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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 15-96 Modification SR 1160 (Potecasi Creek) State of North Carolina
Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources � • •
Division of Coastal Management p
JamesnataB. Hunt, Jrw„ , Secrnor
etary p E H N F{
Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary
Roger N. Schecter, Director
5 February 1996
Mr. Randall Turner, Division Environmental Officer OS ,
Division One • �_
North Carolina Department of Transportation r''
Post Office Box 1405 Oo
Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27906-1405 _ o
Dear Mr. Turner:
This letter is in reference to your 1 February 1996 correspondence requesting a change in
CAMA Major Permit No. 15-96. CAMA Major Permit No. 15-96 was issued to the Department
of Transportation on 31 January 1996 for the replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR 1160 over
Potecasi Creek in Hertford County, North Carolina.
Condition number l.a. on your permit prohibits in water work to take place between
February 15 and June 30 of any year. Your request is to extend the allowable work time until 1
March 1996. Through David Moye of my staff, I have consulted with Sara Winslow, NC
Division of Marine Fisheries and Chad Thomas, NC Wildlife Resources Commission regarding
your proposed change to the moratorium. Your request to modify the aforementioned permit to
allow in water work to take place until 1 March 1996 is hereby authorized. This modification is
only valid for this calendar year and NCDOT is reminded that any in water activities not
completed by 29 February 1996 must be delayed until at least 1 July 1996. All previous permit
conditions including the 31 December 1999 expiration date still apply and remain unchanged.
Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please
don't hesitate to contact me or David Moye in the Washington Regional Office (919) 946-6481.
Terry E. Moore
District Manager
Washington Regional Office
cc: David Moye - DCM
Pres Pate - DCM
—John Parker - DCM
Raleigh Bland - USACOE
Sara Winslow - DMF
Chad Thomas - WRC
1424 Carolina Avenue,Washington,North Carolina 27889 Telephone 919-946-6481 FAX 919-975-3716
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O. U190 13:37 $919 331 4739 NCDOT EC DIST 1 �OU�
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P.O. Box 1405
Elizabeth City.NW.27906-1405
February 1, 1996
Mr. Terry Moore, District Manager
Division of Coastal Management
Washington Field Office
P.O. Box 2188
Washington, N.C. 27889
ATTENTION: Mr. David Moye, Field Representative
Dear Mr. Moore:
Re: Request for Modification of Condition in CAMA Major Development Permit No. 15-
96, issued January 31; 1996
A field meeting was held at the site of Bridge No. 29 on SR 1160 over otecas;
Creeklin Hertford County on February 1, 996. Those attending the meeting included:
Mr. David Moye, Division of Coa,, nagement
Ms. Sara Winslow, Division of Mar:. r-;sheries
Mr. Chad Thomas, Wildlife Resources Commission
Mr Ken Hodges, Wildlife Resources Commission
Mr. R.L. Spence, NCDOT
Mr. R.J. Terry, NCDOT
Mr. M. Randall Turner, NCDOT
Tne purpose of the meeting was to permit the NCDOT to meet with concernr
agencies to request a modification of the recommended moratorium on in-stream
construction activities at the site. The moratorium specified in the permit prohibits in-
stream construction activities between February 15 and June 30.
As a resent of the field conference, the Division of Marine Fisheries and the
Wildlife Resources Commission staff agreed that the moratorium start-up wrnoov, could
t.3 moved to March 1, 1996 without resulting in major consequences to the
anadromous fishery. The NCDOT intends to make every effort to complete all in-stream
work, which includes driving three pile bents and removal of the existing structure,
between February 5 and February 29, 1996 Furthermore, The NCDOT understands
ir, 0 . 96 13:3S e919 331 4739 NCDOT LC DIST 1 [2]O03
Page 2
February 1, 1996
Mr. Moore
that any in-stream activities not completed by March 1, 1996 must be delayed until at
least July 1, 1996.
As a result of this interagency agreement, he NCDOT requests that you modify
Permit No. 15-96, condition la., to read "... may take place between March 1 and
June 30 of any year ..."
Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. Call me if you have
questions or comments.
,4 /� /may
M. Randall Turner; Division Environmental Officer
1 Division One
cc- Mr. John Parker; Division of Coastal Management
Mr. R.L Spence, NCDOT Bridge Maintenance Unit
Ms. Sara Winslow, Division of Marine Fisheries
Mr. Chad Thomas, Wildlife Resources Commission
Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., NCDOT Planning & Env ronmental Branch