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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 88-96 Hwy 17 Chowan River • e , • Permit Class Permit Number , • NEW 88-96 ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA / . Department of Environment, Health&Natural Resources ' . and / Coastal Resources Commission ' erI1iIt for X Major elopment in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to G�`1118 Excavation tr'filling ursuant to NCGS 113-229 ' Issued to NC Dept. Of Transportation, Div. Of High�v s,P. O. Box25201.Raleigh,NC 276ll • authorizing development in$ertie & Chowan County at Chowan the U.S.Hwy. 17 bridge crossing L. . , as requested in the pepnittee's-appication dated3/6/96 including attached workplan drawings, sheets 1-44 of 44 dated 10 and 11 J-.—� / / , This permit, issued on -0 9/,'G ,is subject to compliance with the application(where consistent • with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may • be subject to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. . I Work Barges/Temporary Access Road , . 1) Work barges shall be floated into place and then sunk. They shall not be sunk then dragged into place. / I / I / 2) The applicant or the contractor shall not dredge work canals in the Chowan River / I / NOTE: Should any in-water excavation or fill be considered as work progresses, and a modification of this permit will be required, and at a minimum, a moritori , .e , ' necessary during the period 15 February - June 30 of any year. p JutI , (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) MAR,® 996 ,. air co ' This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or Signed by the authority of the Sec .IN of DEHNR . : 1-... ' ' other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the Chairman of the Coastal Resource .- . i issio / ' issuing date. An appeal requires resolution prior to work 9 !s / ' initiation or continuance,as the case may be. / This permit must be accessible on-site to Department G�ve , � / • personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. 4,. oger N. Schecter, Director ' • Any maintenance work or project modification not Division of Coastal Management ' , covered hereunder requires further Departmental approval. / / All work must cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. ' ' December 31, 1999 , , In issuing this permit,the State of North Carolina agrees , , that your project is consistent with the North Carolina , , Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permittee - o. -c, / / / / / / / / • NC Dept. Of Transportation Permit#88-96 / Page 2 of 3 / / ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS / / • 3) The temporary access work road wi removed within 30 days of the completion of the ' project. / • 4) No excavated or fill material w' 1 e p t y time in any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of 'fear in ' a on the workplans. / Erosion Control &r e,jit C 'ns ' 2 / • 5) Silt curtains will be installed around individual bents / '1l p jetting is in progress and not removed for a minimum of 24 hours after the j ettin is(c6 leted. / / 6) Turbidity curtains or casings shall be installed around any bottom disturbing activities and shall / remain in place until sediments have settled. / / / • 7) A permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be provided on all exposed areas ' within the shorter of 30 working or 120 calendar days after project completion./ / / / 8) Appropriate erosion and sedimentation control devices, measures, or structures shall be used to / prevent sediment from entering the adjacent wetlands/watercourses/property (e.g., silt fence, diversion swales/berms, sand fence, etc.). / / 9) A ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be provided within 30 working days of / completion of any phase of grading on cut or filled slopes. / / / • 10) Wet concrete shall not be allowed to contact the water in the Chowan River, Albemarle Sound or their tributaries. Water inside coffer dams or casings that has been in contact with wet concrete ' should be returned to the river only when it no longer poses a threat to aquatic organisms. / / 11) The activity shall be conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction-related discharge. (RE: Water Quality Certification No. 3066 issued on May 21, 1996 by the Division of Environmental Management). / / / / / Historical Resources / / / • 12) The DOT shall develop and implement a data recovery program for the historic archaeological ' site 31 BR52 (Eden House) which was determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register ' of Historic Places. The recovery program must be approved by the N.C. Division of Archives & History. ' NC Dept. Of Transportation Permit#88-96 ' Page 3 of 3 AD NAL CONDITIONS ' / hj / Dei 4 1itioyr iiid l5ris Removal ( • 13) All debris associated with the remova'1`,t1 e efsttrl$"bridge and fender system will be disposed of on an approved highground site unless otlrvise permi by this Division. / 14) No refuse, debris, or structures will be left in the wat at/W 'Id present a hazard to navigation or adversely impact the Public Trust. �✓ , • 15) Borrow and waste areas shall not be in wetlands. NOTE; The DCM supports the utilization of appropriate demolition materials for artifical reef building at the request and under the auspices of the Division of Marine Fisheries. , / Mitigation ' 16) Surveys for submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) shall be conducted prior to the initiation of construction activities in the Chowan River. The area shall again be surveyed immediately after / completion of the bridge. A report detailing the findings shall be submitted to DEM for review. / ' If SAVs have been lost, the report shall also contain a mitigation plan to compensate for the ' losses. This mitigation plan must be approved by DEM and DCM. ' • 17) Compensatory wetland mitigation shall be in accordance with the Corps of Engineers. DCM shall be copied on the approved ratio, location, size and method of debit (restoration, / ' enhancement, creation and preservation). 18) Wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access shall be monitored to insure that natural revegetation is occurring. If a site is not revegetating within one year of the date the , / construction access is removed,NCDOT shall plant the site with the original species that were / present prior to the construction. ' Other • NOTE: The Division of Environmental Health at 919/726-8970 is available to consult with the / DOT to reduce mosquito breeding sites that can be created by construction activities. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O.BOX 25201.RALEIGH.N.0 27611-5201 SECRETARY March 8, 1996 1`?- 1 44 Mr. Terry Moore, District Manger �. Division of Coastal Management \� g6 t Washington Field Office p �`74Ne N. C. Department of Environment, Health $1w,;,,,A\c�• �* and Natural Resources •Q'‘° 1424 Carolina Avenue Washington, North Carolina 27889 & 1L 9\ Dear Mr. Moore: SUBJECT: CAMA Major Development Permit Application for: Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 38 over the Chowan River(Bertie and Chowan Counties) and Associated Improvements to US 17 in Chowan County; TIP No. R-2512; State Project No. 8.T010603;Federal Aid No. DPI0199(005) The North Carolina Department of Transportation (Department) is proposing to replace the existing bridge over the Chowan River on US 17, as part of overall plans to improve and upgrade US 17 in Bertie and Chowan Counties. The bridge structure, which was built in 1953, is scheduled for replacement starting in August 1996. The replacement structure will be built slightly south (downstream) of the existing alignment. This will allow traffic to utilize the existing facility until construction of the new bridge is completed, at which time the existing bridge will be demolished and removed. The new bridge, a reinforced concrete, multiple fixed-span structure, will replace an aging swing-span bridge. As a result of this action, navigational clearances will increased from 80 feet to 200 feet (horizontally). The new structure will provide a vertical clearance of 65 feet at the navigational channel. Compared to the 347 variable-length spans on the existing structure, the new bridge will require no more than 73 spans, eliminating a large number of vertical supports from the water column and benthic substrate of the Chowan River. In an attempt to avoid a portion of the bottomland wetlands which lie east of the Chowan River and due to the presence of undesirable subsoils, the Department is extending the bridge approximately 1,200 feet east of the Chowan River. This land trestle will span a portion of the Reedy Point Swamp wetlands. At the eastern terminus of the land trestle, a+/-1,500 foot long Page Two Mr. Terry Moore March 8, 1996 fill-section will impact a fringe of the Reedy Point Swamp wetlands. Based upon instructions from your office, the Major Development Permit application addresses the Chowan River crossing and all wetlands which lie contiguous to the bridge span, resulting in a"high ground to high ground" application. The basis for the CAMA permit is that the Chowan River and adjacent areas have been identified as Areas of Environmental Concern (AECs), specifically, Public Trust Waters, Estuarine Waters and Estuarine Shoreline AECs. Underwater surveys, conducted during the Environmental Assessment investigation, revealed the presence of submerged aquatic vegetation in the shallows along the east shore of the Chowan River. The Department is committed to providing reliable data on this population that will be useful in determinations of any losses due to construction activities and shading from the new bridge span. The Department has agreed: 1. to conduct a definitive underwater survey to map the population, including measuring population density and species composition, prior to construction (Summer 1996) to establish a pre-construction community profile. 2. to conduct post-construction monitoring to ascertain losses, if any, that may result from construction activities, including impacts from vertical bridge supports and from sunken work barges. 3. to negotiate a reasonable monitoring program that is intended to elucidate a correlation between actual population declines (if any occur) and the juxtaposition with the new bridge, i.e., shade-effect. A Section 404 Individual Permit is being sought concurrently from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). In accordance with the 1990 Memorandum to Agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and the COE, the Department has proposed mitigation for all wetland impacts that will result from the proposed widening of US 17 from west of the Chowan River to US 17 Business, east of Edenton (R-2512). There are no Coastal Wetlands in the project impact area. In compliance with Section 9 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, the Department has applied to the U. S. Coast Guard for a permit in accordance with Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 115. The Department is requesting that the proposed project be authorized under a Coastal Area Management Act permit. In order to insure that critical project schedules are met, the Department respectfully requests that you expedite your field review and submittal of bio-report. Page Three Mr. Terry Moore March 8, 1996 I have attached CAMA Major Development Permit application forms MP-1, MP-2, and MP-5, as well as engineering site drawings. Copies of the Environmental Assessment and the Finding of No Significant Impacts are also enclosed. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Mr. M. Randall Turner, Division 1 Environmental Officer at (919) 331-4737 or(919)333-2048. Sincere , • H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HF V/mrt Attachments cc: Mr. John R. Parker, DCM, Raleigh Mr. Ann B. Deaton, US Coast Guard Mr. G. T. Shearin, P.E., Roadway Design Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., Program Development Mr. D. R. Morton, P.E., Highway Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P.E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. J. L. Smith, P.E., Structure Design Mr. D. R. Conner, P.E., Division 1 Engineer Mr. James A. McInnis, Jr., P.E., Planning& Environmental Engineer Mr. M. Randall Turner, NCDOT, Division 1 • • - -Form DCM MP 1 APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) 1. APPLICANT b. City,town, community or landmark Between Windsor and Edenton a. Landowner: c. Street address or secondary road number Name N. C. Department of Transportation US 17 Address P.O. Box 25201 d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? Yes X No City Raleigh State N.0 e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river. Zip 27611-5201 Day Phone(919)733-3141 creek, sound,bay)Chowan River Fax (919) 733-9794 b. Authorized Agent: 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE OF PROPOSED PROJECT Name H.Franklin Vick-P.E.,Mgr.,P&E Branch a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. Address P.O.Box 25201 building a home,motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and City Raleigh State N.C. excavation and/or filling activities. Construction of highway facility, including new Zip 27611-5201 Day Phone(919)733-3141 bridge over Chowan River, and demolition and removal of obsolete structures and fills Fax (919)733-9794 b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing c. Project name(if any)R-2512.,Proposed Widening project,new work or both? Both of US 17 from West of Chowan River to West of c. Will the project be for public, private or commercial US 17 Business, West of Edenton use?Public Transportation NOTE: Perini, will be issued in name of landowner(s), d. Give a brief description of purpose. use, methods of and/or project name. construction and daily operations of proposed project. It more space is needed, please attach additional pages. Widening of 2-lane highway to 4- lane facility;replacement of existing Chowan River 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED bridge to accommodate increased traffic tlows: PROJECT construction methods are standard roadway and structural methodologies a. County Bertie and Chowan Counties Form DCM-MP-1 m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. 4. LAND AND WATER N/A CHARACTERISTICS a. Size of entire tract N/A n. Describe location and type of discharges to waters of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary b. Size of individual lot(s)N/A wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash down" and residential discharges.) Surface runoff c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or from bridge and approachways NWL Bridge Deck+/-9.8 ft above MHW d. Soil type(s)and texture(s)of tract Seabrook loamy o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. sand(Bertie side);Dorovan muck(Chowan side) N/A e. Vegetation on tract Small concentration of SAV near east side of Chowan River, Mixed hardwood- cypress bottomland from east side of river through entire swamp bottom to west of US 17 Business 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION f. Man-made features now on tract Bridge No. 38 In addition to the completed application form, the g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land following items must be submitted: classification of the site? (consult the local land use plan) • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or X Conservation Transitional other instrument under which the applicant claims Developed Community title to the affected properties. If the applicant is not Rural Other claiming to be the owner of said property, then forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under h. How is the tract zoned by local government? which the owner claims title, plus written permission Not Zoned from the owner to carry out the project. i. Is the proposed project consistent with the • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view applicable zoning? X Yes No and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black. (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) ink on an S 1;2,, by 11" white paper. (Refer to Coastal j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been Resources Commission Rule 7J.0203 for a detailed done for the tract? X Yes No description.) If yes,by whom?Tom Padgett,Ken Robinson Please note that original drawings are preferred and only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-line k. Is the project located in a National Registered prints or other larger plats are acceptable only if an Historic District or does it involve a National adequate number of quality copies are provided by Register listed or eligible property? applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of X Yes No(Data Recovery Plan to be reviewed Engineers regardin` that agency's use of larger by SHPO: data recovery will result in No Adverse Affect finding) 1. Are there wetlands on the site? X Yes No drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat Costal (marsh) Other X requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to If yes, has a delineation been conducted? Yes (Attach documentation. if available)COE Tear Sheet to be sent under separate cover Form DCM-NIP-1 the site. Include highway or secondary road(SR) 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION numbers, landmarks,and the like. TO ENTER ON LAND •A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. •A list of the names and complete addresses of the I understand that any permit issued in response to this adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and application will allow only the development described in signed return receipts as proof that such owners the application. The project will be subject to have received a copy of the application and plats conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal activity complies with the State of North Carolina's Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant approved Coastal Management Program and will be further certifies that such notice has been provided. conducted in a manner consistent with such program. Name Thomas M. Smithwick Address 102-B Cypress Rd. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, Merry Hill,NC 27957 grant permission to representatives of state and federal Name J. C. Bell,Heirs review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in Address 324 US 13 By-pass connection with evaluating information related to this Windsor,NC 27983 permit application and follow-up monitoring of the Name Waff Brothers,Inc. project. Address P.O.Box 237 Edenton NC 27932 I further certify that the information provided in this Name State of North Carolina application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Address N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh,NC 27604-1148 This is the day of March . 19 96 . Print Name H. F • c- P.E. • • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit Signature numbers,permittee, and issuing dates. Lan ow er orAuthoredAgenl Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. • A check for S250 made payable to the Department of Environment. Health, and Natural Resources X DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the _ DCM MP-3 Upland Development application. DCM MP-4 Structures Information • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in 1 DCM SIP-5 Bridges and Culverts oceanfront and inlet areas. _ DCM MP-6 Marina Development • A statement of compliance with the N.C. NOTE: Please sign and date each attachment in the Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to space provided at the bottom of each form. 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. See Attached EA, FONSI Form DCM-MP-2 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Except bridges and culverts) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major 1. EXCAVATION N/A Permit,Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW or NWL L in cubic yards Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or fill activities. All values to be given in feet. b. Type of material to be excavated Average Final c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal Existing Project wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation Length Width Depth Depth (SAT's)or other wetlands? _Yes _No Access channel I , d. Highground excavation in cubic yards ' ! i (MLW)or(NWL) I ! II I Canal ! I 1 f ; 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED Boat I i basin ! j MATERIAL N/A a. Location of disposal area Boat ( � ---ramp — i f ! i b. Dimensions of disposal area Rock groin ! i i c. Do you claim title to disposal area? Rock i j +. i Yes No breakwater i I If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. Other 1,551 j 0- d. Will .a disposal area be available for future (Excluding shoreline (Fills) 124.E maintenance? _Yes _No stabilization) (F ) I i i If yes,where? I 1 1 � Form DCM-MP-2 e. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands If yes, (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? (1) Amount of material to be placed in the Yes No water None (2) Dimensions of fill area 1,551 ft(length)X f. Does the disposal include any area in the water? 0-124.6 ft(wide) Yes No (3) Purpose of fill Roadway Fill b. Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? X Yes No • If yes, a. Type of shoreline stabilization (1)Dimensions of fill area See a.(2)above Bulkhead X Riprap (2)Purpose of fill See a.(3)above b. Length+/-250 ft along end-bent at west bank c. Average distance waterward of M W or NWL +/-46 feet 5. GENERAL d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW or NWL +/-92 feet a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months and erosion controlled? NCDOT Best Management Unknown Practices (Source of information) f. Type of bulkhead or riprap material Class II riprap b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic g. Amount of fill in cubic yards to be placed below dredge)? water level Tracked and rubber-tire equipment, including (1) Riprap None dozers,graders, etc.;no dredge or dragline (2) Bulkhead backfill None c. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment h. Type of fill material N/A to project site? Yes X No If yes, explain steps that will he taken to lessen environmental impacts. i. Source of fill material N/A H. Frankli Vick.P. .. T OT 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES 1 ,fl., r ProJe e (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) . , gn ta re . a. Will fill material be brought to site? J Date X Yes No Form DCM-MP-5 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS • . Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit,Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other (4) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be sections of the Joint Application that relate to this removed?(Explain)NIA proposed project. g. Length of proposed bridge 8,159.5 feet 1. BRIDGES h. Width of proposed bridge 71.5 feet a. Public X Private i. Height of proposed bridge above wetlands +/- 10.5 feet to+/-71.0 feet above wetlands b. Type of bridge(construction material) Reinforced Concrete j. Will the proposed bridge affect existing water flow? Yes X No If yes, explain c. Water body to be crossed by bridge Chowan River d. Water depth at the proposed crossing at 'MLA' or NWL+/-25.0 feet at MLW at channel k. Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge 65 ft at channel(vert), 200 ft at channel(horiz) e. Will proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? X Yes No 1. Will the proposed bridge affect navigation by If yes, reducing or increasing the existing navigable (1) Length of existing bridge 7,922 feet opening? X Yes NtiTo (2) Width of existing bridge 29.5 feet If yes, explain Navigational opening will increase (3) Navigation clearance underneath existing from 80 feet to 200 feet(horizontal). and from 5 bridge 80 feet(horiz.): +'-5 feet(vert.) feet to 65 feet(vertical) (4) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed?(Explain)Entire structure will be • removed upon completion of new bridge m. Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing no navigable waters? X Yes No f. Will proposed bridge replace an existing culvert(s)? If yes, explain A land trestle construction will he Yes X No built eastward of the river-spanning structure. This If yes, trestle will be built over a fringe of the Reedy Point (1) Length of existing culvert Swamp wetlands which lie east of the river (2) Width of existing culvert (3) Height of the top of the existing culvert above n. Have you contacted the U.S. Coast Guard the MHW or NIVL concerning their approval? X Yes No If yes,please provide record of their action. Form DCM-MP-5 j. Will the proposed culvert affect existing navigation 2. CULVERTS N/A potential? Yes No If yes, explain a. Water body in which culvert is to be placed b. Number of culverts proposed 3. EXCAVATION AND FILL c. Type of culvert(construction material, style) a. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the MEW or NWL? Yes X No If yes, d. Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? (1) Length of area to be excavated Yes No (2) Width of area to be excavated If yes, (3) Depth of area to be excavated (1) Length of existing bridge (4) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic (2) Width of existing bridge yards (3) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge b. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert (4) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be require any excavation within: No removed?(Explain) _Coastal Wetlands_SAVs_Other Wetlands If yes, (1) Length of area to be excavated (2) Width of area to be excavated e. Will proposed culvert replace an existing culvert? (3) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic Yes No yards If yes, (1) Length of existing culvert c. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert (2) Width of existing culvert require any highground excavation? (3) Height of the top of the existing culvert above Yes X No the MEW or NWL If yes, (4) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed?(Explain) (1) Length of area to be excavated (2) Width of area to be excavated (3) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards f. Length of proposed culvert d. If the placement of the bridge or culvert involves any excavation,please complete the following: g. Width of proposed culvert (1) Location of the spoil disposal area h. Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the (2) Dimensions of spoil disposal area MHW or NWL i. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? (3) Do you claim title to the disposal area? Yes No Yes No If yes, explain If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. Form DCM-MP-5 (4) Will the disposal area be available for future b. Will the proposed project require the relocation of maintenance? Yes No any existing utility lines? X Yes No (5) Does the disposal area include any coastal If yes,explain in detail Utilities attached to existing wetlands(marsh), SAVs, or other wetlands? bridge will be relocated Yes No If yes, give dimensions if different from (2) above. c. Will the proposed project require the construction (6) Does the disposal area include any area below of any temporary detour structures? the MHW or NWL? Yes No Yes X No If yes, give dimension if different from No. 2 If yes,explain in detail above. e. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material d. Will the proposed project require any work described in Item d. above) to be placed below channels? Yes X No MHW or NWL? Yes X No If yes, complete Form DCM-MP-2 If yes, (1) Length of area to be filled e. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site (2) Width of area to be filled and erosion controlled?Silt Fencing/silt barriers; (3) Purpose of fill NCDOT Best Management Practices f. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert f. What type of construction equipment will be used result in any fill (other than excavated material (for example, dragline, backhoe or hydraulic described in Item d. above)to be placed within:Yes dredge)?Work barges, cranes,tracked and rubber Coastal Wetlands_SAVs X Other Wetlands tire equipment If yes, (1) Length of area to be filled 1,551 feet g. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment (2) Width of area to be filled 0-124.6 feet to project site? X Yes No (3) Purpose of fill Fill section for roadway from If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen station(L)4+900 to Ramp C 0+060 environmental impacts. Haul road is proposed south of land trestle; area will be cleared.but not grubbed; g. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert geotech fabric will be placed under temp. fills and result in any fill (other than excavated material removed after construction is completed described in Item d. above) to be placed on highground? Yes X No h. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert If yes, require any shoreline stabilization? (1) Length of area to be filled X Yes No (2) Width of area to be filled If yes, explain in detail Rip-rap placement at west (3) Purpose of fill side end bent H. Frankli V' ,P.E., T 4. GENERAL Ap t r r ect Na • • a. Will the proposed project involve any mitigation? — X Yes No n ure If yes, explain in detail Individual(Section 404) 3 ?4, Permit will require mitigation;mitigation debits Date proposed from Dismal Swamp Mitigation Site (_MJ e • 1� . Iit N«Ihwasl• ' ` •c l (:(r } Somarton, 1] WhalaVadllo { -- _ __ }= J,� I) I ID I 1 f Branawr-I •Boykin lt61MIA \ •w• ——• -. 1 c«Y.a►e '^6\a , ►by0.6• Glees clods imoit Wan ". wilddtilla, .C1i10lINA 7 Gates 'b \c . / ^ `;,� 'ariaual , • I• �( ( �� Slr tl 71 Serer. • ~•Awry ,t Como •3; G 1 A 1 T E S 1 Snowdeni. [o t•.t 4- Ss• I _ Q' _ Reduce• A \ South Mdls E • ai �,, �� -- �TBudland (`_ Cahill. Pendlel•`r• / • A I Ste'$ . 13 1 1 6I 7: ::3 's` G,ro na \� S whoa• .� tp Maw•�l �� c' Conway 1.1}-I"1. Mwtraai0oro w• 1 •a' .r.. . }r10 s ` o E ._)NI\W 1 17 1 s'- Jr.7q Mapleton ai� 1 Lw.rws \ s �.�. •,e«7�IBa co atrlil� AMPTOI� I .Lowe'+ U '�/ r,-( ( rtl f.. rotwlla � J (l Wlw arise f I Ql + r 1 77 S�ndya6sa\ 0 +1 11 6elaos: �j'. JJJ c04'IO�' .1 1 �1 7i. )mien ` r)Afdlitt� Potacas Tunis N kawlle • + GA s`\ S loop« 1(::� • cir cola d 7 7 �j `� EliilDetgCity,- • Jr U,«,,__11• l7y/yr r� / Clad n +� Rld 1e1. �POp�a_rI Woodlan E• �� r�+ F 0 ® V�\.' 1 % - ��V�C,co i.2.luloht a a� 3 I 1 S� m 1 ••HMNIs 11 a alwdere ` G07.Il/4 .. . .� 0 ur g am �]/ • amt • Ai�i*AAoski +� s Chapp..,,), ., 4 A I l�� �� 1 rtTl1 I 10 II PERBUIMAN ••' I.."-..q a t`�. o.•, •0.' T,4 Rich Saugus '�1 _,__ - T,rw« ID wan % ,..edssilla� ,�-„q,l ','laEw 1 -—-r Po.Ntsrille a 1 �1,'i"-=� �No:orlon 3 \ 4 • ..+'\��•1,•Pa C.)S Aulander•1 Col•um e J J Martha ✓1 �� _. ' b:ohel a '� ®�.G>ranara(a, (i] '' • i' H W• N 1 �p�i, !• C� _ 1 '.� t •Helloed I ... 1 � pui nls Neck C:> M.r.n.1 Mamie- 1' CTHarbinger Gotland Neck '�1 I Mount Coe�• �Ilsi... •te ." a..•.r n. J PE 1 L.. 11 ' o C'4i `i Askt.wde ASNond / I ,O' - w. SpIltUri Xs • J • d �P >n•eod B Q1 EC,A b• R'pew Ti M,d.ay •4,\ C L. �* p,ll7o►*`a`Ia _ w.n(.,— * I M. ...: \ / `1 •HrW[ tdloda ,,. 1 • / f«IU 1 [E ° JS G._ `_ •ke CC I Hill C ::•, ;,f•,. -i.. Bu11 Bey Newfoundland �- 1 C t ® Quits" • b I z ' R 1 A • 'Ma..'• 'r '.' S Iit�� ) •1 �a0a►G tr a,.h..A Grabtown. /r Mach. 1 • i-" �•♦ Eas t `` wul.l•.aJ .ii •� 1�� PI 1 Gore I 'i CotumOre+ ems"- It late Scuop•r 1] � r ( Wooded• nlowa�� E ^O^[ \ �,M�oodles. / I .•�li�;Na�ell G•swellI ' \ . •' Clan jtr `CD •Gold Pont s O,•WII;W1I1Sto Orititil,7 dlenn • r�• Plymou 4. th / .X........ri.�. �nlarsQm[I ,CD ► ( 7 Erarelts 7 '(,_:k 1am��w11 '�' s* WASHINGTON ert.r.w•'-�• Ir 71 `"•..��) '; D A F le ::Wnso: p/wFya Lakr .1 m'1 T Y R �RE L1 ` Boar Gass• ll ( IS , • + 1 ,! - ® " '~' _ (11� r� ! Wo,w,aa _aLdor --I---.-� G�_N �• '— Stones . w11.1::: Pd.Road 2 ��P1raJrp 1 , \ DAliaar f ! ' '�^ t�7 1 \ Lake rissN t 444 P. .•:1\Wf_Pactolus \• Old Ford Pina:trit I`ll A --Y, ' V10 p (%,,s ,a �� .Pante[o _ �_a t? ��) * re•nrill + ?SJ 10 1 * Aae Tatra Ca■ 1 laecM0e aslolJf * 1;5' \. • a1� �\•, t• NaShIQZtQQ+ © �764 j. 7 ntr fairhdq _,/�(.atr \ son • O•BeUr, ---r•.. �1 attamusAeet lake Engelhard ' " G asland ,7 Vulsrrlls� Q IS ]darn. 1 Landing I T 7 E fj y ' i ��� 1 ( �� saint" • ► Ifu&Hetown I Wmterwllt • CMco.ind / • IC{ :.... s•. �� • BR Sid Wrns:,d111 l �,11 BLU lack 11 _� 1 ar t) .• 74J) `� "."•.- 4NeErasta 1 Perk IS n...a awa. ` P Sladeswll• (� I7_ New Holland ( 1 Ayden II •SMlmad100 Baywa.• •ns emu. . /( ; IS I Swan Oua,ter Gull Race, n C !.\1.^ ( n 1 i • lwlaocbt uV 8av 7 1 ^i IE Care• !R[E ;..7 �� '( t l�I� _ r • 4.e. ,Ern Ri l , Calico •.. %Imo Porn ` ,•► Parodic.)Boack\ �Rou __. \s s 1( r •P4r•1 WILINItt AEI 1 .1 Gillen ® r ••Cos Gossroad • Ba^^ble. • .. ` - �l `r • )) a a Edward _ h (/..r..n. \ �V Vanceb«o• . WW1 Rapl 11 as \4 gill \`\ � \ 4°' For ' mill •Moo ylckc�e^ • Emu' I Carton - • e -a;:"I'.:9 I * - N. skim �' 11 Nollwall• , ' R . (Cash Corn«)•• �(�j ' •'• i• B.yb«= is VICINITY MAP 1 .7! L. E Given , �.• .i •• -.I. «.�1•t mire ;Cal , :n•tetanP M L r I len a 11:::cli N.,ntl *' + """ " •. \ \� ®1 N.C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION �.0 lon s ' ('' t �7 r '� DIVISION.OF HIGHWAYS N �v �_^;� , � . <r E • uil• - 10 _•locks ill)--Ri.•rd•. \At... ' ) Tan o `/ ►." ri\ "k. N1:1;rtt `s( CHOWAN COUNTY r � CROA�AN Goatans �" RiP��r��gM - •FMANN . I7I' I , \1 • t -White CaMshQ �u l tin"- . \'Iw C•S EV'•0 3) .w; `•,�111a;,,.44 ,ra ,la..L....... L4" \s©. ' S 311( PROJECT 8.T010602 — R-2512B Scala of Mtla• U.S. 17 BY—PASS OF EDENTON 0 5 10 2C 30 {r 10 20 30 `° 4 SHEET"1 OF 41 - OCT., 1995 Stale of Kilometers 1 ` l`1����., i . (� T nert VOA AL Ihg, OS 4116/11kIt.lior aoSionalrer P owellsviCo • • )a' ® • . a 1� • ' i Aulander 1( ® Colerain / p , r A, \obel• "r' �•Connariisa ® 10 - �_ OWAN 1 I \ 2 •Keltord® i „ 6 Rky,oc■ 5 •Burden .` halls• 3 I. 5 ■ Mount Gould• Moan, 6 • 2 'Ha cock •1..erea-- ~II en-• 0 C �Askewville Ashland • - 2 'hp I\ ®5 .mtf a B E 0 R I T I Edenho: 0,...1® _ t •Drew -Midwa `1' • ♦ r fir'•S'� �.4 ' • CahaOa 5 r 2 v• �`�s Merr• : •�' s -- +- 241 Hill 6 .: 'a O • • /J 2 • • N Quilsn tow® /f • 1 .. rift e Woodard• / v • J • .. i • • • •• • • I 3♦ i I I j} MILL 1113 _ — : N hI • �, cr ^ POND LLt _ • n r i - I II ( L 7 hi .,, , ,^ • • • 1 • l a elver • • \2 1.4 '' • Valhalla,! :♦ • I i 9 O � ♦ L I • •\\. •• \v •1. 1r • I �, 1 \2 I n n .�� : b.sir • • k.Gwld • ''• NA L72! 15 .tom I \ umn 1 • • , ,r i+ i \\ r END PROJECT •c era • li ' • b Mencotlr ■ a IP g. NI 2� r \ r°o♦ e' % ‘11.):Z. (-2 MieL ,... v t L e If03 hr1f ° + J\ y \\ ., \re .. .,1-"l ik9' 1 .-. '1 I tr•3 ` U2 -.LIq]is rj C. \ G O `L .14_ _1 H V 4 4 N C'rl t\ Mi... �tZ�L�.�;,E�D EM01+ :a: ::•. '�E CARIA PERL�IIT AREA \' • tei•` 1�> �:' ...._ u ,�L' of \ ♦•\ `- •\7 .e / !.:i ^ (.�3•1130 au ,• n0 .,,,.. ..,,,,, _ ,,,,....4 Gregory Crossroads -•• Lie • Ederhone \ 7• aYbn Store 7.7 �• • • \ \� 7 vigtei. 1>•r .` ` . . - d n ... t /� `C �\ • NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF f,°. �+ BEGIN PROJECTS, TRANSPORTATION 1111 • _. - ",/i DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Marry/1 _ ` _ '� PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL 7 7 • (k t_._ ( _ ,` i' \abd w.-, �N BRANCH sL C. �� l'''-k_ rear `...4\ \ Peterson ,r, , a,,♦a• •.� 9 '°' I �� GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION MAP Oak Ch.f.,� It°3 1�'. US 17 o Saar''' BERTIE-CHOWAN COUNTIES 1-1,..."' _.},tt;n "�;` w•`,^ TA. P. PROJECT R-2512 1300 • ` rJ 1 I 1.3.1J P� 2 of 14 0 miles 2 rur - 4 / li • , .,..-",:s...1/41-4. .,,,,,,..1/4i1:-..7.::.,.2.,..:•,....,.„1/4.::::t...1,..°-:,,,,,•C -,,..._,i)., . e'''.:k• ."''.-1.-"1/4":' • • \-64 u• CS% .( i• . ......-11/4"..:::::::.:.Z'''''.1„...".::-...":.R1.4%--‘:.,*:;::: :f.4.7";.,ir;:1:7..- al ( 1.-•;.-77.-'-' ,. ••••• 0 '..1.-- ".•‘.-e,-,.. \ \ ...-‘,..........- -,,....‘,. •-... .-..".,-., so •,!. . :_,•. . ... ..._,-• ... ) . ( • 1 I' ,� •..1 .,,•,� IYi par �, 1 )n Alli s \ Ope /t. '-"‘'4*:'''' ' k )v „.... . , ,- ,,ik." i i 1. i. ! . _ ... .,„,,„,.• ._ ............,,,,..:... , d. . :. i.` 1 ' ..```..'�• •-\ i t.♦;' „I i. \\ \ ' , ' i � ..' .`!•• !. \ / ., 'e .w ` . �` .\ ) ' , r. • • (>�Nen/x°4slillil;l'ill._ 1 . I / Ma v�.. . — ,./ \• - 1..... it'dr - • C,�-' \ - 1 A •w w F. r.r \.A _ Wit` (Y -- - 11. I n. It ' p�7i�ofu I • ,;'j --r, .. YD PROJECT' •.• e��. t) r`��� <��l\.o .=�+. 1 l L/'5:. I BEGIN PROJECT'/ 1 /`1I 7"ti s.. :s`^ , r•-.•:rK \ .ram,f, i,• r/ - a�1 I `: ,,,' ` i 1 .. . \...�.. S ^, .•••-• ( r '�: } •.♦• /• • \ (`. 1\ • 1 x7 f .` . :•„ ., .. '.. ') NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 1 !I 1 \.• ..'- .. �- .'"•*�. •.,.-..•,,,. TRANSPORTATION 1 1 .♦ .' �jl DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS / // ' 1 I `� `• '" ."" ,. .-�...• PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL / 1'' / 't )'�. "1/4 .s ..` .`• ".r.-. BRANCH if/( T] 1O \ . r US 17,WEST OF CHOWAN RIVER ' ,;,\v r :' TO US 17 BUSINESS EAST OF EOENTON r,IZ i BERTIE•CHOWAN COUNTIES .1' • O• \n ' �.. T.I.P.PROJECT R-2512 i'r 1' . ', ' CAMA PERMIT AREA 'SKEET 3 OF*. LEGEND 4 + 500.150 Project Station #(=Sta.# 4 plus 500.15 meters) Units of Dimensions Metric Units in CAMA Application & Letter English WBL West Bound Lane EBL East Bound Lane POT Point on Tangent PT Point of Tangent PC Point of Curve LT Left RT Right F Limit of Fill (Slope-stake Line) C Limit of Cut NG Normal Ground -L-Rev. Centerline of Main Route MHW Mean High Water MLW Mean Low Water ha. hectare (= 2.47 acres) f, Centerline I . K. DENOTtSTEMPORARY CcT ,00 • xf IMPA(-1 To 5uRFACE WATER H• ORIZONTAL_•A LE. .815585 -L-REY. _ ^v F-SQI- • 22_� 20 ID • ?AM 24795 (LT) cc'` (8047') --\ RETAIN EXIST.CONC.SLOPE PROTECTION -T _ C3.4 •810E80 UJ a � , eT it rl — -�(��� 7 9I coNc T C`L STIR/EY us 17 I 1 1•�T - E E 11 L/'LIYLfItYL ^+ 5 m PA DITCH REMOVE EXISTING BRICGE77 Yy�� Q �__ 4'�%, -Ti!Ci3!E WO CABLE ATTACHED TO B.ts.'e F°:? TRIPLE CORR(/ , EO STEEL p 12' GU��'..PP,ORNL AVC. UNIT 0 • L •.-/ .. _ •S A I -L-REV. ` N 57'50 53,0•E / imi4 fr _.-_ MLW 1 1 Z v/4 :�r .xx:1 xx,9 6T''xXxxx xx x x xxxxyxxxx�xxxxxhx xx Xx x xnxX xxXxXx J w ^`xi xx3r�hB10480xkxsX,CXxxXxxxxx x�xXXxXxkkx''xx kxxX -xxhxxxXK 1 N o m o m x n °1 n o to ®�>'',\ . (jEtalN LAMA JURISDICTION n r ocon•o H m <a� 5 INKEJ�I & RGES H r E x a sr.• a H H H BEGIN APPROACH SLAB H 1:7 aH mn r H Ox• q `, x.e m m n a C9 H $T/�/•807�25 R► 0 f1HGZX o v. ZZv T. O hit C -L-REV. O x Zmnz z N 0 00 ^a E ✓eoH0 E ^z / •810380 Z • - VI n z H 7 30X0(RT CLASS I/RIP RAP TO kt (58.424'1 EL 33C0(BOTH SIDES) UT E k T (SEE STRUCTURE PLAYS) RI(n-!I H O 0 K 7 WV •8I0680 N`T 0 01 H to H 11893(RT) m O r H y (39D19) cG m 0 0 0 U)to Z ENO FENCE HS ZI.) N H 00O0 u. O WC's. -3 I• 3 00 O 33 0 N b2 0H Ti hoot z O 00 nKN '0 .`f. 0 L•OJ Ti Ti 000< H. H xHS.M 0 r HO Z (0 0 0 tO n 0 UI r "+1 DENOTEJTEMPORARY • 4 xx"".x'" It-WAG-if,TO 5URFAGE WATER NoRt2oNTALi4LE. \'''‘-17111-.:5?2-(C\...c.‘ 1 � �yCi• ID . • zom "' I I US/! iREMOVE EXISTING BRI J3E-'1 _ I, J - O� 4-TEL C*8LE5 1 t a 6 "' +• 0 - -RF N 57°5 '5c "E t-- t t N OCl 02 a Cl a N V/• 30C0El2 •r " o Si HH L.DI 9 G2. %LI I I ,Kmsn on N 003Zn N oo L �( xkyxxx kx ` xxx xhx'X )k c>cxYxxx hx x\hxy.xc�cxxh kx xxX _..1 O z m n .73- •a r J . x x k x h k xx X x xk Y,x�S k k X >th x n �. z .H<on..0 6 mz x�c XxxX� K Xxxkx x hxkx kxx kX}�Kx xh Xxx x �t x)1 c yxylhx� ..1`` z • a< 9 H7 T xY•Y.xZC xx�c /xx X x x / XJ( x k xh X Kx Y` x x V hN33m z Tv O g HE- Z n En Jt oo g 5UhIKE►J BARGES &v 0 Hnn H 0H Q z Z DI0v0 SJ" a H H H• i H a z m N •.3 r '7 O 31 0 N H 330Z s• H n0Z• Z z O n b to to < vzv •• z HSi00CD1 H H z Hn 0 , (n nx kJ n i., N 1\?1-1-0�},+Z'a15 -3N11 H71VW I 1 o 0 cz u1 7\ --1-O0Z+Z V--5 -aN1"1. H7!vw 17 w N) f IrII laI m ` ZO ZD— K Z ' I r -> x W......44et*"*Y.... till [ 1•14 ] QQ17•Z I N. �I `/raj/P�`,// c ao5,a£ > _, It",- __ _ _ 0:;--7. t ]Li m 1 10 'QQz•z •• - n 4 000-ia . 1 a ItE V y o~ - -• - Q0£•4 *A 'd-1-O 1+Z 'V S 3 N I 1 1-171.VW .__._ • -- A31-1-082+Z'V15 '31v11 I1 H1..1 E ; a . tii.4 - NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES 111.' 8.T010602 R-2512A REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER 2 O _ THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES 0-f FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE I ,•, COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN • .CHOWAN COUNTY. SCALE AS SHOWN` SHEET v OF ( NOVEMBER 1995 \:9T- p L 7/ >1 til u 1 - 11/7 CHOY/AN RIVER ea1DCE L SURVEY i 24 1 /_ REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE _ _ `-59 . MQ I C 4-TEL ABLES b I-TO CABLE UNDER B.iiDOE (•) a o a 3 S in N N 't .N O + c--i `^ r. L r-1 T-- _ W NJ , P, Z a N a v -L-REV. ---1 J 157'52'59.0'E 1 2 : o J a r J 1 I I --..1 1--I L.-1 I 1 Q ‹ 1 Z 2_ co sa, `. ` - (REMOVE) M al E0 2 O Ol s Col m n H 0 ,\Vic)1-71 t\-1 a y OPHc TES 7/ . -c x/oaCO C F04 S W b 0 C 0 al'0 H 'A <'0 y n >4.<3C0 r IH1 cn Hx > -Q L SURV LCl >l1 Z H m n n O co H , 1/5 0' CNOwAN RIVER BPAOE I CON 1�y CI H 0 E 3 m II, z> IX !f{tEr� VE EX 15TNNC, L'RIOCxE N 5T 52'`0.0'E m cCCO H " El oo -I - a . II 0 5 z CO H H "J E" 1 E-TEL CABLES b 1-FO CABLE UNDER ERODE COHC FOR '7 E H o C1<0 Z N a 0 '.0 I 8 ■/DROP OADES Q E� (REMOVE) CH-1 nPI -H 0 7'n-0 v N. O N, CQ p M El,H H R C N �� I--r I I r---I N ci0rE' H H N CO , D m H w 'j 2 $ 5rL-REV. xxW N �wtm , 'V ....1 N 52'$9.0'Eto al 0 �1�iaz b H 1 . $ ki E'I 0 0 C z J I h- 0 OCO I<CO ,cn 11 1- , - , I I I I 1 Q • < I Z rg 0 'd J H rg nmro0 a. 2. HOIRIZOtJTA CAI- tg, T-IOOC+I 4-1 .. :U • .._..� 2 H 7 0 H H 0 Z N a N • I0 0 ZOm METAL TRUSS DRAM SPAN MIER(RFEEND�cS STEM(REMOVE) (REMOVE) 1 ILNG , 15-PLINGS 1 1 5-PILINGS 1 QQ CLUSTER CLUSTER CLUSTER S7 O 0 (REUWEIO C'' )-.1 (.\ I $ xFRAME y CONC ELEC TRANSFORMER PAD(REMWEI \ ELEC CURRENT ENDS HERE (REMOVE) �j ` y • TENDER HOUSE(REIIWE) CONE FON 5. 1 j ` 111.1'= --QFIAG POLE .ISICNAL.LT - to I (1 1 (REMWo O EMA 1 CONE I-TCONC BARRIER M/OROP GATES 1 1 1J 1L--- ----L Q O i U.S.I7 1 -L- `+- t ./�-REMOVE EXISTING BRIOGE 1 Q Y' - + -I- CONZr F�.if(+ILI+' r TJ O CONE FONP ATE'. C7 _1 fREAKNEJ <> (REMWE) l�) • v, Q rr Q _ t�� 7t 1.11 �� l uJ Z � I / a Z _ -L-REV II J I N S7'52 541""E. m CS nn�Hxl m o oz `\\\ / / A. CCO E EZX T• H H HH \ I J H CO 7H =n o F+ Ox. I V zlcmxn a co �+ .1---1 ' ' 1- Po N n H o E 3: o P Z s• Q / Q 0 o v n F. I ( NWEJ (REYWEI• ' C C 3 Z Z n ' 0 0 1 5-PILNGS 1 •1 5-PLIIIGS I 1 5-PLINCS 1 O x Z O tr,H HH '�H \ CLUSTER CLUSTER CLUSTER j I £y. :4 N n z z 1-TEL[ABLESIs I-FO U/M i APPROX LOCATION DIn�lxC71 0C bro TCnH3o H my N cn H H In �• I O ''D [n H X Z U N °MOO U' 0 -1 I-• ] 01'.00 N .._. H 0 0 Z 7 H m C E C• z HORIZONTAL Y_ ALE 11 H Di H',IJ" 0 U1 H r z 04 Hn 0Z to co In F1 U, 01 O 1-\,,,, / . 13 G� 3-POWER CABLES ATTACHED UNDER BRIDGE p 3-POWER CABLES ATTACHED LR ER BRIDGE , . r _--- US!F CHO'AAN RIVER BRIDGE , - REr � 1� LOVEXT1 rIC,<${LIT7faE '�,� , -L-SURVEY us CHDw AN RIVER BRIDGE CONG N 57'52'fO.0'E —I J4-TEL CABLES A 1-F0 CABLE UNDER BRIDGE • 4-TEL CABLES I 1-F0 CABLE UNDER BRIDGE ^ _ N 1v1 Q O M rn O r— I I-1 r— I r—i I---r r + + I CCI i N 57'52' 59.0'E I a 7L-REV. 2 �I N 57'52'59.0'E 1 t I I 1 1 L A L—J I___ I f' d Q E CS / . 9v I - u VT n n n'3 H xl 03 O O z LL1 I x n xoxxle 0 1.-10 , -1-- I ►1SI7 39 >y OCO W V H 'A GDJ CL y w s K 3 n N H S ; REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE - y i m zxCI 6/ El H 140n ooevn rm.1 r xDJ QMM O O 1 .. 0 O HaCA7 H O Zr• CO M' P § I O `te a H O co q �� N in "� -f- 3 rn n z cT + f—I r—► F—i Mnrl -pH O 9in Cn �Q{ CO f�l1HYC7 Z Ny L}li. 1 I�� CH orto H X L . 1 -1--RE.V_ I N HH•O I' N 4 —1 N57.52'S9"E I J x0Co N F�J HzoOz Nv 1 r Lam" u . z a tv n E • X R x.TiH HORIZONTAL 5GA!-E ,-• zH 0 Z ..- .. 10 DJ • I • 2-Omi ND Cl LH CO \.;: i., cla , -r A / . u.:: 3-POWER CABLES ATTACHED UNOER BRIDGE 1 CC. F-M S V F I IS i•RI►, � • US 17 CHO'MAN RIVER BRIDGE _A, I N 57'52'59.0'E -� 4-TEL CABLES& 1-FO CABLE UNDER BRIDGE Q r CI g en 8 4 L ui' I R i . a -L-REV. t : 2 N 57'52 59.0"E J a 1 i J - f-- c-› / \\"1-9-11.3' . U1 o nn']H'01 • co OZ — n a OCOW H n0 CSO0 > Ili F7 t' Ez-�3 t' o H HH 1 L' 1 I1517 H ['I z<0=0 O C-I HS. 1 n/ r. REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE I Uri nHtozx 0 B' 00 � - O x ZZx OI En H N x '9 t' 1 /-3 HOHDI 0z FI ci ,.1 z.. z �3c�nn� D. GIB /J 'in .., H�S�B` f� r co 0DiiH0 C b< ÷ r $• + Cn n n Y co q b In O AI D1 Z IL 1 -1--RE% N U..)onc0o U. 0 2 ' N57'52'S9"E 1 ( Z HnooZ v H `I n H£C • Z 1 --.._-_----- -- ------�- O• 53 rn - F— Q 0. VI ',71 33 �^L • • n L'I n.13 0 H E HORIZON7fi I E 31 H 97ORI M :.. ; ... -• x H0 Z r U. n0 • 10 • ZOrn I�'. x x ,<x DENOTE}TEMPORARY 4�"x"xr l'41 IMPAC?S To SURFACE HATER / i HORIZONTA XALE I Wit;: % (� i. 20 +10 Y •� Zom \ �Z 'A \e.. e LW •500 Ll) 1 c L SURVEY V) I REMOVE Er151"WC*BRIOCxf--- Q 4cp o -4- 4 a • ,() e i I.- -L-REV. lc N, ` N 5/'92'59.0'E W l--l77i o I 2 6/ ci 000H'A 0 O 0Z 2 0. a OCOE1.0 • 0 <c ti Y J H En 9H307 r HH EHn0 J v zKsoc n o n _l x k x x /X X K y xX X X K / XX k X• .XX X4X Xxk K X X X y 1 N flog o r Z 7 •• `` /)t X X X X K k XX X X �G m c� zz n+ CI oo v k XX xxkX XkXv. Xkk� kuX TC XXxxXXh XXxXX XXXKxK j‹XXX)CXxx XxX x , zKONHO Z 0Z < \X XXX� xkXX. X ) ,C X -. X X XX X \...7*cXXXXX x x XXXKXX XX'( Q Z • 0<'08 7 H 7 k x k8K k X X X X X X x X '� �NH0 C K> SUNKEN L'ARGES / A- 67H fZl0 H m y En H 0 H H 0 0 0 N 0zw nl O Ca 0C) H 0 0 0 MI 0 Iv 0ayz r n0z. z Z 007En ti 00 H • 0 En 0<< ''3' , 0 HOOto H ._ zH07 Z H 10 El 0 • to 0 U, w 'ND -1- O I2-* j7'v1S -3 N 11 1-01d 1,1 ``� XX Xx � i .J - XXXX X 1 x XX '� l_ ooura X X E XXx ......47.4'"\\,...... g. , „r-- ----.--- „Xxx \% Xs./ �fl x xx xx xx.xx • w xxx x 7 A u tr x X X M 4 '� XX X `n ai m X XXX X z X x J j Xx X P �\ 7 on aj xX x ��0� .i XxX jcll X xx X xX gX X X xx Xx X - \xxl 00/ ' XXxX A XX • XX X XXx XX iX SI XX X X X ° `r X X X x a c-cW XXxX X .1Gd -1= 5g.Q4- - •HAS dIN11 I-I'71dW w E • a fr, Q ) d 11I? 7. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION O d v LL A DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS FI1 F. ,A BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES uJ p °,( R-2512A FF <i:7 • 8.T010602 n\N �J 2 yt1 REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER zo. + THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES 0 E p FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE 1 11' COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST Of•THE BRIDGE IN tit, _ � CHOWAN COUNTY. xx (fir• SCALE AS SHOWN x lV� ]t I'� x; SHEET ' OF V NOVEMBER 1995 •A -1- Oc.---7 .V L -2N l H LVV . _� ' Iq x >� 1 smx)l ` i 1 ^C. f YY � �► WZI j 2 / f x 1,I, W , 1 k-1 F a $�� f ` / /x 1 N �> n 434 1 rears 1 I ,1 �' + i Z t JQx / / x PT 1.1 , - - t w= 1-C. 00£'•y / ill N t ¢ O W W (1 / X liti). ..-- ---.-...7-.0 = • X 1110 tilik;, i 74.,• _ }1;♦ f M.070 20 F N k - - I II o Zi �� ** i lsa 6-11 a 1 O w.Z o r' ♦w.r _ - --0o F- lxl 01 r "1 Z g`L'u� d 1- ;I/ . .- '�mn W p.m `.a n N�o t ,5', Z 'zw k "N� 0 3 3 . -7?`41 ': tww .E 2 or, ., r.t. ?i 1r2 /sere I . OT3WA1113 WA =1 W ''a :1 \s�� •: �I w' ICI 1• • 1rcl 2\ v k 111 'W w m 1N astir N�a a �^ '�+ y `\\\ (~ LO .,....________. k NI • aX X X - Z' IS nr • cXX 71 1 --1- 0lZ+17 •V15 3N1 1 Hr71V1A1 0 I E a 0 )- % <`` aLL 1::r�.: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION t15 d0 j DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS U7 ` g E° w,r1 DERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES 3 1ei ^t << W W f ':FUU 1,3 F. ,p.;• 0.1010602 R-2512A So Z0. Z 'x; • REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER w v E `�E + THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES O- O O- cL i,_ ""- FROM 000 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE � i•. 0 k, COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN %% ITV, I -=;£K ((�( CHOWAN COUNTY. SCALE AS SHOWN • *� :I. SHEET/3 OF �' NOVEMDER 1995 • WETLAND UMITS I'Ityr i4,**'c I OEAIOTcS WET LAJC' _ y zIC w DENOTES PERMANENT V//////I IMPACTS TO WETLANDS p i ''/,'JJ OENOTETEMPOIZARY yC / i i'��!i."I 1 M PAGT3 TO W ETU*I0 .1,C w WOODS N00 ww (FA x----x-x-x-x-x-x x--x--x--x- S- °` +"' •LT POT 4.347.751 C -L-SURVEY L.A• `- 2)m • T 1•I7OA19 Q DRIVE 3 LB. It4 �c POT 4'369367 ,Y • 9# Ill T!IE TO EXISTINeete3TG CC --L SURD ,J . • J use 7-1 BST -N 5T 47 247'E I " 0 99OC)0 - J �Ic '4" f ,• Iy .. zit + 4 q -L-REV. • N _ET 52'590'E \I 1 x Ui W ,43.Or.S Z • L 5-7 r - T�7 Si-WA' 7-I-'7 Ty-/-/7 j'7 ]"/ / F m m f1f1aH?I .o 0• oz1 / / �/% //.// /// // / ! / / // x //�/ x -� x 0 xOroxn • n HO / // /// / /WOOS' / / / A Hr E z n r o H H x - 1 / /7- // / /Cb►, 1Fftl&IdN/MALIVR/00%/ /// // - 1 • H [a Z K o x n a [H-7 ►w-I x� V LS.n /////// y // / / / / / / / / / !1 / / / i , V �j N t7H0ZZ o c, z>, `.... -'IL__ 6�1111G _!J-1LL/—/—/—/—/-/11L1.4 r/� 'T oO rn N a azy- - -- Q o o yoH77H 0 OH .v • z .00ElH0 s .xis TOBECLEARED- n rn Li o z of WETLAND SLIT NO1 GRLI55E1) • o LIMITS LL H z cp9 C i 7.' - nn ►-4 ' x - , I . O " I • I• O ' tI .HH I / I O Z W N Onco , x •395b6/-L-REV REV CI I 760/9(RT 0 z O z 7 H V4 _ (249.403'1 EEONA — — — — FENCE O x K Di• ".. Nw x ISBN x ( — — 1 _ rs— \ls. x--x--"— H H H O' f-. i —n— 29 Ww 6 158'N \ \ • 0U' C"'1 O'%O I I \WTE ,� I11 \ \ • 2 H 7.O. O o n x' • zl LA � i /\3J -1- OZ9÷-fr"dLS -3IN fl H'J LV ' S y I \ , :I `i 1 s \ \\ , I \\\\ \I 9 xx ' \L \\ I "al70 • .)I - �\f` \\\I\\\\ 009+ cJ I I I \ \\. W ' x I I '� �\\�� 7 x x I \�\� h\I x I 9 x y I I` \Is \\ of I ui \\ Fc \ J Q S ts i I pOQlz \\ `y' A \ \ I a x • • \I w � y I `£ I\„\`\ � v c °03. .e. x . o • I \\ i 61 B's.?X N:r I Iio I\\S\`\v x x 3 I I -dl_ !! �\\\ F- (i91 l I i r1 '\.W\\\ .# H 9 I \ I\ �:\\ ( d I x I I w r\\�`1\\ 1\�1 .5 x h • i : %1 I I • • \�I r O \\INv\\ "' x ` \ . il I 11) \\ x I I \\ \ `' x c �, 8 I • I I I \\ \\ V '� — I� �\�y 009+ x ' I I I o ' �, \\t _ II I 3 . \\\\\J x I I yy \` ` \\I .I x I I �` ` \\+ I I \\\\\\ 1 I • t d =I s� I I I I \` � \�I -x ..,. '7: : x I I • �N\w : )1 l\\\ \I �I x �' I ,1 h\\\N` I "A -1 •-1- t0-p V+ -P' "'dig -3 NI-1 H--0 \-/W E • o 1,:c, t� NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTN.ENT OF TRANSPORTATION 7-7 d g r o DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1 Q ;c< • z O~'I DERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES i3 gr� J1 1 „'-I 3 �F 0.T010602 R-2512A.. w '1'r ) • REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER d 2Ir. THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES Z� Q1 FROM B00 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE o o E S O COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN CCj°a; — CHOWAN COUNTY. L, •orb, ;i \\ _; ? SCALE AS SHOWN Ls. f 1011 NOVEMDER 1935 r SHEET OF w000s Ex,STi'LC R/W-) 1 I'E,y",'I I DEMOTES WETLANDS a -} ..Y -�- `'1 _G ]L DENOTES PERMANENT V//�//A IPIPALT S'O WElLA NI05. 7;- OE.NOTESTEMPO ""�"'�''"11"`�''`�``�'r' riii/i. I IMEPP STOWETLAxtRARY OS Se .e AC wOOOS zlz st -tOR1�A la� Ey f—x—t—x—x—x—x—x—x—x—r—x—x—x—x—x x Q,.�.y.x�y ,,+=.,c7. i ,:q- ;: • O so m . ` - WETLAND UNITS cuss `B RIPRAP W/ _v ! '� /FILTER %MC vi •70150 EST.IB SONS RIPRAP J 2JDZ)m LT. _ EST.39 m2 FILTER FABRIC I - — II ST40'25D'E use »esT - - - . J _ , _ o 4 ILi WETLAND UNITS STD.FLUME & O 2.3Q0 cs W/ // C.) FUNNEL DRAIN ELBO✓ N T & BEG.WGVEN WIRE FENCE - - -.-- • G' _ 4 • i' l- Noirdy' -go- -1/4 --A- w 1 pi P 0 P r,,,,,,.„.,07 7 ,, ,___ s, 0, , , 4Loer lir) In ET a n M H U3 CO0 0 z• 'n ' 7 / La l-` g•L 3 r O H H H Pi x.<oxn 0 M H I hi r— , -- --7— r-- 7T • T7Y AVON 2 V� : �m 0Hm>3 IQ• e z0 2 /-/ / /// / /� /= G/W041_ �E/F C L % F - -/ N cO3zn N n O0 // / ',tr &AquiJ // / / .0 / // F o mm " Mr j /Y/ / / / S a�Ho -Z, N /� / /6 G�vi , ,/2//// / / fa/ELBOWr/ , • 0 Iz x e 7 H 7 7 r/ i ,! / // // S �firb 't•V�-Z- / / // (�7-�� t 3 N n z O I 1 1Z'Y•` /�1-L L�1l LTiI-dee/L/-7-2 a 1./ . L/J-/- ' H E• H n E n' ,`1J -EST.teTOMS RIPRAP -6- END APPROACH SLAB ui H z Qi z 0 z' I-- .• I �TO 6E CIIAREO- EST.3.3 m2 FILTER FABRIC :_az 5TA 4-707.505 S CO o 0 n H H ef Bu-f NCFr GF.0 BC.ED c -L-REV. m 0 0• h m 2. C' S"'a"P S END BRIDGE Ir o n czi o U o 'r v STA 4.704.150 x C -L-REV. Ale HZ02 Y HI 0 0 ti• .0; END WOVEN WIRE FENCE—. q) >�1 x r • Z - STA 4'704.150 W z H v 0 H. Ex3SYI'ICS P�/W -. H H n z -.—..—x x x M1 x—Y�_x—/. x-1—x X—Y—x x x_Y---x :<—x—x—x—'•— to nx I 0 05 U L'l 1 I x I I • I a 1 I `15' c I I E x I Qtor.-) c c I I N�LO�, x I I ; iiii 1--Ct x' I I WvWJ• 1 • I • ' I IW O.• h)N /14 (41 I I id W4-2� : x I Wi: ... ,.I 'IL IW I !` r, ,: xx x IN I 1 1r I I v 1 s l ` 4121 &i 1 I x t 1 , ' _ x III . %%)N- . ' -\1 • . III , . : , 1 : 1 . : x „i,.,,,,,i.; ....,,,, ,, . . . ILO I I , i I ' � 7y Y �1 1 , 1 ' IZ • 1 13 , N ,.' . ' ` � x 4. (1. Icy 13 te ,• , �a � \ ks �1, I4g 1 '"§4 I , � Id �al _ � A2'd -`I- 00Q 4--y 'v �Ni i1 1-012d W - E o FF0 ItF 2 �. p: F iP- El �ij NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 5 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS r Y 3 k',- 3 CI DERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES S• F a :�' �, 8.T010602 R-2512A O• 0E Z 0; REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER _ _ „Ir.. THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES NN N O FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE • \ O 1i: CCOUNTY TO 600 HOWAN COUNTY.METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN � Y \ M , SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET T OF 4 NOVEMBER 1995 PROPOSED 13RI06Ey-1 5 .CI1 1ON`AaA WETI-AND WM IT 4+4630-L-REV {-IA ROAD eI.� < 21ni ._..-------- ---------------- EA15TlnlC ROAD FILL GEDTEXTILE FADRIL 1.0m 2:1 A Q ]IL_ _ — _ L_ — _A _ .�It — _plc _ _lit_` t_ _ .�_ _ .t, _ .y.�c �.r.L./ /L..c_,i[ .C1 v,J _at_ Q —~53mTO BE_GLEAM)-BUT NOT GRUBBED 216(I-7) 20 115 ID S 0 5 10 IS 20 25 30(RT) 33 > 'i. 4-+S20-L-REV �F�-�lf)N�8.8� 4WETI..ALID W M 1T PROPOSED F11,1. \ /- 4../ 2-:I ` AIL_ —A,— Vc_ 0 — I a 'ic/ IT.Sr.-. TO 15E LLEA_SEt---c .1.5..• TO Sir GI-EARED- 6uT NOT CCRu06ED OUT NOT GRUf38ED I I i I I I I I I I I 3o(1.-T) 2-5 20 15 10 5 0 5 Io I 20 25(KT) - 30 x 0 3097 3 w • n HO CN-7 Pam' EZ3C r 0 H HH H N D. O . - H f!7N Z K N N 0 N N H aai nHQEX o zv O x Co+ ZZ N n ,0A 0 {7 'll< 9 H 9 [� N2 ti, z 0 N Z- n E n ozi.N-]Z0 Z my rbn"Lio o 0 rr-n n • I-IORIzoNTA _A1- '1 '� 'Y DENOTES WETLAND�� 0mnc N 0 'e144 I h: - m a:I o N I/� //� DENOTES PERMANENT • 2 0 5j m 000Z 9 N V/ IMPAGTS TO I.JETLANDS z co mn-t£O in ',',/,/�/,/ V RT GAL DENf1TES TEMPORARY .,,a; rf/ .+ 151- 0 0 K• // / / //. IMPAGTSTD WETLAtiIOS :`fi•;>",,. :� 3r�FFn'" ,.S 0 W 0000 O 0> 5j 2. 0 M ZH9W 0 Hn z1-1 t0 t7 x to n to 0 pp g $5 1 �5 �T o 1- �T. TS�449200' 100 t5.i00RT)) -..-.:-"' . .. O T� Qg :;J4:981 '8 - x—x x — ' i —x—x—x—x—......_ .•-.-.... .. uoo ww LIMIT OF WETLAND -------Y.- ____.r —t -- N BST - _� - us/7 7i : — �IIIIn� N 57• 49'25.0" E I LIMIT OF WETLAND -- ��, ����� ������` — -- . - . .. ziki �� • 52'S9/ iii d2221 /////1111ffiran i _ i '- v. e Are 4 Ld JVA,17,7717"/ F. reZ/ZYZAVYA/Zi./ZY:/Ar---Z-Z--Z--450 7171771/711 -j' ' '-'• w0o0s r TOE OF FILL • wo0os ,� U m * 0--,.. 8 * m �- Rom.STA 4.900 BEGIN STATE PROJECT R-2512g Q r .3 8 U PROPOSED FILL IN WETLAND E 8�,ese.230e w0oos a. N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION uo0 ww o DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS _x x---. x x—x x x x x—x x--x--x—x—x—x_x x—N x * " CHOWAN COUNTY 10 0 20 m ISNiii PROJECT 8.T010602 - R-2512B PROPOSED US 17 SCALE (METERS) . V/////// N WETLAND L SHEET /9 OF 4i/ OCT.,1995 O O js 0.0p9.486 op B ¢ OF via. .000s r ,,'�+��/a e�I, a••`: ,TOE ,,,��I /fir�r�i�i�ge�/ : ..�/ /�',' ,e4 �00 ww p.1. .. 5T 49 W- . �_ � , NOT IN CAMA PERMIT AREA • D 2� �� ' 0 o _ i• —_ 0 ammione — —_e--- N 73• LIMIT OF ------- �� 34.5"— — � O WET :► N 65 49'1j� ���-jr+-w" PROP. LT. LANE I— tf6WO . 1 ia•Ar2c. Q / ���������...a_-.. 900 RCP W Jff1'fA ........r..... ;WSW- 40:110.,A, /////// // '•0' - . _s air//iiiiiiir��i:'.►; iiiii.ziwi: I ////1/1"//1111////////�//,'////���: "0 i_ 2:1 �// 44M 0 TOE OF FILL , , w000s Q \\ \\ * % PROPOSED FILL IN WETLAND N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION "—x—x_x_ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS x_x—x xJx x tv n CHOWAN COUNTY V PROJECT 8.T010602 - R-2512B AI.WP PROPOSED US 17 10 0 20 LI woos / ////A N WETLAND J SCALE (METERS) SHEET 20 OF V OCT.,1995 ir O O s 'a / $ .O O � • I , pd , �_ / - _ /moo .,is, " / + o a /+//// \t 4,_ i . _ _ sot— i /i////.�..• MST �.• x�'` p y/ .p�`P ������.4V 4/ •;� AP' '� fix-" N ,.• - 2'1 ,�x x�x�xl V. + / / - SC • .&. • O ///��j/ / / NOT IN CAMA PERMIT AREA /j Ori4 /ice ��i/ ••'_IMIT OF M . ---- �/ ��� { -- /����� :WETLAND %. / 0 Asi 430 Rep I' Np1 Z I.MT or -�'_ � E�M1T OF . J �Oa WETLAND \ ` � WETLAND :Oa. .WETLAND ='c V ar ,i ate• PROPOSED FILL IN WETLAND /�,/ ;. - N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ��� �i,r�-��•.�_ DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS �" "c• CHOWAN COUNTY s �2�Q29 ;,• TS 0•010.8 �j, PROJECT 8.T010602 - R-2512B 1.41 10 0 20� c _ •0, PROPOSED US 17 7' a. �i� ii�//Tt� WETLAND L • A C . SCALE (METERS) SHEET 2i OF 4l OCT.,1995 END CAMA JURISDICTION ICE I I I PROP.LT.LN ( PROP.RT.LN I IRD.'A 3 I 3,6 i 16 I 4 2 _ _ _ • nag yip e og2��c nay-Y�yg y�y 2 • I I I I 50 40 30 20 IO 0 /0 S. « .. .. SECTION C - C 0 -L- RT. LN. 5+000.000 G PROPOSED FILL IN WETLAND �/ N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ������/4LL IN WETLAND DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS CHOWAN COUNTY 2.5 0 5 PROJECT 8.T010602 - R-25128 PROPOSED US 17 SCALE (METERS) SHEET 22 OF 41 OCT.,1995 • 7V3d --1- O8b+'1 'H15 '3N1 1 I-1-21VW F r cs) � a I t - 4) 1 /o Au tx ALI ccela 1cr. i 0 1� 0 ,� + Z a iQ o: 1 0 I. 0: u o CC o r I 0- 0 13 HI = ' I a z(] - d cc ,- ate 6-1 ?Q - �X = i a w + ZZ w 1) dl� N - © S \LI _ W I 11 • NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TL 1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS C 7 DERTIE 4 CHOWAN COUNTIES a a ► Z 8.T010G02 R-2512A. + Z I z REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES J CO I FROM B00 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE I I COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN CHOWAN COUNTY. ISCALE AS SHOWN ^I11A SHEET 23 OF NOVEMDER 1995 • • N � •n� l =1-OSI +Z ''d1..S 3NI"I H2.1.. IA Z Q 0 a i ^ of = o - , S E � z T 7g o • / ,4) 0cA � _ {1 it , / > u-1-1 / - t i \ / a a N , -a h O :A :s- )- 2.1 4 o ic.) ti....,, '';> - . Ili CC z o n - > 1 \\ B. I - O Cf 1 L ) _8 ,. N 1 1\1 ' 'A� !_-i- 00 b+ I 'VJ_ 3 Nil `-{�1VW NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION /� U DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BERTIE Sr CHOWAN COUNTIES 8.T010602 R-2512A. REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES FROM B00 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO-600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN CHOWAN COUNTY. d QI SCALE AS SSHOWN I I SHEET 2LZ'OF Mir NOVEMBER 1995 • o. AA1-1-OOE-1-2 VJ SNII L-0 V1.4 _ o I I N O ol t ' a�{{ R I Et- N — oNi: a za 1- I o I IN % i a z° y 3 121 I - - a. m �T W f I ivj cL I � - I mGE Q 8 l ,"� o $ 0 r N(Xi I N 1 + a. .. N o_w-� t. 1I £ E ` 1 1O . — Z Q I . v I a -:.I- cJ o ? .A3>:1-I- QSI +Z 'VLS "31,111 HOJb'W 2 . • cg d ; �I NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BERTIE 6 CHOWAN COUNTIES B.T010602 R-2512A. REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES FROM B00 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN ,CHOWAN COUNTY. SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET OF Mt NOVEMBER 1995 'A-fit=I-Ogt+Z •VJs -3N1r1 H')ljW -C 0 o - S I • n I . a �L I CC g �� I W 0 E m _ I S c t o Q1U- t Li Z C.Z - I } I I Q s Z � 4x 0 _ w I I K O- o! _ I - I I o 1 I I4 - 7 I NO D I — O a • 3 =• zD 1 VT g NI %1321-1- 00G+2 'HIS 3 NI(1 H71VW ,� A 1l NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1 51 id Cl 1 ➢ERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES 8.T010602 R-2512A. REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN ,CHOWAN COUNTY. SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET2APOF Ini NOVEMBER 1995 "A"R21-1- Q-17 9+2 'V L "gN i l-Olt/kJ I — I — N - -+ tLi CC u I NI W 0. Iii Fa �° I — o a - lic1a c . -4 1 1 4L 1 1 I Cv Z 0-O a1 wQ CO A %� of 1 1 vl F vo u'�. V, —N I 'Alb-'1-08ir+Z'V15 3('4I1 HOLVW £ E VD NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS VI .4 BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES tl) 8.T010602 R-2512A FREPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER z THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES 15; t¢1 f71:11,':: FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN FC O K CHOWAN COUNTY. 0 ) lV S SCALE AS SHOWN 11) SHEET 2T OF J NOVEMBER 1995 713?:(=(- C -1-Z 'V15-IgN11 19ivw T _ t I N ' - 3 Z IN >a I . oa x I Z t - a 'u N p I ,i p. , I 0 3 o _1 -1.I.oc = I a 1 •= P \ C2i \ 1/45 \ , X tl I 1 nrl-�1-Oir°)f-2 *Vic -3N11 H)1VN: c c YJ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF.HIGHWAYS 111 -1 BERTZE & CHOWAN COUNTIES 8.T010602 R-2512A Q REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.5.17 OVER }- If-1:121) 0 THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES 2 FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTZE 0 COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OFTHEBRIDGEINK O .CHOWAN COUNTY. O N SCALE AS SHOWN S sHEET OF NOVEMBER 1995 'A-3 --±—OSb+2"V1-S3NI1 {-YJ1.a (1 l'A D O -, 1 UB E3 / — I / H I — W a11 (' I�I z - \ — x l w c —t . — I N w I Ia i I — h I — c4 x I a `a' I2 \ L 0 — t 7m:f-1-000+-Z-` J c 31-1I'I l-t')i-VW cv c C rJ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 1111-'2 BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES 8.T010602 R-2512A REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER "1 THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES vFROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN t ,CHOWAN COUNTY. N SCALE AS SHOWN �� SHEET9 OF. NOVEMBER 1995 • 'Ai-1- O-}rI+c'd1S •-31‘1I1 I-r Lvw _ I _ ' 4, - .i I I w� Erra _ 8 o I + k 2 E-21 S I we � I JEt a z I - 41 J I II I i� �y 1 4 I CI �Q J ( ISO — + I 0 4 VI DIc� S 1 I 1 � l — 7 -1- OSb+Z 'V1S 'NI-1 1-01V1,1 4 01 d NoI °I 1(1 E E 1: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ii S�1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 111 1 BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES 8.T010602 R-2512A REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER F 1111‘0Q-1 THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES ZFROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE ZN 0TCHOWAN COUNTY. _ lV SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET3OOF 15f NOVEMBER 1995 '/132:1-1-QQe{- vis. -1\1I1 H)j dW _2 NicO IN ° a I — O + 3 at' I E A J L__,„ ' I Z .k-- - til z w174 Low �Z oJo 0 I _ I of& r I a g I —+ %..5I ~ l I T I • I _ . 1 i • - A32I--1-0BI i-c, 'bls 3NI1 1-1'21-VW NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SS``�� DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS - BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES 8.T010602 R-2512A REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER F -1 THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES 0 FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN t ,CHOWAN COUNTY. p - N S >:I SCALE AS SHOWN . i SHEET °Flit NOVEMBER 1995 A-3 1--1-00 k+G '*/LS 3l (11 1-a.LVW NI 1 d 9 3 C) - �� I C 1 C d O I cr = I t I a. • Iri a r � 1 > r 21.1: I _ ul OwC O J uJ u. J 1- W�K M > a� I o Q cc — r i � I — o z C t- I c w w I — > p 0 1 Q I u! — o I v_ Ia LF' __ _ R �! q ‘0I d 1 I QI �I 2I E Q vp NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS BERTIE 6 CHOWAN COUNTIES 8.T010602 R-2512A F , REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER • li 0 THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES • 7 FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN y O • ,CHOWAN COUNTY. d u ._ SCALE AS SHOWN • SHEET 3OF� NOVEMBER 1935 W) 'A3k-1-X1Ltc2v'i S 3 N l-1 i-OlvWl I I 1-1 .. r f 1 ..d_r-sq _ • — ,„ 1 i.- 1 F 2) I I I . . • I _ . 2c. Crli I -• t } MN CC LL t z 2s I 0.Z wl I _ 1 1 •1 I I 1 W I 12. k 6 --_ r 1 . lil y1 . ILI O ..0 ICII NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION DC 8 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS a.. I -7 BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES CO 8.T010602 R-2512A REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN ,CHOWAN COUNTY. %3`d-i-QQJ}1+Q'v1-S 3NI1 1-01vv4 SCALE AS SHOWN 1 _I CI IA SHEET 33OP igif NOVEMBER 1995 E. { A -1-Oa?i- 'VL 'DNil HJlV kl iii:n : r: I --!D 4q I - X 3 IW 1 = JI 1 g I Cc' W I z 11, iii D:� a� h = I k I 0. I - 'I J I = I i _ 1 ► . 1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS A3'd-1-QQL+< 'Vic "31\1 1-1 H71.V14 BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES 8.T010602 R-2512A REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN CHOWAN COUNTY. SCALE AS SHOWN S1 vi cl 11 1 SHEET] OF T1 NOVEMBER 1995 A3)3-1- 08O+ir VLG 3Nll Hal-VIA ------ £ & r. �:1 V) ..l,l Vic: Q .i-. 2v 4 !. ' CI cY 4.V) o= - >L,�? N - I . I 4 , _ ,,...„ I A I . 0 . a., 0 0 O 0 0 —o = + 2 ,qc e CC. - • ' Vr 2 �I 4 = n Q Fic oI a - z 1-I a 0 W u1 0 oI Z w CC iI Lt- csri''''A' . �' o Io . C 0 11.-!:11 • : NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION IDIVISION OF HIGHWAYS • -7 Q _--_v t `� DERTIE 6 CHOWAN COUNTIES r\g�- I-Ov8}q v GN1� '��1� 0.T010602 R-2512A. REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN 11 I OI CHOWAN COUNTY. SCALE AS SHOWN SHEET OF jI NOVEMBER 1995 A32:I--1-QQ +ft'V15 -3N11 I-101Vk,I £ F I Ili. s CI ..a %,• . ,cy fi 1 Ci. „'1, y r OE lu 0', Q O N Q.a. '.• I�iA + -1 A "<"\\\!1 I- ' Fc • a ( I o.a;, ur 0 ? _:,, r7. c 4 a — ;.-� % :;� 4 p $o a I z 1 w xa F .• o - o 1 z 't' 0 E- ,c_ (N J V 0 cn ' I Q ' w ' •5 o Cl2.• _oo i + > Cul w Ail RI 2 1 o u J ° 0 / a r�-I u r 0 wl w -X[ t-(____p,. CO o • I . 1IID CC I l I - II . I .. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS O L4 DERTIE 6 CHOWAN COUNTIES I + 1 B.T010602 F-2512A. + REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER • THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES • FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN DERTIE / COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN • ` 1 3)d^"1 — OQQ 4, .�s •VJ- 3 N 11 1-{'J(VN CHOWAN COUNTY. I SCALE AS SHOWN 1 fl SHEET6OF iI NOVEMBER 1995 _!—oz + -f .V 9 -grIflH71VW- } o ------ ---- 4 CI -1- uJ ;. 1 I. 1 1. I. :: O 0 o I 4 0 • H ..- Q If me }I am I w = I 1 _ _11 to 01 1 `^Q< zaJ g I _ • .111 I moi } 1 z , ('(1+ I I — NORTH CAROLZNA DCsPARTN.6NT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 01 BERTIE 6 CHOWAN COUNTIES ��� 8.T010602 R-2512A REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.38 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES o� FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE o I COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN � �/ �{ \' .CHOWAN COUNTY. / \3 C1-1-OOc,4- •-L 3 I 11 I-1 2LV SCALE AS SHOWN qV1 1 q SHEET3OF V NOVEMBER 1995 . • C CC — 21 O I I a I V) u1 + I 4 a f - 0 I £ I Ui e' h N WM i` I I _ _ I • II fl —1 - MI I y 12Q-11 , owI I — 111 mm z I . . ,Z p(QQQ — NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WC4 IDIVISION OF HIGHWAYS IBERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES ' 8.T010602 R-2512A . f. REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER t THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES ./v3 -1-aZ5* • L- � 5 _ N(, I�')yV W FROM 800 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN .CHOWAN COUNTY. ,. SCALE AS SHOWN 1 01 � (ll SHEET38 OF 4W NOVEMBER 1335 E E a — Li ia= 04 I 3 1 A 0 a Z I o 4-N w I =24 ; . _cY Ir . '! I t; 8 il rt• I - 4 0 Q N I . W uull I 4 I _ I 4 i I .� w I $ O _� ret0 -II HNC I z I z - -31 • Lu.! I I I 1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF. TRANSPORTATION ZA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS n (�` BERTIE & CHOWAN COUNTIES _ —O 8.T010602 R-2512A N Nt 4 REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE NO.30 ON U.S.17 OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER, INCLUDING ROADWAY APPROACHES FROM B00 METERS WEST OF THE BRIDGE IN BERTIE COUNTY TO 600 METERS EAST OF THE BRIDGE IN A CHOWAN COUNTY. SCALE AS SHOWN , NI ^I VI 'cld SHEET39 OF T, NOVEMBER 1995 -L-REV.STA+920510 La ELEV.2557 - RT.LN.STA#920510 LA ELEV.2.455 P1 STA 4•9T0.000 PI STA 5-060.000 El-2503 PROP. GRADE El-2206 VC -80000 VC -80.000 4 K -187 K1-113 4 (0)0.0977X A (-)03304X (-)03304X (•10.3729X 2 ' • 450 RCP 4 920 I 51000 I I 51100 I 140 EXIST. GROUND WETLAND Do- RT. LII. PROPOSED FILL IN WETLAND N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION 2 0 4 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 15-1113-111 VERT. CHOWAN COUNTY PROJECT 8.T010602 - R-2512B 10 0 20 PROPOSED US 17 HORIZ. SCALE (METERS) SHEET 190 OF 41 OCT.,1995 PI STA 5.200.000 PROP. GRADE El-2728 4 `'K F� 1 I I I I 4 ()03729XA (-1 Q{0918G • • • -----� 900 RCP �/� -0-- ---- ------ -----� Q 5.140 I I 5f200 I I I 51r" I u..I I 5.360 EXIST. GROUND WETLAND r END CAM JURISDICTION I RT. LN. PROPOSED FILL IN WETLAND N. C. DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 2 0 4 15121 CHOWAN COUNTY VERT. PROJECT 8.T010602 - R-2512B 10 0 20 PROPOSED US 17 11.261 HORIZ. SCALE (METERS) SHEET IN OF 41 OCT.,1995 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 1 •A11111YIV Division of Coastal Management wIllir James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ID H N F. Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director May 30, 1996 Mr.H.Franklin Vick NC Dept.Of Transportation Planning&Environmental Branch P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh,NC 27611 Dear Sir: The enclosed permit constitutes authorization under the Coastal Area Management Act,and where applicable, the State Dredge and Fill Law, for you to proceed with your project proposal. The original (buff-colored form) is retained by you and it must be available on site when the project is inspected for compliance. Please sign both the original and the copy and return the copy to this office in the enclosed envelope. Signing the permit and proceeding means you have waived your right of appeal described below. If you object to the permit or any of the conditions,you may request a hearing pursuant to NCGS 113A-121.1 or 113-229. Your petition for a hearing must be filed in accordance with NCGS Chapter 150B with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 11666, Raleigh,NC 27611, (919) 733-2698 within twenty(20) days of this decision on your permit. You should also be aware that if another qualified party submits a valid objection to the issuance of this permit within twenty (20) days, the matter must be resolved prior to work initiation. The Coastal Resources Commission makes the final decision on any appeal. The project plan is subject to those conditions appearing on the permit form. Otherwise, all work must be carried out in accordance with your application. Modifications, time extensions, and future maintenance require additional approval.Please read your permit carefully prior to starting work and review all project plans,as approved. If you are having the work done by a contractor, it would be to your benefit to be sure that he fully understands all permit requirements. From time to time,Department personnel will visit the project site. To facilitate this review,we request that you complete and mail the enclosed Notice Card just prior to work initiation.However, if questions arise concerning permit conditions,environmental safeguards,or problem areas,you may contact Department personnel at any time for assistance. By working in accordance with the permit, you will be helping to protect our vitally important coastal resources. rr-\\ Very sincerely, \Iv%..... .....„\ ....-44\7).(44t/ZI'Ne - '' John R.Parker,Jr. Major Permits Processing Coordinator JRP:jr/amw Enclosure P.O. Box 27687, voriti FAX 919 733-1495 Raleigh,North Carolina 27611-7687 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-733-2293 Reduce Reuse Recyee 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: N. C. Department of Transportation 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Bertie/Chowan Counties on US 17 at Bridge #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton, North Carolina Photo Index - 1989: 1-4-6; R-10,11; 1-7-16; S-11 1984: 104-909; C-14 State Plane Coordinates - X: 2,681,600 Y: 843,600 Edenhouse Quad. (lower left corner) 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Dates of Site Visit - 1/11/96 3/13/96 Was Applicant Present - YES NO 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE: Application Received - 3/13/96 Office - Washington 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: 1 ? (A) Local Land Use Plan - Bertie and Chowan County 1`Z 0 Land Classification From LUP - Conservation Z <C,B AEC s Involved: PTAEWES ' (C) Water Dependent: YES (D) Intended Use: Public 401 c. (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing - N/A 6' Planned - N/A 8 �L (F) Type of Structures: Existing - Bridge Planned - Bridge (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion: N/A Source - N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] DREDGED FILLED OTHER (A) Vegetated Wetlands ±261,489 ft2 ±94,495.1 ft2 (404 designated)(new and temporary shaded by bridge road) (B) Non-Vegetated Wetlands ±584,083.5 ft2 River bottom shaded by bridge (C) Other ±2152 ft2 High ground (west bridge abutment) (D) Total Area Disturbed: ±21.6 acres (E) Primary Nursery Area: NO (F) Water Classification: B-NSW Open: NO 8. PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to replace an existing two lane (±29' 6" wide by ±7,922' long) low span bridge with a four lane (±71' 6" wide by ±9,490.6' long) high rise bridge immediately downstream of the present location and remove the existing bridge. NC DOT Bridge#38 Bertie/Chowan Counties Project setting The N. C. Department of Transportation(NC DOT) proposes to replace bridge #38 located on US 17 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton,North Carolina. The navigable water depth at the existing draw bridge and fender system is +25'. The bridge is bordered on the downstream(west) side by a large sand spit which gives way to an+40' wide vegetated sand berm as you move landward. Vegetation on the berm includes pines, shrubs and various species of vines. As you move down the back (landward) side of the berm you move into a 404 delineated wooded wetland vegetated with maple, gum, myrtle and some cypress. Wetlands on the project site have been delineated as 404 wetlands by the NC DOT and approved by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. The wetland area gives way to upland grasses as you move up the adjacent road shoulder. The upstream(west)side of the bridge is bordered by a developed and bulkheaded lot with a dwelling and out building. This area is vegetated with lawn grass, pines and ornamental shrubs. The downstream (east) side of the bridge is bordered by Waff Brothers Construction Company. The upland portion of this property extends+300' landward of the river adjacent US 17 and is predominately vegetated with upland grasses. Several small gum and maple trees are located adjacent the river near the bridge end bent. Continuing landward of the river, the upland area gives way to an±82' wide area of 404 wetlands vegetated with Juncus effusus. A large expanse of 404 wooded wetland borders this area of mowed Juncus e. and is vegetated with maple, gum, pine, bay, and sedges. The end bent on this side of the bridge is armored with riprap and the water adjacent the downstream side of the bridge contains a significant concentration of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs). The NC DOT has identified the SAVs present as water-weed, tapegrass, and parrot-feather. The upstream (east) side of the bridge is bordered by a NC WRC public boat ramp and parking area. The property is bulkheaded and+25' of the area landward of this bulkhead has been asphalted. The remainder of the site is a mix of upland grass and gravel and extends approximately 330' landward from the river. This area changes over to a large expanse of 404 wooded wetland vegetated with maple, gum, pine, bay, and sedges. The river is+7,900'wide at the existing bridge crossing and the existing fender system at the draw has a navigable width of ±80'. The Chowan River is classified as B-NSW by the Environmental Management Commission and is not open to shell fishing at this location. Project description The NC DOT proposes to replace an existing+29.5'wide by+7,922' long two lane low span bridge with an approximately 71.5' wide by+9,490.6' long four lane high rise bridge downstream of the present location. The additional length for the new bridge is needed since+1,500' will be an elevated causeway over uplands and 404 wetlands on the east side of the river. The elevated NC DOT Bridge #38 Bertie/Chowan Counties Page Two causeway is required since the new bridge is a high rise type and access to the commercial property on the west side must be maintained for continued use. Additionally,NC DOT has determined that ±1,170' of the wooded wetland to be crossed has undesirable subsoils for a filled approach and a pile supported structure is required. The elevated causeway will terminate in the 404 wooded wetland and will require the filling of±124.6'wide by±1,551' long area of this wetland to reach high ground. The NC DOT proposes to sink a series of barges end to end in the shallow water on both shorelines to use as work platforms in the areas that are too shallow for the large floating work barges. The existing bridge has an opening draw with unrestricted vertical clearance limitation when open and±5'when closed. The proposed bridge will have a maximum navigable vertical clearance of±65'. The existing fender system has a navigable width of A80' and will be removed. The new bridge will have a navigable width of±200'. The existing bridge has 347 bents while the proposed bridge will have 73 bents over the open water and 25 bents associated with the elevated causeway over the upland and wetland portion of the project site. NC DOT proposes to leave the existing road on the east side of the river as an access road to the wildlife ramp and the Waff Brothers' property. A temporary access work road±1,299.7' long by±52.5' wide is proposed on the downstream side of the new elevated causeway in the 404 wooded wetland to be used as a work area for the construction of the causeway and will be removed upon completion of the bridge. NC DOT proposes to remove the old bridge upon completion of the proposed structure. Anticipated impacts Approximately 193,254.6 ft2 of 404 wooded wetland will be filled for the construction on the four lane divided access to connect the elevated causeway to high ground. The construction of the temporary access work road will result in the filling of±68,234.25 ft2 of 404 wooded wetland. The construction of the end bent on the west side of the river will result in the filling of±2,152 ft2 of high ground. The proposed bridge will increase the navigable width at the designated channel from ±80' to ±200' and will set the maximum vertical navigable clearance at±65'. The proposed bridge will reduce the number of existing bents in the Chowan River from 347 to 73. Impact to the SAVs from the barge placement and construction methodology will be assessed by comparing pre and post construction surveys. Turbidity from the construction activities will vary with construction technique, water depth, substrate, etc. David W. Moye - 21 March 1996 APPLICATION TRANSMITTAL/PROCESSING RECORD 4) :applicant: N.C. Department of Transportation County: Bertie/Chowan Location of Project: On US 17 at Bridge #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton Date Application Received Complete by Field: 13 March 1996 Field Recommendation: Attached To be Forwarded X Consistency Determination: Attached To be Forwarded X Field Representative: D. Moye District Office: Washington District Manager Review: 7 -,p B) Date Application Received in Raleigh: 3—2-z —S C Fee Rec'd: $ 33 O Public Notice Rec'd: End of Notice Date: 4 -z'i-R 6 Adj . Rip. Prop Notices Rec'd: Deed Rec'd: Application Assigned to: on 1 - - c �, C), 75 Day Deadline: j-;7- 96 150 Day Deadline: Mail Out Date: 3\z\ _ \_ State Due Date: l) Federal Due Date: `_ - . .-$" Fed. Comments Rec'd on ten Permit Final Action: Issue Deny Draft on �\'Z-1\7k b D) AGENCY DATE COMMENTS OBJECTIONS NOTES RETURNED YES NO Coastal Management District Office - 3 -6/ 6 Division of Comm. Assistance .,_9& Land Quality Section _ h1� 1 Div. of Env. Management S _ z i , 9'6 �.-4r+1,\ io State Property Office Div. of Archives & History 2-Y Div. of Env. Health II - 19 - Div. of Highways f� " ` RECEIVEf ( ` MAH 221996 '1 Wildlife Resources Commission _ Z/1�_ �/ V CO,St L W Y MANAGEMENT Div. of Water Resources Div. of Marine Fisheries 9 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources ArviA Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor p E H N R Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Parker THROUGH: Terry Moore Tin FROM: David Moye DATE: 22 May 1996 SUBJECT: NCDOT Bridge #38, Bertie/Chowan Counties, US 17 Application The proposed project appears consistent with the rules found in Subchapter 7H concerning development in Public Trust Areas, Estuarine Water and Estuarine Shoreline. 7H.0208(a)(1) specifically refers to bridges and bridge approaches as being water dependent. Although this project is large and will impact an extensive area, current construction techniques suggest that the impacts will be short term with the exception of the unknown impact to the SAVs on the downstream (east) side resulting from the placement of the work barges in this area. In addition, ±193,254.6 ft2 of 404 delineated wetlands will be filled. NCDOT is proposing to mitigate for the loss of these wetlands. If the permit is issued I would suggest that in additio• a; h .standard conditions, the following conditions be placed on the permit; 'NS) '0 /114YA2t1V,Ell - CONDITIONS MANAGE-m NT 1. The emporary placement or double handling of excavated or fill materi. g1 0 "'"+ . rs or vegetated wetlands is not authorized. 2. No excavated or fill material will be placed at anytime in any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the fill area indicated on the work plat(s). \--3 3. a\ The temporary access work road will be removed within 30 days of the completion of the project. N 4. Appropriate erosion and sedimentation control devices, measures, or structures shall be used to prevent sediment from entering the adjacent wetlands/watercourses/property (e.g., silt fence, diversion swales/berms, etc.). 1424 Carolina Avenue,Washington,North Carolina 27889 Telephone 919-946-6481 FAX 919-975-3716 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper • 'NCDOT Bridge #38 22 May 1996 Page Two t 5. All debris associated with the removal of the existing bridge and fender system will be disposed of on an approved highground site unless otherwise permitted by this Division. 6. No refuse, debris, or structures will be left in the water that would present a hazard to navigation or adversely impact the Public Trust. G 7. Double layered silt curtains will be install around individual bents while pile jetting is in progress and not removed for a minimum of 24 hours after the jetting is completed. MEMORANDUM 12 1 44 TO: David Moye PQ G P��*cc' '4 FROM: John Crew DATE: 22 March 1996 `p L SUBJECT: NC DOT Proposal to Replace Bridge #38 on Hwy. 17 over Chowan River between Bertie and Chowan Counties This proposal by NC DOT is to replace the above referenced bridge with a new high rise bridge that will be 42' wider, 1,568.6' longer and maximum navigable verticle clearance of 65', while the existing bridge has an unlimited clearance when opened. Existing fender system has a navigable width of 80' and the new bridge will be 200'. Significant fill (193,254 sq. ft.) of 404 wetlands are proposed to be filled; Public Trust Areas, Estuarine Shoreline and Estuarine Water AECs are involved. The western portion of this proposal comes under the auspices of the March 1991 CRC certified Bertie County Land Use Plan update which provides the following limited guidance on proposals of this type: • County policy on AECs (page 29-30) notes the county defers their protection to uses and protection standards included in 15 NCAC 7H and poses no more restrictive local standards for AEC use. • County policy on 404 wetlands (page 30) is "Other wetlands (i.e. 404 wetlands) are regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Bertie County policy is to continue support of these regulations in an effort to protect this sensitive natural environment." • County policy on local commitment to provide services to development (page 35) includes "The county will work with NC DOT officials to encourage a timely completion of scheduled highway improvements. Making four lanes of US 17 and 13 will provide excellent connectors to other areas and provide a selling point for new development." • By definition all AECs and similar ecological areas are included in the Conservation land class (page 47-48). The county lists examples of permitted uses in the Conservation class (page 48) and notes "Roadways, when construction of roadways can be conducted without significantly altering the ecological system and in compliance with existing federal, state and local regulations." This section continues by noting that AECs and 100 year flood boundaries must be determined by onsite inspection by the various agencies involved. • The landward portion of the Bertie County side of this proposal is in the Rural land class. This class (page 47) calls for agrarian land uses not necessitating urban type services for their support. • MEMORANDUM , 22 March 1996 Page 2 My opinion is if this proposal can be accomplished in accordance with applicable AEC and 404 standards it would not be inconsistent with county policy. I have no way of determining if this proposal would "significantly alter the ecological system" as a criteria called for in the Conservation land classification example.of permitted uses in the Conservation class (page 48) as no measures are suggested by the county. Reading the plan in context however leads me to believe the county defers all decisions on AECs and other similar environmentally important or hazardous areas to the appropriate state or federally regulated agency. In this regard, my opinion is if the proposal can be accomplished in accordance with those applicable standards the proposal would not be inconsistent with the county's conservation land class. Similarly my opinion is the proposal is not inconsistent with the county's rural land classification. cc: Preston Pate Parker • NC DEN1 WO EN9SCI F May 2i '96 8:36 P. 01/04 .State of North Carolina Department of Environrri , Post it Fax.Note 7671 Date i-rr Health and Natural ResouiCeS aleyci&--- From Division of Environmental Management coiDept. Co Phone# None of James B. Hunt. Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Secretary Fax Fax# A. Precton Howar Jr., RE, Urect(t)r May '21 Mr, Franklin Vick Dept. of Transportation Phuming and Environmental Branch . Box 25201 afeigh, NC 27611-5201 Mi. aion Pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Clean 'Wnter Act, Improvements to US 17 from west of the Chow an River t, lit on Pt oject #960280, COE#1994009'2' Benie ard Chow' ' Counties 1-7 - N hed licreto is a copy if3006 to C. Dcyaorwmt ot • ..!nation dared 21 1\tty 1996. ,.. v.. he of further as..asianco, do not Ih' i c.'4.)atact us. Sincerely, • ' it achments • Thguya DiSLCICC G214) . 12.1161C21 Corps of Eni4i: ee.ft 1,1 DEI\I Nlc. John DornerN L.-4.:Clr 'John Ruicer. Div isioa C,-.-nual Files , e 19-733-17 733-9:1,59 Equ•-, / _ , NC DEM lt!0 Er' CI :i—, 33- _ ._ 3e. 02/04 • NORTki CAROLINA 4 .. Bertie and Chowan Counties CERTIFICATION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 1t); Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina 1)ivisit;i of Environmental Management Regulations .in 15 NCAC 21-1. Section .0500 to N.C. De.pt_ of Transportation resulting in 16.20 acres of wetland impact and 0.22 acres of water impact in 13crtic and Chowan Counties pursuant to an application filed on the 15th day of March of 1996 t,. • improve US 17 from west of the ClIowan River to US 17 business, east of Edenton.1T11' No. I;- 2512. The Application.provides adequate assurance that the.discharge of fill material into the waters of the Chowan River and Pembroke Creek and their tributaries in conjunction with the prop,_)scd development in Bertie and Chowan Counties will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore,the State of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate the applicable portions of Sections 301. 302, '303, `fi06, 307 o1 I't. 't2- 500 and PI,95-217 it:ouductcd in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter sct forth. 1Cy_' onditio.(s) of Certification:•' I. That the activity he conducted in such a manner as to prevent significant iitoreas in a'�: rurbi itv Out`;tde the area of construction or construction related disch,rge. C. st - a.nd'vers n• c t . trc 'wate , OE; • '7'5 . ; in I sJtwaler cut, tl ai . , ii d reseINoirs; (0 N s in trout wat::rs). SC 2. DOT shall strictly adhere to North Carolina renulation+s entitled, "Design is si n `,tan oats in Sensitive Watersheds" (ISA NCAC 04-B .0024) throughout col sttu4tion Of the bridge at the Chowan River. Turbidity curtains or casings shall be. installed around any bottom disturbing activities and shall remain in place until scdint°c.11i3 .have settled. These curtains shall extend to the river bottom. 3. DOT nor their contractors :nay not dredge work canals in the (_.hov: iu t'iv'.'r. 4. Work barges shall he floated into place and Wen sunk. They shall not be sunk after then dragged into place. '',., 5. Wet concrete shall not be allowed to contact water in 1'.:•mbroke Creek, the Chowan River or any tributaries of these bodies of water ` .,1 6. Temporary construction access fill shall be removed immediately after construction has been complete in the area. If treeS arc rcinovc d. 1)O F shall revegetate with the sanoc species (or ct hcrs with DFNI approval) within one: year after project completion. 7. If discharges of drilling fluids are proposed by DOT or their contractors, an NPDES permit should be obtained from l)l ;vt. 8. If an upland diked disposal area with return n ater will be used, a 401. Coil i Cleat ion ' will yt, n.e:' .i Nationwide. 161 ■ . w NC DEN WO ENt,"_:i I Fax:919-7.33-g95( Ma.0 21 '96 :�7 P. 03/04 • . /3 9. Borrow and waste areas shall not be is wetlands. j 10. Land clearing in wetlands shall conform to Method 11 (no clearing beyond toe of slope). 1 4. 11. Surveys for submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) shall be conducted prior to ti)C initiation of construction activities in the Chowan River The.area shall attain the surveyed immediately after completion of the bridge. A report detailing the findings shall be submitted to DEM for review. if SAV's have been lost. the report shall also contain a mitigation.plan to compensate for the losses. This mitigation plan must be approved by DEM. I 'Sr- 12. Compensatory wetland mitigation shall be in accordance with the Corps of Engineers. DEM shall be copied on. the approved ratio, location, size and method of debit (restoration, enhancement, creation and preservation). \ .:i:; .: -,7 of any condition herein set forth shall result in revocation of this Certification This (C:eruiicatiOnshad become null and void unless the above Ciitiditi+:ii7.s are made conilitit n5 of the feral 404 and/or coastal.Area Management Act.Permit. This Certification shall expire upon expi: -ill nf the. 404 or CAMA permit. :ation is unaccepl. ou have the right to an adjudic ttory heaiili't uy'or vv;itir.. ,in sixty(6O days following receipt of this Cci.lilication. This rc,it.ic ;. mu-•t in t}<< 1_ ;i'i • '1et't"'' •.- i ormint to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina Genet at k' Statutes anc' ,i.:: .• of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, rSii!eiC,h, N-C. 27611-7447 ar4 made to nr original Certification, you have the light to an , ,!dluiicato. 'xe ivodificat.ions up: a '.vritten request within sixty (601 trays follo,viii receipt 1 of t}. i.`i: T-a.1.'ss such demands are made,this Certification shall be i.tritil and r.: L+i; dug. This the 21 st day of May. 1..996 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Qçpc .: 11 . • ._,-..erc kf2,G,... / WQC #3066 r1 DEM WO ENVSCI Fax:c.)19--737,--?).5'1E Hay :-1 F. 04.'04 • . State of.North Carolina Department of Environment, :f7i, .1yr. • •• . ' Health and Natural Resources 4 „.i° Division of Environmental Management 4 7• • . James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor . . 461011.1:21M,.%, ..1110f=m3rmavatin, Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary, ED FA A. Preston'Howard, Jr., P.E., Director . . May 21, 1996 • Mr. Michael Bell Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1000 Washington,NC 27889-1000 • • Dear Mr. Bell; The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) is issuing Water Quality Certification No. 3066 to the N.C. Department of Transportation for i•mprovement,, to VS 17 (TIP No. R-251.2). A condition of the Certification is for a CUE approved lari compensatory mitigation package. Mr. Eric Galamb spoke to Mr. Randy Turner on May • 17, Mi. Turner verbally agreed to a 10:1 debit of the Company Swamp Miti.g.wl on bank irste ,-, the proposed 7.5:1. DEM suggests that this be a condition of the 404 :.roiect: The Dt eed to remove the overburden on the east and vest sides of : Pembroke • 1-ic. Division of Forest Resources has provided DOT with a p1ant.in2 1.1.•;1 for this location. JEM suggests that the COE.permit require.this additional mitigation with a success criteria of 320 stems per acre surviving three years al tc.r planting,. All other mitigation proposed by DOT is acceptable to DEM providc.d there is a if): 1 debit of the Company Swamp, and the additional restoration of the overburden area at Pembroke Creek. Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. Eric Galamb at (919) 733- 786. Sincerely, D,Jrtwy • Bloicreical Supen,isor EG/mpk cc: John Parker; DCM John Hefner; USFWS Randy Tamer; DOT Division of Environmenta Management • Environmental Sciences 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 • Telephone g19-733-1786 FAX 919-733-9C.)5 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Ar!ion Empioypr 60% recycled/ p?.per State of North Carolina Department of Environment, - Health and Natural Resources 446 ` • r1S, Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary DEHNIR. Roger N. Schecter, Director March 28, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Renee Gledhill-Early Environmental Review Coordinator Division of Archives and History FROM: John Parker, Jr. Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review APPLICANT: NC DOT PROJECT LOCATION: Bertie/Chowan COunties on US17 at Br. #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton. PROPOSED PROJECT: To replace existing bride with a high rise bridge. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by April 18, 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact John Parker at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. _ o ,p Signed � II- Ell1 Date ( � v� APR 24 N\ co MANAGEMENT P.O. Box 27687, IP. Raleigh,North Carolina 27611-7687 FN in AX FAX 919 733-1495 9T 1 An FAX Opportunity/Affirmative Action Emmyer Voice 919-733-2293 • Reduce Reuse Recycle 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper I .,,a ,Ar,,c, • Cwm vos--. North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B.Hunt Jr.,Governor Division of Archives and History Betty Ray McCain,Secretary Jeffrey J.Crow,Director April 19, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: ✓John R. Parker Jr., Chief Major Permits Processing Section Division of Coastal Management , DEHNR Colonel Robert J. Sperberg, District Engineer Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District FROM: David Brook ) Deputy State Hi ric Preservation Officer SUBJECT: NCDOT, Replace Bridge 38 over Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton, US 17, TIP R- 2512, Bertie and Chowan Counties, ER 96-8654 We have reviewed the permit application for the above project. Historic archaeological site 31BR52 (Eden House), which was determined eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places, is located within the construction zone. We are consulting with the North Carolina Department of --� Transportation (NCDOT) to develop an acceptable data recovery plan for this site. Any permit issued for the project should contain a condition that NCDOT develop and implement a data recovery program, approved by us, for the site. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. DB:slw cc: H. F. Vick p 11 1 / T. Padgett ~ Steve Benton A A it ., OR 24 V u v- Mq cav-�996 1,1„ 9 5 109 East Jones Street•Raleigh,North Carolina 27601-2807 g�� State of North Carolina Department of Environment, . Health and Natural Resources 1 • A Division of Coastal Management p James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director 21 March 1996 MEMORANDUM 11 I2 14 TO: Mr. Charles Gardner, Director /P£C£� Division of Land Resources " P��2 �O 414440 'ls/Ass FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. (4.07 Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge and Fill Permit Application Review 9 Applicant: North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Location: On US 17 at Bridge #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton, Chowan and Bertie County, North Carolina Proposed Project: To replace an existing two lane low span bridge with a new four land high rise bridge immediately downstream of the present location and remove the existing bridge. Please indicate below your position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 11 April 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact David Moye at 946-6481, Ext 298. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office has no objection to the project as proposed. / This office has no comment on the proposed project. \✓ This office approves of the project onlyif the recommended PP changes are incorporated. See attached. This office objects to the project for reasons described in the �/ ttached comments. Signed �iG�� Date 3 %2!n 1424 Carolina Avenue,Washington,North Carolina 27889 Telephone 919-946-6481 FAX 919-975-3716 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION • MEMORANDUM TO: John R. Parker, Jr. /Stephen Benton Major Permits Processing Section Division of Coastal Management FROM: Patrick H. McClain TO/r4 ' Assistant Land Quality Regional Engineer Washington Regional Office SUBJECT: /\G .�D This office will require that: 1. The area be properly graded. �2 . A permanent ground cover ,sufficient to restrain erosion be provided on all exposed areas within the shorter of 30 working or 120 calendar days after project comple- tion. 3 . The exterior slopes of the disposal area dikes be at an angle no steeper than 1 1/2 H: 1 V. '//4/1. Appropriate erosion and sedimentation control devices , measures , or structures be used to prevent sediment from entering the adjacent wetlands/watercourses/ property (e.g. , silt fence, diversion swales/berms, sand fence, etc. ) . �5 . A ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion be provided within 30 working days of completion of any phase of grading on cut or filled slopes. 6. An erosion and sedimentation control plan be submitted at least 30 days prior to initiation of land-disturbing activities. 7. Additional information concerning the area of the land- ward disturbance be submitted to determine if an erosion control plan is required. 8 . Other: State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources AT"PviA Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor p E l--I N Fl Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director 21 March 1996 RECEIVED MAR 2 2 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Bruce L. Freeman, Director Division of Marine Fisheries FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge and Fill Permit Application Review Applicant: North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Location: On US 17 at Bri e #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton, Chowan an rtie County, North Carolina Proposed Project: To replace an existing two lane low span bridge with a new four land high rise bridge immediately downstream of the present location and remove the existing bridge. Please indicate below your position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 11 April 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact David Moye at 946-6481, Ext 298. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office has no objection to the project as proposed. This office has no comment on the proposed project. \' 1/ This office approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This office objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. Sig e Date 3 1424 Carolina Avenue,Washington,North Carolina 27889 Telephone 919-946-6481 FAX 919-975-3716 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper . v p = el, a�0 o -. �"� o -n pp C cto y O Fiy��'9 o II N -4 14 f7 1\1 47 4%. To, 4G� N S ✓o,, C/e�FCT• p R, par 4,q P.A. 'der ✓r prri �9 CqM �oiciecho 96 9vest�o�q Brach NC°O t %GF Sk/ s Adisiv) htii, $r F �%ase n`t�t�ts�o Y ',at/arid Z. exit pq�'/bc I) .es/t a oep/y for 9e '#38,oC cation contac the ab howan t�e ode referee and eer • tie cedar%ct Cot/ • If you hake anY Ii- 4r.,RECEiVEO °k769,Morehoad 0 APRiw NA M 141 C, NIA q�f ty, NorthCarolina ar CP 9Ua/OpIortu�y q fa?8SS> matir i�e o>69 9ctionF�%Yer , 9t9. So9 > 7 / of Nosh Carolina grrment of Environment, 117 - Health and Natural Resources AiF Division of Marine Fisheries James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Q E H i Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Bruce L. Freeman, Director MEMORANDUM: TO: John R. Parker, Jr., DCM Major Permits Processing Coordinator THROUGH: P. A. Wojciechowski FROM: Sara E. Winslow, Biologist SupervisaP ffb-/ SUBJECT: NC DOT - Hwy 17 at Bridge #38 - Chowan and Bertie County DATE: March 27, 1996 The following comments by the North Carolina, Division of Marine Fisheries are provided pursuant to General Statute 113-131. Chowan River functions as a spawning and nursery area for blueback herring and alewife. American shad, hickory shad, striped bass, white perch, yellow perch, catfishes and other commercially and recreationally important species also utilize the area. These waters are classified Nutrient Sensitive Waters. The Division approves of this project with the following modifications. A construction moratorium associated with the bridge construction is requested. The requested time frame is 15 February through 30 June. This will ensure the environmental integrity of the area is protected during critical times of usage by the above mentioned species. e ` This agency is also concerned with the possible impact to SAVs associated with the bridge construction. However, the pre and post construction assessment should be adequate. The Division is concerned with the filling of ±261,489 sq. ft. of wetlands. The importance of wetlands is well documented. Even though not addressed in the Bio-report, this agency has received notification of the proposed mitigation plan for the loss of these wetlands. The proposed mitigation ratio varies from 2:1:1 to 7.5:1 depending on the wetland quality. The proposed mitigation ratio is quite adequate, but not on site. P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-0769 Telephone 919-726-7021 FAX 919-726-0254 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, • • Health and Natural Resources Agiro Division of Marine Fisheries , Asslaiml ammimmmi James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ED E I-I N F1 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Bruce L. Freeman, Director 4 April 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: John R. Parker, Jr. FROP,l: P.A. Wojciechowski , - S'UBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application NC DOT - Hwy 17 at Bridge #38 - Chowan and Bertie County Attached is the Division's reply for the above referenced project. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. PAW/bc it 4S\ Q� 0 453 t 7, \-0" ligUi9 P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-0769 Telephone 919-726-7021 FAX 919-726-0254 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina plir Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Aki.7:1•11;e1FA • Division of Marine Fisheries ....,.............1 I I IF r James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ED EE I___-' lJ Fl Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Bruce L. Freeman, Director . MEMORANDUM: TO: John R. Parker, Jr., DCM Major Permits Processing Coordinator THROUGH: P. A. Wojciechowsk FROM: Sara E. Winslow, Biologist Supervis SUBJECT: NC DOT - Hwy 17 at Bridge #38 - Chowan and Bertie County DATE: March 27, 1996 The following comments by the North Carolina, Division of Marine Fisheries are provided pursuant to General Statute 113-131. Chowan River functions as a spawning and nursery area for blueback herring and alewife. American shad, hickory shad, striped bass, white perch, yellow perch, catfishes and other commercially and recreationally important species also utilize the area. These waters are classified Nutrient Sensitive Waters. The Division approves of this project with the following modifications. A construction moratorium associated with the bridge construction is requested. The requested s-Jy '' time frame is 15 February through 30 June. This will ensure the environmental integrity of the area is protected during critical times of usage by the above mentioned species. 6,444, This agency is also concerned with the possible impact to SAVs associated with the bridge construction. However, the pre and post construction assessment should be adequate. The Division is concerned with the filling of ±261,489 sq. ft. of wetlands. The importance of wetlands is well documented. Even though not addressed in the Bio-report, this agency has received notification of the proposed mitigation plan for the loss of these wetlands. The proposed mitigation ratio varies from 2:1:1 to 7.5:1 depending on the wetland quality. The proposed mitigation ratio is quite adequate, but not on site. P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557-0769 Telephone 919-726-7021 FAX 919-726-0254 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, . Health and Natural Resources AN,Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary E IV FR. Roger N. Schecter, Director March 28, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Charles R. Fullwood, Jr., Director Wildlife Resources Commission Attn: Habitat Conservation Program FROM: John Parker, Jr. Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review APPLICANT: NC DOT 11 PROJECT LOCATION: Bertie/Chowan Counties on US17 at.Br. #48 over the Chowan River between Windsor & Edenton ROPOSED PROJECT: To replace existing bridge with a high rise bridge. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed and return this form by April 18, 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact John Parker at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached mments. 12J Signed2,„,„.14:__ J . Date 19. �� No tAPR 26 1996 COMrAI MANAGEMENT P.O. Box 27687, r� �` FAX 919-73 ' Raleigh,North Carolina 2761 1-7687 �� An Equal FAX a er Voice 919-733-2293 50%recycled/l0%post-consu • Mr � ' .. ekr f< � ! 4_• —of :"^sre� 0 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 0 512 N.Salisbury Street,Raleigh,North Carolina 27604-1188,919-733-3391 Charles R.Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John R. Parker, Jr., Coordinator Major Permits Processing Section Division of Coastal Management, DEHNR FROM: Franklin T. McBride, Manager /y0 . Habitat Conservation Program DATE: April 19, 1996 SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge and Fill PAmit Application for NCDOT bridge replacement project on US 17 at bridg over the Chowan River, Chowan and Bertie counties. Staff biologists with the Wildlife Resources Commission have completed a review of the project with regards to associated impacts on wildlife and fisheries resources in the area. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Coastal Area Management Act (G.S. 113A-100 through 113A-128), and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act(48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.). The applicant proposes to replace bridge#48 located on US 17 over the Chowan River, with a new wider, high-rise bridge. This construction is a portion of the US 17 improvements from west of the Chowan River to US 17 Business, east of Edenton. The proposed project would result in the filling of approximately 261,489 ft of'404' vegetated wetlands. The Chowan River is classified as class B, and nutrient sensitive waters (NSW)by the Environmental Management Commission and is closed to shellfishing. The Chowan River and Albemarle Sound are used by numerous species of resident and anadromous fish as spawning, rearing, feeding and escape areas. Increased turbidity in these areas results in the destruction of spawning habitat, and may greatly diminish egg and fry survival. Turbidity and the disturbance caused by bridge construction equipment can also hinder the movement of anadromous fish. We remain concerned over potential impacts to the aquatic environments of the Chowan River and Albemarle Sound and the associated wetlands. However,we will not oppose the issuance of the applicable permits with the following conditions: z 1. The applicant or the contractor shall not dredge work canals in the Chowan River. j 2. Work barges shall be floated into place and then sunk. They shall not be sunk then • dragged into place. ( 3. Wet concrete shall not be allowed to contact the water in the Chowan River, Albemarle Sound or their tributaries. Water inside coffer dams or casings that has been in contact with wet concrete should only be returned to the river when it no longer poses a threat to aquatic organisms. 3 1, 4. Construction staging areas shall be situated in uplands, specifically not in wetlands. 5. Temporary construction access structures shall be removed immediately after construction has been complete. (,, 6. Wetland sites impacted by temporary construction access shall be monitored to insure that natural revegetation is occurring. If a site is not revegetating within one year of the date the construction access is removed,NCDOT shall plant the site with the original species that were present prior to the construction. 7. Turbidity curtains or casings shall be installed around any bottom disturbing activities and shall remain in place until sediments have settled. 8. Wetland mitigation shall be provided for impacts to `404' wetlands in accordance with the conditions of the individual `404' permit. We appreciate the opportunity to provide input into this permit application review. If you need further information on these comments, please contact me at(919) 528-9886. cc: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh John Dorney, Division of Environmental Management Ron Sechlar,National Marine Fishery Service, Beaufort Sarah Winslow, Division of Marine Fisheries Mike Bell, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington ti APR 19 '96 02:0. -M , r• - i _- r r{ i ,, f ;..)State of .Jorth t a ,Mina ,I ,. Department of ; ' ironment, �j . Health dnd Na r I Resources 4 • • ' �' Divis:on of Coast, '•M:;.agementv1 .....................11, _. James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ID r � N FR .ionathan B, Howes, Secretary C Roger N. Schecter,klrtr f , ', V lUa,c i 28, 1996 • APR 1 ? ico5 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM L+i_TN APR 1 t:. TO: Ms. Linda Sewall, Director Division of Environmental Health DIV. OF ENV RUNMEr J L i7Ea rii FROM: John Parker, Jr. Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review .a APPLICANT: NC DOT PROJECT LOCATION: Bertie/Chowan Counties on US17 Br. #38 over the Chowan Rivcr between Windsor & Edenton PROPOSED PROJECT: To replace existing bridge with a high rise bridge. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this i. by April 18, 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Parker at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. • This agency has no comment on the proposed project. 'Gs This agency approves of the project, only if the recom ended changes are �T g Y pP . incorporated. See attached. ` ( GC)6f, , c -r w,2 -dL� ��----'7_4.e 4i-Vo 17d c� dGc r hC� i ' This agency- ects to ahe project for. runs described in the attached comments. -'' A = " '� Signed Date CFI-` -t , ' / ,C . _ _____ ! �j,. i i , i 7 P.O. Box 27687. N irif� F r 91 73 • i 495 Raleigh,North Carolina lib i l An Equal C.'13 .r1c;ity;.Aff i-^;�? e Action Employc.,�r • Voice 919-733-2293 50%recycLear 1 f'io posr-cc,r1sumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, ' Health and Natural Resources 4 TiPprA • Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor p E H N F. Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director March 28, 1996 MEMORANDUM t TO: Mr. John Sutherland, Chief APR 1 1996 Water Planning Section Division of Water Resources OMSION OF WATER RESOURCES FROM: John Parker, Jr. Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review APPLICANT: NC DOT PROJECT LOCATION: Bertie/Chowan Counties on US17 a Br. #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor & Edenton. PROPOSED PROJECT: To replace existing bridge with a high rise bridge. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by April 18, 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact John Parker at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. 10 lb 21 c7 /;) j2 Signed ADate / IZ9.�,�0 CFO t- y1G14el 9‘20 l 9 _ P.O. Box 27687, FAX FAX 919-733-146 4 Raleigh,North Carolina 27611-7687 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-733-2293 Reduce Reuse Recycle 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources A47/1IYIVA • Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary E IV F. Roger N. Schecter, Director March 28, 1996 12 MEMORANDUM "N.� 1% ,� I RECEIVE/I x•, TO: Mr. Larry R. Goode, Phd., P.E. 0) APR 121996coAs Highway Administrator MA A EMENT W Division of Highways FROM: John Parker, Jr. 14 9 00141 Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review APPLICANT: NC DOT PROJECT LOCATION: Bertie/Chowan Counties on US1at Br. #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton PROPOSED PROJECT: To replace existing bridge with a high rise bridge. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by April 18, 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact John Parker at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency obje is to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. 6-- Signed DateLiL/ P.O. Box 27687, FAX 919-733-1495 Raleigh,North Carolina 27611-7687 �� An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-733-2293 Reduce Reuses 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, • Health and Natural Resources 1 • • Division of Coastal Management Jo . Hunt,Jr., Governor p E H N R Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director 21 March 1996SO 03\ MEMORANDUM pR .�p,L M MPNP M�N 10 TO: Mr. William McNeil, Director Division of Community Assistance ft 9 FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge and Fill Permit Application Review Applicant: North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Location: On US 17 at Bridg #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton, Chowan an • unty, North Carolina Proposed Project: To replace an existing two lane low span bridge with a new four land high rise bridge immediately downstream of the present location and remove the existing bridge. Please indicate below your position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 11 April 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact David Moye at 946-6481, Ext 298. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY " v This office has no objection to the project as proposed. This office has no comment on the proposed project. This office approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. his office objects to the project for reasons described in the d comments. I/� Signed 1{ " Vl Date ' qC 1424 Carolina Avenue,Washington,North Carolina 27889 Telephone 919-946-6481 FAX 919-975-3716 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper State of North Carolina 21, Department of Environment, 14 Health and Natural ResourceAYR;4 • • Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., r ry p E H N Jonathan B. Howes,, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director 21 March 1996 RECEIVED MEMORANDUM MAR 2 61996 TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P.E., Director ENiRoo _ ES Division of Environmental Management 1` FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. REC FL1 � Major Permits Processing Coordinator C) ,_MAY ` , - 1896. _ CuwSLL MANAGEMENT �w SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge and Fill Permit Application Review Applicant: North Carolina Department of Transportation 9 • � Project Location: On US 17 at Bridge #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton, Chowan and Bertie County, North Carolina Proposed Project: To replace an existing two lane low span bridge with a new four land high rise bridge immediately downstream of the present location and remove the existing bridge. Please indicate below your position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by 11 April 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact David Moye at 946-6481, Ext 298. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office has no objection to the project as proposed. This office has no comment on the proposed project. XThis office approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This office objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. Signed ( 7 Date 5 /2--))gt 1424 Carolina Avenue,Washington,North Carolina 27889 Telephone 919-946-6481 FAX 919-975-3716 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor C E H N R Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director March 28, 1996 3�1234, MEMORANDUM /1 APR 199E ; CNI N aecelived N TO: Mr. Joe Henderson, Acting Director Property StaOffice ,iw State Property Office '��, Department of Administration leOZ6l S�1.�9\ FROM: John Parker, Jr. Major Permits Processing Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA/DREDGE & FILL Permit Application Review APPLICANT: NC DOT PROJECT LOCATION: Bertie/Chowan Counties on US17 at Br. #38 over the Chowan River between Windsor & Edenton. PROPOSED PROJECT: To replace existing bridge with a high rise bridge. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by April 18, 1996. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact John Parker at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. • This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. Signed Date cuo P.O. Box 27687, ��� FAX 919-733-1495 Raleigh,North Carolina 27611-7687 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Voice 919-733-2293 Reduce Reuse Recycle 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources � • • Division of Coastal Management wig," James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor p E H N R Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director 21 March 1996 I Mr. c 1 H. Franklin Vick, P.E. , Manager G? Planning & Environmental Branch C Q% Q4 �` North Carolina Department of Transportation " ' VG�' Post Office Box 25201 4 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 es Dear Mr. Vick: 8 Di., The Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of an application for State approval for development of property located on US 17 at Bridge No. 38 over the Chowan River between Windsor and Edenton, Chowan and Bertie County, North Carolina. It was received on 13 March 1996 and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is 27 May 1996. An additional 75-day review period is provided by law when such time is necessary to complete the review. If you have not been notified of a final action by the initial deadline stated above, you should consider the review period extended. Under those circumstances, this letter will also serve as your notice of an extended review. However, an additional letter will be provided on or about the 75th day. Should there be any questions on this procedural change, do not hesitate to contact me. N.C.G.S. 113A-119(b) requires that notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road. Some examples would be: nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way fronting your property, or at a point along the road right-of-way where a private road would lead one into your property. Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. An onsite inspection will be made and if additional information is required, you will be contacted by the appropriate State or Federal agency. Please contact me if you have any questions and notify me in writing if you wish to receive a copy of my field report and/or comments from reviewing agencies. Sincerely, 1( 04•CvSA:/ PC\ David W. Moye Field Representative DWM:pdp ENCLOSURE 1424 Carolina Avenue,Washington,North Carolina 27889 Telephone 919-946-6481 FAX 919-975-3716 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper MEMORANDUM 2 1 tg' k,Ico TO: Jim Mulligan o R�-CF\ 996 W Deborah Sawyer MpR�GMENZ A. FROM: David Moye-j l al 00 DATE: 21 March 1996 hi 9 SUBJECT: Application for CAMA Major Permit and/or Dredge & Fill Permit North Carolina Department of Transportation Bridge No. 38 Bertie and Chowan County, North Carolina Attached is an application for a CAMA Major and/or a Dredge & Fill permit which was received by me on 13 March 1996. I am considering this application complete, have acknowledged receipt, and have begun processing. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. i MAR 2 .j 1996 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMEs B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O.BOX 25201,RALEIGH,N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY March 12, 1996 Mr. Dennis Hawthorne, Coastal Representative N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Elizabeth City Field Office 1367 US 17 North Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Dear Mr. Hawthorne: Re: Final Avoidance/Minimization Coordination for: Proposed Improvements to US- 17 from West of the Chowan River to US-17 Business; East of Edenton; Bertie and Chowan Counties; TIP No. R-2512; State Project No. 8.T010602; Federal Aid No. DPI-0199(005) The following information is provided in an effort to answer questions and respond to concerns raised by state and federal agencies during the final, pre-permit application field review of the proposed improvements to US-17 from west of the Chowan River to east of Edenton. For construction management purposes; the project has been subdivided into R-2512A (from approximately 800 meters west of the Chowan River to approximately 650 meters east of the Chowan River) and R-2512B (from +1- 650 meters east of the Chovian River to US-17 business, east of Edenton). Both projects are scheduled to be let to construction simuitaneously (August 1996). A single Section 404 permit application is being submitted fcr the overall project; inclusive of R- 2512A and R-2512B. An interagency field review of the subject project was conducted on January 11, 1996. Attendees were given an opportunity to inspect the proposed alignment and sites of anticipated impacts to wetlands and surface waters. During this inspection a number of relevant questions were raised by one or more agency staff, including Mr. David Cox (Wildlife Resources Commission), Mr. Eric Galamb (Division of Environmental Management); Mr. Mike Bell (Corps of Engineers); Ms. Sara Winslow (Division of Marine Fisheries) and Mr. David Moye (Division of Coastal Management). A letter, which summarized and listed the concerns and questions raised by the state and federal agencies, was mailed to all attendees on January 18, 1996. The purpose of this letter is to provide responses to each of the issues and questions raised by state and federal agencies during the field review. Each issue, or question; and the Departments response is presented below. Page 2 March 12, 1996 Mr. Hawthorne • Issue (1): The NCDOT is encouraged to submit separate CAMA Major Development permits for the separate crossings of the Chowan River and Pembroke Creek. Furthermore, the Division of Coastal Management(DCM) is likely to define the CAMA permit area as being "from high ground to high ground', which means that impacts to the adjacent Reedy Point Swamp wetlands (Chowan River crossing) and the Pembroke Creek bottomlands (Pembroke Creek crossing) must be included in the respective CAMA permit areas. Response: The North Carolina Department of Transportation is submitting separate CAMA applications for the Chowan River and Pembroke Creek crossings. Each application will address a permit area that includes wetlands which are adjacent to the public trust water for which a CAMA permit is required. The application for the Chowan River crossing will be submitted to the Washington Field Office and the Pembroke Creek crossing to the Elizabeth City Field Office of the DCM. A separate Individual (Section 404) Permit application will be submitted to the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) for the entire project (R-2612A and R-2612B, combined). • Question (2): Since erosion/sedimentation control standards for Nigh Quality Waters (HQWs) are being required for the project, will two tiers of sediment curtains be used during pile installations (for the proposed Chowan River bridge) ? Response: Erosion and sedimentation control standards for HQWs do not require two tiers of sediment curtains. The Department does not see any benefit to be derived from the addition of a second curtain tier. Turbidity curtains typically do not extend to the river bottom. When used, the curtains are removed when the water inside the curtain has cleared of silts. Based upon studies conducted by the Department's Roadside Environmental Unit, very little turbidity results from pile-jetting. Therefore, the Department does not propose to use curtains at the sites of jetting operations,.but curtains will be used at sites where sediment disturbances will occur. • Question (3): Can the Department assure agencies that woody vegetation outside the slope-stake lines at interchange quadrants will not be destroyed by construction activities ? Also, can the Department avoid impacts to these woody zones from long-term vegetation management practices ? Response: Woody vegetation beyond the construction limits, sight distance triangles, and vehicle recovery areas at interchange sites will be left undisturbed. The clearing limits for the project includes an area approximately 10 feet beyond the slope-stake line. Over time, periodic maintenance (trimming branches, etc.) will be required to maintain sight distances to insure traffic safety. • Question (4): Why cant the proposed construction access road for the planned "land located immediately north of the proposed eastbound lanes. in lieu of the south side ? The north side of the proposed alignment will become,cart of the median area, isolated between eastbound and westbound lanes. • Page 3 March 12, 1996 Mr. Hawthorne Response: This question has resulted in much study and consideration by the Department's Construction Unit. Placing the haul road between the proposed land trestle and existing US 17 is considered to be too risky to the safety of the motoring public and to those involved in construction activities. To relocate the haul road to the north side of the land trestle would require extensive use of concrete barriers and sheet piling in an attempt to shield the work area from vehicular impacts: Although this methodology is conceptually valid and, in fact, can be observed in practice throughout the state on highway projects, in this instance, even if such barriers were installed, not enough work space would remain to safely operate cranes and other heavy equipment. The Department is adamant about the establishment and maintenance of a safe work zone for the public, the contractor and, of course, the Department's employees. Consequently, it will not be possible to relocate the haul road to the north side of the proposed alignment. The proposed haul road is a temporary facility which will result in only minimal impacts to wetlands. None of the woody vegetation will be grubbed and a geotechnical fabric will be laid down before any fill is placed in the haul road footprint. To a large extent, the temporary causeway will mitigate against subsurface compaction by insulating subsoils from forces imposed by equipment . Following construction, the fills and underlying fabric will be removed. • Question (5): Although the NCDOT has been forced to construct the land trestle across approximately 400 meters of floodplain wetlands on the east side of the Chowan River(apparently due to undesirable gectechnical conditions). why can't the NCDOT bridge the remaining portion of these high quality bottomiand wetlands (to approximately station 5+340) ? Response: Geotechnical concerns were not the only factor which led to the decision to bridge approximately 1,200 feet of wetlands in this area. In fact, construction of the land trestle will cost the Department approximately S1,000,000 more than constructing a roadway on fill. The trestle design was recommended only after considering both geotechnical and wetland impacts. This additional bridging was viewed by the Department as a practicable alternative to filling approximately 1,200 linear feet of wetlands. Furthermore, it was determined to be feasible and did not compromise any of the design teams's geometric constraints which dictate such things as maintaining the trestle above the 10-year flood plain (010) and maintaining a slope line that would insure positive drainage from the Chowan River bridge!land trestle complex. Unfortunately, the same cost factor can not be applied to an alternative which extends the trestle further east. An engineering study was undertaken in an effort to examine the feasibility of extending the trestle eastward to approximately station 4+900 (approximately 600 feet further east). The conclusion of this study is that moving the end-bent 600 feet east would necessitate additional expenditures of S1.7 million for the trestle extension (above the cost of a fill section), approximately S1.3 million for the elevation of the bridge east of station 4+470 (the closest vertical curve), and S2 million Page 4 March 12, 1996 Mr. Hawthorne to modify the interchange located at SR 1204. The total costs associated with this alternative design, $5 million, do not reflect the costs of additional design effort. Only approximately 0.6 acre of wetland would be spared from fills (approximately 1.5 acre savings from the additional 600 linear feet of bridging minus 0.9 acre of additional impacts associated with the expanded footprint of the fill section east of 4+900). Furthermore, since the relocated end-bent would have to be established at a higher elevation than the proposed roadway elevation in order to hold the structure above the Q10 elevation and provide room for maintenance underneath the structure, the bridge east of station 4+470 and the roadway section east of station 4+900 would have to be raised. Elevating the bridge structure would require larger footings, longer piles and longer columns at an estimated cost of$1.3 million. Elevating the roadway would result in two major consequences: (1) the interchange at SR 1204 would also have to be elevated, resulting in an additional expenditure estimated to be $2 million, and (2) the footprint of the elevated roadway section would impact approximately 0.9 additional acre of wetland east of station 4+900. This 0.6 acre net savings to wetlands would come at a cost of S8.33 million per acre. The additional investment of tax dollars (S5 million) represents approximately 7.3 % of the total estimated construction and right of way costs of R-2512A (S68.7 million). The cost cf mitigation, estimated to be approximately S750,000 has been included in the overall project cost. To consider bridging to the end of the Reedy Point Swamp wetlands would result in substantial expenditures, well above the estimated $5 million that would be required to extend the land trestle only 600 feet, and the resultant savings ;r wetland from gills would be minimal (< 3.5 acre). The Department strongly believes that it has fulfilled its obligations under Section 404 and its efforts to avoid and minimize impacts to wetlands to the maximum extent practicable are clearly demonstrable. The Department voluntarily proposes to bridge 1,200 linear feet of wetlands on the east side of the Chowan River. An additional expenditure of$5 million to extend the land trestle approximately 600 additional feet, resulting in a wetland savings of< 1.0 acre, is not practicable. • Question (6): Why cant the NCDOT widen to the north side to avoid impacts to higher quality wetlands, particularly at Pembroke Creek ? Response: On the west side of the Chowan River; a subdivision and a cemetery are located north of existing US 17. The cemetery is the subject of archaeologicai!historical investigation, but is thought to be part of the Edenhouse estate, which is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The location of the `eligible" property and the subdivision, and the relatively small differences in north side vs. south side wetland scenarios led to the selection of a south side alternative. East of the Chowan River. the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) maintains a public boat ramp on the north side of US 17. Any use of this 4(f) property would have been denies by the Page 5 March 12, 1996 Mr. Hawthorne Federal Highway.Administration unless there was no reasonable/prudent alternative. Given the fact that the Department owns more right of way on the south side than on the north side, and since wetland scenarios appeared to be approximately similar (pre- delineation estimates suggested the recommended alternative was within 2-3 acres [out of a total of+/- 20] of the alternative which would impact the least wetlands), it was obvious to the Department that a reasonable and prudent alternative existed---a south side alternative. East of the WRC boat ramp; a shift to the north side could not be accomplished before the end of the wetland area; because of the geometric limits imposed by acceptable highway design criteria. Furthermore, the proposed service road would have to be shifted northward. This would result in greater impacts to wetlands by the service road. Finally, at Pembroke Creek, the last major wetland concentration, the WRC maintains a public Game Land west of the creek on the north side of US 17. The only recourse on the north side to impacting the Game Land was to build the additional two lanes and median section within the existing right of way north of US 17. It was determined that insufficient right of way existed on the north side to accommodate the fill section which would be required. In addition, the shift to the north wouid occur in a 1.5 mile section of roadway which would require demolition and replacement of the existing roadway at an additional cost of$1.5 million. This cost could be higher, depending on the nature of the undercut encountered. • Issue (7): An in-stream construction moratorium will be required for work in Pembroke Creek. The moratorium will be in effect February 15-May 30. Response: The Department acknowledges that no in-stream construction will be permitted in Pembroke Creek between February 15 and May 30 of any year. • Question (8): Why can't the proposed end-bent on the west side of the Chowan River be extended further west(to approximately station 1+540) to avoid impacts to wetlands in this area ? Response: Simply put, extending the bridge westward to station 1+540, a distance of +/- 885 feet, would be very costly. Bridge surface elevations between the end-bent, at its proposed location, and the bridge crest at the river channel have been critically established to promote the removal of stormwater from the bridge surface. The last vertical curve (station 2+200), located east of the end-bent (station 1+810) at its proposed location, provides for a minimum +0.3 % slope on the bridge surface. This tangent continues to roadway station 1+650, where the slope of the roadway tangent changes to +0.95 %. Extending the bridge west to station 1+540 and maintaining critical elevations to insure positive drainage would require that the bridge surface be elevated to a point east of station 2+200. This would require larger foundations piers and columns that support the affected bridge spans. The cost of extending the bridge approximately 885 feet is estimated to be approximately $2.2 million more than a fill section, not including the additional cost of up-sizing the structural supports or the bridge (likely to exceed $1 million), or of additional design efforts. The savings of Page 6 March 12, 1996 Mr. Hawthorne approximately 2 acres of wetland would result from the additional expenditure of > 83 million. The Department strongly believes that the anticipated additional costs for such work is not practicable. This expenditure conservatively represents between 4 and 5 of the total project cost (construction, right of way and mitigation costs combined). • Question (9): If the bridge is extended west as recommended in #8. cant the proposed lateral service road through wetlands (stations 1+520 to 1+620) be eliminated, permitting the occupants of Parcel#2 to utilize their existing driveway, which will pass under the new bridge deck ? Response: Constructing a service road under an extended Chowan River bridge would necessitate raising the bridge above what would be required to merely extend the bridge (see response #8 for discussion of bridge extension and elevation of bridge surface). Based upon current design standards, a 15-foot vertical clearance would be required under the bridge for a service road. This translates into a requirement to elevate the bridge approximately 5.1 feet above the proposed road surface elevation in order to accommodate a service road under the bridge. Obviously; this additional elevation would translate into larger ill requirements west of the bridge section and would result in larger impacts to adjacent properties; including wetlands lying west of station 1+520. The costs and impacts associated with this design modification would be impracticable. • Issue (10): Fre-construction and post-construction surveys of the SAV zone on the east side of the Chowan River will be required so that pre-construction population data can be contrasted with post-construction profiles (for mitigation purposes). Response: Underwater surveys, conducted during the Environmental Assessment investigation, revealed the presence of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) in the shallows along the east shore of the Chowan River. The Department is committed to providing reliable data on this population that will be useful in determinations of losses due to construction activities and shading from the new bridge span. The Department has agreed: 1. to conduct a definitive underwater survey to map the population, including measuring population density and species composition, prior to construction (Summer 1996) to establish a pre-construction community profile. 2. to conduct post-construction monitoring to ascertain losses, if any, that may result from construction activities, including impacts from vertical bridge supports and from sunken work barges. 3. to negotiate a reasonable monitoring program that is intended tc elucidate a correlation between actual population declines (if any occur) and the juxtaposition with the new bridge; based upon an hypothesized shade-effect. Page 7 March 12. 1996 Mr. Hawthorne Should the above information require clarification, or should additional questions or comments arise, please contact Mr. M. Randall Turner, Division 1 Environmental Officer at (919) 331-4737. WSincerely, ../z ar,. . Franklin Vick; P.E., Manager Planning & Environmental Branch HFV/mrt cc: Mr. B. J. O'Quinn; P.E.; Planning & Environmental Branch Mr. Scott Blevins; Design Services Unit Mr. John Frye, P.E., Structure Design Unit Mr. Abdul Rahmani, Hydraulics Unit Mr. J. R. Wilder, P.E., Construction Unit Mr. Bill Johnson; Roadside Environmental Unit Mr. C. E. Lassiter, Jr., P.E., Division One Mr. J. A. McInnis; Jr., P.E., Planning & Environmental Branch Mr. M. Randall Turner; Division One n„a STA7tp IL • -�Gww+m' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. • GOVERNOR P.O.BOX 25201,RALEIGH,N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY March 8, 1996 Commander (OAN) 1 I Fifth U.S. Coast Guard District c� Federal Building4E7Nir �6 431 Crawford Street g � ,N`lJ`A,�� Portsmouth, Virginia 23705 �P��;`.' �``� ATTN: Ms. Ann B. Deaton, Bridge Specialist Dear Ms. Deaton: Subject:Bertie and Chowan Counties; North Carolina; Proposed Improvements to US 17, including the Replacement of Bridge No. 38 over the Chowan River; TIP No. R-2512A; State Project No. 8.T010603; Federal Aid No. DP10199(005) In accordance with 49 CFR 1.4(a)(3), application is hereby made by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (Department) for approval by the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), of the location and plans for the construction of a fixed span bridge to replace the existing US 17•bridge over the Chowan River. Project Location The site is located approximately 15 miles east of Windsor (Bertie County) and approximately 5 miles west of Edenton (Chowan County). The Chowan River serves as the boundary between Chowan and Bertie Counties. Plans call for the replacement bridge to be constructed slightly south (downstream) of the existing structure (see attached drawings). The site of the proposed crossing of the Chowan River is located approximately 1 mile upstream of its mouth with the Albemarle Sound. Project Purpose The proposed improvements to US 17, including construction of a new 4-lane bridge across the Chowan River, will result in increased traffic capacity and will greatly enhance highway safety. In addition, the project is being built as part of the improvements to the Raleigh-Norfolk High Priority Corridor, funded by the United States Department of Transportation to stimulate the economies of the counties in northeastern North Carolina. _ . Page 2. Ms. Ann Deaton March 8, 1996 Existing Structure • • The proposal provides for the replacement of an aging (1953) reinforced concrete structure, consisting of 347 fixed, variable-length, approach spans and a swing span at the navigational channel. The existing structure is 7,922 feet long with a fixed vertical clearance of 5 feet at the navigational channel and two horizontal navigational clearances (one on either side of swing span) of 80'. Clear roadway width of the existing structure is 26 feet. Proposed Structure The replacement structure consists of either 67 or 73 fixed spans (bids are being solicited for two separate alternatives) with a total length of 8,159.5 feet, including a navigational span of 229 feet. The main channel span will provide navigational clearances of 200 feet (horizontal) and 65 feet (vertical). The existing fender system will not be replaced. The clear roadway width of the proposed structure is 74 feet. Federal Funding Federal funds will be utilized and have been applied for under the U.S. Department of Transportation Appropriation Act for fiscal year 1991-1992 and the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) project code for this action is DPI-0199(005). State/Federal Permit Requirements In addition to a USCG permit, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), under authority of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, must also approve the action (An application to the COE for an Individual Section 404 Permit is being submitted concurrently). It is anticipated that the proposed action will be authorized by the COE under an Individual Permit since the bridge replacement is part of a larger roadway widening project, which will result in impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. Permits from the state Division of Environmental Management (Section 401 Water Quality Certificate) and the Division of Coastal . Management (Coastal Area Management Act Permit) will also be required. By previous agreement with the COE and the Division of Coastal Management, the Department is submitting separate permit applications to these two agencies. Once the state and federal permits have been obtained they will be forwarded to your office. Page 3. Ms. Ann Deaton March 8, 1996 NEPA Documentation • Based upon preliminary analyses, the FHWA determined that it was unlikely that the proposal would result in significant impacts to the environment. In order to ascertain the extent and specificity of environmental impacts, an Environmental Assessment (EA) study was authorized in accordance with 23 CFR 771.115(c) & 40 CFR 1508.9 in 1992. The EA was signed on June 29, 1994. Based upon the results of the EA, a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was signed and distributed on March 15, 1995. Both these documents are enclosed for your consideration. The record will show that the Department coordinated with the USCG during the preparation of the EA and at least two preliminary public notices were issued by the USCG in response to the Department's concerns about adequate navigational clearances. Summary of Major Environmental Issues There are no wildlife and/or waterfowl refuges, recreational areas, public parks or registered historic sites within the immediate path of the proposed alignment, nor will federally protected species be affected by the project. • Archaeological/Historic Architectural Resources: A site considered to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places is located several hundred meters west of the Chowan River. The site, referred to as Edenhouse, is thought to be the site of the early 18th century estate of North Carolina Governor Charles Eden. An archaeological survey has been undertaken by a professional archaeological team. The State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) has been consulted and a Draft Data Recovery Plan is being submitted to the SHPO. It has been determined that data recovery will result in a no adverse affect decision. A cemetary thought to be closely associated with the Edenhouse estate lies on the north side of the existing roadway and was one of the factors that led to recommending a southside alternative. No other significant archaeological or historic architectural resources occur within the project study area (EA: pages 38-39). • 4(t) Properties: A North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) public boat ramp, a 4(f) property, is located on the east bank of the Chowan River, north of the existing alignment. A new driveway access to the boat ramp is proposed as part of this project and will provide safer ingress and egress. No use of this 4(f) site will occur as a result of the proposed action. The presence of this 4(f) property was another factor which led to the selection of a southside alternative. • The Chowan Gamelands, a NCWRC-managed Public Gamelands, is located on the north side of existing US 17 in the vicinity of Pembroke Creek. The presence of this . Page 4 . Ms. Ann Deaton March 8, 1996 acre gametal-ids was considered in selecting a southside alternative. The project will result in no.impacts to and no use of the Chowan Gamelands. • Rare and Protected Species/Section 7: A biological investigation fully explored the potential to impact any one of the five federally protected species listed for the project area by the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The biological conclusion reached is that none of the species listed will be affected by the proposed action. The FWS has concurred with this finding (enclosures) and has stipulated that Section 7 responsibilities have been fulfilled. • Wetlands/Section 404: Wetlands and surface waters likely to be impacted by the proposal have been delineated and the delineations have been approved by the COE in May 1995. Locations of wetland/waters impacts are shown in the attached drawings. A total of 5.14 acres of wetlands will be permanently impacted by the proposed action, all of which is related to approachway construction. An additional 1.58 acres of wetlands will experience temporary impacts as a result of approachway construction. Surface waters will receive 0.2 acre of permanent impacts (pier/bent installation) and 1.93 acres of temporary impacts, principally from sunken barge work platforms. A mitigation proposal, in accordance with Section 404 and the 1990 Memorandum of Agreement between the Environmental Protection Agency and the COE is being submitted to the COE as part of the Individual (Section 404) Permit application. Alternatives that were studied during the EA investigation and their comparative impacts are presented on pages 15-52 of the enclosed EA. Although this project is an "improve existing" concept, which normally is viewed as the most environmentally favorable, several alternatives were studied, including north- and south-side widening. The Coastal Zone Consistency determination will be forwarded to your office by the Division of Coastal Management as a normal consequence of processing the CAMA application for the project. Alternatives that would avoid and/or minimize impacts to wetlands have been fully explored and the Departments efforts in this regard are documented in an attachment. A Section 401 Water Quality Certificate will be issued by the state's Division of Environmental Management prior to issuance of the Section 404 or CAMA permits. No designated or proposed wild, scenic or recreational rivers occur within 0.5 mile of the proposal. Data on prime/unique farmland, air and noise • analyses, information related to relocatees and comments from state and federal agencies can be found on pages 42-54 of the EA. Comments on the EA and a summary of Environmental Commitments can be found in the attached FONSI. • Legal authority for the proposed bridge replacement project is found in the General Bridge Act of 1946. As indicated above, application has been submitted for state and federal permits which will be required prior to construction. M Page 5 Ms. Ann Deaton March 8, 1996 The existing bridge will be demolished and removed immediately upon completion of the replacement structure and its associated approachway sections (anticipated completion date is August 1999). The Department will entertain construction bids in May 1996 to allow for a construction start-up in August 1996. It is necessary to have all permit approvals prior to bid solicitations. Please find enclosed one (1) original and three (3) copies of the U.S. Coast Guard drawings for the project, in addition to copies of applications and related drawings for a Coastal Area Management Act permit. Please include the TIP Number (R-2512) in any correspondence from your office regarding this project. To insure that project commitments are successfully met, your assistance in expediting the initiation of your public notice process is respectfully requested. Should you have any questions or comments please contact M. Randall Turner, Division Environmental Officer, at (919) 331-4737, or (919) 333-2048. Sincerely, • u. z?)/77 H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning & Environmental Branch HFV/mrt Enclosures cc: Mr. John R. Parker, DCM, Raleigh Mr. Terry Moore, DCM, Washington Regional Office Mr. Mike Bell, COE, Washington Regulatory Office Mr. D. R. Morton, P.E., NCDOT, Highway Design • • Mr. A.L. Hankins, P.E., NCDOT, Hydraulics Unit • Mr. Kelly Barger, P.E., NCDOT, Program Development Branch Mr. Tom Shearin, P.E., NCDOT, Roadway Design Branch Mr. John L. Smith, P.E., NCDOT, Structure Design Unit • Mr. D. R. Conner, P.E., NCDOT, Division One Mr. James A. McInnis, Jr., P.E., NCDOT Planning & Environmental Branch Mr. M. Randall Turner, NCDOT, Division One •Y Ce/5 /MACulands/A 7 .Powls.dle • d`f: -S: : v t:.-,......} v♦ C[ Cole'ain dY \ ff{ef ltUfd' oO I. ®�•GUnnuit,a :c NCH WAN I ;,` ;tZ, . t •Kdtefd W s R� a t \:�\. . f ..ram rck ..70, Mount Could• haill r,.,.- E ten-. • 7 'Hs ock t,r...;..- y Ile p 0'' ,�AskewdleAshland , 1I- ,_� r ^'-`„�,---' t 5 n �:M �in ' • rnyf, B E . es R T I Ede• 1 . f 5 s •ptew Midway _-1: , � Y/ /• Ouitsns • •�413 1��i�•l "',� BRIDGE SITE r � • ., '': —. B.%a, Ples sent Grow • t .iris scugp..none ) `'�' eslov« f. NI f i „ii r�.t Cnswel • '� la l , T Chuff s ��'.Nilliamsto een Plynwoth ;;,, crHEG°1"'d:tt7s."iAltle r L.rnta.iu /�;5 *WASHINGTON I ��Ri T 10 lr csl'�j f 5/ 579 PMty,L.Ar a. T Hoar Was �K Hinson /S f Winona If ]I r f p�po Lohr. I totes `� � •' - - J - ' f Pik.Road i Soled MMMs 0 5 t0 20 30 4. 10 20 30 Scab of XIIQ.aebrs 6\o` n. tilt - v. 1� VICINITY MAP \ \ A A1.c./ :. I.7- • .a 112, `;nor - . 4• a :'J 41 . 3aror I432 -1 I - '� I', o I _ = t ,� a ,�,�J m.. EXISTING '. �.,oe •) " a •ss n8 'Ai i \ r lrx �% ....,.... PROPOSE D .,,i„,, GI \ • •\ .., \ 1 \\ H....'ow.r - • t AVM' SHEET / OF 3 )� _ 1 MILES STATE W. arORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LOCATION MAP PROPOSED BRIDGE OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER ON PROJECT: 8.TOI0602 US 17 IN BERTIE / CHOWAN COUNTY suelA TTEO OT: FEDERAL FUNDS WILL. OE USED TO .-E EHG FINANCE THIS PROJECT . ORAwN BY : E •\•/ ()Arc : DEC 95 CfKCOCO By ,J - Du �9S OArt. .......... .. .......:. .., ....- - ...- - - .. :. .---.-' ••-_.__."_,,...- r -. - zr • 197' 229.00' 197' 42 SPANS FOR 4214' 28 SPANS FOR 3322' .4___6...L_. -�- CHANNEL SPAN 4 65' VERT. CLEARANCE MEAN HIGH TIDE EL 0.79' , ....116,7:7 _,.. einlivt::: \. ____,s , rt .,/^. -sr --------)1;iwi , r,�, FILL Z I , 200' HORI CLEARANCE • ELEVATION _ TOTAL BRIDGE LENGTH=8159.5' I's '1` 197' 42 SPANS FOR 4214' v. 28 SPINS FOR 3322' 197 229.00 \CHANNE* / N EXISTING FENDER SYSTEM SP I r EXISTING BRIDGE L. 'I----' - --- F- -- --Th _ - 1 DE - _11 - -1 - I- .3E-_--'[_/- -IL (SURVEY-LLHIIII 100' I � � I SWING SPAN i CENTER OF EXISTING7V-6" _ 1 I I • T I 1c::=Er:=34 , 3 " f i TO WINDSOR I / i ' .l I k, TO HERTFORD 00. *EXISTING 80' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE fmii • � � -�� 1 ,\ + �-EASTSIDE CHANNEL CLOSED } ` DURING CONSTRUCTION P LEA N ' MIN. BOR. CL. = 200.00' . . \ ' 4 CHANNEL 50i / � 0 50 100 150 200 250 a SCALE SHEET Z OF 3 1 - - STATE Oi*NOR TN TARDLMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION R ALEK" PROPOSED- BRIDGE OVER THE. CHOWAN RIVER ON .U517 IN BERT I E / CHOWAN COUNTY /7% . SUBA•TTED C': i�N �+fE FEDERAL FUNDS WILL. BE USED TO R naA.e s. : EEV %___ DATE r OtC 45 FINANCE THIS PROJECT cr,Ea.ED DT :_�C - DATE : �C4.j._js_._ 28 SPANS FOR 3322' 197' 229.00' 197' 42 SPANS FOR 4214' ''� . _� _ _`�I CHANNEL , SPAN . -woo •65' VERT. CLEARANCE MEAN HIGH TIDE EL 0.79' • 23.0' • —1-------jr":111111r"..---""-- ""iiiiir----..-----.. 1 �.� _ 'ILL 200' HORIZ I CLLACE , ELEVATION . TOTAL BRIDGE LENGTH=8159.5' .. w 28 SPANS FOR 3322' I} 197' INS. 229.00(` __ 197'• 42 SPANS FOR 4214' a EXISTING FENDER SYSTEM \C SPNNE� , EXISTING BRIDGE I I ' 31'-5" * ( is :, I (SURVEY-L-) 100. E g,: A B 1 CENTER OF EXISTING SWING SPAN I .f a I 1 I 71'-6" —EXIIIINI MEM =w 1 c } TO WINDSOR (c .. ,', I \ TO HERTFORD , *EXISTING SO' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE "A" P{ 1 ,901-00:-00, L 90' CHANNEL WIDTH f K PLAN i\______tMIN.HOR CL= 200.00' CHANNEL 50i 0 50 100 150 200 250 . SCALE 'SHEET 3 OF 3 ® CHANNEL CENSER sun Dr M011114 CAAQWIA 360' GREEN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION a Cr1:NNEL MARGIN 10..00, 180' RED - • • PROPOSED BRIDGE OVER THE CHOWAN RIVER ON US 17 IN BERT I E / CHOWAN • COUNTY FEDERAL FUNDS WILL BE USED TO sUe„TTca IT: FINANCE THIS PROJECTAil DRAWN eY , EEC oArE : DEC Cl55 CACKLE) er : '9 _ o.rE : Rec. S _• „`AAT[o i47 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O.BOX 25201,RALEIGH,N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY April 4, 1996 Mr. David Moye Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 1424 Carolina Avenue Washington, North Carolina 27889 Dear Mr. Moye: SUBJECT: Bertie and Chowan Counties, Replacement of Bridge No. 38 over the Chowan River and Associated Improvements to US 17; State Project No. 8.T010603, TIP No. R-2512A Please find attached a copy of the"green cards” for the adjacent property owners for the above referenced project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mr. M. Randall Turner at (919) 331-4737. Sincerely, k David C. Robinson, Ph.D., P.E. Permits and Mitigation Unit Head DCR/eah Attachment °IlinN cc: Mr. John Parker, DCM - Raleigh p Mr. Terry Moore, DCM - Washington RECEIVED APR19 1v.) • COASTAL 996 vANAGEMENT W \� 9 � ,n. SENDER: - ■Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. I also wish to receive the N ■Complete items 3,4a,and 4b. following services(for he y ■Pnnt your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to you. extra fee): an 5 ■Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece,or on the back if space does not ' 1. ❑ Addressee's Address , � permit. { e ■Write'Return Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. « The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date 2. ❑ Restricted Delivery t o delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. ci 3-Article Addressed to: 4a.Arucl(f) Number i Q (p 551 -7! .. E 4b.Service Type r r :.� • Mr. Thomas Smithwick 0 Registered Certified 102-B Cypress Road 0 Express Mail ❑ Insured a Merry Hill , NC 27957 etum Receipt for Merchandise ❑ COD a 7. Date of Delive z Is your RETURN ADDRESS completed on the reverse side? 'ived By: (Print Name) 8.Addressee' Addr ss(Only if requested and fee is paid) "0 P v+ w ■ • . . . cn > r g* d a?g_' stuyj(Addressee or Agent) aZ w p > _ n 3811 Domestic Return Receipt p O r-h ., s , ==.• , December 1994 �y N N ri CO Ft w =m o =. m m ' o o a F a a d y D c, S R m z x o o o• ,o - 1Y ER' I also wish to receive the e (� N f y o v, -o to items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. c( o w s; o de items 3,4a.and 4b. following services(for an i co N v s o 3 a lur you name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): A °-y - v ° ,f this form to the front of the mailpiece.or on the back if space does not 1. 0 Addressee's Address W ~ °9 n m ?etum Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery N Si ,),v~� - turn Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date /y. m m 0', ,\y µ td. Consult postmaster for fee. 9 6 a, a__ le Addressed to: 4a.Article Number �5 I �15 - a c� 3 ». P5 C r m` µb. Service Type l' m 'T C . Bell, Heirs 0 Registered Certified G' " El 0 t- w -. rl v =-' 24 US 13 Bypass 0 Express Mail 0 Insured 1 Da o 3 x D3 cn > m 4 gi ,--r i nds or, NC 27983 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 COD o_a m 0 0 • J .0 CD, a ,-1 7. Date oLBli�.ery� - co cncr) 0 b N S .. G_ c 15 n 1 m, — '�' •3ived By: (PnnP ) 8.Addressee's Address(Only if requested p n `2 o re g o ry I,;o,N 1 r \ �\�� �. 7,-, \ and fee is paid) n, *:o `v U'i c (5) f" 8ture: (Add esse or Age ) rn �-•• R (' � 0 7� D'-•vl ) f 1 ' Fi" = �.l m n pc� v', E ,a • mo -, l-) N' -Zs. y , , 2" •n 3811, December 1994 Domestic Return Receipt C -- ` a cap:, ' v, m ai 1 ❑ ❑' © i- - < I•r o,m m L S 0 c�\ o < a m;� -ER: -�t a, m o_ 0i N I also wish to receive the cn • t ete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services. �. r c a a N t ete items 3,4a,aria 4b. following services(for an our name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this extra fee): Thankyou for usingReturn Receipt Service! ' r this P form to the front of the mailpiece,or on the tack if space does not 1. El Addressee's Address . - m peimi. . u ■Write'Retum Receipt Requested'on the mailpiece below the article number. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery - L The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date • deivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 0 . -a 3.Article Addressed to: 4a.Aricle Number a 4b. Service Type • . ' c°, N. C . Wildlife 0 Registered ' erti5ec 0 Resources Comm. 0 Express Mail 0 Insured • 0 512 N. Salisbury S t. 0 Retum Receipt for Merchandise 0 COD o Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 7!DaSe,ofDelivery z • ?cc :t 5. Received By: (Pnnt Name) 8q Addressee's Address(Only if requesteC w and fee is paid) 5 6.Signature:{Addressee orAgaot,t i I I I)}id o X a N PS Form 3811, December 1994 Domestic Return Rece,t. 4- P 576 551 775 P 576 551 774 US Postal Service , . US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail Receipt for Certified Mail • No Insurance Coverage Provided. No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International (Mail ,(See reverse) Do not use for International Mail(See reverse) ' J)y1_. s�7a �--CAL 1 L ln..l,, p��eg Nay ��I t �C� et ynbetis 7 '--�1 �J� V�rc 1�'f��1 P.s anic�= ,&Z` ' e 2 11V3 t OHice,Sta*a°�8t I it L r L / Postage $ • 1 Postage 9 Y�}'{ $ I .:i Certified Fee Certified Fee I Special Delivery Fee l Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee • • rn Return Receipt Showing to rn Return Receipt Showing to • r Whom&Date Delivered Whom&Date Delivered QReturn Receipt Showing to Whom. .Q Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date,&Addressee's Address i• :• < Date,&Addressee's Address o r. ' cm 0 TOTAL Postage&Fees $ , - 0 cO TOTAL Postage&Fees $ - C7 Postmark or Date M Postmark or Date 8 cZD., - .... d • P 576 551 777 P 576 551 776 US Postal Service US Postal Service _ Receipt for Certified Mail Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail l((See Treverse) Do not use for Internati rtalPMaiaiill(Sees r(evevetrsee) Vbq {✓re 'J / N C• e rWlAJf &J �-C . `{I l'`I'&N r 25-7 yte@tNum ersci,�l P State 'C'rC 27c/32 ce iqtit ZI Z7r E a Postage $ Postage $ Certified Fee Certified Fee t Special Delivery Fee - Special Delivery Fee • Restricted Delivery Fee - • Restricted Delivery Fee - L7 rn Return Receipt Showing to ma' Return Receipt Showing to Whom&Date Delivered Whom&Date Delivered j Q Return Receipt Stowing to Whom, �,:—'.1 n Return Receipt Showing to Whom, t < Date,&Addressee's Address `':l < Date,&Addressee's Address -- 0 TOTAL Postage&Fees $ .=• 00 TOTAL Postage&Fees $ [1:;-::.: CI Postmark or Date C.) Postmark or Date • E RD, ID) t - rn rn . • 03/05/96 08:23 ' '919 331 4739 NCDOT EC DIST 1 a 038 1 c • ,� • • STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA L �g DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAmEs B. Hurtr JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B.GARRETT JR. GovE924OR P.O.BOX 25201,RALEIGH,KC 276E S201 ScREURY March 8. 1996 Mr. Thomas M. Smithwick 102-B Cypress Road Merry Hill; NC 27967 Dear Sir The North Carolina Department of Transportation (Department) is proposing to replace the existing bridge over the Chowan River on US 17 in Bertie and Chowan Counties as part of overall widening and improvements to US 17 from west of the Chowan River-to US 17 business, east of Edenton. The work, as proposed, is scheduled for construction starting August 199s_ Because the work will impact Areas of Environmental Concern at the Chowan River the Department must submit a CAMA Major Development Permit application. The attached form is submitted in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 113-29,which is intended to insure that adjacent; riparian landowners have an opportunity to review and comment on the proposal. € nave also included a copy of the CAMA Major Development Permit application and engineering drawings_ Please review this material at your convenience and, if you have no objections to the project, please return the form with your response within 30 days to this office, If • you lig have objections to the project, please forward your comments to: Mr.John Parker,Permit Coordinator Division of Coastal management N.C.Dop nentof Environment,Herlti and Natural Resources P.Q.Box 27687 Raleigh,N.C.27611-7687 Thank you for your cooperation_ Sincerely, H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning & Environmental Branch Attachments cc: John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Raleigh Mr_ David Moye, Division of Coastal Management, Washington M_ RandaIl Turner, NCl OT, Division Environmental Offlder i • 03/05/96 08:24 '8'919 331 4739 NCDOT EC DIST 1 a 040 citirefr' STATE OF NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAmEs B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B.GARREiT jR. GOVERNOR. P_O_BOX 25201_RALEIGH,N_C_27611-5201 SEcarrace March 8, 1996 • J. C. Bell, Heirs 324 US 13 By-pass Windsor,NC 27983 Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation(Department) is proposing to replace the existing bridge over the Chowen River on US 17 in Bertie and Chowan Counties as part of overall widening and improvements to US 17 from west of the Chowan River to US 17 business, east of Edenton. The work, as proposed, is scheduled for construction starting August 1996_ Because the work will impact Areas of Environmental Concern at the Chowan River the Department must submit a CAMA Major Development Permit application. The attached form is submitted in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 113-229, wnicn is intended to insure that adjacent. riparian landowners have an opportunity to review and comment on the proposal_ I have also Included a copy of the CAMA Major Development Permit application and engineering drawings. Please review this material at your convenience and, if you have no objections to the project, please return the form with your response within 30 days to this office. if you do have objections to the project, please forward your comments to: Mr.John Parker,Permit Coordinator Division of Coastal Management N.C.Departrlentof Environment,Health, and Natural Resources P.O.Box 27687 Raleigh,N_G_27611-7687 Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, H. Franklin Vick RE, Manager Planning & Environmental Branch Attachments cc: John Parker, Division of Coastal Management, Raleigh • Mr. David Moye, Division of Coabtdl Management, Washington M. Randall Turner NCDOT, Division Environmental Officer it 03/05/96 08:25 V919 331 4739 NCDOT EC DIST 1 ei042 _ J4?fl 1, STATE OE NORTH CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION jAMEs B_ Hunrr JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B.Garr JR. GOvERNOR. P.O.BOX25201,RALEIGH,KC.27611-5201 S CR TA' March 8, 1996 N.C.Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N_Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1148 Dear Sir. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (Department) is proposing to replace the existing bridge over the Chowan River on US 17 in Bertie and Chowan Counties as part of overall widening and improvements to US 17 from west of the Chowan River to US 17 businpgs, east of Edenton_ The work as proposed: is scheduled for construction starting August 199E_ Because the work will impact Areas of Environmental Concern at the Chowan River the Department must submit a CAMA Major Development Permit application_ The attached form is submitted in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 113-229, which is intended to insure that adjacent, riparian landowners have an opportunity to review and comment on the proposal. I have also included a copy of the CAMA Major Development Permit application and engineering drawings. • Please review this material at your convenience and, R you have no objections to the project, please return the form with your response within 30 days to this office. If you IQ have objections to the project, please forward your comments to: Mr.Jolvi Parker,Permit Coordinator Division of Coastal Management N.C. Department of Environment,Health and Natural Resources P.O.Box 27687 Raleigh,KC.27611-7687 Thank you for your cooperation. - Sincerely, H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning&Environmental Branch Attachments cc: John Parker, Division of Coastal Management, Raleigh Mr. David Moyer Division of Coastal Management, Washington M_ Randall Turner, NCDOT, Division Environmental Officer 03/05/96 08:28 'S`919 331 4739 NCDOT EC DIST 1 001 • Wirt314 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAmEs B_Hunrr JR- DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRErr JR GOVERNOR P.O.EOX252OL RALEIGH,N_C 27611-5201 SECRETARY March 8, 199S Waff Brothers, Inc. P_O. Box 237 Edenton, NC 27932 Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (Department) Is proposing to replace the existing bridge over the Chowan River on US 17 in Bertie and Chowan Counties as part of overall widening arid improvements to US 17 from west of the Chowan River to US 17 business, east of Edenton_ The work, as proposed; is scheduled for construction starting August 1996. Because the work will impact Areas of Environmental Concern at the Chowan River the Department must submit a CAMA Major Development Permit application_ The attached form is submitted in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 113-229, which is intended to insure that adjacent, riparian landowners have an opportunity to review and comment on the proposal. I have also Included a copy of the CAMA Major Development Permit application and engineering drawings, Please review this material at your convenience and, if you have no objections to the project, please return the form with your response within 30 days to this office. If you do have objections to the project, please forward your comments to: Mr.John Parker,Permit Coordinator Division of Coastal Management Depertrnerit of Environment,Health and Neural Resources P.Q.Box 27687 Raleigh, N_C_27611 7887 Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, H_ Franklin Vick RE, Manager Planning& Environmental Branch Attachments cc: John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Raleigh Mr. David Moye, Division of Coastal Management Washington M. Randall Turner, NCDOT, Division Environmental Officer Ur 03/05/96 08:23 V919 331 4739 NCDOT EC DIST 1 l 039 • ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNER STATEMENT General Statute 113-229 requires that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed development in an Area of Environmental Concern be given thirty (30)days in which to comment on the proposed development This form allows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1)that he objects to the project; or; (2) that he does not object and desires to waive his/her right to the 30-day period so that the processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course, the adjacent riparian landowner nccd.not sign this form at all if he/she so chooses. I, , am an adjacent riparian property owner and have seen a copy of the LAMA Major Development Permit submitted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, dated March 8. 1996, wherein said applicant requests a permit to excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the land and water adjacent to my property. I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and • hereby waive that right of objection as.provided in General Statute 113 22g 1 have objections to the project as presently proposed and my comments are attached Signature of Adjacent Riparian Landowner Date: • s d surf �a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O.BOX 25201.RALEIGH.N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY March 14, 1996 t?�11 '? Mr. John Parker Dept. of Environment, Health \41 and Natural Resources " v NAP ��ti�E Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 cQ 9 1.1 SUBJECT: ` Bertie and Chowan Counties, Replace Bridge No. 38 over the Chowan River and Associated Improvements to US 17; State Project No. 8.T010603, T.I.P. No. R-2512A and Chowan County, Construction of New Bridge over Pembroke Creek and Associated Improvements to US 17; State Project No. 8.T010603; T.I.P. No. R-2512B Enclosed you will find two payments in the amount of$250.00 each for the processing of the CAMA Major permit application for the above referenced projects. The permit applications dated March 8, 1996, have been sent to your office and the CAMA Field Office in Washington and Elizabeth City. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, . David C. Robinson, Ph.D., P.E. Permits and Mitigation Unit Head DCR/eah Encl: Check Nos. 905811 and 905812 cc: Mr. Terry Moore, DCM-Washington Ms. Lynn Mathis, DCM-Elizabeth City Mr. M. Randall Turner, Division 1 Environmental Officer •«.