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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 70-20 Letter of Authorization 2021 Smith Creek ROY COOPER ' `` Governor `- C ELIZABETH S.BISER Secretary _ BRAXTON DAVIS NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality December 6, 2021 Mr. Sean Farrell NCDOT Division 3 Environmental Officer NC Department of Transportation Division of Highways 5501 Barbados Boulevard Castle Hayne,NC 28429-5647 RE: Letter of Authorization, CAMA Major Permit No.70-20, TIP No. B-4590, Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek,New Hanover County Dear Mr. Farrell: This letter is in response to the N.C. Department of Transportation(NCDOT) request dated December 2, 2021, including four attached drawings dated October 21, 2021, with three dated as received on December 2, 2021 and one dated as received on December 3, 2021. The request is to modify CAMA Major Permit No. 70-20 to allow for the refinement of the design of the authorized work trestle for the project. The request states that the revisions to the temporary work trestle are necessary to safely accommodate the crane and provide the proper distance for installation of the drill shafts at Bent 1 and Bent 2. The plans indicate that there will be slight additions to the currently authorized work trestle design, offset with reduced dimensions in several other areas. The refined work trestle design would not result in any additional impacts to Coastal or Section 404 Wetlands and would result in a net reduction of total work trestle footprint. Please be advised that through this Letter of Authorization,the Division of Coastal Management conveys its determination that the revision as described in your request dated December 2, 2021, is consistent with existing State rules and regulations and is in keeping with the original purpose and intent of CAMA Major Development 70-20. This letter shall be attached to the original of CAMA Major Development 70-20, which was issued on June 11, 2020, and copies of both documents shall be readily available on-site when a Division of Coastal Management representative inspects the project for compliance. All conditions and stipulations of the active permit shall remain in force unless altered herein. This approval does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. This includes authorization, if required, from the N.C. Division of Water Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Q� North Morehead CarolinaCity Department 400 ofCommerce Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Office 1 Avenue I Moorehead City,North Carolina Z8557 NORTH OAROI N °ip"`°.1OfEMV`°'"" 0ni1gv� 252.808.2808 Letter of Authorization Permit#70-20 TIP B-4590 in New Hanover County December 3, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Please contact Stephen Lane at (252) 617-3191 if you have any questions or concerns. Sinc ely, . /1/6464A44'? Jonathan Howell Major Permits Coordinator cc: Brad Shaver, USACE Hannah Sprinkle, NCDWR D Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of,Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue I Moorehead City North Carolina 28557 NORM f CAROLINA Ihimbneol al EswilommtlY Ouali /." 252.808.2808 . • Q • YTp W„4yr �rr tar✓I � STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY December 2,2021 Mr. Stephen Lane Coastal Management Representative,Transportation Projects Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City,NC 28557 Subject: Request for Authorization of Work Trestle Plan Refinement,CAMA Major Permit No.70- 20,TIP No.B-4590 Replacement of Bridge No.29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812(Castle Hayne Rd.) in New Hanover County;WBS No.38420.1.2. Dear Mr.Lane, Please find enclosed the refined plans for the temporary work trestle that is proposed for the demolition of existing bridge No.29 and fender system and construction of the new bridge over Smith Creek. The alterations to the layout of the trestle platform are necessary to safely accommodate the crane and provide the proper distance for installation of the drill shafts at bent 1 and bent 2.The changes in the temporary trestle platform area depicted with the hashed green symbology in the enclosed plan view.The refined trestle design will not result in any additional impacts to Coastal Wetlands or Section 404 Wetlands.The proposed temporary shoring and associated fill is proposed entirely within the already permitted impacts for the proposed rock plating. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can provide any additional information. Sincerely, c5eadt,Pt2Ze Sean Farrell NCDOT Division 3 Environmental Officer Enclosures Mailing Address: Telephone:910-341-2000 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax:910-675-0143 5501 BARBADOS BOULEVARD DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429-5647 5501 BARBADOS BOULEVARD CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429-5647 ;I LIMITS OF ROCK PLATING \ \` ___ \ ( ..-- ITO 0E FIELD VERIFIED) I 1\if.. P� R END BENT I—\ --....., • END BENT 2� _ � (BENT I BENT 2 TO DEAD END ' y I • 1 i TO NC 133 1 1 BRIDGE WORKLINE� I _...I • ........ I I 1 I CONTRACT PLANS I TRESTLE LAYOUT I I • 1 k' i. `1kTRE Yi • TEMP.SHORING 1111 . .� CAMA/404 CAMA/404 $ w CAMA/404 Wetland EXISTING STRUCTURE 3 Boundary r (TOP.) WETLAND BOUNDRY�/ /'�' 404 Wetland Only \\\ Wetland Boundary ITYP., , PLAN - TRESTLE FOOTPRINT 2 c Limits of Rock Plating 0-TRESTLE AREA NOT SHOWN IN ORIGINAL CONTRACT PLANS 1,490 SF s a ■ Trestle Layout Location 7,683 SF LEI r n:. 4011111� or L..AoI,Vn...9. R 9711 eOI�NrPS BLrD § Fill Material UMA ••••••••,.•' CI1MtLUTT1.N Z11:n WIW�� Water Line Window K C I f O Original Trestle8,309SF WORK TRESTLE O Original Trestle area not being used 1,495 SF -4e7ee BRIDGE OVER SMITH CREEK ON SR 2812 I� BETWEEN DEAD END AND NC 133 A11171 NEW NOVER CO., 1 ep...�ii0.t�gd A KCI NMI PROJECT NaNOE-9590 CONTRACTOR REF.091210608R user, marl. 037E, KALE, sr[n ra, CLR JIF I 10/21 I NONE 1 OF 4 • • \, LIMITS OF ROCK PLATING \ ---.-�_ ITO BE FIELD VERIFIED) S i t • • • 1 \ f END BENT l� ` -' END BENT 2Z ._ _ � BENT 1 ITYP.1 !, BENT 2 __ TO DEAD END — �'--'I ' \, ® - I . 11 1 TO NC 133 1 1 ! I BRIDGE WORKLINE 1 - _.s i_- —._.— \-_-.-_-_-___-_ c- �_-.�_._ __- -__.. n ,A\-0• w1{ I I (TYP.) I � DIAPHRAGMS J SPA.AS SHOWN O 13 PER SPAN/ 9 1 j r 1I I I I 11 �.. I- .1r�i---•1 • !I E TRESTL�W TEMP.SHORING - I A Al CV TRUCK Q3 rOO -W36 CRANE` O © *-----SHALL LNOTRHAVED EANY `� BEAM(TYP.> BEAMS(TYP.1 LOAD APPLIED TO o? OVERHANGING AREA k VI F e, ' 37'-10' 37'-10' 37'-10' 27'-10' § W • W TYP.I EXISTING STRUCTURE I NOTES; w TEMP BENTS g �- - TEMPORARY WORK TRESTLE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE Y{L¢ / \ BENT STA. OFFSET WITH ALL APPLICABLE PERMITS.LENGTHS OF WORK TRESTLE SHALL BE AS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHIN LIMITS APPROVED BY PERMITS. WETLAND BOUNDED /�/ \\ 2 17+36.19 40.5'R7 PIPE PILES SHALL BE OPEN ENDED. b 1TYP.1 - 3 17+74.04 40.5'RT PIPE PILES SHALL BE INSTALLED TO A MINIMUA WORKING CAPACITY OF / K 18+11.89 39.0'RT 5 18+49.74 37.5'RT 275 KIPS AND AN ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF 370 KIPS. (FACTOR OF SAFETY•1.51 / PLAN — TRESTLE 6 1B+77.59 37.5'RT INSTALL PIPE PILES TO A TIP ELEVATION NO HIGHER THAN SHOWN IN THE B PILE PILE TABLE WITH TIE REQUIRED TIP RESISTANCE. Q TEMP.BENT NO. 7 17+61.67 23.3'RT 8 17+61.67 14.5'LT ALL WELDING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT ABS SPECIFICATIONS LOADING: 9 18+63.67 20.5'RT AND SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED WELDER. AMERICAN-TERREX HE 150 1150 TON/CRAWLER CRANE WITH. THE CONTRACTOR MAY ELECT TO PLACE A MAXIMUM OF 50 TONS 10 18+63.67 14.5'LT 121.300 LBS.BASIC COUNTERWEIGHT+23,800 LBS.CARBODY WEIGHT OF ADDITIONAL LOAD ON SPANS ADJACENT TO A CRANE.NO ry.: KCI ASSOCIATES OP NORTH CAROUNA.P.A. 360•ROTATION ADDITIONAL LOAD SHALL BE ALLOWED IN THE SPAN OCCUPIED STA.&OFFSETS ARE TO CENTER OF TEMP.BENT nu SOUTHERN ME BLVD I 160'-O'BOOII BY A CRANE. '`"""" SURE g7u"""""" PICK K C I I,�00 LBS.m 60'RAD. <NAum/ zm. N I 9 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AVOID SUDDEN STARTS OR STOPS BY PIPE PILES Lw+«�.+wwor,r...,w.,..�m KOBELCO CK1600G 1160 TONI CRAWLER CRANE WITH.(DESIGN/ THE CRANE. 121,300 LBS.BASIC COUNTERWEIGHT•23,800 LBS.CARBODY WEIGHT TEMP. MIN.TIP EST.PILE 760'ROTATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL AVOID HEAVY LIFTS IN WINDS EXCEEDING WORK TRESTLE O BENT ELEV. LENGTH(FT) $pI 160,0•130Ou 20 MPH OR GREATER CONDITIONS,OR AS LIMITED BY CRANE ° ARO MAX.PICK•51.400 LBS.0 60'RAO. MANUFACTURER. 1,2 -44.0 55 'lb mac?. e BRIDGE OVER SMITH CREEK ON SR 2812 3.1.T.8 -41.0 50 BETWEEN DEAD END AND NC 133 - DRILL RIG SHALL BE A WATSON MODEL 3I00 CM VEHICLES.SUCH AS CONCRETE TRUCKS.WITH A IAA%IMAM AXLE WEIGHTSnST. - yy OF 40,000 LBS MAY USE THE WORK TRESTLE.VEHICLE SHALL STAY -46.0 55 NEW HANOVER CO..NC KCI JOB•C21-68 ALL OTHER PICKS LESS THAN THE MAXIMW PICKS ARE ALLOWED CENTERED ON THE WORK TRESTLE AT ALL TIMES. D-•,,r,..' / NCDDOO,PROJECT NO.B-4590w CONTRACTOR REF.•912106088 PROVIDED THE CRANE IS OPERATING WITHIN ITS SPECIFIED LOAD '•+ � '- CHART. • CLR .qF I 10/21 NONE I 2 OF 4 • NO LOADING ALLOWED PAST CRANE BEAM 1 CRANES CENTERED ON (TYP.) TRESTLE AT ALL 31 TIMES 67. ______ I •--� -�_v�. 11 CURB AND RAILING ANCHORED TO DECK BY CONTRACTOR(TIP.) �� ,, ,I _ �•—� sv E HP12z53 r, I '-- 12z12 TIMBERI 1242 TIMBER CRANE MAT DECK ITYP.1 *TOP OF DECK A _� X ELEV=13.25 %e DIAPHRAGM—�0 0 e e OOO O OO _rrrrrr I7YP.) ej e e ° 2VEeR IMASNECESSARY e e e S (TYPON.CONNECTION a L4x4W ° ° !�� ° T /M"0 ANCHOR (TM) DIAPHRAGM(TIP.) 6• BOLT Ye STIFF.(TIP.) CISx33.9 IMIN.1 1 _ _ —17 I `DBL.W24x146 1 I I CAP BEAM 1 W36 CRANE BEAM 1 3'�STIFF.ITYP.) 1111 UNIT E W36x232 CRANE �.W36x1I5 CRANE r BEAMS ITYP.) I I I I BEAMS(TYP.1 SHIFT BETWEEN SPANS-1---1 II 6'-3"A TEMP BENT 7 �a Q'I 2',3' 1 B'-0' 1 3'-O' 19'4 DBL.CAP BEAMI46 II II 4'-8'i TEMP BENT 9 p 11 I II I I 1 1 1 1 II II I 2 CAP' 4-O' .. I 30'-O"CAP BEAM 1 I ,› 1 • • ,F,24'0 x 0.5'THICK WALL PIPE PILE g (TYP.) DETAIL A *CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT EXISTING MINIMUM FINGER CONNECTION TO MAINLINE CLEAR IS MAINTAINED.CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST ELEv.As NECESSARY CLEAR.ARY TO MAINTAIN EXISTING i MINIMUM SECTION A—A CLIP MAINLINE SHOWN.FINGERS SIMILAR k NOTES: Ida HOLE 0 y PILES SHALL BE CUT OFF LEVEL AND SMOOTH (TYP.) TO ALLOW FOR UNIFORM BEARING OF CAP. £ CONTRACTOR SHALL VARY CUT OFF ELEVATIONS AS REOUIRED TO ENSURE A LEVEL DECK • TIMBER CRANE MATS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS i2( a.(30'-0"LONG) H BOLTING BEAMS TO CAP BEAM RECOMMENDED. 5 'p WELDING BEAMS TO CAP BEAM ALLOWED.CONTRACTOR KM ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAKOCINA,P,A. 0 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING WELDS. CONNECTION PLATE e• eCI TESSOL OF ORTD CAE LV° KCI ...�,.. .... CILARLOTTE,NC 2e2,3 7 Atiwc, r . aei e.. .°0m iaaw.e4sa g ry WORK TRESTLE £,.0 CAA°0°' R sow^ s BRIDGE OVER SMITH CREEK ON SR 2812 k ryyllT t BETWEEN DEAD END AND NC 133 ° ",r assal ., NEW HANOVER CO.,NC KCI JOB•C21-68 Y3 +'•? .'";'�8- NCDOT PROJECT NOB B-4590 CONTRACTOR REF.v9121060E18 V. 'S,0,00,A:.qv MUST ao.�r, arz, eau. SW.CLR I JDF I 10/2) NONE 13 OF 4 12x12 TIMBER CRANE li( 69 12'-24' MAT DECK RAMP TO ACCESS TRESTLE _ R•0 a=45• DBL.W24446 FlillM=I CAP BEAM 45p CLIP G FILL— OM r11.1 BEAMS III • i VN' N•STIFF. APPROX.E%IST. _�GRGUNOLINE .`r 12x12 CRANE MAT BACKWALL I 1 I MIP Yi(3kiN.12'-24' t BENT R=0 a•45• BEAM END BENT DETAIL CAP BEAM WELD CONTINUOUS PARTIAL-JOINT-PENETRATION GROOVE WELD TYPICAL BEAM STIFFENER JOINT DESIGNATION BTC-P4 WELD DETAIL 1'BOLT COUNTER SINK BOLT 12x12 TIMBER (TYP.1 CRANE MAT 9' �j' 4 5' I liA 11.1"`� �P/e'$O.x 4'FILI Q CLIP /1": �• _MNOTE: SHIM IF NEEDED ��� ALTERNATE TIMBER CRANE MAT DETAILS SHOWN MAY BEr` 11/e HOLE I - 3'iSTIFF. N.N OMITTED PROVIDED THE 2x6 STOPS ARE INSTALLED AND1'BOL7iMAT ANCHOR Q - H.H.NUT k THERE IS NO LOADING PAST THE EXTERIOR CRANE BEAMS. WASHER CRANE BEAM m i► I ALTERNATE TIMBER CRANE MAT ANCHOR DETAIL 1 (I�LNOLE _ / __ L/I!��__ 1125x12'TIMBER CRANE MAT) 1'BOLT \ J DBL.W24x146 _r CAP BEAM 10 I 12x12 TIMBER ^ lw so.x 4'FILL e CRANE MAT DBL. CAP BEAM STIFFENER ph-1 31 ' 31 . 1%= WELD DETAIL TIMBER CRANE MAT ANCHOR P . .. (2 PER MAT.EA.ENO/ e....o• • • - ''" _ • _ KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINh r.A. STI I SOUTHERN TE PINE 9LVD -- . `••'°'rvn u...x` CHARLOTTE.NC HIM T_ 1 CRANE MAT CLIP ITYP.1 (TWO OPPOSING MAT ' I/i e CLIPS REQUIRED PER WORK TRESTLE MAT) CRANE BEAM 3SE'DIA.HOLES FOR 1/4" ,..0fo'7a DIA.x 5'LEOGERLOCK ;:� � BRIDGE OVER SMITH CREEK ON SR 2812 q' SCREWS ITYP.1 1 } BETWEEN DEAD END AND NC 133 ouzel ALTERNATE TIMBER CRANE MAT ANCHOR DETAIL 2 MAT CLIP DETAIL NEW HANOVERE CO..NC NCI JOB•C21088 'e� NCDOT PROJECT NOr B-g590 CONTRACTOR REF.•912106088 -sn Km.. (12'502'TIMBER CRANE MAT) ",,,��c,,,o,,....�_ Kuser. away art. scru. var w, CLR JDF I 10/21 NONE 4 OF 4 Brittingham, Cathy From: Lane, Stephen Sent: Friday, December 3, 2021 9:59 AM To: Brittingham, Cathy Subject: FW: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle Attachments: Marked Up Work Trestle Plan.pdf FYI. From: Farrell, Sean C<> Sent: Friday, December 03, 2021 9:28 AM To: Lane, Stephen <> Subject: RE: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle Stephen, Jason was able to obtain the additional measurements that you asked for. Please let me know if we can provide any additional information. Thanks! Sean Farrell Division Environmental Officer Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2033 office 910-599-1184 mobile 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 iir Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Farrell, Sean C Sent:Thursday, December 2, 2021 9:06 AM To: Lane, Stephen <> Subject: RE: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle 1 Stephen, Attached is the letter for the work trestle refinement authorization request. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks, Sean Farrell Division Environmental Officer Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2033 office 910-599-1184 mobile scfa rrel l @ 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429•Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Farrell, Sean C Sent:Wednesday, November 24, 2021 1:36 PM To: Lane, Stephen<> Cc:Westphal,Anneliese<>; Rivenbark,Jason A<>; Shaver, Brad E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <>; Sprinkle, Hannah H<> Subject: FW: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle Stephen, Attached are the work trestle plans that were just approved by our structures unit. We are requesting a letter of authorization for the slight alterations from the trestle plans as originally authorized by CAMA Major Permit No. 70-20. These alterations will not result in any additional impacts to coastal wetlands and will allow for safer accessibility for the crane. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thanks again for meeting me today. Happy Thanksgiving! Sean Farrell Division Environmental Officer Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 2 Brittingham, Cathy From: Lane, Stephen Sent: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 2:59 PM To: Brittingham, Cathy Subject: FW: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle Attachments: Work Trestle Dwgs R1.pdf FYI. From: Farrell, Sean C<> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 1:36 PM To: Lane, Stephen<> Cc:Westphal, Anneliese<>; Rivenbark,Jason A<>; Shaver, Brad E CIV USARMY CESAW(USA) <>; Sprinkle, Hannah H <> Subject: FW: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle Stephen, Attached are the work trestle plans that were just approved by our structures unit. We are requesting a letter of authorization for the slight alterations from the trestle plans as originally authorized by CAMA Major Permit No. 70-20. These alterations will not result in any additional impacts to coastal wetlands and will allow for safer accessibility for the crane. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Thanks again for meeting me today. Happy Thanksgiving! Sean Farrell Division Environmental Officer Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910-341-2033 office 910-599-1184 mobile 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 From: Rivenbark,Jason A<> Sent:Thursday, November 4, 2021 3:09 PM To:Westphal, Anneliese<>; Farrell,Sean C<> Cc:Stewart,Alex D<>; Hoist, David W<> Subject: RE: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle Anneliese and Sean, Please see the attached marked up plans for your review. Please call or email me if you have any questions. Thanks, Jason A Rivenbark Senior Assistant Resident Engineer Wilmington Resident Engineer's Office Department of Transportation—Division 3 910 398-9100 office 910 620 9829 mobile jarivenbarki 300 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 1 From:Westphal,Anneliese<> Sent: Monday, November 1, 2021 9:44 AM To: Rivenbark,Jason A<>; Farrell, Sean C<> Cc:Stewart,Alex D<>; Holst, David W<> Subject: RE: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle Hi Jason, I made three comments on the first sheet of the "Work Trestle Dwgs R1," see attached. I think clarification on these points would make this drawing clearer. Also, I made a rectangle on page 62 of the "Work Trestle Calcs R1." Why is this area labelled with "varies?" Other than these issues, I found that the submittal is consistent with the permits and permit drawings. After confirmation from Sean, we will be able to send these to DCM for their review. Thanks, Anneliese Anneliese Westphal Environmental Senior Specialist Division 3 NCDOT- Division of Highways 910 341 2000 office 910 604 1330 mobile 2 910 675 0143 fax 5501 Barbados Blvd Castle Hayne, NC 28429-5647 e/+`�.STA7f,-,v ,`2y, il ,,,\, ,7 tip,,`�. 10 i a,,%/' , ' From: Rivenbark,Jason A<> Sent:Wednesday, October 27, 2021 4:21 PM To: Farrell, Sean C<>; Westphal,Anneliese<> Cc:Stewart,Alex D<>; Hoist, David W<> Subject: FW: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle Sean, Please see the attached work trestle plans. Thanks, Jason A Rivenbark Senior Assistant Resident Engineer Wilmington Resident Engineer's Office Department of Transportation—Division 3 910 398-9100 office 910 620 9829 mobile jarivenbarkl a 300 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 _ - , :if - From: Rivenbark,Jason A Sent: Monday, October 25, 2021 4:02 PM To: Bolden,James L<>; Omile, Emmanuel I <> Cc: Hoist, David W<>; Stewart,Alex D<> Subject: DC00249 002A Submittal Smith Creek Work Trestle James, Please see the attached for your review and approval. Thanks, Jason A Rivenbark Senior Assistant Resident Engineer 3 Wilmington Resident Engineer's Office Department of Transportation—Division 3 910 398-9100 office 910 620 9829 mobile iarivenbarkl @a.ncdot.00v 300 Division Drive Wilmington, NC 28401 T From: ERIK WESTERBERG <> Sent: Friday, October 22, 2021 2:57 PM To: Rivenbark,Jason A<>; Hoist, David W<> Cc: Randy Russell <> Subject: [External] FW: Smith Creek Trestle CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Jason, please see attached trestle design and calculations. ivv Erik Westerberg CWC =i General Superintendent 0: 910.859.8574 F:910.769.2845 C:910.899.6319 190 Raleigh St, Wilmington, NC 28412 "C)K,_�J- K SOO' © ® ® el WORKING TOGETHER. BUILDING TOGETHER. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C.Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 4