HomeMy WebLinkAboutEm to agencies for comment _External_ RE_ Kitty Hawk dune extension authorizationHello everyone, Some of you have already received this, but I wanted to also pass along to those of you who hadn’t to make sure there weren’t any concerns regarding another proposed engineered “dune” modification in Kitty Hawk. Ken summarizes the changes below, part of which is a reduction in scope, but with part pushing out waterward from their last request and prior construction drawings. Ultimately, it is still located waterward of the alignment originally proposed in their application back in 2021. Adam has also supplied more detailed 100’ profiles in the attached email using the before dredge (BD) survey data and two profiles that show the 2017 post-construction alignment (these were only surveyed at 1000’ intervals) and an aerial to help depict current conditions and station locations. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and thanks in advance! Heather Heather Coats Beach & Inlet Management Project Coordinator Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7302 office heather.coats@ncdenr.gov <mailto:heather.coats@ncdenr.gov> 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Ken Willson <kwillson@coastalprotectioneng.com> Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2022 5:07 PM To: Coats, Heather <heather.coats@ncdenr.gov>; Stewart, Andy <andy.stewart@kittyhawktown.net> Cc: Pelletier, Josh R SAW <Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil>; Pietila, Tanya K <tanya.pietila@ncdenr.gov>; SVC_DCM.MHC.Admins <DCM.MHC.Admins@ncdenr.gov>; Renaldi, Ronald <ronald.renaldi@ncdenr.gov>; Loeffler, Sarah W <Sarah.Loeffler@ncdenr.gov>; Adam Priest <apriest@coastalprotectioneng.com>; Samuel Lohman <slohman@coastalprotectioneng.com> Subject: [External] RE: Kitty Hawk dune extension authorization CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. <mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Heather, Thanks for sending this over. We really appreciate it. After the Kitty Hawk plans reflecting pre-construction conditions were submitted to you and Josh on June 27, you and I discussed some constructability issues with the dunes at the northern end of Kill Devil Hills and southern end of Kitty Hawk. An email sent to you on July 16, 2022, explained the slight modifications made to “field fit” the design to the existing conditions along the approximately 400-foot section in questions. That section of the project was constructed July 18 through 20. Given some of the constructability issues encountered in that small section of dune along the KDH/KH boundary, Weeks Marine collected conditional data along profiles at 100-foot spacing along the approximately 2,000-foot section of dune proposed for repair between baseline station 166+00 and 143+00. Using the data from these conditional surveys, CPE was able to lay out the dune more accurately fitted to existing conditions. This revision of the dune alignment resulted in some slight differences compared to what was shown on the plans dated 6/21/22 / 6/26/22. Attached is a revised set of plans with Revision date 8/1/22. For your convenience, I have provided the following list of revisions made to the dune design: * The proposed southern extent of dune repair terminates in the vicinity of station 164+00. Previously the dune repairs were shown to extend 200 feet to the south to station 166+00. * The proposed dune at 164+00 ties into the existing starter dune located just south of station 164+00. * The proposed dune between 157+50 and 164+00 has a crest height of +15 ft. NAVD88 and ties into the existing dune along this section of beach. The dune alignment along this section was adjusted to avoid impacts to oceanfront structures. The previous plans indicated a dune crest of +18 ft. along this area, but we are proposing a decrease in the crest elevation to +15 ft. * The proposed dune projecting out seaward in front of the oceanfront homes between stations 157+00 and 159+00 is shown as a 1V:3H slope up to +15 with no dune crest at the top. Essentially the contractor would only be constructing the face of the dune, without a dune crest. It will align with the current pile of sand that was constructed by the homeowner at this station. * South of Station 157+00, when compared to the dune alignment shown on the previously submitted pre-construction plans, the realignment reflected in the revised plans resulted in a seaward movement of the seaward toe of dune ranging from 30.2 feet to 51.3 feet (42 feet on average). However, the realigned dune is still considerably landward of where the starter dune was constructed in 2017 and will tie directly into the existing dune. * North of Station 157+00 we have used the Weeks Marine Data and recent photos to best match the proposed dune to conditions prior to the recent erosion. In some areas, only the slope of the seaward dune will be constructed, tying into the existing dune scarp. In other areas, a minimum dune crest width to allow constructability is proposed. Effectively, when compared to the dune alignment shown on the previously submitted plans, the revised dune has resulted in a slight landward movement of the toe of dune position at station 145+00 and 146+00, no change to the seaward toe of dune position at station 147+00 through 149+00, and a seaward movement of the seaward toe of dune from stations 150+00 to 157+00 ranging from 3.1 feet to 19.3 feet (11 feet on average). * The northern extent of dune repair will terminate in the vicinity of station 143+00. Previously the dune repairs were only shown to extend north to station 144+00. It is the intention of the Town of Kitty Hawk and the Contractor to adhere to the attached drawings and all existing permit conditions if the USACE and Division of Coastal Management concur to these revisions. As we mentioned on the call yesterday, the dredge is scheduled to return to the site sometime between August 13 and 15, but this section of the beach will be one of the first areas the begin to construct. Please reach out to me if you would like to talk this through or if anything is left unclear. Kind Regards, Ken Willson Senior Project/Program Manager Main: 910-399-1905 Mobile: 910-443-4471 kwillson@coastalprotectioneng.com <mailto:kwillson@coastalprotectioneng.com> Coastal Protection Engineering 4038 Masonboro Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28409 From: Coats, Heather <heather.coats@ncdenr.gov <mailto:heather.coats@ncdenr.gov> > Sent: Wednesday, August 3, 2022 3:36 PM To: Stewart, Andy <andy.stewart@kittyhawktown.net <mailto:andy.stewart@kittyhawktown.net> >; Ken Willson <kwillson@coastalprotectioneng.com <mailto:kwillson@coastalprotectioneng.com> > Cc: Pelletier, Josh R SAW <Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil <mailto:Josh.R.Pelletier@usace.army.mil> >; Pietila, Tanya K <tanya.pietila@ncdenr.gov <mailto:tanya.pietila@ncdenr.gov> >; SVC_DCM.MHC.Admins <DCM.MHC.Admins@ncdenr.gov <mailto:DCM.MHC.Admins@ncdenr.gov> >; Renaldi, Ronald <ronald.renaldi@ncdenr.gov <mailto:ronald.renaldi@ncdenr.gov> >; Loeffler, Sarah W <Sarah.Loeffler@ncdenr.gov <mailto:Sarah.Loeffler@ncdenr.gov> > Subject: Kitty Hawk dune extension authorization Hi Andy and Ken, Please see the attached letter of refinement to authorize the requested dune extension in Kitty Hawk. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Andy- the hard copy will also be mailed to you. Best regards, Heather Heather Coats Beach & Inlet Management Project Coordinator Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7302 office heather.coats@ncdenr.gov <mailto:heather.coats@ncdenr.gov> 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 볖͒锜巻㾶黴ꮏ㷌侬族皏ᵔ뻥Ṝ휏戕퓾板�狇ྮ◉첶朴킯u舀ﱺ嘺ᩖ諗긷�뙪ﻏ킓㽏ಇ쟌嬾絛뽕ÿꌘ欏瀘躭娆霔婚Ꮉ쐵̗ㄦ珷쿩﵊漊⟸쏇劶媣㫱힃嘗ᅵኽ셿︽젝︈ᡀȃ�ἃ襹觕씚蘴눿ዊ졅扤뜶랿▵㒻켱捨㑓互ㄙߎꅟKЀ詺甕ᗟ殿솶ÿ竉︛熛볖뽑�￧䐀筕謉䓚識䙨߄籨൮ꮞ퉊〪�䠽ᣏᗶ෺ÿ癩瓸䑣杭쳄ꘓ굮ᄈꈀ뼩蝟䀻�㿱ἃュ저⫴ᜳ覴䗄र䤹먺戵䀝薣恾�ᔰӺン฀�諏嘆꫽ÿ窏㾒⟸쎿띆苢 ⍀ᅴ鄀ﯩ謙䓚໸ⴶ 丨躡ᐏ춰븊峖��ノЀ᭵崱쑧矣㷽罛㷲罈鿠຿�鯸韸�园ÿ拼掏猱롢ೈ껰恸縺౵ୡ獮슀䊿ᆭ舀籽頻�觇랺ÿᗣﰗ윻웡翠粶ࡐ�ÿ᥻�ऱ�ࠥ켘角喝�征뾠샰༿㻫㼦꭛ﹿ䰱ﺓ契累碌綘괮ÿ엸숞縢ᙽ䤅象豤잃牚嗯ㄳ뿻潻ﵪ"蜀ﱽ浿ꏸ鼞뙪ÿ竤u舀ﱽ嘺㔌፿齧竹迂っ釶̾쥛᳇훓쫡�ﰆᄈЀ坶�⛾ÿꯀﹿ䤱ÿﴎ矸榳㳖�Ꮴ潵ム退﬩蜙覴䃰⢾ẍ丁檽솕媔䒳똷�䫟Ͻ맃☞ÿꯀﹿ䤱ÿ﨎矸垵査�ﭷ뽕ÿꌘ쳘ꐽ 콏갨뱡誱䈍阵쭥灆弾꟰慄淺㋤☡繘ǫ㷆縍ᾇϘ폡ꤢ㳕䉈貜䇝ﶟ䤑ﰗ3㏴酹绫䘨㳉孝」䤀闪℩쐹樃갪๗훇碫媫ཽ济�呄煌喖ᤧ鞥ᯬ㯠崉ퟢ兼苳鬊粫ウ氀ㇼ脟�涠쑗ᬏꐍ쐽輇縵䓎⯳ྟ�畃鉮ᜣŗ탗绺ヤ㬀ѻ具㚜퍳뻚诘᣶ᳰ딫潵đྌ鯴ﹿ丱�쁯⁋၏့ウ退ᵪ尩碮ស챚렣飲緥氍춬谚䚮䵆穽뇟脯柛䷼䊼똊䗠ῄ曼꾬毬엠ャ欀聸滽유觾�鹈籤ᱻ䷑⸣擰לּᥓᅊ肙뤾⯎迬揸ڟ赱幓㤇⟜㾃켴揸Տ￳ጀ罝ꠇ䓻ﰟ齦邳醜짚䛦죀蛧髠睬롋 ﲫ㿙꺯뾯㽢�㼈矢壢ᤚ쐼湨Ҡ丟㱠衕ÿ「Ԁไ漵ሐ⑈袛Y저ﴴ覜㺺孑麅꼜あꢩ陥찉ἓꆙퟺ䏛㷶棰㗆琽﹣솛ÿ櫆켫ퟘ矁铑咓苗躑‮ÿ㓣⓹턴闱盄Ꞻ⊙덜ꀂ认ꦌ꼣鯖〤໬㐜烛㱞㼆署�᧶ᷰ娬袷铑―䅝잵辰셕᛻ᱸ漱㷭㥻ﳏ䅼ÿ棆狶㈟㘾ﱨ᛬晆ﱑ艇흩椂㽐ࢼ忩齤뿘䗁ᶃ쑗츙࿦㏾﵁粌팘赹碬辉ᭌ㆘ÿ檢鐽첇躏퐭뿠쇝㗀摭长ṉᖧ࿶ㇼ芿ÿ⟨ᆴ㽄曼ロఀ쒽ÿ歪鳼ÿ쓇ﰟ齦邲醜ೲ涓孢幱䗛獃䩸墄↷㌟ེ綥뾔ᖃﵱ꺥�翸췸︢뻇刋푈뀵彏䇟ÿ 槆㧻餋ᬟ녩消妕햎ഄ櫝哑ヘ」؀켖軶ᄍ缀£뽔죰฾ߚ零肹ﹳι㏾�埈읇룩න쿉䢥坢꼹㾯郡ᵼ龸㷭酷ﺃྑÿꌚ᧾섇菁伍콝蟸ÿ튌狶㈟䔾﬋蒲ಕ⣪䒅呈渺뻦ᄎ蘀䥾퓾軗ῢ㏾n蘀ﵷ甄﯏ÿ/ᨀ๲籤첊ึ哼谴何봊꾀侮蟬殙ᾃ�︟䈵죾๾ࡒ꟏ྟÿꌚ닙㹛噆䌬ꗵ뱯緅ウఀ䯻|뼀￰循擸ݯ缜쟄{뼀￰㶪螜糌⪇켆焀檊飼忱띞诬ÿ隘뻾︟䴵눟茏΀叻黾A笴Թ量踦ⰯṴꪹ톖鮕묱﬘룥⯼囬追᫼䇪㿂볫ﰿ鉦�ÿ뇁䔡 Ꟑ龷ἇ۹䦵쿘�㚤땭鶑ꚛ闞㌴灇檧鸲瞣坌ퟖ넟芿皮㔙瀝䷍탨뢞ÿ嗣갼龫줠逈Ṡ⨿㒭渧뤽늯ճ�㼼櫼➛菬�ฆ꺥㽄櫼嚎妻艥헱ꫜ쨰꾷훔몈溋츼䩏�쇗䙓땑眭툇ῢ㏾㝑姬蛠ꝝ흔￱开缐髱豜透↮萬ą疏⬽Ⱉᜑ걢暂罷תּ�㧶旰⊬퐵쁑燝)�ᰵ뇟芟岦橿㿄曼펥䊗辮ᦇ뎠켮䶨툮∢띈䵹訳쥪딥䣢曏炙䬾猐෮빽놿艗䘣핕䂼몥�줭懽ᾦ诘⻀졲럋槌ಠ頾善뺨腼�쌵攩㹞졖귈赆㵚藀ㄪ䫇싺ꉅ䶕쑗紅㼎ෲὛᄆ茀 䎰驪迳ꟶ较菼譃朒ះ︖籴༞侯傭��섑⭞揭Ώ㣸ﻧ騦쿨㟽テ谀勔웾ા憘㶵ク�㿄曼ⲗ�㑓瀸穙븖⡼뎭擯強﯀�ﻐ㻆蔊﹈ퟕ翘熵'ᤀ龥㏶䳰阺ꎼ쨹䏜ÿ槆뇲䮸뉘␣㇠൪嚬Წ㭉칈⑊萧像䜽뻖맑诽ᅼၵ䶎幓ᰠ釁ÿ榐ﴣ粋ᨕ骐袷�셜ム退㹣嬳늿虈襻థ⬉洢︿벺우쯄崐㎌Ჸ漢㿾뿘䧁踤럚█ㇳ撹肸꾏髺㾚凁뇇ᵵ཰ヌ贀浼逵侙蠡먻侅鱜荳緍㾌罣蘅붞龞/ᤀྦྷ諁긧绽࿑ÿꜙ엊澽嵉홒鱈䲘咊ᣉᤙ欝糂垽ퟀힶ갯簤눣渕ᮽഝ ꕾ殪༑ÿ같珝᷶῰㒈듵햹䉼겨㰘ၷ젆틤旤簦蒙涚좼ᘔ눀膃畖Ⓒ펹ᛮ⌶輜汿�眚⿬䷠瘱귅鑸뾎픵﾿᠀Ꭽ᫻⥸ㆡÿ歪俛㾈췸圾污㿴ℽ쮅ᡧ퐋ࠞꌵ⍫朗꾗媿ꋻ�쁗㙓ꯣ跸ﭏ㘷ÿ拼㾕罡윁檌⏾ﻣ涞ÿ엸덇粑ꑭ렍⚰▩铟㚤砆귏ÿ⬌⿠礳ﳕ但糽ᅴ䦊愿蜯ꥶᏢÿ㙯ÿ拼�糈嵜틽朔箦ꇔ毗숆ꖟ롽낿썏淴姃㟱ÿᗑﰧ缰벀ᅡ�┾꟏귚￱ꈀ๲籤㈧鎖(큣퓺손揞킻c䨏ꋻ�쀿浒ÿ쾉垉䵯嚷ÿ拼゚ఀ묢녎䋢ᆳễ䇎迌㦆감卹˔鱪䛤癉 ン㈀췳콽礻ഷ쑟煬骏࿦ㇾ㝋㟬䧠랹ÿᓣ㧕찓貏�痲샹㧁勒渇鹳ﶄﲅἇ捍駄ꃚﻏꦈÿ裡࿼鶜쑟왍뤹テ谀渲䅼링콁郍�毳뒃躑��쁻杲ꥶϢ犯荹ÿ풌⸋꜎ೢカ䤀较菼쩕祀䡢̃촹縚䛖Ѧヤ緬בּ砏圕圃ჱﯷὌ拼岨샾Ǿ暹�⢾龈湷Ἷᓵ녲ᰟ㋉琩潜┇뵛㹲鈤ᗢ�鮻ޖ꾠藽ြ満߱⒊ﭥ힮�锟㺽⤢㾵㠐ᤃ䓻㸙ÿ櫪ᆒ鷹ꄶ픭궙瀝鴄ᗷ䑨铚㊍ⳍ锓擦匙冏忯熡ÿ㧁᩾ꑆ朝ዅ뭻繢埯B舀ﱽ蘼謽碭ᢟﳇ孽エ쀀흺㽀 琽滹쭭휸屲�쒞꤫ꪑ芌饙ྰÿ빞뛴ÿ瞂㭼醳ᷞ앿ꋪ�霟ﻣᅘ碮玤ﺻᄍ준腺鴟핺회ʷ鹨ﹸ쩭궅౟峞쭞湰灬�࿶װ沼嚃Ᏹ炣輭탾ឨӶ竸钍ﳕ齈�ÿ剄쾰㖅∣蛛뉍賃鸲ꢸ驭᠋碣蠔ﲏ➳紻ﶥﲄጀ袯욈渎⦆唕怿蜿곛飸猂ÿᗑ갼脏ᢵ㕭娉灛쯱ᣝꝼ贝랸ထ≳ᒎৰ췴낿쌏拥땆绢�ÿ劌燵ÿ鼓瀓㽲귒ÿ엸嘮鼻윏氩좱㸬䤅養܋響㤰릯气覿혏�ÿ和㻃�ᅿ澏�ÿ諱堹糮焩ᡮ⩮θ켙䌵篬늘஑� 练#ꀀ袯﵏䆼ÿ櫆ᆲ뀀聧㸮뇶俢￟谀쩑㏀姂娝븲㾪닆墬댴솈丨賒侀翌꾰ꎀﻀē㗐맍ÿᗚ뽑⽠趇䬳귽䃢独�进ꇽ⭇鼋ඟ正됂엱圿〪ḏ骔�湇呝辤咒콴꾨뗐苽὾�觇㜘ÿᗑ﹗慱犝腳浵ÿ墹绮ﵸ첗㮺Ɣ郷솩郤ࠆ壾`獠垜Ῠ㯼탞똿乼팱⫽ᅴ鄀俪矸쏷僀掍샄䲯孝ÿ諱豜졼뢾쟾䗋ᮑ遠啎﹉ꎕ籩Ʒᕊ蜅錫ﮊ৾訇坝계속ÿ띊ﻏꦈM羟嗑輵愓ݸ㛭ﳙ쿾酋㊇ှ˳冰람橠䣓蹂ᴹ몯㛴ቿ嗻﾿᠀ᄃ쌀넀大ㇱ᳏寝ÿ諱칞챁 薏旣㙌紲妩䶖墅厩竷瞌몯ﲃ됃኏ア伀vﰀ顢怿¯⌯㼨ッ였๲籤␫㦟뺢濪⟘ﯡ✱缮￟谀䝑邳⍳㫩ꈨ䲺諂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ 訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂 ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ訂ꀨ/Ù