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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCDOT 5-20 TX Albemarle Sound • Permit Class Permit Number TRANSFER 5-20 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and t Coastal Resources Commission b i t ern-lit s for X Major Development in an Area of Environmental Concern pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 • X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to Tyrrell County, 108 S Water St. Columbia,NC 27925 Authorizing development in Tyrrell County at Albemarle Sound and manmade drainage canal. SR 1225 (Pledger Harbor Rd), as requested in the permittee's application dated 10/7/19. including the attached workblan drawings(1)dated 8/23/19. This permit,issued on September 29,2021 , is subject to compliance with the application(where consistent with the permit),all applicable regulations,special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may be subject to fines, imprisonment or civil action;or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1) The depth of excavation within the manmade drainage canal shall not exceed-1.5 feet below the normal water level. The depth of excavation within the Albemarle Sound shall not exceed—1.8 feet below the normal water level. In no case shall excavation exceed the depth of connecting waters. Overdredging is specifically prohibited. 2) In accordance with commitments made by the permittee, excavation shall be accomplished using a tracked excavator, and all excavated materials shall be placed directly into a closed body dump truck and hauled offsite to an upland disposal site in a manner not to impact waters or wetlands. 3) Dump trucks or other vehicles that are used to transport excavated materials shall be water tight during transport. There shall be no spillover of solids or seepage of effluent into any vegetated wetlands or surrounding waters. (See attached sheets for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chair other qualified persons within twenty (20)days of the issuing of the Coastal Resources Commission. date. l 4 This permit must be accessible on-site to Department / personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered Braxton C. Davis,Director • hereunder requires further Division approval. Division of Coastal Management All work must cease when the permit expires on This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. December 31,2023 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signature of Permittee aaa •a Tyrrell County Permit#5-20 Page 2 of 4 I i ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS s 4) No excavation or filling shall take place at any time outside of the alignment of the areas indicated on I the attached workplan drawings, without permit modification. 5) The temporary placement and/or double handling of any excavated or fill material within waters or vegetated wetlands is not authorized. NOTE: DCM issued CAMA General Permit No. 68746 on 12/6/17 for excavation of approximately 1,500 square feet of accumulated sediment at the project site. 6) This project shall conform to all requirements of the N.C. Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the N.C. Department of Transportation's (NCDOT's) Memorandum of Agreement with the N.C. Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources. 7) The permittee shall employ all sedimentation and erosion control measures necessary to prevent an increase in sedimentation or turbidity within waters outside the permit area. This shall include, but is not limited to,the installation of silt fencing or similar appropriate devices around all areas subject to soil disturbance or the movement of earthen fill, and the immediate stabilization of all disturbed areas. 8) The activity shall be conducted in such a manner as to prevent a significant increase in turbidity outside the area of construction or construction-related discharge. 9) Construction staging areas shall be located only in upland areas, and not in any protected riparian a buffers, or waters of the State. 10) All mechanized equipment shall be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels, lubricants,hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. In the event of a spill of petroleum products or any other hazardous waste,the permittee shall immediately report it to the N.C. Division of Water Resources,and provisions of the North Carolina Oil Pollution and Hazardous $ Substances Control Act shall be followed. 11) Dredging in any manner, including"kicking"with boat propellers, is not authorized outside of areas specifically depicted on the attached workplan drawings,without permit modification. 12) The placement of riprap shall be limited to the areas as indicated on the attached workplan drawings. The riprap material shall be clean and free from loose dirt or any pollutant except in trace quantities. It shall be of a size sufficient to prevent its movement from the approved alignment by wave or current action. The riprap material shall consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as but not limited to • granite,marl or broken concrete without exposed rebar, or other suitable materials approved by DCM. 1 13) The placement of backfill is not authorized,without permit modification. .................. • 701 Tyrrell County Permit#5-2 Page 3 of 4 f. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS I Maintenance Clause 14) The maintenance clause of the active permit is modified as follows: The Division of Coastal • Management(DCM) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) shall be notified in writing at least two (2)weeks in advance of any maintenance work authorized by this permit, and again upon • completion of the work. The advance notification shall include: A. The number of the original permit. B. A statement that no dimensional changes are proposed. C. A copy of the previously authorized plans with cross-hatching indicating the area to be maintained, the area to be used for spoil disposal, and the estimated amount of material to be removed. The • location, design and holding capacity of the spoil disposal site shall be approved by a representative a 1 of the Division prior to the initiation of any maintenance dredging activities. s D. The date of map revisions and the permittee's signature shown anew on the previously authorized plans. a ti b General NOTE: The authorized project will impact approximately 1,332 square feet of surface waters due to maintenance excavation. ' 15) If the permittee discovers any previously unknown historic or archaeological resources while accomplishing the authorized work, it shall immediately stop work and notify the N.C. Department of Cultural and Natural Resources, DCM, and the Wilmington District Engineer to initiate the required s coordination procedures. a g16) No attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the use by the public of all navigable waters at or .1 adjacent to the authorized work following completion of construction. • 17) If it is determined that additional permanent and/or temporary impacts are necessary that are not shown on the attached workplan drawings or described in the authorized permit application, a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM and/or the USACE shall be required. In addition, any changes in the approved plan may also require a permit modification and/or additional authorization from DCM and/or USACE. The permittee shall contact representatives of DCM and USACE prior to commencement of any such activity for this determination and any permit modification. 18) The permittee and/or its contractor shall contact the DCM Transportation Project Field Representative in Elizabeth City at(252)207-3656 to request a pre-construction conference prior to project initiation. 19) Development shall only be conducted on lands owned by the NCDOT and/or its Right-of-Ways and/or easements. 20) The N.C. Division of Water Resources (DWR)authorized the proposed project(DWR Project No. • 20171306 V.2)under General Water Quality Certification No.4175. Any violation of the Certification approved by DWR shall be considered a violation of this CAMA permit. • Tyrrell County Permit#5-20 Page 4 of 4 I ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) assigned the proposed project COE Action ID No. SAW-2019-02242. 21) This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. • NOTE: A transfer application processing fee of$100 was received by DCM for this project. • • • • • • • • • • • • ry" 8 ry¢b Q$tr ry yry3 8 Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners Post Office Box 449 Columbia, North Carolina 27925 Telephone (252) 796-1371 Nathan T. Everett, Chairman David L.Clegg, County Manager and Attorney Nina B. Griswell, Vice Chairman j , "' Penny Rhodes Owens, Clerk to the Board Jordan R. Davis Dorothy Spencer Robert Thompson 'r��i x+ V September 2, 2021 2021 SEP 07 DCM•-EC Mr. Greg Daisey NC Division of Coastal Management 401 S. Griffin St., Ste. 300 Elizabeth City,NC 27909 Subject: Request to transfer major CAMA/Dredge and Fill permit no. 5-20 from the North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT)to Tyrrell County. Dear Mr. Dailey: Per the advisement of the North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT),Tyrrell County is requesting to have major CAMA/Dredge and Fill permit no. 5-20 transferred to the County. The aforementioned permit was issued on January 10, 2020 to undertake maintenance excavation of a man made canal at its confluence with the Albemarle Sound adjacent to SR 1225, Pledger Harbor road in the Goat Neck community, Tyrrell County east of Columbia. This canal is one of the primary sources for drainage in the area so maintenance is a high priority and owning this permit allows Tyrrell County staff to undertake the maintenance excavation work themselves or the ability to employ NCDOT maintenance forces. This will allow for a quicker response to maintenance needs and more flexibility in who can conduct the work. Attached to this letter requesting the permit transfer is a copy of the encroachment agreement issued by NCDOT to Tyrrell County authorizing the county staff to work in the right of way for SR 1225 whik undertaking this work. As the applicant transferee.Tyrrell County proposes to use the permit for the purposes for which it was issued. There are no substantial changes in conditions, circumstances, or facts affecting the project and no substantial change or modification of the project as proposed in the original application. Also included with this transfer request is a $100 check made payable to the NC Department of Environmental Quality. I would request that his amount be waived inasmuch as this transfer is among governmental entities. Sincerely, David L. Clegg Enclosures Cc: Marshall Gill, PE—NCDOT Division 1. District 3. District Engineer Steve Trowel!—NCDOT Division 1. Environmental Specialist II RECEIVED SEP 0 7 2021 Ldfj-FC r( •, • . r" SCP 0 7 2021 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ' CM- .0 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER J.ERIC BOYETTE GOVERNOR SECRETARY DATE: August 13,2021 COUNTY: Tyrrell ROUTE: SR 1225—Pledger Harbor Rd SUBJECT: E013-089-21-00058 Contract— Removal of shoaled material from an existing canal adjacent to Pledger Harbor Road to maintain connection to the Albemarle Sound Tyrrell County r-: Attn: Mr. David Clegg 108 S Water St Columbia, NC 27925 Mr.Clegg: Attached for your file is a copy of the Right of Way Encroachment Contract that has been properly executed. This encroachment is approved subject to the applicable special provisions that are attached to,and made a part of,the encroachment contract. All materials and methods included in the construction shall be in accordance with the 2018 NCDOT Standard Specifications, Roadway Standard Drawings.and Utilities Accommodations Manual. Failure to abide by any of the provisions of this contract can result in work stoppage. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at 252-789-6150. Sincerely. &t..,4,a uSigned by: 448A4E9EF4ED.. Marshall Gill, PE District Engineer cc: Mr. Sterling Baker, PE(w/attachment) Mr.C.W. "Win"Bridgers. PE(w/attachment) Mr. Ronnie Sawyer, PE(w/attachment) Mrs.Gretchen Byrum, PE(w/attachment) Mr. Randy Midgett, PE(w/attachment) Mr. Daniel Merritt(w/attachment) :thu/mgA.kIr.r: / /q'h n,.:(22521789-6150 .,.alma: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION far:(252)789-0055 19210 US HWY 6-I EAST WILLIAMSTON DISTRICT OFFICE r),toauer.' rrl .': I-877-368-4968 WILL IAMSTON.NC27828 19210 US HWY 64 LAST WILLIAMSTON.NC 27892 ball ncdoi ew k ._. ..", ; 1 Mr. Mike Proctor(w/attachment) Mr. Steve Trowel) (w/attachment) SE P 0 / 2021 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ROUTE SR 1225 PROJEC' COUNTY OF fyrref DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR TA I ION RIGHT OF WAY ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR NON-UTILITY ENCROACHMENTS ON -AND- PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HIGHWAYS Tyrrell CoJnly 109 S Water St Columbia.NC 27925 THIS AGREEMENT,made and entered into this the ill is day of/Ywor,A 21, 21 .by and between the Department of Transportation,party of the first part:and party of the second part • WITNESSETH THAT WHEREAS.the party of the second part desires to encroach on the right of way of the public road designated as Route(s) SR 1225 Pledger Harbor Rd located at me ono d rfadger Harbo•Road where,t dead er,ds at die Albemarle Sound north of the Goat Neck Community with the construction and/or erection of re•rovai of shoaled material horn an ansling canal adjace i to Pedger harbor Roao to maintain connection to the Albemarle Sound WHEREAS,it is to the material advantage of the party of the second part to effect this encroachment,and the party of the first part in the exercise of authority conferred upon it by statute,is willing to permit the encroachment within the limits of the right of way as indicated,subject to the conditions of this agreement; NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS AGREED that the party of the first part hereby grants to the party of the second part the right and privilege to make this encroachment as shown on attached plan sheet(s),specifications and special provisions which are made a part hereof upon the following conditions,to wit. 1 hat the said party of the second part b rids and:u+lrgates nirrise f to rstatl and ma+rtatn the encroaching facility in such safe and proper condition that it wit not interfere wth or endarger travel upon said h'ghway nor obstruct nor interfere with the proper maintenance thereof,to reimburse the party of the first part for the cost incurred for any repays or maietenance to its roadways and structures necessary due to the instal atror and existence of the faciidies of the party of the second part and,f at any time the party of the f.rst part shall require the removal of or changes ri Inc location or the said facilites that the said party of the second part binds himself,his successors end assigns .o prornpt:y remove or ailer the saki facilities:n order to conform to the said requirement,without any cost to the party of the irst part That the party of the second part agrees to a-ovide during construction ano any subsequent maintenance proper signs.signal fights,flagmen and other warning devices for the protection of traffic in conformance with the latest Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways and Amendments or Supplen•en s thereto Information as to the above rules and regulations may be obtained from the Division Engineer of the party of the first part Thal the party of the second part hereby agrees to 'tdemnrly and save harrriess the party of the first par,from a camages and claims for damage:hat may arise by reason of the'nsta ration and maintenance of this encroachment It is Cleary understood cry the party of the second par ha:the party of the first part wit assume no responsibrty for any damage,that may be caused to such facilities,within Me Highway•ights of way limits in carryng out its construction and maintenance operations That the party of the second part agrees to restore ail areas disturbed during installaton and ma ntenance to the satisfaction of the Division Engineer of the party of the first part The oarty of the second part agrees to exercise every reasonable precaution during construction and maintenance to prevent ecodirg u`sot.silting or poliutiu-i of rivets.streams.lakes,reservo is,other water impoundments,ground surfaces or other property or po tutron o'the air There snail be compliance with appicable rules and regulations of the North Carolina Division of Eivironmente Managemen• North Carolina Sedmentetion Control Commission and with ordinances and regulations of various caddies municipalities and oiler officra agencies relating to pohulion prevention and control When any installation or maintenance operation disturbs the ground surface and existing grounc cover,the party of the second pan agrees to remove and replace the sod or otherwise reestablish the grass cower to neat the satisfachori of the Division Engineer of the party of the first part That the party of the second part agrees to assure the actual cost of any inspector of the work consicered to be necessary by the Division Engineer of the parry of the first part That the party of the second part agrees to nave available at tee encroaching site,at aP times during construct on,a copy of this agreement showing evidence of approve uy the oarty of the fist part The party of the frst part reserves the right to stop all work,unless evidence of approval can be shown Provided the work contained in his agreemert is berg perfor^ied on a completed highway open to trafec,the party of the second part agrees to give wntten notice to the Divisor E nginoer or the party of the lust pan when all work contained herein has been completed Unless specifically requestec try the very of the fist part.written notice of rornoletion or work oar highway projects unnd-construction will not be required That in the case of noncompliance with the terms of this agreement by the party of the second part,the party ct die first part reserves the right to stop all work untr the facility has Peer brought into compliance or removed from the right of way at no cost to the party of the first pad \ f.' '► "^ r: " - - t_ t fhe't is agreed by both parties that tars agreement snail become vo d if actual constructor of the work contemplated nerein is net begun within one(1)year from the date o'authorizattor oy the party of the first par:unless written waiver is secured by the party of the second part f-cm the party of the fist oar' SEP072021 FORM RAN 16.1A(Revised February 2021 i ti a rr � `�, I...w. ."a./ RNV(161A)r Party of the Second Part certifies that this agreement is true and accurate copy of the form R/W(161A)incorporating all revisions to date IN WITNESS WHEREOF.each of the parties to this agreement has caused the same to be executed the day and year first above written DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY .4c,••#"‘ DISTRICT ENGINEER A EST OR OANE + ...; • 1 V i L $ Second Party INSTRUCTIONS When the applicant is a corporation or a municipality,this agreement must have the corporate seal and be attested by the corporation secretary or by the empowered city official, unless a waiver of corporate seal an'.attestation by the secretary or by the empowered City official is on file in the Raleigh office of the State t'i":ties Manager. In the space provided in this agreement for execution the name of the corporation or municipality shall be typed above the name and title of all persons signing the agreement should be typed directly below their signature When the applicant is not a corporation then his signature must be witnessed by one person. The address should be included in this agreement and the names of all persons signing the agreement should be typed directly below their signature This agreement must be accompanied. in the form of an attachment,by plans or drawings showing the following applicable information. 1 All roadways and ramps 2 Right of way lines and where applicable the control of access lines 3. Location of the proposed encroachment 4. Length and type of encroachment. 5 Location by highway survey station number If station number cannot be obtained,location should be shown by distance from some identifiable point,such as a bridge,road. intersection,etc. (To assist in preparation of the encroachment plan,the Department's Away plans may be seen at the various Highway Division Offices or at the Raleigh ofice.) 6. Lrainage structures or bridges if affected by encroachment 7 1 ypical section indicating the pavement design and width. and the slopes,widths and details for either a curb and gutter or a shoulder and ditch section whichever is applicable. 8 Horizontal alignment indicating general curve data.where applicable 9. Vertical alignment indicated by percent grade P I station and vertical curve length.where applicable 10 Amount of material to be removed and/or placed on NCDOT right of way if applicable 11. Cross-sections of all grading operations. indicating slope ratio and reference by station where applicable. 12. All pertinent drainage structures proposed Include all hydraulic data,pipe sizes. structure details and other related information 13. Erosion and sediment control 14. Any special provisions or specifications as to the performance of the work or the method of construction that may be required by the Department must be shown on a separate sheet attached to encroachment agreement provided tnat such information cannot be shown on plans or drawings. 15 The Department's Division Engineer shout°be given notice by the applicant prior to actual starting of installation included in this agreement. 16 Msthod of handling traffic during construction where applicable 17. F. le of plans,north arrow.etc • i ►�:; of _...L SEP 0 7 2021 Pre- Construction Contact Offices & Ou15fue Agency is ues1 it I. Approval may be rescinded upon failure to folloH any of the provisions in this permit and may be considered a violation of the encroachment agreement. 2. The Encroaching party or their contractor shall provide the following notices prior to construction activity within the NCDOT Right of Way: a. Three(3)business days advance phone call at telephone(252)789-6150 or email to to the District Engineer's office b. If the construction falls within the limits of an NCDOT managed construction project. five(5)business days advance phone call to the Resident Engineer. Mr. Gerard Mombaerts at(252)789-6150 or email to Failure to provide these notifications prior to beginning construction is subject to the Division Engineer's discretion to cease construction activity for this encroachment. NCDOT reserves the right to cease any construction or maintenance work associated with this installation by the encroaching party until the construction or maintenance meets the satisfaction of the Division Engineer or their representative. 3. Prior to beginning work,it is the requirement of the Encroaching Party to contact the appropriate Utility Companies involved and make arrangements to adjust or relocate any utilities that conflict with the proposed work. t 4. It shall be the responsibility of the encroaching party to determine the location of utilities within the encroachment area. NCGS § 87-115 through § 87-130 of the Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act requires underground utilities to be located by calling 811 prior to construction. The encroaching party shall be responsible for notifying other utility owners and providing protection and safeguards to prevent damage or interruption to existing facilities and maintain access to them. 5. The encroaching party shall notify the appropriate municipal office prior to beginning any work within the municipality's limits of jurisdiction. 6. Excavation within 1000 feet of a signalized intersection will require notification by the encroaching party to the Division Traffic Engineer at telephone number(252) 482-1857 no less than one week prior to beginning work. All traffic signal or detection cables must be located prior to excavation. Cost to replace or repair NCDOT signs.signals. pavement markings or associated equipment and facilities shall be the responsibility of the encroaching party. 7. This agreement does not authorize installations within nor encroachment onto railroad rights of way. Permits for installations within railroad right of way must be obtained from the railroad and are the responsibility of the encroaching party. 8. At the option of the District Engineer. a preconstruction meeting including representatives of NCDOT. the encroaching party,contractors and municipality. if applicable.shall be required. A pre-construction conference held between a municipality(or other facility owner)and a contractor without the presence of NCDOT personnel with subsequent construction commencing may be subject to NCDOT personnel ceasing any work on NCDOT right-of- way related to this encroachment until such meeting is held. Contact the District office to schedule. 9. At the discretion of the District Engineer,the encroaching party(not the utility contractor)shall make arrangements to have a qualified inspector, under the supervision of a Professional Engineer registered in North Carolina,on site at all 7i r' L. f ;6Vart...k,..' SEP 072021 times during construction. The registered Professional Engineer shall be required to submit a signed and PE sealed certification that the utility was installed in accordance with the encroachment agreement. Legal & Right-of-Way Issues 10. This approval and associated plans and supporting documents shall not be interpreted to allow any design change or change in the intent of the design by the Owner. Design Engineer,or any of their representatives. Any revisions or changes to these approved plans or intent for construction must be obtained in writing from the Division Engineer's office or their representative prior to construction or during construction if an issue arises during construction to warrant changes. 1 I. NCDOT does not guarantee the right of way on this road. nor will it be responsible for any claim for damages brought about by any property owner by reason of this installation. It is the responsibility of the encroaching party to verify the right of way. 12. Encroaching party shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permanent and/or temporary construction, drainage, utility and/or sight distance easements. 13. All Right of Way and easements necessary for construction and maintenance shall be dedicated to NCDOT with proof of dedication furnished to the District Engineer prior to beginning work. 14. No commercial advertising shall be allowed within NCDOT Right of Way. Work Zone Traffic 15. Traffic control shall be coordinated with the District Engineer and the Division Traffic Engineer. Mr.Jason Davidson at telephone(252)482-1857,prior to construction. 16. WORK ZONE TRAFFIC CONTROL QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING PROGRAM All personnel performing any activity inside the highway right of way are required to be familiar with the NCDOT Maintenance/Utility Traffic Control Guidelines(MUTCG). No specific training course or test is required for qualification in the Maintenance/Utility Traffic Control Guidelines(MUTCG). All flagging,spotting.or operating Automated nagger Assist Devices(AFAD)inside the highway right of way requires qualified and trained Work Zone Flaggers. Training for this certification is provided by NCDOT approved training resources and by private entities that have been pre-approved to train themselves. All personnel involved with the installation of Work Zone Traffic Control devices inside the highway right of way are required to be qualified and trained Work Zone Installers. Training for this certification is provided by NCDOT approved training resources and by private entities that have been pre-approved to train themselves. All personnel in charge of overseeing work zone Temporary Traffic Control operations and installations inside the highway right of way are required to be qualified and trained Work Zone Supervisors. Training for this certification is provided by NCDOT approved training resources and by private entities that have been pre-approved to train themselves. For questions and/or additional information regarding this training program please refer to hops:// or call the NCDOT Work Zone Traffic Control Section (919) 814-5000. 17. The party of the second part shall employ traffic control measures that are in accordance with the prevailing feg ra.l,_ state, local,and NCDOT policies,standards.and procedures. These policies.standards.and proceduresiinclud :bt�t E are not limited to the following: S E P 0 1 2021 a. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD)—North Carolina has adopted the MUTCD to provide basic principles and guidelines for traffic control device design.application. installation,and maintenance. North Carolina uses the MUTCD as a minimum requirement where higher supplemental standards specific to North Carolina are not established. Use fundamental principles and best practices of MUTCD(Part 6. Temporary Traffic Control). b. NCDOT Maintenance/Utility Traffic Control Guidelines—This document enhances the fundamental principles and best practices established in MUTCD Part 6. Temporary Traffic Control, incorporating NCDOT-specific standards and details. It also covers important safety knowledge for a wide range of work zone job responsibilities. 18. If the Traffic Control Supervisor determines that portable concrete barrier(PCB) is required to shield a hazard within the clear zone,then PCB shall be designed and sealed by a licensed North Carolina Professional Engineer. PCB plans and design calculations shall be submitted to the District Engineer for review and approval prior to installation. 19. Ingress and egress shall be maintained to all businesses and dwellings affected by the project. Special attention shall be paid to police, EMS and fire stations, fire hydrants.secondary schools.and hospitals. 20. Traffic shall be maintained at all times. All lanes of traffic are to be open during the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and from 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.Monday through Friday. during any time of inclement weather,or as directed by the District Engineer. Any violation of these hours will result in ceasing any further construction by the Encroaching Party or their contractor. 21. Nighttime and weekend operations will NOT be allowed unless written approval is received from the District Engineer. If nighttime or weekend work is allowed or required, all signs must be retro-reflective,and a work zone lighting plan must be submitted for approval prior to construction. 22. Two-way traffic shall be maintained at all times unless designated by the District Engineer. Traffic shall not be rerouted or detoured without the prior written approval from the District Engineer. No utility work will be allowed on state holidays from 7:00 PM the night before through 9:00 AM the day prior to.following or during local events without prior approval from the District Engineer. If the construction is within 1000 feet of a school location or on a designated bus route,the construction shall be coordinated with the school start and end times to avoid traffic delays. 23. Work requiring lane or shoulder closures shall not be performed on both sides of the road simultaneously within the same area. 24. Any work requiring equipment or personnel within 5 feet of the edge of any travel lane of an undivided facility and within 10 feet of the edge of any travel lane of a divided facility shall require a lane closure with appropriate tapers per current NCDOT Roadway Standard Drawings o•MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 25. At the discretion of the District Engineer,a traffic control plan shall be developed and submitted under the seal and signature of a Licensed North Carolina Professional Engineer prior to construction. The plan shall be specific to the site and adequately detailed. Issues such as the close proximity to intersections shall be addressed. 26. Temporary and final pavement markings are the responsibility of the encroaching party. Final pavement markings and sign plans shall be submitted with the encroachment request to the Division Traffic Engineer prior to construction. Final pavement markings shall be thermoplastic unless otherwise directed by the Division Traffic Engineer or District Engineer. 27. Any pavement markings that are damaged or obliterated shall be restored by the encroaching party at no expense to NCDOT. 28. Sidewalk closures shall be installed as necessary. Pedestrian traffic shall be detoured around these closures and shall be signed appropriately and in accordance with The American with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines. The encroaching party must adhere to the guidelines for accommodating pedestrians in encroachment work zones as described in the NCDOT Pedestrian Work Zone Accommodations Training found at hops://'?v=AOuYa5IW3dg& i "`" 4 SEP072021 Roadside Environmental 29. The encroaching party shall comply with all applicable Federal. State and local environmental regulations and shall obtain all necessary Federal, State and local environmental permits, including but not limited to, those related to sediment control,stormwater, wetland, streams,endangered species and historical sites. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the NCDOT Roadside Environmental Engineer regarding the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program or the United States Fish and Wildlife Services. Contact the Division Roadside Environmental Engineer's Office at(252)426-4I 82. 30. When surface area in excess of one acre will be disturbed. the Encroacher shall submit a Sediment and Erosion Control Plan which has been approved by the appropriate regulatory agency or authority prior to beginning any work on the Right of Way. Failure to provide this information shall be grounds for suspension of operations. Proper temporary and permanent measures shall be used to control erosion and sedimentation in accordance with the approved sediment and erosion control plan. 31. The Verification of Compliance with Environmental Regulations(VCER-I)form is required for all non-utility encroachment agreements or any utility encroachments when land disturbance within NCDOT right of way exceeds I acre. The VCER-I form must be PE sealed by a NC registered professional engineer who has verified that all appropriate environmental permits(if applicable)have been obtained and all applicable environmental regulations have been followed. 32. All erosion control devices and measures shall be constructed, installed. maintained,and removed by the Encroacher in accordance with all applicable Federal, State.and Local laws, regulations.ordinances, and policies. Permanent vegetation shall be established on all disturbed areas in accordance with the recommendations of the Division Roadside Environmental Engineer. All areas disturbed(shoulders,ditches.removed accesses,etc.)shall be graded and seeded in accordance with the latest NCDOT Siandards Specificatiu s fin.Roads and Structures and within 15 calendar days with an approved NCDOT seed mixture(all lawn type areas shall be maintained and reseeded as such). Seeding rates per acre shall be applied according to the Division Roadside Environmental Engineer. Any plant or vegetation in the NCDOT planted sites that is destroyed or damaged as a result of this encroachment shall be replaced with plants of like kind or similar shape. 33. No trees within NCDOT shall be cut without authorization from the Division Roadside Environmental Engineer. An inventory of trees measuring greater than 4 caliper inches(measured 6'above the ground)is required when trees within C/A right of way will be impacted by the encroachment installation. Mitigation is required and will be determined by the Division Roadside Environmental Engineer's Office. 34. Prior to installation,the Encroaching Party shall contact the District Engineer to discuss any environmental issues associated with the installation to address concerns related to the root system of trees impacted by boring or non- utility construction of sidewalk, roadway widening,etc. 35. The applicant is responsible for identifying project impacts to waters of the United States(wetlands, intermittent streams,perennial streams and ponds) located within the NCDOT right-of-way.The discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States requires authorization from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)and certification from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). The applicant is required to obtain pertinent permits or certification from these regulatory agencies if construction of the project impacts waters of the United States within the NCDOT right-of-way. The applicant is responsible for complying with any river or stream Riparian Buffer Rule as regulated by the NCDWQ. The Rule regulates activity within a 50-foot buffer along perennial streams, intermittent streams and ponds. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the NCDWQ or the USACE. 36. The contractor shall not begin the construction until after the traffic control and erosion control devices have been installed to the satisfaction of the Division Engineer or their agent. 37. The contractor shall perform all monitoring and record keeping and any required maintenance of erosion and sediment control measures to maintain compliance with stormwater regulations. SEP072021 - s Construction General 38. An executed copy of the encroachment agreement. provisions and approved plans shall be present at the construction site at all times. If safety or traffic conditions warrant such an action.NCDOT reserves the right to further limit. restrict or suspend operations within the right of way. 39. The Encroaching Party and/or their Contractor shall comply with all OSHA requirements. If OSHA visits the work area associated with this encroachment. the District Office shall be notified by the encroaching party immediately if any violations are cited. 40. Any REVISIONS marked in RED on the attached non-PE sealed plans shall be incorporated into and made part of the approved encroachment agreement. 41. All disturbed areas are to be fully restored to current NCDOT minimum roadway standards or as directed by the Division Engineer or their representative. Disturbed areas within NCDOT Right-of-Way include, but not limited to, any excavation areas, pavement removal,drainage or other features. 42. The encroaching party shall notify the Division Engineer or their representative immediately in the event any drainage structure is blocked,disturbed or damaged. All drainage structures disturbed, damaged or blocked shall be restored to its original condition as directed by the Division Engineer or their representative. 43. Unless specified otherwise,during non-working hours. equipment shall be located away from the job site or parked as close to the right of way line as possible and be properly barricaded in order not to have any equipment obstruction within the Clear Zone. Also,during non-working hours. no parking or material storage shall be allowed along the shoulders of any state-maintained roadway. 44. Guardrail removed or damaged during construction shall be replaced or repaired to its original condition, meeting current NCDOT standards or as directed by the Division Engineer or their representative. 45. Right of Way monuments disturbed during construction shall be referenced by a registered Land Surveyor and reset after construction. 46. All Traffic signs moved during construction shall be reinstalled as soon as possible to the satisfaction of the Division Engineer or their representative. 47. Detection tape,where required by NCGS §87-I 15 through § 87-130 of the Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act,shall be buried in the trench approximately I foot above the installed facility. Where conduit is installed in the right of way and is not of ferrous material. locating tape or detection wire shall be installed with the conduit. 48. All driveways disturbed during construction shall be returned to a state comparable with the condition of the driveways prior to construction. 49. Conformance with driveway permit review should be required in conjunction with this encroachment agreement. In the event there is a conflict between the driveway permit and the encroachment agreement. the District Engineer should resolve the conflict and notify the parties involved. 50. If the approved method of construction is unsuccessful and other means are required, prior approval must be obtained - through the District Engineer before construction may continue. SCP G 7 2J21 i....% . ...9 51. The encroaching party and their construction contractor must sign and submit the NCDOT Workfare Safety Plata for Encroachment Activities: C'Ol'ID-19 form to the District Engineer prior to construction. Engineering 52. All traffic control, asphalt mixes,structures,construction, workmanship and construction methods,and materials shall be in compliance with the most-recent versions of the following resources:ASTM Standards.Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, NCDOT Utilities Accomnualatious Manual, ,V(DOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, NCDOT Roadway Standard Drawings. NCDOT..tsihalt Quality Management System manual,and the approved plans. 53. Prior approval for any blasting must be obtained from the Division Engineer or their representative. Excavation 54. Excavation material shall not be placed on pavement. 55. It is the responsibility of the encroaching party or their contractor to prevent any mud/dirt from tracking onto the roadway. Any dirt which may collect on the roadway pavement from equipment and/or truck traffic on site shall be immediately removed to avoid any unsafe traffic conditions. vs SEP 0 7 2021 Traffic in Outside Lane Lane Open to Traffic 4 5 it /—Existint_gnGe rountl �1min \, \ 1-i . . ' . Bottom of Excavation\ 7 Theoretical Edge of 2:1 (H:V)Slope Pavement Traffic Shifted(Outside Lane Closure) Lane Open to Lane Closed r Traffic 0* Existing Ground `\\ k 5ft I ___ min I~ -- V HZ ''-� `Bottom of Excavation Theoretical 2:1 (H:V)Slope ... . i t.iY r,-..L a •If the 2 1 slope plus 5 feet requirement above ,s met for traffic.then temporary shonng is *Theoretical • SEP 0 7 2021 typicaVy only necessary to protect roadways 1 t IH'VI Slope from damage when a theoretical 1 1 slope from (from Edge of the edge of pavement intersects the nearest Pavement, excavation wall This rule of thumb should be i , .,sed with caution and does not apply to all subsurface conditions.surcharge loadings ano excavation geometries Additional guidance provided below If the 2:1 slope plus 5 feet requirement above is met for traffic.then temporary shoring is typically only necessary to protect roadways from damage when a theoretical I:I slope from the edge of pavement intersects the nearest excavation wall. This rule of thumb should be used with caution and does not apply to all subsurface conditions, surcharge loadings and excavation geometries. Situations where this I:1 slope is not recommended include groundwater depth is above bottom of excavation or excavation is deeper than 10 feet or in Type B or C soils as defined by OSI IA Technical Manual. Temporary shoring may be avoided by locating trenches, bore pits. and other excavations far enough away from the open travel lane. edge of pavement and any existing,utility, property, be protected. Temporary shoring shall be designed and constructed in accordance with current NCDOT Standard Temporary Shoring provisions(refer to Special-Provisions.aspx and see SPI I R002 a. Temporary excavation shoring,such as sheet piling,shall be installed. The design of the shoring shall include the effects of traffic loads. The shoring system shall be designed and sealed by a licensed North Carolina Professional Engineer. Shoring plans and design calculations shall be submitted to the Division Engineer for • review and approval prior to construction. (See NCDOT Accommodations.,Ilanual for more information on requirements for shoring calculations.and subsurface investigation report.) Trench boxes shall not be accepted as temporary shoring and will not be approved for use in instances where shoring is required to protect the highway,drainage structure,and/or supporting pavement or structure foundation. b. All trench excavation inside the limits of the theoretical two-to-one slope plus 5 feet requirement,as defined by the policy,shall be completely backtilled and compacted at the end of each construction day. No portion of the trench shall be left open overnight. Any excavation that is not backtilled by the end of the workday must address any safety and traveling public concerns including accommodations for bicycles, pedestrians and persons with disabilities. c. The trench backfill material shall meet the Statewide Borrow Criteria. The trench shall be backfilled in accordance with Section 300-7 of the latest NCDOT Standard.Specifications for Roads and Structures, which basically requires the backfill material to be placed in layers not to exceed 6 inches loose and compacted to at least 95%of the density obtained by compacting a sample in accordance with AASHTO T99 as modified by DOT. d. At the discretion of the Division Engineer,a qualified NCDOT inspector shall be on the site at all times during construction. The encroaching party shall reimburse NCDOT for the cost of providing the inspector. If NCDOT cannot supply an inspector, the encroaching party(not the utility contractor)should make arrangements to have a qualified inspector, under the supervision of a licensed North Carolina Professional Engineer,on the site at all times. The Professional Registered Engineer shall certify that the utility was installed in accordance with the encroachment agreement and that the backfill material meets the Statewide Borrow Criteria. e. The length of parallel excavation shall be limited to the length necessary to install and backfill one joint of pipe at a time, not to exceed twenty-five(25)feet. 56. All material to a depth of 8 inches below the finished surface of the subgrade shall be compacted to a density equal to at least 100%of that obtained by compacting a sample of the material in accordance with AASHTO T99 as modified by the Department. The subgrade shall be compacted at a moisture content which is approximately that required to produce the maximum density indicated by the above test method. The contractor shall dry or add moisture to the subgrade when required to provide a uniformly compacted and acceptable subgrade. The option to backfill any trenches with dirt or either#57 stone or#78 stone with consolidation with a plate tamp and without a conventional density test may be pursued with the written consent of the District Engineer. If this option is exercised,then roadway ABC stone and asphalt repair as required will also be specified by the District Engineer. Pavement Detail And Repair 57. The paving of this roadway shall be in accordance with the latest version of NCDOT Standard Specifications, Sections 610. 1012 and 1020. The Contractor shall follow all procedures of the Quality Management System(QMS) for asphalt pavement- Maintenance Version(see 8%20QMS%20Asnhalt%20Manual.pdf).The Contractor must adhere to all testing requirements and quality control requirements specified. The Contractor shall contact the NCDOT Division QA Supervisor prior to producing plant mix and make the Supervisor aware that the mix is being produced for a future NCDOT road. Contact the District Engineer to determine the NCDOT Division QA Supervisor. Only NCDOT approved mix designs will be acceptable. A Quality Control Plan shall be submitted(as Directed by the District Engineer)to the District Engineer's Office prior to asphalt production utilizing form QMS- MV1. Failing mixes and/or densities are subject to penalties including monetary payments or removal and replacement. To minimize traffic queuing in construction areas,the possibility of traffic detours may be considered when working on high traffic routes even if traffic control is used. The District Engineer may require traffic detours. 58. When paving beyond utility installation is involved,a Roadway certification report sealed by a Professional Engineer shall be submitted to the District Engineer's office indicating the following: • Pavement thickness by type • Pavement density. core and/or test locations I l s •- • • Base thickness • Base density S E P 0 7 2021 • Subgrade density Test frequency and method shall be in conformance with the NCDOT A9alerials and Tests Manual. Test must be performed by a Certified Technician including name and Certification number on report. 59. "Potholing"pavement cores to expose existing utilities shall be made with an 18"diameter keyhole pavement core. Pavement core locations shall not be placed in the wheel path whenever possible. Vacuum excavation shall be utilized to expose underground utilities. Pavement cores shall be repaired within the same working day. The pavement core shall be retained and reused to till the core hole. The excavation shall be backfilled and compacted with select material to the bottom of the existing pavement structure or as indicated by the District Engineer. The retained core shall be placed in the hole and secured with a waterproof. mechanical joint. If the pavement core is damaged and cannot be re-used,the core may be replaced with the surface mix, S9.5B. The asphalt patch shall match the thickness of the existing asphalt or four inches.whichever is greater. All materials must be listed on the NCDOT Approved Products List(APL)found at: 60. The minimum pavement design for pavement repair shall he according to NCDOT Standard Drawing 654.01 ( 18StandardRdwv Drawl ngs/Division%2006%20Asphalt%20Bas es%20and%20Pavements.pdt)and shall include a mechanical overlay extent to be a minimum of 25 feet each side of the pavement repair area OR as directed by the District Engineer. 61. Pavement cuts shall be repaired the same day the cuts are made unless an asphalt patch cannot be accomplished the same day due to material availability or time restrictions. When the asphalt patch is not feasible,the following apply: a. The pavement cut shall be filled to the surface with ABC stone or Plowable Fill per NCDOT's Standards and Specifications. b. Once the cut is filled,a minimum 3/4-inch steel plate shall be placed and pinned to prevent moving. Plates shall be designed large enough to span a minimum of 1-foot on all sides on the pavement cut. c. When flowable fill is used, it shall cure for 24 hours prior to any asphalt material placement. Flowable fill bleed water shall not be present during paving operations. Paving shall not cause damage(shoving,distortion, pumping,etc.)to the flowable fill. d. Install and leave"BUMP"signs according to MUTCD until the steel plate has been removed. Once the flowable fill has cured.remove the steel plate.and mill/fill according to the directions of the District Engineer. e. All pavement cuts must be sealed with NCDOT approved sealant to prevent future pavement separation or cracking. 62. Any pavement damaged because of settlement of the pavement or damaged by equipment used to perform encroachment work,shall be re-surfaced to the satisfaction of the District Engineer.This may include the removal of pavement and a 50' mechanical overlay. All pavement work and pavement markings(temporary and final)are the responsibility of the Encroaching Party. SEP 07 2321 • Post Construction Close Out/ Inspection 63. The Encroaching party shall notify the District Engineer's office within 2 business days after construction is complete. The District Engineer may perform a construction inspection. Any deficiencies may be noted and reported to the encroaching party to make immediate repairs or resolve any issues to restore the right-of-way to a similar condition prior to construction, including pavement.signage,traffic signals.pavement markings,drainage, structures/pipes,or other highway design features. 64. At the discretion of the District Engineer.a final inspection report may be provided to the encroaching party upon satisfactory completion of the work. 65. If the actual construction differs from the approved plans associated with this encroachment,a copy of"as-built" plans shall be submitted to the District Engineer's office in a PDF format and in a current ESRI GIS format within 4 weeks of construction. • SEP 072021 ATTACHMENT FORM NOTIFICATION FOR UTILITY/NON-UTILITY ENCROACHMENT WITHIN NCDOT R/W Instructions for use: This form must be completed in its entirety and submitted directly to the designated Personnel in the District Engineer's office via email,fax or hand delivery a minimum of one week prior to construction for the encroachment. If the designated NCDOT personnel names are unknown by the person completing this form.please contact the District Engineer's office to determine that contact info. Date: Submitted by Name: To: District Personnel Name: District Personnel Email: District Fax No.: This notification is to inform you that we(encroaching party or their contractor)will begin construction work on the following project in a minimum of one week. Encroachment number (assigned by NCDOT)for the project: Construction start date: Approximate ending date: Contact NCDOT inspector a minimum of 72 hrs. in advance to set-up Preconstruction meeting in the District Engineer's office or other location as directed by the District Engineer Preconstruction meeting date& time: Preconstruction meeting address: Type of project: [Examples:power, telecommunication, water. sewer.gas,petroleum. other(describe)] Contact Info for this project: Contractor Company Name: NCDOT Utility Inspector Name: Contractor Contact Name: NCDOT Utility Inspector Phone: Contractor Phone Number: NCDOT UtilityInspector Email: Contractor Email: NCDOT Utility Project Manager Name: NCDOT Utility Project Manager Phone: NCDOT Utility Project Manager Email: SEP 0 7 2021 • Workforce Safety Plan:COVID-19 NCDOT Encroachment IDI V E0 1 3-089-2 1-00058 WORKFORCF SAF F LY PLAN FOR FNCROACHMFNI AC I IVITIES : COVID-19 EFFORTS THE N.C. TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRY 1S TAKING TO STOP THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 The North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT)and their partners expect all parties involved in the delivery of transportation projects to abide by the guidelines issued from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services(NCDHHS). Response to COVID-19 is rapidly evolving; new information and guidelines may be issued from the CDC, NCDHHS,or other state or federal agencies. NCDOT and their partners should review the current CDC and NCDHHS guidance, including the resources listed at the end of this document,for up-to-date information on how to respond to COVID-19. Additional guidelines may be issued by state or federal agencies that should be followed in addition to the guidance included in this document. Though certain Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements have been relaxed in response to the pandemic,employers must still maintain all information about employee illness as a confidential medical record in compliance with the ADA, If an employee is suspected of having or tests positive for COVID-19, it is essential that management keep the identity of the employee and details related to the employee's health confidential. Below are precautions required by NCDOT and from encroaching parties and their contractors performing construction within NCDOT Rights of Way. The term employee refers to any person on a job site within NCDOT right of way for the purpose of constructing or'nspecting the work related to construction of a facility under an approved encroachment agreement and where that employee may or may not be under employment by or under contract to NCDOT EMPLOYEE WELLNESS • If an employee has not yet reported to work and develops any COVID-19 symptoms(i.e.fever, coughing,or shortness of breath) — STAY HOMF and immediately. o Call a health care provider o Self-Isolate c Communicate with your supervisor o Remain calm and follow all instructions from your health care provider • Employees who appear to have acute respiratory illness symptoms(i.e. cough, shortness of breath) upon arrival to work,or become sick during the day,should be separated from others and sent home immediately.The potentially affected employees should immediately follow the steps outlined above,which includes immediately contacting a health care provider. • Should an employee show symptoms of acute respiratory illness or be diagnosed with COVID-19,all other employees who have worked in close proximity to the affected employee during the last 14 Updated:4/11/2020 S E p U 1 2 21 Page 1 . Workforce Safety Plan:COVID-19 NCDOT Encroachment IN: 1;013-089 2I-0005R days and all encroachment points of contact indicated at the end of this plan should be notified of potential exposure to the disease without identifying the affected employee. • Consideration should be given to employees at "High Risk" of severe illness from COVID-19, who, per NCDHHS, include employees: o Over 65 years of age, OR u With underlying health conditions including heart disease, lung disease,or diabetes, OR o With weakened immune system • "High Risk" Employees should be given the opportunity to discuss alternate work arrangements/duties with their employer or take leave according to their company policies. • For guidance on confirmed positive tests for COVID-19, refer to the most recent version of the "COVID-19 Guidance for Employees on Encroachment Job Sites within NCDOT Right of Way" located on last page of this plan. PERSONAL HYGIENE • Clean hands often by washing with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%-95% alcohol may be used. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth,or other parts of your face. • Do not breathe, cough,or sneeze on another person or into the open air.Employees should cover their noses and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing for an elbow or shoulder if no tissue is available). • A facemask for covering nose and mouth is encouraged on the job site. • Appropriate gloves are encouraged while performing functions of the job. CLEANING/DISINFECTING • Wash stations and/or hand sanitizer are encouraged on each project site. • Appropriate cleaning staff should clean frequently touched surfaces and objects with disinfectants at a minimum of once per day. o Office/buildings:door knobs, light switches,phones,computers/keyboards, copy machines, elevator buttons,toilets,faucets, sinks,countertops, paper towel dispensers, desktops, handrails,folders,vending machines, counters,tables, cabinets/knobs,etc. Shop Yard/Jobsite:vehicle/equipment door handles, keys.gear shifts, steering wheel/operator controls and levers, fuel pump dispensers, touch points on machinery,etc, c; Electronic equipment:cell phones,computers, keyboards,etc. • Appropriate cleaning staff should sanitize/disinfect facilities and work areas after persons suspected/confirmed to have COVID-19 have been in the facility or work area. Updated: 2J" P S�� O � [.�C Page 2 r^ w' Workforce Safety Plan:COVID-19 NCDOT Encroachment IDtt: IA 13-089 21-00058 o It is recommended to close off access to areas used by the ill persons and wait as long as practical, 24 hours if possible, before beginning cleaning and disinfection to minimize potential for exposure to respiratory droplets.Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area if possible. o Appropriate cleaning staff should clean and disinfect all areas used by the ill persons, focusing especially on frequently touched surfaces. GENERAL • Increase communication measures between all parties regarding schedule, daily activities, reduce/minimize worker exposure in accordance with but not limited to the requirements below. • Minimize on-site personnel such as subcontractors,work crews,QC personnel,and inspection staff to those required for that day's activities. If work is postponed or cancelled, immediately notify appropriate parties. • Practice"Social Distancing"whenever feasible. Social Distancing is designed to limit the spread of a disease by reducing the opportunities for close contact between people.All personnel have the responsibility to remind each other to stay 6 feet or more apart. Examples of Social Distancing include: o Reducing face-to-face exposure by using conference calls and video conferencing • If an in-person meeting is absolutely required and cannot he rescheduled or attended remotely,the meeting is limited to a maximum of 10 people while maintaining Social Distancing of 6 feet or more. - Avoiding unnecessary travel • Do not congregate at lunch or breaks. Bringing your lunch is encouraged. • No communal coolers or drink stations are allowed. Supervisors should confirm with employees prior to beginning work for appropriate hydration and nutrition availability to employees for the duration of the employee's shift and without direct contact with others on the job site. • First line of communication should be by phone, rather than in-person. • Do not shake hands. • Do not share iPads,tablets, pens,or clipboards for signing or any other purpose. lake pictures as proof of attendance at meetings • Sharing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is strictly prohibited. • Vehicles,equipment,and tools S E P 0 1 c;t 2 l o Limit the number of people riding in a vehicle together. r ..* o Wipe down and disinfect vehicles after each trip. a As much as possible, do not share tools or equipment If a tool or piece of equipment must be shared,the parts of it that are touched should be sanitized between uses. Updated:4/11/2020 Page 3 Workforce Safety Flan:COVID-19 NCDOT Encroachment I olt _E01 3-089-2 1-00058 RETURN TO WORK • The following criteria must be followed for an employee who is tested for Covid-19,or asked to self-quarantine by health officials, or has contact with another employee with a positive test result to return to work: o at least a 14-day quarantine; OR o release by a health care provider. • In accordance with CDC guidance.the following criteria must be followed for an employee with a positive test result to return to work o at least 14 days from positive test notification;AND o at least 3 days(72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough,shortness of breath);AND o at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. NCDOT may require certification of fitness to work from a health care provider. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES NCDOT and their partners should review the CDC and NCDHHS resources listed below for up-to-date information on how to respond to COVID-19 Additional guidelines may be issued by state or federal agencies that should be followed in addition to the guidelines included in this document. • NCDHHS COVID-19 Resources: o https://www.ncdhhs ;;,,,ulr. healtly col onawrus-disease_2019-covid-19: response north-Carolina • NCOSl-lR Communicable Disease Emergency Policy o https:/•ioi .v.. kplcn - vsellnesJcommunicable-disease-erne gencv • OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 o hull)s,//www.oshd.govIPtruhtar,, • CDC COVID-19 Resources: o https://www.cdc_gov/coronavimus;1u19 niu,,irrdex.html AGREEMENT The encroaching party shall adhere to the requirements of this plan in order to continue work under their approved encroachment agreement. Violations to this plan could result in the violating entity not being allowed to continue work or all work ceasing as determined by the NCDOT District Engineer or Resident Engineer. PROJECT POINTS OF CONTACT .. 'tire Updated:4/11/2020 SEP 0 7 2321 Page 4 Workforce Safety Plan:COVID-19 NCDOT Encroachment IN E013-089-21-00058 NCDOT ncr ching Party(Primary Co t ct) Name: 7,(V"...ZY,11:1,,..----1- Name: 4•.- Phone#: o< S-02.-7J -US-6 Phone#: `lot (Q i 9 9 6"{ Primary Contractor to Encroaching Party (P9int of Conta ) Name: Phone#: a 1(4(ni 13 n 91 Z_/ ct 991/ S E p 1 2 k1 Updated:4/11/2020 p Page 5 SEP 0 7 2121 Updated!April 11.2020 COVID-19 Guidance for Employees on Encroachment Job sites within NCDOT Right of Way Relationship to CONTACT GROUP ConfirmedI your our CREW Should Do r What PROJECT SITE Personnel POSITIVE Test What YOU Should Do Should Do Exposure within 6'and longer Man 10 minutes --- -- +No exposure within 6'and longer then 10 minutes Advise of POSITIVE test without identifying advise of POSITIVE test without identifying the the affected employee' affected employee' Atik Notify your supervisor Site personnel without direc t r contact n,ay T DIectly exposed crew self.quarartine for 1A s _] Self-quarantine for 1,1 cays 'days continue onsrt••worko•follow r«;r r.Orlp:tny .policy Continue hygiene&disinfecting measures Continue hygiene&disinfecting measures Advise of POSITIVE test witncu:identifying Y .i Direct Contact * the affected employee' rr ,.:,•w'tlr,:,i Ak r► rP •:r, ':elf ,, re h r 14...taw'. A�tvr:.o {) �•l. t•' - rew•,gay i on'^ue U9sr a we't•^'tr'aUiL • ,•n,lr, �-- _.� � ..nrsc•,inyP:•Ir4. .. Stu .. nygn r,-ri,di'•-•',••;e. YGu it as Luntinue ite lte wvrr,o I;li,w Ak Secondary i you,company policy Contact r 1-14 Continuo hygiene&deader•Hie measures Cnntrmic hygiene R.,tfyn+ietring measures Ccnt•nuir hygiene&disir:fecting ricasures rt- Two or more f Persons ' , MP V +Continue hygiene&disinfecting measures Contin a hygiene&disinfecting measures Continue hygiene&disinfecting measures Removed from 111__._-* t `__T-i Contact NCDOT District Engineer/Resident Engineer notifies Encroaching Party's primary point of contact and Contractor Point of Notification NCOOT employee/agent tests Contact,CDC and,if Resident Engineer has oversight for the job site,FHWA any Consultant Firms working for NCDOT Protocol POSITIVE Encroaching party representative notifies other Contractors,Sub-Contractors and Suppliers with exposed Employees (Comply with HIPAA &ADA Encroaching party representative or Contractor point of contact notifies appropriate NCDOT District Engineer or Resident confidentiality { Encroaching Party or Contract crew Engineer and all other Contractors,Sub-Contractors and Suppliers with exposed Employees requirements i member on job site tests POSITIVE NCDOT notifies CDC,and as appropriate,FHWA and any Consultant Firms working for NCDOT Joint Workforce Safety Plan:COVID-19 SEP 87 a z Z�2l 00' TO 200' PREPBE ARED PNE O} TO STOP ROAD F—TTQ 0•2oF 1. W3 4 AAHEADW20.A Q .T8 - 8 48'X 48' 48 X 48- Z„Thcc=U 11 MAX. `"% O a © a © a ir z LU « «� « < 1-,OEy A A ~ I-S~ZOW ♦ WORK AREA ♦ E► cc O O Q CO cr b © 1° © b O l.WAV 00.� P ;RAPFIC STRE AY COT Q.1--1 W O 50 TAPER BUFFER BUFFER TAPER A 1 41 5-< B MAX. SD'-1D0' SPACE SPADE ,DO' r 1NE LAN BE ROAD PREPARED AHEAD 10 STOP Sin 4 R3 4 " W10 7 4A INSET FOR 2-LANE ROADWAYS 0 WITH 2-WAY TURN LANE W ALL OTHER DEVICES ARE THE SAME AS ABOVE \ o o Cn Ili (3 � » W (3 CEN"R IA E ac \ C.NOR CLOSED ' 4A WORK AREA ♦ mm W 48" .P ♦ 48 R I-1 O ♦ ♦ J J 'WAR DOIM� U T RAET'C Stu EAM C W 'APR BORER E MI.RFR TAPER Q 50-IDD' SPACE RSPACE} _ i00 CC z O GENERAL NOTES FOR FLAGGING OPERATIONS o —.1 Q 11- IF VEHICLE QUEUES WILL REACH WITHIN 15' OF EITHER SIDE OF ACTIVE RAILROAD TRACKS. Z O 1- REFER TO RSD. 1101.11, SHEETS 1 8 4, FOR "L' DISTANCE AND SIGN SPACING. PROVIDE A UNIFORMED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OR FLAGGER TO PREVENT VEHICLES FROM CC STOPPING WITHIN THE GRADE CROSSING. PROVIDE OFFICER OR FLAGGER EVEN IF AUTOMATIC }2- INSTALL LANE CLOSURES WITH THE TRAFFIC FLOW, BEGINNING WITH DEVICES ON THE WARNING MEASURES ALREADY EXIST. Q UPSTREAM SIDE OF TRAFFIC. a 3- REMOVE LANE CLOSURES AGAINST THE TRAFFIC FLOW, BEGINNING WITH DEVICES ON THE DOWNSTREAM SIDE OF TRAFFIC. GENERAL NOTES FOR PILOT CAR OPERATIONS } 1- USE PILOT CARS WHEN DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Q Co (V 4- PLACE CONES THRU THE WORK AREA AT THE MAXIMUM SPACING EQUAL IN FEET TO 2 TIMES CI- THE POSTED SPEED LIMIT. 2- IF ROADWAY WIDTH IS LESS THAN 22 FEET (EOP TO EOP) CONES MAY NOT BE REQUIRED O ALONG WORK AREA AND AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEER, CONES MAY BE OMITTED ALONG Q E 5- EXTEND LANE CLOSURES AT THE BUFFER SPACE SUCH THAT STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE IS THE WORK AREA IF USING A PILOT CAR. O W W PROVIDED TO THE FLAGGER (REFER TO RSD. 1101.11, SHEET 2). CC Z AM TAPERS. Q 3- CONES ARE ALWAYS REQUIRED IN THE UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM 6- 00 NOT STOP TRAFFIC IN ANY ONE DIRECTION FOR MORE THAN 5 MINUTES AT A TIME. J 7. DRUMS OR SKINNY DRUMS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CONES. REFER TO RSD. 1180.01 4 THEUNPILOTT N VEHICLE-PILOT CAR FOLLOW YE" AT A CONSPICUOUS POSITION ON THE REAR OF FOR SKINNY DRUM REQUIREMENTS. CV 5- DO NOT INSTALL MORE THAN ONE (1) MILE OF LANE LEGEND 8- USE FLAGGERS TO CONTROL TRAFFIC AT INTERSECTIONS AFFECTED BY THE LANE CLOSURE. CLOSURE MEASURED FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE MERGE SUPPLEMENT FLAGGERS LOCATED AT INTERSECTIONS WITH FLAGGER AHEAD SIGNS (W20-7a1 TAPER TO THE END OF THE LANE CLOSURE. PLACED APPROXIMATELY 250 FT. IN ADVANCE OF THE FLAGGER. FOR SIGNALIZED a--. FLAGGER INTERSECTIONS PLACE SIGNALS IN THE FLASH MODE AND USE LAW ENFORCEMENT. 6- ADVISE RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES WITHIN THE LANE CLOSURE LIMITS ABOUT METHODS OF SAFE EGRESS AND ♦ CONE 9- REFER TO THE CURRENT MUTCD FOR FLAGGER CONTROL, REQUIREMENTS, AND PROCEDURES. INGRESS FROM DRIVEWAYS DURING FLAGGING AND PILOT 10- DO NOT EXCEED A 1 MILE LANE CLOSURE LENGTH UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN IN THE TMP OR CAR OPERATIONS. PORTABLE SIGN AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. AIN DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC FLOW SHEET 1 OF 14 1101 .02 Z 00 1-1 <Q Q EXAMPLE OF "L" & "W" DESIGNATIONS z¢=0 QUICK REFERENCE - "L" DISTANCE TABLE LL J O►O-I • 00(=Z MINIMUM LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE "L" (FEET) CC SHLD. (ROUNDED VALUES) LU Q Q LL_ H UQ oo SPOPEEDD LATERAL WIDTN "W" (FEET) I r,,,I me. r „5,. I-LL 0 J — — — — (MPH) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O O Q • •+• • • Z ,H=y • • • 'A 20 10 15 20 30 35 40 50 55 60 70 75 tl0 _ • r F>1 SHLD. 25 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 r LU0 CI- r 0 30 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 t-- --_,... 36 25 45 65 85 105 125 145 185 185 205 225 245 40 30 55 80 110 135 160 190 215 240 270 295 320 Cl) TAPER LENGTH CRITERIA FOR 45 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 450 495 540 W CHANNELIZING DEVICES IN WORK ZONES J 50 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 LC m CD z TYPES OF TAPERS TAPER LENGTH 0 < H UPSTREAM TAPER 55 55 110 165 220 275 330 385 440 495 550 605 660 LL I.. . N MERGING CAPER MINIMUM ' NI :iM IF'IMG INFEN ... .... ..+. _MINIMUM 60 60 120 160 240 300 360 420 460 S40 600 66C 720 0 Z J E--I $00145ER TAPER / 1 MINIMUM 1--I 0 Z w TMD-WAY TRAFFIC; CAPER 50 - Ipfl iFfl MAXIMUM 65 65 130 195 260 325 390 455 520 585 650 715 780 IV LL z r N Q H DOWNSTREAM TAPER IRO MI MAXIMUM 70 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 560 630 700 770 640 0 W = CC 0 U o DO NOT INTRODUCE A MERGING OR SHIFTING 0 0 CC TAPER WITHIN A CURVE OF THE ROADWAY [[ ...IZ IllCI 0 Q d GENERAL NOTES Q � o 1- TABLE FOR "L" DISTANCE IS BASED ON CHANNELIZATION TAPER FORMULA FROM THE MUTED. Z Z W WHERE: CO Q C.) ct SPEED LIMIT FORMULA L>L) o V 0 0 40 MPH OR LESS L,,,,,= W x S2 Qo N 60 CC LL J { :� 45 MPH OR GREATER L = W x S Q .:,,.; MIN CC 0 �q L = MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH IN FEET (LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE) SEP 1 202; W = WIDTH OF OFFSET IN FEET (LATERAL DISTANCE) S - POSTED SPEED LIMIT, OR OFF-PEAK 85 PERCENTILE SPEED IN MPH PRIOR TO WORK STARTING, OR THE ANTICIPATED OPERATING SPEED IN MPH - ,t"� 2- "L" DISTANCE IS FOR APPLICATION WITH CHANNELIZING DEVICE AND PAVEMENT MARKING TAPERS AND TRANSITIONS. CHANNELIZING DEVICES INCLUDE DRUMS, CONES, TUBULAR MARKERS, SHEET 1 OF 4 BARRICADES, RAISED ASPHALT ISLANDS, AND VERTICAL PANELS. 1101 . 11 O O F-} Q Q F- 1-4 0 . LL.JOH 000- Z DESIGN MINIMUM SIGHT DISTANCE MINIMUM CCz ^ SPEED LONGITUDINAL W Q Q LL S STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE PASSING SIGHT DISTANCE BUFFER SPACE 1"'U o(„'} (MPH) (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) Q F- 1"1 1 �I-�0J 30 200 1090 85 O o Q co cc 35 250 `280 t 20 Z 1--1 • H 40 305 1470 155 *" !] r 0 45 360 .625 195 50 425 1835 240 55 495 1985 790 60 570 2135 345 Cl) W 65 R4, 2285 405 ..I CC a) W 70 730 2480 470 p Q Z t 75 820 2580 540 CD - f- Z " 80 910 2680 815 1-1 (, a Q co F- cc o C oi a H ¢ J o O °6 GENERAL NOTES z cc uj Q F- U 1- TABLES ARE BASED ON THE AASHTO GREEN BOOK "A POLICY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND co Z Q STREETS" AND THE 'MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES". MINIMUM SIGHT DISTANCE d VALUES ARE FOR PASSENGER CAR VEHICLES ON WET AND LEVEL ROADWAYS. CONSULT THE AASHTO } V CO GREEN BOOK TO MAKE FINAL DETERMINATION OF STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS. Q 2- BUFFER SPACE TABLE IS BASED ON THE BRAKING DISTANCE PORTION OF STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE o C.) W FOR WET AND LEVEL PAVEMENTS. O N IWL O 3- USE OF STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE IN TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN APPLICATIONS INCLUDES PROVIDING U. m SIGHT DISTANCE FOR TRAFFIC APPROACHING A LANE CLOSURE. PROVIDE 2-LANE, 2-WAY ROADWAYS Q STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE TO THE FLAGGER. FOR LANE CLOSURES ON MULTILANE ROADWAYS PROVIDE CC STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE TO THE BEGINNING OF THE LANE CLOSURE MERGE TAPER, OR FLASHING I— ARROW BOARD. EXTEND LANE CLOSURES AT THE BUFFER SPACE SUCH THAT STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE IS PROVIDED. 4- USE OF MINIMUM PASSING SIGHT DISTANCE TABLE IN TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN APPLICATIONS INCLUDES PROVIDING SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR PLACEMENT OF PAVEMENT MARKING PASSING/NO-PASSING ZONES FOR 2-LANE, 2-WAY ROADWAYS. SHEET 2 OF 4 1101 . 11 Z 0 0 1--I} 1—Q Q H ADVANCE WARNING SIGN FCCCU SPACING CHART 00 00 0=Z RECOMMENDED DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS U1<Q 0_ POSTED SPEED LIMIT (FEET)• Q U 0 0 O © © c01 Ly 00 w CC 35 200 200 200 0 O Oct Q Z 1 1 40.50 350 350 350 0-3 I-N'-/ 55 500 500 500 r LU T 0 CONTROLLED ACCESS ROADS 1000 1500 2700 (_ 55) N GD W w _I ~1 cc STATIONARY OR PORTABLE SIGNS o Q LL DISTANCE TO I'.SIGN 1 L urPF41 {ON amy CONSFCW!V, ;:s,. L Z ~ r r �� Z Q H V </...i..› la_ ___,, 0 1 N 6 ® 6 _o_ _ ,.... 0 G r REFERENCE cc cc J POINT Q 0 cc Z Q O Z Lu CD F- V 0 C.) CD < N 0 Cr U z LL GENERAL NOTES Q Q Or IL - 1- REFER TO 2009 MUTCD OR THE LATEST EDITION. 1.1 �-4 1,...,_J.5 2- USE THIS STANDARD DRAWING IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER TRAFFIC CONTROL ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWINGS WHERE SIGN SPACING DISTANCES A, B, C, ARE SPECIFIED. SE P c 1 2f21 3- APPLY THE ADVANCE WARNING SIGN SPACING CHART WHERE A SERIES OF 2 OR MORE SIGNS ARE USED. ALL SIGN SPACING DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FIELD ADJUST AS VARIOUS CONDITIONS SHEET 4 OF 4 OCCUR, SUCH AS LIMITED SIGHT DISTANCE, OBSTRUCTION INTERFERENCE, ETC. 1101 . 11 z CD CO 1-I} �Q a Z Q M V IL_J�1-I LATERAL CLEARANCE: O¢ =Z 3'MINIMUM FROM RROUEL LANE. SEE STANDARD UJ Z LL= FOR APIGT]OIFS Q PLACE SIGN BEYOND SHOULDER FOfl AP►ROPED SIGN H—U O 0 CE POINT IF IT CANNOT RE INSTALLED SUBSTRATE WTER IAL F=I z" PLUMB. IF SIGN IS PLACED WITHIN Cl) L.,0_I A LANE CLOSURE OR ON THE a CC O 1-1 Q TRAYELWY THE CLEARANCE Z M[[ APPLIES FROM THE OPEN LANE I CO H F UJ T 0 MOUNTING HEIGHT DIMENSIONS: ElM 2.LANE. 2-WY ROADWAYS INCLUDING THOSE WITH CONTINUOUS LEFT.TURN LANES, w IMF REIGNS BETWEEN NOADWY TO SIGN SHAM ,^ Z Pt +'YIH TINAM. V' FOR AL. OTHER ROAOMAY, THE HEIGHT BE'WFF`. cc Z (c ADWpv lD S(Eia -...Et BF S'MINIMUM. O Q RO 41011 411. J PAVED SHOULDER y 0 TRAVEL LANE 2: 1-1 W Q / SHOULDER POINT < O 0: W IF SUPPLEMENTAL PANEL IS REIRED UJ SE A S MINIMUM HEIGHT TO MAIN SIGN O N �, WITH A 3 MINIMUM HEIGHT TO PANEL Q C Y Tj o Cr , O _ W 2 y J UJ Q m = CD Z C) CC H GENERAL NOTES = a Z 1- DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM VALUES. MOUNT SIGNS SO THEY WILL BE CLEARLY VISIBLE TO CD , APPROACHING TRAFFIC EVEN WHEN SIGNS ARE MOUNTED BEHIND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS 2E DRUMS, BARRIER, OR OTHER OBJECTS. 2- ALL PORTABLE SIGNS AND STANDS MUST MEET OR EXCEED THE REQUIREMENTS OF NCHRP 350 FOR CATEGORY II DEVICES. USE PORTABLE WORK ZONE SIGNS AND STANDS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR !R� SZP V 7 2321 ONE ANOTHER. 3- ALL PORTABLE WORK ZONE SIGNS AND STANDS MUST BE LISTED ON THE DEPARTMENT'S APPROVED SHEET 1 OF 1 r PRODUCTS LIST. 1110.024 Z 0 28 INCH CONE 36 INCH CONE Q Q I MINIMUM SIZE CONE FOR ALL CLASSES OF iREDUIRED FOR FREEWAYS AND INTERSIATESI ROADS EXCEPT FREEWAYS AND INTERSTATESI Z cc=V ` A LLJCLI—IZ I 0 0 w= A3" TO 4" Q Z U- W J"tIyft 01" QUQO0 ... ~ ~Z LU cnHLOJ c 0 Wm 6 Z I-1 H CL WHITE RETROREFLECTIVE fy ADHESIVE SHEETING REQUIRED MIN. T W p BETWEEN DUSK AND DAWN ' p 2. MIN. I Tj d y �. ORANGE 3s. !R ---- ULTRA-VIOLET STABILIZED IMPACT - WTNIu► RESISTANT PLASTIC MINIMUM CC O I ILL O Z E-i Q CC 0 ,^ Q N Q Z o 0 Z (, Q I17 1I1"MINIVAN BASE SIZE14.1 L '�._" MINIMUM BASE SIZE E%CLVDIND BALLAS( _ - E%CLVDIMG MLI AST CC .w . . GENERAL NOTES 1- ACHIEVE BALLASTING BY USING SPECIAL WEIGHTED BASES SUCH AS SAND BAG RINGS, DOUBLING CONES, OR BASES THAT CAN BE FILLED WITH BALLAST. SEVENTY PERCENT OF THE WEIGHT OF THE S`n 0 r1u�� CONE MUST BE IN THE BASE. USE BALLAST'S THAT DO NOT PRESENT A HAZARD WHEN STRUCK. i- L 2- ALL CONES MUST BE LISTED ON THE DEPARTMENT'S APPROVED PRODUCTS LIST. -'-a e-�;. f" p,•. SHEET 1 OF 1 • 1135.01 Z O CD 1-4 I->. Q Q O STOP/SLOW PADDLE FLAGGER AND PADDLE PLACEMENT o Jo co=z , ,. BORDER AREA I-U Q O= HCRDER Q 1- 41�1 6..i 4 i I B.. i 1 IUD- P ZQ J I silopLowCC 18' 6"C , ill' 6 B 4 z Hcr 1 1 G E 0 t km\....i...ijimil hal I //� SIGN TO BE ELEVATED 6-7 I -—- IRON GROUND 10 B01TON -_ IB )r is" OF SIGN [7 STOP: $LOW; EGENO.NRI IE REFLECTORIZED LEGEND-BLACK NON REFLECTORIZEU CC BORDER-IIIMITE REELECIORIZEO BORDER AREA.BLACt NON REFLEC10R1.-FD - - O BACKGROUND-RED REEI ECTORIZED BACKGROuNO-ORANGE RFr FCTORIZED 'PAVED� TRAVEL LANE SHOULDER LL NUTT. FOP OPERATIONS THAI ARE RESTRICEE FROM DUSK TO DARN tN11 SHOULDER 0 USE REELECTORIZED IEGENDS. BORDERSS AND BACKGROUNDS. POINT z 1-1 ¢ y o cc o W o 0 z Q Q J In GENERAL NOTES } 1- USE HAND SIGNALING DEVICES SUCH AS STOP-SLOW PADDLES, FLASHLIGHTS TO CONTROL TRAFFIC. USE STOP-SLOW PADDLES AS THE PRIMARY DEVICE. 0 2- FABRICATE STOP-SLOW PADDLES FROM SHEET METAL OR OTHER LIGHT SEMI RIGID MATERIAL. 0 PROVIDE A RIGID HANDLE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH SO THE PADDLE IS HELD AT 6-7' ABOVE GROUND CC LEVEL. 3- PROVIDE STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE TO EACH FLAGGER STATION. REFER TO RSD. 1101.11, SHEET 2. q 4- ILLUMINATE FLAGGER STATIONS DURING NIGHT OPERATIONS. S Za C 7 Cu21 5- FOLLOW FLAGGER QUALIFICATIONS AND METHODS OF HAND-SIGNALING PROCEDURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH PART VI OF THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. SHEET 1 OF 1 6- ALL FLAGGERS MUST BE CERTIFIED BY AN NCDOT APPROVED TRAINING RESOURCE. 1150.01 Canal Project on SR 1225 SAP O 7 '):- Pledger Harbor Road Palmetto Peartree Preserve Tyrrell County Quad Name Fort Landing r ' s A L BE M A R L. E. ___....t t3 itt'w Canal Project Site 1 �4 N ¢x • Coat N�K R� i z . .. . .... . .. . • . ' +art'w+ Fj-yj rl'A c' t.i4' \ i i.r. j. 1. t: G A T 0 R' M�to: w 106 •••••; 4. a bi / •�3 N ,.' t •. it h'r C , {• • t t:yd:gni 2013 Naeor.�l ,eograli , r ely ;cubed 0 0 ti 2 Miles I 1 1 L___I__ 1 1 1 l . _ PALMETTO PEARTREE PRESERVE t. I icy c• 1 0' I DRAINAGE CANAL MAINTENANCE I ' PALMETTO PEARTREE PRESERVE Virnellimill STONE 1. II < NY I SCALE ALBEMARLE SOUND 120' ASS • \lit i f!: 20' • f\ ..‘ASS SToNE • ...7... 1, I 1 -.,..... AA ...- SR 1225 PLEDGER HARBOR ROAD BEACH No, cANA. SURFACE WATER ELEVADON AU FT ABOVE n-NV OF ALSEmARLE SOUNC 91,20,201 7 [ ----. ELEVATION VIEW ' Kg, DE.aprioNT or - Aticr,-Fr AT on. 2' 1 . _y. _I_ i COUNIv: •yRRELL --._.______ NHW °Lao: roRT L oiewc_______......_. BASS: PASOUO T ANN i r ..- _____ 1 _- __..,. T PROJECT, CANAL MAIN TENANCE I 1 WBS Fl FpArNT: 15492.4.S2 TOTAL VOLUME EXCAVATED - 1742 YARDS -EXCAVATION BELOW WATER LINE .-,.1311.4 YARDS PAU: W I LIAM', I , _ ,,, I EXCAVATEOF2FTBETO ELEVATION 00::Ew:4 gy: OPEN WATER E"IMPACt =',SOS so. ICU 2.,?CV NHW SEP 0 7 2ja : .