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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 88-96 Refinement Hwy 17 Chowan River c, lir, .,... NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AribliCirqg ....v.. NCDENR 18 February 1998 JAMES B.HUNTJR. GOVERNOR Mr. Randall Turner, Division Environmental Officer Division One Office COASTAL MANAGEMENT North Carolina Department of Transportation WAYNE MCDEVITT - 113 Airport Drive Suite 100 SECRETARY Edenton, North Carolina 27932 Dear Mr. Turner: ROGER N.SCH ELTER This letter of refinement is in reference to your 16 February 1998 DIRECTOR correspondence requesting a change in CAMA Major Permit No. 88-96. CAMA Major Permit No. 88-96 was issued to the Department of Transportation on 29 May n , 1996 for the replacement of Bridge No. 38 on US 17 over the Chowan River in Bertie ¢' \•,Ir. and Chowan Counties, North Carolina. 1.; x Your request to modify the existing permit to include the placement of ±90' a � of rock riprap beneath the new bridge is hereby authorized. The riprap proposed in 1 this request, when added to the riprap authorized by letter of refinement dated 17 ^ -1 1 December 1997, will bring the total riprap on the north side to 150'. The updated i, plats dated February 1998 will become a permanent part of your file and construction • `y should be carried out as depicted. Your request to expand the staging area on the north ,,. , q P g if , ,,,, i side of the project site, on the upland portion of the site, is hereby authorized. All - , previous permit conditions including the 31 December 1999 expiration date still apply �� s and remain unchanged. �.� = r= Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. If you have any :.:- ; questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or David Moye in the Washington Regional Office (919) 946-6481. Sincerely, Terry E. Moore ' .� District Manager s , : Washington Regional Office .7 ' �.q cc: David Moye - DCM ,: Charles Jones - DCM ;; Parker - DCM Raleigh Bland - USACOE t '•' '' WASHINGTON OFFICE /va '1 I 1;`44y1tw 943 WASHINGTON SQUARE MALL WASHINGTON, NC 27889 PHONE919-946-6481 FAX 919-946-6061 'W' `?NCVIL:CSVr T-.6` 'ai AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER-50%RECYCLED/10% POST-CONSUMER PAPER • r ) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMEs B.HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS E.Norris Tolson GOVERNOR P.O.Box 850 SECRETARY Edenton,N.C.27932 Division One February 16, 1998 Terry E. Moore, District Manager N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 Dear Mr. Moore: SUBJECT: Request for Permit Refinement: Chowan River Bridge, Chowan and Bertie Counties; TIP No. R-2512A; State Project No.8.T010603 The Department of Transportation requests that CAMA Major Development Permit No. 88-96 be refined to allow for the following activity, and minor design revision: 1. Authorization is requested to allow the contractor to utilize upland portions of the Estuarine Shoreline AEC for temporary staging of construction materials, supplies and equipment. The contractor is severely constrained by land features and the only logical area for storage and handling of materiel is the area east of the ES between the small tributary channel and the existing roadway. Of course, much of the staging area does not lie within the ES-AEC, but since the upland portions of the AEC constitute space which is sorely needed by the contractor, the Department supports and recommends the appropriate jurisdictional remedy. Note that, in response to a request by Mr. David Move, a silt fence has been erected around the perimeter of the staging area for the purposes of containing sediment on-site. The Department commits to regular maintenance of this sediment barrier to ensure that the contractor's actions do not result in unwarranted release of sediment into the Chowan River, or its tributary. Phone: (919)482-7977 Fax:(919)482-3826 E-mail: ♦1 Page 2 February 16, 1998 Mr. Moore, DCM 2. Minor changes to the proposed shoreline stabilization, authorized by letter of refinement on December 17, 1997, are requested. Specifically, the Department requests permission to install a line of riprap from the toe of the existing riprap (slope stabilization at existing US 17 roadway) to just short of the point where the shoreline and Section 404 wetland converges south of the new bridge (see figure). The proposed shoreline protection will not exceed a linear distance of 150 feet. Please review these requests and refine or modify the subject permit as you deem appropriate. Call me if you have any questions or comments. The time and professional manner Mr. Moye conducts himself on all occasions when dealing with the Department is appreciated. Sincerely / //�� M. Randall Turner, Division Environmental Officer Planning & Environmental Branch-Division One Enclosures cc: H. Franklin Vick, P.E. D. R. Conner, P.E. • ,"-- EMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE i 3-P014ER CABLES -4. — ATTAC)tF l? E I • ( 014gM • 2 CABLES 500 U/G f--- tcnoWArt RIVI.rt I IDLE �'`_. .,_,...e s_, _- '1'INr;'• , ., . ./ .. • ,` i u_i •,, ;, x. >,.. , .,,, x, >, ,,,.- 4-TEL CABLES & ,I . • -------' 50(3 U/G \e\ -, — . --- .c V) UNDLR BRIUOE::: ! __ j DRIVE • 3• I . - / . . or0ScD. 5,/02 t 1 I f o . •°VCairnc� ZEF Eq e.�T T q 4, lwoRK POINT 72 �1 .. • Y 1 ` I STA. 4+243.100 ' I 1 1 i I • n l � � ee 71 \ I _ I 106.68C 1 (350') \ • \•.' POT.' 4+280500 ' -L- REV. a\ I P 6 ` POT 1+084.402 DRIVE 3 / • j \ North Carolina Department of Transportation l `. Division of Highways • �_ f \ Bertie ° Chowan Counties I 8.T010604 R-2512A \ -•- WETLAND LIMIT`� Replacement of Bridge No 38 on U.S. 17 over the Chowan River, including roadway approaches �, �) 1 ) from 800 meters West of the bridge in Bertie County to 600 meters East of the bridge in Chowan County. *i I - r'nir is Shown Re(f. Feb / / `;h,',•I I of 2 November 1997 r 0 f -- cs i i ' .6—xed—• -7,4,4 --t5:---4T 71 • _c°. : i . ''97 '7 -'...4:--- ._.H. _I: ; - . — 0 CD 1 — CK7adAIAL Gar-t' jr, I lti t 4A\ . �C_ G, C �, PLACE IF I' `cif- 1 . • 4 W: T ,._ 0. u. - o • -• ; ---- • --- - W . • North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Eertie & Chowan Counties 8.T010604 R-2512A Replacement of Fridge No 38 on U.S. 17 over the Chowan River, including roadway approaches from 800 meters West of the bridge in Bertie County to 600 meters East of the bridge in Chowan County. Scale As Shown iV F- 199E Sheet 2 of 2 November 1997 t jD G^ �` A 1 O,,a SATE r � Ili • STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B.HUNT JR. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B.GARRETT JR. GOVERNOR P.O.Box 850 Edenton,NC 27932 SECRETARY Division One Office December 14, 1997 N. C. Department of Environment 15°eC and Natural Resources /�/� Division of Coastal Management Dec j 0 Washington Regional Office Co,STgC� t99i 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 44/A, FNy ATTENTION: Mr. David Moye, Coastal Field Representative SUBJECT: Application for Refinement of Major Permit No. 88-96 for the Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 38 on US 17 over the Chowan River in Bertie and Chowan Counties; TIP No. R-2512A; State Project No. 8.T010602; Federal Aid No. DPI-0199(005) The enclosed drawings depict the proposed shoreline stabilization beneath the new bridge on the east shore of the Chowan River. The proposed work will utilize some of the structural debris that was previously removed from the same area prior to pile driving operations. Should this material not be enough to accomplish the work shown on the drawings, additional granite rip-rap will be used as a supplement. Thank you for your time and prompt attention to this request for a permit refinement. Please call me if I can provide any additional information. Sincerely, P.6/74j M.Randall Turner, Division Environmental Officer Planning & Environmental Branch-Division One enclosures cc: H. Franklin Vick, P.E. - D. R. Conner, P.E. Phone: (919)482-7977 Fax: (919)482-3826 E-mail: EMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE ' i y ,..ROC -' __ - 3�F OWLR CABLES ' -�.� 2 CABLES 500 UJG J - AT ACHEDI ( . . 9.I4414 . — UNDER BRIQGE .J— • f30') 'T • _._ //_ ,Ai W. \..<71 ,/t7 77 7: . ;: -' CHOW AN %Vf II NPIUCE:: . ,,�. .� rri' p �, •, •-, .. - .,.„ us n , ' '� x f x x . . , ., ,;,,,_,x ,-,- _ \ _ .. ..,,,, ›,_ ._y x.._ ._ - ----_,„,=„,.....„....„• . --r- 4-TEL CAULE5 & I- _ • 50Q• U/G . I I 0 CAE LE \ i -- j' UNULR BRIDGE " , HOCK• T •098.00� C DRIVE , 3 ;1 , ti, ... ... 4., .:. .,„ „R -:,- Iir \l- '. . 1 %; Przzn'� EKe r m y i WORK POII11 72 o) ' i �,'� •p � i I STA.4+243.100 ,t... N - - l----- A ' A •�" I > .. • ' : 4 ••• . -. . • ' . • . r:;\ . ' \ Ali 1 f �.�.. • 1 , t I ,p 7 - 71 , \ 1 F I i. I06.690 BEN\ I N 7 - (350') ,'\ 11 I x> I I POT -49280.500 0.. -L- fEV."\ t POT I+084.402 C DRIVE 3 I � , . 2 ! \ \ �. \ North Carolina Department of Transportation . _ i r \' Division of Highways �y__ ! 1 Bertie & Chowan Counties - I \ -- WETLAND LIAM'S 8.T01 0604 R-2512A Replacement of Bridge No 38 on U.S. 17 over the Chowan River, including roadway approaches • f ) 1 ►t from 800 meters West of the bridge in Bertie County to 600 meters East of the bridge in Chowan County. Srralr' As Shown S1,rrl I of 2 November 1997 • � F O 0 F F o` ►n 0 co 0 Q C'f2 J J A �� ♦� i liK liititd` ru doi Fz.F.5,77> PauT KAY d 4 kr • .50 , Q a O N 3kki LL 0. V 0 0 u 4 North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Bertie & Chowan Counties 8.T01 0604 R-2512A Replacement of Bridge No 38 on U.S. 17 over the Chowan River, including roadway approaches from 800 meters West of the bridge in Bertie County • to 600 meters East of the bridge in Chowan County. • Scale As Shown Sheet 2 of 2 November 1997 / %TO ALE