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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 84-00 Mitigation Bridge #118 & #119 SR 1406 Northeast Creek B-3215 LAMA Permit No. 84-00 Executive Summary NCDOT constructed bridge replacement projects (T.I.P. Project No. 3215) of Bridge Nos. 118 and 119 over Northeast Creek overflow and Northeast Creek on SR 1406 in Onslow County, North Carolina. The Northeast Creek Mitigation Site was constructed in 2002 and was designed as wetland mitigation for impacts associated with bridge project B-3215. The restoration effort involved removing the old bridge approaches, grading to pre-construction elevations, and re-vegetating with native wetland species. No hydrologic or vegetation monitoring was required. The results of the random plot sampling indicate that the site is re-attaining wetland jurisdictional status. Project Description NCDOT constructed bridge replacement projects of Bridge Nos. 118 and 119 over Northeast Creek overflow and Northeast Creek on SR 1406 in Onslow County, North Carolina. The project consisted of replacing the existing bridges on a new alignment north of the existing bridges with centerlines offset approximately 21 feet. The project was built in "phased" construction with traffic maintained on the original road. This action resulted in permanent and temporary impacts to wetlands and streams. Permanent impacts to jurisdictional wetlands were from fill, excavation, and mechanized clearing. The total permanent wetland impacts were 0.62 ac. Temporary wetland impacts were from excavation and fill. The total temporary impacts were 0.14 ac. The project resulted in 130 linear feet of stream impacts. Project Timeline • June 2, 2000: CAMA Permit No. 84-00 issued. • June 26, 2002: Bridge construction completed. • February 6, 2003: RK&K field review completed. Permit Commitments CAMA Permit No. 84-00 issued 6/2/00 11) There must be no resultant change in reconstruction bottom contours. Authorized fill includes only that necessary to backfill or bed the utility line. Any excess material must be removed to an upland disposal area. Finished grades of subaqueous or wetland crossing must be returned to pre-project contours and elevations. 15) The portion of the Northeast Creek overflow channel that is to be permanently filled for rechannelization shall be filled to natural grade with suitable wetland or organic substrate to ensure natural vegetation of the impacted areas. 16) In order to further reduce wetland impacts at the site, the old bridge approaches shall be restored to forested wetlands by removing fill from the old approaches to 1 wetland elevation at pre-construction contours and revegetating with native wetland species. Mitigation Status RK&K conducted a site review of B-3215 on February 6, 2003. The site has been graded to pre-existing contours as required by the permit conditions. To verify vegetative success, RK&K conducted a random sampling of vegetation found on-site. The results are as follows: Type Number of Random Plots Results (1 m2 quadrant) Trees 16 9 stems Herbaceous Cover 16 Average of 87.8% cover Native wetland species are onsite. These species include: sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), baldcypress (Taxodium distichum), broomsedge (Andropogon glomeratus), aster (Aster spp.), climbing hempweed (Mikania scandens), ludwigia (Ludwigia spp.), and soft rush (Juncus effuses) 3i, {. ,. 1 .1 ., 1 •4•+ R �Te 1" '.• . '1-. +4-AN.lintiir 7.'"441, 4r.,,,, ., _ . ..4„,... .., . .5�lt, 1 • . , � ' - r, itly o3j , . fit-.; )., .,r #041110 B-3215 (2/6/03): Southeast quadrant of Bridge No. 118. 2 ` .-Mt+n. Wit'}...'. %k '' 1.j T}''IM ;i ..•Fl... T • ., i, , 4 Y mitt ' ,.,`Y . .' L i ~A . •!.V. e''.. 44: `,1/.7' .:•:iiireitieilOtt.' 'lief:1,..-.:•',?-•-7° '-'-'5 • ": al I :yam : . .t r ilrlr 4't'f: . A r''... '.4 B-3215 (2/6/03): Location of 1 m x 1 m vegetative plots in the northeastern quadrant of Bridge No. 118. ., . ,�,� . y i yam: :d .... .4d to....,:-:-. ,r . „' r 'y ` r firi '; y , ? ., • ,-.. ,es" B-3215 (2/6/03): Southwestern quadrant of Bridge No. 118. 3 .X. S f yy S; w y. '' ! )1 • t.' ; i. S ) �S /' 4 • fI '� T. . _ • I 1, )r , B-3215 (2/6/03): Location of 1 m x 1 m vegetative plots in the northwestern quadrant of Bridge No. 118. .i :�; �f 1F'%i' ■ w • 'i ,1r f i may,,,. - --' kw, B-3215 (2/6/03): Southwestern quadrant of Bridge No. 119. 4 T. fiftilirtrlir i.,. 0! , ) ', . A,. gr li mot. ,•4 1111 a B-3215 (2/6/03): Northwestern quadrant of Bridge No. 119. Y ♦, 3by� ,41 ,i aS,.. .x .. ci a'!. . n 4a' • B-3215 (2/6/03): Southeastern quadrant of Bridge No. 119. 5 A 14 3 ,' • �' .• .� -. / 1 ' %c ,A- :�V .. •.' . - 1 li 1 , rt. . . v.,..L ,e..,..1r. :., , ,, ,......„....„:„......,,,,....„... ,„.4,4...._......,,. .„ . B-3215 (2/6/03): Northeastern quadrant of Bridge No. 119. Recommendations No reports or monitoring were required in CAMA Permit No. 84-00. Revegetation of the site was successful in the 2002 growing season. Based on the successful re- establishment of wetland vegetation and correct grades on the impact areas, the site is re-attaining jurisdictional status. 6 CAMA Permit No. 84-00 issued 6/2/00 TIP No. B-3215 Onslow County Project Name: Bridge Nos. 118 and 119 over Northeast Creek Project Description: Bridge replacement projects of Bridge Nos. 118 and 119 over Northeast Creek overflow and Northeast Creek on SR 1406. The project consisted of replacing the existing bridges on a new alignment north of the existing bridges with centerlines offset approximately 21 feet. The project was built in "phased" construction with traffic maintained on the original road. Recommendations: Revegetation of the site was successful in the 2002 growing season. Based on the successful re-establishment of wetland vegetation and correct grades on the impact areas, the site is re-attaining jurisdictional status. CAMA Permit No. 116-00 issued 7/19/00 TIP No. B-2513 Brunswick County Project Name: Bridge No. 6 over Hood Creek Project Description: Bridge replacement project of Bridge No. 6 over Hood Creek. The project consisted of replacing the existing bridge with a new bridge on the existing alignment and elevation. Traffic was detoured locally. Recommendations: RK&K recommends that NCDOT continue monitoring the Hood Creek Bridge Mitigation Site. CAMA Permit No. 130-00 issued 8/25/00 (original permit not located) TIP No. R-2633 C New Hanover County Project Name: Wilmington Bypass Project Description: Construction of four-lane, median-divided highway on new location between 1-40 and US 421. The highway begins at 1-40, north of Northchase Industrial Park and extends west through Castle Hayne and then turns southwest across the Northeast Cape Fear River and joins US 421 south of Wilmington Materials and CP&L's Sutton Electric Plant. 18