HomeMy WebLinkAbout91145C - Feeney, Mike�oFCOILS r4lI OCAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL No 91145 A B C D �O 23 GENERAL PERM 1 T Previous permit ti Date previous permit issued K❑ New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: I SA NCAC ❑ Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name _ Address City Phone # ( ) Email State ZIP Authorized Agent Project Location (County): Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Subdivision City P Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body (nat/man/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ORW: yes/no PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline Length. Access Length _ Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) . Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing Other SAV observed: yes no Moratorium: n/a yes no Site Photos: yes no Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: Permit Conditions (Scale: ) ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name J � Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Signature Application Fee(s) Check #/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: 1-1 Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules 1-1 Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: Please ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within the authorized project area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ 1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven — south of the Neuse River, Onslow Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 (Serves: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Craven — north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Fender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 6/01/2021 0 1*F COAS41 ❑LAMA ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 91145 A B C D s = GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued ❑ New ❑ Modification []Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC ❑ Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name _ Address City Phone # (_ ) Email State ZIP Authorized Agent Project Location (County): Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Subdivision City ZIP Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body (nadman/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ORW: yes/no PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline Length Access Length Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing Other SAV observed: yes no Moratorium: n/a yes no Site Photos: yes no Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: Permit Conditions (Scale:; TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ElSee note on back regarding River Basin rules ElSee additional notes/conditions on back AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Application Feels) Check #/Money Order Signature Issuing Date Expiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application and permit conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that: 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement from the adjacent riparian property owner(s) has been obtained, or proof of delivery of certified mail notification of the adjacent riparian property owner(s). The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: 1-1 Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules F] Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215). Notes/Additional Permit Conditions: Please ensure all debris associated with the removal or construction of the permitted development is contained within the authorized project area and disposed of in an appropriate upland location. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ 1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven — south of the Neuse River, Onslow Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 (Serves: Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Craven — north of the Neuse River, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover and Fender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 6/01/2021 Styron, Heather M. From: Doug Whaley<pam@riverratmarineconstruction.com> Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 3:18 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] FW: Permit needed - 2416 Harbor Island Rd, New Bern, NC Attachments: Feeney 013023.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi Heather, Just wanted to follow up on the permit request. Thank you, Pamela Whaley River Rat Marine Construction, LLC 252-414-6324 From: Doug Whalev Sent: Monday, January 30, 2023 1:44 PM To: heather. m.styron ncdenr.gov Subject: Permit needed - 2416 Harbor Island Rd, New Bern, NC Hi Heather, I need a permit to replace a dock at 2416 Harbor Island Rd for Mike & Susan Feeney. I have attached the agent form and both neighbor forms. Please let me know if I should mail a check or meet you in New Bern. Thank you, Pamela Whaley River Rat Marine Construction, LLC 252-414-6324 Agent form.pdf AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR LAMA PERMIT.APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit. Mailing Address: t —LAW Phone Number: ?0 L� 4��i (��!'i`7i �D-�• Email Address: _�� —� I certify that I have authorized 7� Agent) Ct ntrartrr to act on my behalt, for the purpose Of applying for artrl obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the f011OW019 proposed development: % L � at my property tocated at sn �.'\ County. ��. ,� -1 j`W I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant. and do in fact gran! permission to Division of Cvasteaf M.vttagErnent staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter ort the aforermenhoned tantfs in connection with evatarr�ling rrrinrmatron related to this permrl application. Properly Owner Information, Si ttrra Print or Type, lVam Trite J 1_ Date This certification is valid through l / iY t r7 7 LAMA Neighbor Form Morehead City-Brad.pdi N.C. t3IYISION OF COASTAL MANAGEME14T ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFiCATTONIWAtVER FORM C`ERTIFIEQ tAAIL, RETURN RECEIPT RE!)UE$TEC3 or HANG De OVE Y (Top portion to t>e completed by owner or their agent) Mir »r. Address of Ovvne:: AprrYs Namo: rid, _J-'+��1 3� ?1,nncys 4M ? . -IR % A�enI's Entail: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION IBottWtt portion t0 be Gofrlpirttttfl by the Adjacent PrpPOftV 4wneti I N "vr,� , ON* 1.10 t Own propwty ,rent Io the:bovH ref�nr�+t'i p<v-,criy: Tv -,a individual applying for this pkirrnit ties desc:r&fd to me, wt _41o' nt on The ottBcChei ruwvvinli, She deveic-urrent tttev ,are proposing. A riE t,.r�7h or drSvia!x with ditAgnSiort,•, rri,, ; t:.n artn itii ri xvith this jet€er. CYO NOT have otme060M W Oft Vtsfsr_•SOl._ —100 ht--ft objectior* to this propasal. ff you have objrtctions to what fs twins propasei$ you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal M"agemont (DCAQ in wrifing within 100 days of racelpt of this rnfice, Cormspondence should he rha od to 400 Cammeme Ave_ IN'orehead City, NC 28W. DCdi represe»laiive~:can also be coag cted at (2U) 80$-28W, No teexponse is considered We samo as no vkertion dT yott !lays b"a n&Wb d by C.eriffied Mail. WAIVER SECTION I un 3Ei<tand i�t y PtIMobsd pier, dot*, Moor" 4S4WO. tMtWvi, br4Aw alor, bo-att"xse, lid ar grcin must N, SW baac a ftn must 61stance of IS' Yam my am of riparltt3l "I""ass untm Waived by nie lltt;s does not appiy to 4ulkhea,,1-. r r pray : evc?merits l- M you wish Io ,v,-dvP. the seths ok you must slAn the appropriate blank bet wej 100 wish to weans_- soffwiall ot3tw I$' ettJ -OR-$iS)rt3ft!r ii a: t(OjflCCln , :3. (. its riy' l.Yin(!r i do not wish to waives than ;? scibsck trequirement (initial the NHnkf -- _ SCr,titrre of AOa ei^a Rip amn Prt pvoly Typec%Mrinted name of APP& _ .I u.�� ca I'j Mailing Addres;; of AR(PO: -Li 1- I ARPO's ernatl: Fi' �� A 'A-cON ARPO's Phone#: Qate_ ._-,�%_Z2� 2JL wzivar is valid for uµ to one year from ARPO's Signature' RBvised May 1021 Cr'kNi ighbor Form Morehead City-Brad.pdf N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL - PF'7'1)Ro-J PFCEIPT YEOL-L 11 . qS1 ED L)r HAN OF LI',"FRY (Top portion to LNe completed by owner or their agetit) I- L 7 Addressof Poc,'UrIv. L/ If t z ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION ;Bottom Lportion to be completed by the Adjacent PERRtqt2wm; Properly. T'le 111j..'V11-1,11 apt-4viny l r JIM;; pwwf! :O P11- wa,&t—i ces .""Jra—yaw 0'.0% j")ens;Qrs rot —il Lt��r this ktx�: .......... 1. _q_ if you have obfectewls to what rs berrr0 proposed. you must nobly the N.C. Drvislon of Coastol Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 400 CommerceAve.. Morehead City. NC 28557- DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 808-2808. No response is considered the same as no Objection if you Wve been n0fiflod by Certifier! Mail. WAIVER SECTION - jf;,V1 t i Inis c^es •nat applyicl bijimwad,, revetmep. ;ff pat, sh io -,atYp :he s,n,Uac4, yo.; must sign I DC, 14! 'tic VT Ily C. L do not r to X)K - ' PA njVi-trlt I /, TypectlPyinted name of ARPO: ------ . ..... M�vC 2ailing Address of ARPO- YYIE ile-f ARPO*s email: Phone#: y�S Cell Date'% _,__'waiver is valid for tip to one year from ARPO's Signature- ly W A", Ln Ch 4W ti el 07 LL- Styron, Heather M. From: Doug Whaley<pam@riverratmarineconstruction.com> Sent: Monday, January 30, 2023 1:36 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] Permit needed - 2416 Harbor Island Rd, New Bern, NC Attachments: Feeney 013023.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Hi Heather, I need a permit to replace a dock at 2416 Harbor Island Rd for Mike & Susan Feeney. I have attached the agent form and both neighbor forms. Please let me know if I should mail a check or meet you in New Bern. Thank you, Pamela Whaley River Rat Marine Construction, LLC 252-414-6324 Agent form.pdf AGENT AtlTWnDl7A-rll-I.l F—R.CAMA PERMIT APPLICATIO N-Irl'je of F,"ropertys?fng - tc� Maiiing .... . ..... Pticjr%(� Nuftlbet, C, 0 Ernail Aadre-'s: oc, -Ict Or"M I I Y twltialf. for f aar PA A pe, r,- i tl'C' f011owing P,-,-�p, I A� —county am "-wou'uze" Off) af Coastal Afanageni, ont staff c Officer arif! tf;e(f ag(""IJ& to o"Ier Ji PVr"'Wf )ands fil canl';ecj.,the O�r, Mth to then -1--i--I---- ,/ P LAMA Nei-�hbor Form Morehead City-Brad.pdl ZD N,C, DPASION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NO'nFICATIONMAWER FORM ERTJFIEOMAIL PET, t,JPNREQQPT4r-i'_ajj2_o,_HMDQIV RY jeop p-,)rtion to,.,e campietedcy cwner of rhea agentl Nam, hia?,v-,r.g tUdr .finer 49 Owner's wriari Agitnt., NiInw 177 ADJACEWr RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION e A,p 11_L_P_rt2p_0 The irAJMU�ual apptpne, lot ulis me, ;o,' sho�Vrt 9-, >Wfwvq, the they ire- r)fW)Su"q, A pw Tr1i I has 6 i4fMA-01 I nt ---------- --- 71 DO NOT DD haft Qhpvnirx,, to,this pf%,- 4�, w—yo—uhavo—ob—i"nolm it—'—wh,a—t -jvust n4rt!60 the NX, vAdsion of Coastal ma"gIff"Ont (DCU) in *T&17,q wtthia 10,:fayA of receipt 0 CUS rn424ce. Correspondence Should be m4§44ad to " ConmWLaAve- UNW,"dCify. NC 2SM7. S)SObeooftacibed at (25?1808-2WS, No respo*ao zs cansidered the $4M iit I)o 4Mbjj8'CVbrI JfYOU heave been o0tiftirl by CeTtifliad Uaii. WAIVER SECTtON I iu t3rn3 tia311sri rf ira5atloiw, :3.nm moc'ning (dints, wat rmylp: broakw0w, lift, or gr4C—!--t mil t-& SLt tS=k 3 dztrof;e: of 15 ff0m My w6la of nwI Na R mxes un�f,�i "Nowee ly We, imis dc*�',qot appfy to buk.,!aads � rprap :evlmentv- ,if vacs wsh To vzw,- INI Sett'-s'ck, '!ou beklw- 1-,C -,nah 1-1-- tvaive tt*e W sell I de not wish 10 fjni'aa� tile tAnnkI �it}r.-3C Jc Lzf ,.'.?4'9LL«f Pttl% I if r'�riJl?:" rk1 �'K+*:L?`JJ7�j . ... ...... TyppdMnntad name of ARPO: M%Waq Ad4re&c of ARM Z- (4 j4l� ARPO's emai: ov,� ARpo,g phtq)60 -30 w'wvtr ,s vaiid for ult, to one, year from ARPO'5 Signature* He vzs--d Mey 21021 CAN, iIDalt?f3r Farm Morehead City-Srad.pdf N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATiONANAiVER FORM ;.laetc a,l..I k;dK.l,iitflr;>:1 I j I1f; :3y. i t Ou puftl,,,n to tr E:by own ", or ,` `i_ i3�t:'Tj s ..._.�,,. J..... ..____ � i.......�' ......i ..... ......... ...... ._...»_,.... __......, ,.fir 1 t , Y r °Y` r AO —AGENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER SCERTIFr-CeATION �. ,aottoaxf or#ro t to bz co_; eirid by lho Add acrrtt Pzv r y ti,vnr z _r,`2jq,.{{ r r t.-. t• t 1f you h4v4,! ob' pkctrpns to what is betnq {>ropoSt.Li- you trust nordy fhc. N,C, Uavrsto€f of Cox t<ii Management f0CMl in writing within 10 days of (eceipt of this notice. Correspondence 3hovld be mailed to 400 Commerce ,eve.., tv wehead City, NC 28557. DCU representatives can also be contacted ar 1251i 808-2808 No tr35uitns , is con,5fdpfed this sane as no obl Irian rf you have b>'=ran nofrfwd by Cerlif€ed ..4fad. WAIVER SECTION must_sign P {. ay do not., t S I I Typed:Printed n. e of ARPO: 'Atw4ng Aderr-sjof ARPC1- .ARf�O's. r•nittl f '= 14•-.dC:1{�i ARPO's Phvneff date `r I is valid for tip to one fear €roe ARPO's Siy+nattrrt,' rn sf m 00 Q0