HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 27-92 Mitigation • , b° •AosiA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley,Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr.,Secretary August 5, 2002 V. Charles Bruton Project Development and Environmental Analysis N.C. Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Bruton: As discussed at the March 2002 annual mitigation monitoring report meeting, the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) concurs with the N.C. Department of Transportation's (DOT's) request to close out the following mitigation sites: • Mann's Harbor,Dare County, TIP No. R-2304, CAMA Permit No. 27-92 • Bogue Sound Mitigation Site, Carteret County,TIP No. U-2226, CAMA Permit No. 50-96 DCM is pleased that the sites have met their goals and success criteria. We appreciate DOT's attention to DCM's comments and suggestions during the phases of planning, implementation and monitoring. Sincerely, Sl—cA AP71 Doug Huggett Major Permits and Consistency Coordinator CC: Mike Bell, USACE Scott McLendon, USACE Randy Griffin, NCDOT Kelly Williams, DCM John Hennessy, DWQ Lynn Mathis,DCM Tere Barrett, DCM 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638 Phone: 919-733-2293\FAX: 919-733-1495\Internet: http://dcm2.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer—50%Recycled\10%Post Consumer Paper . 1 Whalebone Junction County: Dare Location: In median at junction of US 158 and SR12 in Nags Head. Size: 1 acre Year started: 199? Type of mitigation: Creation of an interdune swale wetland. Description of site and its condition: The Whalebone Junction site was a small median strip where two roads intersect on the Outer Banks. The soil was very sandy with a 0.5 cm thick A horizon. Vegetative cover was>80% (see species list below). The mitigation replicated an interdune swale wetland, a type common on barrier islands. Thus, it is a reasonable type of restoration for the location. Restoration appeared successful. The following species were present in the swale: Juncus roemerianus Juncus effusus Spartina patens Solidago sp. Distichlis spicata Scirpus americanus Setaria viridis Borrichia frutescens Dichromena sp. Baccharis halimifolia Myrica pensylvanicum Ivafrutescens Rhexia sp. Rumex sp. 68 1 dot.. o r „I° A C c�(l S 1 f`�1 � J t t rseGrcA� P cloc-RN\04 / 0 P,Ac,\ Y of— f6,5-e p F An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Existing North Carolina Department of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Sites 54f5 .“\ Go�s� GtalM Phase 1 Report ' �'�� cT_Vs 1 Prepared for � c f"`���� 1. \ North Carolina Department of Transportation A-eolto �J'PS and 3 "\ North Carolina State University on Behalf of the Institute for Transportation Research and Education by Richard D. Rheinhardt Mark M. Brinson East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858 July 2000 Technical Report Documentation 1:;4c 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. FHWA/NC/00-002 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date July 2000 An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Existing North Carolina Department of 6. Performing Organization Code Transportation Wetland Mitigation Sites—Phase 1 Report 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Richard D.Rheinhardt and Mark M.Brinson 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No.(TRAIS) Biology Department East Carolina University Greenville,NC 27858 11. Contract or Grant No. 99-10 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Interim;phase 1 U.S.Department of Transportation Research&Special Programs Administration 400 7th Street SW Washington,DC 20590-0001 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes Supported in part by a grant from the US Department of Transportation,and the North Carolina Department of Transportation through the Center for Transportation and the Environment,NC State University. 16. Abstract In this study,49 NCDOT wetland compensatory mitigation sites and 11 reference sites were evaluated on-site in 1999. Seventeen of the larger sites consisted of more than one type of mitigation(restoration,creation and/or preservation).In total,71 mitigation parcels(approx.3,000 acres)were evaluated to assess the likelihood that mitigation sites would achieve some level of structure and functioning similar to natural,self-sustaining wetland ecosystems and to provide recommendations for improvements. Ecological success was related to whether or not natural geomorphology had been successfully restored.Sites from which fill was removed were generally successful.Sites in which water impediment structures were constructed showed mixed results for vegetation survival,presumably because it was difficult to determine how wet to make a site.Wetland creations were generally unsuccessful because most all involved excavating soil to reach the underlying saturated zone,thus inhibiting growth of vegetation on sub-soils.Predictions of success were difficult due to the immaturity of sites,but it appeared that many created wetlands would not likely resemble historic,natural ecosystems.Of the 71 compensatory mitigations examined,26 were judged to be ecologically successful, 19 were preservation sites(automatically judged to be successful),9 were judged to be unsuccessful,10 lacked sufficient data(mostly hydrologic data)for judging success,4 sites were too young to predict the outcome for vegetation survival,and 3 were undergoing construction at the time of our site visit.Alteration of and failure to restore natural geomorphology in compensatory mitigation sites was the major factor associated with the lack of mitigation success,regardless of whether success was defined by permit success criteria or by ecological success.More use of information from reference sites could improve outcomes. Compensatory wetland mitigation involving restoration and creation appears to have gravitated toward relatively narrow sets of conditions for hydrology and vegetation,with little room for flexibility.In contrast,no standards are being used for soil condition. Current success criteria and standards should undergo critical examination to see if they are consistent with no-net-loss wetland policies,and if alternative measures should to be taken. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement restoration,creation,preservation,wetlands, compensatory mitigation,reference wetlands, geomorphic setting,ecological success 19. Security Classif.(of this report) 20. Security Classif.(of this page) 21. No.of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 114 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized CI 4.. 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C- xa; UInrx a; 1Ui eCc a � aw, � PI � u. � W� w � w O CAA r�n g V N C 0 a a)) eC d '� 5 7 a a) L 'C "O - IS' .V.. y T - 3 a n O. 0 0 0 °o U c�i w ° �+ + V c"a 0 i Cv 3 3 3 x a b 3v o k. cn ° `^ 0 T T T a4 a; g Q V V 4 0.) Cl) v) ,) 0 0 a a) L G w L Q C� a> a) O c) 0 a) 3 3 Y 11? on cu on S N 4s .o ~ s' °° E a) 7e N g -° ` 5 c) cc a a) aGi aGi — 0 0 0 ca ca a) ) 7 a) s a °` v) E. C7 C7 C7 Z Z x --) a , .a .a 2 2 2 2 2 a. a. a v) c4 E . E- 71e,,,‘ k r?) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT III GOVERNOR P.O.BOX 25201,RALEIGH,N.C. 27611-5201 SECRETARY I JUL i July 12, 1994 1Mi+swsw••«••••••••M••+ Mr. David R. Griffin District Manager North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 1367 U.S. 17 South Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 SUBJECT: Dare County, US 64-264 from NC 345 to US 158 and Bridge over Muddy Channel (R-2304) 8.T051301 Dear Mr. Griffin: Reference is made to your June 20th letter concerning the planting of the Whalebone Junction mitigation site in compliance with conditions of CAMA permit #27-92 . On July 1 Mr. D. R. Conner , Division Engineer, advised us that the project is still under contract. The portion of the project in which the area in question is located has just recently been completed. The portion of the project to the east of Muddy Channel was accepted from the contractor for maintenance on May 16, 1994. The Resident Engineer, Mr. A. E. Bradley, has discussed the planting of the Whalebone Junction mitigation site with the Division Roadside Environmental Engineer, Mr. J. E. Benton. They have the mitigation plan in hand and plans have already been formulated to plant the appropriate wetland plants when they are available and the planting season permits. It is anticipated this will be in April 1995 which is when the Pea Island Wildlife Refuge and Manns Harbor Ferry Maintenance Facility are scheduled to be planted. 0 Mr. David R. Griffin July 12 , 1994 Page Two Subsequently, we have discussed the matter with Mr. Benton and he is in the process of ordering the required plants. If I can provide any additional information, let me know. Sincerely, B. O'Q 'nn, P.E. Assistant Manager Planning and Environmental Branch BJO/eah cc: Mr. Preston Pate Mr. John Parker Mr. D. R. Conner, P.E. Mr. J. C. Manning, P.E. Mr. A. E. Bradley Mr. J. E. Benton Mr. V. C. Bruton, Ph.D. Mr. Doug Huggett State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources A/711 Division of Coastal ManagementAllosgi Jamesilft B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor p H N Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director '> li[ -Utfi 2 1 i994 �11 June 20, 1 t ` rP.LSaYi►ra.�.' Barney J. O'Quinn, P. E. Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways NC Department of Transportation P. O. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. O'Quinn: CAMA permit #27-92 was issued to NC DOT authorizing the widening of US 64/264 from its junction with NC 345 to its junction with NC 12 . The replacement of the Melvin Daniels Bridge was also included in this project. Several areas of wetlands were impacted by this project and mitigation for these impacts were to include the construction of wetland areas on the Pea Island Wildlife Refuge, adjacent the Manns Harbor Ferry Maintenance Facility, and at the Whalebone Junction "triangle. " Progress has been made on all three sites. All three sites have been graded to proper wetland elevation. Pursuant to your letter dated March 8 , 1994 , appropriate wetland plants are not currently available to plant the Pea Island and Manns Harbor sites. You indicate in your letter that the wetland plants should be available and planted during April, 1995. Your letter does not make mention of wetland plants or progress at the Whalebone Junction mitigation site. We have had considerable discussion with local DOT supervisors who either are not aware of or have no intention of planting wetland plants in the Whalebone Junction mitigation area as specified in your mitigation plan prepared by Environmental Services, Inc. This is a highly visible site and we have had several inquiries into the status of the wetland mitigation at this site. By notice of this letter, I am requesting that wetland plants as specified in your mitigation plan be sprigged in the Whalebone Junction mitigation site. Failure to carry this out in a timely manner may result in enforcement action being taken against NC DOT. I am also requesting a written response explaining the delay in planting this site and an indication as to when the Whalebone Junction wetland mitigation area will be completed. 1367 U.S. 17 South,Elizabeth City,North Carolina 27909 Telephone 919-2fs/1 3901 FAX 919 246-3723 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post consumer paper Barney J. O'Quinn Letter Page 2 Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Should you have any questions and/or comments regarding this matter feel free to contact me. incerely, k cAA-4,--,.' CC (r"(r."----- David R. Griffin District Manager cc: P. Pate, DCM J. Parker, DCM D. Conner, DOT file 0101:3 0771-1717 Memo FEB 1 8 19I+ 0 A To: File LAU VLati From: David — ..............-ovie Subject: Creation of Mitigation Site by NC DOT Date: 2/16/94 On February 15, 1994 , Ed Harrell and I visited the mitigation site adjacent the DOT Ferry Maintenance Facility in Manns Harbor. This mitigation site is associated with the Melvin Daniels Bridge/US 64/264 widening across the Manteo-to-Nags Head causeway. Present from DOT were A. E. Bradley and his assistant, Skip from Barnhill Construction Co. and several employees of Barnhill . Barnhill had graded the site to the specified 1. 4 ' above MSL. The site had silt fence around its entire perimeter. The elevation and grading were accepted and the planting schedule was discussed. DRG requested that the silt fence remain in place until the planting had taken place and the site had had time to settle and stabilize itself. Bradley thought this was OK and said he would discuss it with Barnhill . Bradley informed us that the planting would begin soon on the Pea Island Mitigation site and on the Whalebone Junction site. DRG asked to be contacted when the planting would begin on the Manns Harbor Mitigation site.