HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 89-96 Mitigation Hwy 17 Pembroke Creek -tit) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BEVERLY EAVES PERDUE EUGENE A.CONTI,JR. GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 27,2009 Mr. Doug Huggett North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City,N.C.27909 Subject:CAMA Commitment Review(R-2512,Permit#88-96 and 89-96) Unresolved Projects Dear Mr. Huggett, On behalf of the North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT),I want to thank you and all the Division of Coastal Management(DCM) staff who met with us to discuss unresolved issues regarding NCDOT CAMA Permit commitments.This letter is written to confirm the"Unresolved Projects,R-2512,Permit#88-96 and 89-96"issue agreed upon during the meeting held in the DCM Morehead City office on February 23,2009. The NCDOT and the DCM agree that to the best of our knowledge,the temporary impact issue is resolved. Lindsey Riddick(NCDOT)has confirmed this based on his recollection of the project. The SAV impact issue on the US 17 Bridge has not been determined. It was agreed by the DCM that a site inspection would be performed to determine if SAVs have been restored in the area. This inspection will be performed during the 2009 growing season.Progress reports will be forwarded to the NCDCM upon completion. It was agreed in our meeting that if SAVs are present during the inspection,the issue will be resolved and no further work will be required. If SAVs are not present during the inspection,the NCDOT will offer satisfactory replacement mitigation. Again,thank you for your assistance in bringing these outstanding permit issues to a positive resolution. Sincerely, Gregory .Thorpe,PhD,Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation cc: Phil Harris,P.E.,NCDOT Jim Gregson,NCDENR/DCM Ted Tyndall,NCDENR/DCM Cathy Brittingham,NCDENR/DCM Steve Sollod,NCDENR/DCM MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-431-2000 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-431-2001 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT& NATURAL ENVIRONMENT UNIT ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS BRANCH- 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WIM1NV.NCDOT.ORG ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE CENTER RALEIGH NC,27699-1598 4701-116 ATLANTIC AVENUE RALEIGH NC,27604 RE: R-2512B,CAMA Permit No. 89-96,temporary impact monitoring Subject:RE:R-2512B,CAMA Permit No.89-96,temporary impact monitoring From:"Riddick,Thomas L"<tlriddick@ncdot.gov> Date:Fri.6 Mar 2009 10:14:46-0500 To:Cathy Brittingham<Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net>,"Anderson,Deborah D"<ddanderson@ncdot.gov> Ok. I'm not aware of any at Pembroke, but I'm checking with the Division Construction Engineer. As for the Chowan River,the eastern approach did have a temporary access parallel to the bridge with some small spurs perpendicular. I'll check on the status of these areas. The western approach was high ground. From: Cathy Brittingham[mailto:Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net] Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 10:06 AM To: Riddick, Thomas L; Anderson, Deborah D Subject: Re: R-2512B, CAMA Permit No. 89-96, temporary impact monitoring Hi Lindsey and Deborah, Actually the permit conditions on these projects for monitoring of temporary wetland impacts were not specific to DCM wetlands. The permit condition verbiage is the same in CAMA Permit No. 88-96 (Chowan River) and CAMA Permit No. 89-96 (Pembroke Creek). It states as follows: "Wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access shall be monitored to insure that natural revegetation is occurring. If a site is not revegetating within one year of the date the construction access is removed, NCDOT shall plant the site with the original species that were present prior to the construction." DCM needs documentation for the permit files about whether there were ANY wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access on these projects and if there were ANY wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access on these projects, then are there ANY wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access on these projects that have not revegetated and that have not been previously reclassified as permanent impacts. If there are ANY wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access on these projects that have not revegetated, and that have not been previously reclassified as permanent impacts, then DOT needs to notify DCM to determine mitigation requirements. If necessary, perhaps a site visit could be scheduled with NCDOT and DCM Field Representative Jim Hoadley to survey the appropriate areas. Thanks for your help, Cathy Riddick,Thomas L wrote: Deborah and Cathy, I am positive that there were no temporary impacts to DCM wetlands at either of these LR Original Message 1 of 2 3/6/2009 2:43 PM RE:R-2512B,CAMA Permit No. 89-96,temporary impact monitoring From: Anderson, Deborah D Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 4:25 PM To: Riddick, Thomas L Subject: FW: R-2512B, CAMA Permit No. 89-96, temporary impact monitoring Lindsey, Will you verify this in an email to Cathy and me. Thanks. Deborah Original Message From: Cathy Brittingham [mailto:Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2009 2:05 PM To: Anderson, Deborah D Subject: R-2512B, CAMA Permit No. 89-96, temporary impact monitoring RE: R-2512B, Bridge over Pembroke Creek and associated improvements to US 17, CAMA P� Hi Deborah, At the 2/23/09 meeting with NCDOT and DCM staff you stated that you would check with Have you had a chance to verify this with Lindsey? If so, please let me know so that Thanks, Cathy Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 (919) 733-2293 x238 telephone (919) 733-1495 FAX E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Pi Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Lai Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 (919) 733-2293 x238 telephone (919) 733-1495 FAX E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 of 2 3/6/2009 2:43 PM R-2512B,CAMA Permit No.89-96,temporary impact monitoring Subject: R-2512B, CAMA Permit No. 89-96, temporary impact monitoring From: Cathy Brittingham <Cathy.Brittingham@ncmail.net> Date: Thu,05 Mar 2009 14:05:17 -0500 To: Deborah Anderson <ddanderson@ncdot.gov> RE: R-2512B, Bridge over Pembroke Creek and associated improvements to US 17, CAMA Permit No. 89-96, Chowan County Hi Deborah, At the 2/23/09 meeting with NCDOT and DCM staff you stated that you would check with Lindsey Riddick to make sure that his comments about no temporary impacts applied to R-2512B, Bridge over Pembroke Creek and associated improvements to US 17 in addition to TIP NO. R-2512, US 17 Bridge, Chowan River, Chowan County, CAMA Permit No. 88-96. Have you had a chance to verify this with Lindsey? If so, please let me know so that I can make a note to the file and put this one away. Thanks, Cathy - Cathy Brittingham Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 (919) 733-2293 x238 telephone (919) 733-1495 FAX E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 of 1 3/5/2009 3:47 PM TIP NO. R-2512B,BRIDGE OVER PEMBROKE CREEK AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS TO US 17, CHOWAN COUNTY, CAMA PERMIT 89-96. Unresolved temporary impact monitoring requirements CAMA Permit No. 89-96, issued 6/2/96 Condition No. 19 of CAMA Permit No. 89-96 requires that: "Wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access shall be monitored to insure that natural revegetation is occurring. If a site is not revegetating within one year of the date the construction access is removed, NCDOT shall plant the site with the original species that were present prior to the construction." RK&K CAMA Permit Commitment Review document dated 9/22/03 The RK&K document states that:"No temporary impacts occurred with this project as the project was completed using top-down construction." However, the RK&K document also states that: "As stated in the October 23, 1997 COE permit modification (Permit No. 199705883) and reiterated by Mr. Randy Turner, NCDOT Project Management Team Leader, in a meeting on January 27, 2003, there were no temporary impacts associated with this project. Attempts to restore temporary impacts were unsuccessful and these impacts were subsequently calculated as permanent impacts and debited accordingly." NCDOT CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition document dated 4/20/05 Requests an interagency inspection to determine compliance of the temporary condition of the permit. States that the project is complete. DCM CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition document dated 10/25/06 DOT needs to comply with permit conditions 18 (Permit No. 88-96) and 19 (Permit No. 89-96) by providing DCM with a written statement for the permit file that reconciles the above conflicting information and certifies: (1) whether there were any temporary impact areas on this project; and(2) if there were temporary impact areas on this project, then are there any temporary impact areas on this project that have not revegetated and that have not been previously reclassified as permanent impacts. If there are any temporary impact areas on this project that have not revegetated, and that have not been previously reclassified as permanent impacts, then DOT needs to notify DCM and contact DWQ and USACE to determine mitigation requirements. DCM was not able to locate a copy of the above referenced October 23, 1997 COE modification, therefore NCDOT is requested to provide a copy of it to DCM as supporting documentation. DOT Comments, September 2008 Due to insufficient and conflicting information, the NCDOT requested an interagency site inspection to try to determine if the commitment had been met. No inspection has been scheduled with the NCDOT by the NCDCM. This is a 12 year old project. The project was completed in 1999. Both NCDCM and the NCDOT could not find the files requested. Records cannot be found as to whether the restoration was done. In the review document the NCDOT provided for the NCDCM on 4/20/05, the NCDOT requested a site inspection with the NCDCM to determine, if possible, compliance. To our knowledge this site inspection has not been performed. DCM Comments, November 2008 The following information is needed: (1) whether there were any temporary impact areas on this project; and (2)if there were temporary impact areas on this project, then are there any temporary impact areas on this project that have not revegetated. NCDOT and DCM should discuss how to proceed given that NCDOT has not been able to obtain this information. ACTIA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F.Easley,Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G.Ross Jr., Secretary October 25, 2006 Philip S. Harris, III, PE, Manager N.C. Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Harris: Enclosed please find comments from the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) on the following two documents submitted to DCM by the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) on April 20, 2005 and August 15, 2005, respectively: "CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition"; and "CAMA Permit Commitment Review." As you know, in April 2002 DCM and NCDOT began a comprehensive effort to ensure that the mitigation and monitoring conditions of the CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents are satisfied. DCM regrets that it took over a year to provide the attached comments. However, substantial progress has been made during this period to achieve resolution on many of the projects discussed in these documents. There are a total of 43 projects with CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents: 20 projects have mitigation conditions only; 10 projects have temporary impact monitoring conditions only; and 13 projects have both mitigation conditions and temporary impact monitoring conditions. Based upon the attached analysis, DCM has determined that the mitigation and/or temporary impact monitoring conditions of 17 projects have been completely satisfied. There are 23 CAMA permits discussed in the attached documents with mitigation and/or monitoring conditions that remain unsatisfied. Compliance with some of these projects is imminent or well underway. However, many of these projects have significant outstanding unresolved issues, and are of particular concern to DCM. I do not believe that a general meeting is necessary to discuss these projects. Instead, I hope that our staffs can put an emphasis on working together to resolve the outstanding issues as detailed in the attached documents. 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-22931 FAX: 919-733-14951 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled\10%Post Consumer Paper Please ask your appropriate staff to contact Cathy Brittingham at(919) 733-2293 x238 or via e- mail at Cathy.Brittinghain@ncmail.net to discuss next steps for projects within Division One. To discuss next steps for projects within Divisions Two and Three contact Steve Sollod at (919) 733-2293 x230 or via e-mail at Steve.Sollodia::ncrnail.net. Please also feel free to contact me at (252) 808-2808 or via e-mail at Doug.Huggett(" ncmail.net if you have any general questions or concerns. Sincerely, 1-1 Doug Huggett Major Permits and Consistency Coordinator CC: Deborah Anderson Cathy Brittingham Linda Fitzpatrick Randy Griffin Charles Jones (w/o attachments) Steve Sollod Ted Tyndall (w/o attachments) t . DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's "CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition" DIVISION ONE 1. TIP NO. R-2512,US 17 BRIDGE, CHOWAN RIVER, CHOWAN COUNTY, CAMA PERMIT NO. 88-96 The CAMA Permit Commitment Review document prepared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 states that: "No temporary impacts occurred with this project as the project was completed using top-down construction." However, the CAMA Permit Commitment Review document prepared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 also states that: "As stated in the October 23, 1997 COE permit modification(Permit No. 199705883) and reiterated by Mr. Randy Turner, NCDOT Project Management Team Leader, in a meeting on January 27, 2003, there were no temporary impacts associated with this project. Attempts to restore temporary impacts were unsuccessful and these impacts were subsequently calculated as permanent impacts and debited accordingly." Furthermore, the CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition document prepared by NCDOT dated 4/20/05 requests an interagency inspection to determine compliance of the temporary condition of the permit although an interagency inspection is not a requirement of this CAMA permit. DOT needs to comply with permit conditions 18 (Permit No. 88-96) and 19 (Permit No. 89-96) by providing DCM with a written statement for the permit file that reconciles the above conflicting information and certifies: (1) whether there were any temporary impact areas on this project; and (2) if there were temporary impact areas on this project,then are there any temporary impact areas on this project that have not revegetated and that have not been previously reclassified as permanent impacts. If there are any temporary impact areas on this project that have not revegetated, and that have not been previously reclassified as permanent impacts, then DOT needs to notify DCM and contact DWQ and USACE to determine mitigation requirements. DCM was not able to locate a copy of the above referenced October 23, 1997 COE modification,therefore NCDOT is requested to provide a copy of it to DCM as supporting documentation. 2. R-2512B,BRIDGE OVER PEMBROKE CREEK AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS TO US 17, CAMA PERMIT NO. 89-96, CHOWAN COUNTY. Same comments as above for CAMA Permit number 88-96. 3. R-2551,US 64-264 INCLUDING A NEW BRIDGE ACROSS THE CROATAN SOUND, DARE COUNTY, CAMA PERMIT NO. 7-98 The CAMA permit commitment review document prepared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 states: "RK&K field-reviewed temporary impact areas with Mr. Midgett and Mr. Hernandez on January 15, 2003. The temporary impact area associated with the work trestle located along the northwest bridge approach appeared to be graded to wetland elevation. As completion of this project occurred in 2002, it is too early to determine if these areas are reattaining jurisdictional status. Photographs of impact areas located in the northwestern bridge quadrant taken in March 2003 are included below." The CAMA permit commitment review document prepared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 states: "NCDOT should continue annual monitoring at established mitigation sites as well as at temporary impact areas....an agency meeting should be scheduled in 2005 (three years post-construction) to review the status of temporary impact areas. As stated in WQC No. 3167 issued November 1997, all temporary impact areas should be restored in accordance with the finalized DWQ restoration policy." Page 2 of 7, 10/25/2006 DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's CAMA Permit Commitment Review SAV requirements There is no documentation in the CAMA permit file that the SAY requirements of this project have been satisfied in accordance with CAMA permit condition number 16. The CAMA Permit Commitment Review document prepared by NCDOT dated 8/15/05 includes a copy of a cover letter dated 3/26/02 from Lindsey Riddick to the USACE (Mike Bell)providing the post construction survey for SAV near the eastern terminus of the new bridge over the Chowan River. However, a copy of this report was not provided to.the DCM-Raleigh Office and unfortunately, DCM does not seem to have a copy of the report. DOT is requested to provide DCM with a copy'of the post construction survey for submerged aquatic vegetation(SAV)near the eastern terminus of the new bridge over the Chowan River. In accordance with CAMA permit condition number 16,please ensure that if SAV's have been lost, the report also contains a mitigation plan to compensate for the losses, in accordance with the permit condition. CAMA permit condition number 16 also requires that: "the mitigation plan must be approved by DEM and DCM." The RK&K report recommends that DOT prepare a mitigation plan to compensate for SAV impacts. The CAMA Permit Commitment Review document prepared by NCDOT dated 8/15/05, states that: "the SAV survey showed an impact on 4 sites for a total of 0.494 acre of SAV impact. The NCDOT will propose to fund a SAV study in the Chowan River basin to mitigate for the impacts to SAVs from this project. The proposal for this study will receive prior approval from the DCM." DCM has not yet received this proposal. It is critical that DOT forward it to DCM as soon as possible. The NCDOT has performed both a pre-construction and a post-construction SAV survey. Copies are attached. Temporary impact monitoring requirements: Please refer to the DCM document titled: "DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's `CAMA Permits with Temporary Impact Monitoring Condition', dated April 20, 2005." R-2512B, BRIDGE OVER PEMBROKE CREEK AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS TO US 17, CAMA PERMIT NO. 89-96, CHOWAN COUNTY. ,C Same comments as above for CAMA Permit number 88-96. NC"calD ue to insufficient and conflicting information,the NCDOT requested an interagency site inspection to re) - y to determine if the commitment had been met.No inspection has been scheduled with the NCDOT y the NCDCM. c a5 5. R-2551,WIDENING OF US 64-264 FROM WEST OF MANNS HARBOR TO SR 1105, CONSTRUCTION OF NEW 4/5 LANE FACILITY FROM SR 1105 TO US 64-264/NC 345, INCLUDING A NEW BRIDGE ACROSS THE CROATAN SOUND,DARE COUNTY, CAMA PERMIT NO. 7-98 Submerged aquatic vegetation requirements: DCM has not received any documentation from NCDOT that the submerged aquatic vegetation requirements of CAMA Permit No. 7-98 have been satisfied. The CAMA permit commitment review document prepared by RK&K dated 9/22/03 states: "In order to fulfill mitigation commitments Page 3 of 19, 10/25/2006 DCM Evaluation of NCDOT's CAMA Permit Commitment Review to provide DCM with an acknowledgement letter documenting that 5.58 acres of credits have been debited from the successful coastal wetlands at Ballance Farm. After DCM receives this acknowledgement letter from EEP,we will be able to send a letter to DOT acknowledging that DOT has satisfied it's mitigation requirements for this project through successful coastal wetland mitigation at the Ballance Farm mitigation site. In the 2005 response,the NCDOT reported that the mitigation for this project had been performed. The NCDOT requested to attend a site visit with the NCDCM to determine if any further mitigation was necessary. The NCDCM did not contact the NCDOT about a site visit. The Ballance Farm was closed out per a letter from NCDCM dated 9/21/07 (attached). All permit requirements for this project/permit have been fulfilled. EEP was contacted to verify consultant's findings. The consultant verified success of this project to Rita Mroczek. It should be noted that the EEP is managing these assets and communication with the agencies is as agreed in the MOAs. 3. B-2536,BRIDGE 8 OVER COINJOCK BAY ON SR 1245, CURRITUCK COUNTY, CAMA PERMIT#101-95. In a letter of acceptance dated 7/21/05, EEP says it will deduct 0.68 acres of coastal marsh creation from the transferred asset balance from the Ballance Farm mitigation site (0.17 acre impact x 2:1 mitigation ratio=0.34 credits; 0.34 credits x 2:1 credit ratio (creation) = 0.68 mitigation credits required. The mitigation requirements of this project have been met to DCM's satisfaction. 4. TIP NO. R-2512,US 17 BRIDGE, CHOWAN RIVER, CHOWAN COUNTY, CAMA PERMIT NO. 88-96. Wetland Mitigation Requirements Wetland mitigation sites for this project are Company Swamp, Dismal Swamp and Pembroke Creek. The wetland mitigation sites for this project have all been accepted as successful and closed out by DCM. The Company Swamp Mitigation Bank was created by the NCDOT to compensate for unavoidable wetland impacts occurring from NCDOT highway projects near the Roanoke River. Company Swamp is a preservation bank and consists of 1031 acres located in Bertie County,North Carolina. The Dismal Swamp mitigation site was closed out by DCM through internal memorandums dated 10/27/05, 12/16/05 and 6/22/06. The Pembroke Creek mitigation site was closed out by DCM through internal memorandums dated 10/27/05, 12/16/05 and 6/22/06. The wetland mitigation requirements of this project have been met to DCM's satisfaction. Page 2 of 19, 10/25/2006 Cathy Brittingham Notes, 7/6/06 CAMA Permit No. 88-96 and 89-96 Wetland Impacts= 16.20 acres of Section 404 wetlands (8/7/96) +2.25 acres of Section 404 wetlands (12/20/96) + 1.14 acres Section 404 wetlands+ 1.85 acres Section 404 wetlands +2.6 acres Section 404 wetlands =24.04 acres impacts Wetland Mitigation= 103.8 acres preservation Company Swamp + 13.3 acres preservation Company Swamp+ 26 acres preservation Company Swamp= 143.10 acres preservation 2.69 acres BLH non-riverine Dismal Swamp+ 8.6 acres SPH riverine Dismal Swamp+ 1.93 acres BLH non-riverine Dismal Swamp+3.89 acres BLH non-riverine Dismal Swamp +2.39 acres BLH non-riverine Dismal Swamp+4.725 acres SPH restoration Pembroke Creek+2.6 acres SPH restoration Pembroke Creek=26.285 acres restoration. NOTE: CAMA Permit No. 88-96 also had SAV impacts with monitoring and mitigation requirements Aggim NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley,Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: Mitigation Site files FROM: Cathy Brittingham ''�� DATE: 6/22/06 O'4`i)1-J4'/\ SUBJECT: Internal close-out: Pembroke mitigation site, GatestPerquimaiis counties; Dismal Swamp mitigation site, Gates/Perquimans counties; and Tucker mitigation site, Currituck County. Given that so much time has passed, and that this mitigation is for 404 wetlands, DCM is closing out the site internally through a file note. DOT has already ceased monitoring. There are no permit conditions requiring that we send a written close out letter. 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293\FAX: 919-733-1495\Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled 110%Post Consumer Paper .3(1 -N MEMORANDUM TO: Cathy Brittingham CC: FROM: Melissa Carle , DATE: December 16, 2005 Cj�i/Ja SUBJECT: Pembroke Creek Mitigation Site, GatesJPerqui s•County I agree that DCM can consider the Pembroke Creek Mitigation Site to be closed out. I have not visited this site. However, the site has consistently met both hydrologic and vegetation success criteria throughout the monitoring period. The mitigation performed at this site can be considered successful based on the success criteria detailed in the Mitigation Plan. Page 1 of 1 • FY- 9� MEMORANDUM TO: Cathy Brittingham CC: FROM: Melissa Carle DATE: December 16, 2005 SUBJECT: Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site, Gates/Perquimans County I agree that DCM can consider the Dismal Swamp mitigation site to be closed-out. I have not visited this site. In April 2004, I noted that several of the monitoring wells along the outer edges of the site had not consistently met the hydrologic success criteria. This issue was addressed at the DOT Mitigation Site Review Meeting held later that month. I do not have detailed notes from that meeting and I do not remember how the issue was resolved. However, the vast majority of the site did consistently achieve success criteria and given that the site serves as mitigation for impacts to 404 wetlands, I am willing to accept the site as successful if USACE has already done so. I was unable to attend the Division I site visits in summer 2004. I believe that Steve Sollod attended the site visits for DCM. Page 1 of 1 t CAMA Permit No. 89-96 TIP No. R-2512B Pembroke Creek Chowan County CAMA Permit No. 89-96 was issued for TIP No. R-2512B located in Chowan County. The project is for improvements to US 17 to replace the bridge over Pembroke Creek. The LET Date for the project was 9/17/96 with a completion date of 11/29/99. This project is complete and an interagency inspection is requested to determine compliance of the temporary impact condition of the permit. I �1A- -e rrn ��'.�' me" Mon� 1 m ���1 '.„ ..•.4{1*.,, • - 4,0,‘14 i ,,, • , . • ' • . 1 1 s. J . . R-2512 B „ . • ... CAMA 89-96 Pembroke Creek Chowan Co. e .. .n. . ... _ _ . ,... . , . . -......... ....... sr. -.... ....... -.Vr'. 4hiliblASc.71'— . 004i1411,e • I'‘, ,, -`• Ili ' ...t...I ' ''.4, . ".. . . ,..,.. • • •I-, .- • , , I el . .. .. . ., . .. .. ..e.,...-1. illik • { . •....... .............. v.v... ... -..... ............... • 07 ° 9' 30. 0"W I I i I j I I 1 1 0 6°39'0..0"JV j. 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Scale: 1 inch equals 1000 feet CAMA#89-96 Copyright 17,Maptech,Inc. Page: 1 Document Name: untitled DDS1 PROJ MASTER SCHEDULE-GEN/ENG ASSIGNMENTS OFFICIAL TIP: R-2512 E UPDATED: 02/22/00 OFY CFY PFY AUTH RPE: BLEVINS WBS: 34441. 1 .4 PLAN RPDE: HAMIDI PROJ: 8T010602 DSG SPE: RAYNOR FA PROJ: DPI-0199 (005) R/W SPDE: CHEEK COUNTY: CHOWAN DIV: 01 CON 96 96 DSPEE: CITY: %COMP DATE COMP P&E UNIT: ROUTE: US017 R/W PLAN: 100 10 16 95 C P&E ENG: MCINNIS LENGTH/MI: 006 . 880 FINAL PLAN: 065 05 28 96 C LOCATION: MCKNIGHT LENGTH/KM: 011 . 070 STR PLAN: 100 05 14 96 C PHOTO: DIXON #STR/TYPE: 3GS, 1RO, 1SX HYDRO: TYPE PROJ: # PARCELS: 010 TRFE: BOURNE TYPE: 045 # RELOCATEES: PERMIT NS UNIT: TURNER STATUS : ACQ TIME: 010 PERMIT NS SPEC: BORROW: BEG MILEPOST: STR COOR: PRODUCTION SCHEDULE T. I .P. SCHEDULE STR FRM: R/W: R/W : 10 16 95 C RDY FRM: TGS ENGINEERS LET: LET : 09 17 96 C RES E: COMP: 11 29 99 C RIVER BASIN: UTL IMPACT: M MPO: MITIGATION SITE: DESCRIPTION: US 17 FROM EAST OF CHOWAN RIVER TO 1700 ' EAST OF US 17B EAST OF EDENTON ENTER-DDS2 PF1-PREV SCR PF2-UPDATE PF3-PRINT PF4-PLAN PF5-PMMI PF7-BKWD PF8-F J ,�a<<lce erk �h� c c:-) . Date: 2/25/2005 Time: 08 : 28 :22 AM Page : 1 Document Name: untitled DDS7 PERMITS AND AGREEMENTS INFORMATION OFFICIAL PAGE -7P NUM: R-2512B PROD LET: PERMIT SP: TURNER :OJ NUM: 6039002T TIP LET: 09-17-96 P & E ENG: MCINNIS WBS NO: 34441 . 1.4 DIVISION: 01 HYDRO: COUNTY: CHOWAN MIT SITE: RIV BASIN: DESCRIPT: US 17 FROM EAST OF CHOWAN RIVER TO 1700 ' EAST OF US 17B EAST OF EDENTON STATUS : NO FURTHER ACTION REQ'D. ACTIVITY OUT IN 360 CORP OF ENGS 404 PERMIT 03-15-96 C 08-20-96 C 380 STATE 401 WATER CERTIF 03-15-96 C 05-21-96 C 390 STATE CAMA PERMIT 03-08-96 C 06-06-96 C 410 STR AGREEMENT TO RAILROAD 10-27-95 C 07-24-96 C ENTER-DATES (DDS8) PF1-PREVIOUS SCREEN PF3-PRINT Date: 2/25/2005 Time : 08 : 29 : 50 AM TEMPORARY PROJECT IMPACT CAMA COMPLETION MONITORING TIP# PERMIT # WATER BODY COUNTY DATE COMPLETION CONCLUSIONS Bertie/ Monitoring complete - Needs site R-2512A 88-96 Chowan River Chowan 8/3/2000 8/3/2003 inspection with DCM Monitoring complete- Needs site R 2512B 89-96 Pembroke Creek Chowan 11/29/1999 11/29/2002 inspection with DCM Monitoring complete - Needs site B-2805 101-97 Smith Creek Beaufort 5/15/1998 5/15/2001 inspection with DCM 7-98 (Minor Croatan Mod. Issued Sound/Spencer A=6/20/03 A=6/20/06 Monitoring complete - Needs site R-2551 5/1/00) Creek Dare B=7/2/03 B=7/2/06 inspection with DCM COE closed out site in 2004 as compliant; need DCM close out B-3011 111-99 Moore's Creek Pender 11/30/2001 11/30/2004 confirmation 11/25/03; based on Beau. Co. soil survey; 5 of 10 years at 28 Monitoring complete - Needs site B-2806 29-00 Cuckold's Creek Beaufort 8/30/2001 degree F. temp. inspection with DCM 6/7/05 (3rd Year Roadside Environmental has OK'd this B-3193 46-00 Scranton Creek Hyde 6/7/2002 Monitoring) project for site inspection Monitoring complete-restoration signed off by DCM as successful B-2513 116-00 Hood Creek Brunswick 6/7/2002 6/7/2005 and compliant with permit Roadside Environmental inspected this site on 3/7/05; site is under (projected for construction; DCM will be notified NE Cape Fear Aug./Sept. of Aug./Sept. of upon completion of project and start of R-2633C 130-00 River New Hanover 2005) 2008 monitoring CAMA Permit No. 89-96 TIP No. R-2512B Pembroke Creek Chowan County CAMA Permit No. 89-96 was issued for TIP No. R-2512B located in Chowan County. The project is for improvements to US 17 to replace the bridge over Pembroke Creek. The LET Date for the project was 9/17/96 with a completion date of 11/29/99. This project is complete and an interagency inspection is requested to determine compliance of the temporary impact condition of the permit. . V—g �'sT op.- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY - ; " . 7N WILMINGTON DISTRICT,CORPS OF ENGINEERS , \ I . :47 Li w ` 1,/1 : P.O.BOX 1890S� a iIII�;', WILMINGTON.NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 2004 G2j`°5>A7E5~Of `p�P nE rmoN OF: GIV.OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT September 9, 2004 -RALEIGH Regulatory Division Action ID No. 200010328 RECFVED SEP 1 3 2004 ON.OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT WEIGH Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E., Manager North Carolina Department of Transportation "; .. A Project Development &Environmental Analysis ° _ Office of Natural Environment }' ;,3 -.;. 1548 Mail Service Center _i M1 :014 1. Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Harris: O1 Ma4= This correspondence is in reference to your letter dated July 29, 2004, regarding the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site in Gates/Perquimans Counties,North Carolina. This site is being utilized by the North Carolina Department of Transportation as compensatory mitigation for TIP projects. By copy of this letter, we are notifying you that no further monitoring of the site will be required since the construction and success criteria for the mitigation site have been met. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Questions should be directed to Mr. Michael Bell, NCDOT Coordinator/Regulatory Project Manager at the Washington Regulatory Field Office, telephone (252) 975-1616, extension 26. Sincerely, E. David Franklin Chief,NCDOT Team Copies Furnished: Mr. Doug Huggett Division of Coastal agement North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1638 Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1650 Ms. Becky Fox U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/EAB 1349 Firefly Road Whittier,North Carolina 28789 Mr. Pete Benjamin U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh North Carolina 27636-3726 Mr. Ron Sechler National Marine Fisheries Service Pivers Island Beaufort,North Carolina 28516 Mr. Travis Wilson Eastern Region Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program 1142 I-85 Service Road Creedmore,North Carolina 27522 Mr. Chris Militscher U.S. EPA, Raleigh Office 310 New Bern Avenue, Room 206 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 2 • • RE D Pn .w► JUL , 0 2004 ON OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT T STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA GH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION • MICHAEL F.EASLEY LYNDO TIPPETT GOVERNOR SECRETARY July 29, 2004 Mr. Bill Biddlecombe Washington Regulatory Field Office ACOE P.O. Box 1000 Washington,NC 27889-1000 Re: Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site, Gates/Perquimans Counties, State Project No. 6.129003T, TIP No. R-2208WM (see below for project nos. for site), USACE Action ID Nos. 199401492, 199400991, 199500023, 199504770, 199304571, 199400838, 199706721, 199706722, 199502334; DWQ Project Nos. 94203, 960280, 991270, 95122, 970098, 970856, 991270; CAMA Project Nos. 88-96, 124-95, 89-96, 62-97, 7-98 Dear Mr. Bill Biddlecombe, As you are aware,the Department has monitored the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site since its construction in the summer of 1996.Monitoring was restarted in March of 1999 after phase 2 of construction work and phase 2 of tree planting. Located in Gates and Perquimans Counties, this 612-acre site is designed to provide non-riverine and riverine restoration along with some preservation. Hydrologic gauges were installed February 1997 and phase 2 tree planting occurred February 1999.NCDOT proposed to monitor the Dismal Swamp site for at least five years or until the success criteria were met; both hydrologic and vegetation monitoring were conducted each year. After each growing season, annual monitoring reports were submitted to the appropriate regulatory agencies. The following roadway projects have been debited from this site: R-2208 (A&Amod); R-2512 (A/B, A/B mod, & B mod), R-2515 A, R-2228 A, R-2404 B/C, R-2551, K-4003, SR-1180, SR- 1135, SR Flat Branch. Hydrologic success criteria stipulated that the site must be inundated or saturated within 12- inches of the surface for a consecutive 12.5%of the growing season. The growing season is 232 days in New Hanover County; therefore,the criterion is a consecutive 29 days. The Annual Report for 2003 provides a summary of the hydrologic data(the percentage of the growing season that saturation was indicated) at each groundwater gauge location for the past five years of monitoring. As the summary table in the 2003 Annual Monitoring Report indicates, most of the hydrologic gauges for this site have been consistently inundated or saturated for the majority of each growing season since phase 2 of site construction. In the spring of 2002, five surface water MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 919-715-1500 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 919-715-1501 PARKER LINCOLN BUILDING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 2728 CAPITAL BOULEVARD 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER WEBSITE: WWW.NCDOT.ORG RALEIGH NC RALEIGH NC 27699-1598 gauges were installed to illustrate surface water levels in the riverine area of the mitigation site. The region has experienced above to below average rainfall. A more detailed analysis of site hydrologic conditions is provided within each individual annual monitoring report. After five years of vegetation monitoring, vegetation data for 2003 shows that the site has met vegetative success criteria by yielding an average density of 463 trees per acre surviving. None of the four planting zones had a survival density that was below the 5-year requirement. Yearly monitoring data is provided within the annual monitoring reports submitted between 1998 and 2003. During the annual monitoring report meeting on April 29, 2004,NCDOT and resource agencies agreed that the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site could be closed and that monitoring could be discontinued.A site review was held on July 27,2004 with representatives from NCDOT, CAMA, USCOE, WRC, USFWS, and EPA. It was decided at this site review that the Dismal Swamp mitigation site could be closed and monitoring discontinued.NCDOT requests that the appropriate resource agencies provide documentation stating that no further monitoring is required and that the site is closed. If you have any questions about this project,please contact Mr. Randy Griffin at (919) 715-1425. Sincerely, • Philip S. Harris, III,P.E.,Manager PDEA- Office of Natural Environment cc: Mr. John Hennessy, NCDWQ Ms. Nicole Thomson,NCDWQ Mr. Mike Bell, USACOE Mr. Travis Wilson, WRC Mr. Chris Militscher,EPA Mr. Gary Jordan, USFWS Ms. Lynn Mathis, CAMA Mr. Steve Sollod, CAMA Mr. Tommy Douglas,NCDOT Mr. Freddie Wescott,NCDOT Mr. Jason Elliot,NCDOT Mr. Clay Willis,NCDOT Mr. Ron Sechler,NOAA , g.� a O 6 ,_.. �.,�� � _ � III I a 1 • i i _ ,� i i x% 1, •�. 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RK&K thoroughly researched files located in the PD&EA Branch of NCDOT as well as NCDOT archive files to locate Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), United States Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and Division of Water Quality (DWQ) permits as well as mitigation plans and monitoring reports, where applicable. Following this background review, RK&K personnel conducted interviews with PD&EA personnel regarding specific projects. RK&K then visited NCDOT Division and/or District offices as necessary to acquire as much supplemental information as possible. Field visits to project sites consisted of visits to temporary impact areas and any transportation projects containing on-site mitigation not documented in annual NCDOT monitoring reports or mitigation bank debit ledgers. S The following report summarizes RK&K's findings. Each of the 33 projects is described beginning with an executive summary of the project. The summary is followed by a timeline listing dates that NCDOT received CAMA, COE and DWQ permits as well as any significant dates pertaining to mitigation. The timeline is followed by a listing of commitments quoted directly from the permits. Commitments are sorted into categories by permits and subsequent modifications and/or refinements that affect compensatory mitigation. This list represents documentation retrieved from NCDOT files. RK&K was unable to locate all permits and modifications for all 33 projects. Permits or modifications that did not address mitigation are not included in the list. Following permit S commitments, each project contains an update on the mitigation status and recommendations of actions necessary to satisfy project commitments. It is possible that additional measures have been taken by NCDOT to complete DCM mitigation commitments and this information was not available at the time of RK&K's review. Documentation of mitigation credits debited for specific projects is included, if applicable. Throughout this document, reference to the "master" debit ledger refers to the wetland debit ledger maintained by Mr. Phil Harris, P.E., Manager, NCDOT Office of Natural Environment. S • I I S S I • • Fq-% 014 R-2512 CAMA Permit No. 88-96 Executive Summary NCDOT constructed a bridge replacement as part of the project to upgrade US 17 in Chowan and Bertie Counties (T.I.P. Project No. R-2512). Bridge No. 38 is located on the Chowan River on the borders of Bertie and Chowan Counties. NCDOT received the initial CAMA permit in May of 1996 and the COE permit in August 1996. Several permit modifications reflecting additional impacts and required mitigation occurred between 1996 and 1997. RK&K conducted a field review of the project site with Mr. Sterling Baker, NCDOT District 3 Engineer for Division 1, in January 2003. No temporary impacts occurred with this project as the project was completed using top- down construction. NCDOT mitigated for permanent wetland impacts through the Dismal Swamp and Pembroke Creek Mitigation Sites. NCDOT completed the bridge project in the spring of 1999. In fulfillment of permit requirements, Landmark Design Group, acting for NCDOT, prepared a report dated February 2002 detailing the results of a post-construction survey for SAV impacts in the Chowan River. In order to complete permit requirements, NCDOT should prepare a mitigation plan to compensate for SAV impacts resulting from the bridge construction projects and continue monitoring the Dismal Swamp and Pembroke Creek Mitigation Sites until success criteria are met. Monitoring gauge problems at the Pembroke Creek Site should be addressed. NCDOT should update DCM on the progress of mitigation and monitoring activities associated with R-2512 as correspondence from DCM dated April 29, 2002 states that DCM has no record of mitigation for this project. Project Description NCDOT constructed a bridge replacement as part of the project to upgrade US 17 in Chowan and Bertie Counties (R-2512). Bridge No. 38 is located on the Chowan River on the borders of Bertie and Chowan Counties. This project resulted in multiple wetland impacts, some of which were high quality wetlands. The original CAMA permit application, dated March 8, 1996, states that no coastal wetlands occurred within the project impact area; however, mitigation for Section 404 wetland impacts was addressed by the COE in an Individual Permit application, dated March 15, 1996. DCM issued a CAMA major development permit (No. 88-96) on May 29, 1996 for the Chowan River at US 17 bridge crossing and a permit (No. 88-96) on June 26, 1996 for Pembroke Creek at US 17 bridge crossing. DCM issued a modification on January 2, 1997 as well as a modification and renewal of permit No. 88-96 on February 25, 2000. The COE issued an individual permit (No. 199400991) on August 9, 1996 permitting impacts to 16.20 ac of 404 wetlands and 0.22 ac of open waters of the United States adjacent to Chowan River, Pembroke Creek, and the associated tributaries. Several permit modifications reflecting additional impacts and required mitigation occurred between 1996 and 1997. DWQ issued a WQC (No. 3066) on May 21, 1996. No temporary impacts occurred as the project was completed using top-down construction. The US 17 bridge was opened to traffic in the spring of 1999. 1 I IProject Timeline • May 21, 1996: WQC Certification No. 3066 issued. • May 29, 1996: CAMA Permit No. 88-96 issued. I . June 2, 1996: CAMA Permit No. 88-96 issued. • August 9, 1996: COE Permit No. 199400991 issued. • December 20, 1996: Pre-construction SAV survey report completed. • November 1998: Construction of Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site and Pembroke Creek Mitigation Sites completed. • Spring 1999: US 17 Bridge completed. • May 3, 2001: COE Notification of Unauthorized Activity for Permit No. 199400991 issued. • February 2002: Post-construction SAV survey report completed. I • January 14, 2003: RK&K field-review completed. Permit Commitments NCAMA Permit No. 88-96 issued 5/29/96 (Chowan River at US 17 bridge crossing) 16) Surveys for submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) shall be conducted prior to the initiation of construction activities in the Chowan River. The areas shall again be surveyed immediately after completion of the bridge. A report detailing the findings shall be submitted to DEM for review. If SAVs have been lost, the report shall also contain a mitigation plan to compensate for the losses. This mitigation plan must be approved by DEM and DCM. 17) Compensatory wetland mitigation shall be in accordance with the Corps of • Engineers. DCM shall be copied on the approved ratio, location, size and method of debit (restoration, enhancement, creation and preservation). 18) Wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access shall be monitored to insure that natural revegetation is occurring. If a site is not revegetating within one year of the date the construction access is removed, NCDOT shall plant the site with the original species that were present prior to the construction. CAMA Permit No. 88-96 issued 6/2/96 (Pembroke Creek at US Hwy 17 bridge crossing) 18) Compensatory wetland mitigation shall be in accordance with the Corps of Engineer's requirements. DCM shall be copied on the approved ratio, location, size and method of debit restoration, enhancement, creation and preservation. I 2 I . 19) Wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access shall be monitored to insure that natural revegetation is occurring. If a site is not revegetating within one year of the date the construction access is removed, NCDOT shall plant the site with the original species that were present prior to the construction. COE Permit No. 199400991 issued 8/9/96 Permits impacts to 16.20 ac of 404 wetland impacts and 0.22 ac of open water impacts. Permit Conditions e) Mitigation will be debited from the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site in the form of 2.69 ac of non-riverine wetlands and 8.6 ac of riverine wetlands. All work is to be halted if not complete by 4/1/97. f) Restore, monitor, and maintain 5 acres of riverine wetlands adjacent to Pembroke Creek. All plantings must be complete by 4/1/98. I) Mitigation for 10.38 ac of high quality riverine wetlands will be debited from the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank (Bertie County) as 103.8 ac. n) Pre- and post-construction SAV surveys must be conducted at the bridge site. Report with results will be submitted to COE within 60 days after construction completion. The report must contain a mitigation plan if data shows that any SAVs have been lost. Report will be approved by DWQ and COE. o) Temporary road access will be removed within 30 days of project completion. If site is not being recolonized (80% areal coverage) with native wetland vegetation within one year, site will be replanted. COE Permit No. 199400991 modified 12/20/96 Permits clearing and maintaining an additional 2.25 ac of 404 wetlands adjacent to Chowan River, Pembroke Creek, and unnamed tributaries and authorizes changing artificial reef enhancement requirements (Condition t) from mandatory to elective requirements. Permit Conditions a) The NCDOT will mitigate the project impacts by restoring 1.93 acres of non- riverine wetlands at the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site (DSMS) in Gates and Perquimans County and by debiting 13.3 acres of'riverine wetlands from the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank in Bertie County. b) The mitigation work undertaken at the DSMS pursuant to the plan entitled, "Compensatory Mitigation Plan: N. C. Department of Transportation US 17 Widening, Edenton to Hertford Traffic Improvement Project (TIP): R-2208A Chowan and Perquimans Counties, North Carolina", dated April 1995, and will be commenced immediately and implemented concurrently with all phases of construction activities authorized by this permit modification to the extent 3 I . . I necessary to construct, monitor and maintain 1.93 acres of non-riverine wetlands to the satisfaction of the Corps of Engineers. All work within waters and/or wetlands authorized by this permit modification shall cease if planting is not I undertaken in accordance with the mitigation plan. Any deviation from this schedule must be approved by the Wilmington District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch. Ic) Once the acreage at the DSMS utilized to satisfy condition (a.) above has been identified, NCDOT shall survey it, and provide the Corps of Engineers a I copy of the survey. NCDOT shall maintain the acreage described in this paragraph in the condition achieved by implementation of the mitigation plan, and approved by the Corps of Engineers, in perpetuity. ICOE Permit No. 199400991-Notification of Unauthorized Activity/Permit Nonompliance issued 5/3/01 I COE cited NCDOT for placing bridge material in wetlands along eastern side of Chowan River. Requires restoration or permit modification by 5/18/01. ICOE Permit No. 199706721 modified 10/31/97 Permits construction of interchange ramps within 1.14 ac of 404 wetlands. IPermit Conditions I a) NCDOT will mitigate the project impacts by restoring 2.39 acres of non- riverine wetlands at the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site (DSMS) in Gates and Perquimans County. The mitigation work undertaken at the DSMS pursuant to I the plan entitled, "Compensatory Mitigation Plan: N. C. Department of Transportation US 17 Widening, Edenton to Hertford Traffic Improvement Project (TIP): R-2208A Chowan and Perquimans Counties, North Carolina", dated April 1995, and will be commenced immediately and implemented concurrently with all Iphases of construction activities authorized by this permit modification to the extent necessary to construct, monitor and maintain 2.39 acres of non-riverine wetlands to the satisfaction of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Any deviation I from the mitigation site construction schedule must be approved by the Corps, Regulatory Division. I b) The permittee shall identify and survey the acreage at the DSMS utilized to satisfy condition (a.) above and provide a copy of the survey to the Corps, Washington Regulatory Field Office, NCDOT Project Manager, within 30 days of IIIthe date of this permit modification. e) Within two weeks of the date of this permit modification, the permittee shall I provide the Corps, NCDOT Project Manager, Washington Regulatory Field Office, with an updated version of the "NCDOT Mitigation Ledger" documenting utilization of the Dismal Swamp Mitigation site. I I 4 7 COE Permit No. 199706722 modified 10/23/97 Permits construction of 4-foot deep lateral ditches resulting in impacts to 1.85 ac of 404 wetlands. Permit Commitments a) NCDOT will mitigate the project impacts by restoring 3.89 acres of non- riverine wetlands at the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site (DSMS) in Gates and Perquimans County. The mitigation work undertaken at the DSMS pursuant to the plan entitled, "Compensatory Mitigation Plan: N. C. Department of Transportation US 17 Widening, Edenton to Hertford Traffic Improvement Project (TIP): R-2208A Chowan and Perquimans Counties, North Carolina", dated April 1995, and will be commenced immediately and implemented concurrently with all phases of construction activities authorized by this permit modification to the extent necessary to construct, monitor and maintain 3.89 acres of non-riverine wetlands to the satisfaction of the Corps of Engineers. Any deviation from the • mitigation site construction schedule must be approved by the Wilmington District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch. • b) The permittee shall identify and survey the acreage at the DSMS utilized to satisfy condition (a.) above and provide a copy of the survey to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Regulatory Field Office, NCDOT Project Manager, within 30 days of the date of this permit modification. e) Within two weeks of the date of this permit modification, the permittee shall provide the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Regulatory Field Office, NCDOT Regulatory Project Manager with an updated version of the "NCDOT 1111 Mitigation Ledger" documenting utilization of the Dismal Swamp Mitigation site. COE Permit No. 199705883 modified 10/23/97 Modification addresses unsuccessful attempts by NCDOT to restore temporary impacts from haul roads and construction pads and re-classifies these areas as permanent impacts. • Permit Conditions a) The mitigation work to restore wetlands at the Pembroke Creek site will be undertaken as referenced in the August 20, 1997, letter from Mr. H. Franklin Vick to Mr. Michael F. Bell, to the extent necessary to restore, monitor and maintain 2.6 acres of riverine wetlands to the satisfaction of the Corps of Engineers. The permittee will submit a final compensatory mitigation plan and construction schedule within 45 days of the date of this permit modification. If the plan is not approved by the Corps of Engineers within 60 days of the date of this permit modification, the permittee shall cease all work within wetlands associated within this permit action. b) The permittee shall identify and survey the acreage at the Pembroke Creek site utilized to satisfy condition (a.) above and provide a copy of the survey to the 5 I U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Regulatory Field Office, NCDOT Project Manager, within 30 days of the date of this permit modification. I e) The permittee will further mitigate the 2.6 acres of high quality riverine wetland losses adjacent to the Chowan River by debiting 26.0 acres from the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank in Bertie County. f) Within two weeks of the date of this permit modification, the permittee shall provide the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Regulatory Field Office, NCDOT Regulatory Project Manager, with an updated version of the "NDCDOT Mitigation Ledger" documenting utilization of the Pembroke Creek Mitigation site. WQC No. 3066 issued 5/21/96 Conditions of Certification 6) Temporary construction access fill shall be removed immediately after construction has been complete in the area. If trees are removed, NCDOT shall revegetate with the same species (or others with DEM approval) within one year after project completion. 9) Borrow and waste areas shall not be in wetlands. 10) Land clearing in wetlands shall conform to Method II (no clearing beyond toe- of-slope). 11) Surveys for SAV shall be conducted prior to the initiation of construction activities in the Chowan River. The area shall again be surveyed immediately after completion of the bridge. A report detailing the findings shall be submitted to DEM for review. If SAV have been lost, the report shall also contain a mitigation plan to compensate for the losses. This mitigation plan must be approved by DEM. 12) Compensatory wetland mitigation shall be in accordance with the COE. DEM shall be copied on the approved ratio, location, size and method of debit (restoration, enhancement, creation and preservation). Mitigation Status Reports documenting the status of pre- and post-construction surveys of SAV are included in NCDOT files as follows: • Draft Final Report Chowan River Aquatic Investigation: (An Inventory of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation at the Eastern Approach to Existing and 111 Proposed Bridge Number 38 on U.S. 17, Chowan, N.C.) dated 12/20/96; and • Final Report Post-Construction Survey of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation of the Chowan River dated February 2002 prepared by LandMark Design Group. I 6 The 2002 SAV survey report documents the absence of vegetation under the old bridge as in 1996. Beneath the new bridge, there was a loss of 672 m2 of SAV and 436 m2 of emergent macrophytes, both likely due to shading. South of the new bridge, the SAV bed was reduced by 203 m2 and emergent vegetation was reduced by 687 m2 . This loss was likely due to construction and staging activities. The report did not include a mitigation plan to replace SAV and emergent vegetation losses. In an interview on December 2, 2002 with Mr. Lindsey Riddick, NCDOT Environmental Supervisor, he stated that NCDOT is waiting for agency comments on how to mitigate for SAV impacts. The Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site is located on the Gates and Perquimans County line and consists of 344 ac of non-riverine BLH mitigation and 37 ac of riverine SPH mitigation. The debit ledger included in the fourth year (2002) monitoring lists 10.9 BLH credits and 8.06 SPH credits debited for R-2512. The monitoring report states 4 of 23 gauges are not meeting expected success criteria of saturation or inundation within 12 inches for 12.5% of the growing season. The remaining five gauges located on the site are meeting the specific success criteria set forth. Vegetation exceeded success N criteria with an average of 482 trees per acre, above the requirement for 320 trees per acre. Success criteria require the site be monitored for a minimum of five years or until success criteria are met. NCDOT plans to continue monitoring this site in 2003. The Pembroke Creek Mitigation Site fourth year (2002) monitoring report lists 7.325 ac of SPH restoration credits debited. (4.725 ac in Phase I and 2.6 ac in Phase II ) for R-2512. The report documents that three out of four monitoring gauges are meeting project-specific success criteria of groundwater within 20% of reference area. All gauges met COE 1987 guidance for wetland hydrology (saturated/inundated for 12.5% of the growing season). One reference gauge experienced problems and produced invalid readings. Vegetation exceeded success criteria with an average density of 543 trees per acre (320 trees per acre required). Success criteria require the site to be monitored for a minimum of five years or until success criteria are met. NCDOT plans to continue monitoring in the 2003 growing season and examine the monitoring gauge and associated area that are presently not meeting success criteria for problems. The NCDOT "master" debit ledger documents 143.1 BLH and SPH preservation credits from the Company Swamp Mitigation Bank located in Bertie County, North Carolina. RK&K was unable to locate a monitoring report for this site. As stated in the October 23, 1997 COE permit modification (Permit No. 199705883) and reiterated by Mr. Randy Turner, NCDOT Project Management Team Leader, in a meeting on January 27, 2003, there were no temporary impacts associated with this project. Attempts to restore temporary impacts were unsuccessful and these impacts were subsequently calculated as permanent impacts and debited accordingly. Recommendations NCDOT should develop a mitigation plan to compensate for the SAV losses associated with this project. Monitoring of the Dismal Swamp and Pembroke Creek Mitigation Sites should continue through 2003 or until success criteria are met. Monitoring gauge problems at the Pembroke Creek Site should be addressed. It appears that all mitigation requirements associated with this project have been appropriately debited. NCDOT should update DCM on the progress of mitigation and 7 1 TEMPORARY PROJECT IMPACT CAMA COMPLETION MONITORING TIP# PERMIT# WATER BODY COUNTY DATE COMPLETION CONCLUSIONS Bertie/ Monitoring complete - Needs site R-2512A 88-96 Chowan River Chowan 8/3/2000 8/3/2003 inspection with DCM Monitoring complete- Needs site R 2512B 89-96 Pembroke Creek Chowan 11/29/1999 11/29/2002 inspection with DCM Monitoring complete - Needs site B-2805 101-97 Smith Creek Beaufort 5/15/1998 5/15/2001 inspection with DCM 7-98 (Minor Croatan Mod. Issued Sound/Spencer A=6/20/03 A=6/20/06 Monitoring complete- Needs site R-2551 5/1/00) Creek Dare B=7/2/03 B=7/2/06 inspection with DCM COE closed out site in 2004 as compliant; need DCM close out B-3011 111-99 Moore's Creek Pender 11/30/2001 11/30/2004 confirmation 11/25/03; based on Beau. Co. soil survey; 5 of 10 years at 28 Monitoring complete - Needs site B-2806 29-00 Cuckold's Creek Beaufort 8/30/2001 degree F. temp. inspection with DCM 6/7/05 (3rd Year Roadside Environmental has OK'd this B-3193 46-00 Scranton Creek Hyde 6/7/2002 Monitoring) project for site inspection Monitoring complete-restoration signed off by DCM as successful B-2513 116-00 Hood Creek Brunswick 6/7/2002 6/7/2005 and compliant with permit Roadside Environmental inspected this site on 3/7/05; site is under (projected for construction; DCM will be notified NE Cape Fear Aug./Sept. of Aug./Sept. of upon completion of project and start of R-2633C 130-00 River New Hanover 2005) 2008 monitoring rerlowq State of North Carolina Department of Environmen, APR 2 3 1S96 Health and Natural Resour•:: Division of Coastal Manageme ts.. " • " - . IJr r iMrw..r r r w•••••••••.wNi AMMOMMEMEMIK James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Co IEHNIF2 Jonathan B. Howes,Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director April 19, 1996 Mr. Ted Devens, P.E. Wetland Mitigation Coordinator NC DOT Division of Highways P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611-5201 Re : Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site Dear Mr. Devens : Thank you for the opportunity to visit and comment on NC DOT' s subject mitigation site . As you know, on March 13 , 1996, NC DOT conducted an on-site review of the Dismal Swamp Mitigation Plan. This meeting was attended by several resource agencies . This Plan and site have been proposed to compensate for wooded wetland impacts which will occur due to road up-grade activities in Perquimans and Chowan Counties by NC DOT. No CAMA AEC impacts have been identified, associated with this particular road project, therefore, I support the Plan so long as it satisfies all concerns of the US COE . The Division of Coastal Management appreciates the efforts that NC DOT is making to compensate the State for resource impacts which are due to their road work. This spirit is present on other projects which I have worked on with NC DOT recently and is very much appreciated. If our Division can be of other assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office in Elizabeth City at (919) 264-3901 . Sincerely, :\J-127PLAT— Dennis W. Hawthorn Field Representative cc : R. Turner P. Pate J. Parker 1367 U.S. 17 South.Elizabeth ON,North Carolina 27909 Telephone 919-264-3901 FAX 919-264-3723 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper