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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 70-20 Smith Creek Permit Class NEW Permit Number 70-20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commis o' ' i; ermit for X Major Development in an Area of En ironmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to N.C. Department of Transportation,5501 Barbados Blvd, Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Authorizing development in New Hanover County at Smith Creek, Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road) , as requested in the permittee's application dated 3/23/20, including the attached workplan drawings (35): as referenced in Condition No. 1 of this permit. This permit, issued on June 11,2020 , is subject to compliance with the application(where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below.Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action;or may cause the permit to be null and void. TIP No. B-4590,Bridge Replacement 1) Unless specifically altered herein, all work authorized by this permit shall be carried out in accordance with the following attached workplan drawings (35): 7 dated 3/4/20, 1 dated 3/5/20, 13 dated 1/9/20, 2 dated as received 3/24/20, 1 dated 2/5/19, 3 dated 2/6/19, 1 dated 12/14/17, 1 dated 3/7/18, and 1 dated 1/2019, 2 dated 11/1/18, 1 dated 1/3/19, 1 dated 12/10/18, and 1 dated as received 3/30/20. 2) In accordance with commitments made by the permittee, and in order to protect anadromous fish, including the federally-listed Shortnose and Atlantic Sturgeon,no in-water work shall take place between February 1 to June 30 of any year without prior approval of the N.C. Division of Coastal Management(DCM) in coordination with the appropriate resource agencies. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chair other qualified persons within twenty(20) days of the issuing of the Coastal Resources Commission. date. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. ____41/7414(A4.6"(frZ- Any maintenance work or project modification not covered Braxton C. Davis, Director a hereunder requires further Division approval. Division of Coastal Management All work must cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. No expiration date,, pursuant to GS 136-44.7B In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees .� s that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permittee w..o.aaoo +e----e60e0eC41004e0e9e009e01e0e4ee290e00e... N.C.Department of Transportation Permit No. 70-20 Page 2 of 6 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 3) In order to protect the endangered West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus, the permittee shall implement the U.S. Fish& Wildlife Service's Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at http://www.fws.govinc-es/mammal/manatee guidelines.pdf. 4) All construction access shall be through the use of the existing bridge,temporary work platform, barges, the partially constructed new bridge,temporary fill areas, construction mats, and/or existing high ground areas. 5) In accordance with commitments made by the permittee,the low steel of the temporary work platform shall be equal to or higher than the low steel of the existing bridge. 6) Barges shall be utilized only in areas of sufficient depth such that the barges avoid contact with the bottom and do not rest on the bottom during periods of low water. 7) The installation and removal of piles for the new bridge, the existing bridge,the existing fender system, and the temporary work platform, shall be accomplished by pile driving and/or the use of a vibratory hammer and/or drilled shaft construction. Should the permittee and/or its contractor propose to utilize another method of pile installation or removal, such as jetting, additional authorization from DCM shall be required. 8) In accordance with commitments made by the permittee, when drilled shaft construction is implemented, drill casings shall be installed outside of the in-water work moratorium, allowing work within the casings to occur during the moratorium. 9) During drilled shaft construction, excavated material from the drilled shaft shall be removed from the encasements directly into containment vessels. 10) No drill slurry or water that has been in contact with uncured concrete shall be allowed to contact waters of the State or waters that will enter waters of the State. Drilling fluids shall be disposed of in an upland disposal site. Water returning to the river shall be of sufficient quality so as to not pose a threat to aquatic organisms or otherwise violate State water quality standards. 11) Pilings from the existing bridge,the temporary work platform, and the existing fender system, as well as any remnant pilings from previous bridges, shall be removed in their entirety, except that if a piling breaks during removal and cannot be removed in its entirety,the piling may be cut off flush with the bed of the water body, and DCM shall be notified of each occurrence within one working day. 12) The existing bridge, fender system, and temporary work platform, including pilings, shall be removed in their entirety within 90 days after they are no longer needed. However, if this timeframe occurs while the moratorium referenced in Condition No. 2 of this permit is in effect, then the existing bridge, fender system, and temporary work platform, including pilings shall be removed in their entirety within 90 days of the moratorium end date. 13) No excavation or filling shall take place at any time in any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the areas indicated on the attached workplan drawings, without permit modification. --0000090000 C.20em .In Geeeneaaeoo-aG �+0.0-o a 00000000 0-6.0-0-04.00 N.C. Department of Transportation Permit No. 70-20 Page 3 of 6 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 14) All fill material shall be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. 15) Material excavated at the project site may be used in fill areas associated with the project once properly dewatered or shall be removed from the site and taken to a high ground location. 16) All excavated materials shall be confined above normal high water level and landward of regularly or irregularly flooded wetlands behind adequate dikes or other retaining structures to prevent spillover of solids or seepage of effluent into any wetlands or surrounding waters. 17) The temporary placement and double handling of any excavated or fill material within wetlands or waters of the State is not authorized,with the exception of the authorized temporary impact areas. 18) The placement of rock plating and riprap shall be limited to the areas as depicted on the attached workplan drawings. The rock plating and riprap material shall be clean and free from loose dirt or any pollutant except in trace quantities. The rock plating and riprap material shall consist of clean rock or masonry materials, such as but not limited to, granite,marl, or broken concrete. It shall be of a size sufficient to prevent its movement from the approved alignment by wave or current action. 19) All reasonable efforts shall be made to contain all debris and excess materials associated with construction and demolition of the new bridge,the existing bridge and existing fender system, and the temporary work platform,with the intent that materials/debris do not enter wetlands or waters of the State, even temporarily. 20) Any waste materials or debris generated in the authorized construction and demolition activities shall be disposed of at an approved upland site or shall be recycled in an environmentally appropriate manner provided appropriate authorizations are obtained from any relevant state,federal,or local authorities. 21) The demolition plan for removal of the existing bridge structure and existing fender system shall be submitted to DCM for review and approval prior to commencement of the demolition activities. 22) Uncured concrete shall not be allowed to contact waters of the State, or water that will enter waters of the State. 23) Construction staging areas shall be located only in upland areas,and not in wetlands or waters of the State. 24) Bridge deck drains shall not directly discharge into open waters and shall not cause erosion of adjacent wetlands. Impacts to Wetlands and Waters of the State NOTE: This project will permanently impact approximately 2,845 square feet of wetlands due to fill, including approximately 886 square feet of Coastal Wetlands and 1,959 square feet of 404 Wetlands. This project will permanently impact approximately 842 square feet of Coastal Wetlands due to excavation in order to restore the Coastal Wetlands to a natural elevation. F ..000000eeeeee0 oeeeeoaeooaeaaa • N.C. Department of Transportation Permit No. 70-20 Page 4 of 6 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS NOTE: This project will temporarily impact approximately 268 square feet of 404 Wetlands due to fill • from temporary piles and will temporarily impact approximately 4,792 square feet of wetlands • due to hand clearing, including approximately 4,167 square feet of Coastal Wetlands and approximately 625 square feet of 404 Wetlands. NOTE: This project will permanently impact approximately 75 square feet of surface waters. This project will temporarily impact approximately 9,322 square feet of surface waters due primarily to removal of the existing swing span and associated fender system. 25) Wetland areas to be temporarily impacted by hand clearing shall not be grubbed. There shall be no clearing of wetlands outside of the areas indicated on the attached workplan drawings without prior approval from DCM. 26) No impacts to wetlands or waters of the State due to mechanized clearing are authorized by this permit without prior approval from DCM. 27) Construction mats shall be utilized to support equipment within wetland areas to minimize temporary wetland impacts. These mats shall be removed immediately following project completion. 28) The permittee shall minimize the need to cross wetlands in transporting equipment to the maximum extent practicable. 29) Any voids in Coastal Wetlands or shallow bottom habitat caused by the removal of the temporary p ary work platform, and/or temporary fill areas, shall be restored to the elevation of the pre-existing conditions with suitable material. The permittee shall notify DCM's Transportation Project Field Representative in Morehead City to provide DCM with an opportunity to inspect the material for suitability prior to backfilling. 30) Due to the possibility that compaction, shading, hand clearing, and/or other site alterations might prevent the temporary Coastal Wetland impact areas from re-attaining pre-project wetland functions, the permittee shall provide an annual update on the Coastal Wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project. This annual update shall consist of photographs and a brief written report on the progress of these temporarily impacted areas in re-attaining their pre-project wetland functions. The permittee shall schedule a meeting with DCM to verify the extent and location of temporary impacts upon project completion. Within three years after project completion,the permittee shall hold another agency field meeting with DCM to determine if the Coastal Wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained pre-project wetland functions. If at the end of three years DCM determines that the Coastal Wetland areas temporarily impacted by the project have not re-attained pre-project wetland functions, DCM will determine whether compensatory wetland mitigation shall be required. Historic and Cultural Resource Protection 31) The permittee shall adhere to stipulations contained within the Memorandum of Agreement dated March 26, 2020 among the Federal Highway Administration,the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer, and the N.C. Department of Transportation for TIP No. B-4590. • • 040ee000a4o011Q4+44-:-: 00400 N.C. Department of Transportation Permit No. 70-20 Page 5of6 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS • Utility Impacts NOTE: Construction of the new bridge will also require relocation of telecommunication, electric, and water utilities, including a new directional drill for the fiber optic utility under Smith Creek. 32) The authorized utility work shall not result in any permanent impacts to wetlands or waters of the State, without permit modification. 33) In accordance with the workplan drawings, the height of the temporary power and fiber optic aerial cables spanning Smith Creek shall be a minimum of 28 feet above mean high water. s 34) Any utility work associated with this project that is not specifically depicted on the attached workplan drawings, or described within the attached permit application, shall require approval from DCM, either under the authority of this permit, or by the utility company obtaining separate authorization 35) Any waterline relocation or other alterations to the public water supply system shall be approved by the N.C. Public Water Supply Section prior to water system alteration. NOTE: In accordance with comments received from the N.C. Public Water Supply Section,please be aware of separation requirements for water/sewer according to 15A NCAC 18C Section .0906 Rules Governing Public Systems and check with the local water system for cross-connection requirements for this project. N.C. Public Water Supply Section guidelines are listed in Appendix B, Figure 2 in the Rules Governing Public Water Systems but the water system may have additional requirements. Sedimentation and Erosion Control 36) Turbidity curtains shall be used where practicable to isolate all in-water work areas from the adjacent waters of Smith Creek, including but not limited to the existing bridge removal and fender system removal,pile installation,pile removal, excavation,and placement of riprap within or adjacent to surface waters. The turbidity curtains shall encircle the immediate work area,however, they shall not impede navigation. The turbidity curtains shall be properly maintained and retained in the water until construction is complete and shall only be removed when turbidity within the curtains reaches ambient levels. 37) This project shall conform to all requirements of the N.C. Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the N.C. Department of Transportation's (NCDOT's)Memorandum of Agreement with the N.C. Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources. 38) In order to protect water quality,runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. aaaaoosgeoor--...4, weer a a a._w,. o 9 a I I a 0 0 o a a 04400,144o4.e4 a as o a 0 4 C49a}a{CaaOaa::a:aC_ • :::000111aaaoeooa0000/Oee01,oa„ N.C. Department of Transportation Permit No. 70-20 Page 6 of 6 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS General 39) During construction and demolition, the permittee shall make every attempt to allow the same navigation that is currently possible in Smith Creek, upstream and downstream of the existing bridge. If this is not possible, then adequate notice shall be provided to the public that navigation will be limited during construction. The notice shall include an estimate of the amount of time that the limited navigation will occur. 40) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work following completion of construction. 41) The permittee shall install and maintain, at its expense, any signal lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulations or otherwise, on authorized facilities. For further information, the permittee should contact the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office. At a minimum,permanent reflectors shall be attached to the structure to make it more visible during hours of darkness or inclement weather. 42) The permittee shall exercise all available precautions in the day-to-day operation of the facility to prevent waste from entering the adjacent wetlands and waters of the State 43) If it is determined that additional permanent and/or temporary impacts are necessary that are not shown on the attached workplan drawings or described in the authorized permit application,a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM may be required. In addition, any changes in the approved plan may also require a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM. The permittee shall contact a representative of DCM prior to commencement of any such activity for this determination and any permit modification. 44) Development authorized by this permit shall only be conducted on lands owned by the N.C. Department of Transportation(NCDOT), appropriate utility entities,and/or their Right-of-Ways and/or easements and/or similar legal instruments. 45) The permittee and/or its contractor shall contact the DCM Transportation Project Field Representative in Morehead City to request a preconstruction conference prior to project initiation. 46) The N.C. Division of Water Resources (DWR)authorized the proposed project on 4/2/20 (DWR Project No. 20200393) under General Water Quality Certification Nos. 4132 and 4133. Any violation of the Certification approved by DWR shall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the proposed project under Nationwide Permit Number 3 and Nationwide Permit Number 12 (COE Action ID No. SAW-2015-00958), which were issued on 3/31/20. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: An application processing fee of$475 was received by DCM for this project. This fee also satisfied the Section 401 application processing fee requirements of DWR. aw STATE OF NORTH^^��� CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER JAMES H.TROGDON,III GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 23, 2020 NC Dept.of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City,NC 28557 ATTN: Mr. Stephen Lane NCDOT Coordinator Subject: Application for CAMA Major Permit,USACE Nationwide Permits 3 and 12,and NCDWR Water Quality Certifications 4132 and 4133 for the Proposed Replacement of Bridge No.640029 over Smith Creek on SR 2812(Castle Hayne Road)in New Hanover County,North Carolina;TIP No. B-4590;Federal Aid Project No.BRNHS- 117(5); Debit permit fees from WBS No.38420.1.2 Dear Sir: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace the existing 248-foot bridge no. 2640029 with a 263-foot three-span bridge on the existing alignment. The purpose of this letter is to request approval for a Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA)Major Development Permit. In addition to this cover letter and CAMA MP 1 and 5 Forms, this application package includes CAMA adjacent landowner notifications, stormwater management plan, permit impact drawings(including utility relocation plans),and half size roadway plans. Construction of this project also requires the following approvals: Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Nationwide Permit 14, Section 401 Water Quality General Certification 4135, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 408, and Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) Section 10. An electronic Pre- Construction Notification (PCN) has been submitted to the USACE and the NC Division of Water Resources to request these approvals. 1.0 Purpose and Need As identified in the September 2018 Categorical Exclusion (CE), the need for the proposed action is to replace a structurally deficient, functionally obsolete bridge. NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate Bridge No. 29 was constructed in 1931 and reconstructed in 1962. It has a sufficiency rating of 25.89 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The bridge is considered structurally deficient due to a substructure condition appraisal of 4 out of 9 and a superstructure appraisal of 4 out of 9 according to Federal Highway Administration(FHWA)standards. Mailing Address: Telephone:(910)341-2036 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 5501 BARBADOS BLVD. HIGHWAY DIVISION 3 CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429 5501 BARBADOS BLVD. CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429 TIP B-4590 Page 2 March 23, 2020 2.0 Project Description The proposed structure will be constructed on the current bridge alignment, with an off-site detour during construction. The bridge will be lengthened approximately 15 feet, and the area under the new bridge spans will be graded to match adjacent floodplain wetland elevation and vegetated. The existing bridge and fender system will be removed using NCDOT Bridge Demolition protocols, and a temporary work platform will be constructed to access the structure for demolition and construction of the new bridge. The low steel of the temporary work platform will be equal to or higher than that of the existing bridge. Existing utilities are present adjacent to the project, but most will remain in place. Minor water line relocations will be required to construct the project (see attached utility plans). This includes an open trench relocation of a 12-inch water line. The trench will encroach slightly into the CAMA AEC buffer at Station 19+65, and tie into the existing line outside jurisdictional streams and wetlands. A Century Link cable will be bored under Smith Creek at an elevation at least 20 feet below the stream bed. No impacts to wetlands or open water are anticipated to result from any of the utility relocations. The US Coast Guard has issued an Advanced Approval of this project, as the current swing bridge structure is permanently closed. The proposed bridge matches the low chord of the existing structure. 3.0 Summary of Impacts& Mitigation Permanent impacts are anticipated to coastal wetlands (886 square feet), Section 404 wetlands (0.04 acres) and estuarine waters (less than 0.01 acre). Temporary impacts related to removal of the fender system and hand clearing(no grubbing) are anticipated to wetlands (0.10 acre) and estuarine waters (0.2 acres). There will also be some excavation in coastal wetlands (842 square feet) for the purpose of pulling back the existing fill slopes that will not be needed for the proposed structure to match the adjacent wetland elevation. Due to the minimal amount of wetland impact, no compensatory mitigation is proposed, however the areas under the extended bridge length(0.02 acre) will be graded to match adjacent wetland per NCDOT standards. 4.0 Project Schedule The anticipated let date for this project is April 2021, with construction scheduled to begin in June 2021 to maximize the construction window outside the prescribed moratorium discussed below. Adjacent riparian landowner notices have been sent out, and the certified mail receipts will be forwarded to you upon arrival. 5.0 NEPA Document Status A Type IA Categorical Exclusion was signed on September 7, 2018. Per the agreements documented in the CE,NCDOT is committing to the following: - In-water construction will be performed between July 1 and February 15 to avoid impact to West Indian manatee and Atlantic sturgeon. Construction activity at or below the mean high water elevation within Smith Creek, including adjacent inundated wetlands, will not be allowed during this period. Drill casings will be installed prior to in-water work moratorium, allowing work within the casings to occur during the moratorium. If pilings are required within the water column t � TIP B-4590 Page 3 March 23, 2020 for a temporary work trestle to access the drill shafts, they will be installed prior to the in-water work moratorium. - The US Coast Guard provided Advanced Approval of this project, as the current swing bridge is permanently closed. The proposed grade was raised 2.7 feet to meet the current low chord and retain public recreational use under the bridge. - The current bridge was considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, and a Memorandum of Agreement will be signed by NCDOT and the State Historic Preservation Office. Please refer to Section 9.0 for more information. 6.0 Resource Status& Impacts The project is located in the Cape Fear River Basin and lies within the USGS Hydrologic Unit 03030007. The project crosses Smith Creek(NCDEQ Index No. 18-74-63)which is classified as C;Sw. Wetland delineations were performed using the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetland Delineation Manual and the USACE 2010 Regional Supplement for the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region. Results of the wetland delineation were reported in the February 2017 Natural Resources Technical Report (NRTR). The final design avoids and minimizes wetland impacts to the maximum extent practical. Impacts to 404 and CAMA jurisdictional wetlands as well as surface waters for B-4590 are presented in the Wetland Impact Summary Table attached with the permit impact sheets. Proposed permanent impacts include fill impacts to 0.02 acre (886 square feet) of CAMA jurisdictional coastal wetlands for the placement of roadway fill. Permanent fill impacts to 404 riparian wetlands consist of less than 0.04 acre(1,959 square feet). No mechanized clearing is anticipated in wetlands. Proposed permanent impacts to surface waters are less than 0.01 acre (75 square feet) to construct the proposed bridge bents. Excavation of 0.03 acre of wetland is required to extend the bridge length and tie in the current roadway footprint to match adjacent wetlands. Hand clearing for construction access will temporarily impact 0.10 acre of coastal wetland and less than 0.01 acre of 404 wetland. There will be 0.20 acres of temporary surface water impacts to Smith Creek due to the work platform, bridge construction,and existing bridge demolition. No impacts to jurisdictional resources are anticipated to result from utility relocation. 8.0 Protected Species The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) list 16 federally protected species for New Hanover County as of the June 27,2018 listing(Table 1). I I TIP B-4590 Page 4 March 23, 2020 Table 1.Federally Protected Species in New Hanover County Federal Biological Scientific Name Common Name Status Habitat Conclusion Alligator mississippiensis American alligator T(S/A) Yes N/A Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle T No No Effect Eretmochelys imbricate Hawksbill sea turtle E No No Effect Lepidochelys kempii Kemp's ridley sea turtle E No No Effect Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback sea turtle E No No Effect _ Caretta Caretta Loggerhead sea turtle T No No Effect Myotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat T Yes MALAA Charadrius melodus Piping plover T No No Effect Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker E No No Effect Calidris canutus rufa Red knot T No No Effect Acipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic Sturgeon E Yes MANLAA Acipenser brevirostrum _ Shortnose Sturgeon E Yes MANLAA Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee E Yes MANLAA Thalictrum cooleyi Cooley's meadowrue E No No Effect Carex lutea Golden sedge E No No Effect Lysimachia asperulaefolia Rough-leaved loosestrife E No No Effect Amaranthus pumilus Seabeach amaranth T No No Effect E=Endangered,T=Threatened,T(S/A)=Threatened(Similarity of Appearance),T=Threatened,MANLAA=May Affect,Not Likely to Adversely Affect,MALAA=May Affect,Likely to Adversely Affect,N/A=Not Applicable. Biological conclusions were presented in the February 2017 Natural Resources Technical Report for the project. The proposed moratorium from February 15 to June 30 satisfies Section 7 requirements of the NMFS for Atlantic sturgeon, Shortnose sturgeon, and West Indian manatee per the commitments documented in the CE. Since the NRTR was prepared, the USFWS has added the northern long-eared bat to the list of potential species in New Hanover County NC. The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, the US Army Corps of Engineers and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat(NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is"May Affect,Likely to Adversely Affect."The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1- 8,which includes New Hanover County. In the July 9, 2007 Federal Register (72:37346-37372), the bald eagle was declared recovered, and removed (de-listed) from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered wildlife. This delisting took effect August 8, 2007. After delisting, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act(Eagle Act) (16 U.S.C. 668-668d)became the primary law protecting bald eagles. A desktop-GIS assessment of the project study area, as well as the area within a 1.13-mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 feet) of the project limits, was performed on February 11, 2015 using 2014 and 2015 color aerials. Smith Creek and the nearby Cape Fear River are water bodies large enough and are sufficiently open to be considered potential feeding sources. A survey of the study area and areas adjacent to the study area was not conducted, however no individuals were observed during field visits. A review of the NCNHP database on February 19, 2015 revealed no known occurrences of this species within 1.0 mile of the project study area. It has not been determined whether this project will affect this species. TIP B-4590 Page 5 March 23, 2020 9.0 Cultural Resources The existing bridge was determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. A Memorandum of Understanding between NCDOT and the State Historic Preservation Office is being developed. 10.0 FEMA Compliance The project has been coordinated with appropriate state and local officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)to assure compliance with FEMA, state,and local floodway regulations. 11.0 Mitigation Options The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. All jurisdictional features were delineated, field verified and surveyed within the corridor for B-4590 as described above. Using these surveyed features, preliminary designs were adjusted to avoid and/or minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas. NCDOT employs many strategies to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas in all of its designs. Many of these strategies have been incorporated into BMP documents that have been reviewed and approved by the resource agencies and which will be followed throughout construction. All wetland areas and environmental sensitive areas (ESA) not affected by the project will be protected from unnecessary encroachment. Individual avoidance and minimization measures include the following: 11.1 Design Measures • Span lengths were maximized and the bridge extended to provide additional flood passage and flood plain. • Side slopes have been reduced from 3:1 to 2:1,which reduced wetland impacts from 0.11 acre to 0.05 acre. • No deck drains or direct discharge to surface waters is proposed. Stormwater will be routed to four catch basins,and riprap pads will dissipate energy from storm flows. 11.2 General Construction Measures • No staging of construction equipment or storage of construction supplies will be allowed in wetlands or AECs. • A temporary work platform is proposed to access the project, but will not span the entire Smith Creek,allowing boat passage to continue uninterrupted during construction. • Sediment and erosion control measures shall adhere to the Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds during construction of the project. • Special Sediment Control Fence and Environmentally-Sensitive Area fencing will be used were applicable. • No mechanized clearing in wetlands is proposed to reduce impact to wetlands. • No dredging is proposed. • Turbidity curtains will be utilized to isolate in water work areas from surrounding waters at all times during construction. • Passage upstream and downstream will not be impaired or blocked at any time during construction. • To ensure that all borrow and waste activities occur on high ground, except as authorized by permit, the NCDOT shall require its contractors to identify all areas to be used to borrow material, or to dispose of dredged, fill or waste material. Documentation of the location and characteristics of all TIP B-4590 Page 6 March 23, 2020 borrow and disposal sites associated with the project will be available on request. 11.3 Demolition Measures • NCDOT will adhere to Best Management Practices for Construction and Maintenance Activities. • Demolition of the existing bridge and fender system will be accomplished through top-down and/or work platform access. • Non-shattering methods will be implemented(no explosives)for bridge removal. • No bridge deck or substructure components will be dropped in the water. • Existing bridge piles in the navigation channel will be removed completely,unless not practicable. • A demolition plan will be finalized by the selected contractor. The final demolition plan will also be approved by NCDOT and provided to permitting agencies for review prior to implementation. • Once removed, bridge elements will be transported to a permitted disposal facility to be identified by the selected contractor and approved by NCDOT. The NCDOT has avoided and minimized impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest extent possible as described above. Unavoidable jurisdictional wetland impacts will be offset by the restoration of wetland flood plain adjacent and under the proposed bridge as shown in the attached plans. 12.0 Regulatory Approvals NCDOT requests that the proposed work be authorized under a Coastal Area Management Act Major Development Permit, USACE Nationwide Permits 3 and 12, as well as NCDWR General Certifications 4132 and 4133. The Certified Mail records for each adjacent riparian landowner are provided with this permit application. The return receipts will be forwarded once they have been received. Authorization to debit the$475 Permit Application Fee from WBS 38420.1.2 is hereby given. A copy of this permit application and its distribution list will be posted on the NCDOT website at: If you have any questions regarding this information,please contact me at(910)341-2036 or Sincerely, Digitally signed by Mason Herndon 77 arm / Date:2020.03.23 09:44:56 -04'00' Mason Herndon Division Environmental Officer cc: Brad Shaver, USACE Wilmington Joanne Steenhuis,NCDWR Kristi Lynn Carpenter,NCDWR Brittingham, Cathy From: Lane, Stephen Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 4:04 PM To: Brittingham, Cathy Subject: FW: B-4590 Moratorium FYI. From: Herndon,T. Mason<> Sent:Tuesday, March 31, 2020 1:13 PM To:Shaver, Brad <>;Steenhuis,Joanne<>; Lane,Stephen <> Subject: B-4590 Moratorium All There is an error in the application cover letter for B-4590. The application states that in Section 5.0 "In-water construction will be performed between July 1 and February 15 to avoid impacts to West Indian Manatee and Atlantic Surgeon." The actual dates for the moratorium for sturgeon is February 1-June 30, so in-water work will be performed between July 1 and January 31. The moratorium dates listed in Section 8.0, should also be February 1—June 30. The incorrect dates were taken from the CE document. The Green Sheet will be revised and included in the final permit package. Thanks! Mason Herndon Environmental Program Supervisor Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2036 office 910-604-0050 mobile 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 r f .4if Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C.Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 r!-1 APPLICATION for Major Development Permit (last revised 12/27/06) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant/Landowner Information Business Name r Project Name(if applicable) Ncdot Division Three TIP B-4590 Applicant 1: First Name MI Last Name Mason Herndon Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name If additional applicants,please attach an additional page(s)with names listed. Mailing Address PO Box City State 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne NC ZIP Country Phone No. FAX No. 28429 USA 910-341 -2036 ext. - Street Address(if different from above) City State ZIP Email 2. Agent/Contractor Information Business Name Agent/Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name Agent/Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City State ZIP Phone No. 1 Phone No. 2 ext. - - ext. FAX No. Contractor# Street Address(if different from above) City State ZIP Email <Form continues on back> 252-808-2808 .. 1-888-4RCOAST Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3. Project Location County(can be multiple) Street Address State Rd.# New Hanover Castle Hayne Road NC 133 Subdivision Name City State Zip Wilmington NC 28401 - Phone No. Lot No.(s) (if many,attach additional page with list) ext. a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Cape Fear Smith Creek c. Is the water body identified in(b)above,natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. ®Natural ['Manmade ['Unknown Northeast Cape Fear River e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable,list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed ®Yes ❑No work falls within. City oflmington 4. Site Description a. Total length of shoreline on the tract(ft.) b. Size of entire tract(sq.ft.) 399 ft N/A c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW(normal high water)or N/A, NWL(normal water level) (If many lot sizes,please attach additional page with a list) 10 feet ®NHW or❑NWL e. Vegetation on tract Mowed roadside, brackish marsh consisting of marsh grasses, saltmeadow cordgrass, giant cordgrass, and narrowleaf cattails, and some forestland. f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Bridge No. 640029 and NC 133 g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adjacent to the proposed project site. Industrial and open marsh/forest h. How does local government zone the tract? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? Industrial/Light Industrial (Attach zoning compliance certificate,if applicable) ❑Yes [No ®NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes No k. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes,attach a copy. ®Yes ❑No ❑NA If yes,by whom? NCDOT I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ®Yes ❑No ❑NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? ®Yes El No (ii)Are there coastal wetlands on the site? ®Yes ❑No (iii)If yes to either(i)or(ii)above,has a delineation been conducted? ®Yes ❑No (Attach documentation,if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. None o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. None p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. None 5. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial,public,or private use? ['Commercial ®Public/Government ❑Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose,use,and daily operations of the project when complete. The need for the proposed action is to replace a structurally deficient,functionally obsolete bridge. NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate Bridge No. 29 was constructed in 1931 and reconstructed in 1962. It has a sufficiency rating of 25.89 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The bridge is considered structurally deficient due to a substructure condition appraisal of 4 out of 9 and a superstructure appraisal of 4 out of 9 according to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)standards. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology,types of construction equipment to be used during construction,the number of each type of equipment and where it is to be stored. The proposed structure will be constructed on the current bridge alignment, while utilizing an off-site detour. Existing structures will be removed using NCDOT Bridge Demolition protocols. Typical highway and bridge construction vehicles and equipment will be used including, but not limited to dump trucks, cranes, graders, and bull dozers. Storage and staging areas will be located in uplands. d. List all development activities you propose. Removal of the existing bridge and fender system. Installation of the new bridge. Grading, paving, clearing, ditch work, excavation and fill associated with the roadway and bridge work. e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project,new work,or both? Maintenance/replacement of existing structures. f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 1.34 ❑Sq.Ft or®Acres g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement,public accessway or other area ®Yes [No DNA that the public has established use of? h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. Stormwater runoff of the existing bridge discharges directly into the water by running off the side of the bridge below barrier rail along the full length of the bridge. The proposed bridge will have no direct discharge into the water as stormwater will be directed away from the surface water through new pipe outlets. the proposed pipe outlets have catch basins and rip rap pads to dissipate energy before entering adjacent wetlands and uplands as shown on the attached plans. i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ®Yes ❑No DNA If yes,will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? Dyes ®No DNA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? Oyes ®No DNA If yes,attach a mitigation proposal. <Form continues on back> 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6. Additional Information In addition to this completed application form, (MP-1)the following items below,if applicable,must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete. Items(a)—(I)are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate,dated work plat(including plan view and cross-sectional drawings)drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work,clearly indicate on maps, plats,drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed(with state application only)or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. f. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront(riparian)landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name See attached list. Phone No. Address Name Phone No. Address Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers,permittee,and issuing dates. h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. i. Wetland delineation,if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C.Environmental Policy Act(N.C.G.S.113A 1-10),if necessary. If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands,attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. Date 3/23/2020 Print Name Mason Herndon Signature 7 '"- o'--- Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. EIDCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ®DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts EDCM MP-3 Upland Development ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST Form DCM MP-5 BRIDGES and CULVERTS Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. 1. BRIDGES ❑This section not applicable a. Is the proposed bridge: b. Water body to be crossed by bridge: ❑Commercial ®Public/Government ❑Private/Community Smith Creek c. Type of bridge(construction material): d. Water depth at the proposed crossing at NLW or NWL: 1@70'; 1@102', 1@91'54"Girder Bridge —25' NWL e. (i)Will proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? ®Yes ENo f. (i)Will proposed bridge replace an existing culvert? Dyes No If yes, If yes, (ii)Length of existing bridge: 248' (ii)Length of existing culvert: (iii)Width of existing bridge: 32.3' (iii)Width of existing culvert: (iv)Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: 7.5 ft (iv)Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or (v)Will all,or a part of,the existing bridge be removed? NWL: (Explain) Yes-all of the existing structure will be (v)Will all,or a part of,the existing culvert be removed? removed using standard NCDOT practices for bridge (Explain) demolition. g. Length of proposed bridge: 263' h. Width of proposed bridge: 42.1' i. Will the proposed bridge affect existing water flow? ®Yes ❑No j. Will the proposed bridge affect navigation by reducing or If yes,explain: The existing water flow will become less increasing the existing navigable opening? ®Yes ❑No restricted as the proposed bridge has a larger span If yes,explain: The current structure is a swing bridge that over the water, and the existing fender system will can allow any sized vessel to pass. However,the swing be removed. bridge is not in use.The proposed structure will have an estimated passage height of 8.0 feet above NHW. k. Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge: 8.0' I. Have you contacted the U.S.Coast Guard concerning their approval? EYes ❑No If yes,explain: Advanced approval from USCG is attached. m. Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing no navigable n. Height of proposed bridge above wetlands: N/A waters? Oyes No If yes,explain: 2. CULVERTS ®This section not applicable a. Number of culverts proposed: b. Water body in which the culvert is to be placed: 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: revised: 10/26/06 Form DCM MP-5 (Bridges and Culverts, Page 2 of 4) < Form continues on back> c. Type of culvert(construction material): d. (i)Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? e. (i)Will proposed culvert replace an existing culvert? Oyes ❑No Oyes ❑No If yes, If yes, (ii)Length of existing bridge: (ii)Length of existing culvert(s): (iii)Width of existing bridge: (iii)Width of existing culvert(s): (iv)Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: (iv)Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or (v)Will all,or a part of,the existing bridge be removed? NWL: (Explain) (v)Will all,or a part of,the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) f. Length of proposed culvert: g. Width of proposed culvert: h. Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL. i. Depth of culvert to be buried below existing bottom contour. j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or k. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? increasing the existing navigable opening? Oyes ❑No ❑Yes ❑No If yes,explain: If yes,explain: 3. EXCAVATION and FILL ❑This section not applicable a. (i)Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any b. (i)Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the NHW or NWL? Oyes No excavation within coastal wetlands/marsh(CW),submerged If yes, aquatic vegetation(SAV),shell bottom(SB),or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked,provide the number of square (ii)Avg.length of area to be excavated: feet affected. (iii)Avg.width of area to be excavated: ®CW 842 ❑SAV ❑SB (iv)Avg.depth of area to be excavated: OWL ❑None (v)Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: (ii)Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: Excavation in coastal wetland areas is occuring in order to pull back the existing fill slopes that will not be needed for the proposed structure. 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: revised: 10/26/06 Form DCM MP-5 (Bridges and Culverts, Page 3 of 4) c. (i)Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any high-ground excavation? EYes ❑No If yes, (ii)Avg.length of area to be excavated: 22 ft (iii)Avg.width of area to be excavated:88 ft (iv)Avg.depth of area to be excavated: 5 ft (v)Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: 360 d. If the placement of the bridge or culvert involves any excavation,please complete the following: (i) Location of the spoil disposal area: Approved NCDOT waste disposal site. (ii)Dimensions of the spoil disposal area: To be determined (iii)Do you claim title to the disposal area? ❑Yes No (If no,attach a letter granting permission from the owner.) (iv)Will the disposal area be available for future maintenance? ®Yes ❑No (v)Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands/marsh(CW),submerged aquatic vegetation(SAVs),other wetlands(WL),or shell bottom(SB)? ❑CW ❑SAV OWL ❑SB ®None If any boxes are checked,give dimensions if different from(ii)above. (vi)Does the disposal area include any area below the NHW or NWL? ? ❑Yes No If yes,give dimensions if different from(ii)above. e. (i)Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any f. (i)Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill(other than excavated material described in Item d above)to fill(other than excavated material described in Item d above)to be placed below NHW or NWL? EYes ❑No be placed within coastal wetlands/marsh(CW),submerged If yes, aquatic vegetation(SAV),shell bottom(SB),or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked,provide the number of square (ii)Avg.length of area to be filled: 4' feet affected. (iii)Avg.width of area to be filled:4' ECW 886 ❑SAV ❑SB (iv)Purpose of fill: Installation of bridge piles(75.4 sq. ft) EWL 1,959 ❑None (ii)Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: Roadway embankments and riprap dissipater pads g. (i)Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill(other than excavated material described in Item d above)to be placed on high-ground? EYes ❑No If yes, (ii)Avg.length of area to be filled: 650' (iii)Avg.width of area to be filled:20' (iv)Purpose of fill: Construction of road shoulders and slopes(975 Cu. yd.) 4. GENERAL a. Will the proposed project require the relocation of any existing b. Will the proposed project require the construction of any temporary utility lines? ®Yes ❑No detour structures? ❑Yes No If yes,explain: Water line and overheard power line If yes,explain: relocation will be required. Century Link cable will be bored under Smith Creek. 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: revised: 10/26/06 Form DCM MP-5 (Bridges and Culverts, Page 4 of 4) If this portion of the proposed project has already received approval from local authorities,please attach a copy of the approval or certification. < Form continues on back> c. Will the proposed project require any work channels? d. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion ❑Yes ®No controlled? If yes,complete Form DCM-MP-2. NCDOT Sediment and Erosion Control BMPs e. What type of construction equipment will be used(for example, f. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? dragline,backhoe,or hydraulic dredge)? ❑Yes No Crane,dump truck,excavator, pile driver, and other If yes,explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize standard construction equipment. environmental impacts. g. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any shoreline stabilization? ['Yes No If yes,complete form MP-2,Section 3 for Shoreline Stabilization only. 3/23/2020 Date B-4590 Project Name Mason Herndon Applicant Name Applicant Signature 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: revised: 10/26/06 U.S. Department of Commander 431 Crawford Street Homeland Security /I=\ United States Coast Guard Portsmouth,VA 23704-5004 J Fifth Coast Guard District Staff Symbol: dpb United States Phone:(757)398-6557 Fax:(757)398-6334 Coast Guard Email: Michael.R.Thor0000dCaf usca.mii • • 0 16591 24 OCT 2018 Mr. Christopher Rivenbark North Carolina Department of Transportation • 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1598 Dear Mr.Rivenbark: • Coast Guard review of your proposed project as provided in a letter dated October 19,2016, from Mr. Robert Deaton,with North Carolina Department of Transportation,an email dated December 8, 2017, from Mr. Matthew Potter, with AECOM;and your letter dated June 7,2018, • is complete. Based on the documentation provided and our research, it is determined that a Coast Guard bridge permit will not be required for the proposed highway fixed bridge—SR 2812 (S 117- S 133/Castle Hayne Road) over Smith Creek, mile 1.5, near Wilmington,New Hanover,NC. The project will be placed in our Advance Approval category as per Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations Part 115.70. This Advance Approval determination is for the location and structure described above and is valid for five years from the date of this letter. The following conditions apply to this determination: a. If the construction project on the above bridge does not commence within this time, you must contact this office for reaffirmation of this determination. b. Future bridge projects along the above waterway will have to be independently evaluated before they may be considered for placement in the Advance Approval category. This includes modification,replacement and removal of the above bridge, following its initial construction. c. Following initial bridge construction,the bridge owner should submit bridge maintenance project plans to this office at least 30 days (preferably 90 days)prior to work commencing on or over the navigable waterway. Please see enclosure (1). The fact that a Coast Guard bridge permit is not required does not relieve you of the responsibility for compliance with the requirements of any other Federal, State, or local agency who may have jurisdiction over any aspect of the project. Although the project will not require a bridge permit, other areas of Coast Guard jurisdiction apply. The following conditions apply concerning construction of the above bridge: a. You or your contractor must notify this office at least 30 days(preferably 90 days)in advance of the start of construction and any other work which may be an obstruction to 16591 24 OCT 2018 navigation, so we may issue and update the information in our Local Notice to Mariners and monitor the project. The notice should include details of the project as described in enclosure (1). • b. At no time during the project will the waterway be closed to navigation without the prior notification and approval of the Coast Guard. The bridge owner or contractor is required • to maintain close and regular contact with Coast Guard Sector North Carolina at(910) 772-2227 or Joshua.P.Orourke@, to keep them informed of activities on the waterway. c. The lowest portion of the superstructure of the bridge across the waterway should clear the 100-year flood height elevation, if feasible. d. In addition,the requirement to display navigational lighting at the aforementioned bridge is hereby waived,as per Title 33 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 118.40(b). This waiver may be rescinded at any time in the future should nighttime navigation through the proposed bridge be increased to a level determined by the District Commander to warrant lighting. The National Ocean Service (NOS)of the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) is responsible for maintaining the charts of U.S. waters;therefore,they must be notified of this proposed work. You must notify our office and the NOS at the address below upon completion of the activity approved in this letter. Your notification of project completion must include as-built drawings or certification of the following: • a. Bridge name b. Action type (new construction, modification,relocation, conversion(fixed/draw), etc.) c. Dates(commenced and completed) d. Location(latitude and longitude at bridge center and centerline of channel, statute miles above mouth of waterway, and bridge or causeway orientation or geographic positions of approaches) e. Type of bridge (fixed,vertical lift,bascule,suspension,swing,trestle,pontoon,etc.) f. Navigation clearances (vertical at mean high water and horizontal) (Moveable—vertical at mean high water in open and closed positions) g. Whether or not the bridge is fitted with clearance gauges h. Whether or not the bridge has pier protection and/or fender system. i. Type of land traffic(highway,railroad,pedestrian, pipeline,etc.) Ms. Sladjana Maksimovic National Ocean Service N/CS26, Room 7317 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910-3282 2 16591 24 OCT 2018 If you have any further questions,please contact Mr. Michael Thorogood at the above listed address or telephone.number. Sincerely, L-7/6"f-c HAL R. PITTS Bridge Program Manager By direction Encl: (1)Bridge Maintenance Project Plan Copy: Ms. Sladjana Maksimovic,NOS Mr. Matthew Potter,AECOM CG SectorNorth Carolina, Waterways Management U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Federal Highways Administration,Raleigh,NC • 3 BRIDGE MAINTENANCE PROJECT PLAN 1. The bridge owner, or entity acting on behalf of the bridge owner, should submit a bridge maintenance project plan at least 30 days(preferably 90 days)prior to commencement of work on or over the navigable waterway. Correspondence may be submitted via.pdf email attachment to or mailed. 2. Once received,the request will be assigned to a project officer for review and processing. The project officer will publish a local notice to mariners. If appropriate,the project officer will publish a temporary deviation from drawbridge operating regulations. a. Bridge Information: Provide bridge name, bridge type(highway,railroad, pedestrian, pipeline,etc.),roadway (s)carried,waterway name,mile (statute)on waterway from confluence, municipal location(town/city, county(if applicable/if known),and state). b. Project Description:.Provide the general description,nature and scope of the project. Drawings may be submitted,particularly if there are any planned temporary reductions in navigation clearances. c. Project Dates/Work Hours: Provide primary and alternate(if applicable)project dates and work hours. Alternate dates and work hours may be included to account for inclement weather,etc. • d. Navigation Clearances: Provide any proposed temporary reductions in navigation clearances (vertical and/or horizontal), including the amount of the reduction(s)in feet and when the reduction(s)will be in place. e. Temporary Deviation(from Operating Regulations): For drawbridges—Provide any proposed temporary deviation from operating regulations including:purpose(why it is necessary);dates/times of closure; if the bridge will be closed when bridge work is not being performed,provide justification for closure during non-work hours; whether the bridge will be able to open for an emergency and within how much time of notice; whether vessels may pass through the bridge in the closed position at any time or with prior notice. f. Project Resources: Provide list of vessels,barges, equipment and location of personnel involved in the project. Indicate whether the project resources will relocate from the navigation channel during work hours,and if so,provide the timeframe for notice and method of notice. Indicate whether the resources will relocate from the navigation channel during non-work hours, and if not,provide justification for them to remain in the navigation channel during non-work hours. g. Communications: Provide communications plan for project resources.This should include VHF-FM channel 13 for vessels and drawbridge tenders and may include mobile phone devices for vessels and project personnel. Vessel operators need to be able to communicate with project resources for safe navigation. h. Bridge Owner Information: If the request is submitted by an entity on behalf of the bridge owner,provide the bridge owner representative's contact information(name, telephone and email)and the bridge owner's mailing address for the appropriate office. Project Tracking No.: 15-02-0011 0a04 NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM 43 vvim�,, This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not fir• ;PEltt1:Y;�?; t�b �o 0 valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the *101 ®? , e Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: B-4590 County: New Hanover WBS No: 38420.1.2 Document: PCE or CE F.A. No: N/A Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NWP? Project Description: The NCDOT proposes to replace Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812(Cornelius Harnett Drive/Castle Hayne Road)over Smith Creek in New Hanover County. Bridge No. 29 was built in 1931, and is considered to be structurally deficient and functionally obsolete;therefore, it has been selected to be replaced. There may be minor ditch-line impacts, and an off-site detour is to be used during construction. The Area of Potential Effects(APE)will measure approximately 100 feet to either side of the centerline of the roadway/bridge and 1,400 feet long,centered on the middle point of the existing bridge. Based on these measurements,the APE measures approximately 280,000 square feet or about 6.43 acres, inclusive of the existing roadway and the existing structure to be replaced. SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities,results of review,and conclusions: A map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology(OSA)on Monday, February 9,2015. An archaeological survey at this particular bridge location has never been conducted; however,two(2)archaeological sites have been recorded within one-half(1/2)mile of the proposed project. Digital copies of HPO's maps(Castle Hayne Quadrangle)as well as the HPOWEB GIS Service ( last reviewed on Thursday,February 12,2015. Although there are known historic architectural resources in the vicinity(NH0531 —Corbett Package Company,NH0532— Godwin Lumber Company Office)including the bridge itself(NH0530—a 1930-31 swing-span vehicular bridge), intact archaeological deposits associated with these resources are not anticipated within the footprint of the proposed project. In addition,topographic maps,historic maps(NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps,and aerial photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental factors that may have contributed to historic or prehistoric settlement within the project limits,and to assess the level of modern,slope, agricultural,hydrological,and other erosive-type disturbances within and surrounding the archaeological APE. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: All proposed project activities are to take place within the NCDOT's existing 60' ROW for SR 2812 (Cornelius Harnett Drive/Castle Hayne Road);however,temporary easements will be required although their placement and orientation is not known at this time. This is a State-funded project;however, a Federal permit will be required. From an environmental perspective,the APE consists of the tidal flats (floodplain/wetlands)of Smith Creek,a tributary of the Northeast Cape Fear River,and is composed of two(2)soil types:Dorovan soils(Do)and Urban land(Ur). The project area consists of very poorly "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED"form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 2 • Project Tracking No.: 15-02-0011 drained soils(Dorovan soils)and soils that have been cut,filled, graded,or paved to the extent that their original properties are no longer recognizable(Urban land),both of which would not be conducive for containing intact archaeological resources. Although the Office of State Archaeology(OSA)has not reviewed any projects within the vicinity of the proposed project for their potential impact to archaeological resources,current environmental conditions and industrial development suggest that the project area,as depicted, is unlikely to contain significant cultural,archaeological,or historical resources. Based on the information above,there should be no archaeological survey required for this project. If design plans change,then additional consultation regarding archaeology will be required. At this time,no further archaeological work is recommended. If archaeological materials are uncovered during project activities,then such resources will be dealt with according to the procedures set forth for"unanticipated discoveries,"to include notification of NCDOT's Archaeology Group. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ®Map(s) ® Previous Survey Info ❑Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED )�,/ February 12,2015 G� NCDOT ARCHAE I► t�l IST II Date ''' -Y*...,.'',,- • , .: • :: '',!,-,,,;,-.;--A-.1-',:i..1,.:4-4;Z.---::-' 'Olt-:*:,-;::':40-4•.,.:::::: :'s410....V''...i.:.; :e;s"-. '. * 1-.. i 4firr•P?:: i ft*l.'" .+ Yhl '.vtr..,¢�� �;. t � .. x r k��^`#rf`1l � > vi aw n I W / r ,' d F ' f� 6�°S[ti� ii o j f P,Ak p ,it s Y �' 1. -�'``p' { 7t .I Y 'V�� :10 Y' ► 91r�' '4,Jss J�� Aley .1 s L`? t �� 1 i ..t f I�°Jr. t _ hZ<t ,u 1, 'S 1" i. � :'.A. 6114--/ ._, �1,'1^t.`�//�,y. - ''•A .,t ,y�'T r, _ a 1 7 i s i TC:1'! I '��' y '% Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 �, .s,f )� ;, .r, "'. ,r, -k.-r over Smith Creek (' LA ,-.i. S ��' �rtJt1 • tom,, x'� {xt..'�° i : ,.A N r'' '4• ,�.r ''''''ifik --",:` ;;,-x,,k•:::' .:. i'01,in -.4f*,..i.-',,,,,,f ;:: ,.: -:,./ , f„,,Tr _-,1:4.'i it„\ 14/0N.:,...-:.,:,-4-,-,ti,.: f-T Op ?Ai 1,t-is,..,..'i-----,:' '-,,is-'-' ,... 4` ''''':- , ,r '-"‘"- -"/ • áiiifi ; sf .. • Figure 1: Castle Hayne,NC(USGS 1970). "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQUIRED'form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 2 4 ' / ,Ik-• ,,, / ` "R,4 • • \ �, /-1' ' 7 ' . ".......,,,1 , 11111, . C Godwin ' ,�/ 1,�� � '4 yvi n co,- e ,.-//', .7404, , 10.\,„ 'r. 7 —.....0., , 0 . „ ,,, , . -,././,,,,, 4.,, .4.,,-,,,-,,,„. .. ,i0,,,,, .,.. A . ..,.."40, ; % / ;� // a. 4 . ..r+ • / //A,/ , ,/,,, „ ,„/„7.,,,/,,,,,,, //,/,,,, ,........,.. ,, dt.. . i - /04it -.. /,:,0. " , // ////% ,- e-I cu a`P dge r. .p'i4► , / 4/ y• //,jj, - /5.//%/i- e�. . 7 /, // . * 1«.)-C '.,,4:--,' // / ; '//' / ': / / ".'''', ' '/ .// /I/ 7://, . ' --.. ///7,,, / .,/..../ / - . / , /A., ', - . •-yr ,// ' ' ////,4//-.....' /7 / // / // 7.' •, / /////2 //7/ 1/7/. i - ,/ ,/,. .0.7:' . ', ' , I / 1,\ Al . , _i At „ . , 4,/ ",', . 4-1 , ... . / .,,,, „,/, A or / /..,; „ y , ,/ ///7 • 4,:f11,7, ,.' '/1 ,, :///' -, /' 47, /, ',////, % . ,ilipAits, ,/ -, . 7 .. .., „,,, , , ,. , ., „/„;,,, . , , ,./, . .. . ,,1 ‘,, z. . .... .. . , si...-740,0404 , ,. , v „ 44 r r 1 �!" 4 4. PA 15-02-0011 y i / / B-4590, Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 ,,4 / , ,0 '," d, .'///,, (Cornelius Harnett Dr/Castle Hayne Rd) f over Smith Creek i New Hanover County, NC , / // / ' Q Area of Potential Effects(APE) �j/ ��/ Named_streams / / Streets /' + 0 NCHPOpoints + �', 0 mapfldhazar Soils All � ' CNE}S/Ai O NewHanover_2011Parcels y / ' Ig' IG f dam '\ 4. III, -� r� �„North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M.Bartos,Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Office of Archives and History Secretary Susan Kluttz Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry June 22,2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Vanessa Patrick Human Environment Unit NC Department of Transportation\J�� ` �� FROM: Renee Gledhill-Earley (lLLt' /'-'""-"^ -- S''4-A-C iet Environmental Review Coordinator SUBJECT: Historic Structures Survey Report for replacement of Bridge 29 on SR 2812 over Smith Creek,B-4590,New Hanover County,ER 15-1325 Thank you for your memorandum of June 3,2015, transmitting the above-referenced report.We have reviewed the evaluation of the four properties and concur that they are not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The properties are: Corbett Packing Company (NH0531) E.W. Godwin's Sons (NH0532) Godwin House (NH0533) Smith Creek Boatyard (NH3639) We appreciate your noting that Bridge 29 over Smith Creek is not addressed in the report since it was determined eligible for listing in 2005 and remains so. Please ensure that its eligibility is factored into the project planning and Section 106 consultation. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment,contact Renee Gledhill-Earley,environmental review coordinator,at 919-807-6579 or In all future communication concerning this project,please cite the above referenced tracking number. cc: Mary Pope Furr,NCDOT mfurr(a, Location:109 East Jones Street,Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address:4617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax:(919)807-6570/807-6599 Project Tracking No.(Internal Use) 15-02-0011 t HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES o` ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM Or This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: B-4590 County: New Hanover WBS No.: 38420.1.2 Document Type: Fed.Aid No: Funding: X State El Federal Federal X Yes ❑ No Permit Permit(s): Type(s): Project Description: Replace Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 (Cornelius Harnett Drive/Castle Hayne Road) over Smith Creek in Wilmington (off-site detour planned, no improvements). SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities,results, and conclusions: HPOWeb reviewed on 2 March 2015 and yielded one DE, three SS, and no NR, SL, or LD properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). The APE extends approximately 800 feet from either end of the existing bridge (NE-SW) and 200 feet to either side of the SR 2812 (Cornelius Harnett Drive/Castle Hayne Road) centerline (NW-SE) to encompass anticipated construction activities and possible impacts. New Hanover County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information revealed a semi- urban, industrial APE with several pre-1970 resources. NCDOT- Historic Architecture engaged S&ME, Inc. of Columbia, South Carolina to carry out field investigation and National Register eligibility evaluation of four resources: the Corbett Packaging Company (NH0531), E. W. Godwin's Sons (NH0532), the Godwin House (NH0533), and the Smith Creek Boatyard (NH3639). Bridge No. 29, constructed in 1930-31 and also known as the Smith Creek Bridge, is a 248-foot-long, three-span, steel, Warren thru-truss, swing-span eligible for the National Register according to the NCDOT Historic Bridge Survey as it is one of the earliest and most complete examples of its type in the state. In June 2015 HPO agreed with NCDOT that the four evaluated properties are not eligible for listing in the National Register, while Bridge No. 29 remains eligible. THE PROJECT IS REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH BOTH GS 121-12(A)AND SECTION 106. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Bridge No. 29 Status: DE • Survey Site No.: NH0530 PIN: - Effects ❑ No Effect ❑No Adverse Effect 1K Adverse Effect Historic Architecture and Landscapes EI7.EC7S ASSESSMENT form for Alinor Transportanon Projects as Qualified in the 2007 J'rogranmatic Agreement Page 1 of 2 Explanation of Effects Determination: �\ A crP e/}<i54-s\qck by, d e i s on( v r oJo e a(4 klock Nee., Nte-I a 1--v-v ss c lam t l l 6 Jo-{=fie e e y NcL c Th Brad�e- ►�.1 o co h cry cans d Rev 5e- r rep vzLvn • ik d c .A c ci e c o mirtk -a i`o-A. antid a`- ���+�wcrrow►cS u rn 0V e e . w i t bey re, awe d. List of Envi onn/ental Commitments: FHWA Intends to use the State Historic Preservation Office's concurrence as a basis for a "de minimis" finding for the following properties, pursuant to Section 4(f): SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) X Previous Survey Info. Photos X Correspondence Design Plans Technical report(May 2015) and related materials on file at NCDOT-Historic Architecture. FINDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Historic hitecture and Landscapes—ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS i 02Dl9- NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Uattlit.— Z • ( 3 • (-}- State Historic Preservation Office Represen 've Date Federal Agency Representative Date Historic Archterture and Landscapes EFFEC7S ASSESSMENT Jam for Mina.7ransporlation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 2 of 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY \ (ea 412) ( \ r xs } / j --1 Gst6 --_,616._/ r / ,- Illp-- ' i \'' L. (10 se ' ,„,4 B-4590 •/ 1 c �� '/ i Air- I Wilmington 1 ) / ke AZ Cr N. CD rea U-Turns t'• 4) i in la t \ 'Z Detour Route 0 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 (4.0 miles) Miles \ ' r."''„ ., -y' --- Resource.NCDOT GIS,NCDENR D . Ir- i County I v- ' L______J Boundary r#"°'", NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT t OF TRANSPORTATION } ! � Municipal DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS '�`� k, L_____Boundary \ -I PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ANND ,, r % .A \.,..• ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BRIDGE NO. 29 ON SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Rd) OVER SMITH CREEK B-4590 ,, !i WBS No. 38420.1.2 New Hanover County FIGURE 1 VICINITY Try,. ;w51.10 , 15-oa --001 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HISTORIC BRIDGE INVENTORY REPORT LICHTENSTEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Bridge ID No: 640029 County: NEW HANOVER Div: 03 City: *WILMINGTON Location: 1.5 MI.N.US421 UTM: 18 229389 379478 Owner: STATE Bridge Name: SMITH CREEK BRIDGE Facility Carried: US 117/NC 133 Carried/Feature Intersected: US 117/NC 133 OVER SMITH CREEK Type: SWING SPAN Design: CENTER BEARING Material: STEEL #Spans: 3 Length: 248 Width: 31.3 # Lanes: 2 Railing Type: CONCRETE BALUSTRADES/PIPE RAILINGS WITH BAR FILL Date of Construction:1930-31 Alteration: 1962,1966 Source: PLAQUE Designer/Builder: STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION/T. A. LOVING & CO Current National Register Status of Bridge: Not Previously Evaluated. Local, Determined Eligible, or NR Historic District/Status: Name/Date: Located in Potential Historic District/Historic Context? No Adjacent to Identified or Potential Historic Properties? The bridge has been previously surveyed (NH 530). It was not added to the Study List. Inventory NR Recommendation: Eligible Setting/Context: The bridge carries a 2 lane road over a tidal stream on the north side of Wilmington. The setting is industrial with a commercial sawmill beyond the NE quadrant and modern industrial/commercial buildings beyond the NW quadrant. A tank farm is beyond the SW quadrant. Physical Description: The main span of the 3 span, 248' long and 31.3'wide bridge is a 173' long, 8-panel, riveted Warren thru truss, center bearing swing span. The 2 approach spans to the north of the swing span are 37.5' long tee beam spans. The truss has built-up chords of channels with cover plates or lacing. The verticals and some of the diagonals are rolled sections, which is an original detail. The bridge's portal bracing and some of the upper laterals have been replaced in kind due to c:amage from overheight trucks on several occasions. The bridge is operated by its original gearing and rack and-pinion drive set atop the concrete pivot pier. The original operators house, however, was located at mid span above the roadway in the truss superstructure. It was replaced by a 1-story,asbestos-shingle side, flat-roof operators house at the bridge's NW corner in 1966. The deck and stringers were replaced in 1962, and the floorbeams were strengthened by the addition of welded beams in 1982. The swing span is operable on 24-hrs. notice. In the open position there is just the one navigation channel, but the bridge is not a bobtail, i.e., the two arms of the swing span are of equal length. The swing span has pipe railings with bar fill set to the roadway faces of the trusses. State-standard concrete balustrades are on the tee beam spans and flare over the wingwalls. Original luminaires set atop the end posts have been lost. The plaque reads, "Smith's Creek Bridge, New Hanover County, State Project No. 858, Built by North Carolina State Highway Commission with Federal Aid, 1930." Summary of Significance: The thru truss, center-bearing swing span bridge was built by the state highway commission in 1930-31, and it ranks as one of the earliest and most complete examples of its type/design in the state(Criterion C). It is in operable condition. It has had a replacement operators house and controls, but it does retain original gearing and mechanical systems, and essentially operates as it did when originally built. The bridge is 1 of 7 swing span highway bridges in the survey dated from 1928 to 1962, and it is 1 of 4 Warren thru truss, center-bearing swing spans remaining in the state built between NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HISTORIC BRIDGE INVENTORY REPORT LICHTENSTEIN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Bridge ID No: 640029 County: NEW HANOVER Div: 03 City: *WILMINGTON 1928 and 1931 (640029, 700016, 710008, 730129). These are the oldest identified examples of their type/design in North Carolina. A swing span bridge rotates in a horizontal plane around a vertical axis to a position parallel with the marine channel. When in operation, the movable span is supported by one of two methods: center bearing on a vertical pin or pivot, or rim bearing on a circular girder called a drum, which in turning moves on rollers. The center bearing, such as used with this bridge, is the most common design because of its ease of operation, but as with all movable bridges they are inherently complex because of the need to move and support loads in the closed and open positions. The superstructure of swing span bridges can be trusses, stringers, or girder-floorbeams. The swing span bridge type has been known in Europe since the 17th century and developed most rapidly in the U.S. between 1840 and 1890. All of North Carolina's surviving swing span bridges are later examples of the well-established swing-span technology. The bridge was built to replace a previous bridge on an upstream alignment. Construction began in 1930 and was completed in Dec. 1931. The contractor was T.A. Loving & Co. of Goldsboro. Bibliography: NCDOT Bridge Maintenance Unit File & Plans. NC Dept. of Cultural Resources. Survey& Planning Branch Records. George A. Hool and W. S. Kinne. Movable and Long-Span Steel Bridges. New York, 1923. pp. 1-27 Otis Ellis Hovey. Movable Bridges. New York, 1926. pp. 10-14, 20. Boundary Description and Justification for Eligible Bridges: The bridge has been evaluated individually significant. The boundary is limited to the superstructure and substructure of the bridge. Reviewed By/Date: MEM (2/03) Notes: Additional photos in file. <1d . 4,—23—I S dd.srn,4• ,4%. `•.��ih i =mac North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M.Bartos,Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Office of Archives and History Secretary Susan Kluttz Dcputy Secretary Kevin Cherry June 22,2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Vanessa Patrick Human Environment Unit NC Department of Transportation t jj . FROM: Renee Gledhill-Earley12 it ,fi N� — a-kiit.f. Environmental Review Coordinator SUBJECT: Historic Structures Survey Report for replacement of Bridge 29 on SR 2812 over Smith Creek,B-4590,New Hanover County,ER 15-1325 Thank you for your memorandum of June 3,2015,transmitting the above-referenced report.We have reviewed the evaluation of the four properties and concur that they are not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.The properties are: Corbett Packing Company(NH0531) E.W. Godwin's Sons (NH0532) Godwin House(NH0533) • Smith Creek Boatyard(NH3639) We appreciate your noting that Bridge 29 over Smith Creek is not addressed in the report since it was determined eligible for listing in 2005 and remains so.Please ensure that its eligibility is factored into the project planning and Section 106 consultation. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration.If you have questions concerning the above comment,contact Renee Gledhill-Earley,environmental review coordinator,at 919-807-6579 or In all future communication concerning this project,please cite the above referenced tracking number. cc: Mary Pope Furr,NCDOT Location:109 Fast Jones Staxt,Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address:4617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh NC 276994617 Telephone/Fax:(919)807-6570/807-6599 F y. 15. STATE OF NORTH CAROL,INA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY ANTHONY J.TATA GOVERNOR SECRETARY Memorandum To: Renee Gledhill-Earley Environmental Review Coordinator North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office From: Vanessa E. Patrick Architectural Historian NCDOT — Historic Architecture Date: July 9, 2015 Subject: Historic Architectural Resources Eligibility Evaluation Report, T.I.P. B-4590, PA No. 15-02-0011, Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 over Smith Creek, Wilmington, New Hanover County, ER 15-1325 Thank you for your recent comments on the above report. We are pleased you concur that the four properties evaluated are not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Bridge No. 29, its current National Register eligibility established in 2005 and therefore not addressed in the report, will be considered at an upcoming effects consultation. NCDOT engineers are aware of its status and will provide us with more fully developed project plans and other design information when available. As always, your help is greatly appreciated. Should questions arise, please contact me at or 919-707-6082. Vanessa E. Patrick MAILING ADDRESS: LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TELEPHONE 919-707-6000 CENTURY CENTER,BUILDING B PROJECT DEVELOPMENT&ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT FAX: 919-212-5785 1020 BIRCH RIDGE DRIVE 1598 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27610 RALEIGH NC 27699-1548 WERSITE:N000T GOV t'. K '''• To Be Evaluated , i ik, It; f : n r•k # :. ,., te ; • :Jy ;;. —Smith Creek Boatyard . 1 r.< 'w _ ' �+ (#805 Cornelius Harnett" 1j "" i Drive, Parcel ID: w - ' ,,, 3�' if \�a R04805 005-002 000) ��:.` , + " 2 — E. W. Goodwin's Sons } 4. ;� • ''f' ;,ti�ti: +t .. (NH0532) r'� • ` _ ▪W ,� `', '� Castle Hayne � �5 4 a . .. x y ., :�.. 100- Z s` , (#1207 ' >-*%. .. ,, Road, Parcel - 01-004-00 ) ID: R04 { . ^. 4 *ff `°• -. e. 3—Goodwin House �''I I T. �"� ti`` tip` '`,r r (NH0533),ram :.; . . ,. „ �►�,� "�' �. ��` ,. - (#1225 Castle Hayne -, • .. f ,� Road, Parcel ID: R04100- s Y 4� 001-OQ5-000) •\ - "!. ;� , 1 f 4—Corbett Package Co. �• � �... , -�_ 46, A \l 4', s , *.e.1.. ✓ � . 4 (NH0531) `¢� �, f .� .'fife mat:, n�a (#1200 Castle Hayne . - +, - e���s -� /.� �, * Road, Parcel ID: R04100- ` < c,04, N'si -', p o[` co,..„el _„�• ,a a , R. ' 005-015-000) B-4590 Bridge No. 29 Replacement Wilmington, New Hanover County WBS No. 38420.1.2 Base map: New Hanover County Current GIS, nts NCDOT—Historic Architecture March 2015 Tracking No. 15-02-0011 a ; 4 / s / 1g .�, r' } sat �+ �-, 4 , k¢r INIr..�. - .41k \ . '644."":".' /4.: sy; ,... ....., .. ..... , isfa - A, i ' i, , ,, ug . "" Legend ' / . - OHWM Points : _;J Potential Wetland Waters of the US(404 Wetlands) y/e • Potential Wetland Waters of the US(CAMA Wetlands) oll Q Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US(Perennial Stream) * "` �. , Potential Non-Wetland Waters of the US(Tributary) L�4 r$t f' • Boundary_B4590 Interstate f i++„ �' US Route NC Route Y — Secondary Road Ramp 0 75 150 300 450 NCDO.1f am)waxy -0• -- , ,r Feet Geographi-s, •- ES/Airbus,DS SD(US`GS,AeroG-Rd ),IIC ,z ]fdl�aC iiiir in User`Co , unity Client: o'Y0`�r�c% Date: Scale: Title: 114\406/15i2018 1:1,800 B-4590 Bridge Replacement ,, Dwn By: Ckd By: Figure 3: Jurisdictional M&N Project No. �A.",,y u�°` 8765-02 OFr9DHQ AE JD Features Map f MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AMONG THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY.ADMINISTRATION, THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORIC PlIESERVATION OFFICER; AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTDEPARTMENTOF TRANSPORTATION. REGARDING TIP Na:B-4590 REPLACEMENT OF BRIDGE;.NO:.29:(SMITH'CREEK BRIDGE) ON SECONDARY ROAD(SR)29121:CORNELIUS HARNETT DRIVE/CASTLE HA. WEE 11.9AM9vER SMITH CREEK NEW HANOVER-COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS,the Federal Highway Addnnistration:(FHWA.)proposes to fund the replacement of New Hanover.County.Bridge.No..29 over Smith Creek(hereafter, the Undertaking)through the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation.Program;and WHEREAS,the FHWA has consulted with the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer(SHPO)pursuant to 36 CFR Part K0,regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act(16 U.S.C. 470f);and WHEREAS,the FHWA has determined that the Undertaking will have an adverse effect upon New Hanover:County Bridge No,29,a property determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places(NRHP);and WHEREAS,the FHWA hasnotffied the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation(ACHP)of the adverse effect and the ACHP has chosen not to participate in the consultation;and WHEREAS,the North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT)has participated in the consultation and has been invited by the FHWA and SHPO to. be a signatory to this Memorandum of Agreement(MOA);and NOW,THEREFORE,the FHWA,SHPO,•and NCDOT agree that the Undertaking will be implemented in accordance with the fallowing stipulations to take into account the effects of the Undertaking on New Hanover County • Bridge No.29. r • STIPULATIONS... . . . The FHWA will ensure that the following measures are made part of any. 1 approval or funding issued to the T for the Undertaking to fulfill the FHWA's.responsibilities under 36.CFR Part 800,regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic.Preservation Act(54 U.S.C.300101 et seq.). I. New Hanover County Bridge No 29. A. Photodocumen Cation. Prior to the initiation Of construction,the NCDOTwill record the east ition ofNew,Hanover County • Bridge No.29 in accordance with the attached Historic Structures and. Landscape Recordation Plat(Appendix A). Copies of the documentation will be deposited in the files of the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office and the NOX)T Environmental Analysis Unit, . .. ..... . :. ... ... . . • B. Bridge Relocation and Reuse Program. 1. If the central swing span of'NeW Hanover County Bridge No.29--a Warren through-truss-_chit be extracted'from the bridge in such a manner twit may be reused;Npor will offer it for relocation through its Bridge-Relocation and Re Use Program. 2. If any entity is willing to take the Warren t ugh-truss for reuse,a signed letter of intent will confirm the transfer of ownership and detail the provisions of its relocation. 3. The B-4590:project will be let for construction in:April of 2021. If the span is not transferred for reuse by February 1,2021 it will become the property of the project contractor. II. Unanticipated Discovery. In accordance with 36 CFR 8.0013(b),if the NCDOT identifies additional cultural resources:during construction all work will be halted within the limits of the resource(s)and the FHWA will be contacted. The FHWA will initiate the appropriate agency and/or Tribal coordination required for a determination of eligibility or recovery effort. If after,consultation between the Signatories additional mitigation isdetermined necessary,the NCDOT,in consultation with the other Signatories,will develop-and implement appropriate protection/mitigation measures for the resource(s). Inadvertent or accidental discovery of human remains will be handled in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 65 and 70. If human remains are associated with Native American occupation,NCDOT and memorandum of Agreement 2 8.-4590,New Hanover County • the FHWA will consult with the appropriate tribe prior to the development and execution of a treatment plan: Ill. Dispute Resolution. Should any of the Signatories object within thirty(30)days to any plans or documentation provided for review pursuant to this MOA,the PHWA will consult with the objecting party(ies)to resolve the objection. If the FHWA or the Objecting party(ies)determines that the objection cannot be resolved,the PHWA will forward all docturientation relevant to the dispute to the.ACHP. Within thirty(30)days after receipt of all pertinent documentations the ACHPwill either: - Provide the PHWA with recommendations,which the FHWA will take into account in reaching a final decision regarding the dispute,or - Notify the FHWA that it will;corninetitursuant to 36 CFR 800.7(c)and proceed to comment The FHWA willtake into account any ACHP comment provided in response to such a request in accordance with 36 CFR 800.7(c)(4)with reference to the subject of the dispute. Any recommendation or comment provided by the ACHP will be understood to pertain only to the subject of the dispute;the FHWA's and NCDOT's responsibility to carry out all of the actions under this agreement that are not the subject of the dispute will remain unchanged. IV. Amendments. Should any of the Signatories to this IVIOA believe that its terms cannot be • carried out or that an amendment to the terms must be ntade,that(those) party(ies)will immediately consult with the other party(ies)to develop amendments in accordance with 36 CFR$00.6(c)(7). This MOA may be - amended when such an amendment is agreed tomn writing by all Signatories. The amendment will be effective ortthe date a copy,signed by all of the Signatories,is filed with the ACHP, If an amendment cannot be agreed upon, the dispute resolution process set forth in Stipulation III will be followed. V. Termination. Any of the Signatories may terminate the MOA by providing thirty(30) days written notice to the other parties,provided,that the Signatories will consult during the period prior to termination to seek agreement on • Memorandum of Agreement 3 • B-4590,New Hanover County amendments or other actions that would avoid termination, Termination of this MOA will require compliance with 36 CFR 800. This.MDA may be terminated by the execution of a subsequent MOA that explicitly terminates or supersedes its terns. VI, Duration. Unless terminated pursuant to Stipulation V,this MOA will be in effect until the FHWA,in consultation with the other Signatories, determines that all of its terms have been fulfilled satisfactorily or if NCDOT is unable or decides not to construct the Undertaking. Execution of this Memorandum of Agreement by the FHWA,SHPO,and NCDOT,its subsequent filing with the ACHP,and implementation of its terms evidence that the FHWA has afforded the ACHP an opportunity to comment on the Undertaking and that the.FHWA has taken into account the effects of the Undertaking on New Hanover County Bridge No.29. AGREE: Federal Highway Administration 0°170 3/26/2020 for John F.Sullivan RI, P.E, Date North Carolina Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration AGREE: State Historic Preservation officer )(2-2-/e2-020 Kevin(Cherry,Ph.D Date North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources AGREE: North Carolina Department of Transportation 411. 3 t 3 oZc Philip Ha s- ,P.E.,C.P.M. ate Environmental Analysis Unit Head North Carolina Department of Transportation Memorandum of Agreement 4 t3-45911,New Hanover County • • FILED: By: Advisory Courted on Historic Preservation - Date • Memorandum of Agreement 5 B-4590,New Hanover County I , APPENDIX A Historic:Structures and=Ian ipe Recordation Plan Replacement of Niew Hancniertiantkit Berge l4o. 29 on SR 2812(tornei1us Harn Drive/Castle Hayne Road) over Mitt Creek: New Hanover.County °Nor Carolina TIP-Project B4500 PHOTOGRAPH C.Reciumia4surs o Overall views.of New Hanover County Bridge Number 29 and its surroundings: cr Images showing the details of the superstructure and substructure of New Hanover County Bridge Number 29. PHOTOGRAPHIC FORMAT o Color digital imagas(all views). •'triages-are:to:be shot on a SLR digital camera and labeled according to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office standards: o All processing to be done to archival standards. o The accompanying printed Inventory of the images—including subject, location, date,and photographer Information for each image—is to be completed according to the North Carolina State:Historic Preservation Office standards. COPIES AND ORATION • One(1)set each of all photographic-documentation, including a compact disc of labeled images, will be deposited with the North Carolina Division of Archives and History/State Historic Preservation Office to be made.a permanent part of the statewide survey and iconographic collection. o One (1)contact sheet will be deposited in the files'of the Environmental Analysis Unit of NCDOT. Memorandum of Agreement 6 0-4590,New Hanover County e" 1/ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IRATE R IKT.T.AP .VSEDICENO �o w.:� N.C. B-4590 1 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS n.n wu No N.C. Mil►Nq. ` 38420.1.2 BRNHS-117(5) PE ► -'-'"1111t.41': "111. ' 38420.1.2 BRNHS-117(5) ROW •ON 0 _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY t.,-, , •Ay. M ke LOCATION: BRIDGE NO. 640029 OVER SMITH CREEK IAPR JECTATI _A ON SR 2812 (CASTLE HAYNE ROAD) OCATI• • c - . TYPE OF WORK: GRADING,DRAINAGE, PAVING AND STRUCTURE (BRIDGE) I"I nol fir,,fkre ,,-ib,, V I WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT v‘Po e M�W DETOUR O VICINITY MAP N.T.S. SITE 1 END BRIDGE PERMIT DRAWING A4 BEGIN BRIDGE -L- POT STA. 19+ 76.00 SHEET 1 OF 10 044 BEGIN PROJECT -L- POT STA. 17+13.00 15 y -L- POT STA. 14+00.00 . ( END PROJECT Er ''''' 1 -L- POT STA. 22+50.00 DEAD—END -- --- r -,"---,,..., (-) \ ' --- ---- _ END CONSTRUCTIONw -� �,.\ 1 Nc I�� -Y- POT STA. 10+90.00 /4' ' IS` . 1 y ri a. L �� / 'N WittgrAIIIIIII "efrallri Rssii NI BEGIN CONSTRUCTION RS&I11-'' is , JPABIMOMMIOWSK (.,'D lq4 afrak v �illiftlifirb 3 V -Y- POT STA. 10+14.05 Same 0 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL C L UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED • • THERE IS NO CONTROL OF ACCESS ON THIS PROJECT. J c can) Prepared In the Office of: HYDRAULICS ENGINEER e V GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH RS&H c ARCHITECTS—ENGINEERS—PLANNERS INC. o / L ADT 2015 = 2800 b5_'I SIX FORKS ROAD,SUITE 400 > 50 25 0 50 100T lun �J RALEIGH,NC 17615 y ADT 2035 = 4200 (..-i-IINOR c N K = 9 o/D 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS I �•/p PLANS LENGTH ROADWAY = 0.138 MILES RICHARD BOLLINGER, PE '',,, El4 D = 60 % PROJECT ENG/AEER SIGNATURE: P.E. ei s T.L� 50 25 0 50 100 T = Z DAD LENGTH STRUCTURE = 0.050 MILES RIGHT OF WAY DATE: o o 7� 11 t-11 2. ROADWAY DESIGN �� V = 40 MPH = DECEMBER 18,2018 CHARLES YOUNG, PE �' * PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER '�` 0 0� TOTAL LENGTH0.188 MILES ENGINEER N ! N_z PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) TTST = 1 DUAL = b �r o�' Of TA�N�! �°E 10 5 0 10 20 FUNC CLASS = LETTING DATE: impL 1 LOCAL APRIL 21.2020 '_ co) l $UBREGIONAL TIER NCDOT COVTACT PE v�EN PROFILE (VERTICAL) SIGNATURE E» \ J� slcNAiU RE. per- ` O PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. DETAIL C N B-4590 a DETAIL A BRIDGE NO. 640029 RAV SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAUUCS SPECIAL LATERAL 'V'DITCH SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ---.1ENGINEER ENGINEER (Not to Scale) (Not to Scale) I Fran, Front PERMIT DRAWING 3 Ditch Natural�•/. 3, Slope SHEET 2 OF 10 Ground 3- ./ Dryer D D t Min.D= 2.0 Ft. Rock Plating Type of Liner= Rock Plating Min.D= 2.0 Ft. EST 1 TON CL B RIP RAP FROM -L- STA.21+50 TO STA.22+32 RT EST 5 SY GEOTEXTILE DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL FROM STA.-L- 21+25 TO STA.21+50 RT EST 1 TON CL B RIP RAP UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ROCK PLATING REQUIRED FOR SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 EST 5 SY GEOTEXTILE RS&I1 FILL IN WETLANDS .\, • i/ / MOVE E !STING B IDGE EEK BC-' Ihu (—ABANDONED 6"DI SMITH CREEK k n . fi, . . j . ALUM SLUDGE LINE Q` C 3 / EBB \c, tQ� WOODS _ FL000 vAPPROXIMATE LOCATIONUTI r ,; hT _7��i 1 ' %.� ! . OF EXISTING A"FSS LINE .. 552 PG 226 „1;B i551FG 77: �T� 1. �4. .. . 1 1 ± 11 1 1 1 1 ±s5 5(- t. ��)��S'� ` WOI DS • LAMA /404 — i ;. ������ `Ts::_kth„ 7 04 UTILITY EASEMENT L X 6' W , FEND ', ` ; U U 193. 'G 66 'c'- F CON DB 1622 PG 787 �.•g 1 .7'TD MLA y �`* . AATT SPLI ESPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH MAUL D ' • �� —tc %i C I OxES ExiSTwc Riw "�[.. 'I� �i <<, A• -(� SEE DETAIL A D U Y ASEMEN� T,. �� +:. EXCAVATIO `I'�I ,VOA '1 �D i6zz Pc EN Q10=2 7.14cfs V10=3.19f s /— —c 1 s'����A �� LIMITS ,� NGEP 'I \�� 7�=c t �� ! i �`f I L'TL TCF Po; a AA; çc y !r _�� A \ _ — F_ PAVED LIVER -- - - - `T-.E /-0/ _ 1 I 11111 ,r�f� iA tTilD Ii�1-�-- -_ �` I —- — — t — ; ••_\Nw.w.ii� 1s•:iv& �,_--- —rl — �r —rILB— F \ .sl�,�_ �� ti: 41‘ t' ik At /404 ��rrA " �A►�,�_ '�� _. � mil ► 6. �� - ----= �. o ��� 1 1 1 1 1 vT� �igur f�i'+v�i ��� i►i►ri►� i�' END r'''!, W '!�4� r.. v E a�'t>✓r%�'�� B ' � /� • ���' II , �'� `:�. ~s % REMOVE �� �r1¢ SS?' F� 1 1 1 �� a, 1F�ti N 1 1 1 r�,� k� �1 -� \^LBOARG i� `G,4iG, / J - •"-i 36 FCJ 1 /g,. / P S gF-1Aoc �m w RET INS ' 1 1 1 1 C'L'� / “''AlP f 1 1 1 1 e-1'F ` \• l - 6 P �� t� ` EBB •* I SPECIAL LATERAL �yGO,� ( AP/h P�/ v , FLOOD 'V'DITCH Bc , / •N 0,l'e 1 `,j c"/ ''C / ,�' 1 1 1 1 1.. �-� J SEE DETAIL C T' GL1G/� �e-- //r,: CAMA /404elfF / 1 1 1 EST 2 TON CL B RIP RAP /.... i `44. ,,, . • • / \ EST 7 SY GEOTEXTILE /r 6' ' /(C+ ���sT 404 WETLAND ONLY sPE�IAL LATERAL 'V'DITtll - , '— x • REMOVE SEE DETAIL B / c FENDER Q10=27.14cfs V10= ,p1fONC t SYSTEMS /� - 404 WETLAND ONLY-- / ii E 404 WETLAND ONLY F F DENOTES FILL IN �/ E DENOTES EXCAVATION , F / WETLAND E E .// IN WETLAND CORBETT PACKAGE COMPANY (n_ ij CLEAN OUT EXISTING RCP occo E. II OUTLET TO PROPOSED ADITCH RY TO 4 DENOTES TEMPORARY 29.aDENOTES HAND 50' 0' 50' 100' 150' ,,c IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER .e 7 CLEARING I e e P 1 \ O PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. cv B-4590 4 DETAIL C * BRIDGE NO. 640029 RN/ SHEET NO. DETAIL A I ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS SPECIAL LATERAL 'V'DITCH SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH --.I ENGINEER ENGINEER (Not to Scale) I Not to Scale) - Frant Front -- PERMIT DRAWING Not r I 1 Ditch Natural 1-t .,., Slop - .� SHEET 3 OF 10 3. Sloe Ground F Ground 3y D N. D �' • t Min.D= 2.0 Ft. Rock Plating Type of Liner= Rock Plating Min.D= 2.0 Ft. —EST 1 TON CL B RIP RAP f7 FROM -L- STA.21+50 TO STA.22+32 RT EST 5 SY GEOTEXTILE DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL FROM STA.-L- 21+25 TO STA.21+50 RT 1, T 1 TON L B RIP P UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED % ROCK PLATING REQUIRED FOR SLOPES m STEEPER THAN 3:1 T 5 SY G OTEXTILE RSI1 FILL IN WETLANDS \ , )\ ' ., . .- 4. I MOVE 1 ' E (STING K BOSE ITE ( ITH EK I B DGE rE,N3 NE 6" i 1 Ate• M _ L.C.E L i N . _.,3 E B ‘e WOODS 4 c. 27, ' * APPF,Q)(11vIt.TE L-0-CAT]ClSi S., NN " tk II�,G F" LINE ± ± 1 ± ± ± ± ± ±�,_y— sc------ AMA V.T��T, `� ' \. ` WOODS r- .�. /404 r - is ;'"1;. s v��i ,`_� '� --- } f �"'4,i a �� _ Iairier.._;` 404 EASEMENT i L X 6 W V r r", 0� ���I _ L -._ z - $ : : 1r $ 'G 66 �e,� NC o e cc e7n L D �\ ` �3I, �_. �� ' \ t��`. — _1c� • I XFSrE SPECAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH '` YD I!i • ✓•• 'a"5,47t'A -.- �a�' °�,+��R n _(� �\ r am' ? SE; DETAIL A -w+ . T,, �M _ .��,-ityro EX AV TI�TN♦- i�7Q _� �bzz Pc�Me •1II=27.14cfs V10=3.19fps ! LIMIT - _ T _, � a. y _ �� ��: I�. S.�► � 11S. � CfATT1372. c� �'M / • \W' Yie�'3:z �`f'-fc_ v �-�- F ,.#. - —_: wta1� 1� >�.�. OA but, - _F =___ — j: � _ - t - - _ - - - - - t 3�`' s��; r�n 1kE12 L w1�gi.4 1� J�� �S-` - _ — iiiiirinismieitiolaimistuiamiliminiimi mirming7i-----------------_ --"" ____ _____ , Ji!P■11111110111,t\_IIIIIIMI■F,�IVAgIPWMIIIIIMIMIWl:Mid,r' fiaiiii,iidiii P i 41))11 -,i_04 I I VA r410 0; ' al i ± 1 4 ± ar� i --.�C ,r1► �. Ataiiis�i '1 VS , `� � i"!/�r. v��►_ 1 E v �a 3 MII�s�." _ 6 T`F `' / mow•10 1 ,i, ± �l�. 10:47.115, • � .. ',.1-r. ': REMOVE • ���,�� �s v / p / / \•_./ m w+� to L BOA PD i 160kr1/4,. RETQIN/ o ± ± 1 ± f. /M C N. 1 1 ± 1 1 ±� A . �' E } SPECIA •TERAL a • eGC'� ., .i ��� /�,`' / , 44 FL .� ' V'DITCH 6�T1 oiC ,� ,e-}- .• / / . ± is ± ± 1 ]' J 1� • SEE DETAIL C �G6 a l L re • CAN11A /404 { r EST 2 TON CL B RIP RAP d( ` - T % Ni�� ' EST 7 SY GEOTEXTILE //„ m % l � •�,:,--- ---* 4--- • SPECIAL TERAL / L _ 404 WETLAND ONLY t �' v'DIT t3 ��� REMOVE I E ETAIL B - / rn 6\ 'FENDER 10=27.14cfs V10=4.Olfps- / 4 o 'SYSTEM �� r ,;,%� 404 WETLAN ONLY ' ' s E --/� F F DENOTES FILL IN < < - b—ix _ ,' 404 WETLAN ONLY o F WETLAND E DENOTES EXCAVATION 7 • CORBETT PACKAGE MPANY c . E E IN WETLAND 7 CLEAN OUT EXISTING RCP — OUTLET AS NECESSARY TO DENOTES HAND DENOTES TEMPORARY ! 1 TIE TO PROPOSED DITCH �� CLEARING 2 IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 50' 0' 50' 100' 150' ar PROJECT REFERENCE NO I SHEET NO. - N B-4590 4 DETAIL A DETAIL C I BRIDGE NO. 640029 ROADWAY VW DES SHEET NO HYDRAULICS SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH SPECIAL LATERAL 'V'DITCH --IENGINEER ENGINEER (Not to Scale) (Not to Scale) I Franc Front PERMIT D RAW I N G Ditch Natural?j a� 's'\ Doch Natural + 3.•1 Slope Ground F, slope SHEET 4 OF 10 Ground 3•j vryel D D Min.D= 2.0 Ft. Rock Plating Type of Liner= Rock Plating Min.D= 2.0 Ft. EST 1 TON CL B RIP RAP FROM —L— STA.21+50 TO STA.22+32 RT EST 5 SY GEOTEXTILE DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL FROM STA.—L— 21+25 TO STA.21+50 RT EST 1 TON CL B RIP RAPe'k. UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ROCK PLATING REQUIRED FOR SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 EST 5 SY GEOTEXTILE RS&H / 1 . w REMOVE / EXISTING BRIDGE SIN ABANDONED E' D! SMITH CREEK I 1, ALUM SLUDGE LINE l �� EBB 4:15WOODS _ FLOOD TENT _7�� ! ! OFPEXISTIINGE8"FFSSTION LINE ± 1 ± 1 ± ± 1 1 l'rs �— -� / 71 S� T ,,�, WOODS \� CAMA /404 r - 7 q' - T� 404 1 1 ` 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 • - \� FENDER WC \ \ l E--- _ ,.'UT, EASEMENT 12' L X 6 W \ i - �^ 1936 PC 66 'c. C CNC p DE 1622 PG 'E' X D A teat � TT SFU E' 1 1 l �� tau :a Ca/ 1 I t :. b _ �� •. r"� ECXES I SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ___ Ex_ n; ;w_ \ �7y���� i qt.�_ n•p'(� .` H L ) SEE DETAIL A ., F °>w asEMENf r T-+ — — _ EXCAVATION �'"' - �• �E F`622 PC 76Ltiw, / T Cu-C,„ Q10—27.14cfs V10—3.19fps ± ± ± ± 1 • . . J \ jL� �'''� r.' WE — LIMITS FENDEF ` L�! {_ = if — — , / c— .fr,. _ EX AVATION �` S' — L. F _S �` nit" Mil - _ f �• 1s. LIMITS C vccM'Li ....1" I _—�— _ MIPAVED OVER, -- - - 1--CC I; CA57'E hArNE RGAC IMIIMBib®� . COHC 3°'BST jn MMINIft Ma ;� ;-- _ - Z _ _ JI_�L�7 -icev �1�R. IPARITAI lMMEII I 1 —� m�� wiLir e, , F �' AMA /404 ��, . hII,_ -4_ _ 1 1 1 1 1) y A �a — _ �� j % icP ���' F.� D REMOVE I ' 1 ' ` — 1 1 1 ) ��C oil 1F�`� y 1 1 �1 � E c a R D :� c 1 1 1 1 174,c/' PIP P/ �R���c �,"Lf7 v RETAIN � ,IF '�. ` 1 1 1 1 1 .0�E � EBB , G SPECIAL LATERAL L /yE AP ,..):-/ �� // , FLOOD V' DITCH E �sl c /� 1 1 1 1 % , SEE DETAIL C a � �� 1, . CAMA /404 — d �\ EST 2 TON CL B RIP RAP T F LOW STEEL OF ' EST 7 SY GEOTEXTILE N // C_, i1V;O•iy O,M� J TEMPORARY WORK J P,' + ` � 404 WETLAND ONLY PLATFORM TO BE EQUAL SPECIAL LATERAL op �/ L4v TO OR HIGHER THAN 'V'DITCH - _ � THAT OF THE EXISTING Q10 DETAIL 2 Alms V10=`4.olfpsC>\c c ,\ BRIDGE a 404 WETLAND ONLY-. ifE 404 WETLAND ONLY ' CORBETT PACKAGE COMPANY w - TEMPORARY WORK isil PLATFORM CLEAN OUT EXISTING RCP ar OUTLET AS NECESSARY TO TIE TO PROPOSED DITCH 50' 0' 50' 100' 150' ar i tO - —: _ - - ` 2.5 5 PROJ. SHEET NO. • N_—_ -- -------- ----------._- _-- -----_ __.- ---------_--- —__.-__ _.---"--- '--- =-------__.------- ---_.. -- ' -------- -'----------'-- -.._-. --.--_._ _..----"-- ------ --- ------ ----.___...----- --.___-. .----- Ll-J�111•i�lL B-4590 X t 0 REFERENCE NO. Lc, 5 TO 65 60 55 90 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 1D $ 0 5 1? 15 20 25 30 35 40 4.5 90 55 60 65 70 75 • _ __ : - -- PERMIT DRAWING • SHEET 9 OF 10 • Pir, WETLANDS ._ ..5 : • W : qL 0.003. 0.030 '{ z �. ,� — — _ — _. . gl® u, 1397 4 � — i . � — _ ._. — T — I Hi— „- ii tr. ' s/Ae' 1. , 20-+ -50.00 5.00- : _ ... - - • WE`fLAN�ScwEiLANTs ___ ,c if35 U.{ i • - — — i5 • / , . 1 oQN 75 713 65 60 55 90 45 40 35 30 25 XI15 ip .i 0 5 1 D 15 20 25 30 35 40 415 90 55 60 65 70 75 WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Hand Existing Existing Permanent Temp. Excavation Mechanized Clearing Permanent Temp. Channel Channel Natural Site Station Structure Fill In Fill In in Clearing in SW SW Impacts Impacts Stream No. (From/To) Size /Type Wetlands Wetlands Wetlands in Wetlands Wetlands impacts impacts Permanent Temp. Design (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 15+64 / 17+20 RT Roadway Fill < 0.01 0.05 1 17+20 / 17+80 RT Clearing for Temp Platform 0.04 _ 1 16+56 / 17+20 LT Roadway Fill 0.01 < 0.01 1 17+30 LT & RT Floodplain Excavation 0.02 0.02 1 17+76 / 19+19 LT & RT Existing Structure Removal 0.20 1 19+60 RT Floodplain Excavation < 0.01 _ 1 19+99 /22+04 RT Roadway Fill 0.05 < 0.01 TOTALS*: I 0.07 0.02 0.11 0.20 0 0 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Total permanent SW Impacts due to proposed piles =75.4 sq.ft. NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fill in Coastal Wetlands = 886 sq. ft and Fill in Non-Coastal Wetlands = 1,959 sq. ft DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Temp Work Platform 3/4/2020 Based on 20'or shorter spans, with pile rows 2' long and the full width of the platform (both conservative): New Hanover County Temporary Fill in Wetlands =268 sq.ft and Temporary Surface Water Impacts=610 sq.ft B-4590 38420.1.2 Revised 2016 09 09 SHEET 10 OF 10 / \ NWT TOTAL See Sheet 1A For Incex of Sheets STATE OF NO IsZ TH CAI" OLINA 6TAT[ RATE PMIIKT Ilt.[OlNL1 NO. NO. _ - See Sheet 1B For Conventional Symbols DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS N.C. B-4590 1 1®' srwTs nwLxa mnmow 38420.1.2 BRNHS-117(5) PE ��.e�i 38420.1.2 BRNHS-117(5) ROW/UTL. 8 �* 38420.1.2 BRNHS-117(5) CONST. a �� 0 a 44. NEW HANOVER COUNTY i M. �� 0 VIP LOCATION: BRIDGE NO. 640029 OVER SMITH CREEK /PROJECT iitz r1 °CATION ON SR 2812 (CASTLE HAYNE ROAD) • . 0TYPE OF WORK: GRADING,DRAINAGE,PAVING AND STRUCTURE (BRIDGE) , 1 ',. '�i Ct1 \ N1P DETOUR O VICINITY MAP N.T.S. END BRIDGE Q;j BEGIN BRIDGE -L- POT STA. 19+ 76.00 111441 -L- POT STA. 17+13.00 _ 3 BEGIN PROJECT ,JS �1S-� x -L- POT STA. 14+00.00 END PROJECT i "� h 1 -L- POT STA. 22+50.00 BEAD END --- --- x — 2•% iroi -L- SR 2812 1 / r ______ rj'-\\ , END CONSTRUCTION �4\ 1= s ___7_� -_ 133 s__, -Y- POT STA. 10+90.00 / ,..l-' x • 11*. / 41 ( C\1 /0 /,/ ./ L---' diiiititir4711,2,11r1 Pfeigi - -1-0,4014.4 Ruh, V BEGIN CONSTRUCTION RSsI1sz:. rr` �i► *��#�t ��61� A -Y- POT STA. 10+14.05 e Zia DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED • • THERE IS NO CONTROL OF ACCESS ON THIS PROJECT. m ' `� Prepared in the Office of: ,,,,,,o,,, HYDRAULICS ENGINEER V GRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH RSf�H ••�..•'Esi;••:N,'•, ADT 2015 = 2800 ARCHITECTS-ENGINEERS-PLANNERS,INC. ,°`S tri 50 25 0 50 100 •*1 18442 8511 SIX FORKS ROAD,SUITE 000 ADT 2035 = 4200 RALEIGH,NC 17615 1;,•t, Q•.1%,, (4-NONTA,cO 1I1:II�_� ° 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICAITONS :90`;tSINE„`.:4'6 '�.�PLANS K = 9 /° LENGTH ROADWAY = 0.138 MILES RICHARD BOLLINGER,PES. %:o"°'O`' ®�S NiD�, D = 60 % PROJECT ENGINEER SIGNATURE: P.E s ,;?•,� 50 25 0 50 100 T = 7 % LENGTH STRUCTURE = 0.050 MILES RIGHT OF WAY DATE o o: �vz,,, ROADWAY DESIGN � �a I 1 FI _� V = 40 MPH DECEMBER 18,2018 CHARLES YOUNG,PE a�N -•.r'•., a i� TOTAL LENGTH = 0.188 MILES ;`i°:•F,,,,,•:~,,,, ENGINEER e o T< PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) * TTST = 1 DUAL = 6 PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER ,av° °�: e"gy ®�~ CZ i SEAL '1 : e "�� O 10 5 0 10 20 FUNC CLASS = LETTING DATE: 046062 , I ®F TAw�s z ov LOCAL ,;s` INE°��,.` ao� JUNE 6,2019 DAVID B. LEONARD,PE ,,��;IS•••.l ,,o 5,�� co) Ii PRO I SUBREGIONAL TIER .. _ 0,�C. \ „ PROFILE (VERTICAL) NCDOT CONTACT ^ SIGNATURE.••` r.E. Olr w l� / A per- PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO• B-4590 IA ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER oI..H.CAgp..... ,FpFFSf/L.; 1. SEA 046062 's rik;VGINO-1.o •�wwE -"'vC DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED INDEX OF SHEETS GENERAL NOTES STANDAR_ _D DRAWINGS SHEET NUMBER SHEET GENERAL NOTES: 2018 SPECIFICATIONS EFFECTIVE: 01-16-2C p 1 TITLE SHEET REVISED: EFF. 01-16-2018 REV. IA INDEX OF SHEETS. GENERAL NOTES. AND LIST OF STANDARD DRAWINGS GRADE LINE: 2018 ROADWAY ENGLISH STANDARD DRAWINGS GRADING AND SURFACING: 1B CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS The following Roadway Standards as appear in "Roadway Standard Drawings" Highway Design Branch - 1C THRU 1D SURVEY CONTROL SHEETS THE GRADE LINES SHOWN DENOTE THE FINISHED ELEVATION OF THE PROPOSED N. C. Deportment of Tronsportotion - Raleigh. N. C.. Doted January. 2018 are applicable to this project SURFACING AT GRADE POINTS SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL SECTIONS. GRADE LINES MAY BE and by reference hereby are cohsiaered o part of these plans: 2A-1 THRU 2A-2 PAVEMENT SCHEDULE AND TYPICAL SECTIONS ADJUSTED AT THEIR BEGINNING AND ENDING AND AT STRUCTURES AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER IN ORDER TO SECURE A PROPER TIE-IN. STD.NO. TITLE 2B-1 MODIFIED METHOD III CLEARING DETAIL CLEARING: DIVISION 2 - EARTHWORK 2C-1 CONCRETE BRIDGE SIDEWALK APPROACH DETTIL CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY 225.02 Guide for Grading Subgrode - Secondary and Loccl 2C-2 TYPE III - STRUCTURE ANCHOR UNIT MODIFIED METHOD III. 225.04 Method of Obtaining Superelevot ion - Two Lone Pavement 225.06 Method of Grading Sight Distance at Intersections 2C-3 W-BEAM RAIL SECTION DETAIL SUPERELEVATION: DIVISION 3 - PIPE CULVERTS 2G-1 GEOTECHNICAL DETAILS ALL CURVES ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE SUPERELEVATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STD. NO. 225.04 USING THE RATE OF SUPERELEVATION AND RUNOFF SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 300.01 Method of Pipe Instal lotion 3B-1 SUMMARY OF DRAINAGE QUANTITIES. SUPERELEVATION IS TO BE REVOLVED ABOUT THE GRADE POINTS SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL SUMMARY OF GUARDRAIL. EARTHWORK SECTIONS. DIVISION 4 - MAJOR STRUCTURES SUMMARY. SHOULDE BERM GUTTER SUMMARY. SHOULDER CONSTRUCTION: 422.01 Br age Approach Fills - Type I StcnderC Approach Fill AND ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVAL SUMMARY 422.03 Reinforces Briage Approach Fills - Type A Alterncte Approach Fill for Integrcl Abutment 3G-1 GECTECHNICAL SUMMARY ASPHALT. EARTH. ANC CONCRETE SHOULDER CONSTRUCTION CN THE HIGH SIDE OF SUPERELEVATED CURVES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STD. NO. 560.01 DIVISION 5 - SUBGRADE. BASES AND SHOULDERS 4 PLAN SHEET SIDE ROADS: 560.01 Method of Shoulder Construction - High Side of Superelevcted Curve - Method I 5 PROFILE SHEET THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO DO ALL NECESSARY WORK TO PROVIDE DIVISION 8 - INCIDENTALS RW03E-1 THRU RW03E-2 R/W PLAN SHEETS SUITABLE CONNECTIONS WITH ALL ROADS. STREETS. AND DRIVES ENTERING THIS PROJECT. THIS WORK WILL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE FOR THE PARTICULAR ITEMS 840.00 Concrete Base Pad for Drainage Structures TMP-1 THRU TMP-5 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLANS INVOLVED. 840.02 Concrete Catch Basin - 12" thru 54" Pipe 840.18 Concrete Grated Drop Inlet Type B' - 12' thru 36'" Pipe PMP-1 THRU PMP-2 PAVEMENT MARKING PLANS STREET TURNOUT: 840.29 Frames and Narrow Slot Flot Grates 846.01 Concrete Curb. Gutter cnC Curb &Gutter EC-1 THRU EC-5 EROSION CONTROL PLANS STREET RETURNS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STD. NC. B48.G4 USING 846.04 Drop Inlet InstalICtian in Shoulder Berm Gutter THE RADII NCTED ON PLANS. 848.01 Concrete Sicewclh SIGN-1 THRU SIGN-5 SIGNING PLANS 848.04 Street Turnout GUARDRAIL: 862.01 Guardrail Placement 862.02 Guardrail Installation UC-1 THRU UC-6 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PLANS - THE GUARDRAIL LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS MAY BE ADJUSTED DURING 862.03 Structure Anchor Units UO-1 THRU UO-2 UTILITIES BY OTHERS CONSTRUCTION AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD CONSULT 876.01 Rip Rap in Channels WITH THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO ORDERING GUARDRAIL MATERIAL. 876.02 Guide for Rip Rap at Pipe Outlets X-IA CROSS-SECTION SUMMARY SHEET END BENTS: X-1 THRU X-9 CROSS-SECTIONS THE ENGINEER SHALL CHECK THE STRUCTURE END BENT PLANS. DETAILS. AND CROSS- S-i THRU S-42 STRUCTURE PLANS SECTION PRIOR TC SETTING OF THE SLOPE STAKES FOR THE EMBANKMENT OR EXCAVATION APPROACHING A BRIDGE. SN STRUCTURE STANDARD NOTES SHEET UTILITIES: UTILITY OWNERS ON THIS PROJECT ARE DUKE ENERGY. AT&T. PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS. SPECTRUM CABLE. CENTURY LINK. CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY ANY RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY OTHERS. EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. RIGHT-OF-WAY MARKERS: ALL RIGHT-OF-WAY A PERMANENT EASEMENT MARKERS ON THIS PROJECT ARE PLACED BY L&S. THE CONTRACT SURVEYOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RESETTING ANY POINTS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION. rn v a m m w 0 LU.ILL !a oo, N3 Z0041 aa oD to o¢w PROJECT REFERENCE NG. SKIT NG STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DIVISION OF1- IGHW AYS e 4590 B CONVENTIONAL PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS BOUNDARIES AND PROPERTY: - ----- Note:Not to Scale S.U.E. = Subsurface Utility Engineering WATER: State Line RAILROADS: -------- County Line Standard Gauge - IIIIIIII Hedge Water Manhole Wo -- - -- --- -- --- CSX TRANSPORTATION g RR Signal Milepost MIJEPOOST 35 Woods Line ,,, ,n,_ , Water Meter - Township Line Switch I I Orchard - fl fl fl Water Valve City Line - - - ---- SWITCH RR Abandoned - — -'-- — Vineyard I Vineyard Water Hydrant -- `0 Reservation Line - - U/G Water Line LOS B (S.U.E*) Property Line RR Dismantled - - EXISTING STRUCTURES: , P rh U/G Water Water Line LOS C (S.U.E*) Existing Iron Pin - MAJOR: U/G Water Line LOS D (S.U.E*) • Computed Property Corner ,, RIGHT OF WAY & PROJECT CONTROL: Bridge,Tunnel or Box Culvert I CONC I A/G water Above Ground Water Line Secondary Horiz and Vert Control Point ♦ Bridge Wing Wall, Head Wall and End Wall- ) CONC ww Property Monument . ,, Primary Horiz Control Point C MINOR: TV:Parcel/Sequence Number et Primary Pedestal El Prima Horiz and Vert Control Point Head and End Wall / -R Existing Fence Line x x x- Primary Proposed Woven Wire Fence o Exist Permanent Easment Pin and Cap --- -- - Pipe Culvert TV Tower Proposed Chain Link Fence o New Permanent Easement Pin and Cap 0 Footbridge --- --- U/G TV Cable Hand Hole BenchmarkU/G TV Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) --- TV Vertical --- Proposed Barbed Wire Fence- O I Drainage Box: Catch Basin, DI or JB U/G TV Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) , Existing Right of Way Marker .�, Paved Ditch Gutter Existing Wetland Boundary --- U/G TV Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) Tv Existing Right of Way Line Storm Sewer Manhole Proposed Wetland Boundary .R U/G Fiber Optic Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) °Pa Existing Endangered Animal Boundary E.e New Right of Way Line O Storm Sewer U/G Fiber Optic Cable LOS C (S.U.E.* Tv a ) — Existing Endangered Plant Boundary EP° New Right of Way Line with Pin and Cap K. A UTILITIES. * TR FO U/G Fiber Optic Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) Existing Historic Property Boundary we -- New Right of Way Line with POWER: GAS: Known Contamination Area: Soil -V.-s-V.- Concrete or Granite RAW Marker ® O Existing Power Pole • New Control of Access Line with b Gas Valve -- 0 Potential Contamination Area: Soil -s- Proposed Power Pole Concrete C/A Marker ® P Gas Meter Known Contamination Area:Water -AP:-`"-X ExistingJoint Use Pole Existing Control of Access U/G Gas Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) Potential Contamination Area:Water -=-W-= Proposed Joint Use Pole -- - - New Control of Access -- ® U/G Gas Line LOS C (S.U.E.*) - -— Contaminated Site: Known or Potential .®. 7� Power Manhole -- - --- - - Existing Easement Line - - - U/G Gas Line LOS D (S.U.E.*) BUILDINGS AND OTHER CULTURE: New Temporary Construction Easement E Power Line Tower Above Ground Gas Line A/G Gas Gas Pump Vent or U/G Tank Cap 0 Power Transformer n New Temporary Drainage Easement TDE Sign c) U'G Power Cable Hand Hole -- SANITARY SEWER: New Permanent Drainage Easement - PDE Well H-Frame Pole - 00 Sanitary Sewer Manhole - a" New Permanent Drainage /Utility Easement DUE Sanitary Sewer Cleanout CD Mine New Permanent Utility Easement - PUE U/G Power Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) Foundation L I U/G Power Line LOS C (S.U.E.*) - U/G Sanitary Sewer Line -- s. New Temporary Utility Easement -- - TUEAbove Ground Sanitary Sewer Arc Sanitary Sewer Area Outline New Aerial Utility Easement AUE U/G Power Line LOS D (S.U.E.*) Cemetery SS Forced Main Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) TELEPHONE: *) U.E SS Forced Main Line LOS C (S.U.E.*) Building - I 7 ROADS AND RELATED FEATURES: School . Existing Telephone Pole f SS Forced Main Line LOS D (S.U.E.*)- Fss I - I Existing Edge of Pavement - - Proposed Telephone Pole Church MISCELLANEOUS: U Existing Curb --- -- Dam Telephone Manhole-- OO Proposed Slope Stakes Cut HYDROLOGY: r Telephone Pedestal ❑T Utility Pole • Proposed Slope Stakes Fill Stream or Body of Water Telephone Cell Tower Utility Pole with Base ❑ Proposed Curb Ramp Utility Located Object --- - C Hydro, Pool or Reservoir U/G Telephone Cable Hand Hole "N Existing Metal Guardrail 11 Jurisdictional Stream -_ - U/G Telephone Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) Utility Traffic Signal Box _ is Proposed Guardrail T T T Utility Unknown U/G Line LOS B (S.U.E.*) m,T, Buffer Zone 1 ----- -- - - - - ------ BZ 1 U/G Telephone Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) -- Existing Cable Guiderail n Buffer Zone 2 --- BZ 2 U/G Telephone Cable LOS D (S.U.E.*) UG Tank;Water, Gas, Oil - Proposed Cable Guiderail n n n n Flow Arrow E U/G Telephone Conduit LOS B (S.U.E.*) --- Underground Storage Tank,Approx. Loc. (UST) Equality Symbol A/G Tank;Water, Gas,Oil Disappearing Stream - U'G Telephone Conduit LOS C (S.U.E.*) - - Pavement Removalb Spring -- -_ U/G Telephone Conduit LOS D (S.U.E.*) — Geoenvironmental Boring Wetland VEGETATION: U/G Test Hole LOS A (S.U.E. U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS B (S.U.E.*) - *) -- T Single Tree o__ Abandoned According to Utility Records AATUR Proposed Lateral,Tail, Head Ditch » > > U/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS C (S.U.E.*) —- `� Single Shrub a End of Information False SumpU/G Fiber Optics Cable LOS D S.U.E.* E.O.I. m P ( ) PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-4590 IC SURVEY CONTROL SHEET B-4590 Location and Surveys W/EXISTING CENTERLINE ALIGNMENTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION I I I Lp 1790 2° \ -:i:/ 1 ct), B4590-I \� °'� • `� / ‘ / l'' 1 1 G vZ�r L.� // �\ BRIDGE ' 29 ` j 1 1 J / TEEL SWING BRIDGE) 1 \ / r�' �,, --I CASTLE- HAY/V tj 1 - -------- _ _ Us E ROB4590 2 ---.--v,f S��BL=2 � ��V:-..'..-"'"=-- -� --�-_/Pj _ BL NC /33A� 1 • \- ------ BMI _-- ----___- - �� -- r BL I oT --- - -01.3' E 589.88 -� �-' 4g01.3" E ►/ ;BM2 5�°�/i433"E 20� PO B4590 3 25' - --� .00' o / -\\%C; / �� / �ho.i ( 1 � • \o� \ /,`L 4) I i-_ A B4590-4 , j j ° �,1/4� / \� �. ................................ ... ... \ v 6 POINT DESC. NORTH EAST ELEVATION BL STATION OFFSET BM1 ELEVATION = 10.29 QN 186535 E 2320356 B45901 GPS CAP & REBAR 185325.5830 2318560.0290 34.51 5.00.00 0.00 BL STATION 27 44.00 13 LEFT C7 845902 GPS CAP 6 REBAR 185754.8990 2319576. 1360 45.63 16-03.08 0.00 RR▪ -SPIKE. IN' 18' MAGNOLIP.",..,.,.. ."'_' BL1 TRV CAP & REBAR 186060.0910 2320087. 1770 23.46 21.98.32 0.00 ....................................... %// BL2 TRV CAP & REBAR 186730.0850 2320487.3970 11.75 29•78.74 0.02 BM2 ELEVATION = 10.69 BL3 TRV CAP & REBAR 187318. 1220 2320954.3170 14.87 37.29.61 0.00 N 187007 E 2320798 845903 GPS CAP & REBAR 188023.0130 2321843.2440 17.69 48.64. 10 0.00 /J/ BL STATION 33.88.00 71 RIGHT / B45904 GPS CAP & REBAR 188871.9330 2322567.8720 7. 19 59.80.23 0.00 RR SPIKE IN 30' SYCAMORE • ................................... EL PDINT N E _ BEARING DIET DELTA D L T R POT 186200.907 2320159.110 LINE N 33°25'01.3" E 589.88 POT 186693.266 2320483.972 LINE ' N 33°25'01.3" E 430.95 PC 187052.975 2320721.309 CURVE N 41°48'22.3" E 208.98 16°46'41.7"(RT) 08°00'00.0" 209.73 105.62 716.20 Dpp T ^/ PT 187208.750 2320860.618 A U iv 3 E S CTn T T 1 F I O N LINE N 50°11'43.3" E 420.00 POT 187477.622 2321183.275 THE LOCALIZED COORDINATE SYSTEM DEVELOPED FOR THIS PROJECT IS BASE ON THE STATE PLANE COORDINATES ESTABLISHED BY NCDOT FOR MONUMENT "B5490-2" E Y WITH AD 83/NA 2G11 STATE PLANE GRID COORDINATES OF POINT N E BEARING DIST N NORTHI G: 185754.899(ft) EASTING: 2319576.136(ft) POT 185693.266 2320483.972 ELEVATION: 45.63(ft) LINE S 18°06'25.9" E 303.50 THE AV RAGE COMBINED GRID FACTOR USED ON THIS PROJECT POT 186404.799 2320578.297 (GROUND TO GRID) IS: 1.0000259719 NOTES: THE N.C. LAMBERT GRID BEARING AND I. PROJECT CONTROL WAS ESTABLISHED USING GNSS, THE GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM. m LOCALIZED HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCE FROM °B5490-2" TO -L- STATION 1C+CC.0C 1S 2. THE SURVEY CONTROL DATA FOR THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. IF Q N 52°34'55.19" E 734.02 FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING PROJECT CONTROL IS NEEDED, PLEASE CONTACT THE LOCATION ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE LOCALIZED HORIZONTAL DISTANCES AND SURVEYS UNIT. o� LL E VERTICAL DATUM USED IS NAVD 88 A z�x �3a PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. • B-4590 1D PROPOSED ALIGNMENT CONTROL SHEET B-4590 Location and Surveys L TYRE STATIO\ \ORTH = AST POT 10 . 00a00 18620009068 2320159 . 1103 PC 20 . 21 . 00 187053 . 1223 2320721 . 4064 PT 22 ' 30 38 187208 . 6369 2320860 . 4828 POT 26 . 50 56 187477 . 6218 2321183 . 2754 z 0 Y TYPE STATIO\ \ORTH = AST POT 10 . 00 . 00 186693 . 2663 2320483 . 9716 POT 13 ' 03 . 50 186404 . 7991 2320578 . 2973 (D m NOTES; 2S I. PROJECT CCNTROL WAS ESTABLISHED USING GNSS, THE GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM. �ca 2. THE PRCPCSED ALIGNMENT CCNTRCL DATA FCR THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM VARIOUS m Oz 0o SOURCES. IF FURTHER INFORMATINO REGARDING PROJECT CONTROL IS NEEDED, PLEASE CONTACT no- THE LOCATION AND SURVEYS UNIT. zo_ • P PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. ` PAVEMENT SCHEDULE BRIDGE NO. 640029 B-4590 2A-I ROADWAY DESIGN PAVEMENT DESIGN (FINAL PAVEMENT SCHEDULE) ENGINEER ENGINEER ` *`H'CA T�4, PROP. APPROX. 3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, N C 1 •i2�:4Ci- AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 165 LBS. PER SO. YD. IN EACH OF TWO LAYERS. ;� 't SEAL 046062 PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE 59.58, ':cs.f!G INt'?'a"c' C2 AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 110 LBS. PER SO. YD. PER 1" DEPTH, TO ••,,tts�4,&,,,`O BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT TO LESS THAN 'Gt.. IN DEPTH OR GREATER THAN 2" IN DEPTH. DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL PROP. APPROX. 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED D1 TYPE I19.00, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBS. PER SO. YD. PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, RUH D2 TYPE I19.00, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SO. YD. PER 1" DEPTH, TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 21,t" IN DEPTH OR — GREATER THAN 4" IN DEPTH. El PROP. APPROX. 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE 825.00, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBS. PER SO. YD. -L- PROP. APPROX. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE B25.00, E2 AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SO. YD. PER 1" DEPTH TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 3" IN DEPTH OR GREATER 8' 8' 11' __ 'VARIES 11' 6' THAN 51/2" IN DEPTH. 5' 0'- 10.5' R 1 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER BIKE • LANE D1 C1�/1 @ POINT 4 f10 FDPS T EARTH MATERIAL EXIST _ , 3.7 0.08 0.025 0.025 FO 8 \ I AO -- VARIES GROUND 0 EXIST ® EXISTING PAVEMENT GROUND U EXISTING PAVEMENTL. 1iVAR. GRADE TO THIS LINE W VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE WEDGING DETAIL) TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 1 -L- STA. 14+00.00 TO -L- STA. 15+00.00 NOTE: ALL PAVEMENT SLOPES ARE 1:1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE '-L- STA. 22+00.00 TO -L- STA. 22 +50.00 c -L- E2 D1 D2 aC2 9 G D2, E2 1111111 _ _ 2 12 -L- 3" MIN. �J U MIN.2 " 3" MIN. MIN. 8' 8' 11' _ _ _-'VARIES _ 11' 5' 1' STANDARD WEDGING DETAIL L_ 5' 0'- 8.5' BIKE KE GRADE LANE LANEI E1 Dl Cl CM (CO El 010 3 n oB O O 0.025 V 0.025 .,y 0�, r VARIES O II ° GO 111 GROUND % m' EXIST T GROUND — �1� �=� GRADE TO THIS LINE 1 1 V 11 TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 2 6 L -L- STA. 15+00.00 TO -L- STA. 16+00.00 E GRADE TO THIS LINE *-L- STA. 21 +00.00 TO -L- STA. 22 +00.00 N SHOULDER BERM GUTTER DETAIL -L- STA. 16+88.83 TO -L- STA. 16+98.83 LT o LL -L- STA. 19+90.17 TO -L- STA. 20+00.17 LT o!a o u ' sLL znN a 0,; o✓: OCT 19 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. PAVEMENT SCHEDULE BRIDGE NO. 640029 8-4590 2A-2 ROADWAY DESIGN PAVEMENT DESIGN (FINAL PAVEMENT SCHEDULE) ENGINEER ENGINEER C1 PROP. APPROX. 3" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE S9.5B, •citFo`c Si;q�;.:+.S AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 165 LBS. PER SO. YD. IN EACH OF TWO LAYERS. -L- I I' SEAL 046062 PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE, TYPE 59.58, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 110 LBS. PER SO. YD. PER 1" DEPTH, TO `'ro;tts i�'IO.`'�• C2 8' 3' 5' _ 11' 'yARIES 11' 5' 2'�" 5' 3' ...,..,,.,.. BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT TO LESS THAN 11t" IN DEPTH OR -- -- i - - - - GREATER THAN 2" IN DEPTH. BIKE r ��-4' _ BIKE SIDEWALK LANE GRADE LANE DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL PROP. APPROX. 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, A♦ POINT I ♦ UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED D1 TYPE I19.00, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBS. PER SO. YD. J D1 I C� C' D1 f/ " El 11 PROP. VAR. DEPTH ASPHALT CONCRETE INTERMEDIATE COURSE, O O 0.025 1 0.025 O O 0.02 TYPE I19.00, AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 114 LBS. PER SQ. YD. PER 1" _ 3'1 0 / y CARIES RSSH D Z DEPTH, TO BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 2Y5" IN DEPTH OR EXIST V EXIST GREATER THAN 4" IN DEPTH. GROUND T 11" T GROUND E1 PROP. APPROX. 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COURSE, TYPE 825.00, GRADE TO THIS LINE AT AN AVERAGE RATE OF 456 LBS. PER SO. YD. AT PROAN AVERAGE RATE OFP. APPROX. VAR. PTH 114ASPHALT LBS. PERNC SORE YD.TE BASE PER 1" DEPTHTYP TOE B25.00, TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 3 E2 BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT LESS THAN 3" IN DEPTH OR GREATER 1/THAN 52" IN DEPTH. —L— STA. 16+00.00 TO —L— STA. 17+13.00 R 1 SHOULDER BERM GUTTER `—L— STA. 19+76.00 TO —L— STA. 21 +00.00 T EARTH MATERIAL -L- U EXISTING PAVEMENT _ 42'-1" _ 39'-6" W VARIABLE DEPTH ASPHALT PAVEMENT (SEE WEDGING DETAIL) 1'-3.5" L 5' 11' 11' _ ]' 6/i 5' 1'-3.5" BIKE 1 BIKE 6IDEWALK NOTE: ALL PAVEMENT SLOPES ARE 1:1 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE LANE LANE i00 1 GRADE 00 POINT 0.025 0.025 0.02 ,I TYPICAL SECTION NO. 4 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 4 —L— STA. 17+13.00 TO —L— STA. 19+76.00 cL -Y- _ 8' 3' 5'-6" 2' 11' _ 11' 6' ..- SIDEWALK GRADE POINT Dl Cl Cl Dl 4' . EXIST E7I El _FDPS 1 GROUND 3.��,J"� 0.02 0.025 y 0.025 .v O.08 wA, JI:1 II _VARIES 'CI). � EXIST 11 �'J GROUND a GRADE TO THIS LINE -o 0- N 0 TYPICAL SECTION NO. 5 USE TYPICAL SECTION NO. 5 N a 6-a., —Y— STA. 10+14.05 TO —Y— STA. 10+90.00 O-'C • o rt zo7- a0y, m..w arm PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-4590 2C-3 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED • 0 25' 0" z p m 3-115" 3-1i�t" 3,_11z5 3'-1L2" C. 1-1 2" 4/4"4/4" _ 41/4"4/4" 2" >" 1 W-BEAM MI DSPAN1 r — r „ H z /PANEL SPLICE f_1214" <Q r p Ti_{ o 0 0 �, 4, LL J p f-I rrl , u " , , d z �,~j Z 7�0 o o / r, r, 0 CC = D m o o w Q z _ O C7 =�Op �� \ t 1s" DIA. i QU0=01U-I Z �5z" X 11/e" ITYP.� 3�„ x 2Lz" (TYPO HOLES m 1—2 ~Z H p r SPLICE BOLT SLOTS POST BOLT SLOTS Cn 0 L1J • D > STANDARD W-BEAM GUARDRAIL I �11/8" z cc p up cc H 8" 11/8 I 1 ~ > 1-1 CL O 1" r I w Cl z + I PLAN o 6" 8" 6" 8" f- -:- 1 i 1-.-1 I'�"1 r`—'1 1-____, 7,6„ DIA ; ; i 1 i �� (� �� CENTERED ��\ 1 j b1 n / t n _ ON 6" SIDE -.1- ^ 01 -f DIA. Iv 1- 111 -, %8" DIA.• =�' J 1/ „+ / „ i Cr) i,1 1s 1s / z C - �- + 2 „+ s„ 1s" DIA. rCC D WOOD OFFSET BLOCK = O -. 3"13'r \ i - 0„ HOLES 4 M P, p (FOR WOOD POSTS) r-T 1 MAN I Q 23 1 i 1 0 1 Hz-I J ID 7A l'o i )) ) n ( 21/2„x34„ I I oar 0p 1--I H SLOT . - `� +, J z z o /q 'p 1""1 r co 2'-0" X 1'-6' 3 I� Cl) I 01 r/ SOIL PLATE ^I�. G Q 77 co / IA. W —II QQ 1-1 CA I-� 50 Cr � 7�2 DIA. 1 Q 0 ', 4/) ---:2--, c., SIDE FRONT 1 cc O z O STANDARD SHORT WOOD ROUTED SIDE FRONT LINE POST BREAKAWAY POST OFFSET BLOCK "W6" STEEL POST STEEL TUBE TS 6"x8'x0.1875" SHEET 6 OF 8 VTM PARTS SHEET 6 OF 8 862D02 862D02 CONTRACTS STANDARDS .�'771,7 AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT •••••a�0.`,FESS%-`H>,'•,' Office 919-707-6950 FAX 919-250-4119 ' SEAL E.% S. 022966 ; SEE TITLE BLOCK ORIGINAL BY:J.HOWERTON DATE: 3-7-2018 MODIFIED BY: DATE: CHECKED BY: DATE: FILE SPEC.: COMPUTED BY:MLK DATE:10002018 D g� ,6�p g T�7 p PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. • S CHECKED BY: CJY DATE:1505Q018 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA B 4590 38-1 SUMMARY OF EARTHWORK DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATION STATION UNCL EMBANK BORROW WASTE ERGO. -L-STA.14+00.00 {_STA.17+13.00 20 600 580 k STA.19+76.00 -L-STA.22+50.00 296 285 11 PAVEMENT REMOVAL SUMMARY SHOULDER BERM GUTTER SUMMARY SUBTOTALS: 316 885 580 311 SURVEY STATION STATION LOCATION YD. SURVEY STATION STATION LENGTH -Y-STA.10+14.05 I -Y-STA.10+90.00 72 46 26 UNE LT/RT/CL LINE -L- 14+58.78 14+82.91 RT 2.15 -L-(LT) 16+88.83 16+98.83 10.00' SUBTOTALS: 72 46 25 -L- 15+00.00 14+82.91 CL 1311.35 -L-(LT) 19+90.17 20+00.17 10.00' TOTALS: 388 931 580 336 -I.- 19+68.27 22+00.00 CL 888.99 MATERIAL FOR SHLDR.CONST.: 288 286 WASTE IN LIEU OF BORROW -36 I . - _ TOTAL: 2,202.49 TOTAL 20.00' PROJECT TOTALS: 388 1,219 832 300 EST.5%TO REPLACE SOIL IN BORROW PET 42 SAY: 2,210.00 SAY: 30.00' I GRAND TOTALS: 388 1,219 873 300 1 SAY: 466 880 ' •GEOTECHNICAL QUANTITIES PROVIDED BY NCDOT: UNDERCUT EXCAVATION = 200 CY(CONTINGENCY) SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL- 500 CY(CONTINGENCY) GEOTEXTILE FOR SOIL STABILIZATION = 300 SY(CONTINGENCY) 6'PERFORATED SUBDRAIN PIPE= 200 LF(CONTINGENCY) ROCK PLATING = 1100 5Y LIST OF PIPES,END WALLS,ETC. (FOR PIPES 48" & UNDER) GEOTEXTILE FOR ROCK EMBANKMENTS - 350 5Y ENDWALLS Oy i ra<, O m OU p ABBREVIATIONS Z> O STD.838.01, Z 4a U ..N X m a W STATION _ Z DRAINAGE PIPE C.S.PIPE C1ASS III R.C.PIPE STD.838.11 J _ e G C.B. CATCH BASIN 4, ite, (GAP ONLY) (UNLESS NOTED OTHRWISE( (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) Cl F c 69 N A .� c m OR O'~" FRAME,GRATES C '' O w c N.D.I. NARROW DROP INLET p STD.838.80 O<+ AND HOOD .6 o m a N R 1 m .- D.I. DROP INLET (UNLESS 'B STANDARD 840.03 v� A w O g Q z O NOTED Cl ' p z, Q '(•' r G.D.I. GRATED DROP INLET "' OZ ; ; s OTHERWISE) UN $ A 3 p 12 U = O u G.D.I.(N.S.J GRATED DROP INLET LI y m o w F (NARROW SLOT) Q17- W W U b_ •� 'm t m m F 1.8. JUNCTION BOX SIZE "' z w 12" 15' 18" 24'30' 36"42' 48" 12` 15' 18' 24' 30' 36' 42' 48' 12' 15' 18' 24' 30' 36' 42" 48' CU.YDS. . A B "' 3 V d " M.H. MANHOLE 0 o i s d P o O g .4 17, . € t i m F j O 3 ; Z n ti u T.B.D.I. TRAFFIC BEARING DROP INLET Z THICKNESS I g g o o n v y tl < m 4a H N "2 `„.2, i W m T.B.J.B. TRAFFIC BEARING JUNCTION BOX OR GAUGE n 2 • D •g O 0 O i N t ] Z0 °o TYPE OF GRATE o fj '' P ' -. LL Z Z p '� ` V 'd 1 iei. S. 0 O N rc V r i ti H 8. - _ 0 O O OV Z Z ,u ~ o C t7 t9 l7 0 S REMARKS n c -, 2 11 E F G - _ a -L-16+94 RT 0401 14.70 _ 1 1 1 0401 0402 10.50 10.30 36 -L-16+94 LT 0402 14.90 1 1 1 0402 0403 10.20 1.90 44 2 _-L-19+95 RT 0404 15.20 1 1 1 I 0404 0405 11.00 10.70 36 - _ - -L-19+95 LT 0405 15.40 1 1 1 0405 0406 10.60 10.00 28 -L-20+85 RT 0407 14.00 1 1 1 0407 0408 6.90 6.70 36 23 REMOVE EXISTING 36"RCP PROJECT TOTALS I W 136 I 5 3 2 1 2 2 2 23 "N"= DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF LANE TO FACE OF GUARDRAIL TOTAL SHOULDER WIDTH = DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF TRAVEL LANE TO SHOULDER BREAK POINT. FLARE LENGTH = DISTANCE FROM LAST SECTION OF PARALLEL GUARDRAIL TO END OF GUARDRAIL. W = TOTALWIDTH OF FLARE FROM BEGINNING OF TAPER TO END OF GUARDRAIL. GUARDRAIL SUMMARY G = GATING IMPACT ATTENUATOR TYPE 350 NG = NON-GATING IMPACT ATTENUATOR TYPE 350 LENGTH WARRANT POINT "N` FLARE LENGTH W ANCHORS IMPACT REMOVE SURVEY DGT TOTAL ATTENUATOR SINGLE REMOVE AND BEG.STA. END STA. LOCATION SHOUL. - TYPE 350 FACED EXISTING STOCKPILE REMARKS C UNE SHOP DOUBLE APPROACH TRAILING FROM WIDTH APPROACH TRAILING APPROACH TRAILING TYPE GUARDRAIL GUARDRAIL EXISTING STRAIGHT E.O.L. TL-2 GUARDRAIL E.O.L E CURVED FACED - END END END END END END III ' EA G NG .4- 15+44.25 17+13.00(BR) LT 168.75 17+73.00(BR) 5.00 8.00 25.00' 1 1 1 0- -L- 19+76.00(BR) 20+32.25 LT 56.25 19+76.00(BR) 5.00 6.00 25.00' 1 1 1 rr -L- 15+47.32 17+13.00(BR) RT 106.25 100.00 17+13.00(BR) 12.50 15.50 1 TIE TO EXISTING GUARDRAIL 0' _ _ _ m . N -I.- 19+76.00(BR) 21+28.98 RT 68.75 87.50 19+76.00(BR) 12.50 15.50 25.00' 1 1 1 m - - - ANCHOR DEDUCTION ,a MP_ E III:4 C 18.75'- 75' n, SUBTOTALS 400.00 187.50 4 3 TYPE TL-2:3 C' 25'= 75' iLLTOTAL= ANCHOR DEDUCTION 150.00 0.00 25 ADDI710NALD 50.00'GUARDRAIL 1POSTS= 5 h oi TOTAL 250.00 187.50 p--'1 _ _ - NAll SAY 262.50 200.00 Z 0( GT- 0-,-...arw 1 - Q. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 8-4590 5 Lri 50 ROADWAY S ENGINEER ENGINEER .4 CARD(N' •�Ot'lH^'CAIo 40 • I. 046062 E '; _p i 18442 =�H�++.,'�G INE'!::J���.` ''ysp� 4�C INEt�`�.. rr'rit uu'''•;0 4ri SON��.�d•,, 30 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL BEGIN PROPOSED GRADE BEGIN BRIDGE EEmr.EE PI= 17+10.00 PI= 19+40.00 END BRIDGE EE PI= 20+82.00 END PROPOSED GRADE UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED -L- STA/4+O0.00 -L- STA17+13.00 On EL = 15.97' EL = 16.66' -L- STAI9+76.00 11 L = 14.43' -L- STA22+50.00 .M_ ELEV.= 1039' .... VC = 290' VC = 170' a■VC = 114' ELEV.= 15.08' 20 .� DS = 65 MPH DS =951 MPH ...TA 'S = 44 MPH ', I I 20 11 \■L \, n!u.aiium■ri-. 9AIIILI�RII7- ..._ .i;Ll:.I;.�i:,monla�1ar'w iL �, •■-fc]■=acG G`■_9c]■C o c _a= 10wac=mr 11 G]■ ]fG]■]■C]■= NL1I 10 c a «»o�ca�e1:■■ae I: nSL:e•\ oSYaiiG•• .\■■■■BM 11[.. . 11■GGNiGi■■■■■■■■■■■1 I --3..:, �:�.. RR SPIKE IN 30'SYCAMORE 11 1 I. 11 11■■■■■ _ 1! 11 1 /J■■1: I `�Ilrl'"ii I. -L- STA20+24$7 i!::::•: : II I WI -' 'DI1 BM 'I siC.IiA;rSI�.x■rn E114A :. ii.. o:a■1■RR■a■3■■oI■u■■■■o■■nu■•I• .\ .:.� 'C/ :alou■89.42 RT. nmu 0 RR SPIKE IN le MAGNOLIA n■■c; ' I I■OGnniu.7■■ouMMMMMi .� ary ue a■■ELEV.= 10 69 0 -L- STA13+87J3 ilo■a 11 1 - sea.vz■vl�uslnii.ogv1.:: oa uc. STRUCTURE HYDRAULIC DATA ■■■■■•■�■■■- 11 A 1935'LT. .I■nnn■n■■■u■■Rn•••I .an a-.nmfaoml ' oii�u DRAINAGE AREA = 31.8 SQ.Ml. , „ ■■„ ;.1,;, ELEV.= 1029' DESIGN DISCHARGE = 4600 CFS " "'I -�: II -10 DESIGN FREQUENCY = 25 YRS • `= �" IIV -10 1 M.L. 1 E105,t "•I■WIL.dhe DESIGN HW ELEVATION = 22' FT ,. ,■,,.n CEP,I, _ BASE DISCHARGE = 6200 CFS . '1,.1:- - BASE FREQUENCY = 100 YRS 1 ud�mewm pmlu 1'I ;■�.1 �aM�ll -20 BASE HW ELEVATION = 39' FT 1I ' cueOH -20 OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = 30000 CFS IMS. • rME OVERTOPPING FREOUENCY= 500+ YRS a1,1a OVERTOPPING ELEVATION = 9.8' FT - 51EMM"• -30 ACTUAL ELEVATIONS WILL BE HIGHER THAN I RIGHT DITCH 1 -30 ELEVATIONS SHOWN DUE TO BACKWATER EFFECTS FROM THE NORTHEAST CAPE - FEAR RIVER ; SEE SHEET NO.4 FOR -L-AUGNMEN 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 50 50 40 1 1 40 30 30 �■■r BEGIN PROPOSED GRADE -Y- STAl0+I4A5 EL =p/_ /0+7100 12A0' iiE iiE EN-Y-D STAID+90„PROPOSEDOp GRADE 20 ELEV.= 13.43' VC= 18 8' ;■■ELEV.= 1193' 1 EXISTING BRIDGE! • 1■I, 20 10 1..,1- 10 I.i11i1''L... 11 0 JGi■c W. _ai= 0 —10 —10 C N -20 -20 N 2 N a. m -30 -30 - ,_ : 1 SEE SHEET NO.4 FOR -Y-ALIGNMENT Z. zo ao ar: 10 11 12 13 1 1 09-JAN-2070 II:75 R:\Roadwe \%SC\640029_Rdy_x n 1 .1gn 6/73/16 $$$$USERI'1AMF$$$$ IIII,I . OMEN .i ::_L. t CC_:.. .....C:::C ::C::::::::C:i _i: ' IIII ■ • ■' momsw... .II . Nummosmossas .••■loom••_IIIIENE : ■r ...0 1 I1 I..I • :Cmmm:C ro mm.E.u:mm::mm�i■■_ ■■■ ••■Mama_ .� II •' ■■■.►� IIII n _ m i�_ •U• •••NEN �w-IIII_—■: ..■ '.. . M:::■CacC MIME MMMMMMI ::aa:mm ... ...a�.... I ...e c_ I: :�.. - E■■ mmmmmm■_••.- •■-.••■••aE_■•1 ■■ RENEGE as ■■■ , C 1 !■ IIII■•_••._ •EE•■r••IIEME. •I r■r■■ru■ ■M _ • :I--. :::1•,---IMS V, I .. :: ■: 1m■M .U_ ..EEIE•••MM-:a _■ !ME:11 EMMEN «■■ «■. i C1:: �OM r I•i■-�� U!!.r. _■,. MN : •NE loE• IIII :MIME:■••■ I 1: __■ _ IIII■■_.... M■w•.. , . : ::. :: '1' :' ::::' ' r-a 1 ... - II u. •_• • mama a • I. ■. ■. ••■M•■ _ ! ! . a::: IIII Emma.• ■ r■.M ._ m••__ IIII. ! ..• . .._..... ... : ■• •_■•I� IIII _-•••M...•r■..■i b Y • ■. '•I:. •. ■IIII . _■• _■•• ■ _ �_M ! IIII!!!:! _ : EE:S ! .::::i niii •c__ ■—■� •• _ IIII••••■ _u[ 1 :. _••• ; �« III_•_ _ :::: -: as::::a I. ■:I is I ■:: - . mC. . ■_: . ■E_.M■■.■.■_•M• -I -IIII . ... . • • •ENEU ..MO........=... . IE _! _a P'somonows ■ u•• ••: IIII•• ow ■ ima!r....' Ng :or• ■ ■ . •• I .._ ••.nw_n. I ••II ■ II. HII mmo _II_ .:mama■Ii : ■ ■..:III..a I:111111■.•I a 1.1 ... _.a.. •,mama .. ...._..._IIIIIIIIII: .. _•:•.,_■.■■■ i.a mama ...._.. . -- IIII-- ... . .. II.-.r.a_u11 a:m:::: I a as !:!: ...._..._....._ i!'! -I:: ., ill M mil0111q ■ ■ .. . ■MU._■.■II.■U•■_ ■ .. II . r_■ ._■a. C m aM m...uuU a:::a••••• ' ••.• ` •E! • IIII •• • m••••••E_Mm:: ■ ••••_•1_••■•__I. ■ L. M '•. ■■ ._u __II■ I.11ll■ 1 1■111■1111111 1 r .. �.7rz:uM_nu.__M1! -1! • • mama ••' : . :: :... ... : :: i--- •• ■ II .. ■I s : •1, 1 ••i , . 1.. • mama . IIII�.._._.m :1 ::a: al _ull 1 : a.. I Ma: ::a:::a-■... -•• ■.1••. 1•. 1•,. I .EXIST . .. 'I: EXIST.U■■• :.MEMMIll XIST .. M. M■. . . iii iIiiii.•• _•M mama •� m •i1111 • .,,•••IM11zenMMMMMEmm=sing I. !, —.. IIII ::a■ E _ RAN LINE= R/W LI 1 111111111E R'W UN i 1 .. III•■_EN._ENM■I_—III I •■I i _••. I •• _... ' .magi 1 ••••_■■•r•II•S__II• . _■.. f1 1 ;!u.• !: as ..II a .. —1 !!iNow wETLANO.. ...11 ._ __.., ..MI' • .. ....Iiir � • 0UNDARY:1 a =li U. ti i :::: - I•• ■ I ' ••. ,• II_1m••M 1 'I ''NE - . ■ • .M ■•a•_ ':■••. _.••■. .••i, ■ •: __ . I■ ■ _m•11' ii1 Em WETIAN+ uiN iii' I iii_ ;i!iiii11ii!BOUNDA'Y l: �ammmmmmWETLAND .• mnm •••• I I . ■ I I !I' ■ I1M::Y■I: BOUNDAI Y i • II =! i.. ! !. YI!!■ .lmlmml:: m '� •■ ••IIm=i =!ii I :C I:C 1 :i:' C:::::aii:u ::::C _ •_ •::_, •...m_ ., \\ a. ■ a aa•.:■aC■a:•a■•• _' ,\\ ,I _ •.aii ■■__a! mama_. MEEMMEME MEE I 8,. 1■dEE iitl IIII 111 ""1■III111111�1111 111 T- _ 1 .■la_.1 ' f.. 1 ■■.-.M :■i MERE as MMMMmu: a: ---._.__ moo I\ ''UU _ \ :_.. ■ mm_ _. ■ _ \` 1 is _.■.. !: a ❑. ��■ M II MI I wC I \ ' 11 1 t J m. .. I!1. miY j II _ . Cm -:Y: _::: I = e:! _.1!.eaa :I !! z= .■a.m _ C■.... ►oa e_ , :•• NI ■ ■ MOM. IIII rI _uII o IIII IIII II ■ ■ ,_. - - I _ _•■•• -Io1 - ■ _ ■ — _ _■••• I 11n�1:1 II i!i ICa:aa= maa tat — : _..U. I 1.: ::1:: {1 I , •... .:::. 4 • M _. .10 —E : CC - M•■ MN__:I: En I • LEI. am ... IU—I I mom ••■ __.a•i 4 II •11.11: ■:YEN i .n::ll:ilal • Ems we 1■11: swoommi ERNE• -r :: II :!: : ! _ .. lI LiNil \IIII IL11. . .MMMENNim ■:a ■, : 1 _11111 ; . nnun.i �msmo = :a:. . ■••. 11l u. I . . . — — -..a.- .. 1is • ... ..• 11 1 .UUU::: • ■■■■ ■■Mai.. I ! CC _■•u._ .0 __.I■■ 000 • mma - , _M I_ 1 : 1 111it 111111/11 ■IIII• = ,Zii ili!EI 1i J ME t ls :... i .a111...ii =!'i'e = w _ :�:_ ■'M,1 '!1! I . . M■ I • .n• ■ —IIII— _ 1 IIII••••_••■am ■ ■ ii._ 1 _IIII- _ aC_::::�:::■ u__ •• ■ _ _II••_ _ Y. m II i■:: 1 w O!I!!. .—!' w Ciel■iZ' •i - —m- =- _I : • za::: c_••M a : I • Cma:-1�:m11111 1 w : m_ r--:_ :' MMMMM. _=uU : ■ • 1 !!a: ::mC:::■•� : • ■ V I I ••MI m IIII: . M I C� 1�!Via: iai: :! :■o:o w I. .: .. _ . IIII ,. :.a I C....: _ a ■ IIII IIII...•. 1 ::a C::::�= o _•UU__ . —••_p••M _:: ••MMM ■ 1•IIII _• ■ _ 1 ■a _ M_ .�_ .1_ ■ _ _ III -MEN•_ _ I •_ IIII ■ © r til I I o a1111L11111 121E;L'.3i�1111L,i1111a 1 ' 11.29 I ■1111'm 111111■111 1;� 1 12.E :�l■�Y111 0,11i :� .: 'I !J :i:::IIII1.1•>,:11 m :I:::m -.M.•1 I:! 1 _•••1 Val: MEIN r7 ■ -- _••I it IIII- IIII IL �'. �M1i ■ _aaU•M■ _. I _ IIb_ •_- Q : •• ! •• _••.E_ _• _ _ Imo_ —rIa_ r..v_ •■ ••m _u••� _.r .. j IIII ram. IIII_ • _ ■ u.■-= u I I. _M••■__ moo ►-�_ ■! - =■:_ ■ m O Emma. _m, :i o _ r - I=:,._ •• . • .MEM ■••IIII= • ...i 1 . _ 1�• ' !C M ' ::a aMi::::: ■� !: :� w a ■_ w s:C�a�::::Ca: •MMM Li C!n� dor i • _ M— II ii Eire ••iMim = ! !:I 111111111U. _ N Ia: ::::C� MEMO iiI I. M•E • . mama mama .. •_■mm. _ CM ■__•••M_ ••■ . IIII_ . ....a ■■•: II '•_a•UU . . L,, U__IIUU_ •■I IIII • ••. In • a:aa Imma '1 :a:l::■ :a:w::::� :: ::: 1 11■ 11■111111 1 • �111 IIII::11111 1_ I�IIIC �11 1MN �111l� ■ I i I I I I I .■ ■ I. IIII. ■I , 1 , MN _ •'‹ __ _E•■■_ III,__E�_-E-.•••• Emma — IIII- - -mama_ __■C, •• .. ._ . . _.. ... .. .. . ::: :Imlr. =MEMIME: mC II mmmm�.I•.1_.M.M■ Ili tam: HI11 :a to:: Ia — ::;—"--�_- —mama= N • a:::E .._ ... Emma. mama .. • _ .N- _■I.■IIII M__■■••_•IIII', a :IC a.M— mma:i ;1 = a tea= II- �■■MMEa: :::MII =C:I::C N !! ! __ !� a:: I! ,! :�-a IIII IIII!!== :al =lei::■ '3 . Ell . I.U - IIII IIII• -- _I•.■__ II M�■f.., .._ . .. .. _— — ■■a■_ �_. -1 • [ II_ ■ I a••: ■ IIII _ _MUM_ uvnII. 'I __ __ _ _ II_u••. I 1 !:a !?IIII: • ei_ _-•• _UU.U__ ! .._ 1�1!III a 1■ !1! i EN=_— f .::M■••__ - —••___ ■I .1■II:.:E mama_IIII - —mama__ mama . .. a::. ::aC !slim i i !:e :i:a • aisem . = MINNEUMMIENII 111E== = =:::: :��I::m::: _• (ii:a:1 Imal Ca..•"i::al a:: 11 _ MINIM _ _••EI III_•• H. t i ! ... !!� li ... ti.aan! !. _ __ •Iu Emma■ 'i."'i■ a: i.a ...1� . •a —.1:m:::mC •m L..:.......... l!...i' ••■. 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I:. .h �. s' -.- - 1 wr•MM■■-rn - -__w•i-.I1_M_-Mrt•MOM _- O 'an 111 O1•111 MI'm'Ii i:II • -m.. • . r 1r 1 T.I.P.NO. SHEET NO. STATE OF NORTE CAROLINA B-4590 UO-1 - 's••'= r DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Si NOTE: 3 I l ,1 © M ALL UTILITY WORK SHOWN ON THIS �' SHEET WILL BE DONE BY OTHERS. • J UTILITIES BY OTHERS PLANS NO PAYMENT NTRACT WILL FBE UTIDLITY WORK 4111 �� � � TH CO I /PROJECT ,�� NEWHANOVER COUNTY SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. 14.4 °CATION ' a' lir,, F, , '''.4i0r4 Ellial a,rv;-�;• Jr LOCATION: BRIDGE NO. 640029 OVER SMITH CREEK �,� `) v I ON SR 2812/US117NC 133 (CASTLE HAYNE ROAD) o, -111-111-11- DETOUR TYPE OF WORK: POWER (DISTRIBUTION) AND COMMUNICATIONS O VICINITY MAP N.T.S. END BRIDGE 0,i4 BEGIN BRIDGE —L— POT STA. 19+ 76.00 044 —L— POT STA. 17+13.00 i BEGIN PROJECT --_,,s ..�'s1 x c y 4 —L— POT STA. 14+00.00 • END PROJECT —L— POT STA. 22+50.00 --SEAT END , 1 - I ---- —mu( Y _ —L— SR 2812 _L __ v •� • ' / ''jr‘n-,1 ) . \ . ' _„,--' '................. .---_,_.-.-__. , , <F" ------- TO'- ' ... . ' L \. N - _'-'----.7 CIN / >.. . � CF ir f O 'N. O V A \ V GRAPHIC SCALES , INDEX OF SHEETS UTILITY OWNERS WITH CONFLICTS PREPARED IN THE OFFICE OF441111 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 50 25 0 50 100 DIVISION 3 " L J SHEET NO.: DESCRIPTION: (DISTRIBUTION) / ` _- DIV ADDRESS ■,�„�� (A)POWER DISTRIBUTION —DUKE ENERGY So-DEEP SAM NCPLANS �. ssorRa,uaea,Rnd. UO-1 TITLE SHEET (B)COMMUNICATIONS — CENTURYLINK ? Carte Ray.,NC 28029 50 25 0 50 100 (C)COMMUNICATIONS — CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY SO DEEP I SAM NC,Inc. K, F� Ij I UO-2 UBO PLAN SHEET AUTHORITY ,yr Sumner Boulevard,aakryn,NC 27616 Tel a1sa2e-r+es ,,la PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) NABIL HAMDAN REGIONAL UTILITY ENGINEER 10 5 0 10 20 UO-3 UTILITY PROFILE LONNY SLEEPER DIVISION UTILITY ENGINEER ✓: _< L J Keith Garry UTILITY PROJECT MANAGER , PLEASANT Eft w L_ bl ■i■I I I J Freddie Bunn PROJECT UTILITY COORDINATOR V�w�_. LE REGIONAL UTILITY COORDINATOR V PROFILE (VERTICAL) N f STEVE DAVIS DIVISION UTILITY COORDINATOR *94H t, \ / w � , PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. NOTE: B-4590 uo-2 PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK ON ANY THIS SHEET CORRESPONDS TO RDY-4 PROVIDE . A DEORSS THENSTALLATION TRENCHLESS,INSTALLATION UTILITIES BY OTHERS CERTIFIED BY AN ENGINEER LICENSED BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AS REQUIRED ALL PROPOSED UTILITY WORK SHOWN ON THIS BY SUBARTICLE 1550-3(B) OF THE STANDARD 29 SHEET WILL BE DONE BY OTHERS. NO SPECIFICATIONS. '' °��° PAYMENT WILL BE MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR y a FOR PROPOSED UTILITY WORK SHOWN ON t / v. THIS SHEET. 0 CENTURYLINK 3' X 2' X 3' BORE PIT ,t TO INSTALL 3' X 2' X 3' HANDHOLE TEMP CFPUA POLE AFTER BORE IS COMPLETED ". .I. 0 INSTALL 3' X 2' X 3' HANDHOLES TEMP AERIAL CFPUA AND i II ' .1. •"* CENTURYLINK FO CABLE TO REMAIN FOR DURATION OF PROJECT/ CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE \ \\\\ FENDERS AROUND TEMP AERIAL COMM LINES CFPUA 3' X 2' X 3' BORE PIT LeeHoaHEOcINSTALL 3' X2' X3' HANOLEBANi___./ S \ ueLM OF E%5TN 8' LINE I I AROUND DEP LIGHT POLE +/ . -:. .-_ - \ \ -� IE LOCe TIDN 1 % .1'D v OF E%ISTING B'F55 LNE VA (AT&T) 4 TM ig - / • x�,�---�_ t \ \�\ REM ram' _ �exoo ur4 CaYov G;xr, air r .:wrr. rr".r �. cpp [. ixC.f- •i�=� .ouwu.,umV �Y� P1LB L ^Y iixa • REM \ s 1 ,41 ALAI 5 E L E N —,-. .1r- - CFPUA DIRECTIONAL BORE \ ` TH, (1) 1 .25" INNERDUCT ` \ II /CENTURYLINK DIRECTIONAL BORE ,\ 1. 7.7144)' (2) 1 .25" INNERDUCTS . / f \\ I/ CONTRACTOR TO GRADE ` AROUND DEP POLE CENTURYLINK 3 XT BORE PIT TO INSTALL 3' X 2' X 3' HANDHOLE CFPUA DIRECTIONAL BORE AFTER BORE IS COMPLETED (1) 1 .25" INNERDUCT CENTURYLINK TO BORE (1)4"HDPE CONDUIT CENTURYLINK DIRECTIONAL BORE WITH (3) 1 .25" INNERDUCTS APPROX. 25' (2) 1 .25" INNERDUCTS FROM CENTER OF EXIST. ROAD, APPROX. 20' BELOW CHANNEL BED z .c CFPUA WILL OWN (1) 1 .25' INNERDUCT WITHIN :::9 .. THE CENTURYLINK OWNED 4" CONDUIT =«c s"- ... -_•.._•■■— S.■■•_••_ •S•■�•■_. -- ----M..�. __........._...__.._.......p.... SUSS.. ••� �Nr -::.._xNS■Np N ■lN■N.■ .. :::: - _ �.NpJ_.JC• N-.-N•••■•S-N■_-S•-p•N.■pp• _ PROJECT REFERENCE No. SHEET NO. ■■■■ _■.■N■r■_ N ..■■■N■■N N■•■_■. .^ N. �■--.�■- N_■■-NN■■_■■■__■■_■■■x■N-■■■ ... _.._SUSS_ _ .J...N■._ _■ _■■—_J•... __. E-459G uG n, MN '_■■-•N•_ _ ._.HENS• _. ■■__■■■NN■17r.H _. M ..N...SUSS r_SI •S• .N_■/M ■■■_ _ .JSS■_■■_ __ MENNEN-■N■■■ ■_-Up__:fa--■ M !II• V R ! 1 Rr,l ll!..*V•t • n111111II!!!11111111 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS M.E MMMM SSE. ■N■_H■_r■rp N L-■■■NH_ ..__ ■__■/r-_■wp/ N■ ...m.. ..C■ 50 •N .... .. ..... - .....N..N _ •• •.-N■NNE _S ■_tJ_ww... ■. ■IIYRI.1'.•I:J1■ .11`E^ W.\_I■ _ _.�11�1•E ENGINEER ENGMEER .... . .... ... ..... . _ SUSS■_■■_ ■■_m/SN_/.r/•. N. N■.-t l_M .:■ NN■.I,UN.L._ �IYU.__UAE000MNL _ _ ■N■-■H-■■E_[E�R_�.. _x-_ �- ■-H■px_ - x-■ Nx_-■p■_ M_ __._-S U fir.■■■■■■■N■■■N_■■■■■ :■ : i5��='�UU UU = i i i ASS •../=UU UU•UUU _ Ni ■pwii ".ri r PROPQ�Ed 1 NIPORARY :•i� a _ _ . . ....... _ :J•••N••_... _•■N_■•-•-. _ _.—�.,:■-- ■••\,•.a• Ilil{l11111i1111111111111iIII111111lllllllllllillli111i1111 40 ... ...... ... -UUUU_U._.— . ........ .. _. _.._--._SUSS► �. A•1 E �i11f1 MENNEN WIIII MEM •-•------ --- _--ve:.MEM_�: .:�:2� SUSS {II■■!!■111!!!!■{I{I!!1{1111111IB11!!!!!lltil!!I -_.. SUSS.-..--- —•• __.. •-•••_••N.- S_■ o _.-R ■. • !11■■11■IIIII 11111111111111111111111!! -•_••N- ■--•••-■•_•J• NN.•• --.. .■_-_• N-i=..J.- 11■I■IIIII.w_■■N.Nwm..JH■N■■N. �■. _u�c. r_.MEN p 30 �_u�N•NNu-Ju•_H_.N _�— �■■■� -•■:r --:::::..�_-- -- S■••SN _N DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL �_/■_/.■■N■. .. ■_ _.=w NON �..■� =MU, _..•••■ Hx-_ N■■ SN_p�N•Nuu.pN_N-.mummsommommommommommummommemom _N NON MMEMMEIN__..._IMMEMENOMMUMMEMMUM �.�: .S.J.J 'NNW! MMUMUMIUMMUM .. ■N••■N MOM UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED minomm �_•S�S•._SSSS.smommmommimmememmum _.■S•NS•-.- �NN_-U�N■N- NSW -77 UC- mmommweemommommommommummommommumum MUMMENUMMTEMINNEM NNW MMUMEMIUMMUM _■SNSS•S_..... ■S■_S■_._N _N./Sw-C:�■Sri �■i. N.J•U-- -1 __N_...-.N..=.N■_■■_-_- S_S•NN7._..._ �.■ N...J.■ I Nr_■■■-••■-■•■•..••■_ESN■__ Nam••--•'I•■U� �.�: -�J�■J■ U.:" SN ...a .._-_..._•....JN■_.•_.- _..__::_p.■.. ....... .... ■ ■.. _..-■■■■_..NfT-N.-/._•-- Nam••__•'!•■•■_ _.-. -.•.7.J .._ : waumma=maa ■UpN■U■JN■N•UN._- _�NN_iT-H.■p man. ■r._.JO IIII NNUU■.rrr■■_■■■--r•—■■•■•■•p/••. ■ _.■..■._E■■■■■-N■•■J•S/NN_.N _�S•---'1•■■■� •-! ---■SJ.-. I• L _•SN•NO•■N•■•N_••N•■••••■NEE•■ ^■ ■ ■■■ C ■• _rf� ;-r,„i„ ...�, .N . r..��C�...^ _M 01112:: .SUSS_- U1■ _. L•_ .■NN-Hr-•r•__.■_•xSx/wx•• 'nuI ■r�r�I.]�7C_Et�:::r2■.i. ■■_�■:22::X:22!■2=1■ �■■� -�■•..r♦ _ - ■ ■ _ ■ _■ RI. •',L'7.N.Npx - -- N■.._S�. NN■.■■■■■N■■■w_..N..■uii�:i ii� ■_.•__■__-- .. -n:liiil iliini- niiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::i....... il`elI GMM1111:::eerie''■iiilili.iiilA IIIIIIIIIIIII■IIIIIIIIIII EII ■!I IIIIIII I 1 ii�ll��. G�d��=_�::�:�:�.��_ , IIIIIi 10 ■■'_/ rrr-- 1- NN .: ■ - dxC. • 'I»>CCCCI■■■■a: J■•/.r■■r/_ _/. ■ •_SS•- ■ ■ p- ■ r n - ■NN NNIIr 1.- 1I11S_■S•_■1IC11■Ir�rA■1 ul11�I 1 ffmflf�I,■■■■III■I■f■II■u 1 1 ;;IIII!! f11111fu L..:J 1i111I11■ i1l1!!I! Iu:::::IIIIIlliiii■■I! �l�r'" 11■■11 111 :[:1.....,, .F. .•.1 ....:.,... .!i IIII Ili!! it Il11 !!!I!!!■..NN..' " `L■""` `''- --°' '='-IIII111 'A. FIIIr!1111I III 11'[[/IIII,:111f11111 1 1111111111■IIII , i i !! I 1111111 0 III�l1111h- 111■fl■I■�1..�11.1.=.IC■:1�i:: :::i : IL: m ', ::11111I 114.0 1111111f11111 IH:i!l11I1G1111:� n:llflIII I1I11IIIII■I■IIII{111!!!!{!! 11,21111 {1111! 0 Ni. �U U UUSU U:::CN■_■U::_::::_:::::_ - -U :_:U::U. JN■N■i:nnnnnnnIA■.. I ---SV:U'IIJR:rIJI' ■ 11111 ■■■S..NS■ � N w_r__■/� r-■ -. ._.J.•'p lt..M I-.tlNtltl. IRN I ■IlS W •-•_••NN-NU••. SS■■ .�_\ ..� ■■ -.■ ■_■_■/•p ..-. M.■.11 -HH. •._IA.•S /■■ _. f.T.T.T7 JiiT.lfr\ .7•T•T iT1 r.rM•NS ■_ MINN ■_.-■••N 1 1MMMMIE _-■�. 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MUM WIEMMIEMIN ----■---MMMMMMM MINN ■ —IIIIIf■ffI U::::c..■ :::::::::.SUSS 'JSSU SU :_■:_UU : . ..SUSS_-�.:• - .U_S._::::: pp�►'■..f :::::::::s:m::t _ / _••S_ •N• ■.N5 SSSUSUES.:::_M:5 5•S ....N�7M.■w..N... • N.� S S5SUACALUU.' - ■ •T 1•YLINK"Tfl PORE (]) 4' tiDPE CONDUIT- rn■/:1 .NUNS:—ri• — —30 IIIIINIIIIiI=mamma ili111Ii1111111iImommummis HIIIIIIIl1�111111 :!!�Iu�l111�1mommummummommemm 1 L4 EXI �7 ILL BELOW C A i!1!!llm; 1!■!IIIII!IIII■!!!lIIIII1!■1I!■II!!!!I!1l1I1!l1I1IlIIIIl1lI ■ 111111 �!!11 , ■ MI MMINIMM ■!! ,111iRm1 WIEMMEMM_p—. mum _NN-N_N• f1 �m 11-1-NT..11'. 1!,' ,, RAE ST. _� _••N• a _••--•■N••• --.: BED,: Mf'I trs-in-1-I-+.3.M4!/IY1.:�B.:�Y� F. _::_ _::__::::::_•.NH■.re .H••S 11i111■1■IIIIIIIIIII■IIII11111i1■111■■lliillllll■1111111111i1 Iliill1111!■IIIII■1 1111111111 12 13 14 15 16 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 mom ' ' . ._�.. _N■� .-...N ■NUNS ...------ ---off fIIIllIllII■/■ r, P �� a 1111111■IIIIf.If.1111I1 ••--••—•••� •••�••••� :- 1 n1I1I11■mf■1 II■ • 1■II■iiiiilii!!i■InI■■II■■II•U iiII i!■IIIIII1flf1Il■III111111f1I1I11■I1III1 -- -=- i■IIIIIIIIIn■I11■■11■I■IIII■nn1IIIII■III■■i IIIIIIII■IIII■IIfI■I�nIIn■III 11 11{iiNi1111!!i!{■111■i!■II!■1111111■1111111 ■!.{■111111I 111111111111111111111111111111111111 C.J llnln111111■■11111111111■1!!■■1IN11{!!■1111111111111111a111111111111111 11111111111 50 _ ■ NN■ONNx-.■SMEM ..JNNEOM ■SMUM .. .■ MME _NUN■M... _ OH_-■.-r•■N. ■.ME ■U ram.. 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NEM :NMI ./rrNN .a EIKE - .,f111■IIIIIIII•AII■111111111111111111■1 •N_■11 rNN•- 111 I •. ; :�. _� _. RIq.R�%Ry 1- p.N.■.II_ SUI r:Ja_ ._Fa/a�J 1L' 20 SUSS- S_ MN ..1 - _ MEN ■ ON 20 ""' Illillllllllli .Isnlllf�r,:nu:• , IIINI111111111111■illllllllllllllliill 1■111 III _ 'Ifflffflllllf NON a w_-•-Np- ■ 1111111111111■1111111111111■1■■■■IIII■ ■■■._ .__ .-- .... - MMMMMMM x- mimmommom mommmemm - 10 111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■I■■■■I■IIIIIIIIIIII0II1■■1■lMMMMM i ::::� :�_:_ :� �..r.r,��..• ., .i■,l d., 1\ mum 10 �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■III■1■■■�:I:I:11:I -N.•••-_ •-•-_ •�._._• ■ a N•_N- 111111 1 IIIII■ I__l. i I .m 1[±![!lF1!!!lIIII!t!!isIIIIeII11I11f1I01If1fIIII1I1■111■■11■1111111■IIIII■1■■■IIIII[11111111111111111111111�11111111111 MEMO "" ii'i--•ii " """■'■■" " "'°' °c■'■" IIII"IIII■ an1E.'NEMM..n.MM..MOOUE.M.O M.•M.E•N.•E I I III III 111111 11111{I1 {1111' ■!1■111111111111111!!{!!!111111H!!{Ii111{!!1liii{!!!!{ 1i11{IIIII IIII SSSSSSSSS SSlllS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSIUSSS •I ll1iil mmii:i: _-H..i- 1111111111■111 SSSU �.1111■ 111111111111■ IIIIIIIIILI....IIHIIIIIIlIIIIf•1 1111111111111■II uaul®11 IIIIIIII!{I{li!!!!!1!lil illi111!{! • ••••••••• IIIIIIIIIIII■Il#1■I111■11l11 -H: ■::::.- :::::::::■ ::... S SSSSS./p..■ _. •... ._._ illillllllllll1Illlll1111111l1■II -10 _SI__ _ 11 .N NNE -lo r' ■-.pNNNNNWN.Np•■.N.-•NN —• ■ UNN .■ ME - ■Nx.N.NNp.NN■pN. _ ----- .N_ W ■_•__-N ------ _M•N__ _p .N. .NN_ .1. N ._J u' .,__. ■NN■... -- __ .•_HNN-N-_N.N.Np..NN/ - _-`T' N■ Upp-•• _. - p_ _ m■r•_.Npp.NN .N_ ■7S 5 -7 g _ SSRI_-x.p■■.--N-N/_N.■ _- _ . - - NN_ ._.-._- -SSSS•■SS• .•r- .._.r r_■ _M p-pSS-SS■-■N-SS•-NEM : SUM ::- - . ■ --- _SUS__ -N .NUMMMIM -i- EEMM r. -•ME . -_._.■ -N. pp■.---S■■-■__.p-•. _ •. ■■r• •.. w ■ rS-•..NN■p..p W= .1. -;;== :: NN■ •Nw■wij_ :: :M pNNSp •• NNN.■p■.NN■N N ■ mom ■:: --- - -- - •■ H• • 20 EO -20 '• --- "--- ..- _ .. H. _ _ —■N_ w. .p■N ■.. m ■■ x N•N N --- - NNE- ■N _. - x■ - • aw U.S. - ■S _.SEER■ I N N■S_■■■. ■.= ;_; ■SHUN■.■NH .S•Sr•N r:NN• -- :::NNE.Sp.M : ::•pM - • -_ -- • - -SS•:: •-■SUM- -- - ..- ■ NNS SSN- •S w .S S. - ... ■ ILEUM- r, ■.■.p - NN•N_x_rr■S - •5.• i .. N ■_ .. E ■ M SUM - -w .- � r- -• _. _SUMS _. .. iib+ w -30 .:.....■_NUM_NUS/•r■■p.- .. ■. _. - - .H. NN ... .� ■ - 1_.,r SUM � =SS.N .- •__ ._. .1-+. - uteU OM MN NM • • slnf N IM H• _ -_ NN ::u:: _MUM MI MMMMMMMM ■NppHN NMI f- ■ _ -... .SEE-:SHEgl4i10: :FORS; ALIGNMENT-- • rw¢ ■:S NUS ._- ■:_ -p NISSSS •SUMS...___. __ __ ___.. __.___-. NpSS- - _______.__._ N•-p.SSNN./NN_m :fir--S::SS _ __ .■ N- _ N -_ -SEES :_ H _ _ NrN*(w11.. - - .„. 10 11 12 13 r I I r I 1 1 I I 1 I I I r I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I F I r F.A. PROJECT NO.: BRNHS-117(5) 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20I00 T. +0.3000% PI = 17+10.00 SPAN A SPAN B SPAN C PI = 19+40.00 EL.= 15.97 EL.= 16.66 VC = 290' VC = 170' GRADE DATA -L- GRADE DATA -L- FIX. FIX. FIX. FIX. FIX. FIX. FILL FACE (0 END BENT 1 FILL FACE Ca END BENT 2 SA -L- STA.19+76.00 -L- GRADE PT.PT.EL.EL.15.46 GRADE PT.EL.15.96 BEGIN FRONT SLOPE 1' 6"TO LIMITS OF UNCLASSIFIED BASE DISCHARGE (0100) STA.17+00.73 -L- I 1' 6"TO LIMITS OF UNCLASSIFIED 20 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION H.W.EL.3.90 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION GRADE PT.EL.15.33 1'-7"BERM LOW CHORD OHW ,' NORMAL TO CAP EL. EL.3.30 M.H.W. LOW CHORD -, UNCLASSIFIED (9 18 17) EL. EL.10.00 �- 10 �EL.13.00t Ti rr ± _ STRUCTURE r r r rr �i����7��IV EL.14.00± EXCAVATION , ' ' a 7\-- 0 z —EL.0.00± H �rrr n rrrr� rr rr v 4ri� EL.0.00+- EXCAVATE TO APPROXIMATE H _- _^ BOTTOM OF EXISITNG _ \ ( _ " I I " CAP EL.5.67 �� EL.6.80 GROUND LINE o r �[ , H" BOTTOM OF 1 -`,.. ; ',', e- . UNCLASSIFIED -10 n d CAP EL. ;; �\ ', �—EXISTING' / STRUCTURE I� II FENDER / . o �Q. r„ w� ( ,` �� EXCAVATION ,c 1, 1 1 1 -20 �2' EXCAVATE TO I I I t..4.-II-P� 'I'I y� EXISTING . ti EL. 26.00± i , �� 5'-0"X 5'-0" HP 12X53 EL 2.00 L „ , I I SUBSTRUCTURE RIP RAP PAD STEEL PILES " "^-�- -- - )TYP.) w (KEY IN TO I HEREBY CERTIFY THESE PLANS (TYP.) CLASS II RIP RAP EL.-20.00* EL.1.80) ARE THE AS-BUILT PLANS -30 11/2:1 SLOPE (NORMAL TO CAP) 4iY0)"0 DRILLED PIERS INTEGRAL INTEGRAL BENT 1 BENT 2 END BENT 2 END BENT 1 SECTION ALONG -L- n �-EXISTING CLASS II \ FENDER / ROCK PLATING PRIOR TO RIP RAP ti// 1 STA.16+99 -L- Li,.,,\ r I y 5-0"EARTH BERM FOR RIP RAP PAD (SEE ROADWAY PLANS) \ // Z EXISTING EL.1.81 (LEVEL) 1'-0"MIN.EARTH BERM SUBSTRUCTURE EL.4.31 (LEVEL) � \ \ BENT 1*\-// CONTROL BENT 2 41 LINE CONTROL LINE `j `a- T W.P."1 i :a W.P.*2 W.P.°3 \ ro(3 n? - z I r1P FILL FACE (a END BENT 1 I i' \ (a BENT 1 CJ BENT 2 I n:CI �y �` $b I ' ' " ' I I • END APPROACH SLAB p STA.17+13.00 -L I STA.17+83.00 -L STA.18+85.00 -L- �P TO DEAD END , r) , C:i ^� i STA.19+90.17 L ' I \ , $ L- ,, I / PC STA. 20+21.00 -L - TO APPROACH SLAB I ,, 1 \ ,,v I TO NC 133 (CASTLE HAYNE RD) STA.16+98.83 -L- I i i " BRIDGE ID �-90° 00' 00\ \ ' r; \ C: STA.18+44.50 L (TYP.) l`)C� `,, W.P.*4 BEGIN FRONT SLOPE / j. y j �;;!-,,.1 FILL FACE CZ END BENT 2 STA.17+00.73 -L- <'1-' ` � -SE LC)C. gy--_-0> STA.19+76.00 L \ 0 ROCK PLATING PRIOR TO v. \\ \ \ ROCK PLATING BEYOND PROJECT NO. B-4590 STA.16+ Y L \ \ \ (SEE ROADWAY PLANS) NEW HANOVER COUNTY (SEE ROADWAY PLANS) \ \ ± V_ STATION: 18+44°50 -L SHEET 1 OF 3 REPLACES BRIDGE NO.640029 61'-6" - 40'-6" \ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HORIZONTAL CURVE DATA L -70' 0"SPAN A 102' o"SPAN B 91' o"SPAN C RALEIGH PRIE L°DA°R70AC PLANS DO NOT USE FOR ®maT mawn®m GENERAL DRAWING P.I.STA.= 21+0"(RT 263' 0"(FILL FACE 0END BENT 1 TO FILL FACE 0END BENT 2) • L = 209.38' BRIDGE OVER SMITH CREEK ON T = 105.44' R5I.I SR 2812 (CASTLE HAYNE RD) R = 715.00' BETWEEN DEAD END AND PLAN ALONG -L- NC 133 (CASTLE HAYNE RD) PILES AND DRILL SHAFTS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY RSV(Architects-Engineers-Planners,Inc. REVISIONS SHEET NO. DRAWN BY L DATE : 06/2018 eu1s.4 Forks C7,915 490 NO. BY: DATE: NO. BY: DATE: S-1 CHECKED BY : MRA DATE : 07/2016 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED N19n NC 2Tfi15 FINAL UNLESS ALL L 919 62 641 09 FAX 919-0.6.9000 9 SHEETS u any DESIGN ENGINEER OF RECORD: POS DATE O7/2018 SIGNATURES COMPLETED N,cow:rm.,nerUnrse n...cornil Cal 2 4 42 2/6/2019 X:\P\1030036006 Div 3 B-4590\Design\Structures\Working DUI\Final Plans\401_001_8459O_SA40_GDI-S-1_640029.Bgn splvRYp BENT 1 CONTROL LINE BENT 2 CONTROL LINE — HP 12X53 & DRILLED PIERS & DRILLED PIERS f STEEL PILES HP 12X53-----,.....„ FILL FACE STEEL PILES Ca END BENT 1 miii 4 0 4' 0"0 DRILLED PIERS (TYP.) DRILLED PIERS (TYP.) FILLND FACE I ca E BENT 2 M A ► T M T + L W.P.*1 "? - Q, W.P.*2 a W.P.*3 "' W.P.*4 STA.17+13.00 -L- - i o s io STA.17+83.00 L , o STA.18+85.00 L :14iSTA.19+76.00 L Wa>_ - WI N 8e BRIDGE ID• di STA.18+44.50 -L- 1 4 1 90°-00' 00" I M 0 m ITYPJ r}1 h n'1 1 + I t t I 2 If 1'-7%2" i 4+-- u, r in II V-7'/2" TO PILES F TO PILES INTEGRAL END BENT 1 BENT 1 BENT 2 INTEGRAL END BENT 2 FOUNDATION LAYOUT DIMENSIONS LOCATING PILES AND DRILLED PIERS ARE SHOWN TO THE PILE AND DRILLED PIER CENTERLINES FOUNDATION NOTES FOR PILES,SEE SECTION 450 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. INSTALL DRILLED PIERS AT BENT NO.2 TO A TIP ELEVATION NO HIGHER THAN -61 FT (LT/C)AND -57 FT (RT)WITH THE REQUIRED TIP RESISTANCE. STEEL H-PILE POINTS ARE REQUIRED FOR STEEL H-PILES AT END BENT NO.1 AND END BENT NO.2.FOR STEEL PILE POINTS,SEE SECTION 450 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. THE SCOUR CRITICAL ELEVATION FOR BENT ND.2 IS ELEVATION -29 FT (LT)AND -30 FT (RT).S000R CRITICAL ELEVATIONS ARE USED TO MONITOR POSSIBLE SCOUR PROBLEMS DURING THE LIFE OF THE PILES AT END BENT ND.1 ARE DESIGNED FOR A FACTORED RESISTANCE OF 100 TONS PER PILE. STRUCTURE. DRIVE PILES AT END BENT NO.1 TO A REQUIRED DRIVING RESISTANCE OF 170 TONS PER PILE. PILES AT END BENT NO.2 ARE DESIGNED FOR A FACTORED RESISTANCE OF 100 TONS PER PILE. PREDRILLING FOR PILES (P1 AND P2)IS REQUIRED AT END BENT NO.1.PREDRILL PILE LOCATIONS AT P1 DRIVE PILES AT END BENT NO.2 TO A REQUIRED DRIVING RESISTANCE OF 170 TONS PER PILE. AND P2 TO AN ELEVATION NO LOWER THAN -45 FT WITH EQUIPMENT THAT WILL RESULT IN A MINIMUM PREDRILLING DIAMETER OF 18 INCHES AND A MAXIMUM PREDRILLING DIAMETER OF 20 INCHES.FOR PREDRILLING FOR PILES (P1 AND P2)IS REQUIRED AT END BENT NO.2.PREDRILL PILE LOCATIONS AT P1 PREDRILLING FOR PILES,SEE SECTION 450 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. AND P2 TO AN ELEVATION NO LOWER THAN -32 FT WITH EQUIPMENT THAT WILL RESULT IN A MINIMUM PREDRILLING DIAMETER OF 18 INCHES AND A MAXIMUM PREDRILLING DIAMETER OF 20 INCHES.FOR FOR DRILLED PIERS,SEE SECTION 411 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PREDRILLING FOR PILES,SEE SECTION 450 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PROJECT NO. B-4 5 9 0 DRILLED PIERS AT BENT NO.1 ARE DESIGNED FOR A FACTORED RESISTANCE OF 515 TONS PER PIER.CHECK TESTING PILES WITH THE PDA DURING DRIVING,RESTRIKING OR REDRIVING MAY BE REQUIRED AT END NEW E W H A N O V E R COUNTY FIELD CONDITIONS FOR THE REQUIRED TIP RESISTANCE OF 50 TSF. BENT NO.1 OR END BENT NO.2.THE ENGINEER WILL DETERMINE THE NEED FOR PDA TESTING.FOR PDA + PERMANENT STEEL CASINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR DRILLED PIERS AT BENT N0.1.D0 NOT EXTEND TESTING,SEE SECTION 450 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. PERMANENT CASINGS BELOW ELEVATION -30 FT (LT)AND -38 FT (C/RT)WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM DO NOT DEWATER DRILLED PIER EXCAVATIONS AT BENT NO.1 AND BENT NO.2.CLEAN THE BOTTOM OF STATION: 1 8+4 4 R5 0 -L- THE ENGINEER. EXCAVATIONS WITH A SUBMERSIBLE PUMP OR AN AIRLIFT.WET PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE IS REQUIRED. SHEET 2 OF 3 INSTALL DRILLED PIERS AT BENT NO.1 TO A TIP ELEVATION NO HIGHER THAN -61 FT (LT/C)AND -56 FT SLURRY CONSTRUCTION IS REQUIRED FOR DRILLED PIERS AT BENT NO.1 AND BENT NO.2. (RT)WITH THE REOUIRED TIP RESISTANCE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SID INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR DRILLED PIERS AT BENT ND.1 AND BENT NO.2.FOR SID DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION THE SCOUR CRITICAL ELEVATION FOR BENT NO.1 IS ELEVATION -32 FT (LT)AND -39 FT (RI).S000R INSPECTIONS,SEE SECTION 411 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. CRITICAL ELEVATIONS ARE USED TO MONITOR POSSIBLE SCOUR PROBLEMS DURING THE LIFE OF THE RALEIGH STRUCTURE. CSL TUBES ARE REQUIRED AND CSL TESTING MAY BE REQUIRED FOR DRILLED PIERS.THE ENGINEER WILL DO NOT UPRELIMINARY DE a FOR CONSTW)10T)08( GENERAL DRAWING DETERMINE THE NEED FOR CSL TESTING.FOR CSL TESTING,SEE SECTION 411 OF THE STANDARD DRILLED PIERS AT BENT NO.2 ARE DESIGNED FOR A FACTORED RESISTANCE OF 515 TONS PER PIER. SPECIFICATIONS. CHECK FIELD CONDITIONS FOR THE REQUIRED TIP RESISTANCE OF 50 TSF. BRIDGE OVER SMITH CREEK ON PERMANENT STEEL CASINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR DRILLED PIERS AT BENT NO.2.D0 NOT EXTEND RSif SR 2812 (CASTLE HAYNE RD) PERMANENT CASINGS BELOW ELEVATION -28 FT (LT)AND -29 FT (C/RT)WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM BETWEEN DEAD END AND THE ENGINEER. NC 133 (CASTLE HAYNE RD) RSBHArchitects.Engineers.Planners,Inc. REVISIONS SHEET NO. DRAWN BY : TWL DATE : 06/2018 B51:SIa For4c Road Bu,e,RO ,"""' OATS: NO. BY: DATE: S-2 CHECKED BY : MAL DATE : 08/2018 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED R,piBn B:4B28�100 F.9tsd469080 TOTAL DESIGN ENGINEER OF RECORD: PDS DATE : 06/2016 FINAL UNLESS ALL www.a.,an.o.m 9 SHEETS SIGNATURES COMPLETED ,m...m,..,em:,.... 2 4 42 2/6/2019 O:\P\1030036006 DIv 3 0-4590\Design\Structures\Working DCN\Final Plans\401_003_B4690_SMU_GD2_S-2_640029.dgn spIveyp BENCHMARK: BM#2 RR SPIKE IN 30"SYCAMORE, -L- STA. 20+25, 89.0' RIGHT. ELEV. = 10.69 NOTES \\\ I ASSUMED LIVE LOAD = HL-93 OR ALTERNATE LOADING. 1 ROCK PLATING PRIOR TO \ WOODS THIS BRIDGE HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS. STA.16+99 -L- (ROADWAY PAY ti PROPOSED GUARDRAIL 0 ITEM AND DETAIL) � � v (ROADWAY PAY ITEM 9 THIS BRIDGE IS LOCATED IN SEISMIC ZONE 1. & DETAIL)(TYPJ \\ BRIDGE /Z �P STA.18+44.50 -L- /[ y] THIS STRUCTURE CONTAINS THE NECESSARY C. - . 4ek . ORROSION PROTECTION REQUIRED FOR A CORROSIVE SITE.•, WOODS• I CLASS II Pp 0 ALL METALLIZED SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE A SEAL COATING AS SPECIFIED IN THE SPECIAL PROVISION FOR ,. e,eee.ne0 \\ RIP RAP pM/��MM�NtN.!! // (TYP.) THERMAL SPRAYED COATINGS (METALLIZATION). '�`e"!ii/lN�ii1l7i, \\ /'M PROPOSED DRAINAGE CLASS AA CONCRETE SHALL BE USED IN ALL CAST-IN-PLACE BENT CAPS,AND SHALL CONTAIN CALCIUM NITRITE Aa'!M Jiaf�IMP�MMS1IlY10•� ��l \\ All . PIPE (ROADWAY PAY CORROSION INHIBITOR.FOR CALCIUM NITRITE CORROSION INHIBITOR,SEE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. T T �wv�����. �/1 �\\ ~rz ) ITEM AND DETAIL)(TYPJ ~ -����iyi>- a -�--- �.� ALL BAR SUPPORTS USED IN THE PARAPET,SIDEWALK,DECK,BENT CAPS,END BENT CAPS,AND ALL INCIDENTAL 1i+00 DEAD END 17+0 ail ,i.� \ 18+00 1 . \ 19i00 I 20+00 REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE EPDXY COATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. -- I• , i PC STA.20+21.00 L ..- \ L l :♦ \ p ✓ ; THE CONCRETE IN ALL DRILLED PIERS,BENT CAPS,AND END BENT CAPS SHALL CONTAIN SILICA ARTICLE OS \-- 1024 1 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS TO PARTIALLY SUBSTITUTE CLASS F FLY ASH FOR PORTLAND CEMENT IS Noi - - L . it/i_ TO N�133 EXERCISED,THEN THE RATE OF FLY ASH SUBSTITUTION SHALL BE REDUCED TO 1.0 LB OF FLY ASH PER 1.0 OF ��'�� ���i ��+ CEMENT.NO PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR THIS SUBSTITUTION AS IT IS CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE AtiW1 iKMI0P�MV`3T������tailAW��,� 1%/ VARIOUS PAY ITEMS.igMw�18L•0/Rogii4m iiiiil�� �� f" �.♦�, ♦ \ i I Om _ _ ��;I �INKII�IiA1. IMTwm�_ METALLIZE PILES IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 2 OF THE DEPARTMENT THERMAL SPRAYED COATINGS Iriit fM M� M MIIw%►%►i % '%%%lid %bo�'♦♦���♦���♦♦••♦♦♦♦�.•• \\ ,�j (METALLIZATION)PROGRAM.FOR THERMAL SPRAYED COATINGS,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. A� �N�M�����.���������/���/i;���� �� t�♦� ♦•♦♦♦4" - 90°-00'-00" J e" ...v. e' . AFTER DRIVING THE PILES,APPLY 1 COAT EACH OF 1080-09 BROWN AND 1080-09 GRAY PAINT TO THE EMBEDDED Nw \EXISTINGII...... .. . ....5...(TYP.) J� UILDING . , SECTION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. ED PILE PRIOR TO CONCRETE EMBEDMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 442 OF THE TEMPORARY WORK 5- ROCK PLATING BEYOND STA.19+90 -L- ALL PAVEMENT MARKING WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PAVEMENT MARKING PLANS AND SHALL PROVIDE FOR PLATFORM �� (ROADWAY PAY ITEM AND DETAIL) BICYCLES. . EXISTING-- ROCK PLATING PRIOR TO STRUCTURE / �Ff WOODS FOR UTILITY INFORMATION, NEEDLE BEAMS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED UNLESS OTHERWISE CALLED FOR ON THE PLANS OR APPROVED BY THE STA.16+99 -L- (ROADWAY PAY WOODS (TYP.) // I� SEE UTILITY PLANS AND ENGINEER. ITEM AND DETAIL) SPECIAL PROVISIONS INASMUCH AS THE PAINT SYSTEM ON THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL STEEL CONTAINS LEAD,THE CONTRACTOR'S LOCATION SKETCH ATTENTION COMPLIANCEIS WITTHRAPPLI TO ICABLERTICLE STATE R7FI OF EDERALE STANDARD REGULATIONSPPERTAININGG TOANY HANDLOSTS ING OFSULTING MATERIALSOM CONTAINING LEAD BASED PAINT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE FOR "REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURE AT 18+44.50 -L-". THE MATERIAL SHOWN IN THE CROSS-HATCHED AREA OF SHEET S-1 SHALL BE EXCAVATED FOR A DISTANCE OF 51FT TO THE LEFT AND 56 FT TO THE RIGHT OF CENTERLINE ROADWAY AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.THIS WORK WILL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT LUMP SUM PRICE FOR UNCLASSIFIED STRUCTURE EXCAVATION.SEE SECTION 412 OF THE STANDARD TOTAL BILL OF MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS. CONSTRUCTION, REMOVAL OF PERMANENT STEEL UNCLASSIFIED THE SUBSTRUCTURE OF THE EXISTING BRIDGE INDICATED ON THE PLANS IS FROM THE BEST INFORMATION AVAILABLE.THIS MAINTENANCE,AND 4'-0"DIA. 4'-O"DIA. INFORMATION IS SHOWN FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE NO CLAIM WHATSOEVER REMOVAL OF EXISTING ASBESTOS DRILLED PIERS DRILLED PIERS CASING FOR PDA SID CSL STRUCTURE TEMPORARY ACCESS cZ STRUCTURE CZ ASSESSMENT IN SOIL NOT IN SOIL 4'-0"DIA. TESTING INSPECTIONS TESTING EXCAVATION CO AGAINST THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR ANY DELAYS OR ADDITIONAL COST INCURRED BASED ON DIFFERENCES STA.16+gga50 -L- LUMP -L- DRILLED PIER STA.18+44,50 -L BETWEEN THE EXISTING BRIDGE SUBSTRUCTURE SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS AT THE PROJECT SITE. LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LIN.FT. LIN.FT. LIN.FT. EACH EACH EACH LUMP SUM REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING BRIDGE SHALL BE PERFORMED IN A MANNER THAT PREVENTS DEBRIS FROM FALLING INTO THE SUPERSTRUCTURE WATER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT DEMOLITION PLANS FOR REVIEW AND REMOVE THE BRIDGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 402-2 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. END BENT 1 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE INDEPENDENT ASSURANCE SAMPLES OF REINFORCING STEEL AS FOLLOWS:FOR PROJECTS BENT 1 193.8 121.8 1 1 REQUIRING UP TO 400 TONS OF REINFORCING STEEL,ONE 30 INCH SAMPLE OF EACH SIZE BAR USED,AND FOR PROJECTS BENT 2 REQUIRING OVER 400 TONS OF REINFORCING STEEL,TWO 30 INCH SAMPLES OF EACH SIZE BAR USED.THE SAMPLE BARS 196.0 103.0 1 1 SHOULD COME FROM STEEL ACTUALLY USED IN THE PROJECT AND THE SAMPLE BARS SHOULD BE REPLACED BY SPLICED BARS END BENT 2 AS SPECIFIED IN THE SAMPLE BAR REPLACEMENT CHART.PAYMENT FOR SAMPLE BARS AND REPLACEMENT REINFORCING STEEL SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO VARIOUS PAY ITEMS. TOTAL LUMP SUM LUMP SUM LUMP SUM 389.8 0 224.8 1 2 2 LUMP SUM FOR SUBMITTAL OF WORKING DRAWINGS,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. REINFORCED GROOVING BRIDGE EPDXY EPDXY COATED 54"PRESTRESSED PILE DRIVING STEEL CLASS AA COATED SPIRAL COLUMN EQUIPMENT SETUP HP 12x53 PREDRILLING PILE FOR FALSEWORK AND FORMWORK,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. CONCRETE BRIDGE APPROACH CONCRETE PILE CONCRETE REINFORCING REINFORCING FOR HP 12X53 STEEL PILES FOR PILES REDRIVES DECK SLAB FLOORS SLABS STEEL STEEL GIRDERS STEEL PILES POINTS FOR CRANE SAFETY,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SO.FT. SO.FT. CU.YDS. LUMP SUM LBS. LBS. NO. LIN.FT. EACH NO. LIN.FT. EACH LIN.FT. EACH FOR GROUT FOR STRUCTURES,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SUPERSTRUCTURE 10998 9001 15 1297.5 FOR ASBESTOS ASSESSMENT FOR BRIDGE DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION ACTIVITIES,SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS. END BENT 1 37.5 7,045 9 9 550 9 101 5 BENT 1 33.6 19,789 5,068 - THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH "HEC 18 - EVALUATING SCOUR AT BRIDGES". BENT 2 33.6 19.920 5,124 FOR EROSION CONTROL MEASURES,SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS. END BENT 2 37.5 7,045 9 9 415 9 75 5 THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT,MAINTAIN,AND AFTERWARDS REMOVE THE TEMPORARY ACCESS AT STATION 18+44.50 TOTAL 10,998 9,001 142.2 LUMP SUM 53,799 10,192 15 1,297.5 18 18 965 18 176 10 -L- FOR USE DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE. PROJECT NO. B-4590 TWO EETALR )CONCRETE CLASS II GEOFOR ILE ELASTOMERIC TEXTAFOR CCESS,JSEEUSPECIAL^PROVISIONS.AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY NEW H A N O V E R COUNTY + RAIL PARAPET (2'-0"THICK) DRAINAGE BEARINGS SAMPLE BAR FOR OTHER DESIGN DATA AND GENERAL NOTES,SEE SHEET SN. STATION: 18+44.50 -L- LIN.FT. LIN.FT. TONS SO.YDS. LUMP SUM REPLACEMENT SUPERSTRUCTURE 507.7 522.7 SIZE LENGTH HYDRAULIC DATA SHEET 3 OF 3 END BENT 1 260 290 *3 6'-2" DESIGN DISCHARGE = 4,600 CFS *4 7'-4" FREQUENCY OF DESIGN FLOOD = 25 YRS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BENT 1 "5 8'-6" DESIGN HIGH WATER ELEVATION = 2.291* DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BENT 2 *6 9,-8„ DRAINAGE AREABASE = 31.8 SO.MI. IANO RALEIOH END BENT 2 200 205 #7 10'-10" BASE HIGHHWATERARGE (Ol EVATION = 3.9* CFS P��tLOYuu�p4C N8TR ®® ®4 �$o ®� ®�a�WUC,r°" GENERAL DRAWING "8 12'-0" *ACTUAL ELEVATIONS WILL BE HIGHER THAN WSELS TOTAL 507.7 522.7 460 495 LUMP SUM SHOWN DUE TO BACKWATER EFFECTS FROM THE "9 13'-2" NORTHEAST CAPE FEAR RIVER BRIDGE OVER SMITH CREEK ON Nl0 14'-6" SR 2812 (CASTLE HAYNE RD) 11 15'-10" OVERTOPPING FLOOD DATA RS6II BETWEEN DEAD END AND NOTE:SAMPLE BAR NC 133 (CASTLE HAYNE RD) REPLACEMENT LENGTHS OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = 30,000 CFS BASED ON 30"(SAMPLE FREQUENCY OF OVERTOPPING FLOOD = 500+ YRS RSBH ArcMec(sEn nears-0lanne s,Inc. REVISIONS SHEET NO. LENGTH)PLUS TWO SPLICE p OVERTOPPING FLOOD ELEVATION = 9.8 e52”1,, NO. BY, DATE, NO. BY, OATS: S-3 DRAWN BY : NSCDATE 06/2018 LENGTHS AND fy = 60 KSI. 4 SAG AT STA.13+15 -L- DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED a qM1,NC 21615 CHECKED BY AIR DATE 08/2018 FINAL UNLESS ALL 919 02.100 FM9194.fi9080 {7 SHEETS DESIGN ENGINEER OF RECORD: PDS DATE: 08/2018 SIGNATURES COMPLETED,, 2 °4 42 2/6/2019 X:\P\1030036006 Div 3 B-4590\Design\Structures\Working DGN\Final Plans\401_005_84590-SMI1-CD3-S-3-640029.Cgn splveyp � t \C \ STATE OF NORTH 1L C171 I', OLINA --_.. TIP.NO. MEET NO. m DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS B-4590 UC-1 ° 1a � I 7 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PLANS 1 iota JNEW HANOVER COUNTY /PROJEC //°CATI /`"i�0 4 LOCATION: BRIDGE NO.640029 OVER SMITH CREEK ��% il. ON SR 2812/US 117/NC 133 (CASTLE HAYNE ROAD) T;199 VTYPE OF WORK: WATER LINE RELOCATION ��P/' I� -♦-f-� DETOUR O VICINITY MAP N.T.S. END BRIDGE 124 BEGIN BRIDGE —L— POT STA. 19+76.00 —L— POT STA.17+13.00 5 •- y a;BEGIN PROJECT s �g"1 x 04 —L— POT STA. 14+00.00 �. END PROJECT —L— POT STA. 22+50.00 IDEA] END , 1 _.. ' -,- SR .. "� �� 4\ / ( T y \ 1 : IMk* 1110 si can) THERE IS NO CONTROL OF ACCESS ON THIS PROJECT. — mo THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED / Q �•• \ CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY MODIFIED METHOD III. m V GRAPHIC SCALES INDEX OF SHEETS i I SEAL PREPARED IN TILE OFFICE OF SHEET NO.: DESCRIPTION: WATER AND SEWER OWNERS ON PROJECT WEER i 50 25 0 50 100 ARCHITECTS-ENGINEERS-PLANNERS,INC. a -� c 11 U U UC-I TITLE SHEET • N,CAROL�b, 8SII SIX FORKS ROAD,SUITE 000 PLANS a "��� RALEIGH,NC zfefs C UC-2 UTILITY SYMBOLOGY / s°j��E" c 50 25 0 50 100 UC-3 NOTES SEAL �• ' �� (A)CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY 1 18442 RICHARD BOLLINGER,PE c U U U LI U — 1' UC-3A TO UC-3B DETAILS ( ;,.`F,�ciNEt, ?� PROJECT ENGINEER - PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) i `.,,+o�.._.- om UC-4 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION SHEET eoN!,':' / ALEX VINSON,El ma ♦C) 10 5 0 10 20 1 UC-5 PROFILE SHEET /ECT DESIGN ENGINEER NE. U �) UC 6 DRAINAGE PIPE SECTION SHEET DAVID LEONARD,PE NiNPROFILE R CAL) !�. J '...... \._. NCDOT CONTACT v PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 7. STATE OF NOI° TIH[ CAROLINA B 4590 UC.2 N DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS UTILITIES PLAN SHEET SYMBOLS PROPOSED WATER SYMBOLS PROPOSED MISCELLANOUS UTILITIES SYMBOLS Water Line (Sized as Shown) ,Pn Power Pole 6 Thrust Block 11144 Degree Bend +•+ Telephone Pole -o- Air Release Valve r 22/ Degree Bend +h Joint Use Pole -6- Utility Vault di 45 Degree Bend -I-i Telephone Pedestal o Concrete Pier I 90 Degree Bend i$ Utility Line b Others �°.P,..R.E..E (Type as Shown Steel Pier in Plug 1 Trenchless Installation Plan Note ...----------NOTE Tee +t+ Encasement by Open Cut o .. `"`.."° I Pay Item Note --- - PAY ITEM Cross • Encasement Reducer ► Gate Valve ;, EXISTING UTILITIES SYMBOLS Butterfly Valve N Power Pole 4 *Underground Power Line P Tapping Valve 41 Telephone Pole -4- *Underground Telephone Cable Line Stop Y Joint Use Pole -4- `Underground Telephone Conduit R: T. Line Stop with Bypass Utility Pole • `Underground Fiber Optics Telephone Cable ,.. Blow Off I Utility Pole with Base o *Underground TV Cable ,. Fire Hydrant * H-Frame Pole •—• `Underground Fiber Optics TV Cable TMP> Relocate Fire Hydrant V Power Transmission Line Tower ® 'Underground Gas Pipeline FH Remove Fire Hydrant REM Water Manhole a Aboveground Gas Pipeline A"0Oe Water Meter i Power Manhole a `Underground Water Line , Relocate Water Meter 1 Telephone Manhole a Aboveground Water Line A/C Water Remove Water Meter REM WM Sanitary Sewer Manhole • *Underground Gravity Sanitary Sewer Line- s Water Pump Station ® Hand Hole for Cable m Aboveground Gravity Sanitary Sewer Line- sic sa�,t.>s...E a v .i RPZ Backflow Preventer Power Transformer a *Underground SS Forced Main Line 25+ DCV Backflow Preventer ® Telephone Pedestal m Underground Unknown Utility Line RRPZ — n Relocate RPZ Backflow Preventer ® CATV Pedestal m SUE Test Hole B 0 Q Relocate DCV Backflow Preventer R® Gas Valve 0 Water Meter o m o Gas Meter 0 Water Valve • PROPOSED SEWER SYMBOLS Located Miscellaneous Utility Object a Fire Hydrant 4 Gravity Sewer Line , Abandoned Accordingto UtilityRecords--- AATUR SanitarySewer Cleanout • (Sized as Shown) `0 Force Main Sewer Line 004 (Sized as Shown) End of Information E.O.I. aw Manhole --, •(Sized per Note) • For Existing Utilities 5n. Sewer Pump Station EMIUtility Line Drawn from Record (Type as Shown) '',' .1Designated Utility Line u,!u (Type as Shown) 0¢x, REVI2/l/2012 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET N0. B-4590 UC-3 DESIGNED BY: ARV DRAWN BY: ARV 1.CA-RO/;: UTILITY CONSTRUCTION CHECKED BY: RLB *,,,:t F55p yd APPROVED BY: I� BM REVISED: 18442, "? NORTH CAROLINA �9`+.'SI NE+4j GENERAL NOTES: DEPARTMENT OF k ;pH PROJECT SPECIFIC NOTES: TRANSPNGIEE ION PHONE:1 19II ENGINEERING SEC. FAX:I 19191T-4151 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION Fdx:1919125.0-4t51 PLANS ONLY 1.THE PROPOSED UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 6.THE PLANS DEPICT THE BEST AVAILABLE 1.ALL PROPOSED WATER LINE SHALL BE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS INFORMATION FOR THE LOCATION,SIZE,AND D.I.R.J.(DUCTILE IRON RESTRAINED OF THE NC DEPARTMENT OF TYPE OF MATERIAL FOR ALL EXISTING JOINT)PIPE TRANSPORTATION'S"STANDARD UTILITIES.MAKE INVESTIGATIONS FOR SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROADS AND DETERMINING THE EXACT LOCATION,SIZE, 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE STRUCTURES"DATED JANUARY 2018. AND TYPE MATERIAL OF THE EXISTING ENGINEER AND OWNER A MINUMUM OF 7 FACILITIES AS NECESSARY FOR THE DAYS IN ADVANCE OF A PLANNED 2.THE EXISTING UTILITIES BELONG TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED UTILITIES SERVICE INTERRUPTION.THE CFPUA CAPF FFAR PUBLIC uTll ITY AUTHORITY AND FOR AVOIDING DAMAGE TO EXISTING POINT OF CONTACT TO SCHEDULE FACILITIES.REPAIR ANY DAMAGE INCURRED SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS IS DAVID TO EXISTING FACILITIES TO THE ORIGINAL DAILEY,AT(910)332-6626. 3.ALL WATER LINES TO BE INSTALLED OR BETTER CONDITION AT NO ADDITIONAL WITHIN COMPLIANCE OF THE RULES AND COST TO THE DEPARTMENT. REGULATIONS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, 7.MAKE FINAL CONNECTIONS OF THE NEW DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES, WORK TO THE EXISTING SYSTEM WHERE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SECTION.ALL SEWER INDICATED ON THE PLANS,AS REQUIRED TO LINES TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN COMPLIANCE FIT THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS,OR AS OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE DIRECTED. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT QUALITY,DIVISION OF WATER 8,MAKE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN EXISTING RESOURCES,WATER QUALITY SECTION. AND PROPOSED UTILITIES AT TIMES MOST PERFORM ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONVENIENT TO THE PUBLIC,WITHOUT APPLICABLE PLUMBING CODES. ENDANGERING THE UTILITY SERVICE,AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UTILITY OWNER'S 4.THE UTILITY OWNER OWNS THE EXISTING REQUIREMENTS.MAKE CONNECTIONS ON UTILITY FACILITIES AND WILL OWN THE NEW WEEKENDS,NECESSARY AT NIGHT,AND ON HOLIDAYS IF LIST OF STANDARD DRAWINGS UTILITY FACILITIES AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY THE DEPARTMENT.THE DEPARTMENT OWNS THE 1515.01 WATER METER CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AND HAS 9.ALL UTILITY MATERIALS SHALL BE ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY. APPROVED PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO THE COMMUNICATIONS AND DECISIONS BETWEEN PROJECT.SEE 1500-7,"SUBMITTALS AND THE CONTRACTOR AND UTILITY OWNER ARE RECORDS"IN SECTION 1500 OF THE NOT BINDING UPON THE DEPARTMENT OR THIS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACT UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE ENGINEER.AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE UTILITY OWNER AND CONTRACTOR FOR THE WORK THAT IS NOT PART OF THIS CONTRACT OR IS SECONDARY TO THIS CONTRACT ARE ALLOWED,BUT ARE NOT BINDING UPON THE DEPARTMENT. D 0 m 5.PROVIDE ACCESS FOR THE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL AND THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVES TO ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION.NOTIFY DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL AND THE UTILITY OWNER TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK AND ONE WEEK PRIOR TO SERVICE INTERRUPTION.KEEP UTILITY OWNERS' REPRESENTATIVES INFORMED OF WORK PROGRESS AND PROVIDE OPPORTUNITY FOR m INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING. m c Um mQ 0}N =Km Q o• PROJECT REFERENCE N0. SHEET N0. B-4590 UC-3A DESIGNED BY: m/ in PROJECT TYPICAL DETAILS DRAWN BY: 037!IO/, CHECKED Vs /�Ry �`pFE53/ q APPROVED BY: I I SEAL y REVISED: 18442 YE NORTH CAROL INA ; MI NEED DEPARTMENT OF oq� ;0p� TRANSPORTATION UTILITIES ENGINEERING SEC. FA%NE9191250-4 51 UTIL I PLANSTY NONLYCT ION UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FINAL GRADE FINAL GRADE CL II COVER GREATER COVER THAN OR BETWEEN EQUAL TO 12 FT. 6- 12 FT. 6" MIN.�— 6" MIN. CL II BACKFILL (Mi. SE O.D. CL I SEWER O.D. /r . FORCE MAIN 0.0.WATER O.D. Cl J / 4" MIN. 4" MIN. iV PIPE IYPE A 1/2 BEDDING Lima O.D. ° 8°°8 °888 m 088° ° 8 FOUNDATION 8 d -1o88.8o 8888 880°°08888 CONDITIONING 0 Hr 0888880 FABRIC AS °CL oO. 00 �$8800000°0%1000 REQUIRED FINAL GRADE FINAL GRADE �8d a°e,° o°-' °-a °o°' FOUNDATION N v�0w 0�°vim`v^ v- AONDITIONING S REQUIRED IllCOVER COVER PLACE FOUNDATION CONDITIONING MATERIAL BELOW BETWEEN BEDDING IF REQUIRED, AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. BETWEEN PIPE BEDDED IN SELECT MATERIAL, CLASS II (TYPE 1) 3-6 FT. 3-6 FT. OR CLASS III. TRENCH BACKFILLED IN LOOSE 6' LAYERS COMPACTED TO TOP OF TRENCH USING LOCAL # EXCAVATED MATERIAL IF APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, r r.� I OR SELECT MATERIAL. ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE 6" MIN. 3" MIN. OF ROCKS, FOREIGN MATERIAL, AND FROZEN EARTH. CL II/Ill fCOMPACTION SHALL BE TO APPROXIMATELY 95% DENSITY /r. r� SEWER O.D. IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO T-99 AS MODIFIED BY THE } r WATER O.D. CL I/IT SERVICE UNES O.D. - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. FORCE MAIN 0.D. (1"-4" NOMINAL) CL l 4- MIN. ' ;�,\ 3" MIN. GENERAL_ TRENCH DETAIL TYPE C 1/ NOT TO SCALE O.D.- TYPE S COMPACTION NOTES: D 1. ALL ZONES: 95% STD EFFORT PER ASTM D698, EXCEPT AS STATED IN COMPACTION NOTE 2. 2. 12" SUBGRADE UNDER PAVEMENT: 98% STD EFFORT PER ASTM D698. 0 U iJ _ U STANDARD PIPE BEDDING DETAILS NOT TO SCALE m 0 a i A C C m CD C Al C w • N� -Q m , Ul -/N =CC¢] P PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B_4590 UC-3$ N ARv PROJECT TYPICAL DETAILS DESIGNED BY; DRAWN BY: AR✓ 2..."NE51'Ijo�kip CHECKED BY: RLB F�4pF 0, ‘ APPROVED BY: a I' SEAL .t REV ISED: C'l 844I �� NORTH CAROL INA 7;<'FD I Nt�+' :f DEPARTMENT OF . IFON S2'?gyp TRANSPORTATION UIILI TIES ENGINEERING SEC. PHONE:1919 IL I TY CONSTRUCT ION FAX:1919I25O-41250-4151 PLANS ONLY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PAVED AREA UNPAVEDAREA UD MARKED `WATER' (WATER MAINS) UD HARKED 'SEWER" (FORCE MAINS) Ua FLUSH Wf FINISHED DRAQE PRECAST CONCRETE COIL.AR PAwitl T REPAIR AS REQUIRED---_ FlNtSH GIRA[7E TO REvEA -r". v AM.)". SCREW TYPE 3.--D` MIN r � \ 1 fN�f 4 4::. T1 11 1, k M..L GATE VALVE C U N Nam& O t 1. TRACER vIRRE 9FIALL PENETRATE VALVT BCC( THRQUGN DRILLED HOLE APPRO%. 6" mLQW GRAM vATH MINIMIAN 2-FEET E9[TRA LENGTH CORM M1 BaK P O L A- C i L C m m C 0 TYPICAL VALVE DETAIL W NOT TO SCALE VN m. Or.-1 .7v -/N =CCm v I PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. B-4590 UC-4 11.1 m I DESIGNED BY: ARV wN' mx RECEIVED I DRAWN BY: ARV .tiN G10/2 CHECKED Br: /�� APPROVED BY1 (.1..x...,_..t.,",sEm-::4,1.24:)1.21 IDEPAREVISED:MAR 3 0 2020 NORTH CAROLINI/ RTMENT OFxhy '�ssD�4P TRANSPORTATION UTILITIES ENGIMERING SEC. 2 PHONEI ISIR ITO7-6690 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION DCM—RALEIGH , F001(9191250-4151 PLANS ONLY I �9°'a UTILITY CONSTRUCTION e \ 8 CD ii Iul E.W.GODWIN SONS INC. DB 1939 PG 65 i NDB 3153 PC 979 1Jj. OB IB65 PC I43 1 OB 1622 PG 785 ; I J . \ 1 \ C-----v.- n...-- ) 0 )r_____...) --.) .-------\ ili !ii, 1D SI \ SMITH CREEK BOATYARD INC / 5K1ra CREEKt �11 woods OB 53.PG 2603 13"RCP■ _ Il , 08 5311 PG 2618 / EBB DB 5354 PG 13R �yF I 1 ;;..\ DB 5570 PG 842 un it caxwR* Yes NDODs X I A, �/ MOB IS$S,I,PG jji TB ue sz rc zz6 Ord \_,_.. .. Z_ l S' * * Y * * * * * * * }' * * * GB 55 PG h29 * I* } * } .. *1 oa 6 vc ite_�—�" . , `-•�\\\ NDDOS;b , _ ss��5 } (( Z i 1 its k, \ Dom;A\`f�s� ' _ _.X- �-X 4 L.L.,„.) �: SB sii aSE,ExT __T2 L 6 N \ /� /`� AiENOER\ ^'i ryt1CC ''' } } } * } } } } } }_ } 3 }iRB Ket Pit i } } } } } } 1 OA*I ' "+} y� � ECml it,'SE ICEpi77/P1•"((C�Br.. TSAD A 77 Nam \X "'_X . } .. s t } * - i�} L _... �R�'1.� � \ l FENDED ��a i� b4.rc i' /� TIE TO EXISTING 12"DIP, A i I `-- . \ //E a1� :. 1 T--- - ADD THRUST COLLAR } �Q..c- - -�s1_ t -_-.,_ _ N i 'I/ .. �� -'3 ... -:. ` a uGI - _ PROPOSED GATE VALVE t =-M.-al-' . "_�,,.- ram. _ __ RCP■ 1I/ ._.s �xil I . .. . - _ _ _ --- - • `-1`a o -. Wr l=a��* * NAN�L�1!'twRKRdII sF-BE/ =_ .-_-- .. .. .. .. - 'X�IPI. i WTG31Ril ' �..e+w�a�P"..... -.� `��_ '-- -� Iv / } } } * } * } } * * * * } } } } : /� NTL��1 FEuoEN _ i " 71'�+1 1 'OE 'r,,,� ' A 8r1� •\\~'- o. � • - f''' * } #!AyPdR$fLY1HE1R6 * BUMED 4v l ` //1 '1- A„1Z74;� 7. An - T 1� .I J •q- '.` \ ` .. ;�•`` 3 } } } t } I x / ,V��, Sa ,^' �m �\ �F \� DB 2899 PC A63 /-DN1ECiID4 / ; „{.-�� S f;l-p _� E%GVATpN / 15"RCP■ T\ ... � } * * } } } } 48 6Q PG 197 ikon q1 SY TEMI} } J- qq,,0 ^17 LIZM6 R� `�!M• \� \ _"'�6 /a • $ ,/ * * } '`q YrF*- �'\ / EB A//� ` 12.0! PIA3 \ \ / ` /o / EXGVATION 11 /) I RCP v z i \`. is /} 1IA11Ti k ..,\ .. _ OPEN ``J I es> of ,°� TIE TO EXISTING 12"DIP. 12" DI'PIPE / 1 'S'� 4-J�/ y/ I* }��/// .. ADD THRUST COLLAR ELIZABETH P.ADAMS HEIRS \ \ '�TRJ' `j -.___/. _/ s /L MZR BLS S BR 8U5 DB 2899 PG 1663 \ /_ if I 11"25• 12"DIP BEND Cpy� i zs M: i // �/� ADD THRUST BLOCKING `\�Il ' z7 ��/-,/ L / 11,'�5" 12"DIP BEND / �J _ ADD THRUST BLOCKING \\ \\\� \ SCOOT \ O \\\\\ �yC` Alb / DB 3076 PG 420 - �}. )H 10 DB 2838 PC 31 CORBETT PACKAGE COMPANY ' \\\ \\\\ / /_ / � NB I PG 79 DO 3450 PC AD DB 3060 PC 854 \ \\ \\ / �,�e� / / O OB 436 PG n9 �\ \\ / / / s a 06'2s.�E \ N `\ / / 1\ D 'N, \\\ i RIIPNOTERAP OVER AND AROUND THE PE To BE TAKEN wHEN RROPOSED WATEYING THE R NEE. N\ N / \ \ / / *WATERLINE TO BE PLACED AS UTILIZING 2.5. \\ \\ / / DEFLECTIONS AT EACH PIPE JOINT(00 NOT EXCEED \ \` / MAXIMUM DEFLECTION ALLOWED BY PIPE FABRICATOR). \ // —TOTAL BILL OF MATERIALS— \ / 12• DUCTILE IRON REMOVE 12' j1 WATER LINE BATERINGSE UTILITY PIPE 12'VALVES / / LIN.FT. LBS. LIN.FT. EACH 'L rAL ISO 1100 190 1 / / / / / / / / i FOR -WL- PROFILE.SEE SHEET 5 / s 'Mill I I PROJECT REFERENCE N0, SHEET NO. I 8-4590 UC-5 ,,iDESIGNED BRE ,RENC■®® APPROVED BY: SEAL j�a WATER LINE PROFILEREVISED: s:��,utF\i„` III 1 � Mil NORTH CAROL INA ON B�p � ■ TRANSPORTAT ION DEPARTMENT OF [f IIII®.PHONE:(9191707-6690 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION 111111111 FA%:(919)250-4151 PLANS ONLY LI = UTILITY CONSTRUCTION I I ®■ UI III III ■■ �■ i11111 If 1 1t EXIS NG GROUND 20 t I 1 f, r Ff. IIIII PROP 1•" DIP ••L• STA, 0+85, 31. RT 1 20 ■ ��-ivi i r i C ■ ■ ,PROP, FI L. ELEV. • 3.1' rl I)I 1 ■■� I PROPOSED G' • `� - IIIIII EXI•TING ORO 0 _ -IIUTOEXISTI _r - TI TO EXtSTI 0 ER LINE lO Epi, ■�■ WATER Lf E �•��' 10 vIIII 3 MN. mitm. 0 millitrial i.. V ` 1 r 1'E CLEARA E FROM TO' OF I ,PROP 15 RCP Iii �15" RCP I I TO BOTT.M OF PROP 1." DIP ,rill 0 . t Jr 11,25. 12 DIP B:NO EXISTING 12" WATE' LINE -1O t E: CARE •BE TAKEN EN LAYI : THE PROP•< O i f / •IP RAP DYE' AND AROUN•THE PROPO`D WATERLIN . -10 :<< iMI 9i V , NG 12" -W TER LINE 11111■F -20 1 I' E EU -20 •p Y �' �y fir -30 C� . k , -30 tf 11111 -40 L I •k.', r ®1111 EXISTING 16 WATERin I 1 MI m 1 �.I. � MIk -40 1 Ft _________________________________ ®� `.. ■®® ® t� - - _B' i[F14 trot Fr� N ®®® ■® kr i ® 114 'I F1 U JUU C I: ® _ -ilN ■ ME NE L fi ' ® fk a_22 Ell t I I [a ■ I •i t i t 111 . r ® iiiiN II i a F iI FOR -WL- AUGNMENT,SEE SHEET 4 dw • diii 1 _ d_ J 4 1 11- 1 k I ar 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I ' PROJECT-REFERENCE NU. SHEET NO. t—rI_ r_l_ 8-4590 UC-6 r k, DESIGNED BY: / / d`H UEp .. I _ : _l. DRAWN BY: / ✓ a�iQtt kSS/!/� - CHECKED SY: RLB �:F DRAINAGE PIPE SECTION APPROVEDBY1 REVISED: (( ) j; NORTH CAROL IN �' TRANSPORTATION T OF Se rFON War UTILITIES ENGINEERING DEC. r L -1 ,,, FAx1IPHONE 19/250-4151 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ,I ' - 1 FAz:[9191250-4151 PLANS ONLY -- �. I �� -1 i- UTILITY CONSTRUCTION .I , L I-� -L- STA. 2 0+85.00 ,, = _ 20 20 C1 15 — 0.030 s 15 _ — — — — PROP 1i RCP■ 1=47 1-t1 10 LL. e.00• 10 Fj k Gd — _ ' I. 5 a. .. 5 . I fiF-4+1, 1j1. IG� . — I E I • E I: L L 1 i I;` j 1~KF j f I I, I r I � I(rt1- k— l , I L �Y -' is L ��E k I I - F'I , r- kr fIPGAE L "+ L 1Ek : rr F ii t 1 C 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 CO{-1 �Qmo-d , 1 r_....,, , ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director June 15,2020 N.C. Department of Transportation 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne,NC 28429 Dear Sir or Madam: The enclosed permit constitutes authorization under the Coastal Area Management Act,and where applicable,the State Dredge and Fill Law,for you to proceed with your project proposal.The original(buff-colored form)is retained by you and it must be available on site when the project is inspected for compliance.Please sign both the original and the copy and return the copy to this office in the enclosed envelope. Signing the permit and proceeding means you have waived your right of appeal described below. If you object to the permit or any of the conditions,you may request a hearing pursuant to NCGS 113A-121.1 or 113-229. Your petition for a hearing must be filed in accordance with NCGS Chapter 150B with the Office of Administrative Hearings,6714 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27611-6714,(919)733-2698 within twenty(20)days of this decision on your permit.You should also be aware that another qualified party may submit an objection to the issuance of this permit within twenty(20)days. The project plan is subject to those conditions appearing on the permit form.Otherwise,all work must be carried out in accordance with your application.Modifications,time extensions,and future maintenance requires additional approval.Please read your permit carefully prior to starting work and review all project plans,as approved.If you are having the work done by a contractor, it would be to your benefit to be sure that he fully understands all permit requirements. From time to time,Department personnel will visit the project site.To facilitate this review,we request that you complete and mail the enclosed Notice Card just prior to work initiation.However, if questions arise concerning permit conditions,environmental safeguards,or problem areas,you may contact Department personnel at any time for assistance. By working in accordance with the permit,you will be helping to protect our vitally important coastal resources. Sincerely, /74146A441°. Jon an Howell Major Permits Manager N.C. Division of Coastal Management Enclosure DE Q) morrow at ereemai onroNside## North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City,North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 Brittingham, Cathy From: Brittingham, Cathy Sent: Thursday,June 11, 2020 4:40 PM To: Mason Herndon Cc: Shaver, Brad E SAW (; Steenhuis, Joanne; Stephen Lane; DCR - Environmental_Review; Dan Sams (;Wilson,Travis; Hilliard, Wanda (; Brown, Mark A; Cannon, Amanda J Subject: NCDOT TIP B-4590 CAMA Major Permit issued Attachments: B-4590, Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 signed, Permit 70-20.pdf Hello, Please find attached CAMA Major Permit 70-20 authorizing the construction of TIP B-4590, replacement of Bridge 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road) in New Hanover County. A paper copy will be sent to NCDOT in Castle Hayne. Please let me or Stephen Lane know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Cathy Brittingham Cathy Brittingham,Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management (919)707-9149 phone Mailing Address: • c/o DWR Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street Archdale Building 12th Floor,Room 1204C Raleigh,NC 27604 Please visit more information about the N.C.Division of Coastal Management. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties 1 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1. APPLICANT'S NAME: North Carolina Department of Transportation 2. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: The project is located at Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road)over Smith Creek in Wilmington,New Hanover County(T.I.P.No. B-4590). Latitude: 34°15'32"N Longitude: 77°56'20"W 3. INVESTIGATION TYPE: CAMA and D&F 4. INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE: Date of Site Visits—March 4,2020 and March 26, 2020 Was Applicant Present—Yes,No 5. PROCESSING PROCEDURE:Application Received Complete: April 7,2020 Office—Morehead City 6. SITE DESCRIPTION: (A) Local Land Use Plan—City of Wilmington Land Classification From LUP—Conservation (B) AEC(s)Involved: EW, PTA, CS, CW (C) Water Dependent: Yes (D) Intended Use: Public (E) Wastewater Treatment: Existing—N/A Planned - N/A (F) Type of Structures: Existing—Bridge for public use Planned -Bridge for public use (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion:N/A Source—N/A 7. HABITAT DESCRIPTION: [AREA] EXCAVATED FILLED OTHER (A) Open Water 75 sf Shaded 2,182 sf Disturbed 9,322 sf (B)Coastal Wetlands 842 sf 886 sf Hand Clearing 4,167 sf (C)404/401/Isolated Wetlands Penn. 1,959 sf Hand Clearing 625 sf Temp. 268 sf (D)High Ground Disturbed by project 52.577 sf (F) Total Area Disturbed: 72,903 sq. ft. (G) Primary Nursery Area: No Secondary Nursery Area: No (H) Water Classification: C; Sw PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to replace swing span Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 with a 263' long fixed bridge and associated infrastructure on the existing alignment. An off-site detour route will be utilized during construction. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: N.C.D.O.T.—New Hanover Bridge 29 PAGE#2 NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: Project Setting Bridge No. 29 carries SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road) over Smith Creek and is located in the northwest quadrant of Wilmington,New Hanover County,North Carolina. SR 2812 is a two-lane road that allows for the flow of traffic between the City of Wilmington and the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County. Elevations in the project area range from 0 to 10 feet above Smith Creek. The project is 0.188 miles in length and the southern area of the project has a 70'wide x 650' long causeway leading from high ground,through coastal wetlands areas dominated by narrowleaf cattails and giant cordgrass. Small shrubs such as baccharis and wax myrtle,as well as a few gum and cedar trees, line the side of the causeway. The northern portion of the bridge terminates on high ground which is currently covered in grass that is regularly maintained. The bridge is located within an industrial/commercial area of the city with industrial properties immediately to the north of the project and a commercial boatyard to the south of the project. Utilities in the project area include cable, communication, electric, gas, sewer, and water lines. There are five known historic architectural sites in and/or near the project area. The Corbett Package Company (NH0531), the Godwin Lumber Company (NH0532), the Godwin House (NH0533), the Smith Creek Boatyard (NH3639), and the bridge itself(NH0530). The Corbett Package Company is located in the northeast quadrant of the project, while the Godwin Lumber Company and Godwin House are located in the northwest quadrant of the project. The Smith Creek Boatyard is located in the southwest quadrant of the project. All of the sites,with the exception of the bridge,have been deemed not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge remains eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Site conditions and current records indicate that there are no archaeological resources located within the project area. Bridge No.29 was originally constructed in 1930-1931 and reconstructed in 1962. The bridge is 31.3' wide x 248' long with two 11.5' wide travel lanes and 2.5' wide shoulders. There are no designated bike lanes or sidewalks on the bridge. The bridge includes two 37.5' long fixed spans, and a 173' long, 8-panel, riveted Warren thru truss, center bearing swing span. According to the state's last Historic Bridge Inventory Report in 2003,the bridge was one of four remaining Warren thru truss, center bearing swing spans in the state. An abandoned bridge tender's house is attached to the northeast side of the fixed portion of the bridge.There is a dilapidated wooden fender system located under the center of the bridge to guide boat traffic through the bridge opening.The horizontal clearance through the bridge is limited by the fender system to 45'. The vertical clearance underneath the bridge is 7.5' with the bridge in the closed position and unlimited in the open position. The bridge has been permanently and officially locked in the closed position in recent years due to low/no demand for opening. There are no stormwater runoff controls on the bridge and stormwater drains off the existing bridge deck directly into Smith Creek. The bridge received 26 out of a possible 100 points during its last sufficiency rating. The bridge currently has load restrictions of 19 tons for single vehicles and 26 tons for truck tractors with trailers. The bridge is classified as structurally deficient and functionally obsolete due to a substructure condition appraisal of 4 out of 9 and a superstructure condition appraisal of 4 out of 9. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: N.C.D.O.T.—New Hanover Bridge 29 PAGE #3 Smith Creek is classified C; Sw waters by the Environmental Management Commission(EMC) in the area of the proposed construction and is a part of the Cape Fear River Basin. The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries(DMF)has classified Smith Creek as Joint Waters,however,it has not been classified as a Primary Nursery Area,nor as Anadromous Fish Spawning Waters. Smith Creek is closed to shellfishing. At the project site, Smith Creek is approximately 170' wide, with water depths ranging from 0' to 20' below normal low water level. There was no submerged aquatic vegetation(SAV)observed within the project limits during the field visits. There also appears to be very little public trust usage of Smith Creek at the project site. Project Proposal NCDOT proposes to replace the existing Bridge No.29 over Smith Creek. The project involves replacement of the existing swing span bridge and related approaches with a fixed bridge on the existing location. The applicant has signed a Memorandum of Agreement(MOA)with the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Federal Highway Administration due to the anticipated adverse effect on the historical bridge. In accordance with the MOA,prior to the initiation of construction, the NCDOT would photo document Bridge No. 29 and its surroundings in accordance with the Historic Structures and Landscape Recordation Plan and submit the documents to the N.C. State Historic Preservation Office to ensure there is a permanent record of the bridge. The MOA also requires the NCDOT to offer the historic bridge to any entity willing to take the bridge for reuse, however, if the bridge is not transferred for reuse prior to three months before the proposed let date of April 2021,then the bridge would become the property of the project contractor. To initiate construction, the existing bridge would be closed to traffic and traffic would be re- routed to an off-site detour route utilizing Castle Hayne Road, I-140,US 421, US 74, and McRae Street,approximately 13 miles in total length. The existing bridge,fender system,and tender house would then be completely removed from the project site. To facilitate the construction of the new bridge,a 30'wide x 230' long temporary work platform would be built along the southeast side of the proposed bridge location. The temporary work platform would include one 35'wide x 50' long finger near the middle of the platform,and one 20' wide x 30' long finger at the end of the platform to provide access to the proposed bridge bents. The temporary work platform as designed would leave a 50'opening between the end of the platform and the northern bank of Smith Creek. The low steel of the temporary work platform would also be equal to or higher than the low steel of the existing bridge. The applicant has proposed to use barges in addition to the work bridges along the portions of the project with water depths sufficient for their use to aid in removal of the fender system and other bridge components. The new bridge as proposed would be 263' in length and 42.1' in width, which would be approximately 15' longer and 10.8'wider than the existing bridge The bridge would include two 11' wide travel lanes down the center of the bridge,a 5'wide bike lane to the left of the travel lanes,a 7' wide bike lane to the right of the travel lanes,and a 5' wide sidewalk to the right of the 7'wide bike lane. The bridge would also have 54" tall bicycle safe railings to improve safety for bicyclists crossing the bridge. The new bridge would consist of three spans of 54"tall concrete girders,with one at 70',one at 102', and one at 91'. The substructure would include drilled shaft pilings. The design would provide 8.0' of vertical clearance underneath the bridge above normal high water and approximately 98' of horizontal clearance through the bridge. FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: N.C.D.O.T.—New Hanover Bridge 29 PAGE#4 To facilitate construction of the new bridge,the applicant has proposed to excavate a 22' long x 60'wide section of the existing high ground causeway from beneath the southern end of the existing bridge,down to adjacent Coastal Wetland elevations. To blend the excavated area with the adjacent wetlands, 842 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands adjacent to the excavated causeway would be excavated down several inches to the more typical elevations of Coastal Wetlands found in the area. The applicant has also proposed to replace the approach structures to the bridge. The roadway on the north and south ends of the bridge would be raised for 274'and 313',respectively,from the foot of the bridge. The grade would be raised by up to 2' in these areas to meet the higher elevations of the roadway on the bridge. A 5' wide sidewalk would then be constructed along the east side of SR 2812 for approximately 170' beyond the north end of the bridge,and for approximately 90' beyond the south end of the bridge,where it would then continue on for another 140' down the east side of McRae Street where it would tie into the existing sidewalk. New guardrails would be constructed along the approaches to the bridge for up to 169' from the ends of the bridge. The bases of the bridge are to be stabilized with Class II riprap. The riprap would extend around each end bent up to 140' in length and 30' in width. To reduce the amount of fill in wetlands,the slopes adjacent to the project would be plated with riprap for approximately 390' and sloped at a 2:1 ratio instead of the normal 3:1 ratio for the areas described as follows: LT L STA. 16+50 to LT L STA. 16+99,RT Y STA 11+50 to RT L STA. 16+99,RT L STA. 19+90 to RT L STA.21+25,. Multiple areas on the north and south ends of the project would be hand cleared to allow installation of the riprap plating and excavation of the causeway for wetland restoration. The applicant has committed to construct the bridge without deck drains on the bridge. Stormwater runoff from the bridge would be conveyed to grated drop inlets located at each end of the bridge. It would then flow via 15"pipes located under and adjacent to the road,to riprap pads that would dissipate the energy from the storm flows. The applicant has also proposed to fill in and relocate approximately 220' of the ditches along the east side of the road from RT L STA.20+10 to RT L STA. 22+32. Multiple utilities would be relocated in conjunction with the project. Approximately 190 feet of 12"water line and approximately 300 feet of overhead powerlines would be relocated on the north end of the project. Approximately 1,225 feet of 4" diameter telecommunications line would be directionally bored under Smith Creek. The line would be located approximately 25' east of the centerline of the existing bridge and a minimum of 20'below the creek bed. Additionally,550 feet of overhead fiber optic telecommunications line would be hung temporarily on a new set of poles approximately 50' to the west of the centerline of the existing bridge. The temporary utility line would be removed upon completion of the bridge project. Anticipated Impacts The proposed bridge would permanently shade 8,405 sq.ft.of the waters of Smith Creek,which would be 2,182 sq.ft.more than the current bridge,while the piles of the proposed bridge would fill a 75 sq. ft. area of the creek bottom. The construction of the fixed bridge would result in 8' of vertical clearance underneath the bridge, which would be a decrease from the unlimited vertical clearance of the existing swing bridge in the open position, however, since the bridge has been permanent closed, it would be an increase of 0.5' when compared to the old bridge in the closed position. The proposed bridge would also allow an increase in the maximum navigable width from the current 45' to the proposed 98'. Navigation in the creek would be maintained while the project was underway, as the temporary work platform would match the existing vertical clearances underneath the existing bridge and terminate 50' from the northern stream bank. The construction FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT: N.C.D.O.T.—New Hanover Bridge 29 PAGE#5 and removal of the temporary work platform, and removal of the existing bridge and associated components would result in 9,322 sq. ft.of temporary impacts in Smith Creek. The removal of the bridge would result in an adverse impact to a historic structure. As discussed earlier in this report,the bridge has been determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge was constructed in 1930-1931 and was one of the last four remaining Warren thru truss,center bearing swing span bridges remaining in the state according to the State's Historic Bridge Inventory Report dated 2003. Currently,with the replacement of some or all of the other bridges,it may be the last remaining bridge of its type in the state. The applicant has agreed to mitigate the impacts to the historic structure in accordance with the(MOA)signed by the applicant, the State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Federal Highway Administration. The MOA is included with the CAMA Major Permit application. The bridge project would require 842 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands be excavated during the causeway removal process to blend the removal area elevations with adjacent Coastal Wetland elevations,however,these areas area expected to return to fully functioning Coastal Wetlands after project completion. The riprap installation around the end bents and rock plating the side slopes would require filling an additional 886 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands, while 4,167 sq. ft. of Coastal Wetlands would be hand cleared for the construction of the temporary work platform. The increased width of the causeways and ditch relocations would require permanently filling 1,959 sq. ft. of Section 404 Wetlands. The temporary work platform would require 268 sq. ft. of temporary fill in Section 404 Wetlands and hand clearing another 625 sq. ft. in Section 404 Wetlands. The project would also result in a total of 52,577 sq.ft.of high ground disturbance for the grading and paving of the new bridge approaches,placement of riprap and rock plating,causeway removal, and the relocation of the utility lines. The applicant has proposed to restore portions of the existing high ground causeway to adjacent Coastal Wetland elevations as part of the project,however,no formal compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts has been proposed. A multitude of efforts have been utilized to minimize and avoid impacts from this project including but not limited to the use of 2:1 fill slopes adjacent to Coastal Wetlands and 3:1 in other jurisdictional areas, maximizing bridge span lengths, eliminating deck drains from the bridge, committing to an in-water work moratorium from February 1 to June 30 to minimize impacts to Atlantic and Shortnose sturgeon,committing to implement USFWS guidelines for avoiding impacts to the West Indian Manatee,the use of turbidity curtains around all in-water work, the use of hand clearing only in wetlands, and multiple other project measures to minimize impacts to the natural and human environment. No additional closures of shellfishing waters are expected in association with the proposed project. A localized increase in turbidity can be expected during the removal of the existing bridge and fender system and the construction of the temporary work platform and new bridge. The public is expected to benefit upon completion of the project by the increase in the safety of the new roadway and structures. The addition of the bike lanes and sidewalk along the bridge are expected to reduce vehicular/bicyclist/pedestrian interactions and thereby increase the safety for all users of the roadway. Submitted by: Stephen Lane—Morehead City District—April 22, 2020 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 70'RO APPLICATION TRANSMITTAL AND PROCESSING RECORD A) APPLICANT: AiC' V 0. -Lt 590 County: New I-/qn ov€ fl LOCATION OF PROJECT: Qj(`\a�e._ a 9 av•e C' -Cm CC-ee of\ S 12 ' ?)a u DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED COMPLETE BY FIELD REP: 1 J7/,2D FIELD RECOMMENDATION: Attached: A/0 To Be Forwarded: yes CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION: Attached: /U0 To Be Forwarded: yes- FIELD REPRESENTATIVE: S-e fkm 4\e- DISTRICT OFFICE: DISTRICT MANAGER REVIEW: Date: B) DATE RECEIVED BY MAJOR PERMITS UNIT: FEE REC'D: -/ 7�`- l �d✓4' ) PUBLIC NOTICE REC'D: END OF NOTICE DATE: 5//1/Aa0 ADJ. RIP. PROP NOTICES REC'D: nn DEED REC'D: APPLICATION ASSIGNED TO: (`\-Wi\ tl^ ON: C) 75 DAY DEADLINE: 6P0/0 0 150 DAY DEADLINE: MAIL OUT DATE: q/023/0�C) STATE DUE DATE: -5-/Z/ 0 FEDERAL DUE DATE: CQ/' FED COMMENTS REC'D: PERMIT FINAL ACTION: ISSUE //// V DENY DRAFT ON AGENCY DATE OBJECTIONS: NOTES COMMENTS YES NO RETURNED Coastal Management-Regional Representative 5- Jg O y✓ C Coastal Management- LUP Consistency 1 p�D G Division of Community Assistance C4Y mujctC 571! ao AI a Land Quality Section /1'2 0 ! ✓ C Division of Water Quality `i/ 1 / L1 J0 13o Vi 1/6/ igo Ze j3;? Q • 0 Storm Water Management(DWQ) I I �_'33 State Property Office oV JQ 0 CR Division of Archives& History 610 a0 / `o Pc N Q - p NSC yia as V c 2 Division of Highways Wildlife Resources Commission sA/a G ►✓ C K •Vb \S-1SU;fle 3D rnoczr �w Local Permit Office '�'vcAs, a'07 1AS Division of Marine Fisheries a ao ✓ •-� Corps of Engineers 3 I31 a0 4 5--A�)-ao)s 009558 s�� II ►✓ `� Vio� 5l a0 / AiG NN3ate• N� 1� r .tea .:; 4 ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director MEMORANDUM TO: Cathy Brittingham FROM: Stephen Lane SUBJECT: Comments&Recommendations- CAMA Major Permit- NCDOT-Replacement of Bridge 29, New Hanover County DATE: May 18, 2020 The following are my comments and recommendations regarding the above mentioned proposal. The request is to replace the existing swing span Bridge 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 with a 263' long fixed bridge on existing alignment in New Hanover County, including realignment of the roadway approaches and utility relocations. Based upon my review I have no objection to the issuance of this permit but offer the following conditions: ,A- In accordance with commitments made by the permittee, and in order to protect fisheries resources within Smith Creek, no in-water work shall be conducted within Smith Creek from February 1 through June 30, without prior approval of the NC Division of Coastal Management(DCM), in consultation with the appropriate resource agencies. r2 order to protect the West Indian Manatee, Trichechus manatus,the applicant shall implement the U.S. Fish&Wildlife Service's Guidelines,and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at es/mammal/manatee guidelines.pdf. 3 Turbidity curtains shall be used where practicable to isolate all in-water work areas from N7the adjacent waters of Smith Creek, including but not limited to pile or casement installation,pile removal,placement of riprap,excavation,or filling. The turbidity curtains shall be of sufficient length and effectiveness to prevent a visible increase in the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. The turbidity curtains shall encircle the immediate work area, but shall not impede navigation. The turbidity curtains shall be properly maintained and retained in the water until construction is complete and shall only be removed when turbidity within the curtains reaches ambient levels. D_E QNOR CARCLINA om.eepaith on a En.Yoner.Y ho.ry\ve' North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City,North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 • .` NCDOT-Replacement of Bridge 29,New Hanover County Comments and Recommendations Page 2 4 All construction access shall be through the use of the existing bridge,temporary work 1. platform,barges,the partially constructed new bridge,temporary fill areas, and/or existing high ground areas.arges shall be utilized only in areas of sufficient water depth such that the barges avoid contact with the bottom and do not rest on the bottom during periods of low water. The installation of the piles for the temporary work platform and permanent bridge shall be accomplished by pile driving and/or drilled shaft construction. Should the permittee and/or its contractor desire to utilize another type of pile installation, such as jetting, additional authorization from DCM shall be required. 7 If drilled shaft construction is implemented,then excavated material from the drilled shaft shall be removed from the encasements directly into containment vessels. 8 No drill slurry or water that has been in contact with uncured concrete shall be allowed to cbontact waters of the State or waters that will enter waters of the State. Drilling fluids shall e disposed of in an upland disposal site. Water returning to the surrounding waters shall be of sufficient quality so as not to pose a threat to aquatic organisms or otherwise violate State water quality standards.iPilings from the existing bridge, temporary work platform, as well as any remnant structures from previous bridges, shall be removed in their entirety. In the event that a piling or other component breaks during removal and cannot be removed in its entirety,the piling or other component may be cut off flush with the bed of the water body and DCM shall be notified of each occurrence within one working day. 110 Jetting shall not be utilized for the removal of the piles for the existing bridge, fender ae system, or temporary work platform. Should the permittee and/or its contractor propose `M ou to utilize jetting on the project, additional authorization from DCM shall be required. 11 The existing bridge,fender system,and temporary work platform,including piles, shall be removed in their entirety within 90 days after they are no longer needed. However, if this timeframe occurs while the moratorium referenced in Condition Number 1 of this permit is in effect,then the existing bridge and temporary work platform,including piles, shall be removed in their entirety within 90 days of the moratorium end date. 12 o excavation or filling shall take place at any time in any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters outside of the alignment of the areas indicated on the authorized workplan drawings, without permit modification. L1D_EQ� O�Me1 d Bwimortl Orb North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 , NCDOT- Replacement of Bridge 29,New Hanover County Comments and Recommendations Page 3 / 13 Placement of riprap material shall be limited to the areas as depicted on the attached workplan drawings. The riprap material shall be clean and free from loose dirt or any pollutant except in trace quantities. The riprap material shall be of a size sufficient to prevent its movement from the approved alignment by wave or current action. The riprap material shall consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as but not limited to granite,marl, or broken concrete 1 All fill material shall be clean and free of any pollutants except in trace quantities. 15 aterial excavated at the project site may be used in fill areas associated with the project or shall be removed from the site and taken to a high ground location. 16 1 excavated materials shall be confined above the normal high water level and landward of regularly or irregularly flooded wetlands behind adequate dikes or other retaining structures to prevent spillover of solids or seepage of effluent into any wetlands or surrounding waters. 1 temporary placement and double handling of any excavated or fill material within wetlands or waters of the State is not authorized, with the exception of the authorized temporary impact areas. 18 Any voids in Coastal Wetlands or shallow bottom habitat caused by the removal of the temporary work platforms, and/or temporary fill areas shall be restored to the elevation of pre-existing conditions with suitable material. The permittee shall notify DCM's Transportation Project Field Representative in Morehead City to provide DCM with an opportunity to inspect the material for suitability prior to backfilling. 19There shall be no clearing ar. bbing of wetlands outside of the areas indicated for impacts on the attached workplan drawings without prior approval from DCM. ,The permittee shall minimize the need to cross wetlands in transporting equipment to the maximum extent practicable. yifh e low steel of the temporary work platform shall be equal to or higher than the low steel of the existing bridge. f22 o attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work following completion of construction. DE Q) NORTH CARCUNA Deprbarrt al E1rbeamilY Ibililr\ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City,North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 NCDOT-Replacement of Bridge 29,New Hanover County Comments and Recommendations Page 4 23 During construction of the bridge and temporary work platform,and removal of di-0 existing bridge, fender system, and temporary work platform the permittee shall make every attempt to maintain the same navigation that is currenitl''y' possible adjacent to the project. If this is not possible,then adequate notice shall be provided to the public that navigation will be limited during construction. The notice shall include an estimate of the amount of time that the limited navigation will occur. 24 The permittee shall install and maintain,at his expense, any signal lights and signals /prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard,through regulations or otherwise, on authorized facilities. For further information,the permittee should contact the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office. At a minimum,permanent reflectors shall be attached to the structure in order to make it more visible during hours of darkness or inclement weather. /Construction staging areas shall be located only in upland areas,and not in wetlands or waters of the State. Due to the possibility that shading,compaction, and/or other site alterations might prevent the temporary Coastal Wetland impact areas from re-attaining pre-project wetland functions,the permittee shall provide an annual update on the Coastal Wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project. This annual update shall consist of photographs and a brief written report on the progress of these temporarily impacted areas in re-attaining their pre-project wetland functions. The permittee shall schedule a meeting with DCM to verify the extent and location of temporary impacts upon project completion. Within three years after project completion,the permittee shall hold another agency field meeting with DCM to determine if the Coastal Wetland areas temporarily impacted by this project have re-attained pre-project wetland functions. If at the end of three years DCM determines that the Coastal Wetland areas temporarily impacted by the project have not re-attained pre-project wetland functions, DCM will determine whether compensatory wetland mitigation shall be required for these impacts. 27 All reasonable efforts shall be made to contain all debris and excess materials associated with construction and demolition of the new and existing bridge and construction and demolition of the temporary work platforms, with the intent that materials/debris do not enter wetlands or waters of the State,even temporarily. 28 An waste materials or debris generated in the demolition and removal of the existing 'dge and/or construction of the new bridge or roadway shall be disposed of at an approved upland site or shall be recycled in an environmentally appropriate manner provided appropriate authorizations from any relevant state,federal,or local authorities are obtained. -"I N RO i CAROL I 115_E Q O D.pvm.m of Ernitoomental(WIRY North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City,North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 NCDOT-Replacement of Bridge 29,New Hanover County Comments and Recommendations Page 5 2,9 The demolition plan for removal of the existing bridge structures shall be submitted to �✓ DCM for review and approval prior to commencement of the demolition activities. jThis project shall conform to all requirements of the NC Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the N.C.Department of Transportation's(NCDOT's)Memorandum of Agreement with the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. yIn order to protect water quality, runoff from construction shall not visibly increase the amount of suspended sediments in adjacent waters. 3 e permittee shall adhere to stipulations contained within the Memorandum of Agreement dated March 26, 2020 among the Federal Highway Administration, North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Officer for the Replacement of Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 in Wilmington, New Hanover County,North Carolina. 33 Any utility work associated with this project that is not specifically depicted on the attached Jworkplan drawings, or described within the attached permit application, shall require �/ approval from DCM, either under the authority of this permit, or by the utility company obtaining separate authorization. 34 Any waterline relocation or other alterations to the water system must be approved by the 4, Public Water Supply Section(PWS Section,Plan Review Unit, 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-1634)prior to water system alteration. d The permittee shall exercise all available precautions in the day-to-day operation of the facility to prevent waste from entering the adjacent wetlands and waters of the State. 36 Development authorized by this permit shall only be conducted on lands owned by ✓ NCDOT and/or its right-of-way and/or easements. Utility work associated with the project shall be only be conducted on lands owned by the utility and/or its right-of-way c'0 -.(\ and/or easements. 37 If it is determined that additional permanent and/or temporary impacts are necessary that are not shown on the attached workplan drawings or described in the authorized permit pplication, a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM may be required. The permittee shall contact a representative of DCM prior to commencement of any such activity for this determination and any permit modification. 3 NORTH CAROUINAD Q D. •thrntalH North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 NCDOT-Replacement of Bridge 29,New Hanover County Comments and Recommendations Page 6 Niti This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal, or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. f39 a permittee and/or its contractor shall contact the DCM Transportation Field Representative in Morehead City at (252) 808-2808 to request a pre-construction conference prior to project initiation. £D_EQ,) :-_;. CAAOI.i�til. Oeparlmant alhmrmnMnt Oualiry North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City,North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS V WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id.SAW-2015-00958 County:New Hanover U.S.G.S.Quad: NC-Castle Havne GENERAL PERMIT(REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee: NCDOT Mason Herndon Address: 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Havne,NC 28429 E-mail: tmherndon(a,ncdot.aov Size(acres) +/-6 Nearest Town Wilmington Nearest Waterway Smith Creek River Basin Cane Fear USGS HUC 03030007 Coordinates Latitude:34.258842 Longitude:-77.938934 Location description:The project(B-4590)is located alone Castle Havne Road(SR 2812)where it crosses Smith Creek in the City of Wilmington,New Hanover County. Description of projects area and activity:This verification authorizes impacts associated with the replacement of Bridge#29. The impacts associated with the construction include 0.065 of an acre of permanent fill in wetlandsl0.019 of an acre of excavation in wetlands,and 75 square feet of open water impacts associated with the drilled shafts for the interior bents. Additionally,this verification covers both temporary aerial utility work and a new directional drilled utility under Smith Creek. Applicable Law(s): Section 404(Clean Water Act,33 USC 1344) 0 Section 10(Rivers and Harbors Act,33 USC 403) Authorization: NWP 3.Maintenance and NWP 12 Utility SEE ATTACHED NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL,AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed Conditions,your application signed and dated 3/23/2020,and the enclosed plans Roadway sheets 1-10 of 10 and Utility drawings dated 3/4-5/2020 and utility drawings attached to application.Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order,a restoration order,a Class I administrative penalty, and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide authorization is modified,suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended,revoked,or is modified,such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit,activities which have commenced(i.e.,are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit,will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration,modification or revocation,unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify,suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above)may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources(telephone 919-807-6300)to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA),prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C.Division of Coastal Management Morehead City,NC,at(252)808-2808. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal,State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification,any of the conditions of the Permit,or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Brad Shaver at 910-251-4611or brad.e.shaver(a, Digitally signed by ry/ SHAVER.BRAD.E.1276601756 1 :25:15 �G•-ywc�, Date:2020.03.3115:25:15 Corps Regulatory Official: '00' Date:3/31/2020 Expiration Date of Verification: 03/18/2022 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so,please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at Copy furnished(electronic): NCDEO-DQR attn:Joanne Steenhuis SPECIAL CONDITIONS B-4590 BRIDGE 29 OVER SMITH CREEK SAW-2015-00958 1. West Indian Manatee Protection: In order to protect the endangered West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) the Permittee shall implement the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Manatee Guidelines, and strictly adhere to all requirements therein. The guidelines can be found at 2. Shortnose and Atlantic Sturgeon Construction Moratorium: In order to protect the federally-listed shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon, no in-water construction shall take place from February 1 to June 30 of any year. 3. NLEB: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS's) Programmatic Biological Opinion (BO) titled "Northern Long-eared Bat (NLEB) Programmatic Biological Opinion for North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Activities in Eastern North Carolina (Divisions 1-8)," dated March 25, 2015, and adopted on April 10, 2015, contains mandatory terms and conditions to implement the reasonable and prudent measures that are associated with "incidental take" that are specified in the BO. Your authorization under this Department of the Army permit is conditional upon your compliance with all the mandatory terms and conditions associated with incidental take of the BO, which terms and conditions are incorporated by reference in this permit. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions associated with incidental take of the BO, where a take of the listed species occurs, would constitute an unauthorized take, and it would also constitute non- compliance with your Department of the Army permit. The USFWS is the appropriate authority to determine compliance with the terms and conditions of its BO, and with the ESA Digitally signed by S H A V E R.B R A D.E.12 766017 5 £ 6 Date:2020.03.31 15:25:49 -04'00' Action ID Number: SAW-2015-00958 County: New Hanover Permittee: NCDOT Project Name: B 4590, Br#29 Date Verification Issued: 3/31/2020 Project Manager: Brad Shaver Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: Brad Shaver Wilmington Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 or Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date DocuSign Envelope ID:BBAA5F4C-7AAE-417B-9E72-13182F71595E _ r p r n` Leh- p .' ROY COOPER Governor NORTH CAROLINA MICHAEL S. REGAN Environmental Quality Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director April 2,2020 New Hanover County NCDWR Project No.20200393 Bridge 29 on SR 2812 TIP Project No. B-4590 APPROVAL of 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mason Herndon,Environmental Program Supervisor NC DOT Division 3 5501 Barbados Blvd. Castle Hayne,NC 28429 Dear Mr.Herndon: You have our approval,in accordance with the conditions listed below,for the following impacts for the purpose of replacing Bridge 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812(Castle Hayne Road)in New Hanover County: Wetland Impacts in the Cape Fear River Basin Site Fill Fill Excavation Mechanize Hand Area Total (ac) (temporary) (ac) d Clearing Clearing under Wetland (ac) (ac) (ac)* Bridge Impact(ac) (ac) Site 15+64/17+20 RT 0.008 0.047* 0.008 Roadway Fill Site 17+20/17+80 RT 0.042* N/A Clearing for Temp Platform Site 16+56/17+20 LT 0.012 0.005* 0.012 Roadway Fill Site 17+30 LT&RT 0.017 0.017 Floodplain Excavation Site 19+60 RT 0.002 0.002 Floodplain Excavation Site 19+99/22+04 RT 0.045 0.045 Roadway Fill 0.065 0.01 0.094* 0.084 Total Vf V Total ^ Wetland Impact for Site: 0.084 acres. Hand Clearing does not count towards impacts North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources V— D 512 North SalisburyStreet 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North g , Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: BBAA5F4C-7AAE-417B-9E72-13182F71595E Open Water Impacts in the Cape Fear River Basin Site Permanent Fill in Temporary Fill in Total Fill in Open Open Waters(ac) Open Waters(ac) Waters(ac) Site 17+76/19+19 LT&RT 0.199 0.199 Drill shafts 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.199 0.201 Total Total Open Water Impact for Site:0.201 acres. The project shall be constructed in accordance with your application dated received March 24,2020. After reviewing your application,we have decided that these impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 4132 and 4133. These certifications correspond to the Nationwide Permit 3 and Nationwide Permit 12 issued by the Corps of Engineers. In addition,you should acquire any other federal,state or local permits before you proceed with your project including(but not limited to)Sediment and Erosion Control,Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire with the accompanying 404 permit. This approval is valid solely for the purpose and design described in your application(unless modified below). Should your project change,you must notify the NCDWR and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If total wetland fills for this project(now or in the future)exceed one acre,or of total impacts to perennial streams(now or in the future)exceed 300 linear feet,compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h)(6)and(7). For this approval to remain valid,you must adhere to the conditions listed in the attached certifications and any additional conditions listed below. Condition(s)of Certification: Project Specific Conditions 1. The NCDOT Division Environmental Officer or Environmental Assistant will conduct a pre- construction meeting with all appropriate staff to ensure that the project supervisor and essential staff understand the potential issues with stream and pipe alignment at the permitted site. NCDWR staff shall be invited to the pre-construction meeting.[15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)and(b)(3) 2. Erosion control matting in riparian areas shall not contain a nylon mesh grid which can impinge and entrap small animals. Matting should be secured in place by staples,stakes,or wherever possible live stakes of native trees. Riparian areas are defined as a distance 25 feet from top of stream bank. [15A NCAC 02B.0224,.0225] 3. As a condition of this 401 Water Quality Certification,the bridge demolition and construction must be accomplished in strict compliance with the most recent version of NCDOT's Best Management Practices for Construction and Maintenance Activities. [15A NCAC 02H.0507(d)(2)and 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(5)] 4. No drill slurry or water that has been in contact with uncured concrete shall be allowed to enter surface waters. This water shall be captured,treated,and disposed of properly. [15A NCAC 02H .0506(b)(3) 5. A turbidity curtain will be installed in the stream if driving or drilling activities occur within the stream channel,on the stream bank,or within 5 feet of the top of bank,or during the removal of bents from an old bridge.This condition can be waived with prior approval from the NCDWR. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) DENorth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources y 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: BBAA5F4C-7AAE-417B-9E72-13182F71595E 6. Adherence to The Guidelines for Avoiding Impacts to the West Indian Manatee:Precautionary Measures for Construction Activities in North Carolina Waters will be required throughout construction. 7. NCDOT shall be in compliance with the NCS00250 issued to the NCDOT,including the applicable requirements of the NCG01000. General Conditions 8. Unless otherwise approved in this certification,placement of culverts and other structures in open waters and streams shall be placed below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches,and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches,to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks,adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures.The applicant is required to provide evidence that the equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by NCDWR. If this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limiting features encountered during construction,please contact NCDWR for guidance on how to proceed and to determine whether or not a permit modification will be required. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 9. If concrete is used during construction,a dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills.[15A NCAC 02B.0200] 10. During the construction of the project,no staging of equipment of any kind is permitted in waters of the U.S.,or protected riparian buffers. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 11. The dimension,pattern and profile of the stream above and below the crossing shall not be modified. Disturbed floodplains and streams shall be restored to natural geomorphic conditions. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 12. The use of rip-rap above the Normal High Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for stream stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in such a manner that it does not impede aquatic life passage. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 13. The Permittee shall ensure that the final design drawings adhere to the permit and to the permit drawings submitted for approval. [15A NCAC 02H.0507(c)and 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)and (c)(2)] 14. All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from the most current version of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags,rock berms,cofferdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in flowing water. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)and(c)(3)] 15. Heavy equipment shall be operated from the banks rather than in the stream channel in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the introduction of other pollutants into the stream.[15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] 16. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of stream waters from fuels,lubricants,hydraulic fluids,or other toxic materials. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] 17. No rock,sand or other materials shall be dredged from the stream channel except where authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] 1 .-111:11E Q O North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DdcuSign Envelope ID:BBAA5F4C-7AAE-417B-9E72-13182F71595E 18. Discharging hydroseed mixtures and washing out hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prohibited. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] 19. The permittee and its authorized agents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards(including any requirements resulting from compliance with§303(d)of the Clean Water Act)and any other appropriate requirements of State and Federal law. If the NCDWR determines that such standards or laws are not being met(including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is being violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance,the NCDWR may reevaluate and modify this certification. [15A NCAC 02B.0200] 20. All fill slopes located in jurisdictional wetlands shall be placed at slopes no flatter than 3:1, unless otherwise authorized by this certification.[15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 21. A copy of this Water Quality Certification shall be maintained on the construction site at all times. In addition,the Water Quality Certification and all subsequent modifications, if any, shall be maintained with the Division Engineer and the on-site project manager.[15A NCAC 02H.0507(c)and 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)and(cX2)] 22. The outside buffer,wetland or water boundary located within the construction corridor approved by this authorization shall be clearly marked by highly visible fencing prior to any land disturbing activities. Impacts to areas within the fencing are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0501 and.0502] 23. The issuance of this certification does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules,regulations,or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies(i.e.local,state,and federal)having jurisdiction,including but not limited to applicable buffer rules,stormwater management rules,soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements,etc. 24. The Permittee shall report any violations of this certification to the Division of Water Resources within 24 hours of discovery. [15A NCAC 02B.0506(b)(2)] 25. Upon completion of the project(including any impacts at associated borrow or waste sites),the NCDOT Division Environmental Program Supervisor shall complete and return the enclosed "Certification of Completion Form" to notify the NCDWR when all work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. [15A NCAC 02H.0502(f)] 26. Native riparian vegetation must be reestablished in the riparian areas within the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. [15A NCAC 02B.0231(a)(6)] 27. There shall be no excavation from,or waste disposal into,jurisdictional wetlands or waters associated with this permit without appropriate modification. Should waste or borrow sites,or access roads to waste or borrow sites,be located in wetlands or streams,compensatory mitigation will be required since that is a direct impact from road construction activities.[15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)and(c)(3)] 28. Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design,installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface waters standards[15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)and(c)(3]): a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual. Ef North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1617 Mail Service Center; Raleigh.North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DoCuSign Envelope ID: BBAA5F4C-7AAE-417B-9E72-13182F71595E b. The design,installation,operation,and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed,the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated,and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 29. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters unless otherwise approved by this Certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)and(c)(3)] If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty(60)days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm,except for official state holidays. The original and one(1)copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed-provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five(5)business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-6714 Telephone:(919)431-3000,Facsimile:(919)431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr.Bill F.Lane,General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions,please contact Joanne Steenhuis at(910)796-7306 or Sincerely, ,—DocuSigned by ^ '—9C9886312DCD474... S.Daniel Smith,Director Division of Water Resources Electronic copy only distribution: Brad Shaver,US Army Corps of Engineers,Wilmington Field Office Gary Jordan,US Fish and Wildlife Service Travis Wilson,NC Wildlife Resources Commission Cathy Brittingham,NC Division of Coastal Management Stephen Lane,NC Division of Coastal Management File Copy DNorth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources _ Z 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 + V/— 919.707.9000 Brittingham, Cathy From: Sams, Dan Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2020 10:17 AM To: Cannon, Amanda J Cc: Brittingham, Cathy Subject: Re: (3) CAMA Major Permit Application - Bridge 29 Outlook 365's remote function are not letting me make changes to the document, so I will respond in this e-mail. Comment attached: NCDOT has MOUs with DEMLR for Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater regulatory compliance that must be adhered to. Thanks.... dan.sams From: Cannon, Amanda J <> Sent:Thursday, April 23, 2020 4:47 PM To: Christenbury, Mike<>; Zeigler, Mark D<>; DCR- Environmental_Review<>; Cox, Heidi<>; Deaton,Anne <>; Harrison,James A<>;Jenkins, Shannon <>; Gupton, Sharon <>; Harris, David B<>; Walton,Tim <>; Moser, Mike<>; Hilliard, Wanda<>; Montalvo, Sheri A<>;Sullivan, Shelton<>; Carpenter,Kristi <>; Sams, Dan<>; Hall,Christine<>; Mairs, Robb L<>; Dunn, Maria T.<>;Wilson,Travis W. <>; Butler, Rodney A<>; brad ( <>; Steenhuis,Joanne<>; Humphrey,Jeremy <> Cc: Brittingham,Cathy<>; Lane, Stephen<> Subject: (3) CAMA Major Permit Application- Bridge 29 FINAL EMAIL! Hello All! Please note there are multiple emails for this project. Our server will not allow the size in one single email. I apologize to everyone for this inconvenience. 1 • ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 23, 2020 MEMORANDUM: FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM DOT Project Coordinator DWR-Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 (Courier 52-01-00) Cathy.Brittinghamc SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge &Fill Application Review Applicant: NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Smith Creek,Wilmington, New Hanover County Proposed Project: Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR2812 Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 21, 2020 at the mail/email address above. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane 252-808-2808 Ext. 208. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. **Additional comments may be attached** This agency has no comment on the proposed project. X This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME Travis Wilson AGENCY NCWRC SIGNATURE DATE May 6, 2020 D_EQ� BwrMrd d FwwmoNebl OWR/ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City,North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 4,1 , := North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission re Gordon Myers. Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Cathy Brittingham Division of Coastal Management FROM: Travis Wilson, Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: May 6, 2020 SUBJECT: NCDOT request for a CAMA/Dredge and Fill permit for the replacement of bridge 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812, in New Hanover County We have reviewed the information included in the package received from the Division of Coastal Management. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act(48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C.661 et. seq.)and the Coastal Area Management Act(G.S. 113A-100 through 113A-128). We do not object to the issuance of the CAMA permit for this project provided that the following conditions are included in the CAMA Permit: 1. Anadromous fish species are present in this portion of Smith Creek. NCDOT should 17 follow the"Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage", including an in water work moratorium of Feb 15 to June 30 for Smith Creek. All riprap placed in-water should be free of pollutants and soil. ive concrete should not be allowed to contact the water in or entering into the stream. 4. Turbidity curtains should be used to contain all bottom disturbing activities, including /pile or casement driving/vibrating/jetting,placement of riprap, excavation or filling. V Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat,suffocation of eggs, and clogging of gills of aquatic species. Mailing Address: Habitat Conservation • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh. NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919)707-0220 • Fax: (919)707-0028 0. • B-4590 PAGE 2 MAY 6,2020 NCDOT is expected to use Best Management Practices for the protection of Surface Waters and Sedimentation and Erosion Control measures sufficient to protect the aquatic resources. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this permit application. If you have any concerns about our comments,please contact me at(919) 528-9886. • STATE = , ��+ TR.ATE 4 , Machelle Sanders `' North Carolina Secretary Department of Administration o Tim Walton A IA \a =� State Property Office \� ' ;'i � Director *f OlavtNU/, Roy Cooper,Governor May 27,2020 To: Cathy Brittingham DCM DOT Project Coordinator DWR-Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service/ Center, Raleigh NC 27699 • From: Wanda Hilliard` GtJQ4c40_ 4 a4 P Real Property Agent Subject: CAMA/DREDGE& FILL Permit Application Review Applicant-NCDOT Bridge No.29 on SR 2812 Smith Creek,Wilmington New Hanover County The project may require Easements for relocation of multiple utilities crossing the creeks, marsh&State-owned land provided the applicant qualifies for an easement. State of North Carolina I State Property Office 116 West Jones Street,Suite 4055 11321 Mail Service Ctr. I Raleigh,NC 27699 919 807 4650 T I Web: R,.s . U oI ,,mow s. 7. ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Covet-nor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Se,r'etart BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 23, 2020 MEMORANDUM: FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM DOT Project Coordinator DWR-Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 (Courier 52-01-00) Cathy.Brittingham(c� SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge&Fill Application Review Applicant: NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Smith Creek, Wilmington, New Hanover County Proposed Project: Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR2812 Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 21, 2020 at the mail/email address above. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane 252-808-2808 Ext.208. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. "Additional comments may be attached" tV This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes - ,,,,p are incorporated. See attached. �1 ��`�� h�a This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached air‘ comments. PRINT NAME W a,t 34 1-1L Volt-cl AGENCY 6 .) PikAt lia t tq (9 SIGNATURE tJ 4i. L DATE 6-'�7'/0 DEQ4 0[0.4nert tl In tl;prow nta OuNR7;\ope'd North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.808 2808 B qv° cur, .4ka, • ,_• ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 23, 2020 MEMORANDUM: FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM DOT Project Coordinator DWR-Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 (Courier 52-01-00) Cathv.Brittinaham(a� SUBJECT CAMA/Dredge&Fill-Application Review Applicant: NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Smith Creek,Wilmington, New Hanover County Proposed Project: Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR2812 Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 21, 2020 at the mail/email address above. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane 252-808-2808 Ext. 208. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: k This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. A` matt Ste Wm.c%i **Additional comments may be attached" This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME PArK Br w\ AGENCY &6k (wale- raa./o(r SIGNATURE -41gt4( q,t ‘ DATE K' o () EQ 6p�r r6.i..�mrd� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 400 Commerce Avenue ! Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 ROY COOPER10 Governor MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary S.DANIEL SMITH NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality 4/28/20 To: Cathy Brittingham, DCM From: Mark Brown,NC Public Water Supply, Wilmington Regional Office Subject: CAMA/Dredge &Fill Application Review Applicant: NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Smith Creek, Wilmington, New Hanover County Proposed Project: Replacement of Bridge No.29 on SR2812 Please forward the following comments to the applicant: If applicant plans to conduct any work (re-location, installation, extends utilities, etc...) i olving the public water supply system per Title ISA Subchapter 18C Section.0301 Rules Governing Public Water Systems, Plans and Specifications should be submitted and approved by the Public Water Supply Section for all new waterlines prior to construction beginning. Please also be aware of our separation requirements in regards to water/sewer ac rding to 1 SA NCAC 18C Section.0906 Rules Governing Public Water Systems. Check with e local water system for cross-connection requirements for this project. Public Water Supply Section guidelines are listed in Appendix B, Figure 2 in the Rules Governing Public Water Systems but the water system may have additional requirements. Feel free to call us at (910) 796-7215,if you have additional questions. Qw� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources D ��/pffdlinsilina28405✓� 0ej"'."o"'^A'm^e'0W0 ie/� 910.796.7215 • JJJY.' 11[.. r.t ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Got ernor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretor BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 23, 2020 MEMORANDUM. FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM DOT Project Coordinator DWR-Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 (Courier 52-01-00) Cathy.Brittingham(c� SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge&Fill Application Review Applicant: NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Smith Creek, Wilmington, New Hanover County Proposed Project: Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR2812 Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 21, 2020 at the mail/email address above. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane 252-808-2808 Ext. 208. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: ' This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. **Additional comments may be attached** This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME /14 4 k i C 1 I tit AGENCY NC p A f. V 5- Go A/h f�Ct. SIGNATURE Vill °'" ? it- /V i �i i.Q-/- DATE .S�it l/2-b ,/ DE Q,) W..,� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.808 2808 #�.STAT( a k ( a. P---- ' - (.1; !fir== ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 23, 2020 MEMORANDUM: FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM DOT Project Coordinator DWR-Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 (Courier 52-01-00) Cathy.Brittingham(a� SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge &Fill Application Review Applicant: NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Smith Creek,Wilmington, New Hanover County Proposed Project: Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR2812 Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 21, 2020 at the mail/email address above. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane 252-808-2808 Ext. 208. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. **Additional comments may be attached** X This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME Andrew Haines AGENCY DMF-Shellfish Sanitation and Rec Water Quality SIGNATURE ;,.,, ri.. for Shannon Jenkins DATE 5/7/2020 , -D_EQ„,) ..........E.v...row;\"." '+oArr;.ux�mn North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City,North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 Z.t Oft ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 23, 2020 MEMORANDUM: FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM DOT Project Coordinator DWR-Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 (Courier 52-01-00) SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge &Fill Application Review Applicant: NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Smith Creek, Wilmington, New Hanover County Proposed Project: Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR2812 Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 21, 2020 at the mail/email address above. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane 252-808-2808 Ext. 208. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: X This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. See Below **Additional comments may be attached** This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. As long as the included moratorium (Feb 15-June 30) is adhered to PRINT NAME James Harrison AGENCY NCDMF 1� SIGNATURE 94-0teet- Y7aft.4ua,9rL DATE 05/29/2020 P E Q� EmYsrrMY OW Nr\ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 Brittingham, Cathy From: Brittingham, Cathy Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 8:22 AM To: Christenbury, Mike; DCR - Environmental_Review; Harrison, James A Cc: Stephen Lane Subject: FW: (3) CAMA Major Permit Application - Bridge 29 Attachments: Comment Sheet- Bridge 29.pdf Hello, DCM is processing a CAMA major permit application from NCDOT for TIP No. B-4590, Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road) over Smith Creek in Wilmington, New Hanover County. A copy of the CAMA major application was sent to your agency by e-mail for review and comment on 4/23/20. If you did not receive a copy of the application for review, please let me know and I will send you another copy. Comments from your agency on the application were requested by 5/21/20. Your agency's comments have not yet been received at the DCM-Raleigh Office. Therefore,we would appreciate it if you would submit your comments as soon as possible. If DCM does not hear back from your agency within the next few days,we will likely be moving forward with a final permit decision. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Cathy Brittingham Cathy Brittingham,Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management (919) 707-9149 phone Mailing Address: . c/o DWR Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street Archdale Building 12th Floor, Room 1204C Raleigh, NC 27604 Please visit more information about the N.C. Division of Coastal Management. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Original Message From: Cannon,Amanda J Sent: Thursday,April 23, 2020 4:48 PM To: Christenbury, Mike<>; Zeigler, Mark D<>; DCR- Environmental_Review<>; Cox, Heidi<>; Deaton, Anne <>; Harrison,James A<>;Jenkins,Shannon <>; Gupton, Sharon <>; Harris, David B<>; 1 Britting ham, Cathy From: Cannon,Amanda J Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 4:48 PM To: Christenbury, Mike;Zeigler, Mark D; DCR - Environmental_Review; Cox, Heidi; Deaton, Anne; Harrison,James A;Jenkins, Shannon; Gupton, Sharon; Harris, David B;Walton, Tim; Moser, Mike; Hilliard, Wanda; Montalvo, Sheri A; Sullivan, Shelton;Carpenter,Kristi; Sams, Dan; Hall, Christine; Mairs, Robb L; Dunn, Maria T.; Wilson, Travis W.; Butler, Rodney A; brad (; Steenhuis,Joanne; Humphrey, Jeremy Cc: Brittingham, Cathy; Lane, Stephen Subject: (3) CAMA Major Permit Application - Bridge 29 Attachments: Comment Sheet - Bridge 29.pdf; Field Report.pdf FINAL EMAIL! Hello All! Please note there are multiple emails for this project.Our server will not allow the size in one single email. I apologize to everyone for this inconvenience. Please accept this correspondence as the official distribution of CAMA application from NC Dept. Of Transportation for development in Wilmington, New Hanover County. Attachments include: Field Investigative Report,work plans, comment sheet, and any other documents intended for you. NOTE: Please complete the bottom portion of the comment sheet with your information and signature. *RETURN TO CATHY BRITTINGHAM at<> * NO oversized work plans have been submitted by the applicant For questions or concerns, please contact Stephen Lane or(252) 808-2808 ext. 208. Thank you! 1 Brittingham, Cathy From: Cannon,Amanda J Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 4:47 PM To: Christenbury, Mike;Zeigler, Mark D; DCR - Environmental_Review; Cox, Heidi; Deaton,Anne; Harrison,James A;Jenkins, Shannon;Gupton, Sharon; Harris, David B;Walton, Tim; Moser, Mike; Hilliard, Wanda; Montalvo, Sheri A; Sullivan, Shelton;Carpenter,Kristi; Sams, Dan; Hall, Christine; Mairs, Robb L; Dunn, Maria T.;Wilson, Travis W.; Butler, Rodney A; brad (; Steenhuis,Joanne; Humphrey,Jeremy Cc: Brittingham, Cathy; Lane, Stephen Subject: (2) CAMA Major Permit Application - Bridge 29 Attachments: B-4590_SMU_90 Percent Plans_reduced.pdf; B-4590_UC Plans_20190911.pdf; Signed MOA for B-4590.pdf Hello All! Please note there are multiple emails for this project.Our server will not allow the size in one single email. I apologize to everyone for this inconvenience. Please accept this correspondence as the official distribution of CAMA application from NC Dept. Of Transportation for development in Wilmington, New Hanover County. Attachments include: Field Investigative Report,work plans, comment sheet, and any other documents intended for you. NOTE: Please complete the bottom portion of the comment sheet with your information and signature. *RETURN TO CATHY BRITTINGHAM at<> * NO oversized work plans have been submitted by the applicant For questions or concerns, please contact Stephen Lane or(252) 808-2808 ext. 208. Thank you! Amanda Cannon Division of Coastal Management<> 1 • Brittingham, Cathy From: Cannon,Amanda J Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 4:46 PM To: Christenbury, Mike;Zeigler, Mark D; DCR - Environmental_Review; Cox, Heidi; Deaton, Anne; Harrison, James A;Jenkins, Shannon; Gupton, Sharon; Harris, David B;Walton, Tim; Moser, Mike; Hilliard, Wanda; Montalvo, Sheri A; Sullivan, Shelton; Carpenter,Kristi; Sams, Dan; Hall, Christine; Mairs, Robb L; Dunn, Maria T.; Wilson, Travis W.; Butler, Rodney A; brad (; Steenhuis,Joanne; Humphrey, Jeremy Cc: Brittingham, Cathy; Lane, Stephen Subject: (1) CAMA Major Permit Application - Bridge 29 Attachments: B-4590_CAMA_Package_03232020_signed.pdf Hello All! Please note there are multiple emails for this project.Our server will not allow the size in one single email. I apologize to everyone for this inconvenience. Please accept this correspondence as the official distribution of CAMA application from NC Dept.Of Transportation for development in Wilmington, New Hanover County.Attachments include: Field Investigative Report,work plans, comment sheet, and any other documents intended for you. NOTE: Please complete the bottom portion of the comment sheet with your information and signature. *RETURN TO CATHY BRITTINGHAM at<mailto:`> * NO oversized work plans have been submitted by the applicant For questions or concerns, please contact Stephen Lane or(252) 808-2808 ext. 208. Thank you! Amanda Cannon Division of Coastal Management<> i * , co SATE41:447 • t\7460 ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretory BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 23, 2020 MEMORANDUM: FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM DOT Project Coordinator DWR-Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1617 (Courier 52-01-00) Cathy.Brittingham( SUBJECT: CAMA/Dredge &Fill Application Review Applicant: NC Department of Transportation Project Location: Smith Creek,Wilmington, New Hanover County Proposed Project: Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR2812 Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 21, 2020 at the mail/email address above. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Stephen Lane 252-808-2808 Ext. 208. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. **Additional comments may be attached** This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. PRINT NAME AGENCY SIGNATURE DATE E Q) W M),CA.. '.:. Oeyerleme e1 Fmnonmenbi 0.4thh North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 4 ,r. ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 22,2020 Mr. Mason Herndon Division Environmental Officer N.C. Dept. of Transportation—Division 3 5501 Barbados Boulevard Castle Hayne,N.C. 28429 Dear Mr.Herndon: The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of the application submitted to this office by you for State approval for the replacement of Bridge No.29 on SR 2812 within the Estuarine Waters, Public Trust Area, Coastal Wetlands, and Coastal Shoreline adjacent to Smith Creek,New Hanover County. It was received completed on April 7, 2020 and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is June 21,2020. An additional 75-day review period is provided by law when such time is necessary to complete the review. If you have not been notified of a final action by the initial deadline stated above,you should consider the review period extended. Under those circumstances, this letter will serve as your notice of an extended review. However, an additional letter will be provided on or about the 75th day. If this agency does not render a permit decision within 70 days from April 7,2020, you may request a meeting with the Director of the Division of Coastal Management and permit staff to discuss the status of your project. Such a meeting will be held within five working days from the receipt of your written request and shall include the property owner,developer,and project designer/consultant. NCGS 113A-119(b)requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a"Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road. Some examples would be: Nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way adjacent to the project, or at a point along the road right-of-way where a private road would lead one to your property. Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. D_EQ f) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 • • NCDOT Replacement of Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek April 22, 2020 Page 2 An onsite inspection will be made, and if additional information is required,you will be contacted by the appropriate State or Federal agency. Please contact me if you have any questions and notify me in writing if you wish to receive a copy of my field report and/or comments from reviewing agencies. Sincerely, Stephen Lane Coastal Management Representative sdl Enclosure cc: Jonathan Howell, Major Permits Coordinator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City,North Carolina 28557 252.808.2808 Brittingham, Cathy From: Lane, Stephen Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 4:01 PM To: Brittingham, Cathy Subject: FW: B-4590 Permit Application Attachments: B_4590_NRTR_20170208.pdf; Re: [External] Re: B-4590 Replacement of Bridge 29 over Smith Creek New Hanover FYI. From: Herndon,T. Mason<> Sent:Wednesday, March 25, 2020 11:38 AM To: Lane, Stephen<> Subject: RE: B-4590 Permit Application Attached is the NRTR and correspondence with Fritz regarding sturgeon. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks! Mason Herndon Environmental Program Supervisor Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2036 office 910-604-0050 mobile 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 9 2, Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Lane, Stephen<stephen.lane(> Sent:Wednesday, March 25, 2020 11:26 AM To: Herndon,T. Mason <> Subject: RE: B-4590 Permit Application Hi Mason, Would you mind sending me the NRTR for this project via email or posting it to the Sharepoint site? Thanks, Stephen i c From: Herndon,T. Mason<> Sent:Tuesday, March 24, 2020 9:19 AM To: Lane,Stephen<> Cc: Brittingham,Cathy<> Subject: B-4590 Permit Application Stephen, Attached is the application for B-4590, replacement of Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 (Castel Hayne Rd) in New Hanover County. Also attached are the certified mail receipts for the adjacent landowners that went out yesterday. The only piece that is missing is the signed SHPO/FHWA Historic MOA which has been reviewed and approved by all parties and is being circulated for signatures. As soon as I receive the green cards and signed MOA I will mail you a hard copy of the entire application. I will be submitting the attached package to the USACE and DWR today as well. Please let me know if you need any questions or need any additional information.. Thanks! Mason Herndon Environmental Program Supervisor Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2036 office 910-604-0050 mobile 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 i . Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C.Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 Brittingham, Cathy From: fritz.rohde Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 12:23 PM To: Herndon, T. Mason Subject: Re: [External] Re: B-4590 Replacement of Bridge 29 over Smith Creek New Hanover CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Yes they are appropriate and NC DOT has fulfilled their Section 7 obligations. Fritz On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 12:19 PM, Herndon,T. Mason<>wrote: Hey Fritz,just wanted to confirm that you agree that the proposed measures are appropriate and NCDOT has satisfied Section 7 informal consultation for your species? Thanks! Mason Herndon Environmental Program Supervisor Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2036 office 910-604-0050 mobile 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 1 • Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Fritz Rohde - NOAA Federal [] Sent:Thursday,July 19, 2018 12:09 PM To: Herndon,T. Mason<> Subject: [External] Re: B-4590 Replacement of Bridge 29 over Smith Creek New Hanover CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Hi Mason: With the proposed measures you list,the appropriate conclusion is "May Affect,Not Likely to Adversely Affect." Fritz Rohde NMFS-HCD Beaufort, NC On Thu,Jul 19, 2018 at 11:57 AM, Herndon,T. Mason<>wrote: Hey Fritz, I hope you are doing well. NCDOT is proposing to replace Bridge 29 over Smith Creek in New Hanover County(see attached vicinity map). The proposed structure will have driven H-piles at the end bents and the interior bents will be 48" drill shafts(see attached bridge profile for bent locations). NCDOT is proposing the following measures which have been used in previous bridge replacements where Atlantic Sturgeon and Shortnose Sturgeon was a species of concern. These measure include: • February 15 through June 30 in-water work moratorium. • Drill casings will be installed prior to the in-water work moratorium, allowing work within the casings to occur during the moratorium. 2 1 1 i If pilings are required within the water column for a temporary work trestle to access the drill shafts,they will be installed prior to the in-water work moratorium. • Turbidity generated during in-water construction will be contained with turbidity curtains. • Passage upstream/downstream will not be impaired/blocked at any time. Due to these measures and location of the interior bents, NCDOT believes that the replacement of Bridge 23 over Smith Creek will have negligible effect on Atlantic Sturgeon and Shortnose Sturgeon and the biological conclusion for these species should be "May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect(MANLAA) or"No Affect". Please let me know what biological conclusion determination you feel is appropriate and if is there are any other conditions you feel are pertinent to successfully minimize impact to these species,therefore satisfying Section 7 concurrence for these species. Thanks in advance for your review and determination. Mason Herndon Environmental Program Supervisor Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2036 office 910-604-0050 mobile 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 wt.:r y r ../r Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 3 f 9/1 a es (c \ n c�\n -� NATURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT Replace Bridge 29 on NC 133 over Smith Creek New Hanover County,North Carolina TIP B-4590 WBS Element No. 38420.1.2 1OI 9 Z .p �O P° O � OF TRANS THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit Natural Environment Section February 2017 Brittingham, Cathy From: Herndon, T. Mason Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 9:19 AM To: Lane, Stephen Cc: Brittingham, Cathy Subject: B-4590 Permit Application Attachments: B-4590_CAMA_Package_03232020_signed.pdf; B4590_CertifiedMailReciepts.pdf Stephen, Attached is the application for B-4590, replacement of Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 (Castel Hayne Rd) in New Hanover County. Also attached are the certified mail receipts for the adjacent landowners that went out yesterday. The only piece that is missing is the signed SHPO/FHWA Historic MOA which has been reviewed and approved by all parties and is being circulated for signatures. As soon as I receive the green cards and signed MOA I will mail you a hard copy of the entire application. I will be submitting the attached package to the USACE and DWR today as well. Please let me know if you need any questions or need any additional information.. Thanks! Mason Herndon Environmental Program Supervisor Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2036 office 910-604-0050 mobile 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 ,. r T t Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C.Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 9 \11 \ '37 EcCecN5-\5" c6COn(U2 61- 3/ fayS Type I and II Ground Disturbing Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form STIP Project No. B-4590 WBS Element 38420.1.2 Federal Project No. BRNHS-117(5) A. Project Description: (Include project scope and location, including Municipality and County. Refer to the attached project location map and photos.) Replacement of Bridge 640029 over Smith Creek is located approximately one mile north of downtown Wilmington in New Hanover County, North Carolina (see attached, Figure 1 Vicinity map). B. Description of Need and Purpose: NCDOT Bridge Management Unit records indicate Bridge No. 29 was constructed in 1931 and reconstructed in 1962. It has a sufficiency rating of 25.89 out of a possible 100 for a new structure. The bridge is considered structurally deficient due to a substructure condition appraisal of 4 out of 9 and a superstructure appraisal of 4 out of 9 according to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) standards. C. Categorical Exclusion Action Classification: (Check one) Xl TYPE I A I I TYPEIB TYPE II A TYPE II B D. Proposed Improvements — Delete Action Classifications that do not apply. 28. Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of grade separation to replace existing at-grade railroad crossings, if the actions meet the constraints in 23 CFR 771.117(e)(1-6). E. Special Project Information: (Provide a description of relevant project information, which may include: vicinity map, costs, alternative analysis (if any), traffic control and staging, and resource agency/public involvement). This project has one alternative that involves replacing Bridge 640029 at its current location (on-site), with an off-site detour. The detour route is approximately four miles in length. Only minor amounts of right of way would be required for project construction (see attached aerial map with land parcels and project plan sheets). 1 s This project may involve relocation of a Corbett Package Company driveway, located north of Bridge 640029. The North Carolina Wildlife Commission (NCWRC) and the North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation (NCDENR) have requested NCDOT consideration of including a small parking area, and canoe launch that would provide access to the Cape Fear River. The new bridge will be three spans, pre-stressed girder-type bridge. The structure will not require a fender system or design for vessel impact. Public Involvement: Landowner notification letters were sent to potentially impacted property owners within the project study area. No responses from our notification were received. Based on the lack of response, it was determined that any additional public involvement (newsletters or meetings) activities would take place closer to the project construction let date. 2 • New Hanover County Replacement of Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek Federal Project No. BRNHS-117(5) WBS No. 38420.1.2 TIP No. B-4590 Division Environment Unit (DEU) The waters within the study area do provide suitable habitat for the Atlantic sturgeon, Shortnose sturgeon, and the West Indian manatee therefore the biological conclusion for these species is "May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect". Coordination with NOAA NMFS has occurred and the following minimizations measures and commitments will be implemented during construction to satisfy the Section 7 consultation requirements for these species. • A February 15 through June 30 in-water work moratorium will be implemented. • Drill casings will be installed prior to in-water work moratorium, allowing work within the casings to occur during the moratorium. • If pilings are required within the water column for a temporary work trestle to access the drill shafts, they will be installed prior to the in-water work moratorium. • Turbidity curtains will be utilized to isolate in water work areas from surrounding waters at all times during construction. • Passage upstream and downstream will not be impaired or blocked at any time during construction. PDEA Human Environment Unit- Section 106 Bridge 29 over Smith Creek is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. An effects consultation was conducted on December 13, 2017 and it was determined that the project imposes an adverse impact on Bridge No. 29. A MOA process is underway. Any commitments required as part of the MOA process will be incorporated into the final "Green Sheet" commitments. Hydraulic Unit— FEMA Coordination NCDOT Hydraulics Unit recommends raising the roadway grade by 2.7 feet to match existing low chord. The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (FMP) to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of NCDOT's Memorandum of Agreement with FMP (dated April 22, 2013, modified February 5, 2015). GeoEnvironmental Section — Impacts to Underground Storage Tanks (UST's) According to a NCDOT Hazardous Materials Report, dates March 3, 2015, from Terry W. Fox, one site within the project study area, Corbett Package Company, may contain USTs within the project limits. NCDOT's GeoEnvironmental Section will provide any needed soil and groundwater assessment, in the event that temporary construction easement, or right of way acquisition is required from this property. Categorical Exclusion Approval STIP Project No. B-4590 WBS Element 38420.1.2 Federal Project No. BRNHS-117(5) Prepared By: , . . FL& 8/29/2018 Date <Julie Flesch-Pate LEED AP, Senior Project Manager> <Moffatt& Nichol> Prepared For: North Carolina Department of Transportation Reviewed By: ''ll u q/7to s ` � ciuc .- .' L1. Vo-Q D Monica Duval, Division 3 Assistant Bridge Program Manager North Carolina Department of Transportation Da a Mason Herndon, ivision 3 Environmental Supervisor North Carolina Department of Transportation If all of the threshold questions (1 through 7)of ® Approved Section F are answered "no," NCDOT approves this Categorical Exclusion. If any of the threshold questions (1 through 7) of Certified Section F are answered "yes," NCDOT certifies this Categorical Exclusion. / (71Eir ,�. Date fait Karen Eason Collette, PE, Division 3 Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation FHWA Approved: For Projects Certified by NCDOT(above), FHWA signature required. Date John F. Sullivan, Ill, PE, Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Sollod, Steve From: Brittingham, Cathy Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 1:32 PM To: Sollod, Steve; Lane, Stephen Subject: FW: NCDOT Division 3 Bridge Group E Field Scoping Invitation 4/27/2015 Attachments: NCDOT Division 3 Bridge Group E Field Scoping Meeting Invitation 4.27.15.pdf; Group E Bridge Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management (919)707-9149 phone Please visit to subscribe to Coastal Management's quarterly newsletter,the CAMAgram. Mailing Address: Physical Address: 1638 Mail Service Center 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh,NC 27699-1638 Archdale Building 12th Floor,Room 1204G Raleigh,NC 27604 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Glynn, Amanda T Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 12:58 PM To:;;; Brittingham, Cathy; Staples, Shane;; Strong, Brian;; Chapman, Amy; Herndon, Mason; Wilson, Travis W.; Lovering, Gary R; Murray, Emily E; Potter, Matthew (; Deaton, Robert W; Devens, Thomas E; Atkinson, Paul; Argenbright, Dean N; Whitaker, Barry W; Rivenbark, Chris; Lane, Stephen; Ray, Carl E; Thompson, Hugh; Honeycutt, Keith E;; Mccombs, Iris H; Law, Anthony W; Perry, Daniel L; Britt, Adam T; Carroll, Trevor K; Hite, Katie E; Kimes, D. Chad; Mathis, Stonewall D; Westphal, Anneliese; davis,john s; Mclamb, Corey D; Joyner, Drew Subject: NCDOT Division 3 Bridge Group E Field Scoping Invitation 4/27/2015 Please see attached Field Scoping Meeting Invitation and attached maps. Your comments are requested by April 23, 2015 if you are unable to attend. Thank you, Amanda Amanda T. Glynn, P.E. Division Bridge Program Manager NCDOT—Division 3 5501 Barbados Blvd. Castle Hayne, NC 28429 910.341.2000—Phone 910.675.0143—Fax 1 w.+ _ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAT MCCRORY ANTHONY J.TATA GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 24, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Scoping Meeting Invitees DocuSigned by: FROM: Amanda T. Glynn, P.E D3FBBDD3A 64B9... Division Bridge Program anager SUBJECT: Request for comments on NCDOT Bridge Replacement Projects— Bridge Group E B-4438—Brunswick 47—NC 111 (Green Swamp Rd NW)over Bear Pen Islands Swamp B-4590—New Hanover 29—SR 2812(Castle Hayne Rd)over Smith Creek B-4928—Brunswick 28—SR 1432(Old Mill Rd NE)over Mill Creek B-5311 —Brunswick 104—SR 1500(Midway Rd)over Middle Swamp B-5540—Brunswick 202—SR 1357(N Mulberry Rd NW)over Mulberry Branch The North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT) is preparing the planning and environmental studies for the above referenced bridge replacement projects. We anticipate that the projects will be processed as Programmatic Categorical Exclusions or as Categorical Exclusions. The purpose of this letter is to solicit your input concerning the potential impacts of the proposed projects upon social, economic, demographic, land use or environmental conditions near the project sites. Vicinity maps are attached illustrating the locations of the projects. This letter constitutes solicitation for scoping comments. The scoping meeting will be held starting at 10:00 AM on Monday,April 27, 2015 at Brunswick Bridge 202 near Shallotte. We will travel from there to Brunswick 47, then to Brunswick 104,then to Brunswick 28 and finish the day at New Hanover 29. If you do not wish to attend all sites, please let me know and I will give you an estimated time to start at each site. In lieu of attending the scoping meeting,you may provide written comments by April 23, 2015. Your comments will enable us to evaluate the impacts of the proposed projects and address your concerns. Thank you for your assistance. Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at(910)341-2000 or by e-mail at atglynn@a, 5501 Barbados Boulevard,Castle Hayne,NC 28429 (910)341-2000 Fax(910)675-0143 n � 9 0436,1. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission < > Gordon Myers, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Chris Rivenbark NCDOT,Nature Environment Section FROM: Travis Wilson, Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: January 30, 2015 SUBJECT: 2015 Bridge Replacements Biologists with the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission(NCWRC)have reviewed the information provided and have the following preliminary comments on the subject project. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C.4332(2)(c))and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act(48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d). Our standard recommendations for bridge replacement projects of this scope are as follows: 1. We generally prefer spanning structures. Spanning structures usually do not require work within the stream and do not require stream channel realignment. The horizontal and vertical clearances provided by bridges allows for human and wildlife passage beneath the structure, does not block fish passage, and does not block navigation by canoeists and boaters. 2. Bridge deck drains should not discharge directly into the stream. 3. Live concrete should not be allowed to contact the water in or entering into the stream. 4. If possible, bridge supports(bents) should not be placed in the stream. 5. If temporary access roads or detours are constructed,they should be removed back to original ground elevations immediately upon the completion of the project. Disturbed areas should be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soil and native tree species should be planted with a spacing of not more than 10'x10'. If possible,when using temporary Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh,NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 n Bridge Memo Page 2 January 30,2015 structures the area should be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the area with chain saws, mowers, bush-hogs,or other mechanized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact, allows the area to revegetate naturally and minimizes disturbed soil. 6. A clear bank(riprap free)area of at least 10 feet should remain on each side of the steam underneath the bridge. 7. In trout waters, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission reviews all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nationwide and general `404' permits. We have the option of requesting additional measures to protect trout and trout habitat and we can recommend that the project require an individual `404' permit. 8. In streams that contain threatened or endangered species,NCDOT biologist should be notified. Special measures to protect these sensitive species may be required. NCDOT should also contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for information on requirements of the Endangered Species Act as it relates to the project. 9. In streams that are used by anadromous fish,the NCDOT official policy entitled "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage(May 12, 1997)"should be followed. 10. Sedimentation and erosion control measures sufficient to protect aquatic resources must be implemented prior to any ground disturbing activities. Structures should be maintained regularly, especially following rainfall events. 11. Temporary or permanent herbaceous vegetation should be planted on all bare soil within 15 days of ground disturbing activities to provide long-term erosion control. 12. All work in or adjacent to stream waters should be conducted in a dry work area. Sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams, or other diversion structures should be used where possible to prevent excavation in flowing water. 13. Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into streams. 14. Only clean, sediment-free rock should be used as temporary fill(causeways), and should be removed without excessive disturbance of the natural stream bottom when construction is completed. 15. During subsurface investigations,equipment should be inspected daily and maintained to prevent contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. If corrugated metal pipe arches, reinforced concrete pipes, or concrete box culverts are used: 1. The culvert must be designed to allow for aquatic life and fish passage. Generally,the culvert or pipe invert should be buried at least 1 foot below the natural streambed (measured from the natural thalweg depth). If multiple barrels are required,barrels other than the base flow barrel(s)should be placed on or near stream bankfull or floodplain bench elevation (similar to Lyonsfield design). These should be Bridge Memo Page 3 January 30,2015 reconnected to floodplain benches as appropriate. This may be accomplished by utilizing sills on the upstream and downstream ends to restrict or divert flow to the base flow barrel(s). Silled barrels should be filled with sediment so as not to cause noxious or mosquito breeding conditions. Sufficient water depth should be provided in the base flow barrel(s)during low flows to accommodate fish movement. If culverts are longer than 40-50 linear feet, alternating or notched baffles should be installed in a manner that mimics existing stream pattern. This should enhance aquatic life passage: 1)by depositing sediments in the barrel,2) by maintaining channel depth and flow regimes,and 3)by providing resting places for fish and other aquatic organisms. In essence,base flow barrel(s) should provide a continuum of water depth and channel width without substantial modifications of velocity. 2. If multiple pipes or cells are used, at least one pipe or box should be designed to remain dry during normal flows to allow for wildlife passage. 3. Culverts or pipes should be situated along the existing channel alignment whenever possible to avoid channel realignment. Widening the stream channel must be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 4. Riprap should not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. Bioengineering boulders or structures should be professionally designed, sized, and installed. In most cases, we prefer the replacement of the existing structure at the same location with road closure. If road closure is not feasible, a temporary detour should be designed and located to avoid wetland impacts, minimize the need for clearing and to avoid destabilizing stream banks. If the structure will be on a new alignment,the old structure should be removed and the approach fills removed from the 100-year floodplain. Approach fills should be removed down to the natural ground elevation. The area should be stabilized with grass and planted with native tree species. If the area reclaimed was previously wetlands,NCDOT should restore the area to wetlands. If successful,the site may be utilized as mitigation for the subject project or other projects in the watershed. Project specific comments: B-4453 Camden County bridge number 19 on SR 1235 over UT: Anadromous species are found in this tributary. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4648 Tyrrell County bridge number 17 on SR 1105 over Riders Creek: Anadromous species are found in this portion of Riders Creek. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5416 Perquimans County bridge number 29 on SR 1200 over a branch of Perquimans River: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. I II Bridge Memo Page 4 January 30,2015 B-5503 Martin County bridge number 53 on SR 1142 over Collie Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5507 Chowan County bridge numbers 24,20, and 21 on NC 32 over Warwick Swamp,Dillard Creek, and Sand Run Creek: Anadromous species are found in these tributaries. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5508 Hyde County bridge number 21 on SR 1311 over Waupopin Canal: Anadromous species are found in this portion of Waupopin Canal. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5605 Hertford County bridge number 31 on US 13 over railroad: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4425 Beaufort County bridge number 69 on SR 1136 over a Branch of Chocowinity Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4427 Beaufort County bridge number 6 on SR 1422 over Big Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4430 Beaufort County bridge number 135 on SR 1742 over Bath Creek: Bath Creek is designated as a Primary Nursery Area.NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to September 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4483 Craven County bridge number 66 on SR 1232 over Grape creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4595 Pamlico County bridge number 14 on SR 1005 over Beard Creek: Anadromous species are found in this portion of Beard Creek. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4596 Pamlico County bridge number 28 on SR 1005 over Fork of Beard Creek: Anadromous species are found in this portion of Beard Creek. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4485 Craven County bridge number 26 on SR 1621 over Beaver Dam Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. r � Bridge Memo Page 5 January 30,2015 B-4527 Greene County bridge number 26 on SR 1705 over Bear Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4569 Lenoir County bridge number 68 on SR 1515 over Groundnut Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4593 Pamlico County bridge number 38 on NC 55 over Trent Creek: Anadromous species are found in this portion of Trent Creek. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4414 Beaufort County bridge number 43 on US 264 over Pungo Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4433 Beaufort County bridge number 40 on SR 1932 over Horse Pen Swamp: Anadromous species are found in this portion of Horse Pen Swamp. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4605 Pitt County bridge number 5 on SR 1777 over Chicod Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4606 Pitt County bridge number 17 on SR 1780 over Chicod Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4607 Pitt County bridge number 43 on SR 1923 over Swift Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4709 Beaufort County bridge number 14 on SR 1932 over Branch Durham Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4786 Pitt County bridge number 38 on US 13 over Tar River: Tar River at this location is designated as a Primary Nursery Area.NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February 15 to September 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4438 Brunswick County bridge number 47 on NC 211 over Branch of Juniper Creek: Juniper Creek Game Land is located within the project study area, DOT should coordinate closely with NCWRC during the design and construction of this project to avoid and minimize impacts to this area. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4590 New Hanover County bridge number 29 on NC 133 over Smith Creek: Anadromous species are found in this portion of Smith Creek. NCDOT should follow all stream crossing guidelines for anadromous fish passage, including an in-water work moratorium from February Bridge Memo Page 6 January 30,2015 15 to June 30. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4928 Brunswick County bridge number 28 on SR 1432 over Mill Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5311 Brunswick County bridge number 104 on SR 1500 over Middel Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5540 Brunswick County bridge number 202 on SR 1357 over Branch of Shallotte River: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4501 Duplin County bridge number 325 on SR 1004 over Branch of NE Cape Fear River: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4502 Duplin County bridge number 144 on SR 1704 over Panther Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5534 Duplin County bridge number 82 on NC 111 over Burnt Coat Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4635 Sampson County bridge number 9 on US 13 over South River overflow: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4636 Sampson County bridge number 56 on NC 24 over Six Runs Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4638 Sampson County bridge number 195 on SR 1703 over Merkle Swamp: The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program(EEP), Great Coharie Tract is located within the project study area, DOT should coordinate closely with EEP during the design and construction of this project to avoid and minimize impacts to this area. We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4813 Sampson County bridge number 18 on SR 1004 over Crane Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4815 Sampson County bridge number 3 on SR 1933 over Beaver Dam Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5308 Sampson County bridge number 152 on SR 1455 over Caesar Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5310 Sampson County bridge number 188 on SR 1817 over Ward Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4844 Wayne/Duplin County bridge number 117 on SR 1502 over NE Cape Fear River: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. Bridge Memo Page 7 January 30,2015 B-4839 Wayne County bridge number 96 on SR 1006 over Thoroughfare Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4840 Wayne County bridge number 264 on SR 1117 over Thunder Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4842 Wayne County bridge number 45 on SR 1353 over Great Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4935 Halifax County bridge number 120 on SR 1003 over Branch of Deep Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4940 Wayne County bridge number 25 on SR 157 over Exum Mill Branch: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4941 Wayne County bridge number 93 on SR 1009 over Town Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4942 Wayne County bridge number 121 on SR 1702 over West Bear Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4937 Johnston County bridge numbers 118 and 119 on I-95 over CSX Railroad: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-4479 Columbus County bridge numbers 222,226, 228,and 230 on SR 1700 over Red Hill Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5505 Harnett County bridge number 151 on SR 1415 over Hectors Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5511 Robeson County bridge number 399 on SR 1741 over Big Marsh Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5513 Harnett County bridge number 72 on SR 2045 over Anderson Creek: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. B-5529 Robeson County bridge number 434 on SR 1003 over Back Swamp: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. If you need further assistance or information on NCWRC concerns regarding bridge replacements,please contact me at(919) 707-0370. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. 3rittingham, Cathy From: Henderson, Roger <> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 1:22 PM To: Wicker, Henry M JR SAW (;;; Brittingham, Cathy;; Strong, Brian; Chapman, Amy; Cc: Deaton, Robert W; Potter, Matthew Subject: Notification of start of activities for NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program bridge replacement projects in Brunswick and New Hanover counties, to be let in FY 2019. Attachments: Summary of Bridge Project Info.xlsx Dear Agency Representative: The Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit of NCDOT is beginning the process of environmental and engineering studies for the bridge replacement projects listed in the attached spreadsheet. In the near future, our consultant, Natural Environment Section and/or Human Environment Section will be in contact with your agency, as applicable, requesting project specific information. While we do not anticipate a response to this notification, if you have time sensitive concerns we welcome your input. On behalf of Bob Deaton, NCDOT PDEA, we thank you, Roger Henderson,AICP, P.E. Sr.Transportation Planner Moffatt& Nichol 1616 E. Millbrook Road, Suite 160 Raleigh, NC 27609 o 919.781.4626 m 919.426.6575 1 Project Description TIP# NCDOT SR# Crossing Bridge No. County Division Juniper Creek B-4438 NC 211 (Bear Pen 47 Brunswick 3 Islands Swamp) SR New B-4590 29 3 2812 Smith Creek Hanover SR B-4928 28 Brunswick 3 1432 Mill CreekSR B-5311 104 Brunswick 3 1500 Middle Swamp Branch of SR Shallotte River B-5540 1357 (Mulberry 202 Brunswick 3 Branch) ***This is a word processing form to be completed in Microsoft Word' NC Division of Coastal Management Major Permit Application Computer Sheet (11/01/2012) Applicant: N C 12o7— Date: 1.4-ri- Project Site County Iv Staff: j'�� Lcr,-4- District: DElizabeth City ❑Washington ['Morehead City EMilnnington Project Name: !v,t� + �.� ��.6/.jx)`j ( 40'1o)Rover File: Date application"received as complete"in the Field office(EX: 1/8/2007): i-{ _).43 Permit Authorization: [KAMA [dredge&Fill L soth SITE DESCRIPTION/PERMIT INFORMATION PNA: DYes to Photos Taken: Yes[`(No❑ �,,� Setback Required(riparian): DYes E o Critical Habitat:DYes ❑No DiQot Sure 15 foot waiver obtained:['YesNtvo Hazard Notification Returned: Dyes EIN SAV: DYes Erg-0 ❑Not Sure Shell Bottom: DYes Dt; ❑Not Sure Temporary Impacts: l 'es ❑No Sandbags: DYes [moo ❑ Not Sure Did the land use classification come from Mitigation Required(optional): county LUP: afes ❑No DYes Hicj Moratorium Conditions: Etfg ❑No Environmental As. essment Done: DNA DYes ❑No BNA Ct'F &K. SECONDARY WATER CLASSIFICATION—OPTIONAL(choose MAX of 4) ❑ Future Water Supply(FWS) ❑ Nutrient Sensitive Waters(NSW) -Swamp Waters(SW) ❑ High Quality Waters(HQW) 0 Outstanding Resource Waters(ORW) WETLANDS IMPACTED (404) Corp. of Engineers (Jurisdictional 0 (LS)Sea lavender(Limonium sp.) ❑ (SS)Glasswort(Salicornia sp.) wetlands) ❑ (CJ) Saw grass(Cladium jamaicense) ❑ (SA)Salt marsh cordgrass(Spartina IR(gY)Salt reed grass(Spartina altemiflora) cynosuroides) ❑ (DS)Salt or spike grass(Distichlis 0 (SC) Bullrush or three square(Scirpus El'(rY)Cattail(Typha sp.) spicata) sp.) ❑ (JR) Black needlerush (Juncus 0 (SP)Salt/meadow grass(Spartina roemerianus) patens) APPLICATION FEE 0 No fee required-$0.00 0 III(A) Private w/D&F up to 1 acre;3490 ❑ III(D)Priv. public or comm w/D&F to 1 can be applied-$250 acre;3490 can't be applied-$400 0 Minor Modification to a CAMA Major 0 Major Modification to a CAMA Major INN Any development involvingD&F of permit-$100 permit -$250 more than 1 acre-$475 ❑ Permit Transfer-$100 ❑ III(B) Public or commercial w/D&F to 1 ❑ Express Permit-$2000 acre;3490 can be applied-$400 ❑ Major development extension request- ❑ II. Public or commercial/no dredge $100 and/or fill-$400 0 I. Private no dredge and/or fill-$250 ❑ III(C)Priv.public or comm w/D&F to 1 acre;3490 can be applied; DCM needs DWQ agreement-$400 252-808-2808 :: 1-888-4RCOAST :: www.nccoastaimanagement-net revised:02/15/10 • NC Division of Coastal Mgt, Application Computer Sheet, Page 2 of 3) Applicant: N CpOi N,,, H�qo✓ p,V,,, )-9 A-IDate: Z2—'l, ( Q� o j Describe below the ACTIVITIES that have been applied for. All values should match the dimension order, and units of measurement found in your Activities code sheet. TYPE REPLACE Activity Name Number Choose Choose Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 4 One One New Work I Replace B 41 BTUs'e- Maint❑ LK ❑ N 2 7�,y', New Work[r Replace Z 3 t7 3 Q 8Idy_ Maint❑ ❑Y ❑1 4,/.---T New Work El- Replace r U f-- /r5� Maint❑ ❑Y [ I 1...,. 0-,-,1 New Work[ Replace Q .Z kJ Fr',�� — Maint 0 lB �❑Y • 'J New Work Replace 2-7'1 O (�-,."i Maint❑ [3( ❑N l b 14 2 New Work Cr- Replace 73 �7 Maint❑ EK ❑N j fc ), j k 7 New Work 0--- Replace Maint ID ❑Y �I '�`� foaau,.,11, 2— New Work(g--- Replace 130 5-- Maint❑ ❑Y E1 /fir C� -2_ New Work EV Replace / u o ¢ rMaint❑ ❑Y t 0R New Work( Replace ; �2 1 r�r Maint El Y [g-61 I 0 'K,,.„._,11%,, New Work Eg'-- Replace Maint❑ ❑�Q ❑N �� l w.4-r-Iiice New Work Er-4—Replace ' p i 0 " Maint❑ Efrf ❑N d V J-'— /cam`'• New Work❑-' Replace c_1(< wifr,j Z Maint❑ Of N 7 D c 01^.-c:r4:,-1 rsrc New Work Er Replace f. 6_,...._ [(a_ • Maint El C El 1/'�- `� ov...., s ( •t- ;�""v New Work D-' Replace caLie .r co.fry - Maint❑ ❑N r,�0 New Work 0 Replace Maint❑ ❑Y 0 N New Work 0 Replace Maint❑ ❑Y ❑N New Work 0 Replace Maint❑ ❑Y ❑N New Work 0 Replace Maint❑ ❑Y ❑N New Work 0 Replace Maint❑ ❑Y ❑ N revised 02/15/10 NC Division of Coastal Mgt. Application Computer Sheet, Page 3 of 3) Applicant: N IV AAA/ H-A A.c v BNd �—`l Date: (-21-)-o ( .-(irc16) Describe below the HABITAT disturbances for the application. All values should match the name,and units of measurement found in your Habitat code sheet. TOTAL Sq. Ft. FINAL Sq. Ft. TOTAL Feet FINAL Feet (Applied for. (Anticipated final (Applied for. (Anticipated final Habitat Name DISTURB TYPE Disturbance total disturbance. Disturbance disturbance. Choose One includes any Excludes any total includes Excludes any anticipated restoration any anticipated restoration and/or restoration or and/or temp restoration or temp impact temp impacts) impact amount) temp impacts) amount) Dredge❑ Fill[Both ❑ Other ❑ 1 7f Or, Vi`:kr Dredge❑ Fill 0 Both ❑ Other I 6 W� Dredge 0 Fill❑ Both 0 Other p--- /71Z f✓Lk,i t�' Fi /\ Dredge ll❑ Both ❑ Other El!l o �'� 0 /11,, `j` Dredge❑ Fill E troth ❑ Other ❑ W.A a� `i/ / rkiLti-d/� Dredge 0 Fill Both ❑ Other 0 El W.�H�•�/ Dredge❑ Fill P---Both 0 Other IDI S� I r`� £4 (( Dredge El Fill IE3oth ❑ Other ❑ 2 6 Q f�cdlDA444G( II✓� Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other [3 rT G 2� }fh �ou.�/ r Dredge 0 Fill❑ Both ❑ Other I� �Z/ �7 / 7 7 Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ Dredge❑ Fill❑ Both ❑ Other ❑ 252-808-2808 1-888-4RCOAST :: revised;02/15/10 t .. • qy v 42t- ROY COOPER NORTH CAROLINA Governor Environmental Quality MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C.DAVIS Director April 22, 2020 Star News Legal Advertisement Section 115 N. 3rd St., Suite Wilmington,NC 28401 Re: Public Notice—NCDOT's proposed replacement of New Hanover Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek Dear Sir: Please publish the attached Notice in the Friday April 24, 2020 issue of the Star News. The State Office of Budget and Management requires an original Affidavit of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please send the affidavit,an original copy of the published notice, and an original invoice to Ellie Davis, NC Division of Coastal Management, 400 Commerce Avenue,Morehead City,North Carolina 28557,Telephone(252) 808-2808. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions,please contact me at our Morehead City office. Sincerely, Stephen Lane Coastal Management Representative Enclosure cc: Jonathan Howell, Major Permits Coordinator NORTH Q� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Morehead City.North Carolina 28557 252.8082808 N() T1 (314: CAMA PERMIT APPLIED FOR PROJECT: The applicant proposes to replace the existing 248' long bridge on SR 2812 over Smith Creek with a new 263' long bridge and associated infrastructure. COMMENTS ACCEPTED THROUGH May 14, 2020 APPLICANT: FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT THE LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER BELOW: N.C. Department of Transportation Stephen Lane c/o Mason Herndon, Env. Officer N.C. Division of Coastal Management Highway Division 3 , 400 Commerce Avenue 5501 Barbados Blvd. Morehead City, NC 28557 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 (252) 808-2808 • q,aw STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER JAMES H.TROGDON,III GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 23,2020 Dear Landowner: The North Carolina Department of Transportation is planning to replace bridge number 640029 on SR 2812(Castle Hayne Road)over Smith Creek. The proposed project will replace the aging existing structure over Smith Creek. The project will replace the existing 248-foot bridge with a 263-foot bridge. The additional length will allow for the replacement of a substandard structure. This project crosses an Area of Environmental Concern,as defined by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management(DCM),and must be approved by the DCM under provisions of the Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA). One of the prerequisites to this approval is that adjacent riparian landowners be given an opportunity to comment on the proposal. The full permit application detailing the work planned,including vicinity map and site drawings,is enclosed for your review. The attached form is submitted to ensure that you have an opportunity to comment on the proposal. If you have no objections to the proposal,please return the form with your response within 30 days to this office. If you do have objections to the project,please forward your comments to: Mr. Stephen Lane N.C.Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City,NC 28557 Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Mason Herndon Division 3 Environmental Officer cc: Stephen Lane,NCDCM File—TIP B-4590 Mailing Address: Telephone:(910)341-2036 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 5501 BARBADOS BLVD. HIGHWAY DIVISION 3 CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429 5501 BARBADos BLVD. CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429 ADJACENT RIPARIAN LANDOWNER STATEMENT (New Hanover County: Replace Bridge No.640029 over Smith Creek) NCDOT TIP B-4590 General Statutes and Division of Coastal Management Major Permit approval procedures require that riparian landowners with property adjoining a proposed development in an Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) be given thirty (30) days in which to comment on the proposed development. This form allows the adjacent riparian landowner to express either: (1) that he/she objects to the project; or, (2)that he/she does not object and desires to waive his/her right to the 30-day period so that the processing of the application can progress more rapidly. Of course,the adjacent riparian landowner need not sign this form at all if he/she so chooses. I, , am an adjacent riparian property owner and am aware of the North Carolina Department of Transportation's plans for replacing bridge number 640029 over Smith Creek in new Hanover County,North Carolina. I am further aware that this work will occur in one or more Areas of Environmental Concern and therefore will require authorization from the Division of Coastal Management in accordance with the Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA). I have no objection to the project as presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in General Statute 113-229. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and my comments are attached. Signature of Adjacent Riparian Landowner Date Phone Number with Area Code TIP B-4590 Landowner Notification List February 2020 Property ID Contact Name Contact Address 1 Smith Creek Boatyard Inc 127 Northern Blvd, Wilmington,NC 28401 3 E.W.Godwin Sons Inc PO Box 1806, Wilmington,NC 28402 4 Corbett Package Company PO Box 210,Wilmington,NC 28402 Bellamy Emma May Hargrove Heirs PO Box 3145, Wilmington,NC 28406-0145 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION CCMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Sine ure i, • Complete Items 1,2,and 3. g ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. � {• ' � / • Print your name and address on the reverse X �,(�.L / g gent • Print your name and address on the reverse " scent �j�pddressee ! 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you. so that we can return the card to you. B. ce' ' y(P' ted Name) C. Date of Delivery B iv (P ted ) Date of Deli�ry ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. c/ l( (4J - or on the front if space permits. - t L` - , ..;Z7 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different f ,m 1? 0 Yes Cbf1 s V' �t / � if YES,enter delivery address below: c.No I if YES,enter delivery addr-• • •w: Q.We' oC ctCt'-,,, 1"ov1L ✓ M\T\k Cf2€'Z OkP Ac-t \AC, (), o. 60X Zto ‘2-1 No* fl tom! 61t t . �,-1,,,.�,h1}-�,/,I NC. 2r-ID-L Wit.titinf�,loN1 NC 'l to 00 _ 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express® 3. 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Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. - f� '� l�-�'f,75 e , m, or on the front if space permits. 03_ s_ 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item ❑'Yes 1• Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No If YES,enter delivery address below: Vo &lk av\tk EPAMk 1601 1LyIve lkAYS C, w. C,odw;`n ov1 S kOC. C o 6CY 3,,i S P, O. gox «o( (A/Avvt,Ypo , NL 2 fcLIC'r-DI LI 5 wolY",nT)\-Do r IJC 184 Q2 3. Service Type 0 Priority Mail Express® 3. 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TDN NC 28'1101 PS Form 3800,April 2i 15 PSN 7530-02-00009047 See Reverse for Instructions PS Form 3800,A•ril 2015 PSN 753002.000 9047 See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Postal Service' CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT I U.S. Postal Service'" a Domestic Mail Only CERTIFIED MAIL' RECEIPT r� Ln RJ For delivery information,visit our website at'. Domestic Mail Only HAY FlJ For delivery information,visit our website at . 0- t; tU t, �• t�t,..1, j ' • C' Certified Mail Fee Extr- ervices&Fees(check bogy add M $ 3 S S N P}r,` NC eturn Receipt p>srdco. { ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $. rk{ Q ❑Return Receipt Restricted D eY $ _�f i F \ ❑Adult Signature Required i �+ /HtBrB Q ❑Codified Mail Restricted Delivery { `�f(' ❑Adult Signature Restricted Q DeM'•rY{ � O ❑Adult Signature gequeed { *illIlIllEnlkotal ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Cr lilat� PostageMAR 2 3 2020 Q Postage and Fees p 0, 2• a d Q $ 6 • ' O Total Postage and Fees c3 Sent To I $ G / Q -.__-_ Q,!•��'. j�'IVt�A M (1 Q Sent To 1.• ! .,f ( t t. ..y// Stre-tan. apt.No.,orP' box No.' "'A- J C� ru E. W, b.COMA so `� -- - r g'4 3_4�c-'_ Sfr7andApt.lvo.,orpDEfotlVo Ci ,State, P+ r- // 0 0 • l 2S�(u —IA �S 184Iv PS Form 3800, April 2015 PSN 7 City,State,DTP+4e 530.Y1-o00-9047 See Reverse for Instructions t on t� Hi r1 C . O PS Form 3800,April 2015 PSN7530-02-0009047 See Reverse for Instructions , Brittingham, Cathy From: Brittingham, Cathy Sent: Monday, October 12, 2020 12:33 PM To: SVC_DEQ.DCM_Accounting Cc: Stephen Lane Subject: DOT permit fee, B-4590, New permit 70-20 Attachments: DOT PERMIT FEE BILLING REQUEST.doc Hello, Please see attached. Please let me or Stephen Lane know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Cathy Brittingham Cathy Brittingham,Transportation Project Coordinator N.C.Division of Coastal Management (919)707-9149 phone cathy.brittingham(a, Mailing Address: _ c/o DWR Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street Archdale Building 12th Floor, Room 1204C Raleigh,NC 27604 Please visit more information about the N.C.Division of Coastal Management. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties 1 DOT PERMIT FEE BILLING REQUEST Date: 10/12/20 To: Jessica Gibson and Ellie Davis CC: Stephen Lane From: Cathy Brittingham Transfer Amount: $475.00 Project Description: B-4590, Replacement of Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road)on Smith Creek. Project Location: New Hanover County DCM Permit Type,Number and Issue Date: New, 70-20, issued 6/11/20 Fee Division if Applicable: (record amounts to be split with DWR, if applicable) DCM: 60% DWR: 40% WBS Element Number: 38420.1.2 • Major Permit Fee Schedule Project Name: County: Check No&Amount_ hizid%/ {-1A0<av1 )-`1 New FK've,✓' w->J# 3 f1-1Z0-1� Development Type Fee DCM % DWQ (14300160143510009316256253) (2430016024351000952341) I.Private,non-commercial development that does not involve the filling or $250 100% ($250) excavation of any wetlands or 0% ($0) open water areas: II.Public or commercial development that • does not involve the filling or excavation - $400 100% ($400) 0% ($0) of any wetlands or open water areas: • • III.For development that involves the filling and/or excavation of up to 1 acre - of wetlands and/or open water areas, • determine if A,B,C, or D below applies: 111(A).Private,non-commercial development,if General Water Quality .$250 100% ($250) - 0% ($0) Certification No.4175 can be applied: i 111(B).Public or commercial development, if General Water Quality Certification $400 100% ($400) 0% ($0) No.4175 can be applied: III(C).If General Water Quality Certification No.4175 could be applied, but DCM staff determined that additional review and written DWQ concurrence is . $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) needed because of concerns related to water quality or aquatic life: , 111(D).If General Water Quality Certification Mo.4175 cannot be applied: $400 60% ($240) 40% ($160) ®s IV.C6Development that involves the filling _ and/or excavation of more than one acre $475 0% ($285) 40% ($190) of wetlands and/or open water areas: From: Lane, Stephen Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 9:55 AM To: Subject: New Hanover Bridge 29 Please find attached a request for publication in your paper the public notice for the replacement of New Hanover Bridge No. 19. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thanks, Stephen Lane Field Representative for Transportation Projects NC Division of Coastal Management Department of Environmental Quality 252 808-2808 office 252 247-3330 fax Jtepnen.i.aneCdi 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 r. `--'Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. i