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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 88-96 Refinement Hwy 17 Chowan River (2) State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources A yri A Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary PIP -.. '--' N F Roger N. Schecter, Director el\`- - 7 March 1997 /yq�£C4/1���� RZ Mq�,,Ie 997 ��fivT Mr. Randall Turner, Division Environmental Officer Division One Office 6' North Carolina Department of Transportation 113 Airport Drive Suite 100 Edenton, North Carolina 27932 - Dear Mr. Turner: This letter is in reference to your 6 March 1997 correspondence requesting a change in CAMA Major Permit No. 88-96. CAMA Major Permit No. 88-96 was issued to the Department of Transportation on 29 May 1996 for the replacement of Bridge No. 38 on US 17 over the Chowan River in Bertie and Chowan Counties, North Carolina. In the original permit a note in the condition section stated in part that 'if the permit was modified due to excavation or fill needs in the water body, a moratorium would be necessary during the period 15 February to June 30 of any year. The minor modification that was issued on 2 January 1997 to allow for the removal of stumps in the Chowan River on the north side of the project resulted in the addition of the 15 February to June 30 moratorium. Sara Winslow of the Division of Marine Fisheries has indicated an agreement to drop the moratorium provided that a silt curtain is installed around the perimeter of the stump removal area prior to the work and left in place until the suspended sediments have settled (see attached memo dated 26 February 1997). Based on Ms. Winslow's comments, this letters serves as a refinement to CAMA Major Permit No. 88-96 removing the 15 February to 30 June moratorium providing that a sediment curtain is used as previously described. All previous permit conditions including the 31 December 1999 expiration date still apply and remain unchanged. Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or David Moye in the Washington Regional Office (919) 946-6481. Sincerely, Ter E. Moore District Manager Washington Regional Office cc: David Moye -DCM Pres Pate- DCM ..Aohn Parker - DCM Raleigh Bland - USACOE Sara Winslow - DMF 1424 Carolina Avenue,Washington,North Carolina 27889 Telephone 919-946-6481 FAX 919-975-3716 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper f iJj R-06-'57 TFU 17:35 I D:PL i N I NG AND ENV I RON TEL N0: U535 1302 it ry , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HINT lit DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GAwwDEB�A T JR. Gov@RNoR P.O.BOX 25201,RALEIGH.N.C. 27611-5201 March 6, 1997 Mr. Terry L. Moore, District Manager N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 943 Washington Square Mali Washington, NC 27889 Dear Mr, Moore: SUBJECT: Request for Refinement of CAMA Permit No, 88-96: TIP No. R-2512A The Department requests that the moratorium for construction (including removal of stumps/pilings), as it relates to the construction of a new Chowan River bridge, be dropped as a condition of the CAMA permit. The moratorium was originally requested by the Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF) in comments submitted following the circulation of the Environmental Assessment. Ms. Sara Winslow, LIMP Biological Supervisor, recently confirmed that the moratorium was originally a requirement under the assumption that work channels might be employed. Once it was determined that work channels would not be dredged in the river, a requirement for the moratorium was not considered to be justified (see attached letter from DMF) under the assumption that sediment curtains, etc. would be used at sites of bottom disturbances. Removal of stumps/pilings to accommodate barge access on the east side of the Chowan River was not accomplished prior to February 15 because the contractor's equipment designated for this activity was not available. However, this worK must be undertaken in the near future to allow for the initiation of proposed structural work in the river. Please issue a refinement to the subject permit at your earliest opportunity. Your time and cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Should you have any questions or comments call M. Randall Turner at (919) 482-7977. --Simon-). / U UJ•�� Franklin Vick, P. ., Manager fr, Planning& Environmental Branch HFV/mrt Enclosure cc: Ms. Sara Winslow, DMF Mr. Mike Bell, COE Mr. D. R. Conner, RE., NCDCT Mr M. Randall Turner, NCpOT Phone:(919)4e2-7977 Fax:(919)482.382B Courier:10-B2-2B tr G7 1W 17:37 I D:PLANN I NG AND EMU I FUN TEL NO: 4535 P03 STATE OF NORTH CAROA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES / • Division of illarine Fisheries James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor 1 tii Jonathan, )lowes, Secretary Fl Bruce I,. Freeman, Director EMO A UM: TO: Randy Turner, NCDOT, Environmental Officer FROM: Sara E. Winslow, Biologist Supervisor/4 SUBJECT: Chowan River Bridge Project DATE: February 26, 1997 I have received your letter relative to the construction moratorium for the new Chowan liver Bridge. As we have discussed in previous conversations, the construction moratorium that was requested by NCDMF originally was prior to the construction methodology being decided. Since no dredging of work channels is proposed this agency would drop the requested construction moratorium. The Division approves of removal of the stumps and piles by pulling. However, some type of turbidity curtain should be installed around the perimeter of the area during removal and allow adequate settling time to occur for suspended sediments. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call me. Post Office 13o-v 769, Morehead City, NC 23557 Telephone 919-726-7021 FAX 919-726-9213 An Equal Oppo:t••kr AfCoi..-44i,•Action rmpin•'.r 307.ra«rled'104'C orp.par '.«4#V T Or c , g _ '� UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $.# e LI lrA},S Of' Southeast Regional Office 9721 Executive Center Drive N St. Petersburg, Florida 33702 March 11, 1997 Colonel Terry R. Youngbluth : pEr 7 Y District Engineer, Wilmington District C.c4^l`� Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers r;� q P. O. Box 1890 4 / Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 -e Attention Mike Bell Dear Colonel Youngbluth: This responds to your March 10, 1997 , facsimile message requesting our comments on the February 28, 1997, letter from the N.C. Department of Transportation requesting a modification of Permit No. 199400991 issued for the widening of US 17 in Bertie and Chowan Counties, including a new bridge over the Chowan River. The proposed modification would eliminate the seasonal moratorium on work in the waters of the Chowan River. Based on coordination with the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, we have determined that the proposed modification should have a minimal impact on National Marine Fisheries Service trust resources. Therefore, we have no objection to the proposed permit revision. If we can be of further assistance, please advise. Sincerely, //-- jf l,/i 5/7/ 4r v And as Mage , Jr. ) Assistant Regional Director / Habitat Conservation Division cc: FWS, ATLA, GA FWS, Raleigh, NC EPA, ATLA, GA NCDEHNR, Raleigh, NC NCDEHNR, Morehead City, NC F/SEO2 q I noRA g %at Printed on Recycled Paper 'k /� AlMENic/Cn