HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT R-2551 Wetland Mitigation ArA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley,Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr.,Secretary October 25, 2006 Philip S. Harris, III, PE, Manager N.C. Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Harris: Enclosed please find comments from the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) on the following two documents submitted to DCM by the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) on April 20, 2005 and August 15, 2005, respectively: "CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition"; and "CAMA Permit Commitment Review." As you know, in April 2002 DCM and NCDOT began a comprehensive effort to ensure that the mitigation and monitoring conditions of the CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents are satisfied. DCM regrets that it took over a year to provide the attached comments. However, substantial progress has been made during this period to achieve resolution on many of the projects discussed in these documents. There are a total of 43 projects with CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents: 20 projects have mitigation conditions only; 10 projects have temporary impact monitoring conditions only; and 13 projects have both mitigation conditions and temporary impact monitoring conditions. Based upon the attached analysis, DCM has determined that the mitigation and/or temporary impact monitoring conditions of 17 projects have been completely satisfied. There are 23 CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents with mitigation and/or monitoring conditions that remain unsatisfied. Compliance with some of these projects is imminent or well underway. However, many of these projects have significant outstanding unresolved issues, and are of particular concern to DCM. I do not believe that a general meeting is necessary to discuss these projects. Instead, I hope that our staffs can put an emphasis on working together to resolve the outstanding issues as detailed in the attached documents. 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293\ FAX: 919-733-1495\ Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled\10%Post Consumer Paper Please ask your appropriate staff to contact Cathy Brittingham at(919) 733-2293 x238 or via e- mail at Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net to discuss next steps for projects within Division One. To discuss next steps for projects within Divisions Two and Three contact Steve Sollod at(919) 733-2293 x230 or via e-mail at Steve.Sollod(cincniail.net. Please also feel free to contact me at (252) 808-2808 or via e-mail at Doug.Huggett(a:;ncmail.net if you have any general questions or concerns. Sincerely, (73-9-5/ • Doug Huggett Major Permits and Consistency Coordinator CC: Deborah Anderson Cathy Brittingham Linda Fitzpatrick Randy Griffin Charles Jones (w/o attachments) Steve Sollod Ted Tyndall (w/o attachments) DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's CAMA Permit Commitment Review SUMMARY TIP#/ LOCATION/ DCM CONLMFNTS/RESPONSE CAMA COUNTY PERMIT# DIVISION ONE 1 1 ' . 041 US 64/264, The wetland mitigation requirements of thi : oject have been met to 27-92 Dare DCM's satisfaction. NCDOT is re. ed to provide DCM with documentation demonstrating t.. the shellfish bed enhancement requirements of this pro'-► ave been satisfied in accordance with •-rmit condition 1: : soon as possible. 2 R-2228/ NC 168 from EEP .• rac ' . with a consultant to conduct a field delineation in 124-95 and Moyock to Septe...-r i:• of the successful coastal wetlands in the creation area at 139-94 Barco, '. ance Farm. A *CM verifies the consultant's findings,EEP will Currituck need to provide DCM wit - .cknowledgement letter documenting that 5.58 acres of credits have been debt -: om the successful coastal wetlands at Ballance Farm. After that, DC' • be able to send a letter to NCDOT acknowledging that NCDOT has sate . its mitigation requirements for this project through successful co. .1 wetland mitigation at the Ballance -m mitigation site. 3 B- Coinjock Bay, The mitigation requiremen his project have been met to DCM's 101 Currituck satisfaction./ 4 R- 512/ US 17 Brid , The wetland mitigation requ- ements have been met to DCM's 88-96 Ch iver, satisfaction. There is documentatio AMA permit file that owan the SAV requirements of this have been satisfied in accordance with CAMA permit con n number 16. e the attached text for details. 5 R-2551/ US 64-264, The surface water mitigation requirements of this project have been 7-98 Croatan Sound satisfied. In compliance with Condition Number 13 of the major Bridge, Dare CAMA permit modification issued on 9/23/98, NCDOT needs to carry out a post-construction inventory of submerged aquatic vegetation during the first acceptable period(August-September). In compliance with Condition Number 14 of the major CAMA permit modification issued on 9/23/98, NCDOT needs to convene a meeting to assess construction-related impacts to SAV habitat, and to determine an appropriate monitoring and mitigation strategy, including scheduling, to offset the loss of this habitat. NCDOT needs to carry out any and all mitigation requirements resulting from this meeting. DCM needs to make a visit to the White's Store mitigation site to confirm that there are at least 0.42 acres of successful sawgrass areas to provide mitigation at a 2:1 ratio for the 0.21 acres of impacts for this project, the only project to be debited from this site to date. 6 .-400./ nok sland There is a conflict with the local land use plan for the proposed debit 7-•:4 OD Visi Center, from u pernong River Wetland Mitigation Bank. P se see the D e attached text for . DCM will continue to c 'nate with NCDOT to ensure that the mitigation irement ied to the Roanoke Island Mitigation Site are satisfied. DC to make a site visit to confirm compliance with conditio o the permit m cation issued on 6/5/01 that states the pe e must restore any wetlands, s or uplands that are impa d within the 30-foot buffer by the work as scribed in Condition No. 2 of this permit to their pre-project conditions. Page 1 of 19, 10/25/2006 DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's CAMA Permit Commitment Review associated with this project, a post-construction SAV survey should be corn. ed and a meeting cone . ted with resource agencies no later than three months following t. •etermine appropriate mitigation • impacts, if any." In compliance with Condition Nu • .er 13 of the major CAMA permit modification is . -d on 9/23/98,NCDOT needs to carry out a p•: -construction inventory of submerged aquatic :etation during the first acceptable pe '•d (August-September). In compliance with Condition Number • •f the major CAMA permit • odification issued on 9/23/98,NCDOT needs to convene a meeting with repr--- tatives of the Di ' ion of Coastal Management, the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, the NC Divi .en of M. ' e Fisheries,the NC Division of Water Quality,the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Nati. . . Marine Fisheries Service. This meeting will be for the purposes of assessing construction-relate. impa : to SAV habitat, and to determine an appropriate monitoring and mitigation strategy, i• uding schedu ' •t to offset the loss of this habitat. In compliance with Condition Numb- 14 of the major CA • •ermit modification issued on 9/23/98, NCDOT needs to carry out an and all mitigation requirements ; ulting from this meeting. DWQ shall be involved in the net . iation of the mitigation plan. ci 7,0 J The 2006 notes i :icate that very little SAVs were present on the east approach. 4 ere were more SAVs at the = t connection. This project is not under construction to date. There she Id be no SAV pi C��1 w impact fro.- the bridge because there are none present in the sound. The adjacent canals •n Highway - (\5�-64 are •ominated by Milfoil and Alligator Weed. Surface water mitigation requirements In a letter dated 9/9/99, EEP accepted payment from NCDOT for mitigation requirements of 1047 feet of stream. Therefore, the surface water mitigation requirements of this project havctleen' f 1 .' 71 i Li satisfied. -a El....° .. Wetland mitigation requirements SEP 2 5 2003 There are 4 wetland mitigation sites for this project: Mashoes Road, Dismal Nisrarnp,Manteo Bypass u ly Ut-Bridge and White's Store. COASTAL MANAGEMENT RALEIG ! Three of the wetland mitigation sites,Mashoes Road, Dismal Swamp and Manteo Bypass Bridge, have been closed out by DCM. In a letter dated 2/17/06, DCM agreed with NCDOT's recommendation to discontinue monitoring at the Mashoes Road Mitigation Site. The Dismal Swamp mitigation site was closed out by DCM through internal memorandums dated 10/27/05, 12/16/05 and 6/22/06. The Manteo Bypass Bridge mitigation site was closed out by DCM in a letter dated 7/21/06. One of the wetland mitigation sites, White's Store, has not been closed out by DCM. DCM has communicated internally about this request in memorandums dated 10/19/05 and 12/16/05. In a letter dated 6/13/05,NCDOT requested that DCM provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. In a letter to DOT dated 5/2/05, DCM said: "DCM has a zero tolerance policy for Phragmites australis in coastal wetland mitigation sites. DCM does not allow coastal wetland mitigation credit for areas dominated by Phragmites. The monitoring report states that Phragmites was found in 3 of the 30 plots monitored in 2004. DCM does not agree that monitoring can be discontinued at this site unless the unsuccessful portions of the site (Phragmites- dominated) are abandoned and suitable coastal wetland restoration is found nearby to make up the difference." In a letter to DOT dated 4/22/04, DCM stated: "The low survival of planted sawgrass at the site and dominance of Echinochloa species suggests that the hydrology of the site is not favorable for sawgrass...if the hydrology of the site were appropriate for sawgrass,Echinochloa would not flourish." The CAMA Permit Commitment Review document prepared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 Page 4 of 19, 10/25/2006 DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's CAMA Permit Commitment Review • states: "RK&K field reviewed this site with Randy Midgett and Mr. Pablo Hernandez,NCDOT Division 1 Resident Engineers, on January 15, 2003 and again in March 2003. Many bare ground areas occur throughout the site and Phragmites is establishing along the western portion of the site. Photos of this mitigation site are included below." DCM needs to make a visit to the White's Store mitigation site to confirm that there are at least 0.42 acres of successful sawgrass areas to provide mitigation at a 2:1 ratio for the 0.21 acres of impacts for this project, the only project to be debited from this site to date. If there is a plan to transfer any excess mitigation credits from this site to the EEP, then DCM and DOT need to let EEP know how much of the site is considered successful. AIce)rL.V�� Whites Store has now been closed out by NCDCM. Closeout letter is attached. The site provided n mitigation for 0.21 acre of impacts but due to Phragmites on the site, DCM will not allow for any excess mitigation to be used for future impacts. V t Temporary impa• mo• toring requirements SEP 2 5 2008 Please refer to the ► 'M document titled: "DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's `LAMA Permits with Temporary Impac t. itoring Condition', dated April 20,2005." iJIV. OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT RALEIGH 6. TIP NO. K-4003,ROANOKE ISLAND VISITOR CENTER, CAMA PERMIT NO. 7-98, I INOR MODIFICATION ISSUED 6/5/01 Approv- • mitigation sites for wetland impacts resulting from this project include: on-site res oration, creation an. 'reservation at the Roanoke Island Visitor Center/Rest Area Mitigation Site, ,orth and South tracts in D: e County and preservation at the Mashoes Road Mitigation Site in P: e County. Unauthorized clearing o o.- preservation area at the Roanoke Island Visitor Ce i er/Rest Area. In a letter dated 3/6/02 from . P OT to USACE,NCDOT provided informa 'on about unauthorized mechanized clearing of 0.29 acres . wetlands within the preservation are of the Roanoke Island Visitor Center Mitigation Site. Becau - .reservation is only appropri. e for"high quality"wetlands, the cleared wetlands no longer qualified fo 'reservation credits. -erefore,NCDOT requested that the EEP provide mitigation for these 0.29 acre .f wetland imp. ' s elsewhere. In a letter dated 7/21/05, EEP stated it will compensate for these i •acts by • -ducting 0.58 acres/credits from the Scuppernong River Mitigation Bank's transferred bal.'. : rn om DOT. However,the Scuppernong River Mitigation Bank is in Tyrrell County and the T, e County 1996 land Use plan update on page 140 states that: "Tyrrell County opposes any 404 , etlands • igation projects within Tyrrell County undertaken to replace 404 wetlands outside o yrrell County." rthermore, the impacts are in Dare County, and the Dare County Land Use P 1994 Update on page :I states that: "Mitigation activities and improvements designed -.. compensation for wetland los .ccurring in Dare County shall be located, whenever possible, in P. e County and in proximity to the los " Therefore, there is a conflict with the local land use • ans for the proposed debit from the Scuppe .ng River Wetland Mitigation Bank. In an e- '.11 exchange during August 2006, DOT, DCM and : P agreed that DOT would request that EEP - •just the transferred balance for the Dismal Swamp Mitig• 'on Site in Gates County instead of th- " cuppernong River Mitigation Bank in Tyrrell County for these , pacts. Within this request, DOT , '11 need to demonstrate that there is not available mitigation in Dare . my and in proximity to t - impact. When DCM receives a copy of the request from DOT to EEP, we ' review the proposa or consistency with the Gates County and Dare County CAMA land use plans. A •er the DCM 1. • use plan review is complete, and if it is favorable, then EEP will send out an ackno edgement letter that the transferred asset beginning balances have been successfully adjusted. Page 5 of 19, ice. DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's CAMA Permit Commitment Review 5. R-2551, WIDENING OF US 64-264 FROM WEST OF MANNS HARBOR TO SR 1105, CONSTRUCTION OF NEW 4/5 LANE FACILITY FROM SR 1105 TO US 64-264/NC 345, INCLUDING A NEW BRIDGE ACROSS THE CROATAN SOUND, DARE COUNTY, CAMA PERMIT NO. 7-98 bmerged aquatic vegetation requirements: DC • .s not received any documentation from NCDOT that the submer;-• aquatic vegetation requireme . of CAMA Permit No. 7-98 have been satisfied. The C: A permit commitment review document prepai , by RK&K dated 9/22,03 states: "In order to . fill mitigation commitments associated with this pr..-ct, a post-construction SAV surve ould be completed-and a meeting conducted with resource age 'es no later than three t the following to determine appropriate mitigation for impacts, if any." ompliance w' Condition Number 13 of the major CAMA permit modification issued on 9/23/' ;, 'C 1 needs to carry out a post-construction inventory of submerged aquatic vegetation duri - rst acceptable period (August-September). In compliance with Condition Numbe 4 of the m. ' CAMA permit modification issued on 9/23/98,NCDOT needs to cony e a meeting with rep •ntatives of the Division of Coastal Management, the NC Wild '.'e Resources Commission, the Division of Marine Fisheries, the NC Division of Water I ality, the US Army Corps of Engineers . 'd the National Marine Fisheries Service. is meeting will be for the purposes of assessing : i struction-related impacts to SAV habitat . d to determine an appropriate monitoring and mitigate• strategy, including scheduling, : offset the loss of this habitat. In compliance with Condition Nu •er 14 of the major C A permit modification issued on 9/23/98,NCDOT needs to carry out . ' and all miti! , ion requirements resulting from this meeting. DWQ shall be involved in the n otiation o e mitigation plan. Surface water mitigation requirements In a letter dated 9/9/99, EEP accepted payment from NCDOT for mitigation requirements of 1047 feet of stream. Therefore, the surface water mitigation requirements of this project have been satisfied. Wetland mitigation requirements There are 4 wetland mitigation sites for this project: Mashoes Road, Dismal Swamp, Manteo Bypass Bridge and White's Store. Three of the wetland mitigation sites, Mashoes Road, Dismal Swamp and Manteo Bypass Bridge, have been closed out by DCM. In a letter dated 2/17/06, DCM agreed with NCDOT's recommendation to discontinue monitoring at the Mashoes Road Mitigation Site. The Dismal Swamp mitigation site was closed out by DCM through internal memorandums dated 10/27/05, 12/16/05 and 6/22/06. The Manteo Bypass Bridge mitigation site was closed out by DCM in a letter dated 7/21/06. One of the wetland mitigation sites,White's Store, has not been closed out by DCM. DCM has communicated internally about this request in memorandums dated 10/19/05 and 12/16/05. In a letter dated 6/13/05, NCDOT requested that DCM provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. In a letter to DOT dated 5/2/05,DCM said: "DCM has a zero tolerance policy for Phragmites australis in coastal wetland mitigation sites. DCM does not allow coastal wetland mitigation credit for areas dominated by Phragmites. The monitoring report states that Phragmites was found in 3 of the 30 plots monitored in 2004. DCM does not agree that monitoring can be discontinued at this site unless the unsuccessful portions of the site (Phragmites- dominated) are abandoned and suitable coastal wetland restoration is found nearby to make up the Page 7 of 19, 10/25/2006 • DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's CAMA Permit Commitment Review difference." In a letter to DOT dated 4/22/04, DCM stated: "The low survival of planted sawgrass at the site and dominance of Echinochloa species suggests that the hydrology of the site is not favorable for sawgrass...if the hydrology of the site were appropriate for sawgrass, Echinochloa would not flourish." The CAMA Permit Commitment Review document prepared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 states: "RK&K field reviewed this site with Randy Midgett and Mr. Pablo Hernandez, NCDOT Division 1 Resident Engineers, on January 15, 2003 and again in March 2003. Many bare ground areas occur throughout the site and Phragmites is establishing along the western portion of the site. Photos of this mitigation site are included below." DCM needs to make a visit to the White's Store mitigation site to confirm that there are at least 0.42 acres of successful sawgrass areas to provide mitigation at a 2:1 ratio for the 0.21 acres of impacts for this project,the only project to be debited from this site to date. If there is a plan to transfer any excess mitigation credits from this site to the EEP,then DCM and DOT need to let EEP know how much of the site is considered successful. im act monitoring requirements Please refer to the D oc • - " CM Evaluation of NCDOT's `CAMA Permits with Temporar onitoring Condition', dated Apn , @5." TIP NO. K-4003, ROANOKE ISLAND VISITOR CENTER, CAMA PERMIT NO -98, OR MODIFICATION ISSUED 6/5/01 Approve. '.itigation sites for wetland impacts resulting from this project includ-. on-site restoration, creation and p - ervation at the Roanoke Island Visitor Center/Rest Area Mi •:ation Site, North and South tracts in D. : County and preservation at the Mashoes Road Miti:. on Site in Dare County. Unauthorized clearing of ' : .reservation area at the Roanoke Isl. •i Visitor Center/Rest Area. In a letter dated 3/6/02 from N ' 0 OT to USACE, NCDOT pro ded information about unauthorized mechanized clearing of 0.29 acres o etlands within the p •servation area of the Roanoke Island Visitor Center Mitigation Site. Becaus- •reservation i •nly appropriate for"high quality" wetlands, the cleared wetlands no longer qualified for ► eserv. 'on credits. Therefore, NCDOT requested that the EEP provide mitigation for these 0.29 acres • etland impacts elsewhere. In a letter dated 7/21/05, EEP stated it will compensate for the!- im.: is by deducting 0.58 acres/credits from the Scuppernong River Mitigation Bank's tran 'erred balan • from DOT. However, the Scuppernong River Mitigation Bank is in Tyrrell Co ' y and the Tyrrell .aunty 1996 land Use plan update on page 140 states that: "Tyrrell County opp• es any 404 wetlands mi •:ation projects within Tyrrell County undertaken to replace 404 wetlan.: outside of Tyrrell County." ► ermore, the impacts are in Dare County, and the Dare County : d Use Plan 1994 Update on page 6$ tates that: "Mitigation activities and improvements .esigned as compensation for wetland loss • curring in Dare County shall be located, whenever pos ••le, in Dare County and in proximity to the loss. Therefore,there is a conflict with the loca and use plans for the proposed debit from the Scu• ernong River Wetland Mitigatio :ank. In an e-mail exchange during August 2006,DO ' DCM and EEP agreed that DO ould request that EEP adjust the transferred balance for th• 1 ismal Swamp Mitigation Sit. in Gates County instead of the Scuppernong River Mitigation Ban in Tyrrell County for ese impacts. Within this request,DOT will need to demonstrate that t i •re is not available itigation in Dare County and in proximity to the impact. When DCM recei •s a copy of the r-quest from DOT to EEP,we will review the proposal for consistency with the Ga.•s Cou y and Dare County CAMA land use plans. After the DCM land use plan review is co s plete,and if it is favorable,then EEP will send out an acknowledgement letter that the ansferred asset beginning balances have been successfully adjusted. Page 8 of 19, 10/25/2006 Casey Tract mitigation sites in 2003. A.- cy approval should be obtained before •'.continuing vegetative monitoring for the asey Tract Mitigation Site. CAMA Per t No. 88-96 is •ed 5/29/96 and 6/2/96 TIP No. R-2512 Chowan and Be e C• , nties Project Na -: US 17 Bridge, owan River Project ' -scription: US Hwy 17 bri.•: crossings at the Chowan Riv- and Pembroke Creek. Re . • mendations: NCDOT should develop a mitigatio 'Ian to compensate for the SAV los _ as stated in Condition 16 of Permit No. ::-96. Monitoring of the Dismal Swamp and ': broke Creek Mitigation Sites sh.• d continue through 2003 or until success criteria a : met. Monitoring gauge . oblems at the Pembroke Creek Site should be addressed. It appears that all mitigation equir: ents associated with this project have been appropriately debited. NCDOT s' Id update DCM on the progress of mitigation and monitoring activities associated with R-• 12. Correspondence from DCM dated April 29, 2002 states that DCM has • record of ' '.ation or monitoring efforts for this project and refers to the require • t of temporary imp.. monitoring. According to NCDOT and the COE modification .wo. 199705883) dated Octo.: 23, 1997, temporary impacts were reclassified as per -nent impacts and mitigated for thro.:h mitigation banks. Hydrology su •ess criteria on the Ballance Farm Mitigation Sit- hould be clarified with resource a:-ncy personnel. According to the monitoring repo , ydrology must be similar t• the associated reference wetlands and depths predicted '• the calculated water . dget. The monitoring report presents data with respect to the 'urisdictional wet!. d criteria (saturation or inundation for 12.5% of the growing season); h. ever, it is u lear from the monitoring report how hydrology at the mitigation and refere e sites are to be quantitatively compared. CAMA Permit No. 7-98 issued 1/20/98 TIP No. R-2551 (B-5208) Dare County Project Name: US 64, Croatan Sound Bridge Project Description: US 64/264 beginning at the intersection of US 64/264, 1.9 miles west of Manns Harbor, and extends eastward to the intersection of NC 345 and US 3 64/264 south of Manteo. The total project length is approximately 10 miles and includes a 5.22-mile bridge extending across the Croatan Sound. Recommendations: RK&K did not locate documentation referencing a post- construction SAV survey. If this has not been completed, it should be conducted as soon as possible. In addition, a resource meeting with agency personnel should be established within three months of the post-construction survey. RK&K recommends that documentation be obtained of agency agreement with vegetative monitoring and success criteria utilized for Manteo Bypass Bridge Mitigation Site (NMFS criteria vs. criteria set forth in initial mitigation plan). NCDOT should continue to monitor and provide annual monitoring reports of Mashoes Road Mitigation Site, Manteo Bypass Mitigation Site, Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site and White's Store Mitigation Site. The COE has requested notification and an opportunity to attend annual monitoring activities. Remedial actions may be necessary on the White's Store Site due to the poor establishment of sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) and establishing Phragmites australis. NCDOT should consult with resource agencies to determine appropriate remediation for this site. Annual reports of the impact area associated with the temporary work trestle (CAMA Permit Modification issued May 1, 2000) should be documented. A meeting to review temporary impact areas is required in 2005 (three years post-project completion). As stated in WQC No. 3167 issued November 26, 1997, all temporary impact areas should be restored in accordance with the finalized DWQ restoration policy. DWQ documented a payment of $69,375 to WRP in the WQC issued on August 19, 1998. NCDOT should provide documentation of a $61,500 contribution to WRP provided as compensation for the additional 492 linear feet of stream impacts in order to account for the total 1,047 linear feet of impacts ($130, 875 required) in the Pasquotank River basin associated with this project. MA Permit No. 7-98 modific. '•n (date unknown) TIP No. ' 00 Da = ounty Project Name: Roanoke Isl. .:- itor Center Project Descri• '• : Construction of the '.anoke Island Visitor Center -•: -est Area occurred -ssociation with the newly constru :. Manteo B e R-2551) US 64/US 2.• .etween the Croatan Sound and US 64/NC 345 ection in Dare County. Recommendations: NCDOT shoul. -. tinue to monitor bot' e Roanoke Island and Mashoes Road Mitigation Si -- or a five year period or until succ-, criteria are met. Hydrologic monitorin• :- a for the Roanoke Island Mitigation Site sho , be clarified. The report stat-. at hydrology is jurisdictionally successful, although not all g. _ •es are meetin. -sency criteria for success as set forth in the mitigation plan. Gaug- data -2) should be revisited, as the data presented does not correspond with the 4 R-2551/(B-5208) CAMA Permit No. 7-98 Executive Summary NCDOT constructed a highway improvement project (T.I.P. Project No. R- 2551/B-5208) beginning at the intersection of US 64/264, 1.9 miles west of Manns Harbor and extending eastward to the intersection of NC 345 and US 64/264 south of Manteo. NCDOT submitted an application for a CAMA Major Development Permit in October 1997. In this permit, NCDOT lists a total of 19.92 ac of permanent wetland impacts and 1.22 ac of permanent impacts to surface waters. Compensatory mitigation for impacts occurred at the Mashoes Road Mitigation Site, Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site, White's Store Mitigation Site and Manteo Bypass Bridge Mitigation Site (in response to a permit violation). In addition, NCDOT compensated for stream impacts associated with this project through payment to the WRP. CAMA, COE and DWQ issued permits for this project in 1998. Permits subsequently underwent a series of modifications between 1998 and 2000. In order to fulfill mitigation commitments associated with this project, a post-construction SAV survey should be completed and a meeting conducted with resource agencies no later than three months following to determine appropriate mitigation for impacts, if any. NCDOT should continue annual monitoring at established mitigation sites as well as at temporary impact areas and document revised success criteria (Manteo Bypass Bridge Mitigation Site). Remedial actions may be necessary on the White's Store Site due to the poor establishment of sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) and establishing Phragmites. An agency meeting should be scheduled in 2005 (three years post-construction) to review the status of temporary impact areas. As stated in WQC No. 3167 issued November 1997, all temporary impact areas should be restored in accordance with the finalized DWQ restoration policy. NCDOT should provide documentation of payment to WRP for 1,047 linear feet of stream impacts. Project Description NCDOT constructed a transportation improvement project (R-2551/B-5208) for US 64/264 in Dare County, North Carolina. The project begins at the intersection of US 64/264, which is 1.9 miles west of Manns Harbor and extends eastward to the intersection of NC 345 and US 64/264 south of Manteo. The total project length is approximately 10 miles and includes a 5.22-mile bridge extending across the Croatan Sound. DCM issued the original CAMA permit in early 1998 and a major modification on September 23, 1998. This modification states that total wetland impacts include 9.51 ac of coastal marsh and 9.14 ac of 404 wetlands. The CAMA permit as well as COE permit subsequently underwent a series of modifications between 1998 and 2002. NCDOT received a permit violation in August 1999 for disturbance to a black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus) marsh located adjacent to the newly constructed bridge (B-5208) crossing the Croatan Sound. NCDOT subsequently developed a mitigation plan for the impacted site (Manteo Bypass Bridge Mitigation Site) and completed its second year monitoring in 2002. Additional compensatory mitigation for this project occurred at the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site, the Mashoes Road Mitigation Site, the White's Store Mitigation Site and through the WRP. 1 Protect Timeline • November 26, 1997: WQC No. 3167 issued. • December 1997: Report detailing pre-construction SAV survey completed. • January 20, 1998: CAMA Permit No. 7-98 issued. • March 5, 1998: COE Permit No. 199502334 issued. • August 19, 1998: WQC No. 3167 modified. • September 23, 1998: CAMA Permit No. 7-98 modified. • September 24, 1998: COE Permit No. 199502334 modified. • Spring 1999: Mashoes Road Mitigation Site construction completed. • August 12, 1999: DCM Notice of Violation issued. • September 1999: Manteo Bridge Bypass Mitigation Site restored. • April 28, 2000: WQC No. 3167 modified. • May 11, 2000: COE Permit No. 199502334 modified. • May 2001: Manteo Bridge Mitigation Site planted. • May 2001: White's Store Mitigation Site constructed and planted. • May 2001: Mashoes Road Mitigation Site planted. • August 16, 2002: Manteo Bridge (B-5208) opened. • March 2003: RK&K field review completed. Permit Commitments CAMA Permit No. 7-98 issued 1/20/98 (Croatan Sound and Spencer Creek, US 64- 264 Manns Harbor to Manteo) NOTE: The proposed project will impact a total of 12.29 ac of coastal marsh and +/- 7.62 ac of palustrine forest. 12) The permittee shall enact in its entirety the mitigation plan outlined in the document Mitigation Proposal, Mashoes Road Mitigation Site (October 1997). NOTE: The acceptance of this mitigation plan was based upon the site-specific reviews of the impacted wetland habitats as well as the potential functions and values of the habitats to be restored. Issuance of this permit does not imply any precedent with regards to mitigation. 2 13) Monitoring of the mitigation site shall continue for a length of five (5) years following completion of planting. 14) A post-construction inventory of SAV, similar to the study outlined in the October 29, 1997 SAV study (prepared by Langley and McDonald, P.C.), shall be carried out during the first acceptable period (August-September) immediately following completion of the bridge construction phase of the project. 15) Within three months following completion of the SAV study described in Condition 13 above, the permittee shall convene a meeting with representatives of the DCM, WRC, DMF, DWQ, COE and NMFS. This meeting will be for the purposes of assessing construction-related impacts to SAV habitat, and to determine appropriate monitoring and mitigation strategy, including scheduling, to offset the loss of this habitat. The permittee shall carry out any and all mitigation requirements resulting from this meeting. 18) The DWQ has authorized the proposed project WQC No. 3167 (DWQ Project No. 970856), which was issued on November 26, 1998. Any violation of conditions of this certification will be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. CAMA Permit No. 7-98 major modification issued 9/23/98 (Croatan Sound and Spencer Creek, US 64-264 Manns Harbor to Manteo) NOTE: The proposed project will impact a total of+/-9.51 ac of coastal marsh and +/-9.14 ac of 404 wetlands. CAMA Permit No. 7-98 minor modification issued 5/20/99 (Croatan Sound and Spencer Creek, US 64-264 Manns Harbor to Manteo) 1) This minor modification authorizes the construction of a surface water collection system immediately north of the authorized roadway fill between stations 32+80 and 34+50 (approximate), and the construction of a +/-1.4 ac mitigation site between stations 12+00 and 16+00 (approximate), all as depicted in the attached workplan drawings and the April 7, 1999 modification request letter. CAMA Notice of Violation letter dated 12/9/99 DCM letter documents Notice of Violation issued to NCDOT on August 12, 1999. The violation occurred on property located at the Manns Harbor Croatan Sound Bridge construction site in Dare County, North Carolina. The violation involved the unauthorized construction of a temporary wooden mat roadway in coastal wetlands as well as double handling of excess spoil material deposited in coastal wetlands during the jetting of the permanent bridge pilings. The letter states that all restoration measures requested by the DCM have been completed. 3 CAMA Permit No. 7-98 minor modification dated 5/1/00 (Croatan Sound and Spencer Creek, US 64-264 Manns Harbor to Manteo) 2) In accordance with the permittee's letter dated April 24, 2000, spoil material associated with jetting operations in jurisdictional areas will be removed from both coastal and freshwater wetlands by using a crane fitted with a clamshell bucket from the existing temporary work trestle. This will require that the temporary work trestle be extended all the way to high ground. Mats will not be used and tracked or wheeled equipment will not be operated in any jurisdictional areas. 3) In removing the spoil associated with the jetting operation, the permittee shall use extreme care to ensure that the temporarily impacted areas are returned to pre- project contours and elevations. 4) Due to the possibility that activities authorized under this permit modification might prevent the temporary wetland impact area from re-attaining wetland jurisdictional status, the permittee shall provide an annual update on the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project. This annual update will consist of photographs provided during the agency monitoring report meeting and a brief report on the progress of these temporarily impacted areas in re-attaining wetland jurisdictional status. Three years after project completion, the permittee shall schedule an agency field meeting with DCM, DWQ and WRC to determine if the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained wetland jurisdictional status. If at the end of three years the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have not re-attained jurisdictional wetland status, NCDOT and the above listed shall determine whether a compensatory wetland mitigation plan will be required. COE Permit No. 199502334 issued 2/12/98 Permit authorizes NCDOT: To deposit fill materials into 13.222 ac of jurisdictional wetlands, to mechanize land clear 3.85 ac of jurisdictional wetlands, to drain 2.79 ac of jurisdictional wetlands, and to deposit fill materials into 0.05 ac of open waters of the United States located adjacent to the Croatan Sound, Spencer's Creek and unnamed tributaries. Permit Conditions: e) The mitigation work for marsh and non-riverine bottomland hardwoods wetlands will be undertaken at the Mashoes Road Mitigation Site (MRMS) pursuant to the plan entitled "Mitigation Plan, Mashoes Road Mitigation Site, Dare County, State Project No. 8T051401, TIP Project No. R-2551" (October 1997), and pursuant to the additional commitments and additions in the correspondence dated December 18, 1997, from Mr. H. Franklin Vick, NCDOT, to Mr. Mike Bell, COE - RG-W. The permittee shall incorporate the December 18, 1997, commitments into the final mitigation plan and provide this final plan to the COE Wilmington District no more than 30 days after the issuance date of this permit. The MRMS construction will begin no later than 90 days after construction activity in the wetlands portion of the permitted highway project commences. The construction and monitoring of the mitigation site will run concurrently with the construction of the highway project. The MRMS will be constructed and implemented to the extent necessary to restore 8.0 ac 4 of previously affected palustrine forested wetlands, preserve 76.20 ac of palustrine forested wetlands, restore 13.10 ac of previously affected estuarine marsh wetlands, and preserve 122.90 ac of estuarine marsh wetlands, to the satisfaction of the COE. Any deviation from the mitigation site construction schedule must be approved by the Wilmington District, COE, Regulatory Division. f) Prior to the commencement of any compensatory mitigation work within the MRMS, the permittee shall conduct a soils boring test within the planting areas to determine the presence of unsuitable materials (trash, construction and woody debris, car bodies, asphalt, etc.) that may be buried within the mitigation site. The sampling strategy must be approved by the COE prior to implementation. g) Should unsuitable materials be determined to exist within the planting areas (within 36 inches of final target elevations), the permittee shall prepare a plan of action for the removal and disposal of all such material. This plan must be reviewed and approved by the COE prior to implementation. h) Prior to the commencement of any compensatory mitigation work within the MRMS, the permittee shall remove all woody and construction debris from the western end of the process pond for appropriate disposal within an upland disposal site. i) The mitigation work will also be undertaken at the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site (DSMS) pursuant to the plan entitled, "Compensatory Mitigation Plan, N.C. Department of Transportation, US 17 Widening, Edenton to Hertford, Traffic Improvement Project (TIP): R-2208A, Chowan and Perquimans Counties, North Carolina" (April 24, 1995), and will be commenced immediately, and implemented concurrently with all phases of construction activities authorized by this permit, to the extent necessary to construct, monitor and maintain 1.5 ac of riverine wetlands to the satisfaction of the COE. Any deviation from the mitigation site construction schedule must be approved by the Wilmington District, COE, Regulatory Division. j) The permittee shall identify and survey the acreage at the DSMS and the MRMS utilized to satisfy Special Conditions (e.) and (i.) above and provide a copy of the survey to the COE, Washington Regulatory Field Office, NCDOT Project Manager, within 30 days of the date of this permit. k) The MRMS will be transferred to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge upon completion of all monitoring activities and any necessary remedial work or by May 31, 2005, whichever occurs first. Until the property has been conveyed to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, NCDOT will maintain the site in the condition stipulated by the implementation of the mitigation plan. Prohibited activities within the mitigation areas (MRMS and DSMS) specifically include, but are not limited to , the construction or placement of buildings, signs, or any debris waste or garbage; excavation, grading; dredging; leveling or other earth moving activity; cutting, removal or damage of any vegetation; any activity which would impact the drainage or water quality on the site; except as required by the implementation of the mitigation plan, described in Special Conditions (e.) and (i), above. 5 I) Special Condition (k.) above, runs with the land. The permittee shall not sell, lease, or otherwise convey any interest in the MRMS except to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge. m) The permittee shall contact the COE, Washington Regulatory Field Office NCDOT Regulatory Project Manager and provide him with the opportunity to attend the annual mitigation monitoring efforts. n) The permittee will submit the annual mitigation monitoring reports by December 31 of each monitoring year. o) The MRMS shall be constructed and planted by May 31, 1999. As-built reports for both mitigation areas shall be submitted by August 31, 1999. p) The temporary haul road impacts shall not exceed 1.98 ac and clearing, not grubbing, shall be the method of vegetation removal, and earthen material shall be introduced only after geotechnical fabric has been installed. q) All fill and fabric associated with the temporary haul road shall be removed within 30 days of the completion of the project. All areas impacted by the temporary fill shall be restored to preconstruction elevations and contours. r) The wetland sites impacted by temporary haul roads shall be monitored to insure that native vegetation is colonizing. If the site has not achieved 80% area coverage of native vegetation within one year of the date the fill material is removed, the applicant will plant the site with a mixture of species deemed appropriate by the COE. w) All fill material will be immediately stabilized and maintained to prevent erosion and sedimentation into adjacent waters and/or wetlands. Fescue will not be planted within wetlands or any mitigation area. y) The permittee will construct a storm drainage system to capture runoff over the wetlands. The design will be coordinated with the DWQ. The collected storm water will be piped to large stilling basins to be located on high ground. bb) The permittee will conduct surveys for SAV prior to the initiation of construction activities in the Croatan Sound. The surveys shall include a definitive underwater survey to map SAV populations at the bridging section of the project. This underwater survey will include measuring population density and species composition to establish a pre-construction community profile. The survey methodology will be coordinated with the NMFS, FWS, and the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission. cc) Within three months following completion of the SAV study described in Condition (bb.) above, the permittee shall convene a meeting with representatives of the DCM, WRC, DMF, DWQ, COE, FWS and NMFS. This meeting will be for the purpose of assessing construction-related impacts to SAV habitat, and to determine an appropriate monitoring and mitigation strategy, including scheduling, to offset the loss of this habitat. The permittee shall carry out any and all mitigation requirements imposed by the COE resulting from this meeting. 6 gg) All conditions of Section 401, WQC No. 3139, issued by the DWQ on November 20, 1997, are conditions of this permit. COE Permit No. 199502334 modified 9/24/98 Permit authorizes NCDOT to: a) Fill an additional 1.22 ac of Section 404 wetlands and fill 0.60 ac of open waters of the United States adjacent of the Croatan Sound to widen US 64 from the western terminus of the project to west of Manns Harbor (Station 8+89 to 34+02). b) Eliminate the permitted channel replacement immediately north of the channel fill discussed in (a.) above (Station 32+00 to 34+02). The excavation of the permitted replacement canal would have occurred within an adjacent estuarine forested wetland complex destroying 2.79 acres of adjacent coastal wetlands. These 2.79 acres of wetland will not be impacted with the proposed modification. In addition, since the replacement channel, which was to compensate for open water impacts caused by the project impact on the existing channel, will not be constructed, NCDOT proposes to compensate for these open water impacts by utilizing the WRP. The NCDOT proposes to offset this open water habitat loss by payment of $61,500 (492 linear feet x $125 per linear foot) into the WRP. c) Modify special condition (t.) to allow for temporary construction impacts in 1.25 ac of palustrine wetlands and a temporary 7,700 feet long by 45 feet wide construction access bridge in open waters of the United States. The 1.25 ac wetland area is located at the permitted bridge take off area from Station 38+00 to Station 40+30 (attached plan sheets 18-19). The purpose of the construction access area is to provide for a material/equipment staging area, a concrete batch plant and a casting yard. In addition, the movement of the bridge's structural components that are cast on shore must be delivered to points southward. To compensate for the additional temporary wetland impacts NCDOT will eliminate the permitted construction access fills in wetlands at both ends of the bridge, and, instead, would construct temporary work bridges for construction access in wetland areas. This proposal would represent a net decrease in temporary wetland impacts of 0.73 ac for the project. d) Fill 0.30 ac of wetland for the construction of a haul road to a high ground borrow area. Conditions of modification: ii) All fill and fabric associated with the temporary construction staging area shall be removed within 30 days of the completion of the casting work. All areas impacted by the temporary fill shall be restored to pre-construction elevations and contours. jj) The wetland sites impacted by temporary construction staging area shall be monitored to insure that native vegetation is colonizing. If the site has not achieved 80% area coverage of native vegetation within one year of the date the fill material is removed, the applicant will plant the site with a mixture of species deemed appropriate by the COE. 7 COE Permit No. 199502334 modified 5/14/99 Permit authorizes: a) Fill of an additional 0.09 ac of Section 404 wetlands and excavate 0.12 ac of Section 404 wetlands adjacent to the Croatan Sound for a drainage system to collect surface water at discrete drop inlets along the right of way and to convey the effluent to a small drainage ditch to be constructed immediately north of the proposed roadway fill between Stations (+/-) 32+80 and 34+40. b) Restore 1.4 ac of sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) marsh wetlands by converting a section of roadway (including roadside shoulders and fill slopes) to marsh by removing the underlying pavement and aggregate base, and grading to natural wetland elevation. This section of roadway was constructed in marsh and will be abandoned by the permittee after the new road is constructed (See Attached Figures 2-5). The proposed restoration area is located north and west of the permitted roadway between Stations (+/-) 12+00 and 16+00. This wetland restoration is provided to compensate for the wetland losses described in (a.) above. Conditions of modification: kk) The restoration work associated with this permit modification will be undertaken pursuant to the "Compensatory Mitigation Proposal" in the permit modification request dated April 7, 1999, and implemented concurrently with the final phases of construction activities authorized by the permit to the extent necessary to construct, monitor and maintain 1.4 ac of riverine marsh wetlands to the satisfaction of the COE. oo) The permittee shall contact the COE, Washington Regulatory Field Office NCDOT Regulatory Project Manager and provide him with the opportunity to attend the yearly mitigation monitoring efforts. pp) The permittee will submit the yearly mitigation monitoring reports by December 31 of each monitoring year. qq) Hydrology in the restoration areas will be monitored through the use of monitoring wells during each growing season for the first five years of the vegetative monitoring. A minimum of two wells will be placed within the 1.4-ac wetland restoration area. rr) To meet the hydrology success criteria, the monitoring data must show that for each normal precipitation year within the monitoring period, the site has been inundated or saturated within the upper 12 inches of soil for a minimum of 25% of the growing season. WET tables for Dare County will be utilized to determine normal precipitation years. ss) Phragmites (Phragmites australis) will be killed or removed from the restoration area. The annual monitoring report will address all Phragmites removal activities. 8 tt) Prior to the commencement of any drainage work associated with this modification request, the permittee shall conduct a soils boring test within the restoration area to determine the depth of undercut and the type and amount of fill material used for road construction. A report summarizing the findings from the soils boring test will be submitted to the COE for review and comment. The amount of fill material to be removed prior to restoration efforts will be coordinated with the COE. COE Permit No. 199502334 modified 5/11/00 Authorized pile jetting and associated cleanup for the referenced project, the extension of the currently permitted Tee Road by an additional 60 feet, a temporary floating dock and mooring piles and temporary trestle stabilization measures. Permit Conditions: 2) All fill material discharged into jurisdictional waters of the United States, including wetlands will be removed in its entirety, with the surrounding jurisdictional areas being restored to pre-construction contours to the satisfaction of the appropriate COE representative. COE Permit No. 199502334 modified 6/14/00 Modification authorizes delay in planting the eastern side of the MRMS during the spring of 2001 in order to allow NCDOT two additional opportunities in the Spring of 2000 and Fall of 2000 to eliminate the Phragmites australis on the site prior to planting the site with marsh grass. WQC No. 3167 issued 11/26/97 Conditions of Certification: 3) Post-construction monitoring of Submerged Aquatic Wetland communities shall be conducted in accordance with techniques discussed in the EA/FONSI and permit application if mitigation is determined to be required. DWQ shall be involved in the negotiation of the mitigation plan. 4) Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands, compensatory mitigation is required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; 6) Mitigation for wetland impacts shall be implemented at the MRMS and DSMS, as proposed in your permit application and the plans approved for these two sites. For accounting purposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 12.30 ac of riparian wetlands and 7.62 ac of non-riparian wetlands, in the Pasquotank River and subbasin and 12.30 ac of riparian restoration at MRMS are required. You have also committed to debiting 1.5 ac of riparian restoration at DSMS to further compensate for impacts to 0.75 ac of riparian wetlands at Site 10. The 7.62 ac of non-riparian wetland impacts shall be mitigated at MRMS. 8) Up to 1.99 ac of temporary fill in wetlands will be required to build haul roads. All temporary fill material must be removed from construction access areas. On May 27, 1997, DWQ submitted a draft restoration policy for temporary impact areas to 9 NCDOT. We anticipate sending this policy to Public Notice before the end of November 1997 and finalizing it prior to construction for this project. Restoration of temporary impact areas shall be conducted in accordance with the final version of this policy. AUTHORIZED IMPACTS: 19.92 ac of Class WL wetlands 12.30 ac of riparian wetlands 7.62 ac of non-riparian wetlands 555 linear feet of stream channel COMPENSATORY MITIGATION REQUIREMENT 19.92 ac of Class WL wetlands 13.80 ac of riparian wetlands, including 12.30 ac Mashoes Road Mitigation Site 1.5 ac Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site 7.62 ac of non-riparian wetlands at MRMS 555 linear feet of stream channel (WRP) WQC No. 3167 dated 8/19/98 3) Post-construction monitoring of Submerged Aquatic Wetland communities shall be conducted in accordance with techniques discussed in the EA/FONSI and permit application if mitigation is determined to be required. DWQ shall be involved in the negotiation of the mitigation plan. 4) Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands, compensatory mitigation is required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities. 6) Mitigation for wetland impacts shall be implemented at the MRMS and Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site (DSMS) as proposed in your permit application and the plans approved for these two sites. For accounting purposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 11.33 acres of riparian wetlands and 7.47 ac of non-riparian wetlands in the Pasquotank River and subbasin and 11.33 ac of riparian restoration at MRMS are required. You have also committed to debiting 1.5 ac of riparian restoration at DSMS to further compensate for impacts to 0.75 ac of riparian wetlands at Site 10. The 7.47 ac of non-riparian wetland impact shall be mitigated at MRMS. 7) We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program (WRP) in order to compensate for impacts to naturalized canals. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2R. 0500, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2H. 0506 (h). 555 feet of stream restoration were required in accordance with the 401 WQC issued November 26, 1997. In accordance with your modification request of July 8, 1998, an additional 492 feet of stream restoration will be required for a total of 1047 feet. Until the WRP receives and clears your check (made payable to DENR Wetland Restoration Program) stream fill shall not occur. Mr. Ron Ferrell should be contacted at 919-733- 10 5083 ext. 358 if you have any questions concerning the WRP. You have one month from the date of this Certification to make this payment. For accounting purposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 1047 feet of streams in the Pasquotank River and subbasin and 1047 feet of restoration are required. This would require a $130,875 total contribution to the WRP, $69,375 of which was paid by NCDOT following issuance of the November 26, 1997 certification. 8) Up to 0.55 ac of temporary fill in wetlands will be required to build haul road and staging areas. All temporary fill material must be removed from construction access areas. On May 27, 1997, DWQ submitted a draft restoration policy for temporary impact areas to NCDOT. We anticipate sending this policy to Public Notice before the end of November 1997 and finalizing it prior to construction of this project. Restoration of temporary impact areas shall be conducted in accordance with the final version of this policy. WQC No. 3167 modification dated 4/28/00 Permit authorizes: • The pile jetting and cleanup for 19 bridge bents for the referenced project • The extension of the currently permitted Tee Road by an additional 60 feet • A temporary floating dock Conditions of Certification: 4) There shall be no excavation from or waste disposal into jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated with this permit without appropriate modification of the permit. Should waste or borrow sites be located in wetlands or stream, compensatory mitigation will be required since it is a direct impact from road construction activities; 5) No additional compensatory mitigation shall be done in accordance with this modification. Mitigation Status NCDOT completed construction of the MRMS in 1999. Planting of trees along the west side of the site occurred in 1999 and again in 2000-2001. Planting of marsh grass occurred in spring of 2001. The 2002 monitoring report represents the second year of monitoring. NCDOT performed Phragmites treatment in October 2000, April 2001 and again in November 2002. Success criteria for the west side of the site required saturation or inundation within 12 inches of the surface for at least 12.5% of the growing season. All nine groundwater gauges met this criteria. On the eastern (coastal marsh) side of the site, success requires saturation or inundation for at least 25% of the growing season or the statistical equivalent of the reference site. All ten surface gauges met the 25% criteria measured in consecutive as well as cumulative days. Vegetation on the west side of the site is exceeding required success criteria with 639 trees per acre; 320 trees are required for third year monitoring. The east side of the site is not yet meeting success criteria with 54.0% of the plots containing the target species (70% required) and a scale value of 3.92 for vegetative coverage (value of 5 required at year 5). Five years of monitoring are required. The Mashoes Road Mitigation Site 2002 Monitoring Report (second year) documents 220.2 ac of wetland credits debited for R- 11 2551 (13.1 ac SWM restoration, 8 ac forest wetland restoration, 122.9 ac SWM preservation, and 76.2 ac forest wetland preservation). The fourth year (2002) Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site monitoring lists 1.5 ac of SPH Riverine debited for R-2551. The monitoring report states 19 of 23 gauges are meeting expected success criteria of saturation or inundation within 12 inches for 12.5% of the growing season. Only 4 of the total 28 gauges located on the site are not meeting expected success criteria. Vegetation exceeded success criteria with an average of 482 trees per acre, above the requirement for 320 trees per acre. Success criteria require the site be monitored for a minimum of five years or until success criteria are met. NCDOT plans to continue monitoring this site during 2003. The Manteo Bypass Bridge Mitigation Site (built in response to a permit violation) has completed its first year monitoring of 0.128 ac of brackish marsh. No hydrologic monitoring is required and vegetation monitoring is required for five years. NCDOT replanted the site with black needlerush in May 2001. The first year (2001) monitoring report refers to success criteria stated in the mitigation plan that requires the disturbed area to meet 90% vegetative cover of that measured in the adjacent reference marsh. NCDOT proposes in this report that success criteria are revised to meet those requirements of the NMFS that require 75% vegetative cover (scale value of 5) at year 5 and a minimum of 70% of plots containing the target species. The 2001 and 2002 Monitoring Reports utilize the NMFS success criteria. The 2002 Monitoring Report represents the second year of monitoring following replanting. According to this report, the frequency of target species was 100% and the site obtained a 3.9 scale factor for vegetative cover. In a letter dated August 19, 1998, DWQ referenced payment to the WRP for stream impacts associated with R-2551. The initial WQC dated November 26, 1997, required payment for 555 feet of stream restoration. The modification dated August 19, 1998, required an additional 492 feet of stream restoration for a total of 1,047 feet. DWQ documents the payment of $69,375 for the initial request, but no documentation has been located for the remaining stream restoration. In the COE modification dated March 14, 1999, NCDOT agreed to perform 1.4 ac of restoration at the location of the old roadbed in response to an additional 0.21 ac. impacts. NCDOT constructed and planted this site, subsequently called the White's Store Mitigation Site with sawgrass in May 2001. The debit ledger included in the 2002 Monitoring Report lists 1.4 ac of mitigation for impacts associated with R-2551. According to the report, hydrologic success for this site requires that the groundwater table is within 12 inches consecutively for 12.5% of the growing season. Both monitoring gauges placed on the mitigation site met this criteria. Vegetation success is dependent upon greater than 50% survival of planted species or 75% aerial coverage of planted species. NCDOT replanted the site in May 2002 due to lack of vegetation survival; however, monitoring in August 2002 revealed poor vegetative cover. NCDOT is planning to till and fertilize the site before replanting in 2003. RK&K field reviewed this site with Mr. Randy Midgett and Mr. Pablo Hernandez, NCDOT Division 1 Resident Engineers, on January 15, 2003 and again in March 2003. Many bare ground areas occur throughout the site and Phragmites is establishing along the western portion of the site. Photos of this mitigation site are included below. 12 In its application for the CAMA permit, NCDOT agrees to conduct pre- and post- construction SAV surveys as well as develop a monitoring program and to compensate for any SAV losses. In addition to the post-construction survey, the CAMA modification, dated September 23, 1998, requires an agency meeting to determine mitigation within three months following bridge completion. A report for NCDOT by Langley and McDonald, P.C., dated December 1997, documents the pre-construction coverage of SAV on the eastern and western approaches of the proposed bridge as well as coverage on an established control site located south of the western approach. RK&K did not locate documentation referencing a post-construction SAV survey. A CAMA modification dated May 1, 2000 requires three years of monitoring including photos of temporary impacts followed by an agency meeting and mitigation if necessary. RK&K field-reviewed temporary impact areas with Mr. Midgett and Mr. Hernandez on January 15, 2003. The temporary impact area associated with the work trestle located along the northwest bridge approach appeared to be graded to wetland elevation. As completion of this project occurred in 2002, it is too early to determine if these areas are reattaining jurisdictional status. Photographs of impact areas located in the northwestern bridge quadrant taken in March 2003 are included below. • "` 11 fi • 111 R-2551 (3/10/03): Looking east at temporary impact areas that have been regraded (located along northwest approach to bridge-Manns Harbor). Completed grading to wetland elevation in October of 2002. 13 'mow ^1.;lip. ."- •} .a I 1it • % • .. vim. . R-2551 (3/10/03): Looking west at temporary impact areas that have been regraded along the northwest approach to bridge at Manns Harbor. i... C.4 R-2551 (3/10/03): Eastern portion of White Store Mitigation Site located along old US 64 roadbed. Sawgrass planted, but does not appear to be surviving well. Many bare areas are present. 14 , it t I " .. t • 1 T,f fj t T, c "t � �a.•�'t D'i,r J S( 1t � �'' 1, o Sl"� '�I� 4 ; � ; L� � !'fir. ,.- R-2551 (3/10/03): Western portion of White Store Mitigation Site located along old US 64 roadbed. Phragmites is establishing in this area. Recommendations RK&K did not locate documentation referencing a post-construction SAV survey. If this has not been completed, it should be conducted as soon as possible. In addition, a resource meeting with agency personnel should be established within three months of the post-construction survey. RK&K recommends that documentation be obtained of agency agreement with vegetative monitoring and success criteria utilized for Manteo Bypass Bridge Mitigation Site (NMFS criteria vs. criteria set forth in initial mitigation plan). NCDOT should continue to monitor and provide annual monitoring reports of Mashoes Road Mitigation Site, Manteo Bypass Mitigation Site, Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site and White's Store Mitigation Site. The COE has requested notification and an opportunity to attend annual monitoring activities. Remedial actions may be necessary on the White's Store Site due to the poor establishment of sawgrass and establishing Phragmites. NCDOT should consult with resource agencies to determine appropriate remediation for this site. Annual reports of the impact area associated with the temporary work trestle (CAMA Permit Modification issued May 1, 2000) should be documented. A meeting to review temporary impact areas is required in 2005 (three years post-project completion). As stated in WQC No. 3167 issued November 26, 1997, all temporary impact areas should be restored in accordance with the finalized DWQ restoration policy. DWQ documented a payment of $69,375 to WRP in the WQC issued on August 19, 1998. NCDOT should provide documentation of a $61,500 contribution to WRP provided as compensation for the additional 492 linear feet of stream impacts in order to 15 account for the total 1,047 linear feet of impacts ($130, 875 required) in the Pasquotank River basin associated with this project. 16 Cathy Brittingham summary of mitigation requirements in permits, 7/11/06 R-2551,Widening of US 64-264 from west of Manns Harbor to SR 1105, construction of new 4/5 lane facility from SR 1105 to US 64-264/NC 345, including a •w bridge across the Croatan Sound,Dare County, CAMA Permit No. 7-98 Status . submerged aquatic vegetatio s equire .ents: DCM has not received any document. 'on from NCDOT th. e submerged : l uatic vegetation - .u' ments of the CAMA Pe ave been sa •: ied. The CAMA pe :t commitme -view document prepared by RK:.- date. '/22/03 states: "In order to fu '11 ' 'ration commitments associated with this .'ect, a post-construction SAV surv- hould be completed and a meeting conduct-• with : ource agencies no later th. • ree •nths following to dete ''ne a. , opriate mitiga '•n for impacts, if a. . ' In compl •nce with Conditio Numbe of the major CA • ,ermit m• : 'cation issued on 3/98,NCD e ne• . . o c. ry out a post-constructi I • '• entory of submerged aq :tic v=:etation ring the i t acceptable period (• i gu -September). In complian► with Condition Num:er 14 of the ma': CAMA p• 't modification i : ed . u 9/23/98, NCDOT needs to vene a .• • •ting with represe .tives of t' • Division o Coastal Management,the N it• ife Resources Commission, • 'C Division of . ine Fisheries,the NC Divi '. • of Water Quality,the US A y .orps of Engineers : the National Mari • ishe '• Service. This meeti _ will be fo e purposes of assessing constr tion-relate. ' pacts to SAV : •itat,and to dete •'ne an appropriate onitoring and mit': .tion stra -• , including scheduling, •ffset the loss of th'. abitat. In compliance ' ndition Number 14 of the major ►: MA permi odification issued on 9/23/9: ` . POT needs to carry out any and all •ation requirements resultin: rom this • • •ting. Status of surface water mitigation requirements: In a letter dated 9/9/99,EEP accepted payment from NCDOT for mitigation requirements of 1047 feet of stream. Status of wetland mitigation requirements: There are 4 wetland mitigation sites for this project: Mashoes Road;Dismal Swamp; White's Store; and Manteo Bypass. In a letter dated 2/17/06,DCM agreed with NCDOT's recommendation to discontinue monitoring at the Mashoes Road Mitigation Site. Debits for R-2551 are: 13.1 acres SVM restoration, 8 acres forest wetlands restoration, 122.9 acres SVM preservation and 76.2 acres forest wetland preservation =220.2 acres. The Dismal Swamp mitigation site was closed out by DCM through internal memorandums dated 10/27/05, 12/16/05 and 2/3/06. Debits for R-2551 are 1.5 acres SPH riverine. The Manteo Bypass Bridge mitigation site was closed out by DCM in a letter dated XX/XX/XX. The entire site is restoration for a permit violation associated with this project. According to the NCDOT compensatory mitigation proposal dated 4/7/99: "vegetation success will have been achieved when, at the end of the monitoring period, more than 50% of individual plants have survived and are growing, or growth of planted species has achieved aerial coverage of at least 75% of the site." In a letter dated 6/13/05,NCDOT requested that DCM provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. DCM has communicated internally about this request in memorandums dated 10/19/05 and 12/16/05. The site is 1.42 acres, however some portions of the site contain Phragmites. In a letter to DOT dated 5/2/05,DCM said: "DCM has a zero tolerance policy fgor Phragmites australis in coastal wetland mitigation sites. DCM does not allow coastal wetland mitigation credit for areas dominate by Phragmites. The monitoring report states that Phragmites was found in 3 of the 30 plots monitored in 2004. DCM does not agree that monitoring can be discontinued at this site unless the unsuccessful portions of the site (Phragmites-dominated) are abandoned and suitable coastal wetland restoration is found nearby to make up the difference." In a letter to DOT dated 4/22/04,DCM stated: "The low survival of plantyed sawgrass at the site and dominance of Echinochloa species suggests that the hydrology of the site is not favorable for sawgrass...if the hydrology of the site were appropriate for sawgrass, Echinochloa would not flourish." The CAMA Permit Commitment Review document prepared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 states: "RK&K field reviewed this site with Randy Midgett and Mr. Pablo Hernandez,NCDOT Division 1 Resident Engineers, on January 15, 2003 and again in March 2003. Many bare ground areas occur throughout the site and Phragmites is establishing along the western portion of the site. Photos of this mitigation site are included below" DCM needs to make a site visit to confirm that there are at least 0.42 acres of successful sawgrass areas to provide mitigation at a 2:1 ratio for the 0.21 acres of impacts for this project,the only project to be debited from this site to date. If there is a plan to transfer any excess mitigation credits from this site to the EEP, then DCM and DOT need to let EEP know how much of the site is considered successful. Status of temporary impact monitoring requirements: The new CAMA permit 7-98 issued by DCM on 1/20/9: ontains a permit condition that: "The .C. Division of Water quality has authorized t - proposed project Water Quality Certifica '•n No. 3167 (DWQ Project No. 970856), hich was issued on 11/26/97. Any violation of enditions of this certification will b- considered a violation of this CAMA permit." The ` ^ er Quality Certification issu; : on 11/26/97 contains the following condition: "Up to .69 acres of temporary f in wetlands will be required to build haul roads. All temporary fi • aterial must b:removed from construction access areas. On May 27, 1997,DWQ submi : • a draft -storation policy for temporary impact areas to • DOT. We anticipate sending thi ,• 'cy to Public Notice before the end of November 1997 and finalizing it prior to cons 'on of this project. Restoration of temporary impact areas shall be conducted ' accord. - e with the final version of this policy." The major modification of CAMA •ermit 7-98 iss .• by DCM on 9/23/98 contains a permit condition that: "The N.C. vision of Water quali • as authorized the proposed project Water Quality Certificati• No. 3167 (DWQ Project •. '70856), which was issued on 11/26/97 and modified • 8/19/98. Any violation of condi : i s of this certification will be considered a violat'en of this CAMA permit." The Water Q . 't Certification issued on 8/19/98 requires at: "Up to 1.55 acres of temporary fill in wetla : will be required to build haul roads .nd staging areas. All temporary fill material must be r- oved from construction acce.s areas. On May 27, 1997,DWQ submitted a draft restoration policy for temporary i pact areas to DOT. We anticipate sending this policy to Public Notice before the end of November 1997 and finalizing it prior to construction of this project. Restoration of temporary impact areas shall be conducted -n accordance with the final versi• of this policy." The only •- ific CAMA permit requirement for m• itoring of temporary impacts on th': project is co ained in the CAMA permit minor •dification issued on 5/1/00. This minor modific. ion authorizes: (1)pile jetting ., d cleanup at 19 bent locations in jurisdictional are. ; (2)extension of the curre tly permitted Tee road by 60 feet; (3 construction of a te••porary floating dock a oad-out trestle bent number four; . . (4) construction of four s -el mooring piles a Dent thirteen of the load-out trestle, i'stallation of H-beams for stabiliza 'on at load-ou estle bents 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13, .. d installation of two steel cy ' der pile at load-out trestle bent number 10." Permit condition No. 4 of the , or modification issued on 5/1/00 req res that: "Due to the possibility that activities au o:zed under this permit modificati• might prevent the temporary wetland impact ar-: from e-attaining wetland jurisdict'.nal status, the permittee shall provide an . nual upda - on the wetland areas to- porarily impacted by this project. This annual pdate will con-'st of photographs p .vided during the agency monitoring report meeti g and a brief repo . on the progress •f these temporarily impacted areas in re-a aining wetland jurisdi ional statu Three years after project completion,the pe • ttee shall schedule an age y fiel• eeting with DCM,the NC Division of Water I uality and the NC Wildlife R:.o ces Commission to determine if the wetland area. temporarily impacted by this proj: t have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status If at the end of 3 years the wetlan. are: temporarily impacted by this project have of re-attained jurisdictional wed. • status, C DOT and the above lis -d agencies s• . 1 determine whether a compensa •ry wetland a 'ligation will be requi--d." A subs,quent CAMA permit minor modi cation issued on 8/1. 00 authorize the use of a lar: suction device to vacuum the m.. h soil resulting from pi - jetting . tivities. Th- CAMA permit commitment re ew document prepared by RK& dated 9/22/03 states: "RK&K field-reviewed to- porary impact areas with Mr. •g- t and Mr. Hernandez on January 15, 2003 The temporary impact area ass.- ated 'th the work trestle located along the fort • est bridge approach appeared t• •- graded t• wetland elevation. As completion • 'this project occurred in 2002, it 's too early to de -rmine if these areas are reattainin,jurisdictional status. Photograp• of impact areas 1. ,ted in the northwestern bridg- quadrant taken in March 2003 . - included below." The CAMA permi ommitment review document p. epared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 states: "NCDOT should continue annual monito ' g at established mitigation sites as well as at temp•rary impact areas....an agency • eeting should be scheduled in 2005 (three years ,ost-construction)to review the : atus of temporary impact areas. As stated in WQC •. 3167 issued November 1997 all temporary impact areas should be restored in accor► . ce with the finalized DWQ • storation policy." DC has not received any annu. updates from NCDOT on the wetland areas tem i rarily impacted by this pr.ject. The CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring C 1 dition prepared by NCDO ' da • • • 0/05 states: "This pr• ect is comp e r- • • • an interagency inspection i- r:: ested to determine comp ':nce of the temporary , pa +ndition of the pe• • t." However,the NCDOT 4 I/05 report does not •rovide any da . . o t• tus of the wetland areas to •orarily impacted by this •roject. DCM agree a . • interagency inspection is • 'ed. However, DOT first needs to prov'i e DC► with a •date on the wetl:. d areas temporarily imp•cted by this pr• 'ect in . cordance with : •dition No. 8 of the new CAMA p• mit issued o• /20/98 . d Condition No.4 of the • ►i • permit minor odificatio• ssued on 1/00,and taking into account e chan• • ' emporary impac esulting fro, the CAMA permit minor m i •' 'cation issued on 8/16/00. NC ! I T is hereby •quested to submit the above r• erenced report as soon as ossible. Water Quality Certification 3167 issued 11/26/97 3) Post-construction monitoring of Submerged Aquatic Wetland communities shall be conducted in accordance with techniques discussed in the EA/FONSI and permit application is mitigation is determined to be required. DWQ shall be involved in the negotiation of the mitigation plan. 8) Up to 1.99 ac of temporary fill in wetlands will be required to build haul roads. All temporary fill material must be removed from construction access areas. On May 27, 1997,DWQ submitted a draft restoration policy for temporary impact areas to NCDOT. We anticipate sending this policy to Public Notice before the end of November 1997 and finalizing it prior to construction for this project. Restoration of temporary impact areas shall be conducted in accordance with the final version of this policy. New permit issued 1/20/98 DOT letter dated 12/18/97: "For every acre of impact anticipated,the Department commits at least 11 acres of mitigation, including at least 1:1 restoration and 10:1 preservation in each of the community categories. The result of this commitment is that 13.10 acres of marsh will be restored and 122.90 acres of existing marsh will be preserved as mitigation for the anticipated 12.29 acres of marsh impacts; and 8.00 acres of palustrine forest will be restored and 76.20 acres of palustrine forest will be preserved as mitigation for the anticipated 7.62 acres of palustrine forest impacts. This will leave 130.96 acres of existing marsh and 30.68 acres of palustrine forests available for any future actions (i.e. permit modifications) associated with the subject project that could require supplemental mitigation." Permit conditions NOTE: The proposed project will impact a total of+/- 12.29 acres of coastal marsh and+/- 7.62 acres of palustrine forest. 12) The permittee shall enact in its entirety the mitigation plan outlined in the document Mitigation Proposal, Mashoes Road Mitigation Site (October 1997) 13) Monitoring of the mitigation site shall continue for a length of five(5)years following completion of planting. 14) A post-construction inventory of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), similar to the study outlined in the October 29, 1997 submerged aquatic vegetation study (prepared by Langley and McDonald,P.C.), shall be carried out during the first acceptable period (August-September) immediately following completion of the bridge construction phase of this project. 15) Within three months following completion of the SAV study described in Condition 14 above, the permittee shall convene a meeting with representatives of the Division of Coastal Management, the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, the NC Division of Marine Fisheries, the NC Division of Water Quality,the US Army Corps of Engineers and the National Marine Fisheries Service. This meeting will be for the purposes of assessing construction-related impacts to SAV habitat, and to determine an appropriate monitoring and mitigation strategy, including scheduling, to offset the loss of this habitat. The permittee shall carry out any and all mitigation requirements resulting from this meeting. 18) The N.C. Division of Water quality has authorized the proposed project Water Quality Certification No. 3167 (DWQ Project No. 970856),which was issued on 11/26/97. Any violation of conditions of this certification will be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. According to the field investigation report for the new permit,mitigation credits from Mashoes Road Mitigation site include 8.73 acres from Coastal Wetland restoration, 33.85 Coastal Wetland preservation, 5.33 from forested wetland restoration, 14.25 from forested wetland preservation, and 1.71 from preservation from other habitats, for a total of 63.87 acres. According to the field investigation report, the wetland mitigation is at a ratio of 3:1 for Palustrine Wetland losses. According to the field investigation report,temporary loss of 1.88 acres of Palustrine wetlands will be restored upon completion of the project and require strict monitoring. According to the field investigation report, additional losses can be anticipated in coastal wetlands from damage caused during construction and removal of temporary work bridge. While this area is to be restored, strict monitoring will be necessary to prevent erosion or permanent losses. The NCDOT permit application cover letter dated 10/9/97 states: "The 12.29 acres of estuarine mash impacts shall be mitigated at the MRMS by restoring at least 12.29 acres of disturbed land to an estuarine marsh community." The NCDOT permit application cover letter dated 10/9/97 states regarding Submerged Aquatic Wetland: "The Department is committed to providing reliable data on this population that will be useful in determination of losses due to construction and/or shading from the new bridge spans. The Department agrees: a. to conduct a definitive underwater survey to map the population, including measuring population density and species composition, prior to construction (Summer 1997)to establish a pre-construction community profile. Note: this work has been completed; reports are due in October. b. To conduct post-construction monitoring to ascertain losses, if any, that may result from construction activities including impacts from vertical bridge supports and from sunken work barges and temporary bridge. c. To negotiate a reasonable monitoring program that is intended to elucidate a correlation between actual population declines (if any occur) and the juxtaposition with the new bridge,based upon an hypothesized shade-effect. The Department further agrees to provide compensation for losses to SAVs confirmed from the investigative approach outlined above,the amount and nature of the compensation to be determined through multi-agency discussions." USACE Permit issued March 4, 1998,Action ID No. 199502334 Authorizes fill into 13.22 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, mechanized land clearing of 3.85 acres of jurisdictional wetlands, draining of 2.79 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and fill materials into 0.05 acres of open waters. Special Condition e states: "The mitigation work for marsh and non-riverine bottomland hardwoods wetlands will be undertaken at the Mashoes Road Mitigation Site (MRMS) pursuant to the plan entitled `Mitigation Plan,Mashoes Road Mitigation Site,Dare County, State Project No. 8T051401,TIP Project No. R-2551', dated October 1997, and pursuant to the additional commitments and additions in the correspondence dated December 18, 1997, from Mr. H. Franklin Vick(NCDOT)to Mr. Mike Bell (RG-W). The permittee shall incorporate the December 18, 1997, commitments into the final mitigation plan and provide this final plan to the Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers,no more than 30 days after the issuance date of this permit. The MRMS construction will begin no later than 90 days after construction activity in the wetlands portion of the permitted highway project commences. The construction and monitoring of the mitigation site will run concurrently with the construction of the highway project. The MRMS will be constructed and implemented to the extent necessary to restore 8.0 acres of previously affected palustrine forested wetlands, preserve 76.20 acres of palustrine forested wetlands,restore 13.10 acres of previously affected estuarine marsh wetlands, and preserve 122.90 acres of estuarine marsh wetlands, to the satisfaction of the Corps of Engineers. Any deviation from the mitigation site construction schedule must be approved by the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division." Special condition i states: "The mitigation work will also be undertaken at the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site (DSMS)pursuant to the plan entitled, `Compensatory Mitigation Plan, N.C. Department of Transportation,US 17 Widening,Edenton to Hertford,Traffic Improvement Project(TIP): R-2208A, Chowan and Perquimans counties, North Carolina", dated April 24, 1995, and will be commenced immediately, and implemented concurrently with all phases of construction activities authorized by this permit,to the extent necessary to construct, monitor and maintain 1.5 acres of riverine wetlands to the satisfaction of the Corps of Engineers. Any deviation from the mitigation site construction schedule must be approved by the Wilmington District, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division." Special condition p states: "The temporary haul road impacts shall not exceed 1.98 acres and clearing, not grubbing, shall be the method of vegetation removal ...." Special condition q states: "All fill and fabric associated with the temporary haul road shall be removed within 30 days of the completion of the project. All areas impacted by the temporary fill shall be restored to preconstruction elevations and contours." Special condition r states: "The wetland sites impacted by temporary haul roads shall be monitored to insure that native vegetation is colonizing. If the site has not achieved 80% areal coverage of native vegetation within one year of the date the fill material is removed,the applicant will plant the site with a mixture of species deemed appropriate by the Corps of Engineers." Special Condition bb states: "The permittee will conduct surveys for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)prior to the initiation of construction activities in the Croatan Sound. The surveys shall include a definitive underwater survey to map SAV popultions at the bridging section of the project. This underwater survey will include measuring population density and species composition to establish a pre-construction community profile. The survey methodology will be coordinated with the National Marine Fisheries Service, the US Fish And Wildlife Service, and the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission." Special Condition cc states: "Within three months following completion of the SAV ,44 study described in Condition (bb)above,the permittee shall convene a meeting with representatives of the NC Division of Coastal Management, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, NC Division of Marine Fisheries,NC Division of Water Quality, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service. This meeting will be for the purpose of assessing construction-related impacts to SAV habitat, and to determine an appropriate monitoring and mitigation strategy, including scheduling,to offset the loss of this habitat. The permittee shall carry out any and all mitigation requirements imposed by the Corps of engineers resulting from this meeting." DWQ Water Quality Certification modification dated 8/19/98 6) Mitigation for wetland impacts shall be implemented at the MRMS and Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site (DSMS) as proposed in your permit application and the plans approved for these two sites. For accounting purposes,this Certification authorizes the fill of 11.33 acres of riparian wetlands and 7.47 ac of non-riparian wetlands in the Pasquotank River and subbasin and 11.33 ac of riparian restoration at MRMS are required. You have also committed to debiting 1.5 ac of riparian restoration at DSMS to further compensate for impacts to 0.75 ac of riparian wetlands at Site 10. The 7.47 ac of non-riparian wetland impact shall be mitigated at MRMS. 7) We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program(WRP)in order to compensate for impacts to naturalized canals. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2R.0500, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitigation requirements under 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). 555 feet of stream restoration were required in accordance with the 401 WQC issued November 26, 1997. In accordance with your modification request of July 8, 1998, an additional 492 feet of stream restoration will be required for a total of 1047 feet... 8) Up to 1.55 acres of temporary fill in wetlands will be required to build haul roads and staging areas. All temporary fill material must be removed from construction access areas. On May 27, 1997, DWQ submitted a draft restoration policy for temporary impact areas to DOT. We anticipate sending this policy to Public Notice before the end of November 1997 and finalizing it prior to construction of this project. Restoration of temporary impact areas shall be conducted in accordance with the final version of this policy. CAMA major permit modification issued 9/23/98 According to the Field Investigation Report dated 8/25/98,temporary impacts due to fill are 0.30 acres to Section 404 wetlands. There are additional temporary impacts due to shading to public trust area,estuarine waters, estuarine shoreline and coastal wetland. NOTE: The proposed project will impact a total of+/- 9.51 acres of coastal marsh and+/- 9.14 acres of 404 wetlands. Same mitigation conditions as the new permit issued on 1/20/98 The mitigation ratios for this project are clearly described in the mitigation plan. According to the CAMA permit major modification issued on 9/23/98, the total wetland impacts are 18.65 acres (9.51 acres coastal marsh and 9.14 acres 404 wetlands). According to the mitigation plan, the total wetland impacts are 19.91 acres (12.29 acres coastal marsh and 7.62 acres forested wetlands). The mitigation site debits are based on the estimate of wetland impacts in the mitigation plan, not the CAMA permit. This seems acceptable because the authorized impacts are less than the mitigation plan. It must also be assumed that some of the coastal marsh restoration is mitigating for 404 wetland impacts to meet DWQ's requirement for 1:1 vegetative restoration. USACE permit modification issued 9/24/98 "...since the replacement channel, which was to compensate for open water impacts caused by the project impact on the existing channel,will not be constructed,NCDOT proposes to compensate for these open water impacts by utilizing the North Carolina Wetland Restoration Program (WRP). The NCDOT proposes to offset this open water habitat loss by payment of$61,500 (492 linear feet x $125 per linear foot) into the WRP." • "...I have concluded that, after the temporary fills have been restored, the proposed modification would result in an overall wetland savings of 1.12 acres. Accordingly,I do not concur with the NMFS request and have decided not to require additional mitigation." Special condition jj: "The wetland sites impacted by temporary construction staging area shall be monitored to insure that native vegetation is colonizing. If the site has not achieved 80% areal coverage of native vegetation within one year of the date the fill material is removed,the applicant will plant the site with a mixture of species deemed appropriate by the Corps of Engineers." USACE Permit modification issued 2/26/99 Authorizes NCDOT to "delay planting one year to allow NCDOT two additional opportunities (spring 1999 and fall 1999)to eliminate the Phragmites australis on the site prior to planting the site with marsh grass. This delay would also allow the wet, mucky previous pit area time to dry and stabilize. The entire marsh area would have to be planted during spring 2000." USACE Permit modification issued 5/14/99 Authorizes fill of an additional 0.09 acres of Section 404 wetlands and excavate 0.12 acres of Section 404 wetlands adjacent to the Croatan Sound for a drainage system..... Special condition kk. The restoration work associated with this permit modification will be undertaken pursuant to the "Compensatory Mitigation Proposal" in the permit modification request dated April 7, 1999, and implemented concurrently with the final phases of construction activities authorized by the permit to the extent necessary to construct, monitor and maintain 1.4 ac of riverine marsh wetlands to the satisfaction of the COE. ' Special condition ss. Phragmites(Phragmites australis)will be killed or removed from the restoration area. The annual monitoring report will address all Phragmites removal activities. USACE Permit violation issued 5/17/99 "Unauthorized spoil material generated from NCDOT's construction work associated with the Manteo Bypass project was actively being placed within wetlands at the Tillet Borrow and Waste Site....The contractor has been ordered to immediately restore pre- project wetland elevations and contours to the effected areas." Permit Conditions,minor modification issued 5/20/99. This minor modification authorizes the construction of a surface water collection system immediately north of the authorized roadway fill between stations 32+80 and 34+40 (approximate), and the construction of a+/- 1.4 acres mitigation site between stations 12+00 and 16+00 (approximate), all as depicted in the attached workplan drawings and the 4/7/99 modification request letter. According to the application letter for this minor modification dated 4/7/99, the surface water collection system will result in an additional 0.21 acres of wetland impacts. The "White's Store" mitigation site is intended to compensate for these additional impacts. Cease and desist order issued by USACE on 8/6/99 and Permit violation on TIP No. R-2551A (CAMA Permit No.7-98, CAMA Violation No. 99-24A),issued on 8/12/99. The USACE cease and desist order states: "My staffs inspection revealed that NCDOT had constructed a temporary haul road through estuarine marsh. They also discovered that NCDOT had temporarily stockpiled the spoil material into adjacent marsh and then transferred the material to high ground." DCM issued a Notice of Violation on 8/12/99 (#99-24A)for unauthorized impacts to 12,000 square feet (0.275 acres) of coastal wetlands. The NOV requires that the unauthorized wooden mat roadway and the excess spoil material be removed in accordance with direction received from Mr. Bell and Mr. Walker of the USACOE. The NOV does not require monitoring or other compensatory mitigation. However, a monitoring plan dated 8/11/99 for the recovery of the disturbed black needlerush marsh was submitted by DOT to USACE. A letter from DCM dated 12/9/99 states that all restoration measures requested by DCM have been completed. The mitigation area is called the Manteo Bypass Bridge Mitigation Site. The 8/11/99 monitoring plan and the USACE cease and desist letter do not list the amount of the area impacted and requiring monitoring. I do not know the reason for the discrepancy between the 0.275 acres of impacts described in the CAMA violation, and the 0.128 acres described in the NCDOT annual monitoring reports. However, since DCM did not actually require monitoring, and USACE agreed to discontinue monitoring, I think we need to accept the discrepancy. In a letter dated XX/XX/XX, DCM agreed to close out the Manteo Bypass Bridge Mitigation Site. Permit Conditions,minor modification issued 5/1/00 Authorizes: (1)pile jetting and cleanup at 19 bent locations in jurisdictional areas; (2) extension of the currently permitted Tee road by 60 feet; (3)construction of a temporary floating dock at load-out trestle bent number four; and(4)construction of four steel mooring piles at bent thirteen of the load-out trestle, installation of H-beams for stabilization at load-out trestle bents 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13, and installation of two steel cylinder piles at load-out trestle bent number 10." 2) In accordance with the permittee's letter dated 4/24/00, spoil material associated with jetting operations in jurisdictional areas will be removed from both coastal and freshwater wetlands by using a crane fitted with a clamshell bucket from the existing temporary work trestle. This will require that the temporary work trestle be extended all the way to high ground. Mats will not be used and tracked or wheeled equipment will not be operated in any jurisdictional areas. 3) In removing the spoil associated with the jetting operation, the permittee shall use extreme care to ensure that the temporarily impacted areas are returned to pre-project contours and elevations. 4) Due to the possibility that activities authorized under this permit modification might prevent the temporary wetland impact area from re-attaining wetland jurisdictional status, the permittee shall provide an annual update on the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project. This annual update will consist of photographs provided during the agency monitoring report meeting and a brief report on the progress of these temporarily impacted areas in re-attaining wetland jurisdictional status. Three years after project completion, the permittee shall schedule an agency field meeting with DCM, the NC Division of Water Quality and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission to determine if the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained jurisdictional wetland status. If at the end of 3 years the wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have not re-attained jurisdictional wetland status, NC DOT and the above listed agencies shall determine whether a compensatory wetland mitigation will be required. USACE permit modification issued 5/11/00 Special condition 2) All fill material discharged into jurisdictional waters of the United States, including wetlands will be removed in its entirety, with the surrounding jurisdictional areas being restored to pre-construction contours to the satisfaction of the appropriate COE representative. Permit Conditions, minor modification issued 7/19/00. 1) "....This minor modification also authorizes delaying the planting schedule for the Mashoes Road mitigation site from spring of 2000 to spring of 2001 to allow more time to control Phragmites australis." Minor modification issued 8/16/00 Authorizes the use of a large suction device to vacuum the marsh soil resulting from pile jetting activities. This reduces the temporary impacts that need to be monitored per condition 4 of the minor modification issued on 5/1/00 because the modification issued on 5/1/00 authorizes removal of spoil material associated with jetting operations by using a crane fitted with a clamshell bucket. 't conditions minor modification issued 6/5/01 TIP NCI 003, Roanoke Island Visi nter. In a letter dated 2/17/06, DCM agree CDOT's recommendation to discontinue monitoring at the Mashoes Roa itigation Site. e -4003 are: 1.36 acres forest wetland preservati . 3) "....The ittee must restore any wetlands, waters or uplands that are impacted within th -foot buffer by the work as described in Condition No. 2 of this permit to thei re-project conditions." i NOTE: The wetlan. eforestation pl. . ' g i wetland areas east of the new Croatan Sound 'ridge c ently under cc .struction as desc '•-d in the 2/23/01 application er for this project is he -by authori - •. On 3/6/02,DCM receive• . copy of a let -r to David Frankli B ith formation about authorized mech. •'zed clearing of 0.29 a, es of wet - •s within th- B resery. '. area oft - Roanok- and Visitor Center Mitigatio' . The letter includes tigation propos.i • planting and monitoring. I did . . s- - any specific refe - ce to e planting and s Ito= g of this area in the 200 :u nual mitig. ion mo ' . ng report. 1 M never r-:Bonded to t' : 3/6/02 letter. H• -.ever, Kelly Willi. ' ggestion to me at the 'me was that these are por. pacts that will take . •ng ' e to recover. She :_- ted DOT be required to m• or the plantings for . - entire mom .ring perio. d that the not get any prese . ion cr- !*t for the are- ow that it is cleare B B• preservation credit is usually res- ed for areas of : - •uality. Therefore, I r-• • ; d that DOT debit addition. preservation credits •m t ashoes Roa. tigation Site • compensate for the 1 • acres of preserv. '.n credits that . i • anger available at the Ro; oke Island sitor Center Miti:. on Site. Final Authorized permanent impacts requiring mitigation 1047 linear feet stream, DWQ, 8/19/98 9.51 acres coastal marsh and 9.14 acres 404 wetlands = 18.65 acres (DCM, 9/23/98) and 0.21 acres Section 404 wetlands (DCM, 5/20/99)= 9.51 acres coastal marsh and 9.35 acres Section 404 wetlands Total impacts = 18.86 acres Final mitigation 13.1 acres SVM restoration Mashoes Road+ 1.4 acres sawgrass marsh restoration Whites Store = 14.5 acres coastal wetland restoration (Note that the 1.4 acres of sawgrass marsh restoration has not yet been accepted as successful by DCM as of 7/11/06). 8 acres forest wetlands restoration Mashoes Road+ 1.5 acres SPH riverine restoration Dismal Swamp=9.5 acres Section 404 wetland restoration 122.9 acres SVM preservation Mashoes Road 76.2 acres forest wetland preservation Mashoes Road Total restoration = 24 acres (Note that the 1.4 acres of sawgrass marsh restoration has not yet been accepted as successful by DCM as of 7/11/06). Total preservation = 199.1 acres Mitigation rrequirements were met for this project.Debits of 103.8 acres of preservation for R-2512A,13.3 acres of preservation for R-2512 mod.,and 26.0 acres of preservation for R-2512 mod.were debited from the Company Swamp in Bertie County.10.9 acres of non-riverine and 8.06 acres of riverine wetlands were debited from the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site.. Both pre-and post-construction SAV surveys were performed and submitted to the DCM for review.The SAV survey showed an impact on 4 sites for a 1)Pre and post project SAV monitoring mitigation total of 0.494 acre of SAV impact.The NCDOT will propose to fund a SAV required for any project related loss of SAVs.2) study in the Chowan River Basin to mitigate for the impacts to SAVs from Temp.wetland impacts must be monitored for 1 this project.The proposal for this study will receive prior approval from the year and if area has not re-attained jurisdictional No info in file that work has been done.For 3) DCM.Temp.impacts have been addressed in a separate document titled status,a compensatory mitigation plan may be no info in file that mitigation efforts have been "CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition."Debit needed.3)Mitigation to be done in accordance completed,but believe that on site effort has Ledgers for the Company Swamp in Bertie Count and the Dismal Swamp US 17 Bridge, with COE permit(18.6 acres total,5 acres been completed.1-3 years of monitoring Mitigation Site are attached.Also attached are sections from the SAV R-2512 88-96 Chowan Chowan River 1/3 restoration on site,rest at mitigation banks). expected. surveys. Per Jason Elliot,project completed in 1998;no info on mitigation of the 0.66 acres of swamp forest impact.Proposal to the DCM to offer restoration of Prior to completion of project,DOT must develop 1.98 acres(3:1)of riverine wetlands within the same CU as the project.The NC 11/NC 53, a plan to offset 0.66 acres of swamp forest NCDOT will request the EEP to accept this restoration to comply with the B-2919 114-96 Pender/Bladen Black River 3/1,6/3 impact. No info in file that work has been done. CAMA Permit. Per Jason Elliot,remedial work completed in 2002 on the Deer Creek Mitigation Site.Site doing very well;continued monitoring;only 2 more Deer Creek mitigation site has been years required;proposed 2006 close-out.3.32 acres of tidal marsh impacts constructed,but remedial actions are required on this project.2.64 acres to be taken from Deer Creek Mitigation Site and R-2105 A Prior to project completion,a mitigation plan must and underway.At least 5 years of additional 0.68 acre taken from the Bogue Sound/Weeks Site.Debit Ledgers for the &B 146-96 Carteret NC 24 2/2 be developed and provided to DCM for approval. monitoring will be required. Deer Creek and Bogue Sound Site attached. Mitigation plan has been approved.USMC Per Jason Elliot,remedial work at the USMC site was completed in 2002; Prior to initiation of construction,a final marsh mitigation site is undergoing remedial monitoring underway;2 more years of monitoring.Stream mitigation was Jacksonville compensatory mitigation plan shall be submitted actions.At least another 5 years of additional through the EEP.EEP Letter and monitoring reports for the USMC and U-2107 77-97 Onslow Bypass _3/1 and approved by DCM/COE. monitoring will be required. Haws Run Mitigation Sites are attached. DOT to grade 125x75 ft area to adjacent marsh —elevation,and monitor for 2 years to see if natural vegetation is taking place-if it is not,DOT would Bridge 70,Smith have to plant the area.Monitoring reports to be Restoration addressed in separate document titled"CAMA Permits with 101-97 101-97 Beaufort Creek 2/1 provided to DCM. No info in file that work has been done. Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition". Per Jason Elliot,propose to close out Mashoes this year.Debit ledger for Dismal Swamp show 1.5 acres of SPH Riverine Wetlands debited(2003 Report).0.128 acre of brackish marsh restoration constructed and in last year of monitoring.EEP accepted and restored 1047 feet of stream for this Believe that mitigation site(Mashoes Road project White's store mitigation of 1.4 acres of sawgrass mitigation credit R-2551&B US 64,Croatan Significant mitigation commitments relating to Site)completed.Monitoring efforts likely to 0.21 acre of impact.White's Store site is proposed for close out this year. 5208 7-98 Dare Sound Bridge 1/1 bridge permit. continue for at least 3 more years. Permit and debit ledgers attached. Unsure of status of rest area project.On-site work likely has not been completed.Monitoring likely to continue for 5 years.NOTE-A portion of the preservation component of the mitigation Per Jason Elliot,on-site work complete;re-planting in February 2005;first k-4003(B-7-98 Roanoke Island Additional mitigation,some from Mashoes Road, site accidentally cleared by DOT.Will need to year monitoring underway;Monitoring for 5 years.The NCDOT will request 5208 MOD Dare Visitor Center 1/1 some from Dismal Swamp Bank,some on site. revisit mitigation plan. EEP to accept mitigation for this site using preservation. I, STI-OCIVS- • • • 77•97 Onslow Prior to inlrlaliar,of construction,a final . Mitigation plan has been approved. USMC marsh mitigation Jacksonville Bypass compensatory mitigation plan shall be submitted site Is undergoing remedial actions. Al least another 5 years <_ -7 and approved by DCM/COE. V �'U r DOT to grade 125 x75'area to adjacent marsh of additional monitoring will ho required. IUI.9) Beaufortelevation,and monitor for 2 years to see if. , Or.70,Smith Creek natural vegetation Is taking place.-II Ills not, No Info In file that work has been done. DOT would have to plant the area. Monitoring "- ''a c v re ports to be provided to DCM �,,T US 64,Croalan Sound I) Significant millgallon commitments relating Believe that mitigation-silo(Mashoos Road Silo)completed. Bridge to bridge pennil. _ . Monitoring ellorls likely to continuo for al least 3 more years. 7-98 Roanoke Island Visitor 2).Addilional mitigation,some hornMashoes of been completedf est Monitoringllikelyarea proect. On-site to continue lotk5lyea s Darework Center Road,some Irom Dismal Swamp Bank,some NOTE-A portion of the preservation component on site. of the -- --_ mitigation sire accidently cleared by DOT. Will need to re- visit mitigation plan. 68.99 Dare/liydo US 264 Purchase 6 credits Irom Scuppernong Rivet No evidence in file that credits have or have not boon _ Mitigation Bank. • Purchased. Assume Thal this has been completed. ) 96.99 Tyrrell Virginia Lee Beaclr Purchase 0.6 credits from Scuppernong River No evidence In file that credits have or have not been ?`3 1- R - 3 ` .)(/ �_Road Mitigation Bank. // purchased. Assume that this has been completed. - �' Nvr+.1,1 Temp,wetland impacts must be monitored for 3 111-99 Pender Or.11 NC 1 lrNC53 years,and If area has not re-attained Appears Thal replanting has been conyrleled. Still must _ jurisdictional status,a compensatory mitigation. monitor for 3 years / - Ilan may be needed. • ��< 1) Temp.weUand Impacts must be monitored 29-00 Beaufort Cuckold Creek US for 3 years,and If area has not re-attained �,�l 264/NC99 jurisdictional status,a compensatory mitigation No Info.In file that monlloring has begun. 1� -To 6 ___ plan may be needed. 2) Permll required Ihal teller of commitment be provided before construction begins and Lefler of commitment received but may need to be revised. 5 mitigation plan be developed and Implemented years of monitoring likely. �. nton prior to explrallon of permh 46.00 I lydo Scra Creek,Br.29 4)Temp.fill areas to be r follo • estored wing -�.r _��_US 264 V project completion. No Info.In file that restoration has been completed. 11�rll '' I(Sy \ 2)Temp.wetland Impacts must be monitored• �, • y for 3 years,and II area has not re-attained jurisdictional status,a compensatory mitigation Nb info.In file that monitoring has begun. • Ian maybe needed. 3) Pre end post project SAV surveys(not for Appears that pre-project survey has been done. No news on rnlligallon purposes,but to learn for future projects) post-project survey(assuming project has been completed). • 52 00 Mitigation plan must be accepted by DCM prior ng approved. Aleasl5 `� Carleret/Onslow NC 24 widening to completion of the AA seceon of NC 24 Mitigation proposal la close to be /� /t n widening. years of monitoring expected • iicz r" Onslow Bridges 18 and 19 over DOT requlrsd to regrade end reforest old NE Creek approaches slier new bridgep completed. No ' Project appeared to be lel In mid 2001. Unsure of status of 2 Z/ 5 re orliniequired In pennil. project or reloreslalion efforts. 5 J .1.- NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Am: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY � NCDENR RECEIPT September 9, 1999 JAMES B.HUNT JR. GOVERNOR WAYNE.MCDEVITT Dr. Charles Bruton SECRETARY North Carolina Department of Transportation it, > £ Planning and Environmental Analysis Branch ti r.0 Post Office Box 25201 ‘`:‘' < 4 I r - Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Subject: TIP#: R-2551 COE Permit #: 199502334 :r;: DWQ #: 970856 i- s ,, County: Pasquotank ; r it!! The Wetlands Restoration Program received check number 459374 on 40/ -�- ` `�# September 7, 1999 which includes $130,875.00 as payment for the s compensatory mitigation requirements of the 401 Water Quality Certification mry issued for the subject project. This receipt serves as notification that the . � compensatory mitigation requirements for this project have been satisfied. Please note that you must also comply with all other conditions of this '' certification and any other state, federal or local government permits or 1. i '- authorization associated with this activity. ¢ f. Allir If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Ron Ferrell at (919) 733-5219. :-: ;�;.:r- _,. Sincerely, ,.....„-z.- -• /2.° V4 ------ ~ x ._ Ronald E. Ferrell Program Manager -*"`" .,, REF/cvb .go.,... cc: John Dorney "' File 6 IA # P.O. Box 29535, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 ' �. , ,� +« PHONE 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER • e DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY z WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O.BOX 1890 WILMINGTON,NORTH CAROUNA 28402-1890 December 24, 1996 IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199502334 Mr. H. Franklin Vick, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: This correspondence is in response to your letter of November 6, 1996, regarding the North Carolina Department of Transportation's (NCDOT) proposed compensatory mitigation strategy for the Manteo Bypass project, TIP Number R- 2551, State Project Number 8.T051401, in Dare County, North Carolina. This correspondence also confirms your conversation with Messrs. David Lekson and Mike Bell of my staff regarding this proposal at the December 12, 1996, NCDOT/Agency meeting in Raleigh. After reviewing your letter and weighing all factors associated with this issue, we have determined that utilizing the Ballance Farm site near Moyock in northern Currituck County to mitigate for impacts associated with the Manteo Bypass project in Dare County is not appropriate. We feel that practicable alternatives exist within the immediate vicinity to the Manteo Bypass project. In particular, the Mashoes Road site could satisfy the compensatory mitigation requirements of this project. This site has much potential due to 1) it's proximity to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, 2) the opportunity for truly onsite, in-kind salt marsh restoration, 3) the opportunity to restore degraded adjacent upland areas and/or create coastal marsh wetlands, and 4) the potential to preserve high quality coastal wetlands. There are many reasons why work at the Ballance Farm does not represent acceptable compensatory mitigation for this project. Even though the Ballance Farm is included within Cataloging Unit 03010205, there are vast hydrogeomorphologic differences between areas north of the Albemarle Sound and areas south of the sound. Consequently, we have divided this cataloging unit through the middle of the Albemarle Sound and have already implemented this with other private sector projects. The fact that Sawgrass (Cladiuln jamaicense) exists at both sites does not automatically justify the use of the Ballance Farm. Wetlands to be impacted by the Manteo Bypass project are located adjacent to the Croatan Sound in Dare County and are influenced by lunar and wind tides. They are comprised of coastal salt marsh and coastal palustrine forest and scrub-shrub ecosystems. The Ballance Farm site is located in northern Currituck County adjacent to Tulls Creek, a fresh water system. vfijr B . `;tiff • -2- Wetland creation and restoration are proposed within prior converted cropland that is underlain by soils typically found on poorly drained, broad flats. The differences in the salinity regime, soils, landscape position and adjacent habitat make it unlikely that work undertaken at the Ballance Farm will offset those functions lost as a result of the Manteo Bypass project. Additionally, there are several other NCDOT mitigation projects in the Manns Harbor/Manteo vicinity that have either failed and require reconstruction or relocation, or have problems that require implementation of contingency measures. There may be an opportunity to debit these projects from the Mashoes Road site. The additional expenses associated with remediation at these mitigation sites, thereby bringing the projects into compliance with their respective permits, should be factored into your assessment regarding the cost of purchasing the Mashoes Road property. On October 22, 1996, Messrs. Lekson and Bell met with Messrs. Randy Turner and David Schiller of your staff at the Mashoes Road site. Also present at this'meeting was Mr. Dennis Hawthorn, Division of Coastal Management. We feel there was a good discussion regarding the suitability of this site for use with the Manteo Bypass Project and welcome additional dialogue on the subject. Please be reminded, the Corps of Engineers cannot make binding commitments regarding the use of a mitigation site for any project until a complete application has been received and the statutory requirements of the permit review process have been fulfilled. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Should you have any questions, you may contact Mr. Bell at our Washington Regulatory Field Office, telephone (919) 975-1616, ext 26. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Copies Furnished: ✓--" John Parker Division of Coastal Management N.C. Department ofEnvironment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Larry Hardy National Marine Fisheries Service Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 -3- Mr. John Hefner U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Thomas Welborn, Chief Wetlands Regulatory Section - Region IV Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Atlanta Federal Center 100 Alabama Street, SW Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Mr. John Dorney N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Mr. Richard Watts Division of Coastal Management N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 1367 U.S. 17 South Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 Dr. Larry R. Goode State Highway Administrator N.C. Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Mr. David Cox N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Post Office Box 118 Northside, North Carolina 27564 Mr. Nicholas Graf Federal Highway Administration 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601