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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 70-20 Minor Mod 5/2022 Smith Creek 4 permit Class Permit Number MODIFICATION/MINOR 70-20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission It trmtt for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to N.C. Department of Transportation, 5501 Barbados Blvd, Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Authorizing development in New Hanover County at Smith Creek. Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road) , as requested in the permittee's application dated 4/19/22, including the attached workplan drawings (6): 1 dated April 2022 and 5 dated 4/18/22. This permit, issued on May 9,2022 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1) Unless specifically altered herein, this Minor Modification authorizes the following: directional drill of an approximately 780 linear foot permanent 8" alum sludge pipeline due to the accidental cut of the existing 8" alum sludge pipeline on February 21, 2022 during drilling; and removal of the temporary 8" HDPE alum sludge pipeline which was erected over Smith Creek and runs under the work trestle, all as depicted on the attached workplan drawings. 2) In order to protect anadromous fish, including the federally-listed Shortnose and Atlantic Sturgeon, no in-water work shall take place between February 1 to June 30 of any year without prior approval of the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in coordination with the appropriate resource agencies. 3) In accordance with the authorized workplan drawings, the authorized permanent 8" alum sludge pipeline shall be installed via the horizontal directional bore drilling method and shall be located a minimum of twenty feet below the bottom contour of Smith Creek. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chair other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing of the Coastal Resources Commission. date. This permit must be accessible on-site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. 11 Any maintenance work or project modification not covered Braxton C. Davis, Director hereunder requires further Division approval. Division of Coastal Management All work must cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. No expiration date, pursuant to GS 136-44.7B In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permittee 1'70070 POC .,.,r,, N.C. Department of Transportation Permit No. 70-20 Page 2 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 4) The authorized activities shall not result in any new permanent or temporary impacts to wetlands or waters of the State, without permit modification. 5) Material excavated at the project site may be used in fill areas associated with the project or shall be removed from the site and taken to a high ground location. 6) The previously authorized temporary 8" HDPE alum sludge pipeline shall be removed in its entirety over all portions of Smith Creek within 90 days after it is no longer needed. 7) All construction access shall be through the use of the existing bridge, temporary work platform,barges, the partially constructed new bridge, temporary fill areas, construction mats, and/or existing high ground areas. • 8) Barges shall be utilized only in areas of sufficient depth such that the barges avoid contact with the bottom and do not rest on the bottom during periods of low water. 9) Construction staging areas shall be located only in upland areas, and not in wetlands or waters of the State. 10) Any utility work associated with this project that is not specifically depicted on the attached workplan drawing, or described within the attached permit application, shall require approval from DCM, either under the authority of this permit, or by the utility company obtaining separate authorization. 11) This project shall conform to all requirements of the N.C. Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the N.C. Department of Transportation's (NCDOT's) Memorandum of Agreement with the N.C. Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources. 12) If it is determined that additional permanent and/or temporary impacts are necessary that are not shown • on the attached workplan drawings or described in the authorized permit application, a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM may be required. In addition, any changes in the approved plan may also require a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM. The permittee shall contact a representative of DCM prior to commencement of any such activity for this determination and any permit modification. 13) Development authorized by this permit shall only be conducted on lands owned by the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT), appropriate utility entities, and/or their Right-of-Ways and/or easements and/or similar legal instruments. 14) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work for reasons other than safety. 15) This Minor Modification does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. P0000000...11 Nr-. 0P0PPPP0P0 N.C. Department of Transportation Permit No. 70-20 Page 3 of 3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 16) This Minor Modification shall be attached to the original of Permit No. 70-20, which was issued on 6/11/20, as well as all subsequent modifications and/or letters of authorization, and copies of all documents shall be readily available on site when a Division representative inspects the project for compliance. 17) All conditions and stipulations of the active permit remain in force under this Minor Modification unless altered herein. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the proposed project under Nationwide Permit Number 58 (COE Action ID No. SAW-2015-00958), which was issued on 4/29/22. NOTE: A Minor modification application processing fee of$100 was received by DCM for this project. •0000000eoeceec� Brittingham, Cathy From: Brittingham, Cathy Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 3:10 PM To: SVC_DEQ.DCM_Accou nti ng Cc: Lane, Stephen Subject: Debit Memo Permit Fee, 70-20, Minor Modification Attachments: DOT PERMIT FEE BILLING REQUEST.doc Hello, Please see attached. Please let me or Stephen Lane know if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Cathy Cathy Brittingham, Transportation Project Coordinator N.C. Division of Coastal Management (919)707-9149 phone Mailing Address: c/o DWR Transportation Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Physical Address: 512 North Salisbury Street Archdale Building 12th Floor,Room 1204C Raleigh,NC 27604 Please visit more information about the N.C.Division of Coastal Management. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 DOT PERMIT FEE BILLING REQUEST Date: 5/17/22 To: Jessica Gibson and Ellie Davis, SVC_DEQ.DCM_Accounting <DCM> CC: Stephen Lane From: Cathy Brittingham Transfer Amount: $100.00 Project Description: Directional drill of an approximately 780 linear foot permanent 8" alum sludge pipeline due to the accidental cut of the existing 8" alum sludge pipeline on February 21, 2022 during drilling; and removal of the temporary 8"HDPE alum sludge pipeline which was erected over Smith Creek and runs under the work trestle. Project Location: Smith Creek, Bridge No. 29 on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road) in New Hanover County DCM Permit Type,Number and Issue Date: Minor Modification, Permit 70-20, issued 5/9/22 Fee Division if Applicable: (record amounts to be split with DWR, if applicable) DCM: 100% DWR: 0% WBS Element Number: 3 8420.3.3 • 411- i! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY April 19,2022 Mr. Stephen Lane Coastal Management Representative,Transportation Projects Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City,NC 28557 Subject:Minor Modification Request for Permanent 8"HDPE Alum Sludge Line Direction Drill Beneath Smith Creek,CAMA Major Permit No.70-20,TIP No.B-4590 Replacement of Bridge No.29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812(Castle Hayne Rd.)in New Hanover County;WBS No. 38420.3.3 Dear Mr.Lane, Please fmd the enclosed plan sheets for a minor modification request for the permanent directional drill for the 8"HDPE Alum Sludge pipeline associated with the B-4590 Smith Creek,New Hanover Bridge 29 replacement project on SR 2812 Castle Hayne Road in New Hanover County.The existing 8"alum sludge line was abandoned in place after it was struck on February 21,2021.The temporary line which was erected over Smith Creek and runs under the work trestle,authorized by the February 25,2022, minor modification,will be removed once the proposed permanent line is operational. As proposed,the project will require directional drilling of 780 LF of 8"HDPE would run from NCDOT STA 13+68 to NCDOT STA 21+50 under Smith Creek and the bordering coastal marsh and wetlands. The bore depth will be approximately 20'below the bottom substrate of Smith Creek and will provide approximately 10'of clearance below the existing wooden fender piles.The proposed bore pits will be located entirely within the existing high ground shoulder.The tie in for the temporary line will be removed and the asphalt driveway at NCDOT STA 10+34 will be repaired.The proposed work will not result in any impacts to waters,wetlands,or navigation.A contingency plan will be in place in the unlikely event of a frac-out during the boring operations.We anticipate$100.00 will be charged to the subject WBS to cover the processing fee for this minor modification request.Please let me know if I can provide any additional information. Sincerely, �2QK.P:a4 t4.1 Sean Farrell NCDOT Division 3 Environmental Officer ec: Brad Shaver,USACE Hannah Sprinkle,NCDWR Michael Thorogood,USCG Mailing Address: Telephone:910-341-2000 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Fax:910-675-0143 5501 BARBADOS BOULEVARD DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429-5647 5501 BARBADOS BOULEVARD CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429-5647 Electronically Transmitted U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id.SAW-2015-00958 County:New Hanover U.S.G.S.Quad:NC-Castle Havne GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE)VERIFICATION Permittee: NCDOT-Division 3 Sean Farrell Address: 5501 Barbados Blvd. Castle Havne,NC 28429 E-mail: scfarrellna, Size(acres) 6.43 Nearest Town Wilmington Nearest Waterway Smith Creek River Basin Cape Fear USGS HUC 03030007 Coordinates Latitude:34.2587 Longitude:-77.9390 Location description:The project location is at the existing Smith Creek Bridge crossing currently under construction over Smith Creek in the City of Wilmington. Description of projects area and activity:This verification authorizes the installation of a new Alum Sludge line under Smith Creek starting on high ground and ending on high ground.The sludge line is designed to be 20 feet below the floor of the Section 10 waterbodv. Applicable Law(s): ❑Section 404(Clean Water Act,33 USC 1344) ►'�Section 10(Rivers and Harbors Act,33 USC 403) Authorization: Nationwide 58 SEE ATTACHED NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL, AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached Conditions,your application signed and dated 4/19/2022,and the enclosed plans Cover,C-0.0,C-1.0,MD-1,SD-1.0,and TD-1.0 sealed 4/13/2022.Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order,a restoration order,a Class I administrative penalty,and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is modified,suspended or revoked. If,prior to the expiration date identified below,the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is reissued and/or modified,this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below,provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization expires or is suspended,revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit,activities which have commenced(i.e.,are under construction)or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide and/or regional general permit,will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide and/or regional general permit's expiration,modification or revocation,unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modify,suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources(telephone 919-807-6300)to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act(CAMA),prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C.Division of Coastal Management Morehead City,NC,at(252)808-2808. • This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal,State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program,please contact Brad Shaver at 910-251-4611or brad.e.shaver(u, **Special Conditions:The applicant must assure that contingencies are secured to address any Fracking that may occur during the bore installation.This office will need to be notified immediately if a release occurs from Fracking. Digitally signed by Brad Shaver Brad Shaver Date:2022.04.29 13:06:30 Corps Regulatory Official: 0400 Date:04/29/2022 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so,please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at Copy furnished(electronic): NCDEQ-DCN attn: Stephen Lane NCDEQ-DCM attn:Cathy Brinttingham NCDEQ-DWR attn:Hannah Sprinkle NOAA Charting attn:ocs.ndb@a, Action ID Number: SAW-2015-00958 County: New Hanover Permittee: NCDOT-Division 3, Sean Farrell Project Name: B-4590 Alum Sludge Line Directional Bore Date Verification Issued: 04/29/2022 Project Manager: Brad Shaver Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: Brad Shaver Wilmington Regulatory Office U.S Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 or Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date d SiA7-'p 44, 1. "'Y i t , ROY COOPER i Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER � .,, Secretary 4a Quwm ems' BRAXTON DAVIS NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM DATE: April 25, 2022 FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM Transportation Project Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review—request for modification of CAMA Major Permit 70- 20 Applicant: N.C. Department of Transportation Project Location: TIP B-4590, Replacement of Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road), New Hanover County Proposed Project: Placement of a permanent 8" HDPE alum sludge pipeline due to the accidental cut of the existing 8" alum sludge line on February 21,2022 during drilling. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 16, 2022 to Cathy Brittingham by e-mail at If you have any questions regarding the proposed project,please contact Cathy Brittingham at or Stephen Lane at When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY x This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached memo. PRINT NAME Mark Brown AGENCY Public Water Supply SIGNATURE ( /34„,,L,,,, DATE 5/6/22 D E Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unit 1512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 NORTH CAROLINA a'w°""t a EmNun°"e1°i"y 919.707.9149 DocuSign Envelope ID:8B0202BF-F608-4CD0-876E-EE0007BA7695 `. SLATEa 44, ROY COOPER t_--, ' Governor p ELIZABETH S.BISER � ,,,. Secretary ''s WAM`, =5 BRAXTON DAVIS NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM DATE: April 25, 2022 FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM Transportation Project Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review—request for modification of CAMA Major Permit 70- 20 Applicant: N.C. Department of Transportation Project Location: TIP B-4590, Replacement of Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road), New Hanover County Proposed Project: Placement of a permanent 8"HDPE alum sludge pipeline due to the accidental cut of the existing 8" alum sludge line on February 21,2022 during drilling. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 16, 2022 to Cathy Brittingham by e-mail at If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Cathy Brittingham at or Stephen Lane at When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY X This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project, only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached memo. PRINT NAME Amy Chapman AGENCY Department of Water Resources . —DocuSigned by: SIGNATURE 0.61, C p "-9C9886312DCD474... DATE 4/25/2022 D E Q North Carolina Department of EnvironmentalSalisbury Quality I Division of Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unit 512 North Street 11617 Mail Service Center North Carolina 27699 1617 NORTH CAROLINA °spar""""a Emir°"^"""weft 919.707.9149 ROY COOPER .�1),i� - Governor •' 3 i� ELIZABETH S.RISER f f �‘� J Secretary ,, vd_ BRAXTON DAVIS NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM DATE: April 25, 2022 FROM: Cathy Brittingham, DCM Transportation Project Coordinator SUBJECT: CAMA Application Review—request for modification of CAMA Major Permit 70- 20 Applicant: N.C.Department of Transportation Project Location: TIP B-4590,Replacement of Bridge No. 29 over Smith Creek on SR 2812 (Castle Hayne Road),New Hanover County Proposed Project: Placement of a permanent 8"HDPE alum sludge pipeline due to the accidental cut of the existing 8"alum sludge line on February 21,2022 during drilling. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by May 16, 2022 to Cathy Brittingham by e-mail at If you have any questions regarding the proposed project,please contact Cathy Brittingham at or Stephen Lane at When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY _This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. X This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project,only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached memo. PRINT NAME Wanda Hilliard c AGENCY - tL. PLILeti by iJ SIGNATURE w C 4401A /4" i Ii AA ci DATE xi, oto a DENorth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management DWR Wetlands Unit 1512 North SalisburyStreet 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 NORTH CAROLINA a� /'l 919.707.9149 ;57ATF :, , ... .,y4 i .1 4 r ROY COOPER 4,', 44,. i Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER * r* , Secretary �pww� BRAXTON DAVIS NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM TO: Jonathan Howell FROM: Stephen Lane SUBJECT: Comments& Recommendations—Minor Mod. for CAMA Permit No. 70-20 NCDOT Bridge 29 over Smith Creek, TIP No. B-4590,New Hanover County DATE: May 9, 2022 The following are my comments and recommendations regarding the permit modification request referenced herein. The request is for authorization for the permanent replacement of a damaged subaqueous 8" utility line adjacent to the subject project. The existing 8" alum sludge line was abandoned in place after it was struck during project construction on February 21, 2022. The damaged line carried alum sludge from the Sweeney Water Treatment Plant to the Wilmington Wastewater Treatment Plant. A Minor Modification to CAMA Permit No. 70-20 was issued on February 25, 2022 authorizing a temporary 8" HPDE line over Smith Creek until a permanent replacement line could be constructed. The new 8"HDPE line would be approximately 780 linear feet in length and would be constructed via directional drill from NCDOT STA. 13+68 to STA. 21+50 under Smith Creek and adjacent wetlands. The bore would be approximately 20' below the mud line of the creek. The proposed work would not result in any additional impacts to wetlands or waters of the State. Based upon my review I have no objection to the issuance of this permit modification but offer the following conditions: 1 nless specifically altered herein, this Minor Modification authorizes the following: construction of approximately 780 linear feet of permanent 8" HPDE alum sludge utility line adjacent to and under Smith Creek,all as depicted on the attached workplan drawings. 2 2 In accordance with commitments made by the permittee, and in order to protect to protect anadromous fish, including the federally listed Shortnose and Sturgeon, no in-water work shall take place between February 1 to June 30 of any year without prior approval of the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM), in consultation with the appropriate resource agencies. 3 The authorized permanent 8" utility line shall be installed via the horizontal directional bore drilling method and shall be located a minimum of twenty feet below the bottom contour of Smith as indicated within the permit application. Q Nth m of m Quality n a/ MoreheadorCarolina City Office 400ent CommerceEnviron Avenue ! Moorehead Division City,of Coastal North Carolina Man 28557gement NORTH D E aa" °*""m" o� /� 252.808.2808 impacts to wetlands or waters of the State. Material excavated at the project site may be used in fill areas associate with the project once properly dewatered or shall be removed from the site and taken to a high ground location. 6 The project shall conform to all requirements of the N.C. Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the N.C.Department of Transportation's(NCDOT'S)Memorandum of Agreement with a N.C. Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources. 7 e previously authorized temporary 8"utility line shall be removed in its entirety over all portions of Smith Creek within 90 days of completion of the permanent line or when it is no nger needed. 8 All conditions and stipulations of the active permit remain in force under this minor modification unless specifically altered herein.j'sMinor Modification shall be attached to the original of Permit No. 70-20, which was d on June 11, 2020, as well as all subsequent modifications and/or refinements, and copies of all documents must be readily available on site when a Division representative inspects the project for compliance. 10 s permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional permits, approvals or uthorizations that may be required. DE -,.,_ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Morehead City Office 1400 Commerce Avenue Moorehead City,North Carolina 28557 Deperbowl at EmInsandfi a.. 'vvv 252.808.2808 t ' ALUM SLUDGE LINE REPAIR WILMINGTON , NC CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY PROJECT NO. #22-00902 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS SHEET TITLE COVER COVER ,,, C-0.0 GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, & LEGEND 14YAr„or C-1.0 PLAN AND PROFILE STA. 0+00 TO 13+50 MD-1.0 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS SD-1.0 STANDARD DETAILS TD-1.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL DETAILS ,-, 0 Ni U O / ,y.itt{" \ o ct PROJECT LOCATION v W I Q ao a w w e z_ p W l .4 / '-' , J \� Q "lot , . . corm* we° ,__-----ssani_cREEA Al 4i / "1 ._ VICINITY MAP ,AN I" = 500' 11I1° tH n ca4 ,`,'% 3804 Park Avenue,Unit A Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 ��9, Tel 910-313-1516 . 030236R. HIGHFILL Fox 910www.hiep<3Oom INFRASTRUCTURE � 5 ENGINEERING,.P.C. /1)J11 1 Firm License No. C-2586 /AA 74.7i ``�. Enginewirg is our profession.Service is our passion. ...m*0 LM 111' we oum HIGHFILL PROD. NO. CFA2203 CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY PROD. NO. #22-00902 APRIL 2022 PLOT WE:1/18/2022 GENERAL NOTES: EROSION CONTROL NOTFS, PROJECT SPECIFIC NOTES: LEGEND >: 1. SURVEY DATA WAS PROVIDED BY GEOINNOVATION AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY GIS DATA IN 2008.SURVEY 1. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM WITH 1. HOPE INSTALLED BY DIRECTIONAL DRILL MUST BE LEFT IN DATA WAS COMPARED WITH NCDOT TIP PROJECT:B-4590 WHERE NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES WERE FOUND. THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLACE FOR 24 HOURS BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH SYMBOL(NEW) SYMBOL(a-) DESCRIPTION E w PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. CONNECTIONS. ; o 2. DEPTH OF FENDER PILES BELOW SMITH CREEK ARE ESTIMATED MID SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR. nun'PEDESTAL(SQE/SHAPE VARIES) - 2. THE ESCAPE OF SEDIMENT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION 2 CONTRACTOR TO COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ALUM n v v, ry rc 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A COMPLETE SET OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AS WELL AS PERMIT APPROVALS CORRIDOR SHALL BE PREVENTED BY THE INSTALLATION OF SLUDGE LINE AND PRESSURE TEST PRIOR TO MAKING �r� TREE/SHRUB(DIA&TYPE SOMETIMES o 0 AND EASEMENTS ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND PRACTICES PRIOR TO CONNECTIONS.(ALL PIPELINE AND FITTINGS TO BE TESTED 4iA 0 NOTED) CONSTRUCTION. AT A MINIMUM OF 150 PSI) 0 A 4. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL LAYOUT WORK AND SURVEYS REQUIRED TO PROPERLY ® SEWER CLEW-OUR CONSTRUCT THE ALUM SLUDGE LINE. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE SHOWN AND ANY ADDITIONAL 3. EVERYTHING REQUIRED TO MAKE CONNECTIONS TO THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES NECESSARY TO CONTROL EXISTING ALUM SLUDGE LINE MUST BE ON SITE. -100- CONTOUR 4 a 5. AT LEAST TWO BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER EROSION AND PREVENT OFFSIDE SEDIMENTATION. AND APPLICABLE REGULATORY AGENCIES THAT HE IS PREPARED TO COMMENCE. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER AND ENGINEER AT 4. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE PROPERLY LEAST 2 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO ANTICIPATED +100 SPOT ELEVATION 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL NC 811 FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO DIGGING. MAINTAINED DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION UNTIL CONNECTION TO EXISTING MAIN.COORDINATE WITH OWNER THE COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND TO ENSURE THAT THE LINE IS NOT OPERATIONAL PRIOR ,..."N -CL- WOODS UNE,CLEARING LIMIT r" 7. REASONABLE CARE HAS BEEN EXERCISED IN SHOWING THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ON THE PLANS. ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN STABIUZED. TO CUT-IN. 1 1 1 1 n THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES IS NOT KNOWN IN ALL CASES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEWER.sTORMWUTER,A FIBER OPTIC I EXPLORE THE AREA AHEAD OF DITCHING OPERATIONS BY OBSERVATION,ELECTRONIC DEVICES,HAND DIGGING. 5. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE 5. CONTRACTOR WILL HAVE A MAXIMUM OF B HOURS TO O MH AND BY PERSONAL CONTACT WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES TO DETERMINE THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF ALL INSPECTED EVERY SEVEN DAYS OR AFTER EACH RAINFALL MAKE CONNECTIONS AND MAKE THE ALUM SLUDGE LINE o EXISTING UTILITIES IN AN EFFORT TO AVOID INFLICTING DAMAGE TO THOSE UTILITIES.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EVENT THAT EXCEEDS ONE-HALF INCH.DAMAGED OR OPERATIONAL. ® ® CATCH BASIN/GRILL BASIN BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITY RELOCATION COSTS IF REQUIRED FOR CONTRACTOR'S METHOD OF INEFFECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED, CONSTRUCTION.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COSTS RESULTING FROM DAMAGE TO THE AS NECESSARY. 6. CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTAINING ALL LIQUID EXISTING UTILITIES ARISING FROM CONSTRUCTION OF THIS ALUM SLUDGE MAIN.SUCH COSTS INCLUDE LOSS THAT ESCAPES THE LINE WHILE CUTTING AND MAKING -- WELL OF UTILITY REVENUES. IF NECESSARY,CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR RELOCATION OR TEMPORARY 6. UPON STABILIZATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR CONNECTIONS. SUPPORT OF EXISTING UTILITIES SUCH AS POLES,CONDUITS.CABLES.WATER AND SEWER MAINS. ETC. AND APPROVAL BY ENGINEER.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE `s., POWER OR TELEPHONE POLE AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF EROSION CONTROL DEVICES. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY B. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO PRESERVE PROPERTY IRONS, MONUMENTS,OTHER PERMANENT CONNECTIONS&PIPING ONCE THE ALUM SLUDGE LINE IS - FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY POINTS AND LINES OF REFERENCE AND CONSTRUCTION STAKES. PROPERTY IRONS,MONUMENTS,AND OTHER 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED,FERTILIZE,AND MULCH ALL INSTALLED AND OPERATIONAL. --- _ PERMANENT POINTS OF REFERENCE DESTROYED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REPLACED BY A REGISTERED DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 15 CALENDAR DAYS OF LAND LAND SURVEYOR AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. I� GATE VALVE 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR AND GRUB THE CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR AND ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS ONLY TO I� BALL VALVE - THE EXTENT REQUIRED FOR THE ALUM SLUDGE MAIN INSTALLATION.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO PROTECT TREES THAT WILL NOT BE REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION. - UNDERGROUND/OVERHEAD POWER 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ALL DISTURBED DRIVEWAYS,PAVED OR UNPAVED,TO EXISTING OR BETTER CONDITIONS.GRAVEL AND EARTHEN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE PREPARED WITH MINIMUM 6"COMPACTED MARL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE OVER THE DISTURBED WIDTH. .. OVERHEAD TELEPHONE 11. ALL NCDOT PAVED ROADWAYS DISTURBED SHALL REPAIRED WITH S-9.5A PER WS-1/SD-1.0.COORDINATE -- -- REPAIR& PAVING WITH THE NCDOT BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT(NCDOT/B-4590). GAS LINE 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE/REPLACE ALL DISTURBED SIGNS,MAILBOXES,STORM DRAINS,ETC.TO ORIGINAL ----- WATER LINE CONDITION AND LOCATION AS SOON AS THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSES BEYOND THAT LOCATION.IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL POSTAL SERVICES BE INTERRUPTED TO PROPERTIES ALONG THE CONSTRUCTION CORRIDOR. --- -- SEWER ONE V}HMI 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD LOCATE AIR RELEASE VALVE ASSEMBLIES AT INSTALLED PIPELINE HIGH POINTS AND -- --- -- SEWER FORCE MAIN CC�. C"`64%� VERIFY LOCATIONS WITH THE ENGINEER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. -- Ii` 14. ALL ROADSIDE DITCHES DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RESTORED TO PRE-CONSTRUCTION • SfORMwATFR PIPE ` . 030 36 CONDITION OR BETTER AND STABILIZED WITH STRAW AND NET MATTING UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. (:APE FEAR PIIRI IC U II ITY AUTHORITY STANDARD NOTES - '--- - _ 3 LL UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC UNE - I I''=2 15. ALL MATERIAL CLEARED OR DEMOLISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ORDER TO INSTALL THE WATER MAIN SHALL 1. ALL PROPOSED ADDITIONS TO THE CAPE FEAR PUBLIC URUTY ---- - - - BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. NO BURNING AUTHORITY(CFPUA)WATER DISTRIBUTION AND SANITARY -'-K- FENCE V,4(/4 R.s /`` WILL BE ALLOWED. SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEMS, AS SHOWN AND SPECIFIED - - 16. RELATIONSHIP OF WATER MAINS TO SEWER(15A NCAC 18C .09006): 1 HEREIN,SHALL BE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CONFORM PROPERTY LINE a RV-u NUE 4WD MO WED TO STATE RULES AND THE CFPUA'S MINIMUM TECHNICAL 16.1. LATERAL SEPARATION OF SEWER,FORCE MAINS.AND WATER MAINS:WATER MAINS SHALL BE LAID AT STANDARDS. THE CFPUA MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS ARE - - - - - -- -- - PERMANENT EASEMENT CR R/W LEAST 10 FEET LATERALLY FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED SEWERS, UNLESS LOCAL CONDITIONS OR ) CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT DESIGN GUIDANCE MANUAL,BARRIERS PREVENT A 10'SEPARATION IN WHICH CASE: ) MATERIAL SPECIFICATION MANUAL, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I STRUCTURE OUTUNE(SHAPES VARY) FOR CONSTRUCTION,AND STANDARD DRAWING DETAILS. I ___ _ - _ 16.1.1. THE WATER MAIN IS LAID IN A SEPARATE TRENCH,WITH THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF THE A 2. SEWER MANHOLE INSERTS REQUIRED AT ALL MANHOLES - TEMPORARY BENCH MARK (iiii WATER MAIN AT LEAST 18 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER OR. is STAINLESS STEEL MANHOLE INSERTS REQUIRED AT MANHOLES LOCATED IN TRAFFIC AREAS. WATER METER 16.1.2. THE WATER MAIN IS LAID IN THE SAME TRENCH AS THE SEWER WITH THE WATER MAIN LOCATED AT d 3. WATER AND SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO ®ONE SIDE ON A BENCH OF UNDISTURBED EARTH,AND WITH THE ELEVATION OF THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN AT LEAST 16 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER. F MAIN AND TERMINATE 18"INSIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. SEWER SERVICES IN CUL-DE-SACS ARE REQUIRED TO BE ® SEWER ABANDONMENT16.2. CROSSING A WATER MAIN OVER A SEWER:WATER MAIN SHALL BE LAID AT SUCH ELEVATION THAT THE ) PERPENDICULAR,OR MUST ORIGINATE IN END OF LINE H I G H F I L L BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST 18 INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER, UNLESS LOCAL F MANHOLE AND TERMINATE 18°INSIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE. UCHrt POLE INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITIONS OR BARRIERS PREVENT AN 18-INCH VERTICAL SEPARATION IN WHICH CASE BOTH THE WATER 9 4. ALL SEWER SERVICES CONNECTING INTO DUCTILE IRON MAINS ENGINEERING,P.C. MAIN AND THE SEWER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET ON = SHALL ALSO BE CONSTRUCTED OF DIP. _ PROPERTY OR R/w MONUMENT EACH SIDE OF THE POINT CROSSING. - 5. MINIMUM 10'UTNTIES EASEMENT PROVIDED ALONG THE - 16.3. CROSSING OF WATER MAIN UNDER SEWER:WATER MAIN AND SEWER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DUCTILE FRONTAGE OF ALL LOTS AND AS SHOWN FOR HEW GUY WIRE 3804 Park Averwe.LEVI A IRON PIPE FOR A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE POINT OF CROSSING.WATER MAIN PIPE DEVELOPMENTS. . Wilmington,NC 28403 SHALL BE CENTERED AT POINT OF CROSSING. 6. NO FLEXIBLE COUPUNGS SHALL BE USED. --- SIGN TeI9T0-313-1518 7. ALL STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS SHALL BE TYPE 316. - -. 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL PER NCDOT GUIDELINES. (SEE 3/PD-2) 8. CLEANOUTS SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 6 FEET FROM I I BORE AND JACK OR RECEIVING PR Fax 910-313-3073 ALL PROPERTY CORNERS. 18. PROVISIONS OF THE NCDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL APPLY. 9. WATER METER BOXES ARE TO BE A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET FROM I 1 PIPE CASING Firm Ucense No.C-2586 THE PROPERTY CORNER. 10.UNUSED SERVICES SHALL BE ABANDONED. ABANDONED WATER - SERVICES SHALL BE DISCONNECTED FROM MAIN. _. MAILBOX EAgbreemigu our pro l.sron. 11. A MINIMUM OF 10'OF MAIN UNE, 5'UPSTREAM AND 5' Service o our Austen. i DOWNSTREAM SHALL BE REPLACED FOR NEW SEWER SERVICE -- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING CLAY GRAVITY SEWER MAINS. WETLANDS BOUNDARY 12.A MINIMUM OF 20'OF MAIN UNE, 10'UPSTREAM AND 10' -- DOWNSTREAM SHALL BE REPLACED FOR NEW CUT IN MANHOLES ON EXISTING CLAY GRAVITY SEWER MAINS -Sr SUBSURFACE TEST BORE 7 13.PROVIDE A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF SIX(6)INCHES BETWEEN ITEM TO BE REMOVED Z ABBRNIATIONS IEDGE OF MANHOLE CORE HOLES AND MANHOLE BARREL X JOINTS.PROVIDE A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF SIX(6)INCHES W BETWEEN EDGES OF CORE HOLES. CORING THE MANHOLE CONE (///A ASPHALT/CONCRETE REMOVAL& a RESTORATION CD AWWA-AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION PL- PROPERTY LINE ( IS NOT PERMITTED J CL- CENTERLINE PP - POWER POLE 14.WATER MAIN AND FORCE MAIN PIPE INSTALLED BY OPEN CUT -0°-La- UNITS Or DISTURBANCE UNE CB- CATCH BASIN PSI - POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH SHALL BE BURIED AT A MINIMUM OF THREE(3)FEET AND A CC cS CAP - CORRUGATED METAL PIPE PV- PLUG VALVE MAXIMUM OF FIVE(5)FEET BELOW FINISHED GRADE. DEPTHS -M-.,=- CRmCXL ROOT ZONE Zr CT CONC - CONCRETE PVC - POLYVINYL CHLORIDE GREATER THAN FIVE(5)FEET MUST BE APPROVED BY CFPUA. a o CPP- CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE PVMT- PAVEMENT 15.ALL MANHOLE MAIN LINE AND SERVICE PIPING TO BE -N-,v- TREE CONSERVATION AREA UNE LU X CT- COURT R/W or ROW- RIGHT-OF-WAY INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM OF CROWN TO CROWN OF THE cc a Z DI - DUCTILE IRON R or RAD - RADIUS LARGEST DIAMETER PIPE. O PERMIT/RECORD BOX LOCATION _ CD DIP - DUCTILE IRON PIPE RCP - REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE Z ~ DR - DRIVE REO'D - REQUIRED CONCRETE WASHOUT Z Z Q DETAIL. DETAIL NO Z > EX - EXISTING RD - ROAD STANDARD NOTES M CAPE FEAR PUBMC UTILITY MmgRm -s-w- SILT FENCE DO LA..I EOP - EDGE OF PAVEMENT RJ - RESTRAINED JOINT MOORED...Li R. MD RE xmaoYvwrBNr CINTEw ORME w`S�14 -_ U IX FM - FORCE MAIN STA- STATION CfPMN DETAIL DATE. WIIINGTON.NC lemon SHEET NO _w-w- TREE PROTECTION FENCE (� JZ m GV- GATE VALVE OFFICE:IR101RUA6Ne 12 03 f m SR - SECONDARY ROAD(STATE) SCALE NOT TO SCALEIIIIIIIP A HOPE- HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE THK -THICK OIN1Qp21 SV+warp XMN M0MMR MIWce. -WTI-WVm- COMBINATION SILT FENCE&TREE J ll Si a INV- INVERT PROTECTION FENCE TOS - TOP OF SLAB U0 tY IP - IRON PIPE TS&V-TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE SI SILT FENCE OUTLET n N LSE- LANDSCAPE EASEMENT TYP. -TYPICAL M L. I-- LF - LINEAR FEET U/G- UNDERGROUND C PIPE INLET PROTECTION 5 W 0 MIN - MINIMUM U.N.O. - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE < Li Z CHECK DAM MA - MANHOLE UT- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE NJ - MECHANICAL JOINT W/ - WITH NIC - NOT IN CONTRACT WL - WATER LINE DC a - ON CENTER INLET PROTECTION - a WWF- WELDED WIRE FABRIC OR FENCE C LJ NTS - NOT TO SCALE WATTLE Z _ NPLAIN or LB - POUNDS PELLJ PJ - PUSH-ONO JOINT 5/SD-1 - DETAIL CROSS-REFERENCE (DETAIL / / EROSION CONTROL MATTING CD 5 ON SHEET SD-1 IN THIS EXAMPLE) ..... TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTON ENTRANCE ® RIP-RAP BANK STABIUZAAON I/ PROJECT NO. rj//hA STREAM STABILIZATION CFA2203 C-0.0 , x NOTE:CONTRACTOR SHALL USE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES REPAIR ASPHALT DRIVEWAY FROM AS NECESSARY AT EACH CONNECTION LOCATION PROPOSED NC STATE TEMPORARY SLUDGE IWB CONNECTION PROPERTY OFFICE SEE WS-1/SD-1.0 EASEMENT (CFPUA:STA 0+79-STA 1+28) -780 LF 8"DR9 ----- (NCDOT:STA 10+34-STA 10+83) IPS HOPE ALUM S SLUDGE UNE " _ REPAR PAVEMENT FROM e a s a 5 u, 0 v. -. - CONNECT TO EX. TEMPORARY ALUM SLUDGE - w . 3 ALUM SLUDGE UNE UNE CONNECTION (CFPUA:STA 4+13) SEE WS-3/SD-1.0 __--- (NCDOT:STA. 13+88) _.,.,�' II CONNECT 70 E%. > - 4 ALUM SLUDGE UNE (CFPUA STA 11+95) - (NCOOT: STA. 21+50) -, - _ •r 4f5C 5+00 5+5G 6+00_ 6+50 _ 7+ 7+50 1�+OG 1_ 5+50 _..S+B0. >t59 _ 2+00 - 2+50 —.. 3+D0 -3+50-.-. S 10+00 �� 1 NCDOT END PRQIECT SOD ,_-4 .,--_ I -. - _. - - _.. F �� (CFPUA STA. 12+95 -r .� - -�. _ - _ `�'_�__-�__.-- NCDOT BRIDGE ( 22+ ) ..__CORNELIUS HARNETT DR - -~ NEW I, NCDimmitimor � Si - ''. o (R/W VARIES SR2812) ;�1• 1 �3+ A 50) ,, i__ ,Allik '�.. i —x:.-_-,.rsi���..`4—.,,.w .r�rz_,•, - An - _ _ MI/3 J , _ .n -a0,__�0• - „.....4. . us _._ t i.,- v ^_\ - —.x ., i '^" n--w—ten. G\4910N5 _w.-- :n--,r - q O7 N, ';, `\, NCDOT END PROJECTa - BRIDGE $._ , ,„,„,,,.1 I33:. � (CFPUA STA 4+45) ,. , _ - CONTROL (80 R/W) REMOVE TEMPORARY\ _ 'p-/ l '�' ,._ ROOM s (NCDOT:STA 14+00) '�'- _ `"� Aim ALUM SLUDGE UNE - CONNECTION \ • C;� - --.FF h k" -- max. r E.H[FC-�/ E ��-\ -_ 3. - _ -Y .., P7 \� �` _ - SMITH CREEK ELECTROFUSE +'', Er 4� ' - _ JN�. "L- ,�.. DIPS HDPE MJ - - ? ' ADAPTERS ..- ~ _ - rrnr. 5e ELECTROFUSE DIPS ' SIDEWALK _ - lA.. CAR4, _ 151Vx3'Lx8'0 MOPE MJ ADAPTER 15Wx4'Lx4'D OPEN .>c'45, I OPEN CUT p,fglgw�.'y7 20'Wx4'Lx7'D CUT TRENCH ,*' NEW RIGHT-OF-WAY,TYP. TRENCH REMOVE TEMPORARY ALUM = ~ OPEN CUT • `f REMOVE MJ PLUG AND CONNECT REMOVE UNE CONNECTION `` � TRENCH a"OR9 IPS HOPE /\ „ TO 6X6" RJ TEE W/RESTRAINT 030236 I I ) 1 1 A r . —._. �_. k R.SHN 1 --' -_ art AND PLUG EX. �� I an•Im OM KM 9-T NCDOT END PROJECT -----1 TO BE ABAND01� 8" DR9 IPS HOPE - DISCONNECT ^ VIr TEMPORARY ELECTROFUSE IPS ALUM SLUDGE UNE GRAPHIC SCALE HOPE w ADAPTER 10 LF 6" C900 10 IF 8"C900 50 0 2s 50 too 200 �'' DRIB PVC INSET A DR,e PvcINSET B PLAN — STA. 0+00 TO 13+50 VERTICAL 11� W/RESTRAJNT NTS W/RESTRAINT HDPE NJ ELECTROFaptSCALE WBE NTS 1" 50' W �NT (IN ecef) INSET C ROAD OVERLAY BY NCDOT AT CONCLUSION OF B-4590 NOTE:STATIONING AT CONNECTION POINTS PROVIDED FOR I inch= 50 it 10 LF a"CR00 OR18 NTS PROJECT H I G H F I L L CFPUA ALUM SLUDGE PROJECT AND CORRESPONDING NCDOT PBS WIL T INFRASTRUCTURE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT(/B-4590)FOR REFERENCE. ENGINEERING,P.C. 3804 Park Avenue.Unn A Wtningron,NC 28403 Te1910-313-1516 Fax 910.313-3073 0 0 www.heepc.com20 ,APPROXIMATE t BRIDGE mm Iuree No '_ z - E%. GRADE 15 5 .. -- I I L .' 15 ErgiSrelvece>eenngrsiso ram.profession 10 :...,..,iiiii -----I ,- WFENDE rim i 10 Il�l�l� ����.�� 5 20hOPPE4,',Lu7r I ALUMNSLUDGE UNE 15 'LX4'D OPEN I `` 11-,__ —/ 'FO�'7}"T� -5 -5 OPEN ... (SEE INSET B) _ ���• `w:i31'!' I REPAIR TEMPORARY CONNECTION(SE>Q INSET A) --�,� ,.1/—�,_ CC —_— -10 10 CL o O - 5 1 �� 10�� - �—��� w D'ILLED PIER DRILLED � -20 -r----_. ________._ rn.._- _I I , 'i,r '../ • -20 Z Z O _.. ._.___ _.__-____--_.7a0 ,F 8 OR9 __.- O IOF / I I IPS HOPE ALUM \ I O -25 -__ __.- SLUDGE UNE -25 ap _30 i , ; ._.._ —_____..___- -____.-... _-.___...__ - --__ __._..-_. . ___-_....___- -_._,\ _ ._..Y 1��.I� / �_.____.�. _ I III -30 J a g J z f W O -35 1I \ s o I/ I -35 -40 \I I I CNSSON DRILL I I I ! -� j -45 Y I— BACKFILLE W OWABLE CASSON DRILL�i'. 1 1 BFILL ACKFlOLLEDeW/60 9ABlE i ( Q -45 Z FILL TC ELEV. -67.9' -J -50 �" h I -50 d 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 S+tC E+CC 'Cl 8+00 9+00 +00 13+00 13+50 PROFILE — STA. 0+00 TO 13+50 PROJECT NO. SCALE: 1" = 50' CFA2203 VERTICAL SCALE: 1"= 10' C-1.0 MIN 10 LF 6"DIPS C900 PVC RESTRAINED MJ VALVE OR FITTING - - I VARIES AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER(10' MAX.) I TO HDPE MJ ADAPTER AT EACH END NUMBER AND SIZE OF RODS FROM UPSLOPE STAKE DOWNSLOPE STAKE CHART BELOW o STAY WIRES MIN. TOP STRAND MIN. m m '110IIIN1 - /12-1/2 GAUGE , #10 GAUGE FIELD ELECTROFUSE 8-(IPS) X 6-(DIPS) + n i FLOW _ '� .mmn — DITCH —__—��_�—_--_ HDPE MJ ADAPTER "' 0 0 ifijiiiiili MATTING ��M������ \Sr a 2' MIN. AM IN 6' MIN. ��������� _N w ES. GRADE 5 181111111!I "' ������I♦I♦� t TOP VIEW Flls.77M111.1.1B.MOTTOMMIMSTRAIIIMIND /A �Y/.Y/I /' NI;�,C% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w _ n 2' UPSLOPE STAKE STAKE MIN }'10 GAUGE I t I \, 7� •: � 3' MIN. R=125. MIN. FOR HOPE "`i E%.GRADE �/ 777 _ ___ Vr MJ PIPE/FITTING ---_—_._. :ING _./D ea! ,� - NOTES A A �.IIII C900 PVC SPOOL • - OF 32" STEEL POST♦ 2' DOWNSLOPE STAKE MINIMUM OF 6 LINE WIRES W/12" RODDED RESTRAINT TABLE STAKE CROSS SECTION STAY SPACING. 2. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE A FILTER FABRIC PIPE DIA. ROD DIA. NO.OF RODS GROSS SECTION MINIMUM OF 36"IN WIDTH AND VEE DITCH SHALL BE FASTENED ADEQUATELY 4" 3/4' 2 2'UPSLOPE STAKE FILLED TO THE WIRE AS DIRECTED BY THE SLOPE 6' 3/4" 2 _0 Nilliir ENGINEER. o .I GROUND LINE h . _ STAPLE 3. STEEL POST SHALL BE 5' 0•IN 4. NOT TO EXCEED MFG r 3/4• 3 EX.GRADE tv.............. '-"-'-""' �..... HEIGHT AND BE OF SELF FASTENER .._._.._....... .:iii:.-a. TYPE. MAXIMUM BEND RADIUS 4 _.::::::::::::F:::. _______...... _ _ :::�::::a> ANGLE Z ♦ �... MAINTENANCE: A 6` 8"IPS OR 9 HOPE INSTALLED BY 14' 3/4• 8 T ••• - ♦ -� \ / 1. INSPECT SEDIMENT FENCES AT '(I 16' 3/a' 10 LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER DIRECTIONAL BORING 1 2' DOWNSLOPE STAPLE MATTING --I EACH EOU RAINFALL MAKE ANY 20" 3/a• 14 STAKE CROSS SECTION REQUIRED REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. CROSS SECTION 2. FABRIC WHICH COLLAPSES.TEARS. _ NOTES: TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH HOPE DECOMPOSES, OR BECOMES 1. HDPE TO BE LEFT IN NCDOT STA. CFPUA STA. 24• 3/4' 16 INEFFECTIVE WILL BE REPLACED PLACE 24 HOURS BEFORE CONNECTION NOTES: ANCHOR FILTER 36" 1" 24 IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE SEDIMENT PROCEEDING WTM DIPS 10+08 0+53 NOTE; i. USE MIN. 12'DIA. EXCELSIOR WATTLE. DEPOSITS BEHIND FENCE WHEN FABRIC SKIRT TRANSITION CONNECTIONS. `attNnuCn..N.,., 2. USE 2'WOODEN STAKES WITH A 2"X 2'CROSS SECTION. SEDIMENT ACCUMULATES TO 6". DIPS 10+18 0+63 1. THREADED TIE RODS TO BE ASTM A307, GRADE B "� �. 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS 2. CONTRACTOR 70 EXCAVATE y 3. ONLY INSTALL WATTLES TO A HEIGHT IN DITCH SO FLOW WILL NOT WASH AROUND WATTLE STEEL. * s TO SUFFICIENT DEPTH TO DIPS 13+56 4+01 AND SCOUR DITCH SLOPES. NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE 2. FOR 200 PSI MAX.TEST PRESSURE. 4. INSTALL A MINIMUM OF 2 UPSLOPE STAKES AND 4 DOWNSLOPE STAKES AT AN ANGLE TOLAY PIPE ENDS OVER _ WEDGE WATTLE TO BOTTOM OF DITCH. STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXTE WITHIN MANUFACTURER'S IPS 13+68 4+13 3. STEEL RODS AND BOLTS BU SHALL BE SH HOT -��� •_ RAIN AND TO REDUCE PRESSURE DIPPED GALVINIZED. BURIED RODS SHALL BE 030236 S 5. PROVIDE STAPLES APPROX. EVERY 1 LF ON BOTH SIDES OF WATTLE AND AT EACH END TO RECOMMENDED LIMITS TO IPS 21+38 11+83S. ON FENCE.TAKE CARE TO AVOID ACHIEVE TRANSITION TO ___ BITUMASTIC COATED. 111__ c SECURE IT TO THE SOIL. UNDERMINING THE FENCE DURING TRENCH CONSTRUCTION. CE ;bak R.SN -..10,,,,,- WATTLE 4. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS TEMPORARY SILT FENCE DIRECTIONAL BORE TRANSITION RODDED RESTRAINED JOINT „t „t„ AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS nr 2-16 �� AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE 31-01 ��TITLE 33-20 � 33-32 oc Nt "�wm scm"�"� mu AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE TIRE ggec 5/31/2011 NO SCALE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS 11/22/2021 NO SCALE 03/31/2022 NO SCALE 03/31/2022 NO SCALE ANso BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. In EWE 00 .ia n. IAt=ME RENA,0. xcvecp sa4c HIGHFILL INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING,P.C. 3804 Park Avenue.Unit A Wilmington,NC 28403 Tel 910-313-1516 Fax 910-313-3073 Ran License No.C-2586 Engineering is our profession. Service is our passion. • CC Q 00 d. O J LUJ ,T < CC O I— .0 14J W >-Z a Z J in • P Z in O w U16 O Li a Ca i Z D D- U ¢ _1 W M LL (n Z 0-J < CJ PROJECT NO. CFA2203 MD-1.0 illioE II . MATCH THICKNESS OF EXISTING ASPHALT(2'MN) FINAL GRADE FINAL GRADE SUPERPAVE S-9.5A(90%MIN)OR 2"-3'S9.56 OR S9.SC 5-9.5B(92%MIN)IN UFTS SURFACE COURSE 11"825.0E OR B25.00 ,i 7k EXISTING BASE COURSE >'� 4, t ,,, CLEAN SQUARE `�x COVER PAVEMENT CUT WI TACK EJ8571NG EXISTING CL 11 COVER >,r / 1'�, 5 __ , _ - _ GREATER BETWEEN _ +9Q��i K tF -" �'•."es�x�3fi THAN OR tcx '` 6- 12 FT. 8 ' e Q ����j`f� '1 ,� 8 ABC BASE(toox) ,R,kN-#c `" 8"MM. ©_ EQUAL TO 12 FT. V4$441*, e,`,,XVN 12 SUBBASE(98%) N= CUTBACK 12" cL, !:-.3-. ���yy 6"MIN. 6'MIN.�JeYi ic:: ., , gel C CL 11 i<� 1'-0' i SEWER O.D. CUTBACK • CL ISEWER O.D. WATER O.D. OVERFILL(95%) SLOPE WALLS TO ANGLE OF VAR. '� FORCE MAIN O.D. • REPOSE D SHORING. AS CL 1 APPROVED BY ENGINEER D x w PAVEMENT REPAIRS ON ROADS TO BE RESURFACED , , , o 4'MIN. 4"MIN. (PIPE IS PLACED UNDER EXISTING PAVEMENT) I1/2 . o 15" 1'-7' 7•-7" TYPE A @ O.D. PIPE ' OR 18' 1.-10" 7.-10" •TRUCTUM _ FINAL GRADE FINAL GRADE 24' 2'-6" 8' 6" 2'-3"54.5E OR S9.SC 11.825.08 CR B25 OC HAUNCH PIPE BEDDING ... VAR 30• ' " ' ' SURFACE COURSE BAD COURSE , ."..-�.....x.x..... _ 36" 3, 8, 9. 8" � 'k<' r',fi axr'i I 42' 4' 5" 10.-5" EXISTING EXISTING - x x �, K ,� 1 >x 1121511.211112511t=0"- - COVER BETWEEN , %<44 COVER BETWEEN • NOTES: ©� 3-6 FT. �' 9 >rxr 3-6 FT. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE BOTTOM OF TRENCH IS SUITABLE FOR INSTALLATION AND �r� DOES NOT REQUIRE FOUNDATION CONDITIONING STONE 6"MIN. 3"MIN. 2. ALL SHALL BE SUITABLE MATERIAL THAT IS FREE FROM HEAVY CLAY,GUMBOS,DEBRIS, Re CL 11/11I ORGANICS AND LITTLE TO NO EXCESSIVE MOISTURE. SEWER O.D. / SERVICE LINES 0.0. 3. SELECT BACKFlLL MAY BE SUBSTITUTED OR REQUIRED BY CITY TO ACHIEVE COMPACTION, 1- + WATER O.D. CL 1/11 (1"-4'NOMINAL) (I.E. /57 STONE, ABC,CRUSHED LIMESTONE,CLEAN SAND,PLOWABLE FILL,ETC). + FORCE MAIN 0.D. '�i 4. SOIL SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 6'-8"LIFTS AND COMPACTED BY A MECHANIZED TAMPER PAVEMENT REPAIRS ON ROADS NOT TO BE RESURFACED i (I.E. JUMPING JACK)-HOWEVER, VIBRATORY ROLLERS>18'WIDTH MAY BE USED FOR (PIPE IS PLACED UNDER EXISTING PAVEMENT) - CL 1 - 4'MIN. 3"MIN. LARGER EXCAVATIONS. THE PLATE TAMP METHOD SHALL NOT BE USED. 5. ALL APPROVED CASTINGS SHALL BE SET FLUSH TO GRADE AND SUPPORTED IF TYPE C 1/ TYPES APPUCABLE. ' NOTE: O.D. 6. COMPACT MATERIALS TO MINIMUM%DENSITY SHOWN IN DIAGRAM AS DETERMINED BY THE ZW C44 '.,, STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD ASTM D-698-A FOR SOILS, AND ASTM D-698-C FOR ABC 1. FOR REFERENCE, SEE NCDOT STANDARD 654.01 COMPACTION NOTES "45R "!o STONE, AND BY NUCLEAR GAGE OR CORE SAMPLE FOR ASPHALT. 'f`"VYL:_ 7 CUTBACKS OF ASPHALT SHALL BE PREPARED ON EDGE OF EXCAVATION OVER TOP OF , 1. ALL ZONES: 95%STD EFFORT PER ASTM D698,EXCEPT AS STATED IN COMPACTION NOTE 2. �A,••+ SEAL - UNDISTURBED SOIL. • ; 2. `.2"SUBGRADE UNDER PAVEMENT: 98%STD EFFORT PER ASTM D698. = 030236 3. BEDDING REQUIREMENTS FOR SEWER FORCE MAINS AND WATER MAINS WITHIN TYPE Ak. E� 15f22 THROUGH TYPE S CONDITIONS, SHALL BE FOLLOWED IF IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED G 0..,f, (FOR PRIVATE Rows AND PAVED AREAS.CONTRACTOR TO MEET MINIMUM - °'„0',," THAT UNSUITABLE SOILS EXIST WITHIN THE EXCAVATED TRENCH.OTHERWISE BEDDING FOR ,A �` REou RELENTS AS DEFINED BY 0001.OF-WAY CANNER FOR PUBLIC ROAD REPAIRS SLWtH FORCE MAINS AND WATER MAINS MAY CLASS I OR CLASS II. __..'Cr VALID MESS won AB MR: SETAE DETAIL NO DETAIL DETAIL NO DOTAL DETAIL NO CITY OF WILMINGTON M CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY WS-i NCDOf-PAVEMENT REPAIRS CAFE FEAR PUBLIC DIMITY AEITHORffv WC PIPE EW�FOLIPN'TVPES CAPE PENT PUBLIC UIKTTY AUTHORITY WV". PAVEMENT REPA ORM CUB MAOOVENTRE FT CENTER WINE SEE MWERNMEIT CENT.DANE ILT MEDOVEaNMR CENTER DRIVE CFPW DETAIL DATENM WILIMIWTOTI.IOC BMW OFFICE MIMFpuINI SHEET NO r F NOT TO scALE CFPtA DOTAL DATE: NIP WAMINGN.NC MIDI OFFICE ptela6Ei6W SHEET NO _ v CFFUA OETAt OATSNEP aflLE fOr0I3E3iSW SHEET N0 - SEALE NOT TO SC,E O1R120T2 I OtAN.15 u T NOT TO SCALE 01/0,/N22 sNRTP6Iw saRanvPNf.aer ie erwn REV.A, t a sLNw.rm,xnNa -1 bterrtinpalip auaai,uoan,ber.we EXISTING GRADE TRACER WIRE SHALL PENETRATE H I G H F I L L VALVE BOX(MAX.HOLE SIZE n APPROXIMATELY 6'BELOW GRADE < m.. INFRASTRING.P.C. WITH MIN. 2'EXTRA LENGTH COILED INriz. %�== ENGINEERING,P. THE VALVE BOX 45" SCREW TYPE 8 �I1�IIII 3804 Park Avenue.Una A PAVED AREA UNPAVED AREA _ VALVE BOX B40_ EXISTING I-3" olip iIs w e,�,-3"„5�D' i % L® MIN. k- MIN. TRACER WIRE GROUND Fax s,O-3,-3013 LOCATOR BOX ,gig tB"MIN. .... w (t,Oq)'MAX. �Li! 10'h SMALLER PIPE A A A n�� INTERVAL) GATE VALVE 5 ,.~-7b�� ar A Firm License No.G-2586 ,1,,►" SECTION X-X X UD MARKED'WATER'(WATER MAINS) �'MF SETS ourprolesslan UD MARKED"SEWER'(FORCE MAINS) MAIN PIPE oI f R BENDS 8 TEES PLAN BENDS PLAN TEES Engineenn F' Servrce rs our aasslan. UU FLUSH W/FINISHED GRADE PRECAST CONCRETE COLLAR d / PAVEMENT REPAIR FINISH GRADE TC REVEAL %PACERWIRE +-DUCLE NON PPE ATTACH TRACER -t�, SCREW TYPE WIRE USING i''i� DUCTILE IRON CROSS ADHESIVE >< �� �,� VALVE 80% W/L1D �R' FITTING(ATTACH TRACER TAPE(TIP) �� 190 BENDS 45 BENDS 22-1/2 BENDS' TEES/PLUGS 145 VERT.BENDS 3-0"MINT ,�, 6 WIRE USING ADHESIVE A B A 8 A B A B DETECTION TAPE - TAPE) - 3" I 8" 6" 5" 6" 3' 7" I' 6" I V 27' TRACER WIRE ATTACH ECEQ INSTALL DETECTION TAPE 4' 1 8" 9" 5' 8' 3' 11" I 6" 9' , 28" LL_ FITTING USING ON ALL PRESSURE PIPING r B'r 14" it" 9' 9" 8" 8' 12' 9" 36" Q E ADHESIVE TAPE ,k4It 8" 16" IV 12' 12" 10' 13 14" 13" 42' d (TOP.) 10. 18" 22"__ 15' 14" ' -14" 16' 18" 15' 50" J • 12' 20" 28" 18. - 17' 16' 16' 22" 18' 62' < M.J.GATE VALVE 1,_ ' ,I 26' 29' 21' 19' IV IV 26" 20" 72" Lv Z'2) 16 33' 29" 25" 21" 20' 21' 32' 21' 83" Z J LU 18" 1 40" 30" I 28" 24" 1 22" 23" I 36" , 24" I 88- J pi C NOTES: LU c.i5 0 • . 1. THRUST BLOCKING IS NOT PERMITTED EXCEPT IN SPECIAL INSTALLATIONS WHERE DESIGNED BY NOTES ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY CFPUA. C Z DC ��� 0 m < 1. TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE CFPUA MSM. - 2. ALLOW 7-DAY MINIMUM CONCRETE CURE TIME BEFORE PLACING LOAD ON THRUST BLOCK a 0 1. TRACER WIRE SHALL PENETRATE VALVE BOX THROUGH DRILLED 2. WIRE SHALL BE STRAPPED TO ALL PVC PIPING WITH ADHESIVE TAPE AT 12 FOOT - 3. BASED ON 150 PSI TEST PRESSURE AND 2,000 PSF SOIL BEARING CAPACITY. J 3 Z HOLE APPROX. 6"BELOW GRADE WITH MINIMUM 2-FEET EXTRA INTERVALS. 4. ALL BEARING SURFACES TO BE CARRIED TO UNDISTURBED GROUND. Cr) X < LENGTH COILED IN THE VALVE BOX.SEE AS-6. 3. SECURE WIRE TO ALL TEE AND CROSS FITTINGS WITH ADHESIVE TAPE. : 5. PIPE A:FITTINGS TO BE WRAPPED IN 10 MIL PLASTIC PRIOR TO THRUST BLOCK BEING POURED. w � 4. ALL SPLICES IN THE WIRE SHALL BE MADE WITH 3M DBR DIRECT BURY SPLICE KITS. > Li 1/) D w -1 < < V r • DETAIL DETAIL NO DETAIL DETAIL NCO DETAIL DETAIL NO VALVE DETAIL IM IT CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY WS-5 TRACER WIRE DETAIL M CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITYAUTIKIRRV WS-6 THRUST BLOCK CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY WS_1ET 3 DRIVE NYEAD CENTER E V MS COvEMN NET CENTER[RIVE MS GOVERNMENT CENTER ORAN INLINOM NE NC SCALE NOT TO SCALE GERM DETAIL DATE �FMJE-IatOT3El6Wa SHEET NC SCALE NOT TO SCALE C�01,01,2022 Otgi]0?? IIIIIIP OFFI 100PTT.e660s IVE SHEET _ SCALE NOT TO SCALE LiPW DETAIL DATE OFFICE I�itffid6Eo3 SHEET NO OFFICE- O,,ro 1,1aF1 ...Me.S0NWnedity Sense Sawn..SWbrNEWN Sen.. Ste*N0FNK.SufaNNIA4,Serw.e PROJECT NO. CFA2203 SD-1.0 F., g 6 > e rc rc a 3 _ 2"•3„M.SB OR S9.5C 11'825.U8 OR 125.0C 60 g a SURFACE WORSE BASE COURSE <Y ti �.isr _ �y W Q Y EXISTING EXISTING oogxz ICJ$.2p hUQOF �.._,�. �.�� O .i ® N © SI o12:`ZLLx gl ap N () N I I M • _ r r- .R 444 4 1 ap o _ PAVEMENT REPAIRS ON�S TO DE RESURFACED 40114.4'.0.:`,', D X ■ (PIPE IS PLACED UNDER EXISTING PAVEMENT) INSET FOR 2-LANE ROADWAYS p 12" 1'-4" Y-4" y WITH 2-WAY TURN LANE is" 1'-7" 7'-7" ¢ ALL OTHER DEVICES ARE THE SAES AS ABOVE ¢y O O U 24" 2'-8" 8'-8" 3¢> Ili mi"� z 40 J 1' S9.58 OF Se.5C hl F O Q 30" 3'-1" VA" SURFACE COURSE — ¢`>< 3 J ¢L ¢V !" 825. C OR 825.OL O W i 42 4'-5" 10•-5" t BASE COURSE p C N® O W Q EXISTING EAISTIMN Z Z - - a0 J — __ ———_ W¢ GENERAL NOTES POE FLAGGING OPERATIONS t pPpy�pEaE�aE �1Ea nIu/� pP�of 1y,NEP a1DE pP ACTINE w,ILPwm 9TtfuPcpNa. z p Y-o" S 2'-" 1•_O" 3 a . MEEP T .1101.t,SHEETS 1 a 4.Ifa L DISTnl034 ND SIMI SWIMS. t SOM,x4 ailltN�6P�➢E HI Mina OF"Pilt'F1P�OpP Fn. I i'vE ISr FTNA,T FH>¢ y 1>N Iw4.STM...of n."FFi(T11 ME TRAFFIC FLOM,MGMM S RIM MM.OR TIE s f a `Q m 3 G¢ D"Eo.`�EET i`il sioi oFOP PRI ME 1au°lc AWN,eEnrllln °"°ME°° "n ME GENERAL NOTES FOR►ILOT CM OPERATIONS y Q; p LL - .USE PILOT GM MG DIRECTED Sr THE MIKES. O OU Q ✓LE CpE -TE�OPF AIEA Ai TIME NKTI..BPACIK C9NL IN°FET TO T TINED 5 d _ p " GAPE PoSTEDSSPEEv i] T-MA x NpLETE DISCPETIOHIO�ixE Er0iGI4FEDCONE6 Wv SE MTTFOD4bF a t,tl ¢ • Ex EST T TIRMEE&E gpP(�SI,� T STaPINs SIGM D15TMCF Ib THE.017113193 USING A PILOT GAR. 0 3D M 2 f,--C 4rrrE OED i0TIEiL.Ef3Ee 1 EEP T0R0.90.,t0,.i,.4EEf TI3.COES NEµ P.KRUM°11.THE UPSTREMI AD DPIIRINENI TAPERS. f' ".(.'i 5-DO NUSTOP TMFpEpqq:�LM E,NWWAP,BONEE DIRECTION FOP SORE MO 5 nY1TE6 AT A TIES. EpNT q�OR 0Tp J O fOP� M1 OPUY NEOJteEYFrNTa.USED IN LIEU 6 CgE9. RPM TO P6p.,tSO.O, " THE PI1A,vEE e&PILOT CM FaW n'AT A COMRPIC10U5 roe1TICA ON TM MAR OECY ° I°EEPN�TT"FVTD a`,�RS*ro_ Mg��g9yEgL5 LASE jEe o"r:1• 4 EgriTT6 1iIE EHoorPD T.IIE ✓,MHnwc O°°`T"'ENE "." ND 5 0302 "_ PLED.LtrUirTEtr L iliniN AT N0E OF TNTE'AFFEC,EO eMEAO,SI aD iOLRE. r FIIeOFP n'=� PAVEMENT REPAIRS ON ROADS NOT TO BE RESURFACED steal PLACE 5°EatuFs IN n' 'r1ASN noE AND'I "Eanki o- u REs1oF�Ts AND IDs1NE r E N`""ED (PIPE IS TO BE PLACED UNDER EXISTING PAVEMENT) "F.. ,;F-. AMEN To TIE CURRENT.n=P oo.neoe.PEOUINEEEHTs,AND e,ouou EN. w"a` EDNE Ew:,rs tilI°SUE°:L0000TS IT.nm A nw MDT E'OEED nLE a°LMiOFP E aHo•EN TTE Tr a W P:w:OPI0B01 b PON SHEET, a 14 's,424 ``` 654.01 I` g D1nCfm Iry iE EM6INEER.G O.MF LENDTH DILESS DTHEI.1s nNE 1aP DT VUTTD FLaI ,,Gt R.SNN LeN 1101.02 Nr ,,,,DOER a EN VW MS SUED AO MU HIGHFILL INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING,P.C. 3804 Park Avenue.Unit A Wilmington,NC 28403 Te1910-313-1516 Fax 910-313-3073 Finn License No.C-2586 Engineering is our profession. Service is our passion. CC 0• C CL O w CC D U) J Z z I Q J Ow Q LL.I yr U CD J z 0 m-- Li Qw 3 J ED F— M 4 J a < C0 PROJECT N0. CFA2203 TD—1.0