,Nkil j riMigfejkliBM6446.0011 - I,) *_ :t t.11 I i t e111. R IIMEl�M ,IPI • North Carolina Department of Natural ' Resources &Community Dt • as - a James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Ho, atlE . Division cf Environme , al Management June 12, 197; JUN( 26 ciV. MAR. ftSH. TO: ,Mr. Marshall Staton - N.C. Division of Health Sery & Fat MGT Mr. Robert B. Hazel - N.C. Wildlife Resources Commis-s' Mr, Larry E. Tise - N.C. Division of Archives & Hist$ my.. Paul J. Traina - Environmental Protect4a ' 'en GMr. Doug Nelson - Division of Mar isheries Subje . Section 401 Certification Department of Transportation P oposed Bridge Replacement Project, P..mlico County Gentlemen: Attached is an application filed with the Division of Environmental Management requesting certification that the discharge(s) occuring as a result of the subject project will not violate applicable water quality standards. This request is in accordance with Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 which require any applicant for a Federal license or permit to conduct any activity which may result in a discharge into navigable waters , to obtain certification from the State that the discharge will not violate water quality standards. Certification is required- before the Federal license or permit may be issued. The attached application is being circulated to the State and Federal agencies having jurisdiction over the subject matter which might be affected by the project. If, upon reviewing the attached material , your office wishes to submit comments, please do so in writing no later than July 18, 1978 If you have any questions or desire additional information , please advise. Sincerely, L. P. Benton, Jr. , Chief Water Quality Section Attachment vt, &IIt V cc: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mr. J. W. Reid ,;yti2119T P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 DIV, 9E ORINE uZN'ES An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer N. PUBLIC NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA APPLICATION FOR 401 PAMLICO COUNTY CERTIFICATION TAKE NOTICE that the North Carolina Department of Transportation , Raleigh, North Carolina, has made application to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management for certification that the discharge of fill material into a wetland areas adjacent to Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek will not violate applicable quality standards. The Department of Transportation proposes to replace the bridges over Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek along SR 1005 near the Town of Oriental . This work will result in the placement of approximately 5000 cubic yards of sand fill in the marsh area adjacent to Smith Creek and approximately 2800 cubic yards of fill in the area adjacent to Kershaw Creek. Additional information concerning this project may be reviewed at the offices of the Water Quality Section, Division of Environmental Management, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The Division of Environmental Management proposes to take final action in the issuance of the certification on or after the 21st day of July, 1978 . All persons desiring to make comments regarding the applications should do so in writing, delivered to the Division of Environmental Management, P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh, N. C. 27611 on or before the 18th day of July 1978 This the it - day of,,f...& DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A. F. McRorie, Director 1,` fi . _ "...... STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RALEIGH 27611 JAMES B. HUNT,JR. June 1 , 1978 GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS THOMAS W. BRADSHAW,JR. SECRETARY . • MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Page Benton, Chief , • Water Quality Section qqa� Division of Environmental Man;getient Dept . of Natural Resources & Community Development FROM: C. R. Edgerton, PE d - Manager of Technical Services SUBJECT: Water Quality Certification - Proposed Replacement of Highway Bridges over Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek near Oriental - Project 8 . 2250501 - Pamlico County (0-37 ) The Division of Highways , hereby , makes application for Water Quality Certification for work required in the proposed replacement of subject bridges in Pamlico County . I am attaching the original and 7 copies of the application along with like number of copies of drawings (sheets 1 and 2 ) showing the details of proposed construction. Your handling of this request is appreciated and if additional information is needed to process the application, please contact me . CRE: t att . cc : Mr. W. M. Ingram Mr. G. E. Wells Mr. A. L. Hankins , Jr . APPLICATION •s, FOR PERMIT TO EXCAVATE AND/OR FILL EASEMENT IN LANDS COVERED BY WATER WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION CAMA PERMIT FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT State of North Carolina Department of the Army Department of Natural Resources& Community Development Corps of Engineers,Wilmington District (GS 113-229, 143-215.3 (a) (1), 143-215.3 (c), 113A-118 (33 CFR 209. 320-329) Department of Administration (GS 146-12) Please type or print and fill in all blanks. If information is not applicable,so indicate by placing N/A in blank. I. Applicant Information A. Name N . C . Department of Transportation—Division of Highways Last First Middle B. Address P . 0. Box 25201 Street, P.O. Box or Route Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 (919)733-3524 City or Town State Zip Code Phone II. Location of Proposed Project: A. County Pamlico B. 1. City, town, community or landmark Near Oriental 2. Is proposed work within city limits? Yes No X C. Creek, river, sound or bay upon which project is located or nearest named body of water to project Replace Highway bridges over Smith Creek (Site 1) and Kershaw Creek (Site 2) III. Description of Project A. 1. Maintenance of existing project 2. New work x (improvement) B. Purpose of excavation or fill 1. Access channel length width depth 2. Boat basin length width depth 3. Fill area length width depth 4. Other Highway length 285' width +50' depth 6 r (max. ) C. 1. Bulkhead length N/A . Average distance waterward of MHW (shoreline) 2. Type of bulkhead construction (material) D. Excavated material (total for project) 1. Cubic yards 5300 2. Type of material Muck E. Fill material to be placed below MHW (see also VI. A) 1. Cubic yards 5300 2. Type of material Sand IV. Land Type, Disposal Area, and Construction Equipment: A. Does the area to be excavated include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes X No B. Does the disposal area include any marshland, swamps or other wetland? Yes No X C. Disposal area 1. Location Upland site 2. Do you claim title to disposal area? R/W Dept. to negotiate easement D. Fill material source if fill is to be trucked in Borrow Pit E. How will excavated material be entrapped and erosion controlled? By approved earth dike F. Type of equipment to be used Dump truck, dozer, grader, dragline G. Will marshland be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? If yes, explain No D&F-B 1 Rev. 3/78 j V. Intended Use of Project Area(Describe) • '1-aA: 1. Private • 2. Commercial 3. Housing Development or Industrial 4. Other Public Highway B. 1. Lot size(s) N/A 2. Elevation of lot(s) above mean high water 3. Soil type and texture 4. Type of building facilities or structures 5. Sewage disposal and/or waste water treatment A. Existing Planned B. Describe VI. Pertaining to Fill and Water Quality: A. Does the proposed project involve the placement of fill materials below mean high water? Yes X No B. 1. Will any runoff or discharge enter adjacent waters as a result of project activity or planned use of the area following project completion? Yes_No X 2. Type of discharge 3. Location of discharge VII. Present rate of shoreline erosion (if known): Unknown VIII. List permit numbers and issue dates of previous Department of Army Corps of Engineers or State permits for work in project area, if applicable: None required previously IX. Length of time required to complete project: 12 months X. In addition to the completed application form, the following items must be provided: A. Attached a copy of the deed (with State application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected property. OR if applicant is not claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under which the owner claims title plus written permission from the owner to carry out the project on his land. B. Attach an accurate work plat drawn to scale on 81/2 X 11" white paper(see instruction booklet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred -only high quality copies accepted. C. A copy of the application and plat must be served upon adjacent riparian landowners by registered or certified mail or by publication (G.S. 113-229(d) Enter date served See "D'r D. List names and complete addresses of the riparian landowners with property adjoining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to submit comments to agencies listed below. A Public Meeting and a Public Hearing have been held. Transcripts are available. Landowners have been or will be contacted individually by Right of Way Branch. DATE 6-1-78 Appli r s Signature Manager of Technical Services Send one completed copy each to: Assistant Secretary for Natural Resources District Engineer Department of Natural Resources& Community Development Wilmington District Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 27687 P.O. Box 1890 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Ph. 919-733-4006 (Note: attach Corps transmittal letter) Ph. 919-763-9971 Ext. 565 D&F-B2 Rev. 3/78 Ci I �� S � �'". •c• � - � Fly'. b , • _ . , aj . r'; +; r. II':I .0 ''E• A `• .;. •�- �- H y .. s ' . • AY c r r r ' P r coell"VIllwc . * 01�.. OJ , '�' Q. 1Y.. .iw... .....1..... ri. 1•'Fw~7- 74:. it. ' 'A ‘t." ' T . r - "(:--;; '!r' . " x •-••. °'+ ./MfiN\ , ,,�- • ,^I.—•r Y — ` r?.\ ,> p - 'w. L E 1 R. i�• .p 'S: c r c N r ./' ,��) w •.Il: r.r.. tom,; Y-'SC ALE N M/L E. I t P ./ e' I"` ` " We/N/TY MAP 1'=� _-r l+- ry P o c 0 d r N lt .''':-,1, E1N..' / sire i �rAIAX._+/UiPAi/CANE /eh, 25/-1 /#3"S•, -\\ S/TE 2 PA: - .,, ,,- Xi_°-__.>`%1,'b4)T.-.:---:_-_--___----_ ,-_.•, t_o:.___,- . t. "" M.ROd'OJ! _ �w .�y , %.r - __ --- - _ : JPrsta ,Er�,dye - s pr ' j 0 , 1 '/LES� , •I. ` J 4r . f ----- ---- '''',..,.\,II,,, 111,;,. ti, .'' i KV g f ' r. .--7:7' !,. 4: ' ----''''' 1 e• .•".N,°r< � : r I.j����e L El/4 T/0�i . -__ 'il \--, r/6 --,:—, -. __4_3 .qr�a 7 6e �u�7C��' er.,E/ SCALE, c 431 ar M,/ll&,;(/ Wr/h Bawd DAN/EL S. ROB/NSON ANSON D. ' BROUG//TO/Y ■■ ■ ■■ ■1.■■I■ I I slip Ji ,I, r I, EL orc1 rimi il�. !. .4 ... "I� �I/ Ali v edge�� ■... 11111 ■. CUL T/l/11 I■111i ,i 1.11. il jI Q I/ �I/ J/ dr �'� ,I, rl� ,I/ ATE IL 1 11111 1 1111111 a 144`01011 1• : :11 - i111■. i 111 ;i4 l I P 3a■ -- - r� O EJ FY6 L �" �� 1 i1 i1�q.l}; � .- ; � �� � _ DEN r■■■1 ) 4 1 11 i ! $ ! ■■ s,� _ f �, 1� �� p✓ER MARJN� . — I$11r;� 1 Io $ ;1.IAA.la6.'"... 0 .1111 ' — 4'es — ' -— rA ., ...7„ __ ,r--- - - 0 ...'.51 7' i ' 7 7..:-7- --- . --4• c3 oos o 0 - - . .-----IIIIIIPT t' 'Iwo q; 1 I ' i STANLEY W /!E rlutk, ;;UIM IIiJIJII1I1iIMllht I,MARNAMALL L N r, N/OODJ I • i ,/, r I. .I. liiiIIIIIIIIIlli r. 1i01'iuil'1i4�, 1 a PL A N VIEW , 11111 Ui + ■� •uu1 LI1 ML� '�1�1� �y PR�POSEC N/6//Gt/AY BAP/OGE `Icy.:e00. ►11.1II C1"LA' S.yf/TN C'i'EEK 11' /N I",4 W L/CO COUNTY, ,V C 1 BY N. C. D.O,T D/Y. DA- h'/6//f/,9YS APR/L /978 J'ca/e• os -l'howr2 I She / o/2 .S/TE 1 Pro.,/ B•2 25050/ O-37 • -- ,°L A N 1//E1 / Sca/e: /"=/OD' .SEN✓AM/N WARREN oe,,c,7,es e-ce,e Pi'morrh. L (3w \* WOODS Pt, OO \fir J 41 I, �Fe¢,+' ,I, Nfi \ © ©,+, CIJ, ,h J, Ai �\u\ 4 + /' 63ANN/E N. PHECFS % o (9 J' 7 J, J, J. J, ,, ‘I, �Q )l, d, J, `I' ) Vk s // / 4, y J, 1, 4, J, 1, d, ,I, y` .I, � J, e /' © l ROBERT R. RATCL/FFE --"--- ©1 WOODS 4. d, b4, J, ,d J, a, � 1COA. ,©1,©1©•©1i01e %//////// ,�,p1'e �' prop Ri zRoP DENOTES F/LL ` • �`.� e `�' iiiret ACROSS MARSH SR/O05 t w' 6sT_ - = ,�Tc.4,A,A,:\�� ►7.. //%/ Ri* +—+ o •I• 11, `I% LOCKW000 WILL/S WILL/A,N C. Ja i/N.STON \ '�` -p `• ' CD y, No/C.- Edge€ of y sir4 � /q /3 ofe\Q .4, J. J, J, 4, 4, F� ,, J. 1, , t // 0IN0 D OS C .• J, J, J, J, J, t ,1,. .1, d, Q � Jr \ — — - - - M.97, Xu Y9.oy de Fier re irx "N..� r d i' Fo tJ?,✓ _- op RAP r40/-. —0 Mili _ .' -r-- ---- .' . ---_- - groi+s,.wai , r Ni„S - --. h y G _ 11111111M11clo ♦ /W1 e ----Ili, 1 III ..r-•I 4, 40. . . _ i . __ _ .. _ .. i.JdI • I; i ! *a�- Dt,r>of,ps ,''rea fo be MeicEegr _-_.. =11 1 : 'ciiNi k i '7 rlq' t c GA-/',//eel c.0/7z h LS'ci/,q% ..E i q1' `1 '1 \. �s's' Q -- — 1 i- • ot ,,"irk - _ t. , ,. ..... or.,..k\i„ 0 • : -' ,� J1�N 26 1 918 � c j•-•" () PUBLIC NOT CE o:`oly. LJ p _n NORTH CAROLINA APPLICATION F 401 PAMLICO COUNTY CERTIFICATION TAiCNOTICE that the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Raleigh, North Carolina, has made application to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management for certification that the discharge of fill material into a wetland areas adjacent to Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek will not violate applicable quality standards. The Department of Transportation proposes to replace the bridges over Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek along SR 1005 near the Town of Oriental . This work will result in the placement of approximately 5000 cubic yards of sand fill in the marsh area adjacent to Smith Creek and approximately 2800 cubic yards of fill in the area adjacent to Kershaw Creek. Additional information concerning this project may be reviewed at the offices of the Water Quality Section, Division of Environmental Management, 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. The Division of Environmental Management proposes to take final action in the issuance of the certification on or after the 21st day of July, 1978 . All persons desiring to make comments regarding the applications should do so in writing, delivered to the Division of Environmental Management, P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh, N. C. 27611 on or before the 18th day of July 1978 . This the i - day of—. . DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT A. F. McRorie, Director • G‘);\7);� NMFS SERO FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT I. Investigation Type: Section 10 404 'Awn* �N-CG A. Public Notice No. woo 34 2- Date 6--{S=T% Agency._Co,-/. o/= ruo • Date Received 6-/6 -78 Extension To B. Pre Application Activity Date Agency C. Post Application Activity Date Agency II. Applicant's Name & Address: N . C . - Q 0 . 1. ear ?}.-i.743 / III. Water Body & Location of Work (City, County, State) : fr&-cJiae, i '� �`4 Nco (r - 0P / '41 ( /d — - C C . / IV. Purpose of Work (Describe, e.g., water control, hurricane protection, etc.): 7'6J . elegy —/-d cs dp � -es A. Water Dependent: Yes X No Both B. Intended Use: V Public Private Both V. Description of Project (Append schematic of plans): 5 tr4A. Cc- '•t E (%-c.c. cy.,•�fi'A.A STh P(00 6„rd.? . _. A. ill or Spoil Area: 5; .: C'.. - 76/X65 4,1 X 6 � 1. Dimensions: 5.+«4=,= ?,Tot o 1.4e. 2. Total Area: Ers}-cu,,...r.r4rA5 (Wetland) (Non-Wetland) a. Area Vegetated Wetlands: /S, r9 (Submergent) (Emergent) / ; b. Area non-vegetated wetlands: //GAL (Subme rgen t) (Emergent) • 3. Method(s) to retain materials: A$SJMe- 5e.d,.'•-4 -? /�t�✓c ' A A,i.1 y-v4 G Ei 4. Method(s) to prevent erosion: 4 SS 5.4:'.s Fe. e 5. Intended use of fill area: L�;e: },,,. (' °4t /f/•P'..-c.k) B. Dredge or Borrow. Area: S", ?Lr Qs •o 1. Dimensions (Length, width, depth): 2. Total Area: /c, ?-a d' e'/` ..1.4. (Wetland) (Non-we tland) a. Area Vegetated Wetlands: IS; $ S (Submergent) (Emergent) J sj .1'2f .�• . 3. Quantity of materials to be excavated S", to ea (cu. yds.) Polluted: Yes X No Unknown Pollutants (Apparent Source) 4. Kinds of materials to be excavated (e.g. silt): S '/7 _ . ) 5. Intended use of excavated area: re) GG M✓lh.e_ :l7 - - - 6. Methods of excavation: A c 5(ma _ etreg— l%mot? 7. Will borrow area be backfilled: s/ Yes No If yes, with what type material and where will it be obtained? C. Description of property adjacent to project site and in area of project influence (e.g., residential, industrial, etc. , and extent ofdevelopment):) S r.% �•-c.e - h c rc 5 r 44 ; co r ( �c N / 1;;.^s tie-Skwc✓ T-.-ce '._— he)n, e 5oMe' / ao / ei:Sfgw7` ft v►`a( e: tt -' /a o Lait v C v-.* �'• ..die* W �,�... /,,,.',Y�R4r�,?.....r• ., T k_.., •' ,•'4ra'�pr ,h e•. r:', ✓ p.:... n>�hy-nF",..-.tf .? • m-.* r • • l W r L 3' • ill, • • • • . • . O • • • .. .. ',, -.4'y..A. ''''.L.."';'''''':'. 1'aaYfr-,it tl6iiaiG 4''' ''k!.,.6�. ;' 1' y"r•. n `� _vy.'a 3 D. Project Operation (if applicable) : VI. Habitat Description of Project Site and/or Area of Project Influence (Append Map and Annotated Photos): Area 1 A. Vegetated Wetlands Dredged Filled Other2 1. Predominant Emergent Species 1 M ; i�, 0,'sweiv s d Xdacc'5 Mi1C twst 6;d . (7!")(6°) S"., 14 f 4. Di 5 fie% ti s. d- t 1, 'A&. /4; d(.9 f'x6o r> : r7s a ,rf-. = Kc.v-S4a.64..) - ; c 7 10. s,fiat .g t west $lot a (4" rjCyo >/8 ,41.1 , Yf e+�s�►.-�,. Sn.�.�-ri�►... l ytio. S.1:d 5 fv"ed 6 CS 5%dc G$S'X ier')=ze.I 2. Predominant ev-rJS,C. Submerged Species �`' B . Non-Vegetated Wetlands 1 / Source of data ( i. e . , planimeter, estimate, etc. ) 2/ Define ( e .g . , vegetation to be affected by impoundment or water level manipulation) 4 • C. Fish and shellfish resources (list predominant species and identify their primary use of area, e.g., designation of primary nursery by a state) : : C . h'c•-1 C...r C a-, 4 r- L p..-/ ��f, VigiL4 h o a.r cv e, } G r4 6 d p e ,4 r c edit- -cask 4 ea./ 44,4 •-5 r �/o✓t o� A-. r.� C a- /l e - TZ e_. 5lt c-y'/=+ l0 e 6�35 C E_ P r.ram► e N '- a ✓p' /.^'a.. M a ✓i�.✓�� a-s . 50.,, Sr,d r A- GJtd ci.-a.. c.-,/ T.`; Teit- We-if c.. 5i _ S co Cv.ss;✓S S 5e.Mr e- fi5 p.-,Mt / -de 4.447`it 6:i4►s- , '5 kai. i.1": Source of information (i.e. , personal observation, literature, etc.) : pia s`r ✓tf(v+J D. Endangered, protected or threatened marine mammal, turtle, or fish species (list species source of information and note use of habitat as to M-migration, F-feeding, S-spawning/breeding) : E. Biological significance of area (describe briefly the importance or relationship of proposed work area to fishery resources in area of project influence, e.g., source of detritus, etc.): •,�.,ra� -�— F.2 — 6d74. c .ee4__S . P- c A., Az .��,�v.►.134 ;- ,'.eJ (ca L✓ e /a.c.,..r yr • • • VII. Potential direct and indirect effect of environmental alteration on fishery resources and/or their use (Brief Summary) : L.c c v fol-lo4t T VI II. Project alternatives that could prevent or reduce impact on fishery resources: A. Held in abeyance (summarize reasons, e.g., not enough information in Public Notice or pending EIS): B. Modifications 1. Design (summarize, e.g. , reduced length, width, depth; select different spoil disposal sites, etc.): /e eit,A— 6 c ,c_ 1 ca-a S S r .4-4--s ", r c, 2. Operation (summarize, e.g., maximize tidal flushing, water levels, monitoring, etc.) : • t • 3. Location (e.g., alternative site): IX. Other Comments (i.e. , project was discussed with applicant, etc.): X. Field Reconnaissance Data: A. Investigator(s) Name Agency/Firm (c`�v6 He C. /`'t • /�• B. Date of Investigation G/2//7 g time /4 • CL v a -"- -✓f ' r• 4 .,- 0 • , �C-S �.a.•✓ 0—4 E / 6,--C7 15 ;A-5 9 94 9/42.4,7- ce-d 7e-4-5( iger4 5e-cees) ✓,i•L 7" s .5-49l7› -r`PPp 1);*$ 4 4 s �cJ•✓C�vS 5 t f4--S C'E- a e de-s re- 5 t-1 C — 7D7. • • [1k[0.....,4.•.....'.7.,.,...'.,,•',.,.- _ _ • _ • • • ., ................'.'....',...:...,,.'...,,'.'.,,':,..:..,,-I'".--'-il'1.,,".‘.': - 1 - - 4 r - _ I - ;_ - fi r - *., ^ ' ' _ •- 1 . s • - - ' • • : Y, i �C , i�4�iii _; a f 1-•�.Y.�J�A. .a SLR !t. � u . � YiiJ� '� ��ti W {iL... : A . - . 411, • ,.,, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY j1'r,•„r 1 Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers i P. 0. Box 1890 4 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 , 6 \9I I �v;c 1 SAWC078-N-069-000342 '• ri5;June 19) PUBLIC NOTICE ..fir a t'' � ' T L —r-. 1 THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF TRANSPORTATION, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, PO Box 2520i., Raleighf-North Carolias`-27611; has made application for a Department of the Army permit TO PLACE FILL MATERIAL NW-WETLANDS AREA TQ_JROV15E REPLACEMENT OF HIGHWAY BRIDGES OVER SMITH CREEK AND KERSHAW CREEK ON SR 1005 NEAR•.ORIENTA7:__Pemi1co County, North Carolina. The following description of the proposed work is taken from data submitted by the applicant and from observations made during an onsite visit by a representative from t rps of Engineers. Plans submitted with the application show proposed excavation by dragline of approximately 5300 ubic yards of highly organic material which is to be placed and retained in an upland diked area. The appl nt proposes to place 5300 cubic yards of sand fill material within the excavare�a— r eaatto serve as a base for proposed new road alignments and bridge structures. The excavation limits for both bridges are in areas of mixed wetlands vegetation consisting primarily of black needlerush (Juncus romerianus) marsh. The purpose of the proposed work is to improve a public highway (SR 1005 through wetlands adjacent to Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek near Oriental). Plans outlining the proposed work are included with this public notice. 4 The District Engineer has made a preliminary determination that an Environmental Impact Statement under Section 102(2)(c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 is not required. This determination will be reviewed considering facts submitted in response to this public notice. This application is being considered pursuant to Sectio 404(b of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in t ng within the comment period specified in the notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this workaite is not included as registered property or property listed as being eligible for inclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register constitutes the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently unknown archaeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work to be accomplished under the requested permit. The District Engineer has determined, based on a review of data furnished by the applicant and onsite observations, that the proposed activity will not affect species, or their critical habitat, designated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based upon evaluation of the probable impact of the proposed activity on the public interest and will include application of the guidelines promulgated by the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, under authority of Section 404(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. That decision willel- reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered; among those are conservation, economics, esthetics, general environmental concerns, historic values, fish and wildlife values, flood damage prevention, land use, navigation, recreation, water supply, water quality, energy needs, safety, food production,and in general, the needs and welfare of the people. No permit will be granted unless its issuance is found to be in the public interest. Written comments pertinent to the proposed work, as outlined above, will be received in this office, ATTN: Mr. Allen Piner, until 4:45 p.m., 17 July 1978. 22.-- ' (---- ' v . STER Executive Assistant ',..j 1 _t. •�;1 • " • ` • • M `' III}' w I _I-.-. ' P ,♦ :.( 1 .,_ .474N J • ♦ r c r • r : ► u,� il • t ...At,'�.,W tro // ` _�� \' r— kkik :1 PK r - . ) • '':: Ir. ' .kL* -,.., . '.- /. .Lik. .... .,•>*` V. 1116V - •....mthi, �1 �W.may ` I .I "'�i,.... 9' .2 • \11.1... . '4414 1 '- ,••�! •,- SLY . fl t % c r e w .,v% li I ��,��. JCAtE /,y M![EJ �I• �'-f f• PO C 0 SIN ""'..• I ‘. ."- - T ( • %Ili 1S/TE t �s/7E 2 >b �.hwx. 1i� arc IV-1r .gsfr' ems' - 1,A,. --rr (rfRO.,00J% 6J�,1A� Eyer. ADO,. t •.♦.....0,0` +Nor pants _ ••' '1i,".!•LCG. ' Xel - ..1 re5.---- %.4::- --• 0 '` : ..'.*--QtY444 11.— -7.....'i.:rfaiVt..;;;±i47., .-- t 17,0 ' '- r✓— -is' be ��c,�<•�' air/lS SCALE T ed7 //lam,f c�‘,1h .S" /7e, .17 .. = i i lI_ ;, 1 i,li + .1 , DAM/EL S ROD/NSON` .V ;:s40,:e D. . dR,/� TOIf^♦ _Ai - - ._ tat 11, ((��. •, it �� 1 � ©� I, J, \l/ � 1 0 4 !. s-1•�`,1• J, �I, ,�,� [`T/VATED I il o 0 I--- 1 - 1 iti : [ nj tl" it *N. 4, I ',4 oil •1't tior ��i?- : •� C S ;,r,. . • /0' y ,fr/ ,, 11 'i n4 f :', -: t = oo E 1 _!• ti ,) OEVER MAR.tN, { NM•1+ t ~ 1,L l`'l;D� _`l ;� J� _ _ — — —� OR/ENT'gL�i! -- '..:1 ;d11 t 1 I o d WOoos�,l,/ /\.i c?1\� . TANL[Y,� WASIiE 0 f. ! I. f {1 , / ,v N. L MARINA ..WAIL dC{N „ WOODS r1 1 I :.'i;:1.' `.\\, ! I , ..; f� £ �� i/ ,L !, •1.,f, �I,, ' C.�, -- h':' 1 1. 't ii wi '4 • Scale /'-/00' . lii ' ,: '\ '; t f P/POPOs EO H/GH!V/9Y B R/OGE 1{ + 1;I'. ; . OVER SAf/TA' CREEK _ 11, I I i': t• I �t'f h liilil li, • /N P.AML/CO CO/�n/T/; ,V C I jilt:in J! ,1I,•': i' I , ' ;;j BY A<C. O.D.T D/v OP 1//6-1 !/AYS 1, .,', .:1:::,,11;l it i}} II ! I APR/L /978 J'cv/ i 1 1 _ r.1:�.�;7�;7,f�{ :f:';lI1(: It 1 ;�f. � OS .f/JO�/J .0 ' 'ifs! ,' .'ntltlii f► inn! i1n $IJEET 1 0F 2 S/TE I Piet 6.225 50/ 0-37 • - PLAN !i/E1 / W ' ' .SC4/e: /"=/00' 5EN✓AM/N WARREN rs tqy� �1 X, t i. Y o \•© w o r 15C ill/ ,� '! r ANN/E H. P4'KLP$ ;� 4. ,1 ,� (,{O J �M(9�.14 ����' (/ .l. J, J, L J, J• ,I, I• / 'Q 7 I, ) ( ofilD • J, 1• J, J, r, d. ,I, us -7 4,/• •i-1 /,r e�.4 .17 J. J �, J �, 4 4 �, i J, -AL' *©a•© RODERT R, R/tTCLiFRE __ t r &' V WOODS • gn•phB /• pro Ryd�Ra� DENOTES P/LL SR/005 '- W. 6S7 ' �' ' ACROSS MARSH J. iiiiiiiirit WWII , , �, � , /,;'+ts.SSDw to—I I.43 •/• 16- JP`, � . ,... u+_+ \ d. AD \r6,,4• J. d, J. , 3, `sue LOCKWOOD W/LL/S W/L L/AO C. ✓ONNSTON , J• l � b y, /Ya<t.. Ed e of.�-to..44 \ d a, 1. J. J, I, ,w mac^ a, �. �d% /s,/ccs7//sri de IN O O O S Q M Q /reC //.lO O J, J, J, I. J. J, t I, i. .1, 9 eAreH 1SS' HWCR/4-,4/YC' - ■adur111111=2"/REHENIMMINIMPAMMIII �■■■'71 ' . ii ii '& •. XA w-maw�iIDN 9/Y �` o Iv.� !Ai Fit -- lin I 7 i, •1 ' ' Ell't V.418 ' ' rei...-a. A . -"E':-:: I '71 ii f lq:41:1 ' IIIIIIIPMP. ', /eV A/e4s _ . !Fi. .:' ,i.t: . INE ‘11 ,11 'fz -• FA 1 t ii (.,,, . ' IQ, k Oe,,of�s 49rev fo 1� ' '�A � � �; v i •9f7v' 0Bgehre'///eq' La,/4 cSQ/74/ t� -.'': �' - pH C,, _._. :1 ; 1.4011ir,p; ! }f . 'SHEET 2OF 2. III • A .III- Z2III IIII JUL 12 1978 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA t,. :MA'S aS11• DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION a. MGT RALEIGH 27611 . .� JAMES B. HUNT,JR. July 10, 1978 GOVERNOR DIVISION OF HIGH t THOMAS W. BRADSHAW,JR. SECRETARY Reference : SAWC078-N-048-000240 District Engineer U. S . Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, N. C . 28402 Attention: Mr. Cliff Winefordner Regulatory Functions Branch Dear Sir: Reference your letter of 7 July 1978 concerning the proposed relocation of SR 1300 near Ponzer, Hyde County, North Carolina. We are in the process of revising permit applications which will reflect relocation similar to that suggested in your letter of 28 April 1978. These adjustments to the location should mitigate somewhat any adverse environmental effects . As soon as these drawings have been completed, we will furnish them to your office . It is regretted you were not advised that we were proceeding to study relocations for this section. However, we did not think it would take quite this long to accomplish the preparation of the amended application. Yours very truly, C . R. Edgerton, PE Manager of Technical Services CRE :t cc : L4 r. P ston Pate >' • 1'r1T OF tr`k° n dcn e 4'�\'\I/ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 4 2 WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS q d1! �j M P. O. BOX 1890 k+ _„.4,_ i P' WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402 61 NCO SiA TF.S V{PM4P IN REPLY REFER TO SAwc078-N-048-000240 7 July 1978 RECEIVED Mr. C. R. Edgerton, P.E. JUL 10 1918 Manag?r_T " al Service Dw. MAR. L NC Division of Highway - VACTi. : PO Box 25201 DREDGE Raleigh, NC 27611 __ 10-- Dear Mr. Edgerton: By letter dated 28 April 1978 you were advised of our concern over your proposed relocation of SR 1300 near Ponzer, Hyde County, North Carolina. We requested that you consider an alternative route or furnish additional information as to why your proposed route alignment was necessary. To date we have not received revised plans nor any indication that you wish to pursue this project. Please advise us of your intentions within 10 days of your receipt of this letter. If we do not hear from you within this time, we will assume you do not wish to pursue this application and the file will be retired. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Steve Brown, telephone (919) 343-4632. Sincerely yours, CHARLES W. HOLLIS Chief, Regulatory Functions Branch z CF: / Mr. Preston Pate NC Di ision of ine Fisheries PO Bo 769 Morehea City, NC 28557 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 2 z OpRECEIVED �4 � \� �/°�f,��\ DEPARTMENT OF" THE ARMY a� ,. � �i WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS 4;. . _ W 1� 1 y P. O. BOX 1890 CI �I a. l WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402 JUN 10 1 9 O STAif.1 O'P� , IN REPLY REFER TO DIV. MAR. FISH. SAWC078-N-069-000342 7 June 1979 DREDGE & FILL MGT. d fo,i; (.? '3 z NC Department f Transpor ation Division of ighways PO Box 25201 Raleigh, NC Gentlemen: In accordance with the written t of - June 197 and the ensuing administrative record, there 's inclosed a permit to lace fill material in wetlands adjacent to Smith reek and Kersha ek to provide replacement of bridges on SR 100 mental , Pamlico County, North Carolina. If any change in the authorized work is required because of unforeseen or altered conditions or for any other reason, plans revised to show the change must be sent promptly to this office. Such action is necessary as revised plans must be reviewed and the permit modified. Please carefully read your permit. The general and special conditions are important. Your failure to comply with these conditions could result in a violation of Federal law. Certain significant general conditions require that: 1 . You must begin your work on or before 31 May 1980 and complete construction before 31 December 1982. 2. You must notify this office in advance as to when you intend to commence and complete work. 3. You must allow representatives from this office to make periodic visits to your worksite as deemed necessary to assure compliance with permit plans and conditions. The inclosed Notice of Authorization, ENG Form 4336, must be conspicuously displayed at your worksite. Sincerely yours, 2 Incl ADOLPH A. HIGHT 1 . Permit Colonel , Corps_, of Engineers 2. ENG Form 4336 District Engineer SAWC078-N-069-000342 7 June 1979 NC Department of Transportation Blind CF w/cy Incl 1: Blind CF w/cy Sp. Cond. and Plan(s): Director, Atlantic Marine Center Mr. R. D. Nelson National Ocean Survey, NOAA NC Division of Marine Fisheries ATTN: CAM04, 439 W. York Street PO Box 769 Norfolk, VA 23510 Morehead City, NC 28557 o. That if the activity authorized herein is not started on or before 31st day of May 19 80 (one year from the date of issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) and is not completed on or before 31st day'of,• December ,fg 82 , (three years from the date of issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) this permit, if noC previously revoked or specifically extended,shall automatically expire • p. That this permit does not authorize or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorization or approval of which may require authorization by the Congress or other agencies of the Federal Government. q. That if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized herein, unless such abandonment is part of a transfer procedure by which the permittee is transferring his interests herein to a third party pursuant to General Condition t hereof, he must restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the District Engineer. r. That if the recording of this permit is possible under applicable State or local law,the permittee shall take such action as may be necessary to record this permit with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official charged with the responsibility for maintaining records of title to and interests in real property. s. That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use of the activity authorized herein. t. That this permit may not be transferred to a third party without prior written notice to the District Engineer, either by the transferee's written agreement to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit or by the transferee subscribing to this permit in C7 the space provided below and thereby agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit. In addition, if the permittee transfers the interests authorized herein by conveyance of realty, the deed shall reference this permit and the terms and conditionsIrzi Z specified herein and this permit shall-be recorded along with the deed with the Register of Deeds or other appropriate official. to II.Special Conditions: (Here list conditions relating specifically to the proposed structure or work authorized by this permit): 1. The proposed fill areas must be surrounded by silt screens adequate to contain all fill material and prevent sediments from reaching Smith Creek and Kershaw Creek. 2. All silt screens must be maintained until all banks and slopes have been stabilized. 3. All fill material must be obtained from an upland source and confined by silt screen. 4. The existing fill material, as depicted on the inclosed plat, will ' be removed to the elevation and configuration of the wetlands adjacent to the mitigation areas. 5. All areas restored to wetland elevation will be sprigged with black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus) , giant cordgrass (Spartina cynosuroides) , and saltmarsh bulrush (Scirpus robustus) as appropriate to maintain vegetative zonation in the marsh. 6. A representative of the Corps of Engineers shall be notified and will inspect the mitigation areas prior to vegetative sprigging to verify appropriate elevations. 7. All excavated materials, including the existing causeway fill to be removed, will be confined to an upland disposal site landward of any regularly or irregularly flooded wetlands. 8. No marsh, outside of the permitted fill causeway alignments, will be excavated or filled. • r c :I _ _ - ! a 4 �� i „�j. F'� L ,.u' �i I,\ L` t • \ — i _ ✓, _ ._ NI Ills fir• '' 11.............. .f _ N ,{r I 1 P 1 T..-. .r �.... SFi� .. Y_ ` nplwn,t• /f'�'''�' R n r P V • ,...r i' of Er3 0 , •�. _ '-.:....ti•.... ...t^�1,; --T ..�• •'.. lei dr '�i�t"I',''i~.c' ••- . '`; '.M...�",'1' a.,.�I.�.. w .... •" '�. `• . I. --..., • •. ` "�--))•C : �., Goy/ `'.•\Ilwii•' .$'.. ,......7, • 1 , , .0..NAl/ .rl� '�j- • •+^ .91 t •.. • .. f` M L G Oi''..,� jy v ,,,,\ �.� -.ram ,- I ti... ,/n...r J `k:r „,. 1 r s / ���"� ..cf.. . ,q• +uP t�''t p' \ • ; �. a Jr �0 L?l-:; s+*'- - A ,%.q \ c• '� �,�,Morr•nn�_ cRa i,.n o..l s�'i �•�i.�.�l fI / \.,�...' P .. {"r+t ro n.,-..'` ,...-n.fio.0.. .:ni ear' ,II A ` 6 '• Iti ..t," 1•I~ ( „• 4...,.. .. .:CALF /N M/L ES ; �6 .P d A 0 R 0 U N 0 , \�, Un' . •JYti ✓/C//r/T/ 1"L'/ 1 i ..r I J C 0 t / N S/TE Z s',reli • , , i — 'AX.f!/uRR/C1NE .'•'1✓1 g5 T /95i f..,rtr E OC4D ✓. e,0Y 1 f'RCt'OJ 5 ��� 1 • wil,,..11 ili -, ., "' it ...." ...'•"..41. 4. `,. r •.., . _ ..... :: ".., v ....., __ .,_ , . „ ,.„_ „. • ., . :00 : , . „.. ..,,,,. ,, 4,.. 4 w;;aL- i�. 1 I . ..♦ L f l/4 771 4► -'_ r' - I- --- — . 4'..•.'sE9L L. --. .Y T•f©o;=-[ I . ;`r greA Lu Am be c k4.rd Drat( • I S ° � CALE = __ ,O err Mct///erg We,74 Saner! DAN/EL S. ROB/NSON ANSON D. hU G//TON _ 1 Ill i iliill I '�y _ i ® � U iI le+ i� - I: ;.: 1. ' -' _ i I I 11 ' 11� �.1 1��I�1;1 l��l! �I! �I/ �,/ �,/ V / I: edgenlA/O/d/ i{ (� . , � i l II 11 \I, I ;11. II:I! ,. i; :.: A\ ,II / I p !' 'III I'ti It I y �l tip!>/, tr"E�' , •& i. ,i ,;I� • % � 1; 4" /7I,, mauls ' ,,• i __ I • C_t N4 _ - ��•,�r. '; 2 Sj' 1/ E.NorEsAF.fN '. �l1 ` s4 L / h i' ,i O\/ER M l: •;Ia: 1 - 'J_'_ ` .�•'1, . T loos +�.� i--_llo _ _ NL-2> ;i; ;t, h 1 • �i .4 �i l 1 //1 ©� l _ Ark � r .311 �� Q 1 yt/ ODS�( /3\1() + 'N- 7'+,' ;7 ' ' I ✓N, STANLEY ,,/ WATNE "/ 1/,MAR'1HA cJIALL %•LLfN ,1 WOODS 0 !lI "..•� v �"'0 F �' II / .1, ,,, r / 1{, I• I•I1 , t1; . \7•••••;..,•cr ��Q i ; c. 1/, 1 I, I/ t !L . D. y�` i . . �' •Z•C•= OLD ROAD PLAN V/EW 'I u :kl i Q re, E3 E REMOVE0. .Scale /4'=/00' ' PROPOSED H/6A/nVAY BR/OGE � � ! i • i !Ili, OVER Stif/TN CREEK I;. ; c, !; /N PAML/CO COUNTY, N C I BY AC. D.O.T D/K OF /1/61-/WAYS I . I,•.: :1 1 1::i APR/L /978 J'c'a/e as shown �i srs' . ..,I, i : ;, • Shee/ / of 2 iz.9`ILIlli!, 1 lilt! eel hill! !Milli!! MIT R£v. MAY /,979 S/TE % Pr,j 8.2250S0/ 0-37 ELAN VIEW 41 ,, ' Seale: /"_/OO' ' 5EN✓44/1/N WARREN •.Ze!:4 OLD RO/ID of/-/�c 8d e TO 23 E RE/W 0 VEQ, (3% IS L e .4 wvoos P a r OQ \©-,ci „ 1'©Ji O�` 04 J, I, J, 1, ,l/ ,1, \•\� ©t.© Vz v ANN/E H. P</EGPS .f .0.1. / / �, ,G J, ,I, J, J, J, �,Q d, J, ,1, .b / 6 ` 1, • / a� J, J, J, J, .b J. J, y-7 J, .1, iv it©� © ROBERT R, RATCL/FIE J y sl, J, J b d de J d, © WOODS J, 4. �, 0'�'©4'6 ,I, �.i r. RWzHoe' DENOTES FILL _ _ _ 1.3 ACROSS ROARS// SR7005 r 20. 867:_ - 'J'Conc. 1 — j�: -t®3sBw tB ''� � 'I' a •,• 6 46 a � v, . `R ,''yam• �-_-- ------ t—+r'b ' ''.... ,L '1' .1�• LOCKWOOD W/LL/S W/L L/A0 C. JOf/N.STON \ ` -A .I' .b 0 y, /✓a/e: Cdf e of,N4rs/4 k .I, J. J. 1, J, 4, 1 J. ICJ iS Jus /r,,ride \ ' ,4S4© free /me lw O O D S p ,I. J, a, J, J, J, ~�.\ I, I, 1, CO I MAX', f/W. t' 9, ' "- — Lpir.•...Grad,_ ie✓ T,, - i - - -- t_ai /9 65 (f'•af+ i�.5 NoR,pi Ait' 1 I I. — - /ta 3nr 9ylL//, I/Sr ?r,gI e , z I — ; I ,,,.1. 119,11R9, Rat „' r " ' MAX. /Awf OM A/N!JH r. a +/W. '/�`"A 0 r w . i. ► /14:I. ,er •itels T--- ------- (�t < I ,, �• t l is �I'I i? t!ilil?� ♦�� i--�---- --�'.�i♦i♦off♦ '.5' wR \ • t-1— . [i `;, 5CfL ti 1O � N Ye __. i!! i ,!, W ,' N O6'r)ofcVs yrea' fo ,be /-1/yC,FLy I!i!: : k . g17 ' /3g4,F7L'i//ecy co//h cSq•rq I. �: ' I,4 d v Qq` , ,� t`Isti its :!tt; 1.' ,,, _ ` \�ki\ tA -- - --11 • ' eil.k I. N,:ti-% -, 01 a °O$,ED -H/6/WAY- D RIP GE- . t I • N, i%V PANE/,CO CDU//TY //. C. ;''. . . � A R)L 1y76 sdg .-r a/ei as-f aal ' ' ' ',ice t!!.. ' .1 :Ht: Iii:li. ! �'/TE 2 Pe /. B.22se ei 0-37 •ANT Gf / ,�`� DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY \II/ 4 //A WILMINGTON DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS w 1 o z III'^ i P. O. BOX 1890 "Sk ,Y ' WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402 scr IN REPLY REFER TO SAWCO7S-N-069-000342 ,..07%23 March 1981 04.) Mr. Robert F. Wanes MPS / Assistant Division Engineer � Division of Highways yd1:1 N.C. Department of Transportation PO Box 1587 Greenville, NC 77834 Dear Mr. Deanes: On 11 March 1981 Mr. Ken Jolly of my staff accompanied by Mr. Charles Jones, Office of Coastal Management , met with you and Mr. Eddie Latham concerning the completed relocation of SR 1005 and subsequent crossine ofmith Creek and Kershaw Creek near Oriental, Pamlico County, North Carolina. Through a review of the completed construction, it has been determined that the required restoration to wetland elevations of both original approaches to Kershaw Creek and the western approach to Smith Creek has been satisfactorily completed by the N.C. Department of Transportation. and/or its contractor. The eastern approach to Smith Creek, however, remains approx- imately 1 foot higher in elevation than the adjacent marsh. Accordingly all excess material must be removed to restore the area to wetland elevation. Mr. Ken Jolly is available to meet with your equipment operator onsite to insure that the required restoration is accomplished. Mr. Jolly can be reached at telephone (919) 343-4636. Sincerely, CHAPLES W. F_OLLIS Chief, Regulatory Functions Branch Copy Furnished: Mr. Charles Jones ,/Office of Coastal Management PO Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557